A True Dragon in GOT - Anomander_Adaar (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2: MC Info Chapter Text Chapter 3: Ch.1 Chapter Text Chapter 4: Ch.2 Chapter Text Chapter 5: Ch.3 Chapter Text Chapter 6: Ch.4 Chapter Text Chapter 7: Ch.5 Chapter Text Chapter 8: Ch.6 Chapter Text Chapter 9: Ch.7 Chapter Text Chapter 10: Ch.8 Chapter Text Chapter 11: Ch.9 Chapter Text Chapter 12: Ch.10 Chapter Text Chapter 13: Ch.11 Chapter Text Chapter 14: Ch.12 Chapter Text Chapter 15: Ch.13 Chapter Text Chapter 16: Ch.14 Chapter Text Chapter 17: Ch.15 Chapter Text Chapter 18: Ch.16 Chapter Text Chapter 19: Ch.17 Chapter Text Chapter 20: Ch.18 Chapter Text Chapter 21: Ch.19 Chapter Text Chapter 22: Ch.20 Chapter Text Chapter 23: Ch.21 Chapter Text Chapter 24: Ch.22 Chapter Text Chapter 25: Ch.23 Chapter Text Chapter 26: Ch.24 Chapter Text Chapter 27: Ch.25 Chapter Text Chapter 28: Ch.26 Chapter Text Chapter 29: Ch.27 Chapter Text Chapter 30: Ch.28 Chapter Text Chapter 31: Ch.29 Chapter Text Chapter 32: Ch.30 Chapter Text Chapter 33: Ch.31 Chapter Text Chapter 34: Ch.32 Chapter Text Chapter 35: Ch.33 Chapter Text Chapter 36: Ch.34 Chapter Text Chapter 37: Ch.35 Chapter Text Chapter 38: Ch.36 Chapter Text Chapter 39: Ch.37 Chapter Text Chapter 40: Ch.38 Chapter Text Chapter 41: Ch.39 Chapter Text Chapter 42: Ch.40 Chapter Text Chapter 43: Ch.41 Chapter Text Chapter 44: Ch.42 Chapter Text Chapter 45: Ch.43 Chapter Text Chapter 46: Ch.44 Chapter Text Chapter 47: Ch.45 Chapter Text Chapter 48: Ch.46 Chapter Text Chapter 49: Ch.47 Chapter Text Chapter 50: Ch.48 Chapter Text Chapter 51: Ch.49 Chapter Text Chapter 52: Ch.50 Chapter Text Chapter 53: Ch.51 Chapter Text Chapter 54: Ch.52 Chapter Text Chapter 55: Ch.53 Chapter Text Chapter 56: Ch.54 Chapter Text Chapter 57: Ch.55 Chapter Text Chapter 58: Ch.56 Chapter Text Chapter 59: Ch.57 Chapter Text Chapter 60: Ch.58 Chapter Text Chapter 61: Ch.59 Chapter Text Chapter 62: Ch.60 Chapter Text Chapter 63: Ch.61 Chapter Text Chapter 64: Ch.62 Chapter Text Chapter 65: Ch.63 Chapter Text Chapter 66: Ch.64 Chapter Text Chapter 67: Ch.65 Chapter Text Chapter 68: Ch.66 Chapter Text Chapter 69: Ch.67 Chapter Text Chapter 70: Ch.68 Chapter Text Chapter 71: Ch.69 Chapter Text Chapter 72: Ch.70 Chapter Text Chapter 73: Ch.71 Chapter Text Chapter 74: Ch.72 Chapter Text References

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Please keep these in mind when reading and just try to enjoy the book.

Just like my fanfic in MHA, this will be written mostly from the MC's point of view. With switch POVs only when I deem it necessary.

The MC is not a reincarnation of anyone or has pre-existing knowledge of the GOT world.

If the MC is not aware of certain knowledge or ongoings of the world, neither will you be aware of them.

The MC is not perfect he can and will make mistakes.

I will be taking aspects from both the GOT TV show and the book for this story.

The DND elements will be implemented to fit the world, though I will also be adjusting some things to better fit my story.

This will also be a slower story.

You can join me at [emailprotected]/Anomander_Adaar, thank you all for helping me achieve my dream of writing full-time.

Chapter 2: MC Info

Chapter Text

MC's Sizes for age: (In feet, L= body length, W= wingspan)

Wyrmling= L-10' W-15'

Juvenile= L-30' W-50'

Adult= L-150' W-185'

Ancient= L-300’ W-375’

Wyrm= L-600’ W-750’

Great Wyrm= L-1200’ W-1500’

Dragon Ages (years):

Wrymling= 0-5

Juvenile= 6-100

Adult= 101-1000

Ancient= 1001-2500

Wyrm= 2501-4500

Great Wyrm= 4501- to death

MC's Abilities:

Fire Breathe hotter than magma and instantly melt rock/steel.

Exhaustion Gas Breathe can make weaker creatures pass out for several hours.

Extreme physical and mental capabilities use magic almost limitless in his true dragon form.

Immune to Fire, Poison, and all diseases both in dragon and human form.

Immune to all attacks made from non-magical weapons.

Resistant to magic and magic weapons.

Can breathe and swim fast underwater, and can see as well at night as in the day.

Speaks Common and Draconic

MC’s Spell List: (HF=Human Form Only)

Dancing Lights - You create up to four torch-sized lights within range (500ft, 152m), making them appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs that hover in the air for the duration. You can also combine the four lights into one glowing vaguely humanoid form of Medium size. Whichever form you choose, each light sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius.

Prestidigitation (HF) - This spell is a minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice. You create one of the following magical effects within range:
You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
You create a nonmagical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end of your next turn.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.

Fire Bolt (HF) - You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range (500ft, 152m).

Mage Hand (HF) - A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you choose within range (100ft, 30.5m). The hand lasts for one hour. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 150ft (46m) away from you or if you cast this spell again.

Mending - This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as a broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn cloak, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, you mend it, leaving no trace of the former damage. This spell can physically repair a magic item or construct, but the spell can’t restore magic to such an object.

Spare the dying (only stabilizes someone for up to an hour)

Burning Hands (HF) - As you hold your hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips it hits each creature in a 15-foot (4.6m) cone.

Command (forces a mentally weaker being to follow the command)

Comprehend Languages (lasts a few hours)

Cure Wound (heals minor injuries only)

Detect Thoughts - you initially learn the surface thoughts of the creature—what is most on its mind at that moment. As an action, you can either shift your attention to another creature’s thoughts or attempt to probe deeper into the same creature’s mind. If you probe deeper, the target may resist the probe.

Flame Blade (HF) - You evoke a fiery blade in your free hand. The blade is similar in size and shape to a longsword, and it lasts for an hour. If you let go of the blade, it disappears.

Flaming Orb (HF) - A 20-foot-diameter (6m) sphere of fire appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within range and lasts for an hour. Any creature that ends its turn within 30 feet (9m) of the sphere takes damage from the heat.

Gentle Repose (only protects the dead for a day)

Heat Metal (HF) - Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of heavy or medium metal armor, that you can see. You cause the object to glow red-hot. Any creature in physical contact with the object takes damage when you cast the spell.

Create Food and Water (can only make up to 2tons of food and water)

Hold Person - Choose a humanoid that you can see. The target can resist or it will be paralyzed for an hour.

Invisibility (lasts an hour in HF and a day in real form)

Lesser Restoration (heals minor sickness and disease)

Scorching Ray (HF) - You create three rays of fire and hurl them at targets within range. You can hurl them at one target or several.

Fireball (HF) - A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 50-foot-radius (15m) sphere centered on that point takes damage.

Fly (HF) (Only lasts two hours)

Teleport - You teleport yourself and another willing creature from your current location to any other spot within a 2000ft (609m) range. You arrive at exactly the spot desired.

Move Earth - Choose an area of terrain no larger than 160 feet (48m) on a side within range. You can reshape dirt, sand, or clay in the area in any manner you choose for the duration. You can raise or lower the area’s elevation, create or fill in a trench, erect or flatten a wall, or form a pillar. The extent of any such changes can’t exceed half the area’s largest dimension. So, if you affect a 160-foot square, you can create a pillar up to 80 feet high (24m), raise or lower the square’s elevation by up to 80 feet (24), dig a trench up to 80 feet (24m) deep, and so on. It takes 5 minutes for these changes to be complete.

Fire Shield (HF) - Thin and wispy flames wreathe your body for the duration, shedding bright light in a 10-foot (3m) radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet (3m). You can end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it. The flames provide you with a warm shield or a chill shield, as you choose. The warm shield grants you resistance to cold damage, and the chill shield grants you resistance to fire damage. In addition, whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, the shield erupts with flame. The attacker takes fire damage from a warm shield or cold damage from a cold shield.

Wall of Fire (HF) - You create a wall of fire on a solid surface within range. You can make the wall up to 300 feet (91m) long, 50 feet (15m) high, and 10 feet (3m) thick, or a ringed wall up to 60 feet (18m) in diameter, 40 feet (12m) high, and 10 feet (3m) thick. The wall is opaque and lasts for the duration. When the wall appears, each creature within its area takes damage.

Flame Strike (HF) - A vertical column of divine fire roars down from the heavens in a location you specify. Each creature is in a 25-foot-radius (7.6m), 40-foot-high (12m) cylinder centered on a point within a range of 300ft (91m).

Greater Restoration (heals major sickness and disease)

Great Cure Wounds (heals major injuries)

Regenerate - You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing ability. The target’s severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any, are restored after a minute.

Fire Storm (HF/ Strongest fire spell) - A storm made up of sheets of roaring flame appears all around the caster in a 1000ft (305m) range. The storm rages for 24 hours or until the caster dismisses the storm.

Resurrection (Can only bring someone back who died in the last 48hours)

Ravenous Void - You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of destructive gravitation force centered on a point you can see within range. For the spell's duration, the sphere and any space within 100 feet of it are difficult terrains, and nonmagical objects fully inside the sphere are destroyed if they aren't being worn or carried. When the sphere appears and every few seconds, unsecured objects within 100 feet of the sphere are pulled toward the sphere's center, ending in an unoccupied space as close to the center as possible.

Antimagic Field - A 100-foot-radius invisible sphere of antimagic surrounds you. This area is divorced from the magical energy that suffuses the multiverse. Within the sphere, spells can't be cast, summoned creatures disappear, and even magic items become mundane. Until the spell ends, the sphere moves with you, centered on you.

Earthquake - You create a seismic disturbance at a point on the ground that you can see within range. For the duration, an intense tremor rips through the ground in a 1000-foot-radius circle centered on that point and shakes creatures and structures in contact with the ground in that area

Sunburst (HF) - it creates a spark of fire that implodes in on itself, creating an explosion in a 500ft (152m) radius destroying everything in the area in a firestorm of death.

Chapter 3: Ch.1

Chapter Text

‘Hmm, I hungry,’ I thought to myself as I woke up with a yawn and stretch as I was curled up sleeping last night.

‘Hopefully, Mom has found some food,’ I think as I walk towards the main chamber of our home in the mountains.

I walk in and see Mom nowhere in sight, from the scent left behind she should have left an hour ago. Bordum quickly took over as waiting more than five minutes felt like forever, so I decided to go outside to explore the surroundings. Even though Mom always yells at me for leaving without her around.

‘She should be home and I don’t want to wait inside, I’ll fly back home should I hear her coming,’ I think as I poke my head outside the cave entrance to see if she is near.

Seeing no animal, creature, or my Mother in sight I snuck outside. Though normally this area of the mountains is safe as no evil creature would come near Mom’s home. She was the famous Gold Dragon of these mountains.

‘Though my scales always looked slightly different than hers, they were golden but also had a silvery sheen to them. Oh well, she did tell me that my Dad was special,’ I think while walking outside and looking for the funny like dragon creature that Mom lets live near us.

‘She calls them Kobolds,’ I think as I follow a familiar scent of these Kobolds. She lets them live here because they are nice ones, just like us Dragons, Kobolds come in different colors. The ones that live near us are copper-looking Kobolds.

“Hello Young One,” I hear a Kobold say to me in the language of Dragons.

“Hi, Rok!” I say excitedly to him as he is one of the few Kobolds that plays with me and lets me help him on his hunts.

“What are you doing outside? Your mother will be upset when she comes back and sees you are not inside,” Rok says to me with a smirk on his small dragon-like face.

“Mom won’t know! I’ll fly back before she finds out!” I say to him with an annoyed face at his laugh hearing me.

“Whatever you say young one,” Rok says with a chuckle.

“Can I help you hunt today?” I ask him with the same look I give my mother so she agrees with my requests.

“.....Fine, just stop looking at me like that,” Rok says with a sigh and I jump for joy at his agreement.

“But! You must follow all of my instructions without arguing,” Rok says to me with a serious face.

“Deal!” I say not wanting to miss out on hunting. Then my stomach growls showing I’m still hungry.

“... Seems we can hunt for both of us today,” Rok says with a laugh as I look away embarrassed.

We then got down the mountain as the goats in the area and other creatures lived further away from my mother’s home. We walk in silence as we listen and smell for any signs of prey, Rok has taught me a lot about hunting. Though he always says for a dragon hunting is extremely easy, while for Kobolds it can lead to death. But he always told me even dragons can die in a hunt, though I don’t believe him.

“Remember Talrit, to treat every creature as one that could kill you. Because the day you underestimate your prey is the day you could die to it,” Rok says to me breaking the silence since we do not smell, hear, or see any prey nearby.

“I know! You say that every time we hunt,” I say annoyed with his constant caution.

“Talrit, my clan and I are good friends with your mother, so we worry about you. You are the first child of your mother and she asked us to keep you safe while she is away,” Rok says to me while I just snort in annoyance.

Then before I could respond, we both perk up as we hear what sounds like a goat running our way. We duck down behind a large rock to see a large mountain goat running from Saber-Toothed Tiger. Rok became nervous as those giant cats could kill a lone Kobold easily. Though for me I’m slightly bigger than the cat, Mom always said I was bigger than your average gold dragon.

“Rok, get the goat. I will scare the cat away,” I say to Rok who tries to stop me but I ignore him and jump out from our hiding spot.

The goat stumbles at my sudden appearance and slides down the mountain hitting a rock and becoming still. While the cat skids to a stop seeing me while roaring at me seemingly nervous at my appearance. I let out a roar back one that is nothing compared to my Mom’s but still much scarier than the cats, I believe. Rok ran over to me putting his spear in a defensive position between me and the cat.

“Talrit, run! I will distract the Saber-tooth,” Rok says with a nervous look but a serious voice. Though I ignore him, as I let out a stream of fiery breath at the cat making it jump back to escape.

I miss the cat, which is now charging Rok and me. Rok then rushes forward to meet its charge as the cat goes to swipe its claws at him. Seeing Rok in danger I rush forward and bite the cat’s arm mid-swing crushing it between my jaws. The Cat cries out in pain and bites down on the back of my neck but can not pierce my scales. Though the force behind the bite is crushing my neck slightly. Though before I let go of the cat, Rok stabs his spear into the cat’s chest. I feel the cat go limp as Rok pulls his spear free and I drop its arm from my mouth.

“Talrit! I said to not attack them! You did not listen! Even when I told you to run! You promised to listen to me if I brought you along!” Rok beings yelling at me in anger for me disobeying his instructions.

“I’m sorry, but I knew we could kill this cat!” I say to him justifying my reason.

“I do not care! Anything could have happened! You could have been killed or seriously injured! What do you think your mother would do should that have happened?!” Rok says making me immediately think about my Mom’s reaction and wince at the thought.

“Sorry…,” I say with my head hung low after realizing my mistake.

“...Talrit… It's fine, you are young and the young make mistakes. But you have to remember we older ones are here to help guide you so you do not make life-ending mistakes,” Rok says to me having calmed down slightly but still annoyed with me.

“I will grab the goat, you think you can carry the tiger?” Rok says with a sigh while looking at the two dead animals.

“Sure,” I say nodding my head and picking up the tiger with my mouth, I follow Rok back to his clan’s cave entrance.

“Rok! And the Golden Prince!” one of the Kobold watchers at the entrance exclaims at our approach. The Kobolds have many nicknames for me, the Golden Prince is one of them as my Mom is the ruler of these mountains.

“You have brought back quite the haul!” the other watcher says seeing us bring in the two dead animals.

“The goat is for us, but the tiger belongs to the Prince as he was the one who bested it,” Rok says to them, and the two watcher nod in understanding.

“I’ll share! I do not eat that much yet anyway,” I say to them after dropping the cat. The two watchers then smile as they call for others to drag away the animals for cleaning. Mom and the Kobolds always clean out a few organs as they are not meant for eating, though I find the heart and liver to be my favorite organs of any creature.

I spend the next hour feasting on the cat that I slayed and left the remains for the Kobolds. Right after I finished eating I hear my mother’s roar signifying her return. So I scramble out of the Kobold’s cave and fly to my home before my mom gets there. Seems I was not fast enough as my mother was standing at the entrance with a dead elephant. At my appearance, my mother stops cleaning the elephant, while giving me a very angry and disapproving look.

“Talrit… what is the first rule when I leave for a hunt?” Mom says to me while I sit down in front of her with my head hung low at being caught.

“Do not leave the cave,” I say to her with a defeated voice as I suspect her to berate me for disobeying her again.

“......Talrit, these rules are in place to keep you safe,” Mom says with a tired sigh as she just seems to have given up yelling at me.

“I know! But I get so bored sitting in here by myself! Plus you were gone longer than usual! I even got to hunt and kill a Saber-cat-tiger!” I say to her and then shut my mouth realizing my mistake after I already said it.

“WHAT?! You went hunting by yourself!! And even challenged a Saber-tooth!” Mom yells at me with anger very prevalent in her voice.

“Yes…” I say not wanting Rok or the other Kobolds into trouble.

“Talrit! I swear to–” Mom beings to say before we hear two roars that are not familiar to me. Though my Mother appears very nervous at the roars and looks down at me. Without saying anything she grabs me in her one hand and flies me to the Kobold cave dropping me off at the entrance.

“Keep my son safe!” Mom says to the watchers who nod their heads ushering me inside the cave.

“Mom! What is happening!” I shout at her as the Kobolds try to push me inside but I do not budge.

“Talrit, stay here and do not leave the Kobolds unless I come to get you! It seems a pair of red dragons are here to challenge this domain,” Mom says to me as she looks at me with a serious face before flying off the meet the two red dragons.

“Inside quickly Golden Prince! Red dragons will kill you on sight!” one of the watchers says to me with an extremely scared voice while I watch my mother leave.

I follow them inside the cave and go to a deeper level where the clan leader is. The clan leader is Rok’s grandfather named Uglu. Rok is the next leader because Rok’s father was killed during a raid from an opposing clan of Kobolds a few years ago. I sit outside the small hut of the clan leader and his family. Rok comes out of the hut to sit down next to me with a sigh seeing my worried look.

“Talrit, I’m sure your mother will succeed in driving away these intruders. This is not the first time she was challenged I hear,” Rok says to me and I shake my head at his words.

“I hope…but I’ve never seen my Mom nervous like she was today after those roars were heard,” I say to him as he goes quiet hearing me.

“Your mother is one the oldest and most respected gold dragons known, very few can challenge her let alone match her strength. I’m sure she will succeed in driving away these would-be usurpers,” Rok says to me with a smile but eyes that show he is just as nervous as I am.

Dragons of all kinds keep ‘underlings’ as my mother calls them, the ones that follow my mother are these Copper Kobolds. Should my mother fall they will be all wiped out if not driven away first. After a few minutes of silence, we can hear the battle growing louder and closer to the Kobold cave. Rok and I share a nervous look as he gets up to gather his clan.

Chapter 4: Ch.2

Chapter Text

Rok and several other Copper Kobold clan members ran to the entrance of the cave while Uglu and a few older clan members rushed somewhere else. I quickly followed after Rok to see how my Mom was doing. Running behind them since it was too little space for me to fly down here, I stopped at the entrance where we can see the three ancient dragons fighting above us.

The one bigger-looking red dragon was heavily injured but still putting up a fight while the other red dragon had many injuries, but looked much better. My Mom was very injured too, not as much as the one red dragon but more than the other one. I became extremely worried about her as I grew antsy seeing her. Then I see the other red dragon about to grab my mother's neck from behind I roared to get their attention while flying up a few feet into the air.

All dragon's stopped fighting for a split second to look down, the less injured red dragon diverted its attention to me quickly dropping down to kill me. My Mom used this to claw the heavily injured one's neck making it drop down looking dead while driving after the one other. Rok screamed for me to get back into the cave, which I quickly dropped down and rushed behind them back into the cave.

The red dragon dropped at the entrance just as the Kobolds and I reached the back of the cave's entrance. The red dragon let loose a breath of extremely hot fire that we managed to dodge at the last second. Though it killed a few other Kobolds while burning my tail slightly. Normally I'm immune to even the hottest of fires, but Mom once told me that dragon fire holds magic in it too which can hurt even gold dragons.

We then here the battle take place outside as my mother landed behind the red dragon grabbed it by the tail and pulled it away from the cave. The two then scuffled on the ground as my Mom finally used her tail and smacked the red dragon making it stumble back from the strike. My Mom then turned to the cave to see if I was fine, but I can now tell that my mother is a lot more hurt than I originally thought.

"Rok! Take my son and escape this place!" Mom yells to Rok as the red dragon launched itself at her with a roar. My Mom turned to meet its charge.

"Come Talrit! We must not linger!" Rok says to me while trying to push me deeper into the cave.

"I can't leave my Mom!" I say refusing to move, while more Kobolds run up to try to push me deeper into the cave.

"Talrit!! Do not let your Mother's fight be for nothing! If you remain this is all for nothing!" Rok says to me desperate to get me to leave, while I stare at my Mom who is desperately fighting the remaining red dragon.

With a roar of pain and sadness at leaving my Mom, I turn and run deeper into the cave with the Kobolds behind me. I then follow Rok as he ushers his remaining clan members to follow. We all reach the place where Uglu and the other clan elders went to see a giant blue rift being opened up.

"Rok! Take the others through! We can not hold it open much longer!" Uglu screams to his grandson and Rok nods with a hard-to-read expression.

"Go Talrit! I'm right behind you!" Rok says to me as the last remaining Copper Kobolds run through the rift.

Looking back to where the fighting is taking place my eyes water up at the thought of never seeing my mother again. Then I run through the portal, after crossing the other side I stumble as a few Kobolds were standing a few feet from the rift. Looking around in the extremely dark cave that seems to have no natural light, we find ourselves in a huge empty cave structure. With only the sounds of water dripping from the ceiling and the breathing of the Kobolds. Then the rift closes with only Rok coming out right before it does, he appears to be just as sad as me. Seems like me he lost his only remaining family.

"Rok, where are we?" I ask as all the other Kobolds turn hearing me and looking at Rok curious too.

"I'm not sure… The magic that the elders used was passed down every generation as the last resort to escape danger. We have lost the knowledge of where it leads," Rok says while looking around for any danger.

"Rok, you are clan leader now. What do we do?" one of the Kobold hunters asks Rok while the others look to Rok for guidance.

"Now we find a place to call our own. Talrit I want you to stay with us, our clan has served your mother for many centuries, and we'd like to do the same for you," Rok says to me while bowing his head slightly and the other Kobolds quickly follow suit.

"You don't need to bow! You are family! Of course, I want to stay with you all!" I say to Rok and he smiles along with many of the other Kobolds.

"I want all the hunters to explore the surrounding area! Then come back here before the day is out! As for everyone else, gather what we have so we know what we will need!" Rok says after thinking about what to do and immediately almost all of the Clan Hunters/warriors run off to explore the surroundings.

Rok then has the remaining kobolds gather the items they all brought with them. Watching this all happen I think about my mother and all the things she taught me. She said as I age I will instinctually know magic as it comes from my blood and that the older a dragon is the stronger a dragon becomes. True dragons she told me never stop growing until the day they die. Plus she told me the Copper clan of Kobolds is different than the rest, from the many she met they appear to be the smartest and bravest.

After a few hours of waiting, as I lay on the ground just thinking about my mother all of the hunters return except for one. Rok ran over as I stood up and followed wanting to hear about the area too. The hunters then took turns explaining what the surrounding area appears to be like.

They each came to believe we are either in part of the Underdark that my mom once told me is extremely dangerous. As they each explored different areas and none lead to the outside, nor did they find any signs of other life. Though Rok does not believe that to be true as one hunter is missing, he then tells three of the hunters to go after the lost one to see what may have happened.

"Rok you really think we might be in the Underdark?" I ask him as the three hunters run off to find the missing one.

"I hope not Talrit. That would make our survival all that much harder, we creatures that respect life and have honor do not survive long in that place," Rok says while sighing and walking back to the other Kobolds.

Once again we wait for the hunters to come back and yet none do, so Rok deems the passage they went unsafe and had four hunters guard the entrance to the place while everyone rested. Once we all slept and woke up the next day Rok had everyone follow the one path that the one hunter explored and Rok deemed the safest out of all the paths.

We walked with Rok and a few of the older hunters at the front, as I stayed in the middle helping carry some of the items the Kobolds brought. After walking for hours we start to the lava pit that the one hunter found. As soon as the heat hit us the Kobolds seemed to wince as they are not fireproof like me, though I found this heat to be very comforting.

Walking inside the area we see that it is extremely huge bigger than even the mountain my Mother made for her home. The pit of lava looked to be thousands of feet wide and maybe around a thousand feet up we see the sky.

"Rok! We are not in the Underdark, but a huge volcano!" I say looking up at the sky as the other Kobolds look up and exclaim in happiness at not being trapped in the Underdark.

The gases from a volcano do not affect me as my mom told me that gold dragons are immune to all poisons and forms of fire, other than the breath of a fellow dragon. The Kobolds can resist the fumes and heat of the lava for a few hours at best but do not enjoy being near it as I do. I run over to the edge of the pit leading to the lava as the Kobolds look at me worried. My instincts scream at me to jump into the lava to swim in it, I then begin to shift around excitedly contemplating jumping down.

"Talrit, what are you doing?" Rok says while looking at me nervously and the others watch nervously too.

"I want to swim in the lava," I say without looking back as my instincts scream at me to jump down into it.

"Talrit, I don't think even–" Rok begins to say before I jump down as he and several other Kobolds rush over to look down at me.

"Talrit!!" Rok yells after me as I let out a roar of happiness after landing in the lava that was a maybe hundred feet below the edge we were on.

The feeling of the lava washing over me was extremely exhilarating, nothing like the baths Mom made me take before in the cold rivers or lakes. This was like I was being massaged all over, while the lava cleaned everything off of me melting it away. I then began rolling around in it as I sank a bit then opened my eyes to see I was under the lava's surface. Jumping out of the lava I flew back to Rok and the others who were looking at me with wide eyes.

"Talrit! Why did you do that?!" Rok says to me worried about me while I shake off the remaining lava and stretch, feeling very relaxed.

"Because my instincts told me too and they were right! That was the most amazing thing I've ever felt before!" I say wanting to spend all day just relaxing in the volcano.

"I see," Rok says nodding his head, while the other Kobolds nod along. Just like dragons, Kobolds place a lot of stock in our natural instincts.

"Well we can not stay here longer, we must find a suitable place to claim as our own. Then find a way outside to gather more things we need to survive," Rok says looking around for another way as this is as far as the hunter came last time.

We see another opening across the other side of the volcano, luckily the edge we are on is big enough for the kobolds to walk around to it. Though it takes them almost an hour since the volcano is so large. I use this time to swim in the lava while making my way to the other side since I can fly other there at any moment.

"Talrit! We are ready when you are!" Rok says yelling down at me as I played in the lava making rocks on the walls by placing lava on them to cool.

"Oh ok!" I say flying up to the kobolds and landing to see them gathered around the only other entrance to the volcano's center.

"I want you four to walk ahead scouting it out as we follow behind," Rok says pointing to the most experienced hunters who run off ahead of the rest of us.

"Let's go," Rok says after waiting a few minutes to give the hunters some lead before we follow after them.

Chapter 5: Ch.3

Chapter Text

As we walked down the new passageway we found a place to call home eventually. As we had hours of walking after deciding which place to turn since there were many forks in the road. We found a huge open cavern inside the volcano that could thousands if not tens of thousands of Kobolds comfortably. It was a beautiful open cave system we stumbled across it also had an underground stream flowing through it with fresh water, a place I could stay with the kobolds for decades before I became too large to live with them.

"Ok, everyone this will be our new home! I want you all to begin to set it up for our permanent stay! You four, go see if there are any local passages that can lead us outside to hunt for the things we need," Rok says to everyone while pointing to four hunters who run off in search.

"Talrit, this place is big enough for you to stay with us. Are you going to stay or do you wish to find a place of your own?" Rok asks me as the clan quickly begins to work to make this place their new home.

"I will stay, I'm still small. Plus I'd rather not be alone right now in this unknown place," I say to Rok who nods his head in understanding.

I decided to help the Kobolds by doing a lot of the heavy lifting, as I may be just a tiny thing to dragons, but I'm still five times the size of an average Kobold. After helping the kobolds for a few hours set this place up all the hunters return with two saying they found places that lead outside. Though from what they saw they still have no idea where we are, as nothing outside suggests we are somewhere we have heard of before. Rok and I follow the two hunters to the one place they discovered, as we ran down a new passageway we finally came across a smaller entrance that shows the outside world.

Seeing it, I wanted to jump out and fly around freely as any dragon loves to do. But I held back as the fear of those ancient red dragons are still fresh in my mind. Rok and the two hunters peeked their heads out to look around for any danger as I slowly did the same. Looking out we can see a huge forest below the volcano and eventually, the forest leads to a huge place of water that could be a huge lake or the ocean. The volcano we are on shows no signs of life from the side we are on. Though the forest below shows many different animals living inside it.

"Seems safe enough, we will send a few hunting parties to gather some things later. Let's see the other place you found," Rok says as we all step back inside the volcano.

Following the Kobold hunters, they lead us to the other place they found which was closer to the new home of the clan and had a much larger entrance to the volcano. One that even my mother could fit in, the scenery is the same as the last place so the only difference is the size of the entrance. Luckily, there are no signs of a dragon or any other creature living here. We then quickly make our way back to the clan, as Rok sends two groups of hunters to fetch any important things we could use while also telling us about the area around the volcano.

"Rok, can you tell me about the different kobolds?" I ask him after we finally have some time to relax as Rok and I sight by the hut I helped him construct for him and his future family.

"Like what?" Rok says confused about what I mean.

"Mom told me that most Kobolds hate the sun as it bothers them. The hunters just left while the sun was up, yet you all seem fine with it," I say to him curious as even my mother did not know that much about Kobolds as she viewed them as not important enough.

"That is true for the most part, though as you know there are different color Kobolds as dragons. Our clan is two known types of Kobolds that actually light the sun, but living in a cave is much safer so we stay here," Rok says to me while eating some dried goat the clan brought with us.

"So are there as many colors of Kobolds as dragons?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"No, you dragons have much more types than us kobolds. We have only different types as far as I'm aware. There are us the copper clan known for our bravery and wits! Then the opposite the Sand clan which looks like us but with scales that are much less shiny like a chromatic dragon, your scales are much shinier being a metallic dragon. The sand clan like ours like the sun and usually live in the deserts, they are smart like us too but are not brave and instead like to backstab, running at the first sign of danger," Rok says to me while speaking with disgust, the more he talks about the Sand Clan.

"The other two are the more well-known clan of kobolds that humans constantly think we are all like. The Red Clan, are like red dragons, but much less intelligent acting like goblins and hate the sun as it bothers them for some reason. They spawn new blood like crazy because they die just as much, and they have little to no tactical thoughts using numbers to win a fight. Though, unlike the sand clan, they fight to the end, only because they have no intelligence to run if necessary," Rok says with an annoyed look talking about humans and the red clan.

"What about the last one?" I ask him since he seems to have forgotten he said there were four.

"The last one is more of a myth among our kind. They are silver kobolds that can be born to any clan and if one is born it is said to bring about huge changes to the clan. Either good or bad is unknown, just that the changes will come," Rok says to me with a shrug thinking about it.

"Did your clan ever have a silver member?" I ask curiously.

"Not that I'm aware of… though maybe we did every clan claims to have had one silver member at one point," Rok says with an indifferent shrug.

We then fall silent as Rok seems to be thinking about his clan's future, as I think about all the things he just told me about. Then the one hunter group returns with many items the clan could use. Like several deers, a couple of bundles of wood, and many types of herbs the healers use. After the first group returns, the second returns an hour later with just as many items as the first. As luck would have it neither group lost any members, and from what they could see we really are in a huge volcano, so big that it looks like it reaches the sky. The forest goes on for hundreds of miles the hunters believe, with many different prey they found and few predators.

From everything the hunters tell us this place seems like a paradise for us all, though the hunters do not have an idea what is on the other side of the volcano from our side. As the volcano is too large to traverse in one day to see what lies on the other side. I offered to look since I can fly, but Rok denied it saying it was too risky and he'd rather not have me out alone until I'm an adult or large enough to defend myself. Like that a week passed with the clan thriving and building up everything they left behind while exploring our surrounding more.

From what the clan found it seems that the kobolds are one of the best predators in the area, as the biggest threats they found are in the forest. There appear to be giant tiger-like creatures, though they are all black in color. Plus bears roam the forest as well, so the hunters feel that groups no more than four would be necessary for outings. Letting more groups leave at once instead of being slower to accommodate the large numbers. Rok agreed to allow groups of four instead of ten to go out for trips, making five groups leave at a time instead of two large ones.

As a month passed I grew a few inches, as my boredom increased to very high levels and since the hunters deem it safe. I finally convinced Rok to allow me to accompany one of the groups the next time they leave. Having enough supplies, Rok sent a large group of hunters out to explore the other side of the volcano and tell us about our whole surroundings. As the large group left to go scout, I excitedly waited by the large cave entrance for my smaller group of hunters to explore the surrounding.

"Golden Prince, I ask you to stay with us at all times. Your life is the most important out of us all, as you will become the king of this volcano when you are big enough to claim it," the one hunter says to me as the group makes its way over to me.

"I know! I'm just tired of staying in the cave and want to see outside already! I haven't flown in what feels like years!" I say stretching my wings and looking outside as the group of hunters just nod their heads walking outside.

As soon as they step outside I jump from the cave entrance and spread my wings flying in the air once again. The feeling of the wind on my face and the sense of freedom from flying fill me up. My excitement is so high and my joy is too, I let out a happy roar that echoes in the area. I may be small but the roar makes the birds in the forest right below the volcano flee in fright. The group of hunters scrambles down the mountain seeing me fly to the forest below. I fly in circles above the trees at the forest's entrance waiting for the hunters, enjoying the sense of freedom once again.

"Golden Prince! Please you must wait for us!" the leader of the hunting group says to me while the others all catch their breaths having run down the volcano to catch up to me.

"Sorry, I was just so excited to be outside once again," I say while landing next to the group and looking into the forest to see no animal in sight, probably because of my roar.

"Just please do not leave us again! We can not protect you if you are not with us," the leader says to me with a desperate look. I just nod my head as I walk into the forest with the kobolds quickly following behind me.

"So have any of you reached the water yet?" I ask them as we walk through the forest with the leader and another kobold ahead of me, while the other two where behind me.

"None of our group have reached the water yet, but a couple of others have. They believe it is the ocean as the water tasted of salt and the air smelled of salt," the leader says to me without turning around as the group stays alert for any sign of danger.

"Then let's go see the ocean! I've only heard stories about it from my mother, about a place of water that never seems to end!" I say to them and the leader seems hesitant but nods his head after some thought.

"Sure Golden Prince we can go see the ocean," the leader says changing course to the suspected ocean. I grew very excited as all golden dragons can breathe underwater and I've never swam in the ocean before. I skipped along behind the two kobolds as they lead our group to the ocean.

Chapter 6: Ch.4

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As we walked through the forest all the animals avoided us for various reasons I would guess. Eventually, we reached the ocean which had a huge sandy ground that the waves would wash up on. I stood still on the outskirts of the forest with the four kobolds as we all stared in awe at the sight of the never-ending water. We've heard the stories of the ocean, but seeing it yourself is a whole nother thing.

I ran to the water with the kobolds quickly following behind me as we each jumped into the water. The feeling was not like the lava that felt like I could spend eternity laying in it, this was much different. While the lava made me relaxed and comfortable, this made me very awake due to the cold temperature and restless. Though like any gold dragon, I can breathe underwater so I dived down to see what was under the water. I was disappointed to see nothing but a sandy bottom so I quickly swam a few dozen feet out. Yet even there I saw nothing of interest, so popping my head up out of the water I could see the Kobolds on the beach calling my name.

I dived back down in the water, then propelled myself out so I could fly back to the kobolds. Jumping out of the water, my wings snapped out and I flew back to the waiting kobolds. Once there I told them that I saw nothing under the water and that maybe the ocean isn't as full of life as we all heard it was. We spent the next two hours playing in the ocean, I even flew the kobolds up in the air and dropped them in the water at their request.

Eventually, we all got hungry and decided it was time to hunt and gather some items the clan could always make use of. We all then made our way back into the forest, though this time we all were in hunting mode. As we crept through the woods as silently as possible, smelling and listening to all the surroundings for signs of prey. After finding some fresher prints that look like a small herd of deer, we followed the tracks.

They lead us to a small herd of a dozen or so deer, that were grazing or napping in the woods. The wind was in our favor as any good hunter would make sure of, the kobolds split up to surround the deer so the one hit could not escape easily. They then each threw the spear they carried at a deer surprising the animals as they all jumped up in fright fleeing. Though two of the spears found their marks, one killed the prey instantly while the other struggled on the ground in pain since its one lung was pierced.

Two kobolds ran over to each prey, the dead one was quickly being cleaned of its useless organs, while the other was quickly finished off. I came out once the fighting was over as I can hunt, but did not want to mess with the kobold's synergy. The now two dead deer were quickly cleaned of the inedible organs. I then grabbed the two deer and slung them on my back to carry for the kobolds.

"Golden Prince you do not need to carry them for us, we are strong enough to carry our own prey," the lead kobold says seeing me carry the two deer for them.

"It is fine, plus it will free you all up in case you need to fight," I say with a shrug and began walking back to our home. The kobolds don't argue with my logic and follow behind me.

As we walked back to the cave, the kobolds stopped a few times to grab some mushrooms and herbs they came across. Right before we left the forest and started climbing the mountain to our home, I heard something following us. Snapping my head back I see a giant black tiger jumping out of the woods. Before any of us could react it grabbed the one kobold in the back killing it instantly with a snap of his neck.

The three others jumped into action with angry shouts at their friend being killed. They charged the tiger with their spears, but the tiger jumped away from their reach in time. I shook the two deer off my back and jumped after the tiger. The tiger released the dead kobold so it could dodge my strike, I did not want to use my fire since I was with kobolds and I was taught by my mother that nature is innocent and should be saved if possible. So I also did not want to burn down the forest without a good reason.

The tiger gave a low guttural growl towards me and surprisingly it was slightly larger than the saber-tooth cats found in our old home. I responded in kind with a growl as the one kobold grabbed their dead clan member and the other two rushed over to help fight the tiger. The tiger jumped toward me while aiming to grab my neck with its jaws, I stood up on my hind legs to make the attempt harder. While also swiping with my forelegs attempting to gut the beast mid-air, the two kobolds stabbed out their spears to skewer it.

The tiger managed to bite my shoulder but like any creature that is not magical by nature, it can not pierce my scales. While my one swing missed and the other only cut deeply into its side, plus the two spears pierced into its sides. The tiger let go of my neck quickly from the pain, but before it could jump back I grabbed its neck with my jaws. I easily tore into its flesh and crushed its neck in one bite. The tiger let out a final whimper before death took it.

Dropping the tiger I let out a roar signifying my victory and claiming this area as my domain, just as my mother taught me. Afterward, I grabbed the two deer and now tiger carrying them to our home, while the two hunters carried their clan members. The leader carried the items they gathered from the forest as we all silently made our way back. Once home the leader explained what happened and how I avenged the clan member by killing the beast that killed him.

That night we all feasted on the dead tiger, with me eating it mostly, in memory of the dead hunter. Like that, a few months passed, with me leaving the cave on my own as I no longer wanted the kobolds to babysit me. Rok wanted to refuse, but could not since I was technically their King. A few days after the new month started, the large group of clan members sent out to scout the surrounding areas returned with only a few missing kobolds. Rok and I quickly made our way over to them after they returned to hear what they learned.

"Golden Prince and Clan leader," the leader of the scouting party says bowing his head at our approach.

"What did you see?" I ask and Rok nods his head wanting to hear it.

"Much, the place we reside truly is a volcano and much larger than anything we have heard of before. The volcano looks to be thousands of feet high and ten times that size in length. It took us a month just to get to the other side of the volcano, all around the volcano was a huge forest just like the one below us. I believe we are on the coast or an island, as the ocean was surrounding the west side of us," the leader says while grabbing a drink that one of the hunters handed him.

"Though there is some bad news…," the leader says as Rok and I become slightly worried. The leader paused to take a drink.

"Once we reached the other side of the volcano, we discovered there were hundreds, maybe thousands of drakes nesting in it. Not only that, but humans have made their stone cities below the nests. They appear to be riding these drakes and have tamed them. We even saw a few hunting parties of these humans, some appear to be magic users. Luckily no human or drake spotted us, the members we lost, were on our journey back. As there are more predators in the mountains than we first thought. The beast was almost as big as the drakes but had no wings. I have no idea what it was, it was nothing we have seen or heard tales of before," the leader says as Rok's face becomes grim hearing the news as I think about what my mother told me of humans and drakes.

'She said humans are the most crafty and underhanded beings in existence, willing to do anything to better themselves. While drakes are like us dragons, but much smaller with only two back legs, physically weaker, and less intelligent. Having only slightly more intelligence than your average beast,' I think to myself as Rok finally speaks.

"Then we avoid that side at all costs, we can not afford to fight with humans. Especially ones that tamed drakes, while the Prince is still young," Rok says to me while shaking his head annoyed at learning we have humans nearby.

"For now, we must not let them know we are here. If any come near our side they must all be killed so they do not alert the others. From now on, all humans are to be killed on sight," Rok says and all the hunters nod their heads, some with excited faces as kobolds have always hated humans and races similar to humans.

"Talrit, you need to be extra careful from now on. If any human spots you or drake they will try to kill you on sight. The humans may even try to capture you as they are greedy creatures, much like goblins," Rok says to me with a serious face and I nod my head, as fear enters me at the thought of being killed or captured.

"The other side of the volcano is forbidden to everyone, though I do want lookouts to patrol around our claimed area. They are to alert us to any humans or drakes that come immediately, but horn," Rok says and the hunters nod before several form groups to go watch the key areas around our new home.

"Talrit, just please do not go exploring too far from now on," Rok says once the kobolds all run off to perform their duties.

"I won't…I don't want to lose the last of my family," I say to him and he smiles up at me nodding his head.

Time quickly passes with a few years going by. There have been a few humans that have traveled this far to our side, but luckily the hunters have killed them before they could escape. So far no drake has come to this side, each human killed though appeared to be ragged in appearance, Rok believes that means they are no one important enough for the humans to come searching for in big groups. At this point, I'm no longer considered a wyrmling by my kind. I've grown to the next stage, which is a 'juvenile' and now I'm at least twice the size of an elephant.

As I grew older, my instincts kicked in passing down instinctual knowledge of spells. My mother said true dragon's blood is mostly magic and so our spells are stronger than most beings. The spells I've come to know are very little and not much use to me for now, they are 'Dancing Lights', 'Mending', 'Spare the dying', and 'Command'.

As the names suggest, dancing lights lets me make a few orbs of lights that brighten a small area. Mending lets me fix slightly broken objects, like the huts of the kobolds or the stone weapons they use. Spare the dying is the most important I feel, as it lets me stabilize a fallen creature keeping it from dying but only for an hour. If the creature does not get help or more healing within that time, it will pass on. As command suggests, it lets me force a creature to follow a single command of mine, but only if it has a weaker will or mind than me.

Chapter 7: Ch.5

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After I grew to become a juvenile the hunters made places in the woods where they could stop for a day to venture further out. Plus these places offer a place for the kobolds to keep a few hunters on look out of any dangers. The clan has had a good few years under the leadership of Rok, expanding their territory and births of new clan members. Rok even had a few children to pass on his mantel once he dies. My mother always told me not to grow attached to short-lived begins, as we dragons will outlive most.

Even knowing that Rok will die in a few decades yet I will not even be considered an adult among my kind by that time, I still grew to love him as family. Since I've grown bigger, I've moved to the large entrance leading outside from the clan's residence. Clan members and Rok will come to visit at least once a day to see if I need anything. Though now I can provide for myself, hunting in the woods when I'm hungry or drinking in one of the many streams and rivers leading from inland to the ocean.

The humans seemed to have stopped showing up near our side, even though before it was extremely rare for them anyway. Either they all died or became busy dealing with something else since Rok says humans go to war a lot since it is their favorite pastime. As a new day started, I stretched before jumping from my cave and snapping my wings to look below me for my breakfast. After flying for a few minutes I spotted a creature that the hunters told us about living in the mountains.

This creature was slightly smaller than me, with no wings but resembled a dragon in appearance. Was covered in brownish-red scales, two small horns coming from its head, and what looks like fur coming from its chin. This creature looks to be able to breathe fire that is extremely weaker compared to mine but still can easily kill lesser creatures. It was in the middle of hunting it appeared, then I realized it was sneaking up on a group of my Kobolds.

Diving down, I landed on the back of the creature biting into its neck and tearing into its flesh. The creature let out a roar of pain, making the kobolds jump back in surprise and fear, but seeing me they all rushed over to help. Though by the time they came, I had already broken the neck of the beast and stood atop its carcass. Letting out another roar showing my dominance of this area, the kobolds join me letting out war cries.

"Golden Prince, thank you for saving us. This is the first one we've seen enter your domain," the leader of the group says to me as they all bow their heads to me respectfully.

"It is fine, your clan is under my protection and I intend to keep you all safe as best I can," I say to them and they all nod their heads happily at me as I grab the dead beast with my claws and fly back to my cave.

Once I land in the cave, I call down the tunnel for a kobold to come see me. As they have placed a few kobolds a way down the tunnel in case I need them. As I waited for the kobold to come to me, I tore open the dead beast's body. The organs I noticed were slightly similar to dragons from the knowledge we dragons have naturally about ourselves. As I was inspecting the beast's insides and tasting the flesh after cooking it slightly, it was very bland in flavor like I was eating dirt.

"Golden Prince, what did you need?" the kobold says to me watching me grunt in disgust after tasting the dead beast.

"I want you to bring others to come clean this beast out of my cave. The clan can have everything from this beast, it does not fit my taste," I say going back out to hunt another creature, like a goat or deer which have wonderful flavor.

"Are you sure?" the kobolds asks while looking at the beast with hungry eyes, since kobolds love to eat about anything and have little to no regard for flavor.

"Wouldn't have told you if I wasn't sure," I say and then jump out of my cave in search of new prey.

After a few hours of hunting and eating a dozen deer, I was full and decided to nap by the stream I just cleaned my teeth and claws in. My mother told me as golden dragons we have an image to show, and should always ensure we are clean. The nap was short-lived, as I heard voices speaking in draconic which at first I thought was kobolds. Then their smell hit me and I realized it was humans, I was surprised to hear humans speaking draconic. Since my mother said humans rarely speak draconic and the ones who do are usually magic users.

I stood up and hide deeper in the brush best I could, as I prepared to kill them at first sight. After a few tense minutes of waiting a small group of five humans came out of the woods and ran over to the stream drinking heavily from it. They were all dressed in what looked like rags and were extremely dirty. From what little I know about humans, I assumed none were good magic casters as they were dressed poorly. I was about to unleash a stream of fire killing them, but I was curious about them as well. So I held off killing them for now and instead decided to listen in on what they were saying as each spoke draconic.

"We need to keep moving! The slave hunters could be still on our trail!" one of the older-looking male humans said while the four others looked exhausted.

"We can't! We've been on the run for weeks! Plus they would not enter these cursed woods! This part of the land is where all the deadest beasts reside!" another man says while resting against a rock by the stream.

"Even more reason for us to keep moving! If we remain out in the open, who knows what beast will kill us!" the man who first spoke says back.

".....Everyone… don't move. There is a huge creature right over there," one of the smaller humans says while pointing in my direction with a shaking hand. All the humans fall quiet and look over at me.

I stood still hoping they don't see me, but upon realizing that my cover is blown I stepped out into the open. As I wanted to converse with the humans before killing them, I wanted to learn more about them. They all started to shake at my sight and one even pissed himself making me scrunch up my nose in disgust. Though that seemed to make them all that much more nervous and right before they ran as they all seemed ready to run, I spoke up.

"Before you all run, I want to ask a few questions. Plus if you run, I will have to kill you now," I say to them hoping to reason with them. They all froze up hearing me and looked beyond surprised.

"The dragon just talked!" the one who saw me said snapping the others from their surprise.

"Of course, I can talk! What dragon can not speak?" I say to them giving them a bewildered look like they are the crazy ones.

"No dragon can talk! Not even the ones the nobles use!" the same human says to me as the other humans shoot him a look of annoyance. He immediately shuts his mouth in fear.

"There are other dragons? And they allow humans to… use them?" I say more to myself trying to imagine a dragon willing to listen to a human. Even my kind the golden ones most known for their kindness would rather die than let a human order them around.

"What he means oh lordly dragon, is the ones in charge of the city are dragon riders. They have bonds with dragons letting them ride the dragon and battle alongside them," the older-looking human says while bowing his head to me with the smell of fear heavily coming off of him.

'Githyanki? Is that who reigns over the city? No wonder the humans are treated the way they look. Maybe I should leave them in peace, they seem to be no threat to me… then again they could lead others here,' I think to myself wondering what these humans mean. As they all look at me in silence afraid to speak.

"Dragon riders? Are the ones in charge of your city called Githyanki? What color dragons are the ones they ride?" I ask them while looking down at them with scrutinizing glaze.

"I've no idea what a Githyanki is, but yes they ride dragons or all colors. Though none that look as amazing as you do, their scales are nowhere near as shiny and you are the first dragon we have seen that is golden and can talk," the older human says while keeping his head bowed but looking at me in awe now. Hearing his praise of me I instinctually puff my chest out in pride.

"I see… then I must apologize to you all. As it could lead to the death of many of my clan members, but you all must die. I will ensure it is quick," I say to them and before they register what I said, I swiped my claws killing three instantly as the other two run away screaming in fear.

Though with a single leap, I covered the little distance they ran and sliced them in half with my claws. I looked down in sorrow for killing these humans as they were innocent in my eyes, but the life of my clan comes first and these humans threatened it. I picked up the bodies of the humans and flew them to the beach so I could burn them without destroying the forest. After burning the bodies I cleaned myself from their blood in the ocean.

Flying back to my cave I found it to be mostly cleaned with only blood stains remaining from the dead dragon-like beast I killed earlier. I used my fire to burn away the blood stains and curled up for a nap, trying not to think about the screams of the innocent humans I killed. As golden dragons, we are usually kind to humans and other races passing down our wisdom to them. But I'm not strong enough yet to fight dragon riders and especially since it sounds like there are many dragon riders.

Life seemed to go on and for a dragon, a century is like a blink of an eye, especially since we can take prolonged periods of sleep. Resting for decades or centuries at a time, the average true dragon can live 5000 to 6500 years. The next few decades went by with Rok eventually passing on and his son taking over as the next clan head. I was deeply saddened by Rok's death and this time did not grow attached to Rok's son as I did with Rok. I now understood the pain that came with getting attached to short-lived beings.

As the decades went by I was a few years short of reaching the adult stage of a dragon. With it, my size grew drastically, as I was basically an adult now and was just slightly smaller than my mother now even though she was an ancient gold dragon. Like my mother said I'm much larger than your average gold dragon, making me curious about my father and what type of dragon he was. Shaking off my sleepiness from the night before, I stepped out to the entrance of my cave and yawned. Though that sleepiness left me quickly as I heard a few roars in the distance. Roars that sounded like a dragon, but still not exactly like one, different in a weird way.

Chapter 8: Ch.6

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Jumping out of my cave I flew up very high into the air, though the volcano was still thousands of feet above me. I flew toward the roars to see a group of three, what look like wyverns, flying toward my domain. I circled above them as they flew deeper into the woods on the cusp of the area I claimed as mine. Once they landed, I could see a few humans dismounting the wyverns.

My curiosity took over, so I dived down toward the group after seeing no others in the area. The three wyverns and riders did not notice me, as I dove toward them. The largest wyvern was reddish-brown and slightly more than half my size. The other two wyverns were smaller and of the same color. While the three humans each had only three things in common, their stark white hair, their pristine silver armor, and the sword strapped to their waists.

I landed right on top of the two smaller wyvern's necks crushing them to the ground, but leaving them alive for now. The larger wyvern jumped back in fright while releasing a torrent of fire at me, though the fire washed over me without any effect other than annoying me. In response, I let loose a roar that shook the ground below me as the wyvern bowed its head in submission and fear, due to its instinct to respect a true dragon. The three riders froze while one pulled his sword out as if he could hurt me.

"Humans, what are you doing in my domain?" I say while looking down at them with annoyance as the free wyvern is still bowing its head in submission. My words surprised the three riders just as the previous humans I met decades ago.

"The dragon speaks!" the one frightened rider says as the braver one stares me down with a look accepting death.

"Your domain? This is Valyria, the land of the greatest empire and we go where we please," the braver rider says and in response, my tail whips around and obliterates his body before any could react exploding his body to pieces that flew in all directions. The two other humans immediately fell to their knees bowing down just as the wyvern while shaking in fear.

'Seems these are the 'dragon' riders the other humans spoke of. These foolish humans think that lesser beasts like these are dragons!' I think to myself as my anger rises after being challenged by a human with no traces of magic capabilities.

"I met some humans decades ago that have come into my land without permission. They spoke of 'dragon' riders, tell me are you these so-called 'dragon' riders?" I ask the remaining two humans who are shaking in fear.

"Other humans?..." one of the riders says briefly looking up at me before looking back down in fear.

"My patience grows thin," I say as my tail whips the ground shaking it beneath everyone's feet.

"Yes your….grace… we are one of the many dragon riders of the empire of Valyria," the one human says while trying to think of what to call me, though I ignore that part.

'f*cking disgrace! These are no dragons!' I think while crushing one of the wyverns underneath me. It lets out a pained yelp as its head explodes in my clawed hand. The other two wyverns shake in fear but do not move as they are frozen in fear.

"THESE ARE NO DRAGONS!!" I growl at them as I'm very pissed at the humans for believing they tamed dragons, no dragon has ever willingly followed a human.

"These are… well I'm not too sure. They do have some identical blood of a true dragon in them, they look to be like a fouled mix of a true dragon and wyvern," I say while inspecting the creatures they rode here and see I've no idea what they technically are.

"Of course, your grace," the human who spoke earlier says trying to please me while both remain kneeled down, but steal glances at me every few minutes.

"...It matters not… As I asked before, what brings you to my domain?" I ask them once again and they both share a quick look before the same one who's been speaking looks up at me.

"As I'm sure your grace is aware, this island is extremely huge. Our empire may expand most of the known world, even though we currently are at war with the Ghiscan Empire once again for the fourth time this millennium," the human says and seems to have some hatred in his voice for this other empire that is at war with theirs.

(AN: For those who don't know that means the MC is in the GOT world roughly 5000 years before Aegon the Conqueror, the ruler of House Targaryen invaded Westeros and roughly 5300 years before the start of Robert Baratheon's rebellion.)

"I asked why you are in my domain, not the ongoings of your empire," I say with a growl showing my impatience. The human bows his head once again in fear but speaks back up.

"Sorry your grace, we are here because our Empire is looking to update the maps of its homeland. The emperor is also looking to take over all of the islands under his influence, we have heard this place is 'cursed' but now I see that it is not," the human says with his head bowed, while I think if I should kill them or send them home to inform their Emperor to leave my lands alone.

"I see," I say while contemplating the pros and cons.

'If I let them inform their Emperor it may lead to him sending more riders to force me out, though they will all fail since they did not conquer true dragons. Though it will become annoying having to constantly kill his riders and it is not in my nature to kill all those in the city since they are innocent,' I think as the two riders are still kneeling with their heads bowed in fear.

'Though if I kill them, the Emperor may forget sending more riders as a waste of resources when they are fighting a war… same could be said if I let them live,' I finish thinking having made my decision.

"I apologize, but like the past humans, I must kill you so I do not have to deal with your kind just yet," I say to them and whip my tail around to obliterate them before they can respond or move.

"May you rest in peace," I say after having killed the two humans and the one… wyvern, I will call them wyverns, they are not dragons. Plus it is a compliment to wyverns to call them wyverns and an insult to call them dragons.

"Now what to do with you two…," I say more to myself as I release the one wyvern from underneath me which remains still as the fear from my presence alone keeps them in line.

"Come with me," I say to them as I notice one is female and one is male. The two wyverns quickly follow behind as I fly away back to my cave.

'Seems they understand draconic to a certain degree, but can not speak,' I think while the two wyverns follow after me.

Once I land the two wyverns land nervously behind me and bow their heads in fear once again. Three kobolds run in hearing my return along with two other creatures, though the two wyverns growl threateningly at the appearance of the kobolds.

"Leave them be! They are under my protection, you are to not hunt them!" I growl to the two wyverns who immediately bow their heads as the kobolds inspect them from afar.

"Golden King, what are you going to do with them?" one of the kobolds asks me while looking at the wyverns.

"I'm not completely sure… though go as your clan leader if he thinks you can tame these as the humans did and ride them. Hunting would become easier, though you would have to breed them too. Luckily one is male and one is female," I say to the kobolds as one runs off the grab the clan leader.

I then spent the next few hours making sure the wyverns did not harm the kobolds as the kobolds attempted to tame them as the humans did. Once I felt the wyverns knew not to harm the kobolds, I ushered them out of my cave to find their own on the mountainside.

Time flew by with several centuries passing and with it, my entering adulthood. Though I missed a few decades from now each major stage in my life will be met by a prolonged sleep so my body and mind can transition to the new stage. Before my long nap, I ensure the kobolds successfully tamed the wyverns and they did. Plus by breeding them the kobolds are slowly amassing a small group of wyvern riders which only the greatest of hunters can attain.

The Valyrian Empire only sent a handful of more riders several more times before my prolonged nap came. Each time I would kill the humans and bring back the surviving wyverns to add to the kobold collection. Then I left my cave and gave it to the two original wyverns, as I've grown too large for it. I made my new permanent home inside the volcano itself. As I found sleeping inside the lava is most enjoyable. I woke up at the bottom of the volcano which was about a thousand feet below the surface, though for me it was like being underwater.

Once I left the lava, I found myself in my adult form, my scales became even more shiny with a deep golden color, though you could still see a silvery shin on them in certain light. I felt more knowledge enter my mind and the ability to shapeshift into any creature that is considered weaker than a true dragon. Though once I shapeshift I take on all the physical attributes of the average creature I become but keep all of my mental capabilities.

I found turning into a human the most enjoyable outside being in my real form, as unlike any other form I chose, this is the only one I can do magic in outside my true form. By becoming an adult not only can I shapeshift, but I learned many new spells. Though many could only be performed in my human form, as I needed the hands humans use in spell-making.

The spells I learned that can only be used in a human form are Prestidigitation, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Burning Hands, Flame Blade, Flaming Orb, and Heat Metal. The only real downside of being a human is I'm much extremely physically weaker and more easily hurt. I can see why humans wear armor and use weapons outside of magic. Though I remain immune to fire and poison in my human form. However, I can not be truly killed in my human form. If I 'die' in the human form, it will only force me to show my true form and I can die extremely easily in human form it turns out.

The other spells I learned and could use in either form were not many, but very useful. One is Gentle Repose, which keeps a dead body from decaying or being corrupted but it only lasts a day at most. The others are Detect Thoughts, only surface thoughts, Cure Wound, which only heals minor injuries, and Comprehend Languages which lasts several hours. With these abilities, I became much more relaxed in my ability to protect the clan and my domain from this Valyrian Empire.

The only real thing that changed outside me is I no longer recognize any of the kobolds in the clan, as there are now thousands of members spanning the inside of the volcano. Plus all the ones I once knew are long dead. The clan though now looks to me as their King, calling me King of Fire and Fiery.

Chapter 9: Ch.7

Chapter Text

Shaking off the lava from my body as a new day started and I was finally hungry so I stood on the platform I made for me to rest outside the lava. As I get older the less I needed to eat or drink as my body becomes more reliant on magic as the source of energy. My body is mostly magic now and as I get older I will only grow stronger in this aspect. With a final stretch, I jump into the air and fly out of the volcano landing on its mouth and looking out over my domain.

After enjoying the sunrise and morning air, I jump off the volcano freefalling until halfway down when my wings snap out halting my fall. As I passed the wyvern's place of residence they all greeted me in a roar. Now that I'm halfway through my adult period of life, these past five hundred years have flown by. As I flew in the sky, I decided to hunt in the ocean at the deeper area where these giant squids, whales, and sharks resided. They all tasted good in their own right and I was in the mood for a few of them.

As I flew over the ocean, I dipped down and used one hand to test the water's temperature. Much to my disappointment it is still cold as ever, though I can take another relaxing swim in lava to warm me up. As I flew a few miles off the coast of the island I found the prey I was searching for, a whale that was the size of an average wyvern. Before it could dive back down making my hunt all that more annoying, I grabbed it dug into its body, and flew it up in the air.

The whale struggled in my grip making weird noises, which I assume are in protest of about it being killed soon. Once I landed back on the beach, I dropped the whale from a high height killing it on impact as it ceased its movements. Landing next to it, I gut the whale removing the organs I won't eat and tossing them back into the ocean. Then with a quick breath of fire, I cooked it enough to my tastes. The fatty skin and outside were crispy, while the inside was warm and juicy.

After eating the whole whale, leaving its bones on the beach for whatever to come and clean I took a stroll through the forest. For the most part, I do not have much room while walking through the forest, but on this island, for some reason, everything is much larger than what I would have normally believed it to be. Though I suspect the days of me walking through the forest will soon end once I grow even larger and older.

The years went by with me living a peaceful life as my kobold clan grew to be in the millions and inhabiting the whole volcano with several hundred as wyvern riders. The kobolds breed much faster than wyverns, plus the kobolds have adapted a new hierarchy. Much like humans now, with the descendant of Rok being the King of them and a Nobel faction of kobolds which are from the families of the first wyvern riders.

The humans seem to have forgotten about our part of the island for whatever reason. As it is extremely rare to see one in these parts, though I've reached the final stage of my dragon life. However, I feel as if I can live for thousands of more years still, which normally when a dragon reaches this stage has at most a thousand years of life left.

I became more like a god to the Kobolds as rarely do dragons reach the stage I have. I've passed into being an ancient dragon, then reached the stage of a 'Wyrm' and then finally hit the last stage of a 'Great Wyrm' a few centuries ago. My size far surpassed my mother's when she was alive. As of now, I believe I'm roughly 1200ft (366m) long and my wing span is 1500ft (457m) making me the largest known true dragon to ever exist. Because of my long life and appearance, the kobolds have begun calling me the 'Golden God'.

With my age, I rarely eat and that is good because I feel I'd have to eat everything on the island to sustain myself. Though it appears my body is now basically all magic as that is what keeps me alive. With this time the amount of spells I learned increased as well. I've also noticed that now my shapeshift form takes on my real physical strength as well, though I can still be just as easily 'killed' in my human form. It took me a year just to learn to control my strength in shapeshifted form.

The years have become very peaceful as I spend most of my time inside the volcano relaxing or napping the time away. The kobolds will come and visit once in a while to check in on me and tell me the ongoings of the clan. Though the peaceful days came to an end when one day I was resting inside the lava as I normally do. Then I heard a voice of a female human as she somehow entered the volcano that I call my home.

(AN: For the full list of the spells, look at the chapter called "MC Info", as I've updated it.)


(POV Unknown)

The Emperor had called all the noble families to war for the first time in millenniums. My father and two brothers had to go and assist the empire with the war. As the Emperor wanted to take over the last of the places on the new land the empire discovered in the west. The people there call themselves the Rhoynish and surprisingly they have a Queen in charge of their people called Nymeria.

Our empire doesn't allow women to become fighters as we are the household caretakers. Though I want to fight alongside my brothers and father, my mother and sisters do not understand my feeling. After having another fight with my mother, I decided to go explore the forest, there at least I can be alone.

Though of course, my mother sent a few house guards to go after me for protection. It took me an hour or so before I lost my followers in the woods. However, I quickly discovered I myself became lost in the woods. Then I heard noises and low speaking of draconic. What came out of the woods scared me as we've all heard stories from the escapees of the forbidden forest. Small dragon-like creatures live there and hunt humans on sight.

Some even say that a huge dragon resides in the forest, as the few captured dragon creatures talked about their King of the Volcano. Seeing the stories were somewhat true as a few small dragon-like creatures ran out of the forest throwing spears at me. I was able to dodge them and urge my horse to run away.

After forcing my horse to run, I heard a few dragons roar above me and I looked up excited hoping that it was some riders of the city looking for me. However, I noticed these dragons were being ridden by the small dragon creatures. I forced my horse to run even harder away. Though no horse can outrun a dragon, one of the dragons dove down blasting a wave of fire at me. It missed luckily though the force from the fire threw me off my horse and made my horse become heavily injured as it whined in pain.

I ran to a small opening I saw in the mountain side leaving my horse as a distraction. I ran blindly into the cave deeper and deeper. After what felt like hours of running, I stopped to catch my breath and found myself even more lost than I began.

"I should've listened to Mother," I say out loud in a small voice feeling death surround me.

Though I did not plan on dying yet, so I blindly started walking trying to retrace my steps. After hours of walking and taking a few short rests since I feel I've been in the mountain for a few days or so now. I eventually saw what looked like the light at the end of the tunnel I was walking in and I ran to it extremely excited to finally be out of this place. Though I fell to my knees to discover it didn't lead me to the outside as all my hope disappeared and I felt death approaching me.

"Mother, Father, I'm so sorry I didn't listen sooner!" I say while crying helplessly since I'm going to die here inside this volcano.

Then I feel the ground start shaking and I close my eyes with a bitter smile thinking the volcano is going to end me. Then I heard shifting like something was moving inside the volcano. Opening my eyes I see the largest dragon ever to exist, its head alone looked to be a hundred times the size of my family's estate. The size of this dragon was unimaginable, though instead of fear I felt amazement as it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. The golden scales glistened in the light from the lava and the golden eyes of the dragon showed what looked like millennials of experience.

"Human, who did you get inside my home?" the dragon says with a voice so deep and heavy that it makes my body vibrate from it alone. Then my eyes widen.

'Did the dragon just talk?' I think while the dragon stares at me with eyes that show indifference, but I can see pity in them too.

"Human I will ask once again, why and who are you here?" the dragon says to me snapping me from my surprise.


(POV Talrit)

I found a lone human that was haggard and looked to be on the brink of collapse. The small female human looked ready for death, but at the sight of me for the first time since I'd met humans did not show any fear. She showed amazement and excitement at my appearance making me surprised. Plus from her appearance, I felt some pity for this human as she appeared to be lost.

'This time I might let her live… the Empire is of no threat to me now or my clan, which is prospering. Plus this human is the first that doesn't fear me,' I think to myself before asking the human what she is doing here. Though I have to ask twice due to her surprise at my ability to speak.

"Sorry…uh…my lord… your highness," the woman says trying to say a title that humans use for themselves.

"Just call me Talrit," I say having no care for titles. As everything like pride and titles seems meaningless to someone like me who has lived millenniums and will continue to live many more.

"Ok…Talrit. I'm here because I got lost in the forbidden forest…which I assume is the place you rule?" the human says to me with some curiosity.

"I guess if that is the place that my clan the Kobolds reside, then yes it is," I say while resting my head on my forearms with a yawn since it's been a while since last waking.

"Kobolds? Do you mean the small dragon creatures? They can ride dragons too? Was that you who taught them that?" the woman says to me having no fear toward me.

"Yes that would be them and they do not ride dragons. Those things you call dragons are no dragons. They are wyverns, which are a very distant cousin of us true dragons," I say to her with an amused look since like I said pride means nothing to me anymore. Why would I care what lesser beings think of me when I could crush their city with one hand.

"Oh…" the woman says to me not sure what to say next.

"So you have gotten lost and made your way to me. I would assume you come from the city on the other side of the mountains? Would you like to go home?" I say to her and her eyes widen at my questions.

"You'll let me live? And you'll take me home?" the woman says with surprise in her voice as I let a chuckle loose shaking the whole inside of the volcano.

Chapter 10: Ch.8

Chapter Text

"So tell me human what is your name?" I ask the female human after I cast my magic to create some food and water for her.

"You can use magic?!" the woman says seeing food and water appear from nowhere without me even blinking an eye.

"Yes, and quite easily too, true dragons are the closest beings to magic as our body and blood are mostly magic. Though Do you have a name or should I just refer to you as woman?" I say to her with an amused look at the pitiful creature that is a human as she eagerly eats and drinks.

"Uh, right sorry… I'm Aenela of House Targaryen," Aenela says to me in between eating and drinking.

"House? What do you mean? Do you have two names?" I say to her since my knowledge of humans is really just their average abilities and capabilities.

"Oh, I take it you haven't met many humans?" Aenela says to me while nodding her head to herself like she answered her own question.

"That would be accurate, my Clan has ensured no humans are found trespassing on our lands. While the few I did I had to kill since I was not prepared to deal with your kind just yet. But fear not, as I said I will ensure your safety, as I've grown much since my last dealings with your kind and no longer am concerned with the possible war your kind may try to wage against me," I say to her as her face goes pale slightly in fear, but relaxes hearing my reassurance.

"Well, guess I'm lucky then… though not many humans have two names. Only a few humans like myself do. We are considered nobles and there are only a few noble houses in the Empire of Valyrian. My house isn't the biggest or most influential, but we are still nobles," Aenela says to me while resting against the wall having eaten and drank her fill. The heat is starting to get to her I can tell, while the gases of the lava are being aired away from her by my presence passively.

"I see… is one of your members the leader of the empire?" I ask her as I manipulate the magic in the air to keep her cooler. Making her visibly relax.

"One of my ancestors was voted as the 'Emperor' a long time ago. Though that title is just honorary really. The noble house each has a seat on the 'council' that governs the city and Empire, while they vote for one of the current house leaders/ council members to take the seat of the Emperor. The Emperor only sits on the seat until the council members all vote them out or he dies and from what I hear, the Emperor doesn't really have all that much more power than the council, he just can change a few things without the council's approval," Aenela says to me with a shrug while thinking about her Empire's leadership.

"That all seems… pointless. Why have an approved leader but not give them actual powers to lead? Might as well just bicker with each other," I say while shaking my head at the stupidity. Aenela laughs hearing my response seemingly agreeing with me.

"You are not wrong, they do seem to just bicker all day from what my father tells us. Though he said the Emperor really is more like a mediator of the council and can force some things to pass even without the approval of all the council members. So I guess the Emperor does have some purpose," Aenela says shrugging her shoulders while thinking.

"If you say so," I say while relaxing in the lava no longer caring about human issues.

"Not to seem ungrateful or anything, but when can I return to my family?" Aenela asks me and I open my eyes slightly to look at her since I'm still shaking off my sleepiness from my last prolonged nap.

"I'd say tomorrow, you should rest before I have my clan members bring you back to your territory. If you leave now you may collapse from exhaustion, do not worry nothing will bother you while you remain under my protection," I say to her and she looks mildly upset about not leaving right away, but nods her head laying on the ground to rest.

Once she has fallen asleep, I use my natural connection to magic to easily find the kobolds stationed near the entrance to my home inside the volcano. Then I use the same connection to form a telepathic link to call for them. Once they enter they kneel before me in reverence, since the clan has come to see me as more of a god-king, than just a dragon because of my size.

"Do you see that human over there?" I say to them and they both perk up ready to kill the human on sight, but before they can run over in a bloodthirsty frenzy I speak up.

"That human is under my protection, she will be escorted by the wyvern hunters tomorrow back to the human's territory. Should you ever run into her again for some reason, she is to remain unharmed but only her. I will inform her should she return here she can visit me at any time, but no one else can come with her," I say to the two kobolds who nod their heads accepting my commands without question.

"Go inform the others," I say while they run off quickly to follow my orders.

The Kobold's love and respect for my has become insanely high, I could tell them all to throw themselves off the mountain top and they would all follow through with it without question. Some millenniums ago a few of Rok's ancestors who I bestowed some of my magic in, curious about what would happen and have passed down the capability for the clan to use magic. Now the clan has a few magic casters, which are rarer than the wyvern riders. They are not the strongest magic casters, as the strongest amongst them can only use up to level three magic. While the average can only use level one spells and maybe a handful of level two spells.

As the next day came I sat there watching Aenela sleep like a log as she was beyond physically exhausted. She woke up with a start jumping up looking around like she forgot where she was and then calmed down seeing me staring at her. Without another word I summoned more food and water for her, keeping the water suspended in the air so it does not fall to the ground or evaporate immediately from the heat in the chamber. Aenela thanked me once again and began eating her fill.

"I have informed my clan you are not to be killed and are under my protection. They will escort you back to your people's territory, once you enter your territory you will be on your own though. Though if for some reason you ever find yourself back on our side, I have informed my clan you are still under my protection, though only you. So if you come back with others they will be killed should they enter my territory, but you will remain unharmed," I say to her and she just nods her head listening to me, but I can see she is holding something back.

"Speak your mind child," I say and her face become red in embarrassment before she speaks up.

"Uhm…I have to use the bathroom," Aenela says to me with an embarrassed face.

"Then go back down the tunnel you came from, I'd rather not have my home littered with excrement," I say to her and her face becomes redder confusing me, but she nods and runs back down the tunnel she first came from. She comes back a few minutes later with a red face still while awkwardly sitting back down.

"Are you sick? Is the heat bothering you still, my magic should be keeping you comfortable," I say to her confused about her red face.

"What?... Oh no, I'm not sick and yes I feel fine thank you…I'm just…well it's embarrassing to use the bathroom in front of others or even talk about it with others," Aenela says to me while looking away embarrassed.

'Humans are weird creatures,' I think to myself as I've seen Kobolds just use the bathroom constantly in front of whoever without care, even myself before I grew to no longer need to eat, used the bathroom regardless of who was around. Now I only eat for the flavor when I crave something, though it is rare for me to crave the flavor of food.

"You humans and your weird customs," I say with a shake of my head.

"What? Are you saying you can just go at any time?" Aenela says to me with a surprised face, like I'm the crazy one.

"Yes, if I used the bathroom like I once did, then who cares, you have to go you go," I say to her as she looks at me like I'm the crazy one.

"Are you–" Aenela begins to say before two Kobolds run into my chamber and announce the hunters are ready when I command them to leave.

"Seems it is time for you to return to your home," I say turning back to Aenela who gives me a saddened look, seems she has grown fond of our talks.

I will not lie, I've grown to enjoy the human's company. Unlike the past humans, she does not fear me, nor like the kobolds treat me like a god and only wait for my commands.

'I miss the old days when Rok and I could just talk as equals,' I think looking at Aenela leave nervously with the two kobolds.

"Wait. Aenela you are welcome to visit anytime, just come to our territory and tell the kobolds that you are here to visit me. They will escort you to me and escort you home as they are now. That is if you ever want to visit me again," I say to her and she smiles at me nodding her head, while the kobolds bow their heads to me to pass on my orders.

Once they all leave the silence of the volcano returns with the only sounds of the lava beneath me. Then my loneliness returns, and sadness along with it. I've searched for years before and even sent out kobold hunters in search of another dragon. We have found no signs of one, seems I might just be the last of my kind in this world we came to. With no one to view me as an equal or speak with me like an equal I grew lonely, this human was the first being in a very long time since Rok, that spoke to me like an equal.

'I hope she comes back once again, or I may just go insane from lack of good conversation,' I think to myself and rest back in the lava quickly letting sleep take me.

I open my eyes hearing a kobold call out to me that the human I let leave has returned. I wake up immediately excited for a more interesting conversation. I asked the kobold how long has it been since she first left and he told me it was a few months since she first left. I excitedly waited for her to be escorted to me thinking about all the things I could tell her or teach her. While she can tell me more about the way humans live and how they view the world. Maybe if humans have ever come across another true dragon somewhere in the world. I would even accept a chromatic dragon as a friend or mate at this point.

"Talrit! Did you miss me?!" Aenela says walking in with a smile and looking much better since I last saw her. She was not wearing the torn-up dress as last time, but fine-looking leather armor and a sword at her hip.

"Very much tiny human, you are one of the few who is not afraid to hold a good conversation with me," I say while smiling at her and she laughs hearing me. I relax into the lava ready for another fun conversation.

