Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas (2024)

I I I C. C. C. C. C.

DENTON, TEXAS, RECORD MONDAY, APRIL 37, 1931 MODES: OF THE MOMENT PARIS a fragile evening gown. in silk lace Ls) designed by Paton. The pink satin sash and pink and violet corsage, give' it a. youthful appearance. Rita Events Tomorrow The Central Presbyterian Woman's Auxiliary will meet at 3 o'clock in Bible study with Mrs.

Walter McClurkan, 804 North Locust Street. The Episcopal Auxiliary will meet at 3 o'clock with Mrs, E. P. LeBeau, 301 Normal Avenue. The First Presbyterian Women's Auxiliary will meet in soclal session with Mrs.

J. J. Maclachian. 1314 North Locust Street at 3 o'clock, with Mmes. Herman and W.

A Mich assistant hostesses. The First Methodist Women's Missionary Society will meet in the church in social session at 3 o'clock with Mrs. M. H. Leake leader.

Hostesses will be Mmes. Nannie Babb, Klinglesmith, New Black and White 10. 449 SHOES. $2.95, $4.95 BELECK'S House of Style. Let's Go Somewhere Tonight! Somewhere we'll find thrills adventure adrenture mystery laughs! We'll go there in a novel, senected from the latest.

fiction 1t- Campus Book Shop Phone 1374 1205 OAKLAND' Talking With You Every man has his own troubles; every man feels' that his troubles are the most important--and they are to him. The troubles of the farmer are important, and to him and his troubles we all owe our troubles or prosperity, for agriculture is the basis of the wealth of the nation and of our bus-! iness fabric. Unsatisfactory marketing conditions are the real foundation of present conditions. We are interested and fected just as much as you and to you we extend the hand of fellowship, because we are all in the same boat and all interested in the same things. We will appreciate your visiting this mill and talking over our mutual problems.

It is not a question of what we want to do, but a question of what we must do. We want to help and want to co-operate. A mutual understanding will help us all. and we are anxious to meet and talk with each and cvery producer of grain in this community. Alliance Milling Co.

PERSONALS Mrs. J. W. Thomas of Outhrie, The Bouthwestern Music Festival Is spending the week here at the College of Industrial with relatives. Thomas, who accom- Aris was brought to a close Sunday alrie panied her here.

returned to Outh- ternoon with an organ recital, give Sunday. en by Carl Wiesem*nn. Miss Jewell Hooper, who teaches "The Rose Malden" in Italy, spent the week-end with ed Saturday the presentwas her parents, Dr. and Mrs, J. L.

Choir, composed of 180 evening by College voices, and Hooper. four soioists. The same program Mr. und Mrs. P.

D. Phillips and was given during the last festival. duughter, Miss Louise, and Miss and was repeated by special re. Laura Gene Johnson spent Sunlay quest. in Dallas with Mrs.

Phillips' sis- Soloists for the cantata were: ter. Mrs. Ed Moore. Mrs. Roger C.

Neeley, Fort Worth, J. P. Griffiths of Avalon was a soprano; Miss Catherine Buckner, Denton visitor last week-end. Dallas, contralto; T. K.

Johnson, Billy Jones of Bremond, former Dallas, tenor, and Warren Wood, T. C. student, spent Saturday und baritone. William F. Jones, Sunday a guest of friends.

director of the department of miMr. and Mrs. L. F. Taylor of sic, conducted the program, with Blum were Denton visitors last R.

D. W. Adams, organist, Miss week- -end. Margaret Hughston, pianist, and Worth Coffey of Midlothian was David C. Hansard, orchestra, a guest of friends here over the cert master, assisting.

week-end. Miss Lois Thompson of Dublin, Story of Fairy former T. C. student, spent the The story of the music deals with week-end in Denton a guest of her the who Queen of the Flower Fairies, sister. Miss Pattle Thompson, now weary of a life of unbroken attending T.

C. calm. prays for the newly returned A. R. Keene of Albany was a Spring to bestow upon her also 3 Denton visitor gift of love that he gives man.

P. G. Tribble of Saturday. Hillsboro Warning her of the risks, he finally the here. spent yields to her entreaties and transMiss Stella Whitlow of Taylor tiful forms her into the form of a beauweek end was a Denton visilor over the she starts girl as she sleeps.

