Elden Ring Unalloyed (2024)


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for "Elden Ring Unalloyed" modpack

=== 1. Update & Backup save files

--- 1a) Run the game once in vanilla via Steam in order to update your saves to the latest version. Just get to the main menu and select "Exit to Desktop"
--- 1b) If you already have Seamless co-op installed, run once with Seamless Co-op to update those saves as well
--- 1c) Go to %APPDATA%\EldenRing\ and make a backup of "ER0000.sl2" (and ER0000.co2 if applicable) for safekeeping

=== 2. Extract Elden Ring Unalloyed (and the Unzip Utility) to an empty folder

=== 3. Download all desired items (all mods are optional, installer will recommend Seamless, Randomizer, and ERR):

--- 3a) Elden Mod Loader: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/117?tab=files
--- 3b) Seamless Co-op: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/510?tab=files
--- 3c) Mod Engine 2: https://github.com/soulsmods/ModEngine2/releases
--- 3d) Elden Ring Reforged: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/541?tab=files&file_id=20111
--- 3e) Item and Enemy Randomizer: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/428?tab=files
--- 3f) Rings of Talent: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/1772?tab=files
--- 3g) Clever's Moveset Modpack: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/1928?tab=files
--- 3h) Fog Gate Randomizer: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3295?tab=files
-May cause warping issues with Seamless
--- 3i) Elden Ring First Person Souls: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3266?tab=files
--- 3j) Diablo Style Loot Remastered: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3498?tab=files
-It is not recommended to raise the Items per Item Lot setting. Game may not even start when set too high.
--- 3k) Erd Tools: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/2233?tab=files
-May cause performance issues, especially with DSLR
--- 3l) Posture Bar Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3405?tab=files
-May cause crashing if Elden Mod Loader's load delay setting is not high enough
--- 3m) Transmogrify Armor: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3596?tab=files

And place them in the "downloads" folder within ER Unalloyed, as this is where the installer will look for them.

=== 4. Run Install_Unalloyed.bat

--- 4a) If your game is installed anywhere besides the default directory for Steam, the installer will pop up a notepad window asking you to input the full path to your Elden Ring "Game" folder. Navigate to wherever your EldenRing.exe file is, copy the address at the top, paste it into gamepath.txt, and save the file.
--- 4b) The installer will briefly open and close the Randomizer to initialize the settings. If your game is installed anywhere besides the default directory, the installer will prompt you to click the "Find game exe" button within the randomizer and point it towards your eldenring.exe file. Do so, then close the randomizer.
--- 4c) If the installer cannot locate save data for the base game or for Seamless co-op, it will launch the game for you to generate save data. Accept the license agreements and select "Quit Game"
(The installer will ask if you ran into a "corrupted save error" which the game throws if you have save data from before the last official patch, and take you through steps to update it if so. Your save data is at no particular risk during this process)
--- 4d) Next, the installer will prompt you to input a Seamless Co-op password in the same manner. Remember this password as your co-op partners will need to type it in as well.
--- 4e) Once the installer re-launches the Randomizer, you're free to start fiddling with settings and randomizing. If you received a seed from a friend, paste it in at the bottom and uncheck the "Reroll Seed" option. Make sure that the text box by "Merge other mod" is pointed to your "Elden Ring Unalloyed\mod" folder (this box being blank means your presets probably didn't load correctly and that you may need to re-install). When you're ready, hit the Randomize button. If you made any basic changes to the settings, hit Options... Save Options File... and overwrite unalloyed.randomizeopt and send this to your friends as well. The installer will pull the new settings from the file (or they can simply load the options file the same way you saved it).
--- 4f) If installing Diablo Style Loot Remastered, it will pop up as the last randomization option. If playing with co-op partners, your seeds for DSLR must match as well. DSLR is set to randomize over top of the other randomizers, so the 3rd path should be set "fog" if Fog Gate Randomizer is installed, "randomizer" if Fog Gate is not installed, or just the "mod" folder if neither randomizer is being used (or if you unchecked the item randomizer and only randomized enemies, in which case you should run the enemy randomizer *after* DSLR, and set the mod path in DSLR to point to the "mod" folder instead of the "randomizer" folder). Set the seed and click "Generate Diablo Loot". This step is not actually randomizing the loot, but generating the randomization script. Once the generation is complete, close out of the DSLR window, and the installer will prompt you to run the script you just generated. Select "Y" and go make a sandwich, as this step takes like 15 minutes and requires no supervision. It is recommended to keep the Items per Item Lot setting at 4. Game may not even launch at 6-8.

=== 5. Run launchmod_eldenring.bat (or use the "Elden Ring Unalloyed" shortcut on your desktop) to launch the game.

Once you're in, whoever will be the host should use the "Tiny Great Pot" to open a room, and those joining should use the "Effigy of Malenia". You're given these items automatically upon starting a new game.

Keep in mind that launching the game via Steam will simply run vanilla unmodded Elden Ring.

If the installation process fails for whatever reason, feel free to consult the Manual Installation Instructions below, or repeat the installation process using debug.bat (there won't be any prompts, but just give it a couple minutes to do its thing), and submit the Install_Unalloyed.log file to me in my discord server (https://discord.gg/7ZxT9mT). This helps a ton for troubleshooting and lets me fix bugs with the installer much easier.

for "Elden Ring Unalloyed" modpack

=== 1. Update & Backup save files

--- 1a) Run the game once in vanilla via Steam in order to update your saves to the latest version. Just get to the main menu and select "Exit to Desktop"
--- 1b) If you already have Seamless co-op installed, run once with Seamless Co-op to update those saves as well
--- 1c) Go to %APPDATA%\EldenRing\ and make a backup of "ER0000.sl2" (and ER0000.co2 if applicable) for safekeeping

If you have any mods installed that messed with Elden Ring's game files besides Seamless Co-op, you're going to need to do a fresh install of Elden Ring by uninstalling on Steam, deleting the Elden Ring folder, then re-installing the game on Steam.