Chapter 11: Ch.9

Chapter Text

"So Aenela, how long are you staying?" I ask her as she comes into my camber in the heart of the largest volcano on the island. I made her a stone chair and table to sit at since she told me humans enjoy those things.

"I can stay for the day but must return before nightfall. As it will take a month or so for me to return home. My mother believes I'm exploring the forest, which in a way I am. Though seems like last time I had to escape my family's house guard," Aenela says to me while looking at the fruit I summoned for her to eat.

"I see, either way, I'm happy you came to visit. As I'm sure you can tell I rarely get any visitors or anyone willing to hold a good conversation with," I say to her and she laughs nodding her head.

"Can I ask you what it is like living in a human city and more about your people's customs? I've never really had the chance to learn more about humans," I say to her while looking at her curiously and she nods her head while eating some of the grapes I summoned.

"Not much more tell you that I already didn't… Though I guess, as you can see I'm not wearing a dress like last time. I was able to convince my mother to find me, someone, to teach me the way of the sword," Aenela says while taking out the sword she has and showing it off. Now I notice focusing more on the sword that, faint magic is coming from the sword.

"Interesting… I have a few questions. First, why have you not learned this before? Do humans not like teaching others the way of the sword? Second, that sword is magical in essence, was the sword enchanted?" I say to her while looking at the sword and seeing the wisps of magic coming off it. Unlike most creatures, dragons are so in tune with magic that we naturally can see magic when something is magically enchanted and we can manipulate magic extremely easily.

"Well according to our Empire, women are not good enough or meant to be fighters. Though my family doesn't all feel that way, my father wasn't totally against me learning the sword. Plus after convincing my mother, she allowed me to learn," Aenela says while shrugging her shoulders.

"That seems vastly stupid. From the stories, my mother told me, most famous magic and fighters of the mortal races were sometimes female," I say to her while thinking about what my mother told me all those millenniums ago. Hearing about my past piqued her interest. Though before we got into that I asked her about the sword again.

"Though for your sword is it made with a special metal or process?" I ask her still curious about this sword which is the first magical item I've come across on this island.

"As for my sword… I don't think it is enchanted. As far as I know, it was made like most other swords for nobles, out of the special steel the smiths' use. I mean sure the sword was made especially like most noble swords," Aenela says unsure while inspecting the sword.

"I see… do you know the metal's name or what it looks like?" I ask her while thinking if I came across this metal.

"Not too sure, though I could bring some with me next time," Aenela says to me.

"I'd appreciate that," I say to her with a nod of my head. She nods her head happily.

"So can I ask you about yourself?" Aenela says to me and I chuckle while nodding my head.

"Ask away," I say while shifting myself to get comfortable for this extended conversation.

After a few hours of telling her stories of my life before I was forced to leave my mother behind. How I found myself here and what I went through here all these years, she listened patiently and attentively. By the end, I seemed to have captivated her with my life experiences.

"Talrit, do you think you could teach me magic?" Aenela asks me once I finish telling her all about myself.

I hum to myself while looking at her with a scrutinizing gaze expecting her body's capabilities to use magic. She does seem to have some potential, though not much more than the current head of magic users amongst my Kobold clan.

"You have some potential, though I feel your abilities would better be focused on the sword. Not that you can not learn magic, just that you will only be able to reach level three spells. Maybe a few level four spells," I say to her while nodding my head at reading her magic that flows in every being's blood. The more magic one has the more potential they have at using and learning magic.

"Amazing! So you will teach me?!" Aenela asks me very excited while I think.

"I can, though that would take a few years just for you to learn the basics. That's if you dedicate most of your time to learning it. That would be you'd have to leave your family to stay here and learn from me," I say to her and her face turns sad at the thought.

"Then I'm not sure I could learn magic," Aenela says with a sigh, though I think to myself for a bit.

'I could turn to my human form, this could let me learn more about them if I have her help while there. Plus I'm very curious about their kind,' I think to myself as Aenela drinks the water I made.

"There is another way. Though that would require you to help me–" I start to say and she jumps up excited interrupting me.

"Anything!!" Aenela says while I chuckle at her excitement.

Then in front of her, I sh*t into my human form. The form I took is one I found to be what I prefer to look like. Taller about 6'3" and with an average muscular build that any adventure would have. Long platinum blonde hair, golden eyes, and slightly pointed ears like that of an elf. While I wore a silver cloak over a black silk shirt, dark brown pants, and black leather boots. Seeing my new appearance Aenela's face foes wide and she blushes slightly, seems my human form is attractive to her.

"You can turn into a human?!" Aenela says breaking her surprised look.

"Yes, any true dragon once an adult can shift their appearance to anything that is below us," I say with a shrug making her glare at me slightly since I called humans below us dragons which I stand by.

"So will you help me while I come back with you to your home? In return, I will teach you about magic," I say to her and she remembers the deal and nods her head quickly.

"Definitely! Though, before we leave I should teach you some formalities that will be expected of you since the nobles have easily wounded pride. I don't want someone to try to kill you, only for you to destroy the whole city," Aenela says to me and gestures for me to sit at the table.

Nodding my head, Aenela then goes over all of her people's costumes with me helping me learn, what she calls Noble etiquette. We spent the rest of the time with her teaching me everything she could in the limited time we had. This made me slightly annoyed that apparently, humans have all these different ways of addressing someone or acting a certain way. Though she told me she will help me more when we get to the city, to let her do most of the talking.

I then informed the Kobolds that I would be leaving with Aenela to see the city and learn more about the way humans lived their lives. That I may be gone for a few years at least and a decade at most, but should they ever need me to have the magic casts use the spell I taught them to send me a message anywhere in the world. With that I followed Aenela to the city, she was surprised to see me easily keep up with the horse's speed even in my human form.

In any form I take, since I'm a Great Wyrm, the form keeps everything about me in my dragon form, except for the hardiness. So I'm still as easily 'killed' as any other human, but am far more intelligent, dexterous, and stronger. After a couple of weeks of travel through the woods, we entered the human territory. Then another few weeks on the road, I saw the way some humans worked the fields and lived life. Then we finally came to the huge city in the far distance that I saw a couple of times while flying about the island.

The city was far larger than I originally thought, it had to hold several hundred million humans at least. With one huge castle in the distance settled on one of the second volcano of the island. Throughout the city, I could see other smaller castles that Aenela told me were the noble houses and 'dragon' lords of the city. There were also many people walking around with metal collars on their necks, which made me think they were prisoners. Though apparently, this empire part takes in slavery which I find repulsive because every creature deserves freedom. Though unless I plan on subjugating the whole island, slavery will continue.

On the way to the city, Aenela bought a horse for me to travel with her, even though I said it wasn't important. But she told me I'd be playing a noble born and noble born apparently use horses to travel if they do not have a 'dragon'. Following her lead, I just kept quiet while taking everything in about the way humans lived their lives. After a few hours of traveling in the city, we arrived at one of the smaller castles in the city. Aenela informed me this was her family's ancestral home. Where she grew up and her family lives.

Walking up the castle's gated grounds there were a few house guards that stopped us, but upon seeing Aenela bowed their heads opening the way for her. They did not question me or even bat me a second look as I was traveling with their lady. Once we entered the grounds a few of the enslaved humans ran over to take the horses from us. While I followed Aenela inside the entrance of her home, the demeanor of Aenela changed once we entered the city. She went from a free-spirited human to a more stone-faced and cold expression. This is the same look I saw on all the nobles in the city that Aenela seemed to notice and point out to me.

'These humans have weird customs and ways of living life. I wonder what makes them act this way,' I think to myself as we enter the room where I see an older-looking woman that shares a similar appearance to Aenela and two younger human girls that I assume are Aenela's sisters.

"Mother I have returned, this is Lord Talrit of House Valtaris. I ran into him on my journey exploring the forest, he promised to teach me about magic. While we house him, he said it could take a few years," Aenela says to her mother who turns to see us enter the room while the two younger girls run over and hug Aenela in greeting.

"House Valtaris? I haven't heard of that house before, where is it that you hail from?" the mother of Aenela says to me. While I'm unsure how to answer.

"I'm from Osiavora," I say since that is the name of the place I was born and I've no idea how to answer her. Aenela grimaces slightly because I answered before she could.

"I've never heard of Osiavora," her mother says giving me a more suspicious look that I just shrug off.

"That is because it is across the seas, the Empire has yet to conquer it. He came here to explore the world," Aenela says quickly coming up with an excuse that makes her mother stare at us both a bit longer with suspicion.

Chapter 12: Ch.10

Chapter Text

"I see… well how do you know he is a magic caster? They are extremely rare and few leave the places they made for protection," Aenela's mother says to her daughter while still eyeing me suspiciously.

"Magic is in my blood, I can easily perform almost any spell," I say to the older woman making Aenela give me another sideways look.

"Then would you care to show me a demonstration?" Aenela's mother says to me while motioning for me to show her.

I look around the room really quickly and see that it is large enough for me to cast a spell without hurting anyone or damaging anything. Though from what she said, I figure even basic magic is impressive to them, so I cast silently Prestidigitation and make a few sparks of magic appear around my hands. Seeing the extremely basic spell has the two younger girls gasp in amazement, while the older woman tries to appear unimpressed, but I can see the excitement behind her eyes.

"Is that good enough?" I ask Aenela's mother.

"Yes, that was very… interesting to say the least. I will agree to provide you with room and board, along with adequate pay until you believe my daughter has mastered your teachings. Though I will pay you even more if you teach can teach my other two daughters," Aenela's mother says seemingly not caring about my origins anymore.

I then look at the two younger girls who fidget while I inspect their magic capabilities. The one younger girl has little to no magic capabilities, so it would be impractical to teach her, though the other one has even better magic capabilities than Aenela.

"Your one daughter does not have much capabilities from what I can see, though your other one has even better aptitude than Lady Aenela," I say to her without lying and the one young girl's face becomes saddened, while the other perks up excited to learn.

"Are you saying she can not learn your magic?" Aenela's mother asks me with a curious look.

"No she can learn very little of my magic, but what she learns would not be that very useful in any way. While Lady Aenela and this one can learn much more and be even considered adept mages," I say with a shrug and she nods her head thinking about what I said.

"I'm sorry Daenera, but if Lord Talrit says you can not learn then you will focus on what it means to be a lady of House Targaryen. While Aenela and Relaesys will learn from Lord Talrit until he deems them masters of his magic," Aenela's mother says while giving me a nod and I nod back to her.

"I believe I still have not given you my name, I am Lady Vaehna of House Targaryen. I give you my word that while you teach and guide my children in the ways of magic, House Targaryen will provide for you. May I ask how long you believe it will take for them to learn all you can teach them?" Lady Vaehna says to me.

"Depending on how fast they pick things up… could take maybe a few years at best to a decade at worst," I say with a while thinking about what I could teach them.

"...Very well, I expect you two to listen well and do your best to learn from Lord Talrit. Lord Talrit I would ask you to provide me weekly updates on my daughter's progresses," Lady Vaehna says to her daughters, then turns to me.

"No problem," I say nodding my head.

"One of you show Lord Talrit where he will be staying during his time with us. Aenela stay here I would like to speak with you alone. Lord Talrit once my servants show you to your room, feel free to ask them to show you around our grounds and city if that would please you," Lady Vaehna says to one of the slaves nearby who quickly bows to her and then me gesturing for me to follow them.

The room they show me too is a very large place that I assume is where humans sleep. As the room has a bed that looks like it could fit five humans comfortably and a few other pieces of fine wooden structures that I have no idea what are used for. One even has a silver plate above it, that I can see my appearance in. The room even has a weird metal bucket in the corner, that still smells of excrement even though it appears clean.

"M'Lord if you need anything just call for me, Lady Vaehna has made me be your personal servant while you stay here," a new slave woman says stepping into the room wearing a white silk robe that is finer than other slaves I saw in the city. She also appears to be well taken care of and is looking at me with a lustful look.

"What is your name?" I say while looking back around the room inspecting my surrounding. I also could not detect any magic in the room or the rooms I passed while walking through the castle.

"Jaela, M'Lord," Jaela says to me while bowing her head to me.

"How long have you… worked here?" I ask her with some contempt in my voice thinking about the slavery in the city.

"I've been here since I was born, my mother was a servant and so I became a servant too," Jaela says to me while still looking at me with some hidden lust in her eyes.

"I see…" I say as disgust fills me at how humans can just enslave beings so easily and not bat an eye for the terrible act.

"I can tell you are not from here M'Lord, you seem to not like the idea of slavery," Jaela says to me and it seems I was not hiding my disgust as well as I thought.

"You are correct, I was brought up to believe that all beings deserve freedom and happiness. Though I'm not foolish enough to believe that every being finds happiness or freedom. The only way for that to be possible is for someone to control the whole world and enforce those ideals. That would be next to impossible," I say to her while looking out the wind and having the scenery take my mind away from the horrible state I find this city in. The room falls into silence as Jaela is unsure what to say or do now.

"Do you know when Lady Vaehna wants me to begin teaching her daughters?" I ask Jaela while still looking out the window at the garden outside the castle.

"My mother would like you to begin tomorrow and she wants you to teach us every morning for a few hours, then we will have other duties to attend to," I hear Aenela say while entering my room and I turn to see Jaela bowing her head respectfully to Aenela as she enters.

"Ok, I can do that," I say nodding my head and beginning to form plans on teaching the two of them.

"You can leave us," Aenela says to Jaela who hesitates for a second before nodding her head and quickly leaving the room.

Once we are alone Aenela lets out a sigh and deflated a bit looking mentally tired. I raise an eyebrow curious about why she is like this. She gives me a small tired smile and pours herself a glass of red liquid that was on a stand by the wooden table in the room.

"Want some?" Aenela asks me as I watch her take a sip of the red water.

"What is it?" I say walking over and smelling the drink that she pours me with a smirk on her face not answering me.

The drink smells sweet, with hints of bitterness. I take a small sip and the flavor hits me and I enjoy the taste very much. I down the rest in one quick motion, holding out my cup for more. Aenela chuckles seeing me do this.

"That was amazing! What is this red water?" I ask her as she pours me another glass this time I drink more slowly savoring the flavor.

"Sometimes I forget you are a dragon disguised as a human… this is called wine and is made especially by one of the other Noble families in the city. Each House has something they are known for, my House is one of the smallest in the city. We are really not known for anything yet," Aenela says to me answering some of the questions I would have asked, while I nod my head enjoying this red water called wine.

"Can I explore the city? There is still daylight left and I assume that means I can go out still?" I ask Aenela who nods her head.

"You can explore the city as long as you want. You are a 'noble', here is a small crest showing you are a guest of my house. Carry this at all times and almost no one will bother you. I would come with you, but my mother needs me to do some things… I will have the servant my mother assigned to you and some of our family guards to accompany you," Aenela says to me before downing the rest of her wine and leaving the room.

'If she wants to talk she will,' I think to myself as I see Aenela leave with a complicated look on her face.

Then I leave with Jaela and four of the guards that stay at the Targaryen's castle. I have Jaela show me all the interesting places in the city. The first place we see is the docks that have huge wooden ships coming and going. Then we stop at many shops selling random trinkets to food, I try most of the food I come across since humans cook amazing food. The guards are carrying the gold that Aenela's family is paying me with and hand over the cost of the things I bought.

As we were walking, we came across a place where many men and soldiers were leaving. Each had a smile on their face after leaving, the sign said 'Sweet Maiden'. I've no idea what a maiden is, but I know I like sweets and with all the happy men leaving the food must be very good. I begin to walk towards it making Jaela shift uncomfortably, while the guards give me a surprised look.

"M'Lord… there are better places than this for a man of your stature," Jaela says to me before I can enter the place.

'Right these humans and the belief that certain places are for the 'lessers'. Fine as long as they bring me to one that makes just as good food,' I think to myself and turn to Jaela.

"Fine then bring to a place that makes men just as happy as the ones leaving," I say gesturing to the men leaving the place with happy looks. The guards hold back some laughs, by clearing their throats while Jaela gives me an embarrassed look.

"There is one in the Noble district that… that is more suited to your stature," Jaela says to me quickly showing me the way as I just nod my head following behind her.

The place she brings me to is called 'House of Pleasures', though this time I see very rich men and noblemen leaving the place. Some with smirks and happy faces, I nod my head since this place appears to be just as good as the other.

"Ok let's go," I say walking towards it as the guards follow behind, Jaela has a red face and quickly follows too, confusing me.

Entering inside I see many naked or practically naked women and some men walking around. Then I see a very fine-dressed man at the counter, seeing he is probably who I want to talk to I walk over to him. The place smells very different than any other food establishment I've been to, but since all the men leaving it have happy faces the place must serve good food.

'Why is everyone naked? Must be just another weird human custom,' I think ignoring the naked humans walking around.

Chapter 13: Ch.11

Chapter Text

"Can I help you M'Lord?" the finely dressed man at the counter asks me as I walk over to him, with my small group behind me.

"Yes, I would like the most popular items you have to offer here," I say to him and the man's eyes go wide for a second, but quickly hides his surprise going back to his professional face.

"Of course M'Lord, though some of them are preoccupied and may take a bit before coming. Are you able to wait an hour?" the man asks confusing me, but waiting for a dragon, especially one hour is nothing.

"Of course," I say with a shrug as I'm really looking forward to this food.

"Then follow me, M'Lord," the man says and I follow behind with my group following after me.

The man brings me to a very large bedroom with the same fancy wooden furniture that the Targaryen's have in the room I'm staying at. Then I see a table with some wine and fruits on it, I make my way over and is enjoying the great food the humans make. While the guard hands some gold over to the man we followed, the guards stand outside the room, while Jaela stands by the table awkwardly watching me.

"You can join me, Jaela. I do not mind," I say to her making her eyes go wide and her face become reddened, confusing me further.

"You do not have to if you don't want to," I say trying to placate her, she may be a slave according to humans, but I will treat her as I would any other living being.

"I will join you if you want me to, M'Lord," Jaela says to me with a red face still looking at me with lust in her eyes.

"....Uhm… It's more about whether you want to join me," I say confused and she nods her head walking over to me and taking a seat at the table I am at fidgeting in her seat.

I enjoy the food and wine the place provided while I wait for the main course, I also convince Jaela to enjoy the food and wine after many encouragements. Then the door opened and five young women that were dressed very little walked in. The man from earlier bowed his head, introducing them. I just nodded my head confused, though maybe these women would be giving me the food.

Once the man left they all walked over to me with swaying hips. Though their eyes betrayed them as all of them looked slightly empty on the inside like someone took their souls from them. Feeling pity for these women, I stood up to ask them what is wrong but then they immediately began to place their hands all over my body. As one slide her hand down to my item that made me a male. Instinctively I grabbed her hand stopping her with a glare, making everyone in the room pause as my true presence leaked out instilling absolute fear in any being lesser than me.

We metallic dragons, especially golden dragons only take one mate in our entire lives. When we find that mate we go through a mating ritual that binds our souls together in a way that connects us deeper than anything else could. This allows us to know where our mate is no matter where they are, how are mate truly feels, and if they are still living. The real thing it does is empower both of us dragons by biding our souls together slightly, but at the same time if one of the pair dies the other becomes much weaker as half their new soul is missing.

So when this human attempted to touch me where only the one being I chose as my mate would I became very upset. Though I reigned in my anger quickly after releasing the woman's hand, then my naivety hit me. This place is a place for humans to have sex, humans like kobolds appear to have more than one partner before settling down with one. Though I do not believe I can not follow my natural instincts this time when it comes to finding a true mate. Though as I get older I know that I may never pass on my lineage, however at the same time I've come to terms with never finding a mate.

"You have all been paid correct?" I say to the women as they all stare at me with confused faces and wait for me to do or say something.

"Yes, M'Lord…" one of the women says with a nervous and confused voice.

"Good, then take this time I paid for as a break. I will be taking my leave, I seem to have confused this place for something else," I say standing up and leaving the place that I now realize is where many humans are copulating.

"Did we do something wrong, M'Lord?!" one of the other women says confused and worried about something for some reason.

"No, none of you have done anything wrong. This was a mistake on my part," I say bowing my head slightly in apology surprising the women to a very high degree, as Jaela looks at me surprised too.

'Did I apologize wrong? This is how Aenela taught me to apologize,' I think to myself but brush it off as I want to leave this place where I now recognize the scent is many humans mating.

As I walk through the doors and leave this place the guards following me also give me confused looks, but say nothing. While Jaela is also very confused, but says nothing following after me. Then I hear the man from the counter rush outside after me with a very worried face.

"M'Lord! Did one of those… women… do something wrong? I will make sure they are properly punished," the man says with a worried face though I can tell he holds some contempt for the women who work here.

"No, this was a misunderstanding on my part. They did nothing wrong, let them keep the money I gave them," I say to him and the man nods his head quickly before bowing to me as I walk back to the Targaryen home. I no longer want to walk about as this experience soured my mood.

"Come, let us return to the castle," I say to everyone as Jaela quickly leads the way back with the guards following after us.

Once I return back to the Targaryen's castle, I go to my room with Jaela following behind me. Once we enter the room I bid her to sit down by the table with a few chairs around it in my room. Then I pour us both some wine as I sit across from her, as I think about all the things I still do not know about humans.

"Tell me Jaela, all about the customs of this place. It seems from where I come from and know is not enough to go exploring on my own," I say to her trying to word it in a way that leaves little confusion.

"Of course, M'Lord. Did they not have brothels where you come from?" Jaela says to me while giving me a curious look.

"No… I was raised to find a… partner who I could spend the rest of my life with. I still have yet to find her," I say trying to think how to explain it to her without saying what I really am. She just nods her head not sure what to say.

"So Jaela, can you tell me all you know about the customs of this place?" I say to her once again and she nods her head.

For the next few hours, Jaela explains everything she knows about the city and the way these 'Dragon Lords' run the city. She tells me as much history as a slave like herself learned just from being in the Targaryen care. The more she tells me about the inner workings of the city and how humans live their day-to-day lives. I've come to realize how little I really knew about them and that they are much more complex beings than I originally thought. By the time she finished giving me a brief understanding of the culture of the city and the way humans lived their life, it was dark outside.

Jaela excused herself to go sleep and prepare for the next day. While I asked one of the guards if the castle held a library and if I could see it. The guard nodded his head taking me to the library, where I spent the whole night reading as much as I could about the history of these humans. I found many interesting things they learned about the world and the way they perceived everything around them. My reading was interrupted by Jaela who found me amidst dozens of books.

"M'Lord, Lady Targaryen has requested your presence at the dining hall. The cooks have started to serve food, so you all can break your fast," Jaela says to me while I stand and snap my fingers casting Prestidigitation on myself, cleaning my human body.

I've come to learn that daily cleanings are necessary as my human body becomes dirty easily. The magic surprised Jaela who knows I'm a 'mage', but still seeing even basic magic is huge to humans. I read in one of the books just how rare magic has become in the world, that it used to be very prominent a few millennia ago, but the number of people who can learn or cast magic has begun lessening for some reason. I believe it is a combination of human greed and fear, as the ones who know it do not want to share their knowledge. The ones who do not fear the ones who do and kill them if possible.

I follow Jaela into the dining hall where Noble humans eat, as for some reason Nobles have rooms for all sorts of things. While your average human has maybe one or two rooms possibly three if they are lucky. As I enter the family of Targaryens is eating at the table and nods their heads to me in greeting. I sit next to Aenela as she is the only one I'm most comfortable around.

"Good Morning Lord Valtaris, I heard you spent the night reading. I hope you still have the energy to teach my daughters," Lady Vaehna says to me with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't need that much sleep these days. Though when I do sleep I can sleep for some time," I say to her and she nods her head as the room falls into silence for a few minutes.

"I got a letter from your father last afternoon. Seems the war is almost over and they should be on their way home by now if what he said is true. Your father and brothers should be home within a few months," Lady Vaehna says to her daughters as the two younger ones perk up excited at the news, while Aenela seems happy but worried at the same time.

The rest of the time eating is spent with her two younger daughters asking everything they could from their mother about their father and brothers. While Aenela seemed lost in thought. Then after we finished eating, I brought Aenela and Relaesys outside with me to the garden. As I preferred open air when it comes to using magic. Plus these places humans use as homes are too stuffy for my taste.

"First before I can even begin to teach you anything about spells, you both must learn to sense the mana inside yourself. Then you must learn to use that mana to take the shape of the spell you cast. In the beginning, you will be using a lot of verbal and hand movements to cast spells. Though the more you learn and use the spells the less you need to do or use to cast it. Plus the more mana you have the easier it is to use the spells, but at the same time, you need refinement to use magic," I say to them as the two girls listen to me closely.

Chapter 14: Ch.12

Chapter Text

I made the two girls sit on the ground and meditate while trying to sense the mana inside them. I first sent a wave of mana to each of their bodies to stimulate their mana so they could know what it feels like. Then it was up to them to learn to feel this mana on their own. Like that, we spent the next two months with them meditating every morning, then Relaesys was the first to understand how to bring out her mana. With Aenela learned it a few days later, once they both had that down. I began teaching them the importance of using the correct words and hand gestures, as one mistake can cause the spell to backfire.

In the mornings I would have them meditate until they could instinctually bring forth their mana, as dragons are born with that ability, while every other race must learn it. Then in the afternoons, I would teach them the words and hand gestures used in most spells. In between the two lessons their mother had them learn whatever it is a noble learns. Then one afternoon as I was in the middle of lecturing the girls on their mistakes in this lesson with their verbal commands and hand gestures. We hear a roar of a few wyverns coming our way and then a slave walked in disrupting the lesson. The family like all nobles in this city has wyverns in their house, the Targaryens have five in total. Three are for the men and the other two are the females for breeding.

"I apologize M'Lord Valtaris, M'Lady Aenela, and M'Lady Relaesys. But M'Lady Vaehna asks you all come to back inside, as the M'Lords have returned," the slave says with a bowed head and the two girls share a happy look.

Relaesys runs inside to see her father and brothers, while Aenela calmly follows after her with a complicated look on her face. I follow behind the two with a neutral expression, as Aenela has taught me pretty much everything it means to act like a Noble, while Jaela has taught me the ins and outs of the culture. As I enter inside I see a middle-aged man close to Aenela's mother's age, who I assume is the father. The two parents share very similar looks, seems they are very close cousins as apparently, nobles believe in blood purity. Meaning only nobles can marry each other, which means that many nobles are more related to each other than they realize.

The two younger men are brothers, just like everyone in this family, and nobles in the city. They all have stark white hair, silvery in contrast, and purple eyes. Though I can sense faint magic coming from the swords each man carries, seems these are the same make as Aenela's sword. The three men still appear to be wearing full very fine suits of armor. Once the family has finished all their greetings, even though Aenela seems stiff in her movements. The three men turn to me and eye me up with a scrutinizing gaze, just as Lady Vaehna did on my first day here.

"So you must be the Lord Valtaris, I kept hearing about in the letters from my daughters and wife. I'm Lord Rahaelor Targaryen, this is my son and heir Balaevar. This is my second son Tahaelar," Rahaelor says to me while introducing himself and his sons.

"A pleasure to meet you all, as you know I'm Lord Valtaris," I say to them and offer the same greeting back.

"My sister says you are a Mage, is that true?" Tahaelar says to me with a smirk on his face. While the two other men give him side glances.

"Very much so," I say while snapping my fingers and casting Prestidigitation on all three of the men, cleaning the little dirt they still had on them. While also giving them a fresh scent. The three men give me the same surprised expressions every other human has seeing magic, even the most basic magic.

"Seems everything we heard is true then. Do you think you could teach my sons any magic?" Lord Rahaelor says to me with a curious look. While I inspect the three men for any magical traces. Though each is not skilled in magic, they do have some mana like every other creature, but nothing to waste time on teaching.

"None of you appear to have enough mana inside you to learn anything useful," I say to them and Lord Rahaelor nods his head in understanding. Though Daenera seems happy she is not the only one who couldn't learn magic.

"Understandable, either way, I am thankful for you teaching my daughters. As my wife said you are our guest for as long as it takes to teach them. Plus you will always have our family's goodwill for this," Lord Rahaelor says to me with a small bow of his head in thanks.

"No problem, I did promise to teach them. Though I appreciate the sentiment," I say to him bowing my head back in thanks.

"Well, can my daughters skip the rest of the lesson today? I would like to see them all after having been gone for over a year now," Lord Rahaelor says to me.

"There is no issue with that, I have a lot of time," I say to him as I will outlive the rest of these humans for several dozen generations and longer.

He nods his head in appreciation, while his family follows behind him and his sons. The two youngest daughters ask their father and brothers question after question. Seeing them leave I make my to the library to read more books. I've read maybe ten percent of the library, though by the time I finish teaching the girls I should be able to finish reading it all. The library holds thousands of books, as it appears to be holding all the books the Targaryen family has written about themselves or collected over the years. After a few hours of reading, Jaela comes to find me to bring me to the dining hall for dinner.

Walking in I see the last of the family taking their seats as I sit down next to Aenela and across from Balaevar. The slaves then bring out a huge meal consisting of all sorts of food. Even a whole pig was brought out to the table, and I found this animal along with cows is my favorite as both are extremely fatty and flavorful. The meal is not in silence as the younger girls are still pestering their father and brothers about the war they were a part of. The brothers answered most of the questions, as Lord Rahaelor seemed mentally tired from the war probably having more responsibility than the brothers.

"Lord Valtaris, my wife told me you are not from around here. Can I ask what brought you to Valyria?" Lord Rahaelor says to me stopping the other conversation in the room as the brothers are interested in this too.

"Experiencing new things and learning brought me here. As I know very little about the Valyrian culture or what life was like outside my home," I say to him and he nods his head listening to me.

"So you must have traveled far since the place you hail from is nothing I'm familiar with," Lord Rahaelor says to me, and just as his wife seems to not believe my story, which is not completely true.

"I traveled very far, as I left behind my only family. They are most likely dead now, as it has been a long time since I last saw them," I say with some genuine sadness in my voice remembering my mother and Rok who died a very long time ago.

"I apologize for bringing back some back memories, that was not my intention," Lord Rahaelor says with an apologetic look.

"It is fine, like I said it's all in the past now," I say with a small sigh pushing my sadness away. Lord Rahaelor nods his head in understanding.

"Where did you learn your magic?" Balaevar asks me with a curious look.

"My family is a long line of very strong magic users. We are each born with high capabilities and learn to use them as we grow older," I say to him and technically I'm not lying.

"Makes sense. I'm sure your family has chosen its members well," Balaevar says nodding his head suggesting that like the Nobles of this city, my family has only bred with family. I just ignore the statement as nothing I say will be good.

"What kind of magic can you do?" Tahaelar asks me breaking the silence that took over the room for a few seconds.

"All sorts of spells, from common everyday spells to very destructive spells. Even a few that can heal others," I say trying to sum up some of my abilities.

"Damn! I wish I could learn some magic," Tahaelar says with some jealousy in his voice. Then the room falls silent as everyone is full of food and happy. Though before we all leave for our separate ways, I was curious if the family would teach me swordplay. As even though it is over useless to me, I wanted to learn to pass the time I was not teaching the girls.

"I have a small request Lord Rahaelor, if possible would someone be able to teach me to wield a sword? You see my family are all very capable magic users and do not place much faith in the use of a sword, but I'm curious on how to use one," I ask the Lord of the house. He stops and contemplates it for a few seconds, then nods his head in affirmation.

"I see no issue in that, you are teaching my daughters magic. My son Balaevar is the best swordsman of the family, he can teach you in between your lessons with my daughters if that works for you," Lord Rahaelor says to me gesturing to his oldest son who gives me a look over judging my body.

"I appreciate that, then I will be in your care Lord Balaevar," I say thanking Lord Rahaelor, and I turn to Balaevar who nods his head to me.

As the next morning comes, I watch the girls meditate to see if they finally learn to passively channel their mana. The time comes for my first lesson with Balaevar, who is wearing fine leather armor and had me put on the same leather armor. He then hands me a blunted metal sword which was heavier than I thought. But since I can use the real strength of my true form that took me years to control in my human form, this sword weighs nothing to me.

"First I will show you the proper stances and footwork need in a fight between swordsmen. Then once I feel you have gotten it down, we will move on to the proper way to wield a sword. Once I feel you have learned that to an appropriate degree, we will move on to sparing to refine your skills. Though no matter how much one spars, there is nothing like real fighting as that is where one learns the most," Balaevar says to me and then begins showing me how to stand and move with a sword.

As a dragon, we can learn new languages, abilities, spells, and weapon training, faster than any other creature. What would take a human years of training and learning how to properly use a sword took me a few weeks. My quick learning surprised Balaevar and the others as they said I appear to be a protege in the art of sword fighting. Over the next year, I finished learning everything I could about using the sword from Balaevar. The two girls have finally learned to naturally call upon their mana and use it for the spells they are trying to cast.

The only thing left now is for me to teach them some of the spells I know, which could take a few more years since the stronger the spell the harder it is to use. So the first spells I began teaching them were cantrips, like Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Mending, and Fire Bolt. So far they are just beginning to understand how to cast Prestidigitation.

Chapter 15: Ch.13

Chapter Text

Over this past year, I've noticed more Noble men enter the Targaryen house to speak with Lord Rahaelor. I do not know what they are discussing, but from what I've learned from these humans I have some suspicion. As the Nobles believe in blood purity, usually marrying within the same family, but will marry other Nobles from good houses to make alliances. It seems that one of the other Noble houses has been setting up a marriage between Aenela and one of their men.

I believe this because Aenela has been going to these meetings with her father, plus each time she seems more upset. Though it appears that the marriage will take place once she finishes learning from me. That would be the reason she has been not trying as hard to learn magic, so she can prolong this marriage as long as possible. At first, I thought it might take a long time to teach these humans, but the two girls are fast learners. So I told the Lord and Lady of the house that in another year, Aenela should be done learning what she can while Relaesys might be two years since she can learn more than her sister.

"Talrit, why does my sister always seem sadder and sadder when she leaves the room where the other men and Father are meeting?" Relaesys asks me one day after we finish our lesson and Aenela left to go to a new meeting with her father. The brothers and sisters of the house have begun calling me by my first name as I grew closer to them.

"I can not say I know for sure, but it seems your sister is having a marriage being drawn up. This marriage does not appear to be to your sister's liking if I had to guess," I say to the young girl who has started to view me as family. Which brings warmth to my heart, seeing the innocent girl view me as family.

"Mother and Father always said it is our duty to the family to marry, especially if it can better the family," Relaesys says to me as I just nod my head patting her head, not sure what to say.

"And you would be right little sister. Family comes first because, at the end of the day, family is the only one to have your back," Tahaelar says to his sister walking over to us from behind, having come back from his daily training. He doesn't need training, but does it anyway since he wants to become just as good as his older brother and me who long surpassed both brothers in the way of the sword.

"What about you brother? Has Father finished writing your marriage contract?" Relaesys says to her brother as he smiles down at her and we all begin to walk through the garden.

"Yes, Father has, though my betrothed and I will marry in a few months. So until then, you are stuck with me. Once we marry, she and I will move to one of the smaller holdings near the main house as the bannermen for Father and Balaevar when he takes over," Tahaelar says to his sister who nods her head listening to her brother's words.

"What about you Talrit, are you going to get married?" Relaesys asks me with a curious look and her brother also looks at me curious as well.

"Not anytime soon I believe. Maybe even never… though if I'm lucky I might meet the one I'm destined to marry," I say with a shrug as the little hope I have left to find a mate is dwindling with time.

"Oh, a bachelor for life! That must be fun, doing what you want and who… whenever you want," Tahaelar says to me with a laugh while giving me a sly look as Relaesys isn't following the last part of her brother's statement.

"True, not being with someone gives me much more freedom to do as I please… Though I still long for a true connection with someone," I nod my head to his statement but still feel alone at the same time.

"Well, if you go around the noble house showing your skill in the magic arts. I'm sure one of them will try to snatch you up with a daughter of theirs," Tahaelar says to me with a nod of his head, very sure of his own statement.

"Then why does Father not marry Aenela to Talrit?" Relaesys says to us hearing the conversation.

"And I'm sure Aenela would be very happy to marry Talrit, though she is promised to another. She was supposed to marry right after the war ended, but since she is learning magic the marriage is postponed until she finishes," Tahaelar says to his sister while giving me a curious look to see how I feel about it. Though I do not care as I have no romantic interest in Aenela, only viewing her as my student and maybe a little sister.

"If you could would you marry her?" Relaesys asks me still curious, though I can see someone has influenced her to ask this. While Tahaelar is listening with a very curious look on his face.

"Lady Aenela is a very pretty woman, though I do not view her in a romantic way at all. She is and always will be, my student and friend, just as you are too Relaesys," I say to her while trying to think of the nicest way to say I have no interest in a human.

Relaesys nods her head happy with my answer, while Tahaelar nods his head too thinking about something. The rest of our walk in the garden back toward the house was in comfortable silence. Once we arrive, we see Lord Rahaelor, Balaevar, and Aenela leave a room after saying goodbye to another two men. One who appears to be around Rahaelor's age and one who is a few years older than Aenela. Both appear just as every other Noble in Valyria, with stark white hair and purple eyes. As they leave the two men look over at us, with the older man giving me one final inspecting glance.

"Father who is Aenela marrying?" Relaesys asks once the other nobles leave and Aenela looks annoyed.

"That was Lord Tahaelor of House Vaelareon with his son and heir Lord Daevar," Rahaelor says making his daughter wide-eyed hearing him.

After living among humans for the past year I learned pretty much everything I could about their history and customs. The House Vaelareon is the most influential and oldest House in all of Valyria. Somehow Lord Rahaelor was able to match his family with one of theirs, as apparently House Vaelareon usually only marries within itself. Only a handful of times in the past have they married outside the house. Especially surprising they would marry a Targaryen, which I learned was the youngest and least influential House in Valyria.

"Cool! Aenela is going to marry into the best house! With the biggest dragons on the island!" Relaesys says as she has a keen interest in dragons, and wants to become a rider one day herself. Though Aenela hears her sister gives an annoyed look but doesn't voice her opinion.

Later that day when I was in the Library still reading the books as I've only made it almost halfway through all the books. My time learning the sword gave me less time to read, so now that I finished that training I dedicate my free time to reading again. My peaceful reading was interrupted when Aenela walked into the room while sitting across from me with a loud sigh coming from her. Looking up at her with a raised eyebrow I waited for her to speak as I placed the book down.

"Are you here to just watch me read, or are you going to say what is on your mind?" I ask her since she is staring at me with a complicated look on her face.

"I'm sure you are aware of my marriage to Lord Daevar," Aenela says while I stare at her with an expression that says 'really', though I nod my head.

"Yes, I'm aware," I say with a sigh pouring her a glass of wine, as I pour more for myself. I have a feeling I know where this conversation is heading.

"I…I do not want to marry him… I…," Aenela says to me trying to find her words while looking around us to make sure there was no one nearby.

"I do not love him, nor do I want to marry someone who will never let me… be me," Aenela says to me, while I let out a small sigh not sure what to say.

"What should I do?" Aenela says to me after some silence that takes over from me mulling over what to say.

"I can not help you there. I'm not human and I may have learned how you all… live life, but that does not mean I truly understand the reasons why you all are the way you are… My only real suggestion is to become more powerful and leave everything behind. Though I know you love your family and you would never do that, so unless you are willing to leave and never return. You must see this marriage through, plus I hear most Nobles do not marry for love, but still find it in the marriage they are forced to have," I say trying to placate the girl who gives me a defeated look. She goes quiet for a few minutes thinking to herself, looking into her glass of wine like it holds the answers.

"...Would you marry me?" Aenela says almost too quietly for me to hear while looking up at me after trying to see my facial expression.

Though I was suspecting this question, I've now come to learn human emotions better and with it, the obvious lust coming from many women as they look at me. Aenela was like many of the other women, plus I feel she may hold more feelings for me as she knows me longer and views me as a protector. Though I hold no romantic interest in her, so I think of words to carefully say no to her.

"No, though not for the reason you may think," I say to her and her face falls into sadness hearing my decisive answer.

"Then why?" Aenela asks me while looking back down at her glass of wine.

"As you know I'm a dragon. Not only would having offspring be impossible with you since you hold no blood of a dragon. But I will outlive you hundreds of times over. Plus we dragons look for one mate and once we find them we form a bond with them. This bond can never be broken, even in death, though normally when one dies the other follows soon after in heartbreak," I say to her and she just listens slightly to me, before nodding her head at me.

"I understand… though thanks for being a good friend and teaching me," Aenela says to me looking back up at me with a very sad look before leaving me.

I watch her leave and just shake my head at her crushed emotions. Though humans can bounce back even after heartbreak, sure it may take some time but she is young. After she leaves I go back to reading the history book I found about the metal they use to make the swords that I sensed magic from. This metal appears to be a special ore that is extremely rare, usually only found in the volcano near the city. Then I saw a drawing of the raw metal and I recognized it as a very common metal found in my volcano. My interest spiked and now after I finish teaching the girls magic, I will find one of these special smiths to teach me more about it.

'Then once I know everything I can learn about this metal, I can have the kobolds mine it and maybe teach them how to make weapons and armor from it,' I think to myself as I memorize everything in this book like every other book I read from this library so far.

Chapter 16: Ch.14

Chapter Text

As time went on Aenela finished learning everything I could teach her, with her wedding approaching. While Relaesys still had some things left to learn from me. As the day of the wedding approached, many Noble came from each house on the island. Normally they would ignore a 'lesser' house's wedding, but since the most influential house is involved many Nobles have shown up to try to win some favor. With this wedding the Targaryen House will win more influence, I also suspected that was only thanks to me.

As word got out that I was teaching the Targaryen girls magic, so many Nobles today came up to speak with me. They all asked for my services after I finished teaching the Targaryens. I told each I would consider it, though in reality, I had no intention of teaching more people, as I wanted to explore the rest of the island without being held down. Plus I needed to find a way to learn about the smithing process of this special metal.

The wedding ended just as fast as it started with many different foods and drinks. Though it was a very interesting experience to see how humans form a mate bond. After the wedding ended and Aenela moved into her new home, I was left just teaching Relaesys and reading the last of the books in the library. Eventually, I taught Relaesys everything I could teach her. The last spell I taught her was 'Fireball' a favorite of mine, the only issue was she was not fireproof, no mortal was. Though I had a plan to fix that.

"Talrit, you said you had a gift for me?" Relaesys says to me now a young woman according to human standards. She looked excited to get a gift from me.

"Yes, these two things are the last gifts I will give you. Then I will go back to exploring," I say to her and she nods her head slightly saddened to hear I'm leaving tomorrow.

"First is this medallion I made, it does several things. One of them is it will protect the user from death just once, but it will also allow the user to summon me to their side should they ever need me," I say to her handing over a medallion with a pure gold dragon on a piece of obsidian. Relaesys takes the medallion and inspects it with eyes that show how much she likes it.

"The last gift is optional, as it is to give you immunity to fire. So in a way, you will have some dragon blood in you. This process will be extremely painful for you, so you do not have to go through it," I say to her as she looks up at me after I place the medallion on her neck.

"...I want to do it," Relaesys says to me, and stare at her, before nodding my head seeing her conviction.

"Very well," I say snapping my fingers and casting a dome of silence around us so no noise escapes from her screams that are sure to come. Then I cast an illusion to cover up what is about to happen to her in case someone sees us.

"Bite down on this leather then I will begin," I say handing her a piece of leather, that I read is important for humans to use when about to experience immense pain.

Relaesys nods her head placing the piece in her mouth. The trust she has in me is absolute, which I appreciate and is why I gave her the medallion. Then I manipulate the magic in her body using my vast experience in the magical arts to change her body on a cellular level. This change will take me an hour and will feel like her body is on fire the whole time, though in the end if I do not make a mistake she will become immune to fire just as I am. This changes her to have the actual blood of a dragon in her to a very small degree. She may even be able to pass this down to her descendants.

Relaesys screams in pain falling to the ground and passing out from the pain after fifteen minutes which was longer than I thought she would last. The rest of the process goes smoothly and once I'm finished I feel exhausted as my human body can not handle even a fraction of what I can do in my real form. Though I hold her hand over a flame I created in mine to see if I succeeded. Seems my ritual was a success and she is now immune to fire same as me. Though I cast a healing spell on her to rejuvenate her body, now I need some food and rest before I can cast any more spells.

As I wait for her to wake up, I lay on the ground next to her thinking about why Relaesys was chosen to be Balaevar's wife. Then it hits me that that is because she is stronger in the magical arts than her sister Aenela, which the family would want to keep inside itself. Though they used their other daughter to gather favor with the strongest house, maybe even lying saying she is the better magic user. Seems my Mother was right about just how crafty humans can be. After another ten minutes, Relaesys wakes up blinking her eyes, and then relaxes seeing me.

"My body feels so sore," Relaesys says sitting up, stretching her arms and legs.

"Well, that is because your body has been remade in a way. Like I said you are now immune to fire and any descendants you have could possess this ability too," I say to her and she nods her head while bringing out some of her magical fire and testing herself as I did.

"This is amazing!" Relaesys says seeing her immunity work. I just chuckle standing up and going back inside to rest.

"Thanks Talrit!" Relaesys says running up and hugging me from behind as I walk inside.

"No problem," I say giving her a quick hug back before going to my room to rest.

As the next day starts, I break my fast with the family before saying my goodbyes and leaving. They say I will always have a place to stay with their family and will make sure to write a book about my help to them. They give me the last of the gold they owe me, though with this gold I just teleport it back to the room where the kobolds keep the treasury. As the kobolds have begun mining for the ore since I teleported back home to inform them to start. They have already been mining for gold as they use it to make effigies dedicated to me in their homes. While they mined a mountain of gold as an offering to me, which is where I sent the gold the Targaryens gave me too.

'I have more than I know what to do with this gold,' I think to myself tossing the last of it into the huge mountain for gold the kobolds have mined and the money the Targaryens gave me.

Then I left the home of the Targaryens and went to find a smith who specializes in making this metal. After a lot of asking around, I heard of a dozen different smiths who make weapons out of this metal. Though each smith, except for one is contracted by a Noble house. I went to find this free Smith and see what it would take to learn from him. Eventually, I came across the workshop that the Smith worked at, entering the shop I see an armed man inside and a young man at the counter. They both look at me as I enter the shop and the young man speaks up.

"Can I help ya, M'Lord?" the young man says to me while looking me over and suspecting me to be a Lord.

"I was wondering if I could speak to the Master Smith about something," I say while looking at the young man unsure if that is him.

"Me Father? Sure thing, M'Lord. Let me go get'em" the young man says walking to the back leading outside to the smithing area. After a few minutes, a middle-aged man walks inside while whipping his hands clean and gives me a look over.

"Can I help you with something? Did you need something commissioned?" the Master Smith says to me with a curious look, not using any honorifics which I do not care about.

"I was wondering if you could teach me the art of smithing, especially the kind involving the rare metal," I say to him making his eyes go wide and giving me an even harder scrutinizing gaze.

"I'm sorry, but I won't as this trade is rare and I want to keep it in the family," the Smith says while patting his son on the shoulder.

"I see… is there nothing I can give you to change your mind?" I say to him trying to persuade him.

"Sorry but unlike you Nobles we only have this to our name," the Smith says not budging, as I sigh and nod my head.

"Then would you know of anywhere I can learn this?" I ask him and the smith goes silent thinking for a bit.

"A Noble like you could try talking with the Nobles of House Noheneos. They are the ones who originally came up with smithing this metal," the Smith says to me as I sigh to myself hoping that to not be the case. As the only thing they will want from me is to train one of theirs at least in the art of magic.

"Ok, thanks for the information," I say turning around to talk with the house and see what they want to train me in the art of smithing.

I walked to the Castle where the House Noheneos resided and approached the gates to the grounds. The guards stopped me as suspected, then I told them the Master Mage is here to speak with their Lord. After half an hour they got word to let me inside the grounds to meet the Lord of the House. Walking inside the grounds this place is much larger than the Targaryen's castle and much of that rare metal is used all around here. This is the second most influential house in Valyria and it is shown in the gaudy atmosphere of this place.

"Lord Valtaris! I'm glad you came! Come, let us speak in my study," the Lord of the House, Vimyx Noheneos says to me with a fake smile most Nobles use when doing business. Once we enter his office he pours me and himself a glass of wine before sitting at his desk waiting for me to speak.

"I was wondering if your family could teach me the art of smithing the special metal used in weapon and armor crafting," I say to him cutting right to the reason I'm here.

"We certainly could… though since that art is very important and few can master it. We would require an equal exchange. Would you teach my hier some magic in return for this?" Lord Vimyx says to me with a small smile on his face.

"Yes I could teach him, but depending on his natural ability to use magic he might not be able to learn or learn much," I say to him making him understand that his son might not be that capable in the arts of magic.

"Well, if he is unable to learn the art of magic. Then maybe you can teach another child of mine," Lord Vimyx says to me and I nod my head in agreement.

"Then I accept I will teach one of your House members in exchange for the art of smithing the rare metal," I say nodding my head and Lord Vimyx nods his head agreeing with me.

"We have a deal," Lord Vimyx says to me.

Chapter 17: Ch.15

Chapter Text

After striking the deal with Lord Vimyx, his son and Hier entered the room. The boy was only twelve name days and held some potential in him to learn magic. More than Aenela, but less than Relaesys. His name was Aelyx Noheneos, and he was polite for a Noble. Though still had the same dismissive behavior towards the slaves of the house.

The boy grew to enjoy my teachings and I grew to enjoy his company just as much as I did the young Targaryen girls. The next three years flew by as most of my time was dedicated to teaching Aelyx and learning the art of smithing. I was able to master smithing in one year and in the next two years I mastered the art of smithing the rare metal used to make those magical swords and armor that the Nobles use.

As I finished teaching Aelyx the last of what he could learn, I said my farewells to the Noheneos Noble House. Just as the Targaryens said, the Noheneos also stated I was welcomed anytime and would forever be remembered by their family. With all the knowledge I found from these humans, I returned back to my Clan of Kobolds. I selected the ones I thought best be able to learn how to smith.

Over the next ten years I taught the kobolds everything about smithing I learned. Over the next five years after being taught what I learned the kobolds began crafting weapons and armor out of this metal to better equip themselves. The volcano we were in almost had an infinite supply of this rare metal, which made the kobolds use this metal for even basic tools. Once the tool was made from metal it would never need to be repaired.

After spending over a decade with the humans and another decade with the kobolds. I grew tired of social interaction and decided to return to my lair to spend some time alone. From there I would sleep for ten years and wake up, to see how my clan was doing, then venture into the city of humans to see what changed. Even after my time gone the humans would recognize me and welcome me back into their homes.

Like that several centuries pass by with me becoming known as the Master Mage of Valyria. The nobles would seek me out every decade when I returned to the city for advice and ask me guidance in the art of magic, as more people have begun to learn it from the Houses that used this to further their influence. Noheneos House rose to become the most influential in this time and the Targaryen House grew to become the second most influential house.

One day when I returned to a city I heard a few ships carrying slaves, mutined and took control of the ships. They disappeared and no one knows what happened to these slaves, though I have a feeling they made a place of their own. A few centuries later the Targaryen House took over a place in the new land they discovered called Dragonstone. The Targaryens used this place to trade with this new land where kingdoms resided. As I visited the Targaryen House one year I met with the current House head called Aenar Targaryen.

The weird thing was when I visited this time, the whole family, even the ones that were sub houses were packing up everything they owned. Like the whole Targaryen House was planning on leaving everything behind. When I entered Aenar saw me and ran over to me with a worried look.

"Master Talrit! I'm glad you came before we left! You should come with us!" Aenar says to me as the slaves and guards of the house finish packing everything up.

"What is going on?" I say confused at the sudden leaving of the second most powerful house in Valyria because of my teachings. I'm glad the family has not forgotten, always being very welcoming of me and genuinely kind to me.

"I… I have been getting visions of a great calamity coming to Valyria! At first, I thought it was just bad dreams, but the longer I ignored these visions the worse they got. Like the gods themselves are warning me! I could no longer just stand by as these visions kept coming to me," Aenar says to me with a very scared and nervous look. Now I can see the sleep depravity in his eyes.

'Maybe the gods really are warning him. Though I can not leave my clan behind. Plus moving them all would take too long… I need to start making preparations to protect them,' I think to myself before looking back at Aenar.

"I appreciate the warning Aenar, but I must stay behind and make sure others survive this," I say while thinking of my clan and perhaps helping the humans if I can.

"...I… I understand. Though Master Talrit, I do not believe they will listen, even to you. As I tried telling the others, but they call me insane or crazed. I can not stay here and try to make those old fools listen, now I must ensure my family survives this," Aenar says to me while patting my shoulder.

"M'Lord, everything has been taken. We are ready to depart," one of the guards says coming over to us and bowing his head to us. Aenar nods his head and then turns back to me.

"Master Talrit, if this is the last time we see each other. I would like to offer my thanks to you one last time for everything you did for my family. I will ensure no one forgets you as long as my family lives. Though I must leave now, farewell," Aenar says to me heading toward the docks with the remaining house guards and servants. I just nod my head to him waving goodbye.

I then teleport back to my clan, telling them to begin stockpiling food and supplies that should last the clan at least ten years. The clan immediately starts rushing into overdrive to ensure my orders are followed. As my clan of Kobolds prepare for the possible destruction of Valyria, I teleport back to the city of humans. I want to see if I can convince them to either leave or prepare themselves in any way to help ensure their survival.

"Master Talrit?! Where you the one to call this meeting?" one of the Noble Lords of a smaller house asks as the rest of the 'dragon' lords enter the council room.

"Yes, I just spoke with Aenar Targaryen and found out about his visions. Seems you all are not taking him seriously and act as if he is crazy," I say to the council a few scoff hearing me talk about Aenar Targaryen.

"That man has gone insane! In the last few years, all he has talked about is this great calamity that is coming! Saying that the gods are showing him a dream of a great firestorm and ash," one of the lords says with contempt in his voice speaking about Aenar. Many of the other lords nod their heads in agreement with him.

"You all are willing to bet your lives that he is wrong? What if he is right? Then all of you will die and your families disappear from history?" I say to them confused about how these humans can be so stubborn.

"It is more than that! This is our capital! This is our ancestral home! We can not leave this behind! Our people have thrived for thousands of years and will continue to thrive, regardless of the ravings of a madman!" the new head of house Noheneos says making the rest of the lords agree with him. Since they want to curry favor with the strongest house.

"Very well. Then for the sake of your Houses and the people of this city. I hope you all are correct," I say teleporting back to my clan leaving the prideful and stubborn humans to their possible doom.

For the next ten years, I watch over the Clan in my true form and ensure they are prepared for this possible doom. Every day I help by casting 'Create Food and Water' to help ensure there are enough supplies to outlast whatever might be coming. Then one day I can sense the ground beginning to shake. I sense this before any other creature due to my size as the faint shaking is slowly increasing. With my knowledge, I know this can lead to volcanic eruptions.

I then summon the kobolds by my lair to call every clan member back immediately. Then once they are all back I use the spell 'Move Earth' to close off all entrances outside of the clan. But ensuring there are airways for them to not suffocate while hiding inside. By the time I finished ensuring they are safe from a volcanic eruption, the kobold mages inside were ready at a moment's notice to cast all sorts of spells to ensure the survival of the clan. The earthquake has reached huge proportions shaking the ground so violently that cracks appear across the land.

Then just as fast as the ground shook creating mayhem across the land it stopped, I could see the human city in the distance crumbling slightly from the shaking. As I stood at the mouth of the volcano which is my lair in my true form. At first, I thought that was it, but the thought disappeared as the volcano below me and the ones across the island exploded all at once. I grunted at the impact from the sudden explosion, but it didn't really hurt me more just surprised me.

I flew above the now black clouds from the exploding volcano to see fire and death rain from the sky covering the land in molten rock and poisonous gases. These volcanic eruptions lasted days, and even the land broke apart diving Valyria from the mainland. After the volcanos stopped erupting, the black clouds remained in the sky for a few more hours raining ash, I landed back down at the mouth of my volcano. Looking down I can see the lava settling back down and it returning to normal.

The first thing I did was check on my clan to ensure they survived with minimal causalities. After I reopened the caves to the kobolds I called out to the clan, and they sent a dozen members to meet me. They informed me the clan was well and only a few members died from some collapsing caves, with some injured. But the clan mostly stayed in tack, and they were able to save more than half the wyverns the clan has been breeding for several thousand years now.

With a relieved sigh, I nod my head telling the members to return to the clan and no one can leave until I deemed it safe enough for them to venture out. They bow to me before running back to the clan, then I fly to the human cities to see how they fair. As I suspected none survived, as most of the cities were covered in now-cooled lava and ash. The remaining part of cities crumbled from the shaking or rocks sent flying from the volcanic eruptions.

Even if some humans survived the lava or crushing rocks, the gases and heat from the ash would kill them very shortly afterward. Seeing the death all around me, I felt saddened at not being able to save any humans, but I tried to warn them. Seeing that my Volcano was torn away from the rest of the lands, I returned to it with the intention to return life to it to ensure my clan can still prosper.

After landing back at the base of my volcano, I poured almost all of my magic into my body to breathe life back into the island. It took me a few hours, but the strain of bringing life back into the land even on my body made me feel extremely exhausted. I stumbled a few steps feeling the tiredness hit me heavily before I forced myself to fly back into my lair inside the volcano.

After I returned I informed the clan to wait a few days for my magic to take effect. I told them after using that much magic I would rest for a few centuries at least. But if absolutely necessary to wake me, one of the things I told them was. If they find humans to not kill them but bring them to me, as I wanted to ensure the humans did not die after somehow surviving the blast. With that my eyes closed as the exhaustion took over, bringing me into a very long nap.

Chapter 18: Ch.16

Chapter Text

(Unknown POV)

I was born a few months after the huge calamity took place on the land my clan has lived on last few thousand years. Though I was born much different than your average Kobold. I was born three times as large, growing to become 9ft (2.7m) tall weighing almost five times as much as your normal kobold. Not only was I extremely larger than your average kobold, but I was born with silver scales. The clan was extremely excited at my birth, wanting to awaken our Golden God of the volcano, but held off since he needed rest. They named me Rokgar, after the Great Leader our clan has had, Rok, the one kobold who had the adoration of our god.

Though it appears I was not the only kobold to be born much larger than your average. Seems the magic our god poured into the land affected us, making our people much larger and stronger. Though I was still the largest amongst my people and the only one with the silver scales. From the knowledge passed down to our people, I would live five times as long as your normal kobold too. Normally we live 130 to 140 years old, but I'm suspected to live 650 to 700 years. We have stopped calling ourselves Kobolds, but now Dragonborn, as we have been created by the magic of our Golden God.

However since I'm much larger than normal and so too are the new generation of kobolds, the clan is not sure what our lifespans are exactly anymore. I became the King of my clan once I matured into adulthood. I was not only a great warrior mastering the greatsword our smiths forged me with the metal the Golden God taught us, but I was a master in magic as well. I also tamed the largest wyvern our clan has ever bred, it was a white-scaled one with dark red eyes. A very large male wyvern reaching 125ft (38m) long and with a wing span of 300ft (91m).

Seem the magic put out by our god also affected all living things on the island, even the wyverns our clan breeds. The animals on the island have become much larger and more deadly too, everything on the island seemed to have evolved to become much stronger and more deadly. Today I was taking out my group of elite riders I personally trained to the old human city to see if we can learn to live like them. As with our new size, living in the caves has become much harder. There should be no humans left since it has been two decades since the great calamity.

"Are the riders ready for the excursion?" I ask one of the older generation kobolds who is one of my advisors.

"Yes my King," the kobold says to me and I nod my head.

"Good, then we will head out immediately," I say walking over to Vaak, the white wyvern I tamed since his hatching. I'm betting like us these wyverns are going to live longer than the last generation of wyverns.

I flew with my fifteen other riders toward the human city on the other side of the island. We could see the giant animals below walking through the lush forest that took over, even the plants have become much larger with some even attacking and eating animals. After a few days of flight, we reached the human city, normally this would take a month on foot to reach. But having something to fly makes traveling much faster, as we entered the city we could see plants have begun to take over the city.

After a week of scouring the city and taking everything we believed to be of value, we returned to the clan. Then we decided to move out from the caves and to the base of the volcano. There we started to build a city made from stones like the humans, but much larger to accommodate our new size. We also tried to persevere plant life since the Golden God values all forms of life. Our mages and other intelligent clan members learned everything they could from the texts we brought back from the old human city.

After a few decades, we built a huge city that could hold tens of millions of our clan members. This was also possible with the magic we used so far after the calamity our clan numbers dropped to reach just under a million and due to our size it seems breeding new members is harder. As our females only have shorter periods for mating and lay fewer eggs. Our numbers are still growing, but just not as fast as they used to.

As the King of my Clan, we thrived in the new city we built using the knowledge left behind by the humans. We also learned to build stone boats that are much stronger than the wooden ones humans made. Though it takes almost five years to build one since it requires a lot of magic to get the boat to float on water. With these boats, we took over the other islands surrounding ours. Though since our numbers do not increase that quickly anymore it would take a long time before we take over all the islands that were once part of the great land.

I eventually found a mate in the clan a few years after the city began being built, as another member was born silver. After a few centuries of entering the 'new age', as my clan has begun calling it that since we left the caves and became much more than what was once were, my mate laid our first egg. Our son hatched later and was born silver just as we were, it seems the royal line might just have become silver Dragonborn. The future was looking bright and I was trying to think of other ways for helping my clan prosper while thinking about what our Golden God would do.


(Different Unknown POV)

It was another day but this time it was my youngest Nephew's birthday. His name is Tyrion and he is mistreated by most of our family since my brother Tywin blamed him for his late wife's death. Even his daughter, my niece, Cersei blamed the poor boy for her mother's death. Outside myself, my daughter, and my other nephew Jaime, no one treated the boy with kindness.

I was never married, but I do have a daughter her name is Joy Hill. I named her that because she is the biggest joy in my life. Though after today I would be heading to Old Valyria in search of any Valyrian steel or anything else of great value. I craved adventure and hoped that I could find something to help the family. My brother Tywin and Lord of Casterly Rock signed off on this trip after much convincing.

"Uncle Gery!" I hear a small child's voice say from behind me as I was walking the halls of Casterly Rock.

"If it isn't my favorite nephew!" I say turning to the small boy with a laugh and picking him up in a loving hug.

"Do you know what today is?!" Tyrion says to me with an excited look in his eyes. Normally he hates this day as his family curses him for the death of his mother, but I try to make this day not a bad memory for him.

"Hmm….." I say with a thoughtful look as the boy begins to grow upset thinking I forgot.

"Of course, I remember! It's your eighth name-day! I was just about to find you to give you a book!" I say to the boy as he laughs in delight and holds excitement in his eyes hearing about my present for him.

I took him to my room and place him down to retrieve the book. As he practically bounced up and down from excitement. I grabbed the book I have read more than five times to prepare myself for this adventure to Old Valyria. The book was about everything the Targaryens wrote about the place. It was a very fascinating book about magic, these small dragon-like creatures, and a great mage who helped them. I handed the book to Tyrion as his eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Tales of Old Valyria and the Targaryen's Rise to Power," Tyrion says reading the title of the book that I paid several dozen golden dragons for since I needed a Maester to write me a copy.

"It is a fascinating book about one of the Targaryen's ancestors who claimed to have met a great mage. Writing everything she experienced when she was younger in a journal which the family later used to write the stories down in. I've read it at least five times now, since you know I'm heading to Old Valyria tomorrow morning," I say to Tyrion who nods his head absentmindedly while looking at the first few pages.

"Wait! You are really going to leave me and Joy?!" Tyrion says after processing what I just said.

"I am. I want to see this place especially after reading this book and hearing the stories growing up. Plus I might just find our family some of that Valyrian steel to make a new family sword," I say while patting his head and walking out of my room to find my daughter. Tyrion quickly follows behind me and begins to berate me with question after question.

Later that evening, the family gathered for supper. We all sat at the table and a small feast was held, at first, I thought Tywin was throwing name day feast for his son for once. Though I quickly realized it was a farewell feast for me as I was leaving tomorrow. After a nice feast and drinking, Tyrion spoke up causing himself some embarrassment.

"Uncle Gery, can you get me a dragon for me?!" Tyrion asked me with hopeful eyes as Cersei laughed at her brother making him look down in embarrassment and sadness.

"Dragons haven't lived for over a hundred years! If they did, the Targaryen would have tamed it by now!" Cersei says mocking her brother who glares at her. While Tywin snorts at Tyrion's question and nods his head with his daughter's statement.

The next morning I headed to the dock with the crew and house guards I was bringing with me on this journey. Though before I could leave my daughter and both nephews saw me off.

"Bye Dad… Please make sure to come back soon," Joy says to me with a very worried look since I'm her only remaining parent.

"I promise I will," I say to my daughter giving her a loving hug and kiss on her forehead.

"Uncle Gery, like Joy said... Come back soon!" Tyrion says to me running over and hugging my legs as I crouch down and hug him back with a happy smile.

"I will and I'll see if I can find you a dragon too," I say to him with a smirk and he nods his head excited at the idea. Jaime as his father taught him, as he is the heir, just shook my hand in farewell.

I waved my final goodbyes from the quarterdeck of the ship, as my daughter was crying a bit at my departure with Tyrion comforting her. Once I lost eyesight of the kids, I turned to look over the sea in the direction of Old Valyria with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

'If all goes well, I'll be the first person to have successfully reached Old Valyria and lived to tell the tale,' I think to myself as we sail toward our destination.

"Captain, how long to reach our destination if all things work out, and how long worst-case scenario?" I ask the captain, knowing either way it is going to be a long time at sea.

"If all goes well… maybe a few months. Worst case… more than half a year. Though no one is really sure as no one has made the journey and lived," the captain tells me after some thought. These men all agreed to come due to the pay promised, as the saying goes gold can move mountains.

Chapter 19: Ch.17

Chapter Text

(Rokgar POV)

Over the centuries my Clan has taken over most of the old places the humans once resided and the surrounding islands south of our capital. Which we have begun calling the Golden City. Though a century ago we came across a group of these savage humans with gray skin that almost looked like scales from a distance. We at first tried to help them, but they attacked us. Once we lost a few clan members to them, I decided these were no longer humans and our God would not be upset if we killed them. We realized these humans were affected by a disease, which thankfully we could easily cure with magic if one of us caught it.

Now the Grey Ones, which we have begun calling them, avoid our lands since we kill them on sight. Plus the magic pillars we have placed across the islands keep them away from us, along with alerting us should anything enter our domain. A heavy magical fog covers our lands and sea, obscuring anyone who is not part of our clan. I have noticed that the magic in this world has grown slightly weaker, but not enough to notice too much. That means two things, first most of the populace of this world has forgotten how to use magic so it is slowly disappearing. Like muscle, magic must be used or it will forever be lost.

Second, certain beings may be siphoning the magic away from the world for a ritual or their own personal gain. Though our lands have remained magical due to our God forcing his own magic into the land to bring it back to life. Like any other day, I woke up and spoke with the magic users of our clan to see the current issues or needs we are facing. The magic users of our clan are much smaller in size than your new average kobold, similar to what we used to look like, but they all hold much more magic inside them.

"My King! We received an alert that another ship has entered our domain. How should we handle this?" a Skink, which is the name for our magic casters, says to me interrupting my current meeting with the elder Skinks.

Our God told us to not kill any surviving humans, but the ones who came to explore our lands all died from the rocky sea and storms surrounding our islands. Even the sea creatures living near our islands have increased in size as giant sharks and other sea creatures roam around the islands. Most of these ships sink after entering our lands from the rough sea or the monsters residing inside them. Though I have given the order to not harm any humans that somehow survive that journey and make it to our mainland. So far none have, so I figure it will be the same as any other ship that came since the New Age.

"Same as always watch them from afar. Should they somehow make it to our mainland, send a hunting party to bring them to me. From there we can see if it should be time to awaken our God," I say to him and he nods his head running off to relay the orders. I turn back to the elder Skinks to continue our meeting.


(Gerion Lannister POV)

After months of sailing the sea and stopping at several ports on the way to Old Valyria, we finally arrived at the 'Smoking Sea'. Which is the term all sailors and people have begun calling the heavily fogged sea that surrounds the islands of Valyria and several hundreds of miles of open sea between them. The whole crew grew silent as the Captain and I share one last look before he shouts the order to move forward into the Smoking Sea.

The journey was a not terribly boring one and I grew to enjoy the overall company of men on this trip with me. But the jovial atmosphere quickly disappeared as we entered the fog. Nothing but the sounds of the ships creaking and water splashing were heard as we entered the fog. The whole crew was on edge and on the lookout for anything as we all could barely see more than twenty feet from the edge of the ship. There were stories about what was believed to be inside the Smoking Sea, but nothing of real answers as no survivors came out once they entered it.

After a very tense ten minutes of silence, I could feel my heart beating in my ears as the stress was increasing every second we spent inside the fog. A shout was heard from the crow's nest saying a huge mass was ahead of us on our starboard side. The captain tried to look through his 'Far-eye' (their term for a spyglass) for this object. Though he could not see anything until we almost hit it making the helmsman quickly move us out of the way.

"All Hands on deck!! Move your f*cking asses! Batton the sails! I want us to move with the current! From now on everyone is on the lookout for more of these rocks! I don't want to capsize, do you?!" the Captain quickly shouts as the whole crew rushes into action hearing him and the helmsman saved us just in time from hitting the giant spike of a rock sticking out of the water.

The silence took over once more with everyone now on the deck of the ship and even more tense from the almost capsize. Our ship slowed down as we now moved through the fog even slower almost at a craw. After an hour of maneuvering through these jutted rocks, we all of a sudden felt the ship rock back and forth like we hit something below us. The hit made some men fall to the floor of the deck, but many of us, myself included, were able to grab a hold of the rails to steady ourselves.

"What the f*ck did we just hit?! Someone go check below to make sure we aren't leaking!" the Captain yells more orders as a handful of men rush back below to check. The others look around us to see what we may have hit.

As we all looked around, we found nothing. Until I thought I saw movement below the water, but with the fog and darkness of the water which seemed almost black in color. I could not tell if I actually saw something or if my eyes were playing tricks with me.

"Captain! There may be something below us…" I say turning to the man and pointing below where I thought something moved and he looked. We saw nothing now and we both shared a nervous look with one another.

"Maybe–" I start to say.

"Captain no holes below!" one of the crew members shouts after they finished checking below.

"Good! Then we keep moving!" the Captain says turning his attention back to the crew and surroundings. Though I felt very nervous in the pit of my stomach like something bad was going to happen very soon.

'By the Mother, keep us safe,' I say a silent prayer to the Mother in hopes she watches over us and keeps us safe.

With another tense half an hour of time, before anyone can react or move. The ship gets launched into the air and torn in half by something. All I remember is being launched into the air and then falling into the sea below. I was so disoriented, that I could not tell what was up or what was down. Plus with the blackness of this water, it was almost impossible to tell. I decided to pick what I thought was up and prayed to the Mother for her guidance.

As the air in my lungs began to disappear and my throat felt it was on fire, I breached the sea taking in gasps of air. Though I quickly looked around to see the once large ship now splintered into thousands of pieces that floated around. With dozens of dead sailors floating in the water and pieces of the boat floating all around. My survival instincts took over and the adrenaline pumped inside me. This allowed me to snap out of my daze seeing this destruction, to grab a large chunk of wood nearby from the ship. I climbed on top of the wood and laid down breathing hard.

Then I heard the sound of the something below move through the water again this time eating all the dead or dying sailors nearby. It was like not like anything I've seen before, this creature was one from a nightmare or child's story. It must have been at least 40ft (12M) long while looking like an eel and an octopus had a child together. Its underbelly was orange-pink, while its topside was sea-green. A little bit back from the head were four long tentacles, two sprouting from across each other on the top, and two more of the same on the underbelly. Its head was roughly triangular-shaped, with a spherical, somewhat beak-like nose. Above the nose were its three eyes, each one set atop the other. Tendrils and a few shorter tentacles dangled from the bottom of the head. Four blue-black slime-secreting orifices lined the bottom of its body.

(AN: This is a creature from DND, let's see who can guess it right first.)

Thankfully it was preoccupied with eating the sailors, as I tried my best to use another piece of wood to paddle myself away. With each tense stroke of my makeshift paddle and the sounds of death behind me, I felt my heart about to explode from my chest from the stress. Though after what felt like hours of paddling from the sheer stress, I managed to escape a few hundred feet from the now-sunk ship. Feeling even the littlest sense of safety I dropped the paddle on the small wooden raft I was sitting on. I then lay down and cried as the realization of my current situation took hold of me.

All alone, in the world's most deadly sea, which now I understand is for good reason. The extremely high possibility I will never see my daughter again, to see her grow into a young woman or be there for her on her wedding day. That I will never see anyone I love again, that I will die on this open water or be eaten by that monster roaming the sea. After what was maybe an hour of crying, I sat up and steeled myself. I could not tell which direction was which, what time it was, or where I was, as all around me was fog and black water. So picking a random direction I began paddling.

'I will not die! I will live! I will see Joy again!' I say to myself forcing myself to have hope that one day I will see my daughter and family again.

Eventually, I felt the physical exhaustion take hold of me, knowing that my survival depended on my ability to reach land I took a quick nap to regain some lost energy. I woke up still unsure of anything about my current whereabouts while paddling in the same direction I chose earlier. From my best guess, I was lost at sea for almost three days now, with my dehydration reaching its limit. I almost drank the seawater in desperation, but every man who sails knows that is a death sentence.

Then just as I was starting to lose hope about finding land, I saw a very large black spot in the distance. Much like the rocks we avoided earlier, hope filled me as I paddled quicker toward it. After another couple of hours of paddling the fog faded, showing a huge lush jungle island and what I can only assume is the lost city of Valyria. It was in a terrible state of ruin as one would expect, but either way, I was just happy to have found land.

Once I reached the now broken-apart dock of the old city I scrambled to the shore and fell to my knees crying in joy at my survival of the Smoking Sea. I gave a quick prayer of thanks to the seven, before struggling to stand and search for water and food to remain alive.

Chapter 20: Ch.18

Chapter Text

(Gerion Lannister POV)

Struggling to stand from the physical and mental exhaustion of being stranded at sea, as I stumble through the ruins trying to find fresh water and food. While I stumbled through the streets of this once-beautiful city, I felt as though I was being watched. After almost another hour of walking slowly through the city, I came across a small stream of water. Practically crawling over to it, I fell to my knees and drank heavily from the water.

As I filled my stomach with the freshwater I drank too much it seemed and threw it back up. Which is not a good sign, showing how dehydrated I just am, this time I drank enough to fill me before I felt I'd through up again. Just as I finished drinking the second time, I heard movement behind me. Jumping up I grabbed a stick nearby as a makeshift weapon while looking around me with my heart pumping heavily in my chest. Coming from around a corner I see a man, but before I can relax I noticed the man is covered in grey stony skin.

"Stone Men…" I say to myself out loud, now remembering Old Valyria is where people dump those who get infected.

The Stone Man sees me and like a crazy person charges me with nothing but violence in his eyes. Knowing what I know about these infected people, it is better to flee than fight, as one single touch from them can infect you with the same disease. This disease has no known cure and is a death sentence if caught. I didn't survive that monster only to be killed by some Stone Man. So I ran in the opposite direction, with the adrenaline in my body pushing me past my limits as my survival was back on the line.

I ran through the streets as my body screamed at me for being pushed to its absolute limits like never before. I could hear the stone man behind me, but also what sounded like even more stone men following him as well. With a quick look back I noticed I was now being chased by more than a dozen stone men, making my adrenaline rerelease itself into my body even more than before.

"f*ck ME!!!" I scream in terror at the absolute amount of stone men chasing me.

"Do you f*ckers breed?! Why are there so many of you?!" I scream more to myself as I run through this ruined city.

I ran harder than at any other time in my life through this godforsaken city. Until I finally reached the exit, which must have been quite the sight back before the city became a ruin. Running through the broken gates I run into the jungle just outside, passing by these giant stone pillars that had glowing blue writing on them. Looking back I see the stone men run outside the city gates but all stop when they reach the stone pillars. Seemingly giving up the chase which I was happy about, but decided to not take any chances and ran further into the jungle.

After another ten minutes of running, my body screamed at me to stop, now that I was not in immediate danger. Crouching over with my hands on my knees, I stopped running to catch my breath. After a few minutes of catching my breath, I felt the exhaustion hit me even harder than before. I sat down and leaned on a tree nearby while looking around at my surroundings.

Now that I can look around without the worry of dying immediately, I notice how much larger these trees are than any other tree I've seen. They are so tall I can't be sure if what I see is the top of the tree, plus there is so much vegetation that I can not see the sky. Looking around, I decided to head in the opposite direction I came from to avoid the stone men. Plus I figured staying in the middle of this jungle is probably not for the best.

After walking for a few hours, I came across another stream of fresh water in the woods. Taking a moment to get another drink, I consider following this stream up the flow of water. Though that may lead me back to the ruins where the stone men reside. While following it downstream would most likely lead me to the ocean or a lake.