Awakening, end. her wanderings over the Mr. and Mrs. O. world to And her lover.

She meets Holiday, both former T. Lawhorn of with a girl, dents. Denton relatives resi- trayed and deserted by her who, having been befriends were here guests Saturday of and and Joses her senses and dies lover, Mrs. Lawhorn is the former Sunday. Miss hearted.

Undeterred, she continues! Jenee Warren Wright. her search, and finally becomes the Miss Jasmine Rudd of Henrietta perfect a forester, and lives in such wife of visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I vive she cannot SILThappiness J. P.

Rudd. last week-end. his death. The elves bewail Batchelor and as their fatal to queen's peace fate and curse love Mrs. Bonnie Kate Miss Katie Henley spent the week- and happiness.

end in Dallas. One of the most entertalning T. J. Blackwell of Clarksville grams of the festival was the organ ited his Mr. vis- recital Sunday, Blackwell, a Mrs.

J. B. Wiesemann, who is to be parents, and presented by Carl a member West Sycamore lof the C. I. A.

Street. music department Miss Myrtle Early of Bellevue was compositions, year. Beginning two Bach (next with 8 Denton visitor Last week-end. "Fantasia in MinMiss Marie of Val- or" and "Air from the reley View spent weck-end end here. "Allegro mainder of the Vivace.

program Symphonie included: Neches Miss Katie Blackwell Port, Vierne; Mrs. C. was a Blackwell, guest of her mother, "Variations de Bonnet: Simonetti, Mrs. H. last week-end.

Scott, who Carol bave Scott been and Mrs. Ross "In the Novak; written by Wiesemann; the home of Mr. and Mrs. visiting C. A.

121 Bonnet and "Caprice Bonnet. Miss Lee Williams bus returned troin 9 week's visit bi Ardmore. Okla; Miss Jewell Hogan, a former C. I. A.

student now teuching In 1 Hood, visited here Sunday. Scott, 1401, Bolivar Street, havo returned to their home In Amarilio. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Watkins of Albas spent the week-end with relatives and friends here.

Mrs. Paul Davis and son, Paul Jr. have returned to their home in Hebron after a visit with her aunt, Mrs. John Crain. George Welch was called to ardson Saturday because of the serlous illness of his aunt.

Mrs. R. Pistole. She WAS slightly better Sunday evening. Mrs, Pistole la known here, where she has visited her nephew a number of times.

Mr. and Mrs. L. P. McCombs had AS week-end visitors Mr.

and Mrs. T. M. of Hamilton, Miss abeth West of 9an Saba, Mise May Stevens of Dallas, Dr. Waiter West of Fort Worth and Mr.

and Mrs. L. McCombs of Everman. Mr. and Mrs.

T. Waters of Dallas are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Poole, 716 West Oak Street. Miss Martha Barnett spent the week-end at her home in Paris, returning last night.

De Witt and Howard Sockwell. of St. Louis, were here this past week to visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.

C. Sock well on the DentonSanger Highway. Both Sockwelis bre onnected with the Chevrolet Company in St. Louis. H.

H. Blagg, 418 Avenue D. was called to Gainesville this morning to be at the bedside of his father, Lemon Juice Used as Secret Ink in Utah Prison Plot SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, April -Eight letters written in lemon juice were in the hands of Warden R. E. Davis of the Utah Sate penitentiory today as he probed a plot to free 21 prisoners.

The secret missives, addressed to a trusty. were interceted and also treated with heat after Warden Davis had been advised by Oregon prison officials that Wallace Crews. one of their prisoners, had been told of a plan to dynamite the walls in a letter from oHllywood. Cal. Two Utah prisoners were in solitary confinement and 10 others were under survellance.

BAKING POWDER It's SAME double acting PRICE forover 25 OUNCES FOR 40 years MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR COVERNMENT Organ Concert at C. I. A. Closes Music Festival C. I.

A. Freshman 'Stunts' Tuesday Clothed in secrecy during the preceding days, all plans for the freshman stunts will. be tomorrow evening when "Fishindig" is presented by members of the Arst year class: at the College of trial Arts, starting at 7:30. The traditional ushers' chorus will open tite program with "The Meniory Book Girls," under the direction of Misses Helen Sberwood and' Margaret Williams. first act will be a "Garden Sene," which has been arranged by Misses Lucille Reed and Cassie' Suermer, and will be followed' by Curtain Act featuring "Boxing Matches," Misses Vivian Benneto and of Virginia Winthrop arC in charge this feature.

