Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (2024)

This guide is to provide a list of admin responses to Q&A's that are related to lore. These are copy/pasted from the original threads for accuracy. Unfortunately I am unable to provide timestamps right now.

Breeds and Genes
Flights and Elements
Deities and Exaltation
Beastclans and Familiars
Sornieth Geography


Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (2)





October 04, 2018 19:58:20

This guide is to provide a list of admin responses to Q&A's that are related to lore. These are copy/pasted from the original threads for accuracy. Unfortunately I am unable to provide timestamps right now.

Breeds and Genes
Flights and Elements
Deities and Exaltation
Beastclans and Familiars
Sornieth Geography

[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (3)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 13:37:20 by OreoMilkshake

[size=5][b]Breeds[/b][/size][LIST][*]Bogsneaks [BOG][*]Coatls [COA][*][/LIST]-----[b]Bogsneaks[/b] [BOG][quote][quote]Bogsneaks seem to have paw pads. Logical, good choice for sneaking and walking on soft ground. My question is:When cuddling and getting groomed, do bogsneaks knead the ground / each other with said paw pads (like a kitty)?[/quote]That behavior would not be typical for a Bogsneak. That said, dragons are individuals, so if you want to have a Bogsneak that does this in your clan, it's certainly possible, though it would be an unusual affected behavior. However, it's not a breed instinct to do so.[/quote][quote][quote]do bogsneals hiss? i mean dragons i guess can but like do they flick their toung like a snek? or taste the air with their tounge. or do they hiss like a snake[/quote]Many dragon species can hiss and Bogsneaks are among them! They can flick their tongue and taste the air like a snake.[/quote][quote][quote]Question! Is the Bogsneak ever going to get it's own Deity? Or is Baldwin secretly royalty and is the Deity?[/quote]The Bogsneak breed is unique in that it has an alchemical origin as opposed to divine design. Many Bogsneaks view Baldwin as a genius for discovering the mutagen but they do not view him as a god - any skilled alchemist can duplicate the results![/quote][quote][quote]So, since bogsneak eggs are crafted in the cauldron, how is it that they can contain hatchlings of any element? Is there a lore-based reasoning for this or is it just a case of separation of story and gameplay?[/quote]At this point, I think it's pretty safe to say that the contents of that cauldron can do some pretty weird things.[/quote]-----[b]Coatls[/b] [COA][quote][quote]Very super serious question here.Do Coatls have eyelids? I was drawing a Coatl GIF with it's eyes blinking and tongue flicking in and out, but then when I was showing a friend, and explaining what it was, she replied that snakes don't have eyelids, and seeing as how Coatls seem to be modeled after snakes, do they have eyelids?[/quote]I am really curious about this.While snakes do not have eyelids, coatl do![/quote][quote][quote]What do Coatls consider colors that aren't bright? Is it grayscale or is it pastels and non-saturated colors?[/quote]Greyscale would be very sickly looking the average coatl. Pastels and non-saturated are less ideal, and may indicate ill health.[/quote][quote][quote]What actually are coatl buttwings?Are they a second pair of legs, or are they something entirely different? I can't quite make their anatomy out from the breed's art.[/quote]Much like the flaps on an airplane's wings, this smaller set of wings takes a vital role in giving the Coatl deft maneuverability while in flight.[/quote][quote][quote]If coatls are native to the ashfall waste, why is their diet exclusively seafood? Wouldn't fish be kinda hard to come by in a volcanic region?[/quote]The Ashfall Waste borders bodies of water on two sides. Coatl lairs dot the border (much to the dismay of the Tidelord) almost leading one to wonder if the Flamecaller intended her children to harry his territory above others...[/quote][quote][quote]How exactly is Coatl pronounced?[/quote]CO - ah - TUHL.[/quote][quote][quote]I've noticed a lot of people consider male and female coatls to be sexually dimorphic, since in the official art male coatl neck feathers point upward, and female coatl neck feathers point down. I've always seen it as an artistic design choice, with coatls having neck feather that can be raised or lowered, much like a bird's crest. Which is correct according to official lore?[/quote]All Coatl have control over their feathers and can raise or lower their crest at will. They can also flatten or puff up their chest feathers, resulting in some rather ridiculous looking Coatl![/quote]-----[b]Tundras[/b][quote][quote]Will we ever get to see an official image of the Tundra's super fluffy winter coat, or will it be forever left up to our imaginations?[/quote]Take what you see and double or triple that in your mind's eye. That's still not even fluffy enough. It will never be fluffy enough.[/quote][quote][quote]Do lightning tundras experience floofy fur from all the electricity[/quote]It's certainly something that can happen, much like fire tundras can experience singed fur. Calling on elemental powers does pose some hazards! More so to the dragons around the caster than the caster themselves![/quote][quote][quote]What happens to Tundra fur when it gets wet?Do they smell like wet dog (or the Sornieth equivalent) all day?Does their fur dry super fast or are they stuck with wet fur for a really long time?[/quote]They smell like a wet tundra! Their fur dries more quickly than say maned dragon's mane would (Imperial, Pearlcatcher, Skydancer).[/quote][quote][quote]Then what would a wet tundra smell like? Wet, musty lawn?[/quote]They smell like a much more potent version of a dry tundra.[/quote][quote][quote]Is there any art of tundras in their winter coats .o. their offical art was their spring look correct?[/quote]The official artwork is of their spring coats. We don't have any finished artwork for their winter coats, but we've seen some adorable fan art over the years![/quote][quote][quote]What are the extensions behind a Tundras' head? A second set of ears? Fins?[/quote]They are a set of sturdy, branched horns.[/quote][quote][quote]On Male Tundras, is the paw in the background supposed to be a arm/hand or a leg/foot?[/quote]The official ruling from the artist who drew tundras: it's the back leg, though we certainly see how it could look like either with the location it's poking out from![/quote][quote][quote]Is a Tundras fur water-resistant, or would any non-water tundra thrown into the water suddenly weigh twice its original weight from its fur soaking it up?[/quote]Their fur is water-resistant, but not water proof. They have a double coat. If water penetrates the coarse outer coat protected by natural oils and reaches the undercoat, the tundra would become wet and waterlogged.[/quote]-----Nocturnes[quote][quote]Where do Nocturne eggs come from? Nocturnes obviously lay elemental eggs that are bound to the clan’s elemental affiliation such as Nature, Arcane, Light eggs and so on. What are those Nocturne eggs then? Were those eggs actually created by gods?[/quote]Only Bogsneak eggs are specifically created through the cauldron. The rest (Nocturne and elemental) are simply wayward, orphaned eggs from nests that were lost or had to be left behind.[/quote][quote][quote]DO Nocturnes hang like bats sometimes ? Or how do they sleep?[/quote]They do![/quote][quote][quote]Maybe it was asked someday, but I was wondering about Nocturnes.How do they walk? I always have a penguin in mind D:[/quote]Nocturnes are quadrupeds, though they will frequently use their wings to help support their weight. The hatchling image shows this off to good effect.[/quote]-----Mirrors[quote][quote]I was reading the basilisk's description and thought of something. If a Mirror dragon were to close their regular seeing eyes and make eye contact with a basilisk with their heat-vision eyes, would they still turn to stone?[/quote]The Mirror would be able to avoid petrification if viewing a basilisk in this way.[/quote][quote][quote]Why are Mirror dragons called Mirrors? There's nothing in their lore or in the Plaguebringer's lore that even hints at why this is.[/quote]The mirror dragon gets its name from the second set of eyes it possesses. A pair of two eyes set against a mirror becomes four! In its original sketch, the mirror dragons had more of their anatomy mirrored (dual tails, wings, front legs, etc) but this was later scrapped. The name stuck through to the final release.[/quote][quote][quote]Alright, this is a thing I've been wondering about for years and never quite figured out on my own. So. What are the things coming out of mirror dragons' heads?Are they cartilaginous, bone, flesh? Since every piece of official art I've ever seen for them seems to have them in about the same position I kind of assumed they were stationary like antlers, but multiple people I know think they're less rigid and more flappy, even motile, like big raggedy ears. Does it vary? Can they articulate at all for expressive purposes? As an artist it'd be great to know whatever anatomical canon is going on there.[/quote]Mirror crests are rigid. They are made of cartilage and dense fibrous flesh, and hold their static shape well when healthy.If you'd like to have a mirror dragon with a weakened or collapsed crest that's certainly a possibility, though it would be unusual and considered a defect by their peers.The crests are used in displays of dominance. A mirror dragon without a proper fanned crest may have difficulty fighting for rank with that visual display impaired. It could result in lost station, or in the need to resort to more physical confrontations to maintain station, as much of their warning/threat displays would be missing.[/quote]-----Guardians[quote][quote]How long can a guardians horns grow?This is purely for lore and art reasons[/quote]They could grow 20-30% larger than is shown in the official artwork. In general, they will be around the same size.[/quote][quote][quote]About a Guardian's charge, when they find it is it usually something that they find genuinely worthwhile (as in an important dragon as mentioned in lore) or is it kinda random (as in wow a rock, I'm going to take it as my charge)?Basically, is it a choice, or is it random?[/quote]Generally, a Guardian will gravitate towards something or someone that is of particular interest or importance to them, as the act of having a charge is a noble and significant part of their culture. That being said, in rare instances mistakes are made...[/quote][quote]What if a guardian had an imperial charge, but then that imperial died and became an Emperor? Would that guardian still have that need to protect them and die for them, or would that instinct go away?This is hypothetical, but it's pretty safe to say that in the event that an emperor were created it would have taken on such a different form and aura that the most Guardians would no longer recognize it as their charge.Thankfully, there are many contingencies in place within dragon society to prevent this, and emperors are exceedingly rare![/quote][quote][quote]These structures on Guardian's rib cages, are they supposed to be highlighted ribs or are they gills? They are in the same location as the Tidelord's gills, and minus the gill webbing coming out of his, they look the same. Being the patron creator of Guardians, it would make sense. So are they ribs or gills?[/quote]On dragons not of the Water element, they are ribs. On Water dragons, they are gills. Though you can add additional gills to the neck through the first Wavecrest Saturnalia apparel![/quote][quote][quote]I'm not sure if this has already been asked but do Guardians have any gills of some sort for breathing underwater? Since they were created by the Tidelord I would assume that they'd be given some sort of attribute like that or am I totally wrong here?[/quote]Guardians with a water elemental affinity may be born with gills; however, this is purely lore-only, as the graphics of your dragon will not change without equipping apparel.[/quote]-----[b]Pearlcatchers[/b] [PEA][quote][quote]You answered the question about a former Pearlcatcher's pearl, but where do Pearlcatchers created with scrolls get their pearls from? They don't exactly have an egg to eat.[/quote]Some will go without a pearl, though others will find a small object important to them and begin coating it over time to become their new pearl, with the object at its core. These pearls are not perfect spheres like natural-born Pearlcatcher pearls, but can still be quite beautiful and unique.[/quote][quote][quote]If a pearlcatchers pearl is seen as their essence and losing it is like losing their identity, then what would one think if their pearl is damaged?[/quote]A Pearlcatcher who's pearl is damaged would likely be beside themselves with worry. Fortunately, given time they could fill in most cracks and irregularities to their pearls.[/quote][quote]What is a Pearlcatcher's hide consisted of? Is it fur, feather, scale, skin? It doesn't say in the encyclopedia.[quote]Leathery hide.[/quote][/quote][quote][quote]Do the pearls of Pearlcatchers hold any value, other than to the Pearlcatcher that made it? For example, would other dragons/beastclan creatures try to steal a pearl and pawn it off, or use it for jewelry? Or are they rather worthless, especially when compared to the pearls made by mollusks?[/quote]Dragons will typically not try and steal the pearls of Pearlcatchers, as they know what the pearls are/signify and would not utilize them in crafting. There would be no market for it.It's possible that at some point in the past Beastclans may have collected found pearls as a beautiful gem; however, they have found that wearing or displaying such items tends to bring only trouble, invoking the ire of surrounding dragon clans, so it's not typically done.[/quote][quote][quote]How big can a PearlCatcher's pearl become? Could it be possible for them to have a pearl that is too heavy to move?[/quote]The inital bulk of the pearl itself is comprised mostly of the matter that made up the egg the dragon was hatched from. Beyond that, growing a pearl is a very slow process, and though a pearlcather would never admit it, pearls do have very minute wear and tear from being carried around all of the time. These factors balance and result in pearls being proportional to the dragon and correlate fairly directly with how they're depicted in the breed's artwork.[/quote][quote][quote]Hello! I have a specific question about Pearlcatcher lore and was directed to this thread since only Admins might know canon information beyond what is presented in the Encyclopedia and such.Pearlcatchers, once born, immediately consume their egg and later regurgitate a pearl. They maintain and grow the pearl by secreting mucus.My question is: from where do they secrete this mucus? My thought was perhaps it's secreted from a gland in/near their mouths and they use their tongues to transfer it onto the pearl.If there is a canon area from where this secretion takes place, though, I'd love to know :)[/quote]It's a combination of digestive fluids and minerals. They... regurgitate it... from their stomachs...Gross.Thankfully, they don't want anyone to touch their pearls anyway![/quote]-----[b]Fae[/b][quote][quote]Do Fae dragons have smooth or scaly skin? From their art I would mostly assume smooth, but it looks like they have those "snake-belly" scales on their stomachs which is making me unsure.[/quote]Smooth skin, though they do have scales/plates on their bellies. These scales are smooth, flexible, and soft.[/quote]How exactly do faes show emotion on their crest? Like, do they change color or move up and down?All of the above. The crests can extend or flatten, rotate, flick, ripple, quiver, and very slightly change color.Can Faes walk? Or do they hop like some types of birds do? Or do they always fly/glide?Fae could probably walk if they set their mind to it, but climbing/crawling or hopping would be their primary means of travelling along vertical and horizontal surfaces.[quote][quote]Are female fae's necks actually longer than males and a form of sexual dimorphism or was it jsut some artistic liberty in representing the species?I ask because certain apparel appear to make the female's necks seem much longer...[/quote]Fae females and males both have long necks. Think swans! Tiny, leathery swans.[/quote]-----Other[quote][quote]Something I've been thinking about recently... If Snappers can't fly, how do they get along in the Windswept Plateau? Is it a case of magic assistance like with the water domain or is it not strictly necessary to fly? What about wind element Snappers, are they an exception to this or can they not fly at all either?[/quote]Because wind dragons have a modicum of control over the wind gusts themselves, breeds like Snappers (who are traditionally too heavy to fly) can use their magical prowess to create slightly more powerful updrafts beneath their wings to assist in long glides.[/quote][quote][quote]According to their encyclopedia entry, Snappers can't fly. So how do Snappers in Wind clans get to the Cloudsong? Do other dragons have to lift them up? Is there magic involved? Giant balloons?[/quote]Most Snappers would need assistance to reach the Cloudsong; however, Snappers who are Wind Element may be able to lift themselves upward. Those of the Arcane Flight may be able to twist the laws of gravity in their general area.[/quote]How would it affect a Skydancer if their gem-like orb and/or their antennae were damaged? I imagine that it would make it harder for them to sense when magical energies are present and to sense the disposition of others. If the gem-like orb was damaged would it be able to heal or would the damage be permanent?If their orb or antennae are damaged, a Skydancer may experience a loss or damage to their energy sensing ability.[quote][quote]What's the fluff and mane on Skydancers made of? Fur? Feathers? A bit of both?[/quote]The mane is made of hair/fur. All the better to braid! (not that we recommend this.)[/quote][quote][quote]If Ridgebacks have a prevailing fear of water, then what happens with Water Flight Ridgebacks? Do they lack the phobia? Do they live on islands near their clan's lair? Or do they just... suffer?[/quote]Ridgebacks that have hatched and lived submersed in water during their formative years would not have the fear of it that ridgeback hatchlings that had dry land experience early-on would have. It is possible for a water-aligned ridgeback hatchling to be afraid of water, if they were given an option of dry land after their hatching. If they have no such option during their growth and learning period, they do not develop the discomfort around water that other ridgebacks do.[/quote][quote][quote]are imperial antlers suitable for combat or are they more ornamental?[/quote]They are not particularly suitable for combat as the tines are easily broken (they regrow), though when a fight breaks out, dragons will use anything available at their disposal. Imperial horns just aren't the best option.[/quote][quote][quote]How do spirals act when they aren't flying? Do they just flatten their bodies to the ground and slither like a snake? Do they walk on their tiny limbs? Or do they simply never land?[/quote]They can hop-skip their way across terrain. In general, Spirals will fly everywhere. Ground movement is possible, just not utilized if flying can accomplish the job.[/quote]Random question but how do Imperials sit? I'm trying to draw one and I'm not sure if they sit like humans with their hands up, or like dogs, or if they just lay down.Imperials will typically rest with all 4 limbs on the ground. Maintaining an upright sitting position without the support of their front limbs is difficult.[quote][quote]Do ridgebacks spearfish with their noses?[/quote]They are not particularly sharp, so spearing fish on them -while not impossible- would certainly provide a challenge![/quote][quote][quote]I think I read that coatls don't have much sexual dimorphism. Related to that are their head feathers just in different poses or do the female feathers face down while the males' feather out like a mane?[/quote]Coatl have an expressive crest. The female's illustration is in a relaxed position, while the male's illustration is flared outward.[/quote]-----[b]Multiple[/b][quote][quote]If a Tundra were to be breed changed to a Snapper, would it still have a bad memory? Or vice versa?[/quote]The process of changing to a different breed does change the physiological makeup of a dragon, but not its character/sense of self. So yes, a tundra's brain and neural pathways would go through quite a bit of improvement while changing to a Snapper![/quote][quote][quote]How do you think multi-species lairs work? If a towering Ridgeback digs a tunnel it might be a bit small for an Imperial and would be absolutely massive for an itty-bitty Fae, do dragons just make their own homes or do they just deal with whoever dug the lair?[/quote]Lair creation is a group effort, and often evolves over time to accommodate all members. Sometimes there are great, sweeping communal areas that can house even the clan's largest members, but it's common for similar species to carve out their own 'wings' that only they can fit into or visit. It all depends![/quote][quote][quote]Some breeds in the encyclopedia are stated to be more associated with a certain color (e.g. healthy coatls are reddish and are portrayed as reddish in their entry). Are spirals really most commonly purple and lore or is it random? And are ridgebacks really most commonly green in lore? And how do these features work with respect to their environments?[/quote]Breeds are not typically associated with a particular color, though some clans may be.Coatls can be any color, but bright, vibrant colors are considered more healthy and desirable than duller colors.[/quote][quote][quote]Are Snappers the only land bound breed or are Bogsneaks and Imperials unable to fly too since they have such short wingspans compared to their bodies?[/quote]Imperials fly just fine. Bogsneaks can technically become airborne, though not for very long, and they are not very graceful. They prefer to conduct themselves on land.[/quote][quote][quote]While this would fall under a case such as the winter coat Tundras (not reflected on dragons), lore-wise would dragons exhibit subtle different appearances depending on their location (at least for breeds in their native locations)? A slightly fluffier Tundra in the Southern Icefields; Nocturnes with more/sharper spines in the Tangled Woods etc?[/quote]Absolutely. You'd likely find a lot of these subtle variations, borne directly from the dragons' environment and their clan lines. Some more potent magic users may even make these changes throughout the calendar year.[/quote][quote]Are any dragon breeds natural enemies to eachother, or is that just a thing for the users to decide on in their clan??Some breed characteristics may rub other species the wrong way, but no, the dragon breeds are not natural enemies as a whole. On a clan to clan basis, that's up for your clan to decide![/quote]Can Bogsneaks communicate properly with Fae? They have impressive crests.That's a cute idea! It would probably be very similar to trying to understand someone with a very thick, almost unintelligible accent.[quote][quote]Can any of the breeds make a sort of "chirping" noise? Hissing, growling, roars, and humming I know about. But I'm curious if any breed can make noises akin to a bird.[/quote]Several breeds are capable of producing a chirp. Skydancers in particular have been known to make sounds that resemble chirping, though due to their size the sound is a bit deeper.[/quote]If Snappers and Bogsneaks cannot fly, what do they use their wings for?Many Bogsneaks can glide for short distances, and Snappers may fly provided they are aided by powerful wind or arcane energy. However, the wings on most Snapper are purely vestigial, and are often used only to hold adornments and tools.[quote][quote]Dragon breeds. I am under the impression that there are many running around, even if we don't have them accessible to bring into our lairs. Are there few, like the gods got tired, or are there many, like we'll probably never see them all?Are the courier dragons actual breeds or hybrids (or an X with Y features; same thing to me, though)? They seem like guardian hybrids to me.Are there wyverns/drakes around? Just because we can't have armless/wingless dragons doesn't mean there aren't any--the gods certainly vary in limb count.Does Stormcatcher has actual legs under those scythes?[/quote]You basically hit the nail on the head in your first paragraph. Many dragon breeds have extremely low populations, are elusive (like the Nocturne), or insignificant to the point of not really being recognized by some of the more prominent breeds. However, since the Epilogue in our lore, the dragon gods never really stopped at finding ways to gain an edge over their counterparts... to this day there may be grand dragon designs still in the ether that have been stewing for centuries...The courier dragons are a mystery of nature -- they sure are helpful, though!From a gameplay standpoint, wyverns don't and probably won't comprise any breeds or breed plans for Flight Rising, but I suppose there isn't anything dictating that they don't exist in general. For instance, Furians are very similar to wyverns in their physical structure.The Stormcatcher has two arms, two legs, two "scythes" and two wings![/quote]


Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (5)





October 04, 2018 19:58:27


  • Bogsneaks [BOG]
  • Coatls [COA]

Bogsneaks [BOG]



Bogsneaks seem to have paw pads. Logical, good choice for sneaking and walking on soft ground. My question is:

When cuddling and getting groomed, do bogsneaks knead the ground / each other with said paw pads (like a kitty)?

