Consolidated Financial Statements CTEEP – Companhia de · Consolidated Financial Statements CTEEP – Companhia - [PDF Document] (2024)

Consolidated Financial Statements

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista and Subsidiaries December 31, 2009 and 2008 with Report of Independent Auditors

CTEEP - Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Financial statements December 31, 2009 and 2008 Contents Report of independent auditors ....................................................................................... 1 Audited financial statements Management Report ....................................................................................................... 3 Balance sheets .............................................................................................................. 22 Statements of income ..................................................................................................... 24 Statements of changes in stockholders’ equity ............................................................... 25 Statements of cash flows ................................................................................................ 26 Statements of value added ............................................................................................. 28 Notes to financial statements .......................................................................................... 30


A free translation from Portuguese into English of Report of Independent Auditors on financial statements in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil

Report of independent auditors The Board of Directors and Stockholders CTEEP - Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista 1. We have examined the balance sheets of CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de

Energia Elétrica Paulista and its subsidiaries, (Company and Consolidated), as of December 31, 2009, and the related statements of income, changes in stockholders’ equity and statements of cash flows and value added for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements.

2. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in

Brazil which comprised: (a) the planning of our work, taking into consideration the materiality of balances, the volume of transactions and the accounting and internal control systems of the Company; (b) the examination, on a test basis, of documentary evidence and accounting records supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; and (c) an assessment of the accounting practices used and significant estimates made by management of the Company, as well as an evaluation of the overall financial statement presentation.

3. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to in paragraph 1 above present fairly,

in all material respects, the financial position of CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista and its subsidiaries, at December 31, 2009, and the results of their operations, changes in their stockholders’ equity, cash flows and value added for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil.


4. As mentioned in Note 34, pursuant to a decision awarded by the 49th São Paulo Labor District Court, from September 2005, Fundação CESP started to process the payroll for beneficiaries of the supplementary retirement benefit plan governed by Law No. 4819/58 through funds passed on to such beneficiaries by the Company in the form adopted until December 2003. In January 2006, the São Paulo (SP) State General Attorney’s Office understood that the SP State Government liability is limited to the state legal limits prescribed for retirement benefit payouts. Since then, the State Government started to disallow part of the funds passed on to the Company for this purpose. The difference between the amount paid to beneficiaries by the Company and the SP State partial disallowance is recorded in noncurrent assets, as stated in Note 6. In a decision rendered in October 2008, the Higher Court of Justice (STJ) reaffirmed the Courts of Law as the competent courts of jurisdiction in regard to Civil Class Actions involving the same parties and subject matter, a decision which was subject to requests for rehearing en banc. Grounded on the opinion of its legal advisors, the Company management understands that the State Government is fully liable to the benefit payouts under the said supplementary retirement benefit plan; as a consequence, no obligation or provision for losses on this plan was recorded in the Company’s financial statements.

5. The financial statements (Company and Consolidated) of CTEEP - Companhia de

Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista and its subsidiaries, for the year ended December 31, 2008, presented for comparative purposes, were audited by other independent auditors whose unqualified opinion thereon, dated March 31, 2009, contained an emphasis paragraph as to the matter described in paragraph 4, above.

São Paulo, February 5, 2010, except for the matter mentioned in Note 35, the date of which is March 8, 2010. Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes CRC 2SP015199/O-6 Luiz Carlos Passetti Accountant CRC-1SP144343/O-3

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Management Report Financial Year 2009


Dear stockholders, The management of CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista, in accordance with legal and statutory requirements, hereby submits to your appreciation this Management Report and related Financial Statements, accompanied by the respective reports of independent auditors and of the supervisory board, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009. Management comments In 2009, the year CTEEP celebrates its 10th anniversary, the Company moved forward with its management model, marked by major achievements that allowed us to lay the foundations for business growth over the next years. The financial income realized this year reflects the Company’s operational accomplishments. Gross Sales and/or Service Revenues totaled R$ 1,904.8 million in 2009, increasing by 5.7% as compared with 2008. EBITDA reached R$ 1,361.4 million whereas EBITDA margin was 82.5%, which is 3.4% higher than prior-year result (R$ 1,316.7 million). The market good acceptance of CTEEP issue of debentures is worth to be highlighted. The R$ 548.6 million-worth funds raised from this operation were used as a source of cash, in payments of capital in subsidiaries and investments enhanced transmission assets. Operational performance was one of the Company’s strength this year. In spite of repeated electric power consumption records hit in the industry, we managed to keep high-level performance in relation to the major industry indicators: the not-supplied-energy index was 0.94%, and availability of facilities exceeded 99.91%. Seeking to meet the electricity consumer market growth by expanding and strengthening our transmission network capacity, the Company completed 54 energy projects and installed 491.3 km of new transmission lines. After purchasing four batches at the auction organized by Aneel in January 2009, we engaged in Serra do Japi electric interconnection efforts to implement Salto and Jandira substations. With an estimated R$ 208.9-million investment and R$ 21.8-million RAP, this venture start-up is scheduled for November 2011. Total investments in 2009 amounted to R$ 557.3 million, of which R$ 211.6 million were earmarked for increased capacity projects, building new transmission lines and installing substation equipment.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


A virtuous growth cycle resulted from CTEEP year 2009 performance, and this cycle will continue in 2010. In addition to consolidating all achievements in this year, we will keep on strengthening our management model and undertaking sustainable and added-value initiatives to our stockholders and society as a whole. 1. Business profile

CTEEP is Brazil’s main private electric utility in the country’s energy transmission sector, accounting for the transmission of 30% of all energy produced nationwide. Since June 2006 the Company is controlled by ISA, one of Latin America’s largest energy transmission groups. Relying on 43,223-MVA installed capacity, CTEEP is responsible for transmitting nearly 100% of the electric power produced in the State of São Paulo (SP). To ensure customer service excellence, its infrastructure comprises a network of 12,271-km transmission lines, 18,698-km circuits, 105 substations with up to 550-kV voltage and 2,488 km fiber optic cables. CTEEP activities are premised on the pursuit of value continuously focused on improved services provided to customers, adequate stockholders’ return, initiatives fostering permanent process improvement and adoption of a socially responsible attitude. The Company invests in modernizing systems, innovating processes and expanding its transmission system capacity. Its growth strategy encompasses optimizing existing assets, taking part in new transmission line auctions, and continually evaluating acquisition opportunities in the transmission market. As a result of this consistent growth strategy, CTEEP has expanded its operations across 12 Brazilian states, by means of the new undertakings acquired in ANEEL auctions and interest held in Pinheiros, Serra do Japi, IeSul, IEMG, IEMadeira and IENNE companies. As a company listed in the São Paulo Stock Exchange Market (Bovespa), CTEEP has since 2002 joined the Level 1 Corporate Governance Practices, and its preferred shares are traded on Ibovespa, the Brazilian stock markets major indicator of average price quotations. Additionally, CTEEP has a Rule 144 A American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) program in the United States.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


Ownership structure

2. Electric energy sector environment

The electric power consumption by early 2009 was slightly lower, directly reflecting the adverse impacts on the Brazilian economy of the international financial crisis triggered from mid-2008 on. Consumption levels were nonetheless resumed in the following months of 2009, as particularly evidenced by the National Interconnected System (SIN) maximum demand record high, 2.83% higher than the previous record hit in year 2008. Data from the survey conducted by Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE), published in 2009, points to an increase of 51.5% in energy generation capacity from 2007 to 2017 to meet Brazil’s constant growth demand. Over the same period, to ensure outflow of the energy produced, EPE estimates an increase of 36,387 km in transmission lines and 71,357MVA in transformation. In this scenario, the same survey provides for investments amounting to R$ 50.7 billion in new transmission lines and substations.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


3. Transmission system expansion and extension 3.1. Energy projects in 2009

To assure higher system reliability, ensure service quality and thus consolidate its position as a major company in the Brazilian electricity sector, CTEEP permanently invests in increased transformation capacity, transmission line and other improvements construction, refurbishing and reconductoring, which allowed in 2009 an increase of 243.75 MVA in the system installed transformation capacity. Transmission lines totaling 491.3 km (807.0 km of circuits) were also reconductored. In 2009, by means of ANEEL Authorizing Resolutions or Transmission System Connection Contracts (CCT) signed with free customers, CTEEP completed 54 energy ventures, 14 of which at the Base Network and 40 at Other Transmission Facilities (DITs). These ventures included investments of R$ 214.4 million, disbursed over the last 3 (three) years.

3.2. Increase in transformation capacity

Substation Voltage (kV)

Increase in Transformation

Capacity (in MVA) Cerquilho 88-13.8 12,00 Mogi Mirim II 138-13.8 18.75 Botucatu 230-138 150.00 Scharlau 230-138 63.00 Total 243.75

3.3. Increase in transmission lines

Transmission Line Voltage

(kV) No. of Circuits

Reconductored Transmission

Lines (km) S. J. Campos – Taubaté 230 1 34.7 Ilha Solteira – Jales 138 2 111.0 Taubaté – Aparecida 230 2 41.5 Jupiá – Valparaíso 138 2 47.0 Mogi (F) – S. J. Campos C1 230 1 49.4 Pres. Prudente – Capivara 138 2 53.0 Aparecida – S. Cabeça 230 1 41.5 Andradina – Valparaíso 138 2 63.2 Mogi (F) – S. J. Campos C2 230 1 50.0 Total 491.3

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


4. Major operation and maintenance initiatives

To ensure its business strength, CTEEP undertakes initiatives that help increase its share in the electricity transmission market and therefore attain its growth objectives. Since 2007 CTEEP Transmission Operation Center (COT) remotely runs the Company’s 105 substations. COT is responsible for the Base Network (voltage equal to or higher than 230 kV) and the BackOffice Operation Center (COR), in charge of operating the Other Transmission Facilities (DITs – voltages under 230 kV). The Company continuously invests in its employees’ training, particularly in empowering substation technicians and assistants who are now part of the new work model at the Operation and Maintenance areas. Currently, not only are they prepared to operate the substation in emergency situations, but they are also responsible for the equipment maintenance. The COT’s System Operators Training Simulator has also proven significant as a tool for the Company operators’ training, which includes simulated real-life situations at the system, attended by generation and distribution companies and followed up on by the National Electric System Operator - ONS. The Company’s major operation and maintenance initiatives encompass:

ü Substation digitalization

SE Mongaguá digitalization project - an initiative undertaken for the first time based on the concepts set forth in IEC 61850 standards - was completed. SE Mongaguá was provided with new protection and measurement systems, commands, controls and supervision grounded on the international open communication protocol standards, which enables safer and more reliable operation. The Company started digitalizing Mairiporã, Porto Ferreira and Jaguari substations, with total investments of R$ 8 million and completion scheduled for 2010.

ü CTEEP unified safe operation and maintenance manual and technical excellence program

In year 2009 the Company developed and consolidated the Unified Safe Operation and Maintenance Manual, which provides for the basic security assumptions to be followed in the Electrical Transmission System Maintenance and Operation activities, and which, in line with the Technical Excellence program, ensure maximum security conditions for Operation and Maintenance activities.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


ü ISO 9001 Implementation in Maintenance and Ventures

In 2009, Bureau Veritas Certification (BVC) recommended CTEEP for Certification of 100% of the Maintenance and Ventures Area processes under NBR ISO 9001:2008 criteria, which in conjunction with the Operation processes certification consolidate the organization’s technical management capabilities.


In 2009, SICAR (Integrated Automatic Record Gathering System) implementation process was completed. This digital system quickly provides Bom Jardim Operating Center with all data concerning any Electrical System disorders. Based on this information, operators can analyze the occurrence and bring the affected equipment back to operation within the shortest possible term.

ü Telecommunications System Modernization

With total investments of R$ 65 million, CTEEP started up its telecom system digitalization project, involving substituting digital equipment for its analog counterparts. As soon as this project is completed as scheduled for the first half of 2010, monitoring the Company transmission assets will be a more agile and reliable task.

ü Transmission System Performance Indicators

CTEEP revenues are directly related to the availability of its assets, namely transmission lines, reactors and transformers. The Company permanently invests to ensure its operation quality and efficiency, since the unavailability of its facilities may give rise to revenue deductions (annual revenue adjustment). In July 2009, ANEEL granted R$ 2.8 million bonus to the Company deriving from its low annual revenue adjustment index, which measures up the equipment unavailability (0.13%, Company vs. 0.53%, average industry index). Set out below are indicators illustrating the Company’s operational efficiency in 2009:

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


5. Economic and financial performance

The Management comments on economic and financial performance and the results of operations should be read in conjunction with the Audited Financial Statements. The amendments to the accounting practices introduced by Laws Nos. 11638/07 and 11941/09 and the Pronouncements issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and the Brazilian FASB (CPC) had no impact on comparability of the results, which are presented as follows.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


5.1. Gross sales and/or service revenues

Gross sales and/or service revenues increased by 5.7%, reaching R$ 1,904.8 million in 2009 (R$ 1,802.4 million in 2008), which substantially derived from the 5.6% growth in electricity network usage revenues, reflecting the annual tariff adjustment by reference to the General Market Price Index (IGP-M) for 2008/2009 cycle.

5.2. Revenue deductions

Revenue deductions increased by 7.8%, totaling R$ 255,6 million in 2009 comparatively with R$ 237.1 million in 2008, due to the 12.9% increase in regulatory charges stemming from the higher balance to be invested in Research & Development (R&D) projects. In addition to this, such variation is also explained by the 0.1% increase in taxes on revenues arising from the regulatory asset adjustment recorded in 2008.

5.3. Net sales and/or service revenues

CTEEP net sales and/or service revenues totaled R$ 1,649.2 million in 2009, a growth of 5.4% vis-à-vis year 2008. Average annual growth rate since 2007 (CAGR - Compound Annual Growth Rate) corresponded to 12.2%.

5.4. Costs of operation services and G&A expenses

Costs of operation services and general and administrative expenses increased by 17.8%, reaching R$ 505.5 million in 2009 as compared to R$ 429.0 million in 2008. This performance largely derives from the 8.1% increase in personnel expenses plus 19.7% reduction in pension plan actuarial gains and 17.1% increase in third-party services.

Net sales and/or service revenues(R$ million)



2007 2008 2009

+ 12,2%CAGR

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


Increased personnel expenses are substantially explained by the 6.2% collective bargaining agreement reached and granted in August 2009 and applying retroactively to June 2009.

The reduced actuarial gain from pension plans largely derives from the difference in actuarial gains computed in 2009.

The increase in third-party services stems from more transmission line and substation maintenance, environments’ cleaning and hygiene and tax advisory services.


EBITDA totaled $ 1,361,4 million in 2009, with EBITDA margin of 82.5%, a quite stable performance vis-à-vis 2008 (EBITDA of R$ 1,316.7 million, EBITDA margin of 84.2%).

5.6. Financial income Financial expenses amounted to R$ 266.8 million in 2009, a 6.0% reduction in relation to 2008 (R$ 284.0 million) due to increased interest on equity capital and debt charges (promissory notes and tax installment payments), partially offset by increased asset interest deriving from restated tax credits.

Ebitda (R$ million) and Ebitda margin (%)



85.8% 84.2% 82.5%

2007 2008 2009

+ 9.8%CAGR

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


5.7. Income and social contribution taxes

Income and social contribution taxes increased by 3.6%, totaling R$ 268.1 million in 2009 in comparison with R$ 258.7 million in 2008. Effective income and social contribution tax rate was 31.7% in 2009 against 30.6% in 2008.

5.8. Net income

On account of the aforementioned events, net income for the year remained virtually stable vis-à-vis 2008, reaching R$ 828.0 million.

5.9. Capital structure

In consonance with its optimized capital structure strategy, CTEEP raised financing for its growth out of competitive market sources. The Company’s total consolidated debt by late 2009 amounted to R$ 1,048.4 million, whereas net debt corresponded to R$ 1,006.2 million, representing a net debt/Ebitda ratio of 0.76. Out of total indebtedness, 52.9% refer to loans taken out from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), 46.8% to issuance of short-term promissory notes and private financial institutions – both CDI-indexed -, and the remainder corresponds to other sources of funds. Although higher than current assets amounting to R$ 688.1 million, consolidated current liabilities of R$ 1,259.8 million are absorbed by the Company’s strong generation of cash. Also as part of the Company’s strategy, which provides for debt rescheduling to the long term, a successful issue of debentures took place in December 2009.

