econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln · and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f' In Tho "bully beet.'' ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (2024)

econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln· and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f' In Tho "bully beet.'' ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (1)

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• \\~EEK MAY 20=27 •

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AVE you ever lain in No Ma9's -Land, with a and a throat that burned with thirst?

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~rtve •


shattered thigh •


_ Has your wife ever begged food for her chHdren and herself -·at the mesS-kitchen of a s0ldiers' camp?

Has your little son ever torn his mother's heart with a plain-, . tive cry, day after day, for food she couldn't give him?

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-- ~-,. ", ... ··········c··-·7 Has···yot:fr-·Tiffie··aa.ugnte'r, cia~:r·rri"a raggea-·dre·s:s~---he:r··-c;,l'ljl'"i1ress~----.---·- ·· ~---··"···-

once her home? " '(";, ' ........ __ ..... • ... · - fr j} ..

Has your city ever b.een destroyed nay, powdered, bricks, stone, timbers and all so ground into the dust th~t no one scarce knew where street ended-and building began?

It is exactly such suffering that the Red Cross is organized, here and in Europe, to relieve .

--:--·· ----- ----- T-he --R.ed.-Cross.~ for--One. -H.u-lld+ed-- Mill ion- --Dollars- -&s-----the----least it needs to carry on this work. -~

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• Can you · dare you-refuse to give· to this work-a.nd give till

·---------------- +----- -- --- the heart- says stop? ·-- ----- · --•

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• . . - •.. ··•· -·-~·r" .·

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EtJery cent of every dollar received for the Red Cross War Fund goes for War Relief The American Red Cross is the largest and most efficient organization

1 It feeds and clothes entire populations 1n times of great calamity.

for the relief of suffering that the World has ever seen. ! It is there- -to...h.e.lp_your soldier boy in his time of need. I.t is ~e up. almost entire!y of volunteer w~rkers, the hig~er ex- 1 With its thousands of workers, its tremendous storeS and smooth

ecu~ves bemg wtthou~ ~cepti~n m~ accu~tomed to large affatrs, who , j running transportation facilities it is serving as America's advance guard are tn almost all cases g.vmg thetr semces wtthout pay.

11 --and thus helping to win the war. .

It. is s:upported entirely by its membership fees and by voluntary i Congress authorizefl it. contributions. · i p 'd W'l h d · .• • • 1i • h . - b . . ~~· rest ent 1 son ea s tt.

It 1s today bnngtng re ef to suffenng umamty, oth mthtary and ' Th W D t d' . civil, in every War torn allied country. , e ar epartmen au tts 1ts accounts .

.. ______ _lt__plans._tomonow Jo.Jle.lp in the WOJ'k of res.tora1ion _throughout. _ --. Your ~~y,_your_Nayy 1\J!d yol;lr_A:Uie~~llt~tisi~s~i~Jy-~~~()~se i~. _ . the world. . Twenty~two million Americans have joirted it. .

• ------- --- ----- --- ---

We, the undersigned hereby agree to conHibute the number of inches advertisiug space set opposite our names, in the Carrizozo New$, l$SUe of May 10; 1918. This space to be used exclusively by the Red Cross to help "put over' ~E SECOND WAR FUND DltlVE OF THE RED CROSS·

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r UNCOLN STATE BANK; _THE tit*WORTH CO., Capitan; .WESTERN Q._~JIAGE; ______ . ______ _ _ ROLI.ANLl ___ BROS.l -_THE BRSr---NAtiONAL. 8-kNK;- -ziEGl~R--BROS; . -·---· - . -.

.- ~--- --CARRIZOZO TRADING CO.; EXCHANGE BANK; STOCKMEN'S-STATE BANK,. Cqrona. ; , ~ , . . - . - . I - . -· ..-... ~ ..... -~

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econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln· and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f' In Tho "bully beet.'' ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (2)

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.Guy ' . - - .

. QA.B~ taW'S. I . - . . . .

,., .BONDS ·- . ·-·' '

" . '·--

·. Uncte. Sam' a· f,Jank -li· ~fte Safe~ .... In Entire· World.

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Y~u Could ~tter

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·eynopai.._Fircd by tho ulnklng ot tho Lua{lnnlo, wUJi tho Joas of Amcrlean lives, Arthur Guy Empoy, an A.morlcnil Uvlog lo Jersey City, roes to ·England nod enllnts 1111 a private In the JJriUIJh anny. Alter a short experience no " reerul ling officer In London, he Is scot. to train• lng quarters In Frnnec, where be first henrn tho sound of blg irios 11nll mn!res tho acquolntnoce ot "cooties." After a brief period ot trafnlnr Empo:v'l companJ Ia aent Into the front-line trencJ1es, wboro be takes bJo O.rst turn on the flre step wblht tho bullets whiz QVerbeod.

• . ·---- .

' . (By BOQTH TAR~INQTOfoM Wbe'*, wu i~truit ~ur -.,vJnp to •

',rile 'corporal· borrowed • b~nk, w.e Ull:e to Jcnow Utl!t lt's •· aound (corp<lrBls are 8twaya · · and bank, We teel snte thtn to ••v• our

11 d th h · · m9.ney Jn cllar'e ot that bank· and Ita II ce e c .eelle-ev.Ch sllctng brfng· omce~. (l'hey wUl u•e· lt.· In varfout lng forth a pert remark rrom tho on· lookem as to the corporat'a e,Jeslgbt. wa11 which seem iOOd to them, but we

"Raisins, ounces, eight." . will get It oil ·bl!.ck, It the bapk ls By this tJme tile corp*rnl'a nerves sound.· l';~t no jlanlt · In tht United

had gone w~t: and In despalr. ~e said Stlltea ot ~erlca tian be os sound aa that tho raJsiJia wen~ to be turned over the United States ltaelt. Therefore, to the cook tor ••datr" (plum pudding). when the United fltates A:Qvernment This dedolon eliCited 4 little "groU. tuma banker, the 1ateat place for our lng," but quiet was finnllf restored. mone1 to be put Ia In the hands ot

"Biscults1 tJns, one." this covcrnment. An)'bo!J1 CllD '"· With bls borrowed .fni:kknJf&, the that, wtthout botherln& to look twice.

corporal opened the· tln of bisCUits. and Uncle Sam biJl!selt wtll take care of , told everyone to help themselves-no- our mono)', and we'll ret It back. We

CHAPTER Vl-<:ontlnuod. Dow I envied him.- ·nut when the Issue bod7 responded to this lnvltattoa. know that. m .. word II IW roo4 that ~ e commenced my enV)' died, and 1 real· Tommy 111 "ted up" wtth bl.acult& we can ret tho monel' back whtnevw

A tter dinner 1 tried to waab out I zed tbo t the nmt rcqulllto ot a non· ''Butter, tlos, two." we nte4 lt, becauae bll bonds will stU. tho dlx1o with cold water and o ror. eommlnoloned officer on IUlUvo sorvlce ''Nino In one, ten lo tho other," BD7 ttme, for jiUit about whtlt we paJ and learned another maxim 0~ uw Ia diplomacy. Tbero wero 10 men tD .&notbcr rumpDL · tDr them, A few -,eals hence,_ of trenchu-"It can't be don\!.' 1 alyly our srcllon, and tbe)' soon fonncd 8 ", mustard, bottles, one." ceurae, thel' wtll sell tor more thllD w• watched ono .ot tfJe older mPn trom •mmklrrlo around Ull lifter tho corpoml Nineteen names were put In a oteel pa)' tor them. anotJ10r secUon, and wn11 horrified to bud roUc>d out. ''Ilutlons up." helmet, the last ono out winning the Durlni tho time that we leave our aro him throtv Into bla dlxlo tour or . 'Tbe quortennn1tor aergennt bJJd pickles. On tho nut Issue thoro were mqne1 with Uncle Sam-what we caU Ovo double .bandtulo ot rnull. Thea bo I:IVI'n o nllp to tho corp*rnl o.n which only 18 names, 1111 tho winner La ellml· tilt Liberty Loan-he pays lUI Interest. poured In some water, nod wiU1 bin wna written n Ust ot tho mUons. Bit· noted untU evcey man In tho aectJon Well, I've had a hlcher per cent thu hnnd.ll scoured tho dlxlo luald•• nnd out. tins on tho Door, ualog o wooden; box boo won n bottle. · he PQ-not for a loan, becniUie l I tbought he wua wklnu •u•

11 wrul riMk. q11 n table, tho IIIJlle commenced. On Tho rnmo Is cloaely watch~, been use had to l>tlY taxes that reduced the per

HuppoBlnl the cook ahould buv" noco tho lett ot tho corporal tho rations Tommt 111 auspicious when It c:omea to cent to 81,(-but on Investments. Once him I Alter half on bour ot urusuc· were plied. Tbey cenelatcd ot the tol• anmbllng wltb hl.u rotlons. I modo an Investment Ulnt pn.ld It rowrful etrorta I returot'tl my dille to lowlnr:: At the dltrerent French cstamlnctll per cent. but It only pnld It once, an\1 tho <'Ook llhock, being <'or<•tul to r


011 Sl:a: lonve11 ot trenh bread, Cllcb loot In Uur village nod nt tho euoteeDII Tom- then tho fellow who tnlked mo Into

tho rov..r, nod roturn•·d '" rlur IIIII••! ot n dlll'eront alz4', porhnpG one out ot my huyo frellh eggn, milk, br.end nod It lett town without tclllni an)'bod)' l'rcu y aoon U1o cools pok••tl tala bt•nd I bo nix b11lng an Ont 011 o pnornlr.e. tho po.stey. OceurdoiUIIIY when ho Is llullh, good-by. I've foo.nd, Blnco then, that In Uw door and aboutud: "ll"Y· Yank. rr.t~ult ot nn am1y ncrv!co corptJ mon i/o lnvento ln. o ttn ot pcnrs or oprl· I can't rot much better tlan Uncle t'Oillc out hero o.nd rh•un )'"ur dllll'l" plnrlng n ho:a: ot bully bed on It dur- COlli. Bla pay Is only o oiiJlllng n day, Bam's rote tu tho long run. When I protonted thnt 1 had w1u1

1<HJ 11

hulf· lng !rn111rportotloo. 24 cento, or n !!Ul tJour. J1111t tmng• thlok I enn, uaunlly tho taetol')' bu te boor on lt. nlrt!f.ldY. ond bud uut!d up TbrPo Una of jnm, ono opplo nnd tho lne, o ~nt an hour for being under bnvo new bollo.nt. otter my l1nt cU11o m7 onl7 l'@molnlna at.lrt ru rho 01 . othor two plum. Oro--not much chonco ot lfOtUns rich dend ' ln. or tho ore "ttn't quite tomr•'· With o look or dhutoln ho I'I· 8ovontf'on IWrmuda onlo1111, nil dlt· out thorn. the quallt)' we had reuoo to upeet." t'lalmed: "Diow mo. yuur •hlrt 1 WbJ fllreot nlu•n. Wilen be goes Into tho Oro trencb llDd I bclln the loar lqulrm to PI In - .didn't you ua" 1uud r· A ploeo at chll(!l)o In tho ahnpo ot a (front Uno), Tommra menu takl!ll a out with aomtthlnl rusonabty neu

Without n word In r•'l•ly 1 got bony \"Pdgo. tumble. Do CllrriCII In his hn\'enmcll what I put ln. No1 nowadlll'll thlnll wllt1 tho mud. and rwoiJ 1111 dlxlo won Two ono-f)oand Una of butter. wbnt tho government cotta Cmfl1'ienq tbo COVtnlliiiDt ratll II about all I'm brlallt and ahlnlng. A hnndtul of rnlalna. or Iron roUon11. Tboy oro not IIUPJIO!Icd rolnr to Ill trocn &OJ' lnvNtmect