That behavior would not be typical for a Bogsneak. That said, dragons are individuals, so if you want to have a Bogsneak that does this in your clan, it's certainly possible, though it would be an unusual affected behavior. However, it's not a breed instinct to do so.



do bogsneals hiss? i mean dragons i guess can but like do they flick their toung like a snek? or taste the air with their tounge. or do they hiss like a snake

Many dragon species can hiss and Bogsneaks are among them! They can flick their tongue and taste the air like a snake.



Question! Is the Bogsneak ever going to get it's own Deity? Or is Baldwin secretly royalty and is the Deity?

The Bogsneak breed is unique in that it has an alchemical origin as opposed to divine design. Many Bogsneaks view Baldwin as a genius for discovering the mutagen but they do not view him as a god - any skilled alchemist can duplicate the results!



So, since bogsneak eggs are crafted in the cauldron, how is it that they can contain hatchlings of any element? Is there a lore-based reasoning for this or is it just a case of separation of story and gameplay?

At this point, I think it's pretty safe to say that the contents of that cauldron can do some pretty weird things.

Coatls [COA]



Very super serious question here.

Do Coatls have eyelids? I was drawing a Coatl GIF with it's eyes blinking and tongue flicking in and out, but then when I was showing a friend, and explaining what it was, she replied that snakes don't have eyelids, and seeing as how Coatls seem to be modeled after snakes, do they have eyelids?

I am really curious about this.

While snakes do not have eyelids, coatl do!



What do Coatls consider colors that aren't bright? Is it grayscale or is it pastels and non-saturated colors?

Greyscale would be very sickly looking the average coatl. Pastels and non-saturated are less ideal, and may indicate ill health.



What actually are coatl buttwings?
Are they a second pair of legs, or are they something entirely different? I can't quite make their anatomy out from the breed's art.

Much like the flaps on an airplane's wings, this smaller set of wings takes a vital role in giving the Coatl deft maneuverability while in flight.



If coatls are native to the ashfall waste, why is their diet exclusively seafood? Wouldn't fish be kinda hard to come by in a volcanic region?

The Ashfall Waste borders bodies of water on two sides. Coatl lairs dot the border (much to the dismay of the Tidelord) almost leading one to wonder if the Flamecaller intended her children to harry his territory above others...



How exactly is Coatl pronounced?

CO - ah - TUHL.



I've noticed a lot of people consider male and female coatls to be sexually dimorphic, since in the official art male coatl neck feathers point upward, and female coatl neck feathers point down. I've always seen it as an artistic design choice, with coatls having neck feather that can be raised or lowered, much like a bird's crest. Which is correct according to official lore?

All Coatl have control over their feathers and can raise or lower their crest at will. They can also flatten or puff up their chest feathers, resulting in some rather ridiculous looking Coatl!




Will we ever get to see an official image of the Tundra's super fluffy winter coat, or will it be forever left up to our imaginations?

Take what you see and double or triple that in your mind's eye. That's still not even fluffy enough. It will never be fluffy enough.



Do lightning tundras experience floofy fur from all the electricity

It's certainly something that can happen, much like fire tundras can experience singed fur. Calling on elemental powers does pose some hazards! More so to the dragons around the caster than the caster themselves!



What happens to Tundra fur when it gets wet?
Do they smell like wet dog (or the Sornieth equivalent) all day?
Does their fur dry super fast or are they stuck with wet fur for a really long time?

They smell like a wet tundra! Their fur dries more quickly than say maned dragon's mane would (Imperial, Pearlcatcher, Skydancer).



Then what would a wet tundra smell like? Wet, musty lawn?

They smell like a much more potent version of a dry tundra.



Is there any art of tundras in their winter coats .o. their offical art was their spring look correct?

The official artwork is of their spring coats. We don't have any finished artwork for their winter coats, but we've seen some adorable fan art over the years!



What are the extensions behind a Tundras' head? A second set of ears? Fins?

They are a set of sturdy, branched horns.



On Male Tundras, is the paw in the background supposed to be a arm/hand or a leg/foot?

The official ruling from the artist who drew tundras: it's the back leg, though we certainly see how it could look like either with the location it's poking out from!



Is a Tundras fur water-resistant, or would any non-water tundra thrown into the water suddenly weigh twice its original weight from its fur soaking it up?

Their fur is water-resistant, but not water proof. They have a double coat. If water penetrates the coarse outer coat protected by natural oils and reaches the undercoat, the tundra would become wet and waterlogged.




Where do Nocturne eggs come from? Nocturnes obviously lay elemental eggs that are bound to the clan’s elemental affiliation such as Nature, Arcane, Light eggs and so on. What are those Nocturne eggs then? Were those eggs actually created by gods?

Only Bogsneak eggs are specifically created through the cauldron. The rest (Nocturne and elemental) are simply wayward, orphaned eggs from nests that were lost or had to be left behind.



DO Nocturnes hang like bats sometimes ? Or how do they sleep?

They do!



Maybe it was asked someday, but I was wondering about Nocturnes.
How do they walk? I always have a penguin in mind D:

Nocturnes are quadrupeds, though they will frequently use their wings to help support their weight. The hatchling image shows this off to good effect.




I was reading the basilisk's description and thought of something. If a Mirror dragon were to close their regular seeing eyes and make eye contact with a basilisk with their heat-vision eyes, would they still turn to stone?

The Mirror would be able to avoid petrification if viewing a basilisk in this way.



Why are Mirror dragons called Mirrors? There's nothing in their lore or in the Plaguebringer's lore that even hints at why this is.

The mirror dragon gets its name from the second set of eyes it possesses. A pair of two eyes set against a mirror becomes four! In its original sketch, the mirror dragons had more of their anatomy mirrored (dual tails, wings, front legs, etc) but this was later scrapped. The name stuck through to the final release.



Alright, this is a thing I've been wondering about for years and never quite figured out on my own. So. What are the things coming out of mirror dragons' heads?

Are they cartilaginous, bone, flesh? Since every piece of official art I've ever seen for them seems to have them in about the same position I kind of assumed they were stationary like antlers, but multiple people I know think they're less rigid and more flappy, even motile, like big raggedy ears. Does it vary? Can they articulate at all for expressive purposes? As an artist it'd be great to know whatever anatomical canon is going on there.

Mirror crests are rigid. They are made of cartilage and dense fibrous flesh, and hold their static shape well when healthy.

If you'd like to have a mirror dragon with a weakened or collapsed crest that's certainly a possibility, though it would be unusual and considered a defect by their peers.

The crests are used in displays of dominance. A mirror dragon without a proper fanned crest may have difficulty fighting for rank with that visual display impaired. It could result in lost station, or in the need to resort to more physical confrontations to maintain station, as much of their warning/threat displays would be missing.




How long can a guardians horns grow?

This is purely for lore and art reasons

They could grow 20-30% larger than is shown in the official artwork. In general, they will be around the same size.



About a Guardian's charge, when they find it is it usually something that they find genuinely worthwhile (as in an important dragon as mentioned in lore) or is it kinda random (as in wow a rock, I'm going to take it as my charge)?

Basically, is it a choice, or is it random?

Generally, a Guardian will gravitate towards something or someone that is of particular interest or importance to them, as the act of having a charge is a noble and significant part of their culture. That being said, in rare instances mistakes are made...


What if a guardian had an imperial charge, but then that imperial died and became an Emperor? Would that guardian still have that need to protect them and die for them, or would that instinct go away?

This is hypothetical, but it's pretty safe to say that in the event that an emperor were created it would have taken on such a different form and aura that the most Guardians would no longer recognize it as their charge.

Thankfully, there are many contingencies in place within dragon society to prevent this, and emperors are exceedingly rare!



These structures on Guardian's rib cages, are they supposed to be highlighted ribs or are they gills? They are in the same location as the Tidelord's gills, and minus the gill webbing coming out of his, they look the same. Being the patron creator of Guardians, it would make sense. So are they ribs or gills?

On dragons not of the Water element, they are ribs. On Water dragons, they are gills. Though you can add additional gills to the neck through the first Wavecrest Saturnalia apparel!



I'm not sure if this has already been asked but do Guardians have any gills of some sort for breathing underwater? Since they were created by the Tidelord I would assume that they'd be given some sort of attribute like that or am I totally wrong here?

Guardians with a water elemental affinity may be born with gills; however, this is purely lore-only, as the graphics of your dragon will not change without equipping apparel.

Pearlcatchers [PEA]



You answered the question about a former Pearlcatcher's pearl, but where do Pearlcatchers created with scrolls get their pearls from? They don't exactly have an egg to eat.

Some will go without a pearl, though others will find a small object important to them and begin coating it over time to become their new pearl, with the object at its core. These pearls are not perfect spheres like natural-born Pearlcatcher pearls, but can still be quite beautiful and unique.



If a pearlcatchers pearl is seen as their essence and losing it is like losing their identity, then what would one think if their pearl is damaged?

A Pearlcatcher who's pearl is damaged would likely be beside themselves with worry. Fortunately, given time they could fill in most cracks and irregularities to their pearls.


What is a Pearlcatcher's hide consisted of? Is it fur, feather, scale, skin? It doesn't say in the encyclopedia.


Leathery hide.



Do the pearls of Pearlcatchers hold any value, other than to the Pearlcatcher that made it? For example, would other dragons/beastclan creatures try to steal a pearl and pawn it off, or use it for jewelry? Or are they rather worthless, especially when compared to the pearls made by mollusks?

Dragons will typically not try and steal the pearls of Pearlcatchers, as they know what the pearls are/signify and would not utilize them in crafting. There would be no market for it.

It's possible that at some point in the past Beastclans may have collected found pearls as a beautiful gem; however, they have found that wearing or displaying such items tends to bring only trouble, invoking the ire of surrounding dragon clans, so it's not typically done.



How big can a PearlCatcher's pearl become? Could it be possible for them to have a pearl that is too heavy to move?

The inital bulk of the pearl itself is comprised mostly of the matter that made up the egg the dragon was hatched from. Beyond that, growing a pearl is a very slow process, and though a pearlcather would never admit it, pearls do have very minute wear and tear from being carried around all of the time. These factors balance and result in pearls being proportional to the dragon and correlate fairly directly with how they're depicted in the breed's artwork.



Hello! I have a specific question about Pearlcatcher lore and was directed to this thread since only Admins might know canon information beyond what is presented in the Encyclopedia and such.

Pearlcatchers, once born, immediately consume their egg and later regurgitate a pearl. They maintain and grow the pearl by secreting mucus.

My question is: from where do they secrete this mucus? My thought was perhaps it's secreted from a gland in/near their mouths and they use their tongues to transfer it onto the pearl.

If there is a canon area from where this secretion takes place, though, I'd love to know :)

It's a combination of digestive fluids and minerals. They... regurgitate it... from their stomachs...


Thankfully, they don't want anyone to touch their pearls anyway!




Do Fae dragons have smooth or scaly skin? From their art I would mostly assume smooth, but it looks like they have those "snake-belly" scales on their stomachs which is making me unsure.

Smooth skin, though they do have scales/plates on their bellies. These scales are smooth, flexible, and soft.

How exactly do faes show emotion on their crest? Like, do they change color or move up and down?

All of the above. The crests can extend or flatten, rotate, flick, ripple, quiver, and very slightly change color.

Can Faes walk? Or do they hop like some types of birds do? Or do they always fly/glide?

Fae could probably walk if they set their mind to it, but climbing/crawling or hopping would be their primary means of travelling along vertical and horizontal surfaces.



Are female fae's necks actually longer than males and a form of sexual dimorphism or was it jsut some artistic liberty in representing the species?
I ask because certain apparel appear to make the female's necks seem much longer...

Fae females and males both have long necks. Think swans! Tiny, leathery swans.




Something I've been thinking about recently... If Snappers can't fly, how do they get along in the Windswept Plateau? Is it a case of magic assistance like with the water domain or is it not strictly necessary to fly? What about wind element Snappers, are they an exception to this or can they not fly at all either?

Because wind dragons have a modicum of control over the wind gusts themselves, breeds like Snappers (who are traditionally too heavy to fly) can use their magical prowess to create slightly more powerful updrafts beneath their wings to assist in long glides.



According to their encyclopedia entry, Snappers can't fly. So how do Snappers in Wind clans get to the Cloudsong? Do other dragons have to lift them up? Is there magic involved? Giant balloons?

Most Snappers would need assistance to reach the Cloudsong; however, Snappers who are Wind Element may be able to lift themselves upward. Those of the Arcane Flight may be able to twist the laws of gravity in their general area.

How would it affect a Skydancer if their gem-like orb and/or their antennae were damaged? I imagine that it would make it harder for them to sense when magical energies are present and to sense the disposition of others. If the gem-like orb was damaged would it be able to heal or would the damage be permanent?

If their orb or antennae are damaged, a Skydancer may experience a loss or damage to their energy sensing ability.



What's the fluff and mane on Skydancers made of? Fur? Feathers? A bit of both?

The mane is made of hair/fur. All the better to braid! (not that we recommend this.)



If Ridgebacks have a prevailing fear of water, then what happens with Water Flight Ridgebacks? Do they lack the phobia? Do they live on islands near their clan's lair? Or do they just... suffer?

Ridgebacks that have hatched and lived submersed in water during their formative years would not have the fear of it that ridgeback hatchlings that had dry land experience early-on would have. It is possible for a water-aligned ridgeback hatchling to be afraid of water, if they were given an option of dry land after their hatching. If they have no such option during their growth and learning period, they do not develop the discomfort around water that other ridgebacks do.



are imperial antlers suitable for combat or are they more ornamental?

They are not particularly suitable for combat as the tines are easily broken (they regrow), though when a fight breaks out, dragons will use anything available at their disposal. Imperial horns just aren't the best option.



How do spirals act when they aren't flying? Do they just flatten their bodies to the ground and slither like a snake? Do they walk on their tiny limbs? Or do they simply never land?

They can hop-skip their way across terrain. In general, Spirals will fly everywhere. Ground movement is possible, just not utilized if flying can accomplish the job.

Random question but how do Imperials sit? I'm trying to draw one and I'm not sure if they sit like humans with their hands up, or like dogs, or if they just lay down.

Imperials will typically rest with all 4 limbs on the ground. Maintaining an upright sitting position without the support of their front limbs is difficult.



Do ridgebacks spearfish with their noses?

They are not particularly sharp, so spearing fish on them -while not impossible- would certainly provide a challenge!



I think I read that coatls don't have much sexual dimorphism. Related to that are their head feathers just in different poses or do the female feathers face down while the males' feather out like a mane?

Coatl have an expressive crest. The female's illustration is in a relaxed position, while the male's illustration is flared outward.




If a Tundra were to be breed changed to a Snapper, would it still have a bad memory? Or vice versa?

The process of changing to a different breed does change the physiological makeup of a dragon, but not its character/sense of self. So yes, a tundra's brain and neural pathways would go through quite a bit of improvement while changing to a Snapper!



How do you think multi-species lairs work? If a towering Ridgeback digs a tunnel it might be a bit small for an Imperial and would be absolutely massive for an itty-bitty Fae, do dragons just make their own homes or do they just deal with whoever dug the lair?

Lair creation is a group effort, and often evolves over time to accommodate all members. Sometimes there are great, sweeping communal areas that can house even the clan's largest members, but it's common for similar species to carve out their own 'wings' that only they can fit into or visit. It all depends!



Some breeds in the encyclopedia are stated to be more associated with a certain color (e.g. healthy coatls are reddish and are portrayed as reddish in their entry). Are spirals really most commonly purple and lore or is it random? And are ridgebacks really most commonly green in lore? And how do these features work with respect to their environments?

Breeds are not typically associated with a particular color, though some clans may be.

Coatls can be any color, but bright, vibrant colors are considered more healthy and desirable than duller colors.



Are Snappers the only land bound breed or are Bogsneaks and Imperials unable to fly too since they have such short wingspans compared to their bodies?

Imperials fly just fine. Bogsneaks can technically become airborne, though not for very long, and they are not very graceful. They prefer to conduct themselves on land.



While this would fall under a case such as the winter coat Tundras (not reflected on dragons), lore-wise would dragons exhibit subtle different appearances depending on their location (at least for breeds in their native locations)? A slightly fluffier Tundra in the Southern Icefields; Nocturnes with more/sharper spines in the Tangled Woods etc?

Absolutely. You'd likely find a lot of these subtle variations, borne directly from the dragons' environment and their clan lines. Some more potent magic users may even make these changes throughout the calendar year.


Are any dragon breeds natural enemies to eachother, or is that just a thing for the users to decide on in their clan??

Some breed characteristics may rub other species the wrong way, but no, the dragon breeds are not natural enemies as a whole. On a clan to clan basis, that's up for your clan to decide!

Can Bogsneaks communicate properly with Fae? They have impressive crests.

That's a cute idea! It would probably be very similar to trying to understand someone with a very thick, almost unintelligible accent.



Can any of the breeds make a sort of "chirping" noise? Hissing, growling, roars, and humming I know about. But I'm curious if any breed can make noises akin to a bird.

Several breeds are capable of producing a chirp. Skydancers in particular have been known to make sounds that resemble chirping, though due to their size the sound is a bit deeper.

If Snappers and Bogsneaks cannot fly, what do they use their wings for?

Many Bogsneaks can glide for short distances, and Snappers may fly provided they are aided by powerful wind or arcane energy. However, the wings on most Snapper are purely vestigial, and are often used only to hold adornments and tools.



Dragon breeds. I am under the impression that there are many running around, even if we don't have them accessible to bring into our lairs. Are there few, like the gods got tired, or are there many, like we'll probably never see them all?

Are the courier dragons actual breeds or hybrids (or an X with Y features; same thing to me, though)? They seem like guardian hybrids to me.

Are there wyverns/drakes around? Just because we can't have armless/wingless dragons doesn't mean there aren't any--the gods certainly vary in limb count.

Does Stormcatcher has actual legs under those scythes?

You basically hit the nail on the head in your first paragraph. Many dragon breeds have extremely low populations, are elusive (like the Nocturne), or insignificant to the point of not really being recognized by some of the more prominent breeds. However, since the Epilogue in our lore, the dragon gods never really stopped at finding ways to gain an edge over their counterparts... to this day there may be grand dragon designs still in the ether that have been stewing for centuries...

The courier dragons are a mystery of nature -- they sure are helpful, though!

From a gameplay standpoint, wyverns don't and probably won't comprise any breeds or breed plans for Flight Rising, but I suppose there isn't anything dictating that they don't exist in general. For instance, Furians are very similar to wyverns in their physical structure.

The Stormcatcher has two arms, two legs, two "scythes" and two wings!