At the end of 2009, 43.6% of the Company’s total financing corresponded to long-term debts. The Company does not perform any derivative financial instrument transactions.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


6. Investments

In 2009, CTEEP total investment in its existing assets, corporate, personnel capitalization and contributions to subsidiaries amounted to R$ 557.3 million. This is broken down as follows:

R$ million 2009

Corporate 16.7 Type 1 Reinforcements 151.6 Type 2 Reinforcements 31.2 New Connections 28.8 PMT 38.6 PMIS 11.3 Personnel Capitalization (workforce) 7.3 Telecom Project 40.5 Investments in subsidiaries 231.3 Total 557.3 Type 1 and 2 Reinforcements: Investments directed to servicing the Base Network system, which generate additional RAP. New Connections: Investments exclusively directed to servicing free consumers, generating additional RAP. PMTs and PMIs: Investments required for the system quality maintenance and to minimize the variable deduction impact.

6.1. New concessions

In addition to investments in existing assets, one of CTEEP investment drivers is the acquisition of new transmission line batches at ANEEL auctions, as a mechanism to increase its revenues and presence in the Brazilian market. In consonance with this position, in May 2009 CTEEP purchased four batches at auction No. 001/2009 organized by ANEEL:

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


CTEEP share

RAP (R$ million)


(R$ million) Operation start up in

Serra do Japi – Interligação Elétrica do Japi S.A. 100% 21.8 21.8 Nov/2011 Linha Verde 25.5% 42.7 10.9 Nov/2011 Rio Branco 25.5% 24.4 6.2 Nov/2011 Transmissora Matogrossense 5% 27.5 1.4 Nov/2011 116.4 40.3

6.2. Pluriannual Investment Plan, 2010/2012 term

At a meeting held on January 18, 2010, the Board of Directors approved the Pluriannual Investment Plan for the 2010/2012 three-year term, based on the Company’s estimated investment execution.

(in R$ million) Own investments 2010 2011 2012

Corporate 7.3 7.2 6.2 Type 1 Reinforcements 218.4 243.7 206.9 Type 2 Reinforcements 47.5 68.3 47.8 New Connections 45.9 2.4 23.3 PMT 36.9 41.1 37.4 PMIS 37.9 47.2 37.9 Telecom Project 35.0 0 0 Personnel Capitalization 12.7 13.3 13.9 Subtotal – Own Investments (A) 441.7 423.2 373.4

Investments in subsidiaries 2010 2011 2012 IEMG 2.7 0 0 IENNE 39.9 0 0 Pinheiros 105.6 0 0 IESul 37.2 9.4 0 IEMadeira 129.7 204.3 47.9 Serra do Japi 37 58.6 0 Subtotal - Subsidiaries (B) 352.1 272.3 47.9 Total (A + B) 793.8 695.5 421.3

Under its Pluriannual Investment Plan, CTEEP assumes to seek financial support from different sources to finance its investments in relation to reinforcement projects, new connections, maintenance (PMT and PMIS) and Telecom, as well as investments in subsidiaries.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


7. Corporate governance Since its incorporation CTEEP has been enhancing its management processes and control systems. The Company was the first electric utility in the State of São Paulo to join Bovespa’s Level 1 of Corporate Governance in September 2002. Since then, the Company, which has its preferred shares included in Ibovespa is also part of the Corporate Governance Index (IGC), a theoretical portfolio made up of company stocks having high-level relationship standards with all stockholders and other stakeholders. 7.1. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the central forum for decision-making and general guidance for the Company business, primarily focused on stockholders value. The Company’s Board of Directors is made up of 10 members, including one independent party, one representative of employees and one representative of non-controlling stockholders.

7.2. Supervisory Board

CTEEP Supervisory Board is permanent and comprise five regular and five alternate members, including representatives of non-controlling stockholders. It is incumbent upon this board and/or any of its members, among other responsibilities, to inspect the acts performed by management and check compliance of its legal and statutory duties.

7.3. Specialized Committees

Under CTEEP-enforced governance model, which prioritizes administrative efficiency and the Company’s management professionalization, these committees’ primary role is to interact with Top Management, preparing upfront the businesses to be transacted and approved at the Board of Directors’ meetings. Accordingly, in 2009 CTEEP Board of Directors relied on two committees to help its decision-making, to wit:

ü Internal audit committee

Aimed at strengthening the Company’s Internal Control System, Risk Management and Corporate Governance practices, the Internal Audit Committee is made up of five members, four of whom Board of Directors members and one corporate auditor from ISA Group. CTEEP’s CEO and internal auditor attend these meetings as permanent guest and technical secretary, respectively. Internal audit committee meetings are held three times a year.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


ü Compensation committee Made up of three members, this committee responsibilities include following up on, analyzing and proposing to the Board of Directors matters concerning officers’ and directors’ compensation, appointment of Top Management members; jobs and salaries; salary policy; variable compensation; profit sharing (PLR); and collective bargaining agreement.

8. Capital markets

8.1. Our shares CTEEP preferred shares were the subject of 197,794 trading transactions in 2009, an increase of 22.9% vis-à-vis 2008, involving the amount of R$ 2.486 million. In year 2009, common (TRPL3) and preferred (TRPL4) shares appreciated 19.76% and 23.21%, respectively, in a period when Ibovespa appreciated by 82.66% and the Electric Energy Index (IEE) appreciated by 59.09%. CTEEP is also a member of the American Depositary Receipts (ADR) Level 1 Sponsored Program backed by common and preferred shares. For this purpose, Bank of New York Mellow is the ADRs depositary institution in the US, whereas in Brazil Itaú S.A. is the custodian of these ADRs backing shares, to the ratio of 1 Depositary Share for each share from both species. At the end of financial year 2009, the Company’s share portfolio includes 23,699 ADRs referring to common shares and 2,041,296 ADRs referring to preferred shares.

8.2. First public issue of debentures

In December 2009, CTEEP completed its 1st Issue of Debentures, whereby 54,860 unsecured, nonconvertible, non-preferred and registered book-entry debentures were subscribed for and paid up in two series, at the par value of R$ 10,000.00 each, thus totaling R$ 548,600,000.00. The issues of these debentures were approved at the Board of Directors meetings held on September 30 and December 14, 2009.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


9. Corporate social responsibility In furtherance of its Corporate Social Responsibility model development plan, CTEEP highlights the following actions and programs, structured by focus group in year 2009:

9.1. Customers

One of CTEEP areas of concern is to build sustainable relationships with its customers, providing quality services at competitive costs. At CTEEP Customer Program, the Company moved forward with its Customer Opinion Survey conducted at the Operation area, where customer satisfaction level increased from 73.3 in 2008 to 74.6 in 2009. The Company also measured for the first time the customers’ and agents’ satisfaction levels at its Maintenance and Ventures areas, in which satisfaction rates reached 75.8 and 79.2, respectively. Another major action was the Simulation and Shutdown Plan – an exercise to tackle system contingencies that involved distribution and generation companies and was followed up on by the National Electric System Operator (ONS), thereby providing operators with qualified training.

9.2. Suppliers

Envisioning building transparency- and trust-based relationships with suppliers, CTEEP maintains a development- and management-oriented program through ongoing communication process. The Company also relies on meetings to present results, demands and strategies in connection with supplies as well as a top suppliers award premised on an evaluation process considering such criteria as quality, logistics, human resources, innovation and social responsibility.

9.3. Stockholders and investors

Consolidating permanent communication channels with stockholders and the market is part of CTEEP positioning, by investing in initiatives such as consolidated Corporate Governance practices, use of performance indicators from Bovespa Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE), and periodic meetings and conference calls with analysts and investors.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


Recognition for this effort came out with the Abrasca Shareholders’ Value Award – Sector-based Highlight, which was offered to the Company by the Brazilian Publicly-held Companies’ Association (Abrasca). In year 2009 CTEEP was also awarded APIMEC’s ‘Availability Gold Seal’.

9.4. State

By means of a Government Relations Program aimed to strengthen relations with government agencies, CTEEP actively participates in boards of directors, committees, government agency commissions and trade associations in its sector. Another action is the establishment of a regulatory committee engaged in proactively working on possible solutions for the main interaction issues with regulatory entities.

9.5. Society

Providing inputs to sustainable development and social welfare is one of CTEEP drivers in its relationship with society. In 2009, the Company focused on setting guidelines and areas of concern regarding Social Responsibility to ensure better strategic objectives alignment and the pursuit of sustainable projects imparting its corporate identity in such areas as Education, Culture, Sustainable Development, Environment and Solidarity.

In this connection, a Corporate Social Responsibility (RSE) Workshop was conducted with the internal audience to set guidelines and areas of concern, in an exercise that served as a basis for analyzing both current and future projects. Another significant initiative is the project that engages neighboring communities, a pilot performed at three CTEEP areas of influence. A survey at these areas allowed the Company to gauge community needs and expectations. The Company also supported Santa Marcelina Cultura Juvenile Groups.

Environmentally, in line with minimizing environmental impact on the areas where it operates, in 2009 CTEEP developed and implemented measures to extend and reaffirm its commitment to sustainability, where the following items are worth highlighting: Environmental Management System maintenance at 58 substations, and extended recommendation to 5 new substations as well as to the 1st CTEEP transmission line (LT) - Araraquara / São Carlos LT 138 kV, totaling 63 substations, and a transmission line certified by NBR ABNT ISO 14001:2004 Standard. We have also performed a diagnosis for implementing the Occupational Health and Safety System (SGSST) by OHSAS Standard 18.001:2007.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


9.6. Employees

CTEEP relationship with its 1,409 employees is pervaded by the Company’s concern with its professionals’ overall development, which places value on their contributions to business growth. Based on this positioning, the actions performed in 2009 concentrated on preparing the professional team for the Company’s challenges by strengthening employees’ competencies and skills.

CTEEP keeps its Inclusiveness Program for People with Special Needs, thus reaffirming its commitment towards building a culture of respect to difference while fostering diversity. In 2009, 62 people with special needs were hired as part of the Company’s workforce. CTEEP Internship Program also moved forward in the year, including 28 youngsters and a 50% hiring rate.

9.7. Corporate Education

CTEEP Corporate Education Program provides employees with training and empowerment initiatives to boost development of competencies required for executing the business strategies and qualify the Company’s talents.

One of the major actions developed in 2009 was the Leadership Development Program directed to groups of managers and coordinators. The Program aims to prepare CTEEP leaders to develop aspects underlying people management and leadership.

The Company also offers Education incentive programs, consisting of subsidized tuition fees that benefited 281 employees in 2009. Additionally, several employee training, education, and qualification actions were endorsed, seeking continually enhanced and improved performance of their professional activities. Mandatory, regulatory and development training sessions were delivered to 738 classes in the aggregate, totaling 74,368 class/hours, 6,005 attendances and average 54 yearly hours of training per employee.

9.8. Performance-based evaluation

In 2009, CTEEP embraced an internationally recognized performance management model primarily aimed at identifying and understanding how each employee actually contributes to the organization achievements.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


This new model allowed the Company to follow up on the professional’s progress and, based on the information thus surveyed, recognize individual performance and suggest improvements/development of skills.

9.9. Knowledge management

With a view to enhancing capabilities associated with retaining, sharing, disseminating and building essential knowledge while keeping market competitive, in 2009 CTEEP launched its Knowledge Management Program. CTEEP Strategic Knowledge Management Modeling encompasses evaluating business characteristics, mapping and prioritizing critical knowledge areas to set strategic guidelines for knowledge management methods and tools.

10. Research and development program

The strategic importance of the Company’s R&D programs, together with the launching of the new Manual for ANEEL Electricity Sector Technology Research and Development Program have driven significant change in definition of topics for research to be developed over the next five years, enabling better alignment with CTEEP strategic objectives. In January 2009, ten new projects from 2006/2007 cycle, as approved by ANEEL in November 2008 were implemented. Two projects in accordance with the new ANEEL Manual terms were also implemented, in September 2009. To encourage proposals for the next cycles, CTEEP conducted an R&D Workshop attended by nearly 140 professionals from institutions related to the scientific and academic community, electric utilities and manufacturers. Investments in R&D Projects (completed or in progress)

Cycle R$ million

2001/2002 3.21 2002/2003 3.56 2003/2004 2.21 2004/2005 4.43 2005/2006 5.11 2006/2007 (Started in January 2009) 4.78 Subtotal Projects (completed or in progress) 23.30

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Relatório da Administração--Continued Exercício social 2009


11. Independent auditors

Pursuant to CVM Ruling No. 381/03 of January 14, 2003, CTEEP hereby represents that it has not entered into any agreements with its Independent Auditors other than those related to the audit of the Company’s Financial Statements disclosed and routed to the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission.

12. Acknowledgments

CTEEP management expresses thanks to its stockholders, customers, suppliers and the community for their cooperation and trust extended to the Company throughout 2009, and to its employees in particular, for their competency, efforts and dedication towards attaining the established objectives and goals.

The Management


A free translation from Portuguese into English of financial statements in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Balance sheets December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)



Note 2009 2008 2009 2008 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 4 18,564 104,229 42,218 123,024 Trade accounts receivable 5 288,683 299,329 289,536 299,329 Inventories 43,328 31,952 43,328 31,952 Amounts receivable from State Finance

Department 6 19,439 19,786 19,439 19,786 Taxes recoverable 7 212,715 3,145 213,317 3,240 Tax benefit – merged goodwill 8 28,832 28,832 28,832 28,832 Deferred income and social contribution taxes 9 31,472 11,315 31,472 11,315 Other 21,371 30,429 19,950 34,859 664,404 529,017 688,092 552,337 Noncurrent assets Long-term receivables Trade accounts receivable 5 62,074 45,088 62,074 45,088

Amounts receivable from State Finance Department 6 557,027 454,639 557,027 454,639

Tax benefit – merged goodwill 8 147,911 176,743 147,911 176,743 Deferred income and social contribution taxes 9 67,078 76,648 67,078 76,648 Pledges and restricted deposits 10 43,946 51,860 43,946 51,860 Other 2,405 2,405 4,383 2,407 880,441 807,383 882,419 807,385 Investments 11 290,793 50,332 Property, plant and equipment 12 4,272,259 4,158,514 4,676,574 4,234,614 Intangible assets 13 70,331 67,942 73,004 75,267 4,633,383 4,276,788 4,749,578 4,309,881 5,513,824 5,084,171 5,631,997 5,117,266 Total assets 6,178,228 5,613,188 6,320,089 5,669,603




Consolidated Note 2009 2008 2009 2008

Liabilities and stockholders’ equity Current liabilities Loans and financing 15 518,690 294,492 591,113 345,502 Suppliers 47,497 32,889 70,806 36,291 Taxes, charges and contributions 16 87,439 19,171 88,505 19,476 Taxes in installments - Law No. 11941 17 9,853 9,853 Regulatory charges 18 39,742 36,528 40,018 36,528 Interest on equity capital and dividends

payable 374,398 233,272 374,398 233,272 Provisions 19 27,523 34,895 27,688 34,922 Amounts payable- Fund. CESP 20 6,917 6,210 6,917 6,210 Annual revenue adjustment 23 (a) (ii) 21,277 21,277 Other 22,182 5,111 29,309 6,782 1,155,518 662,568 1,259,884 718,983 Noncurrent liabilities Long-term payables Loans and financing 15 419,786 511,286 457,281 511,286 Taxes in installments - Law No. 11941 17 137,885 137,885 Regulatory charges 18 3,269 2,805 3,269 2,805 Provisions 19 167,953 174,152 167,953 174,152 Amounts payable- Fund. CESP 20 13,601 68,503 13,601 68,503 Special obligations – Reversion/

amortization 21 24,053 24,053 24,053 24,053 Annual revenue adjustment 23 (a) (ii) 21,277 21,277 Negative goodwill 3 (m) 49,540 66,525 49,540 66,525 837,364 847,324 874,859 847,324 Stockholders’ equity 22 Paid-in capital 1,063,049 1,000,000 1,063,049 1,000,000 Capital reserve 2,259,945 2,286,374 2,259,945 2,286,374 Income reserve 861,686 816,256 861,686 816,256 Future capital contributions 666 666 666 666 4,185,346 4,103,296 4,185,346 4,103,296 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity 6,178,228 5,613,188 6,320,089 5,669,603 See accompanying notes.


CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Statements of income Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)

Company Consolidated Note 2009 2008 2009

Gross sales and/or service revenues Electricity network usage revenues 23 (a) 1,885,521 1,785,457 1,893,481 Other revenues 23 (b) 19,274 16,982 19,274 1,904,795 1,802,439 1,912,755 Deductions from operating revenues Taxes 24 (94,052) (93,940) (94,499) Regulatory charges 24 (161,506) (143,115) (161,778) (255,558) (237,055) (256,277) Net sales and/or service revenues 1,649,237 1,565,384 1,656,478 Cost of sales and/or services 25 (347,794) (312,769) (350,991) Gross profit 1,301,443 1,252,615 1,305,487 Operating (expenses)/income General and administrative 25 (149,701) (109,513) (149,999) Management fees 25 (7,989) (6,710) (8,105) Financial expense 26 (420,597) (312,500) (424,895) Financial Income 26 153,744 28,532 154,150 Other expenses, net 27 (31,162) (6,511) (31,162) Equity pickup (262) Operating income 845,476 845,913 845,476 Income and social contribution taxes Current 28 (278,654) (279,328) (278,654) Deferred 28 10,587 20,581 10,587 Income before reversal of interest on stockholders’equity 577,409 587,166 577,409 Reversal of interest on stockholders’equity 250,610 239,899 250,610 Net income for the year 828,019 827,065 828,019 Number of shares at end of year (thousands) 150,657 149,285 Net earnings per share at end of year – R$ 5.49605 5.54017 See accompanying notes.


CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Statement of changes in stockholders’ equity Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)

Income reserves

Capital Capital reserve

Legal reserve

Statutory reserve

Realizable profits

Retained profits reserve

Retained earnings

Future capital contributions Total

At December 31, 2007 462,000 2,592,369 92,400 46,200 41,478 713,694 - 666 3,948,807 Dividends (R$ 1.138762 per share) - - - - - (170,000) - - (170,000) Capitalization of reserves 538,000 (538,000) - - - - - - - Realization of realizable profit reserve - - - - (2,669) - 2,669 - - Interest on equity capital expired - - - - - - 320 - 320 Reserve for special goodwill on ISA Capital merger (Note 22 (c)) - 232,005 - - - - - 232,005 Net income for the year - - - 827,065 - 827,065 Income allocation: - Legal reserve - 41,353 - - - (41,353) - - Statutory reserve - 53,800 - - (53,800) - - Interim dividends (R$ 1.785926 per share) - - - - (266,612) - (266,612) Interest on equity capital (R$ 1,606981 per share) - - - - (239,899) - (239,899) Dividends (R$ 1.509870 per share) - - - - (228,390) - (228,390) At December 31, 2008 1,000,000 2,286,374 133,753 100,000 38,809 543,694 666 4,103,296 Capital increase (Note 22 (a)) 63,049 (26,429) - - - - - - 36,620 Realization of realizable profit reserve - - - - (2,276) - 2,276 - - Interest on equity capital expired - - - - - - 590 - 590 Net income for the year - - - - - - 828,019 - 828,019 Income allocation: - Legal reserve - - 41,401 - - - (41,401) - - Statutory reserve - - - 6,305 - - (6,305) - - Interest on equity capital (R$ 1.671031 per share) - - - - - - (250,610) - (250,610) Interim dividends (R$ 1.094182 per share) - - - - - - (164,287) - (164,287) Dividends (R$ 2.444514 per share) - - - - - - (368,282) - (368,282) At December 31, 2009 1,063,049 2,259,945 175,154 106,305 36,533 543,694 666 4,185,346

See accompanying notes.


CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Statements of cash flows Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated) Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008 Cash flows from operating activities Net income for the year 828,019 827,065 828,019 827,065 Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash

provided from (used in) operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 217,690 180,288 219,782 180,288 Provision for inventory adjustment Deferred income and social contribution taxes (10,588) (20,581) (10,588) (20,581) Provision for contingencies 3,087 59,941 3,087 59,941 Net book value of permanent assets written off 20,347 6,590 20,347 6,590 Amortization of negative goodwill (16,985) (16,985) (16,985) (16,985) Amortization of goodwill 28,832 26,430 28,832 26,430 Interest, monetary and exchange variation on

assets and liabilities 63,010 68,204 65,526 68,204 Equity pickup 262

(Increase) decrease in assets

Trade accounts receivable 23,665 (125,597) 22,811 (125,597) Inventories (11,376) (71) (11,376) (71) Amounts receivable from State Finance Department (102,199) (125,605) (102,199) (125,605)

Deferred income and social contribution taxes 1,647 1,647 Taxes recoverable (209,570) 54,672 (210,077) 54,577 Pledges and restricted deposits 7,948 (2,097) 7,943 (2,097) Others 10,119 318 8,585 1,564

Increase (decrease) in liabilities

Trade accounts payable 14,608 3,739 36,863 1,752 Taxes and social charges 68,268 (39,535) 69,030 (39,394) Taxes in installments - Law No. 11941 147,738 147,738 Regulatory charges 3,678 6,211 3,955 6,211 Provisions (19,525) (84,304) (19,095) (84,318) Amounts payable- Fund CESP (54,198) (68,596) (54,198) (68,596) Others 62,489 (2,754) 61,402 (2,731)

Net cash flow from operating activities 1,075,319 748,980 1,099,402 748,294 See accompanying notes.


CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Statements of cash flows--Continued Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated) Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008 Cash flows from investing activities

Property, plant and equipment (349,845) (262,989) (666,189) (289,611) Intangible assets (4,342) (10,342) (4,342) (11,909) Investments (240,723) (50,329) (13,605)

IEMG cash upon acquisition 1,364

Net cash flow used in investing activities (594,910) (323,660) (670,531) (313,761)

Cash flows from financing activities New loans 464,347 560,376 575,943 569,958

Loan payments (including interest) (425,586) (359,392) (480,785) (359,392) Dividends paid (641,455) (713,722) (641,455) (713,722) Capital payment 36,620 36,620

Net cash flow used in financing activities (566,074) (512,738) (509,677) (503,156)

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents (85,665) (87,418) (80,806) (68,623) Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 18,564 104,229 42,218 123,024 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 104,229 191,647 123,024 191,647 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents (85,665) (87,418) (80,806) (68,623)

See accompanying notes.


CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Statements of value added Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated) Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 Revenues Sales of goods and services 1,904,795 1,802,439 1,912,755 Other operating revenues (expenses) (31,162) (6,313) (31,162) 1,873,633 1,796,126 1,881,593 Inputs acquired from third parties Cost of services rendered (11,476) (18,827) (12,338) Materials, electricity, outsourced services and

others (116,949) (103,532) (117,408) (128,425) (122,359) (129,746) Gross value added 1,745,208 1,673,767 1,751,847 Retention Depreciation and amortization (217,690) (180,288) (219,782) Net value added produced by entity 1,527,518 1,493,479 1,532,065 Value added received in transfer Equity pickup (262) Financial income 153,744 28,532 154,150 Total value added to be distributed 1,681,000 1,522,011 1,686,215 Distribution of value added: Taxes and social charges

Direct compensation (120,128) (99,426) (120,209) Benefits (28,521) (30,108) (28,524) Actuarial adjustment 54,902 68,390 54,902 FGTS (7,914) (12,403) (7,917)

(101,661) (73,547) (101,748) Taxes, charges and compulsory contributions

Federal (562,119) (534,458) (563,009) State (753) (194) (762) Local (10,532) (11,088) (10,532)

(573,404) (545,740) (574,303)

See accompanying notes.


CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Statements of value added--Continued Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated) Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 Remuneration of third party capital

Rent (8,977) (7,356) (8,988) Interest and monetary and exchange variation (168,939) (68,303) (173,157)

(177,916) (75,659) (182,145) Remuneration of stockholders’ equity

Interest on equity capital and dividends (783,179) (734,901) (783,179) Retained profits 44,840 92,164 44,840

See accompanying notes.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


1 Operations

1.1 Corporate purpose CTEEP - Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista (“CTEEP” or the “Company”), a publicly-traded company, is authorized to operate as an electric public utility concessionaire, and is principally engaged in the planning, construction and operation of electric transmission systems, as well as in research and development programs related to power transmission and other activities related to available technology. The Company's activities are regulated and inspected by the National Electric Power Agency (ANEEL). The Company originated from the partial spin-off of CESP - Companhia Energética de São Paulo, and started its commercial operations as of April 1, 1999. On November 10, 2001 EPTE - Empresa Paulista de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica S.A., derived from the partial spin-off of Eletropaulo - Eletricidade de São Paulo S.A., was merged into the Company.

In a privatization auction held on June 28, 2006 on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA), pursuant to Notice SF/001/2006, the São Paulo State Government, which was the majority stockholder up to then, sold 31,341,890,064 of its common shares, which account for 50.10% of the common shares issued by CTEEP. The winner of the auction was Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P.

The financial settlement of the transaction took place on July 26, 2006 with the resulting transfer of the ownership of the aforementioned shares to ISA Capital do Brasil S.A. (“ISA Capital”), a Brazilian company controlled by Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. ("ISA"), established to operate in Brazil, thus becoming CTEEP's controlling stockholder. This transaction was approved by ANEEL on July 25, 2006, pursuant to Authorizing Resolution No. 642/06, published in the Official Gazette on July 26, 2006.

On September 12, 2006 ISA Capital do Brasil S.A. purchased another 10,021,687 common shares issued by CTEEP, held by the Government of the State of São Paulo, and became the holder of 31,351,911,751 common shares.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


1. Operations--Continued

1.1 Operations--Continued On January 9, 2007 ISA Capital do Brasil S.A. acquired, through a public offering auction for the acquisition of shares held on BOVESPA, 24,572,554,070 common shares issued by CTEEP, corresponding to 39.28% of the total of this type of shares, pursuant to the public offering notice published on December 4, 2006. As a result of this acquisition, ISA Capital became the holder of 89.40% of the voting capital and 37.46% of the total capital of CTEEP. Thus, after the reverse stock split on July 12, 2007, of a total of 62,558,662 common shares, 55,924,465 are held by ISA Capital do Brasil S.A.

In August, 2009 a capital increase in the amount of R$ 63,049 – represented by 1,371,525 shares - was approved, of which R$ 26,429, equivalent to 574,927 shares, was contributed by the controlling stockholder, (Note 22 (a)). As a result, ISA Capital now owns 56,499,392 common shares, corresponding to 37.5% of CTEEP’s total capital. The Company's shares are traded on BOVESPA. Additionally, CTEEP has a Rule 144 A American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) program in the United States. The depositary bank for the ADRs is the Bank of New York, and the custodian bank is Banco Itaú S.A.

In September 2002 the Company joined the Level-1 Corporate Governance Practices of BOVESPA. The commitments assumed in the adoption of these corporate governance practices ensure greater transparency of the Company for the market, investors and stockholders, thus facilitating their monitoring of management actions. The Company's preferred shares are included in the BOVESPA Index (IBOVESPA), in the Corporate Governance Index (IGC) and the Electric Energy Index (IEE).

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


1. Operations--Continued 1.2 Concessions

The Company is entitled to explore, directly or indirectly, the following Public Utility Concession Agreements for Electric Power Transmission:

Annual Revenue

Allowed - RAP

Concessionaire Agreement Interest

(%) Term

(years) Maturity R$

thousand Base

CTEEP 059/2001 20 07/07/15 1,816,005 06/09 CTEEP 143/2001 30 12/20/31 13,747 06/09 IEMG (Note 11) 004/2007 60 30 04/19/37 12,339 06/09 IENNE (Note 11) 001/2008 25 30 03/16/38 31,674 06/09 Pinheiros (Note 11) 012/2008 100 30 10/16/38 6,421 06/09 Pinheiros (Note 11) 015/2008 100 30 10/16/38 10,819 06/09 Pinheiros (Note 11) 018/2008 100 30 10/16/38 2,759 06/09 IESul (Note 11) 013/2008 100 30 10/16/38 3,866 06/09 IESul (Note 11) 016/2008 100 30 10/16/38 6,960 06/09 IEMadeira (Note 11) 013/2009 51 30 02/25/39 176,249 11/08 IEMadeira (Note 11) 015/2009 51 30 02/25/39 151,788 11/08 Serra do Japi (Note 11) 026/2009 100 30 11/19/39 21,804 05/09

Due to the acquisition of the shareholding control of CTEEP by ISA Capital do Brasil S.A. on June 28, 2006, an Amendment to Concession Agreement 059/2001 - ANEEL of CTEEP was signed on January 29, 2007, in order to reflect this reality of the new controlling stockholder. In this amendment, the conditions initially negotiated were maintained and a clause was added defining that the goodwill paid in the auction, as well as the special obligations and the amounts arising from the State Law No. 4819/58 determined in the Sale Notice SF/001/2006, will not be considered by ANEEL for evaluation of the financial and economic balance of the concession. Also due to this amendment, ISA Capital do Brasil S.A. and Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. (Colombia) are committed to increasing CTEEP’s capital. On May 8, 2009, through ANEEL auction No. 001/2009, at the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange, in public session conducted by the BM&F BOVESPA, CTEEP purchased C, D and E batches through the Porto Velho Consortium with participation from Eletronorte and Abengoa. The batches purchased are as follows:

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


1. Operations--Continued 1.2 Concessions--Continued

Batch C - Porto Velho – Jauru Transmission Line

Batch C refers to the third 230 kV transmission line circuit between Jauru (Mato Grosso) and Porto Velho (Rondônia), totaling 987 km. Linha Verde Transmissora de Energia S.A. was incorporated on July 2, 2009 to develop this venture. To date, CTEEP has not paid its equity interest in Linha Verde.

This project involves an investment estimated at R$ 380 million and Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) of R$ 42.7 million, based on data for May 2009. The Company is the holder of a 25.5% interest in the venture, and operations are projected to start in October 2011. Batch D - Porto Velho – Rio Branco Transmission Line This batch refers to the second 230 kV transmission line circuit between Porto Velho (Rondônia), Abunã and Rio Branco (Acre), totaling 487 km. Rio Branco Transmissora de Energia S.A. was incorporated on July 2, 2009, to develop this transmission line. To date, CTEEP has not paid its equity interest in Rio Branco. This project involves an investment estimated at R$ 210 million and Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) of R$ 24.4 million, based on data for May 2009. The Company is the holder of a 25.5% interest in the venture, and operations are projected to start in October 2011. Batch E – Jauru – Cuiabá Transmission Line and Jauru Substation This batch refers to the 500 kV transmission line between Jauru and Cuiabá (Mato Grosso), totaling 348 km, and the Jauru 500/230 kV substation. Transmissora Matogrossense de Energia S.A was incorporated on July 2, 2009, to develop these installations. To date, CTEEP has not paid its equity interest in Matogrossense. This project involves investment estimated at R$ 302 million and Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) of R$ 27.5 million, based on data for May 2009. The Company holds a 5% interest in the venture. Operation start-up is projected for October 2011.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


1. Operations--Continued

1.3 Corporate restructuring

The Board of Directors' meeting held on February 11, 2008 approved the corporate restructuring involving CTEEP, ISA Capital and ISA Participações do Brasil Ltda. (“ISA Participações”). The National Electric Power Agency (ANEEL) authorized this restructuring through ANEEL Resolution No. 1164 of December 18, 2007. The objective of this corporate restructuring was to improve the capitalization and cash flow conditions resulting from the use of the tax benefit in CTEEP, amounting to R$ 232,005, referring to the goodwill paid by ISA Brasil in the process of acquiring the share control of CTEEP and included the following stages:

(a) Capital subscription of ISA Brasil in a vehicle company, ISA

Participações, with the conveyance of shares held in the capital of CTEEP to the capital of ISA Participações.