'Either way, I'm f*cked…' I think to myself considering my options.

"Downstream it is," I say to myself out loud while walking downstream and following the stream of water.

As I walked downstream, the jungle got darker and darker signifying that it was becoming nightfall. Deciding my best option was to find a place to rest, I searched for a safe place to rest before I could not see more than a few feet in front of me. I eventually found a small cave under a very large tree nearby. The roots acted as a cage to keep large things out. I entered the small cave to rest and luckily found nothing to indicate something else was using this place as a home.

The night was long and harsh as I kept waking up to the strange sounds in the jungle of creatures I assume I'd never seen before or heard of before. Waking up the next day, I felt even more hungry, I may have some fresh water nearby now. Still, I desperately need some food, so far I've seen no signs of life outside the plants and stone men. Though from the noises last night, it appears animals live in the jungle, but stay away from the ruins.

Going back over to the stream I drank some more water, before grabbing a fallen stick on the ground. I then used a rock nearby to sharpen the stick as best I could, since I lost my sword and other items in the monster attack. This makeshift spear is now my best weapon, using my very basic knowledge of survival skills and what I can remember from going on hunts with my brothers. I search around for tracks to hunt down a deer or any other small animal really.

After searching for any signs of tracks nearby, I found tracks that resembled a deer's if I remembered correctly. Though the only big difference was the size of the tracks compared to what they should be like this deer was three times the size of a normal one. Though I just hoped that was not the case and since these were the only tracks I found, I followed them since I've not eaten in days.

Following these tracks, they lead me to a small clearing in the jungle where a small group of deer were grazing. Though these deer were much bigger than any I've ever seen, everything on this island is much larger than its normal counterpart. I crouched down and slowly made my way closer so I could throw my spear at the smallest one. Even the baby deer was as large as a normal deer.

Just as I was getting into the range I believed I could accurately hit the deer with my makeshift spear. All the deer looked up and in the direction a few dozen feet from my left. I held my breath thinking they saw, heard, or smelled me. Though I almost screamed in terror as two giant creatures I'd never seen or heard of before charged out of the clearing. The deer all ran away in fear, but the two closest ones couldn't move in time before being grabbed by the two creatures.

These creatures were at least 20ft (6m) tall and 40ft (12m) long, with leathery/ scaly skin, two stubby arms, with two very thick muscled legs, and a pair of small horns coming out of their heads. They were obviously carnivores as they tore apart the deer I was hunting in seconds eating the flesh with their somewhat small but many sharp teeth.

I backed away with my breath very shallow from the fear and slowly crept away. Once I was back behind a nearby tree, I let out a small breath of relief at not being spotted. Though I looked back at the two creatures who were now fighting over the leftovers of these deer they just devoured in mere seconds.

As quickly and quietly as possible, I ran away from these two giant predators that would take more than twenty well-armed men to fight just one. Once I was about a hundred feet away, I sprinted at my full speed away from them back towards my cave under the very large tree. Once I was back to the only place I felt safe in this hellhole of a jungle, I sat down and felt despair hit me again.

'I'm gonna die on this island… no… No, don't give up Gerion! You have to live so one day you can make it back to Joy!' I think to myself as the despair is sinking in, then stand up as the smallest hope of seeing my family again fills me slightly again.

'I should head back to those creatures, maybe they left scraps for me to eat. Plus with them hunting, I doubt I will be able to find something for myself without becoming the prey,' I think while slowly making my way back to the clearing.

Once there I look around for any sign of those creatures or anything else that looks like it could eat me in one bite. After a long and tense minute of looking around, I deem it safe enough to sneak over to where the two creatures killed the deer. As I approached the area, I could smell the heavy scent of blood and see the splattering of it across the tall grass.

There I saw the very little remains of the deer's carcasses. The bones seemed broken apart, but the marrow is still there. Plus the few organs you can eat seem to be there, like the heart and liver. I grabbed as many bones as I could, the one heart and partially eaten liver. I then ran back to my home as fast as I could hoping not to be followed.

Once there I dumped my findings inside my cave while looking around to see if I was followed. Thankfully I was not followed with a breath of relief, I found some dry wood nearby and started a small fire in front of the cave I was living in. Once the fire started, I roasted the heart and liver on a stick that I soaked in the stream. As I placed the bones in the fire to cook the marrow as best I can.

As the organs and bones were cooking, I kept looking around me with my wooden makeshift spear at the ready. After a few tense minutes of silence other than the sounds of the birds and other 'small' animals of the forest, I deemed the bones ready to eat. Using a stone I crushed the bones open and ate the marrow, this was the best-tasting thing I've ever eaten. Though that might be just because I'm starving.

Once I ate my fill from the bones and organs, I drank some fresh water. Before heading back into my cave to rest even though I didn't do much today. This was the first meal I had in days and my body needed to rest. Plus I was mentally exhausted from the stress of everything that has happened the last few days.

The next few days were me mapping out the area I was living in and scavenging for food. I found some berries and mushrooms in the forest, but I'm not familiar with what is poisonous or not, especially since these plants are not like any I've heard of. I only ate the 'small' animals I could hunt or the fresher dead carcasses I came across.

Even the bunnies, squirrels, and birds on this island were more than twice the size of the ones back home. Though it made eating them that much more enjoyable. Over the course of a few days, I was able to make somewhat usable waterskin from the organs of a deer. Plus a small stone bowl that I used to boil water. Though a week after I arrived on this island, I heard noises of what sounded like speaking approaching me, as I ran back inside my cave to hide.

Chapter 21: Ch.19

Chapter Text

(Unknown POV)

Our king sent us out to hunt down and bring back the humans that survived their journey into our lands. We are to keep them alive, as he is curious to learn more about these humans as none of us met a living one. Other than the corrupted ones that are inside the ruins of their old city. Plus our god wants to see these humans himself, we are hoping that could be what awakens him again. As it has been centuries since his prolonged sleep.

Our magic users told us a breach was made near the old ruined city, that a none infected being crossed the magic border. As if the being was infected the barrier would burn them to ash. Knowing that it could possibly be one of the humans on the ship that entered our lands, my King sent me to find them myself. I was the second Dragonborn born to the clan. My King made me his top general, named me his best warrior/hunter, and greatest friend and advisor.

"Lord Crelduud, I believe we are in the correct area. These tracks appear to be somewhat fresh and small, like a human," one of my hunters that I brought with me states as we neared the ruined city. We landed our wyverns outside the city to search for clues of surviving humans.

"Good, then we shall follow them and see if we can find these humans," I said motioning for him to lead us while taking three others with us. The other two will stay with our wyverns until we return.

We followed the tracks for a few hours and came across some carnosaurs hunting in the area. At our appearance, they stood up from their current food and roared at us. Though I cast 'control beast' to make the two carnosaurs leave us alone. They run off in the opposite direction as we continue to follow the track hoping at least one human survived.

"Lord Crelduud, these tracks are very fresh and I smell burnt wood. I believe we are close to where the humans made camp," our tracker says as we all nod and walk towards the place we suspect the human or humans reside.


(Gerion Lannister POV)

As I hid inside my cave with my makeshift spear at the ready, these giant lizard/dragon mix standing on two legs came out from the jungle to my clearing. There were five of them, all very large, the smallest among them being just over 7ft (213cm) and the largest who I assume is their leader is maybe 8ft (244cm). They all looked to be wearing scale mail made from valyrian steel, with weapons made from the same steel also.

The leader was the biggest but also seemed to be a veteran fighter as his face had several scars with his right eye having a large deep scar over it. Making his one eye milky white from the damage he received. He also appeared to be wielding a greatsword with a bone for the handle. The language they spoke I did not understand but knew to be High Valyrian, which surprised me greatly.

Then before I could react the smallest of the group pointed in my direction as the others all looked over. It seems my cover was blown, my fear and nervousness skyrocketed as they all saw me. I slowly back up hitting the back of the cave I was in as I held my makeshift spear in front of me readying myself for a fight I knew I was going to die in.

I calmed my breath as I took a stance readying for the last fight of my life the leader walked over and spoke to me but I did not understand him. After a few moments of awkward silence, he took out his great sword and my heart raced even higher. He then cut away the roots blocking my cave and stepped inside. Without waiting I gave a battle cry and rushed him trying to stab his neck the only unprotected place on his body.

'I'm sorry Joy… I tried to make it back to you,' I think to myself as I charge the giant lizardman.

As I reached him he grabbed my hands and stick with his one hand, lifting me up face to face with him. I closed my eyes with a sad smile on my face as I waited for death to come and thought about how I failed my daughter and family. Though after a few seconds no pain came and I hesitantly opened my eyes to see the lizardman staring at me. His face is almost impossible to read, but in his eyes, I can see the respect he holds for me for some reason.

"Can you understand me now?" the lizardman says to me making me go wide-eyed.

"....Uh…Yeah," I say as the lizardman drops me back down, which I wasn't expecting making me land on my ass which hurt a lot.

"Seems humans forgot how to speak Draconic. He appears to only speak common," the lizardman says to his party as they all nod their heads in understanding.

"From the grey ones I knew humans were small, but I figured they would be… more than this," one of the other lizardmen says while motioning to me with some disappointment in his eyes at seeing me.

"Hey! I'll have you know, I'm a great adventurer and fighter!" I say without thinking since I felt looked down on. They all laugh making me more annoyed, but I don't say anything as I realize that they could easily kill me without any effort on their part.

"Come human, we must bring you to our King. He wants to meet you," the leader says while gesturing for me to follow them as they all start to walk back into the jungle.

I hesitate for a few seconds but follow after them anyway. I probably don't have a choice either way, plus even if they left me or I escaped. I doubt I'd survive much longer in this insane jungle. As I jog to catch up to them, silence takes over as we walk and then I realize we are heading back in the direction of the ruined city where the stone men reside.

'No way we are going back there…right?' I think to myself as I follow behind the leader in the center of the Lizardmen party.

"Are we headed to the ruins?" I ask after a few more minutes and hope to the gods that this is not the case.

"Yes," the leader says with a neutral voice.

"WHAT! We can not! There are stone men there!!" I say frantically as I would rather take my chances in the jungle.

"Relax human, the gray men will leave us alone. They have learned that only death meets them should they come to us. They may be more like beasts now, but even beasts have survival instincts. They want to live to spread the disease, so will avoid us if we are not alone or with wyverns. Which we do not lack currently," the leader says to me making me relax slightly, but my nervousness is still very prevalent.

'What the f*ck is a wyvern?' I think to myself though as we continue to walk. With the silence taking back over.

"Can I ask your name?" I say after a few more minutes of silence and I calmed down feeling somewhat safe with these lizardmen.

"I am Crelduud Domash, the second Dragonborn born to the Clan of the Golden Sons," Crelduud says to me without looking back as the other hunters introduce themselves also.

"What is your name human?" Crelduud says to me after the others introduce themselves.

"I am Gerion of House Lannister," I to them as they all nod.

"From what we have learned of the humans, there was never a House called Lannister. Where is it you hail from?" Crelduud says to me after some thought and I nod my head. Why would a race of giant lizardmen know about us, I doubt anyone knows about them. Except for maybe the Targaryens, but they never mention much about Old Valyria.

"I come from the land of Westeros and my House resides in Westerlands. My brother is the current head of the house and warden of the West. While he also has been named the hand of the king for the last several years," I say giving them basic information about my family and they all nod.

"I see, well we have never heard of a place called Westeros. Though I believe that is where one of the Houses we used to know left to," Crelduud says as we start to get nearer to the ruins.

"Would that house be the Targaryens?" I ask them and for the first time since we started walking Crelduud stops and looks back at me with wide eyes.

"Yes it is. They still live?" Crelduud says to me and I nod my head.

"Not only do they live, but their family has been the Kings and Queens of the seven kingdoms for the last several hundred years," I say after nodding my head.

"Hmm… Our King will be very happy to hear this, especially–" Crelduud starts to say as several roars ahead of us interrupt the conversation. The lizardmen all look at one another before Crelduud grabs me like a sack of potatoes and we all rush forward.

"What the hell is happening?!" I say as Crelduud is running with his greatsword in one hand and me on his other shoulder as we run toward to roars for some f*cking reason.

Without saying anything tosses me toward a dragon that I now notice is here. My only thought was, 'Holy sh*t! Is this how I die?!' as the dragon instead of burning or eating me, grabs me in its claws. Then lifts me and tosses me on its back as I look down to see the lizardmen charging toward a giant monster. Bigger than even those other beasts I saw a week ago and bigger than some of the dragons here.

This creature was more frightening than even the monster I saw in the ocean. As this monster was 50ft (15m) tall and had dozens of dead bodies stuffed inside it. It appeared to be a plant that had hundreds of vines holding the dead bodies in place, some even appeared to be the Stone Men. It also had a dozen flowers at the top of its vines body that appeared to have mouths with hundreds of sharp teeth. A green viscous liquid dropped from its mouth that would sizzle as it hit the ground.

(AN: This is another DND creature, who can guess it first this time?)

The creature lets out a screech that makes me cover my ears as fear grips me hearing the screech. The lizardmen seem to shrug off this screech while charging the beast with no signs of fear. Some of these lizardmen, like Crelduud seem to be using magic casting spells at the creature. As the creature thrashes around with its vines trying to grab the lizardmen who are dodging the vines or cutting them down.

The three dragons including the one I'm on are helping the lizardmen attack this creature as they wait for openings to breathe their fire on the monster. After watching the coordination and skill of the lizardmen, I was in awe at this battle. That someone how dragons still exist and that the Targaryens are not the only ones with them. The battle ended just as fast as it began, with the monster falling to the ground unmoving. The lizardmen seemed indifferent toward the monster and none were injured heavily.

The few injuries they did have they used magic to heal making me stare at them in awe even more. Then a realization hit me, that if these lizardmen leave this island they could easily take over the world. Though at the same time, they seem to know about us humans and the Targaryens.

'Why the hell haven't they taken over the world then yet?' I ask myself as Crelduud walks over to me and the dragon jumps on its back. He appears to be the rider of this dragon.

Chapter 22: Ch.20

Chapter Text

(Gerion Lannister POV)

As thousands of thoughts and questions filled my head, Crelduud and the other lizardmen took flight with their dragons. Once we breached the treetops, I could see the vast jungle below and the ruined city behind us. From this height the scenery below, it was one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen. I felt at peace for once, after all I've been through, feeling the wind hit me from this height and the fact that I'm riding a dragon.

The next few days we fly across the jungle stopping at these designated camp sights, which I saw other lizardmen use. Though it appears not all have dragons, which I would guess only their higher or Nobles have. Though the ones who don't have dragons ride these very large, almost twice the size of a horse… creatures. I learned they call these beasts 'Cold Ones' as they are large beasts that the lizardmen have bred to ride. They look a lot like those large horned beasts that I saw hunting the deer a while ago, but much smaller.

We eventually arrived at the capital Crelduud has been telling me about. The place was nothing like I'd ever seen before, if it wasn't for everything I have experienced the past several weeks I wouldn't believe it was real. There were these huge pyramids made from beautiful white stone. Beasts roam the city alongside millions of lizardmen of all sizes. The city was covered in more gold than I believe the iron bank even has, on top of the largest pyramid in the center of the city was a huge statue of a Golden Dragon.

Flying in the sky were these beasts much smaller than dragons, but still just as frightening, with smaller lizardmen riding them. There were even more dragons and riders flying in the sky. I could see that Valyrian steel to them was not a rare metal as they even used it for basic items to decorate. Though the biggest surprise was the floating building placed throughout the city. Apparently, that is where the mages of the clan reside to do magical research.

Overall everything I saw showed me how much more advanced these lizardmen are than us. That if they really wanted to they could invade the world of man and easily subjugate us. The confusion on why they haven't already confused me, but at the same time I'm happy they do not invade. We then landed outside the main pyramid which up close was much larger than I originally thought. It appeared to be over 2000ft (610m) tall and the base seemed to be 5000ft (1500m) square.

Dismounting the dragons, I followed Crelduud inside the entrance of the pyramid. Inside the place was even more beautiful as it was mostly made from white stone with gold and Valyrian steel accents. They even used these glowing crystals and gems to light the place up. There were these heavily armored and armed lizardmen walking around with full suits of Valyrian steel armor and halberds. Walking through the halls we reached what I believe was the throne room. Inside I can see two even larger than Crelduud silver lizardmen. The King and Queen of these people if I had to guess, plus two other silver lizardmen standing to the side of the thrones.

I kneeled before the King and Queen as did the lizardmen I accompanied to this place. I felt very nervous as the silence took over the room. Then I heard them speak to the Crelduud in High Valyrian, or Draconic as Crelduud said it was. After that, the King spoke to me in my language which they call common.

"Human, you are the first one to survive the journey to reach our shores and land. Most die before reaching it or dump the grey ones nearby which somehow reach our lands. As the King of my people, I welcome you! We have much to discuss," the King says with a laugh at the end while walking down toward me.

"First I believe you will want to bathe, eat and rest. Then tomorrow we will discuss things more. Crelduud, show our guest to his quarters, then show him to the baths and have food brought to him," the King says and Crelduud nods his head gesturing for me to follow him.

I followed Crelduud to a room that was much larger than the one I had at Casterly Rock. Then he brought me to a chamber where other lizardmen bathed, I awkwardly undressed and bathed with Crelduud. We then had some small talk about the anatomy of his people and his questions on human anatomy. Afterward, he brought me back to my room where I saw a small full-course meal waiting for me. I ate and drank my fill before passing out on the very comfortable bed that was in my room.


(Rokgar Belgrax POV)

After I sent Crelduud and his chosen band of hunters to retrieve the survivors of the humans. I learned from them that he was the only one to survive and appears to be from the place where Targaryens left too. I was excited, very excited, as not only did a human finally make it to our lands but he comes from where the Targaryens live. Tomorrow I will take him to our god and awaken him, then we can finally follow his next command.

'Hopefully he is happy with how I lead the clan in his extended sleep,' I think to myself as I excitedly wait to go visit our god.

With the next day's arrival, the human was brought to the throne room. He looked to be in much better shape than the day before. Bathed, well dressed, and fed, I then took him to the chamber where my family keeps our wyverns. Calling Vaak, he wakes up and walks over to me happy to receive my pats and attention. The human who I learned is called Gerion Lannister is staring in awe at Vaak.

"This dragon has to be bigger than even Balerion the Black Dread!" Gerion says in awe at seeing Vaak who has reached his final size of 250ft (76m) long with a 750ft (229m) wingspan. Though annoyance does rise inside me at his mistake of calling wyverns Dragons.

"This is no dragon, Gerion. My people are called Dragonborn because we were reborn from our god's magic. This is not our god, this is a wyvern," I say while giving Gerion a annoyed look as he stares at me nervously nodding his head.

"Come we are going to meet His Highest Magisty the Golden God," I say jumping on the back of Vaak and grabbing Gerion to bring him with me.

"Wait…What?!" Gerion says as Vaak jumps from the chamber's edge leading outside and takes flight toward the volcano where our god resides.


(Gerion Lannister POV)

Last night was the best sleep I've gotten since I first started this journey to Old Valyria. Plus I felt like new with the very nice silk robes they gave me, the bath, and the very well-cooked food. Some of the food was weird looking as I had never seen some of the fruits or vegetables they gave me, but I did not care as I was hungry. Then I left with their King who brought me to a chamber where four dragons resided. The largest one was white as snow with deep red eyes, the others were much smaller.

From the looks of it, the one female was the mate of this large dragon with the other two being the offspring of these two giant dragons. King Rokgar called his dragon Vaak, seeing these dragons and his one which had to be even larger than the biggest one the Targaryen's bred. I exclaimed that out loud, though that seemed to upset King Rokgar and he corrected me telling me these are not dragons but wyverns.

I did not want to argue with him, nor do I believe I was right. As who else would know better other than an extremely advanced civilization that survived the doom, unlike the others who lived here with them. Though what surprised me most was when he said we are going to meet his god, which seemed crazy but hey maybe gods are real. At this point, I'd believe anything they say.

As the dra– wyvern jumped from the pyramid, it flew us in the direction of the giant volcano on the island. As we approached the volcano, Vaak dived down inside the volcano making me let out an involuntary scream. While King Rokgar laughed at me and cast a spell on me making the heat of the volcano disappear as quickly as it came. As we landed inside the volcano near a large platform that was made from Dragonglass, King Rokgar jumped down onto the platform. Following his direction, I hesitantly jumped down on the platform behind him.

King Rokgar then walked over to the lava placing his hand just above it before muttering something under his breath. Before I could ask what he is doing the entire volcano shook making me yelp in fear thinking we are going to die in this explosion. Though King Rokgar kneeled and bowed his head toward the lava confusing me further.

At the same time, something broke the surface of the lava, something that will forever stay in a memory of mine until the day I die. A Dragon that was bigger than anything I thought possible, a beast that looked like it could step on my family's home and crush it under its one clawed palm. A single scale of this beast looked to be the size of the boat I came across on. The color was extremely beautiful as well like pure gold that glistened from the light of the lava, with hints of silver mixed in. Then I almost passed from the surprise out as I heard the Dragon speak in High Valyrian to King Rokgar.

'f*ck… Maybe gods are real!' I think while I stare at this dragon in awe.


(Talrit POV)

I woke up to a magic caster calling me from my sleep. This sleep has almost come to an end on its own either way, as my magic has almost fully returned from my rest. As I broke out of the lava I was sleeping in I noticed a silver kobold or dragonborn from the looks of it. Though I can tell it is a clan member due to the magic signature in its body.

"...Are you the new head of the clan?... Oh! A human as well! Some survived!" I say to the silver dragonborn and then notice the human staring at me in awe next to the white wyvern which is bowing down to me as well. The wyverns know me to be a true dragon and like any sub-dragon species will bow down to a true dragon.

"Yes, my god. I'm the King of the Clan now. As for the human, none have survived the great calamity. Though the Targaryens are known to have survived after they left according to this human, he lives where they currently rule. This human is the first to have survived the journey to our lands since the great calamity," the silver dragon born says to me. Though I guess I became the god of the clan.

"I see…" I say while thinking about what to do.

"First, what is your name? Then we will let us leave this place, as I want to see how the clan is doing. Then I will speak with this human, as I have many questions for him… Though why does he not speak? Is he… dull?" I say to the silver dragonborn who chuckles while looking at the human who is staring at us with a confused face.

"My name is Rokgar Belgrax, named after the greatest leader of our clan. As for the human, he is Gerion Lannister and only speaks common it appears," Rokgar says to me and I nod my head in understanding now.

"Oh! Much has changed then since I was last awake. How long has it been?" I ask Rokgar while standing at my full height preparing to leave my lair.

"Much has changed my god, it has been almost 400 years since you took your rest," Rokgar says to me.

Chapter 23: Ch.21

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

Once I was fully awake and excited to see what changed since I was asleep, I flew out of the volcano. As soon as I broke through the top of the volcano, I let out a roar that shook the entire land below me. Letting every creature in my territory that the King has awoken and is here to stay for a while. I heard the creatures answer my call back with the wyverns roaring back to me in excitement at my return.

Looking below I can the city that the Clan has built below the volcano, it was extremely well made. Even better than the human city that is in ruins now, the clan even is utilizing magic to better make the city. As I land near the city I dwarf it standing over it, even the tallest pyramid is not much larger than me. Though I can see the creatures from my old world are now in this one roaming the city alongside the clan members.

All the clan members came out to see me as they all kneeled before me while praying collectively to me. I smile down seeing how well my clan is doing and how well of a leader Rokgar is. I turn into my human form and teleport inside the pyramid waiting for Rokgar and the human to return. In the meantime, I talked with Rokgar's mate and his offspring. They told me most of what changed while I was asleep, then Rokgar came in while we were talking, with the human behind him.

"Rokgar, I was just talking with your mate and offspring. They told me all the things you did for the clan to help it prosper as much it has," I say to him while drinking the wine the clan makes using all sorts of different fruits that now grow on the island.

Apparently, my magic has changed the way the islands work and even allowed other species from our old world to be introduced to this one. I was excited to explore the lands that are under my clan's control and see what has changed. Plus I wanted to see how this city was run, though at the same time, I really wanted to learn what this human has to tell me.

"You honor me, my god. I only did what I thought you would approve of," Rokgar says to me bowing to me respectfully. I can see the absolute adoration and loyalty from him in his eyes, just as all the clan members I saw so far.

"Gerion, I want to explore this city. Come with me and tell me about where you come from. Anyone else want to join us as we explore the city?" I say to the human who is staring at me confused, but in awe seeing that apparently I'm the dragon he talked with earlier but now looking like a human.

"I can walk you around my god and my family can join us if that is alright," Rokgar says to me with a bowed head still.

"Sure, would be good having someone who can give us the tour. Gerion, so tell me about this place you come from," I say standing up as we all start to walk outside to the city below, with the human stuttering in the beginning as he is still processing everything.

For the next several hours I walk with Rokgar, his family, and Gerion around the city. Rokgar tells me about the city as we walk, with Gerion telling me about the place the humans are currently residing in between Rokgar's explanations. The next few days I spend learning about the city and everything that has changed since I was asleep. Each time Rokgar and his family would show me around the city as it was too large to explore in one day. Gerion came with us to see it too while he finished telling me everything he could about the humans.

Once I was done exploring the city, I could tell Gerion wanted to return to his family but too afraid to voice that. I will help him return, once I finish exploring my clan's lands. As I will want to come with him to see the human lands and the Targaryens. In the morning I told Rokgar, his family, and Gerion that I will be back after I fly around our lands to see them.

"Gerion, before you become completely saddened. I will help you reach your home once I return after exploring my lands," I say to him and he perks up smiling at me.

"Thank you! I am forever in your debt and your people's debts. As my family says the Lannisters always pay their debts and I owe you all my life and more," Gerion says to me and genuinely means what he says as I nod my head to him.

"My god, before you leave. The mages have finished making you your ring," Rokgar says to me handing me a ring that most if not all clan members have.

The ring is a ring of storage much like the bags of holding the adventures used from my old world. This ring is the best one the clan has ever made so far as it has a space of 150ft (46m) square room. Though like any bag holding nothing living can be placed inside, once placed inside anything will be kept exactly as it was placed inside. So a hot meal will remain hot and fresh as long as it remains in the ring.

"As you requested my god your sword and armor were placed inside that the mages made. Plus the ring will adjust to your true form when you change forms," Rokgar says to me. While I nod my head to him.

With a simple thought, my armor appears on my body, and with the sword at my waist. The sword and armor were both made from the magical steel, that the humans have begun calling 'valyrian steel'. Though the sword had a golden hilt with a very detailed design of a golden dragon swirling around the hilt leading to the sword. While the armor was even more amazing as the design was very detailed. Made from the same metal it was silver, but looked mostly gold as it was covered in golden accents. The design was very draconic in a sense with golden dragons across the armor and the helmet having horns that match mine in my true form.

"Rokgar… this armor and sword exceeds my expectations and is very beautiful. Plus the enchantments on it are a great touch. I assume you all have been working on this since I was asleep. Either way, you all did an amazing job," I say to him and he smiles extremely happy at my praise.

"We knew one day you would awaken. We wanted to ensure you had armor and a sword to be proud of since you like to fight like a human at times," Rokgar says to me with a happy smile and a bow.

"I'm very proud of this clan and all you have accomplished in my absence. Though now it is time for me to explore my lands," I say to him giving him one last praise before I walk to the outdoors. Then teleporting into the air far above the city before changing to my true form and flying across the island where the Golden City resides.

As I fly low across the land I can see all sorts of creatures that have grown to giant sizes as my clan has said. Even creatures from my old world roam the lands below me. I then landed outside the old human capital city where they say crazed and infected humans reside. After I land I can the hundreds of humans that are covered in grey skin walking aimlessly inside the city. At my sight, they all run off to avoid me, though before they can escape I cast 'mass hold person' on all of them freezing them in place.

Then I cast 'mass Greater Restoration' on them all to see if that will heal them. Which it does as the grey scaly skin disappears on them all. Once it disappears, they all pass out from the healing process and are physically exhausted from being here until they die. I then scoop them all up in my one hand before flying back to my clan's capital city. Once there I tell my clan to ensure they are integrated into the city as they are now fellow clan members. My clan will ensure they find work and learn what it means to join our people.

After that, I fly back over my lands and head to the foggy sea in the direction of the nearest island where my clan has started to expand their people. Outside the Golden City, the clan has started to reside on other two islands with other cities on them. As I fly over the ocean, I decide to dive inside it since it has been far too long since I swam in the water.

Inside it, I can see sea creatures that once resided in my old world which all scurry away from me in fear. Though the ocean was not that deep in this area as my head breached the surface and I could walk through the water. I decided to float lazily to the next island, after a couple of hours floating in the water. I saw a few stone ships that my clan uses to cross the foggy sea, even in the fog I can see through it like it was not there.

I greet the ships that all stop and greet me respectfully. While they bow their heads as I float by, after floating for another hour I decided to fly to this next island. Jumping out of the ocean with huge waves forming from my movement, I fly to the next city. There I land outside it and greet the leader of this city and notice it looks much like the Golden City just nowhere near as large. Though I can tell it is expanding slowly as the population grows.

Over the next few months, I got to learn everything that my clan did in my absence and how they are slowly expanding into the islands near the capital. After learning everything I could about my clan, I told Rokgar to keep up his good work. While I told Gerion to prepare to leave for his homeland. The next morning after I broke my fast with Rokgar, his family, and Gerion we walked outside to where I would shift to my true form and fly us back to the human lands.

"My god I will ensure we continue to prosper while you are gone. If you need us for anything just call us and we will come to your aid immediately," Rokgar says to me bowing his head with his family doing the same.

"Of course, though the same can be said for you all. Should anything issues that you all cannot handle call me immediately and I will come," I say to him and he nods his head.

"Before you leave my god, I have a gift for Gerion Lannister. As he came here to find some of the metal we use for his family. This should be enough for a sword," Rokgar says handing some of the rare metal ore to Gerion who stares at him in surprise.

"Thank you King Rokgar! You did not have to do this, I already owe you all so much!" Gerion says in thanks while smiling at Rokgar who just shakes his head.

"Think nothing of it, you are a good person and came here for a simple mission. Plus our god is going with you, all I ask is you ensure he is well taken care of," Rokgar says to him and Gerion nods his head.

"Of course, it is the least I can do for everything you all did for me!" Gerion says.

"Well then let us be on our way, which direction again?" I say to everyone and turn to Gerion.

"Northwest–" Gerion says and wants to say something else, but I teleport us into the air as he screams in the sudden shift. I then turn to my true form and let him land on my back as I laugh at his high-pitched scream.

Chapter 24: Ch.22

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

We flew across the ocean and it took us several weeks to reach the mainland that Gerion spoke of. I flew high enough in the air that anything seeing me would mistake me for a bird. Gerion then pointed out the capital of the human lands, 'King's Landing' where the 'Red Keep' was, where the Targaryens resided currently. I was tempted to land and greet my once old friends, to also see if they would remember me as was told to me. Instead, I kept my promise to Gerion as he wanted to return home.

Then once I help him return home I will learn what I can from his family about the human lands and history of their people. Then once I felt I learned enough I will leave and explore the lands myself, but first stop at the Red Keep to speak with the Targaryens. Another day of flying, as I did not need to rest since I just took a very long nap, and as a Great Wyrm I have much more stamina. As the day broke and Gerion looked out from my back he exclaimed in excitement and joy at the sight of his family's home.

"I never thought I'd see my home again. Not after everything that happened," Gerion says with some tears escaping his eyes.

I then cast invisibility on myself and Gerion landing a few miles from the keep. Once I landed, I took Gerion off my back and shifted to my human form. I knew that humans would not take kindly to my real form. Plus being in my human form for now will allow me to see things from their perspective. After I shifted to my human form and saw no one nearby, I dropped our invisibility spell so it looked like we traveled by foot.

"When we get there let me do the talking, please," Gerion says to me and I just chuckle nodding my head.

"I've lived among humans before, I understand how you all work for the most part. Plus I doubt your prides have changed since I last spent time with you all. Though I will let you do the talking," I say to him and he just nods his head to me.

"You are not wrong. We, humans, are very prideful, especially us nobles. Hell, my family might be the most prideful of them all… well next to the Targaryens," Gerion says with a laugh while we begin walking toward 'Casterly Rock', his family's ancestral home.

The next few hours we walked to Casterly Rock as Gerion just talked about his family and everything he couldn't wait to do once we arrived. I just listened to him talk happily as he was beyond excited to have returned home.

"You know I once thought myself a great adventurer, but after everything… I think I'm fine with settling down and just raising my daughter," Gerion says to me with a happy look on his face at the thought.

"I hope that dream of yours comes true. Just remember to keep my clan a secret for now," I say as we approach the outskirts of the keep that overlooks the harbor city below called 'Lannisport' and he nods his head seriously.

"Halt! Who approaches the Keep?" A guard says to us as we walk toward the entrance. I can see many guards that are all wearing uniformed armor of red and black plate, with some gold trimmings.

"Gerion of House Lannister and his friend, Lord Talrit of House Valtaris! Tell my family I have returned!" Gerion says to the guards announcing his return with a prideful face, but happiness and excitement are very present in his eyes.

"Lord Gerion?!... Open the gates!" the guard says very surprised at his statement of who he is and then immediately tells the others to open the gates.

After the gates open we walk inside with the leader of the guards asking forgiveness to Gerion. Who just tells him it's not a problem, that after his disappearance it would be suspected he was thought missing or dead. It has been over a year since he left. The guards then escort us to the main part of the keep, where one ran off to inform the rest of Gerion's family.

(AN: Current date is 274AC, with Robert's rebellion happening in 281AC)

We then approached the main part of the keep where a large courtyard was with a fountain and garden inside it. Arriving inside I see, several humans and what appears to be a dwarf or halfling, quickly coming outside. One of the female humans breaks into a run seeing Gerion and practically tackles him to the ground in a hug. With tears streaming from her eyes, Gerion is now crying slightly too in the hug from happiness.

'Dwarves reside here?! Maybe a halfling?' I think to myself as I'm curious about the small person in the group as Gerion is hugging his family.

"Joy! I'm back!" Gerion says in the hug with a heavy emotional voice as his daughter that he told me about, the young woman hugging him is crying in the hug in happiness too.

"We thought you dead!... I am just glad that it is not true!" Joy his daughter says while hugging Gerion refusing to let go of him. As he hugs her back rubbing her back lovingly.

"Uncle Gery!" the dwarf or halfling says running over and joining the hug between father and daughter.

'Guess it is neither… unless they adopted him…,' I think seeing this as the other humans now walk over, but much more reserved and greet Gerion at his return.

From the introductions of the other humans, it appears two are Gerion's brother and sister. While the others are his niece and nephews. After the very heartwarming reunion of the family, they all turned to me with a curious looks in their eyes.

"Gerion, who is your… friend?" the man who is Gerion's brother, but not the one in charge of the family, I believe Gerion called him Kevan.

"Oh, this is Lord Talrit of House Valtaris, from Essos. He found me stranded at sea after I somehow escaped Old Valyria. I owe him my life and he wanted to see Westeros, so I brought him with me since I owe him more than I can repay," Gerion says introducing me and I nod my head to them in greeting.

"Nice to meet you all. Gerion spoke highly of each of you and how much he missed you on our journey here," I say to them and they all nod their heads greeting me in return.

"Well as acting Lord of Casterly Rock, I welcome you as our guest and offer you a place here as long as you want. As my brother said he owes you his life and since you helped return him, we will make sure you are taken care of as long as you remain in our lands," Gerion's brother, Kevan, says to me with a happy smile at his brother's return.

"I appreciate the hospitality. Though I do not plan on staying long. I just want to learn more about the lands and its people, before I head out and see it all for myself. Though I'm very interested in seeing King's Landing as I hear that is a sight to see," I say to Kevan and he nods his head in understanding.

"Well take as much time as you need here and when you want to go to King's Landing I will have some of my house guards escort you there," Kevan says to me.

"Come you both must be hungry and we should celebrate my brother's safe return!" Kevan says ushering us inside the keep and telling the servants to prepare a feast.

We all walked into the dining hall where servants brought out wine and finger food as the humans call it, while they prepare a feast. There his family bombards Gerion with questions about his journey and what happened. I just listen to Gerion telling his tale of his journey and how he survived the island. Though he left out meeting my clan and seeing the things my clan showed him. He just said he was able to make a raft and paddle from the island, where I found him at sea and brought him to my home. There we journey across the sea back here.

"Oh before I forget! I found these metal ores in the ruined city of Old Valyria! I believe this is the metal used to make Valyrian Steel!" Gerion says showing the special metal and placing it on the table. As the whole family rushes over to look at this very rare metal that the humans apparently lack.

"Amazing! You actually found some of this metal!... Though I'm not sure there are any smiths capable of making the metal from its raw form anymore. They only know how to reforge old swords," Kevan says while inspecting the ores.

"I can forge the metal. It's something my family has passed down," I say as I shrug my shoulders, more favor with the family is never a bad thing.

"What?! Are you serious?!" Kevan says to me and I nod my head.

"Then we'd be in even more debt to you than ever!" Kevan says to me.

"All I ask is you keep the fact I know this to yourselves," I say to him and he nods agree immediately. As this knowledge to them is priceless, plus they would seek me out for any future needs, while heavily guarding this fact from others.

"Just give me the design you are looking for and I can make it. Though from the amount here I can only make one longsword or two short swords. Nothing else more than those," I say to Kevan and he nods his head happy at the idea.

"I will send word to my brother in King's Landing immediately. He can decide what to do from there," Kevan says referring to the head of the family who is also the advisor to the King, known as the 'Hand of the King'.

Once the conversation ends the servants bring out all assortments of food. I have a taste of it all since even some of the food here is not something I've had the pleasure of eating yet. The whole meal Gerion spoke of his adventures in my lands leaving out the clan, but giving details of his moments alone. While his daughter, nephews, and siblings listened closely to the tails. Especially the halfling-looking one, he was very intrigued by the stories, while also looking at me from time to time.

Seems my appearance is still very attractive to the females as Gerion's sister and niece kept looking at me with lust. Stealing glances thinking I did not notice them, though I just ignored the looks from everyone focusing on the fantastic food in front of me. Then breaking me from my food-focused atmosphere, I hear the halfling as me a question.

"You look like the mage in the book I've read a lot about Old Valyria. Can you do magic?" the halfling says to me while looking at me with curious eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous! Magic is not real! Do not ask such stupid questions!" the niece of Gerion says to the halfling with hatred in her voice. The halfling looks down in embarrassment and sadness from the berating of the young woman.

"Cersei! Calm down and do not make a scene in front of our guest!" Kevan says to the young woman upon hearing her outburst. Cersei just scoffs and turns away from her Uncle's correction of her.

"I apologize Lord Talrit, they kids do not get along as well as I wish they would," Kevan says to me and I just shake my head.

"No need to apologize and no offense taken, kids will be kids. Though to answer your question young one. Some say I'm a magician, but I like to think I'm much more than that," I say to him with a teasing smile on my face and the hidden meaning behind my words. Though hearing me Gerion chokes on his drink understanding my meaning.

Chapter 25: Ch.23

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

The first few weeks I spent with the Lannisters, were mostly spent in the Library reading about the history of this land. While Gerion told me about the customs of this place, from everything I learned not much is different from the customs of the old humans I knew. Though thankfully they do not have slavery here, though sometimes it feels as if the servants are not treated better than slaves.

With Gerion following me around and helping me learn more, I came to enjoy his company and even without realizing it I became good friends with him. I know I told myself to never become friends with lesser beings, but Gerion grew onto me. His personality and the way he lives his life are something I came to respect. That may be the reason I let him ride my back, as he is one of the few humans I met that I view as almost an equal.

Other than Gerion who I now consider a good friend, his nephew the 'imp' as some call him, has been following me around too. Like me, he spends most of his free time in the family library and enjoys reading. The few weeks he just watched me from afar, but then grew the courage to approach me today it seems.

"Lord Valtaris… uhm… do you like reading?" Tyrion asks me as I'm in the library reading the book they have about the north of this country and how vastly different it is from here.

"I do. As knowledge is power, as with knowledge one can become wiser in the decisions one makes," I say to Tyrion with a smile, who is a small human, which I learned from Gerion is the case here as he is affected by a disease or curse. Though I ruled out both as I inspected his body subtly with magic, seems this might be just something he was born with.

"I like reading too! My father always said the same thing, that the more someone knows the better they can make decisions. At least that is what he told my brother since he is the heir. I just like reading since it's the only thing that I can really do," Tyrion says to me climbing into the seat next to me at the small table I was sitting at in the library.

"Well, I agree with your father. I enjoy learning new things as it increases my stores of knowledge about how this world works. Then I can pass down this knowledge to those I deem worthy of it, plus enjoy advising others if I feel they need the help or deserve it," I say to Tyrion who nods his head smiling at me.

"So can you do magic?" Tyrion whispers to me while looking around to see if anyone was listening to us.

"Hm… Can you keep a secret?" I ask Tyrion as Gerion told me how little magic is used by humans now. It is a rare secret and very feared by the more religious types along with the Order of Maesters who claimed it was lost knowledge.

"Of course!" Tyrion says to me excitedly and I chuckle at his inquisitive nature. I can see why Gerion like this boy and I understand the pity he feels as most of his family looks at him like a blight on the family.

"Good," I say while casting Prestidigitation making a shower of small sparks appear around us. He laughs in excitement seeing the small magic show, as I smile at his innocence.

"That was amazing!! Can I learn to do that?" Tyrion says to me after seeing the magic.

"I would teach you as I taught others in the past. But it appears you are not that capable of using magic, I apologize but you would be unable to learn even the spell I just used," I say to Tyrion who looks dejected, but then turns his sadness around quickly smiling at me.

"That's fine! I'm just glad you showed me! I promise I won't tell anyone!" Tyrion says to me though I can still see the sadness in his eyes.

As another week passes, I read many of the books in the family library. Gerion told me their brother's response arrived about what they told him. That Gerion returned alive and brought back some of the Valyrian Steel ore, not only that but the person who saved him is capable of smithing something with it. Seems the brother wants a longsword made from the metal and if I can also make a very fancy golden lion hilt for it. I agreed to the design and began working on the sword, as long as no one disturbed me and I would work on it alone, which they quickly agreed to.

For the next few days, I forged the sword from the ore my clan gifted Gerion. The sword I made was a design the oldest brother wanted that looked like the old family heirloom sword. A longsword blade with a blood grove down the middle. Leading to a hilt made of steel and fine gold weaving through it. With fine-tanned leather strips for the handle, leading to the golden lion head as the pommel. Once I was finished with the sword I brought it to Kevan the current leader of the house in his brother's absence.

"This… this is beautiful! You did amazing work! This looks just like the family sword that was lost several generations ago," Kevan says while he looks at the sword I made and Gerion is impressed by it too, even though he has seen all the work my clan has made.

"Our family owes you more than ever for this now too. You and your decedents will always have a place to stay at our home for as long as both our families exist. Should you ever need our help for anything we will answer your call. That I sware as the current acting head of House Lannister," Kevan says to me offering me a handshake that I accept, even though I doubt I will need them. Though I expect it either way.

"I appreciate that. Though I feel my time here is reaching an end. I've read almost everything in your library and from what I see what else is in there are things I already know. I will be heading out in the morning, I would like to first see the capital before deciding to head somewhere else," I say to him and they both nod their heads.

"Then we will throw a farewell feast tonight and tomorrow I have some of our house guards escort you to King's Landing. I will send a message to my brother you are heading there, so he can receive you and offer you a place to stay for as long as you remain in the capital," Kevan says to me as I nod my head and leave the room to go finish the last few books I want to read.

That night the Lannisters threw me a feast that was just like the one when Gerion and I first arrived. Though this time the family was not weary of me, but much more friendly with me. Plus Tyrion was saddened to see me leave as he grew close to me since I was one of the few that was genuinely kind to him. While his siblings tried to look indifferent to me leaving, his sister I could see was attracted to me and slightly upset at my departure. While his brother seemed conflicted at my departure for some reason, as he appeared both happy and sad at it.

That morning after breaking my fast with the family one last time. I left with a small group of around twenty men that would escort me to King's Landing. The trip took almost two months since the distance was long. Even on horseback, the trip took some time. We came across several commoners and other people making a journey to the capital. Though nothing interesting or fun happened during the journey, I did enjoy the nature while we made the trip.

We then eventually arrived at the capital which was not what I was expecting it to be. The place was very large almost as large as the capital city of the Valyrian Empire. Though it was nowhere near as nice, as the place smelled of human excrement even from a few hour's ride away I could smell it. Inside the city, the number of people was more than I excepted, though I guess many lived on the streets. Poverty was a huge issue here it seemed, plus the amount of sick and dying was extremely large.

Overall I was very disappointed in this place, as I was expecting something similar to Valyria or even Casterly Rock. The men I came with seemed to be not as affected by the sight since they most likely have been here before. We traveled through the city to the Red Keep where the Targaryens resided and Tywin Lannister is working as the Hand of the King. Even in the 'nicer' part of the city, it was not much better than the 'lower' section.

A guard stopped us as we reached the gates to the Red Keep, but the captain of the men I was with announced our arrival. Shortly after they allowed us inside where we walked to where Tywin was located. As normally we'd go see the King first but he was busy, with whatever as the guards of the keep did not give more information.

I walked through the Red Keep with a few of the castle guards escorting me this time as the Lannister men, went to where the other Lannister men stayed in the Keep. The guards lead me to the tower of the Hand. The place where every Hand of the King lives during his stay as the King's advisor. We then reached the office where I saw the man I assumed was Tywin Lannister due to his blonde, but graying hair and the lion insignia on his clothes.

"Nice to finally meet you Lord Valtaris. My family has told me all the things you have done for us. I'm sure you heard the saying 'A Lannister always pays his debts', which is very true. While you remain in the Red Keep you will be under my protection and should you need anything just ask me," Tywin says to me standing up to greet me as I enter the room and offers me a seat across from him at his desk. The servant in the room pours me a glass of wine which I take while nodding my head to the servant in thanks.

"I appreciate the courtesy Lord Tywin and I do not believe I will remain long in the capital… it was not what I was expecting," I say to him and I no longer want to be here more than necessary as this place's filth fills my nose making me nauseous. Almost to the point, I was tempted to burn it down in a fire to clean it.

"I understand. Many speak of the capital in high regard, then make the journey here to become disappointed at its real appearance," Tywin says to me with a smirk having heard my statement.

"That's an understatement," I say while drinking the wine to rid my nose of the horrid smell of the city.

"I heard the King was busy with… something. Though I'm sure he will want to meet the man my family sent here soon, as he is very… interested in all comings and goings of the people in the keep. The journey here was long I'm sure, I will have someone show you to your courters while you stay here. I will also assign two of my house guards to remain with you and go with you to where ever it is you wish to visit. Though I do recommend you avoid 'Flea Bottom' as that place is the most unsavory," Tywin says to me and I nod my head.

As I'm shown my room that I will be staying in while I remain here, I think about what I wish to do in this capital. So far I've seen nothing that catches my interest. I guess I will meet the Targaryens and see if they remember me. Then from there maybe stay to catch up with them or leave and see the rest of this country.

Chapter 26: Ch.24

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

During the few hours I spent walking the Keep, I could feel a tense and fearful atmosphere around the place. Seems what Gerion told me about the King becoming recently labeled 'The Mad King' is very true. As all the servants walk around with their heads held low and deep fear in their eyes. Though as I was walking in the gardens in the Keep's ground, I came across a woman with the same silvery hair and purple eyes that the Targaryens are known for.

From her appearance alone, she appeared to be the Queen. Her name was Rhaella if I remember correctly and she was staring out at the sea from her seat in the garden. From the things Gerion told me the Queen has had several stillborn children, though they do have a son who is the heir to the throne named Rhaegar. I can see a deep sadness in her eyes that she has done well to hide from others, as her face looks stoic at all times.

"Hello Queen Rhaella," I say to her not using the phrase your grace or my Queen, because that is not true to me. I may have not cared about pride for a very long time, but I will not call anyone my Queen or King.

"Hello… I'm not sure we have met," Rhaella says turning to me and hearing my greeting as her servants all look at me with blushed faces. While the two 'KingsGuard' stand with their hands on their swords ready to attack me at a moment's notice.

"No, we have not. I am Lord Valtaris, the Lord who arrived at the Red Keep a few hours ago as Tywin Lannister's guest," I say to her while looking at the two Kingsguard who appear to be good swordsmen from look alone.

"Ah, yes I heard that someone arrived as Lord Tywin's guest. It is nice to meet you Lord Valtaris. Though I we will have to speak another time, as I would like to be alone for now," Rhaella says to me and I can see the emptiness in her eyes, plus the well-hidden injuries on her.

'Seems her relationship with the King is not a very good one,' I think to myself assuming she is being abused by her husband, though it is not my place to step into that issue. I may want to help others if I can, but I can not involve myself in every matter.

"Of Course Queen Rhaella, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day," I say to her before leaving the area, I can see my lack of courtesy has annoyed the two guards, but the queen looks at me curiously.

'I guess the Targaryens have forgotten me. It matters not, I did not expect humans to remember me after all these generations, especially if I did not make regular appearances,' I think to myself as I walk around the gardens leaving the Queen behind.

After another hour of me walking around trying to become familiar with the place I am in, a few servants walk over to me.

"M'Lord, the King has requested your presence in the throne room," the servant says and I nod my head to them gesturing to lead the way. The two guards from the Lannisters' house share a nervous look before following me and the servant.

'Let us see if the King is as mad as the realm seems to believe,' I think while we walk to the throne room.

Entering the throne room it looks just as I heard it to be. A large place that can hold maybe a hundred people comfortably, with large pillars holding up the ceiling. A set of stairs leads to the hideous throne that is used by the Targaryens. A throne made of rusty bent and affixed swords, apparently from Aegon Targaryen, that subjugated the 'Seven Kingdoms'. Sitting on the throne I see the current King, Aerys II Targaryen, who looks disheveled and I can see the madness in his eyes. He appears to be very paranoid as he inspects me with a scrutinizing gaze, with Tywin Lannister standing next to him and the rest of the Kingsguard in the room.

"King Aerys," I say to him bowing my head slightly in greeting as a sign of respect, but I will refuse to kneel or bow completely. I would refuse to do that to anyone I view below me or even my equal, especially not to a maddened human like this man.

"You are expected to kneel in front of the King!" one of the Kingsguard says to me as I just look at them indifferently, ignoring them.

"It is fine Arryk, a foreigner is not expected to know all of our customs. Though why is a foreigner in my home?" Aerys says to the Kingsguard who spoke while eyeing me suspiciously and turns to Tywin for the answer as I was here under his family's name.

"He has helped my family greatly, by returning my brother home from his trip that almost killed him. Lord Valtaris wanted to see the capital, so after spending some time in my home, he was escorted here to see the capital," Tywin says to Aerys who seems to mull over his words, before speaking.

"Well, you have been here for a few hours, correct?" Aerys says to me and I nod my head while becoming increasingly annoyed by this maddened human from the way he talks and acts.

"Correct," I say while nodding my head and thinking of ways to burn this hell hole of a city, my disappointment has reached very high levels and the Targaryens have fallen very low it seems over the years.

"Well, what do you think of my city?!" Aerys says to me with the madness in his eyes increasing.

"It is not what I was expecting, to say the least," I say while hoping this conversation can end.

"What exactly were you where expecting? Is it grander than you originally thought?!" Aerys says to me with a knowing look behind his madness.

"Much grander," I say while being very tempted to just burn this place to the ground along with the mad King.

"Hmm… How long do you plan on staying in the Keep?" Aerys says after a few tense seconds of him staring at me as the room became deathly quiet. It appears the blackened stains in the room are not old, but recent as the man enjoys burning people according to the rumors.

"A few more days," I say and Tywin gives me a relieved look with his eyes, as the Mad King goes silent again.

"Very well, then I will allow you to remain in the Keep until you leave. Though Tywin is in charge of making sure you are taken care of," Aerys says while motioning for one of his guards to come close, then whispers in their ear.

"If that is all King Aerys, I will take my leave," I say as my patience for the first time in millenniums is being tested to its limits.

"That is fine. Tywin you stay I wish to speak with you," Aerys says dismissing everyone except for Tywin and his guards.

After I left the room, I calm myself down and shake my head to get rid of the thoughts of burning the city down. As tempting as it would be to see the madman burn and make him watch as everything his family built turned to ash, I will not kill the innocents that live in the city. The lives of the innocent come first and if push comes to shove, then I will end just the mad king himself before escaping the city.

The next morning, I left to go to the Keep's library to see if there are any books inside that I have yet to read. After a few hours of searching and reading, two men enter the library. One appears to be older, with a head full of gray hair that is balding, a grey cloak, and metal chains around his shoulders. At first, I thought he was a slave, but remembered that is what 'Maesters' wear. While the other was the Prince of this Kingdom since he looks just like his father and mother, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

Seeing me they both look at me for a few seconds, before the Prince walks over to me with the older man behind him. Unlike his father or his mother, he neither has madness nor sadness in his eyes. He has a look in his eyes that suggest he knows more than his age suggests. I look at them with a curious look as they walk over to me since it is apparent that the Prince was looking for me on his return. He was on a hunting trip for a few days before I arrived and returned this morning it seems.

"Prince Rhaegar," I say to him with a head nod, acknowledging his presence.

"The correct response is to stand and bow to the Prince," the older man says to me with contempt in his eyes, as I ignore him annoying him further.

"Quiet Pycelle, you can leave me now and tell the two Kingsguard outside that I am fine. That no one is to disturb Lord Valtaris and I for now," Rhaegar says to the man and the man quickly bows his head and leaves to carry out his orders. I can see a knowing look in Rhaegar's eyes at seeing me.

"Do you know me?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow after the man left since he might be the first and only one in his family to recognize me.

"Depends, are you the same man my family has talked about since we lived in Old Valyria? As you appear just as described in the books, plus your name is the same one that is in my family's personal journal passed down every to heir," Rhaegar says to me taking a seat across from me with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Then yes, though it appears neither of your parents recognized me. How come you did?" I say to Rhaegar who smiles at my confirmation.

"My mother was never really a reader and as time went on she became more… reclused, plus my ancestors only passed down the special journal to the first-born males of the family," Rhaegar says to me, and before I can ask about the mad king he continues.

"As for my father… well you met him. The older he gets the more… unstable he becomes, seeing enemies everywhere. Plus it seems he has forgotten many things that he used to know, as his memories are not what they used to be," Rhaegar says to me and I nod my head in understanding.

"Yes, it seems madness has taken over him," I say without reserve since Rhaegar seems to understand who I am.

"It has… I came to you because… well I've found and researched this prophecy about 'A Prince That Was Promised'. From what it says… well I believe that it is talking about me. As apparently there is a great war coming, that will change the course of the world," Rhaegar says to me while I listen to him, not really believing him as to me gods are fickle beings and uncaring with few that do. Even the gods that do care, rarely get involved in the mortal realms.

"I see… so why come to me?" I say to him though I suspect his reason.

"I'm trying to find people I can trust and rely on when the time comes for this war. From everything I read about you, you seem very capable and have helped my family for a long time. So I was hoping you would help me," Rhaegar says to me very earnestly with a look of hope.

"Tell me exactly what this prophecy was," I say to him while thinking about whether or not I want to stay here and help him.

"My ancestor, King Aegon I had a prophetic dream in which he foresaw the return of these beings called 'White Walkers' and that another Great War will come. Aegon believed the dream was indicating that a Targaryen must unite and rule the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. As he believed that the 'Prince That Was Promised' would be born of his lineage. He inscribed this prophecy on this Valyrian steel dagger that was later passed from king to king," Rhaegar says to me handing me the same dagger he spoke of, which I inspected and saw that what he said is true, atleast the story is.

Chapter 27: Ch.25

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

"A few things here. First, I do not believe prophecies are real and even if it is, it's practically impossible to tell who the prophecy speaks of. Second, if I do join you are you planning on killing your father and taking his place? Or do you plan on waiting for him to die naturally? When will this war take place? Finally, how do you plan on fighting these, 'White Walkers' and what even are they?" I say to Rhaegar who is giving me a complicated look.

"I understand your hesitation, as many before did not believe me as I told them about what I discovered. Though as old as you are and the things you have seen and done, can you still say you do not believe in gods or visions? As for my father… well the realm is becoming increasingly unhappy with the way he rules, I'm still not sure what to do in that regard," Rhaegar says to me with a heavy sigh before continuing.

"I have no idea when this 'war' will take place, but the sooner I prepare the better, right? As for the 'White Walkers', well I do not know much about them, only the things passed down in stories. Apparently that are these supernatural beings almost incapable of being killed and can bring back the dead to fight for them," Rhaegar says to me while giving me a look hoping for my help.

'They sound like 'Wights' and maybe the leader is a lich?' I think to myself hearing him tell me about these so-called 'White Walkers'.

"As for me, well I never said I do not believe in gods, just that they do not care enough to get involved in our world. The ones that do rarely have good intentions. As for visions, no I do not believe in something that could be falsy planted in one's mind. I'm more of a… practical person," I say to him and he sighs nodding his head not forcing his ideals on me, as that would only annoy me further.

"Can you atleast stay a month or two longer? My betrothed is supposed to show up in a week, from there a wedding will take place along with a tourney and other festivities. You can see more of how we live here, plus give me time to convince you to help me, please," Rhaegar says to me with a pleading look.

'Well this is the largest library I've come across and I'm interested in the books here…Though from the smell and the fact I can feel everyone's eyes on me at all times spying on me. Makes me feel otherwise and I have the feeling the mad King is plotting to assassinate me,' I think to myself considering this.

"On several conditions will I stay, first, make sure your father leaves me alone. As his presence alone annoys me greatly and if he tries anything with me, I will kill him. Second, do not pester me daily on joining you or I will leave, you can come to me atleast once a week in an attempt to convince me. Lastly, I want unrestricted access to this library and to not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary," I say to Rhaegar who nods his head immediately agreeing with my requests.

"My father places his trust in others very little these days. But I'm still one of the few he trusts and I will ensure he leaves you alone. As for the other two stipulations, I can easily agree to, every week from today I will be pestering you to help me. I will also make sure Pycelle understands you have complete access to the library and give you a key to the family-only section," Rhaegar says to me gesturing to the caged-off part of the library that his family makes sure only they have access to, along with the current 'Grand Maester' who is currently Pycelle.

"Then I will stay here for the wedding, plus the festivities afterward, and no longer than that," I say to Rhaegar who smiles and nods his head.

'That would explain why the activity in the castle has been increasing lately. Seems the entire realm or atleast the more 'important' people will be here soon. Gods, now I will be dealing with a large group of Nobles, at least this time they do not know me. I can just stay with the Lannisters, I missed my good friend Gerion and little Tyrion,' I think to myself as Rhaegar leaves with a happy smile on his face convincing me to stay longer than I originally intended.

Over the next few days, the castle servants and even the whole city were very active. As they all ran around preparing for the arrival of the Prince's betrothed and the soon wedding after her arrival. Many nobles that are closer to King's Landing have started to arrive. By the end of the week, a few ships were seen entering the harbor carrying the 'Martell' insignia which was the family that was marrying into the Targaryens. I looked from the tower watching the arrive.

The first few days after the talk with Rhaegar, I could still feel the eyes on me and the tense atmosphere like someone was going to attack me at a moment's notice. However at the end of the week after my talk with Rhaegar, he was able to convince his father from doing something that would end in his death. Though Rhaegar's mother did take notice of me, in a way like she wanted to speak with me but was too afraid to since her husband is crazed. Once the Martells arrived many other nobles started to show up in droves. I spent most of my time in the library to avoid the many new people entering the city. While Rhaegar did come to visit me to try to convince me to help him again.

I was still not convinced to help him, after locking myself in the library for almost two weeks I decided to get some fresh air in the garden outside. Even though it was early in the morning, I could see some nobles lingering in the gardens and mingling with one another. I stared at them all with indifference since all of this meant nothing to me and the longer I stay in this piss-covered city the more annoyed I'm becoming at the way humans currently live.

"Oh! A Lannister… no your hair seems like a mix of Lannister and Targaryen… who are you?... Damn, you are very beautiful, maybe we could get to know each other better?" I hear a voice with an accent I'm not familiar with and say in my direction. At first, I thought they were talking to a servant, but then I realized I was alone, so I turned to the voice.

I see a young man around Jamie Lannister's age, with tanned olive skin, dark brown eyes, short black hair, and a well-trimmed beard. He was wearing fine yellow dyed silk robes, that had golden suns embroidered into the robes. He was staring at me with a lust-filled gaze, which is not the first time I'd received from a male human. From his appearance, it seems he is part of the Martell family.

"I am neither Lannister nor Targaryen. My Name is Lord Valtaris," I say to him with the same indifference I feel for most of the humans that reside in the capital.

"Well Lord Valtaris, you are a very beautiful man. I am Prince Oberyn of House Martell, it a pleasure to meet your acquaintance," Oberyn says to me with a full bow and hand out to his side as one would give to someone they are courting according to humans.

'This young man is very open and does not appear to have hidden agendas that I've come to notice all nobles have in the human lands,' I think to myself seeing him trying to seduce me.

"Good to make your acquaintance as well, Prince Oberyn. Though I'm afraid I do not enjoy the company of the same sex," I say to him letting him down easily as he is the first human here that does not infuriate me immediately.

"Well, you can not say I did not try! Though Lord Valtaris, I'm not familiar with that name. Where do you come from?" Oberyn says to me walking to my side as I overlook the gardens and see the idiotic nobles mingling with one another.

"I come from Essos. I was here as a guest of the Lannisters, but then the Prince took me as his guest since he wants my help with a project of his. Though I'm still unsure I want to help him, as I'd rather explore this world knowing that my home is well protected now and does not need me to watch over them all the time now," I say to Oberyn honestly as I know either way if he really wants he can figure out who I am and why I'm here. Plus it's no secret anyway, other than what exactly the Prince wants me to help him with.

"I can respect a man who wants to explore the world! I have the same dream and was about to head out on a journey myself, but then my sister was to be married. I decided to postpone my trip to see my sister off one last time before I head out on my own journey," Oberyn says to me with a smile that shows he is excited to see the world and what it has to offer. Like a true adventure from my old world.

"Yes, the world is too large to not be explored. Which is why I am most likely going to still deny the Prince help in his endeavor. Though he keeps trying to convince me, I doubt he will be able to by the end of this next month. Then I will head out on my journey," I say to Oberyn who nods his head in understanding.

"It is nice to meet someone who does not play the games of these other idiots all the time. I could get used to your company, I will be here just as long. If you really are going on a journey by the end of next month, then if you want we can journey together," Oberyn says to me and I chuckle at his attempts to seduce me still.

"Maybe… though I feel I could cover more distance traveling alone," I say to him as I was going to fly around from place to place.

"Maybe you could, but having company is always good. Plus I know all the good places to visit and who knows maybe we can become closer if we journey together…," Oberyn says to me still suggestively.

"Tell you what, I hear there is going to be a tourney for this wedding. If you win the tourney, then I will accompany you on this journey, only accompany you as I said I do not find other men attractive," I say to him and he smiles at me nodding his head, probably still thinking of ways to seduce me. Though something about his personality I find enjoyable and entertaining to be around.

"I understand… then we have a deal! I will show you why they call me 'the Red Viper'. Plus if I win we will journey to Essos together and see the world!" Oberyn says to me with excitement in his voice.

"You are very trusting of someone you just met," I say with a chuckle seeing his excitement, which is a nice change of pace for this deary sh*t hole.

"If you do not give someone the benefit of the doubt, then how will you ever make friends? Though I'm good at telling when someone is a liar and so far you have been honest, maybe not completely, though who ever is? It was nice meeting you, I hope you are ready to travel together!" Oberyn says to me with a smile waving me goodbye as he walks away.

'Maybe traveling with someone would be more fun… I do have time, time is something I do not lack and I can always leave whenever I want' I think to myself watching him leave.

By the end of the month, all the important Nobles arrived, from the furthest south to the furthest north. A day after all of them arrived, the wedding was held between Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. The ceremony I witnessed this time was different than the ones I saw in Valyria. I sat with the Lannisters as I was closest with them, though it appears not all of them came. As only Jamie and Cersei came the others were left at their home.

Chapter 28: Ch.26

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As we all sat inside the spacious and extravagant mini palace that is the place of worship for these humans. They all follow the faith called 'The Seven' as it has seven gods who have different reasons to be prayed to. At least that is what I gathered from reading about it in the library, I found the topic boring so I did not read much into it. Once everyone gathered in the room, Prince Doran Martell walked his sister, Elia Martell, up to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen to be wed, and the ceremony officially began.

As I sat next to Tywin Lannister, I could hear his daughter mumble some anger at the bride, Elia Martell. It seems Cersei wanted to be wed to Rhaegar as she was envious of the bride, plus from what I heard Tywin was denied when he proposed that his daughter and the prince be married. The King denied the betrothal and instead is connecting the house to the Martells. Either way, I can see the Lannisters are very annoyed by this prospect, though Jamie seems both nervous and happy today.

After the long and boring marriage ceremony, which I felt was longer than necessary, we all headed back to the Red Keep for the wedding feast. At the Keep, they had tables set up in the garden, music playing, games for the guest to partake in, and many other activities. Though unsurprisingly the King was watching everything from the stage set up for the bride and groom's family. He watched everyone with mad eyes and suspicion like at any moment he would be attacked. Which is probably why he has all the Kingsguard surrounding the high table.

The Queen was making the rounds in her husband's stead, talking to all of the 'important' guests. Once in a while, she would give me a side glance, seems she really wants to speak with me but will not publicly talk with me. The Prince and his new wife were also making the rounds talking with everyone that came to their wedding. After they spoke with Tywin Lannister, Tywin then walked over to the King to have a conversation that looked to be getting heated. As the King was smirking at Tywin and probably goading him into anger, while Tywin was a very good man at hiding his real feelings. Though I can still see the well-hidden hatred in his eyes for his King.

'Funny, from the stories I heard the King and Tywin used to be very good friends, almost like brothers. Now it appears that Tywin hates him almost as much as the rest of the realm does,' I think to myself while I sip wine and watch all the nobles mingle from a distance in the garden.

"Enjoying the royal wedding?" I hear a very familiar voice say to me, as they have been pestering me ever since they arrived in the capital, Oberyn Martell.

Though at the same time, I've come to enjoy his canter and lack of care for the noble customs. Little does the young man know that I'm actually enjoying his company to a certain degree. Since I learned long ago to have the stoic face that all nobles deploy when speaking with one another, at least the ones with good political sense.

"The wine and food are good. Though aside from that… not much different than any other noble wedding I would imagine," I say to him while still watching the nobles walking around the feast.

"I agree. From what my sister was saying the wedding would be like, this is not what I imagined. She made it sound like it would be a spectacle of the ages and everyone would remember this day forever," Oberyn says to me leaning on the stone railing with a wine glass in his hand, that I also was resting against watching the nobles.

"What I do not understand is how they can wake up smelling this piss-covered city and instead of spending the money to fix it. They instead spend the money on this… this unnecessary week-long ceremony," I say to him and he laughs hearing me.

"I totally agree, the first thing that cut through the smell of the sea, was the sea of piss and sh*t inside this city! To be fair the ceremony was only a few hours and the rest is just the royal family showing off," Oberyn says with a chuckle agreeing with me.

"Can you tell me what is a bedding ceremony? As I keep hearing everyone speak about it in excitement," I say to him since I do not know this custom and I haven't read anything in a book on it.

"Damn, I really want to know more about where you come from… though the bedding ceremony is later tonight if they have one. Basically, the men carry the bride to the couple's bed chamber… then help disrobe her to her undergarments. The same happens with the groom, but the women escort him to the chambers while disrobing him. Though since it is the royal prince I would assume the women will be just as excited if not more than the men in this activity," Oberyn says to me and I just stare at him in confusion as to why this is even part of the wedding day.

"What is the point of that?" I say with utter confusion and he chuckles seeing my face.

"No idea, just something that has been done for… well forever really. I've no idea how or who started it," Oberyn says with a shrug and I just shake my head. As silence takes over and we watch the nobles mingle with one another for a few minutes.

"So can I ask how you came into the Lannister's favor? Not many gain their favor, especially an outsider, and even to the point that I could not find out much. Seems they really value you, that your past is well hidden," Oberyn says breaking the silence and I smile a bit at the loyalty the Lannisters have shown me so far.

"What have you heard?" I ask him and give him a curious look.

"Not much sadly, just that you are a lord from Essos, even though Essos is a huge place so not much I can find out there. Plus you saved one of their family members, though I can not find any details about that either," Oberyn says to me and I can tell he is being completely honest with me as I nod my head.

"Well I am from Essos, as from where exactly… maybe one day I will share that with you, should you prove to be a friend. I also did save one of their family members as he was ship wreaked and I brought him back home," I say to him and he listens to me while thinking before saying something else.

"Seems I need to prove myself to you even more if I want to find out more," Oberyn says and I nod my head at him with a face that says 'no sh*t'.

"Trust has to be earned and only time will tell if someone is truly a friend or enemy. Should we end up traveling together, then maybe one day I will tell you about myself and my family," I say to him and he smiles at me.

"Then be ready to spill your secrets after tomorrow!" Oberyn says with a determined look and I chuckle seeing his absolute confidence.

"We'll see," I say with a small smile on my face as we fall back into silence watching the nobles.

"Brother! There you are! Oh is this a new… acquaintance of yours?" we hear a woman, who obviously is the bride since Oberyn only has two siblings one brother and one sister.

Turning we see the bride Elia Martell with her new husband at her side, who is giving me a friendly smile. As Elia is giving Oberyn a sly smile and me a side glance as if judging whether or not I'm good enough for her brother. Seems she was implying I was a new lover of Oberyn at her question.

"No, unfortunately, Lord Valtaris is not interested in being more than just a friend. It pains me to say, that even my best advances have been denied!" Oberyn says with a faked hurt look as his sister chuckles at his antics, with the prince smiling awkwardly at this.

"Nice to meet you, Princess Elia, as your brother said, I am Lord Valtaris," I say to her, ignoring her brother's antics and bowing my head slightly as she nods smiling at me.

"A pleasure to meet you also. My husband and brother have been speaking about you, though for different reasons," Elia says to me giving me a genuine smile, seems unlike many of the other nobles in this city, she like her brother is not fake or hiding their real agendas.

"Yes, both have come to pester me for different reasons. I'm not sure who I'd rather be bothered by," I say with an exaggerated tone as he gives a carefree laugh. With both Oberyn giving me a faked hurt look and Rhaegar giving me an embarrassed one.

"I see you do not care about the standard customs that all these others care so highly about. It is nice to have someone I can speak with, without constant worry about being courteous. I can see why both have come to enjoy your company," Elia says to me and I smile at her nodding my head.

"From where I come from, customs such as the ones you all use here are not that important. We do not force others to bow or kneel to a lord or king unless that person chooses to do it on their own. We believe that all are born equal and should be treated as such, with the ones governing to be respected and loved but not feared," I say to them, speaking about the way my clan has grown to become today.

"That sounds like a place I'd love to visit one day," Elia says with a smile on her face.

"Maybe one day, though I can not promise anything," I say to her and she nods in understanding.

"Hmm, so definitely not 'Slaver's Bay'… are you from Braavos?" Oberyn asks me while thinking about where I could be from.

"Maybe, maybe not," I say to him with a smirk as he grumbles.

"Well it was nice meeting you Lord Valtaris, but we must finish greeting the others," Elia says to me as she and Rhaegar take their leave to speak to other nobles.

"I'll find out eventually!" Oberyn says to me with a determined look as I shrug my shoulders.

The rest of the day goes by fairly quickly as everyone starts to get drunk. Oberyn once drunk tried once again to seduce me, which I turned him down again. Then like Oberyn told me the bedding ceremony took place. As all the younger higher lords got up to bring Elia to her bed chambers she would be sharing with the prince from now on. As all the unmarried young women practically fist-fought over helping the prince to the chambers. Once the couple retired to their bed chamber, the feast soon came to an end with most of the nobles drunk, even the King seemed to be drunk.

While everyone left to go to their designated rooms, I headed to the library to finish reading the books that I found interesting. As the next morning came, it seemed time got past me as Oberyn found me in the library telling me to come watch him win the tourney. Placing the current book I was reading down, I follow him outside the city where the servant set up huge areas for different events in the tourney. Even the peasants in the city were walking around to witness the events. Though they were seated much further away from the nobles.

Chapter 29: Ch.27

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As I arrived with Oberyn on the outskirts of the city where the tourney was being held. We saw hundreds, if not thousands of people walking around viewing all the different parts of the week-long event. There were all sorts of places serving food and drinks, with small stages throughout the event that people used to put on plays, puppet shows, and something called 'mummer performances'. Which I learned was a play that makes fun of an event or over-exaggerates it.

Outside the many different smaller things that performers were doing to make coins, the main events would be held in the large arena area. There was an area where many blacksmiths were working as well. With possibly hundreds of Knights walking around waiting for their time to be in the event or events they are joining.

The first event was horse racing around a track they built, where later jousting would take place too. As the event started, I sat with Rhaegar, his new wife Elia, and Oberyn near the King and Queen. Elia spoke of who she believed would win the race, with Rhaegar speaking his opinion on the matter. Normally Rhaegar would partake in the events, but since this is for his wedding he decided not to join this time.

The horse racing took most of the day up as several dozen knights took part in it. The overall winner was a knight from the 'Vale', which was the mountainy area of the Kingdom located north of King's Landing. The next day's main event was an Axe-throwing competition. At the end of each main event, a play would be performed depicting certain events in the Kingdom's history, mostly Targaryen victories.

The man who won the axe-throwing competition apparently to no one's surprise was a northerner. The Lord of House Mormont, Jeor Mormont a man who just passed his prime in age but his skill is very much there still. From what Oberyn and Rhaegar tell me northerners are hardy folk and very loyal, taking oaths and honor much more seriously than most southerners. Atleast they sat that is what the northerners claim, though, from my experience watching these nobles, it appears to be a case-by-case basis.

The third day's main event was an archery contest, which Oberyn took part in as our bet was for the melee which was on the fourth and into the fifth day's main events. The archery event was much like the axe-throwing one, though with bows and arrows. Oberyn was a good archer, but not the best as the winner was a man everyone called 'Blackfish', but his real name was Brynden Tully.

As the fourth day started all the people partaking in the melee gathered early in the morning. When the rest of us arrived we saw all the men involved in the event gathered before the King and Queen. There appeared to be over a hundred knights taking part in the melee. Breaking them up into groups of ten knights, where each group would fight and whoever remained would be the winner of the group. Then after the winners were decided they would all fight each other and see who was the final winner.

Oberyn was in the fifth group, I was surprised to see that Jaime Lannister was taking part too. Jamie was in the third group and it appeared he was going to use this event to try to gain Knighthood. Though I could see something else in his eyes like he was going to use his possible winning to ask the King for something. As the event took place the winners of the first two groups were older knights.

As Jaime took the field in his group he was the youngest in the group and the others seemed to not be taking him seriously. As they all kneeled before the King and Queen as the others did, saying a small speech about fighting for them. Then each knight walked to the edge of the large oval-shaped arena. With a wave of his hand, the King started the melee.

As soon as the melee started the knights rushed towards the closest combatant to them. A knight wearing the House Hightower insignia rushed toward Jaime, who rushed the knight without fear. Even with blunted blades, sparks would fly here and there from the strikes made by each knight. Jaime was one of the youngest, if not the youngest who took part in the melee, but his skill with the sword was very high.

He was easily matching the older knight's strikes with his own, by parrying everything thrown his way or sidestepping the strikes. His father watched this with a neutral face, but I could see the pride in Tywin's eyes at his son's skill. Cersei watched it with pride on her face not hiding her happiness, but I could see worry for her brother in her eyes at the same time.

Jaime was able to successfully disarm his opponent after exchanging blows for a minute or two. The Knight from House Hightower yielded after being disarmed, leaving the arena as Jaime rushed the next closest combatant. It seems the knight's disregard for Jaime due to his age was their downfall, as Jaime successfully won moving to the finals.

Out of all the knights so far, most wielded longswords, axes, or maces. Oberyn was the first one to wield a spear in the melee. I was not surprised seeing this as that was his weapon of choice, but many of the other knights who did not know him were surprised at his weapon choice. As soon as his match started Elia cheered for her brother very enthusiastically and Rhaegar joined the cheers as well supporting his wife's brother.

Oberyn's skill with the spear was amazing to see, as it was not a very popular weapon outside war or among Nobles. Though Oberyn showed the world just how good a spear can really be in the right hands. He easily won him from his group and moved on to the finals.

As the rest of the event concluded, the day ended and when the next day started the finals took place from the melee. With all the winners joining the field, one of the more notable ones was Jonothor Darry, a current Kingsguard member. With the fight starting, Jamie rushed another knight, as Jonothor Darry dispatched his current adversary almost immediately moving to Oberyn right after who dispatched his adversary just as quickly.