[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (6)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 13:15:21 by OreoMilkshake

[size=6][b]Flights and Elements[/b][/size]-----[quote][quote]Will there ever be Encyclopedia entries on the Flights and their cultures? Like how exactly their holidays are celebrated, their opinions on other Flights, food, customs, what everyday life is like in each of the regions, etc. Just a little more than the little blurbs we get when picking our Flights in the beginning. (For example, you've mentioned on numerous occasions that the Water Flight occasionally has darker tendencies. Exactly how dark are we talking? What other weird mysterious customs do we they have??)[/quote]We want to focus on expanding the various areas of the Encyclopedia, to make it the one-stop place for all questions lore and gameplay. Flight lore is something we would like to expand on for sure![/quote][quote][quote]Are shadow flight dragons just really good at hiding? Like can they just hide in darkness easily or do they have more variety than that?[/quote]Shadow dragons are inclined towards concealment, both of their physical forms and their motivations. They hide well in darkness, but may also have developed skill at non-magical stealth and camouflage.[/quote][quote][quote]Why do water dragons live in a small pond away from the grand ocean?[/quote]The Sea of a Thousand Currents is a vast territory, full of resources and artifacts of great importance. The heart of the Water Flight lives mainly within this region and is the seat of the Tidelord's power.It's certainly possible for Water dragons to live in other bodies of water. The deep ocean around the main continent is difficult to keep secure, has much less resources, and is farther away from the Tidelord's physical presence.[/quote][quote][quote]I know that the eleven gods don't get along well with each other, but what about their clans? Are inter-element friendships common or accepted? Do certain clans get along better than others? Or do most dragons keep their social circles limited to their own element?[/quote]It all boils down to the characteristics and flight-wide sentiments that define each Elemental region. Many Ice dragons, for instance, exhibit cold and sterile behavior towards even their own brethren, so you can imagine how they might react toward other elemental clans. On the other hand, Wind dragons, due to the nature of their centuries-long place as messengers and artists, are generally much more open and inviting. This kind of attitude is indicative of the majority of clans in a flight, but there are thousands of areas in between (just as you see on Earth) where families and clans and tribes don't reflect the greater whole. A combination of a dragon's natural element, their species, the deity they now serve, the dynamics of their clan, and their intrinsic personality and spirit mold a dragon's behavior.[/quote][quote][quote]How much does the flight magic influence the personality of a dragon? Like, is it plausible for a water dragon to be happy go lucky, and go on adventures (more like a wind flight dragon) or a non-water dragon oracles?[/quote]It typically have a major effect on their abilities, and a minor effect on a dragon's personality. But personality is made up of many facets, from species, to element, to clan, to it's region and culture. Dragons of any element that live in the Ashfall Waste, for instance, are likely to be influenced by the hard-working industrial nature of the area. Where as even a plague dragon living in the Windswept Plateau is going to be a lot more laid back.[/quote]-----[quote][quote]Is it possible for one element to learn to use another element, example can a Shadow dragon learn to use earth magic? or is this impossible to accomplish?[/quote]It is both impractical and extremely difficult for a dragon to work outside their Element. The Element could not be in direct opposition to their natural Element and would produce extremely weak, almost unnoticeable result. A dragon must be born from a nest of the Element they wish to command, as its an inherent part of them. While other sentient species can learn to use Elemental magic in a functional (if limited) capacity, dragons cannot reliably or competently work outside their Element as their nature conflicts with that of other Elements.(our answer: While other sentient species can learn to use Elemental magic in a functional (if limited) capacity, dragons cannot reliably or competently work outside their Element as their nature conflicts with that of other Elements.)[/quote][quote]Do dragons know and use the word "electricity" or is it all Lightning magic for them?[quote]Dragons do have a word for electricity, as they had to find a word to describe the unusual lightning that would sometimes power ancient relics! Draconic engineers adopted the term for lightning used in specific situations.[/quote][/quote][quote][quote]What would happen to eggs that are laid on land that has no deity's influence or magic like a chunk of random land or island far from where the main lands (the ones on the official FR map)? Would the eggs die since they don't have any deity's magic to absorb from the land or they would be element-less and have no elemental powers to fight?Example of situation:A female dragon that is ready to lay her eggs was somehow blown away during a travel by a hurricane and was sent out to the open sea. She found herself lost and couldn't find her homeland, but she was able to find an island for refuge. Then it was time to lay her eggs. What would happen to those eggs on a land without a deity's power?[/quote]Eggs laid outside of the influence of elemental forces would be unable to hatch; dragons are innately tied to their elements and those without one would be unable to survive.[/quote][quote][quote]Is arcane magic adaptable? If an arcane dragon wanted to manipulate plant matter, would it would somewhat (depending on skill level of the derg, ofc), or would it hurt the plants? Also, is arcane magic more volatile than it is practical?[/quote]Arcane magic is the most unpredictable of the elements, as it doesn't directly adhere/translate to physical events in the world. Arcane deals with cosmology and sometimes the very makeup of Sornieth's atoms and molecules, so attempting to wield it is a very difficult task.[/quote][quote][quote]Can dragons sense one another's flights just by being around each other, or do they have to look at eye color or see each other's battle moves?[/quote]Unless a dragon is actively using their elemental abilities, another dragon may not be able to tell what Element they are without visual confirmation.[/quote][quote][quote]Is it possible (although extremely unlikely) for a dragon to be born with no element?[/quote]In terms of both gameplay and canonical lore - it is impossible. Eggs laid outside of the domain of a flight's influence are not able to be imbued with the elemental magic needed to allow the offspring to hatch.[/quote]

October 04, 2018 19:58:41

Flights and Elements



Will there ever be Encyclopedia entries on the Flights and their cultures? Like how exactly their holidays are celebrated, their opinions on other Flights, food, customs, what everyday life is like in each of the regions, etc. Just a little more than the little blurbs we get when picking our Flights in the beginning. (For example, you've mentioned on numerous occasions that the Water Flight occasionally has darker tendencies. Exactly how dark are we talking? What other weird mysterious customs do we they have??)

We want to focus on expanding the various areas of the Encyclopedia, to make it the one-stop place for all questions lore and gameplay. Flight lore is something we would like to expand on for sure!



Are shadow flight dragons just really good at hiding? Like can they just hide in darkness easily or do they have more variety than that?

Shadow dragons are inclined towards concealment, both of their physical forms and their motivations. They hide well in darkness, but may also have developed skill at non-magical stealth and camouflage.



Why do water dragons live in a small pond away from the grand ocean?

The Sea of a Thousand Currents is a vast territory, full of resources and artifacts of great importance. The heart of the Water Flight lives mainly within this region and is the seat of the Tidelord's power.

It's certainly possible for Water dragons to live in other bodies of water. The deep ocean around the main continent is difficult to keep secure, has much less resources, and is farther away from the Tidelord's physical presence.



I know that the eleven gods don't get along well with each other, but what about their clans? Are inter-element friendships common or accepted? Do certain clans get along better than others? Or do most dragons keep their social circles limited to their own element?

It all boils down to the characteristics and flight-wide sentiments that define each Elemental region. Many Ice dragons, for instance, exhibit cold and sterile behavior towards even their own brethren, so you can imagine how they might react toward other elemental clans. On the other hand, Wind dragons, due to the nature of their centuries-long place as messengers and artists, are generally much more open and inviting. This kind of attitude is indicative of the majority of clans in a flight, but there are thousands of areas in between (just as you see on Earth) where families and clans and tribes don't reflect the greater whole. A combination of a dragon's natural element, their species, the deity they now serve, the dynamics of their clan, and their intrinsic personality and spirit mold a dragon's behavior.



How much does the flight magic influence the personality of a dragon? Like, is it plausible for a water dragon to be happy go lucky, and go on adventures (more like a wind flight dragon) or a non-water dragon oracles?

It typically have a major effect on their abilities, and a minor effect on a dragon's personality. But personality is made up of many facets, from species, to element, to clan, to it's region and culture. Dragons of any element that live in the Ashfall Waste, for instance, are likely to be influenced by the hard-working industrial nature of the area. Where as even a plague dragon living in the Windswept Plateau is going to be a lot more laid back.



Is it possible for one element to learn to use another element, example can a Shadow dragon learn to use earth magic? or is this impossible to accomplish?

It is both impractical and extremely difficult for a dragon to work outside their Element. The Element could not be in direct opposition to their natural Element and would produce extremely weak, almost unnoticeable result. A dragon must be born from a nest of the Element they wish to command, as its an inherent part of them. While other sentient species can learn to use Elemental magic in a functional (if limited) capacity, dragons cannot reliably or competently work outside their Element as their nature conflicts with that of other Elements.

(our answer: While other sentient species can learn to use Elemental magic in a functional (if limited) capacity, dragons cannot reliably or competently work outside their Element as their nature conflicts with that of other Elements.)


Do dragons know and use the word "electricity" or is it all Lightning magic for them?


Dragons do have a word for electricity, as they had to find a word to describe the unusual lightning that would sometimes power ancient relics! Draconic engineers adopted the term for lightning used in specific situations.



What would happen to eggs that are laid on land that has no deity's influence or magic like a chunk of random land or island far from where the main lands (the ones on the official FR map)? Would the eggs die since they don't have any deity's magic to absorb from the land or they would be element-less and have no elemental powers to fight?

Example of situation:
A female dragon that is ready to lay her eggs was somehow blown away during a travel by a hurricane and was sent out to the open sea. She found herself lost and couldn't find her homeland, but she was able to find an island for refuge. Then it was time to lay her eggs. What would happen to those eggs on a land without a deity's power?

Eggs laid outside of the influence of elemental forces would be unable to hatch; dragons are innately tied to their elements and those without one would be unable to survive.



Is arcane magic adaptable? If an arcane dragon wanted to manipulate plant matter, would it would somewhat (depending on skill level of the derg, ofc), or would it hurt the plants? Also, is arcane magic more volatile than it is practical?

Arcane magic is the most unpredictable of the elements, as it doesn't directly adhere/translate to physical events in the world. Arcane deals with cosmology and sometimes the very makeup of Sornieth's atoms and molecules, so attempting to wield it is a very difficult task.



Can dragons sense one another's flights just by being around each other, or do they have to look at eye color or see each other's battle moves?

Unless a dragon is actively using their elemental abilities, another dragon may not be able to tell what Element they are without visual confirmation.



Is it possible (although extremely unlikely) for a dragon to be born with no element?

In terms of both gameplay and canonical lore - it is impossible. Eggs laid outside of the domain of a flight's influence are not able to be imbued with the elemental magic needed to allow the offspring to hatch.

[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (9)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 13:09:22 by OreoMilkshake

[size=6]Deities and Exaltation[/size][LIST][*]Deities [DEI][*]Exaltation [EXA][/LIST]-----[b]Deities[/b][quote][quote]How big are the deities compared to the different dragon breeds? Are they all bigger than Imperials? The size of guardians? Are they all roughly the same size?[/quote]The deities range in size, but even the smallest (@Arcanist) is many times the size of the largest dragon.[/quote][quote][quote]Are there any (canon; I recognize that some of these may and probably do exist in users' personal lore) groups of dragons in Sornieth that have ever attempted to assault a deity directly, be it their own or another Flight's? Likewise, are there any groups that reject the deities/don't believe them to be gods at all?[/quote]Though there may be some outlying groups that have cast aside their allegience to particular Flights, it is very difficult to dismiss the Eleven as deities, due to their blatant usage of overwhelming magical prowess across the land. They play an active role in the battles and have a direct influence to the power being used by their children and followers.[/quote][quote][quote]Which deity is the youngest? According to popular consensus, and Tomo's Trivia, Arcanist is the youngest. But according to the encyclopedia, the Arcanist's birth brought about the end of the Second Age, and that explosion of Arcane energy disturbed the balance of the world, resulting in the rise of the Gladekeeper and the Plaguebringer in the Third Age.So by the encyclopedia, Gladekeeper and Plaguebringer are the youngest - or am I totally misreading the site lore?[/quote]While the lore paints things in a much more black and white sense: the @Arcanist was the last of the elements to exist in raw form, which is why he is regarded as the youngest. Growth and decay were prominent long before pure arcane was manufactured, just not completely coagulated into the @Gladekeeper and @Plaguebringer respectively.[/quote][quote][quote]Also, have the deities have made an attempt to take each other's territory? For example: Has Plaguebringer ever made a move on the Sea of a Thousand Currents to start a viral epidemic? Has Lightweaver ever made a move on the Tangled Woods to bring the Sunbeam Ruins in its entirety back to Light (It does say "The earth here is literally sunken, as if half of the Sunbeam Ruins fell away into darkness willingly" in the detailed description).[/quote]There are constant and unrelenting pushes for elemental domains happening all the time! On the gameplay side, these incursions are tracked via the weekly Dominance chart. Lorewise, the deities are definitely throwing their weight around and there are long-standing bitter rivalries to hash out.[/quote][quote][quote]So Emperor Dragons are only "one of the few" creatures that could call the Gods onto a battlefield. What are the others? Legless Coatl? Granite Thresher with a laser on its head? Windsinger on a sugar rush?[/quote]The deities consider their exalted followers as their eyes, arms, and ears, and wouldn't likely make an appearance unless there was a serious threat to the very foundation of the planet (much like with the coming of the Shade). In this day and age, with how sophisticated society and culture have become, these incidents are fortunately very rare (...for now...)[/quote][quote][quote]What do the other deities think about the festivals? Like, do they bring the celebrated flight/deity a present or do they just ignore the celebrations entirely?[/quote]Considering their long-standing bitter rivalries, the other deities more or less keep to themselves while respectfully recognizing the act of festivals. Throwing parties and celebrating culture are important facets of dragon communities, so the deities allow them to take place as a means of keeping the peace and taking a break from the stressful struggle of dominating the realm.[/quote][quote][quote]Are the deities biologically related, or do they refer to the others as their brethren/siblings just for the sake of it?[/quote]They are not related biologically; they are the manifestations of the elements that make up Sornieth. This makes them a "family of elements."[/quote][quote][quote]Do the deities communicate with one another? Is it like a giant soap opera? Do some of the deities have random grudges against one another? DO THEY READ RUMORS ABOUT EACH OTHER??[/quote]The deities have not talked directly with each other for an age. (We have had some quirky OOC forum shenanigans in the past though.)[/quote][quote][quote]How often do the deities communicate with one another? Do they often get together over coffee and therefore have awkward conversations about the weather (they created), or do they so rarely see each other due to them being so busy being in charge of their territory?[/quote]The deities themselves are very estranged There are certain times in which Flights may find themselves as allies, but this is almost always done through multiple clans coming together rather than a pact between the gods.[/quote][quote][quote]Do the gods have actual names, and what we call them in-game are actually just their titles?[/quote]The gods are their titles. If they have other names, they are known only to themselves.[/quote][quote][quote]Why is the Arcanist described as the 'youngest god' when he (created in the Second Age, technically) came before the Gladekeeper and the Plaguebringer (both of whomn were born in the Third Age)?[/quote]The Arcanist was the last to fully manifest and awaken, though his "birth" was the catalyst that ended the second age, and helped to create the Plaguebringer and Gladekeeper. These latter two fully manifested and became sentient before the Arcanist.[/quote][quote][quote]Who is bigger, Icewarden or Earthshaker?[/quote]Earthshaker.[/quote][quote][quote]are there any confirmed deity pairing such as PlagueBringer x Arcanist or Gladekeeper x Windsinger?[/quote]The deities are the manifestation of elemental forces, not individual dragons. None has yet expressed a need or desire to form such a bond.[/quote][quote][quote]What happens if you catch a bubble that contains one of the Tidelord's prophecies?A single bubble? Probably not too much. A feeling of portent, but without the rest of the prophecy, there's not much to go on.[/quote]The Tidelord creates countless streams of bubbles that mingle as they work their way to the surface. It would be incredibly difficult to find all of the bubbles of a single prophecy, isolate them from other prophecies, and accomplish this all before they burst on the surface.[/quote][quote][quote]What's the order of the gods by age? Like, there's the First Four, etc, but individually, how do they line up?[/quote]Earthshaker, Flamecaller, Windsinger, Tidelord, Stormcatcher, Icewarden, Lightweaver/Shadowbinder (same time), Plaguebringer/Gladekeper (same time), Arcanist.[/quote][quote][quote]Just a question I have been wondering for a while... Were the Dragon Gods ever hatchlings? If they were, is there any form of Artwork depicting how they looked when they were little?[/quote]The dragon gods are made of elemental energy and were never hatchlings. However, we welcome our players to create adorable bebe gods! The closest we have on site currently is the dragon god plushies.[/quote][quote][quote]Are the deities known to address individual dragons to further their goals, or do they prefer to silently watch over their creations? Do the deities communicate with their creations at all (minus Stormcatcher, who we know shouts instructions at them)?[/quote]The gods do have the ability to communicate with their patrons if they so choose, but it is rare, if not unheard of. Speaking directly to an individual dragon would make that dragon a celebrity overnight and raise them to an overwhelming role of importance. This has not happened...yet.edit: To be clear, this is in reference to individual dragons, as that is what the question was about. They can communicate individually but it is very rare, almost unheard of. The deities do, however, communicate irregularly with their followers en-masse, a group address that all dragons in their vicinity can hear.The gods are not silent in what they want of their followers, but they do not play favorites.[/quote][quote][quote]How did the rest of the dragon gods react to the Arcanist upon finding out that he was the cause of the Shade's return (assuming they found out)?[/quote]Many of them don't truly know the full story, as the Arcanist retreated almost as soon as he could, locking himself in the Observatory. The most prevalent and unfortunate reactions to the event were that of isolationism and disappointment[/quote].[quote][quote]Are there any rivalries, friendly or not, between the elemental lords?[/quote]The relationships of the deities are always in sway, but more often than not the rivalries are equal and mutual with every other deity. There have been moments in the last several thousand years where flights have made temporary alliances of necessity, but on the whole, time has sewn the seeds of animosity and distrust very deep.[/quote][quote][quote]What exactly is the liquid substance that drips out of the Shadowbinder?[/quote]They are shadows. She is able to manipulate shadows and create pockets of darkness.[/quote][quote][quote]I know the gods differ in physical mass depending on generation, but are they equals in terms of power/magic/influence over the environment? Like would Flamecaller from the First Four, though larger in size, be equal in power to Stormcatcher from the Second Four? Or would she be able to easily overpower him?[/quote]All eleven dragon gods are about on par with one another in regards to power level (yes, yes... they're all over 9,000, just to preemptively answer a follow-up question), which is why they're all still around to this day![/quote][quote][quote]Did Tidelord not try to warn the others about Spacedad and the imminent destruction of the Pillar? Surely he would have foreseen it and maybe it could have been avoided or at least delayed with contingencies set in... unless he didn't see that one coming.[/quote]While the Tidelord does have an amazing prescient ability to see future events, he sees possibilities, not certainties. He is also not infallible. In the time before the Pillar of the World was created, the events of the Arcanist could have been too far in the future or far too muddy to be used as a warning sign.[/quote][quote][quote]A while ago you said that the Arcanist was the smallest deity, but now I'm wondering... who is the largest?[/quote]By length, Windsinger. By mass, Earthshaker.The oldest gods are the most massive. Windsinger, Earthshaker, Tidelord, and Flamecaller manifest the largest physical presences.[/quote][quote][quote]Why has Tidelord land-locked his domain when there is a much larger body of water surrounding the continent?[/quote]While he could try and lay claim to more territory for his domain, it would be more territory to defend and maintain. The water flight considers all bodies of water to be theirs by right, but they have only ever been able to reliably hold the Sea of a Thousand Currents.[/quote]------[b]Exaltation[/b] [EXA][quote][quote]How do dragons, in lore, compete for Dominance ? By sending themselves off to be exalted and the like ? Where do they even go, if so, to "exalt" themselves ?[/quote]Dragons exalted to serve their deities will work as an army dedicated fully to advancing the agendas of their god. Typically they don't receive direct instructions, and will try and secure borders and expand territory, drive out Beastclans, and eradicate Shade remnants.Not all of this is done through fighting, as many dragons that are exalted up through the ranks of their flight will serve as hunters, messengers, craftsmen, architects, scientists, scholars, and healers.[/quote][quote][quote]What actually happens canonically when dominance battles are fought and what happens when they win? Is there something like a cosmic increase in a certain areas magic or are the gods just happy and gives discounts for lair space and additional gathering rights?[/quote]The dragons battle for more territory, influence, and trade goods. If they win, they enjoy the favor of their patrons, as well as the ability to take advantage of additional resources, trade routes, and discounts that their expanded influence has earned.[/quote][quote][quote]What do dragons actually do when they serve their deities? Bring them food? Massage them?[/quote]Many take on military-type roles, but others act as crafters, suppliers, healers, messengers, teachers, historians, scientists, and even political figures that help assist their individual realms.[/quote][quote][quote]Are at least SOME of the exalted dragons eaten by their deities?...Please?[/quote]The dragons of Sornieth are their creations. They do not eat them.[/quote][quote][quote]What does it mean when a dragon is "serving" their elemental deity? Is it like a personal assistant position?[/quote]Dragons can serve in many ways. Most will relate to the upkeep of the elemental domain, and efforts to try and expand the territory: positions like warriors, mages, healers, scouts, messengers, provisioners, researchers, builders, excavators, craftsdragons, etc.[/quote][quote][quote]Who takes care of exalted hatchlings until they grow up to fight for their god? Is there a deity day care service?[/quote]They are apprenticed to the flight they went to serve![/quote][quote][quote]so, when players buy and exalt dragons, what if those dragons do not worship the deity they are being exalted to? are there dragons that convince others to fight for their own deity? say, a plague dragon convincing a water dragon to be exalted to the Plaguebringer? sorry if this doesnt make sense![/quote]Canonically, dragons that are exalted from a lair are honored and eager to serve their deity and their flight, but your personal lore can take whatever shape you choose![/quote][quote][quote]What happens to a dragon once they are exalted? Like, do they wander away and suddenly meet a deity? Or does the deity come and take the dragon? What happens...[/quote]Canonically, the dragon voluntarily answers the call of their patron deity and goes to support their elemental flight in skirmishes and dominance of Sornieth. The closest parallelism would be something like a voluntary enlistment to the military. There are many ways an exalted dragon can help in the dominance effort: flying supplies to various parts of the globe, attacking, defending, diplomacy, spying, maintaining infrastructure, research, supplying the flight, healing, etc.[/quote][quote][quote]Is it disrespectful to exalt a dragon of an element to another Deity ?[/quote]No, it would not be disrespectful.[/quote]


Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (11)





October 04, 2018 19:58:45

Deities and Exaltation

  • Deities [DEI]
  • Exaltation [EXA]




How big are the deities compared to the different dragon breeds? Are they all bigger than Imperials? The size of guardians? Are they all roughly the same size?