(b) Recording of a provision amounting to R$ 450,363 in ISA Participações,

corresponding to the difference between the goodwill paid of R$ 682,368 and the tax benefit of R$ 232,005.

(c) CTEEP merger of ISA Participações net assets, in the amount of

R$ 232,005, represented by the tax benefit amount previously mentioned which, in accordance with the requirements of CVM Instruction 319/99 was recorded as a counterparty entry to the special goodwill on merger reserve, in stockholders' equity.

2. Presentation of financial statements

The financial statement account balances were approved by the Executive Board at January 15, 2010. The financial statements were approved at an Executive Board meeting held on March 2, 2010.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


2. Presentation of financial statements--Continued The financial statements were prepared and are presented in accordance with accounting pratices adopted in Brazil, which comprise those established by the Brazilian Corporation Law (Law No. 6404/76, amended by Laws No. 9457/97, No. 10303/01, No. 11638/07 and No. 11941/09); rules and regulations issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM); accounting pronouncements from the Brazilian FASB or IASB equivalent (CPC); and specific standards established by ANEEL applicable to electric public concessionaires.

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil requires that management adopt estimates for recording certain transactions affecting the Company’s assets and liabilities, income and expenses, as well as disclose information relating to these financial statements. Actual results of these transactions and information when effectively realized in subsequent periods may differ from these estimates.

Change in the Brazilian Corporation Law The enactment of Laws No. 11638/07 and 11941/09 (former Executive Order No. 449/08) amended and introduced new provisions to Brazil’s Corporation Law. The main purpose of these laws was to update the Brazilian Corporation Law so as to allow convergence of accounting practices adopted in Brazil into those found in international financial reporting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Throughout 2008, CPC issued many accounting pronouncements, approved by CVM, to become effective beginning on or after January 1, 2008. These accounting pronouncements were fully adopted by the Company which, according to CVM Rule No. 565, of December 17, 2008, which approved CPC No. 13, set December 31, 2007 as its transition date for adoption of the new accounting practices.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


2. Presentation of financial statements--Continued Change in the Brazilian Corporation Law--Continued In furtherance of this process, in the course of 2009, new accounting pronouncements were issued and approved, including, among others, those which may have greater impact on the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries, namely:

CPC Pronouncement 17 Construction Contracts 20 Borrowing Costs 21 Interim Financial Reporting 22 Segment Information 24 Subsequent Events 25 Provisions,Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets 26 Presentation of Financial Statements 27 Property, Plant and Equipment 30 Revenue 32 Income Taxes 33 Employee Benefits 36 Consolidated Financial Statements 37 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards 38 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement 39 Financial Instruments: Presentation 40 Financial Instruments: Disclosures 43 First-time Adoption of Accounting Pronouncements CPC 15 to 40 ICP 01 Service Concession Arrangements ICP 08 Accounting for Proposed Dividend Distribution Interpretation of First-time Adoption of Technical Pronouncements CPC 27 - ICP 10 Property, Plant and Equipment and CPC 28 – Investment Property

Interpretation ICPC No. 01, which establishes the principles for recognition and measurement of liabilities and assets under service concession arrangements, may substantially change future financial statements of the Company. Given the extent and complexity of the changes introduced, the Company has been assessing their impact on its financial statements, while keeping up with discussions and debates in the market, more specifically in accounting entities and associations as well as regulators, which will likely pronounce on aspects regarding the adoption of these rules. Until further clarification is obtained on these pronouncements, the Company understands that related effects, if any, on its financial statements cannot be reliably assessed and quantified at the moment.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


2. Presentation of financial statements--Continued Change in the Brazilian Corporation Law--Continued As such, according to CVM Rule No. 603, of November 10, 2009, the Company, in preparing its 2009 financial statements, did not elect early adoption of CPC pronouncements, interpretations and guidelines, approved by CVM, and effective for financial years beginning January 1, 2010.

Consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil, consistently with the rules issued by CVM, and include the financial statements of CTEEP and its subsidiaries:

Financial statement date

Interest % 2009 2008 Interligação Elétrica de Minas Gerais S.A. (IEMG) 12/31/09 60 60 Interligação Elétrica Norte e Nordeste S.A. (IENNE) 12/31/09 25 25 Interligação Elétrica Pinheiros S.A. (Pinheiros) 12/31/09 100 100 Interligação Elétrica do Sul S.A. (IESUL) 12/31/09 100 100 Interligação Elétrica do Madeira S.A. (IEMADEIRA) 12/31/09 51 - Interligação Elétrica Serra do Japi S.A. (Serra do Japi) 12/31/09 100 -

All financial statements for these subsidiaries were audited by our independent auditors for consolidation purposes. Except for IEMG, authorized to operate commercially in 2009, all subsidiaries were at their pre operating stage on the consolidated financial statement reporting date. Accordingly, consolidated statements of income and of value added for financial year 2008 were not presented. Linha Verde Transmissora de Energia S.A., Rio Branco Transmissora de Energia S.A. and Transmissora Matogrossense de Energia S.A. are not included on consolidation since the Company has not yet paid its interest in these companies’ capital.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


3. Significant accounting practices

a) Determination of profit and loss

Determined on the accrual basis of accounting. b) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, bank deposits and highly

liquid short-term investments with an immaterial risk of change, and limits used in overdraft accounts.

c) Financial instruments

(i) Classification and measurement

The Company’s financial instruments are cash, short-term investments, trade accounts receivable, other accounts receivable, loans and financing, suppliers and other accounts payable. The Company classifies its financial instruments under the following categories: a) measured at fair value through profit or loss; and b) loans and receivables. Classification depends on the purpose for which the financial statements were acquired. Management establishes the classification of financial assets at initial recognition.

Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets held for active and frequent trading, classified as current assets. Gains or losses arising from variation in their fair value are presented in the statement of income under “financial income (expenses)” in the period in which they occur. Loans and receivables This category comprises non-derivative financial instruments with fixed or determinable payments, not traded in an active market. They are included as current assets, except for those with maturity term exceeding 12 months after the balance sheet date (which are classified as noncurrent assets) and accounted for at amortized cost, under the effective interest rate method.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


3. Significant accounting practices--Continued

c) Financial instruments--Continued

(ii) Derivative financial instruments and hedge activities

The Company is not engaged in any transactions involving derivative financial instruments.

d) Trade accounts receivable

Includes the amounts billed by Company and subsidiaries for use of the base

network systems and other transmission facilities (DIT) by electric utility concessionaires and companies connected to these systems, with average receivables turnover below 60 days, and there is no need for adjustment to present value.(Note 5).

The allowance for doubtful accounts consists of amounts realization of which is

not considered probable on the balance sheet date.

e) Inventories

The materials in stock are valued and stated at average cost of acquisition, which does not exceed their replacement cost.

f) Investments

While in the pre-operating stage, investments are accounted for under the cost

method. Afterwards, they will be recorded under the equity method of accounting.

g) Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment items are stated at cost of acquisition and/or

construction, plus price-level restatements up to December 31, 1995; interest on equity capital up to December 31, 1998, interest, monetary and exchange variation on loans and financing for property, plant and equipment in progress; net of the accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is computed on the straight-line basis, at the rates disclosed in Note 12, which consider the estimated useful lives of the assets, in compliance with the regulatory agency.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


3. Significant accounting practices--Continued

h) Impairment of assets

The Company understands that there is no indication of impairment of the recoverable amount of its property, plant and equipment and intangible assets. Nevertheless, the recoverability of these assets is tested for impairment on a yearly basis using the net present value method, including the indemnification set forth by the concession agreements for property, plant and equipment at the end of the concession period. The criteria for calculating this indemnification have not yet been defined by the Granting Power. However, in the understanding of management and of its legal advisors, said indemnification amount should approximate the residual value of property, plant and equipment on that date (Note 14).

i) Other current and noncurrent assets

Stated at net realizable value.

j) Current and noncurrent liabilities

Stated at known or estimated amounts including, when applicable, related

interest, monetary and/or exchange variation incurred up to the balance sheet date.

k) Provisions

Provisions are recorded on an assessment of the likelihood of loss on ongoing

lawsuits, supported by reports prepared by the legal advisors engaged by the Company.

l) Income and social contribution taxes

These are calculated in compliance with the provisions of applicable legislation,

based on pretax income, adjusted by inclusion of non-deductible expenses and exclusion of non-taxable revenues as well as inclusion and/or exclusion of temporary differences. In 2009, the Company opted for having its taxable profit computed on its accounting records on a quarterly basis. Up to 2008, its option was to calculate taxable profit on its accounting records on an annual basis.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


3. Significant accounting practices--Continued

m) Negative goodwill

Refers to negative goodwill recorded on acquisition of 49% of the common shares of Empresa Paulista de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica S.A. (EPTE). These shares were held by the São Paulo State Finance Department and Companhia Paulista de Administração de Ativos (CPA) and were acquired on March 26, 1999 by Companhia Energética de São Paulo (CESP). Upon the partial spin-off of CESP, these shares and the negative goodwill thereon were transferred to CTEEP. EPTE was merged into Company on November 10, 2001.

This negative goodwill is amortized monthly, on the straight-line basis, over the

concession period of EPTE, the maturity of which is December 2012.

n) Employment benefits

The Company sponsors pension and health care plans for its employees, which are managed by Fundação CESP. Actuarial liabilities were calculated on the projected unit credit method, as set forth by CVM Rule No. 371, of December 13, 2000 (Note 20).

4. Cash and cash equivalents

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008

Cash and banks 396 7,166 (606) 6,958 Short-term investments 18,168 97,063 42,824 116,066

18,564 104,229 42,218 123,024

Short-term investments are measured at fair value through profit or loss and refer to Bank Deposit Certificates, whose yield is linked to the Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI) variation, with daily liquidity.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


5. Trade accounts receivable

The Company's customers are electric utility concessionaries/permittees and free consumers, connected to the Company's facilities.

Company Consolidated

2009 2008 2009 2008

Base network 332,850 324,703 333,703 324,703 Other transmission facilities - DIT 17,907 19,714 17,907 19,714

350,757 344,417 351,610 344,417

Current 288,683 299,329 289,536 299,329 Noncurrent 62,074 45,088 62,074 45,088

The Company has no history of loss in its trade accounts receivable, which are guaranteed by collaterals and/or access to current accounts operated by the National Electric System Operator (ONS) or directly by the Company, and are segregated by maturity as follows:

Company Consolidated

2009 2008 2009 2008 Falling due 345,707 283,541 346,560 283,541 Past due up to 30 days 1,084 3,315 1,084 3,315 from 31 to 60 days 859 3,191 859 3,191 over 61 days 3,107 54,370 3,107 54,370

5,050 60,876 5,050 60,876

350,757 344,417 351,610 344,417

On January 13, 2009 the Company signed an acknowledgment of debt and payment agreement with delinquent distributors. This agreement requires the balance to be paid in 36 installments. Up to September 2009 all installments were received as scheduled.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


6. Amounts receivable from State Finance Department – Company and Consolidated

2009 2008

Current Noncurrent Total Total Agreement for acknowledgment and consolidation of debt (a) 16,094 25,482 41,576 55,353 Sale of property (b) 3,345 5,297 8,642 11,506 Payroll processing – Law No. 4819/58 (c) - 410,127 410,127 309,811 Labor claims – Law No. 4819/58 (d) - 116,121 116,121 97,755 Family allowance – Law No. 4819/58 (e) - 2,218 2,218 2,218 Allowance for doubtful accounts - (2,218) (2,218) (2,218)

19,439 557,027 576,466 474,425

(a) Agreement for acknowledgment and consolidation of debt On May 2, 2002, an Agreement for Acknowledgement and Consolidation of Debt was entered into with the São Paulo State Finance

Department, in which the State Government acknowledges and admits that it owes to the Company the amounts corresponding to the disbursem*nts originally made by CESP - Companhia Energética de São Paulo, in the period from 1990 to 1999, for paying supplemental retirement and pension payrolls, arising from benefits under the terms of State Law No. 4819/58. The debt amount acknowledged was adjusted up to January 2002, by the variation of the Fiscal Unit of the São Paulo State Government (UFESP) and, as from February 2002, by the monthly variation of the General Market Price Index (IGP-M), plus 6% per annum. The reimbursem*nt will be made in 120 monthly installments, starting on August 1, 2002 and with final settlement on July 1, 2012.

(b) Sale of property On July 31, 2002, a Private Sale Agreement, providing for the intended sale of a property, the recognition of liabilities and commitment

to pay, was signed with the State Finance Department, in which the State Government acknowledges and admits that it owes to the Company an amount corresponding to the market value of the total area of the property occupied by the State Government and partially used for the construction of prison units.

Therefore, the State Government committed to reimburse the Company of said amount in 120 monthly installments, the first of which on

August 1, 2002 and final settlement on July 1, 2012, adjusted by the monthly IGP-M variation plus interest of 6% per annum. (c) Payroll processing – Law No. 4819/58 The amount of R$ 410,127 refers to the remaining balance of the payroll processing for the supplemental pension plan regulated by

State Law No. 4819/58, R$ 1.426 of which through individual injunctions from January to August 2005 and R$ 408,701 from September 2005 to December 2009, as a result of a court decision by the 49th Labor District Court of São Paulo, whose payments are made by Fundação CESP using part of the funds received from the State Government and passed on by the Company (Note 34 (c)). This balance will not be monetarily adjusted and no earnings will be recorded until the State Government approves its actual payment to the Company.

(d) Labor claims – Law No. 4819/58 These refer to certain labor claims settled by the Company, relating to employees who retired supported by State Law No. 4,819/58,

which are the responsibility of the State Government. This balance is not monetarily adjusted and no earnings will be recorded until the State Government approves its actual payment to the Company.

(e) Family allowance – Law No. 4819/58 CESP - Companhia Energética de São Paulo made advances for payment of monthly expenses with family allowances arising from the

benefits of State Law No. 4819/58, which were transferred to the Company upon the partial spin-off of CESP. Considering the expectation of loss, the Company's management recorded an allowance for doubtful accounts, in noncurrent assets, in

the amount of R$ 2,218.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


7. Taxes recoverable

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008 COFINS 156,709 798 156,718 798 PIS 50,014 249 50,016 249 Income tax 2,989 760 3,564 760 Social contribution tax 847 486 863 486 Other 2,156 852 2,156 947 212,715 3,145 213,317 3,240

Due to completion issues, the Company amended its Federal Tax Debt and Credit Returns (DCTFs) for the years 2004-2007, determining tax credits related mostly to PIS and COFINS. These credits will be offset against future tax amounts payable, and the Company estimates to have them fully recovered by July 2010. Change for the year ended December 31, 2009 is as follows:

Original tax credit recognized 193,139 Monetary restatement 99,403 Tax credit offset from October to December (88,429) 204,113

8. Tax benefit – merged goodwill – Company and Consolidated

The goodwill paid by ISA Capital on acquisition of the CTEEP shareholding control process (Note 1.3) is economically based on the expected profitability during the concession term, originating from the acquisition of the concession right granted by the Government, under paragraph 2 b of article 14 of CVM Ruling No. 247, of March 27, 1996, as amended by CVM Ruling No. 285 of July 31, 1998.

In order for the amortization of goodwill not to adversely impact the dividend flow to stockholders, a provision for maintaining integrity of the stockholders’ equity of its acquiror (PMIPL) was recognized, in accordance with the provisions of CVM Ruling No. 349, of March 6, 2001.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


8. Tax benefit – Company’s merged goodwill – Company e consolidated--Continued

Amortization of goodwill, net of reversal of the provision and of the corresponding tax effect, is neutral with respect to the result for the year and, accordingly, to the mandatory minimum dividend calculation basis. Goodwill totaled R$ 689,435 at December 31, 2007 and is currently amortized over the remaining concession period, in monthly installments according to the projected annual future profitability and as permitted by ANEEL Resolution No. 1164 of December 18, 2007, as follows:

Amortization - % p.a.