The two met in combat as Oberyn used his spear's reach to keep Jonothor from getting too close. Oberyn used the spear to prod Jonothor's armor gaps and looked to be slowly wearing down the Kingsguard. Making Oberyn get a little too much confidence as his next thrust was caught in the arm of Jonothor. He pulled Oberyn close to him with a yank before Oberyn could react.

Though Oberyn reacted, just not in time as Jonothor used the pommel of his longsword to smack Oberyn across the face disorienting him. Oberyn tried to move away, but his overconfidence made him lose, as Jonothor rested his longsword on Oberyn's neck forcing him to yield. Oberyn gave the man a very aggravated look but let out a sigh before yielding. As Oberyn left the field he shot me and his family a sad smile but shrugged off his loss.

Meanwhile, Jaime finished off the remaining combatants and caught his breath as Oberyn and Jonothor fought. Then the last two fighters eyed one another as Jaime cautiously moved around Jonothor eyeing his opponent. Jonothor stood still waiting for Jaime to make the first move. After a few tense seconds of circling him, Jaime lunged forward swinging his sword at Jonothor.

Though it was a feint and it seemed Jonothor saw that not moving until the real strike came parrying it almost immediately. Jaime appeared to be a prodigy for the sword, but Jonothor had the experience to help him, plus I doubt just anyone can join the Kingsguard. Jonothor then made his move doing several feints trying to confuse Jaime who would stare down his feints. Parrying his real strike just as Jonothor did with his.

"Seems these two are almost evenly matched," Oberyn says having rejoined the stands with us watching the last two fighters.

"Though I believe Ser Jonothor will win this, he has much more experience," Oberyn continues to say as Cersei looks back and shoots him a hate-filled glare.

"Maybe… though Jaime does appear to be extremely good with the sword. Just as the stories say he really does appear to be a prodigy," Rhaegar says and Elia nods her head agreeing with her husband's assessment.

"What say you Lord Valtaris?" Oberyn asks me as everyone turns to me with a curious look, even Tywin looks at me.

"From the footwork, skill, and counting experience that Ser Jonothor has it will be a very hard-fought fight for Jaime. Though having seen what Jaime is capable of… it is hard for me to say who I believe will come out of this as the winner… Though if I really had to decide… I would place my bet on Jaime," I say to them and they all nod hearing my statement. Though Cersei and Tywin seem very pleased with my answer.

The battle went on for another ten minutes with both fighters becoming more tired. Though it appears with Jaime's younger age this battle of attrition is in his favor, as the older Knight is becoming more tired faster. Leading to Jonothor making the smallest of openings in his latest strike, Jaime immediately took advantage of disarming the knight. The Knight grunted in surprise as the whole crowd cheered for the spectacle they just witnessed and now it seems Jaime made a name for himself today outside his father's shadow.

"I hear by declare Jaime Lannister as the winner for the melee!" King Aerys says standing up with a mad look in his eyes.

"Arthur, please Knight Jaime Lannister. I believe he has shown he is worthy of the title today," Aerys says to Ser Arthur Dayne, who is one of the Kingsguard and most renowned swordsmen in the Kingdom.

Ser Arthur Dayne nods his head to Aerys and makes his way down to Jaime. Jaime meanwhile is standing there like a statute in awe hearing the King's statement, though quickly kneeling as Ser Arthur Dayne approaches him.

"In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Jaime Lannister, as a knight of the Seven Kingdoms," Ser Arthur Dayne says to Jaime as he kneels and becomes a Knight, one of youngest to be knighted if the history I read is true.

"Jaime Lannister, tell me is there anything you would like for winning the melee? Outside the gold of course?" Aerys says with this smile that almost seems evil as if he knows something and is about to harm someone.

"My King… If possible I would like to become a King's guard," Jaime says as Aerys's smile becomes even wider having suspected this. Now I understand his happiness as I see the face of Tywin contort in a complete rage, which he quickly hides behind a forced neutral look.

"My King, do you not think that Jaime is too young to be a Kingsguard?" Tywin says with a forced look to King Aerys who is smiling cruelly at Tywin even more so now.

"Not at all. Jaime has proven himself here today to be one of the best swordsmen in the seven kingdoms! If anything I would have asked him to join myself!" Aerys says while almost laughing like a crazed maniac. Tywin has this vein on his forehead that looks about to burst from sheer rage, but he still portrays a calm exterior.

"I hear by name you Jaime Lannister as part of the Kingsguard!" Aerys says announcing it to everyone present who all become silent and then begin to murmur among themselves.

"Jaime Lannister, repeat after me the oath of the Kingsguard. 'I swear to ward the king with all my strength and give my blood for his. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall guard his secrets, obey his commands, ride at his side, and defend his name and honor'," Ser Arthur Dayne says to Jaime who nods his head before kneeling to the King and repeats the oath. I can practically hear Tywin's teeth breaking from here as he grits his mouth in utter anger.

Chapter 30: Ch.28

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

The rest of the day was very awkward as Tywin Lannister was expertly hiding his anger, but I could still feel it and see it in his eyes. I am sure the King could also which is why he kept staring at Tywin with a smirk on his face, he also had Jaime stand with the other Kingsguard nearby. Later that day when we all returned to the keep to rest of the tourney's last day tomorrow Oberyn approached me.

"Lord Valtaris, seems I lost the bet we had," Oberyn says to me now that we are not surrounded by other nobles and I'm currently in the library.

"Yes, you did lose the bet. Seems I will be traveling alone," I say without looking up at him and he sighs before sitting across from me.

"The last thing I will say is, journeys are always better with company. Plus I know all the good places to visit," Oberyn says to me in his last-ditch effort to convince me.

"If the prince can not convince me to stay here, why do you think you can convince me to travel with you?" I say to him with a tired sigh as I do enjoy his company but want to be alone now.

"You are right, I probably can not convince you. Though I do hope you consider my offer, as we may not have known each other long. But I feel a kinship with you, like me, you love exploring to see the world while learning new things, and seeing the beauty in life. At least that is what I gather from speaking with you," Oberyn says to me before standing up and taking his leave.

After he leaves I go back to reading, but consider his words about having a companion on this journey. Plus his statement about me is not very accurate, but he is not wrong that out of all the humans I met, including Gerion and Tyrion, Oberyn is the one I enjoy most being in the company of.

'Plus it would be extremely easy for me to leave at any point to explore on my own,' I think to myself and shrug off these thoughts to finish reading.

The last day of the tourney ended with a jousting contest as its main event for the day. The winner was a knight from the House Tyrell, known as the House of Roses. As their insignia is a golden Rose on a green field. Many speak ill of the house saying they are all 'flowers' which I would assume means they are weak, but seeing the knight win the jousting contest I would not agree with the statement completely.

As the day ends, the week-long tourney in celebration of the marriage of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell was over. Many people would be speaking of this tourney for some time I would think, with the drama that happened about Tywin's heir becoming a Kingsguard. With the morning of the next day arriving, Rhaegar came to me, most likely trying to convince me one more time to stay as I would be leaving today.

"Lord Valtaris, once again I plead that you stay and help me," Rhaegar says to me as I walk to the dock to find Oberyn to ask if I can join him on his journey.

"Prince Rhaegar, your concerns about this prophecy are noble and I once trusted a vision your family saw of the destruction of Valyria. But this prophecy does not affect my clan, nor do I want to stay in a place that is as infected with hate, lies, and schemes as King's Landing is. Though, should the prophecy be true, I will come back and help you stop this great war. As I will protect the innocents as best I can, use this amulet and say my name before sending me a message with it. Though only if you truly need my help," I say to Rhaegar who gives me a saddened look at not convincing me, but smiles hearing my end statement.

"Then I understand and respect your choice, I tried to convince you and failed. Though I appreciate the fact you will help once the prophecy shows to be true," Rhaegar says to me with a smile and I nod my head. We then walk to the docks together as he was heading there any way to meet with his wife and say goodbye to his brothers-by-law.

When we arrive at the docks the ship the two Martell brothers and sister arrived on is ready to sail. Though the two brothers are waiting for the Prince to say goodbye as their sister is speaking with them already when we arrive. Oberyn seeing me raises an eyebrow curiously and then smirks at me seeming to understand why I am here.

"My Prince and Lord Valtaris," Prince Doran Martell say to us while bowing to the Prince and greeting me. I've talked with him a few times during his time here, but not as much as I did with his other siblings. Though he knows about me I am sure from what his siblings told him of me, especially Oberyn.

"Sorry I am late, I was speaking with Lord Valtaris one last time. It seems I failed in my capability to persuade him to stay here. Though I assume he is here to travel with you Oberyn?" Rhaegar says and I nod my head while looking at Oberyn who chuckles and pats my back happy that I finally agreed to travel with him.

Once they all say their goodbyes, their sister gets a bit teary-eyed since this will be the last time she sees her brothers in person for some time. Once on the ship, Oberyn shows me the courters I will be sleeping in during the journey. We will be headed to Sunspear first for his older brother to return to ruling there. Then we will be taking the same ship to the city of Braavos where we will begin our journey throughout the continent of Essos.

The journey to Sunspear took just over a month and Oberyn talked to me nonstop about all the things we could see and do. He was also very excited to show me his home of Sonspear where we would spend a few days preparing for our long journey. The city of Sunspear was very beautiful, though not as much as my clan's city. The keep called 'The Old Palace' was located on a hill overlooking the sea, with the city below it, much like King's Landing.

The buildings were very unique as they were the first I've seen built in the way that they are. They all appeared to be made from this white stone, with domed roofs. The heat in this place was much hotter than that of other lands I've been to, outside my volcano. Though the heat brought comfort to me as I prefer the heat, the hotter the better for me. The people in the city were much happier and lived off much better than the ones in King's Landing. The greatest part being it did not smell of piss everywhere, though it did have some smell as is to be expected.

"Welcome to Sunspear! Much better than that smelly sh*t-hole of a city, right?" Oberyn says to me and I nod my head, as his brother chuckles upon hearing Oberyn's statement.

"Yes, much better. King's Landing really is a sh*t-hole and desperately needs to be reworked," I say as we walk to the keep and the citizens happily greet the two princes as we walk by.

We arrived in the city just past midday, so we spent the rest of that day relaxing in the keep. As Doran could not have to jump right back into his duties running the city, though Oberyn brought me to their library at my request.

"You are the first person I met that loves reading more than anything else," Oberyn says to me as I skim through the books here and see if there is anything I've yet to read about.

"I love learning new things. As there is always something to learn and as time goes by things change, so one can never stop learning. Plus the more I know the better I can help my people as they seek out my guidance," I say to him as I found a book that is about their history here.

"You know I could tell you about my family's history instead of reading it from a book. Though I hope we can see your city on our journey," Oberyn says to me as I open the book and read through it.

"I'm sure you could tell me about your history, though not in as much detail as written in this book. As for my city, maybe we can visit it once we've had our fill with the other sites," I say to him and he nods his head.

"So why Braavos first? Not that I care where we go first, just curious as to why start there," I say to him as I quickly read the book and memorize every word I read.

"Several reasons, one being my brother wants me to meet with the bankers there on behalf of our family. Another being I heard much about the city from the travelers by the docks and wish to see it myself. And lastly, I figured we could start at the top of Essos and work our way down to the other cities," Oberyn says to me and I nod my head.

"Though I am curious, as you travel alone and are noble or rich, yet you do not have guards with you. I assume that means you are a capable fighter? Would you be interested in sparring?" Oberyn says to me and I expected this question sooner, but I guess he didn't want to speak much in King's Landing as it is covered in spies. From the highest of servants to the lowest of scum in the city, they are always serving someone.

"Yes, I like to think I am a very capable fighter with a wide arsenal of options to win a fight," I say to him almost done reading the book as I've become a speed reader from reading as much as I have.

"Then want to spar when you are done?" Oberyn says to me with excitement in his voice, seems he likes fighting as much as he likes f*cking from all the stories he tells me about sleeping with people almost on a daily basis.

"Ok let's go," I say standing up and stretching as I just finished the book. Oberyn stares at me surprised.

"You really finished that quickly?!" Oberyn says to me.

"I did," I say nodding my head.

"Ok then let me quiz you as we walk to the training area," Oberyn says to me with a playful look on his face and I shrug motioning for him to ask away.

As we walk to the training area I answer all his questions correctly and even correct him at times when he miss remembers something. He stares at me like I'm crazy as I read the hundreds of pages quickly and memorized just as quickly.

"f*ck me, you are like a walking history book. Are you sure there is room in that brain of yours for fighting?" Oberyn says to me with a look of disbelief at my ability to learn that quickly.

"More than enough, learning to fight is something that I enjoy also. Over the years I've been teaching myself new ways to utilize all my skills," I say to him, but really am suggesting the way I've learned to use my magic in ways to almost defy the rules of the universe.

"Well as you know I'm a master with the spear, so I will go with that. What are you going to use?" Oberyn says to me grabbing a sparing spear as we reach the training area.

"I'll start with the longsword and go from there," I say and he just grunts hearing me.

"So basic! You should try something more interesting!" Oberyn says to me standing across from me before the spar begins.

"I said I will start with the longsword, then once I beat you with it. I will pick something else and beat you with that," I say with a smirk and he laughs hearing me, then gets into his fighting stance as I do the same. The guards and trainees in the area all stop to watch this fight.

Chapter 31: Ch.29

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

I stood still waiting for Oberyn to make the first move as he circled around me looking at me. I stood there seemly having no guard leaving myself open, which Oberyn has obviously noticed but seems nervous about attacking since he knows I'm truly not on guard. With a quick thrust toward the small of my back, he probed my defenses, to which I responded by sidestepping at the last second.

"I thought we were sparring, why are you so nervous?" I say with a smirk on my face and he stares at me with a nervous smile.

"I follow my instincts and right now my gut is telling me you are very dangerous, that no matter where I strike it will fail," Oberyn says to me with the nervous smile on his face.

"I see then you are too scared to initiate the attack, so then I will," I say to him and I see I aggravated him with my statement. Though he is unable to respond as I calmly move to swing my sword at him.

I am holding back a lot as my skill has been honed over the centuries, plus if I use my real speed or strength it would kill him even with a very blunted sword. Oberyn's face becomes mixed with a variety of emotions as he tries his best to parry or dodge each of my strikes. His attempts at creating a distance between us are also futile, as I keep pushing forward and he keeps retreating on the defense.

I could end him at any point, but I am having fun sparring with someone as I've not had a fight in a very long time. Oberyn then finally spins his spear around trying to force me to dodge or be hit by the spear. Instead, I grabbed the spear mid-twirl and kicked Oberyn's legs out from underneath him. He fell to the ground as this all happened in one fluid motion, as I used his own spear to force him to yield.

The whole yard went quiet seeing me easily subdue Oberyn who is one of, if the best fighter in Sunspear. Oberyn stared at me in surprise and then laughed seeing how easily he was defeated. I then used my free hand to help him up and hand his spear back to him.

"By the gods, you are an amazing fighter! I do not think anyone has pushed me to lose that quickly and easily! I could tell you were holding back, I can only imagine what it looks like when you are not holding back!" Oberyn says to me as the other soldiers and guards in the area agree with Oberyn's statement.

"No one has ever forced me to go all out. Though if that day comes there will be fire and blood everywhere," I say to Oberyn with a smirk hinting about my draconic form, while he gives me a confused look but shrugs it off.

"Taking the Targaryen saying for yourself?" Oberyn says to me and I just snort.

"It is the other way around my friend," I say to him while placing my training sword back on the rack nearby.

"Some day I will get you to tell me more about your past!" Oberyn says to me.

"Maybe," I say while walking towards another rack grabbing a spear this time.

"Oh! Using my prized weapon against me!" Oberyn says to me seeing me grab the training spear.

"Should I come to you again and beat you immediately or will you come to me and lose that way?" I say to him with a teasing smile and he lets out a chuckle before charging me with the intention of skewering me.

I stood still and waited until he was a second away from hitting me, though he pulled back just before I grabbed his spear in my armpit. He seems to learn quickly as he makes half a dozen quick thrusts at me after faking his charge. I parry them all easily as he spins with his spear keeping me from closing the distance.

He is doing everything in his power to keep me on the defensive and using his 'superior' skills with the spear to overpower me. Though I am treating this fight just as calmly as the last dodging everything or parrying it while waiting for an opening. I waited for an opening instead of creating one as I was enjoying myself and did not want to discourage him too much.

I then found a small opening, as I ducked under his thrust directed for my neck and thrust my spear aimed at his left armpit. Which was successful as he yelped in pain since I was holding back my strength greatly but it still hurt him nonetheless. Seeing that if this was a real fight he would be dead, he yielded the fight with a defeated sigh.

"sh*t, you must be a demi-god on the field of battle and unbeatable in a one-on-one! Now I am glad you didn't join the tourney, otherwise, I have a feeling you would have won every competition you joined," Oberyn says while rubbing his left arm's armpit since the strike I made is going to leave a large bruise.

"I did not want any more attention than I was already receiving. Especially from the mad king," I say and he laughs at hearing me.

"True, the nobles spoke about you constantly. Especially since you had the Prince's attention, my family's attention, and the King's maddened interest. I'm surprised none tried to speak with you directly, yet I would guess the Prince had something to do with that. As the spies around the palace made it very clear you were off limits unless they wanted the royal's ire," Oberyn says to me revealing why none of the nobles pestered me.

"Then how come you approached me?" I say and he smirks.

"What would happen to me? I was soon to be the Prince's brother-by-law and I am not just any noble, but one of the Princes of Dorn. The Prince would do nothing to me, plus after our first meeting you did not seem that upset with me," Oberyn says as we finished sparring for the day it seems I may have not held back enough as Oberyn appeared to be in more pain then he let on.

"You are not wrong, the only reason I agreed to travel with you is because you are one of the few people I met that I actually enjoy the company of," I say to him, and smiles at me.

"Do not let that get to your head and do not even think of trying to seduce me again. If you try again I will disappear like I was never here," I say to him and he laughs nodding his head.

The next few days passed fairly quickly as I spent most of the time reading the books I did not see in the Red Keep's library. Once everything was prepared for our journey, Oberyn bid farewell to his brother as I did the same and we departed to Braavos.

The trip to Braavos was long and boring as outside my time reading the books Oberyn and his brother let me bring for the trip, there was nothing else for entertainment. Though Oberyn passed the time drinking, gambling, and sleeping with the crew and the women he brought with him on the journey.

After the two months or so we spent on the sea we finally arrived at the 'legendary' gates to the 'great' city of Braavos. The gate is a huge statue of a warrior called 'The Titan of Braavos', which is actually a fortress in the shape of a massive statue that guards the harbor entrance to Braavos, one of the 'Free Cities'. It stands about 400ft (122m) tall.

It is the primary line of defense for Braavos and lets out a loud blast whenever a ship approaches the entrance to warn the Arsenal of its coming. That is what I read before coming here and just as I read, I hear the deep sound of a large horn being blown as we approach the statue and pass under its legs.

I was impressed as this is one of the few things I saw humans built that is something I would not expect from their kind. As we enter the harbor the captain of the boat meets with the harbor master to inform them who we are and why we are here. Though luckily it appears the message Doran sent arrived before us, informing the Iron Bank and the real rulers of the city we were arriving.

The house guards that came with us on the boat escorted us to the iron bank. As Oberyn wanted to get the meeting over with, so we could start our journey. He would be dismissing the guards and the ship after the meeting, so we could explore on our own. As we walked through the city it did appear to be in better shape than King's Landing, which at this point I assume is not difficult.

The 'Iron Bank' is a huge building, that is larger than the temple in King's Landing but smaller than the Red Keep. Still, a huge building, built like a keep with large towers, built with large heavy stones and reinforced with iron and steel. The building was truly a fortress that I can see is meant to intimidate all those who enter. While the inside was plain, but very beautiful at the same time.

As everything was made from polished stone and fine steel, but plain in design. More to fit a practical sense, but still be very 'rich' in appearance. Oberyn talked with one of the women at the front desk and they escort him to another room in the bank, as I waited in the main lobby area. Then for a split second, I felt something that I have not felt since I first arrived here in this new world.

'A true dragon! There is another!' I think to myself immediately recognizing the magical signature as another true dragon.

The last time I felt this familiar magical signature was when the red dragons attacked my mother's domain. There appears to be a red dragon in this bank, as I stood up and tried to figure out where this dragon was. My only assumption would be where they store all the gold or at the top of the bank. A red dragon would serve no one and is most likely the head of this bank.

"Take me to the head of the bank," I say to one of the women at the front desk while subtlety casting 'command' on her.

"Of course follow me," the woman says while walking me to the 'workers' only area of the bank. The guards stop us while eyeing me confused and before they can make a scene, I case command on the guards to let us through.

The woman takes me all through the back of the bank as the guards look at me with confusion. But seeing that I am being escorted by a worker and other guards, they do not stop me. We walk through many hallways, pass many rooms, and go to different levels of the building until we reach the top.

As we reach the top of this building I can see the very top level has only three doors and most likely three rooms. The woman brings me to the center doors and knocks on it before opening them. Inside I can see a huge room that has many other doors and rooms attached to it. Though in the center of this main room is a large desk with a very beautiful woman sitting at it.

The woman was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen among humans before, unnaturally beautiful. She had vibrant red hair, ruby-red eyes, a very expensive necklace made from gold, and a red dress that matched her hair. The dress was made with very fine silk it seemed and conformed to her body perfectly showing off all her assets.

'She is the true dragon, a red dragon. We can change our forms to anything we wish, but the one thing we can not change is our eyes. They will remain the color we truly are and we can always tell one another part from the look behind the eyes,' I think to myself having met the first other true dragon in this world.

Chapter 32: Ch.30

Chapter Text

(Unknown POV)

I came to this world several millennia ago, after exploring around the nest my mother made. She was able to beat a gold dragon out of their nest taking it for herself, but in the process lost her mate. When I was a Juvenile, she kicked me out of the nest and I discovered a small cave nearby. When I entered it I saw the remains of an old kobold nest with a ritual spell carved into the back wall.

My curiosity took over and I followed the ritual spell instructions written on the walls. It then opened a portal, like the idiot child I was, I stepped through it. Then I found myself in this world, where magic was not as common and only humans lived. Once I became an adult, I shifted to a human form and worked my way into the small city they built.

The humans that made this place escaped on slaver ships and found this hidden cove to make a city. I helped them make the city greater and later formed the Iron Bank, and I was able to become the hidden, but real leader of this city. One that the other rich leaders know about and fear as they have called me 'The Red Mistress'.

Nothing happens in this city that I do not know about, nor do any rules or laws get passed without my allowance. I am the Queen of this city in all but name, I was tempted to extend my rule over other cities nearby. But I learned that gold rules this world and by ruling the biggest supplier of gold, I am basically the real leader of this world. So instead I focused on expanding the Bank's control.

However, everything changed when one day I was going over the latest reports on the bank's latest investments when some idiot servants of mine interrupted me. This sudden interruption pissed me off as they know the rules and what would happen if they broke them.

'Seems I am going to have to make an example again to those who do not listen to my rules,' I think to myself as my anger rose due to the sudden interruption.

I looked up to see who was stupid enough to interrupt me and my anger disappeared to confusion, nervousness, and surprise all at once. I saw a being that I thought was not in this world, another true dragon, but to make matters worse it was a gold dragon. A dragon that guides and watches over civilizations by keeping a distance, but it is still a guardian.

'Out of all the true dragons I could have run into this world, it had to be my kind's worst enemy,' I think to myself after dismissing the servants and standing up readying myself for a fight that was sure to come.

'I can only hope he is younger than me, or this will end badly for me,' I think to myself as I finally entered the Wyrm stage of dragon life a few centuries ago.


(Talrit POV)

As the woman looked up, she seemed aggravated at the sudden interruption in her current work. Her eyes promised extreme pain and death as she looked at us, but her face contorted at seeing me with a fash of mixed emotions crossing her features. She schooled her features before speaking, with her eyes not leaving me and her body stiffening readying for a fight.

"Leave us now," the woman said in a calm, silky, and enchanting voice as the woman and guards I came with bowed before quickly leaving us.

An awkward silence took over the room as the woman kept her defensive posture prepared for a fight to break out any second. While I stared at her contemplating what to say as I haven't seen another of my kind since I arrived here, even if they are my natural enemy. As gold dragons and red dragons hate each other with a passion that could bring about the destruction of civilization.

"I am not here to fight you, not unless you give me a reason to," I say trying to calm down the intense atmosphere that was inside the room. Though my instincts are screaming at me to kill her.

"And what exactly would a 'reason' be then? Out of all the places, why did you come here gold dragon?" the red dragon says to me confirming my suspicions about them being a true dragon.

"Some reasons would be, you attacking me, you harming the innocents of this city… which so far I do not seem to have found outside the normal problems would expect from a human city. As for why I am here… well I am traveling the world and I'm glad I am as apparently I am not the only true dragon in it," I say to her and she stares at me contemplating something.

"...So… what now?" she says while relaxing just slightly seeing me show no hostile intentions, but not trusting me completely. Nor do I trust her as red dragons are the most cruel and cunning of their kind.

"Now… maybe we can talk. As I haven't seen another of our kind before you and I would love to speak with someone who is not a lesser being," I say to her and she stares at me for a few more seconds before nodding her head and gesturing for me to sit across from her at the desk.

"You drink wine?" she asks me grabbing a wine bottle in the large cabinet she has which is filled with an assortment of wine.

"Yes and thank you," I say to her as she grabs a bottle and pours us both a glass.

We then sip the wine while sitting across from one another in silence. Seems we both do not know what to say or how to act around one another. From her body language, it seems like me, I am the first true dragon she has met.

"May I have your name?" I ask her as she looks at me silently for a few more seconds contemplating my question.

"Sadridna is my name. Though the humans call me 'The Red Mistress'," Sadridna says to me and I nod my head.

"I am Talrit, with the humans referring to me as Lord Valtaris," I say to her and she nods her head, but becomes surprised at my name.

"I heard of a Lord Valtaris before. When the Targaryens came from a place called Valyria, I met with their head member when they came to the bank for funds. They spoke of you and how great of a magician you were or are. I was tempted to find you myself, but ensuring my bank's reputation and influence came first," Sadridna says to me having heard of me.

"Seems my reputation has spread… Speaking of the Targaryens, why did they lose all the wyverns they had and the magic I taught them?" I ask her and she smirks.

"The fools had a large infighting in their family, splitting the family in two. During this war, most of their family was killed, and the knowledge they once had was lost. Plus the books they passed down to teach each other magic that you say taught them, were lost or burnt, no one knows. Though I suspect it was the greedy and insane group calling themselves the 'Order of Maesters' was the reason behind the last part," Sadridna says to me with a smirk seemingly remembering the war that I read about that happened while I was resting.

"Why would that order steal or destroy the knowledge of magic?" I ask her since the ones I met seemed normal, normal for a human at least.

"That I do not know much about. Though I believe whoever founded the order feared magic users or envied them, probably both. So they stole the knowledge and hid it away, maybe even destroying it. Then the order even spread lies among the humans, saying that magic is evil and can lead to the destruction of the world. Seems these lies have spread and now magic is feared across the lands, for the most part," Sadridna says to me while sipping her wine and has relaxed significantly since I have no intention of fighting her.

"Do you intend on gracing the humans with this knowledge again?" Sadridna says while eyeing me with a smirk.

"No, I taught several humans in the past and even tried to help them better themselves. But they would not listen to me, nor does it appear they would listen to me now. I would rather explore this world and maybe offer my assistance again, but I do not care enough to do so now," I say to Sadridna honestly since I can tell she has been honest with me so far.

"Wow! I never thought I'd heard a gold dragon say they would stand aside as civilization goes to sh*t. Normally your kind would step in and do everything they could to influence the world into becoming a peaceful and happy place. No matter how impossible that dream was," Sadridna says with a snort at the end.

"Nor did I believe I would meet a red dragon who lives among humans, especially for as long as I am sure you have. Normally your kind kills all those in the way of your greed and terrorizes those who do not listen to your demands," I say back to her with a smirk making her grunt at me in annoyance.

"I guess like me this world has changed us slightly. Though I won't lie, the humans fear me, and for good reason too. They may not know what I really am, but the ones who do know me fear me for my magic," Sadridna says while flames dance between her fingers smiling at what I am sure are memories of burning her enemies to death.

"So… what is your next destination?" Sadridna says to me as silence takes over from her last statement for a few minutes.

"Not sure, I am traveling with a human who I enjoy the company of. He wants to go south from here and see what there is to see," I say to her with a shrug.

"Why am I not surprised you are traveling with a human… though I did not expect you to enjoy the company of a man," Sadridna says to me with an eye roll in the beginning, but a teasing smile at the end.

"Very funny… this human is just fun to be around. Though I prefer the company of the opposite sex," I say to her and then I see a flash of lust cross her eyes.

"I see… I would like to meet the human that you have shown interest in. As for enjoying the company of others, I'm sure you and I could enjoy ourselves," Sadridna says to me and it seems she wants to sleep with me. Though one can never be certain with their kind.

'sh*t, seems my instincts are rising at her suggestion. As there has never been a relationship between a red and gold dragon before, but we both have not met another of our kind before,' I think to myself while feeling a mix of hate and arousal enter my system.

"Do not answer me right away. I am aware of the customs you gold dragons follow, though just know I am not asking you to be my mate. Just that you and I can release our… pent-up needs," Sadridna says to me with a very silky and suggestive voice, as my instincts scream at me to jump her and release my pent-up needs as said.

"I… I… We should speak with the human that I am traveling with, you did want to meet him," I say trying to change the subject as I know that if I think any longer I will succumb to one side of either kill or sex.

'She is a red dragon! Never before has one of your kind been friends with one, let alone sleep with one!' I think to myself trying to convince myself otherwise.

"Very well let's go meet this human," Sadridna says standing up and moving her body in a way that tempts me further on purpose.

'sh*t,' I think feeling my instincts grow.

Chapter 33: Ch.31

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As we walked to find Oberyn, I was busy fighting the two sides that warred inside me. One side wanted to kill her for being the natural enemy of my kind, while the other side was interested in her for reproduction. While I was having this inner turmoil, she was speaking about her life here, which I was not listening to.

"Seems your friend is still in a meeting with the idiots here. I will give him what he wants, then we can speak on just friendly terms," Sadridna says to me as we walk inside the meeting room Oberyn was brought to.

Inside the bankers that were talking with Oberyn looked over slightly annoyed at the interruption, but upon seeing Sadridna they all stood up and bowed deeply to her. Oberyn looked behind and saw the two of us, but Sadridna caught his eyes immediately while he practically eye f*cked her. The lust leaking off him, which I am not surprised by as Sadridna gives off natural arousal to have humans do her bidding almost immediately.

"Leave us, this man is a friend of a friend and we will ensure he gets what he came for," Sadridna says to the three bankers speaking with Oberyn who all stay bowed and nod their heads before leaving the room.

"Oh! You must be the one in charge of the bank! I did not know my friend knew you! Nor did he tell me the one in charge was such a beauty, as I'm sure you know I am Prince Oberyn of Dorn," Oberyn says standing up and laying on the compliments to Sadridna as he definitely wants to f*ck her. Sadridna just smirks at his attitude most definitely having experienced this many times from men.

"I can see why my friend keeps you around. You are fun and show no fear when in front of someone superior to you," Sadridna says with a superior voice while looking down on Oberyn who does not care for obvious distaste in him.

"Now I understand the kind of women my friend likes, the fiery ones," Oberyn says playing on her attitude and looks, though little does he know how accurate of a statement that is about red dragons.

"Seems your friend is not showing interest in me," Sadridna says with a teasing smirk while giving me a side glance, as my inner turmoil has subsided.

'I have no interest in her, even should she be the only other true dragon in this world. I would rather die alone than betray my kind than sleep with someone who steps on the weaker and begins to gain more strength or just for fun,' I think to myself having made my decision while the two spoke.

"Then it seems my friend is celibate or lives like a eunuch," Oberyn says as he is completely infatuated by Sadridna's looks.

"Correct, I have no romantic interest in this woman. I am waiting until I find someone I determine decent enough to be my lifelong wife," I say while staring at Sadridna with a look that shows my determination on this decision.

"I am not surprised, though we all have needs that need to be taken care of. Seems I will have to find another way or person to pass the time today," Sadridna says while giving me a small glare of anger for my dismissal of her attempts at me.

"I could be of assistance to that my Lady! It is the least I could do after you helped me gain that deal for my family and I ensure you I am quite capable of making you have a good time," Oberyn says immediately offering himself.

"...Very well," Sadridna says walking back the way we came while giving me a look as if trying to make me jealous. Though my decision was final and I have no regrets, once I make any decision I will stick with it to the end as I am stubborn like that.

"Enjoy yourselves," I say turning and leaving the bank, as I feel Sadridna's eyes on my back practically burning holes into me.

"Oh and Oberyn I will be expecting you in the morning! I will meet you back here and then we can leave on our journey," I say while smiling at him and giving a subtle threat to Sadridna in case she tries to harm Oberyn to get at me, which she understands by the small smile on her face at my open threat.

"I am sure he will be in the best mood when you come to pick him up tomorrow," Sadridna says to me with the smile on her face.

"No problem! I will be ready!" Oberyn says to me while extremely excited he gets to bed this 'woman'.

As I leave the bank it seems everyone here, no looks at me with a mix of fear and respect. Seems that my time with Sadridna has made me someone important, though that is to be expected as I was on 'friendly' terms with her just now. Once I was outside the bank I began to wander the city exploring it.

Then as I got close to this large stone building in the middle of the water, with only a set of doors to enter it. It was hard to see from this distance what it was, but then I saw the doors and immediately remembered what I read about this place.

It is called 'The House of Black and White' and it sits upon a rocky knoll made of dark grey stone. With no windows and its wooden doors are twelve feet high and carved. The left door is 'weirwood', the right ebony. In the center of the doors is a carved moon face ebony on weirwood, weirwood on ebony. Its steep steps of grey stone lead down to the 'shadowed dock'.

This place is where someone can go if they are desperate enough to hire the most capable assassins in the world. From the books and rumors, the payment is very high a death for a death, which I would assume means you have to either die or pay someone else to die in your stead to have the payment fulfilled.

The rest of the city was no different than any other human city I have seen. With some parts nicer than others and many places where humans can satisfy themselves. I found a nicer inn and paid for a room for myself. They offered to find me some 'fun' that night, but now knowing what they are implying I denied them.

Then as I was reading some of the books I bought in the city, I hear someone knock on my door. Opening it I see a drunk Oberyn and he stumbles into my room collapsing on the bed without a word. I just stare at him confused, but not surprised as she denied Oberyn after I left. She might have 'needs' but I doubt she would have succumbed to sleeping with a human.

"Morning sunshine," I say with a chuckle seeing Oberyn slowly waking up and groaning from his hangover as humans call them.

"f*ck… After you left we started drinking, then once we drank enough I thought we'd get the ball rolling. Instead, she had me thrown out! I've no idea what I did wrong," Oberyn says to me while sitting across from me at the small table in the room where I already had them bring in food to break our fasts.

"Maybe you are not as 'f*ckable' as you think you are," I say with a chuckle making Oberyn give me an annoyed stare.

"I am the most f*ckable person alive!... Well maybe not the most, but definitely in the top five at least!" Oberyn says after thinking about it, his narcissism is very high.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," I say with a smirk.

"Wine and f*cking," Oberyn says before beginning to eat. I just sigh and shake my head.

"Ok, so who do you know her, and are you sure you prefer the company of women?! Because you just denied the most beautiful woman ever!" Oberyn says to me once we finish eating.

"Know her? I just met her yesterday, we share a common home. So we spoke about our lives and came to understand one another better. Plus as I said I am looking for a wife and not a 'quick f*ck' as you say," I say to Oberyn who snorts at my response.

"Well, she was practically throwing herself at you! Though think of it like this… if you f*ck women now, you will be a pro by the time you find the right one! Then you can take everything you learned and apply it to her," Oberyn says to me and I just stare at him with a deadpan look.

"Not everyone wants to be a whor*," I say while standing up and leaving with Oberyn quickly following behind me.

"Hey! It's only whoring, if you get paid for it! Otherwise, it is just having fun!" Oberyn says trying to defend his sexual appetite.

"Enough talking about f*cking, let us just get out of this city. I want to see ones where I do not feel the presence of… never mind," I say shaking my head and walking quickly towards one of the city gates leading to the outside world.

"We have to go to the east gate, that is where our horses and supplies are," Oberyn says to me and I nod as we start walking in that direction.

Once we get our horses and supplies, Oberyn says goodbye to his family guards and hands the captain of the guards a sealed letter for his brother. Probably a goodbye letter and information on the deal he made with the bank. Right before we went through the gates a servant ran over to us and handed me a sealed letter.

"Who's that from?" Oberyn asks me after the servant bows and takes their leave. The seal is one representing the Iron Bank, most likely from Sadridna.

'Talrit, we may have left on neutral terms and maybe you hate or dislike me because of our natural feelings towards each other. But I want you to know, I will be here should you ever change your mind. Plus the two of us together could do many things,' the letter reads and I grunt in annoyance while burning the letter in my hands.

"What the f*ck! Where did the fire come from?!" Oberyn says to me and I just ride forward without answering him as my mind is on the possible great enemy I might have in the future.

"I never told you, I can use magic," I say while castings Prestidigitation making a small shower of sparks appear. Though I make sure we are a decent amount away from the city so I do not draw more attention.

"NO! You never told me!... Though that explains a lot," Oberyn says after catching up with me.

"Can you teach me?" Oberyn says to me as I give him a quick look and see he has some potential.

"I could, though it will take a long time and you will only be able to use small spells," I say to him and he nods his head while thinking.

"I mean if you don't mind teaching me, plus we have all the time in the world," Oberyn says to me and I nod my head.

"Fine, I will teach you while we are on the road. We will spend an hour in the morning going over it and an hour at night. Though no magic in the cities, plus I expect you to keep this a secret, as many people fear magic and I do not need to kill everyone who tries to kill me from fear," I say to Oberyn who nods his head immediately agreeing with me.

"You have nothing to worry about brother! I will keep your secret!" Oberyn says as we make our way to the next destination, which is the city of Norvos, southeast of Braavos.

Chapter 34: Ch.32

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

Over the next year, Oberyn and I traveled over the continent of Essos. We stopped and saw the cities of Norvos, Qohor, Volantis, Mantarys, and then reached Astapor. We even stopped at the ruins of Chroyane on the way to Astapor where some 'stone men' reside. Though instead of entering the ruins we just looked at it from a distance before moving on.

During this time Oberyn and I have gotten close. He is the first human that I have come to respect enough to consider a true friend. Once we reached Astapor I was planning on bringing him to my clan and showing him who I really am. He also learned much about magic and its uses. He is not the greatest magic user I have ever taught, but he is capable enough to continue to learn by himself now. At best he is better than an apprentice mage, but not yet as good as an adept mage.

When we entered the place called 'Slaver's Bay' which had many cities, like the one we just entered called Astapor. This whole area of Essos, disgusted me as it was filled with human slavery, and even some creatures from my old world were here. One of the types being Gnolls, apparently the Gnolls roam out in the wastes and frequently fight with the Dothraki. The Gnolls that we saw were slaves and would frequently lash out against their handlers. So they used them mostly for the fighting pits they had here.

From what I naturally know about Gnolls, they are mostly feral, hyena-like humanoids that attack without warning, slaughtering their victims and devouring their flesh. Gnolls are tall but hunched over, with the average member of the race standing on average between 7′0″‒7′6″ (2.1‒2.3 m) when standing straight. Though gnolls were relatively lean for their height, weighing usually between 280‒320 lb (127‒145 kg).

Even with their height and size, gnolls were very quick and nimble compared with many other races such as humans. Gnoll skin was greenish-gray, and their furry hide had a light or dark brown hue, sometimes marked with spots or stripes. Many gnolls also had a dirty yellow to reddish-gray crest-like mane that stood on end when they were angry.

"What the hell are those f*cking… beasts?!" Oberyn says to me as we entered the city and saw the gnoll in chains being transported to the fighting pit.

"They are called 'Gnolls', a vicious race of beast folk. That kill and eat anything that is not their own kind, even at times eating their own kind," I say to Oberyn who stares at the heavily chained group of gnolls.

"Maybe I should enter the fighting pits… I would love to fight one of them," Oberyn says with battle lust in his eyes. I just shake my head at him.

"I would be careful, they may look on the weaker side from their skinny appearance. But they are much more powerful and dexterous than they appear," I say to Oberyn who shrugs and goes to find the fighting pits.

As we arrive we see there is a current fight going on in the pits. Inside we see a small group of Gnolls fighting a desert troll. Trolls of all kinds are hardy creatures that are very hard to kill as they heal very quickly. Though most are susceptible to fire as it prevents their healing from taking effect immediately. However, desert trolls do not have that issue with fire, for them water is their enemy.

This desert troll was much larger than the gnolls, standing around 10ft (3m) and it was a hulking mass of muscle. The crowd cheered as the troll was slowly but surely winning the fight. As the gnolls could overpower it, but not in an enclosed space or with only the numbers they had currently. The troll had the victory after smashing the last gnoll against the ground and cracking its skull like a melon.

"That beast is even more insane! Maybe the fighting pits would be fun to join!" Oberyn says to me with his battle lust spiking.

"That would be foolish. These creatures are stronger than you think and would lead to your death if you are not careful. Plus it appears these fighting pits are more massacre pits. As the beings fighting inside it are guaranteed to die since they are giving the troll a heavy advantage," I say to Oberyn trying to dissuade him from joining the pits and dying so early.

"Troll? So that is called a troll… interesting. But I understand, I will not join the fighting pits… at least not yet, first I need to learn more about these creatures they have inside. Unless you are willing to tell me about them?" Oberyn says to me while giving me a side smile.

"I will tell you about them, but I still do not think you should join the fights," I say as I begin explaining to Oberyn what I know about trolls and Gnolls.

We spend the next few hours drinking and eating as the troll has fought with different creatures from my old world that have apparently shown up here. Things like giant scorpions and Thri-kreens which are an insect humanoid race with four arms and two legs.

'Where the hell are my old-world creatures coming from? Did they all come over recently, did they show up some time ago?' I think to myself seeing these creatures from my old world. I then tell Oberyn about the creatures we see as he thinks they are from this area.

After we finish in the fighting pits, we then go to one of the nicer inns inside the city. Where we book rooms and pay for a few weeks in advance. I go to walk around the city and see if there are any books available inside the city. While Oberyn goes to the most popular whor* establishment in the city.

As I find the market in the city, I walk looking from stall to stall at all the wares. Most were food and things merchants were trying to push as exotic wares or trinks. I couldn't help but feel as if someone or something was watching me. Though after doing a quick scan with my magic I found no one with hostility directed toward me. Though I could sense hostility in the area, just not directed at me specifically.

As I walked, past the latest stall my instincts scream at me to dodge. I turned and sidestepped just as a dagger was plunged into my chest a few inches from my heart. I could tell the dagger was poisoned too, but I am naturally immune to all poison. The attacker was a slave-looking woman with ragged clothes. Her face was completely neutral and then I could sense the magic used to disguise the real person beneath the fake face.

"That was close, you almost got this city destroyed," I say while snapping my hand out and grabbing the woman by the throat before she could react.

"Not much of a talker?" I say seeing the woman keep a calm face as I squeezed down on the neck choking her. The crowd stumbled back noticing the commotion and the dagger in my chest.

Using my magic, I created an illusion to confuse the crowd, before casting invisibility on both me and the woman. Once invisible, I teleported us outside the city to a remote location. There I dropped the invisibility and for a split second, the woman's face showed surprise at what I just did in less than a few seconds. Her face quickly returned to a neutral look that shows no fear of anything.

"I will ask you nicely once, then I will invade your mind for the answers. Who are you? Why try to kill me? If someone hired you, who was it?" I say to the woman as she looks at me with the same stare. After a few seconds of waiting for an answer, I can see she is not willing to answer me.

"Then the hard way it is," I say with a sigh and cast detect thought, but push myself into her mind to find out what I can.

The woman almost resisted my attempt, which surprised me as most normal humans wouldn't even know if I invaded their minds, even if I warned them beforehand. Her mind was tempered and had a magical field to help protect it, from a ritual it seems. Then as I delved into her mind, scrapping all the memories clean, leaving the woman a vegetable, though I intended to kill her anyway.

I snapped her neck killing her instantly, as I organized her memories. After a few seconds, I learned that she was just a normal girl who was living on the streets of Braavos. Before a man in white robes asked if she wanted a new life serving a god. Then I saw her learn from this man about the ways they served this god, who is the god of death.

This group calls themselves the 'Faceless Men' which destroy all old connections and become 'no one'. They serve this god by being assassins who take contracts and then skin the person's face off in a ritual. This ritual serves their god and gives them another face they can use to disguise themselves. This group operates out of the, 'the House of Black and White' in Braavos.

A part of me wanted to fly back there and force them to show me who is targeting me. But at the same time, I do not care enough, as I do not intend to stay in the human lands much longer. If they come again while I remain in this city, I will go back and destroy their order.

After burning the body, I teleported back to my room in the inn. Where I read the few books I found on our journey throughout Essos so far. As the next few weeks came, Oberyn confronted me about his wanting to join a mercenary group to learn more about fighting and exploring the world.

"I know you will not join me but, this is something I considered after seeing the fighting pits yesterday. I want to see everything this land has to offer, fighting and f*cking my way through it. Just know you will always be my brother and Dorn is always open to you," Oberyn says to me giving me a brotherly hug which I reciprocate.

"I can say the same Oberyn. You are one of the few people I come to enjoy being around. You are a true friend and should you ever need me just contact me with this ring. Think my name and then say what it is you want to say," I say to him handing him a ring I prepared some time ago for him as I also intended to leave soon.

"I was going to show you where my home is, but it seems we can save that for another time," I say and Oberyn smiles hearing me.

"Then next time we can go to your home. What are you going to do now?" Oberyn says to me and I think for a bit.

"I will explore the wastes and see what there is to see out there. I hear it is a dangerous place filled with all sorts of creatures. I want to see for myself," I say to him and he nods his head in understanding.

"I wish you luck then brother," Oberyn says to me giving me a handshake one last time before we part ways.

As Oberyn leaves to join the group he found called the 'Second Sons' I teleported out of the city. I kept teleporting until I was a hundred miles or so from the city, then I shifted to my true form.

'Feels good to be back to normal. Time to explore in my real form,' I think while stretching my wings and tail, before I jump up and fly in the sky heading to the 'Red Wastes' where the Gnoll reside apparently.

Chapter 35: Ch.33

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

The 'Red Waste' was a very vast land of nothing but red sand. For hundreds of miles in every direction, one could only see the red sand, even from the height I was flying at. Though I wanted to find the main den of the Gnolls to see if there was anything I could learn from them. They would not attack me simply from the fear of me alone, leaving me the ability to learn more about them.

As I traveled for a few days covering thousands of miles that would take humans months of travel, I saw many things below me. I saw these giant worms called 'Purple Worms' from my old world. As the same suggests they are huge worm creatures, about 20ft (6m) long and 10ft (3m) wide. They had thick purple scale-like hides, several rows of spikes sticking from their body, and a mouth filled with fangs.

There were also many other giant creatures roaming around, like scorpions, ants, and desert spiders. With packs of giant hyenas that usually were ridden by Gnolls, giant lions, rhinos, and many other animals that all appear to be a much larger size than they normally would be.

'I can now understand why the humans avoid this place as it is infested with creatures that would kill any weak human,' I think while flying over the red sands.

Eventually, I see a ruin that was once a human city a few hundred miles ahead of me. Though from the appearance it does not appear to be abandoned. At first, I thought it was the stone men that lived there, but then I noticed large groups of Gnolls coming and going.

'Seems I have found the main den of the Gnolls,' I think with a hum and go to land beside the ruin.

As I dive down toward the gnoll's main den, I sense draconic energy in the air. Which makes me stop my decent as a dragon is nearby. One that is not something I sensed before to know what type of dragon, but I know one is here. The overlord of the gnolls most likely and only a chromatic dragon would lord over gnolls.

As I search below for the dragon, I saw a large blue dragon come out from the largest destroyed building in the city. Most likely the palace of this city long ago. It seems the blue dragon sensed my presence as well and looked up to see me. As we made eye contact I could tell the blue dragon was readying for a fight.

'Seems they have no idea how much older I am than him,' I think with while seeing it fly up to meet me and from my height in the sky I do appear smaller. Though I can see this blue dragon is around the ancient phase, reaching around 85ft (26m) long with a wingspan of maybe 100ft (30.5m). Overall a tiny thing compared to me.

I dove back down to meet it, as I got closer the blue dragon then realized its mistake seeing just how large I was. The fear wreaked off it and was very displayed on its face as it dove back down to hide in its home. Blue dragons love to barrow in the ground and live under the ground where they store their treasures.

However, before it could reach the ground I caught up to it, catching it in my one hand. Then I landed on the ground with a thud shaking the area like a small earthquake came. The ruined city crumbled from the impact that I had since I was not able to fully stop my descent, as I was focused on catching the blue dragon.

In a panic, the blue dragon released its electric breath at me as blue lightning raced across my hand, that it was trapped in. I felt some pain as dragons can injure one another no matter the size or age difference, the damage just lessens the bigger the difference in both age and size. To me, it felt like my hand got all tingly as if it fell asleep. Not that much pain at all, just some which annoyed me so I growled at the dragon.

The ground shook at me growl and the blue dragon feel quiet in fear. While the entire ruined city of Gnolls stood still in fear too as my natural aura leaked freezing them all in fear. An eerie silence took over as only the sound of the wind was heard after my appearance and growl.

"I will release you young one, but if you try to escape or attack me, I will ensure you die," I say to the blue dragon which stares at me as I slowly open my hand and stare at it with a neutral look. It just nods its head in fear, but I can see the defiance and pride in its eyes as all true dragons have.

"Answer my questions honestly and I will not harm you. I will stick around for some time, to learn more about these creatures as they have caught my attention. I want to see if there is anything else I can learn about them," I say to the blue dragon that just stares at me waiting for my questions.

"First what is your name?" I say to the blue dragon.

"Onthren," the blue dragon says to me with the same pride and defiance in its eyes. Though the fear of me alone keeps him in check, as the voice suggests the dragon is male.

"You are male correct? Do you have a mate?" I ask curious to see if there are other blue dragons in the area.

"Yes, I am a male, no mate yet," Onthren says to me.

"Are there others in the area that you are courting?" I ask him since each dragon has their own way to find mates and the rituals behind getting one.

"No it appears I am the only blue dragon in this vast wasteland," Onthren says with some happiness, but sadness at the same time.

"I assume you have taken over as the leader of the gnolls," I say looking at the still frozen-in-fear gnolls.

"Yes, they hunt and find me treasures," Onthren says while I eye him knowing they have hunted humans from the trophies around the ruins made from human bones. Though that is a custom most nonhuman beings do, it makes trophies of their hunts, and even humans do too.

"How did you arrive here?" I ask wanting to know how he came to this world.

"My old lair was attacked by some sorcerers. I was able to kill most of them, but not all and they were able to complete the ritual they were casting. The spell sent me through another plane which I was able to escape by finding another portal there. The next thing I know I am in this red-sanded wasteland. That was over a millennia ago though," Onthren says to me and I can tell he is being honest so I nod my head.

"Interesting," I say with hum while thinking about the possibility that other dragons have been brought to this world. My excitement rises at the thought and I look forward to exploring the rest of the lands in this world.

"Can I ask your name, esteemed one," Onthren says to me while bowing his head respectfully and I can tell it took all of his self-control to be respectful to me.

As blue dragons can be even more prideful than red dragons at times, especially since they are looked down on by most other true dragons. The most looked down on true dragons are white dragons, which many consider being more beast than dragon. Blue dragons are the next least like true dragons among our kind.

"Talrit young one," I say to him with a chuckle to myself since he is an ancient dragon, but to me he is still a child.

"I will stay here and learn more about gnolls. I will not intrude on your daily activities unless you commit an atrocity. Then once I feel I learned all I could about gnolls I will move on. Should only be a few weeks at most," I say dismissing the blue dragon that looks like it wants to attack me in annoyance.

"You are more than welcome to stay Elder Talrit," Onthren says with very well-hidden contempt and anger in his voice.

For the next few weeks, I sat outside the ruined city that is home to Onthren and the gnolls. I would stop the gnolls that come and go regularly to learn more about their culture and daily activities. The first few days I would have to cast 'Comprehend Languages' to speak with them, but eventually, I learned the language as I am a very quick learner. Plus it helped that the language was very simplistic.

At first, I thought maybe the gnoll's nature and customs would be more than one originally thought. But I found out they are very simple creatures, living only to hunt, sleep, and reproduce. The only real customs they had there was the rare handful of shamans that lived in the ruined city. They would do weekly rituals to empower the hunters and place sketches to ward off enemies. The shamans seemed like very basic magic casters.

The shamans also appeared to be the storytellers of the gnolls and history keepers. From what I gathered they were the 'elders' of their clan, though gnolls did not live long at all, which explains their high reproduction rate. The average gnoll life span was thirty years.

After spending a month among them, I felt I could learn no more from them. Even in my few forced conversations with Onthren, I did not learn much more. I then decided to continue to head west to see what else this world holds.

If I continued west I would hit the 'Great Sand Sea' which is an even larger wasteland than the 'Red Waste'. The Great Sand Sea would lead me to the 'Bleeding Sea' which is a very large lake in the middle of the desert. At the furthest west, I would reach the 'Grey Waste' which unlike those found elsewhere in the world, reports from those few that have explored around its edge seem to suggest it is a cold desert of ice and dust rather than sand.

The Grey Waste was also the border between Essos and the 'Yi Ti' Empire. The Grey Wastes held the 'Five Forts' that the Yi Ti uses to defend from the raids that happen in the grey waste a few times a year.

Just south of the grey wastes is the 'Shadow Lands'. The Shadow Lands is an area of extensive mountains, hills, and uplands, drained by several large rivers. The area is covered by ghost grass, a form of white grass that kills other living things and prevents them from growing.

From what I read and heard is that the Shadow Lands have a reputation as an area of mystery, intrigue, and sorcery. People of the Shadow Lands usually go masked when amongst others, and tend to refer to themselves as 'of the Shadow'. They also tend to be covered in tattoos. Although often linked due to their proximity, natives of the Shadow Lands are distinct people from the 'Asshai'i', who go unmasked in public. According to myth, dragons still exist in the Shadow Lands, and mighty feats of magic, like 'shadowbinding', are possible there.

'So much to see and learn! I wish I left home sooner and seen what this world has to offer. Though my clan was not yet prepared for my departure,' I think while standing up and informing Onthren I was leaving.

"Just remember Onthren, that should you try to devastate anything for no reason. I will hear about it and I will ensure you face justice," I say leaving one last threat to him since he might just attack and destroy a city of innocents for no reason other than the enjoyment of it.

"Safe trip Elder Talrit," Onthren says to me with the same look of anger and contempt that he thinks is hidden from me. I just snort at his response and fly towards the Great Sand Sea, then decide where to go from there.

Chapter 36: Ch.34

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As I came into contact with the 'Great Sand Sea' I saw roaming groups of Thir-kreen and once in a while, groups of Dothraki, as it seems the insect people made their home here. The two would have skirmishes if they met, with the insect people losing more often than not, especially if they were outnumbered.

After flying for a few weeks over the great sand sea, I saw a lake in the center of the desert. The only fresh water in hundreds of miles in all directions. I then saw that the Thir-kreen had made a home near this lake. My curiosity increased and so I landed outside the home they made.

My appearance as expected caused panic as they all ran out ready to die to defend their home. From the way their mini city looked it was a very simple place, with everything made from whatever they could find or make use of in this desert. They appeared to be very simplistic too, not an advanced society in any way.

Then I saw a more decorated Thir-kreen come out from the group of warriors that stared at me with heavy fear but faced their fear ready to die to defend themselves. The Thir-kreen I assumed was their leader spoke to me in their language of clicking sounds. To understand them, I cast Comprehend Languages, and then what it was saying I began to understand.

"...please great one, we will give you whatever you seek. Just leave us unharmed," the leader of the Thir-kreen says to me with a very pleading voice.

"I mean not harm to you all. I am simply passing by and saw your city. I just wish to learn more about you all as a people. Then once I feel I have learned all I found I will continue on my way. In the meantime, I promise to defend your home from enemies as long as I remain here learning about your people," I say to them as the spell I cast transfers my draconic into their language to understand me, as I understand them.

"Of course! We will teach you all about us!" the leader says to me excited about me being here being a temporary deterrent to all that would try to harm them.

Over the next few weeks, I learned everything I felt I could about the Thir-kreen people. Their leader was called the 'chief' and his name was Chit'al. Like the gnolls, their lifespan is very short only around 35 years. Though they breed even faster than the gnolls, as one female can lay a dozen or so eggs at once. While the gnolls can only birth up to four children at once.

Also like the gnolls, the Thir-kreen, have very simple lives. They just try to survive and thrive, though unlike the gnolls they try to avoid conflict unless necessary. Unfortunately for them, they are now in a place where nothing but conflict awaits them. From the raids of the Dothraki and the gnolls to the now natural wildlife that came from my old world being a threat to them.

However, thanks to their high reproduction rate and even faster maturity than the gnolls, they can still thrive in this area. Plus they have a decent amount of magic casters that are similar to druids from my old world. As they would help make the environment they were in more liveable and the Thir-kreen themselves respected nature to a very high degree.

"Farewell, everyone. Maybe one day we will meet again," I say to the clan of Thir-kreen before taking my leave. They have come to enjoy my company as I did theirs, the whole clan waved me goodbye as I took my leave.

As I flew over the last of the Great Sand Sea, I finally saw the very large lake called the Bleeding Sea. The lake itself looked to be several hundred miles wide and five times that in length. Like the name, the water was a deep red, that looked just like blood. From what I learned it is red simply from the plant that grows in the water.

I dove down to see the water for myself, as I approached the water I could sense many draconic energies. Some were stronger than others, but at the same time the draconic energy was tainted, whatever was here was not a true dragon but lesser ones. As I landed outside the lake I saw many creatures moving inside the water.

Large fish, crabs, and other common creatures of the water. But what stood out aside from the red plants at the bottom of the lake, were the large snapping turtles. From the sense I was getting, it came from these turtles. From what I could tell they were 'Dragon Turtles', these were cousins of us true dragons, though considered lessers as they are not true dragons.

When I landed the sea creatures scurried away, though the dragon turtles all began to congregate to me. After a few minutes, two ancient dragon turtles came out of the water, a mated pair if I had to guess. They both appeared around 50ft (15m) from head to tail, with their shells being 25ft (7.6m) wide.

Unlike normal dragon turtles with blueish/green skin and shells, these seem to have adapted to match the lake. With more reddish skin and shells. Their appearance is with long tails and necks with large, taloned flippers. Their heads had a golden crest down the center, showing that their dragon blood came from a golden dragon.

That would explain their lack of fear of seeing me, as their ancestral blood comes from a golden dragon. I can see the respect and adoration they all have looking at me. As there are dozen that inhabit this lake. Though the two ancient ones approaching me appear to be to ones who started this big family. There were many adults and younglings amount the group too. With a few babies that were hiding behind the adults.

Contrary to the belief of most mortals, dragon turtles hold great intelligence and can speak common, draconic, and aquan which is the language of sea creatures. Though their personalities depend on their ancestral blood, since these appeared to be from a gold dragon they would be lawful and kind.

"We welcome you revered one!" the male dragon turtle said to me in a deep and reserved voice, while bowing his head in respect as all the other turtles did the same following their Patriarch.

"I thank you for the welcome. How long has your group been living here?" I ask the two ancient dragon turtles.

"My mate and I arrived here just under a millennia ago. Since we arrived we have claimed this lake as our own. Our family has grown since," the male ancient dragon turtle says to me with respect in his voice.

"That is good. I am glad you have found and made a home here. May I take a look in the lake?" I say to them and since they have shown me respect, I return the respect even though I am their superior according to the natural laws of our kind. As all lesser dragon kind shows natural respect and servitude to true dragons.

"We would be honored!" the female dragon turtle says with excitement in her voice.

I walked into the lake and found even at the center where it was the deepest, that it was only a few hundred feet deep. So even laying down my whole body was not submerged, though I did stick my head under the water as best I could to see what else was down there.

For the next few hours, I talked with the dragon turtles and learned the two ancient dragon turtles' names. The male was called Aremag and the female, his mate, was called Parnaka. After speaking with them I felt it was time to move on. They told me I was welcome back any time and I told them my clan's location should they ever want to make the trip there and live among us.

A few of the young adult dragon turtles decided to make the long journey to my clan. I sent a message to my clan to expect the arrival of the handful of dragon turtles that decided to move to my clan. They would follow the rivers connected to the bleeding lake south, leading to the ocean, and then swim west to my clan. Then I bid the group goodbye and flew in the direction of the 'Grey Waste' which is the furthest east anyone has traveled according to human history.

As I flew another thousand miles or so, I realized it has been a year or so since I started exploring this world and yet there is still so much to do. Then I noticed the temperature start to slowly shift from a hot desert environment to a cold desert environment. As the lands below became covered in snow and ice, with huge pillars of stone jutting out throughout the land. Each pillar is several hundred feet high.

I saw very little to no life as I flew across this icy wasteland. Though I did finally come across some life as I saw creatures from my old world walking around. Things like giant elk, dire wolves, giant ice bears, and even a few rare yetis. Then I saw a few Frost Salamanders and ice trolls walking about near caves in the stone pillars throughout the lands.

As I flew even further into the land, I saw small settlements of Ice Giants. Which I would have dropped down to learn about them. But they are very brutish creatures that have little to no fear and attack anything they deem a threat or food on sight. I knew they would even attack me regardless of the death sentence that would be. So instead I just observed them from a distance, as I did not want to wipe out the settlements just for my curiosity about them.

After I spent a few months watching the ice giants and other creatures in this icy wasteland. I decided to fly south to the 'Shadow Lands' where people suspected more dragons resided and magic was common. I was most excited to see just how true those stories are. So I took off and flew south to see these lands.

The Grey Waste was probably the largest land I have inspected so far as it appeared never-ending in all directions. Maybe several hundred thousand miles long, as it took me almost a year just to inspect the lands. And a few months of travel to finally reach the border of the Shadow Lands.

As the stories stated, the shadow lands were a very mountainous region. As it appeared to be mostly mountains. Also, I could feel the heavy magic in the air, even more so than in my clan's lands. The land itself also seemed to be covered in a very thick fog above the mountains, blocking the sunlight from reaching below, where the mysterious white grass grew everywhere.

The fog above right below the tallest of mountain tops was so thick that no sunlight broke through it. The lands below were darker than night itself, and even with my superior vision, it was hard to see more than a few hundred feet from myself. As I landed on the white grass below, I could tell this grass had a magical component to it.

'This place will take me a while to explore and learn more about. As I have little to no information regarding it. So this will require me to experiment myself,' I think while grabbing a chunk of the white grass that withered as soon as I tore it from the ground.

Laying down I began pushing my magic into the grass to learn what I could about it, before doing experiments to learn even more.

Chapter 37: Ch.35

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As I did all the things I believe I could do this 'Ghost Grass' and poured my magic into it, I learned a decent amount about it. First, it was not a natural grass in any way, nor was it something that could provide substance to those that eat grass. This grass was made from magic, dark magic, that permeated the lands. Where this dark magic came from or if it still was being actively used was unknown to me.

Though that would explain the heavy unmoving fog above the mountains, the extreme darkness, and the eerie grass. Nor have I felt or seen any life around me in hundreds of miles. The only sound was the wind blowing through the grass and mountains. This place gave me a dreadful feeling and the longer I spend here the less at peace I feel.

'This place is filled with dark energy… my clan must be very wary of this place and avoid it at all costs for now,' I think to myself as I look around and plan on inspecting this place as much as possible.

As I slowly made my way through the mountains that make up the Shadow Lands, I commit everything to memory. I make a map of it in my head, that way if I ever need to come back to this place I know where everything once was. As I fly further into the Shadow Lands, I can feel life roaming around the mountains.

As I go to inspect it while casting invisibility on myself to not alert them of my presence. I see a group of small humanoids that I recognize as 'Duergar' the species of dwarf that lived in the 'Underdark' from my old world. They were currently in a battle with a very large creature that appeared like an orge but was corrupted by the dark magic in the area. Making it a mindless beast instead of a semi-intelligent species.

After seeing that 'Duergar' and possibly other beings that lived in the 'Underdark' are in this world. I left the group to continue my exploration, as Duergar are not good in any way. They are a very angry and spiteful race of dwarves as most hate all beings outside their race. Though an extremely rare amount is probably not 'evil' like the rest, though the majority are a group of angry little men.

Now that I am in the heart of this land, I can see all the creatures that call this place home. Beings that are inherently 'evil' and hold little to no love for anything outside their own kind, sometimes not even then. Things like fiends, half-demons, monsters of all kinds, and even some undead roam the lands in forever torment.

From my knowledge only two cities are in this land, one is an abandoned ruin once called 'Stygai' which even the ones who call this evil place home avoid. The only other city that is inhabited is called 'Asshai' where the men called 'Shadow Men' reside. I begin to make my way to the inhabited city, though I suspect the Duergar have a city/fortress somewhere, but it will be underground.

Though as I pass the ruined city below me I stop and look down spotting a dragon. As I sensed draconic energy and this energy is not something I ever sensed before. Though I instinctively knew this type of dragon was nighter chromatic or metallic, but a 'planar' dragon. A very rare type of true dragon that lives in one of the planes outside the 'Prime Material plane' which is where most living beings reside.

As I looked down I saw a giant 'shadow dragon' the largest dragon I have come across aside myself. Though thankfully this dragon was not my size, but half of it, maybe around 500ft (152m) long and a wing span of 650ft (198m). It also sensed me, so I dropped down in front of it and released my invisibility spell. We stared at one another for a few tense seconds before I broke the staring contest.

"Greetings, shadow dragon. I now understand why these mortals have avoided this ruined city. As you have taken residence inside it," I say to the dragon which I can tell is nervous at my appearance due to the size difference. Though from what I can guess this dragon is in their 'great wyrm' stage like me. I am just unnaturally larger than most dragons for some reason, though I have my theories as to why.

"Golden dragon… why are you here?" the dragon says to me with a distinctive female voice and tensed body ready for a fight to break out any second.

"I am exploring the known world I found myself in years ago. This is the latest place I have come to… unless you wish to fight, I have no reason to attack you," I say to the female dragon who goes silent hearing my statement while staring at me unsure of her next move.

"Then leave my liar, you have no reason to be here. Be on your way and we do not have to fight," the dragon says to me and I chuckle at her threat, making her glare at me and almost lash out at me.

"Very well, just can I have your name? I am curious about the others in this world," I say to the dragon and she stares at me silently unanswering my question.

"Very well, I will leave then," I say flying up into the air and heading further south to the only other city in this dark land. The shadow dragon stared at me as I left with the same look of anger and defiance on her face.

'A very rude dragon, but understandable as that was her home,' I think as I fly a few hundred miles south to the ocean that surrounds the peninsula of land that makes up the Shadow Lands.

As I reach the ocean I can see a smaller port city that I can only assume is Asshai. The city looks to hold no more than a hundred thousand people. Once again, I cast invisibility on myself before I landed near the city and shifted into my human form. I then put my hood up and covered my face with magic shrouding it. That way I appeared like the locals.

Walking inside the city, I heard them speak in the language from my old world considered 'undercommon' the language that was spoken in the Underdark. Not only that but I saw many 'Drow' walking around the city, in fact, the population seemed to be made mostly of Drow. Drow are also known as 'dark elves' they are the more evil elves and the opposite of 'high elves' from my old world.

As I walked through this city it was more advanced than the other cities that most humans have. Must be from the drow influence and the heavy magic in the air, though they are not as advanced as my clan. I also learned that the shadow dragon was their overlord in a sense. As they would pay her tribute every month and in return she would ensure the other beings in the shadow lands did not destroy their city.

The shadow dragon was also revered as the guardian deity as the drow worship her and the shadow men took after them too. The shadow dragon's name was Nurvureem and was also called 'The Dark Lady', as she would come down and visit once in a while taking the form of a very beautiful drow elf.

Most drow had very dark skin, purple or blue eyes, with white hair similar to the Targaryens. Though they did not fair well in direct sunlight as it would annoy them and weaken them since they are meant to live in the shadows/darkness. After I spent a few days among the drow and shadow men, I decided to leave toward 'Ulthos' which is another land mass south of Essos, and east to 'Sothoryos' which is another land mass. Both are very little explored as the lands go further south, but only a few thousand miles have been explored each.

As I cast invisibly on myself again, I teleported a few miles out to the ocean where I shifted to my true form and fly toward Ulthos. From Asshai to the continent of Ulthos, it was only a hundred miles or so. So in a few hours, I arrived at the little-explored continent of Ulthos. This place was a jungle filled with blackened trees, though thankfully not as dark as the Shadow Lands.

Further into the continent, the lands became more marshy and swampy, which might explain why the trees were so dark. The creatures that resided in the dark swampy forest were not much 'nicer' than the ones in the Shadow Lands. Creatures of more evil tendencies. Like slimes, giant leeches, snakes, frogs/toads, and what looked like sickly/corrupted tree ents.

As I flew further in I saw small villages made of huts, where very primitive-looking humans resided. From the looks of it, they were cannibals as many of their trophies were human skulls and they had human remains hung up to dry. Then a few miles from the largest of these villages, I saw a very large hut. I could sense magic coming from this hut.

As I landed near the hut as quietly as I could and still invisible, it appeared to be the residence of two or three swamp hags. Creatures that tricked humans and other intelligent beings into making deals with them. In return, they would grant the wish of the mortal, but would really be cursing them. With whatever curse they felt was fun to inflict at the time.

I decided against talking with the hags, as I did not feel like burning the forest down from the fight that would certainly break out if I revealed myself. I then took off and flew further into the content. I was flying for weeks and months as this continent was huge and mostly a swampy forest.

With the creatures residing in it are very primitive compared to the rest of the known world. As I approached the center of this swampy land, I felt two draconic presences. I instinctively knew it to be true dragons, just not what kind. One was much stronger than the other by a large margin though, my suspicion is that one is a baby.

Dropping down in front of the lair made from an extremely large tree, I see an ancient black dragon, around 90ft (27m) long with a wing span of maybe 110ft (33.5m), step out from inside. Then I see a wyrmling black dragon poking its head out from behind the ancient one curious as well. The fear was very evident on the mother's face at my appearance, as her child froze in fear also.

"Be at peace. I am here just exploring the world, I will not harm you unless you give me a reason to. I am just surprised to see that a wyrmling is with you," I say to them and look at the baby as some happiness rose inside me. It may be a chromatic dragon, but the fact that a new child is born to my kind gave me hope that one day our kind will return in abundance to this world.

"I see…," the mother says to me with fear in her voice. Out of all our kind, black dragons are considered the most cowardly and retreat at the first sight of danger.

"I will leave you in peace, though can I know your names?" I say to them as I did not want to bring unnecessary stress to the wyrmling. Especially since I know what it is like to see your mother be scared and feel hopeless.

"I am Zyna and this is my first child, Threzor," Zyna says to me while nervously looking between me and her child.

Unlike metallic dragons who care for their child up to the late Juvenile stage, chromatic kick their children out as soon as they reach that stage. However, the natural feeling of protecting your children is still there for Zyna, meaning her child just hatched in at least the last year or two.

Chapter 38: Ch.36

Chapter Text

(Rhaegar Targaryen POV)

It's been a few years since my wedding to Elia Martell and I love her, though the more I research this prophecy the more I believe that I am not the Prince that was promised. As there is more to the prophecy than I originally believed. The more I researched this prophecy I came to realize that the dragon in my family Heraldry has three heads. So that means I need two more heads to complete this prophecy. Then I remembered the song, 'The Song of Ice and Fire' that is said to be for the prince that is promised.

'My son, Aegon with Elia is my second head, but I need another according to my research… We Targaryens are the fire… who is the ice?... The Starks!' I think to myself as I continue to pour over the books I found that have helped me in my research.

With this thought, I sent a secret message to the only female Stark, Lyanna to meet her. Telling my father I would be out inspecting the north for this year's taxes, but I really went to meet Lyanna Stark. There I explained to her the prophecy and her part to play in it. After a long conversation, she agreed to come back with me to King's Landing.

Knowing that her father would not allow her to leave with me, we left in the middle of the night with my retainers in tow. As we road past the neck, we met the ship that would take us to Dorne. There we would be married and hopefully, then we can have a son, my third head.

Word quickly got out after Lyanna and I left the north. Everyone believes I kidnapped her, though really I married her in secret and successfully impregnated her. The maester says it should be a boy, but it is too early to tell if his guess is accurate. In the meantime, I had to head back to King's Landing to squash these rumors. Or at least explain what really is happening.

"My Prince, the King has called for an emergency meeting," one of the family guards says to me right after I arrived in the city.

"Very well," I say and follow the guards back to the Red Keep.

My father has been getting more and more crazed over the last few years. Thinking everyone is out to get him and destroy our family. His burnings of 'enemies' have been increasing too, even with my attempts to dissuade him are not working. My mother has given birth to my younger brother Viserys a few years ago and even he is not spared from our father's insane antics. With this knowledge I half expected my father to burn me for these rumors and turmoil I caused. Though I have more than half the Kingsguard loyal to me instead of my father.

'The realm is becoming more and more restless. I fear if my father does something else that drastic a civil war will spark, especially after what I just did. Ever since Tywin left his position as the hand of the king a few years ago the realm has been getting more and more restless. Leaving the position to me, but my father has listened less and less to even me now,' I think as I enter the throne room since for some reason the meeting is being held here, though nothing can surprise me at this point from my father's crazed antics.

Instead what I saw inside the throne room was my recently confirmed pregnant mother, my father on his throne, and little Viserys. In the center of the room was chained to the floor where my father burns people, were both Lord of House Stark and his heir, Rickard, and his firstborn son Brandon. Then I realized what happened, Brandon came here demanding his sister back and his father came after him once my father arrested him. Now both are in my father's custody and my face paled since I saw the alchemist that makes wildfire smirking as he placed wildfire on the two Starks.

"Father! Do not do this! I made a mistake, if I could just explain!" I said quickly trying to stop this madness that would certainly spark a civil war.

"What is there to explain?! We are dragons! WE TAKE WHAT WE WANT!" my father says with a maddened look and laugh.

"These traitors dare defy us!! For that, they shall BURN!!!" my father says and before anyone else can speak the alchemist tosses a torch onto the wildfire-coated Starks.

The two screamed in pain as they burned, my father laughed like a madman enjoying the scene, and even my little brother had a small smile on his face. My mother looked sickened by the scene but said nothing, while the guards stood still with hardened looks having seen this many times. I stared at the scene horrified as I realized how badly I messed up and now a war is certainly on our hands. Though at the same time, I can not let this prophecy fall apart, so if a war comes then I must win it at all costs.

"We need to call all of our loyal banners and get the smiths working to make everything we would need. War is coming," I say pushing my emotions down and dealing with the war that is going to break loose very soon once this word gets out and it will get out.


(Oberyn Martell POV)

After Valtaris and I went separate ways I joined the mercenary group called the 'Second Sons'. We joined many different skirmishes around Slaver's Bay and saw many things, things I would never have seen if I did not leave my family all those years ago. Plus I got to enjoy many men and women as we traveled Essos Though I made my way back since I received a letter from my sister saying how she was scared of the current issues happening at the Red Keep. When I arrived in Sunspear, my brother explained to me the recent crazy sh*t the Mad King was doing.

We both feared for our sister and her children's safety. As we thought of ways to get here out of King's Landing and back home. Though we knew just how impossible that would be and risked the potential of her getting killed along with her children. At first, that was something we did not believe, but after word got out that Rhaegar betrayed my sister and stole another woman for his bed.

Not just any woman either, but a northerner and it was Lyanna Stark of all people. Not only did he kidnap Stark girl, but apparently let his father burn both Rickard and his firstborn son Brandon Stark alive. We all knew war was coming, not only that but our sister was now a hostage, meaning we would have to help the throne while they held our sister.

Shortly after word got out about the burning of the two Starks and the kidnapping of the other, the King sent out a letter calling for his loyal bannermen. My brother and I reluctantly called our bannermen to begin raising arms, as I would be leading them in my brother's stead. As he recently came down with a disease called 'gout' so he could not move as well as before.

A few months after the burning and kidnapping of the Starks, the war officially began. The Houses Stark, Tully, and Baratheon joined forces among many other smaller houses in rebellion against the royal family. With the Houses Targaryen, Martell, Lannister, and Tyrell against the rebellion. We had a suspicion that the Lannisters were not completely loyal and like us Martells, as Jamie was a glorified hostage, the same as our sister.