The deities range in size, but even the smallest (@Arcanist) is many times the size of the largest dragon.



Are there any (canon; I recognize that some of these may and probably do exist in users' personal lore) groups of dragons in Sornieth that have ever attempted to assault a deity directly, be it their own or another Flight's? Likewise, are there any groups that reject the deities/don't believe them to be gods at all?

Though there may be some outlying groups that have cast aside their allegience to particular Flights, it is very difficult to dismiss the Eleven as deities, due to their blatant usage of overwhelming magical prowess across the land. They play an active role in the battles and have a direct influence to the power being used by their children and followers.



Which deity is the youngest? According to popular consensus, and Tomo's Trivia, Arcanist is the youngest. But according to the encyclopedia, the Arcanist's birth brought about the end of the Second Age, and that explosion of Arcane energy disturbed the balance of the world, resulting in the rise of the Gladekeeper and the Plaguebringer in the Third Age.

So by the encyclopedia, Gladekeeper and Plaguebringer are the youngest - or am I totally misreading the site lore?

While the lore paints things in a much more black and white sense: the @Arcanist was the last of the elements to exist in raw form, which is why he is regarded as the youngest. Growth and decay were prominent long before pure arcane was manufactured, just not completely coagulated into the @Gladekeeper and @Plaguebringer respectively.



Also, have the deities have made an attempt to take each other's territory? For example: Has Plaguebringer ever made a move on the Sea of a Thousand Currents to start a viral epidemic? Has Lightweaver ever made a move on the Tangled Woods to bring the Sunbeam Ruins in its entirety back to Light (It does say "The earth here is literally sunken, as if half of the Sunbeam Ruins fell away into darkness willingly" in the detailed description).

There are constant and unrelenting pushes for elemental domains happening all the time! On the gameplay side, these incursions are tracked via the weekly Dominance chart. Lorewise, the deities are definitely throwing their weight around and there are long-standing bitter rivalries to hash out.



So Emperor Dragons are only "one of the few" creatures that could call the Gods onto a battlefield. What are the others? Legless Coatl? Granite Thresher with a laser on its head? Windsinger on a sugar rush?

The deities consider their exalted followers as their eyes, arms, and ears, and wouldn't likely make an appearance unless there was a serious threat to the very foundation of the planet (much like with the coming of the Shade). In this day and age, with how sophisticated society and culture have become, these incidents are fortunately very rare (...for now...)



What do the other deities think about the festivals? Like, do they bring the celebrated flight/deity a present or do they just ignore the celebrations entirely?

Considering their long-standing bitter rivalries, the other deities more or less keep to themselves while respectfully recognizing the act of festivals. Throwing parties and celebrating culture are important facets of dragon communities, so the deities allow them to take place as a means of keeping the peace and taking a break from the stressful struggle of dominating the realm.



Are the deities biologically related, or do they refer to the others as their brethren/siblings just for the sake of it?

They are not related biologically; they are the manifestations of the elements that make up Sornieth. This makes them a "family of elements."



Do the deities communicate with one another? Is it like a giant soap opera? Do some of the deities have random grudges against one another? DO THEY READ RUMORS ABOUT EACH OTHER??

The deities have not talked directly with each other for an age. (We have had some quirky OOC forum shenanigans in the past though.)



How often do the deities communicate with one another? Do they often get together over coffee and therefore have awkward conversations about the weather (they created), or do they so rarely see each other due to them being so busy being in charge of their territory?

The deities themselves are very estranged There are certain times in which Flights may find themselves as allies, but this is almost always done through multiple clans coming together rather than a pact between the gods.



Do the gods have actual names, and what we call them in-game are actually just their titles?

The gods are their titles. If they have other names, they are known only to themselves.



Why is the Arcanist described as the 'youngest god' when he (created in the Second Age, technically) came before the Gladekeeper and the Plaguebringer (both of whomn were born in the Third Age)?

The Arcanist was the last to fully manifest and awaken, though his "birth" was the catalyst that ended the second age, and helped to create the Plaguebringer and Gladekeeper. These latter two fully manifested and became sentient before the Arcanist.



Who is bigger, Icewarden or Earthshaker?




are there any confirmed deity pairing such as PlagueBringer x Arcanist or Gladekeeper x Windsinger?

The deities are the manifestation of elemental forces, not individual dragons. None has yet expressed a need or desire to form such a bond.



What happens if you catch a bubble that contains one of the Tidelord's prophecies?

A single bubble? Probably not too much. A feeling of portent, but without the rest of the prophecy, there's not much to go on.

The Tidelord creates countless streams of bubbles that mingle as they work their way to the surface. It would be incredibly difficult to find all of the bubbles of a single prophecy, isolate them from other prophecies, and accomplish this all before they burst on the surface.



What's the order of the gods by age? Like, there's the First Four, etc, but individually, how do they line up?

Earthshaker, Flamecaller, Windsinger, Tidelord, Stormcatcher, Icewarden, Lightweaver/Shadowbinder (same time), Plaguebringer/Gladekeper (same time), Arcanist.



Just a question I have been wondering for a while... Were the Dragon Gods ever hatchlings? If they were, is there any form of Artwork depicting how they looked when they were little?

The dragon gods are made of elemental energy and were never hatchlings. However, we welcome our players to create adorable bebe gods! The closest we have on site currently is the dragon god plushies.



Are the deities known to address individual dragons to further their goals, or do they prefer to silently watch over their creations? Do the deities communicate with their creations at all (minus Stormcatcher, who we know shouts instructions at them)?

The gods do have the ability to communicate with their patrons if they so choose, but it is rare, if not unheard of. Speaking directly to an individual dragon would make that dragon a celebrity overnight and raise them to an overwhelming role of importance. This has not happened...yet.

edit: To be clear, this is in reference to individual dragons, as that is what the question was about. They can communicate individually but it is very rare, almost unheard of. The deities do, however, communicate irregularly with their followers en-masse, a group address that all dragons in their vicinity can hear.

The gods are not silent in what they want of their followers, but they do not play favorites.



How did the rest of the dragon gods react to the Arcanist upon finding out that he was the cause of the Shade's return (assuming they found out)?

Many of them don't truly know the full story, as the Arcanist retreated almost as soon as he could, locking himself in the Observatory. The most prevalent and unfortunate reactions to the event were that of isolationism and disappointment




Are there any rivalries, friendly or not, between the elemental lords?

The relationships of the deities are always in sway, but more often than not the rivalries are equal and mutual with every other deity. There have been moments in the last several thousand years where flights have made temporary alliances of necessity, but on the whole, time has sewn the seeds of animosity and distrust very deep.



What exactly is the liquid substance that drips out of the Shadowbinder?

They are shadows. She is able to manipulate shadows and create pockets of darkness.



I know the gods differ in physical mass depending on generation, but are they equals in terms of power/magic/influence over the environment? Like would Flamecaller from the First Four, though larger in size, be equal in power to Stormcatcher from the Second Four? Or would she be able to easily overpower him?

All eleven dragon gods are about on par with one another in regards to power level (yes, yes... they're all over 9,000, just to preemptively answer a follow-up question), which is why they're all still around to this day!



Did Tidelord not try to warn the others about Spacedad and the imminent destruction of the Pillar? Surely he would have foreseen it and maybe it could have been avoided or at least delayed with contingencies set in... unless he didn't see that one coming.

While the Tidelord does have an amazing prescient ability to see future events, he sees possibilities, not certainties. He is also not infallible. In the time before the Pillar of the World was created, the events of the Arcanist could have been too far in the future or far too muddy to be used as a warning sign.



A while ago you said that the Arcanist was the smallest deity, but now I'm wondering... who is the largest?

By length, Windsinger. By mass, Earthshaker.

The oldest gods are the most massive. Windsinger, Earthshaker, Tidelord, and Flamecaller manifest the largest physical presences.



Why has Tidelord land-locked his domain when there is a much larger body of water surrounding the continent?

While he could try and lay claim to more territory for his domain, it would be more territory to defend and maintain. The water flight considers all bodies of water to be theirs by right, but they have only ever been able to reliably hold the Sea of a Thousand Currents.

Exaltation [EXA]



How do dragons, in lore, compete for Dominance ? By sending themselves off to be exalted and the like ? Where do they even go, if so, to "exalt" themselves ?

Dragons exalted to serve their deities will work as an army dedicated fully to advancing the agendas of their god. Typically they don't receive direct instructions, and will try and secure borders and expand territory, drive out Beastclans, and eradicate Shade remnants.

Not all of this is done through fighting, as many dragons that are exalted up through the ranks of their flight will serve as hunters, messengers, craftsmen, architects, scientists, scholars, and healers.



What actually happens canonically when dominance battles are fought and what happens when they win? Is there something like a cosmic increase in a certain areas magic or are the gods just happy and gives discounts for lair space and additional gathering rights?

The dragons battle for more territory, influence, and trade goods. If they win, they enjoy the favor of their patrons, as well as the ability to take advantage of additional resources, trade routes, and discounts that their expanded influence has earned.



What do dragons actually do when they serve their deities? Bring them food? Massage them?

Many take on military-type roles, but others act as crafters, suppliers, healers, messengers, teachers, historians, scientists, and even political figures that help assist their individual realms.



Are at least SOME of the exalted dragons eaten by their deities?


The dragons of Sornieth are their creations. They do not eat them.



What does it mean when a dragon is "serving" their elemental deity? Is it like a personal assistant position?

Dragons can serve in many ways. Most will relate to the upkeep of the elemental domain, and efforts to try and expand the territory: positions like warriors, mages, healers, scouts, messengers, provisioners, researchers, builders, excavators, craftsdragons, etc.



Who takes care of exalted hatchlings until they grow up to fight for their god? Is there a deity day care service?

They are apprenticed to the flight they went to serve!



so, when players buy and exalt dragons, what if those dragons do not worship the deity they are being exalted to? are there dragons that convince others to fight for their own deity? say, a plague dragon convincing a water dragon to be exalted to the Plaguebringer? sorry if this doesnt make sense!

Canonically, dragons that are exalted from a lair are honored and eager to serve their deity and their flight, but your personal lore can take whatever shape you choose!



What happens to a dragon once they are exalted? Like, do they wander away and suddenly meet a deity? Or does the deity come and take the dragon? What happens...

Canonically, the dragon voluntarily answers the call of their patron deity and goes to support their elemental flight in skirmishes and dominance of Sornieth. The closest parallelism would be something like a voluntary enlistment to the military. There are many ways an exalted dragon can help in the dominance effort: flying supplies to various parts of the globe, attacking, defending, diplomacy, spying, maintaining infrastructure, research, supplying the flight, healing, etc.



Is it disrespectful to exalt a dragon of an element to another Deity ?

No, it would not be disrespectful.

[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (12)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 13:20:21 by OreoMilkshake

[size=5][b]NPCs[/b][/size][LIST][*]Baldwin [BLD][*]Joxar [JOX][/LIST]------[b]Baldwin[/b] [BLD][quote][quote]How did Baldwin get his start as an alchemist? And what the heck's in that cauldron?[/quote]Some believe that Baldwin was a gifted Arcane scholar (driven just as mad for knowledge as his former patron deity) who defected to the Scarred Wasteland to dabble in sciences that were terrestrial and much more attainable. Others believe he's just an old culinarian who eventually got bored with cooking in the "conventional sense" and took his cauldron on the road to see what he could do with it. The old dragon withholds a lot in the name of expedience. Science![/quote][quote][quote]Why doesn't Baldwin wear any safety gear? I would think that having his brew transform him once would make him realize that he needs to wear his safety gear! He could at least wear the rubber gloves. Has anyone talked to him about the importance of safety gear?[/quote]Glasses count... right? Right?[/quote][quote][quote]ok how do we fix poor Baldwin? I know he's keeping his pearl on a shelf at the moment... I don't think he likes being a bogsneak...[/quote]Baldwin could not be more excited for all of the new areas of research this has opened up![/quote][quote][quote]We know the official colors of most of the trading post dragons, thanks to Tomo's Trivia. We also know the flights thanks to Undel's answers. So my question is, what about Baldwin? What are his colors and flight? He's very hard to match in the scrying workshop![/quote]Baldwin is Earth Flight. We tried asking him what his colors were, but he said that he wasn't sure if his colors were typical anymore. Our best guess is honeydew, moss, crocodile.[/quote][quote][quote]How was Baldwin's horn broken?[/quote]A brewing accident when Baldwin was younger and little more cavalier about proper lab safety.He knows better now.[/quote][quote][quote]Canonically, what happens when a familiar is reduced in Baldwin's pot? Are they just tossed in alive, or do dragons only use familiars that have already died from other causes? If so, is that standard practice for dead familiars?[/quote]Canonically, you are using Baldwin's cauldron.Baldwin would not allow any dragon using his cauldron to put a living creature inside. A scrap of fur, a handful of leaves, a piece of horn, these will work just fine![/quote]-----[b]Joxar[/b] [JOX][quote][quote]Where does Joxar get his wares for each elemental holiday? The familiar and unique apparel change each year, sp it's a bit of a mystery as to where Joxar gets his wares for each holiday.[/quote]Joxar has a great relationship with the artisans and craftsmen of each flight, who go along way toward helping supply his shop during each festival! He's also fairly crafty himself. Did you know he made the shop banner?[/quote][quote][quote]Where does Joxar get all of his festival items? From the deities?[/quote]He makes them! He REALLY loves festivals.(the familiars may hang around because they're attracted to all of the elemental valuables/currency that piles up in Joxar's stall each year.)[/quote][quote][quote]Where is the Festive Favors shop located, since it's not at the Trading Post with the others? Does Joxar move around Sornieth for each festival?[/quote]We like to think that Joxar's got an empty Festive Favors stand in every region of Sornieth, and that he travels the globe, stopping in to celebrate every month. The ultimate Flight Rising fan![/quote][quote][quote]What does Joxar do with all those holiday currencies after the holidays?[/quote][img][/img][/quote][quote][quote]What does Joxar do while there is no holiday? Is he simply preparing for the next one, or what?[/quote]Yep! Gathering and creating favors for the next festival takes Joxar a considerable amount of time, so his job is full-time![/quote][quote][quote]What does the Mirror dragon running the Festive Favors shop (sorry, I forgot his name) actually do with the currency items you give him?[/quote]Joxar really really loves every element and wants to celebrate how awesome they are all year round! He keeps a portion of the holiday currency he collects in his lair. (It's the only thing he hoards.) The majority of the currency is sent back to each flight by courier for next year's festivities.[/quote]-----[quote][quote]Fae are said to be monotonous in voice. Yet Pipp can use exclamations, and Tripp can use sarcasm. How.[/quote]The exclamation point is all in the head crest! (though some may have difficulty discerning the sarcasm.)[/quote][quote][quote]Also, how did Scribbles end up as Tomo's scribe?[/quote]Scribbles showed up one day, and was frustrated by how slowly Tomo recorded things. Scribbles could write things down so much quicker! Accuracy be darned![/quote][quote]In the Encyclopedia, it is stated that Faes do not have expressive voices or make facial expressions, but rather show emotion with their frills. Why, then, do Swipp and his children have facial expressions and talk so flamboyantly?This is mostly to help sell their emotions and intentions to humans, who are playing the game. Their text is verbatim, but read it all in a monotone, sans punctuation.[/quote][quote]Is Pearl like a smol fluffless tundra? Or possibly related to that breed? I know that the Courier dragons don't belong to a specific breed, but they do have similarities. Like the horns and ears, for example, look very similar to that of a Tundra's.Pearl heralds from an ice clan, so it's not impossible to think that there may be some tundra blood in her lineage. However, like all dragon nests of mixed parentage, the offspring will take on one or the other of their parent's species rather than a hybrid result. Pearl not a tundra. She is a courier dragon, which are their own breed.[/quote][quote][quote]I thought faes didn't express emotions through facial expressions, yet Swipp and his two daughters are doing just that in the new art. Do faes teach themselves facial expressions in order to communicate with other dragons?[/quote]Fae do speak in a monotone voice and convey their emotions through elaborate crest gestures; the artwork is intentionally exaggerated for the player's benefit and to make the characters' personalities more relatable. Pipp is very excited, and Tripp is not![/quote][quote][quote]Does Pinkerton know about Crim's cart? Like would he try to ruin it somehow just to move on with his life? (Because seriously, who would want to constantly sit around and trade ONE item to ONE person a day, 24/7, without stop?) and does Crim know about the fact Pinkerton is trying to get rid of all her stuff?[/quote]Pinkerton is well aware of his sister's cart. He's trying to syphon off what items he can without her noticing. Unfortunately for Pink, this rate is dwarfed by the amount of business Crim completes each day.[/quote][quote][quote]When does Swipp sleep??[/quote]We like to think Swipp takes a series of tiny naps throughout the day. A remarkably similar sleep pattern to the development team for the months leading up to and including Flight Rising's launch, heh.[/quote][quote][quote]What is Tomo? Apparently she is not actually a Snapper, given that you just said the lore articles are literal truth, and they state that all Snappers have perfect recall? Is she a Nocturne in disguise? Some kind of construct?[/quote]Tomo has vast stores of knowledge, even for a Snapper. She has so much knowledge, that it can be difficult to recall in a timely manner! The dragons who visit her can help jog her memory and get her the answers quicker. That's why even if you get the answers to her questions wrong, she eventually remembers the correct answer and tells you that you were incorrect! It simply takes her a while, which is why she appreciates the assistance![/quote]-----


Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (14)





October 04, 2018 19:58:49


  • Baldwin [BLD]
  • Joxar [JOX]

Baldwin [BLD]



How did Baldwin get his start as an alchemist? And what the heck's in that cauldron?

Some believe that Baldwin was a gifted Arcane scholar (driven just as mad for knowledge as his former patron deity) who defected to the Scarred Wasteland to dabble in sciences that were terrestrial and much more attainable. Others believe he's just an old culinarian who eventually got bored with cooking in the "conventional sense" and took his cauldron on the road to see what he could do with it. The old dragon withholds a lot in the name of expedience. Science!



Why doesn't Baldwin wear any safety gear? I would think that having his brew transform him once would make him realize that he needs to wear his safety gear! He could at least wear the rubber gloves. Has anyone talked to him about the importance of safety gear?

Glasses count... right? Right?



ok how do we fix poor Baldwin? I know he's keeping his pearl on a shelf at the moment... I don't think he likes being a bogsneak...

Baldwin could not be more excited for all of the new areas of research this has opened up!



We know the official colors of most of the trading post dragons, thanks to Tomo's Trivia. We also know the flights thanks to Undel's answers. So my question is, what about Baldwin? What are his colors and flight? He's very hard to match in the scrying workshop!

Baldwin is Earth Flight. We tried asking him what his colors were, but he said that he wasn't sure if his colors were typical anymore. Our best guess is honeydew, moss, crocodile.



How was Baldwin's horn broken?

A brewing accident when Baldwin was younger and little more cavalier about proper lab safety.

He knows better now.



Canonically, what happens when a familiar is reduced in Baldwin's pot? Are they just tossed in alive, or do dragons only use familiars that have already died from other causes? If so, is that standard practice for dead familiars?

Canonically, you are using Baldwin's cauldron.

Baldwin would not allow any dragon using his cauldron to put a living creature inside. A scrap of fur, a handful of leaves, a piece of horn, these will work just fine!

Joxar [JOX]



Where does Joxar get his wares for each elemental holiday? The familiar and unique apparel change each year, sp it's a bit of a mystery as to where Joxar gets his wares for each holiday.

Joxar has a great relationship with the artisans and craftsmen of each flight, who go along way toward helping supply his shop during each festival! He's also fairly crafty himself. Did you know he made the shop banner?



Where does Joxar get all of his festival items? From the deities?

He makes them! He REALLY loves festivals.

(the familiars may hang around because they're attracted to all of the elemental valuables/currency that piles up in Joxar's stall each year.)



Where is the Festive Favors shop located, since it's not at the Trading Post with the others? Does Joxar move around Sornieth for each festival?