Concession agreement 059/2001 143/2001 Total

2008 to 2012 12.20 0.10 12.30 2013 to 2015 12.73 0.02 12.75 2016 to 2031 0.25 0.25

To better present the Company’s financial position in the financial statements, the net amount of R$ 176.743, which essentially represents the merged tax credit, was classified, in the balance sheet, in current assets and in long-term receivables as tax benefit – merged goodwill, based on its expected realization. Change for the year ended December 31, 2009 is as follows:

Goodwill Provision Net

Balances at 12.31.2008 604,634 (399,059) 205,575 Realization for the year (84,800) 55,968 (28,832) Balances at 12. 31.2009 519,834 (343,091) 176,743 Current 28,832 Noncurrent 147,911

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


9. Deferred income and social contribution taxes – Company and Consolidated

These refer to tax credits on the temporary differences in the determination of taxable profit, as set out below:

2009 2008

Income Social tax contribution tax Total Total Provision for contingencies 41,243 14,848 56,091 58,529 Voluntary Termination Program – PDV 1,036 373 1,409 6,330 Negative goodwill 12,385 4,459 16,844 22,618 Others 17,798 6,408 24,206 486 72,462 26,088 98,550 87,963 Current 31,472 11,315 Noncurrent 67,078 76,648

These credits, both current and long-term, will be realized as the contingencies and other related events are resolved, which are estimated as follows:

As from

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

30% 6% 5% - - 59%

10. Pledges and restricted deposits – Company and Consolidated

In long-term receivables, in view of the uncertainties regarding the outcome of the lawsuits to which the deposits refer, the Company's procedure is to maintain these deposits at their nominal value, not recording any type of monetary restatement or interest thereon. The balance is broken down as follows:

2009 2008 Notices of violation – ANEEL (a) 6,317 6,317 Judicial deposits (Note 19 (b)) 37,431 45,319 Others 198 224 43,946 51,860

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


10. Pledges and restricted deposits – Company and Consolidated--Continued

(a) Refer to two deposits in connection with lawsuits to annul the notices of violation issued

by ANEEL for disturbances in the transmission system in March 1999 and January 2002. The first one, deposited on January 17, 2000, in the amount of R$ 3,040, was required in an annulment action filed by the Company against ANEEL, related to notice of violation 001/1999-SFE which had fined the Company under alleged violations for obstructing the inspection related to disturbances from interrupted electric power transmission and distribution over a large part of the Southeast, South and Middle West regions; noncompliance with the "inspection report" requirements; and noncompliance with the legal duty of rendering proper service. The second deposit, made on June 17, 2003, in the amount of R$ 3,277, relates to notice of violation 005/2002-SFE, dated May 7, 2002, as a consequence of punitive administrative process brought by ANEEL, for the breakage, on January 21, 2002, of one subconductor of a 440 kV transmission line between the Company substations in the Power Plant of Ilha Solteira and Araraquara. The Company's legal advisors understand that it is not practicable to determine whether its position in both cases will prevail.

11. Investments

a) Information on investments

Number of common Interest Paid-in Stockholders’ Net income

shares held - % capital equity (loss) IENNE 46.901.000 25,0 187.604 187.604 - IEMG 47,313,175 60.0 78,855 78,419 (436) Pinheiros 127,170,999 100.0 127,171 127,171 - IESUL 6,835,999 100.0 6,836 6,836 - IEMadeira 52,631,286 51.0 103,199 103,199 - Serra do Japi 10,202,999 100.0 10,203 10,203 -

With the exception of Pinheiros and Serra do Japi in which the Company exercises independent control, the Company exercises shared control in all other investees. At December 31, 2009, the Company had not paid its interest in Linha Verde Transmissora de Energia S.A., Rio Branco Transmissora de Energia S.A. and Transmissora Matogrossense de Energia S.A.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


11. Investments--Continued

a) Information on investments--Continued

Interligação Elétrica Norte e Nordeste S.A. (IENNE) IENNE was formed on December 3, 2007 for the stated purpose of exploring the utility concession for electric power transmission, in particular the Colinas (Tocantins) - Ribeiro Gonçalves (Piauí) and Ribeiro Gonçalves - São João do Piauí (Piauí) transmission lines, both of 500 kV, totaling 720 km. Investment in this project is estimated at R$ 561.7 million with Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) of R$ 31.7 million. Start-up is scheduled for December 2010. Interligação Elétrica de Minas Gerais S.A. (IEMG) IEMG was incorporated on December 13, 2006, in order to explore the utility concession for electric power transmission, particularly the 500 kV Neves 1 – Mesquita (Minas Gerais) transmission line totaling 172 km. On July 3, 2008, the Company published a material fact notice informing that ANEEL had approved, in the 25th Executive Board Annual Public Meeting held on July 1, 2008, IEMG’s corporate restructuring. On July 31, 2008, the Company entered into an agreement to acquire ISA’s share in IEMG’s capital, corresponding to 60% Investment in the project is estimated to be in the region of R$ 145.6 million and Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) is R$ 12.3 million, for the 2009-2010 period. IEMG was authorized to operate commercially in 2009.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


11. Investments--Continued

a) Information on investments--Continued Interligação Elétrica Pinheiros S.A. (Pinheiros) Pinheiros was incorporated July 22, 2008, for the stated purpose of exploiting the utility concession for electric power transmission, in particular the transmission lines and substations purchased as E, H and K Batches at ANEEL Auction No. 004/2008:

Batch Description Tension (kV)

E Interlagos – Piratininga II Transmission Line (SP) 345 Piratininga II Substation (SP) 345/138/88

H Mirassol II, Getulina and Araras Substations (SP) 440/138 K Atibaia II Substation (SP) 345/138

Investment in the project is estimated at R$ 342.6 million and Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) is R$ 19.9 million. Start-up of respective facilities is scheduled for the 2nd quarter of 2010, i.e., 18 months after the execution of the agreement.

Interligação Elétrica Sul S.A. (IESUL)

IESUL was formed on July 23, 2008, for the stated purpose of exploiting the utility concession for electric power transmission, in particular the transmission lines and substations purchased as F and I Batches at ANEEL Auction No. 004/2008:

Batch Description Tension (kV)

F Nova Santa Rita – Scharlau Transmission Line (RS) 230 Scharlau Substation (RS) 230/138 I Joinville Norte (SC) – Curitiba C2 Transmission Line (PR) 230 Jorge Lacerda B – Siderópolis C3 Transmission Line (SC) 230 Forquilhinha Substation (SC) 230/69

On August 28, 2009, the Company released a market statement on ANEEL Resolution No. 2052 (amended in November 2009) approving IESUL’s restructuring process. After execution of relevant corporate documents, IESUL’s ownership structure will be as follows:

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


11. Investments--Continued

a) Information on investments--Continued

Interligação Elétrica Sul S.A. (IESUL)--Continued

Stockholder Ownership % CTEEP 50% plus 1 share CYMI 50% less 1 share

Investment in the project is estimated at R$ 151.6 million and Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) is R$ 10.8 million. Start-up of respective facilities is scheduled for the 2nd quarter of 2010, i.e., 18 months after the execution of the agreement.

Interligação Elétrica do Madeira S.A. (IEMadeira)

IEMADEIRA was incorporated on December 18, 2008 for the stated purpose of exploring the utility concession for electric power transmission, in particular the transmission lines and substations purchased as DC and FC Batches at ANEEL Auction no. 007/2008, as follows:

Batch Description Term (months)

DC Coletora Porto Velho – Araraquara Transmission Line 2, No. 01, 36

in CC, 2375 Km FC Rectifier Station No. 02 CA/CC, 3150 MW; Rectifier Station 50

No. 02 CC/CA, 2950 MW

Investment in the project is estimated at R$ 3,430.6 million and Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) is R$ 328.0 million, base for November 2008. Start-up of respective facilities is scheduled for February 2012 (DC batch) and April 2013 (FC batch). Interligação Elétrica Serra do Japi S.A. (Serra do Japi)

Serra do Japi was incorporated on July 1, 2009 to explore the utility concession for electric power transmission, particularly Jandira and Salto substations purchased as Batch I at ANEEL Auction No. 001/2009. Investment for this project is estimated to be R$ 208.9 million and Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) of R$ 21.8 million, based on data for May 2009. Start-up for operations is scheduled for October 2011.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


11. Investments--Continued

b) Change in investments

Balances at 12.31.2008

Capital payment

Equity pickup

Balances at 12.31.2009

IENNE 15,251 31,650 - 46,901 IEMG 26,779 20,534 (262) 47,051 Pinheiros 6,651 120,520 - 127,171 IESUL 1,651 5,185 - 6,836 IEMadeira 52,631 - 52,631 Serra do Japi 10,203 - 10,203 50,332 240,723 (262) 290,793

12. Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment is broken down as follows: Company 2009 2008

Average annual

Cost Accumulated depreciation Net Net

depreciation rates - %

In operation Land 44,365 44,365 44,365 Buildings, civil works and improvements 584,561 (400,293) 184,268 204,323 3.64% Machinery and equipment 5,808,567 (2,726,172) 3,082,395 3,152,012 2.96% Vehicles 9,803 (9,477) 326 284 20.00% Furniture and fixtures 26,814 (17,947) 8,867 8,193 10.00% 6,474,110 (3,153,889) 3,320,221 3,409,177 In progress 980,805 - 980,805 778,104 Special obligations Donations received (28,767) - (28,767) (28,767) 7,426,148 (3,153,889) 4,272,259 4,158,514

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


12. Property, plant and equipment--Continued Consolidated 2009 2008

Average annual

Cost Accumulated depreciation Net Net

depreciation rates - %

In operation Land 44,365 44,365 44,365 Buildings, civil works and improvements 585,105 (400,315) 184,790 204,323 3.64% Machinery and equipment 5,885,534 (2,728,240) 3,157,294 3,152,012 2.96% Vehicles 9,835 (9,478) 357 284 20.00% Furniture and fixtures 26,822 (17,948) 8,874 8,193 10.00% 6,551,661 (3,155,981) 3,395,680 3,409,177 In progress 1,309,661 - 1,309,661 854,204 Special obligations Donations received (28,767) - (28,767) (28,767) 7,832,555 (3,155,981) 4,676,574 4,234,614

Construction in progress refers, substantially, to the ongoing expansion works of the electric energy transmission systems. Throughout 2009, the company analyzed the projects recorded in Property, plant and equipment in progress and identified projects not yet completed for which a provision for losses in the amount of R$ 18,292 was recorded in other operating expenses. Special obligations are represented by amounts received from electric utility concessionaires and customers for investments in the concession. Concession agreements provide for indemnification for property, plant and equipment at the end of the concession period. The criteria for calculating this indemnification have not yet been defined by the Granting Power. However, it is the understanding of Management and of its legal advisors that said indemnification amount should approximate the residual value of property, plant and equipment on that date. Consequently, the Company adopts the annual depreciation rates established by ANEEL, restated in accordance with ANEEL Regulatory Resolution No. 44, of March 17, 1999, and revoked by ANEEL Regulatory Resolution No. 240, of December 5, 2006, for assets with similar use and characteristics in the area of electric power transmission and distribution.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


12. Property, plant and equipment--Continued In accordance with articles 63 and 64 of Decree No. 41019, of February 26, 1957, assets and installations used in electric power transmission are linked to these services and cannot be retired, sold or assigned or pledged as mortgage guarantees without the prior and express authorization of the regulatory agency. ANEEL Resolution No. 20, of February 3, 1999, regulates the electric power utility concession assets, giving prior authorization for not restricting assets no longer serviceable to the concession, when intended for sale, and also determining that the proceeds from the sale be deposited in a restricted bank account and invested in the concession.

13. Intangible assets

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008

Rights-of-way 57,449 57,449 60,122 64,774 ERP – SAP implementation 12,731 10,342 12,731 10,342 Other 151 151 151 151

70,331 67,942 73,004 75,267

Transmission line rights-of-way are associated to distribution in the Company’s concession area, and in private urban and rural areas, imply indemnification in favor of the real estate owner. As they are permanent items, there is no amortization. ERP implementation includes all expenditures incurred in the SAP structuring project, except for the training expenses which were charged to income. The project started in April 2008 and its completion is scheduled for February 2009, to be amortized over 5 years.

14. Recoverable amount of assets

The Company tested the recoverability of its property, plant and equipment and intangible assets based on the present value of future cash flows and on the assumptions set out below.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


14. Recoverable amount of assets--Continued The amounts under these assumptions represent management’s assessment of future trends in the electric power sector, based both on external sources of information and historical data. Forecast cash flows were based on results of operations and projections of the Company until the end of Concession Agreement No. 059/2001, premised on:

• Organic growth compatible to historical data and Brazilian economy growth

prospects; • Indemnification for property, plant and equipment at the book value of reversible

assets at the end of the concession period; and • Average discount rate reached by a method generally adopted in the market,

taking into account weighted average capital cost (WACC).

The recoverable amount of these assets exceeds their book value and therefore, there are no impairment losses to be recognized.

15. Loans and financing

The breakdown of loans and financing is as follows:

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008 Maturity Local currency BNDES (a) 06.15.2015 514,117 606,169 514,117 606,169 IEMG (b) 04.15.2023 - - 40,680 - Promissory notes (c) 1st issue 06.17.2009 - 199,068 199,068 2nd issue 04.19.2010 213,696 - 213,696 - 3rd issue 01.13.2010 208,029 - 208,029 - Banco Bradesco IEMG (d) 02.25.2009 - - - 51,010 IENNE (e) 02.14.2010 - - 45,700 - Citibank (f) 04.15.2010 - - 23,538 - Eletrobrás 11.15.2021 491 541 491 541 Finance lease 2,143 - 2,143 - 938,476 805,778 1,048,394 856,788 Current 518,690 294,492 591,113 345,502 Noncurrent 419,786 511,286 457,281 511,286

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


15. Loans and financing--Continued

(a) On September 17, 2007, the Company signed a loan agreement with the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), in the amount of R$ 764.2 million, reduced to R$ 602.2 million in December 2008. This amount accounts for 70% of the total investment, which includes system improvements, reinforcements, modernization of the current transmission system and new projects, and is part of the 2006/2008 Pluriannual Investment Plan. On October 25, 2007, R$ 400.0 million were released, on February 25, 2008, R$ 120.0 million, and on May 29, 2008, R$ 82.2 million. This loan bears monthly interest of 2.3% p.a. above the Long-term Interest Rate (TJLP).

Repayment will be in 78 monthly installments from January 2009. As guarantee,

the Company has given bank sureties contracted effective up to December 15, 2015, from the banks Bradesco, Santander and Banco do Brasil, at the cost of 0.7% p.a., with quarterly maturities.

On November 18, 2008, the Company entered into a loan agreement with

BNDES in the amount of R$ 329.1 million, the first drawdowns being expected for the first quarter of 2010. This amount will be used to cover investments in reinforcements, modernization of the current system and new connections to be carried out between January 2009 and December 2010. Interest thereon corresponds to TJLP plus 1.8% p.a. Repayment will be in 54 monthly installments as from January 2011 and up to the beginning of repayment, interest will be paid on a quarterly basis. Bank guarantees will be contracted.

(b) On January 14, 2009 subsidiary IEMG entered into a loan agreement with

BNDES in the amount of R$ 70.6 million, drawn down on March 27, 2009. This amount is aimed to finance approximately 50% of the Transmission Line (LT) between Neves 1 and Mesquita substations. This loan bears monthly interest of 2.4% p.a. above the Long Term Interest Rate – TJLP.

This loan will be amortized in 168 monthly installments due from May 15, 2009.