Moat of tho ntlurnonn wan ntlf•nl h)' A Un of biii("Qitn, or as Tomm7 colla to bo opened unUI TomJD1111l'll ot ntor- whlcb I pla¢1 Willi rt~ to tht to-tbll mr.n wriUns Jottrrn bornn. 1 untl tb11m "Jow brookcra." vaUcm. Thol' cennlst ot oun Un of TNtmenfl maratn ot tllftt;J. Tber.o W7 apa~ Umo to rbup woud rnr flu> A bottlo ot muntorcl pll'hlell. bully boclt tour bllcolta, a llttlo tiD fore I Itt 111-1 can of Unclt Sam'a cool! and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f' In Tho "bully beet.'' ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna tCG, llli!lr one! Ox.o Ubert7 booll btcaue thol' a,re too draw ronl. I aot bock Jon! In ttron to rnlllr, frf-~11 ml!nt. bacon nnd "Mncnno- cubes (C:Oncentratod beet tablota). dQ, ot aU tht poulble lnnstmentll

~~~~ o;:A.~~!n~~~~~: dl'fh••~t•".,.lut·Cl<nrdld~c :Whit'll~oliLrnabtll.coan.,est'ruJ.{"OII~I"'I:uniJ'II1;;,111lt'dllt11"'1V:.y-.!Jitb~adm•~cn~t.n t-eTb11ClesiilerT· ::m:~:;, :0 ~~ w:rili~l . In tht, w:tY~a,-~~~f~~~~IJ~, . nolumed It to tho cookbnu•r. nntl wrnt turn•-d o'l'or to tho t"'lmpony cook to Oro on tho communication trcnchl!ll, or c:a.c at•• Ul bll rate and tlut &ami bnrlr to tbo billet wiU1 nn ••xhllaratrd mnk" a il!rw tor noxt dny'o cUnnl!r. Ho tbUI prevenUn~r tho "cnn"71DB In" of ab~lutl c:ertalnt7 that we'll pt 0t11 fo•rllua !bot lllJ' duy'a lohor wua dono. nl110 fffrlvrd tho tea, IUJlOr, &mit. PClP' rattoa., or Whl!D ln an attaelc a body luten:et p&Ja pro_~~: ~~~~"#Y l.b.n.d..JAJ,ICA .. lt!o.II:'A:V ..Qil • onC'O apln tbo C'OOit nJtJwnN>d In thr trhlng hla hl"'ld, tho eorpotaJ ot EltlppUca. Tbafl tht Mlftlh 11111 ot It 1 wt caD't

Alwa:Ja ". ·--·

· :Bears· the ·.Signature· . ,. of '

ln. Usa .. .

For Over Thirty ,Years

A. Age Advances the ·Liver Requires occalloul "'lebt etJmakdo&

' CARTER'S , u-"f'"'l'nfL~ ~·JVER ·p~f.S

door ot tbo blllot wllb "llllrno m<>, Jou Rtudlt-d tbo ollp !Muod to him by tho Tho rntlona oro brought up at o.lcht do bettor With the mon17 tor our aelf• Y ani!. a oro Joay. Wtw In - - n

11uln' lu qoarlrr. Tlten In a Blow, mraUfil!jJ b7 tho company trnDIIport. Thill la a lab lelTCll. Th1 othar l1d1 ot It 11 that

c:lrnw tbo trot or tor '"" rnnrnln' lrn? volco ho rClld out. "No. 1 IC!Ctlon. 1D ~on ot tho comp:1ny In cll.arl1l ot Uncle Bam UIU the monty for our own Uo Jou thlnlr 1'111 o ·floln' t<~ 1 Wc•ll. mon. Dr<!lld, IOliTM, aiL" Uo looked tbo quortermnalt!r lltl1'SCQnt. c:ompoaod boya In VranH and our bo;p on tlle I'm n<>t." nod ho IPfl. 1 nil"" 111" dlxlo puult'd and coltloqul&ed In a mUA!Qi ot men. mulca end Umbt!n (two- uaa-oar bOfS whose bard and tel" wttb wator trona on old D• 1uraklitll "'""· volt'OI Wbi!C!Icd wogo~. wbJcb suppliCll Tom- rlblo daJly w:ork til done so Clll'l1l and end ooro opln loy down In tho 111row. "81x IOQVC!ll, nlneU!t!D m(ID. Lot'll 114!0. my's wont11 wbllo In tho hoot Unfl. ctntb alM)'I wtth them-droppiDJ ly Idea. Appllc:&.ble Allywbue.

tllat'n three In a lOQf Cor flftcon men,.- ThO)' ore constantly undllt aholJ !Ire. trom tho air abon them. rea(ly to Marprot hac! lM!eD aJ.Jo.Jln,t • 'f111t \Vhat Kltcllenu 111.14 to. the llnll'all w .. u. to mnko It oven. tour ot :rou•JJ Tho mUons oro unlonded at tho eD- atrlke up at tbttm from the cronnd. or c:rom -ber couatn. • 7~ womnn Ubra· l.a.ll.4o1rncr wbo QUcsUoned 111m. til hnvo to muclf In on ono Jonr." trnnt'O to tho communlcatJoo tn!ochett from the water beneatb thClll. Tbt!J t1an rtom • dlatant dt7. Wb.eo. her Worth remembtlrlnl: "'t the OerrnaM

ftJitlona. Tho tout that A:Qt lrto(lx mndo 1 bowl. nod oro "canted In" by ml!D deta1lod bear lh1l ror DL tbal our Ideal ot m. n.eaUon b~ OTer, lhe bcpn pttlnl lbould Jillnll•n4. what UDUO'rla Juat dolln• ott

1 Mr<'<' C.orporol but to no nYnll. Tho bread wn11 dl11bcd for that pu~ Tho qnnrt.tormoatu dom ma7 cot be loat tof'IVCJ' and tll&t rtad7 to EO. llarJarot wu filled Wlth Jaltunlld J WC!&l' u a memb• oC U..

bnttod ln.. onL Pretty 11000 tram a for comer ot mJfli(lllDt novcr ~Into tho tront.Une we ab4ll not bKOme tho Prwlll.aD'a ttt""Af ~ to baYe her Ita)' Umne IG~JUC? to rnpel thar a•••


In Tommy'• o7e. a lnnM> rnrp*rnl 111 tho blllt>t, tbreo lndlllllant Tommla. ao- tnnch. Ho doom't bJJvo to, nncl I haYe arrvnnL A &004 lntUC!It rate and klcl&'lr· the W:ldQWner. ""l'he .Wt 101\1 whet ooo d"IJ'tl'll below a prhnto. In tbo t"'C!Pd tho rorporal with: nuvcr hllal'd ot one volontoorJnr to ufet7 tor tho money, and ateb for Be moths ll.!d. "NO. thO)' need her to be btu'ted lA.• anawered X. of IL oorporal'• fl7a! bo Is ono dr~rn-o abo'l'o "What do :rou call thiJI, a lot1f ot •o 110. • our ldeall. and for our llbet't3'-'thafl at Che 1Ibrat7 and lho mtllt 10o• • c:l'lflnral. b~d t Looka more Uko a miPlni The eompli.DJ' IIUINDt tnaJoJ' 11rta what we ret wben we tnYNt Ia u.. Jbrprat •t thlnk2nl aobci1a lonl Tile 8ott.

no nrdornd mo to an wllb blm ond Jllnt ... • the raUoDJI o.nd ~411 them ln. L!bGI't7 loan I U re. TbiD bar fate elearec1 an4 abe "What tlnd of meo do t21q Jl,aTe t. h~>IJl blm dmw tho onat lln7'o rattoDA. Tbr I'Orporol answered: Tommr• trencb raUoDJI c:onallt ot an C!l'ted ont. "'ObI mamms. eoul&l't we the crewe of t.o:pedo boati'P" al= told mo to talro rny wnlMl•ruof. •w,u. don't blnmo mo. 1 cUtln't bake tho bully bt!ct bo can eat. blaeultll, ret he N:li!Wcd for two wcm,.. "11'UPll081 theJ are~·

iDVeT'J' oTGDinu. from «torb plntnoo or II; oomebody'n rot to ~t~t IL so llhut cheeae, tinned buttcr (110mot1mea 17 WORDS AND DEEDS .. marblno-lrlln ~Grtton. o Inn..., rorJml'tll np un!IJ I dlah out thceo bUnldn' ,.. m(ln to a Un), Jam or marmalodo. and - _ &&De • WLIIh !!q. Tlld'e wbal J'Gtl • Natural17.

::~!=;'!~ ~o ~:an~11".~.~;:n:l:~ tlo~: tho ~o.n~~ ~~pobtrulllid <,~.~ten.JCllltoiLIIIIIa4--l--«cttlr-'1:1S1r~;;~~;;;;.J-~~n'DiFi-JJWMW.: ~~ ~~~~ -~+-aJJ"Wharoutan:d.-~~ ~•n. maw natlullW tor ttns runowlna ifoj. fain. mcat.henes 1~ Ute 1 toe. I m41 rtu "'t be1onp to • dll.ropocUat.•

Tbo "quarter," as tho qunrt,.rmoot .. r •Jam. tbroo un-pplo ono. plum Wben thlnp aro qulot. and Frtta II ap eom• lllnt feet hlch. and tell h..., 1 81aek SU..On for Hennlt& ..,I'JfC!IInl 11 t"&lled. I'('("('IYPJI •lniiT trom two. Nln.,t~>en men. th~ Un& SIJ: 00hllv1Di llko a ttentleman, which Hl• wtuld bleed and dle, It 1 were aot • "Bow lOili bavo J'0t1 bOt!O a btl--the ordofl7 room (t'l.ptaln'• offirool a In a tin omit a. twelvo men tor two UUL dom hnpPtM, Tomtn7 hu the~ o!d and 1187 ud ertppltd up ant tv.n llllr" Blip llhowlnr tho numbfor ot mPG •o- Dln'lln to tho remololn& tin." nit)' ot mnkfnr druert. '1'hll II of J "AOOut ~ .... - • llllld the ... --.. --.. A.. ha7. ma7 dmounea tbo fonlp ,__ ..---Ulled to ratiODJ. 110 thero I• no rhnoC'O Jlo pnaed arotmd tho Jrun. and .. .,n..,.. puddiQ£" It Is t:lado ~ ceqmt t!C!daa.

Downward Qrowlh. Teachltl'- "'Wh7 <1o .om. ban

rootl, .TobtmJ''r -so that the lUo pag1l c:an pO'If." - . -

ot ptJttllli anJthllljf ovor on him Muny th..r·t> u-na another rlol Somo didn't b~::: blJicultll, cend~ mUll, !Am- ~ttl~:.:~::~~ !:';:d~= '"Do you liTe In th18 caTe aU the af"'ttmrn.. tll.ko ploMI """".,"" tbP' like oJlple. whllo othort wbo noovod 0 0 WBtCll' added. aJJgbtly 6av01't'd the 0 .. .., 0 a ·tht ~~ but It 1 thl•k ~ IU'OC:IIdr "quarter" and tho platoon non...,rn. but plom wero pnntal to apple. After a wltb mnd put fiJU) a cnnteen an4 _. "'.t C(MJ"lli. no.t.. ~--r-~1&-•--lltU.r tbe torml!r AlsrnJS lll'1l14 out. 1'-mnm7' .. blkl- 1!1tfl."n·UI:WI •a I tare eown the m~mDtalnl1da, and I

...... ... Mnn .. rt- t hi } h ... _ tb I u ............ _ ............ ~-. l.1l m)' God. tht Wop U7 wna't Clllt ,_ ..,o ... - .. ,. so a o ... ,..,u~:o " III'Ue went on. ... .,..."'~ ......... .,.. IIJeDd the wtntf:nl there With e17 fam.

h" wa• a burslar In <"tvll lito. "&rmuda onion.. eoventooo." (A Crm lD Dlllht7 mdoly advutlHI mudl IJ"'Ml tll7 words are •VI11 llJ. 'nitre .. no <kc1cd tilt amtte-Tbcm l eprqd Ulo wotrrpront abl!f't TbP rorporul avoided a row h1 ftl'· thRO cooltera u a nocealty till' n:. IDlllldto• bzsH. Otlr Ullclt Bam til e1r1 wben the cmmmu botell ~

on tbt> UJ'(11md. whllo tho quon.,nnn• Ina tho! be cUd not want an onion, and men In tho mmcll~ Oulllblo ~· ~~~; ::n~~:·!t,:::O: hr:;-~.'::, bu'e are ela.od up.'" ton batman dump-00 tho rnttona on IL I 1111111 lhey IDllllo your bN'ntb amllll. eo bey thClDl-«htp them to tho Tommll!ll, Tbco rorpc1roJ wu llmoklna n tna. I I tl11emtt-d I would do without ono too. who. lmmodlate)1 apon reempt of ame acrap wttflout 1 let ot dourh on tap. lfebUdla~ecnr !la4 to eat pua. 111 :;;~~;!hl.~te.~,~-~·;•~11~1:"~·~U:!'~I4~-~ t'Dn1od tho rotJOQII bnt'll to tbo billet. Tbt> t'Orp*rnl looked h1JI i1'11Utode. thl'OW' thOOI ovu the parapt!t. Same- To ra.ln tht dtllt u ub aU lad. to Boonrtcl NaU7 DIWt Jl The~ mrporol wua trttll ~~moktnu n tog. "Cbt'@lle, pounda. two." umca 1 Tomtll7 taUa for tho ad. an:J lend him aU Ult1r amplu &ad-. to b117 • W. N. u. DENVER. NO. 11-111.1.

btA bon~t:r the atest nar UIINI tbo cooker In a dlll01lt to tho t1!.- man wllJ .... And lf 1 do lilOt illiDbol :n~:~ dlscomto:t of tho other <» up. u P1 and triD7 aa a pup, and

This mi!SI 1a lltftrcld tiP In 1 uo anl2 buy the bcnd.ll uu I -co broke, my IOJ'IIl 1-t~lll~l'il't!li- to ~mms over tho &mu cpJeis IN mmab' lniloli._ Oh. \o,-a.

from tho cooker tmUJ Tommy decldea meat aD)' tta-bom lhte om work h1JI that It baa reached .wllclent Catuellke) jawbooea and orate; molrt 11D7 blclt cooslslancy. no tlllcea bla ba;ronct ant2 can chaw the rq and IIQ ntee thlnp .,. • una•tlll . a• ••••••• JH1: f zen b)' means of the llan111o corrla the shout the tq: but 'ltbe%1 ,... comt .,.,..._a&l'IUI.,.l.-1'1' . mt11!.8 up rn tho trout trench to coot. rlltht down to tacka. the patriot wbo.. The FOOII Cootronua of the United Swn and Ccada .n alldq ,_ Alts It has cooled otr bo tries to eat tt. 11mooth 81 wax IS 110 wbo eomea, .. cra&U fOOII ~ St:arctl7 ..100,000,000 baheJa olwlt1at liN inn. Ooncrall,y ono or two Tommles In • ardent .otll. for Liberty bonds to blow able to lie tent to the atlia OI'UliiM before dae c:top br...c. Uton .• ~ectlon havo taat--Jron atomachs and hll ron. e«om of the Ullke4 Sta.tenrul C. ada natt .... blrdcA o1-w.

. ..J..lrlthmo UdirtHl;lUI cll00tlltnlire%~~::;1r~l wted __ Thty J&101'1ltd _lht Wollftihd.. fttrJ. Jftlll.le. UIJI... . . . ltiiJ lnJIIMI In ndd!Uon to tho rogulnr rauon I• A Ntlltncd Canadian omcer, In ten. Faratr IH Fana ll•st Inial

800 Tom on• u•~s ""otb~r ·"~nnc·t· . .... lnt; Of liD enprement ln whlcll be ball W·a·-m ,. ___ .. _ L-- -!..--· t... ~~2_, ~... '"' .... " """ _... takm part sald: "We retook the c""' ~ _,. Ill e~ ~to v. ..-u-. t.t•aaa potter

fl.'tl~ltl.l'lk'! bls menu. trmu:b trOm · whleh we batl belen .. ~vm It abort. and m appeal to-* t1•~tt4~ia-foraa- "eE ·tt=or- heA. In th:o Eligltm papers " "toneiJ pnd tonnd the lluna had bayono:l an lrc ~ . . . . - ... Ul -- ~

Soldlft" column 11 run. '.l'hla Ia fo1' our wotmded w.hen thQ' had to ~~ · • •2· .1· ...,. -..a -..... · 10..i.. ..... eolcUm at thet front who ero IUP. out." Thou are tb11 tcllo.wa. :roar- bo1 Fr• OoiH It •MaJ.~,..,. · ..-J •-

r. '-~--. _t_2... ____ -~- ~~u.:.~~~li!!--~!_nl. ll• I buto-11~ over tb~ Qh'o hlm JOUI' . . . . ........... ... mefr' n.:; .:;;·;uw.bed ..... O'ii-1; ana wllole-hW'ted npportl DUJ' bontllt •L- To ~*!_the •*~~ . SH J&u iH laucl ·bit nee• Wll r .......

4 ~ ~.... .. 11'11 uotitDIIltnt u. th · Want~ *fif1 aan who caa

~~n~o~utn ;;:"'_ ~·~:~~o:n:=~~'::._m• ... ~* ~~a¥<1. ~_!'~!tllttt~,!itbd -~~! •p ... ton~t!- •- t!tc:tml; ~ to do ~ wodt t1:dt 1tU- wutl- JUCI hi tW United """ ....... ~~~ 01 .... -" .,..,.. n ...,.. .. SU...__ . . . ~-. . . .. __ &tt_ .. o_ f __ cow_.. . _"ftJ· but it alto.,...._ ...... t...:t-··_,_ .u-~._ ·-. .._

l'(Jtt(JI, and)', etc. l bii'iit- bJO'Wn • the P$pera. ed ~onallr we ... W . ... _,., ---· nas....-''lontf1" eoldllll' to r«clve u mallJ' u plt:tllrtl of onr wounded at the hoe- ::'w':.:e .... 4=~~~~ "*" to Cat~_ ~tf• iWdt *'* *' It* ~ t\te parce!IJ .a\14 olmn lttt(lrll. · · t• ~ Waf' Jtr'b~ng btou1llt '"' · wen:. · · • W~k. to., ua Ia the mlddt• Weft. W• tile et~:ttf. :-:::•ui:fll1 .. t.lertbt . ....: wt.ultel"" ...... ,,_ ca '-t ••'*