For months the war waged on and things were looking bleak on both sides, as many lives were lost. I recently received word that Rhaegar Targaryen was going to meet Robert Baratheon's army at the Trident. I had a feeling this battle was going to decide the war, so out of fear I sent a message from the ring Valtaris gave in hopes he could come back and help save my sister should King's Landing be lost. As she and her children would be killed if found since they are now royals. In the meantime, I was rushing to King's Landing in an attempt to sneak in to help my sister escape.


(Rhaegar Targaryen POV)

Robert Baratheon had successfully led his main army north from the Stormlands to join his main allies in the North, the Vale, and the Riverlands. He cut his way through loyalist Houses that attempted to stop him at Summerhall, Ashford, and Stoney Sept. At the last location, a loyalist army attempted to corner him but in the Battle of the Bells, the armies of the North, Vale, and Riverlands arrived and their combined forces drove them off. The combined rebel army then withdrew into friendly territory north of the Trident. The Riverlords remained divided, but House Tully sided with the rebels.

Knowing that the bulk of the rebel forces were coming down from the Trident, I gathered the bulk of our forces to meet them and destroy them all at once. I knew this was a risky move, but one I needed to make as the sooner this rebellion ended the faster I could get back to ensuring the realm survived the prophecy. Plus if they made it past the Trident, they would be able to siege King's Landing. That was something I could not allow.

From my scouts and other spies, Robert's rebel army at the Trident was composed of the forces from the Stormlands, the North, the Vale, and rebel houses from the Riverlands such as the Tullys. Robert's personal army from the Stormlands was somewhat diminished in size from all of the fighting it had seen. The rebel forces from the North, Vale, and Riverlands had also seen action at the Battle of the Bells and were slightly outnumbered by my army. From what my spies could gather, the army was commanded by Robert, Eddard Stark, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, and several of their bannermen.

My army consisted primarily of the direct Targaryen vassals from the Crownlands, joined by 10,000 Dornishmen under the command of Prince Lewyn Martell of the Kingsguard. I knew my wife Elia Martell was kept as a hostage in the Red Keep to ensure House Martell's support, but even I knew that was necessary. A few men from the Reach were also present, but the bulk of House Tyrell's army was tied down further south besieging Storm's End, held by Robert's younger brother Stannis. My forces were fresh and larger than the rebel army but I knew were unblooded and less experienced.

I would be commanding the forces along with several of my most trusted Kingsguard, like Ser Barristan Selmy. My other loyal Kinsguard would be with Lyanna Stark to ensure her safety while I was gone. As we arrived at the Trident, we could see that the rebel army got word of our arrival as they were prepared for us. I then began to give out commands to my army to prepare for the battle that would be taking place any minute.

Once our forces were in position and I saw the enemy doing the same. I gave one last look to my Kingsguard and army commanders before I shouted the order.

"CHARGE!!" I yelled as I ushered my horse forward along with the other cavalry, as the footmen ran forward screaming their battle cry. My calvary screamed theirs as they charged behind me. With the enemy doing the same.

The charge across the open field felt like hours as every second increased the tension and stress inside yourself. To the point that you could feel the blood pumping in your head as the adrenaline overloaded your body. Then the screams began as men and horses crashed into one another. Blood and death took over the scene just as quickly.

Chapter 39: Ch.37

Chapter Text

(Rhaegar Targaryen POV)

As the battle raged on, it felt as though it was hours since it started, but probably an hour at best. Men and horses died all around me as screams filled the air and blood filled the ground. I looked around after cutting down the latest foot soldier attempting to kill me. Then I saw Robert Baratheon charging me on his horse through a stream, I met his charge with my own to slay him and end this battle.

"Rhaegar!!" I hear Robert say with a deep hatred for me while charging toward me with his great hammer held high.

As we reached one another he swung his huge two-handed hammer attempting to crush my head. I maneuvered my horse from the swing just in time to dodge it, while I countered with a swing of my sword. My swing connected making Robert grunt in pain, but my sword was unable to penetrate his armor. We both then readjusted ourselves to continue the fight.

We met each other in another small charge with Robert swinging his hammer toward my side. I had no choice but to block the sword with my shield and I thrust my sword into his one arm at the same time. Both of our strikes hit their mark, though mine was slower from bracing myself. Making my aim miss my mark by a few inches, so instead of piercing his armpit and doing serious damage. My thrust hit his bicep and pierced the mail slightly making Robert growl in pain.

Robert's strike though seriously hurt me as it crashed into my shield arm and almost knocked me off my horse. I could feel my brone cracking slightly from the strike as I grunted from the pain, trying my best to not show how much he just hurt me. I knew my one arm was now useless and so I dropped my shield and thrust my sword into Robert's horse's neck. Robert tried to strike me again seeing me drop my shield, though this time I was faster.

His horse screamed as it died and buckled, knocking Robert to the ground. He cried out as he fell and struggled to stand as it most likely knocked the air out of his lungs. I then charged my horse toward the fallen Robert struggling to stand. I swung my sword down to finish him off, but cutting his head off or atleast slicing his neck open. Instead, Robert was able to roll out of the way at the last second and get to his feet.

I turn around and we both stared at one another for a tense second or so, as I urged my horse into another charge. I let out an anger-filled scream as I charge one more time to run him down and end this battle. Robert matched my battle cry with his own as he charged me on foot. I swung my sword once again attempting to behead Robert, who jumped up and swung his hammer at me.

Both of our strikes connected as my sword met his chest plate doing next to no damage. His strike met my chest plate and the force behind it knocked me off my horse. As I fell to the ground I felt severe pain in my chest, as I struggled to breathe and coughed up some blood. I knew I was dying and I would never see my family or ensure the world survives the prophecy now. With a bitter smile on my face, darkness took over my vision.


(Oberyn Martell POV)

It took me a few weeks to reach King's Landing, especially since I had to do it secretly. By the time I arrived, the Lannister army was waiting outside the city and the guards opened the gates. I also heard rumors that Rhaegar Targaryen was killed in battle at the Trident, along with my Uncle who was part of the Kingsguard and leader of our troops that accompanied Rhaegar to the Trident. A part of me was happy at this news and very worried now too, as this would mean the war will be ending soon.

The rumors also said that the King sent his pregnant wife and son to Dragonstone for the remainder of the war. Though I did not hear him sending my sister or her children with them. As he needed them to keep Dorne in line.

As I rushed to the Red Keep, I heard the Lannister army enter the gates and being to sack the city. I ran even faster now, to the Red Keep to reach my sister before the Lannisters do, as I am sure she would not live and if she did be used against my family. By the time I reached the Red Keep the Lannister army had already sent a few men to breach it as Targaryen guards littered the ground along with a few Lannister men.

Nervousness and fear took over me as the death of some of these men was made by someone of great strength. As the men were cut in half by a great sword or crushed by pure strength. The only person fitting that role in the Lannister army is Ser Gregor Clegane, also known as 'The Mountain That Rides' for his size and strength. The other stories about this man are all extremely negative, as he is known for his pure violence.

As I ran through the keep and saw the bodies littering the ground, I rushed past everything and everyone hoping to find my sister before anyone else. As I rounded the hall to my sister's courters, I heard her scream in fear. I saw Gregor and two of his men breaking down the door to her room.

I used two of my daggers that I had pre-poisoned and threw them at the two men behind Gregor. I could not find an opening in his armor to successfully pierce or even scratch him. The one man fell dead as my dagger pierced the back of his throat killing him. The other screamed in pain as the dagger embedded just below his neck into his right shoulder, though the poison acted quickly. As the man started to cough blood and fall to his knees.

Gregor turned around and glared at me with his bloodied greatsword and armor. While the door to my sister's room was in splinters having almost completely been destroyed. Gregor and I stood across from one another for a split second, before I ran towards him with my third and fourth daggers, both of which have been poisoned too.

As I ran toward him, my only advantage was the small courters making his ability to use the greatsword very limited. I side-stepped his downward swing and aimed my thrust toward his armpit. Though he is much quicker than his size would suggest as he used one hand to backhand my thrust knocking me back a few feet. From the strike alone I could tell he was as strong as the stories suggest.

He rushed toward me thrusting his greatsword out, as I threw my one dagger forcing him to block or dodge instead. He dodged the dagger and gave me an opening, which I used to strike at the back of his knee. Once again the man somehow moved faster than I expected and kicked me in the stomach. I felt some of my ribs break at the impact and the air leave my lungs.

I flew a few feet and smashed into the wall nearby, my vision got fuzzy as I hit my head against the wall. I sat there gasping for air and in immense pain as Gregor walked toward me with eyes that promised a painful death. My sister finally looked out and saw me with eyes that showed fear and shock at my appearance.

"Oberyn!!" Elia yells seeing me and on the verge of breaking down.

"R….R…RUN!" I manage to yell out trying to atleast have her escape the mountain while he kills me.

Gregor looks back toward Elia and seems to decide to kill her first before killing me, seeing this I scream in pain and anger as I force myself to stand up and distract him long enough for her to escape.

"I'll kill you!!" I scream as I stumble toward him and make his attention refocus on me. He grunts and swings his sword at me, I gave one last look to Elia and I tried to express to her to run as I knew I would die here.

Though the sword does not reach me as I hear a surprised grunt from Gregor and Elia's shocked face. I look back to Gregor and see the sword has been stopped by Valtaris and he used just one unarmed hand to catch the blade.

'f*ck he really was holding back this whole time,' I think as I see how he has easily stopped the man known for his immense strength, plus he looked at the Mountain with pure anger. A look I have never seen from the man before, even when we found ourselves in situations where you would expect him to be angered.

"Stand down or I will put you down," Valtaris says to Gregor whose anger is only rising.

"f*ck off!" Gregor says while using one hand to punch Valtaris in the face, which Valtaris catches with his free hand. Once again surprising everyone, but then again the man caught a greatsword with one hand.

"Seems you must be taught some humility," Valtaris says as Gregor lets out a cry of pain for the first time in his life probably as Valtaris crushes his hand.

Valtaris then kicks the kneeling Gregor in the chest caving in his chest plate and sending him crashing into the wall nearby. The sound of crunching metal and bones, plus the rag doll pill of limbs that is now Gregor Clegane suggests he is dead or very injured at the least. Valtaris then turns to me with a look of worry his hands then turn golden white as he casts a spell on me healing my injuries instantly.

'f*ck I forgot to use some of the spells he taught me just now,' I think to myself realizing I could have used more of my abilities to fight the Mountain but seems my worry for my sister clouded my judgment.

"I came as quickly as I could. I assume we must escape with your sister and her children. We must leave now," Valtaris says to me while walking over to my sister who came out with her kids in tow and hugged me while crying from the fear she just experienced.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Elia kept repeating as she hugged me and then Valtaris who smiled at her.

"Do you have a means of escape? Or should I begin teleporting everyone out?" Valtaris asks me and I think quickly.

"Can you teleport us quickly?" I ask him and he nods.

"Take my sister and the kids first," I say as we stand inside my sister's room I grabbed my daggers and stood guard at the door.

Valtaris nodded his head and grabbed my niece first teleporting away. My sister yelped in surprise as she was not aware of Valtaris's magic capabilities.

"Relax sister he is saving us," I say while turning back to look down the hall for any signs of enemies.

Valtaris then comes back and grabs my nephew teleporting away with him. A few seconds later he grabs my sister and then comes back to me just as I hear more Lannister men rounding the corner. We teleport away just as they round the corner to my sister's room. As we reappear I see my sister and her kids waiting in the middle of a forest south of King's Landing.

"There should be a horse farm nearby, there we can grab horses and ride back to Dorne," Valtaris says to us and we all nod our heads as he leads us there.

"Valtaris, thank you. Dorne and–" I begin to say trying to say just how much we owe him and what this means to us.

"Worry not. Remember how I said you are a true friend of mine? Well, those I consider friends, I will help anytime they need me to," Valtaris says cutting me off and I just smile at him happy beyond belief as too is my sister.

Chapter 40: Ch.38

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As I was flying over the 'Jade Sea' toward Sothoryos the only other separate continent in the known world. I received a message from Oberyn after all these years, he asked me to come back to his homeland to save his sister in King's Landing. From his speech, he seemed panicked and worried. As one of my closest friends and since I will do everything I can to protect those I consider friends, I immediately begin to teleport my way there.

In my true form, I can teleport several miles at once and use the spell almost indefinitely. Since I was several hundred thousand miles away from King's Landing, I began teleporting almost nonstop. Even with magic, it took me almost a month to reach King's Landing. As I arrived above the city I cast invisibility on myself as I saw the city in the midst of war.

Turning to my human form I dropped down to the Red Keep. Once outside the keep, I followed the magical signature from the ring I gave Oberyn. As I teleported to the signature I appeared in front of Oberyn as a very large human almost killed him. I was able to stop the human and kill him as his body slammed into the wall from my strike.

Once I got everyone out of the Red Keep, I teleported us near the closest horse farm I saw near the city. As I said I showed them the way to the horse farm and after a few hours of walking, we arrived at the farm. I was able to buy the horses from the farmer for a few 'gold dragons' the currency that the Targaryens made. Ironic to me, but either way we now had horses and some supplies to last us for a few days.

"I will help escort you back home," I say to Oberyn and his sister who give me thankful nods.

Then the ride to Dorne and Sunspear was very quiet as Elia was trying to overcome her experience and comfort her children. Oberyn held his niece in front of him, as Elia held her son in front of her. After a few hours, the children fell asleep from the physical and mental exhaustion they have recently experienced.

"Can I ask what exactly happened while I was gone?" I ask after the children fell asleep.

"The kingdom just went through a civil war. Which with what happened today, means the Targaryens lost. Though the last of them are on Dragonstone, so who knows maybe they will escape to fight another day," Oberyn says to me and I nod my head thinking.

'Why did Rhaegar not call for me? Unless he gave my trinket to someone else…' I think to myself.

"Did Rhaegar survive?" I ask and Elia winces at the question while Oberyn makes an angered face.

"No, luckily the foolish f*cker died in the battle of the Trident," Oberyn says with heavy anger in his voice, while Elia has a complex look on her face.

"Care to explain why you are angry with him?" I say to them.

"He kidnapped another woman and raped her. That made her family come down to demand her back and for Rhaegar to be punished, only for the mad king to burn them alive," Oberyn says with hate. Elia looks saddened by the reminder of what happened.

"I see…" I say while thinking about how far the Targaryen family has fallen.

"According to what I know about the customs of your people, wouldn't that make Elia's son the rightful heir to the Throne?" I ask them.

"Yes, even though Aerys's other son lives as far as the world knows. So technically Aegon is the 'rightful' King of the seven Kingdoms. Though if he dies, then Viserys would be the heir to the throne," Oberyn says to me explaining the complex line of succession that humans have for some reason.

"Which means we can not stay in the seven Kingdoms. As me and my children will never be safe here. Plus it would make Dorne have to go to war with the rest of the Westeros," Elia says to us and Oberyn gives her a look of annoyance and worry.

"Doesn't matter! You are our sister! We will ensure you and your kids are safe! Dorne will not let anything happen to you all!" Oberyn says practically screaming in annoyance and almost waking the kids up from his sister's truthful statement.

"Relax the two of you. You will wake the kids and for now, we must get back to Dorne. Then once there you all can discuss what to do next," I say and they both nod, but I can see the argument on this subject has just begun.

For the next two months, we slowly make our way to Dorne, as we avoid the common path and use the wilderness. That is the reason it took so long but would have been longer if not for me and the magic that I used to make food and drink for us. At first Elia and her kids were just as fascinated by the magic I showed, but did not ask me to many questions out of respect for me.

However, Oberyn knowing the few spells I taught him showed off to his niece and nephew making them ask him even more questions. Though his 'magic show' as the kids call it took their minds off their current dilemma. As the end of the second month arrived, we finally made it to Dorne.

As we arrived at the fort created at the front of 'The Prince's Pass' the only real way into Dorne from land Oberyn and Elia exposed who they were. The men stationed at the fort brought us in and gave the Prince, Princess, and myself the best rooms, food, and baths. The two kids would be staying with their mother as she did not want to be separated from them right now, and neither did her kids want to be separated from her.

Once we arrived in Dorne, our journey to Sunspear was much faster as we were all escorted back to their home. After another month on the road, we arrived at Sunspear where Oberyn and Elia's eldest brother awaited for them at the entrance with worry and excitement on his face. After a very harm warming reunion with Doran who was in a special chair as he seemed to be injured turned to me with a face showing how much he appreciated what I did for his family.

"Lord Valtaris, I can not express or thank you enough for what you did for my family! If there is anything, anything you want or need just ask and we shall ensure you get it," Doran says to me and struggles to stand up, but he stands and bows deeply to me as do the rest of his family and all the guards present.

"As I told Oberyn, he is one of the few true friends I have and I help those I consider friends no matter the situation. Though I see you are injured I can possibly help with that," I say while inspecting his body with magic and everyone looks at me with even more thankfulness.

"Lord Valtaris, I can not ask you for that, not after every–" Doran begins to say as I cast Greater Restoration since I am unfamiliar with the disease affecting him, so cast the more powerful version of the spell. The spell works as I see the affected foot heal to normal.

"By the gods! My foot! I feel back to my old self!" Doran says feeling the spell take effect and laughs, before anyone says anything he hugs me in happiness.

"Everyone here is a witness to this statement! Lord Valtaris is a friend of Dorne until the end of time and we will always stand beside him and his family should they ever need us regardless of what they ask us!" Doran says and his family smiles agreeing with his statement.

"I appreciate the gesture, though as I said–" I begin to say that it is unnecessary, but Oberyn interrupts me.

"Yes, yes we know. Though the same can be said for us! You are now family Valtaris, like it or not and we Martells stand by our family until the day we die," Oberyn says to me while putting his arm around my shoulder and giving me a smile.

That day the whole city held a feast and celebration for the return of their Prince, Princess, and her children. There were many things going on and everyone got drunk. I noticed Oberyn speaking with a woman who was the daughter of another noble. Seems the noble was not happy with the situation but said nothing.

Later that night I noticed Oberyn disappeared and the woman he was talking with earlier too. The father of the woman was asking around for her, while I walked away to not get involved with a fight that was sure to break out. As my time with Oberyn taught me just how often that would happen.

I found myself in the family library once again walking around to see if there are any new books or ones that I missed the last time I was there. As I was walking around the room I heard someone enter the library, at first, I assumed it was the maester. Though the female voice told me otherwise as they called my name seeing me. I turned to see Oberyn and Doran's sister Elia in the room.

"Princess Elia," I say greeting her and she just smiles at me.

"Oh stop with the honorifics! I owe you more than I could ever repay, plus as my brothers' said you are family," Elia says to me and I just smile nodding my head.

"What can I do for you Elia?" I say to her.

"I just wanted to thank you and talk with you. As I only know you from the stories of others and not well personally. I hoped we could just speak and learn more about you personally," Elia says to me.

"Sure," I say and gesture to a chair and table nearby. We both take seats and talk most of the night away as I tell her more about myself. Then as the night goes on she leaves to go to bed and I spend the rest of the night there.

The next day as I am reading a book that caught my attention. I hear a commotion outside, curious I place the book down and go outside. There I see Oberyn has been challenged to a duel by the same father of the woman Oberyn was speaking with last night. The man seemed angered that Oberyn slept with his daughter and had no intention of marrying her after.

As most of the other nobles in the city and people gathered to witness this duel. Doran and Elia gave Oberyn a look of annoyance at his antics. As they only arrived yesterday and Oberyn already started a commotion. The duel began and the man stood no chance against Oberyn who toyed with him. Eventually, Oberyn won the duel, but greatly embarrassed the noble even now slighting the family twice.

"f*ck. Now we must figure out even faster where to send you and the kids. Plus Oberyn will have to be punished, he went too far this time," Doran says worrying that now the noble will sell out his sister's location and possibly try to start a civil war in Dorne.

"I can take your sister back to my homeland. I will ensure she and her children are well taken care of," I say to them after I considered the idea last night.

"Lord Valtaris, you already did so much for us. We cannot ask you to put your neck on the line for us any more than you already have," Doran says and Elia nods her head agreeing with her brother.

"I insist, plus Oberyn can come too. He will need to leave Dorne for a while now I imagine. He always wanted to see my homeland too," I say to them and Doran sighs but nods his head agreeing with me.

"Then I once again thank you for everything you have done for my family," Doran says while looking at Oberyn who is still gloating over his victory.

Chapter 41: Ch.39

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

The following week, Doran had a ship prepared to take us to my homeland. Oberyn, Elia, her kids, and apparently the woman Oberyn came to possibly love, Ellaria Sand. Ellaria Sand was the bastard of House Uller, the Lord that Oberyn dueled and embarrassed. Though apparently with Oberyn taking her with us and being 'banished' the Lord of House Uller was appeased to a certain degree.

Doran shared a heartfelt goodbye with his siblings who he may never see again. Though I did tell him he could visit anytime, to just send me a message with the ring I gave him similar to Oberyn's ring. I made one for each sibling so they could keep in contact with each other and me. Once we all boarded the ship we made our way to 'Naath'.

The island is located south of my people's land. There the ship would leave us and my people would send a ship to pick us up. My people were informed beforehand to send a ship there to pick us up. They would show up a day after we are dropped off.

The ship ride to Naath was long and boring as there was not much to do. Though Oberyn and his new lover kept each other occupied for most of the time. While Elia and her kids would play games all day. As I brought a few books with me to keep me occupied.

As we arrived in Naath, and like the stories it has a beautiful tropical climate, filled with palm trees, and is famed for its butterflies. The natural nature here was amazing filled with beauty better than any other land I've seen, except for my people's land. Though that may be a biased opinion.

Either way, we spent the day and night there, Oberyn and his lover disappeared to enjoy the locals as they put it. While Elia and her kids stayed with me enjoying the beach and ocean. We slept in the one Inn they had on the island for the rare travelers they received.

Once the next day came right after sunrise I saw my people's ship in the distance pulling close to the side of the island that holds few people. I brought Elia and her kids then after we found Oberyn and his lover entangled with a handful of locals, we headed to the north side of the island.

"I should warn you all. That my people may look frightening to you at first, but they are all very kind and will not harm you as they follow my orders without question," I say to them since I haven't mentioned that my people are not human. Though Oberyn has more experience in that regard.

"Listen we trust you and wouldn't have come this far if we didn't trust you with our lives. So lead the way, brother," Oberyn says to me as his sister, her kids, and even his lover smile at me showing how much they trust me.

I nod my head and lead them to the very north of the island. There I see my people have sent a dinghy to ferry us back to the main ship. My people all kneeled to me at my appearance as Oberyn and his family stare at the dragonborn with wide eyes.

"My god we are here as requested. Are these the honored guests?" the leader of the group asks me in draconic while looking at the Martells.

"Yes these are the ones I consider good friends and will be treated as such while they remain in our care," I say back to him and he nods his head.

"Everyone this is the captain of the ship we are going to sail on. As you can tell they are not humans and are known as dragonborn," I say to the Martells who are still staring at my people, though Oberyn snaps out of it quicker.

"Well sh*t, here I thought I saw it all," Oberyn says with a chuckle while walking toward the dinghy. The rest quickly follow, but are slightly nervous around the very large dragonborn. Especially the kids, but the friendly atmosphere my people are giving off eases them.

"So… Uh… What exactly are you to them?" Oberyn asks me as we board the ship.

"I am… I helped lead them and made sure they prospered as best they could. Until recently I felt I needed to be there for them to ensure their safety, their King has led them very well. There fore I could leave them and not feel their safety was an issue," I say to Oberyn and his family.

"Oh!... Are there other humans that live among you all?" Elia asks while looking at the captain of the ship who has given the order to return to the Golden City now that everyone is on board.

"Yes, our god has found and brought humans to our city. Since then they have been integrated into our culture, taking to it very easily. They have even begun to mate and increase the human population among our people," the Captain says as the ship begins to move.

"Follow my lieutenant, she will show you to your courters on the ship. It will take us a day or two to reach our city," the Captain says to the Martells while I stay outside to speak with the Captain.

"Tell me how everything is since I last appeared," I say to the Captain who nods his head and begins telling me to the best of his abilities about the few changes that happened since I've been gone.

Since the trip was in our favor, we arrived in the city the next day in the late afternoon. The Martells came out and Oberyn realized we entered the lands the humans called Old Valyira. The nervousness and fear were immediate since he has heard many stories and rumors that circle the lands here.

"Valtaris, this is–" Oberyn begins to say with the nervousness evident in his voice making the rest of his family look around confused.

"Yes, I know. Though the things you heard are not all true. This land is the home to my people and we can ensure your safety as long as you remain here with us," I say to Oberyn and his family reassuring them.

"We trust you," Elia says to me with a nervous smile after seeing and hearing her brother's look and statement.

Once we came into view of my people's capital, 'The Golden City', the Martells all stood still in shock and awe at the sight. The majesty that is my people's capital is like nothing else in this world. As my people have grown and evolved with magic, which extremely advanced their culture. From the floating towers to the giant creatures, and the 'dragons' that fly around here commonly.

"HOLY sh*t!! DRAGONS!!" Oberyn says pointing to the several dragons which are flying around the city and going about their jobs here.

"Dragons? Those are not dragons! They are wyverns! There is only one true dragon here and that is our god!!" the Captain says with some anger in his voice at the confusion the Martells showed on the wyverns while gesturing to me.

They all stop and look at me confused. I just give an awkward smile as the Captain looks between us and falls to his knees at me.

"My god I apologize I did not know you were hiding your true self from them," the Captian says to me in draconic with disappointment and anger in his voice for his failure to me in his mind.

"Relax, I was going to tell them eventually. You did not fail me, though in the future try to hold back your anger from those who are ignorant of the real world," I say to the captain who bows his head even deeper happy at my forgiveness.

"I was going to tell you all eventually, but it is true. I am not human, but a true dragon. Here I will show you just remember it is me and I mean you no harm," I say to the Martells while teleporting away from the ship further into the ocean and changing to my true form.

I give a light roar to tell the island inhabitants that their 'god' has returned. The Martells like all humans and beings that have seen me for the first time stare in awe. As the rest of the island returns my call hearing my 'greeting' to them. With a chuckle, I look back toward the Martells who are still on the ship even though it docked.

"How does it feel to be considered a friend of a true dragon?" I ask Oberyn with a teasing voice snapping them out of their surprised looks.

"Like my life will never be the same," Oberyn says with a chuckle having quickly gotten over his shock, he has experienced much more of the world than any of his other family so he just shrugged off all these new experiences.

"Oberyn! How can you be so calm! The world is so much crazier than we knew!" Elia says looking at her brother's nonchalant attitude, while his lover also gives him a confused look.

"I am aware sister. Did you think the whole time on my journey I did not experience some crazy things? I mean this place makes it to the top and now that we know Valtaris–" Oberyn says.

"My real name is Talrit. Valtaris is just the fake name I use among humans and other mortals," I say to them, and they all just nod. Then I shift back to my human form and teleport back to the ship.

"Come, I will show you the city and then the palace where the King stays," I say while motioning for them to follow me.

As we walk through the city they all just take in the sights and even see the humans I brought back from the ruins of Valyria. Then as we slowly make our way through the city for a few hours and night begins to fall. The lights around the city begin to light as the magic crystals enchanted with the 'light' spell take effect. Making sure the city has enough light for the people still going about their business.

Eventually, we arrive at the palace in the center of the city. There we Rokgar and his family waiting for us at the bottom having gotten word of our arrival and approach. His family all kneeled to me along with the other dragonborn in the area. Though like usual I told them to rise after they greeted me respectfully.

"Everyone, this is King Rokgar Belgrax, his mate Queen Emrir Belgrax, their son Prince Lilther Belgrax and their daughter Princess Irdis Belgrax," I say to the Martells introducing them to the royal family of the dragonborn.

"These are my good friends the Martells. This is Oberyn Martell, his mate Ellaria Sand, his sister Elia Martell, and her children Rhaenys and Aegon Targaryen," I say to the royal family as the Martells bow their heads in respect.

"I appreciate the hospitality and help you are showing my family. As the friends of Val– Talrit, you are friends of us Martells," Oberyn says to them with his proper noble etiquette showing.

"That is no problem. Any friend of our god is a friend of our people," Rokgar says returning the gesture.

"Come, we have prepared a welcome feast for you all," Rokgar says while motioning for them to follow inside the great pyramid that is the palace.

The feast had many types of dishes, from common ones I have seen my people make to ones that are of human origin. Seems Rokgar had the cooks make some human dishes which I am sure they asked the humans in the city about. Rokgar and his family spoke a lot with the Martells learning more about them. As the Martells asked many questions about pretty much everything. Overall the night was long and entertaining seeing how much the Martells are excitedly learning about my people.

Chapter 42: Ch.40

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

A year came and went, with my writing down about my adventures and drawing a very detailed map of the world, along with smaller maps detailing certain places of interest I visited. I also found the dragon turtles that came here at my invitation all that time ago. They live near the rocky cliffs a few miles south of our city. Once in a while they would come and visit my people just to keep in touch with their now fellow clan members.

Elia Martell and her children became very well aquatinted with the Royal family here on the island. She has grown close with Queen Emrir and seems to be considering having her family live their days out here. As Elia is not sure she even wants her kids to return to Westeros, as it would certainly spark another war for the 'Iron Throne'.

As for Oberyn and his now wife in all but name Ellaria Sand, they stayed here, and once they had their fill with seeing everything they could. I am even sure the two have fornicated with some of my people. Oberyn saw his sister with her kids and had heard rumors before he returned to Westeros about the bastards he sired in Essos. With now wanting to find his bastards he left with his lover to go find some of his bastards to give them a better life.

Once he found the ones he could and convinced them to come with him, he would return here with his bastard children. He left a few weeks before I finished mapping everything and writing everything I experienced. Then after I finished my project, I decided to see the Dothraki people and then explore Sothoryos like I originally planned before Oberyn called for my help.

"Are you really leaving?" Elia asked me as I was the last person here that she knew and was close to before forming friendships with some of my people.

"Yes, I have not seen everything this world has to offer still. I want to ensure I see everything I can and record it for my people. They may view me as a 'god' but I know I am not one and I even have a day when I die. I can feel I have a decent amount of time left, but anything can happen. I want to ensure my people can be prepared for anything that may come their way, especially when I am no longer there to help them," I say to Elia explaining that my curiosity about the world is not my only motivation.

"You make a great King. As you truly care about your people and do everything you can to ensure they live good lives," Elia says and I just smile at her while giving her one last hug goodbye along with her kids who have begun calling me Uncle Talrit.

"I will return, though maybe not before your brother. If that is the case make sure he doesn't f*ck anything up before I return," I say to her and she laughs nodding her head.

I then teleport into the sky and turn to my real form flying Northeast, in the direction of Vaes Dothrak. Which is the only city that the Dothraki people have, as they are very war-driven people and nomadic. It lies in the shadow of a single, vast peak known by the Dothraki as the 'Mother of Mountains'. The entrance to Vaes Dothrak is marked by two large statues depicting a pair of stallions.

I read and heard that Vaes Dothrak is a place of peace where the Dothraki khalasari may gather and meet to trade, but not to fight. Therefore it is forbidden to draw a sword while in the city, under penalty of death. However, the restriction is specifically on drawing a bladed weapon or shedding blood. But should the need arise, it is permissible to kill someone in the city using other lethal means, like strangulation or burning. Even so, due to the respect the Dothraki has for the city, violence within it is rare.

As I flew over Essos once again I passed by Slaver's Bay and 'The Dothraki Sea' which is a vast plain with extremely rare trees between the sea of grass fields. Among the vast plains were herds of wild horses and few villages. I even saw some of the gnolls raiding some villages or fighting a Dothraki khalasari. Both parties fought extremely well and violently, though most of the Dothraki khalasari outnumbered the gnolls, making the battle in their favor.

I slowly closed in on the large city called Vaes Dothrak, which like the stories say is just under a very large mountain in the middle of this field. I remained above the city very high and invisible, but at the same time, I noticed another draconic presence in the city. One I was naturally familiar with as it was another metallic dragon, the first I will have met in this new world. My excitement to meet another metallic dragon as very high as I dove to the mountain where I assume it resided.

As I landed on the mountain, I saw a large cave where some of the Dothraki people would do certain rituals from the decorations inside and surrounding it. I shifted to my human form and dropped my invisibility as an extremely beautiful woman with raven-colored hair, and amber eyes, came out of the cave. She was covered in war paint, feathers, and other natural animal parts.

I could tell she was the dragon that I sensed here and after I dropped my invisibility spell. We stared at one another for a few seconds before she broke out with a huge smile. And ran over to me giving me a hug which I was too stunned to return at first. Though I returned the hug with a confused face as even most metallic dragons are not his friends, except for Brass Dragons, which I now believe she is.

"I am so glad I met you! You are the first dragon I met outside the blue jerk south of my people," the woman says with a happy and peppy voice while referring to Onthren who did not inform me about her. Which annoyed me, but not enough to go there and 'discipline' him.

"What brings you here? Are there others like us? What kind are you? Are you a gold dragon? You look and smell like one," the woman says to me bombarding me with questions while looking at me inspecting my human form, and sniffing me. Her attitude is something I am not used to as she seems very high-spirited and energetic.

"Yes I am a gold dragon, I am Talrit. Nice to–" I say introducing myself.

"Nice to meet you too Talrit!! I am Zathori! Though my people call me 'The Wise Woman of the Moutain' or just 'The Wise Woman'. I've been here for a millennia or two now and they think I am the voice of their god. Though really I've just been helping them live and watching over them. They are so interesting and this city is always getting new people!" Zathori says to me with her happy face, as my brain short circuits a bit trying to process this Brass Dragon's crazy attitude.

"Can you take a minute to calm down?" I say putting my hand up and rubbing my forehead as she kept talking about everything and anything.

"Oh sorry! I just haven't had someone to talk to that knows about the real me! Everyone here just is too scared to speak to me or only comes to me for advice," Zathori says and I just stare at her.

"Ok… To answer your other questions. Yes, there are several other dragons throughout the world, though you are the first metallic dragon I met in my travels. I came here to see this city and learn more about the Dothraki," I say to her while holding my hand up to keep her from interrupting as her face looks like it is about to explode from wanting to talk nonstop to me about anything and everything.

"Great! Then I can take you around the city and show you around!! No one will bother you if they see you with me! Plus I will just tell them you are a good friend of mine, I mean you are my friend right?" Zathori says to me grabbing my hand and pulling me down toward the city below us.

"Uh, yeah we are friends," I say while following after her and contemplating how I got to this point.

Once we reach the bottom of the mountain and walk into the city below. Many people stop and look at Zathori bowing their heads to her as she passes. While they eye me with curious looks but say nothing. I also noticed Zathori's attitude did a one-eighty when we entered the city, she went from a bubbly talkative woman to a cold demeanor and an icy look in her eyes.

'Does she not know she is doing that? Maybe that is why no one here wants to approach her outside a necessary reason?' I think to myself as I follow after Zathori as she walks me around the city.

The city is not what I expected it to be considering the rumors and stories surrounding the Dothraki people. It was actually a nice place with many traders selling their goods all across Essos. With the Dothraki people are seemingly calm and looking like any other human. Though in the center of this city was the largest building, a place that appears to hold the widows of previous Khals, which are the 'Kings' or Horse Lords in charge of their group of warriors known as a 'khalasari'. These widows are called ' Dosh Khaleen' and are the rulers of this city, more like the elders of the city.

"The Dosh Khaleen serve as seers foretelling the future and interpreting omens for the Dothraki. Even powerful Khali and fierce male Dothraki warriors fear disobeying the will of the Dosh Khaleen," Zathori says to me as we approach the middle building.

"I am their leader and all major decisions are made by me. Or enforced by me," Zathori says as we stand outside the large building where many rituals and other religious practices are held as Zathori explains to me.

As we are standing outside the temple/home or whatever they consider it, a few older women come outside. They speak to Zathori while eyeing me with some suspicion in their eyes. Zathori speaks back to them with a commanding tone to them, they nod before turning around and walking back inside. I look at Zathori curiously and she just gives the older women one last look of annoyance before turning to me.

"They were questioning why I was walking around with an 'outsider' and who you are," Zathori says to me.

"I basically told them to stop questioning me and that you are a friend of our people. They will spread the word that you are not to be touched outside the city also," Zathori says to me and I just nod my head.

"Now let me show you the rest!" Zathori says to me with some of her original excitement reentering her voice. As I just sigh as she drags me along to see the rest of the city.

Chapter 43: Ch.41

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As I spent a few months among the Dothraki in Vaes Dothrak, they have come to ignore my presence. Especially the Khals of larger Khalasar would not associate with me, the others would speak with me. I also learned their language after a few days living here, plus Zathori helped with that. Most of my time would be spent with her following me around or watching the rituals she would perform for the Dothraki.

Zathori may be a very hyperactive brass dragon, but she is still fun to be around. Plus I find it funny how her personality does a one-eighty when she is around the Dothraki, versus when she is alone with me. I also told her about my people and what I have experienced in my time here. We became quick friends as she was the only other metallic dragon I have met in my time here, plus she reminds me a bit of Oberyn.

After learning everything I could, I prepared to leave and fly back south to Sothoryos. As that was the last known land I have yet to explore. I told Zathori she was welcome anytime to visit my people or me. As she told me the same, that I am welcome back here anytime. Once the sun broke the horizon, I teleported into the air casting invisibility on myself and turning to my true form, flying south to Sothoryos.

On my way south, I passed by Onthren’s ruined city of a liar and the Gnoll's main living area. Deciding to drop down and just surprise him, I land in front of the city with Onthren waiting for me. As he remembered my magical signature and I could tell he was nervous at my arrival. I stared at the fear-filled Gnolls and Onthren who all kept quiet waiting for me to speak.

“You lied to me Onthren… I just met the Brass Dragon north of you and the leader of the Dothraki, who the Gnolls fight regularly,” I say to him and the fear inside him increases.

“Elder Talrit… I thought you knew of–” Onthren begins to say to me.

“Quiet fool!... But do not worry, I am not here to kill you. You seem to forget that we metallic dragons are not like you chromatic ones. We do not kill over the smallest of slights, just know, you no longer have even the slightest trust from me. I will be keeping a close eye on you from now on, to ensure you do not bring great harm to others,” I say to Onthren who relaxes hearing my statement, but then glares hearing my subtle threat at the end.

“I understand, Elder Talrit,” Onthren says to me and I just grunt at this prideful and arrogant fool of a dragon.

“Then do not make me come back here again,” I say taking off and resuming my journey south to Sothoryos.

Just Northwest a few miles from the main coast of Sothoryos, there is a set of Islands called ‘The Basilisk Isles’. Which was a once-populated land back during the Valyrian Empire with the main city/prison called ‘Gogossos’. Though now all remain in ruins as a plague swept through it killing most of the population with the rest escaping to the mainland of Sothoryos.

There they formed three known cities which are now in ruins too, ‘Zameitar’ the main trading hub city, and just like Slaver’s Bay, a main slave-trading city. One inner city is called ‘Yeen’ and another coastal city is called ‘Gorosh’. All were destroyed by the supposed creatures that now roam the lands. Like most unexplored places, rumors, and legends surround it saying great creatures roam the lands.

As I approached the Basilisk Isles I saw the jungle that was covering the islands. There were many creatures one would expect from the jungle. Though as I suspected there were no actual Basilisks roaming the islands. After walking around the ruined city in my human form, I turned back to my true form and flew to the mainland of Sothoryos.

Just like the islands past its coast, the land was a huge jungle with trees covering every inch of the land. There was a large clearing near the river that swept through the land, but other than that the land was mostly jungle. As I traveled, I noticed saber tooth cats roaming the jungle below and some dinosaurs like the ones found on my land.

This land reminded me a lot of my clan’s lands. I might inform them to begin colonizing this land next. Though what I saw next made me decide against it. As I saw a creature that was extremely rare in my old world. One that even ancient dragons avoided if possible, a ‘Tarrasque’. The beast was a full 50ft (15m) tall and 70ft (21m) long quadruped with a long tail, reflective carapace, and two large horns on its head. The tarrasque was impossible to frighten or charm and had resistance to every kind of damage imaginable.

Seeing me the creature let out a roar showing its complete lack of fear to me and charged me. I stood my ground and for the first time in an extremely long time, I released my fire breath. Which came out as a very dark blue color, showing just how hot my fire became. This fire instantly melted the ground to magma, the trees to ash and the Tarrasque screeched as it burned.

The beast lasted longer than any other creature would have in my fire breath. Maybe a few seconds as others would instantly turn to ash. Finishing my fire breath I saw the amount of destruction that it caused, which unfortunately I am sure killed hundreds if not thousands of other creatures. As the line of melted earth stretched on for a few miles from my position and was just as wide too. This land now had a scar that was placed on it for centuries to come.

‘I apologize to those killed by proxy of my attack,’ I say while bowing my head slightly to the dead creatures I accidentally killed in my breath attack. As I instinctually released it when the Tarrasque charged me.

The longer I explored these lands I came to realize that the Tarrasque I found earlier was not alone. As there were other Tarrasques roaming the lands and instead of blasting them with my fire, I would just fly away avoiding them. This place appears to be a death sentence to any creatures outside myself and other dragons of the wyrm stage or older.

I could see the continent continued even further south, so I spent as much time here as I could to see what else is there. Though outside the many deadly creatures that would wreak havoc on the world, if they got loose, nothing else was here. I then began my journey home, as I was gone for over two years now.

(AN: Making it 285 AC, three years after Robert Baratheon was named King.)

The journey back home took a few months, as I traveled very far south to the point where the jungle turned into another icy wasteland. Though weirdly enough there were no living beings around there. Once I caught sight of my people’s main city and my volcano I let out a roar informing them of my arrival. As always I was greeted with welcomed roars and my people cheering for my return.

Landing in the ocean near the port of the city, I shifted to my human form and teleported to the port. Where I greeted my clan and made my way to the main pyramid. Outside I was greeted by Rokgar, his family, and the Martells. Though this time there were two young girls one slightly older than the other and a baby in the arms of Ellaria. The bastard daughters of Oberyn who he found and brought back with him, plus I am assuming his newest with his lover Ellaria.

They each bowed to me respectfully, having taken after the customs of my people. Then before I could chide them for not having to do that, Oberyn and the others gave me a group hug.

“We missed you brother!” Oberyn says while they all hug me with the two young girls standing to the side nervously looking at me.

“Brother, these are my two daughters. Obara and Nymeria, plus the newest addition Tyene,” Oberyn says to me introducing me to the two young girls and the baby in the arms of Ellaria.

“Hello young ones,” I say with a kind smile and they nod their heads shyly to me.

“I’m working on getting them to be more sociable. You should have seen their faces when I brought them here,” Oberyn whispers to me while giving his daughters a loving smile.

“I’m sure it matched you and your family’s when you all came here,” I say with a chuckle while we all walk inside the pyramid, as Rokgar ordered a feast to be prepared for my return.

As the feast was prepared, I caught up with everyone and what happened while I was gone. I then told them about my journeys and that Sothoryos should be avoided at all costs for now. The next few days flew by as I got to know Oberyn’s daughters better and everyone else talked with me.

Then time went by with a decade coming and going. During this time, Zathori came to visit my clan and the others living here. Oberyn trained his daughters in the way he fights, along with his daughters learning some magic from my clan. Elia’s children joined them in learning how to fight from Oberyn and magic from my clan. Doran even came to visit and like the others was surprised at what he saw.

Though I trusted him to not share what he learned here with anyone else. During this time my clan now fully took over the lands surrounding our capital. Oberyn convinced my people to call their nation something, as it was only a matter of time before the world knew what really existed in Old Valyria. The agreed name was ‘Draconica’ the land of dragons.

During my free time during these years, I finished mapping the world I saw and writing down my experiences. Once I finished that I began to experiment with my mage seeing if I could learn new or more spells. I came up with a spell called ‘Ravenous Void’ which would create a black sphere 20ft (6m) in diameter. This sphere would change the gravity in a 100ft (30.5m) area crushing everything under its intense gravity. Every few seconds the sphere would pulse and draw anything within the 100ft (30.5m) radius closer to it, crushing it even more as it came closer to the sphere.

I also made a spell that cancels all other magic around me and makes it impossible to cast magic near me. The spell is called ‘Antimagic Field’ making a 100ft (30.5m) diameter circle centered on me. Another spell I learned was one to cause an earthquake, which would become more powerful and have a larger effect with the more magic I poured into the spell.

The last spell I made I called ‘Sunburst’ which became the most powerful spell I now have. I can cast this spell within 1000ft (305m) meters of myself, as it creates a spark of fire that implodes in on itself, creating an explosion in a 500ft (152m) radius destroying everything in the area in a firestorm of death. Though I can only use this spell in my human form as it requires the hands of a human to properly be used.

Spending my time here with my people and the Martells was extremely enjoyable. As they would keep me wondering what would happen every day. Plus it was nice having people around that did not treat me like a god. Oberyn would also keep me updated with what was happening in Westeros as his brother would send messages informing them of the current ongoings.

Chapter 44: Ch.42

Chapter Text

(Daenerys Targaryen POV)

For all my life I have been on the run with my only family left, my older brother Viserys. He told me many stories about what our family used to be like and how the realm betrayed us by killing our father and taking the throne. The only thing I have left from my family besides my brother is the medallion my mother left to me.

From what we know is that it was given to our eldest brother Rhaegar and before he left for battle gave the medallion to our mother. Somehow this medallion is supposed to be used for an emergency, but Viserys has tried all different things to get it to work. Though nothing he has done works, so instead he figured it was just a useless necklace and let me keep it.

Until recently my brother and I were constantly on the run and in hiding. Then we got word that one of the few remaining supporters of our family invited us to live with him. Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos, a very rich and Essos's version of a noble, invited us to stay until we have an army to take back the throne.

As the months went by Viserys became more erratic than normal as he was having trouble finding supporters. His treatment of me was never kind, but now it has become even more harsh. Then he and Magister Illyrio discussed marrying me to a Dothraki Khal to gain a quick army. My fear and anger increased as I thought about how I was being used as a tool. Though my fear of my brother's anger made me hold my tongue.

"Brother, please do not make me marry some unknown man!" I plead with my brother after I heard that they sent word to whoever this Khal was.

"Quiet!! Do not question the Dragon! I am the King!" my brother says to me while backhanding my face and drawing some blood from my lips.

"My King, you should be more careful with your sister. Khal Drogo will not want damaged goods," Magister Illyrio says to my brother after seeing his strike against me, though I steel my looks even though my hatred for both men rise.

"Understandable," Viserys says while walking away with Illyrio continuing their conversation about the next steps once the Khal agrees to the marriage.

That night once I was left alone in my room, I cried myself asleep as I felt alone in this world. My only family treated me like a tool to be used and discarded, plus no one understood what I am going through. As I dreamed of a life away from my brother and this world's unfairness I played with the medallion in my hands.

'If only that man that apparently helped our family in the past according to Mother and Valtaris was here, he might be able to help me… What did Viserys call him again?... Valtaris?' I think to myself as I fall asleep.


(Talrit POV)

As I was writing the books I read from the human libraries and adding them to the extremely large collection of knowledge in the main pyramid's library, I got a message from the medallion I gave to Rhaegar Targaryen. Though I thought he was dead and it seems he is as instead of him requesting my help it was a young woman who appeared to be looking for me.

Whoever was calling for me did not know about the medallion's workings as she seemed unsure about it. Plus from the sound in her voice, even though it was in her head, I could tell she was very depressed. I may not know her, but since she now holds the medallion and seems to need help I will help her.

"Rokgar, I am heading out. A medallion holder has requested my assistance," I say to Rokgar who was walking the halls having just left a meeting with the clan elders.

"Very my god, be safe. Though I am surprised there are still medallion holders?" Rokgar says to me as I am about to teleport away.

"As am I. Though this is probably the last one outside the Martells," I say before teleporting in the direction of this medallion holder which I am now tracking.

I teleport into the air and turn into my true form as I fly in the direction of the medallion holder. Though since they appear to not be in immediate danger I do not teleport my way there. Though as I slowly head in the medallion's direction, I can only hope it is not in Braavos as I do not feel like dealing with Sadridna the red dragon.

Thankfully it appears that the medallion holder was not in Braavos, but instead in Pentos, which is a few hundred miles south of Braavos. Though as I approached the city invisible flying above it, I noticed an extremely large host of Dothraki camping outside the city. And instead of attacking the city, they appear to be calmly camping outside, as calmly as their people can. Which I do not believe is like their people, which piques my interest.

Then I felt the ping of my medallion at one of the larger buildings, where a Magister lives. Looking down I see two silver-haired people, Targaryens, one young man and one young woman. They were meeting the Khal of this Dothraki Khalasar and from the looks of it making some sort of treaty. I could sense the young Targaryen woman's nervousness, fear, anger, and hatred. Knowing she is the medallion holder, I turn to my human form and teleport nearby while dropping my invisibility.

"I do not mean to intrude, but that is my medallion and this young woman has called for my help," I say making everyone present turn to me with different expressions.

The Khal and his blood riders all draw their weapons while eyeing me with suspicion. Then they seem to recognize me as the one who is friends with their religious leader. While the two Targaryens have vastly different looks, the man gives his sister a hate-filled look and gives me an annoyed one. The woman gives me a mixed look one with suspicion and hope as she instinctually places a hand on the medallion around her neck. The Magister eyeing me like he is trying to understand who I am and my motives here.

"Daenerys! You were able to use the medallion and not tell me!!" the Targaryen man says with deep anger and annoyance in his voice. The woman flinches at the man's outburst.

"Why are you here Dothraki?" I say turning to the Khal and speaking in their language.

"The weak pale men offer me this woman in return for my help," the Khal says while eyeing the two men with disgust and the woman with lust. I just nod my head.

"So Lady Daenerys, you called for my help. What can I do for you?" I ask her ignoring the other now.

"I…I…" Daenerys stutters since she is overwhelmed by the whole situation.

"If you are the man my mother and brother spoke about, then I demand you help too!" the young Targaryen man says to me with a haughty voice and I just give him an annoyed look.

"You are not the medallion holder. Plus I helped your family long ago, but since then your family has fallen in disgrace. The only reason I am here is because she needs my help," I say to the young man as his face becomes red from anger at my dismissal of him. The Khal and his blood riders are watching this with interest since I am sure they heard stories of me.

"Daenerys, give me the medallion!" the man says while walking over and about to rip the medallion from her neck.

Instead, I intercept him gripping his outstretched arm and crushing it slightly in my grip. He yelps in surprise and pain at my grip, the Khal and his men chuckle seeing this happen. The Magister stares unsure how to act, as his guards look to him for guidance on whether or not to act.

"Release me! I am your King!" the man says while his eyes show deep fear and pain.

"Another word and I will break your arm, child," I say as my patience for this arrogant fool is growing thin.

"Please do not hurt my brother," Daenerys says before anyone else can speak and I can see both satisfaction and nervousness in her eyes at the sight of her brother in pain.

"Very well, though tell me, what is it you need help with? You can speak no one here will harm you as I am here now," I say to Daenerys and release her brother who stumbles back, looking like he is going to draw his sword and strike me. Though smart enough the Magister stops him whispering to him, as the Khal and his men continue to watch this interaction.

"Are you really the man who helped my family? My brother said that my mother and older brother spoke highly about you," Daenerys says to me.

"Seems I was wrong! This man is a brute and–" the man says and I turn around with a look that promises pain. I release some of my true presence as fear grips his heart making the boy shut up.

"Yes, like I said I have helped your family in the past. Tell me what it is you need and I will ensure it comes true," I say to her and she goes quiet thinking about whatever it is she wants my help with.

"I want to be free… I want to not be used like a tool. I do not want to marry this man," Daenerys says to me in an almost too quiet whisper and looks over to the Khal.

"Very well," I say to her and turn to the Khal, hoping this does not come to bloodshed.

"This woman is no longer available. She is under my protection and the deal is off," I say to the Khal in his language as his face turns into confusion, then anger.

"No, this woman is mine. You may be friends with the Wise Woman, but here she holds no power. We will fight and when I win I will make this woman mine," the Khal says to me as his blood riders snicker thinking this human even has a chance.

"I do not wish to kill you, but if you insist then come to your death," I say back to him making him growl in anger while dropping off his horse and unsheathing his curved blade. The Magister has a look of surprise hearing this conversation, as it seems he speaks Dothraki too.

The Khal charges me and from his speed, plus his technique, he is most likely one of the best warriors in the human race. Though he is nothing compared to me, which is unfortunate for him. As I easily dodge each of his strikes, I decide the battle has gone on long enough and use my hand like a spear to strike his side piercing through his lung and into his heart instantly killing him. The quick death of the Khal has everyone in shock especially his blood riders, who by their custom charge me to avenge their Khal.

The three men charge me at the same time and on horseback even though the area gives them limited space. The two reach me at the same time both swiping their curved blades and trying to decapitate me, though I duck below their swipes and jump into the air kicking the third man in the chest hard enough to cave in his chest and send him flying off his horse a few dozen feet in a crumbled pile of limbs.

I can smell the fear everyone here is emitting seeing me dispatch these warriors with ease and not even with a weapon. The two remaining blood riders charge me as is their duty to avenge their Khal or die trying. I dodge to the side avoiding both swipes and jump up grabbing the neck of one of them, breaking his neck, and dropping him to the ground. The last blood rider charges me once again but jumps off his horse as he approaches me.

With his downward strike, I sidestep it at the last second and kick his head as he lands. The kick was strong enough to snap his neck and make his head turn to a ninety-degree angle. With the Khal and his blood riders dead, the remaining Khalasar all kneel to me as their new Khal per their custom.

'f*ck this is why I didn't want to fight too,' I think now realizing I just became a Khal.

Chapter 45: Ch.43

Chapter Text

(Daenerys Targaryen POV)

I felt a mixture of emotions as this man appeared and helped me. I felt happiness for once as someone helped me for the first time. Confusion as the why he helped me even though I hold this medallion. Fear and awe at the capability this man possesses in fighting as he easily dispatched one of the most feared Khals in history, I learned later from my brother. Finally, I felt a small spark of romantic interest in this man who was the first to help me, just to help me and he is extremely handsome.

After the fight with the Khal and his blood riders, the man who was confirmed to be Lord Valtaris, seemingly reluctantly took charge of the khalasar. It appeared he had no interest in leading them, but told them he would take them back to their main city. I am not sure why but my brother and I found ourselves joining the group. For different reasons, as my brother wanted to convince Valtaris to help him regain his Throne, while I just wanted to learn more about this man who helped me.

Every day my brother would get more desperate and plead with Valtaris, losing his arrogance toward him after the display in Pentos. Though as expected behind Valtaris's back he would still speak ill of him like the man was his servant. Seems my brother still has the mentality of himself being above everyone else.

"Lord Valtaris, I am the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms. Please help me! I will give you whatever it is you want... You want my sister, you can–" I overheard my brother speak to Valtaris as we made camp on our way to this Dothraki city. My anger rose as he once again offered me as a prize, though this time it appears he overstepped as Valtaris backhanded him like Viserys used to do to me.

"I have had enough of your whining! You are no King and nor do you have the rightful claim to it! Begone and if I hear you are still in this camp by the sunrise, I will have your head," Valtaris says to my brother who stares at him stunned holding his cheek as this man was the first person to have struck him in his whole life and twice now.

"You will regret–" my brother begins to say, but the men who claimed themselves to be Valtari's blood riders stepped forward threateningly, looking to Valtaris for confirmation to kill my brother.

Seeing this happen, I once again felt mixed emotions. As this was my brother and he may have treated me like a tool all my life, but I do not want to lose my only family. Though at the same time, I felt satisfaction seeing him put in his place. Valtaris speaks in Dothraki to his blood riders who nod their heads while pushing my brother away.

"Daenerys! Come, we need to leave!" my brother says to me as the blood riders roughly escort my brother away. I felt myself freeze up as my fear crept up at denying my brother, but then I felt safe seeing Valtaris look at me. I remembered his statement about no one harming me as long as he protected me and so far his promise was true, not even my brother struck me since Valtaris showed up.

"No," I say steeling myself and wanting to stay with the only man who has helped me in my entire life. My statement seemed to have angered my brother to even higher levels.

"Fine, you whor*! Stay and be f*cked by all these Dothraki! See if I care! I will have my revenge!" my brother practically screeches to me and hatefully glares at Valtaris, who doesn't even give my brother the satisfaction of looking at him for this threat. Like he views my brother as just another nuisance in his life.

"I am surprised you denied your brother. But glad you understand that you have the freedom to choose your own destiny," Valtaris says to me as the blood riders now physically dragged my brother away very roughly beating him slightly in the process.

"You told me, you would let me keep my freedom and protect me. You are the first person to have done that for me and actually keep that promise. I would like to travel with you as long as you will let me," I say to Valtaris with some confidence in my voice but on the inside I felt fear of rejection.

"That is fine. You can travel with us as long as you want. If you want to remain with me after we reach Vaes Dothrak, then you will be coming with me back to my homeland," Valtaris says to me and I nod my head while feeling relief that he did not reject me.

"What is Vaes Dothrak and why are we headed there," I ask him and he sighs while grabbing the ale the Dothraki drink.

"The one and only city that the Dothraki people have. The place where all new Khals must go in order to become an official Khal. Though I plan on taking them back to the city and renouncing my claim, I have no interest in leading these people. I had to lead enough in my life and just wish to explore at my own leisure," Valtaris says to me and I can see the mental tiredness in his eyes from having this responsibility and now I feel guilty for forcing him into this position for my selfish wants.

"I am sorry for making you do all this just to help me," I say to him and his tired face breaks into a smile that shows genuine kindness. Not only is he extremely handsome, but kind, and I feel myself slowly becoming more and more attracted to him.

"Think nothing of it. I once helped your family in their time of need and promised to help your brother if his prophecy turned out to be true. Though then I heard he died in battle, I am just surprised he gave you the medallion," Valtaris says to me while I take a seat across from him and grab a cup of the ale, coughing at the strong taste making him laugh. I feel my face turn red from embarrassment.

"Actually my brother gave it to my mother before he left. I guess to help keep her safe in the worse case, but she died shortly after I was born. Then left the medallion to me, but my brother knowing the stories behind it from our eldest brother tried his best to make it work. Though nothing he did worked, until recently when I thought of you as I held the medallion," I say to him as he silently listens to my explanation.

"That is because to make it work you have to think or say my name, before sending the message to me," Valtaris says and I nod my head remembering the night when I cried myself to sleep after learning about my betrothal to the Khal.

"I can not thank you enough for helping me," I say to Valtaris.

"No problem, I promised to help the one who held onto the medallion and it so happened to be you," Valtaris says to me and I nod my head. As silence takes over and I think about the possibility of my brother being the holder and calling for Valtaris's help.

"Does that mean if Viserys held the medallion you would have helped him," I ask feeling I know the answer.

"Yes and no. At first, I would have helped him, but after learning more about his personality I would leave him to his own. Your brother is not a good man and would not deserve my help, you on the other hand are a kind and caring woman, therefore deserve my help," Valtaris says to me and I can't help but smile hearing his answer.

"It is getting late, go rest, we continue the journey early in the morning," Valtaris says to me and I nod my head, feeling slightly saddened at having to leave, but return to my tent to rest.

As I approach my tent, I can see the one my brother stayed in is not empty of all his important possessions, while the rest are being rummaged through by the blood riders. With a bitter and happy feeling at the same time I enter my tent to sleep.


(Talrit POV)

These last few weeks of traveling and dealing with both the Targaryens were mentally tiring. Though my patience ran thin for the arrogant fool, called Viserys, banishing him. With him gone, the journey should be less annoying now. Though it will take half a year if not longer to reach the city of Vaes Dothrak, due to the among of people I have traveling with me. Which is around one hundred thousand, only with forty thousand being warriors.

I could tell the young woman called Daenerys was romantically interested in me, from the lust that has been coming off her recently when around me. I just hope she loses interest soon as I do not feel like dealing with that issue anytime soon. A couple of weeks after I took over the khalasar, four men came forward and declared themselves my blood riders. I did not care and let them follow their customs as I did not plan on remaining the Khal that much longer.

So far on our journey to Vaes Dothrak we did not come across any villages or other khalasars. As that would result in my khalasar wanting to fight for the spoils of the village or opposing khalasar. Then I would have to somehow enforce my rules of not harming the innocent, which would be very difficult unless I showed my true form. I was purposely avoiding the villages I knew of from time exploring the lands.

"Blood of my blood, some scouts have returned reporting of a village several miles ahead of us," one of my blood riders says approaching me as we travel with the horde to my back and Daenerys behind me.

'f*ck, seems my luck ran out…' I think to myself, wondering how to enforce my rule of not harming innocents.

"Very well, gather some of the riders we will go to this village. Though I want to make it very clear no raping, or killing of those who do not fight," I say to my blood rider who reported this to me and he nods his head before urging his horse away to gather enough riders for this raid.

"What is happening?" Daenerys asks me after my blood rider goes to relay my orders. She has a few of the Dothraki women helping her and teaching her the language, but she is still a long way from understanding it. The Dothraki believe she is going to be my 'Khaleesi', which is their version of a queen.

"There is a village ahead of us. The Dothraki will want to raid it and I can not deny them their customs, all I can do is ensure no innocents are killed or harmed," I say while coming up with plans to make this raid as harmless as possible.

"Oh… well be safe," Daenerys says to me unsure what to say. I nod my head as I see my blood rider return informing me that the chosen riders are ready. Leaving two of my blood riders with the rest, they begin to make camp as they await the return of the raiding party.

"Bring me to the riders," I say to the two blood riders accompanying me on this raid. They both bow their heads before showing me to the chosen riders.

I can see they have only chosen around two thousand out of the forty thousand riders we have. That would suggest the village is smaller and very little protected. Which means it should be much easier to ensure no one disobeys my rules. With a sigh, I then shout my orders to the riders once again to ensure they know to not break them. A part of me knows some will not listen and therefore need to be killed to show I mean what I say.

Chapter 46: Ch.44

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As we approach the smaller village, I noticed it was a newer one, probably having been founded in the last ten years or so. Which would explain how I was unable to avoid it secretly. Giving one last look to my riders, I release an internal sigh. As I charge my horse forward, I will not kill anyone if I can help it, though as the Khal it is expected of me to lead the charge. No one will follow a coward, atleast according to the Dothraki customs and I must show that by being at the front.

With the screeches and excited yells behind me, the riders charge toward the village which is now in full panic. As the very few brave men rush toward the edge of the village to defend it while the other men reluctantly join them with the women and children running to hide. With screams of dying men and even women, we breach the village as my riders go killing every armed man they find. I was forced to kill a few men that recklessly charged me.

As the raid continued I rode through the village making sure as best as possible that my two rules were being followed. With my two blood riders also rode through the village to ensure my two rules were followed. I found one of the riders forcing himself onto one of the villagers and I knocked him unconscious as I was going to make an example of him soon. The raid ended just as quickly as it began, with the riders following me to the center of the village where ten men were bound after breaking my rules.

The riders all watched as I inspected the items we took, which were mostly food, the few rare coins, and other metals. I made a mental note to replenish the food we took later, and then I walked over to the ten men who disobeyed my rules. All eyes were on me their new Khal, as many feared me after hearing about my prowess, and others just loyal enough to follow the rules put in place by their Khal.

"These men were found breaking the only two rules I had put in place. I know you all think of me as a foreigner and I do not disagree with you. I am not a born Dothraki, but by the laws, I am a Khal regardless! By the same laws, you must obey your Khal's rules! Therefore these men will die today, but I will give them the chance to fight me!" I shout while motioning for my blood riders to release the bindings on the ten men who stare at me with hatred.

"Come all at once, I wish to leave this place and kill you all already," I say to the men who growl at my complete lack of care for them. I was also getting a huge reputation among the riders and Dothraki. One from my ability to fight and easily win without any weapons other than my hands.

Three men charge me at the same time while the others encircle me and watch my movements. The three men take wild swings at me as I easily dodge or evade them, with me stabbing them each in the chest using my hand like a spear. The three men died within seconds of the battle starting, I then stand straight with a dismissing face as I look at the others.

"Not going to attack like cowards? Very well," I say making two of the men scream and charge me in rage hearing me call them cowards. While the remaining five grow more nervous and fearful of me.

The two men once again were easily dispatched, dying with one single strike from me. My 'loyal' riders were cheering and murmuring about my combat capabilities. Once the two men died, I moved towards the next closest one killing him instantly. As the last four men charged me, though like the rest I easily dodged their strikes before killing them all with one strike to the heart. As all the men who disobeyed me lay dead on the ground the rest of my riders cheer in excitement seeing the fight.

'Hopefully, this will spread among the others and keep anyone else from disobeying me,' I think to myself as I walk over to my horse and ride back to the rest of khalasar.

Though later that night, when everyone was asleep, I teleported back to the village we raided and secretly cast 'create food and water' to not only replenish what we stole but add even more to their stocks. I just hoped that would be enough to help them, even though I know what I allowed would never be able to be repaid. Teleporting back to my tent, I just hope we come across no newer villages and if anything comes across another khalasar.

The next few weeks of travel were uneventful with no surprises on the way and thankfully no villages I did not know about. The news about my rules and how I enforced them spread throughout the rest of the khalasar. With some coming forward to voice their disagreement with my rules. As per the custom, they challenged me to a duel and easily lost with death being their only outcome. After killing another fifteen challengers, plus the ten men who I killed after breaking my rules, the rest of the khalasar stopped questioning me.

Now my rules are completely obeyed, or at least I hope so since we have yet to find a reason for them to be in use again. Then a few hours after the day break and starting our traveling, one of my scouts came back and informed me that they spotted a large group of 'beastmen'. Which is what I learned the Dothraki call the gnolls. They say the group is heading in our direction and will meet us in a few hours.

"Everyone, stop here for now!" I stay making my khalasar make a temporary camp for now.

"How many roughly?" I ask turning back to my scout as my blood riders ride over to us quickly.

"Maybe five thousand or so, my Khal," the scout says to me and I nod my head.

"Gather ten thousand of our riders, there is a group of beastmen headed our way and we are going to meet them head-on," I say to my blood riders who rode over to me curious about what is happening.

"Blood of my blood," my blood riders say while bowing their heads and riding off to complete my orders.

In less than an hour, my blood riders gathered the ten thousand riders and we rode to meet the gnolls. As we reached the top of the hill ahead of us, we saw the large army of gnolls traveling just a mile ahead of us. They all stopped and looked at us, as they registered our approach they screeched and charged in our direction with no fear. I let out a battle cry charging down, with my riders immediately following after me as we rode to meet the charge head-on.

The sound of men dying, horses, gnolls, and the giant hyenas the gnolls rode filled the air. The scent of blood also began overwhelming my senses, as this was the largest battle I have taken part in too. As I slaughtered my way through the gnolls I lost track of time and my other senses as nothing but the battle filled me. After what felt like hours of fighting, I ripped off the head of my latest gnoll and looked around me to see the battle was over.

Only a thousand or so of our riders seemed to be dead, with many more wounded and each of my blood riders appeared to be alive. I was covered in blood and did not mind it that much, I actually liked the feeling of being in a prolonged battle. Especially against creatures that are renowned for their evil tendencies, like the gnolls.

'I kinda get why the Dothraki love fighting so much, losing yourself in battle is so easy and the thrill of possibly dying is slightly addicting. Though I would not technically 'die', it was still a thrill nonetheless,' I think to myself while reveling in the battle I just took part in.

Though at the same time, worry entered me for enjoying taking the life of another creature. As I looked down and saw my hands and body covered in blood, guilt entered me for enjoying myself just now. These emotions began fighting inside me as the thrill of battle and the guilt of enjoying it, made turmoil inside me.

"Blood of my blood, we have won!" one of my blood riders yells in victory snapping me out of my thoughts as the rest of the riders let out cheers of victory alongside him.

I just nod my head as I push these conflicting feelings and emotions down inside me, to later deal with. Now was time to gather our dead and wounded, along with taking whatever spoils the riders wanted. Once we gathered everything, we rode back to the khalasar as the riders with me were very excited about the battle we just won.

As we arrived the khalasar made camp here for the day to celebrate our victory and care for the injured, while burning the dead. I walked to my tent to take a bath to clean myself, I could use a spell to clean myself, but instead, I wanted to soak for a bit to clear my head. I began to undress when Daenerys walked inside my tent interrupting my peace.

"Lord Valtaris, I heard of your vic–" Daenerys says but goes quiet seeing me covered in blood, I can see the worry in her eyes, along with lust seeing me shirtless.

"Yes, we won. But at the cost of many lives," I say with a sigh as I grab a cup of ale figuring this will be a long conversation.

"Are you injured? Should I get the healer?" Daenerys says to me with worry in her voice and I shake my head while drinking the ale.

"I am uninjured. Most beings will be incapable of hurting me," I say to her and she nods her head while blushing slightly, eyeing me with lust once again.

"Can I ask you to leave? I wish to be alone and bathe," I say to her downing the rest of my ale and assuming the conversation is over.

"Of course sorry!" Daenerys says with a red face and quickly leaves my tent. I just shake my head and release a sigh.

Finishing undressing, I step into the wood tub the Dothraki has filled with heated water. Though I use my magic to heat it to boiling water and relax as thoughts of the future entered my mind. I originally wanted to be rid of these Dothraki, but after today, fighting beside them and enjoying the battle. A very small part of me wants to remain with them and seek out more large-scale battles.

'We shall see what the future holds,' I think as I submerge myself in the tub completely. Like my true form, the rest of my forms are immune to fire, poison, disease, and can breathe underwater.

Once I feel refreshed, I go outside to join in the celebration after the battle. As many drinks and foods were served, plus the riders who part took making trophies out of the gnolls' parts. I walked around my khalasar greeting everyone who greeted me and joining the drinking contests they had. Alcohol can not get me drunk, so I easily out-drank all of my competitors as the night continued on.

With the rise of the sun and groans of hungover men and women, the journey to Vaes Dothrak continued. I just hope the journey continues to be easy and uneventful, though the very small part of me wants another khalasar or party of gnolls to battle us. I sigh as my thoughts and feelings are in turmoil for the first time in millenniums.

Chapter 47: Ch.45

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

We have been traveling for several months now, passing half a year and reaching the center of the Dothraki Sea. We are now only a couple more months away from reaching Vaes Dothrak, though my feelings have begun to change on whether or not I want to remain Khal. As I come to understand the Dothraki on a level I did not before, plus I feel I can change the way they live their culture. Instead of being a group of savages who raid and kill innocents for no reason, I can shape them into a force for good.

I do know that possibility is very slim, with almost no chance of succeeding, but I am determined to try. Especially now that my khalasar has truly become my own, with the people looking at me like one of their own and with adoration. This has only happened from the battles we have taken part in on our journey here. As we have battled many gnolls and a handful of other large khalasars, taking in the Dothraki survivors.

I also learned that my fame among the Dothraki and other parts of Essos has spread. As I am now called the 'White Stallion', most likely due to the skin color that I choose to mimic all those years ago. With this fame came respect, awe, loyalty, and fear of my abilities. I came up with an idea to have Zathori help me shape the Dothraki people into a group no longer feared for their 'savage' nature. Maybe even incorporating them into my clan, though that would take even longer due to the Dothraki's lack of care for other people.

Daenerys has started to get bolder in her attempts to win my heart or love, as she has gotten much more comfortable around me. These attempts have become more and more frequent, which annoys me. That is why I decided to confront her about it after we made camp for the night. The Dothraki have also made me a new set of clothes that I changed into and many Dothraki women, like Daenerys, have to seduce me.

"Daenerys, can we talk?" I ask as I stand outside her tent as my khalasar go about their later afternoon activities.

"Of course Lord Valtaris!" I hear Daenerys say excitedly and I enter the tent to see her wearing the standard outfit many Dothraki women wear. Daenerys has also come to learn the Dothraki language, speaking in it now mostly to me and everyone else here.

"We should talk about the way you act toward me," I say with a sigh as I sit down on one of the chairs in the tent. Daenerys becomes confused and concerned hearing my statement.

"I… What?" Daenerys says with confusion lacing her voice.

"Am I wrong to assume you are attracted to me?" I ask making sure that I can still read humans' facial expressions and emotions as I have learned too long ago.

"No!.... I mean yes!...... No, no you are right. Though are you not attracted to me?" Daenerys says to me with worry in her voice confirming her interest in me and I can see the fear of rejection in her eyes.

"I find you to be a very beautiful young woman Daenerys. Though, I have long ago given up on finding a partner to spend the rest of my days with. I have grown too much and too long alone romantically to care enough to seek it out anymore. Some time ago I came to terms with being alone romantically and have no interest in seeking it out. So, I want you to understand that your attempts to seduce me or win my heart will fail every time. It is better to stop now and search for someone who will return your love," I say to her as her fear of rejection only increases and she just nods her head while sadness shows on her face.

"I believe you have these strong feelings for me, only because I was the first person to have shown you kindness. That is not wrong to feel grateful or love toward someone who has helped you, but I want you to understand that there is no more love inside me for anyone romantically," I say to her trying to make her understand that her feelings are due to my help to her.

Seeing her look down with a very saddened face and trying to hide the fact she is crying slightly. I stand up and leave the tent not wanting to continue to make her upset. Then as I stand up, I feel her hand grab my arm. Turning back to her I see her teary eyes and a spark of resolve entering her eyes.

"I… You may be right. That I have these feelings because you were the first person to help me and show me kindness. But regardless I feel this way and I do not know I I will ever stop feeling this way. Though I will stop bothering you… for now, but if I continue to feel this way, then I will keep trying to win your heart," Daenerys says to me and I just sigh.

"I will not stop you, I just hope you understand there is nothing here for you. I hope you will come to see that before it is too late for you to find happiness in another," I say to her after sighing and leaving her to her thoughts.

Stepping out of her tent, I rub my eyes feeling mentally tired, and make my way back to my tent wanting to be alone. On my way there many of my new people greet me with respect and adoration. With many of the single women not so subtly showing their interest in me. Once I reach my tent, I see one of my blood riders waiting for me.

"Blood of my blood," my blood rider says greeting me in the same custom that they always do, bowing their head slightly.

I nod my head and greet him back before walking inside and he follows me inside. After spending so much time with them and considering becoming their Khal, I learned my blood riders' names. The four are Hamavo, Jaeko, Atotho, and Najaho. Each a young man in their twenties and each a very good warrior who have absolute loyalty to me.

"Is everything ok?" I ask Hamavo who was standing outside my tent as we enter it.

"Yes, my Khal. Though I was just wondering when you will pick a Khaleesi, as we are almost to Vaes Dothrak and the Dosh Khaleen will wonder the same," Hamavo says to me as we sit down and grab some drinks.

"Not for some time," I say though I do not ever plan on finding a mate.

"I understand, my Khal. There are many very fine women to choose from," Hamavo says to me with a smirk on his face as none of my blood riders have committed to a woman yet either.

"That there are," I say with a chuckle laughing at this young man's excitement to bed many women, just like Oberyn. We then spend a few hours drinking and joking around, with Jaeko joining us an hour later, as my other two blood riders are busy with women according to Jaeko.

"My Khal, where will we go after Vaes Dothrak?" Jaeko asks me slightly drunk along with Hamavo who is now drunk.

"I was going to take you all to my homeland. I wanted to show you all where I came from and maybe have you all become part of my people there. See if you all would like to join my clan and after that… well I am not too sure," I say while thinking about the possibilities I could do in the future.

"Your clan?" Jaeko says with a curious voice and Hamavo focuses now too interested.

"Yes, I have another group of people who follow me. I did not originally want to become your Khal, though the circ*mstances made me your Khal. Now that I am, I was thinking you all would want to join the rest of my people and we can go from there," I say stating my thoughts and seeing how they react to see if maybe I should just 'disappear' at Vaes Dothrak.

"If your people are anything like you my Khal, then we might just become the strongest khalasar in history!" Hamavo says with excitement in his voice at the thought of becoming the most renowned khalasar in Dothraki history.

"I agree with Hamavo, my Khal. This would be a great boon to everyone," Jaeko says agreeing with Hamavo.

"Good, then that is the plan," I say standing up and heading to my bed as both stay inside my tent's main entrance drinking themselves to sleep.

Just as I now spent almost a year with my Dothraki people, we reached the city of Vaes Dothrak. As we approach it, I can see several other Khals and their Khalasars have come to the city. Once we arrive we make our way to a section of the city where my Khalasar can stay for our duration here. An hour after we arrived Zathori came to see me having heard and sensed my arrival, as I felt her inside the city.

"Valtaris! How've you been? I see the rumors were true that you took control of some of my people," Zathori says to me saying my human name and giving me a friendly hug.

"I've been better, though, at the same time, I have come to enjoy the company of these Dothraki. I do apologize for taking control of some of our people," I say to Zathori who just dismisses my apology.

"Don't worry about it I am glad you took control of some of them. I can not be everywhere at once, plus it means you have a reason to visit me more often," Zathori says to me with a smile at the end and I just chuckle.