An HSBC bank guarantee effective through March 18, 2010 was pledged as collateral for the loan.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


15. Loans and financing--Continued (c) 1st Issue – issued on December 9, 2008, amounting to R$ 200 million, maturing

on June 17, 2009. Nominal charges correspond to 120.0% of the Bank Deposit Certificate (CDI). The promissory notes issue costs totaled R$ 1,908.

2nd Issue – issued on April 24, 2009, amounting to R$ 200 million, maturing on April 19, 2010. Nominal charges correspond to 119.5% of the CDI. The promissory notes issue costs totaled R$ 1,692.

3rd Issue – issued on July 17, 2009, amounting to R$ 200 million, maturing on

January 13, 2010. Nominal charges correspond to 106.5% of the CDI. The promissory notes issue costs totaled R$ 1,295.

Pursuant to CPC 08, the promissory notes issue costs were recorded as a

deduction of the funds raised and are charged to P&L over the transaction period.

(d) Refers to working capital contract signed by IEMG on February 25, 2008, drawn

down on the contract execution date and on August 28, 2008, both repaid in a lump sum on February 25, 2009. Interest on this transaction was paid semiannually, corresponding to CDI + 0.9% p.a. The transaction was guaranteed by a guarantee letter.

(e) On July 13, 2009, IENNE signed a credit line contract with Banco Bradesco S.A.

limited in R$ 180 million, maturing on February, 14, 2010. Interest on this transaction will be paid on maturity, corresponding to CDI + 2.5% p.a. The transaction was guaranteed by a “Standby Letter of Credit” (SBLC).

(f) On July 27, 2009, IESUL signed a credit line contract with Citibank S.A. limited in

R$ 40 million, maturing on April, 15, 2010. Interest on this transaction will be paid on maturity, corresponding to CDI + 3% p.a.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


15. Loans and financing--Continued

Maturities of long-term portions are set out as follows:

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008

2011 93,951 92,940 96,989 92,940 2012 93,046 92,940 96,084 92,940 2013 93,033 92,940 96,071 92,940 After 2013 139,756 232,466 168,137 232,466

419,786 511,286 457,281 511,286

16. Taxes and social charges

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008 Income tax 52,289 722 52,289 760 Social contribution tax 15,923 270 15,923 338 COFINS 3,578 6,121 3,609 6,127 PIS 775 1,328 782 1,329 Scholarship program (a) 2,195 2,786 2,195 2,786 INSS 4,462 2,385 4,539 2,496 FGTS 964 874 976 875 Other 7,253 4,685 8,192 4,765

87,439 19,171 88,505 19,476

(a) Refers to obligations assumed by the Company under an agreement with the labor unions for

reimbursing its employees for costs of elementary, high school and college education.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


17. Taxes in installments – Law No. 11941 – Company and Consolidated

Due to completion issues, the Company amended its Federal Tax Debt and Credit Returns (DCTFs) for the years 2004-2007, determining tax credits related mostly to PIS and COFINS. With a view to settling its tax debt, the Company opted to participate in the special tax installment payment program instituted by Law No. 11941, of May 27, 2009, and paid R$ 141,162 on November 30, 2009, using the benefit of reduced fine and interest rate, totaling R$ 42,257. The remainder will be paid over 180 months beginning November 2009. Upon approval of the tax installment payment arrangement by Brazil’s IRS, the Company will recognize revenue from the reduced fine and interest rate on the tax debt paid in installments amounting to R$ 19,677.

Change for the year ended December 31, 2009 is as follows:

Original debt 212,097 Fine and interest 119,054 Fine and interest rate reduction (benefit under the Law) (42,257) Payments (141,156) 147,738 Current 9,853 Noncurrent 137,885

18. Regulatory charges

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008

Research and Development - R&D 30,672 20,363 30,709 20,363 Energy Development Account - CDE 2,561 3,041 2,561 3,041 Fuel Consumption Bill - CCC 2,167 2,804 2,167 2,804 Global Reversion Reserve - RGR 6,431 10,732 6,630 10,732 Alternative Energy Source Program - PROINFA 1,180 1,774 1,180 1,774 Inspection fee - ANEEL 619 40 619 43,011 39,333 43,287 39,333 Current 39,742 36,528 40,018 36,528 Noncurrent 3,269 2,805 3,269 2,805

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


19. Provisions

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 2008 Vacation pay and social charges 15,641 12,040 15,806 12,067 Profit sharing - PLR 8,035 7,991 8,035 7,991 Voluntary termination program - PDV (a) 3,649 18,304 3,649 18,304 Sundry indemnities 309 313 309 313 Contingencies (b) 167,842 170,399 167,842 170,399 195,476 209,047 195,641 209,074 Current 27,523 34,895 27,688 34,922 Noncurrent 167,953 174,152 167,953 174,152

(a) Voluntary termination program - PDV The Company, which had 2,737 employees as of October 31, 2006, approved a Voluntary

Termination Program (PDV), with an adhesion period from November 21 to November 30, 2006, obtaining participation of 1,534 employees.

On December 31, 2009, the remaining balance substantially refers to 1 employee whose

severance has not yet been processed, as well as the provision for medical and dental assistance that the terminated employees have the right to receive 36 months after the termination of their contracts.

(b) Provision for contingencies On a quarterly basis, contingencies are assessed and classified as regards the probability of an

unfavorable outcome for the Company, as follows: 2009 2008


Provision Judicial deposits Net


Judicial deposits


Labor (i) 147,344 (23,520) 123,824 139,917 (19,728) 120,189 Civil 3,994 - 3,994 2,741 - 2,741 Tax – IPTU (ii) 8,239 - 8,239 16,677 - 16,677 Tax – COFINS (iii) - (5,668) (5,668) - (17,348) (17,348) Social security – INSS (iv) 5,398 (8,243) (2,845) 8,197 (8,243) (46) ANEEL (v) 2,867 - 2,867 2,867 - 2,867 167,842 (37,431) 130,411 170,399 (45,319) 125,080

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


19. Provisions--Continued

Judicial deposits are recorded in noncurrent assets under "Pledges and restricted deposits". The Company is a party to tax, labor and civil lawsuits, whose unfavorable outcomes are rated as possible by management, based on the assessment of its legal advisors, in the estimated amount of R$ 83,392 (12.31.2008 - R$ 64,029), mainly labor claims, for which no provisions have been recorded.

(i) Labor The Company assumed responsibility for certain lawsuits at different courts,

mainly arising from CESP's partial spin-off and the merger of EPTE - Empresa Paulista de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica S.A.

(ii) Tax – Municipal Real Estate Tax (IPTU) The Company recognizes a provision to cover debts with the municipal

government of São Paulo, related to administrative proceedings for rectification of areas, in the amount of R$ 8,239.

(iii) COFINS The Company is challenging in court the constitutionality of the increase in the

COFINS rate and calculation basis, in the amounts of R$ 27,392 and R$ 11,132, respectively. The Company obtained a favorable outcome regarding the increase in the calculation basis, and an unfavorable one in relation to the tax rate increase. In October 2009, the Company identified the amount originally deposited, and begun assessing the portion related to its restatement.

(iv) Social security - INSS On August 10, 2001, the Company received from the National Institute of Social

Security (INSS) a delinquency notice for nonpayment of social security tax on compensation paid to its employees in the form of meal tickets, morning snack and basket of food staples for the period from April 1999 to July 2001. Accordingly, management decided to establish a provision and made a judicial deposit in the amount of R$ 8,243, recorded in noncurrent assets, under "Pledges and restricted deposits".

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


19. Provisions--Continued (v) ANEEL The Company was notified by ANEEL for not meeting the deadline for

installation of the 3rd bank of transformers 345/88 kV of substation (SE) Baixada Santista, authorized by ANEEL Resolution No. 197 of May 4, 2004, with a fine in the amount of R$ 1,981, and for the noncompliance with the deadline for the start-up of the 345 kV Guarulhos – Anhanguera Transmission Line, authorized by ANEEL Resolution No. 064/2005 of December 31, 2005, with a fine in the amount of R$ 886, totaling R$ 2,867 as of December 31, 2009.

20. Amounts payable – Fundação CESP

Based on an appraisal prepared by independent actuaries to calculate the actuarial liability, the Company recorded in its income for the year the amount of R$ 54,902. Accordingly, the liability balance presented represents the current liability of the Company related to the supplementary pension and health assistance plans maintained with Fundação CESP.

a) Plan “A” - supplementary pension plans Regulated by State Law 4819/58, applied to employees hired up to May 13,

1974, establishes supplementary pension plan benefits, additional leave entitlements and family allowance. The reserves necessary to cover the liabilities assumed in this plan are total responsibility of the applicable authorities of the State of São Paulo Government, and therefore, with no risk and additional cost to the Company (Note 34).

b) Plans “B” and “B1” - supplementary pension plans Plans "B" and "B1", regulated by Law No. 6435/77 and managed by Fundação

CESP, are sponsored by the Company, providing supplementary pension plan benefits, the reserves of which are established under the fully-funded system.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


20. Amounts payable -– Fundação CESP--Continued b) Plans “B” and “B1” - supplementary pension plans--Continued The Plan "B" refers to the Vested Supplementary Benefit Payout - BSPS,

calculated on December 31, 1997 (CTEEP) and March 31, 1998 (EPTE), in accordance with current regulations, and its asset-liability matching was duly adjusted at the time. The Company is fully liable for the annual actuarial result of this plan (deficit or surplus).

On January 1, 1998 (CTEEP) and on April 1, 1998 (EPTE), the Company

implemented Plan "B1", which defines contributions and related matching responsibilities between the Company and the participants, to ensure the plan’s appropriate asset-liability management. This plan provides pension benefits to employees, former employees and related beneficiaries, in order to supplement the benefits provided by the official Social Security system. The main characteristic is the mixed model, composed of 70% as Defined Benefit (DB) and 30% as Defined Contribution (DC). At the date of retirement the Benefit Plan of Defined Contribution (DC) becomes Defined Benefit (DB).

c) Plan PSAP - Transmissão Paulista On January 1, 2004, the plans sponsored by the Company, as well as those of

the extinguished EPTE, were merged financially, and the individual characteristics of the related plans maintained, thus forming the PSAP Plan - Transmissão Paulista.

d) Pension Plan Statement –CVM Rule No. 371/00 In compliance with NPC 26, corroborated by CVM Rule No. 371 of

December 13, 2000 and based on the actuarial opinions, the main economic and financial information of PSAP-Transmissão Paulista-DB plan (CTEEP/EPTE) are as follows:

(i) Reconciliation of assets and liabilities

2009 2008 Asset fair value 2,001,707 1,790,191 Total actuarial liabilities (1,628,613) (1,517,603) Deferred gains (386,695) (341,091)

Net liabilities (13,601) (68,503)

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


20. Amounts payable – Fundação CESP--Continued d) Pension Plan Statement – CVM Rule No. 371/00--Continued

(ii) Change in the plan assets

2009 2008

Asset fair value at beginning of year 1,790,191 1,774,274 Employer contributions 1,782 1,697 Employee contributions 2,658 2,651 Return on investments 304,884 113,516 Benefit payouts (97,808) (101,947) Asset fair value at end of year 2,001,707 1,790,191

(iii) Change in actuarial liabilities

2009 2008

Present value of net actuarial liabilities at beginning of year 1,517,603 1,506,892

Cost of current service 2,177 7,233 Cost of interest 162,154 154,306 Actuarial gain/loss 44,487 (48,881) Benefit payouts (97,808) (101,947) Present value of net actuarial liabilities at end

of year 1,628,613 1,517,603

(iv) Plan participants

2009 2008

Active 1,458 1,403 Inactive Retired 1,774 1,719 Retired by disability 34 31 Beneficiaries (survivors) 79 74

1,887 1,824 3,345 3,227

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


20. Amounts payable – Fundação CESP--Continued d) Pension Plan Statement – CVM Rule No. 371/00--Continued

(v) Actuarial assumptions

2009 2008 Actuarial liability discount-to-present value rate 11.25% 11.00% Expected rate of return on the plan assets 12.00% 11.50% Future salary growth rate 7.64% 7.12% Annuity benefit payouts adjustment index 4.50% 4.00% Actuarial table AT-83 AT-83 Disability table Light-Average Light-Average Actuarial table for the disabled AT-49 AT-49

21. Special obligations – Reversion/Amortization

Refers to funds arising from the reversion reserve, amortization and portion held at the Company, of the monthly shares of the Global Reversion Reserve (RGR), related to investments of funds for expansion of the electric public utility and amortization of loans obtained for the same purpose, occurred up to December 31, 1971. The manner for the settlement of these liabilities has not been defined by the Granting Authority.

22. Stockholders’ equity

a) Capital

The Company's authorized capital at December 31, 2009 and 2008 is R$ 1,469,090, represented by R$ 615,696 in common shares and R$ 853,394 in preferred shares, all of which are book-entry registered shares without par value. Subscribed and paid up capital at December 31, 2009, totals R$ 1,063,049, (12.31.2008 – R$ 1,000,000) represented by 150,656,559 (12.31.2008 - 149,285,034) shares of which 63,199,250 (12.31.2008 - 62,558,662) are common and 87,457,039 (12.31.2008 - 86,726,372) are preferred shares.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


22. Stockholders’ equity--Continued

a) Capital--Continued In the extraordinary stockholders’ meeting held on June 16, 2009, a capital

increase of up to R$ 70,551 was approved through the private issue of new shares with a par value of R$ 45.97 each. Of the total value of the capital increase, R$ 26,429, equivalent to 574,927 shares, apply to the controlling stockholder and will be fully paid-up through capitalization of the capital reserve (special reserve for merged goodwill) corresponding to the tax benefit – merged goodwill - consolidated (Note 8) due to the corporate restructuring (Note 1.3) carried out in February 2008.

Under the terms of article 171 of Law No. 6404/76, stockholders were given 30

days to exercise right of first refusal. This period ended on July 17, 2009, with capital increase as follows:

Quantity R$ thousand

ON 640,588 29,448 PN 730,937 33,601

1,371,525 63,049

The extraordinary stockholders’ meeting held on August 24, 2009 approved:

(i) CTEEP capital increase unanimously approved (on June 16, 2009). (ii) The cancellation of 2,543 common shares and 160,649 preferred shares

was approved unanimously, all issued by CTEEP on June 16, 2009 and not paid by the stockholders during the designated period in the extraordinary stockholders’ meeting carried out on June 16, 2009.

Common shares are entitled to one vote in the decisions of the general

stockholders' meetings. Preferred shares are nonvoting, but have priority in capital reimbursem*nt and

payment of noncumulative dividends of 10% per year calculated on the paid-up capital corresponding to this type of share.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


22. Stockholders’ equity--Continued

b) Dividends and interest on equity capital

By resolution of directors at a special board meeting held on January 5, 2009, the Board of Directors approved payment of dividends from January 20, 2009 on, in the amount of R$ 122,500, corresponding to R$ 0.820578 per share.

The ordinary and extraordinary stockholders’ meeting held on April 15, 2009,

ratified the Board of Directors’ decision on the payment of dividends as from April 24, 2009, amounting to R$ 105,891, corresponding to R$ 0.709319 per share.

The Board of Directors’ also decided upon the distribution of interest on equity

capital and interim dividends as follows:

Interest on equity capital Interim dividends

Date Total Per share Total Per share Payment

3.31.2009 63,236 0.423590 4.24.2009 6.19.2009 63,938 0.428297 7.01.2009 6.30.2009 60,842 0.407557 7.21.2009 9.30.2009 62,055 0.411900 103,445 0.686625 10.21.2009

12.30.2009 61,381 0.407244 12.30.2009 250,610 1.671031 164,287 1.094182

The Company’s articles of incorporation provide for mandatory minimum

dividends corresponding to 10% of capital, equivalent to R$ 106.3 million, whenever there is surplus after establishment of the legal reserve.