know now that .Am•rtCI.llS_ · . a_re ft1h ..... _.. ·

*ft)pt1 r.aJtm for tht flm time how death hrrka bt tilt tl'tflehte Ydlttt a Hnlt18 f•ll•

···liYhfuf'~- H.-tellt•btlrt ltttt

ovet there and tllll thitd LibertT to;; . .. . Wattm Oiaillle•• lltlpt9ilJ..IMt ~ Mt '- tJ.a'Mir Jtl., ~-·· · , should llld ua ~ore wttllti# to thin•awt~aiMl-..•••i_.Jtrl&lc. · . · · · ·· ... c•• em btfor&. •lill mote -.ce .. ~ to toll-. ==r::.a'!~.J!!t~s ......r ::::. ··~··nl_ ce•i• .... llr~tii). ~ •.

. trlbubtourahuU~.detetllnr t.h• JG~M• . -,l;' . . ........... ._.~~~~ :r Qr~!•• b.~· . . .•,• . 0 . . . . =a; \ ...... ·.. .



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econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln· and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f&#039; In Tho "bully beet.&#039;&#039; ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (3)







- - ·-- ... J

.~- .. 411Ul OAU.IIOJO NJIWS.

- '

' . . I IS·· 'PHOfiTAB[£


• •

. 0

• 'The Fub,1re of Great P~;~ssibnltlea. . ' .


' ; j • . ' -vtew a. aCQ tzed. · '.rile ptnQilbt ~tv.ed the ~~ale ()! :w~I!J.~ Olltl, barley, ftax an~ • · · . · '

:;ea~o~9~~::i=~~~t;~~:~:: Capital ·to · Have . ·Automatic· ·Telephone . .Se.rvice. nett~ f4(),000,000 addlU6nal '0! tlils ' · snm bogs -alone gav~ over eleven 'JDil· WAfllllNG'l'ON ...... Waabtncton wUI have an a11to~atto 'telephon• ·"•tem llon dollars. The Increases at O&lCUJ within tbe ·next 18 mantlls. The w~nk ot J~;t~~tallln~; this system, whtch-ond Edmontan were aver 6%. mmi~ Involve millions ot ·;dollara; wlll be&ln lp tlle t>palnetis sect\~n of the capita) dollnm. • . · · wltbln a few· wec1cs, probabi:J wlthla

'nl!a money, so easll:r enrned, 1!5 be- · • • th.e· nen ten dnya. It will ·be In toll log spent In Improvements ln farm operaUon tn the business IICCUon be-property, purchasing additional land, TEI.EPI!ORE tor9 the summer ta over, acCC)rdln' buying trnctom, autqmoblles, anddllm• ,so. to stntements made b7 tho telephone proving hQ,Ille condttlo.ns, provl ng - company. electrtc Ugbt, sterun bent, new tnrnl• Nine out ot eveey ten telephQne ture, pianos, buying VIctory bonds, gtrls now employed will lose their paying up old debts, etc. jobR, Is the prediction of T. P. Sylvan.

Over five hundred trnctora were 110ld assistant to Ute president of tbo In Southern Albert!l In 101'T. One ~ Ohesapeake nnd Potomac Telep}lone Implement agent reports tbat tho In- ..J,f~ company, when the new ay.stem Ia In crenae In his bnstnellll In 1017, over full operation here. Mr. Sylvan wn1

, . - . ·~-

· tbnt ot 1016, was equal to the total aaked bovt tone tt would take to Install the system bore. Be lltlld It dcpe!tdcd business In 1015. it Is the snme story upon the Iober conditions. "Unfortunately," continued Mr. Sylvan, "Ute _com• nil over the country. And it Ill not pant'• lJresent buildings oro nil Oiled to the doora 'with the now hcn..-Uy worked tills evldeneo ~lone whleh proves tho apparatus, a~d unless tho service being rendered Ia to lie-completely suspended,

1 no 111arttot uquare or 11o1s1ngrora. ndvnneement apd growth of tho throo It Is, ot counse, utterly lmpo!Jslble to tn~tnll nutomatlc equipment without flrlt prnlrte provinces. but the largo In· providing new buildings. .

T be recently created republic During my visit. the <>nonlng twl· ereaao In tho number of settlers l tho "On nccount of tlio weight of ouch appnratun and the necellllii'S of pro­

. ot 11'tnlnnd, where bloody, civil light bad ncnrcl'ly dlsnppl'nred lmpr~vem.<lnt In the extent of tbo eul· tectlng It from Oro baznrrlo, Ute buildings must be of substnnUnl conutructlon. wortnro hull roged, ltl'IJ In tho the morning twilight chased the gloom ttvnted oren11 and ogrlculturnl produe- 1 1 11 u th

t d d • tton ., tho lnftr-sc In -tue ot wbt-" "To CX]ledlte tbe enrtx completion ot tbc automat c nata n on, e com•

BllUIO lnUtudo na Greenland o night nwny. One coul rl'u · Ollt .. "" ... ""' 1 t th and Alnslm. It

18 not small In ulr.e, ot doom until . nrtt'r l'le,·en o'clol.'lt. ovor l9l6 wns $T1,000.000. pan:r must count on some Immediate rellef In the form of no ore er rom e

This wonderful ro 11

thnt . boll attllt:y commlelon. UnlOllS as a wnr menoure the cornmtsston nllhs tho people

- '

lfERVES .GAVE ·ouT Sedoua I~ _Trouble Had &bdO . l.Uo IIJ•er~ble, B~t·Doan'• ·

Removed AU the· Trouble. . · IIMA't Suffered Since. ·

American Dollar flag ' ha,.... J&Ja proof Taaooa, 1 fMI 1911fo

eoni ... \1\CIHd •••~<~ t~npuo ,_ • ., Ut•IJ lor Jl&~ pol\ oo roctiJ:' of ,_ !'iiJ Jfl.., 1\Jlll Joolodlor polo, 1>&11

p.haaltod boldar. tUA a.n4 t.r trM cal.&l~ao ot O•a• • .,4 hconUotua.

We .Ut ~ aD4 bouot d&~t lbaa ..&Of Ol.bW coaMnl &p LM WQ,l4.. Pr\CCIIIam•" taefor• Uaowu. AMEa!CAN FLAG MFO. CO., EASTON,.PA. tor Finland Is about no largo ns the Tlleno long thl)'!l.. with scurl'l'I.V nny bn

4n mnde In a...,.!!_

1tur:resrc In \"'note- I to cllmlnotc unnecessnry en lllng, the company wJII be rompe1Jcd to continue


whole ot Frnneo. Tho I!'Jnlandl'rs night, force ''~'IWtnrtm• to grow ot a __;n·~nndn to but '"th""0

" bn"'nnln~T :"hi:;: expending large sumo on Jnstnllntton of temporary equl{lntcnt to care tor aueb • -• thcmselven 11penk of their ln11d us hothouse pUCl'. Land nntl '''"'"r bn,•o • ~... " ... "" 11

Suomen·mnn, or Souml. It 111 n rl'r;loo no time to l'OOI. Sumnwr rom"~ In mnrks thl' futuro of the greatest ngrl· Cll s. · · BREAK A COLD ot lnlles and granite roekll, much of It thla &trungl' Inn•! n lilt It sud<ll'll burAt <"Uituml country on the continent, - "As President Wilson unld In btu lr.tter to tho nec.-n.>tury ot tho tren!'ury: w • • K a ••

Rho'vln .. a tuturo or ,...Ant """'lllbllltt~. 'It Is eruwntlnl that tht>se uUUtll'a uhouhl be mnlntullwll nt thrlr maximum effi· ; ....... .,... dcsohatc and wnter·loggl'd, wh!'rO of ftowl'l'!l, "unlh:hr ••n<l blrda. " ..... ..-- v~ Jbl b ld b d 1 1 th t d 1 D

ThAre u~ millions ot d~s vet •n· deary, und that everythllli rensonnbly poss o a ou o one w t 1 11 en o , T~o;,. . winter relgru~ supi'QIIIc tor from uevt'n F'lnland ht n lon.l ot tlln<• nod fir- ~ ... "~~ • u wte • .. 1 ....;.--_.;;.:;;:;.. __ ._ =;:;;.. to nine months In the yenr. At lt>tr.flt dud 'hills. tor nnly n eompnn•tl"•ly tlllt>d, nod of lnnd nn good 011 nny of w. . tht , on&-oloUI of the ourtnco 111 cov!'r<>tl smnll portion lll'l'lll!l to !)(· ell•Url'll. that which Ia now giving liB ownrrn n 'l'h•• new ayatem :u bo o:erntl'd ~7 t dlnld

8>;.;,umlng 1 nu~b~ra on

8 1

with Iuken and the grl'nlt>r pnrt of tbe Thr. most of Ia tnlrly lt>vel, return ot trom twenty to thirty dollnn dlnl 10 correspond to e nom er you en ro 00

pu ng 11

" gun ° connec:- I ..

11 n-, n..,•reft thnt In mnny -ftas tton will be mndo nutontntlcli'lly. 1t will anve conalderoblo lhoo In mnklni

rCIIt to toreat. Lelm than ono acre In 110 thut It hno nat tilt' grun•h•ur of tho ~ "~ .. ~ ~ ~~ thirty to a(Dble. but n 110mewhnt larger S..Ondlnnvlnn kingdom. In th<' ••ll'flr••d represent thP cont ot th.c lpnd. with nil connl'('tlono, llllld Mr. Sylvan. •

Enqutra ror lho

WU.Ifmr Bmlr Trace Ooarao~cl



amount to sultl'd tor grazing. portlonK •tnnd nent llttlt' wn<vll'll ent· ...ultlvatlon t'Oilts Included. It In true --------1 r II UUlt the COlli of nroductlon bna lu- w h' . H N D bt Ab t s . . Subtle Reaaonlng.

We think of Orl'enJond no II. fror.Pn llll:l'lt, whll'll oro URUII ly kl'(ll re• I 1 " as tngtonaans ave 0 ou ou prlng . . erl'Dsed daring the nnat tow :veors. but lily II tt h• I.'Tilll<l """ '" •1" II •' n hand

11 and dl'solnto tnncl. Ot only for the pnlntt'd. ""' h«'lllll' the fnvorlte rnlur. .. t " tr " d tho nrfec of tho nrodnet 1uu1 oiJio In- · or renoonlog om o~oulogy, nn abode of the bordy F'.llklmou \Vrlll'H Nurln« •ln•ln tllll·h••ll or,. rnntll' In tho .. ,. · ,

d CTODIIed to n ft..,•ro whlclt Jt'QVOlJ a · • tbo other day wna nnbl111: whnl hill

Nmn o. Winter In the Ohrllltlan Ucr· culthnt~'tl nrltln ('Vt'ry t .. w rodR. no ln....,o bnlnncc to'"tbo credit nf tho pro- THE chief thing that mnl!en one auro sprmg Is here Ia the IIJlpl'n~neo on our 'tamll:y nome wne. 1 1.,1,1 him hla tn· nlcL ADd yet In Finland. to n lll'Vl'rC all neNn• moot rorotnlly tllh'tl. d~~r. atreelll, nltboogb ln a mild form, of II certain aport-nnmely: l'opL Once thor's nn«lltoro cnnu• from mnglond. •~rtborn cllmnto, bon nrown un a Uohdngtoru. lhr. cupltnl of ll'lnlnnct. ton~ 11nnt>nr on Ute street. nun& from the hnndn of erunll bowo tbuo II no tb - " .. Tho followln" tnblo obowa bow th11 .,... "" ' ' • Wolco ilnd Bcotlnnd. "hll•• hla mo · h"nl" ftftd virile r'""'· l't•rhn&UI It woo Is one ot tho lntl'restlng toWIIJI of ,. Q-nln" tho tact thnt '"'"" .. Ia 110mo- 1 ~ # .... ·~~ worts ouL 1018 191T ...... • - .. - ar'e were Eosllnh nnd lrl•h tii'('QUIIO onl:v thl' nturdiMt could flU!'- Europo. Wotl'r acwmn to l'urround It Prtco Prtco wht>ro In the vicinity. Her ores mny 1 Bo then nalu.'tl· "Orntulmn, wlult ... vo under aufth -n·lltlon" tor l110ln· oo ovl'""' llldt'. II dotes bncll to ·tr.r.o. op.....,r tro11tblttPD "Dd abo mD" aeem • ' ~ ~v ' ... • ' FARM NEEDS.. In bWI. In bws. .. -- • _.. • woe nllUIO br.foro )'UU were mor-

•, •

• ,

- .'/


.. . ' \

' , . '-

' ... , . • -ll~n wn~s~n·~~:~liMto, Ji~ .,::;,1\IJI]dr.'n"J.-".··.dn:-t. * ltwfh~lel:o 2~~~un!,!.'!!!~~.~.-. "'~~ ·'t~~. Swrdlnh "'n~htnn""- .., .. ~•L WheJllr·\ ;e:l\o~tbed Jo IUeh ntmay gormenll ne our I ., ~H~, ~"" 11. ·~ " 1 .,..,., • .., .. ,,... """ ,.,. --~ " ~·~··m· ·· ' ·, , .. ,,....,,.... .,, 'i!OU'Iiffil'liTy"'ffdtho'1iet'"·tft·tll, 'tmf'· , .. : r ··-• · · · ·-•[!¥> ··~ . -· ~"" .,. .L ..,.4 -•·7·"'-:--·-,..,, ~ ~'"'f:''";'""~' ""~ -~,.Y>-·= ,..,._ .. -~ .,_".

' '

nny mlo tho tnet N!l1lnlnll thnt of n to\Ttl WPrt' lmmedlntl'IY cootl•rrod Self blndl'r • • • • • • • • • • • • 160 you may be II1U'e lho ll llomewhero In tho FtnDII hnvo developed a r\.II· upon thr. II till! hnmlet as n RJM'CIDI tn· Mower ·' · • • • • · • • • • • '• •

70 the TtctniiJ', tbnt fair dlvtnlty.

"' IUllwored "l.:ron " · He I

conntderod n mouwnt nod then uSo I ouppoot• you mmo trom

~ . :; . . ' •'

f'rom tho wn lllr1jll1.ffiditt'urltirFiu~priif'Oomi"t!iO.~ll4·,.,Pd.rlgcDil..,_,..e""n"'gt..-.n"'c~ • .,",.·,·,.,·.,12GO:zl~nr=o1Xk~ 1 t11lked wUb .an eldut:v mnn In a

Orenm III!J:lorntor ·: •" • • 81 tb~o~o~th~r~r~n~rt~e;moo:!~e~.fla:u~w~e~a~tood~~~~~n~dr-;;~~~~r~::!~~f~ij~b~ IBid:

' ,

Dulldln~r- wiEt b-' ot IIID II b .,.8 Jn. , Red ez.o. Du Bluo, much bettor, loti Dothroom.lllnlt Ctnd IICJ)t1e a c ~-u 0 lrfOUP a 0 " IJll ~ t.rlbu than ltqiild bluo. Oc~ from IIDl'

t.nn1:t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • soo Prcmmro tnnk Jl)'Gtem ••• tro Steel llblru;l()ll, per 1{.10 ,

&:Q. fL ,. • • • • • • • • • • • T LUmber, per ,.ooo tt.

Be-mlotk • • • • • • • • • • • • 28 Ptno . . . . . • . . • • • • • • • • 47

Drtrlul. per !1... .. • • • • 10 Oetnent. per MO lbs ••••• 2.5 Steel fence. 40 · roda. .. .. 15 Pnlnt. per 10 gnllt ••• , • • 2:; Pt.noon •••••••••••••••• t-40

Clothln~t nnd Food-, SnJrQ.r. per C'W't ••••••••• Oottoru:eed, per ton ••••• LIDIItl«1. per ton •••••••• Blue IWI'ge IIUit •••••••••


6.2 r.o liO 31

127 118

• l1 82 8

1.2 10 10

m 4.0 24 25 11

nlni topa. "'-l'he1 don't noem to do It poca. ,Ady, wttb>-tlle old IJlllrtt. tht> old~J'--<lWP," . ----~ ---ho aold, plonaod wtth h' fnmUtnrliJ' wtth tbr. lAtter word. "Why, now, when 1 Didn't Have to Ouy The~m. r woe a boy, WI spnn-.•r -GJlDn~,.....-plnned topa llka a houao afire. Then 1 A Jlttlo bo;r trom o poor dlolrlct nnd