"A Bird's Eye. Vlew of the Dallas Fair and the Fort Worth Stock Show," with Miss Dorothy Ann Rose and Kitty Winters, will compose Act IT. by Misses Anne and Mary Durrum 'is the title of the second curtain act. "Shakesperes," by Marianne Mettet, is Act III, while the curtain act following will feature Misses Luille Reed, Sally Inglish and Berpice Fuller. Miss Mary Durrum in "Heavenly Daze" will compose the last act, while the "Finale" will be under the direction of Miss Ann Caldwell.

much WASHINGTON, heraided "test April case" of treas- The ury regulations barring from fInportation into the United States Russian, lumber produced by canviets fell flat today when it WAS determined that a shipload of lumber which arrived at Providence, R. Thursday, did not contain any convict produced lumber and it was ordered admitted. ST. LOUTS. April the passing of a week since Dr.

I. D. Kelley, wealthy eye, ear and nose specialist was kidnaped last Monday night, the police said they had nothing more tangible in the way of clews than last Tuesday when Rn eyewitness told of seeing the abduction. SOCIETY Mrs. John Crain Compliments Niece Mrs.

John W. Crain entertained with a birthday dinner for her niece, Mrs. Paul Davis, of Hebron Sunday at her home, 1008 West Highland Street. Guests other than the hostesses and hanoree were Paul and son, Paul Mr. and Mrs.

H. R. Davis and son, H. R. of Hebron, and Miss Lillian Walker.

Mrs. Davis had been 2 guest of her aunt for the past few days and returned to her home Sunday. Mrs. Elgin Akers Class Hostess Mrs. Elgin Akers entertained the home economies instructors of the Teachers College and the girls who are majoring in that subject at a party Saturday evening at Lake The party left for the lake about 3 o'clock and enjoyed boutIng and outdoor activitles before Ash dinner was served at 6 o'clock.

Games of bridge followed the dinner. Thoso attending were Mrs. W. J. McConnell, Misses Mae Johnston.

Helen Eads, Edith Leucke, Joy Coley, Lorene Stallings, Clara Oliver, Hope Agnes Murrell, Leucke, Audette Kuykendall, Mrs, Leta Roberson. Dr. W. W. Cook.

Elgin Akers and Miss Wanda Akers, Koenigs Hosts at Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Koenig enterlained for a party of friends and relatives Saturday evening In the C.

I. A. tea room. Their guests included Dr. Catherine Buckner Emory Buckner, Misses Hughes and Olga Leifest, all of Dailas, Douglass Friarson of Austin.

Perier Koenig, who is attending Shreiner Institute. Kerrville and Oliver Koenig. Dr. Buckner was a soloist in "The Rose Malden" presented in the C. I.

A. music fete Saturday evening, Oklahoma Oil Man Faces $25,000 Suit OKLAHOMA CITY, April -A district court sult for and interest amounting to 197.75 was filed against C. C. C. C.

C. Man, Oklahoma and Callfornia oil man, today by the Corporate FInance Company, Los Angeles. The suit alleged Julian obtained $25,000 on 1 01 a note June 27, 1927, and that face value nor interest had abeen paid. Hearing was not set. Julian has beep granted an additional delay on A district court order to present for listing his assets and properties.

The filing had been set for todady following confirmation Oklahoma County courts of California judgments taling nearly $200.000 granted John Salsberry, Los Angeles. The oil man last week also obtained a coutinuance until June of trial in Laredo, Texas of criminal charges of kidnaping and attempled extortion of $50,000 from Lamar S. Bolling, San Antonio, AUTO OUTPUT IS INCREASED CHICAGO, April output of passenger automobiles in the United States, numbering 230,837, totaled the heaviest since last June, and showed the fourth successive monthly increase with a gain of 28 per cent over February, the report of the federal reserve bank of Chicago to be sued April 30, will say. The total was 30 per cent below last March, the report will add and 55 per cent under the same month of 1929, representing the lowest figure for any March since 1922. BUY IT IN DENTON Permanent Waves Realistic, Duart, Naivette, Co-Ed or Frederics Croquignole Permanent Waves, $3.00 Two for $5.00 By Manufacturers' Representative Guaranteed.