We like to think that Joxar's got an empty Festive Favors stand in every region of Sornieth, and that he travels the globe, stopping in to celebrate every month. The ultimate Flight Rising fan!



What does Joxar do with all those holiday currencies after the holidays?

Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (15)



What does Joxar do while there is no holiday? Is he simply preparing for the next one, or what?

Yep! Gathering and creating favors for the next festival takes Joxar a considerable amount of time, so his job is full-time!



What does the Mirror dragon running the Festive Favors shop (sorry, I forgot his name) actually do with the currency items you give him?

Joxar really really loves every element and wants to celebrate how awesome they are all year round! He keeps a portion of the holiday currency he collects in his lair. (It's the only thing he hoards.) The majority of the currency is sent back to each flight by courier for next year's festivities.



Fae are said to be monotonous in voice. Yet Pipp can use exclamations, and Tripp can use sarcasm. How.

The exclamation point is all in the head crest! (though some may have difficulty discerning the sarcasm.)



Also, how did Scribbles end up as Tomo's scribe?

Scribbles showed up one day, and was frustrated by how slowly Tomo recorded things. Scribbles could write things down so much quicker! Accuracy be darned!


In the Encyclopedia, it is stated that Faes do not have expressive voices or make facial expressions, but rather show emotion with their frills. Why, then, do Swipp and his children have facial expressions and talk so flamboyantly?

This is mostly to help sell their emotions and intentions to humans, who are playing the game. Their text is verbatim, but read it all in a monotone, sans punctuation.


Is Pearl like a smol fluffless tundra? Or possibly related to that breed? I know that the Courier dragons don't belong to a specific breed, but they do have similarities. Like the horns and ears, for example, look very similar to that of a Tundra's.

Pearl heralds from an ice clan, so it's not impossible to think that there may be some tundra blood in her lineage. However, like all dragon nests of mixed parentage, the offspring will take on one or the other of their parent's species rather than a hybrid result. Pearl not a tundra. She is a courier dragon, which are their own breed.



I thought faes didn't express emotions through facial expressions, yet Swipp and his two daughters are doing just that in the new art. Do faes teach themselves facial expressions in order to communicate with other dragons?

Fae do speak in a monotone voice and convey their emotions through elaborate crest gestures; the artwork is intentionally exaggerated for the player's benefit and to make the characters' personalities more relatable. Pipp is very excited, and Tripp is not!



Does Pinkerton know about Crim's cart? Like would he try to ruin it somehow just to move on with his life? (Because seriously, who would want to constantly sit around and trade ONE item to ONE person a day, 24/7, without stop?) and does Crim know about the fact Pinkerton is trying to get rid of all her stuff?

Pinkerton is well aware of his sister's cart. He's trying to syphon off what items he can without her noticing. Unfortunately for Pink, this rate is dwarfed by the amount of business Crim completes each day.



When does Swipp sleep??

We like to think Swipp takes a series of tiny naps throughout the day. A remarkably similar sleep pattern to the development team for the months leading up to and including Flight Rising's launch, heh.



What is Tomo? Apparently she is not actually a Snapper, given that you just said the lore articles are literal truth, and they state that all Snappers have perfect recall? Is she a Nocturne in disguise? Some kind of construct?

Tomo has vast stores of knowledge, even for a Snapper. She has so much knowledge, that it can be difficult to recall in a timely manner! The dragons who visit her can help jog her memory and get her the answers quicker. That's why even if you get the answers to her questions wrong, she eventually remembers the correct answer and tells you that you were incorrect! It simply takes her a while, which is why she appreciates the assistance!

[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (16)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 02:06:06 by OreoMilkshake

[size=6][b]Beastclans and Familiars[/b][/size][LIST][*]Beastclans [BST][*]Familiars [FAM][/LIST]-----[b]Beastclans[/b] [BST][quote][quote]Do other beastclans at war with dragons view the Dunhooves to be traitors because of their alliance with dragons, or are they just thought of as kind of odd?[/quote]The Dunhooves have always had a relatively good relationship with dragonkind, so they aren't seen as traitors.[/quote][quote][quote]How is Maren pronounced? Like Mah-ren or like Mair-en?[/quote]Mair-en.[/quote][quote][quote]What's the likelihood of a lost hatchling being found and raised by the beastclans?[/quote]Low, but dependent on the beastclan's vicinity and the outlook of that particular clan. In general, most beastclans are understandably hostile towards dragonkind because of the ongoing conflict between them. But sapient beings are individuals, and some clans may have different outlooks towards dragonkind than others, or hope that by taking in a hatchling they may be closer to achieving peace with their foes.[/quote][quote][quote]I'm really curious about the sizes of the various beastclans compared to dragons. Are longneck comparable to fae or snappers? Stuff like that.[/quote]Most Beastclan aside from centaur are "human-sized". Talonok tend to be a bit smaller. Most dragons are much larger than the various Beastclan species, with the exception of Faes, which are typically smaller, and Spirals which tend to weigh in in a similar ballpark.[/quote][quote][quote]How large are the Beastclan species, especially as compared to dragons?[/quote]The creatures of Flight Rising would not know what a "human" is, so consider the following a non-lore-friendly comparison![list][*]Talonok are the smallest beastclan, around the size of a large bird of prey such as a bearded vulture.[*]Harpies and Longneck are about the size of a human.[*]Serthis and Maren are slightly larger than a human, and much longer.[*]Centaurs are the largest, and are the size of a horse.[/LIST][/quote][quote][quote]Something that just came up in our Light Flight Dominance Roleplay: Do Beastclan and Dragons speak the same language, or different ones? Do they have some sort of Pidgin to communicate if it's the latter?[/quote]Beastclan and dragons do not speak the same language, though it is possible for a dragon to learn a particular beastclan's language and visa versa.[/quote][quote][quote]how big are the beastclan species and festival sprites?[/quote]The Beastclans range in size, but most are about as tall as Tundras at the shoulder (with the exception of the Raptorik clan, which are smaller and more numerous). Sprites, as the name somewhat dictates, are quite small; roughly a quarter the size of Fae dragons.[/quote][quote][quote]How large are the BeastClan species, especially as compared to dragons?[/quote]Are harpies the size of a bird, a human, or larger or smaller? Are centaurs the size of a horse, a human, or larger?Can a Talonok rival an imperial?Is a clan that finds itself attacked by Longnecks doomed unless they have at least one member of the larger species (ridgeback, guardian, imperial)?Etc.[/quote][quote][quote]Also what's under the harpie's masks? A "human" face, a birdlike face, or something else?[/quote]Clans who battle beside or against the harpy Beastclans have observed that fallen harpies have a "human" (though they wouldn't use that word!) face covered in short feathers. They have no auricle. The opening of their ears is covered by short feathers that lay flat against the head.[/quote][quote][quote]Also, I have another one-the Sprangyroos are mercenaries for the Longnecks. I would guess this would make them a Beastclan as well. Are they considered to be part of the Longnecks or are they too similar in culture to them/too small in comparison to be anything of note? Furthermore, the Aviars in Harpy's Roost-are they a Beastclan as well and do they help out the Harpies?[/quote]Sprangyroo are their own minor Beastclans. Due to their diminutive spread, they don't make a huge impact on Dominance or the wider Beastclan activities.[/quote][quote][quote]Is the Beastclan symbol the Neutral circle we see in the coli? And/Or if the Beastclans weren't at war with dragons. Would the elements the monsters and enemies have be which dragon god they'd be affiliated with?[/quote]The neutral symbol is a circle to allow it to easily be distinguished against other elements. It is not the Beastclan crest; just an element (or in this case, non-element) indicator. You can see the Beastclan runic crest on the Dominance page.[/quote][quote][quote]Are Maren and Serthis endotherms?[/quote]Maren are endotherms and Serthis are heterotherms.[/quote]-----[b]Familiars[/b] [FAM][quote][quote]Why do dragons have the eye color of their flights/elements, but familiars don't?I.E this clearly has shadow eyes but it's a plague enemy.[/quote]Dragons are born with magic and their eyes reflect the elemental nature of the magic they absorbed while in the egg.Familiar eye color is just that - the eye color of the creature, which has no relation to magic. The flora and fauna may learn to harness the magic around them if they are sentient, or they may begin using it if they are possessed by a feeding fragment of the Shade.[/quote][quote][quote]For Salve Kamaitachis-- is it pronounced 'salve' as in a healing ointment, or is it 'salve' as in the latin greeting? For some reason I thought it was the latter until a friend pointed out it could also be the English word![/quote]The first one. :) They are the only kamaitachi with a jar of salve included in their artwork![/quote][quote][quote]what purpose do familiars serve besides being dragon companions? can they help archive lists (like tomo and scribbles)? can they help with the groceries/hunting? what else do they do?[/quote]Familiars can assist in a wide variety of endeavors. What a Familiar is capable of depends on the intelligence of its species and the individual themselves.For example, a companion animal amaranth moth would likely not be capable of sorting through clan records, while a befriended sapient member of a Beastclan may choose to help your dragon with that. Of course, just because a familiar can perform a task does not mean that they will. They may have their own tasks they wish to attend to.[/quote][quote][quote]Are the... I suppose "Goblin" is going to wind up being the template name, since it's not alliterative... are they about the same size as the sprites? Bigger? Smaller?[/quote]The goblins are around the same size as the sprites, give or take a couple of centimeters.[/quote][quote][quote]What does happen to the dragons and familiar when a familiar that was bonded goes away? The familiar is missed at all, does it miss the Lair, they keep in contact or something?[/quote]That would entirely depend upon the clan, the dragons, and the familiars involved! No two dragons, clans, or familiars are the same, and only you know the stories and personalities of your clan![/quote][quote][quote]Coliseum enemies' eye colour doesn't match their elemental alignment, does it mean that element only affects dragons' eye colour?[/quote]This is correct. Dragons are partially born of their element, and it is a more intrinsic part of them than most other life on Sornieth.[/quote][quote][quote]I've been wondering about this for a while. While familiars probably come in all shapes and sizes, what are some of the largest and what are some of the smallest? I seem to recall that War Cats can be as big as Imperials?[/quote]Warcats match the size of many dragons species, though imperials aren't one of them! Roc are among some of the largest of the familiars, while Aer Phantoms are among some of the smallest. Familiars run the gamut![/quote][quote][quote]Wait... why are Nogglebane Leaf Beetles used to fish for Noggles, if they are the bane of Noggles? Wouldn't all the noggles just swim away as fast as possible?[/quote]It's the bane of Noggles because they can't resist them when used as bait, leading to the Noggle in question becoming caught![/quote][quote][quote]About how big are the 2014/2015 festival bears? Are they the size of RL bears? The size of a particular dragon? Or do they vary from element to element, or bear to bear?[/quote]They vary from bear to bear, but in general are twice the size of "Earth" bears.[/quote][quote][quote]I have a burning desire to know, the concrete block the sunbeam soldier is holding is it part of a column from the ruins? And why exactly a concrete block as a weapon? Won't it shatter fairly quickly? Also, I just love the sunbeam soldier so squeezable and cuddly![/quote]The Sunbeam Soldier indeed wields a chunk of the Sunbeam Ruins as a weapon.[/quote][quote][quote]Are dryads sentient creatures?[/quote]Yep![/quote][quote][quote]Also, where do the familiars get the treasure chests from? My Glowing Pocket Mouse seems, despite her size, able to get even a Gilded Chest just fine while my whole clan of Imperials seem unable to find more than a single pebble when digging. What is the secret of the familiars? Or are dragons just too dumb to find as many chests as basically every familiar out there?[/quote]its-magic-shia-labeouf-gif.gif(alternatively, the familiar may collect treasure and trinkets as they travel with their dragon companions, storing them away for a special day when they want to suprise their friend!)[/quote][quote][quote]What is the in-world explanation for coliseum familiar drops? Did we steal one of their young away and raise them as our own? Were our foes so impressed by our strength that they decided to join us? Did we kidnap them?[/quote]We always viewed it as willful decision by the creature to join the dragon as its companion.[/quote][quote][quote]If Hainu are impossible to train (as stated by the flavor text on the Hainu Collars), how can some dragons have them as familiars?[/quote]A dragon would not be able to train a Hainu, but could form a friendship with one.[/quote][quote][quote]About how big are the elemental sprites and soldiers, compared to the average fae?[/quote]To the average Fae the Sprites would be pretty close in size, whereas the Soldiers would be fairly gigantic in comparison.[/quote][quote][quote]Does Sornieth have a "Thresher Week" where everyone tells stories and does presentations about sharks Threshers?[/quote]Ha!Not officially, but feel free to start your own![/quote][quote][quote]how do a fuiran's wings work? are they batlike wings, or are they closer to sugar glider-like flaps of skin?[/quote]They are more akin to sugar glider skin flaps.[/quote][quote][quote]Just who or what is making armor for the creatures (familiars) that dragons encounter? I mean, is some deranged dragon-smith capturing Warcats and Streaks just to slap armor on them? Is it various members of the beastclans?[/quote]The armor you're referring to is either stolen dragonmade items, unearthed artifacts from a previous industrial age, or (most commonly) designed and created by the Beastclans.[/quote]


Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (18)





October 04, 2018 19:58:53

Beastclans and Familiars

  • Beastclans [BST]
  • Familiars [FAM]

Beastclans [BST]



Do other beastclans at war with dragons view the Dunhooves to be traitors because of their alliance with dragons, or are they just thought of as kind of odd?

The Dunhooves have always had a relatively good relationship with dragonkind, so they aren't seen as traitors.



How is Maren pronounced? Like Mah-ren or like Mair-en?




What's the likelihood of a lost hatchling being found and raised by the beastclans?

Low, but dependent on the beastclan's vicinity and the outlook of that particular clan. In general, most beastclans are understandably hostile towards dragonkind because of the ongoing conflict between them. But sapient beings are individuals, and some clans may have different outlooks towards dragonkind than others, or hope that by taking in a hatchling they may be closer to achieving peace with their foes.



I'm really curious about the sizes of the various beastclans compared to dragons. Are longneck comparable to fae or snappers? Stuff like that.

Most Beastclan aside from centaur are "human-sized". Talonok tend to be a bit smaller. Most dragons are much larger than the various Beastclan species, with the exception of Faes, which are typically smaller, and Spirals which tend to weigh in in a similar ballpark.



How large are the Beastclan species, especially as compared to dragons?

The creatures of Flight Rising would not know what a "human" is, so consider the following a non-lore-friendly comparison!

  • Talonok are the smallest beastclan, around the size of a large bird of prey such as a bearded vulture.
  • Harpies and Longneck are about the size of a human.
  • Serthis and Maren are slightly larger than a human, and much longer.
  • Centaurs are the largest, and are the size of a horse.



Something that just came up in our Light Flight Dominance Roleplay: Do Beastclan and Dragons speak the same language, or different ones? Do they have some sort of Pidgin to communicate if it's the latter?

Beastclan and dragons do not speak the same language, though it is possible for a dragon to learn a particular beastclan's language and visa versa.



how big are the beastclan species and festival sprites?

The Beastclans range in size, but most are about as tall as Tundras at the shoulder (with the exception of the Raptorik clan, which are smaller and more numerous). Sprites, as the name somewhat dictates, are quite small; roughly a quarter the size of Fae dragons.



How large are the BeastClan species, especially as compared to dragons?

Are harpies the size of a bird, a human, or larger or smaller? Are centaurs the size of a horse, a human, or larger?
Can a Talonok rival an imperial?
Is a clan that finds itself attacked by Longnecks doomed unless they have at least one member of the larger species (ridgeback, guardian, imperial)?



Also what's under the harpie's masks? A "human" face, a birdlike face, or something else?

Clans who battle beside or against the harpy Beastclans have observed that fallen harpies have a "human" (though they wouldn't use that word!) face covered in short feathers. They have no auricle. The opening of their ears is covered by short feathers that lay flat against the head.



Also, I have another one-the Sprangyroos are mercenaries for the Longnecks. I would guess this would make them a Beastclan as well. Are they considered to be part of the Longnecks or are they too similar in culture to them/too small in comparison to be anything of note? Furthermore, the Aviars in Harpy's Roost-are they a Beastclan as well and do they help out the Harpies?

Sprangyroo are their own minor Beastclans. Due to their diminutive spread, they don't make a huge impact on Dominance or the wider Beastclan activities.



Is the Beastclan symbol the Neutral circle we see in the coli? And/Or if the Beastclans weren't at war with dragons. Would the elements the monsters and enemies have be which dragon god they'd be affiliated with?

The neutral symbol is a circle to allow it to easily be distinguished against other elements. It is not the Beastclan crest; just an element (or in this case, non-element) indicator. You can see the Beastclan runic crest on the Dominance page.



Are Maren and Serthis endotherms?

Maren are endotherms and Serthis are heterotherms.

Familiars [FAM]



Why do dragons have the eye color of their flights/elements, but familiars don't?

I.E this clearly has shadow eyes but it's a plague enemy.

Dragons are born with magic and their eyes reflect the elemental nature of the magic they absorbed while in the egg.

Familiar eye color is just that - the eye color of the creature, which has no relation to magic. The flora and fauna may learn to harness the magic around them if they are sentient, or they may begin using it if they are possessed by a feeding fragment of the Shade.



For Salve Kamaitachis-- is it pronounced 'salve' as in a healing ointment, or is it 'salve' as in the latin greeting? For some reason I thought it was the latter until a friend pointed out it could also be the English word!

The first one. :) They are the only kamaitachi with a jar of salve included in their artwork!



what purpose do familiars serve besides being dragon companions? can they help archive lists (like tomo and scribbles)? can they help with the groceries/hunting? what else do they do?

Familiars can assist in a wide variety of endeavors. What a Familiar is capable of depends on the intelligence of its species and the individual themselves.

For example, a companion animal amaranth moth would likely not be capable of sorting through clan records, while a befriended sapient member of a Beastclan may choose to help your dragon with that. Of course, just because a familiar can perform a task does not mean that they will. They may have their own tasks they wish to attend to.



Are the... I suppose "Goblin" is going to wind up being the template name, since it's not alliterative... are they about the same size as the sprites? Bigger? Smaller?

The goblins are around the same size as the sprites, give or take a couple of centimeters.



What does happen to the dragons and familiar when a familiar that was bonded goes away? The familiar is missed at all, does it miss the Lair, they keep in contact or something?

That would entirely depend upon the clan, the dragons, and the familiars involved! No two dragons, clans, or familiars are the same, and only you know the stories and personalities of your clan!



Coliseum enemies' eye colour doesn't match their elemental alignment, does it mean that element only affects dragons' eye colour?

This is correct. Dragons are partially born of their element, and it is a more intrinsic part of them than most other life on Sornieth.



I've been wondering about this for a while. While familiars probably come in all shapes and sizes, what are some of the largest and what are some of the smallest? I seem to recall that War Cats can be as big as Imperials?

Warcats match the size of many dragons species, though imperials aren't one of them! Roc are among some of the largest of the familiars, while Aer Phantoms are among some of the smallest. Familiars run the gamut!



Wait... why are Nogglebane Leaf Beetles used to fish for Noggles, if they are the bane of Noggles? Wouldn't all the noggles just swim away as fast as possible?

It's the bane of Noggles because they can't resist them when used as bait, leading to the Noggle in question becoming caught!



About how big are the 2014/2015 festival bears? Are they the size of RL bears? The size of a particular dragon? Or do they vary from element to element, or bear to bear?

They vary from bear to bear, but in general are twice the size of "Earth" bears.



I have a burning desire to know, the concrete block the sunbeam soldier is holding is it part of a column from the ruins? And why exactly a concrete block as a weapon? Won't it shatter fairly quickly? Also, I just love the sunbeam soldier so squeezable and cuddly!

The Sunbeam Soldier indeed wields a chunk of the Sunbeam Ruins as a weapon.



Are dryads sentient creatures?




Also, where do the familiars get the treasure chests from? My Glowing Pocket Mouse seems, despite her size, able to get even a Gilded Chest just fine while my whole clan of Imperials seem unable to find more than a single pebble when digging. What is the secret of the familiars? Or are dragons just too dumb to find as many chests as basically every familiar out there?


(alternatively, the familiar may collect treasure and trinkets as they travel with their dragon companions, storing them away for a special day when they want to suprise their friend!)



What is the in-world explanation for coliseum familiar drops? Did we steal one of their young away and raise them as our own? Were our foes so impressed by our strength that they decided to join us? Did we kidnap them?

We always viewed it as willful decision by the creature to join the dragon as its companion.



If Hainu are impossible to train (as stated by the flavor text on the Hainu Collars), how can some dragons have them as familiars?

A dragon would not be able to train a Hainu, but could form a friendship with one.



About how big are the elemental sprites and soldiers, compared to the average fae?

To the average Fae the Sprites would be pretty close in size, whereas the Soldiers would be fairly gigantic in comparison.



Does Sornieth have a "Thresher Week" where everyone tells stories and does presentations about sharks Threshers?