I llttlo ·~e)lotTII Deem to be nfmld of dt>ntlns the lldowalll." • ' a 11tUo ilrl trom tho rnor\1 C!Jmfoit{lblo 1 "Wben 1 IJllUD-ef'-ill)lnned topo. now," I replted, "I whipped 'om for a part of tho cl!J' nnt 11l1lo by flda· In : bloc.k. 'Wblpplni' topl wn1 l't!gnrded a JNAter feat tbnn knockllll lllom out of . Bundn:r school. Tbe tcn<"her l!lld to · the rtn~ ; tho llttlo e!rl : "GindrR, "o mtaed you i "Wo named our tovorltCI topo In tbnae dayA. M1 tavortto was a threo-rPnt . at Bunda)' school lnt1t Sunday." To . top, veen, with a (l«mllnrly tat bod1, and wna mtmed after o «rtAin Khool· wbtch Oladye Nlpll('(l · · tettther, tbt'n o iftBt fiiYorlte In the grnde sthool 1 nttondcd. Another top wnl I "Oh I I 1tn:ved hom*o boenuno -1 nnmcd ntter a t~acber whom all wo klda detested. Pla:VIIlll 'rlns.' we took ~~ · bouiht a now baby nt our houno.• I dell&bt In ·knocktna thla latter top out of tho rln~t." 1 Tho lltUo bor lonkP•I Ill> nt hor to 11

"'Jour remlnl•~ncee are JntereAtln~t" replied tho old aentlemnn. "but IIAten rnrprlle and remnrk<'<l · te wbat 1 uood to do. Now " 1 "Doua:ht IU Hub: \\'p get 'om for

But Joet then mJ 1treet Cllr aloni- llOthlna."


• • ••






. '



I ------; U you bappon to flnc1 your fooUnp

Correspondent . an worked up. or"':r -"-f~b aupply.

• ••

poraotlll Wllo hi\ 't8 a ln order to eliminate

may remnln ttnd catle • ot auto-tnto%1eaUon. polaQilfo

-- Die wbolo l)'etom. To cl~ll tbe · ltut once a week 11 to l!rna-


meunroa. Thoro la nothlnc thll tinY pUla the Joavei ot

almost 0

Cuticur.a Tender-SkiD

' ~

• j

~· d ,, _,

econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln· and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f&#039; In Tho "bully beet.&#039;&#039; ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (4)

• ., . . . . .,


·~ ' ·4· .. ,,, '

• • • •

.. '• .

• Carrizozo. New~ , 1 .~ ,:~·· 4.--WQ.t u!IE.£,.JJ;W.;z, Nf iJ,ht.;t;q!q:;...,.:,__...,_~...,.,.,.....!!

.. .. .. ·f!~bJiah~d friday -al.Carr~o:to, • • •

. . •

. . -. . ' ..

. i

Lin!;J>In CqJ.Jnty, .N~w · ~ ' . . "•

""W'~"""'~tt;tl;<,l lk~4J!! C¥,.....,..._-~,.¥> 0 '"""""'"..,.,1""",>•<1>"'"'~

. ~llll!t!:<! .!Ill k<~II!H.!lflo~ J~l!tl~<t ·~ llw l'O!ttllillq• · · f\1. <~~,~~·~J•~~w j4•1.Jl:p, .1 ''"' ~.111118.

• • . I .. ,: ,

H O. Jl, Jt~LEY, • ' • Uit.r 11-i. Ptil.fhs..( :t_.7.\ .... _.:::;:t;::;:,t;:)#J1¥41~~-...-.J.--s; .. 't:... .. """'.,_,.,.,.,..;t!ZZ!;;s

: 0 • ' • • • ""'

·. .· ·Marcel·Gets: His . J • . • ,• •

• • '


t itt ...

# •• • Barn· Mended

r.IPrul the bama and 11tny nl!ar by to ,a"o lhat Lblnr• went wt•ll?" Yr11, and

. ·····)f..¥ ............ ¥ ....... ¥ ......... . '"/I ' • • . ' ' .. ' t . • I ..

i="""""'""""""""'""""""""=P~~.I.!JJi#id ~~==~~~~~ - ~- .

or othcrtJ.

.-II'lnh 'wiili po'il S';<•7 ':"wfnf tl1lw rntullr I• aelr IUPI•urthlll nn<l 111111 •mne 111 b(lllrt• for lho morn ul'r1l1 onr11, 1\'ho 111111 ure being he!IJINI l.lttlo .h•• , 11 tull..r llr lnok11 W1•ll .t1••l nn•l hr 111 .. . . . .. . WPII rnd 'fhe ltnll\· '" ... rulll' I•HI)' ll•nl lhiJ dllllllh"'. Iori \I• • ""''' a~:nltL Tlw)' urtt In iO(IIt 8Jtlrll~t' "'' I h••lr ft•et unrt• tnnrf\.

A1u! Mllrrol. llo ha• Onl!llu•tl lito ''""""'' lllllt tbo lll'll ('rnMn t;ll\1' hlrn 111 1111 nurii.'Ultural llchouL It '" ho wlu• hu• hrt•n running Utll fnrm "" w .. u llo 1'11<1 II nil. "'' 11'1111 lh••)' l••t him think • •n, fur hf'nvrn knnw11 ht• hno IIM>II tho hnrtom of thll bltti'r ""I' A1ul I kunw lhnr ll11> lhotl l'rtn<l "Ill wuut trw ttl .... ,. h11 rtltl ll. for thnl r- lhr ..... ,. luPf '""rk •· ..f!lll1"111. t'ft Mll'!lll v <'nlr•hon fly, '"It hoot 11t1nt, wllbOLJt "u•lo, wlthnul ..........


Timidly aho elltC!I't.'d the 111'<1 l'ru~a llUI'l'IIU lllld 110011 Juat wltbiQ. tln1 tlouro \\"8)'.

llor poor, dimmed oltl ey••• •Jmlu' 110

ch•QIIIlllltl7 1 "I'm fr1cpdly, lndlt•!l, but " .

Hne>rol of ut I'Otl>, l•ut Mra. ('raw. ford 11'1rhed ht~r llr11t nn•J Pilkcd bur to l'tnno In and alt down.

'"Oh. tlumk )'OU 110 rnurlh" qunvei'C!d tb11 oh1 lad,y na aho 11111 down. "'You ....... Ill)' IHI)'-m)' ltntnthlon-hnA J:OIIC! nnd" -\Yith Spartan tor11tut1o 5ho '"' Mt tnlnt'd the tl'al'll thnt lfiiRII•nl'd 111 ltrr r) r11-- "go no wttll hla l't'gllr"'lll,. Nnw I'm All nltlllt> In my IINI•• <'Oflllt!P In l'nn111 flqunM. And. ob, lat!h•a, do nn)' Of fOil knOW tho tltear.T_-,'\Innrllnf.!llll when thoro Ia no one \\' boQiilMnrR bnrue at nt,ht r

W• nlmoat bocretl U1e 111'1\r old htd7, 110 forlottl, )'et io brave. Wo di'C!W up our chalra doaet, and abo tolil ua her


• • • ..

THE RED £ROSS SP1RIT SPnAI<S .------• . 1 .•

by JOHN H. FINLEY, ~ . I kneel behind the uoldterst trench I walk with shambles•· smear and stench

.. · 'The dean· t mourn. · · I bear the stretcher and.t.bend O'er Sammy.,...Elerre •and Jaek.Apd mend

. What st'il'lJs have torn..

I ito wherever men may dare, I ro wherever w9man'a earc . ·

And Jove can Jive. Wherever strength and,aklll can blinJ' Surecllso sutferlnr ·



1 All\')'OUI' pennies and your J)OUf!,.dll~:'·.'_ - .............. ~~·-.. ~~t--+ 1 am your bodJ,es on their rounds .

Of pain afar; . · I am you, doing what you would ·

Il you were only where you could­Your avatar. •



••c:g~ ntue oaa tad, owl\e•l • vtu · . . Th~ Whole Delighted Family is sounding the praises embowered l:(lttare In l"aDIJ Squara. of the picture· . we·have been .. Tbere abe kept bou•o f<Jt her rnu\d··

,;.._·-·~~----.. _ ·- --:IIO~n,=w~bo~~wo~r~kf.t!d~ln~· ~$~t~~::~1i~~ . ·. . :~~~:.•~u'~~~~· tenor, · · *f~~ :.:; ~ :H u <,·:ol;t+- •

~---~~~~~~~~.~~.~:~~~~rnJ~~~~R~~-~----~-~-·f ' .


'.. ..

. .

. ·

I • ' •

. _,. - . -__ - ' -~-><-­

·-- . -- " .... "" ~- . - -.-.-

\ •

. ; •.


t .



• • • -4-· -- -



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.. ' . .

• •

. . . . . • ,. . ' . . ' ~

-~ ..

' .. .• • . .

. . ,,

• . . . • •

.· . · · W~ 1\1'6 dofur ~~r utmo1t to IIOn'e the public ~~·satisfaet~~ily today ... ~· ·, .· ~ we did b.efol:e the war u!'IJ_~t_t~e cO,mlJ1orcial wo~ld_, ~- , -· ·· ·

' -· - _,._ -' - . --:~--

. ,. ~

' . . - ~·-' oCr\ . . . • • • •

. In the face 9t g~eatly increa•ed cost•. of· niat~tlnl we ~re endeatorm~r to . maintnin: Qur. plant af the hlghe•t pj)int of efti!llency, · . ' ·

. • -~---¥~-- ·----~-- ----- .. ,------··-·-- ··-··- -------.·--- ·--'-'-~·-"···-·--.-· . -----· " ·- - . •+- ' ·-

• I' • • ' • "

. , De.'lpite th~. high e~:.t o(labor, we are )Xl.~inta~ing full .crew• tliat ~here may be •no part o.f the ·Work •lhih~ed or ~ogleote<t ,

" • ll • ~ . ' " • • • .. ., ...... ·. -. . · . While the dem·ands ot the sliJ1al aerviee of out' armies ,hnv«~ deprived us 0( manr teohnieally. trained men1 Ufo1e ·who l'emlliu }UlVO lptead 011t to !ill

'... . ' •

• •

. '

• •

. "

the gaptj by extra effort. · · . ~ . ~·-···- _ . . ........ . . . . . -"~----·-~- ..,.-·-

!''-~ --- - ---· - "0"';'" l,"'' I! ' - -·-·----~~-----· ------"-- ------- l: • - .

Ill..•.'--.·.-.. -'"-.·"·-··-.. ...:.,,.~··.·~I~u:-c .. a;:.· o•-m~-~:.plaecs c~ni'estion ~aa·o!lOUrl:'ed· l)cctut~e 'wo have been "!lnabl~ to ·. • •

lccut·c. equipment to'r reliof, .but in, IIUC~ caie. the traffic is bem(l h.andled tO• . the tull ·extent of hum•n abllitr. , · • ..

• ' . ' .

h .. __ _,_ .. ,- -~-~:~ ~·,--.,--~·- -- -- - . ·- ..... -"-- - - -- ... . . -" -t- * ,._. ' .. . :With thE! world· rockinr·uuder t~ti .'v~ight ot war;· wltl1 economic:: condi-


tion~ un11ettled and abno7:Dla11 we al,'e atdving always tO. eQordinate our el-~· tort'B to th\) great problen111 bJvolved in thp wlnn~pg of 'tlu~ w~r,

, . ' . ._. . . f . l • . .

' · We· feel t~at ~nint6rrupted, · effici~nt teleph;t~i aervlce it playing a c::ou• a.ptcuoUII par! in the forou t~at will ,bring YIY_m,U yfgto.m . .

II' ,ft, •

• •

, •

• • • • • •• · & Telegtitph Co: •

. • • • •

:· • •


• \Vi111 n Jn~r~g~e~ll~~~o~fr:lff~~~ffi , r

cnu gfvc you good l.lervicl.!. . •

' we:~totlc:ft the frn!le'of the t•eopJe brUncoln count)\ CurrJzozo · onct lldjoc:ent towl.IJ, .

• • ('Gone·· • · · .Poxworthl!tGalbraith Co.

• ••

The Woman's Tonic •

• •

. . . . . ·D •. R. STEWAt~'l'. Ma~·ager .. · ·

• ii : =.If :=--.... ·- .,;._,,___',... _,;, 1 l~,J .. ::; ! -



All Competition Afet in Prices on These Commodities

. . '

Roomy Yard .. Stalh .. Water

-= ll> wo~·'··'" •

Barnett · eL PAso AveNue· • . .

Phone 86 •

. . Special Fadlitic:s Fot Banquet and llinuer Parties.

""' C~rrizozo Eating House

F. w. QU)l~sv_ ttt~nac~r. ·

• . '

•ra&t~ SuJ'I'licd with the tfer;t thl! market affhtcb.

lU.5 East Central k • • •


.~ . ·-·.

' '

. .., ..


• .•

. .

.. • •

• •

. · .


• . ' '

. ..

econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln· and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f&#039; In Tho "bully beet.&#039;&#039; ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (5)


• •


• ' . '


! .A •

l • ;

" .


- .

• •

• ,. '


• '

' ·.,

.. . . ., . . ..

•. c· •• -,Out o~ tbe<~renches _f~r·ii,-l3reathiJig·Space· •



• •

lon: tl1<'1 111111 IU'£11

• trnln ot


·Just How the Goodfields · I·

· The ~Stingiest Couple". in Town.-• ' .

. .. .

' • . . ... ~ "" .

' ••

B1 BOO'nl"TARKlNGTON ot tht Vlolbnt~

. '

' ·"<'- •• > ·~ •

• • • • •




. ' . ·~·- .... . ·.

r-~o .... • •••


. ' •

. . .,., .. _ _,.,.;.<~,=~·-

.. •

. ' . ' ' • • • . .

·.Ro·o-~m'~,,-..:.-;1.'-o::o ~~!n~nt·~d:1$~l~~.5:0--:::-p-e_r_ d~&-,i~~, ..---:-­

t with detathe.d· bath) · . ' ' , . . . . ..

Rooms, $Z.OQ nnd $2.50 per day . . · t with private bat b)·

• • • . The .JT••t..t Zt•ig-cr Diilrn~r . RI)OUI 11;1 lwuwu nil over tho Soulltw, ... , .1,. '"'1'\:hlg "l'he

·beat; of ITt-~\ lllln;.r amJ C\'i,>,ry· ihtmr ulllw lw~t .. ' .

HOTEL ZEfGCR • ta•now ~orvlna · rt~auh•r roe11h: 35c Breakfaali 4{)c L-unthl '60~ Dhtpor,


DURO'C HOGS KCjlfl.tltere•tl, -Pure Bred,

VBccinufcd We. m;m 'fin• f >tr;;l'i\t huportNl Herd ln tin• \\ • "t llrt><"tlhiJ{' 8toc:ft tlf nil lmuh ft~r Dnh.•. U you udill' Ju•w .. , "''ud roi'. our boukkt: · ••

. .... s. ll. :MJt,UUI N~ G •. Mn~.'i't.O:<tnw, Sec'y.~

RO~U..U.·CAJUUtolo MAIL tl~l! · . t.fto!l.Ve 1-ln ~Wl·U •• •. ·, • • • 7:00 11. tii.

' .

... . .. • •


• •


~ .


• }

econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln· and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f&#039; In Tho "bully beet.&#039;&#039; ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (6)


. '


.~ · ·' · A..· Bird·. ID the:; •

~. I•fe,..Uep ~! l1111tt41 , · .. o.,art.._, •t. ~ .. ) WHI~ Aftl 'L!NTtfUL SAVE .fO~ft SCAtteiTY

' ' ' • t~ •

- ----"''' . •

.. •

. ,


In Wattr aiUI •liM .

For About T- Cenu a Often 1!:111 Can lie ,.,..Mrvell to Tweh'• MenthL


EJttrtr Water-01111 or Umewa­ter May Bt Uud by Any

Houaowlfe. ---


UN Onlr Jil'lrm.lhiiiH, ,,. .. h, Cleen, end lr ,.eee1111., Infertile l:gg­

Ceet le llltlmat.ll at Twe c.m. ~.p o ......

. '

or lr•l. aod pour the clear lllllewatft' lui., the vr<uel u•tll tba •111 are """ er•1l .At leut Z locbee of the aola· lloa abould coTer .-., tOJ laltr tl •11•. 8uruetlmu a P.OUnd at e&ll .. Ufld wtrh the lime, but •Pwlllea ll.u ahowo 1 hat Jo aenual the lima wiUI· out ••• llllll 11 more aatlltacto17.

Jrruh, ~lea• •111, preperlr ,,.. nrnel, ~ao lloe Ulad ntlltaC\OI'Ilr fur llll purpoaeo I• c:oolrl•r aa4 frn the Ialli.. When 1111 are PrNII'Ta<l Ia wu trr 11011 are te Ita bolla<!, a ltlnlll llola ahoulel ~. mada In t•• 1bell .wttll 1 1•tn at tile Jarre eod betere placlDI lhem In tho water.


'• .'j •. "


.. ,,


Horace' M, amery Decorated b~ J<lng .,. ·~f (l~~l Brltahdor Dl"lngula~ed

Former Rqya1 Du.blln Fu•IUer Tella. ot Tortlir4!1 un~ergon•

. . , · war -O•rvlco. . ,

·"It waa .here . Utey ball • ~culhtr . . . . .,_.,...., . · Enle

· . · · by· Cqptfvea. · ·, . • torin ~t torture. TWU bJ,-pol~ Wl.lre .:Ht~mpht~ ~egp..-Bornce .:u •. · .· "'' erecte!l II) the . center· ot the .~mp. a Memphla boy, hO:s been \l.;JC01"14feiJ ~1 The o1Deer. woui4 . pfc:JE · out. A conple ronr Geol'g'lf !lt ll!I!gfand , tor (Ustfn•

~~II.·.-~· mel!~ tor 40 ·~pp~rent eaus!l beyllbd gul!!hed · w'"' .service, U!l wrs11 ~Qillld~

. tl\ct tbqt ~ey were hnted. :art tis~. In. thl! J!nttle vt· tM Somme. n~d ~i' · ' ei'I.J-IInd hn'V" th~m tleft. tl(;htly~to tb(l 11ent t~;~ ll · Ill wb. ll