707 W. Hickory. Phone 967-W. THIS SHOP SPECIALIZES IN SHAPING HAIR Long or short bobs must be shaped for the modern styles. Permanent waves, finger waves or marcels last when hair is shaped properly.

Let us show you. THE NONA MAE BEAUTY SHOP Call 191 for Appointment. SAVE AT BROOKS Low cut prices on drugs every day. Soda Special This Week Beginning. Today ANY 15c SANDWICH, BANANA PARFAIT All for 25c BROOKS DRUG STORE Phones 29-39.

Instant Delivery. NEWS. BRIEFS Hrs. Edna W. Trigs, county home demonstration agent, is ID of relapse of influenza and will not able to meet her clubs over the county this week, it is ennounced.

Miss Addie Winston, 911 West Sycamore Street, suffered a sprained foot from a fall Saturday and was unable to walk Monday. The program of music and folk H. dancing, to have been given children of the elementary schools 2 of Denton Friday evening, will held th's evening at 7:30 o'clock the high school gymnasium for which there is no admission and the public is luvited. it Ls announced by W. T.

Doggett, superintendent. Dr. Frederick Eby, professor history of education at the University of Texas, will speak in the Teachers College nuditorium this a evening at 8 o'clock on the subject of in Texas The address is open to the public. He will speak to the students Tuesa day morning. Mrs.

T. E. Peters, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. C. B.

Gentry of Grand Prairie, who has been visiting her the past week, went to Dallas Sunday attend the annual Allied Arts exhibit. Another daughter Mrs. Peters', Mrs. R. H.

Gentry of Dallas, had two pictures In the exhibit. "October" and Alexandre Hogue, formerly of Denton, also had pictures in the exhibit. Rev. J. L.

Griffith preached at 12 o'clock Sunday In the Elm Ridge Church, Rev. in Mr. the absence of the pastor, Massingale, who Is away conducting a meeting. J. J.

Crouch, operator of the Magnolia Filling Station or North Locust Street, is confined to his home with an infected foot. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Page. near Frisco, Sunday night, a Peggy Lavern. Mrs. Will E. Cox of Grand Prai-1 rie, president of the C.

I. A. ExStudents' Assolation, is In Baylor Hospital, Dallas, where she has underzone two operations. The NeW elly commission wiz meet for its first session Tuesday night at 7:30 in the municipal R'AS known, only routine business buliding, st is a announced. So far ns will come before the inceting, city officials said Monday morning.

Two negro vroinen were arrested! Saturday evening when officers from the sheriff's office raided a house here and found a quantity of beer, Charges of tagrancy were filed Monday morning against Dolly Chambers and Missouri coviston. DUNCAN. April F. R. Young today filed murder charges against three men in connection with the slaying In Marlow, recently of Constable James R.

Hill. Those charged are Jack Allred. 25, Quall, Ed Davis. 20. Ninnekah, and John (Shorty) Doc.

Maureen O'Sullivan, who portrays the leading feminine role 521 will Rogers' FOX picture. Connecticut Yankee." Mrs. S. I. Reynolds Dies at Age of 95 Special to Record-Chronicle.

PILOT POINT. April S. I. Reynolds, 95 years, six months and six days of age and probably the oldest person in Denton County, died' here Sunday night. She had IlL for some time.

Mrs. Reynolds had been a resident of the Pilot Point community for more than 50 years, coming here from Missouri. She is survived by five children: L. Belew of Clarendon, Walter BeJew of Altus, Charles Belew of Vernon, Mrs. Maggie Febley of Callfornia and Mrs.

R. L. Reynolds of Pilot Point. She is also survived by more than 100 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held here al the bome of Mrs.

R. L. Reynold; Tuesday aftermpon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. D. H.

Pitts, List minister of Dallas. SPECIAL PRICES We' are offering all dresses, underwear and trimmed hats nt big reduction. Qunilly Merchandise Scruggs Cash Store 103 Gust Ouk sit. FILM REVIEW WILL ROGERS AT PALACE! WIll Rogers, one of the nation most unique personalities, is seen Mark Twain's humorous story, Connecticut showing the Palace Theater Sunday, Md day and Tuesday. With him played Maureen 0'Su Ilvan.