"Seems I made your mate jealous," Zathori says to me confusing me and I turn to see Daenerys glaring at Zathori.

"She is not my mate, I do not plan on settling down, not anymore," I say with a shrug and Zathori nods her head since we talked about joining together some time ago, but I was not interested then either.

"I see you are still on about dying alone and not passing down your lineage," Zathori says with a smirk. While I shrug indifferently.

"Anyway, are you sure you want to officially become a Khal?" Zathori asks me as we walk toward the main temple and home of the Dosh Khaleen.

"Not a hundred percent sure, but I have plans and my khalasar seems willing to follow me to the very end," I say to her and she nods her head.

"True, I have heard the rumors circling you, White Stallion…" Zathori says with a smirk and laughs at the end.

"Though, I am not surprised at the loyalty your khalasar is showing. You have a way with words and even our kind is naturally drawn to you," Zathori says and I shrug not sure how to respond to that.

"What are your plans once you become an official Khal?" Zathori asks me as we stand outside the Dosh Khaleen temple.

"I will stay here for a week or so, letting my khalasar rest and relax. Then we will head to my homeland and if you are ok with it, try to incorporate them into my clan. After that… I am unsure, though my clan has been talking about extending our domain, so maybe we will finally show ourselves to the world," I say to Zathori who silently listens to me.

"Like I said I am glad you are leading some of my people. Plus if your khalasar joins your clan, then maybe both of our people can join in an official alliance. It could be good for my people to possibly consider becoming more than just nomadic and war-like," Zathori says and I nod my head thinking on that.

"Well, let us commence this ritual or whatever I need to do to become an officially recognized Khal," I say to Zathori who nods her head and motions me to go inside the temple.

Chapter 48: Ch.46

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

The little ceremony to become an official Khal was boring, but once completed, I was now recognized as a fellow Dothraki. The other few Khals currently in the city came to see me, hearing about my official status as a Khal and my current fame. They just observed me, while the Dosh Khaleen soon berated me for not having a Khaleesi yet and the sooner I have one the better for everyone. Zathori and I left the temple as I released a long sigh, with Zathori laughing on my behalf.

"I may not agree with the Dosh Khaleen on many subjects, but this time I do agree with them," Zathori says to me and I just grunt while shaking my head.

"I am going back to my people, I need to be alone after that long conversation," I say while walking back to the area my khalasar made camp in the city.

As I walk the streets of Vaes Dothrak the many Dothraki I pass all bow their heads slightly in a sign of respect to me, even some of the ones not part of my khalasar. Once I arrive where we made camp, I went to my tent telling the Dothraki guarding it outside I wanted to be alone. An hour after I returned and was writing down my journey and experiences with the Dothraki to add to my library later, I heard my guards outside threatening someone who wanted to see me. With a heavy sigh, I stood up and walked outside to see who my guards were threatening.

"Begone red whor*! The Khal does not wish to be bothered, especially not by a false preacher like yourself!" one of my guards says while the other one agrees with him placing his hand on his curved sword readying to kill the woman. Plus there is a middle-aged man who appears to be from Westeros due to his appearance and clothing.

"Who is this?" I ask making them all stop threatening the woman who wore a light gown dyed a deep red and a metal choker with a large ruby in the center, on her neck. I could feel the magic from the choker showing it was enchanted, while the woman herself also held more magic than other people, suggesting she knows some magic.

"She is one of the false gods whor*s who preach here. Only fools listen to them or other traders in the city. If not for the Wise woman and Dosh Khaleen, we would have raped this woman to death," my one guard says which I immediately become angered at.

"What would you do?" I ask as my voice turns ice cold and my real presence leaks for a second scaring the man completely freezing him on the spot.

"My Khal! Forgive me!" the guard says dropping to his knees and bowing to me once I pull my true presence back into myself. Though I noticed a glint of… hope, I believe in the woman's eyes at feeling my real presence.

"Since you did not commit any crime against my rules you will not die. Though should you disobey me or threaten someone again with a horrendous act such as rape, I will ensure you die by my hands," I say to him and he bows his head deeper to me.

"Now leave and have someone else guard the tent, I do not wish you to be in my presence unless you want to be punished," I say to him and he immediately runs off to find someone else while obeying my order.

"I thank you White Stallion, may I speak with you in private? Also, my companion here wishes to speak with you," the woman says to me in draconic surprising me, while the man and my remaining guards look confused about what she is saying.

"Very well," I say to her motioning to enter my tent she nods her head thankfully and the man looks confused for a second before she gestures to follow her inside. I then enter the tent after them, leaving my guard outside.

"Your High Valyrian is perfect," the woman says to me with the glint of hope in her eyes having increased making me confused about why she is here and who she is.

"Well, this is my mother tongue," I say to her while sitting across from them and pouring drinks for myself and the two unexpected guests I have.

"Interesting…" she says while eyeing me still.

"So are you going to tell me why you are here?" I ask her and she nods her head after taking a sip of the ale, along with the Westeros man sitting beside her. He looks slightly familiar like I've seen him before, but as I go through my memory I do not remember meeting him.

"I serve the one true god, R'hllor Lord of Light. I came here to spread his word in Vaes Dothrak, but then I heard about you as rumors spread quickly. My companion and I arrived here a few weeks before you did and it seems everything I heard about you is true. Even better I can feel the lord's light inside you! You have the gift of fire don't you?" the red priest says to me and now I understand her better.

As I have heard and read about the red priests/priestesses, who fanatically follow this god of theirs. Most Red Priests appear to be zealous proselytizers, appearing throughout the continent of Essos preaching the word of R'hllor. Many people claim that they possess a multitude of ambiguous supernatural abilities, which are believed to be the gifts of the Lord Himself, but I think is likely magic passed down from one to the other.

I remember seeing some in the past, but never speaking with them. As they are a common sight in Essos, as the faith of R'hllor's influence is more widespread and children are sometimes given to temples of R'hllor to be raised into the priesthood. Red temples also buy children to serve as slaves of the R'hllor and raise them as priests, temple prostitutes, or warriors known as the 'Fiery Hand'.

'This man might just be one of the Fiery Hands,' I think to myself eyeing the westerosy man, who has yet to introduce himself.

"And your friend?" I ask the red priestess ignoring her earlier question about the supposed 'light' inside me, but probably somehow sensing my true form.

"I am Jorah Mormont… my Khal," the westerosy man says to me seeing me gesture to him as he speaks in Dothraki, surprising me. But the surname reminds me of who might be his father that I met years ago at Rhaegar Targaryen's wedding tourney.

"Is your father Jeor Mormont?" I ask him in common even though he spoke Dothraki just now. Hearing me speak three languages now surprises him, though the red priestess is eyeing me with weird looks as I try to ignore her.

"Yes he is… have you met him?" Jorah asks me with surprise still on his face.

"Yes, once, though that was a long time ago now. It does not matter, though why is a westerosy, especially a northerner, in Essos and Vaes Dothrak of all places?" I ask him feeling the stare from the red priestess as she contemplates whatever is on her mind.

"I was… banished from my home. I came here because I heard the rumors of a westerosy Khal and wanted to see if it was true," Jorah says to me though I can see the nervousness in his eyes, seems he is not telling me the whole truth. Though it appears he has no malicious intent nor can I feel any hate for me from him.

"So you say," I say to him as he fidgets under my look feeling more panic at my indifferent face.

"May I send word for a higher-ranking priest to come and see you? I believe our god has blessed you and you should receive guidance from one of our higher-ranking members," the red priestess says to me and I just sigh.

"Even if I say no, I know you will send word. I will not wait for them, I have plans I am committed to. If they somehow find me then sure they can speak with me," I say to her and she smiles nodding her head.

"Then may I stay with you until one arrives?" the red priestess asks me while I give an annoyed look since my life has gotten much more complicated lately.

"Fine, though you must obey my rules as long as you remain with me," I say to her and she nods her head before bowing to me and quickly leaving to send her message to whoever.

After she leaves Jorah remains sitting across from me with an awkward look on his face. As he is nervous knowing I saw through his lies and is unsure what to do now. I release another sigh before I speak to him again.

"Just tell me why you are really here and I won't have to force the information out of you," I say to him and he stares at me while determining what to say.

"I will know if you lie," I say to him as I sip my ale waiting for him to speak, though my statement made him more nervous as expected.

"I…I was originally sent to find Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen. To… spy on them for King Robert, but as I arrived in Pentos, I heard they left with a Westerosy Khal. Then I heard Viserys was spotted near Braavos, but his sister remained with the Khal… So I went to find his sister to make sure she is actually with you," Jorah says to me and I can tell he is telling the truth but is still not sharing everything, which I can understand.

"Ok… you are holding back some things from me, but I understand. Daenerys is here with me, now you can leave," I say to him and he looks surprised hearing me not angered by his statement to me, but saddened that I told him to leave.

"I… I was wondering if I could stay. I promise to not send any word to King's Landing. I just want to serve Daenerys, I have already met her before coming to you, and… well I believe she is the rightful ruler of the Iron Throne. I want to help her become the queen," Jorah says to me as I become confused at this man's thought process, but can tell he is truthful in saying he will stop spying on her.

"Her brother has more right to the throne than she does, so why not serve him?" I ask since the world thinks Elia and her children are dead having not heard anything about them for over a decade now.

"I also heard much about him and he does not seem to be fit to be King. While my conversation with Daenerys only confirms that I believe she will make a great queen," Jorah says to me and now I can understand some of his reasons, he appears to be lusting after Daenerys.

"I see… then you can stay but on several conditions. First, you must get Daenerys's approval to stay as you will be serving her. Second, as long as Daenerys remains under my protection, you will follow the same rules as my people. Finally, if I hear any word about you sending information to King's Landing, I will have your head," I say making sure he understands his position here if he stays.

'Plus who knows, maybe he will be able to divert Daenerys's attention from me and keep her busy enough to stop trying to pursue me,' I think to myself as that was the real main reason I decided to let him stay.

"Thank you! I promise I will obey these rules, my Khal," Jorah says to me bowing his head before quickly leaving to find Daenerys probably.

'Now, let us hope no more surprise visits come and we can just head to my home as peacefully as possible,' I think with a sigh and go back to writing about my time with the Dothraki.

Chapter 49: Ch.47

Chapter Text

(Eddard Stark POV)

Robert came to the north a few months after Jon Aryen died his former 'Hand of the King', who was also like a father to the two of us, and not so subtly demanded I become his 'Hand of the King', I came south with my two daughters Sansa and Arya. As I basically ruled the Seven Kingdoms in Robert's stead, I learned just how badly the seven kingdoms was doing. The Kingdom was heavily in debt to not only the Iron Bank but the Lannisters too. Corruption ran rampant among the city guards and everyone here set out to backstab the others just to better themselves. This place really is a sh*t hole of a city.

I later received word from my wife that not long ago our second-youngest son Bran fell from climbing one of the towers and was crippled. Then she came down here in person secretly and told me she suspected the Lannisters were behind the injury and later the attempted assassination of Bran.

After learning all this and feeling the suspicion that maybe the Lannisters were behind something or hiding something, I began to look into things. I eventually learned that it was a very high possibility and most likely that Robert's current living children are actually not his. But children between Cersei and another, I am betting it might just be her brother Jaime. Then after coming to that conclusion, I believed my wife might be correct that the Lannisters did try to kill Bran for possibly finding out the same truth I did.

Not only did I learn about one of the greatest scandals in recent history, but I was constantly on edge from all the enemies I was surrounded by. Each member of the high council and other notable people in the capital were very two-faced, nothing like the north. I started questioning who I could trust and who was my enemy, so far the only one I came to trust was the council member in charge of the royal finances. Nicknamed 'Little Finger' but his real name is Petyr Baelish, an old friend of my wife, and had a history with my older brother who was still alive back when we were children.

Little Finger seemed to be aware of my investigation into the royal family and has helped me so far in it also. Making my trust in him increase, while he warned me of the other council members. He especially warned me about Varys the spymaster, nicknamed 'The Spider' due to the 'web' he has which keeps him updated on most current events in the world. The latest being that both the remaining Targaryens were last seen in Pentos meeting with a Khal and forming an army to take back their lost throne.

This information made Robert even more angered by the fact that there are Targaryens remaining in the world. So he demanded Varys send word to the faceless men, the world's best assassins who I just learned of, to kill the remaining Targaryens. I tried to advise Robert against it as they were just children, but he would not listen. I was also debating whether or not to tell Robert about what I learned of his supposed children, but so far the timing has not been right.

As I finally decided to stop waiting and tell Robert the truth of what I learned, I heard he left the capital to go hunting early this morning. This is a very common occurrence for Robert as he never took his duties as King seriously, always drinking, whoring, or hunting. Waiting for his return, I slowly made my way to the council chambers since I was recently injured after being speared in the leg by a Lannister guard after I tried to confront Jaime Lannister about my son Bran. Then shortly after I arrived an urgent messenger interrupted the council meeting telling us Robert has returned and was heavily injured.


(Robert Baratheon POV)

It's been over fifteen years since I took the throne from that mad f*cker, Aerys Targaryen. After taking the throne I married Cersei Lannister, our first child died shortly after being born to sickness. I believe that is what drove a large wedge in our marriage, plus it didn't help I liked to whor* around. We've had several other children since then, two more sons and a daughter. After Jon Arryn died my 'Hand of the King' I went to Winterfell to have the only other man I trusted with my life become my hand, Eddard Stark.

As I lay dying on my bed from getting gored by a boar that I was too drunk and fat to avoid, all my choices in my life came back to haunt me. I have so many regrets and things I wish I had done differently, but now I can not do anything to change them. One of the regrets is having Varys, my spymaster, send a contract to the faceless men to kill both remaining Targaryens. I regret this because Eddard is right they are just kids and children should not be judged for their father's sins, as I just hope my children will not be judged by my mistakes.

"Ned there are few things I want you to do for me, first tell Varys to withdraw that contract. You were right, the Targaryens are just children. Second listen closely," I say to Eddard after everyone leaves the room.

"Ned, write down what I am going to tell you. This is my last decree as the King of the Seven Kingdoms…" I say feeling my mouth dry up and I shakily grab my cup of wine which Eddard helps me drink.

"Robert…I–" Eddard starts to say something, but I just want this to be over with before it is too late.

"Not now Ned. Just write this, 'I King Robert Baratheon, the first of this name, the proper f*cking titles. Declare Eddard Stark to be Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm until my son comes of age…'," I say with a labored breath as the pain from my wound still hurts even with the milk of the poppy Pycelle gave me. I can see Ned stopping writing what I said after hearing me state I want him to lead the Seven Kingdoms until my son is old enough.

"Trust me Ned, you'd make a better King than I ever was. Plus maybe you can teach my son how to be a man and good King. I was a failure in that regard and his mother got her claws into him, probably making him a little sh*t," I say while giving a small laugh at the end and coughing as Ned grabs me some wine to drink.

"f*ck me, Ned. Dying is sh*t! I don't suggest you try it," I say making a joke at my own dispense after taking a small drink of wine that I used to be able to drink glass after glass.

"Robert… I… Get some rest," Eddard says to me looking like he wants to tell me something but is holding back for whatever reason. Though I am too tired to care, as the milk of the poppy starts to make me even more tired.

"Right… we'll talk more later…" I say as sleep takes me and I see Ned give me one last conflicted look before taking his leave.


(Eddard Stark POV)

After I left Robert, I thought about telling him the truth about his children, but something held me back from speaking the truth. I am not sure what it was, maybe the guilt of being a father myself and knowing he would have them executed should he learn the truth along with Cersei. I held no love for the Lannisters, but children are children and I believe their innocence should be protected at all costs.

'First I will tell Cersei I know the truth about her and her children. Giving them the head start to leave the capital before I return to Robert and tell him the truth,' I think to myself as I then go to look for the Queen.

After half an hour or so, I found the Queen outside near the garden. I walked over to her and gave her a respectful greeting, she may be a treasonous woman, but as a northerner, we have basic respect and honor.

"May I speak with you in private your grace?" I ask her not wanting to involve more people than already are most likely involved.

"Very well," Cersei says dismissing the handmaidens and guards around her, though the guards remain somewhat close by as expected.

"I… I want to inform you that you and your children should leave the capital… I learned the truth and know they are not Robert's children. I am going to tell him, I will give you until tomorrow morning to leave the capital before I do," I say to her and her face contorts after hearing my statement to one of extreme anger.

"Are you seriously suggesting that my children are bastards?!" Cersei practically screams at me with a bloodthirsty voice. While I let out a small sigh having expected her to deny the truth.

"I am not suggesting anything, but simply telling you what I know to be the truth. I have not yet told Robert, but plan on telling him. Though I wanted to give you and mostly your children the possibility to escape before his wrath reaches you all," I say to her standing struggling a bit due to my injured leg. I can see her face has contorted even more somehow as nothing but pure hate shows on it for me.

"We are not leaving, as your accusations are false and my husband will never believe you," Cersei says with an ice-cold voice with nothing but pure hatred in her eyes as she looks at me.

"Do what you will, I said my piece," I say before walking away, and Cersei motions to her guards who immediately step in front of me as I begin walking away.

I stand still looking at the guards with a neutral face knowing even she would not have them kill me in broad daylight in front of this many witnesses. Because then Robert even in his dying state would learn the truth as I left a letter to one of my loyal guards to give in case I die to Robert immediately. I hear her growl while gesturing to her guards to allow me to pass, though I can feel her eyes boring into the back of my head as I leave.

As I reach my chambers, I quickly write another letter to Stannis Baratheon, Robert's younger brother, the second oldest of the three brothers with Renly being the youngest. Renly was also the current 'Master of Laws' on the council, as Stannis was the 'Master of Ships' but left before I became 'Hand of the King' for reasons I am still unaware of. Though my letter informs Stannis that he is technically the rightful heir of the seven Kingdoms along with the truth I learned about Cersei and her children. I then had this letter to Stannis quickly and secretly sent as I feared my life will be ending soon.

I also quickly went to find Renly, before I finally had my daughter quickly pack to return to the north. I found Renly in his chambers reading and drinking wine. At my sudden entrance, Renly jumped up in fright but relaxed at seeing me.

"Eddard? What are you doing here?" Renly asked me seeing me and sitting back down at his table. I made my way over and sat across from him, before pulling out my evidence of the truth behind Cersei and her children. Then I pushed it over to Renly who looked at me confused before he began to read the evidence showing the truth.

"Renly… Your brother Robert is going to die and very soon. I already sent word to Stannis about this, he is going to be the next King. I wanted you to know, so you can help me prepare for the very high possibility of a fight breaking out in the Keep," I say to Renly, whose eyes widen after reading the book showing just how it is impossible for Cersei's children to be Robert's children too.

Chapter 50: Ch.48

Chapter Text

(Eddard Stark POV)

After reading my evidence and hearing my statement about the real successor of the throne, Renly freezes up. As it seems his mind is racing to all sorts of conclusions while determining what it is he wishes to do. Then he stands up and walks over to an extremely well-hidden compartment in the room, taking out a book. My curiosity is peaked but I just silently wait for him to speak to me.

"Let me ask you something Lord Eddard, do you really think Stannis would make a good King?" Renly asks me confusing me, then I realize he is going to suggest he be King.

"Renly… it does matter what I think. It is the law and how the world works," I say to him and Renly just snorts hearing my statement.

"Really? What about what is good for the realm? The people?" Renly says and I hesitate for a second since Stannis is a great military leader, but does not really inspire the commoners well. As Renly is loved both by his men and the commoners, he is just not as a good military leader or next in line.

"I can see you agree even if you don't want to admit it," Renly says seeing my hesitation.

"Stannis is a great warrior and one of, if not, the best strategist in the Seven Kingdoms–" I begin to say trying to defend the rightful King.

"I am not disagreeing with you, my brother is a great fighter and leader… when it comes to military matters. Though is that what makes a good King?" Renly asks me as I now notice he has constantly been feeling the ring on his finger, at first I thought it was a nervous tick, but he seems to be doing it on purpose.

"There are a lot of different things that make a good King–" I start to say as I glance at his hands, but he interrupts me again.

"Yes there is, but you still didn't answer the question. Do you think Stannis has what it takes to be this Great King, that the realm needs? Especially since another war will erupt," Renly says as I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Stannis is many things, he may even be a great King. It is not my place to decide that, it is the law!" I say standing up, pushing the pain in my leg aside, as I am frustrated that Renly is going to split the realm even further if he goes against his brother.

"You say you want what is good for the realm? How is splitting it even further, just for you to become King, good for it?!" I ask as my frustration reaches even higher levels.

"You should know as a leader that sometimes you have to make tough choices for the greater good," Renly says trying to justify his reasons to fight for the throne.

"Seems you have made up your mind. I must go and get my daughters out of this city before the fighting begins. Then I will tell Robert the truth," I say walking out of the room to go and speak with my daughter then Robert.

As I leave, I head over to my daughters' rooms to tell them to quickly pack before I have my guards escort them home. I will stay here and try to help the realm as best I can, though I am interrupted as my small group of guards and I are stopped by some of the Kingsguard and Lannister guards. With Jaime Lannister leading them.

"Lord Eddard Stark, you are under arrest for conspiring against the throne. I suggest you come quietly or things might… escalate again," Jaime says while gesturing to my leg as I stare at him with anger and resistance.

"Under who's orders? I doubt Robert authorized this!" I say trying to talk my way out of this.

"Oh, did you not hear? Robert sadly passed away just an hour ago. Joffrey is now acting King, until his official coronation," Jaime says with his usually sh*t-eating grin.

Hearing about my best friend's death and how quickly Cersei took control, I have a flood of emotions take over. My biggest one is fear and regret, as I did not confess to Robert before he died and save my daughters from becoming hostages. With a defeated sigh I nod my head gesturing for my men to surrender.

"At least let me deliver this letter, which was Robert's final act as King to the rest of the council," I say hoping that this might just be what saves me and my children. Jaime hesitates, as the other Kingsgaurd looks between the letter, me, and Jaime. As Robert may have died, they are honor-bound to carry out his last decree.

"Very well, we will escort you to the council members, then you will have to come with us," Jamie says actually keeping his oath, which surprises me, but I chalk it up to being surrounded by his fellow kingsgaurd, as he is the biggest oath breaker in history. Jaime is called the 'King Slayer' for that very reason.


(Renly Baratheon POV)

After reading what Eddard Stark showed me, my mind raced with so many different ways this could determine the future of the realm. My final conclusion was that I should finally contact Osmond and see if his promise still holds true. Osmond is our master-at-arms in Storm's End, my family's ancestral keep. I was the only one in the family to ever notice what he really was and because of that, he offered me a one-time deal to help me.

As I tried to convince Eddard to join me since having the North on my side would make this much easier for me, I contacted Osmond through the ring he gave me. Though Eddard is as stubborn as I heard and refused to disobey the laws of the realm, even if it meant placing my brother on the throne. Sure Stannis would probably not be any worse than Robert, but out of all my brothers, I was the one who had the support of both our men and the commoners.

'Little Renly! You finally contacted me, here I thought you forgot about me,' I hear Osmond say to me in my head, through the ring, after Eddard left me with his mind made up to follow my brother instead.

'Yes, seems I have finally found what I want from you,' I say as I stand up and look at the book I pulled out which is a spell book I wrote with Osmond's help.

'Do tell,' Osmond says with his normal overly carefree voice.

'Seems my suspicion about the kids of my brother are true. Eddard Stark just discovered the truth before I did, it seems he has informed my brother. A war is going to break out soon for the Iron Throne–' I start to explain to Osmond who interrupts me.

'So you want me to help your family secure the throne? I always figured you want my favor something bigger than that. I have helped your family ever since they first sailed over here,' Osmond says to me and I sigh, due to being interrupted but can not fault him as he has done more for my family than anyone else in history.

'Yes and no, I want to become King and I doubt my brother would agree. We both know I would make the better King. I want your help to see me gain the Iron Throne. After that I will give you whatever it is you want,' I say to Osmond who goes silent hearing my request and I become nervous thinking he is going to deny me. Then I hear his excited laughter in my head.

'Oh sh*t! Here I thought you'd follow your brother like a good little boy you are!' Osmond says laughing hard still at my dispense, while I become annoyed and before I can yell at him responds.

'Very well little Renly, I will help you ascend to the Iron Throne. Though for what I want in return after… I will have to think about that. So are you going to leave, I do not suggest you stay there as you will be next on the chopping block. Need me to get you?' Osmond says to me.

'No, I just sent word for my men to leave the city and head to 'Highgarden' as I know they will follow me. Plus I just finished the ritual spell, I will be returning home. I hope you can bring us both to Highgarden from there,' I say to Osmond.

'Ok see you soon,' Osmond says cutting the connection as I finish the teleportation circle Osmond taught me and it sends me to the hidden place I found out the truth about Osmond. It is his underground lair near my family's ancestral keep, Storm's End, and overlooks the ocean below.

After I teleported there, my book and I appeared in the huge magically hidden cave overlooking the ocean a few miles south of my family's Keep. Inside it are hundreds of thousands of gold coins and hundreds of other precious treasures. Shortly after my appearance, I see Osmond teleport in, still in his human form which he changed every few decades to keep up the charade that is a human. Though he always found himself as the master-at-arms in Storm's End.

I found out the truth from reading and socializing with the common people. As the books I read held the history of my family, which Stannis read too, but he didn't connect the dots as I did. I saw this weird pattern of how my family would always hire an outsider as the Master-at-arms and the drawings of these men were always different, except for the eyes which I noticed were a shiny bronze color.

Feeling something was off I asked around the commoners and heard the ones who lived in the keep for as long as their families remained loyal to mine. They spoke of how each master-at-arms always seemed the same person but different. I finally confronted Osmond about it and he laughed hearing me but then applauded me for being the first Baratheon in centuries to figure out the truth about him.

He then brought me to his lair and showed me his true self, which was a huge Dragon with Bronze colored scales. I was extremely scared at first, as I was just a child but soon realized he didn't mean me harm. He then taught me magic and took me under his wing. Since I was the first person in a long time to figure out who he was and he enjoyed my company, he offered me a one-time favor from him to help me out with whatever it was I needed.

"So little Renly are you ready to fight your brother and many others just to become the King?" Osmond asks me after teleporting inside his home.

"Yes," I say simply and he nods his head.

"Good, then I will help you. But I will not kill the innocents or harm any of your family. That would go against everything I stand for," Osmond says to me with a serious face, which I rarely saw from him. As the last time I saw it, was when he told me to keep his secret which I promised and have kept since.

"I know and I appreciate your help," I say to him and he nods his head, going back to his old jovial self. Shifting into his true form he grabs me and tosses me onto his back before flying out of his home. We then turn invisible as he flies us to Highgarden, where I will raise my army and take what should be rightfully mine.

"This will take a few hours, get comfortable," Osmond says to me and I know he views me as a sort of son to him. I nod my head lying down on his back while enjoying the sights below and planning what I will need to do, to see my ascension to the Iron Throne.

Chapter 51: Ch.49

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

I led my khalasar from Vaes Dothrak, as the week came to an end and we resupplied ourselves. It also gave my khalasar a chance to rest and relax, before making the very long journey south to where we'd meet my clan. They would meet us at the tip of Old Valyria, where my clan would ferry us to the Golden City. With the presence of Jorah, Daenerys was busier, probably because he is trying to convince her to leave and fight for the throne. Though it appears her weird obsession with me, keeps her near me.

"Blood of my blood, where is your clan located? I know you said southwest, but how far southwest?" Atotho one of my four blood riders asks me as we ride out of the city and south toward my home.

"As far south as one can go, where the once great people of dragons and fire resided," I say to him and he looks at me surprised.

"No wonder you and your clan are such formidable warriors! To live in such a dangerous place is a feat in itself," Atotho says nodding his head, having given himself a reason as to why I am as strong as I am. I just chuckle at his statement, making him smirk at me, for thinking I am laughing because he is right, which technically he is semi-correct.

"You are not completely wrong," I say with a shrug, as I hear Daenerys and Jorah ride up to us. I see Atotho gives Jorah a suspicious and annoyed look since Jorah is an outsider while giving Daenerys a once-over. He and my other blood riders believe I will marry her but have not gone through with it yet for whatever reason.

"My Khal, is it true we are headed to your homeland?" Daenerys asks me after riding up to me, with Jorah giving a matching glare to Atotho.

"Yes, we are headed to meet up with my clan. From there, well… we shall see," I say to her as I was planning on finally having the clan expand with the help of the Dothraki. Then I see a very excited look form on Daenerys's face.

"What is your home like? Do you have any family? How far are we from it?" Daenerys bombards me with questions are we ride.

"My home is like nothing you have ever seen before or anything else in this world. I… have one sister and two brothers, one more serious than the other and we are quite the distance from it," I say to her while thinking of Oberyn, Rokgar, and Elia. As they have become like family to me, and I am currently thinking of ways to enhance their longevity. As I do not wish to watch them die and leave me alone once again.

"I can not wait to meet your family!" Daenerys says while Atotho nods his head agreeing with her hearing about my family.

"Any family of the Khal is family of mine," Atotho says to me.

The days turn to weeks, which turn into three months of relatively quiet travel southwest. We came across some more roaming parties of gnolls, which we dealt with as the ones in the past. While only came across two other khalasars, which avoided us from being smaller than ours. I did not order to chase them down either, as I just wanted to return home, plus I had no reason to attack them. During this time Daenerys has still not given up trying to woo me and I emmit that she is going on me.

"Valtaris! Making the rounds?" Daenerys says to me as I walk through the camp ensuring everyone and thing is fine.

"Yes as you can see," I say to her with a chuckle and she blushes since she just wanted to find a reason to speak with me.

"I heard we are nearing the 'Painted Mountains', the place that is not only a natural beauty but a barrier between Old Valyria and the rest of Essos," Daenerys says to me as we walk through the camp. I see Jorah is a small distance away watching over Daenerys as he declared to be her guardian and advisor.

"True, we will have to pass by them in order to reach the place where my clan will meet us," I say to her, as she goes quiet thinking.

"I've also heard stories about 'Slaver's Bay', the place with the largest slave trade. I know the Dothraki also sometimes takes part in slavery, plus other… acts. Though I noticed this whole time your khalasar does not part take in that," Daenerys says while looking around at my people who have adapted to my rules quite well.

"Well as you know, I made an example of those who would see that we did do those things. The respect they have for me as a warrior and a leader, makes them following me easier. As we have not lost any battles we have taken part in, plus the khalasar has no lack of food or supplies. Only reinforcing their respect for me," I say while thinking about how I have secretly been adding to those stocks at night. Making the need to raid less and less needed.

"It seems you know how to lead people… you'd make a good King. Better than my brother and especially of my father, if what I heard is true about him," Daenerys says to me and I can tell she has been considering leaving and trying to also claim the Iron Throne as her own.

"I have led my own clan before the Dothraki. For a very long time, I lead my people, then I stepped down once I felt they could take care of themselves. That doesn't mean that I am not there should they need me or seek my advice," I say to her.

"So your brother has taken the leadership?" Daenerys asks as I have explained to her more about Rokgar, Oberyn, and Elia. But left out certain details, as I figured if she does join us at my home she will learn it all there along with the Dothraki following me.

"Yes, I left him to lead the people. He has not disappointed me once and every time I returned home, he has only continued to impress me with his progress," I say to her thinking of Rokgar and his amazing accomplishments in leading my clan to where they are now.

"I look forward to meeting your family even more then…" Daenerys says while going quiet again thinking about something.

"If you wish to leave to gather support for your claim to the throne, then I will have some of the Dothraki escort you to the nearest city. Though if that is your choice then I wish you luck in that endeavor," I say to her as I figured that is what she has been thinking on these last few weeks. As Jorah has been telling her everything he last heard from his time in Westeros and how it could use a newer and better King/Queen. Hearing me snaps out of her thoughts and gives me a surprised look, along with a playfulness in her eyes.

"So you can get rid of me? No way! Not when I just started to grow on you!" Daenerys says to me with a smirk, knowing my dismissal of her has disappeared. As I came to enjoy her company, since she is vastly different than the Dothraki and speaks to me like an equal, like Oberyn.

"Blood of my blood, there is a new red priestess here," Najaho the fourth blood rider of mine says having jogged over to me and Daenerys interrupting the conversation. I can tell Daenerys is annoyed by the interruption.

"So the higher priestess is here," I say with a sigh having hoped that we'd not run into this other priestess who wanted to speak with me as the other one was waiting on her arrival.

Daenerys came with me as the three of us returned to my tent. Inside I see the original red priestess who has accompanied me this whole time. She was very quiet the whole journey, simply watching me from a distance. Though I could tell her curiosity about me only increased day by day, as her eyes betrayed her interest in me since she kept a neutral face at all times.

The other priestess was almost unnaturally beautiful, with black hair, deep brown eyes, and a red dress that hugged her body tightly. Like the other priestess, she had a magical choker around her neck with a large ruby in the center. At our appearance, the new priestess eyed me, with a very neutral look on her face. If not for my years of reading humans, I would have missed the very tiny spark of excitement in her eyes as she studied me.

Unlike other humans, even Tywin Lannister who I thought was the most practiced human when it came to hiding his true feelings, this woman was almost impossible to read even for me. Nether the less, I could see something about me interested her deeply and she then broke her stone-cold neutral face, smiling warmly at me. For the first time ever, I felt uneasy around a human. As my instincts screamed at me there is more to this woman than her appearance would suggest.

'I do not sense anything magically different about her. She feels, smells, and looks human,' I think to myself as I eye her and use my magic to probe her.

"White Stallion, if it was anyone else, I would be extremely offended at their probing," the new priestess says to me in draconic, which only the other priestess and Daenerys speak. Once again for the first time, I am stunned by a human, lost for words.

"Who are you?" I say with a growl as my real presence leaks out freezing everyone in the room as fear grips their hearts. Though for some reason the new woman is unaffected by it.

"I am but a humble servant of the Lord of Light, my prince," the woman says while bowing deeply to me and I can feel her open up completely to me. Showing me all her feelings and secrets if I chose to probe once again into her.

"Your name?" I ask relaxing slightly feeling no hate or malice from her, but my guard is still up staring at her.

Once I pull my presence back in my blood-riders pull out their weapons staring at the woman aggressively while sweating slightly from having complete fear grip them just from being in my true presence. With Daenerys catching her breath having only sensed my real presence once before. The rest of the room was dead silent with only the sound of breathing in the room as I waited for her answer.

"I am the High Priestess Kinvara," the woman says to me while still bowing to me deeply making the other Priestess follow her and bow to me.

"Everyone, leave I much to speak about with this… High Priestess," I say to the group of people and my blood riders give me an uncertain look, but follow my orders.

"That means you too, Daenerys," I say seeing Daenerys hesitate too. Daenerys nods after looking between the two of us. The other red priestess leaves with Daenerys, leaving just me and Kinvara in the room.

"You called my Prince? What do you mean by that? Plus say you are just a Priestess, but you are not like any other person I have met before. Explain who you really are and how you can remain so… calm around me," I say to her choosing my words carefully as I am mentally prepared to kill this woman as soon as she shows any sign of hostility.

"May I?" Kinvara says while gesturing to a chair in the tent and I nod my head while taking a seat across from her.

"Were to begin?" Kinvara says while thinking and pouring herself a cup of wine, take what we bought in Vaes Dothrak.

Chapter 52: Ch.50

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

"Begin with what you mean by calling me my Prince?" I say to Kinvara who nods her head.

"I mean exactly what I said. You are my Prince, the son of R'hllor. Though I think you know him by another name… Bahamut," Kinvara says to me as I stare at her with a surprised look. Unsure what to say as my mind races with dozens of more questions.

"Do not be surprised my Prince, I know you are a True Dragon, a golden one with scales that shin with a hint of Platinum I am sure," Kinvara says to me catching me off guard again.

"How do you know this?" I say as my wariness around her increases.

"I am old, very old, by human standards at least. Nowhere near as old as you I am sure, my Prince. I am reaching around two thousand now, with some of the other older members being slightly younger than me, as I started this religion," Kinvara says to me while sipping her wine calmly, ignoring my slight aggression toward her.

"You say you know about Bahamut, how?" I ask her.

"He visited me as I was dying on the streets all those years ago. He appeared as an old man with a long white beard and seven golden canaries sitting on his shoulders. He healed me and taught me about the real world, telling me that a great war was coming and only his son could save us," Kinvara says while smiling at me warmly and remembering the past.

"I know you are his son, he told me his son was called Talrit and his son's mother was one of the golden dragons disguised as one of the golden canaries. Your mother's name was Nalidekeme correct?" Kinvara says to me as extremely old memories of mine come back to the surface and a tear escapes my one eye my mother just might be alive and residing with Bahamut himself.

"Seems I was correct in my judgment of you, you are his son. I am here to serve you as long as you want me and I will serve you in anything you need. The religion of the Lord of Light is behind you now and forever my Prince," Kinvara says to me while kneeling to me and bowing her head with a very happy smile on her face like she finally completed her life's main mission.

"Is my mother… here?" I ask wanting to see the only real family I ever had.

"I do not believe so my Prince. As Bahamut only visits when he deems it necessary, plus he can not involve himself in mortal issues too much or the other gods would do the same. If it is any condolence, your mother is now in eternal heaven with her mate and your father," Kinvara says to me still kneeling to me.

"I see… then at least she is happy… I want to look into your mind and see this memory for myself," I say to her and she nods her head, as I cast 'Detect Thoughts' while pushing into her mind to see the memory.

Just as she said, I see the old man who is clearly Bahamut, then one of the golden canaries shifts into a human woman. I can see in the woman's eyes that it is my mother. I feel a flood of emotions enter me again as I see my mother once again after all this time, even though it was in memory of another. My mother herself even states she is the one true mate of Bahamut and I was the only child conceived from both. Pulling back from her mind, I gather my emotions, planning on dealing with everything I learned later.

"Now what exactly did Bahamut say about this war?" I ask her while now knowing I am the only son ever conceived by the god of dragons himself.

"He could not give me many details… though he said that his sister Tiamat has her daughter in this realm. That her daughter is here to bring back the age of dragons, as the 'rightful rules' of this world. As his son, you are here to protect us weaker beings from total annihilation and enslavement," Kinvara says to me and I go quiet thinking about this possibility.

'Did I meet this daughter of Tiamat? Was it Lady Sadridna? Does that explain why more and more beings from my old world are here? That the gods have opened rifts bringing some of my old world beings here? Am I really the son of Bahamut? Either way, the cult of Tiamat is not something I can allow to form here, it would only bring countless death and suffering,' I think to myself as Kinvara waits for me to speak.

"Why not form the religion of Bahamut, like my old world? Why this 'Lord of Light, R'hllor'?" I ask Kinvara.

"Your father decided that a religion dedicated to a dragon would only help the cult of Tiamat and possibly confuse the masses since we humans falsely believed wyverns were true dragons," Kinvara says to me and I nod my head.

"So who knows the real truth in your religion?" I ask her wanting to know if she is the only one in her group who knows the truth.

"Very few, only the ones that helped start the religion with me and have been blessed with extended life like myself," Kinvara says.

"So how exactly can you group help me?" I ask her finally relaxing and motioning for Kinvara to sit back down.

"With anything you want my Pince. We can be warriors, preachers, lovers, spies, anything you need us to be," Kinvara says to me and now I can see the utter devotion she has for me.

"For now carry on as you all are. Though I could use people to keep me informed about the current goings in the world. Places like Westeros, Braavos, Slaver's Bay, Vaes Dothrak, Yi Ti Empire, and Asshai," I say to her and she nods her head to me.

"Of course my Prince. We have preachers in most of those places already. Though I will send word to have others go to the ones we do not. I will have them send frequent updates about the issues or important news happening in those lands," Kinvara says to me.

"Anything I should know, that you know now?" I ask while coming up with plans on finally having my clan expand. As the cult of Tiamat needs to be dealt with quickly before it spread too far.

"I have received word that King Robert Baratheon has died. Rumors suggest his children are actually not his own, but bastards. Leaving the realm in a civil war as Robert's two brothers lay claim to the throne. With Tywin Lannister fighting to keep his grandson and the possible 'rightful heir' on the throne," Kinvara says to me as I just sigh having heard that the Kingdom has fallen to war once again.

"Keep me informed about the war going forward. Once we reach my clan, I am going to have them begin preparation to expand to the surrounding lands. The first place will be Slaver's Bay, as that place has been in power too long. It is time I stop letting atrocities like slavery continue," I say to her and she nods her head to me.

"I look forward to the day of Bahamut's son leading the world to a new era," Kinvara says to me with fervorous devotion.

"Go and carry out my requests. I want to be alone, as I have much to… think about," I say to her dismissing Kinvara. She stands and bows deeply to me once again before taking her leave.

A few more weeks pass by with Kinvara nearly always by my side with the same complete devotion in her eyes to me. Daenerys seems to be very annoyed by this as she has taken this as a threat to her possible relationship with me. We finally reached the 'Painted Moutains' and followed the road called 'The Demon Road', which is called for the dangerous creatures that roam nearby.

For once it seems the humans have correctly named an area, as real demons do roam this rocky and mountainous road. We have come across some nalfeshnee, which are large hairy-hooved demons, having boar-like faces with three sets of tusks coming out of their face and black feathered wings. Another type of demon we have come across in our travels was Vrocks. An even larger demon that was a human-like vulture hybrid, as it stood on two bird-like feet, a vulture head, with clawed hands, and a pair of very large feather wings.

By the time we passed this long mountainous road, we lost a few hundred of our members to the demons that call this place home. We then finally reached the city called 'Mantarys' which only a few rare humans have visited. Since the way here is extremely dangerous, plus this city was formed and ruled by none humans. The populace here was mostly beastmen, with a handful of humans that call it home.

The beastmen ranged from catfolk, lions, tigers, and panthers. To minotaurs and Tortles, who are a humanoid tortoise folk. At our arrival, the city became alert fearing we are here to fight, as never before has such a large group of people come here. Esciapply Dothraki, who have a reputation for being warlike, which is not false. As we stopped a few dozen feet from the city, they sent out a delegation, as the members took places upon the walls.

The delegation consisted of a very large male minotaur and a small female tiger folk. The minotaur looked to be her guard as it had heavy armor on and a large two-handed axe in its hands. The tiger woman wearing only a richer-looking robe with jewelry on her neck and wrists. I rode forward with my blood riders right behind me and Kinvara too, who took it upon herself to be my advisor, which I did not mind considering her absolute devotion to me. Plus she had a vast network of people working under her to help me keep tabs on the rest of the world.

"Why do you come to our city?" the tiger woman says to us with a rough accented voice in common. While the minotaur is eyeing our group with suspicious eyes, my blood riders eye him back ready to fight at a moment's notice.

"We are simply passing through, as this is the only place we can come to venture further south into the 'The lands of the Long Summer'," I say to them as that is what Old Valyria is referred to now.

"Why go there? Only death awaits," the tiger woman says to me confused about our destination.

"It does not concern you," I say to her making the minotaur glare at me for dismissing her question.

"Very well, you can pass by our city. Though should we find any of your people trying to enter we will attack you all," the tiger woman says to me and I just nod my head.

"That is fine, though the same can be said for you all. If any of your people harm one of mine we will attack in return," I say to her and she just glares at me as the minotaur does the same.

Without saying anything she and the minotaur turn around and head back to the city. As I turn and have my khalasar make camp here to continue the journey in the morning. Though I make sure to tell my blood riders to spread the word that no one is to approach the city. But to also keep an eye on the city, should anyone from there come here and attack us that we are to fight back.

As night falls, I sit in my tent making plans on where to go first after reuniting with my clan and bringing the khalasar into them also. According to my knowledge of the world, Elyria is the first place we should take control of. As it is an island city sitting outside the entrance of Slaver's Bay. From there we can continue into the Bay itself.

Chapter 53: Ch.51

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As we finally reached Old Valyria, the following morning leaving the city of beastmen behind. I plan on coming back here later to ask them to join us, but first I want to meet up with my clan. As we enter the lands everyone fears, my khalasar is getting restless with nervousness as even the Dothraki fear these lands. The further we enter the lands the land and creatures themselves can feel my return as they always have. Considering my magic was what brought back life to these lands.

We finally approached the water that separates my clan's capital city, the Golden City, and the mainland of Essos. As we get closer I can see the ships that I had my clan send waiting to transport the Dothraki I brought with me. At the shore, I can see dozens of dragonborn waiting for me, and even Oberyn among them. My Dothraki sees them immediately become aggressive as they each draw their weapons readying for a fight.

Hearing our approach the dragonborn look over to us and upon seeing me they all kneel respectfully. Though Oberyn just laughs and jogs over to greet me as my khalasar is staring at this unsure what to do as I have not given them an order. Kinvara is watching this with interest, but I can see the spark of even greater hope seeing my clan. Daenerys seems scared of the dragonborn, but seeing my calm face relaxes a bit, with Jorah also pulling his weapon free seeing the Dothraki do it.

"Brother! Thank the gods you returned! I was going crazy and my family has been pestering me to go exploring. Though I told them we would be leaving soon once you return, right?" Oberyn says to me as I get off my horse and we share a hug. Daenerys hearing him say brother immediately becomes confused.

"This is one of your brothers? You do not look like brothers," Daenerys says as Oberyn finally notices her and Kinvara who is eyeing Oberyn like the time she first met me.

"Correct he is not my brother by blood, but bond," I say to her and she nods her head as Oberyn smirks seeing them.

"Seems I didn't have to worry about you dying a virgin. Here you met two women to keep you company," Oberyn whispers to me while patting my back and eyeing the two women who are always by my side.

"My people! This is my clan! They might not appear human, but regardless they are my people also! Together we will shape the world and we will forever go down in history! But first I should be honest with you all, I am not human myself, but a dragon!" I say to the Dothraki as my clan stands up and smiles hearing my statement with Oberyn laughing knowing what I am about to do.

As the Dothraki look confused, excited, and hopeful. I shift to my true form and look down at the Dothraki. As all of them stand still in awe and surprise, Kinvara smiling like a crazy person and kneeling to me while seemingly praying. Daenerys is also staring in awe and surprise.

"What say you all? Will you follow me? As I lead you to the next era of this world?" I say to them and it snaps the Dothraki out of their silence as they all begin cheering loudly with extreme excitement. They now chant Golden Stallion over and over as my clan prepares the ships.

Once everyone is on the ships, they sail them back to the capital city as I swim in the water next to them in my true form. Though really my size makes it so I am walking through the water. As I walk beside them some of the Dragon Turtles who have migrated here come over to me. I can see they have even more young ones now with them,

"Great one! You have returned!" the leader of the dragon turtles who joined my clan says as they swim around me, named Avayg.

"Yes, though I want to ask you while you are here. I plan on expanding our Kingdom. We will take over the human lands called 'Slaver's Bay' would you join us?" I ask them and they all nod to me excitedly.

"We will follow you where ever it is you take us," Avayg says to me, and his mate Irga nods her head agreeing with me.

"Good then please prepare to leave in a month's time. I want to get my new people integrated into the clan. Then once we finalize the preparations, we will finally let the world know about the land of Draconica," I say to them and they all laugh excitedly before swimming back to their nests to prepare for this war.

"So is Valtaris your real name?" Daenerys asks me after I finish speaking with the dragon turtles. The Dothraki are sitting on the stone ships of my clan and many are seasick even though they have only been on the ships for less than twenty minutes.

"I apologize but that is the fake name I gave humans a very long time ago. My real name is Talrit," I say to her and she nods her head. It seems she is taking all this new information very well.

"You are doing much better than most people learning all this," Oberyn says walking over to Daenerys. As Jorah is standing a few feet behind her, with a face that is still trying to process all this information.

"I guess, but after traveling with Valt– Talrit all this time. I have seen things I never thought existed before, plus I… I feel safe around him," Daenerys says to Oberyn while looking at me, with her same lustful face even though I am not in my human form. Though I might be confusing lust for love, as she smells of lust when around me, her eyes show her love for me.

I then see Oberyn whisper something to her and she laughs hearing whatever it was he said. I just grunt figuring the idiot said something sexual as his mind is either on training or f*cking. As almost two hours of sea travel pass, the ships approach the Golden City as the mystical fog clears showing the city in all its glory. I hear many Dothraki gasp at the site and murmur, while Daenerys is also in shock and awe at the site.

"Welcome to the Golden City. Home of my people," I say as the ships pull into the harbor. Seeing us approach and me, the people in the city all being once again cheering at my return.

Shifting back to my human form, I stand on the docks helping the Dothraki leave the ships. As some of my clan members guide them to an area in the city where they can live and become one with my clan. With the help of magic and the other advancements my clan has, extending the city to meet the requirements to house the new additions was easy to accomplish before we arrived.

"Come, I will introduce you to the King of my clan," I say to Daenerys and Kinvara as I had my blood riders help with integrating the Dothraki into the city.

Approaching the main pyramid we are met with Rokgar, his family, and the remaining Martells. They all immediately hug me at my return as I have finally broken them of kneeling to me every time I return home. Once they finish greeting me I introduce them to Daenerys, Kinvara, and Jorah.

"We have a feast prepared," Rokgar says while motioning to follow inside. We all sit eat and drink as my closest friends speak with the three newcomers.

Once dinner is over, I have Oberyn, Rokgar, and Kinvara follow me to a room where we can speak in private. Oberyn and Rokgar are confused as to why this newcomer is coming with us but say nothing. As we all sit in this room and pour some of the wine my clan makes, they look to me for what I called them here for.

"Kinvara here is the High Priestess of the religion following the Lord of Light. I have read her mind and found what she says is truthful," I say to them as Rokgar looks confused but is listening, as Oberyn grunts hearing about the religion.

"I heard of this religion, they are a little too fanatical for my tastes. Are you sure she was deceiving you even in her mind?" Oberyn says while eyeing Kinvara who just silently sits there.

"No, she did not, one can not lie in their own memories. Though memories can be tampered with, hers were not or I could tell if they were. As tampered memories always have a tell, which is usually a magic signature," I say and Oberyn just nods his head before sighing.

"Apparently her religion follows a god from my old world. A god that is known for his just and kind nature," I say to them and Rokgar thinks about what god that could be.

"The god Bahamut, who is also my father," I say to them and Rokgar looks at me with even more surprise now knowing what I am referring to. Oberyn looked slightly confused but still surprised hearing I am a child of a god.

"I know you are thinking it is not possible, but trust me I saw her memories for myself and there is no mistaking that it was the god Bahamut himself. My mother was even with him and spoke about me being the child between the two," I say to them and they just nod their heads.

"I am telling you this as apparently, my father said that his sister, Tiamat, a very evil goddess also has a child in this world. Her child has been forming a cult dedicated to her to reform the world into one with dragons as the overlords. That would mean the end of all humans and other 'lesser' creatures, with only death or enslavement waiting," I say to them as Rokgar becomes very concerned hearing about this as Oberyn is just trying to process this information.

"So… then what are we going to do?" Oberyn says while rubbing his forehead having all this information dumped on him. Rokgar stood up while rubbing his chin also thinking about what we can do.

"We finally show the world about us and take over the places that could have been heavily influenced by the cult. First Slaver's Bay as that place would be ripe with cultists, then we will meet up with my ally in Vaes Dothrak. From there we will move west, taking control of the Narrow Sea," I say to them as they both look at me surprised.

"We go to war?" Rokgar says and I nod my head feeling the heaviness of this decision as it will lead to countless deaths.

"I will begin preparations, when do you want to leave?" Rokgar says immediately ready to follow my orders.

"By the end of this coming month," I say to him and he nods downing his glass, before leaving to being getting the clan ready to march to war for the first time in our history.

"I can contact my brother. As I said Dorne will stand by you to the end," Oberyn says to me trying to help the best he can.

"Hold off for now, I hear there is a civil war in the seven kingdoms. Your brother should be focusing on just staying neutral for now. Once we take control of the Narrow Sea, we will call for him as we land in the Seven Kingdoms to bring them to heal," I say to Oberyn who nods his head then a smile forms on his face.

"I look forward to these battles! Finally, I can taste blood once again and beside my family of all people!" Oberyn says excitedly and leaves going to speak with his family most likely.

"Your father would be proud of you my Prince. I will send word to your followers, to prepare the masses to stand beside you," Kinvara says to me standing up and leaving to send word to her people.

'I hope this is the right decision… as this will lead to the death of countless beings both good and evil,' I think to myself as I release a heavy sigh before standing up and walking to the war room to make the fine details of this war.

Chapter 54: Ch.52

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

The drums of war were sounded as all those who could and wished to fight in the clan prepared to go to war. As the Dothraki officially joined my clan with their armor and weapons being upgraded, as their armor was made from tanned wyvern hides and weapons made from Valyrian steel, which we are now calling Draconic Steel. Their horses were also outfitted with tanned wyvern leather armor.

This armor is extremely durable and able to resist normal steel blows for some time before becoming damaged. While also being very light and still giving the Dothraki and their horses the same maneuverability. With my clan forging the Draconic steel plate armor for themselves and their weapons. The magic users began meditating to get their minds completely focused on the mass magic they will be casting soon.

By the end of the month, we have amassed a full army of just over five hundred thousand. Mostly dragonborn, with around only forty thousand or so Dothraki riders as the rest were just civilians. In the army, we also had a few dozen dragon turtles, several hundred wyvern riders, several thousand mages, a hundred thousand dragonborn cavalry, and the rest were all heavy infantry. The Dothraki would be our light cavalry and scouts while carrying messages once in a while.

The several thousand stone boats were loaded with troops and supplies. As everyone said their goodbyes, the only ones staying behind were Rokgar's wife Emrir, and daughter Irdis. As Rokgar and his son Lilther would be coming to war with me. All the Martells would be coming too, as we would be heading to Westeros eventually. With them wanting to see the land again, plus they all would not take no for an answer. Daenerys would be coming too, along with Jorah her guard/advisor.

During Daenerys's time here she learned that Elia was alive and her kids also. At first, she was surprised having learned that Elia was her older brother's first wife. Along with the fact that her niece and nephew were alive. Which was funny seeing since, both her niece and nephew were older than her by a few years. Though Daenerys was ecstatic learning she was not the only Targaryen left beside her crazy brother.

We sailed on the boats officially showing the world that we exist and are here to guide them into a new era. I then saw the small island city of Elyria which was only a few hours from us by sea. Horns were blown signifying the first stop on our way to conquering the known world. The city from this distance seemed to be panicking seeing this amount of ships approaching them.

"Send in the wyvern riders. Have them pick off the archers and if any, siege weapons. Then have the heavy infantry move in once the gates have been breached," I say to Rokgar who nods his head and starts relaying the orders.

For now, I will remain in my human form as I did not want to alert the daughter of Tiamat I was on the move. She may figure it out if I had already met her, but the longer I can delay that knowledge the higher chance we have of surprising her. Plus I do not think this world will have something to force me to use all my strength.

I watch it with my close friends from the capital ship as the wyvern riders destroy the gate entrance. Along with killing the defenders on the walls of the city, the wyverns are not using their breath weapons since it could harm innocents. Though the riders on their backs are able to use magic so a few area spells and the defenders are quickly dealt with. Plus the wyverns can use their tails and mouths to dispatch the enemies.

The city falls within the hour as our small force easily killed most of the defenders, and many surrendered as soon as the wyverns came into play. I then came to shore teleporting there, walking through the city with a dozen heavily armed dragonborn behind me. As the rest went throughout the city to ensure it was completely under our control. As we approach the center of the city I can see a few noblemen waiting there with many dragonborn standing near them. These are probably the men in charge of the city or atleast have a lot of influence in it.

"Hello, what language do you speak?" I ask in common waiting to cast 'comprehend languages', in case I need to.

"We speak the common tongue," the one man says with anger and hate in his eyes.

"Good, then I will say this city is now under the control and leadership of the Draconica Empire. One of our rules is disbanding slavery, as that is something we stand against. I will be leaving one of our nobles here to govern this city, along with some troops. They will ensure our laws are obeyed, you do not want to disobey the laws," I say not waiting for them to speak and teleport away back to the capital ship.

As I told the nobles, I leave one of our chosen people to govern the city and make sure it transitions well into the soon-to-be largest Empire in the history of this world. I will be leaving two thousand five hundred heavy infantry here to ensure stays in our control. As that will be more than enough to ensure there are no large issues.

All in all the first step in our plan only took a few hours and we continued on our way into Slaver's Bay. The next city is Tolos, the closest city that is part of Slaver's Bay and thrives on selling living creatures as slaves. Along with having a place called 'The Fighting Pits' a place where they watch people and other beings fight to the death for entertainment.

It took us just a couple of hours to reach this place from Elyria and as we approached, just like Elyria the city begins panicking. The only issue I had now was that most of the city defenders were slaves forced into fighting for the city and their 'masters'. This is the same for all of Slaver's Bay cities.

"Send five thousand heavy infantry to surround the city and along with five thousand Dothraki. I will go with Rokgar and a few wyverns to try to intimidate them into surrendering," I say while Rokgar nods and the army begins to carry out my orders.

I then teleport onto the back of Vaak, the wyvern which is tamed by Rokgar. One of the largest wyverns ever born in this world. I can sense my magic has reinforced this wyvern into making it this size and even extended its normal life. We then fly with the other few hundred wyverns towards the city. As several dozen boats drop off the troops a few thousand feet from the city.

We circle above the city with this many wyverns and troops that march toward the city and the Dothraki which are taunting the defenders riding around the outskirts of the city. I can see just how many defenders prepare to flee as soon as the fighting starts. The fear coming from this city is immense as they can tell that the fighters beginning to surround it are not even close to the amount I have.

"Land us near the main gate," I say to Rokgar as I look down from Vaak's back standing on it and using magic to keep myself attached with no fear of falling.

"Tell those in charge of this city to surrender! Or we will be forced to make them surrender! Do you see just how many of us there are we only have more at our disposal! Do not fight for someone who uses and abuses you! Lay down your arms and open the gates!" I say to them and the enslaved men standing guard at the walls all begin to murmur between themselves.

"Do you promise to not harm us?!" One man shouts to me.

"I promise no one who does not stand against us will be harmed! Only those who try to resist or fight us will be killed!" I say to them and I can most if not all the enslaved defenders throw their arms down and begin to open the city gates.

"Go and ensure the city is cooperative," I say to the troops behind me as they begin to march inside and take control of this city, which is more than three times the size of Elyria.

"Rokgar, go back and find a suitable person to govern this city. I will go and meet with those who are in charge of this city," I say to Rokgar who nods his head before I jump off the back of Vaak.

I begin to walk through this city as the people inside stare at the dragonborn and Dothraki in fear and awe. Seeing me in my full armor also makes them stare at me in awe since it was the best armor forged by my clan. The slaves seeing me all begin shouting in happiness at my men for this. As word has spread already that I am here to disband slavery.

"Are these the 'masters' of this city?" I ask my men in draconic while I wait in the center of this city. A crowd of people formed around watching the scene.

"Yes my god these are all the 'masters' of this city. Though there may be more in hiding. It might take us a few more hours to find them all," the captain of the dragonborn says to me.

"No matter, these will make do for now. The governor can root out the rest," I say after walking over to the rich men who thought they could enslave another.

"My mistake was not destroying your cities and those who took part in enslaving sooner. Though one can not change the past. Only grow and change the future," I say to the men who are kneeling before me.

"We are the Draconica Empire and we are here to ensure the world changes for the better," I say to them and they look confused having not heard of us before.

"Do not worry, we have been growing in secret for a very long time. Now that we have the strength and need to change the world we have shown ourselves. I condemn you all to death, as evil must be rooted out and shown no mercy," I say as my instincts have begun to show themselves and I have made a mission to root evil out from this world.

In response one of the masters spits on me and one of the dragonborn before I can respond, growls in anger and rips his spine and head off in one move. The other masters piss themselves in fear of seeing this all happen in a few seconds. I step back in disgust as the crowd cheers seeing the death of one of the men who oppressed them.

"Kill them," I say to the dragonborn and turn to the crowd.

"From this day forth, this city is now a part of the Draconica Empire! Slavery is no more! As for the other laws, the governor appointed to this city will explain them! Do not worry, from this day forth this city will only continue to grow and prosper for the betterment of all!" I say as the crowd cheers and the found masters are killed through decapitation behind me.

I then teleport back to the ship and have a group of five thousand heavy infantry remain here to watch over the city. Once we collect the rest of the troops and sent the appointed governor, we then turn our sights to Astapor which is across the Bay from Tolos. Though we will be spending the night here since it is now late evening.

"Brother, when will we get to fight?" Oberyn asks me since so far each battle has been very quick and easy.

"Tomorrow most likely. As Astapor is our next target," I say since we both know it is the city that trains 'Unsullied' one of the most feared slave armies in Essos, and can only be bought from Astapor.

Chapter 55: Ch.53

Chapter Text

(Renly Baratheon POV)

It has been almost a year since my older brother died, with Joffrey the Bastard, taking the throne. From what I hear he is worse than my older brother, almost as bad as the Mad King. Stannis also refused to back down from his claim, while telling me to bend the knee. I also heard he has a red priestess whispering in his ear, though what she is telling him, I can only imagine.

As for me, I have been gathering my army of loyal men, which now amasses to roughly one hundred thousand. This easily outnumbers every other pretender King by more than three times. I married Margaery Tyrell to solidify the alliance and loyalty of House Tyrell. Though thankfully, her brother is here as he is very close with me, he is also the Lord Commander of my Kingsguard and has been the biggest emotional support for me so far. Osmond has also been extremely helpful with being my King's Hand.

"My King, a woman is here to see you. It appears to be Catelyn Stark," one of my guards says to me as I am watching the tourney I am hosting alongside my wife. As this is to boost my men's morale before we march to war.

"The tourney is almost over, I will deal with her afterward," I say to the guard who nods as the last two contestants face off, Loras Tyrell my wife's brother, and an unknown very large knight.

"I will speak with her while the King and Queen watch the end of the Tourney," Osmond says following the guard to Catelyn Stark who is among the crowd watching the tourney.

My wife and I started the match, though I had faith in Loras as he was an extremely good knight. Regardless of what others say about him. Though surprisingly the unknown Knight beats Loras quite easily too. The knight then takes off his helmet showing it was a woman the whole time, not just any woman either but an old friend of mine, Brienne of House Tarth.

"Congratulations! Brienne of House Tarth! What is the reward you seek for this victory?!" I ask her with a smile on my face.

"To serve you, my King, as one of your Kingsguard," Brienne says to me surprising me and everyone here once again.

"Done!" I say surprising everyone as I knew Brienne since we were little, plus today in front of everyone she showed just how good of a fighter she is.

I then walk back to my tent with my wife to wait for Catelyn there, as I can see Osmond talking with her. A few minutes after getting back to my tent, Osmond, Catelyn, and Brienne enter the tent. Margaery being the gracious hostess she is greets them warmly as I look at Catelyn trying to guess why she is here. Though from the look Osmond is giving me I know the reason, as we suspected.

"What brings you here Lady Stark?" I ask her.

"My son and King in the north, Robb Stark sent me here to secure an alliance," Catelyn says to me. Osmond and I have discussed potential alliances in the realm, the Starks were the first. Though after the war I will have to find a way to get them to kneel down to me or go to another war to force them to kneel back down to the South.

"Will your son bend the knee to me?" I ask already guessing the answer, but want to make sure.

"No, he will not… though we would both benefit from an alliance," Catelyn says to me, as Osmond and I share another look.

"Let me think about it. I will have your answer tomorrow," I say to her and have Brienne escort her to a tent she can stay in the meantime.

"What will you decide Renly?" Margaery asks me looking between Osmond and me, as she knows outside her brother the only other man I trust completely is Osmond.

"Osmond and I have already talked about potential alliances… The Starks were the highest on the list, though it seems after the war is won, we will have to find a way to get them to bend their knee. For now, we will ally with them, and in the meantime find a way to convince them or force them to ultimately bend the knee," I say to Margaery as she is my wife and I trust her enough to not betray me. Plus outside Osmond, myself, and Renly, now she knows the true plans. So if it gets out I know who betrayed me.

"I see…" Margaery says while nodding her head understanding the plans.

That night Margaery tries to seduce me, but I can not bring myself to bed her. As I am just not attracted to women, she offered to have her brother help, but that just disgusted me. The next morning, I told Catelyn I would ally with her son and tomorrow she would prepare to head home to relay the information. Though another surprise visitor came, Petyr Baelish, the slimmest man I have ever met, worse than the Spider.

He came to meet Catelyn about exchanging hostages, Jaime Lannister who they caught with Robb winning battle after battle against the Lannisters and Catelyn's other two daughters. Catelyn seemed to hesitantly agree to this request, but she would first need to return to her family's camp. Then I received word that Stannis is almost here to parley with me in person. Now it seems I have another issue to deal with.

A few hours later Stannis rode to shore with a few of his men to speak with me. In his company I could see, Sir Davos Seaworth his King's Hand, and the red priestess I heard so much about. Though it appears Osmond dislikes the priestess as he is shooting her glares which she just smiles at. I rode down with my Kingsguard and Osmond, with Catelyn coming too as she is speaking for my allies in the north.

"Seems you changed your banner, brother," I say seeing the crowned Stag in front of a roaring flame.

"My King Stannis has taken the fiery heart of the Lord of Light for his sigil," the red priestess says for my brother I just raise an eyebrow at that.

"Plus it would be confusing should we have the same sigil," Stannis says with his dry humor, while I just grunt in response.

"Enough pleasantries, why are you here? To finally renounce your claim and follow me?" I say with a smirk at the end, though it appears Catelyn is getting annoyed at this talk.

"To ask you in person one last time. Will you stand aside brother and bend the knee? I am the rightful King and the Prince that was promised!" Stannis says though the last part confuses me, as from what I heard that is the prophecy that the Targaryen Prince was obsessed with before he was killed.

"Well, you wasted your time then brother. I will not let go of my rightful place as the King," I say to him and he glares at me with a hateful look.

"Both of you are brothers! Stop fighting each other and the real enemy! The Lannisters!" Catelyn says to us both, but we ignore her making her more annoyed.

"Then I bid you farewell brother. As this will be the last time we see each other," Stannis says which confuses me a bit like he is saying goodbye, but I figure he means as brothers. Since the next time will be enemies most definitely.

Later that night as Catelyn was speaking with me about the meeting between Stannis and me, Brienne tried to correct Catelyn her way of speaking to me. Brienne seemed annoyed with how Catelyn was purposely not using the correct titles when addressing me, but I did not care. Then as I was looking in the mirror a shadowy creature formed behind me making the two women gasp and stare in disbelief.

The creature then stabbed me in the back, thankfully the spell I had that Osmond taught me stopped the stabbing. The spell broke as it was a one-time life-saving spell and takes a lot of time and resources to cast. Though it did its job saving my life, Brienne broke her surprise and reacted drawing her sword and swinging at the shadowy creature. I rolled away from the creature which then lunged at me again as Brienne's sword passed through it without effect.

I was muttering an incantation to the spell 'Force Blast' which would forcibly push back everything around me in a 10ft (3m) radius, 10ft(3m) more away from me. Just as I was finishing the incantation Osmond entered the tent and cast a spell I do not recognize but made the creature screech in pain before bursting apart. Brienne and Catelyn stood still in confusion and surprise at what just occurred as the whole camp became very active at my attempted assassination.

"What just happened?" Brienne said snapping everyone from their stupor.

"A demonic creature was summoned to kill Renly. Though luckily it seemed what I taught Renly came into effect," Osmond says to them and I let out a relieved sigh as Osmond smiles at me.

"Stannis! He did this!" Brienne says with hate in her voice.

"Most likely, though it was made from that red priestess following him around," Osmond says and Brienne just growls in anger.

"Brienne escort Lady Stark back to her tent. I need to speak with Osmond alone and have the guard double around my tent please," I say to Brienne who nods her head while gently nudging Catelyn out of the then. Osmond then walks over to me as I sit down and pour myself a drink having just experienced my almost death.

"That creature is called 'Shadow Demon' and is one of the best demons for assassination. Though what confuses me is that the shadow demon which tried to kill you was tainted with draconic energy. One that reminds me of a cult from my old world. A very dark cult and one that could bring this world to its knees. If your brother is involved with this cult… that would mean he is your greatest enemy and threat," Osmond says to me and I just down my wine while shaking my head in disbelief.

"What cult?" I say after taking in everything Osmond just told me.

"The cult which is against the religion of my god Bahamut. The cult of Tiamat. That red priestess was a cultist of Tiamat, I thought I could sense a familiar energy from her. Next time I see her she must die at all costs, she is spreading this cult and this cult is world-ending," Osmond says to me in a very serious and grave tone, sending shivers down my spine as he is rarely like this.

"f*ck… ok… we need to plan around this now," I say while rubbing my forehead and drinking more wine as Osmond nods his head to me with the same serious face.

"Husband!" I hear Margaery say after rushing into the tent and her brother right behind her, with the same worry on his face. Margaery hugs me tightly as Loras gives me a very concerned look.

"I am fine. Fortunately, Osmond was there to save me, as the creature was immune to normal weapons since Brienne could not harm it," I say to them as they know Osmond and I have access to magic. Though no one else knows that, except now Brienne and Catelyn know.

"Osmond please tell them what you told me," I say while pouring myself more wine and handing Margaery a glass too.

As he explained to them that the red priestess was a cult member of a very dangerous magical group. Both became very concerned and nervous while not knowing ways to protect me or fight them. Though Osmond and I ensured them that we will come up with a plan to fight against them. The next morning Catelyn was escorted back to her family to deliver them the news I have allied with them. While Petyr Baelish returned back to King's Landing most likely, I was very tempted to have him killed, as I hated the man a lot. Though I was honor bound to not harm the messenger, at least for now as I had an image to uphold.

Chapter 56: Ch.54

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

We approached Astapor though as we reached there, seems word has reached the rest of the Slaver's Bay. As there was a small navy there, only a few hundred, maybe a thousand ships.

"Send the wyvern riders and dragon turtles, then I want all the Dothraki on land. With Five thousand heavy infantry. The Dothraki will move to begin sieging Yunkai, while we deal with Astapor," I say as my orders are being sent out.

"Oberyn, do you and your family want to go with me to begin the siege of Astapor?" I ask him as Rokgar, his son, and the rest of the wyvern riders along with the dragon turtles begin easily destroying the Navy blockade. With several ships moving to the shore to drop off the troops.

"Finally!" Oberyn says to me as we all head to the shore and march with the heavy infantry to surround Astapor.

"Can I come too? I want to see this," Daenerys says to me.

"My Queen, that is a bad idea. Your safety is of the utmost importance," Jorah says to her referring to her as a Queen, most likely trying to still convince her to fight for the iron throne.

"If you are coming, come now," I say as start the incantation to mass teleport us to shore. The Dothraki are already riding to Yunkai to begin the siege there which is about a hundred miles north of Astapor.

Daenerys, the Martells, and Jorah all stand by me as I teleport us all to the shore. Once there I can see the defenders are already stationed at the walls. Some of them even being Unsullied, which can easily be identified from their uniformed leather armor and spears. The sounds of death and sinking wooden ships fill the air as the wyverns and dragon turtles easily dispatch the blockage.

"Stand down! I do not wish to kill more than I have to!" I shout to the defenders who all remain silent and stare down at us. As the Unsullied are trained from a very young age to not fear anything and to obey any order given to them by their 'Master'.

"Do you not see just how easily we are destroying your fleet?! You all will die a pointless death! Why die for the same men who enslaved you?! We bring freedom!" I shout hoping to convince them before giving the order to being the attack.

"Brother, they are Unsullied, they will die before anything else. Unless their 'Master' gives them the order to surrender," Oberyn says to me as I sigh knowing he is right.

"I could send word to the priests in the city to try to have the mass fight from the inside for you," Kinvara says to me as she goes with me everywhere if she can do so.

"No that will only lead to countless innocent deaths…" I say while trying to think of a way to take this city over, as the other ones we were able to intimidate into surrendering. As for this city, the Unsullied will not let us do that making a large-scale battle and more death than necessary be the only way to dominate the city.

"Wait! I have an idea, have the wyvern riders and dragon turtles pull back once they destroy the fleet. I will sneak in with a small group of soldiers inside the city tonight. We will find the Master of the Unsullied. Taking the staff that signifies the commander of them, forcing them to surrender and turn on the masters," I say to everyone as I remembered how the Unsullied are commanded from my time here all those years ago.

"That would work, but be very dangerous," Oberyn says to me and I nod my head.

"Which is why I will only be taking those who I can trust to not cause a scene and are discreet," I say with Oberyn smiling at me, as he will be coming with me and he knows that.

"So who else is coming with us?" Oberyn asks with that knowing smile on his face. As the soldiers begin making camp outside the city, with the ones attacking the now destroyed enemy fleet returning to ours to being our blockage of the city.

"I assume your daughters, niece, and nephew will want to come. You think they can handle that?" I ask Oberyn who looks at his family and nods his head.

"Yeah, I trained them myself. Plus with both of us looking out for them, they will be fine," Oberyn says laughing while patting my back.

"So, once we finish here in Essos and head to Westeros, are you gonna take the title of King there?" Oberyn asks me as we wait for night to fall to carry on the plan as the soldiers finish making camp.

"No, I have no want to be King. Though it seems I am now the Emperor of Draconica, so I will appoint someone as King to rule Westeros while I rule over them all. Rokgar will be King of Essos, as for Westeros or 'The Seven Kingdoms'. I am not sure who I will appoint for them, most likely your niece or nephew, as they are the rightful heirs," I say to Oberyn who nods his head listening to me.

"What if they don't want it? They have grown to love exploring and seeing the world, especially from the stories of my time doing that," Oberyn says to me while I sigh.

"Then I do not know… maybe Daenerys as she is next in line. I would have chosen her brother but he is… not well in the head," I say while Oberyn laughs.

"Well was just a thought, you still have a lot of time to think about it…" Oberyn says as we fall into a comfortable silence. Over the years, Oberyn is the first human who I have considered family and would do anything to help.

"I want you to be my Hand or whatever the equivalent is to an Emperor," I say to Oberyn after a few minutes of silence and he looks at me surprised.

"There are many other better options. I was never one to rule or even learn what it means to rule," Oberyn says to me with a serious face, which he rarely has even during serious times.

"I know you are not the best option… Though I'd rather have someone I love as a brother stand beside me and help me make this world into a better one," I say to him with a teasing smile in the beginning but turn serious in the second part.

"Well, in that case, I'll take the position! Bow down world I am now Oberyn Martell the Hand of the Golden God!" Oberyn says shouting it while laughing and making me shake my head with a smile on my face. We then fall silent again for a few more minutes.

"I have also found a way I believe that might extend your life. Though it may have… certain side effects," I say to him as my research in that area has led me to many different paths to take.

"What?" Oberyn says to me confused.

"I am old, very old. I have outlived everyone I have ever cared about and I know I will continue to live much longer, especially now that I am part god. I have come to see you as my family and I want to not see you grow old and die, leaving me alone once more. Though if that is your wish then I understand. Just think about it," I say to him as he goes quiet thinking about what I said.

"What about the rest of my family? Would you do the same for them? I'd rather not see them grow old and die too," Oberyn says to me and I understand his reasons.

"I could, but the side effects I do not know yet. As this ritual is something I came up with and I have not experimented with it yet. I was planning on testing it on a willing creature, but those are hard to come by," I say to him and he nods his head.

"Well, we have a lot of time to think about this. I will think about it and let you know what I feel sooner or later," Oberyn says to me before standing up and stretching.

"Sure take all the time you need," I say to him and he nods his head smiling at me.

"Now I am going to find Ellaria and f*ck her like I am going to die tonight. That way I am fully focused for this mission to come. You want to join me?" Oberyn says to me with a smirk at the end.

"No, I am fine. You go have fun and don't tire yourself too much," I say to him and he laughs before walking away to find his wife in all but name.

"Can I join you, Talrit? Or should I call you Emperor now?" Daenerys asks me walking over after Oberyn left and most likely having heard Oberyn's declaration earlier.

"Go ahead, I have a few more hours before the mission," I say while I sit by the campfire outside my tent the dragonborn have set up.

"I heard you are declaring yourself the Emperor of Draconica, does that mean you will appoint people to rule over certain areas?" Daenerys asks me as news spread that I am now Emperor, probably from the dragonborn who heard Oberyn earlier and the fact they love and view me like a god. Being very excited at the idea that I am taking the position.

"Yes, that is the plan now that I have started this war. I assume you want to take the position of the Queen of Westeros," I say to her while waiting to see her response, as I am curious if Jorah has finally convinced of taking the throne, even after learning about her niece and nephew.

"No… I was tempted some time ago before I met my niece and nephew. As I thought my brother and I were the only living Targaryens. I would rather not have my brother taking the throne, though now knowing that my niece and nephew live. They might just be a better fit for the throne," Daenerys says to me and I can see she is being honest, making me respect her more.

"I see… what about your continued attempt at winning me over?" I say to her with a smirk trying to make her embarrassed.

"You tell me, is it working?" Daenerys says to me with a smirk back completely not embarrassed making my statement fail.