~~~~~~~~~;~:ar:o~wn~~d~.t~h~cl~r;~a~pn~·;"HKh~e~. ~~~~~~ Tlllln thllY wnnld to Ule ,ldnl($ . ' lQng George met . , p • ' . '

' ' I

'l'onnenta Wounded Officer .Beggli1G for Drlnk-'rr•v•J ,,~e Da)'a Wltl11?1i~

l'ood or Drink· Fi~n~lllh · · Forma of Oruelty.

ot ; ehadQW II()UP-Onr <ml;v him lllld i!hOQII: b~nds with ''·'~ In J'e!ll . trC>nt of~tl!l!ri!-; lln\1 lcnv~ ·them therQ .America~ tflshloQ, an(! llnl4 :· tor 48 houra. Tbreli tim~ I was BtveQ • ''ln!Jl sin" tQ II!( Y?U ns an Amer(· thl,!l~ torture, ~.or cou!'!!e one'!t head tell C!ln cltl~en wllo enme to ~y . countrr, torwar«J while Jn th~ll posltton, and one nil 8 member Qt our Co:nndlnn troop~. wa11 compelled to look at tile bowl ot ~hen the 1tlng pluned the medal on soup that could not J:le reached, whlle Emery's eo(lt. . •

' · · hunger Added to tho pnln ot tile tight

y ., __

, . .