Not officially, but feel free to start your own!



how do a fuiran's wings work? are they batlike wings, or are they closer to sugar glider-like flaps of skin?

They are more akin to sugar glider skin flaps.



Just who or what is making armor for the creatures (familiars) that dragons encounter? I mean, is some deranged dragon-smith capturing Warcats and Streaks just to slap armor on them? Is it various members of the beastclans?

The armor you're referring to is either stolen dragonmade items, unearthed artifacts from a previous industrial age, or (most commonly) designed and created by the Beastclans.

[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (19)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 14:03:10 by OreoMilkshake

[size=6]Sorneith Geography[/size][LIST][*]Sornieth General[*]Locations[/LIST]-----[b]Sorneith General[/b] [SOG][quote][quote]Is "Sornieth" the planet or the continent?[/quote]Sornieth is the name of the planet. The continent as a whole does not have a given name because to the dragon clans, it IS the world.[/quote][quote][quote]If dragons from different Flights can Gather around Sornieth, are there no strictly maintained borders, and dragons just go by "where this deity's magical influece ends and this one's begins"?[/quote]That's a valid way of thinking about it! The zones themselves are very influenced by the magical element of the reigning Deity and their protected shard of the Pillar; the changes in both magical fields and the landscape itself are dead giveaways that one is approaching a "border".[/quote][quote]Do the different Flight regions ever go through seasonal changes? For example, is there ever snow in the Tangled Wood or a warm period in the Southern Icefield, or do all of the deities control the seasons and weather in their respective regions?Seasonal changes do occur, though the elemental forces at work in each territory limit or enhance these changes. You'll even see "warm" (comparatively...) periods in the Southern Icefield during the summer, when tundras develop the more lightweight coat.[/quote][quote][quote]Are there undiscovered lands in Sornieth?[/quote]Impossible to answer, as we won't know that for certain unless they become discovered lands![/quote][quote][quote]Is there any seasons in Sornieth? If yes, how do they each effect each flight regions? Like does the Ashfall Waste get colder during winter? Does snow melt in certain areas in Southern Icefield during summer? Does it snow at all in other regions besides the Southern Icefield during winter?[/quote]Sornieth indeed experiences its own winters, springs, summers, and autumns. The shift in temperature and weather patterns affects the elemental regions in different ways, some seeing more change than others. For instance, the width and strength of the Twisting Crescendo is much more fearsome in the late summer, when temperatures are warmer and more humid. The snowstorms of the Southern Icefield can send flurries as far north as the Starfall Isles. Overall, however, seasonal patterns are harder to predict or understand due to the constant imbalance in elemental magic ripping through the world.[/quote][quote][quote]How many moons does Sornieth have? Is it relatively the same distance from its own sun as Earth is? Is Sornieth in an Earth-like solar system or is it the only planet around its star?[/quote]Only the Arcanist and his most trusted astronomers know for sure how many celestial objects orbit Sornieth, but it does boast one to two modestly-sized moons that are a welcome sight on dark night[/quote][quote][quote]How is time seen in Sornieth? Is one Sornieth-day and year equal to Earth time? How many decades/centuries/millennia have passed since the Third Age?[/quote]For purposes of gameplay, Sornieth days and years are about on par with Earth time, as this makes them more relatable to players. However, dragons grow from a hatchling to an adult in a matter of weeks, so while the calendar year is taken into account with Flight Holidays and the like, lorewise, many measurements are considerably longer.[/quote][quote][quote]Is the Coliseum a location in and of itself, like a huge arena with multiple areas for battle, or is it individual battlegrounds? If so, where are they located? I assume, for example, that the Scorched Forest is part of the Fire territory, and Bamboo Falls is somewhere in Wind, but what about the rest?[/quote]Canonically, Coliseum venues themselves are scattered throughout Sornieth and exist as actual physical places in the environment.For instance, Bamboo Falls exists somewhere at the intersection of the Windswept Plateau and the Sea of a Thousand Currents. The Golem Workshop is likely the interior of a mesa in the Shifting Expanse.[/quote][quote][quote]Does the sun rise in the east? Or from another direction?[/quote]Sornieth has the same rotational direction as Earth, so sunrises happen in the east![/quote][quote][quote]When it comes to weather (such as thunderstorms, or droughts or even blizzards), is it entirely dictated in areas by the deities or do they have little to no influence on it?? Like, would a thunderstorm in Light territory be a natural occurance or would it be created be created by a deitiy??[/quote]Weather on Sornieth is a natural occurrence (such as on Earth), but it can certainly be exacerbated by the influence of the deities, or sometimes by their most powerful exalted followers. In the most heated skirmishes for dominance, the weather can be quite unpredictable.[/quote]-----[b]Locations[/b] [LOC][quote][quote]Can you give an estimate on the height of the Pillar of the World?[/quote]The Pillar is immense; the top nearly brushed the inner atmosphere of the planet.[/quote][quote][quote]in the golem workshop, who actually created the factory/workshop that has all the robots/coliseum opponents? Like who founded the golem workshop, or made it?[/quote]The Workshop was founded by an industrious Lightning clan, then abandoned when it became too difficult to control. It began to operate again seemingly on its own, with Golems producing more Golems. It is likely that the workshop was activated by Luna Mith seeking to make lightning-powered armor. These Mith did not grasp the full scope of what restoring power to the factory would entail.[/quote][quote][quote]"The blistering western desert, manufactured by the Stormcatcher and his employees."Is this wording correct? Was the desert itself made by Lightning flight and Stormcatcher?Something else along the same line:"[The Shifting Expanse is the] blistering western desert, manufactured by the Stormcatcher and his employees.""[The Windswept Plateau is the] breezy calming eastland, maintained by the Windsinger and his children."In the World Map, the Windswept Plateau is to the west of the Shifting Expanse. Is this a typo, or is there something else at play here?[/quote]The Shifting Expanse had to undergo a severe amount of terraformation by the Lightning flight to allow the machinery to coexist with the environment, so this is why that particular wording was used. They essentially "built" themselves a haven for storm-catching purposes. There are rumors that the landscape was a lot more lush before these technologies started to come online, and the constant pull of electric forces scorched and parched the landscape.On the east/west flip-flop, that appears to be a mistake. The map was flipped multiple times and it appears that our directions became crossed! We'll certainly be correcting that![/quote][quote][quote]Is the Arena a big fight zone where Longnecks and dragons willingly show up to battle?[/quote]The Longneck Beastclan and their allies hold this territory as a matter of honor and a way to test their mettle against dragon clans who accept their invitation to engage in combat. Of course, a few uninvited guests arrive from time to time![/quote][quote][quote]Where is Foxfire Grove? Does it have something to do with the Foxfire Bramble/Wispwillow Grove subregions of the Shadow flight, or is the name a coincidence? Will we learn more about it at some point?[/quote]Foxfire Grove is a vista name, not a coliseum venue or map location. It is inaccessible to dragonkind.[/quote][quote][quote]How did the Wyrmwound even come to exist? Did the Plaguebringer just dig a hole and spit in it? Or is it lava that got full of disease? Or...?[/quote]The Wyrmwound is the Plaguebringer's experimentation cauldron. Using her own mysterious magics, she uses it to concoct strong diseases and malladies that are then tested upon the dragons, flora, and fauna of the Scarred Wasteland to measure their survivability. It's like getting a flu shot! Only like, way worse.[/quote][quote][quote]Hey so I was wondering, my lair is full of coatls and we live in the Ashfall Waste and I was just curious about where they're getting fish? Are there rivers or lakes? I mean, I guess they could just jump in the lava, but that seems impractical. Just wondering :)[/quote]The Ashfall Waste is bordered by the Sea of a Thousand currents as well as the greater ocean. Most coatl will obtain their fish from the coast, though there are some species that dwell in warm underground rivers.[/quote][quote][quote]Is it true that Crystalspine Reaches are somehow dangerous to non-arcane dragons living there?[/quote]Not particularly, though all territories have areas where it is difficult or dangerous for dragons to tread. If you notice that the giant pulsing crystal is warping wildlife around it, it's probably a good idea not to make your lair there...[/quote][quote][quote]What exactly is the biome of the Plague region? Humid or arid? Marshland or desert?[/quote]Yes. It depends on what area you travel. It can vary from incredibly humid to bone-dry.[/quote][quote][quote]Why are the Wind and Water flights' symbols in the background of the Bamboo Falls coliseum venue? I'm guessing that, conceptually, you guys based it off of feng shui (wind water), but is there any lore-related reason?[/quote]Bamboo Falls exists in a serene area that both flights share. You can envision that it is near the coast of the Windswept Plateau.[/quote][quote][quote]What's the most popular tourist attraction in Sorneith? My dragons need a vacation.[/quote]Taking a ride on a balloon through the Twisting Crescendo is always a thrill for non-Wind dragons![/quote]


Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (21)





October 04, 2018 19:58:56

Sorneith Geography

  • Sornieth General
  • Locations

Sorneith General [SOG]



Is "Sornieth" the planet or the continent?

Sornieth is the name of the planet. The continent as a whole does not have a given name because to the dragon clans, it IS the world.



If dragons from different Flights can Gather around Sornieth, are there no strictly maintained borders, and dragons just go by "where this deity's magical influece ends and this one's begins"?

That's a valid way of thinking about it! The zones themselves are very influenced by the magical element of the reigning Deity and their protected shard of the Pillar; the changes in both magical fields and the landscape itself are dead giveaways that one is approaching a "border".


Do the different Flight regions ever go through seasonal changes? For example, is there ever snow in the Tangled Wood or a warm period in the Southern Icefield, or do all of the deities control the seasons and weather in their respective regions?

Seasonal changes do occur, though the elemental forces at work in each territory limit or enhance these changes. You'll even see "warm" (comparatively...) periods in the Southern Icefield during the summer, when tundras develop the more lightweight coat.



Are there undiscovered lands in Sornieth?

Impossible to answer, as we won't know that for certain unless they become discovered lands!



Is there any seasons in Sornieth? If yes, how do they each effect each flight regions? Like does the Ashfall Waste get colder during winter? Does snow melt in certain areas in Southern Icefield during summer? Does it snow at all in other regions besides the Southern Icefield during winter?

Sornieth indeed experiences its own winters, springs, summers, and autumns. The shift in temperature and weather patterns affects the elemental regions in different ways, some seeing more change than others. For instance, the width and strength of the Twisting Crescendo is much more fearsome in the late summer, when temperatures are warmer and more humid. The snowstorms of the Southern Icefield can send flurries as far north as the Starfall Isles. Overall, however, seasonal patterns are harder to predict or understand due to the constant imbalance in elemental magic ripping through the world.



How many moons does Sornieth have? Is it relatively the same distance from its own sun as Earth is? Is Sornieth in an Earth-like solar system or is it the only planet around its star?

Only the Arcanist and his most trusted astronomers know for sure how many celestial objects orbit Sornieth, but it does boast one to two modestly-sized moons that are a welcome sight on dark night



How is time seen in Sornieth? Is one Sornieth-day and year equal to Earth time? How many decades/centuries/millennia have passed since the Third Age?

For purposes of gameplay, Sornieth days and years are about on par with Earth time, as this makes them more relatable to players. However, dragons grow from a hatchling to an adult in a matter of weeks, so while the calendar year is taken into account with Flight Holidays and the like, lorewise, many measurements are considerably longer.



Is the Coliseum a location in and of itself, like a huge arena with multiple areas for battle, or is it individual battlegrounds? If so, where are they located? I assume, for example, that the Scorched Forest is part of the Fire territory, and Bamboo Falls is somewhere in Wind, but what about the rest?

Canonically, Coliseum venues themselves are scattered throughout Sornieth and exist as actual physical places in the environment.

For instance, Bamboo Falls exists somewhere at the intersection of the Windswept Plateau and the Sea of a Thousand Currents. The Golem Workshop is likely the interior of a mesa in the Shifting Expanse.



Does the sun rise in the east? Or from another direction?

Sornieth has the same rotational direction as Earth, so sunrises happen in the east!



When it comes to weather (such as thunderstorms, or droughts or even blizzards), is it entirely dictated in areas by the deities or do they have little to no influence on it?? Like, would a thunderstorm in Light territory be a natural occurance or would it be created be created by a deitiy??

Weather on Sornieth is a natural occurrence (such as on Earth), but it can certainly be exacerbated by the influence of the deities, or sometimes by their most powerful exalted followers. In the most heated skirmishes for dominance, the weather can be quite unpredictable.

Locations [LOC]



Can you give an estimate on the height of the Pillar of the World?

The Pillar is immense; the top nearly brushed the inner atmosphere of the planet.



in the golem workshop, who actually created the factory/workshop that has all the robots/coliseum opponents? Like who founded the golem workshop, or made it?

The Workshop was founded by an industrious Lightning clan, then abandoned when it became too difficult to control. It began to operate again seemingly on its own, with Golems producing more Golems. It is likely that the workshop was activated by Luna Mith seeking to make lightning-powered armor. These Mith did not grasp the full scope of what restoring power to the factory would entail.



"The blistering western desert, manufactured by the Stormcatcher and his employees."

Is this wording correct? Was the desert itself made by Lightning flight and Stormcatcher?

Something else along the same line:
"[The Shifting Expanse is the] blistering western desert, manufactured by the Stormcatcher and his employees."
"[The Windswept Plateau is the] breezy calming eastland, maintained by the Windsinger and his children."

In the World Map, the Windswept Plateau is to the west of the Shifting Expanse. Is this a typo, or is there something else at play here?

The Shifting Expanse had to undergo a severe amount of terraformation by the Lightning flight to allow the machinery to coexist with the environment, so this is why that particular wording was used. They essentially "built" themselves a haven for storm-catching purposes. There are rumors that the landscape was a lot more lush before these technologies started to come online, and the constant pull of electric forces scorched and parched the landscape.

On the east/west flip-flop, that appears to be a mistake. The map was flipped multiple times and it appears that our directions became crossed! We'll certainly be correcting that!



Is the Arena a big fight zone where Longnecks and dragons willingly show up to battle?

The Longneck Beastclan and their allies hold this territory as a matter of honor and a way to test their mettle against dragon clans who accept their invitation to engage in combat. Of course, a few uninvited guests arrive from time to time!



Where is Foxfire Grove? Does it have something to do with the Foxfire Bramble/Wispwillow Grove subregions of the Shadow flight, or is the name a coincidence? Will we learn more about it at some point?

Foxfire Grove is a vista name, not a coliseum venue or map location. It is inaccessible to dragonkind.



How did the Wyrmwound even come to exist? Did the Plaguebringer just dig a hole and spit in it? Or is it lava that got full of disease? Or...?

The Wyrmwound is the Plaguebringer's experimentation cauldron. Using her own mysterious magics, she uses it to concoct strong diseases and malladies that are then tested upon the dragons, flora, and fauna of the Scarred Wasteland to measure their survivability. It's like getting a flu shot! Only like, way worse.



Hey so I was wondering, my lair is full of coatls and we live in the Ashfall Waste and I was just curious about where they're getting fish? Are there rivers or lakes? I mean, I guess they could just jump in the lava, but that seems impractical. Just wondering :)

The Ashfall Waste is bordered by the Sea of a Thousand currents as well as the greater ocean. Most coatl will obtain their fish from the coast, though there are some species that dwell in warm underground rivers.



Is it true that Crystalspine Reaches are somehow dangerous to non-arcane dragons living there?

Not particularly, though all territories have areas where it is difficult or dangerous for dragons to tread. If you notice that the giant pulsing crystal is warping wildlife around it, it's probably a good idea not to make your lair there...



What exactly is the biome of the Plague region? Humid or arid? Marshland or desert?

Yes. It depends on what area you travel. It can vary from incredibly humid to bone-dry.



Why are the Wind and Water flights' symbols in the background of the Bamboo Falls coliseum venue? I'm guessing that, conceptually, you guys based it off of feng shui (wind water), but is there any lore-related reason?

Bamboo Falls exists in a serene area that both flights share. You can envision that it is near the coast of the Windswept Plateau.



What's the most popular tourist attraction in Sorneith? My dragons need a vacation.

Taking a ride on a balloon through the Twisting Crescendo is always a thrill for non-Wind dragons!

[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (22)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 13:58:48 by OreoMilkshake

[b]Food [/b][quote][quote]Why are so many of the meat food items small animals? Especially the ones found from Hunting - why do the dragons hunt rodents and birds instead of things like deer, wild pigs, etc.[/quote]ROUS. ;)As we add more levels to gathering, prey sizes are gradually increasing from mice and sparrows, to things like wallabies and geese.[/quote][quote][quote]Each dragon breed have specific food item types that they can eat in their diet. As this is obviously used as a simple gaming mechanic to make breeds more unique and provide a range of possible food items we can keep track of as opposed to a boring singular type, outside of the gameplay can dragons still consume types of food outside of their normal diet? Since in your newest Forgotten Cave update, it was implied that "even the most carnivorous dragons" would resort to feasting on Drywood Termites if their hunting grounds became scarce.[/quote]As far as game mechanics go, the food types that dragons may consume are strict. For story purposes, their diets can be a bit more flexible, though we like to think that eating outside of a dragon's designated food type is not as nutritious for them.[/quote][quote][quote]So about food converting, how is it done? I mean, is it all thrown into a big pile labeled "Eat Me", or is it transmogrified into collective edible substances similar to Baldwin's soylents?[/quote]Items that remain in the hoard are something that has not yet been designated as something to eat, only something to save until the clan sorts it into their stores for consumption. The food is transferred to collective food stores that the entire lair can live from.[/quote][quote][quote]Why are all the hunting food items so tiny? They're all birds, rodents or small reptiles which I'm assuming are about the same size they are in our world. But our dragons are HUGE! How come they aren't bringing home prey more their sized like deer or even elephants![/quote]A dragon clan consumes an impressive quantity of food each day. To keep their territories healthy, many will diversify in the types of prey they hunt and flora they harvest. Less experienced clan members will contribute to the daily gather by searching out smaller food items to add to the stock piles. Only the most skilled hunters will go after larger prey.[/quote]-----[b]Shade[/b][quote][quote]Is the Shade a wandering, sentient being or some kind of black hole, magic-eating thing?[/quote]Shade is a roving, mostly-disembodied force of darkness that collectively feeds on magical energy. It is said that the only remnants of the Shade in the current age are millions of fragmented wisps and tendrils that have very minor influence over the flora and fauna of Sornieth. Dragons are still not entirely sure just what the Shade is or what its goals are beyond feeding on magical energy, but it is agreed there's a sort of intelligence, even if it's not fully understood.[/quote][quote][quote]Will we ever have a universal symbol for the Shade as we do beastclans & flights?[/quote]The Shade hasn't focused on marketing and brand recognition.[/quote][quote][quote]If a dragon were to, say, decide to forsake the deities and pledge their loyalty to the Shade, would the deities intervene or would that be the responsibility of that dragon's clan?[/quote]By their very nature, dragons are deeply elemental creatures, so physically attuning oneself to the Shade--which itself is the absence and inverse of all elements--would likely not be possible.However: fanatics, heretics, and cultists exist in any society, and Sornieth is no different. Rare individuals like this might be ostracized or not taken very seriously, considering that the Shade's lingering presence in the realm has been weak to negligible for thousands and thousands of years.[/quote][quote][quote]Is there any instance of a dragon (or deity) trying to harness the power of the Shade and/or ally themselves with it?[/quote]To date, there are no known instances or information about dragons or deities trying to harness or align themselves with the Shade.[/quote][quote][quote]Where is the shade? we've seen nothing of it.[/quote]The Shade is currently dormant, but possesses some Sornieth monsters at a base level.[/quote][quote][quote]Can you give us any information or lore about the Shade? Or hint that it may play a role again in any capacity? Or is basically retconned out of the game since the Beastclans emerged as a more normal threat for dragons. Because the Shade is a pretty big cosmic horror to just leave sulking over in the Prologue.[/quote]The Shade is still present in Sornieth and many of its creatures. Millennia have passed since the Shade was a powerful force, and over time it has to all appearances infested the flora and fauna. Many dragons believe that it is no longer the threat that it once was... others fear that neglecting to finish off this enemy will lead to destruction.[/quote]-----[b]Technology[/b][quote][quote]Given that there's steampunk apparel, are there also steampunk type inventions? Maybe airships for dragons who can't fly or would rather take a ship? (For instance, a Earth snapper ambassador to Wind would have a really difficult time getting up to Cloudsong!)[/quote]You can ask any Lightning Flight member: the Shifting Expanse is full of some incredible steam and electric machinery![/quote][quote][quote]Following up on that question about internet in Sornieth, what is exactly the technological level in the Shifting Expanse? We know about robots, but can they create AI and/or powerful computers? Also, is this kept from other Flights or are they allowed to trade for such advanced technology?[/quote]R-robots? *cough* I think you mean golems. Which are like a totally different thing.There are no computers or AI at this time. Most of the technology could be compared to the electricity, steam, and machine innovations created through the 1920's but given a distinctly fantasy/Sornieth bent.[/quote][quote][quote]Considering the technological advances of the Lightning flight (and other flights, to a lesser extent), have dragons created their own version of the Internet? If so, do they have any social media, such as Faebook, Tundr, Imperigram? (Or hopefully more creatively named versions?)[/quote]The dragons do not yet have Internet access. This is for the best, as certain gods might waste all their time browsing memes and social media...[/quote][quote][quote]If any dragon, lost a limb, be it arm; leg; or wing, is there any way for them to get a prosthetic lore wise? Not counting potential apparel pieces.[/quote]The blacksmiths of Ashfall Waste and Engineers of Shifting Expanse would both be able to craft prosthetics, though the prosthetic would be unlikely to have all the functionality of the original limb. However, the original limb probably couldn't have a rocket pack attached to it either...[/quote]


Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (24)





October 04, 2018 20:24:46




Why are so many of the meat food items small animals? Especially the ones found from Hunting - why do the dragons hunt rodents and birds instead of things like deer, wild pigs, etc.