William Fernum, Mitch 1 Karris, Frank Albertson, Myrna and Brandon Hurst. To begin WIll, in the role of Hank, is small town radio dealer, and starts out to deliver a battery one story night al a mysterious mansion the hill. The owner of the hote hopes to tune his powerful radio in on sound waves that have batting around in ether since the beginning of time. Getting something that sounds like King Arthur's court, there terrific bolt of lightning, and Rotin ers wakes up in the sixth century, the very center of the Rout Table. Once there, he narrowly capes burning at the stake, but Mis native Yankeen sagacity comes to the rescue, and he finally becomes the prime minister.

Imagine William Farnum, as Kiss Arthur, with Maureen O'Sullivan as his beautiful daughter, They would make 'short work Hank, but one thing after anoth saves his life, including the eclip and at the same time make this screamingly funny picture, with WIll Rogers at his best. David Butler, who directed "Su ny Side "High Society Blue "Just and many oth A. success, also directed this pictures C. Read the 1067 where to trade and the fur your money. L.

W. Newton, Maud Roop, T. B. Davis, H. B.

Caddell, T. C. Kerr, T. J. Dossey, J.

B. Buck, Florrie Brown, J. W. Million and Carrie Plerce. The First Baptist W.

M. 8. will meet in circles at 2:30 o'clock in the following homes: Circle 1 with Mrs. Illic Splawn; Circle 2 with Mrs. Hugh Corbin: Circle 3 with Mrs.

W. 8. Dean; Circle 4 with Mrs. W. E.

Lolley; Circie 5 with Mrs. Ira O'Dell; Circle 0 with Karl H. Moore; Circle 7 with Mrs. H. S.

Fenwick: Circle 8 with Mrs. B. O. Wilkerson; Circle 9 with Mrs. J.

B. Lang: Circle 10 with Mrs. W. E. Waggoner.

Sockwell Family Holds Reunion Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Sockwell, west of Denton, had a family reunion over the week-end.

Guests for Bun- dax dinner, were, their, daughters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sockwell and Mt. and Mr6. HuI Marchbanks, Dewitt Sockwell and Mr.

and Mrs. Henty Caddell. Dewitt and Howard Sockwell returned to St. Louls Sunday evening and Mrs. Howard Sockwell to Austin, where she is teaching, Monday morning.

Mrs. HIll Marchbanks teaches in Grapevine. D. H. S.

to Give 'Lighthouse Nan' "Lighthouse Nan," a sell -coast drama by Sheldon Parmer, has been selected as the high' school senior lass play for this term. Try-outs will start immediately and rehearsals will begin as soon as copies of the play arrive, according to Miss Ethel Simmons who, with Miss Nore Lee Brown, will coach the play. News of the Sick Mrs. A. B.

Tyson, Ponder Ave- nue, is sick. Mrs. M. D. Smith of Lake Dallas Is 111.

W. T. Sinclair, 1101 West Prairie Street, is still confined to his bed after an illness of some weeks. Mrs. Robert Storrie, 719 West Sycamore Street, is rapidly improving after an attack of diphtheria.

Tureen and CHEER UP CAN'T LIFE, EXPECT SWEET GRAND Dad Says: The man who expects married life to be one grand, sweet song, day in and day out, ought to study up on law of averages. Saving money sweetens married life. Take advantage of our low pricescome here for quality drugs. KIMBROUGHTOBIN DRUGS We Deliver. Phone 47.

See our Bargain Basem*nt for98c and $1.98 Shoes W. P. Robinson South Side Square. EVERYONE COME! Fishindig Freshman Stunts A. AUDITORIUM April 28, 1931, 7:30 P.M..

Admission 25c HM Russells Sons ent display Every model shown High, meduim and low heels wear here will be a pleasant one for summer. And what values! Choosing your summer foot- 8 Heres Cool Comfort for, SUMMER WHITE It's the Vogue FOOTWEAR $6 $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 $10.00 White kid, linen, moire, Beauvais, and just. as certain as hot weather is a part of every summer, so is this white footwear a part of our pres- Straps, pumps, ties, oxfords. Shoes Tinted Bring your shoes here to be tinted We do it right. Books Are Closed Balance of this month.

Charge purchases made now will appear on June 1st statements. Smart Hosiery, Too! Shop at Russell's..

Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.