. .

ObJcago.-.,4 tall, blu!Mly~ tatr- r()PCII. and the terrible weariness o.f SERG'EAN. r' . NET· ·r·. 1. E .. haired Irll!b bo1 rec:ent11 arrived here . ·::.,~;:·~~-:;~:;!'--==<=='-1~ atter apendfng two years tn German SUIJlenalon. · . __ ;;;


prlf!OD eampa imd JIUirerlng from hpr-. ",A.n~t_llf!r Brltlah-Qanr1dlan Recruiting Mlaalon ron such lUI tew men survive, ~. · · th~tomcer. was to compel us to run tor Haa Only Woman Recruiting Prender&'liat finafe of the RoJal D11b- hours wltlJ Pur baro teet In wooden Ortl09r In United Sta~ea. II~ ll'uallters. He was with the Fourth sabots Ulat ehaf11d with every IJtep. . dfvl•lon ot the "contemptible little We would run until we dropped from Chlcngo.-When Sergt. Nettle Me-ann1" thnt tought at Mona. Be took 11heer e:rhnuatlon. Pherson sounds the battle cry the men Pari Jn .rear-guard aetlollll after tho "From Senne Lnger ~ went to Lim· juat"l;-o wlW nbout her and toll over

each other to enlist In the :British retreat began, bnttllng with whut berg. nrmy at loC'.al stntlogs of tlle Brltlsb· aeemed to be Innumerable host.l ot the "At LlmborJ: we were lnoculnted Cunndlnn recruiting mlsRion. In her onQmy unUI on AU11Jit 27, 1914, he feU with some virus, wblcb we were told trim Gordon Hlghlnndero' klltles ond wounded In the h.ead, somewhere nenr wua to make U!! Immune from typhus • . EtreUL Tho !!trnnge thing 111 that soon .nttl!r tnrtnn, nnd with her snappy black eyles

d nnd winsome smile, Sergeant N!!ttle He wus picked up b)1tho enemy ond 76 per cent ot tlle enmp cnme own t' d plied Into n cnttle cnr nlong wltb wtth what they cnlled 'bronchitis.' It getu 'em. She cnn also do n Big 1 nn

F It 1 t lllng nod piny tlle pipes, and Wbe ohe scores ot other wounded prisoners. or developed Into tuberculoslll. , s o does, the Ogb Ung blood ot the Scot nod tlvo dnys he trnvoled north· und east 'This tact I owe my freedom. They on tho wnv to Oepnnny, wJUlout tood thought J wns dying from con!!umptlon, Briton bolls nnd he cnn't resist. .~r-

, 1 d 1> .McP-J1erson ltr annt fo ~Oethe only or water, without nny nttonUon by doc- and they sent me to Switzer an . to_ o . m 1

tl United tor or Red Orosu nurao. exchanged. 1 guess they woui!J be dl~~o woman reerultlng o cer n 1e

appointed If tlley COIJld 11eo me now." Stutes. NllrH Tor.!DtDtl .Officer, llJ1Jli -car wns an oftlcer ot tllo War­

';rtcke, pnlntully Injured. At . one of the mnny stn Uons where the truln mopped thla mon be&gL>d tor some ro-



• New Idea for Boys and Girls of the United States School

Garden Army.----~



ol'hP nnrJ you 'fOnt to l'Url up In the Inti of IIIP barn nnd rPod. or go out In tllP lot nnd ploy hnsrbnll, nnd you will hnve to stl('k to the gnrden nnd do your work for Pnele Rnm.

Wltot oro )'OU goln~r to nnmc thnt llltlo gnnh>n ut youn?

1 will tell J'OU who t I am goln~: to nnme mln-mtne Is going to be cnJied Sam Brown-be<'lluse Snm Brown Ia n boy who never bod n cbnnce In life UIJ tho wnr llrolte out, and then he 110 w bin e.hnnC>t nnd took It, and he Ill oTcr tbt>ro In France todny fighting tor

-~-All-Knitting. June-Do you knit? Susie-No. Jnno-Oet busy, ltld:

knit. .

lllch all­famou.


even bonce •

$100 Reward, $100 · Catarrh IJo ~ loCAl cUicuo sreatly lo1la.

enecd by cooaUtuUonoJ oondlUooa. It thoretor~ .~ulroa C:ODitltuUonaJ treat. mont. BALL'B CATARRH MlliDICIN. Ia takaa lntomally and llCia throucb tht Dlood on tho Mucoua Sortnc~ ot tlio_el' .. tem. HALL'S CATAIUW' llalDICIN. dcatron tho touo4aUon ot the 41......, ll'lvct~ tha pnt!ent 111'onlth by lmprovtq tbe aoneraJ hcaJih and eu1ata n!ltmJ• doln• Ita work. $100.00 tor &n7 C&N Catarrh thaJ BALL'S CAT :HEDICINl!l t&lla to cure.

Druuflltl '!5o. TutlmontaiJo tree. r. :T. -cheoe:r 6 eo., Toledo, Oblo. ••

, Name the Little Plot for the One You Think of When You Hear Them

Singing "The Long, Long • Trail." you nnd tor mo nnd tor Undo Sam, A New Man. ~ ~

nod 1 nm eoln« to nnmo my little llDI'- Slln and hetr woo 1D ooo of h1a den otter him.~ .... . . ,, . , ,, , , . , , l. b<ll:h~l.ltul,m•lOllln. ilf~l~Mtlog.·tbat•lu~ <War·· •·

• •

. ··; ..


Dare are ftJta wa71 t. '"TMt apollac• of •aP froai' II.Ml, ~· IVhJie hlp prlc:aa tor •11• laat 1r.-ot onom7 ot llotll ud

om>tor are -~~I,L ~[~~ -'ll.J#UL lll,l¢ ll. ~.~;~;mt;:qp:::,,_;:,::.,;;_,..;,.;;.;:;..,.Pm=""' ti WliJf le maia a reaol,.. t. pruoru 1. Kee11 the ae.ta llMD;

,_ t·•· .. , ,, .. ay, WJNIFQQ- '8L1AOK1 ··' · ·• fFnlm tho Department or the lntertor )

1 There 11 a now lden ID tbe UnJtcd , 8tntc11 scbuol l!llrden n~~;.

if+m.'Wlli!it""'iifFY' 10'ifl:lff "" iiimo ·~

· · 'Whlit ''ti~ 'yoif g61ni:c 'lc 'onmo your not golDS' to be tlliD, thnt or !be other llOrdon? Wbo II the noldler you know? when he il"CW up 1 be was i(llng to bo Who 111 the ono you think ot when you aomothlng t>lll(!. Aontlo "==="~'".,..,

"II• Wa tprtna •II• lll•r are plenll pro•lde pna caet for neq '"' tul fer Ula ...... of ac:ardtJ wlaJc.b bora.

torn,. 1o Uta tall and wtote? J•atUnr 3. Gather Uta .. ., lwtte up ,.11a In a wa ter-c1au aol u lloo or daiiJ, . llmowat.,- Ill 1101 ID upartrueott.J en I. Keop the *Ill Ia I eMl, torprtae Tlaoaaa•4a at ~l!om•n ,,... ar

1 room or "liar.

""• ••• 117 ~- maU.od• lo lll• •· llarllet the ana M IMit oprtna and early JrUmmer 10d kHII U•om tor winter an. Fr01b "1¥11 propPrl7 praae"ed will tr ... p for elrbl to lwei•• monilia In nc:allool wndl Uon and ma7 be aaad wttb aoo<J •• ,., ....

lwlc" a WHir.

!1. lt>ll, lrlU er coaftae all male blrda aa .. on 11 .-. hatf!ll. 1111 •Neon IJo eYer.


Clean anti atere lnoulloaUra. 4ttor the hatrhllll eeaao• Ia tTtr,

riPao and dlelnt.ct tile Jcwbat.r. F.mj)IJ the Iampi a•d raretull7 ltOH tho portl Jn1lde the mac:-blo11. Lalllpl

wntalnlnr oil wblcb are allowed " ,...malo In pioN on the lnc:ubator fer

M. J. Pendargut.

Uet.. A Bed Orou nurso bro~t a c:np or cuff~ hllld It In front of bla CJCIII, epat In It nod throw It In bla ta-.

"tt \Yill tho uaunl tb!Di wbcnovcr th07 o1ramt 111 anything to drink tor thoao Gonnan ntll"'CCI to rplt In It drat." Prendorpat doetarea.

'.l'lle PJ1aoller8 wero ~•tn.lne4 at Benno Lft1or bel Padorborn, ono ot tho ftrat prtaron cnmpa opened br tho m· ...,,

"J'OC' 11 dny1," aa711 tho lrtah bo3, "we IA1 on tho boro earth uncnrcd tor. Thoro Willi no aholler obovo UD IUld ont ovcm a pnllet of atrnw beniHltb u-. Thvru wore barrock& nod atabhm near­b7 that might bnvo boon need, but wa

own lltllo plot ot Jri'OQDd. llttlo datu, It you are luc]Q' ononah to bnvo ono of your own In your baclr :vard 7

Whet are you (l'olna to cnll your 1)()­tflto pt!tch, brother, )'01l \Tlth tho brllbt 07u thnt wuoo•t oo bright tho dny you '<1'f'Dt down to tho lltfltton to aco "'- brothor off \Tlth h1a roatmonU

Oh. 7c>e, yon toll In behind tho liOl· dJ0111 and lrvpt tlno ttep to tho mu•Je of tho band and bold up )'our boad end foiC....bla ooouib and atrona enough to ma~b a thoua:~od mile:. ADd tako a million Oennon prtaooors-bul when bo bn~ ~n• an4 you went ho~ nod mother put her o~ around you and lnJd bar head ou your llhouldrn and uii:C!d you to holp her to be bruve­somcthlna qnoor happ.,ncd to your hoort and you bava never telt qnlto tho ~amo since, hovv yout

Leos Troll r Lets nnmo t.ho JJtUo enrden In our own bnck yard tor him.

And You, Little Sliter. Como, llttlo ulater, you nro dolna

your port. too. nod doing It fnlthtul17 whetb"r roo nrEt tired or not or whctbt>r you wlab you Ollnlrl go down town nnd hnvo qn 1cc t"l'f!nm 11odn ond forget thnt thero wna 110ch n thine na n I'QhCJ or boo In tho wor•d. You oro tho rom­fort of ynur lonely to tht>r'a hmrt now· ndnya. Wboro'o thot plt"ture ot tho bo7 In uniform? Your own JlllrtletJ­Iar coldJer?

wna ~:~>lng to be. "I'm ~:~>log to be o bllf papn. nnd not

work at niL," "Oh. you don't mron thnt 7 .Not . _

Work at nJI? I DoTer heard or 11 pnpn not tvorklng nt all," nunttc m:elnlmod.

"No, I'm not aolng to work et alL Just going to stny nt hom*o ADd b~ now papa." At thts nnntlo burnt . lnughlng and IID.Id : 1"

"Oh. :vou menn JOU'ro BOlng to be • liOrt or new woman r

"No, no. no," Ute tot retorted 'Tm ~roln~: to be n now moo."

You wouldn't toke nnytblng In the n.'e Infant Mind. world tor It, would yon? How bnnd- "Where art> you gol~ mrunmnr r:omo he Ia, ond bow brave. It mnkea "'To o mrprlll(! pnrty, denr." your (>)'oa fill wltb tenm ot pride oven "C':nn't 1 aro. too. 011d Archie nne? to think of hiR nom~tl Jour llttlo Ednn r· gnnlm nftl'l' blm nod Write to blm "Xo. f)t>or, you WPM'n't lnvltPd." ovCT there In tho tn>nf'bea ond tell blm "W~n; don't you· think lbt>y'J be loC.