"If I say yes?" I ask her trying to tease her one more time.

"Then we should go to your tent and make it official," Daenerys says back as my eyes widen seeing how she has become much more direct instead of the nervous girl I first met a year ago.

"Oberyn has been talking too much with you," I say to her with a sigh as I now realize that is why the two have been speaking so much. He has been trying to help her seduce me. Daenerys laughs hearing me.

"He has just been trying to help us both," Daenerys says with a seductive smile as I grunt.

"You two are going to drive me insane," I say with a laugh as Daenerys just shrugs.

"I won't stop until I am the only thought in both of your heads," Daenerys says to me while raising her eyebrows every few seconds. I look at her confused as she smiles seductively at me.

"The one here and… here," Daenerys says first pointing to my head and then to my lower half. As my mouth opens a bit from this unexpected directness.

'What the f*ck Oberyn! You turned this innocent girl into a female you!' I think while she laughs seeing my face.

"I never thought I'd see you speechless from something I said. Seems I should learn more from your brother," Daenerys says with a laugh, which I am starting to enjoy hearing.

Chapter 57: Ch.55

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

The time came for me and the Martells to secretly enter the city. They came to my tent late that night shortly after midnight and I teleported us inside the city, where I could sense no life forms nearby. Once there we found ourselves in an abandoned house, I then cast invisibility on us, which I reminded them would only last an hour. Then I cast see invisibility on us all so we could see each other before we headed out of the abandoned house.

'Remember we can only speak through the rings,' I say to them all telepathically.

'Yes, yes we know Uncle,' Tyene the youngest of the three bastard daughters that follow Oberyn.

'Good, from the last time Oberyn and myself were here, the Master of the Unsullied should be in the southern part of the city. So let us hurry there and remember no killing unless absolutely necessary,' I say to them and the three daughters sigh internally, but follow my orders.

We all then quickly and quietly make our way toward the place where the Unsullied is trained and made into what they are. When we arrived it took us almost the whole hour to reach it, so I recast the two spells on us. This place was the most heavily guarded in the city as it was the home of the Master of the Unsullied. We then split up as Oberyn went with his niece and nephew, while his three daughters went together and I went by myself to search for the staff of the Master.

I entered the main estate and saw dozens of slaves walking around, mostly women who appeared to be used for the Master's enjoyment. I felt sickened seeing this but pushed those emotions aside and continued my search. I figured the staff was either with the Master or in his main room of the estate. I followed the slave women to where I believed the master was located. I was correct as they led me to a room that appeared to be the Master's bedroom.

The room was very large and the bed inside the room looked to be able to support ten or more humans at once comfortably. Plus the other furniture and items in the room showed just how extravagantly the Master lived his life. On the bed, I see a bald middle-aged man who was the master and he was surrounded by sleeping naked slave women. The women that led me here were cleaning up the mess made by the master enjoying himself.

"You two come here, I can use more help falling asleep this army has me stressed," the master said as he was still awake and spoke in draconic.

The slaves looked dead inside but walked over to him following his orders. I walked over and grabbed the Master by his neck and lifted him up while dropping my invisibility making the two slaves gasp in surprise as the Master struggled to breathe.

"Leave us," I say to the two slaves who look between the Master and myself, before quickly leaving the room.

"Tell me where the staff is and I won't have to destroy your brain searching for the memory," I say to him with disgust heavily in my voice.

"It's… in… my office," the master says as he is struggling to speak and breathe.

"Thanks," I say and snap his neck dropping his body on the ground, before turning back invisible. As I leave the room I see some Unsullied hurriedly make their way to the Master's bedroom.

As I calmly make my way to the office, I contact the Martells and tell them to meet me there as the alarm bells are ringing in the estate and now the city. Walking inside I can the office/meeting room is just as extravagant as the bedroom, if not more to try to show off to whoever the master is meeting with. As the room was filled with golden items and decorated with gold itself. I then see the staff behind the desk in the room sitting on a display board. Grabbing the staff, I turn as I hear people enter the room and see all of the Martells have safely made their way here.

"Seems we have what we came for. Time to claim the city," I say as Oberyn nods his head smiling.

I drop all of our invisibility as we walk outside the office with some Unsullied quickly walking this way searching for who killed the Master. Seeing as they get in an offensive position, but I show the staff and they share a look with one another, before snapping to attention to me. Seeing the staff work this easily makes me question the thought process of the Master, but I just shake the thought from my head as the man lay dead.

"Go tell the others, I am the new leader of the Unsullied. Have them find and capture the other 'masters' of this city and free every slave they find. Kill only those who resist," I say to the Unsullied that found me with the staff as they run off the relay the orders to the rest of the Unsullied.

"Let us go the main gate and let in our friends," I say to the Martells as we then walk towards the gate of the city.

As the city turns into chaos the Unsullied suddenly turning on those they were originally protecting. Some of the other defenders would attack us on sight, but Oberyn and his family would easily intercept them and kill them.

"I believe I have the most kills, sisters, and cousins," Nymeria the second oldest of Oberyn's daughters says with a smirk, after her most recent kill.

"That's because you are cheating with that whip of yours!" Tyene says as the others nod their heads since Nymeria's whip was made with draconic steel and has sharpened serrated blades on the inside of the wipe. This makes it a very deadly weapon with more reach than even a spear and Nymeria has taken years to master the weapon.

"Don't hate me just because I am better than you all," Nymeria says making the four other young ones argue with her as they kill the ones trying to stop us from reaching the gates.

"Oberyn your family has too much competitiveness sometimes," I say to him and he just laughs as we watch them argue while killing the few defenders this city has now that the Unsullied are no longer with them.

"What is life without some competition? Boring I'd say," Oberyn says to me with a chuckle as we reach the gate.

"Whatever you say," I say as we pull the levers inside the gatehouse opening the gate below. With that my dragonborn army marches inside the city.

"Go ahead and have fun," I say to the Martells as my army enters the city and quickly begins helping subdue the remaining fighters. Oberyn and the rest run off to see who can get the most kills it seems. As I walk back to the original Master of the Unsullied estate.

On my there, I can see the once many slaves walking about with faces that show their surprise and happiness at finally being free from their oppressors. Many begin cheering at me and crying in happiness as I walk by thanking me for this. Though I just feel a ping of regret as I did not help them sooner.

Once inside the main grounds of the estate, I sit down in the middle of the courtyard and wait for the soldiers to bring me the remaining masters of the city. With Daenerys, Kinvara, Jorah, Rokgar, and Lilther, Rokgar's son enter the courtyard as the soldiers finish clearing the city. Vaak, the white wyvern, is with Rokgar and Lilther as they flew to the courtyard.

"Talrit, who are those women?" Daenerys asks me as she sees the once-enslaved women waiting in the back of the courtyard, unsure of what to do with themselves.

"Slaves once served the Master of this place with whatever it was he desired of them," I say to her and her face grimaces at the realization of what they went through goes through her mind.

"May I speak with them?" Daenerys asks me and I just nod my head.

"Don't need to ask me, they are free women now," I say to her and she nods her head before walking over to them.

"My Prince, the remaining masters are here," Kinvara says to me as I see the Unsullied escorting the last of the masters in the city inside the courtyard. With a very large crowd of once-slaves following behind them wanting to see what will happen to them.

"Unsullied! This staff makes me your master correct?!" I shout after they force the masters onto their knees in front of me. As the Unsullied look at me and one speaks up.

"Correct Master," the Unsullied says to me.

"Then what does this mean?" I ask as I snap the staff in half throwing it on the ground as the Unsullied stare at me with wide eyes. All remain quiet unsure what to say.

"It means you all are now free men! Men who can choose what to do with their lives and do as any other free man. Though I will ask you if you want to join me and my army in bringing a new era to the world?!" I say while my dragonborn cheer for me hearing me.

"We will follow the breaker of chains!" the same Unsullied says earlier as the rest join him in shouting breaker of chains. I just nod my head as I turn to the few living masters of this city.

"Then Unsullied rid this city of the last of the masters," I say and they all nod before they execute the remaining masters who panic and plead before dying. The crowd cheers in happiness at seeing the masters die.

"Like the last cities we took control of, this one is now under the protection and leadership of the Draconica Empire! One of our people we stay here to lead this city and show you what it means to be one of our citizens!" I say to the crowd that is still cheering in excitement at everything that has happened in less than a few hours.

"These soldiers will remain here to ensure the protection of this city and for yours, to ensure the laws of our Empire are followed!" I say as I plan on leaving the five thousand heavy infantry that was camped outside the city here as I did with the others before.

"Rokgar, please have the one you have chosen as the governor come and take their place. The rest of us will return to the ships and wait for you before we head to Yunkai to meet up with the Dothraki," I say to Rokgar who nods his head before flying back to the ship to find whoever he has chosen to lead this city.

Once we are all back on the ship, Oberyn and his family are arguing about who won the competition of killing the most enemies. While Daenerys took a few of the previously enslaved women with her on our journey. As it seems she made them her 'handmaidens' giving them a purpose and helping them the only way she knows how. Kinvara followed me everywhere with the same fervent look on her face.

"Brother! Can I lead the next assault on Yunkai, and you can head to Meereen taking both at once," Oberyn says to me as we begin to sail for the last two cities in Slaver's Bay.

"Sure, I will give you another force of five thousand heavy infantry and the chosen governor that Rokgar wants to lead the city. Then once you take it, bring the Dothraki with you to Meereen. From there we will decide our next best course," I say to Oberyn who nods his head smiling at me as he and his family board another boat that will head to Yunkai, as the rest of us head to Meereen.

"See you at Meereen!" Oberyn says with a smile and waves goodbye, as he and his family are taken to the boats that will sail to Yunkai.

Chapter 58: Ch.56

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

The next day we arrived outside Meereen and I could see why it was considered the most powerful of the Slaver's Bay cities. As it had a huge pyramid in the center of the city, though nowhere near as grand as my people's buildings. With a very large city surrounding the pyramid and an even larger fleet waiting for us outside the city. I could even see a few mercenary armies stationed inside and outside the city of Meereen. They seemed very prepared for our arrival, though little did they know just how little their preparedness meant to us.

I had the ships drop off all remaining four hundred thousand and more remaining troops outside the city. While the wyvern riders and dragon turtles easily dealt with the fleet outside the city's docks. As the ships were being burned or crushed, my troops and I began to surround the city. The city was in full panic at seeing this and many of the mercenaries were already trying to flee or surrender seeing this overwhelming force that was my army. The group of mercenaries stationed outside the city, sent a few people to meet me, as my army surrounded the city.

"Are you the Lord of this army?" one of the mercenaries asked me as they were escorted to me.

"That is the Golden Emperor, human!" one of my dragonborn says with hate in his voice hearing the lack of respect for me.

All three men from this mercenary group are eyeing both Daenerys and Kinvara with lust. This surprisingly pisses me off as I am starting to hate when other men look at Daenerys with lust. As this is a new emotion for me, but one I will have to figure out later. Though I can tell one of them is debating something while looking at Daenerys and Kinvara.

"Oh, I apologize. Emperor," the mercenary says with some sarcasm in his voice, which does not go unnoticed as the dragonborn is about to strike him, but I put my hand up to stop him.

"You are making it hard to stop them from killing you. Why are you here? To surrender?" I say to the three men, who are most likely in charge of the mercenary group outside the city.

"Yes, we are here to ask for you to allow us to leave. Normally we'd fight even if it meant losing, but this battle has no hope of winning from our side or losing with minimal losses," the younger of the three men says to me, the one who appeared to be departing something earlier.

"Leave? If I let you leave, you may just try to attack us from behind, while they sally out of the city to attack us from the front," I say to them as I am unwilling to allow them to leave so easily.

"We would not be that foolish. You have the largest army we have ever seen, plus dozens of dragons at your disposal which the whole world thought was dead," one of the older men says to me.

"You have two thousand men, correct? Then surrender and lay down your arms, we will hold you all in our camp until the battle is over. That is my only offer, otherwise, you will die beside the other defenders in the city," I say to them as one of my messenger dragonborn comes in and whispers in my ear that the fleet outside the city has been completely destroyed. My army was almost done setting up the siege, while the final touches are being made with the camp already set.

"That is something we can not do, what is to stop you from killing us all once we surrender," the other older man says to me, the one who was very disrespectful.

"You are just going to have to trust me or die," I say to them.

"Now leave and make your decision, you have until tomorrow before we storm the city and kill anyone who is considered a defender of this city," I say to them and have my dragonborn escort them away without waiting for their reply.

"Do you think they will surrender?" Daenerys asks me after the three men are escorted out. While I contemplate my new feelings that are appearing for her.

"They will and not only that, but pledge themselves to our Emperor," Kinvara says before I can speak as I was lost in thought about Daenerys.

"How can you tell?" Daenerys says to her and is no longer that threatened by Kinvara as she can tell just how hard it is for someone to seduce me.

"The youngest of the three leaders was thinking and from my experience, he was considering turning against his allies to take control and serve the Emperor," Kinvara says to her and I nod my head agreeing with her as the young man did seem lost in thought.

"Why?" Daenerys says and this time I answer.

"Most likely because of the two of you," I say while gesturing to the two women, who are more beautiful than most others in this world. Daenerys just gives me a confused look, while Kinvara smirks having the same thoughts as me.

"That man, like most men, seems to be driven by lust. All three were looking at the two of you with lust, but he was looking at the both of you with a combination of lust and longing," I say to Daenerys trying to have her understand why we thought what we did.

"Daenerys, we women have one of the most powerful tools. A vagin*, most men will do anything to have that as most men are just horney animals. The young man appeared to be more interested in that, than being loyal to his comrades," Kinvara says as Daenerys's eyes widen from understanding now. Though the thought of letting another man be with Daenerys angered me.

'Am I interested in her?... A human?... I am falling for a human?' I think to myself as that thought was what made me realize these feelings for Daenerys are one of lust and possibly love.

My stare at Daenerys made her blush a bit and that made me happy on the inside, as Kinvara seemed to have read the atmosphere and gave a knowing smile. While I was shaking the thoughts from my head, as I was unsure if for the first time, I felt love for a being it was not one of my own, but a human.

"I will let the two of you speak, as I try to get into contact with the priests we have inside the city, to see the situation from the inside," Kinvara says while leaving and it snaps me from my thoughts. Daenerys goes quiet while looking at me, as it seems she understands what was on my mind too.

"Were you just thinking about me? What were you thinking about?" Daenerys says to me while slowly moving closer to me, as for the first time in a long time I get nervous around a human. Nervousness about the fact I might just be developing feelings for a being that is not a true dragon or even a lesser dragon.

"I… I was. I was thinking about how it upset me, the thought of you with someone else. I believe your attempts at winning my heart are showing their effect. As I am feeling some attraction to you and–" I say to Daenerys who cuts me off by kissing me passionately and instead of pulling back, I was stunned. Then I returned the kiss feeling all these long-forgotten emotions flood forward, like lust and love.

The kiss quickly turned very passionate, as we both have seemly wanted this for some time now. As I flicked my hand placing an invisible barrier that prevented someone from barging in on us. Though would alert me if someone was here to see me. I picked her up and moved us to the bed in my tent. At this point, my instincts took over and lust filled me, while we were kissing passionately with her hands roaming my body.

The next several hours passed by very quickly and were a blur of lust-filled sex. The beginning was rough for Daenerys, though a little magic made it very fun for both of us. By the time we both stopped it was the middle of the night and I realized no one bothered us the whole time or even tried to. Must have been Kinvara who told them to leave us in private until tomorrow.

"So… what does this mean for us?" Daenerys asked me after we both lay there for a few minutes after all that time we lost ourselves in lust.

"I am unsure… Though I am hoping it means you would consider becoming my wife. I know that seems very sudden, but you are the first being I have become this close with. My kind usually only ever has one mate and when we find the one we choose to be our mate we mate for life. However, I know you humans have different customs, so whatever you wish I am fine with," I say to her though after what I just did with her I feel the want to make her my official mate, but do not want to push her into something she might not want.

"Wife? Empress Daenerys Targaryen… Hmm… I like the sound of that. Plus I don't believe I will ever find someone like you," Daenerys says to me while cuddling closer to me and I feel a sense of relief wash over me, while I smile down at her pulling her closer to me.

"Tomorrow after we take the city, we can do the custom that makes us mates. Then we can do the marriage ceremony that you humans have on the date you want," I say to her and she smiles at me nodding her head.

"Great… now I am tired. Good night my love," Daenerys says with a completely happy and stratified smile on her face, before passing out asleep in my arms.

Sleep takes me shortly after she falls asleep as well. With my thoughts and emotions in slight turmoil from what just happened in these last few hours. I wake up with Daenerys still asleep next to me and cuddled up to me. I smile as I watch her sleep, before slowly getting up and letting her rest. As I walk into the main tent area, I release the barrier and Kinvara comes inside a few minutes later.

"Have a good night my Emperor?" Kinvara says with a knowing smile as I am breaking my fast, having already used magic to clean myself and put on my clothes.

"Very, though I am sure you already know that," I say to her without looking up.

"I'm sure you did. Though the young man has arrived early this morning, a few minutes before I came to see you. It appears our suspicions were correct, he has eliminated his fellow leaders and took the solo position as the leader of his group. He is here to pledge his service to you, though I probably don't need to say you should not trust him completely," Kinvara says to me as Daenerys finally comes out with just a robe on and Kinvara gives her a knowing smile. Daenerys blushes slightly seeing the look on Kinvara's face.

"Very well, have him come to me in an hour. He can then pledge himself before we being the siege. Also, you can tell the others, that they will have an official Empress soon," I say to Kinvara who nods her head smiling at the two of us before taking her leave to carry out my orders.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Daenerys asks me as she takes her seat next to me and makes herself a plate of food.

"I liked watching you sleep, plus from last night I figured you'd need the rest," I say to her with a smirk as she blushes again while smiling at me.

"Well, can you atleast clean me with the spell you use?" Daenerys says and I just smile at her snapping my fingers and casting Prestidigitation cleaning her and the robe.

"Much better, thanks," Daenerys says while smiling and eating the food prepared for us.

Chapter 59: Ch.57

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

Daenerys and I waited in the tent as Kinvara brought the young man now in charge of the mercenary group outside to see us. Entering the tent I could tell he was very interested in Kinvara and gave another lust-filled look to Daenerys upon entering the tent. My anger rose as I saw him look at my mate with lust, but I pushed it down as a simple human has no chance at winning Daenerys's heart. Kinvara gave me a look that shows she is going to seduce and have this young man under her thumb soon.

"You are here to pledge yourself to me, so kneel and pledge yourself," I say to him and he just nods his head while still eyeing Daenerys.

"Of course, I offer you my services and pledge the Second Sons to you," the young man says and then I recall Oberyn having been part of the Second Sons while he explored Essos, years ago.

"Good, then have your men ready themselves to assault the city within the hour. Also, what is your name?" I say to the young man.

"Daario Naharis, my Emperor. I will go have the men get ready," Daario says to me finally taking his eyes off Daenerys and bowing to me. He then leaves to go follow through with my order.

"I don't like him, his very obvious looks to me are not comfortable," Daenerys says and I just nod my head.

"Kinvara, make sure he knows that Daenerys is my mate and soon-to-be wife. That it is in his great interest to not continue to stare at her like that unless he wants his eyes removes from his head," I say to Kinvara who nods her head to me and goes after Daario to relay my message.

"I like when you get jealous," Daenerys says with a teasing smile after she leaves.

"I like when you smile and laugh, we all have our interests," I say back to her and give her a quick kiss before going out to stand at the front line for this battle.

"I know you'll be fine, but stay safe!" Daenerys says to me as I head out and I just smile nodding my head at her.

As the hour ends, all of my troops are standing ready for the battle, along with the Second Sons who have joined us. The defenders on the walls stare at us with nervousness and fear. Then I give the order to begin the battle, as the wyvern riders go and take out the gates and kill the defenders on the walls. The heavy infantry then charges into the now breached gates, with the Unsullied and Second Sons right behind them.

The mages stay back, along with our heavy cavalry. As for now, they are not needed, plus the mages have been mostly here to help heal to very few wounded we get. Though they have been mostly helping the civilians that we have taken into our Empire, healing the many sick inside the cities. I charged with the heavy infantry into the city, in my armor and wielding my longsword.

We easily butchered our way through the city, killing all of the defenders with ease. Before the end of the next hour, the city fell to our might. Once again I had my men bring me the Masters of this city, while a crowd gathered watching to see what I will do. The now-freed slaves looked at me with hope and awe, shouting the name the Unsullied gave me in Astapor, 'The breaker of Chains'.

"Are these the last of the Masters?" I ask my men after seeing the several dozen Master brought to me which is much more than the previous cities.

"Yes my Emperor," one of my Unsullied says to me and I nod my head while holding my hand up to quiet the crowd.

"These men have been living off of the lives of you all! These men believe that another's life is nowhere equal to theirs or even good enough to not treat like trash! These men are the last Masters of Slaver's Bay! With their deaths comes a new era, one of freedom and prosperity! One where Slaver's Bay is no more and has a new name! The Bay of Freedom!" I say to the crowd who all begin cheering again after hearing my speech.

"Kill them," I say to my men as the Masters plead with me, but the Unsullied have a satisfied look while executing the once Masters.

As the heads of the last Masters of the once Slaver's Bay roll on the ground, a new era began in Essos. One that will forever go down in the history of this world and one that will mark the beginning of the return of magic. Rokgar informs the crowd that a noble of our people will be placed in charge of the city to help incorporate them into our Empire. While I head to the main pyramid since we are going to stay here for a week or month, depending on how long it takes Oberyn and the rest of my army to come here.

Once they arrive, we will rest here until my army is ready to march to our next destination, which will be Mantarys, the city of beastmen. I have sent a magical message to Zathori to begin her plan to unite the Dothraki and have them join my Empire. After she succeeds she will march them to Qohor and take that city in the name of my Empire.

"My love, you look troubled," Daenerys says to me as I am sitting inside the main pyramid and going over the next plans in my head.

"Slightly, I am just thinking of the next steps in our conquest of this world," I say to her and she nods her head while sitting in my lap facing me.

"So are we going to do this matting ritual? I was thinking once Oberyn and the others return we could be married in the human customs," Daenerys says to me taking me from my thoughts and I smile at her.

"Sure, though first let me tell Rokgar we are leaving for a few hours," I say while sending a magical message to him, then I teleport Daenerys and myself a few miles outside the city in a remote place.

"This might be slightly painful, as I will be connecting our souls slightly in a certain way. This way we are always connected and can always know what the other is feeling. Plus it will allow us to know if the other is in danger," I say to her and she nods her head.

"Since you are not a dragon, we will have to connect our bodies as humans," I say to her with a slightly awkward smile as I undress, her eyes widen slightly, but she smiles and undresses.

We then connect ourselves the way humans do when having sex, from there I use my magic to open my soul to her soul. From there, a small thread is formed between our two souls, which slowly grows stronger with each passing second. Until the thread turns into a cord and our souls meld into one another, forever connecting us. Our souls are now one soul, but separate at the same time. I can feel myself weakened due to connecting to a human's soul, but I do not care as I love this woman with all my being.

Opening my eyes I can see we both have sweated a lot as our bodies were unconsciously moving. It seems a few hours have passed too, even though it felt like only a few seconds passed. Then Daenerys looks at me with a newfound amount of love and lust in her eyes. I can feel all of the love she holds for me and she can feel the love I hold for her, this new feeling is something I could lose myself in.

"Talrit I lo–" Daenerys starts to say before she spasms and passes out in my arms.

Panic rises inside me as I hold her and pour my magic into her, but I notice her body is undergoing changes. Changes that I thought were not possible, I never noticed before, but it seems she held the blood of a true dragon inside her. Seems my blessing had been passed down to her from her ancestor all those thousands of years ago. That our connecting of our souls had made her evolve into a true dragon.

Laying her down, I step back and watch her body slowly shift from a human to one of an adult silver dragon. I can feel our souls become strengthened as her soul transforms into a true dragon's soul, making my weakened soul not only return to normal but grow stronger from this bond. She also seemed to have jumped straight to the great wyrm stage of a silver dragon, having already reached 1000ft (305m) in length and a wing span of 1250ft (381m).

"My head and body hurt so much," Daenerys groans as her eyes open and she sees me smiling at her.

"Talrit? Why are you so small?" Daenerys says while now noticing her voice and body are much different.

"Wait! What the hell happened to me?! Am I a dragon?!" Daenerys says while I laugh and nod my head, making her glare at me.

"Seems my mating ritual awoken the true dragon blood inside you, evolving you into a true dragon. You are still much younger than me even as a true dragon and there is much to learn about being one. But I will give you the knowledge I have," I say to her as I transfer some of my vast knowledge about what it means to be a true dragon.

"I believe you now have the instinctual knowledge of certain spells. Plus the ability to change the form, like returning to your human one," I say to her and she just mindlessly nods her head.

Then she closes her eyes and her body changes back to her human form. The only difference is this time her eyes are not purple, as they are pure silver. Showing she is a true dragon and one of silver descent. She then jumps onto me and kisses me passionately, which quickly turns into another few sessions of lovemaking.

"I want to fly!" Daenerys says to me after we finished our latest round and at this point, it is the middle of the night. I already sent another message to Rokgar saying we are fine but will be back sometime tomorrow.

"After you," I say to her and she smiles changing into her now true form before flying into the air.

I change to my true form and fly after her as we spend a few hours flying around in the air. We then mate as true dragons in the air before we return to the ground and shift back to our human forms. By the time we finish messing around and enjoying ourselves, it is already mid-morning.

"We should just leave and let them handle everything else on their own," Daenerys says to me as we lay on the ground in our human forms.

"Can't do that, I started something I have to see to the end. Plus we must find the root of the cult of Tiamat and destroy it, or this world will never be safe," I say to her and she sighs but nods her head.

"What will our children be like? Will they be true dragons?" Daenerys asks me and now I go quiet having not even thought of that, but now am.

"I would assume so… we are both true dragons now," I say to her and she nods he head while we go quiet.

"So there are other true dragons, right? Which one do you think is the child of Tiamat?" Daenerys asks me.

"I am not sure, though I suspect it might be the one I met in Braavos in charge of the Iron Bank there," I say to her and she nods her head.

"Well with the two of us, she won't stand a chance," Daenerys says with a happy smile and I nod my head pulling her closer to me and giving her a kiss.


AN: A lot of people say this sudden change in the relationship was weird and not good. I will admit that I did not write the best romance here and it was slightly forced. Though, let's all just agree they had time to get to know each other better outside of the time I wrote about. Also, I am writing another fanfic set in the movie series 'Underworld' I am having fun writing that and will release some chapters when I have more written. I am in no way dropping this fanfic though.

Chapter 60: Ch.58

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

Daenerys and I returned to Meereen, we saw our vast army stationed outside and the people inside the city adjusting very well to the sudden changes thrust onto them. Though I suspect it has to do with our military might, magic, and dragons that would otherwise have some of the locals attempting to resist us. Once we return to the large pyramid in the city I head to the war room where a map of the world is set up. I then start finishing up the plans for the next part of conquering the world.

Daenerys goes to give everyone the news that she is a true dragon now and my mate. While also seemingly getting a human wedding set up as Daenerys still feels mostly human as she just turned into a true dragon. Rokgar and Lilther came into the war room and congratulated me on my new mate. From there we discussed the next best action.

"I already sent word to Zathori and she has responded back telling me she has called back her people. It will a few more weeks for her to gather them all and then lead them to join our Empire. Once she does she will begin leading them west," I say while pointing to the map where the Dothraki will take over the cities.

"First they will take Qohor, then head to Norvos, then Pentos, and finally together we will head to Braavos after meeting up with them in Pentos. As there is a true dragon living in Braavos and I need to be there to ensure a smooth transition," I say to Rokgar and Lilther who nod their head listening to my plans.

"As for us, we will head west from here. Taking the bestmen city of Mantarys, then Volantis, then we will head North. Taking Valysar, Selhorys, and finally taking Myr. Once they are all taken we will head to Pentos and meet with the Dothraki," I continue to say while showing where we will be moving.

"What about the east of us? Like the Red Waste? Yi Ti Empire and the Shadow Lands?" Rokgar asks me since we seem to be focusing on the east.

"I want to have the places West of us taken first. As the ones East do not appear to be the bigger threat, as they have much fewer people under their command. Plus they are busy dealing with their own issues to focus on us. While Westeros might ban together before we get there, making taking it all that much harder," I say to them and they nod their head seeing my reasons.

"Understood. Then once the west is taken, we will move east?" Rokgar says to me and I nod my head.

"Yes, I have a suspicion that the cult we are looking for is located in the West," I say and we continue to discuss the finer details of the war for the next few hours.

"Any word of Oberyn and the siege of Yunkai?" I ask Rokgar and Lilther who are walking behind me as we head to the dining area after the war meeting.

"Not yet," Rokgar says to me and I nod my head.

We then sit inside the dining area eating our supper. It brings a smile to my face sitting with my close friends and people I consider family. Then once we finish eating and now just relax and speak with one another, a messenger interrupts us.

"My Emperor, we just received word from Lord Oberyn. The siege of Yunkai was successful, with minimum losses. He is now headed here to meet back up with our main forces," the messenger says to us and we all celebrate hearing the good news.

"That is very good news!" I say as we all continue to celebrate late into the night.

As we all return to our rooms, Daenerys initiates some lovemaking. She has become much more energetic since we officially became mates and turned into a true dragon. I do not mind in the slightest, though I find it funny how I can feel her want to constantly jump my bones as some would say. The next few days go by with us ironing out the fine details of the ongoing war, plus solving some minor supply issues we might face.

A couple of days after we received word of the successful siege of Yunkai, Oberyn and the forces I sent with him returned to us. Other than the ones meant to stay inside the city to keep it under our control. Upon the Martells' return, we threw a feast celebrating their victory and safe return.

"Brother! Miss me?!" Oberyn says as he and his family arrive at the pyramid in Meereen.

"I did, though now that you are back, maybe not so much anymore," I say to him as he gives me a hug which I return. Then the rest of his family join us in a group hug.

"Yes, yes I missed you all too," I say with a laugh as they all hug me.

"Hmm…. You don't smell like a celibate anymore… You f*cked! You and Daenerys finally got together! Thank the gods! Here I thought you would actually die alone!" Oberyn says to me while smirking at Daenerys who gives him a sly high five. I just sigh at this while the rest of his family laughs, mostly Oberyn's daughters who took after their father's antics.

"Yeah, I don't miss you anymore," I say turning around and heading inside.

"Lies! Without me, you'd be forever alone!!" Oberyn says to me as they all quickly follow me inside.

As we feast and celebrate the return of the Martells everyone speaks about what happened in Yunkai. Oberyn being the overzealous person he is over exaggerates the siege. While his daughters agree with him offering an even more extravagant siege. I just chuckle listening to them tell this overly fictitious story. Once they are done explaining it all, Daenerys finally tells them we are to be married.

"As you know, Talrit and I are now together," Daenerys says while Oberyn and his family just give me sly looks which I ignore.

"We are going to get married by the end of this week. We were just waiting for you all the return," Daenerys says and they all congratulate us. Once everyone congratulates us and asks all their questions, Oberyn asks me one.

"Brother, if possible could Ellaria and I join you? We have been through a lot together and I believe we should officially be married," Oberyn says to me surprising everyone even Ellaria.

"I don't see why not, of course. A double wedding it is," I say with a smile and Daenerys nods her head agreeing with me.

"Really Oberyn? You want us to officially marry?" Ellaria asks with extreme happiness in her eyes, but uncertainty in her voice.

"Of course my love. If you want to that is," Oberyn says to her while lovingly grabbing her hands.

"I do," Ellaria says making everyone cheer even more.

"If you too are getting married. I can make your daughters no longer bastards, even though I think that law is stupid that a King must make children take your name," I say offering to make Oberyn's daughters officially his in the laws of men.

"That it up to my daughters," Oberyn says while looking at them. They all immediately nod their heads.

"Well just remember before you agree. That means many men will become extremely interested in you all, as you will become official nobles," Oberyn says to them and then they all hesitate.

"What's the difference, men already are interested in us. This time they will just have to try harder to get us," Tyene the youngest of his daughters says with a smirk as everyone laughs.

"Then bring me some paper," I say and one of the unsullied goes to get me some paper. Which I then write up the official papers for each daughter with the help of Oberyn. Afterward, sign the papers using my name as Emperor Talrit. I no longer use my alias among humans.

Over the next few days, the whole city was getting ready for the two weddings. By the end of the week, everything was set up. Since there were no priests of the religion that Oberyn's family practiced, Kinvara took their place. Though she used her own way of having us marry.

"In the light of the one true god, R'hllor. I am to see these two couples officially married," Knivara says while looking for us to speak.

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection," Kinvara says while Oberyn and I take the cloaks my people made in preparation for today.

My House Sigil was a Golden Dragon with some Platinum scales surrounded by a golden ring on a black background. I made this after declaring myself the Emperor as this was the banner my troops carried into battle. Oberyn was using his house Martell sigil, which was a golden spear going through a red sun. We both placed the cloaks over our very soon-to-be wives. Removing their previous house cloak which was also made in preparation for today.

"We stand here in the sight of the one true god and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever," Kinvara says once we place the cloaks on both women.

"Let it be known that Talrit of House Gildorran and Daenerys of House Targaryen is one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder," Kinvara says while repeating the same for Oberyn and Ellaria.

"In the sight of the R'hllor, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words," Kinvara says while looking at the four of us.

"I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," Oberyn and I say to our brides.

"I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," Daenerys and Ellaria say to Oberyn and me.

"With this kiss, I pledge my love," Oberyn and I say before we kiss our brides, officially sealing the marriage in the eyes of mankind.

Then the crowd of our friends and family cheer for us all. Even the citizens cheer for us as the whole city was given a feast. Food and drink were on me for the whole city as the next two days were in celebration of the weddings. We two newly wedded couples headed into the pyramid where a more private feast was set up for only our close friends and family. There we all ate and drank celebrating the weddings.

"Brother, should we have a bedding ceremony?" Oberyn says to me with a slightly drunken voice, while I stare at him with an annoyed look. Knowing my answer already.

"No," I say to him and he laughs having already expected that.

We all then retired to our separate rooms to officiate the marriage in the bedroom, even though both couples have already done that, some more than others. That night Daenerys seemed even more excited than usual, though I just figured it was the fact we are now married according to her human side. The night for us almost never ended as we enjoyed each other until noticing that the sun rose peeking through the balcony by our room.

"It's morning already?" Daenerys says as we relax for a bit from our latest session.

"Times flies by when one is having fun," I say with a chuckle while she smiles at me giving me another passionate kiss.

Chapter 61: Ch.59

Chapter Text

(Renly Baratheon POV)

I was preparing my men to march on King's Landing, as we were finally ready to make our move when a messenger came from my allies in the North. It said that Robb Stark requested our aid, as he needed to head home since Winterfell was taken by the Greyjoys. Now we are marching to the Twins to meet with the Stark army, though we had received word on our way there that my brother Stannis failed in his siege of King's Landing.

Not only did he fail but apparently the Lannisters used wildfire to destroy most of Stannis's army and navy. I am glad my brother sieged the city before us, as that would have been us that was burned by wildfire. Now once we come back we can prepare for the possibility that the Lannisters have more wildfire. Though there is not much we can do to prepare for that, either way, it gives us the heads up.

On our way to the Twins, we did not see any resistance which surprised me and confused me. As I was suspecting Tywin Lannister to have something to slow us down or sabotage us. My suspicions proved true as when we were reaching Riverrun, the keep of the House Tully an ally of the Starks and now I, a Lannister army ambushed us a few, miles from the keep.

"To arms! To arms!" I shout the orders as my men become panicked having not expected a fight.

"Defend my wife and your Queen!" I say to the Kingsguard who are trying to surround me and my wife to protect us.

I hear my officers in the army shouting orders as this ambush turns into a full fight. Men screaming and dying all around me. Though I ride out with Loras Tyrell at my side to fight alongside my men. A King who fights alongside his men not only inspires loyalty but courage on the battlefield.

"For the King!!" Loras screams rallying the men who all stop panicking upon seeing me charge the enemy, as they all quickly follow my lead.

My men all rally to me as we charge the main section of the Lannister ambush. We collide with the Lannister men, as I cut my way through the Lannister soldiers with Loras beside me. Together we are an unstoppable pair, knowing everything about each other and how we fight, giving us an edge against anyone trying to fight us. As the battle rages on it feels like it has been hours since the fight started, though I am sure maybe only an hour at most has passed.

After cutting down the latest Lannister soldier, I hear their officers call for a retreat, while I give the order to chase them down. I take a rest sitting on the bloodied ground as Loras walks over to me and hands me a wine sack. I take it and greedily drink it from the wine sack, and it tastes like the best wine I have ever had. This was the first official battle I ever took part in and a real fight, as I only ever really sparred before.

"We have some decent losses. Though overall, we came out on top. It does appear that the Lannisters have learned new fighting tactics from the Starks. Using surprise and hit-and-run tactics. f*cking cowards," Loras says to me as we both sit on the bloodied battlefield drinking the wine.

"Did you think they would meet our force on the open field? We outnumber any other force in the Kingdom right now. They were wise in ambushing us, though that just means we are going to have to increase our scouts as we continue to travel," Osmond says walking over to us and not with a single speck of blood on him, though I know he killed more than any other man among us.

"Still this is just… I thought Tywin had more honor and would fight us on the open field," Loras says and Osmond just snorts at that statement.

"I have met Lord Tywin a few times. That man is anything but honorable. His main goal in life is to succeed in everything he does. Even if that means using underhanded tactics, which usually are his first got to anyway. I am surprised you did not realize that considering your grandmother even fears his political and marital intelligence," Osmond says to Loras as Loras grumbles since Osmond speaks the complete truth.

"I believe we need to now start considering the same 'underhanded' tactics. However, our first priority should be meeting up with our allies. Once we meet up with them, we can then all move south together and show the world what happens when a Stark and Baratheon join forces once again," Osmond says and I nod my head standing up to go meet with the rest of the army leaders.

"I agree, let us go and meet with the officers, I want to know the exact losses we suffered," I say to them both as we walk over to the officers as messengers are running to and from them.

"So how bad is it?" I ask as they all bow their heads to me.

"Not worse than it could have been if you hadn't rallied the men," my one officer says with a respectful tone and I nod my head.

"We so far seem to have lost two thousand men, with another five hundred or so wounded. Some of our supplies were destroyed in the ambush, but nothing that should concern us for now. We still have enough to help even our allies," another officer says to me and I nod my head waiting for them to continue.

A few minutes after I talked with my officers, some Tully men came to help us fight, but not in time it seems. After a few hours of rest and regathering everyone, we continued on our way to the Keep. Thankfully our scouts did not see any other Lannisters in the area, so the rest of the trip was relatively peaceful. Upon our arrival the Tully's greeted us and my army made camp outside the keep, as my close friends and family came with me into the keep.

"King Renly and Queen Margaery, welcome to my home. This is my Uncle Ser Brynden Tully," Edmure Tully says to me as he is the new Lord of House Tully since his father died a few weeks ago.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Lord Edmure. I heard about your father, I am sorry for your loss," I say to him after he greeted us.

"Thank you, your grace," Edmure says to me using my proper title.

"We heard about the Lannister ambush, sorry it took us a bit to reach you. f*cking Lannisters," Brynden says with hate in his voice for the Lannisters.

"We appreciate the assistance, though the Lannisters seemed only trying to harass us. However, the force they used seemed smaller than it should have been. I fear the real force is waiting along the way to Twins," I say to them and Brynden nods his head agreeing with me, as too does Osmond.

"I can send some scouts ahead in our lands while you rest here," Edmure says and I nod my head.

"That would be appreciated Lord Edmure," I say to him and he nods his head smiling at me. He then leaves to go find some men to send out searching for any Lannisters in their lands.

"Sorry about my nephew, he is still an idiot. Gods I wish my brother didn't die so soon, he would've led us to victory much faster," Brynden says once his nephew leaves and I laugh hearing him.

"I heard your great nephew Robb, is betrothed to one of Walter Frey's daughters. When is the wedding?" I ask as food and drink are served to us.

"Aye, he made a deal with the Freys to allow his army to pass the twins. f*cking Freys and their sh*tty deals. As for the wedding… I am not sure though I would imagine he will wait until after the war is done. Since I doubt my nephew is in a rush to marry one of the Frey leeches," Brynden says with disgust in his voice as he seems to hate the Freys as much as the Lannsiters.

"I've heard much about the Freys… nothing good mind you," Margaery says with a sly smile on her face, making Brynden smirk at her and nod his head.

"Aye, your grace, nothing ever good comes from the Freys. If it was up to me, I'd have them all exterminated and a new better house put in their place," Brynden says nodding his head happy with Margaery's statement.

"Sorry for that your Graces, I hope my Uncle wasn't too much of a bore," Edmure says coming back after relaying the scouting orders.

"Oh f*ck off! They enjoy my good company, am I right your graces?" Brynden says with a complete lack of etiquette, which I enjoy as most people are too afraid to speak their mind in front of me.

"Yes he was not a bore," Margaery says with a laugh since she seems to like his lack of etiquette too. Brynden smirks at his nephew who is just glaring at him.

We spent a week at Riverrun, before continuing our journey to the Twins to meet up with the Starks. None of my or Tully's scouts saw any signs of Lannisters in the area. So we marched to the Twins, but not without a few scouts ahead of us at all times to ensure no more ambushes would be happening.

A few more weeks of travel, with some Tully men, led by Edmure as his Uncle would be staying at the Keep to defend it if needed. We arrived at the twins with the Stark army camped outside it, and upon seeing us approach they became active, but calmed down seeing our banners.

"King Renly! Good to finally meet you in person," Robb Stark says to me once we are escorted to him inside the Twins, House Frey's ancestral keep.

"King Stark," I say back to him, as I was not going to start any animosities between us, not until the war was won.

"Thank you for coming, with you here. We can prepare to march south and bring war to the Lannisters," Robb says to me and I nod my head while we walk toward the inner Keep to meet Walter Frey, the current head of House Frey.

"I thought you wanted to march back North to have your Keep returned to you," I say to Robb and his face turns to one of anger.

"I was going to, but Lord Roose Bolton sent word to have his bastard son take it back for me. Before we meet Walter Frey, there is something you should know," Robb says to me as some worry enters me.

"I broke my oath to Walter Frey, I married another woman. A woman who I met on my travels here in the South and fell in love with. I am glad you brought my Uncle with you, as we made a new agreement to have my Uncle marry one of his daughters instead. Plus, I had to execute one of my Lords, for disobeying one of my orders. So currently, the Karstarks have returned to the North, angry I executed their Lord," Robb says to me telling me all the things that have occurred as we made our way here.

"Ok… That is not good… Though we will make due, we will have to. Do you trust Lord Roose Bolton to retake your Keep?" I ask him as we stand outside the Twins Inner Keep.

"I have no choice, plus if I leave now back to the North. I doubt my army will wait here for me, we northerners might be loyal and stubborn to a fault. But even we have a limit to patience and loyalty. I came to see that when I had to execute Lord Karstark," Robb says to me with a sigh and a mentally burdened man.

'This works in my favor, I just might be able to bend the north to kneel to me,' I think to myself as I plan on sharing this information with my most trusted friends.

"I understand the difficult choices and heavy burdens we Kings must make and carry," I say patting him on the shoulder, as we enter the inner Keep to meet the Lord of House Frey.

Chapter 62: Ch.60

Chapter Text

(Renly Baratheon POV)

The meeting with Walder Frey went as one would expect from an old scheming bastard. Poorly, though Lord Frey put up a good facade acting like he was fine with Robb breaking his oath. Though I could see the old man was angered at the fact Robb broke his oath, even if one of his daughters was promised to Lord Tully. After we left the short meeting with Walder Frey, I had Osmond look into Lord Frey. As I did not trust him, he was planning something.

"Before Osmond looks into Walder Frey, there is something else we need to discuss," I say to my inner circle. Which consists of Osmond, Loras, Margaery, and Brienne.

Though I had Brienne escort Lady Stark back home, from what I hear she is assisting Lady Stark by having Jaime Lannister escorted down south. I told her to follow Lady Stark's directions as she is our ally and we need to keep them as allies. Seems Brienne took that order to the extreme, as she is now exchanging Jaime for the Stark daughters. Last I heard, they were almost to King's Landing hopefully without any setbacks.

"Robb Stark confided in me about the issues he is currently facing. It seems his men are not so fond of his rule or the choices he has been making so far. The Karstarks have even returned home after he executed their Lord for 'treason'," I say to the group who all are listening closely to me.

"That gives us an opportunity to get the other Lords of the North to see the value in following me. Making them bend their knee once again to the south, plus there may even be a few that will help us if we help them. I am thinking of Lord Roose Bolton, as he volunteered to take Robb's keep back," I say to them and they all nod.

"Want me to look into him as well?" Osmond asks me and I nod my head.

"If possible, because if we need to remove the Starks. We will need someone to take their place in the north," I say and they all nod.

"For now, we act like normal and help prepare for this sudden wedding I am sure Lord Tully is not happy with. Though have the men on guard, but subtly as I do not want to raise suspicion," I say to them and they all nod as Osmond and Loras leave.

"Husband… I know you are not fond of women… But to solidify our rule we need to have a child. The sooner I am pregnant the better chance we have at getting more followers," Margaery says to me and I sigh.

"I know… tonight I will… try to get you pregnant," I say with some not-so-well-hidden disgust at the thought.

"The offer still stands to bring my brother into the room to get you in the mood. If we just allow him to get you to the point of finishing, then all you need to do is finish in me," Margaery says while I stare at her in slight disgust, but just nod my head.

"For now, we will try by ourselves," I say hesitantly. Margaery just nods before giving me a kiss on the cheek and taking her leave. I then let out another sigh before drinking more wine.

As the week goes by the wedding preparations are complete. With the ceremony taking place and then the bedding ceremony. While everyone else goes into the main hall for the feast as the bride and groom head off to consummate the wedding. Osmond discovered that the Freys have planned to get everyone drunk before trying to kill us all.

Seems Roose Bolton was even involved in this scheme, making the North even more divided than before. Meaning now after this we will have to march north to have Robb take back the north. But I will make sure he bends the knee too since we will be doing the heavy lifting. Then we will return south to take the Iron Throne.

I told Robb about this plan both Roose Bolton and Wadter Frey had, making him almost act irrationally. Though I was able to get him to calm down and turn the plan onto the Freys, I replaced the crossbowmen they had hidden upstairs with my own. We even wore some armor sneakily waiting for Walder to make his move.

"Your Grace, I feel I've been remiss in my duties. I've given you meat and wine and music, but I haven't shown you the hospitality you deserve. My King has married and I owe my new Queen a wedding gift," Walder Frey says with a sh*t-eating grin, signally the massacre to begin. Though now the plans have turned on him, as earlier Roose disappeared to carry out his plan but instead found himself arrested.

The crossbowmen upstairs took out the crossbows, but instead of firing on us, they fired on the Freys. The short swords we snuck in we drew and began killing the panicking Freys as both the Stark men and mine acted killing all the Frey and Bolton men.

"Walder Frey seems your whole life of scheming and thinking around your enemies has finally caught up with you. Today your life ends and a new one is put in its place," I say while stabbing Walder Frey in the heart who has a fear-filled look on his face.

"I Renly Baratheon King of the Seven Kingdoms, hereby make Ryger Rivers the lawful son and heir to House Frey. Congratulations Lord Ryger, you are now Lord of the Twins and its lands," I say to Ryger Rivers who was the only good son of Walder Frey, but originally a bastard. Osmond deemed him a trustworthy and loyal man who declared himself to me as we told him of our plans.

"Thank you, your grace. I will stand behind you now and forever," Ryger says to me kneeling to me as his treasonous brothers are killed off. Leaving only the women and children alive.

Walking outside I have my inner circle beside me with Robb too, and the other nobles we are allied with behind us. There we see the remaining Frey and Bolton men in custody, along with Roose Bolton all kneeling to me.

"You all have tried to betray us and failed. This will be met with your death, though those who pledge themselves to us may be forgiven!" I say to the basic soldiers as they were just following orders, plus we still need men to fight for us. The new lord of the Twins needs some men too.

Many of the simple soldiers all begin begging for mercy and forgiveness while pledging themselves to us. While Roose Bolton is staring at us with a calm and neutral face unwilling to show any fear or regret. Those simple men who pledged themselves to me were set free.

"Roose Bolton, you are hereby charged with treason and will be executed," Robb says to Roose who just stares at him.

"Any last words?" Robb says to him while taking out his longsword.

"I did what I thought was right and good for the realm. I just hope my son is smarter than me, maybe he hasn't killed your brothers yet," Roose says making Robb even angrier, and then he swings the sword beheading Roose.

"Robb, we will need to return to your home to take back the north," I say as the men go about cleaning up the mess that was made and we are sitting back in the main hall drinking.

"You'd come with us to help? Why?" Robb says with his eyes showing just how much stress he is under.

"You are my ally and friend I like to think. Though I would ask you to consider bending the knee to me. As being King is very difficult, let me make the tough decisions. You can take your father's place as the Warden," I say to him trying to coax him into bending his knee.

"Renly… I… If I bend the knee, my people might not all follow. They were the ones who encouraged me to separate the north from the south," Robb says to me and I can see he no longer wants this burden.

"Your people will still follow you, you have their respect. They have followed your family for generations. They will understand your reasons for bending the knee. Plus we can remind them of the relationship between your father and my brother, how it brought stability to the realm," I say to him and he goes quiet thinking while taking sips of his drink for a minute.

"You're right… In the morning I will pledge the north to you. Hopefully, this does not cause any more issues," Robb says to me breaking the silence, as I am ecstatic on the inside, but only smile on the outside.

"I appreciate that Robb… Get some rest, as tomorrow will be the beginning of the real war," I say while standing up and downing my drink. As I promised tonight I will attempt to bed Margaery.

For the first time, I was able to bed Margaery, though it was a very short-lived night. Thankfully Loras was able to ease my suffering later. The next day, we gathered all the important Lords and Ladies, while some of the soldiers gathered around. As Robb told them he had something to annoyance.

"My Lords and Ladies. You have named me the King in the North, but so far it seems I made many mistakes. Though as my last act as King in the North, I will bend the knee to Renly. As I believe this is what is best for both the realm and our people," Robb says as most of the North Lords and Ladies murmur about news, most seem upset.

"Robb, you may stand. I appreciate the gesture and I promise once I take the Iron Throne, the North will be well taken care of. My wife, Margaery Tyrell promises that the Tyrells will sell food to the North at lower costs for the first two years of winter," I say as the Northern Lords and Ladies seem to be appeased by this deal. With Robb smiling at me and giving me a handshake.

"Next week we will head back North, to take back what is Robb's right. Then I ask you all to march south with me again to help me take my throne!" I say and the Northerns cheer in agreement with me.

After that week of helping to get Lord Ryger his home in order, plus tending to the wounded, we marched to the North. As we were traveling back to Winterfell, I received an urgent message as we were marching.

"What is it?" Margaery asks me as Osmond, Loras, and Robb look at me curious as well.

"It appears a new force has been growing in Essos. They call themselves the Golden Empire and their leader has just married Daenerys Targaryen. Worse, they seem to have 'dragons', dozens of 'dragons' at their disposal," I say summarizing the report I just read while handing the letter to Margaery who reads it before passing it to Osmond.

"Dragons? Dragons haven't been seen for over a century and not only do they have them but dozens?" Robb says as the letter was eventually passed to him.

"I would not be too worried, but the fact the Emperor of that group has married Daenerys Targaryen means he could try to claim the Iron Throne. This means they will come here and if that report is true, then we need to unit the realm quickly before they come here," I say with Osmond nodding his head to me as we both start to think of plans for this.

"Why does everything seem to always get more complicated," Robb says with a sigh handing the letter back to me.

"Try not to worry too much Lord Stark. We have time to make plans for this," Osmond says to him and I nod my head agreeing with him.

"I hope you are right," Robb says while rubbing his forehead as the stress reaches him again.

Chapter 63: Ch.61

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

We spent another week in the Meereen after the weddings, then headed out to Mantarys, the beastmen city. The road to the way there was the demon road, which we already went through but this time it was much easier. As the demons stayed clear of us due to our army size, plus the mages in the army helped use magic to ward them away.

As we reached the city a few weeks on foot, the beastmen once again rang the bells, panicking. We surrounded the city and made came, while preparing for a siege as I was hoping they would join us peacefully. Though I suspected they would not, Daenerys took her role as Empress very well with take some of my responsibility so I could focus more on the war.

"You again? With an even larger army… What do you want this time?" the same lioness beastwoman asked me with the same minotaur guard with her since they rode out to meet me.

"I came back unfortunately for you to surrender your city and join my empire. If not then we will bring this place under our control by force," I say to her not mincing my words as I wanted her to understand the position they are in.

"I alone can not decide that… I must meet with the other elders of the city," the lioness tells me.

"You have until tomorrow morning. If you refuse or give us no answer by then, the city will be attacked," I say to her as my army is preparing for the possible siege.

"I understand…" the lioness says while she and the minotaur return to the city.

"Do you think they will actually surrender?" Daenerys asks me since she met with them alongside me.

"Doubtful, I just hope they submit quickly once the fighting starts," I say to her and she nods her head while giving me a comforting hug.

With night descending, Daenerys and I return to our tent where she not so subtly initiated sex. She basically tackled me into the bed. The next morning we were told by Rokgar and Oberyn that our troops were ready for battle. As Oberyn was appointed my general for the human members of our troops, with Rokgar the general of the dragonborn part.

"Any word from the city?" I ask my inner circle, which consists of Daenerys, Oberyn, Rokgar, and Kinvara.

"None," Oberyn says and I sigh.

"Then let the siege begin," I say and they all nod as Rokgar and Oberyn run off to relay the orders to begin the battle.

Like usual the wyvern riders are sent in to take out the defenders on the walls and breach the gates, as the heavy infantry move in once the gates are breached. Our cavalry and mages are being held back since this is a siege in the city. Usually, the Dothraki following me would be angered by not being involved in the fighting. Though since learning that I am a real dragon and have led them to victory in every single fight, they follow my commands to the letter.

The Dothraki can even be considered to no longer really be Dothraki, as they have much more discipline. Though they still have the fearlessness that was taught to them since they were born, they are now more like Unsullied but on horseback. The siege ended within the hour as the city was just overwhelmed by our superior might. The leaders of this city, the 'elders' were brought to me in the center of the city.

There appeared to be five elders, one for each species in the city. One minotaur, one tortle, one black panther, the lioness I met, and even an Aarakocra, which is a type of bird person. They all were standing in front of me with fearless and definite faces. While a crowd circled around to watch what was happening.

"I am Emperor Talrit, of the Draconica Empire! We have started to expand our lands that way we can help those in this world join a new era! One of peace, prosperity, and returning magic to the lands," I say to them all as they all continue to look at me in silence.

"I asked your elders to surrender the city peacefully, but they refused making unnecessary bloodshed happen! Though from what I can gather you elders are not bad people, just stubborn and ignorant! They will be allowed to live, but must follow the orders of the governor my Empire appoints to the city! The governor will tell you what it means to be part of the Draconica Empire!" I say to everyone as the crowd begins to murmur among themselves.

"Like I said you should not try to resist our rule. As it will continue to only lead to unnecessary bloodshed," I say to the elders but the crowd does not hear me.

"If it means anything I suggested we surrender, but I was outvoted. Though elder Qall agreed with me," the lioness says to me while gesturing to the elder of the Tortles.

"Well, it matters not now. I just want you all to listen to our governor, they will try to respect your people's traditions. Though at the same time, they will inform you of our laws, which will be followed even if it goes against what you are used to," I say to them and the elder of the minotaurs glares at me.

"My army will be leaving in two days. If any of you want to send some of your men to join us, in good faith I will accept them into my army," I say to them leaving them without waiting for their replies.

Once the two passed, the few elders sent about a thousand beastmen, with the elder of the minotaurs to lead them. The elder's name was Anemir Honorbane and seemed to be still not too happy with me. Though at the end of the day, I did not really care, as he and his men will be under watch for the time being. We then headed west to Volantis the oldest of the 'Free Cities' and once part of the Valyiran Empire.

It took us about a month to reach the city from Mantarys, but Kinvara told me that the city should welcome us with open arms. As her priests were preaching about me as I am their savior the 'Golden Prince' and the people should have 'convinced' the leaders to surrender at our arrival. This was true as we arrived in the city and they opened the gates to us.

Inside the city, the people were cheering at me in excitement and happiness as I walked through the streets with my inner circle. Due to the easy nature of taking this city, installing our chosen governor and infantry to remain here took a day. But we would be waiting here for a week as word was sent to our mainlands to send us more supplies. This being a dock city was easy for our boats to bring us more supplies and they were escorted by the dragon turtles.

The first few days of waiting in the city were pretty uneventful though it was a nice change of pace to be back in a city that actually is happy at our arrival. Daenerys and I walked through the market and docks of the city, just sightseeing. Jorah followed a bit behind us as he still shadowed Daenerys and she trusted him enough. Plus one of the previous slaves Daenerys saved, followed us everywhere and became one of her best friends. The previous slave's name was Missandei, she was Daenerys's translator and advisor.

"Hello young one, are you lost?" Daenerys asks a small child who seemed to be wandering the docks confused. Though the eyes of the child made me confused, as they were not like most children, seemingly dead on the inside.

"Daenerys!" I say pulling her back just as the child almost stabbed her in the heart, which would not have killed her but still caused a scene. Plus I didn't want to see my wife injured for no reason.

The child seeing the failed attempt tried to escape with Jorah running over with his sword drawn. While I cast 'Hold Person' stopping the child in their tracks while they struggled and hissed at us, like a rabid animal. Daenerys looked shocked at almost getting stabbed by a small child, while my anger rose to extreme levels. Daenerys could sense my anger from our connection, as she placed her hand on my chest stopping me from burning this child.

"My love, I am fine. Do not do anything rash," Daenerys says while my anger calms slightly. I give her a worried look while releasing a sigh and nodding my head.

"Child, tell me who sent you and I won't have to break your mind," I say to the small child who just hisses at me in response.

"Very well," I say while casting 'detect thoughts' and pushing inside the child's mind to find out more.

The child's mind was dark and empty, showing that it is no more than an undead and being kept alive by dark magic. Though I can tell this magic has some dragon-like energy to it, meaning this child was sent by the cult of Tiamat. The dagger they were using was even coated in a dark magical poison that could affect even me, who is immune to all normal poisons.

"Daenerys, this is no child. But an undead creature was sent here to kill you and me, seems the cult is making some moves as we are threatening them. The dagger is infected with a dark magical poison-like disease. That could heavily injure you or me, though this poison is extremely hard to make and only a very powerful dragon could do the ritual," I say to Daenerys who gives me a surprised look.

I teleport me and the child away from the city, where I cast a 'flame strike' burning the undead child to nothing. The undead creature screeches as it burns, and my mind drifts to darker places and worries about the future. Since it appears that the cult as started making undead, it means we could be facing an army of undead. Which depending on the size could be a very difficult fight for us. Especially if the undead have access to even stronger normal poisons as my army is not immune to them like me and Daenerys.

"Did you… destroy the creature?" Daenerys asks me once I teleport back to her. I nod my head, while the city is in overdrive. Since my people are turning every stone to find any more undead or potential assassins.

"For now, the mages need to start performing rites to help remove undead and keep them away from the cities. Send word to our people to begin warding the cities from them, it seems the undead are now walking about us," I say to Rokgar who ran over here hearing the news of the undead child.

"Right away my god," Rokgar says shouting orders to the mages.

"The cult will now know we are not normal humans, meaning we should be expecting more magic users and undead enemies soon," I say with a sigh as the soldiers run about the city.

"Someone send word to Zathori to warn her of this!" I say to one of the mages running by and they nod before running off.

"The next few free cities will now have to be very careful entering. Kinvara, send word to your priests to begin doing rites and trying to root any possible undead from our cities and the ones we will soon arrive to," I say to her and she nods her head with a serious face walking off to carry out my order.

"Daenerys, I was going to surprise you. But now it seems I can no longer wait. A set of armor and a sword is coming in the shipment of supplies for you. I was going to be training you when it arrived, but I believe we should start now. That is if you are interested in learning to fight," I say to her and she smiles at me excitedly.

"What are we waiting for!" Daenerys says dragging me to the estate we have been staying at in the city. I just smile as she drags me there, but with worried thoughts on the future and what it holds.

Chapter 64: Ch.62

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

Over the next few weeks I trained Daenerys in the way of the sword and she was a quick learner. As her true form allows her to learn very quickly, plus like me, she can access the full strength of her true form in her human form. Eventually, the supplies reached us in Volantis, with Daenerys's armor and sword.

Daenerys's armor represented a silver dragon's scales. When she wore the armor it was enchanted to bring out some small scales on her face since it tapped into her blood enhancing her magical capabilities in her human form. The sword she was training in was duel wielding two short swords. Her two swords made from draconic steel would allow her to be very deadly on the field of battle.

With her quick learning of the sword, along with her magical capabilities, I felt comfortable letting her help fight on the battlefield the next time we need to fight. Our army then moved north easily taking the three small towns that were originally vassals to Volantis. They surrendered easily upon hearing the news of Volantis and the fact they had little to no defenders compared to the city of Volantis.

It has been a year and a few months now since the campaign started, I pondered as we were marching to 'Myr'. Myr is another 'free city', one that is known for its lenses and finery. So we are not expecting that much of a resistance as the city may be rich, but it has a small defense and any others will be mercenaries who can be easily persuaded to leave.

Arriving at the city my people make camp surrounding it preparing for the potential siege. There does not seem to be any mercenary group camped outside, meaning the only defenders of the city are within it. Our fleet has already sailed taking the cities of Lys and Tyrosh, now making a blockage against Myr when we arrived.

The city didn't even put up a fight, as our army was enough to make them surrender, plus I am sure the stories of our recent exploits have reached the once leaders of the city. After leaving some troops behind and a governor, we marched to Pentos where we would meet Zathori and her Dothraki. With my fleet sailing ahead of us to make a blockade of the city.

"You know if it wasn't for what I know about you or this world, I'd think this ease of taking the world was suspicious," Oberyn says to me and Daenerys as we march to Pentos.

"No, you are right it is suspicious. Seems the cult might be hoarding their people in one place. For a large stand against us. Plus allowing us to take the cities and having to leave troops behind to keep order, is smart of them. Meaning when we finally do meet them or fighting force is much smaller than it could be if they meet us head-on before we took anything," I say to them all as they nod their heads.

Rokgar and his son are usually with the wyvern riders who scout ahead of us, leaving only Oberyn, Oberyn's family, Daenerys, and myself on the ground. So far Rokgar and the other wyvern riders have not spotted anything out of the ordinary to suggest our march would be interrupted.

"If you think that then why do we not try to find them and focus all our forces on them before taking anything?" Daenerys asks me.

"Because then they could bring their cult to other cities spreading it. So even if we find their current main residence and destroy it, they will only make it somewhere else. Plus forcing them into one place is both good and bad," I say to them.

"Then it would allow us to destroy them at once, instead of having to hop from place to place destroying them as they keep moving," Oberyn says and I nod my head as he gets my reasoning.

"Though at the same time, it will make the one big fight that much harder," Daenerys says and I nod my head.

"Yes I know, but I do not believe our other options are better. Plus with you, Zathori, and myself, I doubt they will stand much of a chance," I say to them and Daenerys doesn't look fully convinced but nods her head, as Oberyn completely agrees with me showing his absolute faith in me.

That night when we were making camp and after I helped Daenerys with her usual afternoon training, in both types of swords. I was awoken a few hours before sunrise, as I received an emergency message from someone I did not think I would hear from again, due to the issues happening in their current home.

'Talrit, I know we haven't spoken in years. But I remember you saying you would help me if I needed it. Well, I am currently sneaking out of King's Landing with my daughter and nephew. We need your help to protect us, it seems my family has lost their minds. We heard about a new power rising in Essos, I can only assume that is you,' I hear Gerion Lannister say to me through the ring I gave him. Though it woke me up a start waking Daenerys too as she looks at me with worry.

I can feel the ring's magic signature coming across the narrow sea, slowly meaning it is in a boat. It appears to be heading towards my people's capital, but only a hundred miles away from King's Landing. So I quickly send a magical message for a few ships of mine to intercept it and bring the ring bearer and his family to me in Pentos safely.

"You going to tell me what is wrong?" Daenerys asks me to see all this happen, though unsure what I am doing or what is wrong.

"I just received word from an old friend of mine that I gave a ring to years ago. It seems he is fleeing his family with his daughter and nephew, asking me to provide them protection. I sent a few of our ships to intercept the one they are on and bring them to Pentos so I can meet them again," I say to Daenerys who nods her head as she hugs me to comfort me.

"Who are they?" Daenerys asks me as we lay back down with her head on my chest.

"Gerion Lannister, his daughter Joy Hill, and as for which nephew. I would guess Tyrion Lannister, why they are fleeing their homeland, I have no idea, but it can not be good in any way," I say to her as she gives me a surprised look, but nods her head.

"My brother used to tell me stories about Jaime Lannister, the man who stabbed my father in the back… though I am sure these Lannisters are better than him," Daenerys says to me since she seems to hold some resentment for the man who killed her father, even though she never met either of the men.

"The only two Lannisters I found to be… unredeemable are Cersei and Tywin Lannister. Jaime might have made mistakes, but he might just be able to be redeemed if he tries. The other two are very… stubborn and I doubt they would ever change even for the people they love most," I say to her and she sighs while just lying on my chest.

We then fell back into a comfortable sleep, as the next morning I woke up with Daenerys not in our bed. Walking into the main area of the tent I see Daenerys speaking with her best friend Missandei. They seem to be laughing happily while talking about something in hushed tones, then I notice Daenerys bring Missandei's hand to her stomach.

'....Wait…. Oh sh*t!' I think to myself as my brain was trying to process this human interaction, then it occurred to me Daenerys is pregnant.

"Are you pregnant?" I ask making both women turn to me in surprise not having expected me to be awake yet I assume.

"Yes! I woke up a few hours after we fell back asleep, my stomach was in turmoil and I felt sick. Missandei helped me, then one of the mages used magic to check my condition. Turns out I am a few weeks pregnant! I wanted to wake you up right away, but I was going to surprise you!" Daenerys says to me while running over to me and jumping into my arms hugging me tightly. That would crush any normal human to nothing, but thankfully I am not human.

"Well consider me surprised!... I am going to be a father!!" I say laughing then spinning her around in circles.

"Talrit! Wait…" Daenerys says as I stop and put her down and she looks about to throw up. I give her an awkward smile, as I cast a basic healing spell to bring back her comfort.

"Sorry," I say with a sheepish smile as she gives me a small glare, but it quickly turns back to a happy smile due to the news.

"We are going to be parents!" Daenerys says giving me another hug, but I refrain from spinning her this time.

"Congratulations you two," Missandei says to us with a happy smile.

The news quickly spread among the army as many people celebrated the news. Since they all love us with complete adoration for different reasons. The dragonborn view us as gods, while the Dothraki view me as the second coming of their horse god, and the Unsullied view me as their savior. We spend an extra day camped here to celebrate, as everyone tries to come to personally congratulate us.

I cast a few times the 'create food and water' spell that way a feast can be made for the entire army without worrying about overusing our supplies. As the camp is in celebration, my close friends and those I consider family all come to eat inside the main area of Daenerys and my tent.

"Congrats! I can't wait to be an Uncle and teach them all about life!" Oberyn says with a drunken smile as I stare at him with a suspicious look.

"What? I just want to make sure they do not end up like their father, an almost forever virgin," Oberyn says as I chuck a turkey leg at him and he laughs dodging the leg.

"Oh! Can we be called aunties?" Obara asks with a surprising excited look, as unlike her father the only thing she seems to care about is training and fighting.

"What! I am way too young to be an aunt!" Nymeria says giving her older sister an annoyed look.

"I don't know… you both are way too old to be aunties… maybe grandmas. Though I'd be a great cousin," Tyene says antagonizing her sisters while complimenting herself.

The three then begin hurling insults at one another and arguing about their position in my child's life. As I just shake my head at their antics.

"To think we will finally have a prince or princess," Rokgar says with a happy smile as I give him a faked hurt look. Oberyn beings laughing hearing him.

"What?... Oh! I am sorry my Emperor I did not mean to imply… well you know," Rokgar says as Lilther starts to laugh and Oberyn laughs even harder.

"It's fine," I say with a shake of my head.

"The birth and first couple months are going to be the hardest. Though with Ellaria and myself, we will help the best we can," Elia says to Daenerys as Ellaria nods her head agreeing with the statement.

"I appreciate that… I would love some tips on being a mother," Daenerys says as Elia and Ellaria give her a knowing smile.

"I'm not sure you want my wife's help… I mean just look how our kids turned out," Oberyn says gesturing to his daughters who are practically fisting and fighting now. Though Ellaria gives him a very dark look, promising pain later.

"Rest in peace brother," I say to him as Oberyn gives me a confused look, but then realizes his mistake, seeing his wife's deadly glare.

Chapter 65: Ch.63

Chapter Text

(Gerion Lannister POV)

The war that my family was fighting was a losing one, especially after I heard that the Starks and Renly Baratheon stopped the plot of Walder Frey. The rumors surrounding my niece and nephew also concerned me, as even I was able to tell that they might be true. Which was only confirmed when Tyrion told me it was true. I rode to King's Landing along with my daughter hearing that my grand nephew would be marrying the Stark girl soon. There Tyrion told me the truth about Cersei and Jaime.

From there I stayed in King's Landing trying to figure out the best way to help my family. Then I found out my older brother made a plot with Walder Frey which was seen through by our enemies. To make matters worse, my elder brother took the seat of the Hand from Tyrion. As he would be sending me and Tyrion which I believe was from spite, to lead the armies in his stead. Though that would be after the wedding between Sansa Stark and Joffrey.

As the wedding commenced, Joffrey poured wine on Tyrion's head embarrassing him, then proceeded to make him his cupbearer. Then just as the wedding cake was brought out, Joffrey took another sip from his cup, though this one was poisoned. As he fell to the ground choking on his own blood, clawing at his throat. With one last act, he pointed accusingly at Tyrion who was picking up the cup he gave Joffrey.

All hell broke loose soon after. Cersei demanded the head of Tyrion as he was arrested, and Sansa somehow disappeared in the chaos. Now more allocations are being thrown at Sansa, but both my niece Cersei and brother, Tyrion's own father, Tywin were still claiming it was Tyrion who poisoned Joffrey. All this time I thought my older brother truly didn't hate his own son but was just annoyed by him. Now I know he truly hates Tyrion just for being born.

"Father… what are you going to do?" Joy asks me as I was pacing in my room trying to rack my brain in figuring out the next best move. As I was torn between helping my most definitely innocent nephew and helping my family win this war.

"I'm….I'm not sure. I know your cousin is innocent, he is not capable of doing something like this. Tyrion is many things, but he is not a murderer. If I do anything to help him… we will need to flee the capital. Then again if I do nothing, that means I can stay to help our family possibly win this losing war," I say to Joy as I sit down taking a deep drink from my wine as the stress was overwhelming me.

"Father… the spider may be able to help us…" Joy says to me snapping me from my thoughts as Varys enters the room making me stand up defensively. Grabbing Joy and placing her behind me.

"Relax, Lord Gerion. I mean you all no harm, like you I see how your family is turning the realm into utter chaos. With the death of Joffrey, it appears the realm will become even more chaotic. I believe the rightful ruler is in Essos, they have recently married one of the remaining Targaryens and from the rumors appear to be a good King or Emperor as they call themselves," Varys says to me and my mind starts to race, as I think of the rumors and believe them to be about my old friend Talrit.

"What you are saying is treason…" I say still not believing Varys even a bit, as the man has served almost as many Kings as Pycelle who is just as shifty.

"I know… though I can help Lord Tyrion escape the cell he is in. Along with helping you two escape the city. Of course, I would be coming with you, as it will be discovered I helped. From there we can head to Essos to meet this Emperor," Varys says to me and as my mind is racing, I come to a conclusion.

"Then let us not waste time," I say as Joy gives me a surprised look and Lord Varys smiles at me happy with my choice as we quickly make our way to the cells. Though first we gathered some things to take with us, but we packed lightly.

The guards that were supposed to be stationed around Tyrion's cell were nowhere in sight. As Varys gives me a smile, showing the man paid them off to disappear for a few hours. Arriving in front of my nephew's cell he looks over to us confused, then gives a defeated smile seeing us.

"Sorry you have to see me in this state… wish we could have talked more Uncle before… all this," Tyrion says to me with a heavy sigh as I open his cell and grab him making him yelp in surprise.

"Come, we are escaping Westeros. We are heading to an old friend of mine, he will protect us," I say with an urgent whisper as Tyrion just looks confused but quickly follows us.

We make it to the docks near the flea bottom, as we all were wearing cloaks to cover us. Plus the middle of the night helps too, as we arrived at a small boat that appeared to be a small trader ship. Varys gave the man a sack of coins before we all boarded the ship and it quickly left the harbor. Just as we were leaving, we heard the city bells go off showing they discovered Tyrion's escape.

"Uncle, cousin… Thank you both… You two are the only family who ever really cared about me," Tyrion says with a broken-up voice as I give him a smile and hug which my daughter joins in.

"I think of you more like my own son, Tyrion. You are a good man and we all make mistakes, trust me I've made plenty. Though I fear the rest of our family has made much larger mistakes that can not be undone, as they refuse to address those mistakes," I say thinking of my older brother who refuses to believe the rumors surrounding his two children, along with Cersei desperately holding onto the Queen's mantle. Even Jaime follows Cersei around like a lost dog, willing to do anything just to please her.

"We can never return… I am sorry you both have to suffer this with me," Tyrion says as we break the hug.

"Don't fret Tyrion, we may return one day… especially if my friend is the one who is leading the battles in Essos," I say to Tyrion who gives me an interested look.

"I will explain more tomorrow, for now, we should rest," I say as we all retire to the very small rooms on this ship which was willing to smuggle us out of King's Landing. I then sent a message to Talrit using the ring he gave me years ago.

The next few days I tell them the truth about my journey all those years ago in Essos. That my old friend they once met was actually a very strong dragon, one who is leading this force in Essos most likely. Varys listened in interested in hearing this too, as he only heard the rumors circling around this. I trusted Varys enough to tell him this as we all were now in this together. During our journey, which appeared to be headed to Volantis which was recently taken by the Empire, we were intercepted by stone boats of huge sizes.

I instantly recognized the boats as Talrit's clan's ships. Our ship stopped and it appears they received orders from Talrit to secure us. My family and Varys were fearful of seeing the dragonborn up close, but I knew they were Talrit's clan members. I convinced them all they were our friends. We boarded their ship which sailed us in the direction of Pentos, as it appears that must be what they plan on taking next.

Once we arrive at Pentos we waited a few days as the blockade was in effect, then we see the extremely large army of the empire appeared. I heard gasps from my family and Verys seeing the large army, plus the wyverns everyone mistakes for dragons flying around. The reports believed there to be only a few dozen wyverns, but we could see several hundred wyverns.

"Dragons… The dragons are back… The war at home is meaningless, no one will be able to stop them," I hear Tyrion say as he sees this all.

"Right, you are. This my nephew, is just a fraction of the power that the leader holds. If you saw what he is really capable of… you would see that none of the armies at home can stand a chance against him," I say with a small smile on my face excited to see my old friend.

We are then escorted to the army as my family and Varys are watching this all with fascinated faces. We then begin to approach the large tent set up in the center as wyverns begin to fly around the city of Pentos scouting it out. I let out a small chuckle as my fond memories from the past resurface. Then I see Talrit smiling at us as we approach the tent.


(Talrit POV)

In the next few days, we arrived outside Pentos, as my army was preparing for the siege of the city, with my navy already blockading the city. As my army was preparing for the siege, a small group of people was riding toward our camp, after being dropped off by one of my ships. I can only assume that is the Lannisters, along with some dragonborn escorting them.

As they approach us, I can see that it is the Lannisters. Just as they reach us my wyvern riders begin circling the city to check the defenses. I then see Gerion Lannister, his daughter, his nephew, and the spymaster Varys approaching my tent. I smile fondly at Gerion as they all approach since he is one of the few humans I consider good friends.

"Gerion my old friend! I never thought you'd come to see me before I came to Westeros with the intention of taking it over," I say to him as we share a brotherly hug with Tyrion and Joy finally recognizing me. Varys even widens his eyes now remembering me from those years ago at King's Landing.

"I thought the same. Especially when I heard of a new power rising in Essos. Though I am glad it is you that is the power. You would make a much better King than most, or should I say, Emperor," Gerion says to me and I laugh hearing him.

"Come inside, I want you to meet my wife and other close friends of mine," I say as I usher them inside my tent.