ROUS. ;)

As we add more levels to gathering, prey sizes are gradually increasing from mice and sparrows, to things like wallabies and geese.



Each dragon breed have specific food item types that they can eat in their diet. As this is obviously used as a simple gaming mechanic to make breeds more unique and provide a range of possible food items we can keep track of as opposed to a boring singular type, outside of the gameplay can dragons still consume types of food outside of their normal diet? Since in your newest Forgotten Cave update, it was implied that "even the most carnivorous dragons" would resort to feasting on Drywood Termites if their hunting grounds became scarce.

As far as game mechanics go, the food types that dragons may consume are strict. For story purposes, their diets can be a bit more flexible, though we like to think that eating outside of a dragon's designated food type is not as nutritious for them.



So about food converting, how is it done? I mean, is it all thrown into a big pile labeled "Eat Me", or is it transmogrified into collective edible substances similar to Baldwin's soylents?

Items that remain in the hoard are something that has not yet been designated as something to eat, only something to save until the clan sorts it into their stores for consumption. The food is transferred to collective food stores that the entire lair can live from.



Why are all the hunting food items so tiny? They're all birds, rodents or small reptiles which I'm assuming are about the same size they are in our world. But our dragons are HUGE! How come they aren't bringing home prey more their sized like deer or even elephants!

A dragon clan consumes an impressive quantity of food each day. To keep their territories healthy, many will diversify in the types of prey they hunt and flora they harvest. Less experienced clan members will contribute to the daily gather by searching out smaller food items to add to the stock piles. Only the most skilled hunters will go after larger prey.




Is the Shade a wandering, sentient being or some kind of black hole, magic-eating thing?

Shade is a roving, mostly-disembodied force of darkness that collectively feeds on magical energy. It is said that the only remnants of the Shade in the current age are millions of fragmented wisps and tendrils that have very minor influence over the flora and fauna of Sornieth. Dragons are still not entirely sure just what the Shade is or what its goals are beyond feeding on magical energy, but it is agreed there's a sort of intelligence, even if it's not fully understood.



Will we ever have a universal symbol for the Shade as we do beastclans & flights?

The Shade hasn't focused on marketing and brand recognition.



If a dragon were to, say, decide to forsake the deities and pledge their loyalty to the Shade, would the deities intervene or would that be the responsibility of that dragon's clan?

By their very nature, dragons are deeply elemental creatures, so physically attuning oneself to the Shade--which itself is the absence and inverse of all elements--would likely not be possible.

However: fanatics, heretics, and cultists exist in any society, and Sornieth is no different. Rare individuals like this might be ostracized or not taken very seriously, considering that the Shade's lingering presence in the realm has been weak to negligible for thousands and thousands of years.



Is there any instance of a dragon (or deity) trying to harness the power of the Shade and/or ally themselves with it?

To date, there are no known instances or information about dragons or deities trying to harness or align themselves with the Shade.



Where is the shade? we've seen nothing of it.

The Shade is currently dormant, but possesses some Sornieth monsters at a base level.



Can you give us any information or lore about the Shade? Or hint that it may play a role again in any capacity? Or is basically retconned out of the game since the Beastclans emerged as a more normal threat for dragons. Because the Shade is a pretty big cosmic horror to just leave sulking over in the Prologue.

The Shade is still present in Sornieth and many of its creatures. Millennia have passed since the Shade was a powerful force, and over time it has to all appearances infested the flora and fauna. Many dragons believe that it is no longer the threat that it once was... others fear that neglecting to finish off this enemy will lead to destruction.




Given that there's steampunk apparel, are there also steampunk type inventions? Maybe airships for dragons who can't fly or would rather take a ship? (For instance, a Earth snapper ambassador to Wind would have a really difficult time getting up to Cloudsong!)

You can ask any Lightning Flight member: the Shifting Expanse is full of some incredible steam and electric machinery!



Following up on that question about internet in Sornieth, what is exactly the technological level in the Shifting Expanse? We know about robots, but can they create AI and/or powerful computers? Also, is this kept from other Flights or are they allowed to trade for such advanced technology?

R-robots? *cough* I think you mean golems. Which are like a totally different thing.

There are no computers or AI at this time. Most of the technology could be compared to the electricity, steam, and machine innovations created through the 1920's but given a distinctly fantasy/Sornieth bent.



Considering the technological advances of the Lightning flight (and other flights, to a lesser extent), have dragons created their own version of the Internet? If so, do they have any social media, such as Faebook, Tundr, Imperigram? (Or hopefully more creatively named versions?)

The dragons do not yet have Internet access. This is for the best, as certain gods might waste all their time browsing memes and social media...



If any dragon, lost a limb, be it arm; leg; or wing, is there any way for them to get a prosthetic lore wise? Not counting potential apparel pieces.

The blacksmiths of Ashfall Waste and Engineers of Shifting Expanse would both be able to craft prosthetics, though the prosthetic would be unlikely to have all the functionality of the original limb. However, the original limb probably couldn't have a rocket pack attached to it either...

[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (25)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 13:57:53 by OreoMilkshake



Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (27)





October 04, 2018 20:25:33


[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (28)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 13:13:57 by OreoMilkshake

[quote][quote]I've always been curious about this.When you put a dragon or item in the AH and it sells, why is there a fee? Where does the treasure go?[/quote]Gameplay-wise, the fee is primarily there as a small treasure sink so that everyone who is using the auction house is in turn removing a little bit of treasure from the economy. However, we like to think that Edgar, Pearl, and Spitfire are collecting a nice courier salary for lugging all those goods around![/quote][quote][quote]Is the magic in the environment finite or infinite? I know dragons' internal stores can be expended, but could a colony of fae (who have small internal stores) wipe out the environmental magic in an area through excessive magic use?[/quote]A little of both. It's something that can naturally replenish if given time and the right conditions. However, it can be destroyed as well. The majority of magic that dragon's use is drawn from their environment, and released back into it without being destroyed or created.Part of the reason why the Shade incursion was taken seriously by the gods was that the Shade consume and destroy magic at a faster rate than it can be replenished.[/quote][quote][quote]Has the Arcanist ever considered literally ascending into space to observe it directly?[/quote]He's tried a time or two, but after the whole Pillar-shattering situation and the eyes of his followers upon him, he's been playing it a bit more safely by observing and augmenting his telescopes.[/quote][quote][quote]Are Emperors well-known to the Beastclans?[/quote]Emperors are a fright to Beastclans and dragonkind alike. Though it is more likely to encounter an Emperor in a battle between dragons, the Beastclans know to avoid gatherings of war-ready Imperials.However, it should be noted that the creation of an Emperor is a relatively rare event. Most Beastclans know of them only through cautionary tales and not through first-hand experience.[/quote][quote][quote]Also, are skin items real physical changes to a dragon, or just body paint/magical holograms (for example, would a dragon with a skin like the Trickmurk Circus's Dullahan really be headless)?[/quote]The lore explanation for skin items is that it's paint. However, if you create a skin for a dragon and think that that's how the dragon really looks, that's fine too! Have fun![/quote][quote][quote]the driftwood baron description mentions wyrmwound plague. what even is it? is it comparable to a realworld disease or???[/quote]The description for this familiar references a general swath of infectious diseases that originate from the Wyrmwound--the Plaguebringer's epicenter and testing ground for plague strains. You can compare Driftwood Barons to vultures in that they have an incredible biological advantage.[/quote][quote][quote]I have a burning desire to know; How are dragons measured? Especially length. Are they, for instance, measured from nose to the base of the tail like many animals, or is it from nose to tail tip?Would you catch hatchlings complaining to their mothers because "Tommy has a longer tail than me!" That would be cute. Done rambling now.[/quote]They are measured from nose to tail in terms of length. This is part of why spiral and imperial dragons are so long, but do not weigh as much as some of their "shorter" counterparts.[/quote][quote]2: Are the Encyclopedia articles on the history of Sornieth literal truth, or are these dragon legends? (Are the deities actual gods, or just super-powerful ancient entities the dragons chose to revere?)The Encyclopedia chapters are the actual events that occurred and were not penned by any specific dragon; they exist outside the written history to give players the most well-rounded account of the history of Flight Rising. Legends that dragons tell to each other are likely much more colored, depending on their elemental affiliation. As for the deities themselves, they are borne directly of the coalescence of their given element, rather than natural birth. They are the embodied, corporeal forms of Fire, Water, etc.[/quote][quote][quote]When dragons cast spells, do the bolts come from their mouths? Or do they come from their talons? Same for the elemental slash attacks?[/quote]It depends on the dragon breed and it depends on the type of bolt. For gameplay reasons, our secondary meter is called Breath because one of the fantastical tenets of most dragons is that they breathe something as a means of attack and self-defense. But it's just as likely that earth dragons act much more like geomancers in that they can rip up chunks of granite and stone and hurl them with magical force at their foes.[/quote][quote][quote]When a dragon is scrolled to or from a Pearlcatcher, what happens to the pearl? Is it just spawned if they're going from, say, a Fae into a PC? Or does it disappear if they're going from a PC to a Fae?[/quote]The pearl would stick around. It's no longer biologically part of the dragon and thus magical scrolls wouldn't affect it. While the pearl may still be around, it would no longer be able to be grown any further as only Pearlcatchers can add to a pearl.[/quote][quote][quote]I would like to know what, if any, folklore heroes exist. Who do the bards and minstrels sing about, other than the deities? Is there a dragon equivalent to Shakespeare?[/quote]While none are named in a official lore at the moment, the realm is chocked full of daring, memorable heroes. One can bet that during huge battles, there are a few dragon MVPs that helped call shots and turn tides.[/quote][quote][quote]what purpose do the runes in runes of the arcanist serve are they important at all? or are they just placeholders[/quote]The runestones used in the matching game are replications of ancient runes from Sornieth's history. While most dragons use a modernized common language, some historians continue to keep these stones and other relics around to remind them of where they came from.[/quote][quote][quote]Where do random progens come from? Are they wild, uncivilized dragons, descended former exalts, eggs that hatched alone in the wild...?[/quote]Canonically, randomized progenitor dragons are lone/independent dragons that do not yet call a specific clan home, but it's all up to your personal preference. Maybe your randomized progenitor was already a part of your clan, or perhaps they were a mercenary who happened to fall in love and settle down! The sky's the limit. :)[/quote][quote][quote]I don't know if anyone has ever asked this before, but I'd really love to know how big the Giant Sundial on the Sundial Terrace is.[/quote]Close to the diamater of a large SETI telescope dish.[/quote][quote][quote]What is the lore for new food and familiars being introduced? Are they species created by the deities, did they evolve, or were they simply never known to exist until now?[/quote]Many of the materials, flora, and fauna were known and had existed all along! It's only with the item introduction that you as a player can actually collect them.A minority of the items are "newly discovered" or made public enough that an average dragon would be aware of its existence.[/quote][quote][quote]Why is the shining goblin called the eyes of the Lightweaver? Are they messengers/scouts/spies?[/quote]They are the watchers. If you travel in Light's territory, your passing may not go unobserved...[/quote][quote][quote]Canonically, what happens when a familiar is reduced in Baldwin's pot? Are they just tossed in alive, or do dragons only use familiars that have already died from other causes? If so, is that standard practice for dead familiars?[/quote]Canonically, you are using Baldwin's cauldron.Baldwin would not allow any dragon using his cauldron to put a living creature inside. A scrap of fur, a handful of leaves, a piece of horn, these will work just fine![/quote]Do different genes affect the texture of a dragon's skin/scales? Does a dragon with crackle feel more rough and dragons with cry/fac feel smooth and hard, or do genes only affect how the dragon looks?Some genes can definitely alter both the appearance and texture of a dragon's skin. Your examples are good ones! Shimmer and Iridescent, likewise, would actually create a sub-surface sheen directly beneath the dragon's skin.[quote][quote]Are gems (currency) the same gems that encase gembonded dragons? Is that where they are "harvested" from or are they two completely separate types of gems?[/quote]They are completely different (thankfully).[/quote][quote][quote]How do onyx cobras affect dragons with gembond?[/quote]If a dragon already has the gembond gene present, they are immune to additional effects of the venom.[/quote][quote][quote]I know that from a game standpoint the coli-dropped eggs are there to bring new breeding material into the game. But from a lore standpoint, why are the stolen eggs from guardian/fae/tundra/mirror nests? Do Beastclans go out of their way to target those particular breeds or is there something about those breeds that means they’re more capable of surviving being abducted than others as eggs?[/quote]The simple answer is that those four breeds are the most common and populated. This means they create more nests and more eggs, and they tend to show up more in the environment![/quote][quote][quote]Lore-wise (because I know it would be a pain to draw), can dragons inherit the traits of their parents if one of their parents is a different breed?[/quote]Like, say a Coatl and a Ridgeback get together, would their hypothetical Coatl child have sharper features because of their Ridgebadck parent? A disdain for water? And a habit of digging? And would the Ridgeback child have rounder features, maybe even feathers? Would the Ridgeback child be mellower, friendlier, but with a terrifying temper? But both children still looking like their species? Is that possible, lore-wise?The dragons will typically breed true to one line or the other. Hatchlings that are raised by multiple species may pick up habits as learned behaviors rather than instinctual behaviors, so yes, a coatl raised by a ridgeback may learn a disdain for water![/quote][quote][quote]Do Nocturne Dragons have echolocation for getting around the darkest parts of the Tangled Wood?[/quote]While Nocturnes possess advanced vocal cords enabling them to create a plethora of sounds, they do not have the ability to use echolocation.[/quote][quote][quote]Is there a meaning to the runes from the eponymous tertiary gene, or are they gibberish/random ?[/quote]The runes are drawn with the intention of being random nonsense rather than drawing from a particular culture or established fantasy language. In terms of the meaning within Sornieth, they would invoke or call out varoius qualities or elements.[/quote][quote][quote]Why aren't Miths counted as one of the Beastclans?They seem intelligent enough to have made themselves armour and more than one type exists across venues that aren't repeated enemies/colour swaps.Is it possible we'll see more of these creepy mothbunnies?[/quote]There are plenty of smaller groups of sentient beings in Sornieth that have not been elaborated on in our Encyclopedia. Generally these smaller groups don't make a large enough impact to be considered contenders in Dominance, etc.[/quote][quote][quote]Does the Imperial who mans the Scrying Workshop have a name? The one who you see when you first click on the workshop, before you select a type of scrying to perform. Is he a guardian or keeper of the scrying apparatus, or just a dragon who happens to be there a lot? (I'm guessing he's a he because of his beard, but I could be wrong.)[/quote]No. The Imperial who's on the Scrying Workshop illustration is an illustration representing what your clan can do. The workshop is a tool available to all Clans and can be used by any dragon (though it's said Water dragons see clearest!).[/quote][quote]Would a Pearlcatcher ever consider using their pearl as "ammo" (e.g. for elemental bolt attacks, disciplining hatchlings, etc)?[/quote][quote][quote]Is this another thing that can be ignored/altered a bit for personal headcanons or is this a hard and fast rule?[/quote]We enjoy that our community has such creative ideas for their lairs and their dragons, so headcanons & personal lore can be whatever the player wants them to be - Flight Rising's canon exists to provide a robust, colorful world to play in and expand upon. There is no limit to the stories you can tell![/quote][quote][quote]Can the Tidelord grant swimming abilities? Or will Snappers just sink no matter what?[/quote]Water flight dragons do gain a serious boon in their aquatic prowess from their patron deity, be it in swimming, fishing, or water-breathing![/quote][quote][quote]What is the relationship between the dragons at the Trading Post? Do they ever help each other out?[/quote]You can bet that there's some stiff competition for patronage at the Trading Post, but also a lot of friendly banter and good sportsmanship.[/quote][quote]When lairs hoardsell their stuff, where does it go? Who buys it? (It's Crim isn't it.)[quote][LIST][*]They could be being sold to other NPC dragon clans.[*]They could be being sold to the exalted dragons to provision their researchers, scribes, spies, medics, and warriors on the dominance warfront.[*]They could be sold to provision exalted dragons who maintain their flight's lands.[*]They could be sold to beastclans that your clan is allied with.[*]They could be sold to the courier dragons.[*]They could be sold to merchant caravans that travel between territories.[*]They could be sold to Crim...[/LIST]There are so many places the items could go that we welcome players to come up with their own ideas regarding what their clans do with their excess reserves and trade goods! The decision of who your clan trades with is up to your clan, after all![/quote][/quote][quote][quote]Hm, what does swipp choose to do with the items that are procured for trades? ;;[/quote]He trades them to other merchants for even more deals![/quote]When feeding dragons you get a pop saying "All of your dragons are happy and full of energy" and yet Tomo has a question asking something like "What emotion has never been seen on a dragon"...answer: Happiness.So do they experience happiness or not?The question was "The Brilliant Bobtail Squid conveys its emotions through bioluminescent displays. Which emotional display has never been observed by a dragon?". The question was about the squid. Both the squid and the dragon can be happy, but a squid is never happy to see a dragon! Onomnomnom.How in the world are the Ancient Fungus and Dwarf Truffle able to dodge incoming dragon attacks in battle?Ancient Fungus and Dwarf Truffles are not the typical fungi that grace a dinner plate. They're a mutation that's both mobile AND sentient! This is why it's possible for dragons to befriend them as familiars. While we don't imagine that these fungi are particularly fast, if lucky, they could dodge an incoming attack by moving slightly.[quote]What happens to the treasure collected as processing fees in the AH?[quote][b]In Game:[/b] Poof! It is disappeared from the economy![b]In Lore:[/b] It pays the staff of the auction house and goes towards the maintenance of the facility.[/quote][/quote][quote][quote]Do wing apparel ever interfere with flight?[/quote]As rigid armor or multi-layered skirts can interfere with running, the same can be assumed for certain apparel designs hindering flight. It would still be possible, but you'd have to be a lot more careful. Delicate wing apparel would be unlikely to be worn into battle, but may be used for an aerial dance. Rigid armor would hinder flight, but would also help to protect a dragon's wings during battle. Some battle apparel is designed to hinder flight as little as possible, though there is often a trade off in armor protection vs maneuverability.[/quote][b]Game Mechanics:[/b] the exalt system is intended to be used to exalt dragons of all types, regardless of their element in exchange for a Flight's dominance push and a treasure incentive.[b]Lore:[/b] It is an honor for a dragon to serve their clan's deity and flight cause. It is the opposite of disrespectful for a dragon to achieve exalted status for their home clan![quote][quote]Dragon breeds come with set coliseum abilities: either scratch and shred, or meditate and contuse. Those battle stones can be changed, so this seems to imply that I could make my Guardian a mage, and my Skydancer a front-line warrior.Is this a breed-wide preference, or is it a breed-wide set guideline? I.e. Do certain breeds, Guardians for example, have a harder time learning magic than magic oriented breeds, and vice versa for mage breeds?[/quote]All breeds have the capacity to learn both magical and melee abilities, though the individual dragon will need to make the decision in how they train. Some breeds are naturally inclined to gravitate towards a certain ability style so their population's skillset is skewed.In terms of gameplay, we wanted to spread out the starting abilities.[/quote][quote][quote]...are our dragons different breeds from 1 single founder species that all of the gods molded to their specific liking, or are they are distinct species that the gods individually created from different whatevers that just happen to make fertile mules with each other?[/quote]Dragon breeds today are long-descended forms of unique breeds created by the deities.[/quote][quote][quote]How do breedchanges work lorewise?[/quote]Gene and Breed scrolls (and other similar specialty items) are imbued with magical properties. Once the inscription on the scroll is read, the magic is released, altering the DNA makeup of the dragon performing the ritual. The scroll then falls to [really sparkly] ashes.[/quote]I'm not sure if you answered this yet, but where DO unhatched eggs come from? Like are they just made without an element? For example Arcanist just makes an egg and throws it into the ocean "lol he's water flight"?Unhatched eggs are generally those that have been abandoned, lost, or stolen from dragon lairs.When expanding your lair, is the treasure you pay for it given to the elements deity? And if so what do they do with that treasure?While much of it is provided as an offering to the patron deity and efforts of the elemental flight as a whole, some of it does go towards the actual cost of cultivating more space for a growing clan. Funds are spent on aquiring difficult-to-obtain building materials for roosts, nests, furnishings (if the clan is inclined), and even hiring help![quote][quote]Do Longnecks come in any other size besides medium?I'd like to see Longneck Smalls and Longneck Larges in the future.[/quote]It's possible. We're currently working on Longneck Party-Size first.[/quote][quote]What do the runes on a rune-gened dragon mean?In terms of the creation of the runes from the artist-side, the runes were designed to be nonsense scrawls and are not a replication of a real-world runic script.In terms of lore, players are welcome to create interpretations for what the runes mean for the dragons that have them. The meaning could be quite varied, whether enchantment, enhancement, directive, prophecy, or curse.[/quote][quote][quote]Is there a universal code of dress amongst Sornieth residents? Like, would a nude dragon be considered odd or unsightly, or is clothing more of a 'if you wanna' kinda thing?[/quote]Dragons view apparel as a decorative or utilitarian function rather than a requirement. A dragon without clothing would not be seen as odd.[/quote][quote][quote]Also, would you provide us with a (possibly silly) in-game explanation as to how hatchlings grow up immediately at six days? I'm aware of the issues coding/doing art for teenage dragons would present, and that's why they aren't in the game.But right now I'm just picturing a baby imperial growing up immediately and shoving a very startled smaller parent out of the nest in the middle of the night. Please tell me this could happen.[/quote]Time is a bit wibbly wobbly, (but surely accelerated) if when considering dragon ages. After all, if we used in-game time as a direct translation of day-to-day, the most venerable, aged dragons in Sornieth still wouldn't have reached 4 years old! Canonically, hatchlings can take decades to mature depending on their species.To humor the question though, if hatchlings were to attain full size in just 6 days, the parents and clan would likely be surprised possibly worried that a curse or extraordinary energies were involved. Uprooting the clan would seem prudent.[/quote][quote][quote]What does the writing on Immaculate Tablets say?[/quote]Many of the tablets contain verbose and eloquent references to daily life and events in the Sunbeam Ruins. Not-so-immaculate tablets litter the Hewn City and are difficult to read, but scholars are hard at work on that.[/quote][quote][quote]A pretty silly queston about the bird skull apparell headepieces. The size of the ones on Faes isn't odd at all; of course there would be birds that size. What worries me is the ones on Guardians and Imprials. WHAT DID THEY HAVE TO KILL TO GET A BIRD SKULL THAT SIZE!!!!?[/quote]A variety of different species of bird can be used in the crafting of apparel. Larger species like great owls and rocs may adorn Guardians, Ridgebacks, and Imperials, while smaller species adorn smaller dragons.[/quote][quote][quote]Does having Gembond make it harder to fly for a dragon who has it, since they're weighed down by rocks growing from their bodies, or are they stronger than dragons without Gembond to make up for the added weight?[/quote]It is typically more difficult for a dragon with gembond to fly; however, it also provides additional protection, making it more difficult to penetrate their hide in combat. They may not be able to fly as well but that doesn't mean they are easy targets.[/quote][quote][quote]what are all those glowy bulbs seen in the light exalt pillar as well as the brightshine vista and a few apparel pieces?[/quote]A portable way to carry cast light energy around, as lights will normally stay stationary or follow the caster bound to a container.[/quote]