1 f atlllfiC'tOFJ relroiU .,.. to l>e ob­lalne>d the .,,... llbould be fr•ah and riND, Orm abollcd and, If pooall•l•. In rar·lll• &ap laid durtna A pr11 ll •1 and ecrlr June haTe b<o•n fouo•l ro k...,p bettor than thou laid lal•r In lho ••••un E~ra• that Coat uhrn plo• e>d to lb• 14>lutlon .,. not rr.,•h and 1 h••n>fo,.,., rnnnot be pre .. r .. d Wluoo no •11 le onlr ell&btl7 ouiiiKI • rlolb da ropeof'd wl.- YICieaar Ml o !>co oaed fn l"PtllOTP VUeB 'ltalll1 VlliT~ f1o tTl' rnrnntonree ahould lloadlr 1oulled ••r• I>• naod ror prva•"loa. It pol Into tb• Jar wbllo dlrtJ lba7 will opoll, aod ... 1aahlllll ,...muYea a prot .. .., I •o rno II 01

anrnt• ttma after tbe hatchlnr a .. eoa t 11

wed 10

enter them. Molt rnay rnnoe trnubla wh•n the aachiDa

1 wor" no 0 0 k tro our

Ia atorted a rain aa thu oil t .. dl te , . ot WI wc'!rt';~:U .. ~~ . •urk liJT1ntiJ11t1'1!omt 'Tliii'Tncaiitirj lllRt vtnu 0 00

01 ahould be dlalnf.rtcd ance a 7ear .., movo. At Iaiit tlloy put up o mnrq S.

Ant1 now they nro beidnnlng to ti!IJ :vou In l!('hool nboul Rlll!lln and what 0 rich C'OUDir)' It Ill nod bow WUC'b It

iy get pom~t~mtlon ot lt-lllld at hom*o aometJmi!S your yrown totke look pretty eertoua nnt1 you wonder It It could bo

nhout It, ond Jnnt wnlt UIJ you tret morP g'priA('() lf you took uo nil r-bnck hln lelt('r In rt>ply. Bn,;to~ Jo:':"nlnlr~ 'J'rnns~p~L ·-· ~ . -~--- T ~~1 "Som Brown..," tMt.J.a...wtn~t to. .... 1o.+~.

-----~ ..... '--- ·-

--nnmp ot my anrd .. n. VIndictive. Whnt lo golD It to be the nnme of Friend-Wbn 1 would rou lllre beat

"hlch prvYenta rpolJinl. Coet of ,.,.Mrvlng.

n1 Ule .. c .. r-clau or ondlom clll· •6lo lll•tbod 01 .. at&J be proarrvPd nt 0 <'OCt of about two C't'nte 1 dnJ<'JI lf lh" prtt"' of oodiUill lllliC'IIte IJo 110 r•nto • qoan It J• net dnlreblo to uo" lho CI'DIPr 11ou coloUoa D IH'<ln<l limP

U"r" Ia tho W11te1'-IIIU molhod ao •l<>nrrtbod hy I!Pfl1allota or lho l'nll•d fllaiP dopartm~t of 1~<'1lllnN>

t 'oo 1 quart of !Indium olll•·ar .. lo I> QUII rta of ..... 11'1' thAI b.. l•e.n boll I'd 11nd rooted PlaC"O lbo mlttorf' In • I'> anUcm CN>C.II or Jar. Tbt. wttr tHI

oomrtont '" prvaene Ul ''"""" •ap and will aono aa a cutd• tor rho quan. Utr noodod to pnosono lorr., num .,..,.,. of .. , ..

flt<IO('I n n ...... aalloo f'J"'C'II and ~Jean •t rhorouebly. attor wbleb It lhnuld be arnlded aot1 allowed to 4F7 n ... t • quADUl7 of watCJ' to tho bolltna point and allow It to t'COl. \Vbcm root m••• .. ,.. cmt Q •nartl of wat .. r. ploMt II In lito c-rol'll and add 1 quart ot 110-

tllum elllrato, ettrriDJ tho rnlxturo I h"I"'U.hly ThO t'iP OOUJd btl JlhU'Pd In lhf' Dt>luth,Jll. If vumctl•nl PIP AN

not ublalnnblo wlaCID th" colullon Ia ttnll mado. additional '"IC• may bt addeO hem lima to tlmo. & QI!J

rarotul to allow at leut two l•t<bC'a of t be c:ntuuon "' toTer tho I!Qll at all lmca. Plaee the Croc!k rootnlnlnr the

P""C1ned fiP In 1 eool, dr7 place. \<ell roTilred to "revoot oTapoi'Qtlon. Waseld papor roTercd over aad lied aroand tho top ot the t"rocll wm an­awn thl1 tlU'llDIIO.

LlmaW11"' May It UMd. Wben wator-claaa C'lhnot be ob­

tnlnoo. llmewatt>r tna.7 be ollf'd ln 111 ateod. lll ... lvo 2 or &. pound• cl ua.lak~ lllot Ia IJ ptJou of water. lhnt bu ,..~ .bftn boiled anti anowl4 to ftl)l, ... · alJow tbe miZ· 1\Jri to etll tit lime utUee

tr.b tlil Ia a dtca ~.awu. .til •

otl""er If any c!ltPUII 11 preunt I• tba : D moro cnnvnll ~c!i 7!tb~!t :~::;. ~~~~ b•n• or rhll'kena. llome eperatan wo woro penn pr•f•r lo dlllnfl'f't th•lr laRIIIIOn ' Tbo flnlt moolcnl nthmtlon I got W1U h•foro or attar .. eh batrll. A aucq when aom" li'n.>nch nnd RWIA1011 doe­eolutton of a rollable roal-tar dletct .. ' ton prtaonont-(lrrJved at tho enmp, unt ma7 tHI uud lo waab out 1M ThCI)' drellll(!(J my hood a1 best th97 mar<bloo and to dlalnfm the •11 trs,. ' could. but tboy hnd no bnn~ Cl%· and ourMry drawer. .~ _ .. ~ .. ·-·~~~··+ _ ~ 1 ~ -~ 1ht!lr. ronld mnke .from

Tf iii~> burlap ou lite bottom af Ula dirty ole? nnny ahlrt. lnt'tlbotor Ia Tery dlrtJ tt 1na7 lla '1 waa tour moutlta at Soooo Lager, rh,.apor to N>n•w tboo to eteaa IL and tn nil thnt tlmo woe not ifvro With an lnMJbator of about I C'lblt 1

Wet! tho t'bnooo to bnthct. f...,t rapaC'tt7 one mar dla!cteet b7! ~---

whlt"h rnntalna ro per cant formal4• pourlna one-half oann of termall.,11 THE GOAL h7do on on•balf ounce af penn.. -.rnoaio of potub In a pan n the 1•1 By Killherlne Lea Datee of ThCJ rubatnr. Tllla produce• a T11'7 P'l•• : VlgllanteL trollna ca• and tltoronrh17 ila!ntartll 1 Tho world bna ellmpacd a vta!on tho maehtoa. The door of the Jan- It lhnll not lose •. bator 1laould be cloafll )alt a1 -• Not botrOO nor dortlllon iu the llqul• 11 .p)U~ lato Uta ,.. Har dlMba11o ood h•tt cloal>d for 12 llloart cr lonfW. Tho nntlona. wronret1 and WTOnifn,. lnt'tlbotortl lhould be well atre• b• Mlllt>d, mlt;ttnderstood, tore th1>7 are u111'4 atter dlaiDteettq. Ot their dt>ep human lonifnl •IIPffiRIIJ wh .. fennaldehyde or aQ F01' broUlorhoocL dlalntl't'taot whlcb prodilea I ,.. IIIII b.con aaed .

-~- ------ Lovo 11 tho onl7 hroUnr. Mo1lo thnt blends

All t11mJrda, light N)v<lallfll ' -F_.,_ trlettd~to <; • ·

Preteot Chleke fPrent Ll-. (luat lhA bt>D With a loot! ID ....

powder b"tora mMt•l 'if!r iliif tlie rhl('bne to the hroM toOp. Tbe Ill• rihoutd be da1tal1 •Tar, two weella or •• otton u a~Uilf1 ••Ill Ult t!hlek· ~unr wnn..t. I , <"<l De numer· oua on l'h1ckta. or lt tha7 are <tre•· biN! With "head 11~,. I VtfJ llttJt ~a11e •nell aa lard or TUtltae eaJ b• atli>IIPCt with tlle llnpre 011 lilt h•ad. nock, unde>r tl!ll wtap. all• nround tht~ Tent. 0l'ftt rare abould "" talu'll. bowever, not to Itt to., mol'h Cl'kllf! on tho <-hlclrt'nl aa It WUI ·atOll tbcolr lf'OWth nrul In aoma l'IHI may

Now fifes our youtb enrapture To o atrlto that ahnll not em1e

Ubtll their rtnd hcnl'tll rapture __ !fho.-Prtn~f-P~ ·· ···'· .. ~- ~

'l'hg7 nball mum wtth tinator. Wbethcr the; como

In ftcah ot Jlll.lrlt,L hrlnatna 'l'betr prisoner Mme.

Oounre ant1 t~l~ hno bound him ll'aat In a ehlnlnl ctlalo :

Tho bloaomed thorn bu erowold him. Bt'auty tram patn.

proTo tatnt Socllum 11uorld. • white> Goal ot tht totllnr Ol'f.l. powrJ.,, Ia ail •,.x,"'ll•nt l'tlml!dy for 1111 No lonrer tar I Ilea of t'hlell:ena. l'utomolortata ot th• On thrOUBh tli~ batUi'l .....-Unttt•d Stntta lll'partment ·~r •~...!!._~ ~~~.t.ftdt tbtt·ltll', · ~ · ·· · · · • tunr lllml Uti1NV•I"fl1 •. um 1-'Amter~t At lHr for a dectatoo Dtlllttlh &Lt., 'iJQtt>a &n4 Ll~. on ~ul~ ThQ a,ht lli IJ)I)l'tal teu4, t1'7." the epactallllta a~acrlb~ll Uto u~~a. llntw J'oree .,.tut. 0.. Vllltoa ot Utla Qtw htnt'd1 tor •lit ••4 JQllll&: OUJroth~ + .. . . ~ '· at~.... .,. .._ .. 1'1 •. --!I

'"" • •


J)CIIlllble-no, It Jm•t, nod yon nre go. Dog Trawled b Camp. Jog to help lllnkc It lmpoalhle. You Sutton. W. \'o.-A rommon )'ellnw

to plnnt thl10 renr7 •·nnnPr-My onmmer vtuUors.

Her ronvCTIIDUon Ia nntllrnUy flow. ery u-ben n ctrl tnlka throtlgh her

and thO!Ie 11trong little brown hnnda ot eur ownoo by Huah Ml'QunJn of In· yours. You 011d your brove benrt and dlnn Fork. n""r h•rt>. n ooldler It&·

Joyal aout. You nnd yonr wnr ll'llrden ttoned nt C'.nmp LN-. n>f':f~u~sed=~t~o•pe:n:nl~t+'!"""~~~:!:if!: tbnt Uncle. Snm. HIAtl:tnt~ ttt imr imr· 1J

You Name Your Oardenr biD young mruner. ThP dog myuterl·

EllRtf'l' hn t.

You11 bltvo iOOd lut'lr wttb your ll'll" oual7 dlotlpt't'llred from home. nod den or iOOd IU<Ieeml wtth lt. There t11reo weetm lntl'l' c:nme o letter trom llm't mach !nell ln tbo l!llMcn bualn~ young !.lrQunln thnt the do~: lmd It a11 jUllt lllmmen down to hard wart up nt f'.nmp ~. .Tho 41 ... and' tho rtgbt ldnd ot cnro, Dlld It '- 4tt 11enri:V 100' miles. rolng to bn bard wortr. wo.

lfiiere wlll bo bot da)'Tl when your back aehl!ll and yon wont to go owtm­mlng: and cool d418 when :vour lm001

Fifteen womt'n nre now lnt'ltlded tn tbe mPmbemhlp ot tlle Rt. l..oula po. Uro IY.mrtmenL


.. (I'~.

• ••

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• •

econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln· and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f&#039; In Tho "bully beet.&#039;&#039; ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (7)

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. .



' "A' •

Jtcl!)ll tb!l teat !if 7e&l'lo. . lta m~t ed ·

lddn ·JIIIdl. . -. . ' •• . . . . KOHL·RABI, ·-

-- • - •• ¥ • • I

.. '

· . rtf · · ~Jio edible porUon of thll J>ol!.l·rab~ ed ~ th~o .• ~~~J· ~'!:~!~.~~~~:~~~:~~:~~:?~~~r~r tbii+--T~rcr'ODli"mi~~~tbo~~~--:~:;11~ cnbbligo and· cnullftower, It .to te.t one of tho most enduro strouhl be started In '.tho li~~b,ed or win·

BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP Wb7 111e ordinary COUih remedies,

when Bolj:hoe'11 Ocnnan Syrup hu been Uled 10 1111cceatull,f for llft1-one Jeaft 1n all J)&1'U of the UDlt.d StatM for eoulla, bronchltl.l, colds Mttl,;'d In the throat, eapeclal.1J luq troubl... It ciY• the paUent a pod Dl&ht'• TMt, free tram con&blnr. wtth IU7 upectoraUon 1n the mo~. ·ct.,.. nature a chance to IOOthe the Inflamed part~, throw oft: the dlaeue, laelptq the paUent to regain h1l b•lth. Made 1n Amerlea and 1014 fol' mon than halt a «nturJ.-.AdY. /


lprtfto. "'What JOn 80 uneaq! Ia

,-our cotlldcnee. troubllnl your · '-No, w1.nter 'imderwcar."