Inside are Daenerys, Missandei, Jorah, Oberyn, and all of the other Martells. Once they all enter I can see the surprise on the faces of the newcomers. As they all believed Elia and her children were killed in King's Landing. Plus seeing the other Martells here shows the reason why the Martells have been neutral in the war.

"Westeros is going to fall," Varys says shaking his head while smiling as everyone gives him a confused look.

"Everyone this is Gerion Lannister, his daughter Joy Hill, his nephew Tyrion Lannister, and Varys the spymaster who severed the several Kings in Westeros," I say introducing everyone to the group of people who entered, though Oberyn and Elia know them all.

"Varys… I heard he served my father and then betrayed him, then served the same man who took the throne from my family," Daenerys says while giving Varys a small glare, not trusting him in the slightest. I do not blame her, as I have no trust for him either, but since he came with Gerion I have not done anything to him.

"I understand my love. Though since he appears to be friendly with my friend, for now, I will give him the benefit of the doubt," I say to Daenerys who just nods her head to me while still glaring at Varys.

Chapter 66: Ch.64

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

"My Emperor I do not mean to interrupt you all, but we are ready for taking the city. It seems their defenses are very limited," an unsullied says to me as everyone is speaking to the Lannisters that showed up and Varys.

"Good, then begin the battle," I say walking out of the tent as my armor appears on me with my longsword in my hand.

"Oh! Let's go, the battle is starting!" I hear Oberyn say as he runs after me with his armor appearing on him and his spear in his hand. Like me, his armor and spear which I had crafted using draconic steel, also his daughters' keep theirs in their rings too. So like me, they all can summon their armor and weapons at a moment's notice.

"My love you will wait for me!" Daenerys says running out with her armor and weapon appearing too. Even though she is pregnant the stage is early and so far unlike what I thought would happen she has not laid an egg, which confuses me.

"Very well, but please be careful you are pregnant," I say as I smile at her while placing my hand on her stomach.

"I will," Daenerys says as the wyverns start picking the defenders off the walls and breaching the gates.

"Why did they not surrender?" I hear Tyrion say more to himself as we all charge to the front lines to join in the battle for the city.

The battle ends within the hour and like all other cities I tell them they are now part of my Empire and a governor will be appointed to rule the city. Once the battle ends, the mages have gone about healing those injured both my soldiers, the once defenders, and the civilians. I can see Varys looking around with a surprised face, but I can also see a spark of interest in his eyes at what he just witnessed.

"Rokgar, any word from Zathori? Are the Dothraki almost here?" I ask him as we walk to the largest estate in the city where Daenerys and I will be staying while we wait here.

"Last we heard they took Norvos and should be here within a couple of days," Rokgar says and I nod my head.

"Once we meet back up with them, we will head to Braavos. Then once the city falls, I want you to head back to the Capital to run this continent while the rest of us head to Westeros," I say to him and he nods his head.

"You will be the King of Essos, so I need you to keep the peace and ensure it prospers while we take Westeros. If you want I can take Lilther with me, so he can learn more about Warfair," I say to Rokgar who smiles at me.

"I would be honored if my son could stay alongside you and learn what it means to be a leader from our god himself," Rokgar says to me with a smile on his face.

"Then he can stay by my side and I will try to pass down as much wisdom as I can and ensure his safety," I say to Rokgar who just smiles while taking his leave to help transition the city into our rule, as I meet with Daenerys in our temporary estate.

"My love," I say to her as I hug her from behind surprising her since she was very focused on a letter she received.

"What is wrong?" I ask her since she still is engrossed in the letter.

"My brother… He has risen an army in Braavos, plus it appears he might be under the cult's influence. As he recently married Lady Sadridna, the red dragon you told me about," Daenerys says handing me the letter which basically tells Daenerys to surrender and bend the knee to him the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Though the part where he married a true dragon and a red one at that surprises me deeply.

"He married her!.... What is she planning?! This…. What?" I say as my brain is trying to process this information since this seems like something Sadridna would never do. Unless she was forced into this as red dragons hold more pride than any other type of dragon.

"I'm just as surprised and confused as you," Daenerys says to me as I take a seat next to her thinking about the reasons.

"Sadridna is not the daughter of Tiamat… The true daughter of Tiamat would never subject themselves to a human mate. Even if that human mate was a god themselves, no the daughter of Tiamat would only accept a true dragon for a mate…" I say while thinking deeply about this.

"Sadridna is but a follower of Tiamat, meaning the daughter of Tiamat is another. As for who, it could be either one of the other two true dragons I met. Unless there is another I somehow did not meet… The daughter of Tiamat would mate me in strength since she would be a demi-god like myself… Sadridna never came off as an equal to me," I say to Daenerys while pouring myself some wine and drinking it.

"Which would mean?" Daenerys says with confusion.

"Which means, the daughter of Tiamat is either much further east of us. Though I do not suspect that… or is in Westeros and has remained hidden this long waiting until the right moment to strike," I say to Daenerys as I think hard about the possibilities.

"Which would suggest she needs my brother to marry one of her followers to gain control in Westeros. That way she can unite the kingdom against us and force us to split our forces so we are much weaker when facing her," Daenerys says and I nod my head agreeing with her as that was the same conclusion I came to.

"Though what confuses me is the undead are under her control… Strong undead, meaning she has a lich under her control or another powerful undead," I say to Daenerys as she sighs and leans against me.

"I just want us to disappear and let everyone else deal with all this… I know that is not possible, but I worry about our child," Daenerys says while placing her hand on her stomach and I nod my head.

"I know… Which is more reason for me to find this daughter of Tiamat and end her. That way our child does not have to fear the cult," I say to her and she just gives me a worried smile as we watch the sunset in the distance.

For the next few days, we wait for Zathori and her Dothraki to come to Pentos so we can all head to Braavos together. During this time Daenerys and the others speak with the Lannisters getting to know them better, along with hearing about the current issues the Kingdom is facing. Varys has tried his best to gain the trust of Daenerys and me while pledging his service to us asking to be our spymaster.

Varys believes we are what the Kingdom needs to better it as we have taken care of the common folk, plus from what he has gathered it seems he believes we are great rulers. Though for now, I do not trust him, I told him to keep me informed about what is happening in the seven kingdoms and maybe I will trust him enough. While Daenerys is much harder to gain the trust of since she has a natural disposition toward him.

As for Gerion and the other Lannisters, he has my trust already and so too does his family that he came with. Tyrion has regained some of the childlike curiosity that I saw in him when he was younger and has been running around me people asking them all sorts of questions. While Joy Hill has taken a liking to Oberyn's daughters and wants to learn to fight like them, which they all have fought over about who gets to teach her.

The wyvern riders then spotted Zathori and her Dothraki army which was around a hundred thousand warriors, plus several ten thousand nonwarriors. As they approached the people inside the city panicked, but seeing none of my soldiers worried they calmed down. Once the hoard approached, they met with my once Dothraki soldiers who told them about me, as Zathori came to meet me and my close friends.

"Talrit! Long time no see! This has been the most fun I've had in centuries! Though I do feel bad for all the bloodshed that happened. Though if you believe this is for the greater good I'm behind you," Zathori says while running over to me and giving me a hug which makes Daenerys glare at her for the familiarity.

"Oh! Another one of us!! A silver dragon! Oh, Talrit! She is your mate! Nice to meet you, Mrs. Talrit!" Zathori says hugging Daenerys in a familiar hug making Daenerys too stunned to respond not used to someone like Zathori.

"Calm down Zathori," I say with a chuckle as she just waves off my suggestion, Daenerys has warmed up to her seeing that Zathori is just a very friendly dragon.

"Wait? What? Dragons? Who is a dragon?" Tyrion says since he is in the room too, so are the rest of the Lannisters, the Martells, Varys, Rokgar, Lilther, Missandei, and Jorah.

"Oh does this dwarf not know we are dragons?" Zathori says making Gerion and Joy glare at her since they think Zathori is insulting Tyrion. While Tyrion just gives her a confused smile about the statement.

"Zathori, he is not a dwarf. But a human has a disease that makes him smaller than normal. Though she is right Tyrion, we are dragons I would show you but for now I will keep what I am hidden from the world," I say to the two, as Tyrion gives me a look that suggests he doesn't fully believe me but says nothing of it.

"Anyway, Zathori any trouble with the cult?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No, nothing like that… Though in Qohor there were a few warlocks. They might have been tied to the cult, though I don't believe so. They were easy to dispatch, they all had only basic knowledge of spells," Zathori says and I nod my head.

"What about the new rules the Dothraki have to follow?" I ask her since they are now expected to follow the same rules that my Dothraki now follows.

"A few people were upset with it. But after showing them what I really am and a few deaths, they all got on board with it," Zathori says and I chuckle nodding my head.

"I didn't realize that they were that mean before. I never really believed the rumors, though after seeing it first hand I realize I should have been more influential with my people sooner," Zathori says with some guilt having not realized how much her people were doing things that most would consider evil.

"We all make mistakes, it is up to us to learn from them. Because making the same mistake is no longer a mistake but a choice," I say to her and she nods her head.

"So, Mrs.Talrit, how far into the pregnancy are you?" Zathori says completely changing the subject and taking Daenerys by surprise once again.

"My name is Daenerys, I am only a few months along now," Daenerys says and Zathori gives her a surprised look.

"We are both just as confused. Maybe the child will be born into their human form, with the ability to shapeshift from the start," I say to her and she nods her head while kneeling down in front of Daenerys and listening into her womb.

"Uhmm…" Daenerys says since Zathori is a very different dragon than most, then again her kind is the most social of all dragons.

"Your son is going to be quite the strong one," Zathori says after listening in on Daenerys's womb and taking everyone back with the statement.

"I am very attuned with nature magic," Zathori says and I just nod my head.

Chapter 67: Ch.65

Chapter Text

(Stannis Baratheon POV)

After my failed attempt at taking King's Landing, I am sure I became the laughingstock of the Kingdom. With my brother most likely using this to prepare better for his siege at King's Landing. After almost threatening to kill Ser Davos as he was telling me I made a mistake in trusting Melisandre, his questioning me in front of my men was what led me to almost execute him. Though my daughter and Melisandre talked me out of it, plus for some reason Melisandre said the Lord of Light has more plans for him.

With our failure in the south, Melisandre said we needed to head north, past the wall. Since the Lord of Light told her that is where we will find more allies. I gathered the remaining men under my control along with my family, taking them North to Eastwatch. Where I would request entrance to the North, past the wall. The journey was a long and hard one, as winter was approaching just like the Starks house words.

As we arrived at Eastwatch, the commander of the castle was surprised at our appearance. He told me about the 'wildlings' that are trying to breach the wall. Asking for my assistance in defending against them. Melisandre asked the Lord of Light for guidance, coming back and telling me we need to sail, past the wall landing in the 'Haunted Forest'.

"Your grace, the men… they will be extremely uncomfortable with doing this. I am not sure it is wise to sail past the wall, especially since there is a huge army of wildings trying to breach it," Ser Davos says to me annoying me further with his constant distrust of Melisandre.

"We do as the Lord of Light commands! Stop questioning me for f*cks sake! If it was not for my daughter and Melisandre, I would have taken your head already!!" I yell at him as my anger spikes and I need to vent it out. He gives me a saddened look but nods his head taking his leave.

"Your grace, be at peace. We will soon reach the place where we will have an army that is unstoppable with the Lord of Light helping us," Melisandre says to me as I calm down since her presence alone puts me at ease.


(Ser Davos Seaworth POV)

'That red witch has poisoned Stannis's mind! She is leading us to our death! I can feel it in my bones!... I can't let little Shireen suffer because of him,' I think to myself as I leave Stannis's temporary residence at Castle Eastwatch.

'My whole life was a sh*t show until I met Stannis. He gave me purpose and a newer better life, one that I could never have dreamed of originally. I would have followed him to hell and back… but he is no longer the same man I knew all those years ago. Ever since that witch appeared, his mind started to deteriorate like she was controlling him. I have no idea why she kept me alive, nor do I care. I just know I will keep Shireen alive, she is the last thing I care about,' I think as I wait until nightfall preparing a horse with enough supplies to last a few weeks.

Then I go to the princess's room, where she is fast asleep. I place my hand over her mouth and wake her up while placing a finger over my mouth with my other hand. She gives me a surprised look at first then confusion, but nods her head understanding me. I then remove my hand from her mouth.

"Princess, we need to leave. Quickly. Your father… he… he is not himself and I believe the witch has poisoned his mind. She is leading him and everyone to their death, I can feel it. We need to escape while we can," I say to the young girl who I came to view as my own daughter.

"What? Why not tell my father?" Shireen asks me with confusion.

"He no longer listens to me… without you and… that red witch he would have killed me," I say to her and she gives me a long look as I worry she will want to stay dying with her father who has lost his mind.

"I trust you Ser Davos… My mom and dad, never really cared for me anyway. Where will we go?" Shireen says to me as my heart breaks for the young girl, but I smile hearing she trusts me.

"I… I am not a hundred percent sure. But I believe we should head to your Uncle Renly. Last I heard he was marching to Winterfell with the Starks to retake it since the Boltons and other northerners have abandoned their cause. Renly is the last of your family and I believe he will take you in," I say to her and she nods her head quickly getting up and grabbing some things before I sneak us out. Luckily I have a lot of experience when it comes to smuggling merchandise and people.

We easily escape the castle as I paid off some of the nightwatchmen previously. We then reached the horse waiting for us, I quickly urged the horse southwest towards Winterfell. It would take a week or so to reach Winterfell, hopefully, Stannis doesn't send anyone after us and is too consumed by his madness.

"Don't worry Princess, I will make sure you are safe," I say as we ride with her giving one last look back toward her father and mother.


(Stannis Baratheon POV)

The next morning, as I was breaking my fast with my wife and Melisandre, one of my men, ran into the room with an extremely worried look. I gave him a hard look and urged him to speak.

"Your Grace… the Princess…" the guard says stuttering under my gaze as my anger rises.

"What! What happened to my daughter!" I say to him angry with his stuttering.

"She is missing! Along with Ser Davos!" the guard says while bowing his head in fear to me.

"WHAT!!" I say while standing up and throwing the table in a fit of anger making the food fly everywhere.

"SEND MEN NOW TO SEARCH FOR THEM!!!" I scream feeling like one of my veins burst from my anger. The guard scrambles away quickly carrying out my orders.

"Your Grace, please calm down. We can not afford to send any men, we need all the people we can have," Melisandre says to me stroking the back of my head, calming me down completely as I nod my head. I then call another guard in to stop my last orders and instead prepare everyone to sail to the Haunted Woods as the Lord of Light commands.

I watch the shore of Westeros disappear as we all sail North of the wall with the cold becoming even harsher. I felt a calmness like I never felt before as we sailed to the location Melisandre picked for us. After another week of sailing, we reached the place the Lord of Light picked for us.

Arriving there the thick cloud that covered the area parted showing another fleet of ships. Tens of thousands of men camping near the shore, along with an army of strange beings behind them heavily armored. Some were much larger than others, but they numbered in the hundreds of thousands. I saw a smile on Melisandre's face as she saw this.

As we reached the shore, my men landed with me and we were met with a group of people. Three of them appeared to be the army leaders, one was an extremely beautiful woman with red hair and eyes, probably the most beautiful woman I ever saw. Next to the woman was a young man who appeared to be a Targaryen with his Silver hair and purple eyes.

The third member was a huge hulking beast of a man standing taller than even Gregor Clegane, the man was at least 10ft (3m) tall. His skin was also a deep greenish-grey color, with a pair of tusks coming out of his bottom jaw. The man looked more beast than man, especially with the tattoos on his face and body. Since the man was wearing very little clothing as if the cold did not bother him.

"My Lady, I have brought Stannis Baratheon as the Princess commanded," Melisandre says confusing me as she bowed deeply to the other red-headed woman.

"Good, you did well. The princess will be pleased with this addition to the army. Now we are just waiting for the lich to come with his army and we will begin our march south," the other woman says and before I can speak I see the fog part as I giant beast lands in the water nearby. Fear grips my heart seeing this beast as the entire army settled here bows to it.

"I see more humans have arrived," the giant white dragon with ice coming out of it says. The dragon gives off such coldness that the air around it is freezing turning to snow, even being this far from it I feel like my bones are turning to ice.

"Once the lich comes we will have more than enough to deal with the humans who oppose me. Then we can show them what it means to have a true dragon to rule them. Then we can enact my true purpose," the dragon says and I feel my mind go blank as the dragon looks down at us. My memories slowly disappeared with my sole thought to serve this dragon at all costs.


(Renly Baratheon POV)

We reached Winterfell and Ramsay Bolton surrendered the castle immediately to us. Seems Ramsay has more sense than his father Roose, though Osmond tells me that Ramsay is more conniving than his father. For now, I will have some of my trusted men keep a close eye on him. Though we need all the men we can get, as this war is still far from over.

As we stayed in Winterfell for a week to help restore it along with Robb Stark calling the remaining bannermen. We receive word from Castle Black asking for support due to the large army of wildings that are soon to assault the wall. After much debate, we decide to march to the wall since Robb believed the letter as his half-brother sent it.

Just as we were all preparing to head to the wall to help defend it against the wildings, a horse was spotted heading to us with a man and a young girl. They were stopped, but word reached me that the rider claimed to be Ser Davos Seaworth and my niece Shireen. I had them brought to me, since if it is true I now have a great hostage to use against my brother.

"Uncle!" Shireen says running over to me and giving me a hug which I return. As much as I have come to hate both my brothers, Shireen is just a young girl. I would not harm her, though I would try to bluff my brother into thinking I would if it meant him bending the knee.

"Long time no see, Shireen," I say as we hug and break it smiling down at her, while giving Ser Davos a confused look. Since out of all of my brother's men I would not have thought Ser Davos of being the one to betray him.

"Your Grace, we come to you hoping to seek refuge from your brother. He… he has fallen to the red witch's charms and is no longer the same man I came to love like a brother," Ser Davos says surprising me.

"Margaery, my love, can you take my niece and get her something to eat. She would probably love a good warm bath too," I say to Margaery and pass Shireen's hand to her.

"Come little one, let us leave the men to talk," Margaery says smiling down to my niece as she gives me a smile before leaving with my wife.

"Tell me everything," I say motioning to a seat in the room as I sit across from him and Ser Davos begins telling me everything that has happened to Stannis since the red witch came.

Chapter 68: Ch.66

Chapter Text

(Renly Baratheon POV)

When we arrived at castle black it appears that the battle was already over. Though we heard that Jon Snow left to meet the 'King' of the Wildlings to propose peace. Robb and I left with most of our army to march to the wildlings. As we came outside the wall, the wildlings began to panic since they saw our large army approach.

"Charge!" I give the order since we believed Jon to have been taken captive or killed since he was not heard from for several hours now.

When the wildlings were not paying attention I had most of my calvary sneak past them to place them in a pincher manuvor. Our forces met, with me fighting side by side with Robb and Loras. The battle ended very quickly as the wildlings had little to no armor and their weapons were very poorly made.

"You must be Mance Rayder, who I heard was once a nightswatchman. Shame that you betrayed your brothers and the realm to become one of these savages," I say as I look at these people who appear more beast than man.

"f*ck off southerner!" one of the men says with long curly red hair and a red beard. In response one of my men strikes him for speaking against me.

"Brother!" I hear someone say, who is Jon Snow from the looks of it, as he runs over and shares a brotherly hug with Robb. They talk for a few seconds catching up very quickly before Jon turns to me.

"Your grace, I know these men are normally the enemies of the realm. But there is a greater concern to us, the army of the dead is marching. We need to let them past the wall so they do not become dead we have to fight later on," Jon Snow says to me as I give him a confused and surprised look.

Robb gives his brother a concerned look, obviously not believing him. I though share a quick look with Osmond who gives me a discreet nod, confirming our suspicions. As has traveled North before and seen the army of dead, though he had to leave quickly since his instincts screamed danger to him. That was a very long time ago though.

"I see, and you have seen the army of dead with your own eyes?" I ask Jon wanting his confirmation since everything I heard about him speaks to his honor and honesty.

"Yes your grace," Jon says as his brother is about to speak up to reprimand his brother.

"Then, I will believe you. Though you will be the one in charge of dealing with the wildlings since you appear to know them and have a relationship with them," I say to Jon who gives me a thankful look, while Robb and everyone else give me a look of complete surprise.

"Your grace–" Robb starts to say wanting to suggest otherwise though I place my hand up stopping him.

"Robb, not now. Plus like I said this will be Jon's problem to deal with as he is a Nightswatchman and he has a previous relationship with the wildlings," I say as I begin to escort them all back to the wall where we all start to go through the tunnel again.

As we get back to Castle Black the nightswatchmen are very upset at seeing the Wildlings being allowed through the wall. Though I do not care, as I said it was not Jon's problem, and his now to deal with. Though we plan on staying for a bit to see the next election of the Lord Commander.

Later that day the votes having been cast, it appears Jon Snow won the Lord Commander position. Though unfortunately one of his first actions as Lord Commander was to execute one of his men for hiding during the fighting. After the execution, it appears Jon has won more respect among his brothers, but still is hated for allowing the Wildlings to pass through the wall.

"Mance Rayder you are expected to keep your people in line while we head south. Should any word be received that your people are harming any of ours, we will ride back to end you all," I say to Mance as we finally prepare to head back south to take my throne.

"Understood King Renly. I will ensure my people do not harm anyone, but that doesn't mean we won't defend ourselves if someone tries to harm us," Mance says to me and I just nod my head as we all march back to Winterfell.

Once we get back to Winterfell, we will reunite with our family before marching south. Our first stop was Casterly Rock, then King's Landing. So far no one has heard anything from the Martells, I can only hope they are still neutral.


(Talrit POV)

Our march to Braavos was relatively short and unimpeded. When we arrived the city appeared to have no resistance ready for us. A very small amount of defenders were there, which surrendered immediately. On our entrance to the city, I noticed that the Iron Bank has been emptied of almost all of its gold. Lady Sadridna was nowhere in sight nor was Viserys, Daenerys's brother.

My suspicions of Sadridna being a follower of Tiamat were correct. As she was the one who took the defenders from here, like the 'Golden Company' who are the most feared mercenary army. I traveled through the city, with Daenerys, Kinvara, Jorah, and Tyrion since he has been at my side wanting to ask me all sorts of questions. I see Tyrion stop and do a double take, as we all look to see him staring at a young girl maybe in her teens walking through the street.

"What is it?" I ask him and he snaps his attention back to me.

"She looks very familiar… Like I've seen her before… Arya Stark?!" Tyrion says as it seems he recognizes the girl making her stop and look back as her eyes widen. The girl then sprints away, as Tyrion stands here stunned.

"Is she really a Stark?" I ask since that would mean she could be important to me.

"Yes that was Arya Stark," Tyrion says and I nod my head teleporting to where the girl ran.

I appear in front of the girl as she was looking back to see if she was followed, then she runs into me falling to the ground. I reach down and grab her arm to help her up, but she pulls out a very well-hidden dagger and stabs me in the heart. Though I move just enough for the dagger to be planted into my shoulder instead.

"f*ck," I say as Daenerys immediately teleports to my side and her anger has increased to extreme levels. I can see the murderous intent in her eyes even though I am technically fine.

"Relax my love," I say as I grab Arya's other hand keeping her from doing anything else as I lift her into the air with her attempting to kick free.

"Enough child!" Daenerys says to Arya letting her true form leak through placing fear into Arya's heart.

"Valar morghulis," Arya says taking both Daenerys and me by surprise for several reasons. One that she just spoke in Draconic and two because that saying is the one 'faceless men' use. It means 'All men must die', basically death comes to us all regardless of what someone wants or does.

"I see… you are one of the faceless men," I say to her and she glares at me.

"No! I am Arya Stark as I am sure you are aware. I joined them for a bit, but left their group, though not after having to kill one of their own," Arya says with venom in her voice. At this point, Tyrion and Kinvara have caught up with us, as I place Arya down and remove the dagger from my shoulder handing it back to her.

"Please do not run, I just wish to speak with you. As you can see you can not escape even if you wanted to," I say to her as Daenerys is still glaring hatefully at Arya for attempting to kill me, even though all it would do is force me into my true form.

"It really is you!" I hear Tyrion say as he smiles at Arya.

"And you are a Lannister. I hate the Lannisters, most of them are on my list," Arya says as she turns to Tyrion with the same hate in her eyes. Tyrion just sighs nodding his head.

"I can understand your reasons, my family was never the most loved," Tyrion says to her and Arya just snorts at his response.

"What would you know? They executed my father! They attempted to kill my brothers! They have my sister captive!" Arya says with hatred and anger in her voice at Tyrion who just grimaces and nods his head.

"You are not wrong… though like you my family never cared for me… Well, most of my family never cared for me. They even tried to kill me, but my Uncle was able to save me before I was executed thankfully," Tyrion says with a heavy sigh, making Arya's anger and hate lesson slightly.

"So what do you want with me?" Arya says turning her attention back to me and Daenerys.

"Careful child, this is the Emperor and Empress," Kinvara says to her but Arya just ignores her statement.

"I just want to ask you, will you come with us? We are heading to Westeros soon, to take the throne of course. Though I promise I will not hold you prisoner, I just hope maybe you can talk some sense into your family to not go against me. As I do not wish to kill more than I need to, especially since an enemy greater than you all realize is gathering its strength to attack us all," I say to Arya as she stares at me with suspicion.

"Well like you said I couldn't even escape if I wanted to… So I doubt I have a real choice here. Though if you promise to let me speak with my family before attacking them if it comes to that, then I will come peacefully," Arya says and I nod my head.

"You have my word," I say to her and she nods her head.

"So you must be Daenerys Targaryen. I saw your brother in the city, he left with his new wife taking the golden company with them. It appears they are already headed to Westeros to take the throne. You might want to leave sooner than later to stop them," Arya says turning to Daenerys as she just glares at Arya still. I love my wife with all my being, but she can hold a grudge for a very long time.

"My brother is a fool and he is no brother of mine anymore," Daenerys says while walking away with the rest following us back to the estate that Sadridna used before leaving.

Upon our arrival I see the rest of our inner circle there, seeing Arya with us the Westerosi all give a surprised look. But after explaining everything to them they understood the situation.

"You know little wolf, I knew your father when he was a child. From what I hear he was the same stubborn and foolish man up to his death," Oberyn says to her as we are all eating making Arya glare at him.

"I know… that is why I won't make the same mistakes as him," Arya says with not so subtle threat. Oberyn just chuckles at it.

"I heard you were trained by the faceless men. I want to fight you to see just how deadly these 'feared' assassins really are," Tyene says to Arya who smirks at her challenge. While the two other daughters begin to argue about who gets to fight first.

"Ok but to make it fair, you and your sisters should all fight me at once," Arya says with the same challenging smirk on her face. As the three daughters of Oberyn smirk at her confidence.

Chapter 69: Ch.67

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

Arya stood across from Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene as we all waited to watch this fight. I can tell Arya is a very well-trained fighter, but at the same time so are Oberyn's daughters. Plus since Arya decided to use real weapons they have a huge advantage since they each have draconic steel weapons. Not only that but the sisters are extremely well coordinated with one another, they might fight with each other a lot, but they can fight alongside one another better than anyone else I have ever seen.

Arya stood across from them waiting for them to make a move, which Nymeria was the first like their standard fighting alongside one another. She began to whip at Arya who was doing her best to dodge her, while Obara kept Arya from getting close with her spear. Tyene moves around Arya to try to get the jump on her while the two older sisters kept her busy.

As suspected Tyene was able to move in as Arya was distracted though Arya seemed to be waiting for that as she moved out of the way just in time. While grabbing Tyene and using her as a human shield making the two sisters stop in their next attacks. Though Tyene used her great dexterity to break Arya's grip and escape the grapple. With the two older sisters moving in on their next attack.

This went on for almost half an hour as it seems Arya was a very skilled fighter. Plus as the fight went on she was able to read her opponents easier. Though at the same time, the Martell sisters were able to do the same. The battle became a draw, as they each became too tired to continue on after another hour of a stalled fight.

"Seems the faceless men are just as skilled as the rumors claimed," I say to Arya who is smiling at the three sisters who are smiling back at her for the great fight they had.

"They are… which is why should never hope to have them hunting you," Arya says to me as everyone just snickers making her give them each a confused look.

"Our Uncle is the strongest… being I know and the faceless men are no threat to him. In fact, everyone here could face off against him and he'd come out unscathed," Nymeria says to Arya with her sisters agreeing with her.

"Then, can we do that?" Arya says while eyeing me, with everyone sharing a look with me.

"Fine…" I say with everyone who likes to fight smiling at me.

"No magic!" Oberyn says as the people facing off against me stand across from me. I just nod my head agreeing with his statement.

Oberyn, his daughters, his nephew, and niece, Arya, Jorah, Rokgar, Lilther, and Greyworm are all standing across from me since they wish to fight me. Arya seems confused at why everyone is standing across from me with very serious faces. Then I motion for them all to come at me, as I call out my sword but place a magical barrier on it to prevent it from cutting anyone by accident.

Oberyn and his family all charge at me, they all work together flawlessly. While Rokgar and his son support them, Jorah is trying his best to not hinder them. Arya stayed still waiting and watching this as I easily dodged and weaved through each attack from them. While parrying the attacks once in a while, Arya seemed to become nervous as I was keeping my eyes on her while easily defending against the onslaught.

"You've had your fun, my turn," I say while lashing out and hitting Oberyn in his stomach with my sword making him grunt in pain and knocking the air from his lungs.

I then turn to his oldest daughter while parrying the next wave of attacks, then kick her in the stomach also knocking her down. With two down in less than ten seconds, since I decided to counterattack, I move to the next people. I grab Jorah by the face and jump away while slamming him into the ground knocking him unconscious, I may have done him dirty since he annoys me slightly with his obsession with my wife.

I then throw my sword, with the handle hitting Rokgar in the head making him stumble back and fall to one knee. Arya is finally trying to help as I jump away from the next set of attacks while kicking Lilther in the chest sending him a few feet back and taking him down. I then weave through the next few strike while grabbing both Nymeria and Tyene by the back of the head and smashing them together making them fall to the ground in pain groaning.

The remaining four stand across from me while Arya seems to understand just how much I outmatch them. I then smirk at them, before moving faster than they can react. I punch each in the face making them fall to the ground groaning in pain. I stand in the area where we fought with the group groaning in pain, with only Jorah unconscious. Daenerys gives me a knowing look since I harmed Jorah more than the others, though I just shrugged. Casting a mass healing spell, they all slowly stand up with Oberyn grumbling about the defeat.

"Told you so," Nymeria says while rubbing her head checking for bumps it appears.

"I've never heard of or seen someone fight like that before… are you even human?" Arya says while laughing slightly even though everyone just kinda looks around awkwardly.

"I've had a very long time to get this strong and experienced," I say to her with a shrug while she just nods her head.

"In two days we sail for Westeros. We will head to Sunspear, so we can meet with your brother who should have gathered his soldiers. Then from there, we will march North taking Highgarden and Storm's End. Once both are taken we can move to King's Landing," I say to everyone while mentioning Oberyn's older brother.

"You will finally get to see your ancestral home," Oberyn says to his daughters, niece, and nephew as none have seen Sunspear in person yet, only hearing about it.

"Rokgar, I am leaving Essos in your care. Contact me should any unforeseen issues or major issues arise," I say to Rokgar who nods his head, as he will be heading back to the Golden City to rule from there with his wife and daughter. With Lilther coming with us to command the wyvern riders in Rokgar's absence.

"I promise to keep the peace and bring prosperity to the land, my god," Rokgar says to me while bowing his head to me.

"I know you will," I say to him and he smiles at me, as everyone goes to their rooms.

As the day comes for us to leave all the troops coming with me board the stone ships. The once five hundred thousand troops have dropped to around three hundred fifty thousand. As many needed to be left behind to help defend the cities along with patrolling the now new lands of the Empire. The remaining with come with me to Westeros to conquer the lands.

The journey from Braavos to Sunspear was shorter than the other marching trips. Since the distance was less and the ships could move at all times without any rest needed. As we arrived in Sunspear, Doran Martell was waiting for us and happily reunited with his family. It appears my healing has turned his health around as he appears to be a very healthy man and his son the heir to his house has grown into a fine young man it appears.

"Dorne is yours, my friend and Emperor," Doran says to me while kneeling to me along with all the men behind him and his son.

"Thank you Doran," I say to him with a smile as my troops begin to unload outside the city and set up camp before we begin our march North.


(Tywin Lannister POV)

The realm has fallen to sh*t and everything I had worked for, bringing my family into the power it had until this war started has fallen apart. All thanks to my family and due to their inability to see past their own selfish desires, placing the greatness of the family second to their own wants and desires. Everyone, except for my son and grandson has been nothing but a problem. I was almost convinced to send my daughter to Casterly Rock just so she could not do any more damage than she already has.

My grandson, Tommen was a very kind child and easily manipulated making him a great ruler for me to mold. Though my daughter was almost constantly interfering in this regard until I had a long talk with her and threatened her with sending her home. As for my son Jaime, he was removed from his position in the Kingsgaurd. Which was the only thing Joffrey did that was good before he died.

I was able to finally have Jaime become my true heir to my house, teaching him everything he would need to know. Though it took a lot of convincing to make him learn. Then the plans I had set in motion to deal with Renly and the northerners went up in smoke. Since my brother Gerion abandoned the family, taking Tyrion with him and apparently joining our enemy in the East.

"Father, are you sure this is the wisest plan?" Jaime asked me as he and I were going over the only plan I could come up with as we have very little left to our advantage.

"M'Lords, excuse my interruption. But an urgent message has arrived," one of my servants says to us coming into the room and interrupting the plans.

"Well! Spit it out!" I say slightly annoyed as the servant is looking at us nervously.

"Maester Pycelle has received word that the Empire in the East has taken control of Essos. They have been seen heading south to Dorne," the servant says as my frustration and anger rise to new levels, though I do not show it as I was taught to never show your true feelings unless necessary.

"I see… leave us," I say while controlling my feelings of lashing out at the servant. The servant quickly bows his head before rushing off.

"Father… our plan," Jaime says and I nod my head while pouring myself a glass of wine downing it, and pouring another to sip.

"Seems the Martells were never neutral, but waiting for their friend in Essos. This will make things much more complicated… We have limited resources, troops, and money. The Iron Bank was in Braavos, which the 'Golden Empire' now controls," I say while taking a seat at my desk and sighing trying to think of any way to come out of this on top.

"So… so what does that mean?" Jaime asks me as I give him an annoyed look for his idiocy.

"It means we are f*cked!! Since the Iron Bank was taken, we can not afford to hire mercenaries nor convince any other Nobles to join us… Plus since the Martells have joined one of our enemies it means we are hopelessly outnumbered," I say while taking a deep sip of my wine as Jaime becomes more nervous.

"Not only that but since apparently your Uncle and brother have joined the Empire, they know a lot about our tactics and possible plans! It means we must abandon Casterly Rock and move all our remaining forces to King's Landing! Our only hope is that our two enemies kill each other or harm each other enough, for us to kill the remaining ones!" I say now letting out all my frustration onto Jaime who falls silent while pacing the room deep in thought.

"Though from what we hear about the Empire and it appears the rumors are very true. They have dragons! Not only a few dozen, but apparently a few hundred! We have no chance of winning!! We will send word to the Empire… asking for a peaceful surrender. That is the only hope for our family to live through this war," I say as I take out a piece of paper and ink to write my surrender to the Empire who will definitely win this war. Jaime stares at me in stunned silence.

Chapter 70: Ch.68

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

We spent a couple of weeks in Dorne before marching North to Highgarden as we needed the time to rest and plan for the future. Just before we began marching, I received word a messenger from King's Landing arrived. The young man was extremely nervous as he walked through my men and saw everything that we had under our control. Seeing me he instinctually bowed to me while handing me a wax-sealed letter.

"From, Lord Tywin your…. Grace," the young man said as he was unsure how to address me. Though I just ignored him taking the letter and opening it.

"Interesting…," I say seeing that Tywin is asking for a meeting to surrender to me and bend the knee. In return, I would pardon his remaining family allowing them to return to Casterly Rock.

"My love?" Daenerys says to me as I hand her the letter making her raise her eyebrows intrigued now too after reading it and passing it over to Oberyn.

"Seems Tywin Lannister is surrendering to us. He is willing to give up the throne if it means his family gets pardoned," I say to my inner circle as they are curious about the letter too.

"f*cking Tywin… Out of all the Lannisters, he is the least trustworthy. I'd be careful my Emperor," Doran says to me with some disgust in his voice as his family hates the Lannisters having learned about the attempt on their sister's life. Though they know not all the Lannisters are like that as they are friendly with the three Lannisters in my company.

"I hate to agree with Prince Doran, but he is right my brother is extremely cunning. Willing to do anything if it means the betterment of the family," Gerion says to me with Tyrion nodding his head agreeing with his Uncle.

"I never said I would fully trust him… But once we arrive at King's Landing, if he surrenders the city, then I will accept his conditions," I say with everyone nodding their heads as they read the letter too since it is being passed around.

"Tell Lord Tywin, that I accept his terms. When we arrive at King's Landing we accept his absolute surrender," I say to the messenger while quickly writing a short letter saying I accept the terms and handing it to him.

"Rest her for a day, then return to King's Landing," I say as the messenger bows once again before quickly taking his leave.

"So, the plan is still in motion?" Oberyn asks once the messenger leaves and I nod my head.

Our march to Highgarden began, though Doran stayed behind to rule Dorne but he did send his son, Trystane Martell with us. The march to Highgarden took about a month due to the size of the army. Upon reaching Highgarden, I could see that it had only a few hundred defenders, maybe a thousand at best. As it seems most of their men were sent with Renly who they pledged their allegiance.

"Send in the wyvern riders, see if they surrender before we begin the bloodshed," I say to one of my commanders who relays my order.

The several hundred wyvern riders flew over the city and Keep as I could smell the panic and fear inside it. Shortly after the gates opened with a dozen men riding to us. I rode with Oberyn to meet them.

"Surrendering, I hope?" I say to them as the men reach us with Oberyn eyeing them ready for a fight at a moment's notice.

"Lady Olenna wishes to speak with your leader inside the Keep to discuss the terms," the one man says to me with fear and nervousness reeking off him.

"She can come here to speak with me. Or I can storm the city and Keep killing all the defenders, like yourself, then speak with her. She has one hour," I say turning around and not waiting for a response. As the old woman is just stalling or hoping to use me as leverage, which would have easily backfired on her, but I was not going to deal with her sh*t right now.

Twenty minutes after I spoke with the messengers a larger group rode out. I could see Lady Olenna was among them. Like the last time, I rode out with just Oberyn.

"Seems to understand your predicament," I say to her as she gives me a once over and then looks to Oberyn.

"We met years ago… Back when the Targaryens were still ruling… You have not aged," Olenna says to me seeming to have recognized me and I just shrug ignoring her statement.

"Are you surrendering or should I give the order to kill the defenders?" I ask her not wanting to waste time due to the dreadful feeling I am having with Tiamat's daughter out there.

"Yes of course, I am surrendering. I am no fool, though I would ask you to spare my granddaughter and grandson. They are currently in Renly Baratheon's care, I can see you will be able to defeat him easily. All I ask is you spare them, I will in turn pledge my house to yours," Olenna says to me not beating around the bush like many other Westeros nobles do, making me respect her more.

"If they surrender and lay down their arms, then I will not kill them. Though that is up to them," I say to her and she sighs nodding her head understanding my reasons.

"Then may I come with you? That way when you meet Renly on the field of battle I can speak with my grandchildren?" Olenna says to me making the guards with her look at her surprised.

"That is acceptable. Though you will be watched closely and only a handful of guards can come with you," I say to her and she nods her head.

"Then Highgarden is yours," Olenna says to me bowing her head slightly while gesturing to send word that the city has surrendered.

We then spent the next few days in Highgarden as I left a few men here and the appointed governor who would ensure the city remains a part of my Empire. If Olenna stays true to her word her family would be the rulers here, but I will have my governor stay here to ensure they understand who really rules the city. As for Dorne, I had no reason to leave a force behind there, except for a few of my people to act as an embassy for my Empire.

I then sent around five thousand men to Casterly Rock along with the clan member who would be the governor there, while doing the same for Storm's End. As the rest of us would be heading to King's Landing to see about Tywin's surrender. Olenna seemed tempted to send word to her grandchildren but appeared to rather speak with them in person.

"Now to King's Landing!" I say as we begin our march there.


(Renly Baratheon POV)

We finally passed the neck with the Knights of the Vale meeting up with us. Then we reached Casterly Rock, and arriving there we saw that it was basically undefended. With only a hundred men or so holding the keep. I now understood that Tywin has pulled back all his men to King's Landing as the final defense. That would make the battle all that much harder.

"Your grace!" A messenger runs over to me as I was in Casterly Rock's war room planning our march to King's Landing with my top generals.

"sh*t," I say reading the message the man handed me and tossing it onto the table while rubbing my forehead.

"Seems the Empire in the east has reached Westeros. Not only that but seems Dorne was a part of them the whole time. Worse of all Highgarden has fallen," I say while Mace, Margaery, and Loras give me concerned looks.

"Lady Olenna still lives," I say to them making them all relax, but Mace has a look of anger at having his ancestral home taken from him.

"That means the Empire will be sending troops here or Storm's End first… Maybe even going straight to King's Landing," Osmond says while he looks at the map in the war room.

"We will leave some men behind here to defend Casterly Rock. But we should go and meet this army on the open field. We have more calvery than footmen making a keep battle to our disadvantage. An open-field battle would benefit us better," one of my other generals says with many others agreeing with him.

"Though it appears the rumors of the Empire having dragons are true. Not only that but more than a few dozen, apparently they have a few hundred," another general of mine says making everyone begin arguing about our next move.

"Enough! We will march to Empire's army! Send scouts out now to find their main force. Osmond and I have a way to deal with the dragons," I say since Osmond gives me a look nodding his head, ready to show his true form to kill the 'dragons' that the empire has. Plus from what he told me they are not even true dragons, but 'wyverns' a species that is weak to magical attacks.

"With Osmond and I dealing with the wyverns, we should be fine," I say since Osmond will be dealing with the brunt of them as I help with magic.

"Very well your grace," Mace says while the generals fall silent.

"We move in the morning, I want a report from the scouts by then," I say since we have scouts across Westeros.

"We will move to King's Landing, assuming they are doing the same," I say and the generals nod their heads before taking their leave.

The next morning my main force begins our march to King's Landing, with a message arriving later that day telling us the Empire's main force is doing the same. From what we can gather we will be arriving at King's Landing at the same time as the Empire. Making this battle to come the largest ever seen in Westeros, as three large forces will be facing off against one another.


(Tywin Lannister POV)

I received word that Highgarden has surrendered the Empire. Like me, Lady Olenna is an extremely good player in the game, and also like me, she saw the impossibility of defeating an Empire with hundred of Dragons at their beck and call. The Targaryens even didn't have that many when first conquering Westeros, so this war was over the minute that Empire decided to get involved.

"Father, you need to come outside," Jaime says to me with a look of complete distress as I just sigh standing up and taking my cup of wine with me.

As we reach the Keep's wall I can see an army of several hundred thousand marching to the city a few miles out. I can easily see that it is the Empire's army due to the hundred of dragons flying above them, plus the Martell forces are among them. Then at the same time, I see another army of maybe one hundred twenty thousand reaching us at the same time. This one appears to be Renly Baratheon's army, a glint of hope sparked in me that the two would fight.

"We will remain inside the city. Hopefully the two clash, with Renly taking out as many as possible. Then just maybe we can kill the remaining force," I say to Jaime who just stares at this obscene about of men with a pale face.

"The amount of death that will happen today…," I hear Jaime say while muttering something else under his breath before quickly leaving.

"Tell the men to man the walls and not attack anyone until the order is given," I say to one of the men nearby and he nods before running off to complete my order.

'I may never have cared about you before… but if you are all out there. Please help me ensure my family lives on,' I silently pray to the gods inside my head while watching these two huge armies finally notice one another and being to form up for battle to come.

Chapter 71: Ch.69

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As we reached King's Landing my scouts reported that another army was approaching it, Renly Baratheon's army. My commanders began to shout orders while my army got into a position to fight. With the heavy infantry right behind the new and improved Unsullied army, with the heavy cavalry and light dothraki calvary becoming excited for the upcoming battle. While my wyvern riders began circling above us screeching as their battle lust rose, I left my wife and the other none fighters in the back surrounded by our best mages and fighters, while I rode to the front on the back of my horse.

The silence and anticipation in the air were extremely high, so much that the only sound was the breaths of everyone. Just then the war horn sounded and the drums began to play as I rode forward with my men quickly following behind me. The wyvern riders rode toward Renly's army, but then something unexpected happened a bronze great wyrm appeared. I couldn't sense them due to the amount of draconic energy in the air from the wyverns, my wife, and Zathori.

The bronze great wyrm roared shaking the ground, I was tempted to show my true form but held back instead and now used my magic against him. With that thought I teleported right below the bronze great wyrm which was in the middle of Renly's army. Then I cast 'Fire Storm' my strongest fire-based spell, which created a huge explosion around me. Instantly killing every person in a five hundred-foot (150m) radius and extremely injuring the rest in the thousand-foot (300m) radius of the spell.

The bronze great wyrm screeched in pain as my spell ripped into his side heavily injuring him. He looked down at me and then noticed I was also a true dragon, making his eyes widen while swiping at me. My army then reached Renly's crashing into it and cutting through them like butter, while I cast 'wall of fire' trapping the bronze great wyrm within it.

"A golden dragon… a very old one. Why are you taking the world?" the bronze great wyrm says to me while trying to crush me. In response, I cast all sorts of my fire spells at him wearing him down, until he shifts to his human form to make him less of a target.

"Because of the cult of Tiamat," I say to him as he is forced back into his true form and extremely injured on death's door.

"I see… I met a cult member but was unable to kill her at the time… from what we know she has gone to the very north where the cult lives strong," the bronze great wyrm says to me while struggling to stand.

"Surrender, I do not wish to kill one of my own. There are far too few of us anyhow," I say to him and he gives me a bitter chuckle.

"Will you spare Renly's life?" the bronze great wyrm asks me surprising me.

"If he bends the knee," I say while the bronze great wyrm nods his head, then collapses unconscious. I then release the firewall spell to see that Renly's army has collapsed very easily under mine.

The whole battle took not even half an hour and most of Renly's army was killed in my blast or slaughtered by my forces. While the few remaining surrendered. Seeing this I cast a few healing spells on the bronze great wyrm healing him. After the hour was up the remaining few men were captured, with Renly and his close group brought to me while the bronze great wyrm woke up and returned to his human form.

"Send word for Tywin to come out with his family if his earlier request still holds true. He has two hours to appear before me or we will storm the city," I say to one of my men as Renly, his wife Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, and the other members of his inner circle are kneeling before me. I just wait as I want the Lannisters here too, along with my inner circle.

"You can use magic also," Renly says breaking the silence as I wait for everyone.

"Better than anyone else. I am much older than anyone else in this world even your friend here," I say while gesturing to the man who is really a bronze great wyrm.

"He is the strongest of all true dragons, Renly. A golden dragon and most definitely a Great Wyrm and older than me," the bronze great wyrm says to Renly making Renly's eyes widen.

My inner circle then arrives, while I hear Oberyn's daughters, niece, and nephew complaining about how the battle ended too fast. Daenerys and Zathori give the bronze great wyrm a look while he looks at them with a surprised look seeing there are more of us metallic dragons.

"I sent word for the Lannisters to come," I say to my inner circle while we wait. With Olenna rushing over to her grandchildren seeing they are ok and hugs them. The Lannisters inside King's Landing then appear before the time is up.

"Father, sister," Tyrion says with a sh*t-eating grin while his father and sister come out with their prideful faces trying to look like they didn't just lose everything.

"Brother, nephew," Tyrion then says with a more heartfelt voice and look, to the only other two family members he cares for.

"Now that the only other people who are in charge of this land, my wife and I can now accept your full surrender. I also expect you to bend the knee or you will be bowing to the headsman," I say while one of my clan members brandishes his greatsword showing them what will be used in the beheading.

"As I said in the letter sent to you, your Imperial Highnesses. We Lannisters surrender completely to you and pledge ourselves to your service," Tywin says to me while he and his remaining family kneel to me and Daenerys.

Daenerys and I just smile at them with the same fake smile most nobles use. Though Oberyn and his family are smirking at them due to their loss. Tyrion almost wanted to gloat even more, but most likely burning this memory in his mind forever.

"Though, the new Lord of Casterly Rock and warden of the West will be Gerion Lannister, with Tyrion as the hier unless Gerion produces another male heir. I assume there is no issue?" Daenerys says as this was something we planned since Gerion and Tryion are the only Lannisters we trust.

"Your..... No, there is no problem," Tywin seemed to be about to say something as his face flushed red in anger, but held back.

"This is ridiculous! My father is the rightful–" Cersei says letting her anger out, but her father turns to her striking her face and making her go quiet.

"I apologize for my daughter's outburst your Imperial Highnesses. I will ensure she is… properly taught later," Tywin says while giving Cersei a look that promises pain later.

"No offense taken, now onto the remaining Baratheon, Tyrells, and Starks," I say while looking over to my recently beaten enemies.

"My son will kneel to you your Imperial Highnesses," Olenna says while giving her son a look that suggests he has no other choice. Mace looks to his mother and then to Renly, before to me and Daenerys.

"We Tyrells surrender completely to you, your Imperial Highnesses," Mace says after seeming to think about his options and kneeling to us.

"I have no other choice obviously… I Renly Baratheon retract my claim to the Throne and pledge my allegiance to you and your house," Renly says with a heavy sigh escaping his lips while kneeling to me.

"We northerners know when to fight and when to surrender… Like when the first Targaryens came with their dragons, we Starks surrender to the new Targaryens who came and conquered the lands again," Rob Stark says to me while kneeling, with Arya finally running over to reunite with her family, surprising them all.

"We accept your surrender, Lord Stark and Lord Baratheon. However, my husband is not Targaryen, but of House Gildorran. The House of True Dragons," Daenerys says to them while I smile at her since she is very close to giving birth any day now.

"Lord Renly and Lord Rob, you may rest here for a few days before heading back home. Though Renly there will be a force of my people at your keep and a leader among them to ensure you do not go back on your promise. Same for you Lannisters," I say to them and they all nod their heads to me.

"Lord Stark, I will be sending some with you to do the same. I know you northerners are honorable and stay true to your word, though I do not know any of you well, so I will still be sending some to make sure my Empire stays intact," I say to Rob who looks about to say something, but Arya whispers to him and he sighs nodding his head like he had a choice.

"Your name," I ask turning to the bronze great wyrm now that the formalities are over.

"Osmond, elder," the bronze great wyrm says to me.

"Come with me, as for everyone else. Time to turn this sh*t hole of a city into a real one," I say while gesturing for everyone to go on about their business.

"Tell me what you know about the cult," I say as Daenerys and I walk with our inner circle to the Red Keep.

"Not much… just that I met a cultist during a meeting between Stannis and Renly about a year ago now. They were last seen going past the wall in the north… while a large amount of free folk fled their lands," Osmond says to us as I go quiet thinking.

"I see… so it appears that cult is amassing their army north of the wall. Then once they are all together they will march south," I say while sighing with Daenerys squeezing my hand in reassurance.

"How long ago was this?" Oberyn asks while thinking too.

"About a month and a half ago, so I would guess they will be marching south soon. Maybe within another couple weeks or months at the latest," Osmond says while my inner circle and I share a look.

"I want all the Lords and Ladies, to come to the Red Keep. Tomorrow a few hours after breaking our fasts, we will meet and discuss the next plans for facing this army. It may appear we all will be marching North sooner than later," I say to one of my men who runs off to go relay my message.

"Send word to Rokgar, we will need more supplies here to rebuild this city and for the battle to come. I want these supplies here before the month is out," I say to another man of mine who runs off.

"I also want a few wyvern riders to fly north and begin scouting past the wall. I want to know just how far this army is and how soon it will reach us," I say to another man of mine who once again rushes off.

The rest of the way is in relative silence, as we all have small talk about everything that has recently happened. How we took control of Westeros and Essos, along with just how bad the city of King's Landing really is. Then we reach the Red Keep and finally enter the throne room, where the infamous Iron Throne is. Daenerys's face becomes contorted with emotions as she walked through the Red Keep then lays eyes on the Iron Throne.

"Sit," I say while Daenerys looks at me and then at the throne before walking up to it and sitting on the Iron Throne.

"Everything you imagined and more?" I ask her while smiling at her and our inner circle smiling at her too.

"Yes and no. A lot more uncomfortable than I originally thought," Daenerys says getting a chuckle out of everyone.

Chapter 72: Ch.70

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

It has been a week since we took control of King's Landing and Westeros in turn. With Daenerys wanting to make the Red Keep our seat of power for now. I agreed as we have more than enough time to wander the world and take another place as our own if we so wanted. I was currently in the war room in the Red Keep with the Lords of each great house to discuss our current plans for the huge battle coming sooner or later.

"Lord Stark, did you receive word from your brother yet? We need to know everything we can about the current state of the wall," I say to Rob Stark who is among the group. The group consists of Oberyn, Rob, Tywin, Gerion, Tyrion, Mace, Renly, and Varys.

"Yes earlier this morning, your Imperial Highness," Rob says while handing me a letter from his half-brother telling us about the current issues the wall faces and needs.

"Seems to be a lot of issues," I say while sighing at all the issues this Kingdom has been facing since the mad King.

"The fact that the people haven't risen against you all and burned this land to the ground is astonishing. Then again Essos wasn't all that better and worse in some cases," I say to them while some of the Lords grumble hearing me.

"Doesn't help when those in charge have no care for common folks," Varys says to me while I just shake my head.

"Are the recruiting centers for the wall going fine so far?" I ask changing the subject back to the topic at hand.

"Very well," Tyrion says as I placed him, Varys, and Rob in charge of that. I told them to do whatever was necessary to convince people to join the Nightswatch.

"Good, because from what my scouts say. We have maybe another few months at least or more at best before the cult begins their decent south," I say while nodding my head to their report.

"Money talks, as my family knows very well," Tyrion says since we are offering a hundred gold dragons per person who joins the nightswatch.

Which made an extreme number of men rush to join for various reasons. So far it seems we have recruited several thousand men so far. Which will help man the nightswatch, but they won't be all that well trained. However for now it is better than nothing.

"What about the reconstruction of this sh*tty city?" I ask them since my people have been using magic to reconstruct the sewer system in the city and change many other amenities needed here. Though it will still take decades to make it even close to what our capital looks like.

"No real issues there, so far," Mace says since he was placed in charge of that. As he was not a very bright man and with the guidance of my people was given 'busy work'.

"What about the men sent to the North? Are they making camp outside the wall?" I ask since I sent most of my army north to begin camping outside the wall, on our side of the wall. While helping the nightswatch, I left Lilther in charge of my men in my absence.

"We have sent most of our troops north, coming to about twenty thousand," Gerion says with Tywin nodding his head in agreement.

"The Tyrells have sent our remaining men north also your Imperial Highness," Mace says making another ten thousand sent north. Since most were killed or heavily injured, even our spell casters couldn't help them.

"I have very little left and could only spare around two thousand," Renly says to me and I nod my head in understanding.

"The Martells have sent all we could too, brother," Oberyn says to me with a smile and I smile back at him nodding my head. As the Martells had the most men left adding another fifty thousand men.

"The north has few left, though we sent our five thousand back home to help," Rob says to me and I nod my head to him.

"So we have about three hundred ninety-seven thousand troops not including the nightswatch… good," I say while having a feeling that it might still not be enough for this battle.

"Your Imperial Highness, do you really think the battle will be that large?" Mace says to me since his lack of intelligence makes him ask questions no one else would in his position. Though it doesn't offend me.

"Yes, I do Lord Tyrell. As the enemy we will be facing is nothing like this world has seen before. I want you all to begin heading there to help organize your troops. I want you all to have left by the end of the week," I say to the Lords who will be riding north, which are Tywin, Gerion, Mace, Rob, and Renly.

As Oberyn sent his nephew to be in charge of his troops, along with his daughters. Oberyn would be leaving with me when I head there, which will be later. As Daenerys is almost ready to give birth. The talks then began to move towards more minor issues and needs everyone wanted to bring to my attention.

"Your Highness! The Empress is giving birth!" one of my men says interrupting the meeting as my eyes go wide and I teleport to Daenerys immediately.

Appearing in our room, I see her screaming in pain as she pushes out our child with several of my clan members there helping her, along with Missandei. Daenerys seeing me gives me a look of happiness, anger, and pain as I rush to her side where she squeezes my hand hard enough to crush stone to dust. It even hurts me a bit surprising me.

"f*ck you!!!" Daenerys says while squeezing my hand so hard I thought she'd rip it off and giving one last push as our child came out.

With the sounds of our child crying, our child was a boy and in human form at birth surprising me though I can tell he is a true dragon a golden one, like me. The clan members laughed in happiness while casting a quick cleaning spell on both Daenerys and our child before handing our son to her. Our son stopped crying as soon as Daenerys held him as he instinctually snuggled into her.

"He is so beautiful," Daenerys says with a happy laugh as she kisses his forehead. I smile happier than ever before as I look down at our child.

"You're right," I say to her smiling at the two most important people in my life.

"What should we name him?" Daenerys asks me after we just enjoy being in the company of our child, with our clan members leaving all of us alone.

"Prince Marduk Gildorran," I say to Daenerys who thinks on it and nods her head agreeing with me.

"Marduk… I like it," Daenerys says while cooing at our son.

After a few hours of just enjoying being in the company of each other. Daenerys healed very quickly, while Marduk was placed in his crib to sleep. We then invited our close friends to come and see our son. Everyone practically fought over to see him in his crib, while asking me why he is a human.

"He is not human, he is a gold dragon like his dad," Zathori says to everyone who looks back down at Marduk in confusion.

"He was born in his human form for some reason… maybe due to being a quarter god… Or since he was conceived while Daenerys and I were in our human forms… I am not sure, though he can turn into his true form. Just does not know how yet, but we will teach him in time," I say to everyone who nods their heads in understanding.

"Welcome to the fatherhood club! Once in you can never leave and we are here to forever be tormented by our children," Oberyn says with a chuckle while Ellaria rolls her eyes at her husband's antics.

The next few days my people celebrated the news, as word quickly spread. After they basically turned the city into one big festival, the Lords left to head north as I commanded. I decided to spend a couple of weeks here with my son and wife before heading north myself. Oberyn was the only one among the lords to stay with me.

By the two weeks, I had to head north with Daenerys almost coming with me. Though thankfully our son was able to convince her otherwise from coming. Since I was fearful for her life if she came, plus I'd rather have her stay with our son in case the worst case scenario I die fighting Tiamat's daughter.

"So, are we riding? Teleporting? How are we getting there?" Oberyn says to me as we are prepared to leave.

"Like this," I say grabbing him and teleporting us there, making us reach the location within an hour.

"Guess I forgot to tell you not to eat since teleporting this much can make you sick," I say with a laugh as Oberyn is throwing up once we reached the encampment outside Castle Black.

"f*ck… you," Oberyn says in between throwing up his breakfast. I just laugh it off patting him on the back and making him groan more.

"Take me to the Lord Commander," I say to one of the nightswatch as we walk to the opened gates of Castle Black along with a slightly sick-still Oberyn.

"This way your Imperial Highness," Rob Stark says as he was reaching the gates too, probably to see his half-brother as well.

"Word reached us of your son's birth. Congratulations! My son was born in the middle of the war and I remember that day like it was yesterday," Rob says to me with a happy smile thinking of his son's birthday.

"Talrit," Arya says as she appears from the shadows nearby making Oberyn jump slightly. Rob turns to his sister with an annoyed face.

"Arya! You can not talk to him like that," Rob says as we keep walking to the Lord Commander's office.

"It's fine Lord Stark, your sister is someone I consider a friend. Albit maybe not a close one," I say with a laugh while rubbing the spot she stabbed me making Arya roll her eyes at me.

"Yeah Talrit likes getting stabbed it's how he greets people back in his homeland," Oberyn says to me with a smirk while Rob looks confused.

"Arya stabbed him when they first met," Oberyn says clearing up the confusion as we finally reach the door to Lord Commander's office.

"Wait! What?!" Rob says while looking at his sister who shrugs indifferently. I just ignore them as I give a quick knock before opening the door.

Inside I see the man I heard so much about from pretty much everyone, Jon Snow. An average-height man with deep black hair all Starks have and dark brown eyes. Though, his magic was something I was not expecting. I could tell from it not only was he a Stark, but a Targaryen. Then my mind began to race as I tried to think how that was possible, then I realized how.

"You are the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark!" I say while everyone looks at me in confusion, especially Jon Snow.

"I'm sorry, but what your Grace?" Jon says completely taken away at our first meeting.

"Your father, I knew him. He… he was an interesting man, obsessed with a prophecy. So much so, he broke his original marriage between him and Elia Martell to marry Lyanna Stark. It was thought your mother died from an assassination or illness after your father died in battle. Though it seems she died from childbirth, bringing you into this world," I say while placing the pieces together.

"I…Are… What?" Jon says as he is completely thrown off by this information as is everyone, except Oberyn who seems to understand my logic as well.

"sh*t… your right!" Oberyn says nodding his head after thinking about what I said.

Chapter 73: Ch.71

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

With all the men and my people here, the wall was very well-manned, especially with the new recruits coming daily. Their training was supervised by the nightswatch and my men to help fasten their training. The scouts sent ahead to watch the army coming, have been giving daily reports. Though we have lost a few dozen due to the magic users in Tiamat's daughter's army.

From what my scouts gathered, we learned they have over a hundred thousand orcs. Twice as many goblins and undead, with a few tens of thousands of humans in their army. Meaning they outnumber us two to one, plus with the undead it only makes matters worse. As they will be able to raise any of our men who die to fight as their own.

The orcs fighting for them even have giant catapults and other siege weapons, which explains why it has taken them so long to reach the south. As they knew they needed it to breach the wall unless the daughter of Tiamat decides to break it down herself. However, every passing day allows us to better prepare for them with each castle along the wall being manned and outfitted.

Several weeks passed since I first came here after leaving my wife and son behind. I was longing to see them again, however, I knew this battle coming would decide the fate of this world. Either I succeeded and the world would not have to worry about the cult ever again or I fail and this world falls to the cult dooming everyone. So personally I knew defeat was not an option, as did everyone here the more they learned about the battle coming to us.

"My god! The cult's army is a few days away now!" one of the scouts said to me as I walked among my men.

"Call the remaining scouts back. I want everyone here and them to be rested for the battle to soon come," I say to the scout who nods his head before rushing off to relay my orders.

"Call the commanders to my tent, we will go over the plan one last time," I say to another man of mine who then runs off.

The next several hours I go over everything we know and should expect while everyone listens and asks more about the plan. Then once I am satisfied everyone knows what is needed of them I dismiss them.

"Just remember everyone. This battle is not something we can retreat from. I hope you all fight until you cannot fight anymore. As if we lose today the whole world is doomed," I say to the Lords who are my commanders right before they leave.

"Very encouraging brother. Though we know," Oberyn says to me with a smirk in the beginning before turning serious.

"Then if we do not see each other again once this battle is over… I am glad you all have come to believe me and are here for this battle. The world will not forget those who have sacrificed their lives in this coming battle. That I will make sure of if we win this," I say to them all before they all nod once again and before taking their positions.

Then word is sent to the other castles that the army is a few days out and that the final preparations for the battle must be made. The next few days were extremely tense as everyone was walking on eggshells. Then as I was walking among my men trying to give encouraging words, the sounds of orc horns were heard. I then teleport to the top of the wall to look down at the huge army which expands along the whole wall.

"So it begins," I say as I look down and see the huge army with their siege weapons being prepared for battle.

'Where is Tiamat's daughter?' I think to myself as I try to sense her but am unable to, nor do I see any dragons. However, I knew she was in the army somewhere.

As the thought left my head, the cult army released their siege weapons which crashed into the wall shaking it and taking chunks of it down. As more siege weapons shot large bolts into the wall with thick chains attached to them. Then many of the cult armies began to use the chains to try to scale the wall.

"To arms!! They are scaling the wall!!" I shout while using my magic to break or melt the chains as hundreds of more ar shoot into the wall.

My men begin shooting our baristas down at them along with our catapults shooting from behind the wall on our side begin releasing. As I was running along the wall breaking as many chains as I could the wall shook again. This time I looked down to see a huge battering ram, which seemed to be burrowing into the wall. To make matters worse the cult army did not care about their losses, as they would come back as undead.

"This is madness," I say under my breath seeing their army die in the hundreds. To only be brought back to life as undead.

"Focus on the thing below!!" I say while gesturing to the main contraption with my mages who begin to shoot down at it.

I am holding back my true form until I see the daughter of Tiamat, as then I will go all out. She seems to be doing the same as me, waiting for me to show myself. Though for now, we should be able to hold them back long enough. Then word reaches me that East Watch has been breached.

"Hold! Do not surrender!" I shout before teleporting to East Watch.

As I arrive I can see that the men here have been mostly killed, as Stannis and some others used their boats to sail down. Putting East Watch into a pincer, with a huge hole being made into the wall which collapses making a huge way for the cult army to come through. It then seems the entirety of the cult army then begins to rush in their direction to go through the breach.

"I want the men below the wall to come here now! As for the ones on the wall to keep holding it!!" I say to one of the men near me who runs off to relay my order.

"With me!!" I say while charging the cult army breaking through and the men behind me giving their battle cries before following after me.

We collide with the cult army as I begin cutting and burning my through them. While constantly sensing for a draconic signature. The screams of death and the smell of blood fill the air as men on both sides die in droves. As the battle rages on for what feels like hours, all of the dead then begin to rise readding to the cult's army.

Seeing my men being pushed back slowly but surely and the desperation on their faces, it seems I can no longer hold back. I need to find that lich or the one who keeps bringing back the dead before they overwhelm us. I then release my true form, giving a roar that shakes the ground.

With a deep breath, I then release my fiery breath destroying the undead and several then thousand of the cult's army. While my breath also melts a bigger hole in the wall, though the ones I kill with my breath will not be able to be brought back as they are now nothing but ash.

This seems to have brought my men a few minutes of rest as the cult army pulls back. I then fly over the wall and begin to search for the master of the undead. As I fly over the wall, a dragon grabs me from above crashing us both into the ground. I feel pain as the dragon releases their icy breath onto me and digs into me with their claws.

I snap in their direction, bitting into their flesh making them stop breathing their breath on me and jump away from me. Standing up, I slowly being to heal though I can feel deep cuts and frostbitten parts of my body. I look over to see a white dragon that rivals me in size. From their magic signature, I can tell this dragon is the daughter of Tiamat.

"Cousin, here I thought you'd never show yourself," the white dragon says to me while grinning with a maddened look.

"Today one of us will die. It will not be me," I say to her while she snorts before releasing another breath at me. Though this time it is electric and catches me off guard causing me to be stunned by the electricity coursing through me.

She uses this moment to charge me and bites at my throat, though I was able to break my stun and move away in time. Instead, she bit into my shoulder while using her claws to dig into my chest. With a roar of pain and anger, I look down while releasing my fiery breath burning her badly enough for her to screech in pain before jumping away from me.

I then start releasing my fiery breath at her trying to burn her to nothing as she flies up avoiding me. I fly into the sky after her, only to lose sight of her due to the storm coming in making visibility almost completely gone. I then stay in the middle of the air while pushing my senses all around. I feel her come at me from above once again, I was able to avoid it this time.

So instead of her grabbing me, I grabbed her from behind and crashed us into the ground. Not waiting I go to bite into her neck, though just before I am able to kill her, two smaller dragons jump me tearing me off her. One is an ancient red dragon, Sadridna, and the other is the shadow dragon I met years ago, Nurvureem. Tiamat's daughter stands up while the other two growl at me, it is now three against one.

"You all will die today," I say with a growl as I release another fiery breath towards them all. Which they all manage to avoid by flying into the sky, though I fly after them.

This time I manage to not lose sight of Tiamat's daughter and bite her tail, making her growl in pain and anger. She releases a freezing breath at me making me release her before I quickly follow after once again. Then I feel two smaller dragons bite into my wings as I chase after Tiamat's daughter.

I do a barrel roll making them get thrown from me, though I lost track of Tiamat's daughter once again. This time I feel her come from below me as I brace myself and we collide with each other in mid-air. We fall back down to the ground at breakneck speeds trying to bite the other's neck. We both grunt and get the air knocked out of us as we crash into the ground shaking everything in several hundred miles.

We both then slowly stand up as we are now very injured though, I am more injured than her. However, just before her two lacks can interfere again, Osmond and Zathori finally came to help me. With Zathori attacking Sadridna and Osmond attacking Nurvureem. The daughter of Tiamat gives me one last crazed look before releasing her breath at me. This time a mix of electricity and ice, as I release my breath at hers to counter it.

Our breaths collide and create a huge explosion knocking us both back a few hundred feet. Shaking off the explosion I rush back at her, as she does the same. We both have nothing but kill the other on our minds as we meet each other.

Chapter 74: Ch.72

Chapter Text

(Talrit POV)

As we collided with one another we clawed and bite into one another. With our breaths slowly damaging the other, as time went on we both were becoming very damaged. My aggravation has reached levels I never thought before and my anger for wanting this evil to be purged peaked. With this thought, I released another breath at them though this time it was different. Instead of fire a beam of light, like the sun came out of my mouth comes forth. The beam melts everything in its path like it was not there, to begin with.

This took me and Tiamat's daughter by surprise as it hits her in the side burning through her. As a huge hole is made in her side and the beam continues on melting everything else in the next few miles. It seems this breath was one I could use as the son of Bahamut. Seeing Tiamat's daughter has fallen to the ground I walk over to her, though I am heavily injured myself.

"The cult dies today," I say to her as I stand above her with her blood leaking from her staining the snow a deep red.

"The cult never dies… fool," Tiamat's daughter says while coughing up blood.

I then grab her neck with my jaws biting into it she screeched letting loose a breath of ice and electricity in pain and anger. With one final tug, I broke her neck and ripped her head off.

Dropping her head, I let loose a stream of hot breath to burn her remains away. As I still had to deal with the undead now and they did not need a great wyrm demi-god dragon on their side. Though all the injuries I sustained did not allow me to fly as my one wing was broken, with heavy cuts and bites causing me to bleed a lot. Though my magic was able to stop the bleeding it would still take some decent amount of time before I was fully healed.

I moved as fast as I could to the wall where the battle still went on, on the way there I see that Zathori and Osmond have also killed their adversaries. Though it seems Osmond was the one who killed both, as he was just as injured as I am. Zathori was even worse off as she was limping behind him and both her wings were broken.

"The battle is not over yet. Though I want you both to rest and Osmond make sure Zathori is safe," I say to him as I move on with Zathori about to protest, but I give her a look that means no arguments.

"As you say elder," Osmond says to me while sitting down with a grimace due to his injuries.

I nod to him thankful for his understanding, while I rush back toward the wall. Reaching it I see that the undead are slowly but surely overwhelming my army, I then release several breaths destroying large chunks of their army. Just as I was about to release another breath of fire on the undead army from behind, I feel several things pierce my neck as pain fills me.

They seem to be magic ice spears that are able to pierce my scales meaning whoever threw them are extremely powerful magic casters. With a growl, I look around to see several undead sitting on horses in the distance with magic overflowing from them. The one in the center is the strongest and their creator as his magic almost matches Tiamat's daughter and me.

I turn to them and release my fiery breath at them, with each releasing spells to counter my breath. They are successful as the ice they release matches Tiamat's daughter with their combined might. Tapping into my demi-god powers I release another breath of light in their direction which they try to counter again. Though it tears through their attempt and the light consumes them all.

Just as the light passes over through them all the undead fighting collapse as their creators are completely destroyed. The very few remaining orcs and goblins fighting begin to flee as my men begin shouting in happiness for the victory. The humans that sided with the cult all died it appears, however, as only the orcs and goblins are seen fleeing.

I then release a roar showing our victory over the cult with Zathori and Osmond hearing my roar and releasing their own. We three then slowly make our way back to our side of the wall where my army is celebrating our victory. Over the next few hours, we gather the dead from both sides to burn.

After gathering the dead, we discovered that Mace Tyrell has died as he was charged with defending Eastwatch. The other lords survived the battle, with heavy losses on our side. Our almost four hundred thousand army is now less than half rought around one hundred fifty thousand left. My clan suffered extreme losses here but would do so again at my call as they view me as a god.

After everyone stayed in silence watching our dead burn, I began summoning food and drinks with Osmond and Zathori's help. Once we all gave our prayers to the dead, a huge feast was served for everyone. As word spread along the wall of our victory, plus word was sent throughout the rest of the empire letting everyone know we won.

The night was long and fun, as I returned to my human form though not without my heavy injuries remaining. I did drink some, but mostly I just wanted to rest in my tent. As I was resting in my tent Oberyn entered it. He handed me a drink as he sat next to me, with both of us just sitting in silence and enjoying it.

"So what's next brother?" Oberyn asks me breaking the silence after a few minutes.

"Next… next I will return home. Spend time with my wife and son, just enjoying the company of them. After that… I'm not sure, maybe Daenerys and I will stay here for a bit to make sure this realm doesn't fall to sh*t," I say to him with a shrug.

"What about you?" I ask him as he looks at me and nothing while thinking.

"I… I want to return home and spend time doing nothing. Like you said just enjoying my family. I've had my fill of adventure and battles, I just want to rest now," Oberyn says to me and I nod my head understanding his reasons.

"What about my question? Will you take my offer for an extended life?" I ask him after a few more minutes of silence takes over the tent.

"I've thought about it… and I have to say no. I'm sorry brother, but I want to grow old and then die while watching my family grow and have one of their own," Oberyn says to me with a sad smile and I just nod my head.

"No reason to be sad brother. I understand your reasons, though you will be missed when the time comes. However, let us not dwell on that and just enjoy the time we have left in this place," I say to him with a happy smile, even though I felt slightly bitter on the inside for having to one day see my closest friend die and leave me behind.

"As you say," Oberyn says with a smile as we go back to silence and just drink in silence enjoying each other's company.

The next few days after everything was cleaned up, with me, Zathori, and Osmond repairing the wall, we all headed home. Zathori and Osmond seemed to have hit it off, heading to Essos where Zathori would take her people. She and Osmond would try to turn them around to become more 'honorable' and 'kind' people. With the lords of Westeros heading back to their homes.

Oberyn headed back to King's Landing with me as his wife was there. Then after a few days of them staying there, they headed back to Dorne. Whereas I was immediately 'attacked' by Daenerys when we returned.

"Talrit!!" Daenerys says to me while wanting to tackle me in a hug, but can't due to holding our son. Though I do run over and give them both a tight hug as their presence fills me with happiness.

"My love, I am back. My little one," I say to Daenerys giving her a deep and passionate kiss, before turning to my son and kissing his forehead.

For the next few years, Daenerys and I stayed in King's Landing where Aegon Targaryen, Elia Martell's son was named King of Westeros. Though Daenerys and I stayed here to help him run the country and learn to rule, while also having a place for our son and now daughter to grow up among their only other blood relatives.

With time flying by, as another two decades came and went, Daenerys and I finally decided to finally leave everything behind. As we wanted to explore the whole world with no more responsibilities of ruling. Now that our two children were adults, in terms of human years, though still juveniles in dragon terms. We felt comfortable enough to leave them in King's Landing as we explored the rest of the world.

"Remember you can contact your father or me at any time and we will come right away," Daenerys says to our children as today is the day we will be leaving.

"I know Mother," Rhaella, our daughter who Daenerys wanted to name after her mother said to her.

"Good, and Marduk make sure to watch over your sister," Daenerys says turning to our son who nods his head.

"Mother! I am not a child anymore! I can take care of myself!" Rhaella says with some annoyance in her voice.

"I know, but anything can happen and I just want you both to be safe," Daenerys says while I place my hands on her shoulder to reassure her.

"They will be my love. Plus like you said we can return at any time," I say trying to calm Daenerys down while smiling at my two kids who smile back at me.

"We love you both and will return eventually," I say to my two kids pulling them into a hug before giving them kisses on their heads. Then I teleport into the sky before taking my true form.

Daenerys shares one last goodbye with them before doing the same as we both fly west of Westeros to see what lies beyond it. Daenerys looks back as we fly with a look of worry as we slowly see Westeros disappear from our view.

"They will be fine my love," I say as we fly next to each other.

"I know… But a mother can not help but worry," Daenerys says to me and I just nod my head as we fly in silence for a few hours.

"Maybe we should make another," Daenerys says to me breaking the silence and making my head snap to her.

"Uh…." I begin to say not sure what to say since we planned for this for a while now.

"Not right now… but maybe later," Daenerys says to me with a seductive voice as I just chuckle.

"We'll see," I say to her with a laugh making her smirk at me.

A True Dragon in GOT - Anomander_Adaar (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.