2009 Net income for the year 828,019 Legal reserve (41,401) Realization of realizable profit reserve 2,276 Dividends expired 590 Basis for calculation of dividends 789,484 Interest on equity capital (250,610) Interim dividends (164,287) Statutory reserve (6,305) Earmarked for dividends 368,282

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


22. Stockholders’ equity--Continued

b) Dividends and interest on equity capital–Continued

Out of the amount earmarked for dividends, as mentioned in Note 35, R$ 161,000 was paid in January 2010. The remaining balance of R$ 207,282 will be paid in year 2010.

c) Capital reserves

2009 2008 Investment grants – CRC (i) 1,264,084 1,264,084 Remuneration of construction in progress (ii) 633,053 633,053 Donations and investment grants 150,489 150,489 Tax incentives – FINAM 6,743 6,743 Special Goodwill on Merger Reserve (Note 8) 205,576 232,005 2,259,945 2,286,374

(i) Investment grants - CRC The Recoverable Rate Deficit (CRC) account was instituted by Decree

No. 41019/1957 and Law No. 5655/1971 to remunerate electricity utilities for certain investments made by them. Upon enactment of Law No. 8631/1993, the CRC ceased to exist, and later on, Law No. 8724/1993 established that CRC credits should be recorded in stockholders’ equity as investment grant, under ‘Capital Reserve’.

As permitted by CPC No. 13, the Company opted for maintaining under

stockholders’ equity the CRC balance existing at December 31, 2007 as well as other donations and investment grants recorded as capital reserve, until the related amounts are fully used as prescribed in the Brazilian Corporation Law.

(ii) Remuneration of construction in progress These are credits resulting from the capitalization of the remuneration

calculated on equity capital funds used during the construction of fixed assets, applied to the construction in progress and that can only be used to increase capital. As from 1999, the Company abandoned this practice, as permitted by the Accounting Manual of the Electric Public Utility.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


22. Stockholders’ equity--Continued

d) Income reserves

2009 2008 Legal reserve (i) 175,154 133,753 Statutory reserve (ii) 106,305 100,000 Realizable profits reserve (iii) 36,533 38,809 Retained profits reserve (iv) 543,694 543,694

861,686 816,256

(i) Legal reserve Set up at 5% of net income for the year, before any appropriations, capped

at 20% of capital. (ii) Statutory reserve The Company’s by-laws provide for the setting up of an investment reserve

for the expansion of operations at 20% of annual net income, less legal reserve and mandatory minimum dividends, up to 10% of capital.

(iii) Realizable profits reserve Realizable profits result from the credit balance of net monetary restatement

up to 1995. This reserve is realized in the proportion of property, plant and equipment

depreciation. The amounts realized are transferred to the Retained earnings monthly.

(iv) Retained profits reserve Pursuant to Brazil’s Corporation Law, the remaining portion of net income

after distribution and other statutory requirements was intended for this reserve in order to meet the Company’s capital budgeting and working capital requirements.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


23. Operating revenues

a) Revenues from electricity network usage Revenues from usage of the electricity network (Company and Consolidated),

accumulated for the year ended December 31, 2009 are as follows:

Company Consolidated

2009 2008 2009 Base network Existing assets 1,239,947 1,037,491 1,239,947 New investments 362,396 484,048 362,396 Bidded 13,680 12,742 21,591 Surplus 9,954 19,198 10,023 Revenue adjustment 19,832 16,320 19,812 Variable deduction (3,684) (782) (3,684) 1,642,125 1,569,017 1,650,085 Other transmission facilities– DIT Existing assets 104,694 92,845 104,694 New investments 40,822 31,295 40,822 Revenue adjustment 3,394 6,623 3,394 148,910 130,763 148,910 Charges Fuel Consumption Bill – CCC 34,797 35,539 34,797 Energy Development Account – CDE 39,004 38,801 39,004 Alternative Energy Source Program -

PROINFA 20,685 11,337 20,685 94,486 85,677 94,486

1,885,521 1,785,457 1,893,481

(i) Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) of Miguel Reale Substation In December 2002 ANEEL authorized CTEEP to implement the Miguel

Reale Substation Expansion project, whose investment value, which is used to calculate the RAP, was R$ 323,236.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


23. Operating revenues--Continued

a) Revenues from electricity network usage--Continued (i) Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) of Miguel Reale Substation--Continued In September 2004, ANEEL performed an inspection in order to validate the

investments made in said project and concluded that the investment amounts should be reduced, for purposes of setting a new RAP amount, retroactively to July 2004, by R$ 232,164.

Due to the reduction in the investments in said project, the related annual

amount of the RAP beginning July 2005 was then reduced by R$ 32,251. The Company considers this reduction invalid and filed with ANEEL Official Circular OF/F No. 2828, of July 8, 2005, requesting its recomposition.

On March 2, 2006, through Official Circular No. 321/2006 – ANEEL’s

Economic and Financial Oversight Authority (SFF/ANEEL) issued its Inspection Monitoring Report (RAF) that assessed CTEEP’s claim and upheld the SFF’s original position.

On March 23, 2006, through Official Circular OF/F/1372/2006, CTEEP

presented an appeal to ANEEL requesting a review of the position taken by the SFF, that up to December 31, 2009, was not disclosed.

(ii) Periodic review of Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) In accordance with Concession Agreement No. 59, executed with the

Federal Government on June 20, 2001 as intermediated by ANEEL, every four years from the execution date, ANEEL will periodically review the Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) of electric transmission related to the installations of authorized projects whose business operations commenced after December 31, 1999, for the purpose of promoting efficiency and reasonable rates, in accordance with the methodology approved by Regulatory Resolution No. 257, of March 6, 2007.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


23. Operating revenues--Continued

a) Revenues from electricity network usage--Continued (ii) Periodic review of Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP)--Continued The review comprises revenue repositioning by determining:

a) the basis for regulatory remuneration to the Base Network - New

Facilities (RBNI); b) efficient operating costs; c) the optimal capital structure and the transmission companies’

remuneration; d) the amount to be deemed as tariff reducing component – Other


First periodic tariff review cycle

Through Resolution No. 488 of June 26, 2007, the result of the first periodic rate review of Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista - CTEEP was approved, reducing the new Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) by 26.15%, to be applied to the Base Network - New Facilities (RBNI) and Other Facilities - New Investments (RCDM) portions effective on July 1, 2005. The effects of this rate recomposition were backdated to July 1, 2005. The difference in the amounts collected from July 2005 to June 30, 2007, amounting to R$ 66,688, is being offset in 24 (twenty-four) months by means of the contractual instrument of an adjustment portion. Second periodic tariff review cycle The periodic rate review as contractually provided for in July 2009 was postponed to July 2010. On December 21, 2009 ANEEL published Regulatory Resolution No. 386, which establishes overall concepts, related methodologies and procedures applicable to the Second Periodic Tariff Review Cycle – RTP of electric transmission public utility.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


23. Operating revenues--Continued

a) Revenues from electricity network usage--Continued (ii) Periodic review of Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP)--Continued

Second periodic tariff review cycle--Continued As set forth by article 6 of Regulatory Resolution No. 386/09, the tariff review results will be effective from July 1, 2009 onwards. Taking into consideration this retroactive review and the capital cost reduction from 9.18% to 7.24% in this second cycle, the financial statements recognize a reduction in revenues by R$ 42,554 for the period from July through December/09, matched against accounts receivable.

(iii) Variable Deduction – PV

The Variable Deduction - PV consists in the application of a penalty arising from operating inefficiency. The Annual Revenue Allowed (RAP) of CTEEP is subject to a PV, calculated in accordance with the unavailability of facilities and disconnections in the period. It is set forth in the Concession Agreements and regulated by Regulatory Resolution No. 270 of July 09, 2007.

(iv) Annual revenue adjustment

On June 25, 2009, Authorizing Resolution No. 843 was issued and established CTEEP’s annual revenue allowed from the provision of base network transmission facilities among others, for the 12 month cycle, comprising the period from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010.

In accordance with this Resolution, CTEEP’s annual revenue allowed (RAP) that was R$ 1,869,134 on July 1, 2008, fell to R$ 1,829,752 on July 1, 2009, a reduction of R$ 39,382, or 2.1%.

The breakdown of the revenue effective from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010 is as follows:

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


23. Operating revenues--Continued

a) Revenues from electricity network usage--Continued

(iv) Annual revenue adjustment --Continued

Concession agreement 059 143 Total Base network Existing assets 1,087,132 - 1,087,132 New investments 337,656 - 337,656 Bidded 13,925 13,925 Annual revenue adjustment 20,937 (178) 20,759 1,445,725 13,747 1,459,472 Other transmission facilities – DIT Existing assets 312,757 - 312,757 New investments 56,483 - 56,483 Annual revenue adjustment 1,040 - 1,040

370,280 - 370,280 1,816,005 13,747 1,829,752

b) Other operating revenues

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 Rental 12,340 10,877 12,340 Services 6,934 6,105 6,934 19,274 16,982 19,274

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


24. Deductions from operating revenues

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 Taxes on revenues COFINS (76,989) (77,887) (77,356) PIS (16,695) (15,747) (16,775) ISS (368) (306) (368) (94,052) (93,940) (94,499) Regulatory charges Fuel Consumption Bill – CCC (31,578) (32,306) (31,578) Energy Development Account – CDE (35,396) (35,272) (35,396) Global Reversion Reserve – RGR (48,113) (50,314) (48,312) Research and Development – R&D (27,647) (14,934) (27,720) Alternative Energy Source Program - PROINFA (18,772) (10,289) (18,772) (161,506) (143,115) (161,778) (255,558) (237,055) (256,277)

25. Costs of operation services and G&A expenses

Company 2009 2008 Costs Expenses Total Total Personnel (132,885) (42,562) (175,447) (162,322) CVM Rule No. 371/00 39,636 15,266 54,902 68,390 Services (58,522) (33,688) (92,210) (78,718) Depreciation (182,122) (35,568) (217,690) (180,288) Materials (11,123) (1,750) (12,873) (9,912) Leases and rental (5,126) (3,851) (8,977) (7,356) Contingencies (24,878) (24,878) (35,266) Other 2,348 (30,659) (28,311) (23,520) (347,794) (157,690) (505,484) (428,992)

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


25. Costs of operation services and G&A expenses--Continued

Consolidated 2009 Costs Expenses Total Personnel (132,885) (42,680) (175,565) CVM Rule No. 371/00 39,636 15,266 54,902 Services (59,565) (33,913) (93,478) Depreciation (184,213) (35,569) (219,782) Materials (11,124) (1,750) (12,874) Leases and rental (5,128) (3,860) (8,988) Contingencies - (24,878) (24,878) Other 2,288 (30,720) (28,432) (350,991) (158,104) (509,095)

26. Financial income (expenses), net

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 Income Short-term investment income 13,124 17,201 13,529 Interest receivable 103,001 4,117 103,001 Monetary variation 36,841 6,610 36,832 Other 778 604 788 153,744 28,532 154,150 Expenses Interest on equity capital (250,610) (239,899) (250,610) Interest payable (130,437) (66,261) (133,071) Charges on promissory notes (34,496) (127) (34,496) Other (5,054) (6,213) (6,718) (420,597) (312,500) (424,895) Financial expenses, net (266,853) (283,968) (270,745)

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


27. Other operating revenues (expenses)

Company Consolidated 2009 2008 2009 Revenues Realization of negative goodwill 16,985 16,985 16,985 Other 281 15,895 281 17,266 32,880 17,266 Expenses Amortization of goodwill (28,832) (26,430) (28,832) Other (Note 12) (19,596) (12,961) (19,596) (48,428) (39,391) (48,428) (31,162) (6,511) (31,162)

28. Income and social contribution taxes on net income

The Company records monthly provisions for income and social contribution taxes on an accrual basis, calculated based on monthly trial balances (for tax suspension and reduction purposes).


2009 2008

Income before income and social contribution taxes 845,476 845,913

Tax rates 34% 34% Expected expenses on income and social contribution taxes (287,462) (287,610) Income and social contribution taxes on permanent

differences 19,395

28,863 Effective expenses on income and social contribution taxes (268,067) (258,747) Income and social contribution taxes

Current (278,654) (279,328) Deferred 10,587 20,581

(268,067) (258,747)

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


29. Transactions with related parties The main balances and transactions with related parties in the year are as follows:

2009 2008

Type of operation Assets Income/

(Expense) Assets Income/

(Expense) Management key

personnel Short-term benefits (7,989) (6,710) ISA Capital Sublease 15 200 15 201

Provision of

services 7 83 7 67 IEMG Provision of

services 1,499 1,499 - - Sublease 1 17 - - IENNE Sublease 9 95 - - IESUL Sublease 12 12 - - Pinheiros Sublease 3 40 - - Serra do Japi Sublease 2 5 - - IEMadeira Reimbursem*nt for

pre-auction analysis 193




The Company’s compensation policy does not provide for any post-employment benefits, other long-term benefits, employment termination benefits or share-based payments.

The sublease agreement comprises the area occupied by ISA Capital at the Company’s main building, as well as the apportionment of condominium and maintenance expenses, among others. In 2008, a service agreement was signed including, among others, delivery of bookkeeping, tax calculation and payroll processing services.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


29. Transactions with related parties--Continued In 2009, the Company’s contract with IEMG to render operating and maintenance services at its facilities came into force. These operations were carried out on an arm’s length basis. Expenses incurred with pre-auction analyses of which the batches purchased resulted in the incorporation of IEMadeira were recorded and will be reimbursed by this electric utility.

30. Financial instruments

a) Identification and measurement of financial instruments The Company operates with several financial instruments, especially cash and

cash equivalents, including financial investments, trade accounts receivable, trade accounts payable and loans and financing.

The Company's main source of revenues is the use of its electric power

transmission system by other concessionaires and agents. Its annual revenue related to the base network and other transmission facilities – DIT is defined by ANEEL, pursuant to prevailing legislation.

The carrying amounts of asset and liability financial instruments, compared with

the amounts that might be obtained in active market trading, or in the absence thereof, with the net present value adjusted at the prevailing market interest rate, approximate their market values.

The Company does not have a policy on the use of derivative financial

instruments and, in the financial year, it did not enter into agreements that may be considered derivative financial instruments.

b) Cash and cash equivalents, financial instruments, accounts receivable, other

current assets and accounts payable The amounts recorded approximate their realizable values.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


30. Financial instruments--Continued c) Investments These consist mainly of investments in closely held investees, recorded after the

pre-operating phase on the equity method, in which the Company has strategic interest.

Considerations on the market value of the shares held are not applicable. d) Financing Loans and financing in reais are linked to the CDI variation and approximate

their market values. e) Risk management The main risk factors inherent in the Company's operations may be identified as

follows: Credit risk - the Company has agreements with the National Electric System

Operator (ONS), concessionaires and other agents for regulating the provision of services related to the base network for 216 users, with a bank guarantee clause. Likewise, the Company has agreements regulating the provision of services in other transmission facilities – DIT with 30 concessionaires and other agents, with a bank guarantee clause.

Price risk - pursuant to the concession agreement, the Company's revenues are

annually adjusted by ANEEL based on the variation of the General Market Price Index (IGP-M), and part of the revenues is subject to periodic review every four years (Note 23 (a)).

Interest rate risk – the restatement of financing agreements is subject to TJLP

and CDI variation (Note 15). Currency risk - the Company does not have financing, accounts receivable and

assets in foreign currency. Its exposure to currency fluctuations is irrelevant, and corresponds to possible import of equipment.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


30. Financial instruments--Continued e) Risk management--Continued Since the Company management understands that the above risk exposure is

not significant, no sensitivity analysis is provided in this report. 31. Operating leases

Minimum future payments of operating vehicle and IT equipment leases, in total and for each one of the periods, are as follows:

2009 2008 Up to one year 3,876 5,500 Over one year and up to five years 1,243 7,066 5,119 12,566

32. Insurance coverage

The specification by type of risk of the Company’s insurance is as follows:



Amount insured - R$ thousand

Premium – R$ thousand

Assets 9/1/09 to 9/1/10 2,067,000 3,784 Civil Liability 9/1/09 to 9/1/10 15,000 242 National transport 9/30/09 to 9/30/10 61,397 6,7 Collective personal accidents 5/1/09 to 5/1/10 27,479 1,3 Vehicles 3/2/09 to 3/2/10 Market value 33 4,067

a) Assets Coverage against fire and electrical damage for equipment installed in the

transmission substations, buildings and their related contents, warehouses and facilities.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


32. Insurance coverage--Continued b) Civil liability Coverage of the repairs for involuntary damage, personal and/or material

damage to third parties, as a consequence of the Company’s operations. c) National transport Coverage of damage caused to the Company `s assets and equipment,

transported within Brazil. d) Collective personal accidents Coverage against personal accidents to executives, interns and trainees. e) Vehicles Coverage against collision, fire, theft and third parties. The assumptions adopted for taking out insurance cover, given their nature, do

not form part of the financial statement audit scope. Consequently, these were not reviewed by our independent auditors.