Admin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (30)





October 04, 2018 20:28:12



I've always been curious about this.
When you put a dragon or item in the AH and it sells, why is there a fee? Where does the treasure go?

Gameplay-wise, the fee is primarily there as a small treasure sink so that everyone who is using the auction house is in turn removing a little bit of treasure from the economy. However, we like to think that Edgar, Pearl, and Spitfire are collecting a nice courier salary for lugging all those goods around!



Is the magic in the environment finite or infinite? I know dragons' internal stores can be expended, but could a colony of fae (who have small internal stores) wipe out the environmental magic in an area through excessive magic use?

A little of both. It's something that can naturally replenish if given time and the right conditions. However, it can be destroyed as well. The majority of magic that dragon's use is drawn from their environment, and released back into it without being destroyed or created.

Part of the reason why the Shade incursion was taken seriously by the gods was that the Shade consume and destroy magic at a faster rate than it can be replenished.



Has the Arcanist ever considered literally ascending into space to observe it directly?

He's tried a time or two, but after the whole Pillar-shattering situation and the eyes of his followers upon him, he's been playing it a bit more safely by observing and augmenting his telescopes.



Are Emperors well-known to the Beastclans?

Emperors are a fright to Beastclans and dragonkind alike. Though it is more likely to encounter an Emperor in a battle between dragons, the Beastclans know to avoid gatherings of war-ready Imperials.

However, it should be noted that the creation of an Emperor is a relatively rare event. Most Beastclans know of them only through cautionary tales and not through first-hand experience.



Also, are skin items real physical changes to a dragon, or just body paint/magical holograms (for example, would a dragon with a skin like the Trickmurk Circus's Dullahan really be headless)?

The lore explanation for skin items is that it's paint. However, if you create a skin for a dragon and think that that's how the dragon really looks, that's fine too! Have fun!



the driftwood baron description mentions wyrmwound plague. what even is it? is it comparable to a realworld disease or???

The description for this familiar references a general swath of infectious diseases that originate from the Wyrmwound--the Plaguebringer's epicenter and testing ground for plague strains. You can compare Driftwood Barons to vultures in that they have an incredible biological advantage.



I have a burning desire to know; How are dragons measured? Especially length. Are they, for instance, measured from nose to the base of the tail like many animals, or is it from nose to tail tip?

Would you catch hatchlings complaining to their mothers because "Tommy has a longer tail than me!" That would be cute. Done rambling now.

They are measured from nose to tail in terms of length. This is part of why spiral and imperial dragons are so long, but do not weigh as much as some of their "shorter" counterparts.


2: Are the Encyclopedia articles on the history of Sornieth literal truth, or are these dragon legends? (Are the deities actual gods, or just super-powerful ancient entities the dragons chose to revere?)

The Encyclopedia chapters are the actual events that occurred and were not penned by any specific dragon; they exist outside the written history to give players the most well-rounded account of the history of Flight Rising. Legends that dragons tell to each other are likely much more colored, depending on their elemental affiliation. As for the deities themselves, they are borne directly of the coalescence of their given element, rather than natural birth. They are the embodied, corporeal forms of Fire, Water, etc.



When dragons cast spells, do the bolts come from their mouths? Or do they come from their talons? Same for the elemental slash attacks?

It depends on the dragon breed and it depends on the type of bolt. For gameplay reasons, our secondary meter is called Breath because one of the fantastical tenets of most dragons is that they breathe something as a means of attack and self-defense. But it's just as likely that earth dragons act much more like geomancers in that they can rip up chunks of granite and stone and hurl them with magical force at their foes.



When a dragon is scrolled to or from a Pearlcatcher, what happens to the pearl? Is it just spawned if they're going from, say, a Fae into a PC? Or does it disappear if they're going from a PC to a Fae?

The pearl would stick around. It's no longer biologically part of the dragon and thus magical scrolls wouldn't affect it. While the pearl may still be around, it would no longer be able to be grown any further as only Pearlcatchers can add to a pearl.



I would like to know what, if any, folklore heroes exist. Who do the bards and minstrels sing about, other than the deities? Is there a dragon equivalent to Shakespeare?

While none are named in a official lore at the moment, the realm is chocked full of daring, memorable heroes. One can bet that during huge battles, there are a few dragon MVPs that helped call shots and turn tides.



what purpose do the runes in runes of the arcanist serve are they important at all? or are they just placeholders

The runestones used in the matching game are replications of ancient runes from Sornieth's history. While most dragons use a modernized common language, some historians continue to keep these stones and other relics around to remind them of where they came from.



Where do random progens come from? Are they wild, uncivilized dragons, descended former exalts, eggs that hatched alone in the wild...?

Canonically, randomized progenitor dragons are lone/independent dragons that do not yet call a specific clan home, but it's all up to your personal preference. Maybe your randomized progenitor was already a part of your clan, or perhaps they were a mercenary who happened to fall in love and settle down! The sky's the limit. :)



I don't know if anyone has ever asked this before, but I'd really love to know how big the Giant Sundial on the Sundial Terrace is.

Close to the diamater of a large SETI telescope dish.



What is the lore for new food and familiars being introduced? Are they species created by the deities, did they evolve, or were they simply never known to exist until now?

Many of the materials, flora, and fauna were known and had existed all along! It's only with the item introduction that you as a player can actually collect them.

A minority of the items are "newly discovered" or made public enough that an average dragon would be aware of its existence.



Why is the shining goblin called the eyes of the Lightweaver? Are they messengers/scouts/spies?

They are the watchers. If you travel in Light's territory, your passing may not go unobserved...



Canonically, what happens when a familiar is reduced in Baldwin's pot? Are they just tossed in alive, or do dragons only use familiars that have already died from other causes? If so, is that standard practice for dead familiars?

Canonically, you are using Baldwin's cauldron.

Baldwin would not allow any dragon using his cauldron to put a living creature inside. A scrap of fur, a handful of leaves, a piece of horn, these will work just fine!

Do different genes affect the texture of a dragon's skin/scales? Does a dragon with crackle feel more rough and dragons with cry/fac feel smooth and hard, or do genes only affect how the dragon looks?

Some genes can definitely alter both the appearance and texture of a dragon's skin. Your examples are good ones! Shimmer and Iridescent, likewise, would actually create a sub-surface sheen directly beneath the dragon's skin.



Are gems (currency) the same gems that encase gembonded dragons? Is that where they are "harvested" from or are they two completely separate types of gems?

They are completely different (thankfully).



How do onyx cobras affect dragons with gembond?

If a dragon already has the gembond gene present, they are immune to additional effects of the venom.



I know that from a game standpoint the coli-dropped eggs are there to bring new breeding material into the game. But from a lore standpoint, why are the stolen eggs from guardian/fae/tundra/mirror nests? Do Beastclans go out of their way to target those particular breeds or is there something about those breeds that means they’re more capable of surviving being abducted than others as eggs?

The simple answer is that those four breeds are the most common and populated. This means they create more nests and more eggs, and they tend to show up more in the environment!



Lore-wise (because I know it would be a pain to draw), can dragons inherit the traits of their parents if one of their parents is a different breed?

Like, say a Coatl and a Ridgeback get together, would their hypothetical Coatl child have sharper features because of their Ridgebadck parent? A disdain for water? And a habit of digging? And would the Ridgeback child have rounder features, maybe even feathers? Would the Ridgeback child be mellower, friendlier, but with a terrifying temper? But both children still looking like their species? Is that possible, lore-wise?

The dragons will typically breed true to one line or the other. Hatchlings that are raised by multiple species may pick up habits as learned behaviors rather than instinctual behaviors, so yes, a coatl raised by a ridgeback may learn a disdain for water!



Do Nocturne Dragons have echolocation for getting around the darkest parts of the Tangled Wood?

While Nocturnes possess advanced vocal cords enabling them to create a plethora of sounds, they do not have the ability to use echolocation.



Is there a meaning to the runes from the eponymous tertiary gene, or are they gibberish/random ?

The runes are drawn with the intention of being random nonsense rather than drawing from a particular culture or established fantasy language. In terms of the meaning within Sornieth, they would invoke or call out varoius qualities or elements.



Why aren't Miths counted as one of the Beastclans?

They seem intelligent enough to have made themselves armour and more than one type exists across venues that aren't repeated enemies/colour swaps.

Is it possible we'll see more of these creepy mothbunnies?

There are plenty of smaller groups of sentient beings in Sornieth that have not been elaborated on in our Encyclopedia. Generally these smaller groups don't make a large enough impact to be considered contenders in Dominance, etc.



Does the Imperial who mans the Scrying Workshop have a name? The one who you see when you first click on the workshop, before you select a type of scrying to perform. Is he a guardian or keeper of the scrying apparatus, or just a dragon who happens to be there a lot? (I'm guessing he's a he because of his beard, but I could be wrong.)

No. The Imperial who's on the Scrying Workshop illustration is an illustration representing what your clan can do. The workshop is a tool available to all Clans and can be used by any dragon (though it's said Water dragons see clearest!).


Would a Pearlcatcher ever consider using their pearl as "ammo" (e.g. for elemental bolt attacks, disciplining hatchlings, etc)?



Is this another thing that can be ignored/altered a bit for personal headcanons or is this a hard and fast rule?

We enjoy that our community has such creative ideas for their lairs and their dragons, so headcanons & personal lore can be whatever the player wants them to be - Flight Rising's canon exists to provide a robust, colorful world to play in and expand upon. There is no limit to the stories you can tell!



Can the Tidelord grant swimming abilities? Or will Snappers just sink no matter what?

Water flight dragons do gain a serious boon in their aquatic prowess from their patron deity, be it in swimming, fishing, or water-breathing!



What is the relationship between the dragons at the Trading Post? Do they ever help each other out?

You can bet that there's some stiff competition for patronage at the Trading Post, but also a lot of friendly banter and good sportsmanship.


When lairs hoardsell their stuff, where does it go? Who buys it? (It's Crim isn't it.)


  • They could be being sold to other NPC dragon clans.
  • They could be being sold to the exalted dragons to provision their researchers, scribes, spies, medics, and warriors on the dominance warfront.
  • They could be sold to provision exalted dragons who maintain their flight's lands.
  • They could be sold to beastclans that your clan is allied with.
  • They could be sold to the courier dragons.
  • They could be sold to merchant caravans that travel between territories.
  • They could be sold to Crim...

There are so many places the items could go that we welcome players to come up with their own ideas regarding what their clans do with their excess reserves and trade goods! The decision of who your clan trades with is up to your clan, after all!



Hm, what does swipp choose to do with the items that are procured for trades? ;;

He trades them to other merchants for even more deals!

When feeding dragons you get a pop saying "All of your dragons are happy and full of energy" and yet Tomo has a question asking something like "What emotion has never been seen on a dragon"...answer: Happiness.

So do they experience happiness or not?

The question was "The Brilliant Bobtail Squid conveys its emotions through bioluminescent displays. Which emotional display has never been observed by a dragon?". The question was about the squid. Both the squid and the dragon can be happy, but a squid is never happy to see a dragon! Onomnomnom.

How in the world are the Ancient Fungus and Dwarf Truffle able to dodge incoming dragon attacks in battle?

Ancient Fungus and Dwarf Truffles are not the typical fungi that grace a dinner plate. They're a mutation that's both mobile AND sentient! This is why it's possible for dragons to befriend them as familiars. While we don't imagine that these fungi are particularly fast, if lucky, they could dodge an incoming attack by moving slightly.


What happens to the treasure collected as processing fees in the AH?


In Game: Poof! It is disappeared from the economy!
In Lore: It pays the staff of the auction house and goes towards the maintenance of the facility.



Do wing apparel ever interfere with flight?

As rigid armor or multi-layered skirts can interfere with running, the same can be assumed for certain apparel designs hindering flight. It would still be possible, but you'd have to be a lot more careful. Delicate wing apparel would be unlikely to be worn into battle, but may be used for an aerial dance. Rigid armor would hinder flight, but would also help to protect a dragon's wings during battle. Some battle apparel is designed to hinder flight as little as possible, though there is often a trade off in armor protection vs maneuverability.

Game Mechanics: the exalt system is intended to be used to exalt dragons of all types, regardless of their element in exchange for a Flight's dominance push and a treasure incentive.

Lore: It is an honor for a dragon to serve their clan's deity and flight cause. It is the opposite of disrespectful for a dragon to achieve exalted status for their home clan!



Dragon breeds come with set coliseum abilities: either scratch and shred, or meditate and contuse. Those battle stones can be changed, so this seems to imply that I could make my Guardian a mage, and my Skydancer a front-line warrior.

Is this a breed-wide preference, or is it a breed-wide set guideline? I.e. Do certain breeds, Guardians for example, have a harder time learning magic than magic oriented breeds, and vice versa for mage breeds?

All breeds have the capacity to learn both magical and melee abilities, though the individual dragon will need to make the decision in how they train. Some breeds are naturally inclined to gravitate towards a certain ability style so their population's skillset is skewed.

In terms of gameplay, we wanted to spread out the starting abilities.



...are our dragons different breeds from 1 single founder species that all of the gods molded to their specific liking, or are they are distinct species that the gods individually created from different whatevers that just happen to make fertile mules with each other?

Dragon breeds today are long-descended forms of unique breeds created by the deities.



How do breedchanges work lorewise?

Gene and Breed scrolls (and other similar specialty items) are imbued with magical properties. Once the inscription on the scroll is read, the magic is released, altering the DNA makeup of the dragon performing the ritual. The scroll then falls to [really sparkly] ashes.

I'm not sure if you answered this yet, but where DO unhatched eggs come from? Like are they just made without an element? For example Arcanist just makes an egg and throws it into the ocean "lol he's water flight"?

Unhatched eggs are generally those that have been abandoned, lost, or stolen from dragon lairs.

When expanding your lair, is the treasure you pay for it given to the elements deity? And if so what do they do with that treasure?

While much of it is provided as an offering to the patron deity and efforts of the elemental flight as a whole, some of it does go towards the actual cost of cultivating more space for a growing clan. Funds are spent on aquiring difficult-to-obtain building materials for roosts, nests, furnishings (if the clan is inclined), and even hiring help!



Do Longnecks come in any other size besides medium?

I'd like to see Longneck Smalls and Longneck Larges in the future.

It's possible. We're currently working on Longneck Party-Size first.


What do the runes on a rune-gened dragon mean?

In terms of the creation of the runes from the artist-side, the runes were designed to be nonsense scrawls and are not a replication of a real-world runic script.

In terms of lore, players are welcome to create interpretations for what the runes mean for the dragons that have them. The meaning could be quite varied, whether enchantment, enhancement, directive, prophecy, or curse.



Is there a universal code of dress amongst Sornieth residents? Like, would a nude dragon be considered odd or unsightly, or is clothing more of a 'if you wanna' kinda thing?

Dragons view apparel as a decorative or utilitarian function rather than a requirement. A dragon without clothing would not be seen as odd.



Also, would you provide us with a (possibly silly) in-game explanation as to how hatchlings grow up immediately at six days? I'm aware of the issues coding/doing art for teenage dragons would present, and that's why they aren't in the game.
But right now I'm just picturing a baby imperial growing up immediately and shoving a very startled smaller parent out of the nest in the middle of the night. Please tell me this could happen.

Time is a bit wibbly wobbly, (but surely accelerated) if when considering dragon ages. After all, if we used in-game time as a direct translation of day-to-day, the most venerable, aged dragons in Sornieth still wouldn't have reached 4 years old! Canonically, hatchlings can take decades to mature depending on their species.

To humor the question though, if hatchlings were to attain full size in just 6 days, the parents and clan would likely be surprised possibly worried that a curse or extraordinary energies were involved. Uprooting the clan would seem prudent.



What does the writing on Immaculate Tablets say?

Many of the tablets contain verbose and eloquent references to daily life and events in the Sunbeam Ruins. Not-so-immaculate tablets litter the Hewn City and are difficult to read, but scholars are hard at work on that.



A pretty silly queston about the bird skull apparell headepieces. The size of the ones on Faes isn't odd at all; of course there would be birds that size. What worries me is the ones on Guardians and Imprials. WHAT DID THEY HAVE TO KILL TO GET A BIRD SKULL THAT SIZE!!!!?

A variety of different species of bird can be used in the crafting of apparel. Larger species like great owls and rocs may adorn Guardians, Ridgebacks, and Imperials, while smaller species adorn smaller dragons.



Does having Gembond make it harder to fly for a dragon who has it, since they're weighed down by rocks growing from their bodies, or are they stronger than dragons without Gembond to make up for the added weight?

It is typically more difficult for a dragon with gembond to fly; however, it also provides additional protection, making it more difficult to penetrate their hide in combat. They may not be able to fly as well but that doesn't mean they are easy targets.



what are all those glowy bulbs seen in the light exalt pillar as well as the brightshine vista and a few apparel pieces?

A portable way to carry cast light energy around, as lights will normally stay stationary or follow the caster bound to a container.

[LF] Female Ice Imp Low 6 digit - 50k gemsAdmin Lore Q&A WIP | Guides | Flight Rising (31)

Last edited on Sep 03, 2020 14:03:37 by OreoMilkshake

Admin Lore Q&A WIP |
        Guides |
   Flight Rising (2024)


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