Tilb tho UWe joys out ot Ufo IUld the b~ onea laft would ~ be worth ll~ tor.

,a 'l'he lntelloc:tuAJ tJpe of bcaut7 b

•eud but not ecen.

c:tSlN ~ ~ · .. lng aQd satlsfnctory vegotablt>s. It dow box and sot In .the open ground b. ~0:J Cl!n be grown .on~nlmost nny well· about the time of 'the lust troat. ~be

drained soli, but wm do !>cat on a deep method ot plnntlni; and the ·cultivation

TheY'd FJght, of Oourae. Ten negroes of Dallas, Te:ms, called

for physical e:mmtnaUon, we:. &... euu!DB tho world war while awaltlq thelr tt1rn, and of the number .ftft woro ruu:to'QIJ to lbo France and have a trip on tho Qcenn. One didn't want to fight "boca111e ree aU out o' prac­tice."

''I !11n't had a fight lltnce I wu fOil'· teen ycnlus old," tio sntd. "But It I av'b get In pracUC~~ them BUill bett.IC watch out."

Tho tenth wu uked If he would llght.

Bcratchlns hb head, be po~ tor a moment, then declnrcd :

"It they sends me to France and all)' of thorn OehmiUIJI mectdle.. wtt me. I llho' wtll Oibt."

Tho tl1!U ator IWMtly at mom &114 no-but do a bit of ICJ'&tchloc beo tween.

, tuin!lr loam, There Is little posstbll· Is slmllur to th'llt 'prucUced ·tor cub­Sty of having thp ground too rich, and bnge. ·It can bo planted In tllo open liberal applications of partly rottl!d at the sumo time. Early so\lflnga are burnyard manure should be made be- made, und It tb!nned to 4 tJ{ 6 Inches tore tho plants are set. The seeds of npart the plants will soon grow · to asparagus may be sown during the edible slzo under tnvorablo weather spring In rows where the plants are to conditions. This plant should receive remain, and the seedlings <thinned to much more. consideration thun usunll;y stand 14 feet apart In rows. · Is g1\·on lt. It Is really o poor mun'a

It Is USIII1Hy more sntlstuctllry to C!!Ulltlower,


P.YI'chase two-year-old roots, os con· Bldemble time 111 saved In this way. As tho aspnragus bed' Is o permun'ent feature of ·the gnrden, Jt ahould· be ~flo·i - Th'e culture und uses of collurds ore catoo accOrdinglY. Detore setting the tho some ns tor cabbage. The plants plants the soli obould be loosenl!d very should bo stnrtt•d In very curly spring deeply, either by subsoil plowhiir" or by nnd Sl't out ns 6oon ru1 the ground Is deep spndlng. It Is o good plnn to ro- In conllltlon. Thei wltliiltnnd the hl.!ut move the top soli and spnde monure bett.,.r thun l.'nbbuge und ore much Into the subsoil to u depth or U or 10 uoed In tho southt•rn portion of the Inches. The plunts may be set In country. Collards do not torm a true rows tor horse cultlvntlon or In beds. hood, hut lnstl'nd 11 loose ro>1ette ot It In rows they should be set 14 lnt•hes leaves, which, when blnnchro, uro npnrt, with the rows 8% teet apart. very tender und ot tlt•lll'nte flnvor. It In bel1s. one toot apurt eul.'h woy Is No southern gnr<ll.'n 111 I.'OUitllt•te tho proper distance to 11et the plants. without tbls plnnt. Too oth•u, how· In setting the plants the erowns should ever, It huu eonstltuted lhl' HUm tntnl be '\OVered 4 or II Inches deep. In the fthupe ot go.rd<•n uu 11plles. Use

In the North the plants should re- tt, but don't nhu11e It, .• cetve a mulch ot 4 or II ln,·bes ot mo· nure In winter." In the South tho mulch lu not ncc011sory, but tho (llnnta should receive o coat ot m\lnure or nn npplll.'atlon ot tertrltzer, preternbly In autumn.

No nboota should be removed during the flrnt yenr tho plantu are set In tho permanent bed, ond the period ot cut· Ung nl1ould be ubort during tho oocond

bettor thnn the boob vnriNieu ore 1111perlor to tho bunh vnrlethlll In mony other N!apecta Ooo mnrltcd ndvnn· togo of tho pole bcn011 to tbnt tboy may bo planted around tho fence, utlll:tng tho tenco u n aupport tor tho vlni'A. In this manner n crop of bennn eon bo IICCtlrod with the uno of o minimum amount ot llpoeln¥J

When plnnt.Qd [n rowa to tho ill~" dcm. pole limo benDD oro usually plnnt· od In hUla a to 4 feet aport and uup­portod on poles or 11 utrlng and wire trclllll.

The bush IIDlllll nro nauolly drilled



LIKE BACON In row. 1101Ilo S'd. feet apart tor home , ____ _:;:;;;:;;;:;;:_ ____ , cu:lt1vatlon. or lllfgbtly cloaor for Mod '

Plnnt tbe nooda ot llt'PIX'I'II In tho hotbed about nix W'l>ekn to two rnnntba before time to net tb<'m In th<• opt>n ground. They Kbouhl be trnniiJIIontt>d at leout once nod nhould not be oot In the open until th1> &round lo thorough­a,. wnrm. Wbrn lll'own In Uw gurdl.'n tbo lol'(fe bull·noncd typetl llhould bo placed In rown 3 fl't't npnrt with tho plonts trom 16 to 17 loehea apnrt In rows. Froquent abnllow <'Uitlvntlon llllonld bo gl nn, and the ,PloniJI will rooUnuc to bcmr until troRt klllo them.


"Dia deep, manure well, work often." . Thua Pliny the Elder, Dllnrly 2.000 11!01'11 a~ro, IIUmmcd

•Gave It to me. Please. GraiJd. claddY."

"WID' Bobb,., If 1100 walt a bit for It JIOU11 b ave It to ·eoloY lonaerl"

.. Poo-POOJ Thans , no anrument wltb

WRIGLEYS •cause lb.o ftoyor tuu.. lm'WIYI"

____ .. ... •

HelPs teet b. breath. VPeflte. dbZestloo.


"It Ia odd thtlt aoul~ are 80 often &Sven 118 autho11tlca."

"Not at n11. .tor w~t thay 11Q 10M. •

"8o JOU thJnk nrt l'nn Improve 011 naturor "'ortntnly. It not, why tht Eutereqr

' I'' I I ,, '' I I

Meat is as Necessary as Steel and Ships

Food ia the fint essential of the fighting forces.

The American farmer and the Y ou know how cooking brings out all the rich

· -~~··pungent ·iiavor uf 'bacon there's nothing that tastes better. But you wouldn't like it raw.

cu:ltJmtlon. Tho limn beona oro n tull : llllll.IJOn crop, that Ia, they OCCtlJ>Y the ' ground for tho onuro growtnr ~>Cnnon, I and o 1111metent nmount ahould be , planted to provldo for tho needs of the : family tor tho enttro eeaaon. Any mr· , plus not t18ed groon IDllJ' bo nllowed to

up ~fJ-~~a,d_vl':'!.!~--·-1+ ... ~. ~c!t~~-~_!el...:mffi~et~~-~J'!.~lrY . .WJl!!_j gency, and have promptly furnished

IT'S TOASTED ·-~--.. ~ ·- ~--- -~ -so-w.~ iiMijf the 13Urzey tobacCo




med fn LUCKY STRIKE Ciga· atta for e:zact1y llie ··same reason -to. bring out the rich, solid flavor.

' t ·'


tor winter UIIQ, I l..lma beallll COIIJitltuto one of the t

mOIIt Batllltoctory Cl'OPJI tor growin~~: for winter'& use.. u the onl1 mre ne- : CC!Slllll7 to 811ve them 11 to pick the ripe 1 pod-, dry them thoroughly and shell i the beona. In the northern portion of · tho country where limo b.aDJJ do not '

Enthualamn must biJ bat'kcd by aolld purpone-enouah ot It to BUnnoont obstol'les nnd ll11l"

vivo dlanppolntmcnta. The beat lnaurnm"O agulnat nc­

ddenu In flllrdeolng 111 knowing bow to lmrden.

thrive, polo hellllll of tho Loy Wife L..---=~~~~~;;;:-....,....,_. --+'VIR'Il1tT· mllt'lttn- "UUIBC!Uon. PROFIT ABLE USE OF~ MANURE

RADII Hila. - Garden and Orchard Will Take Oood

Care of All Fertilizer Pro­duced on Fa"".

Sllvo nnd apply all ot thl' bom1nrd montlN tbnt In produt'ed on 1007 form. The flllrden nod the orrbnrd are like proi!J)«'tlvo enndldot-thPJ ore "In n rccepJ;Ive mood." It In dlf· fl<'Dit to get 1r11rden land too rll'b. In <'llRI! there I'IOOtna to bl' mon~ nltrogrn from heavy appllcntloDII ot manure than the other ronstltuenta, appl1 ncld phosphate nod 'hardwood nsbl!ll to bal­ance tbfl fei'tlllty COlllltltbenta.

Tho nsdbb Ia quito hArdy and mny be IJ'OWD thi"'Uglwut tho winter In the mtddlo lectlon of the Unltro Btotes. In mnn7 portlorut of the Booth lt_la pa. alble to rrow It In tho open ground throuchont the winter. For tho hom*o garden the aced should be aown In the open rround abo'Ot the time of the lrurt killing frost. The aeoo.ilbould be aown In drills at a convenient distance for cultivation. uauaUy about 18 lnchea. To be of rood qnallty, rodlshea mllllt be grown qUickly In rich son, and be used u IIOOD 1111 of sumetent mo. Bnl!­cesstve plantings should be made eveey few da711 until the weather beeo'mes Find Amount of' Geed Needed • warm. · They will not wtthtto.nd bot Aim to make every need count. He-weather· and ·are stU ted to enrly spring member the s'Upply ot aome ot the 11.nd late &.ufumn _ptanHng. . . , I m•ore Important "'lrleUM ·{Jf ·· mu•dett I

There are autumn vartettea of rad· 1eed Is limited. and In order thot nU lahes which may be grown lAte In tho mAy obtnlu e6Jough to meet their nerd11, IIClliOD and stored for winter uao tho everyone ,nluii'llll ro-opl'l'tlte to mnke

these wUJ •odd variety to t1lo winter 11Upply of V~Ur:etables ..


Brussels 111>routs nro closely related to mbbnge nnd cnullflower, and mny b& grown In very much the sllttle man·

BroadcKitlng Manure• Mnuure fM brondcn~rtlng on top of

the plowed groulld should be well rot· IN! nnd ftttl'. After AprMdk;ig IJIIX It Wl'll with tt • harrow hrtore> drlllln11 In the seeds.

• nu. The &eed lliay be start~ .In the Qrown In Oreenhouae. window box or ln tho hotbed 1111d SwlliiJ llhni'd Ia aomrtlmen grown In transplanted to the gnrden. wben thl~t~me. ~enhouoo to nd·vnntngt>. Betrts

· llround Ia In <!Ond1tlon to work. IIiii}' be started und('r thl! gl'el'ohouno "Inttull of l'l illngl& bead, Brulllt!ls bench It there 19 llgllt enough to pro­

. *Ptot1ta- lll'Odttw n 1lirp ~number amaU heads. theae bend$ being torn•· .tct ln . .thtJ· UJI• of tho. len'V(!s..,. It -tttort fleada beebme too d'owdi!d, tho lMt,ea '8llonld be bicik~ oft' · u to gtvo

· h&dlt m(lre ··

. .

ta rom the tun te!tlitb .;t

• • . ·~ "

an adequate supply of wholesome meat.

No other induatry can claim a better racord of war time efficiency.

' . Swift & c~mpany~llaa Shlpped to·· the United States Government and the Allied Nations,

Onr 12,000,000 Ponds (400 carloada) per week. of bee~ pork, and lard, sfnc:e

January 1, 1918.

In one week recently we shipped

~,000,000 Pounda(SOOcarloada) and the demand is increasing.

Our profits are limited by the -Food Administration to 9 per cent · on investment in the meat depart­

ments. (This means about 2 cents } -No-

is guaranteed. '


We are ~ratiQa with the Government to the best of otir ability.·

Swift & Company UJ18 Year Book, c:on­tainlni OlllllY· intwreatin1 and lnatruc:tl!• . , facta, sent 011 reque~t.

Addreaa, SwUt a: Company, Union Stoclc Yards Ch o Dllnolt

u.s. A.

-1" .

• •


• • ... ··

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econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln· and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f&#039; In Tho "bully beet.&#039;&#039; ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (8)

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··r . Wr~~e· t~dqy for lUll in'formation.

. I ! li

Acldreu, DAVID R •. BOYI),,Pt~s'iaent University of New Mexico-

• • • • ALBUqU~RC:WE. N. M. · •

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econ l a r un ~rtve - Lincoln · and 10 with tho qutlrterronntl!f&#039; In Tho "bully beet.&#039;&#039; ltfllldll, conclcl)ll(l(l which contnlna - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.