33. Collection Lawsuit by ELETROBRÁS against Eletropaulo and


In 1989, Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. - ELETROBRÁS filed a collection lawsuit against Eletropaulo - Eletricidade de São Paulo S.A. (currently Eletropaulo Metropolitana Eletricidade de São Paulo S.A. - "Eletropaulo") referring to the balance of a certain financing agreement. Eletropaulo did not agree with the criteria for monetarily adjusting said financing agreement and made escrow deposits for the amounts it understood to be due to ELETROBRÁS. In 1999 a judgment was issued on the aforementioned lawsuit, ordering Eletropaulo to pay the balance determined by ELETROBRÁS.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


33. Collection Lawsuit by ELETROBRÁS against Eletropaulo and EPTE--Continued Under the partial spin-off explanatory record of Eletropaulo, made on December 31, 1997 and that resulted in the establishment of EPTE - Empresa Paulista de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica S.A. and other companies, Eletropaulo is solely liable for obligations of any kind referring to acts until the spin-off date, except for contingent liabilities whose provisions had been allocated to the merging companies. In the case in question, at the time of the spin-off, there was no allocation to EPTE of any provision for such purpose, leaving it clear that Eletropaulo was exclusively liable for said contingency. At the time of the spin-off there was only the transfer to EPTE assets of an escrow deposit in the historical amount of R$ 4.00, made in 1988 by Eletropaulo, corresponding to the amount that it understood to be owed to ELETROBRÁS regarding the balance of the aforementioned financing agreement, and allocation to EPTE's liabilities of the same amount referring to this debt. Therefore, under the partial spin-off explanatory record of Eletropaulo, EPTE would be responsible for the transferred asset and Eletropaulo would be liable for the contingent liabilities referring to the difference between the amount demanded in court by ELETROBRÁS. In October 2001, ELETROBRÁS executed the sentence referring to the financing agreement, charging R$ 429 million to Eletropaulo and R$ 49 million to EPTE, on the understanding that EPTE would pay its part with the adjusted amounts of the escrow deposit. CTEEP merged EPTE on November 10, 2001, succeeding it in its rights and obligations. On September 26, 2003 a decision of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro was published, excluding Eletropaulo from the execution of the aforementioned sentence. Due to these facts, ELETROBRÁS filed, on December 16, 2003, an Appeal to the Higher Court of Justice (STJ) and another one to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to maintain the collection regarding Eletropaulo. Appeals similar to those of ELETROBRÁS were lodged by CTEEP. On June 29, 2006, the STJ accepted the appeal filed by CTEEP, with respect to reversing the decision of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro that had excluded Eletropaulo from the execution action filed by ELETROBRÁS.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


33. Collection Lawsuit by ELETROBRÁS against Eletropaulo and EPTE--Continued Due to said acceptance by the STJ, on December 4, 2006 Eletropaulo filed a request for amendment of judgment, which was rejected, according to the decision published on April 16, 2007, as well as the Appeals to the STJ and the STF, which sustained the decision of the Higher Court of Justice, and which final and unappealable sentence was rendered on October 30, 2008. In view of these decisions, the execution of the decision filed by ELETROBRÁS follows its normal course as proposed. With a view to obtaining extension of time to find evidence of the effective liability attrributable under the split-off agreement, CTEEP filed a declaratory action against the other parties in connection with the collection proceedings. With respect to that debt and in view of the formal documents of the partial spin-off of Eletropaulo, CTEEP, according to the understanding of its management and legal advisors, holds only the escrow deposit which was received as an asset from 1988 to pay for a portion of the debt, and intends to proceed in the defense of such right. On the other hand, the Company has not recognized a reserve for the remaining contingency, which the Company understands to be the responsibility of Eletropaulo, to which the debt is being charged by ELETROBRÁS.

34. Supplementary pension plan regulated by state Law No. 4819/58

a) Material fact notices

(i) July 19, 2005 "In compliance with CVM Instruction No. 358/02, CTEEP - Companhia de

Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista clarifies aspects related to the supplementary pension plan regulated by State Law no. 4819/58. This plan applies to employees hired through May 13, 1974, as mentioned in Note 23.1 to the financial statements of the Company as of December 31, 2004.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


34. Supplementary pension plan regulated by state Law No. 4819/58--Continued

a) Material fact notices--Continued

(i) July 19, 2005--Continued The necessary funds to cover the charges of the plan are the responsibility

of the applicable agencies of the Government of the State of São Paulo. This was implemented according to an agreement made on December 10, 1999 between the São Paulo State Finance Department and the Company, effective until December 31, 2003.

Such procedure was regularly performed until December 2003 by Fundação

CESP, with funds from the State Finance Department, transferred by CTEEP. From January 2004 onwards, the State Finance Department began to directly process those payments, without the participation of CTEEP and Fundação CESP.

An interim relief decision awarded by the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo was

communicated to CTEEP on July 11, 2005 (lawsuit no. 1339/2005-1), authorizing Fundação CESP to resume processing the payment of benefits established by State Law no. 4819/58, according to the respective regulation, in the same manner that had been made until December 2003, with funds transferred by CTEEP. On July 13, 2005, the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo gave 60 days for enforcement of this decision. There is also on the website of the Regional Labor Court of São Paulo a summary of a similar decision (lawsuit SDC No. 20058200400002000) of June 30, 2005, determining that Fundação CESP, using the funds transferred by CTEEP, may process again the beneficiaries' retirement and pension payments established by State Law no. 4819/58.

To comply with said court decisions, CTEEP must require on a monthly

basis the necessary funds from the São Paulo State Finance Department, to be transferred to Fundação CESP, which must process the payments to the beneficiaries. Said decisions apply to about 6,500 beneficiaries, with a monthly expense in the amount of R$ 23 million, which, in the understanding of CTEEP, is the responsibility of the State of São Paulo, as it was through December 2003. Consequently, CTEEP will object to said judicial decisions since it understands that the responsibility for the payment of the above-mentioned benefits befalls, under applicable legislation, the State of São Paulo.”

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


34. Supplementary pension plan regulated by state Law No. 4819/58--Continued

a) Material fact notices--Continued

(ii) January 27, 2006 "CTEEP - Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista, in

accordance with CVM Ruling No. 358/02, announces a change in procedure by the State Finance Department, due to a recent understanding of the State Attorney General regarding the transfer of funds to CTEEP for compliance with the decision of the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo, which authorized Fundação CESP to resume processing of pension plan benefit payments established by State Law No. 4819/58 using funds received from the State of São Paulo and transferred by CTEEP. This matter has been previously addressed in Note 22 of the quarterly information of CTEEP as of September 30, 2005.

The State Finance Department transferred to CTEEP, on January 27, 2006,

an amount lower than necessary to comply with the decision of the 49th Labor Court. The effective expenditure of CTEEP this month for purposes of said court decision was R$ 19,725, transferred to Fundação CESP, having received R$ 14,976 from the State Finance Department for this purpose. As informed by the State Finance Department, certain expenses were disallowed in that month due to the recent understanding by the State Attorney General regarding the State's responsibility in this case. The decision of the 49th Labor Court currently applies to 5,528 beneficiaries. The State Finance Department continues directly paying 794 benefits established by State Law no. 4819/58.

CTEEP is still endeavoring to overturn the decision rendered by the 49th

Labor Court so as to transfer the responsibility for the pension plan benefit payments established by State Law No. 4819/58 back to the State Finance Department. CTEEP confirms its legal advisors' understanding that expenses derived from State Law No. 4819/58 and respective regulation are the full responsibility of the State Finance Department, and is analyzing the applicable remedies to protect the Company's interests”.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


34. Supplementary pension plan regulated by state Law No. 4819/58--Continued

a) Material fact notices--Continued

(iii) February 24, 2006 “CTEEP - Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista, in

accordance with CVM Instruction no. 358/2002, announces, in furtherance of the information included in the Material Fact Notice of January 27, 2006, that the State Finance Department transferred to CTEEP in February 2006 the amount of R$ 12,802 to comply with the decision of the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo, which ruled that Fundação CESP must process the pension plan benefit payments established by State Law No. 4819/58 using the funds received from the State of São Paulo and transferred by CTEEP. In February, CTEEP's total expenditure to comply with said court decision was R$ 19,652.

CTEEP continues its efforts to change the decision of the 49th Labor Court

so as to transfer responsibility for the pension plan benefit payments established by State Law No. 4819/58 back to the State Finance Department, and to adopt other actions to protect the Company's interests”

b) Decision awarded by the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo On May 2, 2006, the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo rendered a decision on the

above-mentioned lawsuit, considering the claim at issue partially founded and maintaining the effects of the interim relief previously granted (Material Fact Notice of July 19, 2005), in addition to ordering the payment of amounts due. On May 8, 2006, CTEEP filed a request for clarifications and amendment of judgment in regard to the said decision.

The decision from the Higher Court of Justice (STJ) handed down on

June 19, 2006, declaring that the State Court System has authority to judge the labor claims filed with the Labor Court directly seeking the amounts established by State Law No. 4819/58, annulled the decision of the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo and ordered that the case be submitted to an administrative court of the State Finance Department. As a result of the STJ decision, the amounts established by State Law No. 4819/58 will once again be paid directly by the São Paulo State Finance Department and no longer by Fundação CESP through transfer from CTEEP as occurred in accordance with the decision of the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo, thus made null and void.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


34. Supplementary pension plan regulated by state Law No. 4819/58--Continued b) Decision awarded by the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo--Continued On June 28, 2006, the STJ granted an injunction to suspend the effects of the

decision rendered by the same court on the conflict of jurisdiction on June 19, 2006. According to the notification received by CTEEP on June 30, 2006, the decision of the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo, which ordered the payment of pension plan benefits as per State Law No. 4819/58 by Fundação CESP, using cash funds from the State of São Paulo transferred by CTEEP, shall prevail.

c) Current situation As a result of the aforementioned facts and by force of said decision of the 49th

Labor Court of São Paulo, as well as the decision of the STJ, CTEEP passed on to Fundação CESP, in the period of September 2005 to December 2009, the amount of R$ 1,258,920 for payment of benefits under State Law No. 4819/58, having received from the State Finance Department the amount of R$ 850,219 for that purpose. The difference between the amount passed on to Fundação CESP and the amount reimbursed by the State Finance Department, of R$ 408,701, is currently claimed by the Company at the administrative level (Note 6).

On October 20, 2005, CTEEP received from the State Attorney General Office

(PGE) a copy of that agency's statement, dated October 6, 2005, regarding the consultation by the State Finance Department on the scope of said court decisions. In this statement, the PGE concludes that the decision of the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo applies subjectively to the State Finance Department, which is the defendant in the claim. Accordingly, the State Attorney General concluded that "in the current scenario, the State Finance Department is liable for the full reimbursem*nt of the amounts disbursed by CTEEP for compliance with the court decision regarding labor claim No. 1145/2005-6, currently in progress at the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo". On the other hand, in the same statement, the PGE concludes that the decision issued by the Regional Labor Court, whose effects are suspended by the injunction obtained as a result of the Claim for Correction, does not fully apply to the State Finance Department, which was removed from the lawsuit at the plaintiff union's request. In this case, the State Finance Department should, according to the PGE, reimburse CTEEP, observing the strict limits of State Law No. 4819/58, excluding possible benefits established by the related regulation, that surpass or that are in conflict with the specific legislation.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


34. Supplementary pension plan regulated by state Law No. 4819/58--Continued c) Current situation--Continued In view of the aforementioned, it is clear that the PGE understanding of the

issue, formally stated through its PGE/SF Official Letter No. 01, dated February 10, 2006, and respective PGE/SF Technical Note No. 01/06, changed the prior understanding, which was in effect through December 2005 for purposes of transfer of funds to CTEEP to comply with the decision of the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo. According to PGE current understanding, the State Finance Department must disallow certain transfers to CTEEP for purposes of transfer to Fundação CESP to comply with said court decision.

In October 2008, the STJ decided again for the jurisdiction of the Ordinary

Courts in a Civil Class Action involving the same parties and matter, the sentence of which was subject to requests for amendment.

Except if this sentence is changed by the requests thus lodged, which

Management does not consider probable, the decision of the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo will be void and the issue will be defined by the State Justice.

In January 2009, due to the inconclusive decision of the 49th Labor Court on 583

retirees, such retirees were transferred to receive direct payment by the State Finance Department. These had represented a cash disbursem*nt of R$ 1.9 million/month for the Company.

According to the Material Fact Notices mentioned above, CTEEP continues its

efforts to make the decision awarded by the 49th Labor Court of São Paulo null and void so as to transfer the responsibility for the pension plan benefit payment established by State Law No. 4819/58 back to the State Finance Department. CTEEP also confirms its legal advisors' understanding that the expenses arising from State Law No. 4819/58 and respective regulation are the full responsibility of the State Finance Department and is analyzing additional actions to protect the Company's interests. The Company records these disallowances as "Accounts receivable from São Paulo State Finance Department" (Note 6).

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


35. Subsequent events

Notice to stockholders At the extraordinary meeting held on January 11, 2010, the Board of Directors approved payment of dividends on year 2009 profit as from January 22, 2010, in the amount of R$ 161,000, corresponding to R$ 1.068656 per share. Debentures CTEEP issue in two series of 54,860 debentures was financially settled in January 2010 in the total amount of R$ 548,600, as set by Bookbuilding:


Number of debentures R$ Remuneration Term Dates 1st series 49,100 491,000 CDI + 1.3% p.a. 5 years 12/15/2012 12/15/2013 12/15/2014 2nd series 5,760 57,600 IPCA + 8.1% p.a. 8 years 6/15/2014 12/15/2015 12/15/2016 12/15/2017

The remuneration on both debenture series is payable semiannually, every December 15 and June 15, first maturing on June 15, 2010.

Supplementary pension plan governed by Law No. 4819/58

On February 22, 2010 the requests for amendment of the decision whereby jurisdiction of the Ordinary Courts over a Civil Class Action was confirmed were deemed unfounded since no conflict of jurisdiction was determined. For this reason, the action will continue under examination by the State Court.

CTEEP – Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista Notes to financial statements--Continued December 31, 2009 and 2008 (In thousands of reais – R$, unless otherwise stated)


35. Subsequent events--Continued

Collection suit brought by Eletrobrás against Eletropaulo and EPTE

A court order issued on February 25, 2010 in regard to the collection enforcement suit filed by Eletrobrás against Eletropaulo and EPTE ruled on settlement by arbitration, so that the liability for the debt may be assigned by means of an expert examination, in view of the provisions set forth in the partial spin-off explanatory record and attachments thereto. On the same date the court acknowledged the declaratory action connection to the enforcement suit.

Capital increase

At the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on March 8, 2010, a capital increase was approved in an amount capped at R$ 76,881, upon private issue of new shares at the price of R$ 48.50 per share. Out of this capital increase, R$ 28,832, equivalent to 594,477 shares are assignable to the controlling stockholder and will be paid up through capitalization of capital reserves (special goodwill on merger reserve) corresponding to the tax benefit represented by goodwill merged into the Company.

Pursuant to article 171 of Law No. 6404/76, stockholders will be granted a 30-day term to exercise their preemptive rights.

Consolidated Financial Statements CTEEP – Companhia de · Consolidated Financial Statements CTEEP – Companhia - [PDF Document] (2024)


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