=== 2. Download all desired items:

--- 2a) Elden Mod Loader: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/117?tab=files
(DLL Loader, for installing Seamless Co-op in a way that plays well with other mods)
--- 2b) Seamless Co-op: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/510?tab=files
--- 2c) Mod Engine 2: https://github.com/soulsmods/ModEngine2/releases
(Standalone Mod Loader for installing everything else. Can even load DLL's if configured properly)
--- 2d) Elden Ring Reforged: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/541?tab=files&file_id=20111
--- 2e) Item and Enemy Randomizer: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/428?tab=files
--- 2f) Elden Ring Unalloyed: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/2335?tab=files
(You probably already have this)
--- 2g) Rings of Talent: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/1772?tab=files
--- 2h) Clever's Moveset Modpack: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/1928?tab=files
--- 2i) Fog Gate Randomizer: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3295?tab=files
--- 2j) Elden Ring First Person Souls: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3266?tab=files
--- 2k) Diablo Style Loot Remastered: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3498?tab=files
--- 2l) Erd Tools: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/2233?tab=files
--- 2m) Posture Bar Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3405?tab=files
--- 2n) Transmogrify Armor: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/3596?tab=files

It's best to place downloaded mod archives in the "downloads" folder within ER Unalloyed, as this is where the automatic installer will look for them.

=== 3. Extract Elden Mod Loader into the Elden Ring game directory

To find your Elden Ring game files, right click the game in Steam and select "Manage" > Browse Local Files". By default this will be "Steam\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\Game". Extract Elden Mod Loader into the "Game" directory.

This will add the files "dinput8.dll" and "mod_loader_config.ini" and create a "mods" subdirectory.

=== 4. Extract DLL Mods

--- 4a) Extract the "SeamlessCoop" folder directly to the gamepath i.e. Elden Ring\Game\SeamlessCoop
--- 4b) Move "elden_ring_seamless_coop.dll" and "seamlesscoopsettings.ini" to the "mods" folder created when you installed Elden Mod Loader.
--- 4c) Extract "erfps.dll" and "erfps.ini" and also place it in the "mods" folder
--- 4d) Extract "ErdTools.dll" and "Erd_Tools.ini" and also place it in the "mods" folder
--- 4e) Extract "PostureBarMod.dll", "PostureBarMod.ini", and "PostureBarResources" and also place them in the "mods" folder
--- 4f) Extract "ertransmogrify.dll" and "ertransmogrify.ini" and also place it in the "mods" folder
--- 4g) Open mod_loader_config.ini with notepad and at the bottom below where it says [loadorder], add the line(s):

elden_ring_seamless_coop.dll = 0
erfps.dll = 1
ErdTools.dll = 2
ertransmogrify.dll = 3
PostureBarMod.dll = 4

=== 5. Extract Mod Engine 2 Anywhere

Mod Engine 2 is designed so that none of the mods you install to it actually need to touch your game files. It's highly recommended to install Mod Engine 2 somewhere other than your Steam library game folders that is easy to access. This will be where all the rest of your mods go. As it's still actively being developed, eventually you'll be able to use it for DLL mods as well, which will make this process a lot easier.

=== 6. Extract Randomizer(s), ERR, and ER Unalloyed within Mod Engine 2

Within Mod Engine 2, you should see two directories; "mod" and "modengine2"

--- 6a) Extract the Enemy and Item Randomizer to Mod Engine 2 such that you add a third folder called "randomizer"
--- 6b) Extract the Elden Ring Reforged files directly into the "mod" folder within Mod Engine 2
(you should have regulation.bin directly in the "mod" folder and NOT in another nested folder)
--- 6c) Extract Elden Ring Unalloyed into Mod Engine 2 such that it overwrites existing files
--- 6d) Delete the following files in mod\map\Mapstudio and mod\event:
(this step is necessary for randomization to work with Elden Ring Reforged. The Reforged discord server offers a "compatability.zip" patch you can use to overwrite ERR's files in lieu of this step.)
(NOTE: If using Fog Gate Randomizer, you must clear out the map and event folders entirely with the exception of common.emevd.dcx and common_func.emevd.dcx)
--- 6e) Run "patch_reforged.bat" located in the "tools" folder. This will apply Unalloyed's custom regulation.bin edits.
(you may skip this step if you prefer to use Reforged totally unaltered)
--- 6f) If you have a 3rd party anti-virus, make sure tools\DSMSPortable.exe, tools\Yabber.exe, and tools\Yabber.DCX.exe are unblocked and/or whitelisted for the following steps (or consider pausing the AV)
(Note that a Firewall is not an Antivirus. Firewalls will not interfere with file patching)
--- 6g) If installing Rings of Talent, extract the "msg" and "menu" folders from the Rings of Talent archive into the "mod" folder
--- 6h) Run "install_rot.bat" located in the "tools" folder. This will merge Rings of Talent with the version of Reforged you downloaded.
--- 6i) If installing Clever's Moveset Modpack, run "merge_clevers.bat" located in the "tools" folder. This will merge Clever's Moveset Modpack with the version of Reforged you downloaded.
--- 6j) If installing Fog Gate Randomizer, extract it the same way you extracted the randomizer, to its own "fog" folder
--- 6k) If installing Diablo Style Loot Remastered, add yet another folder called "DSLR" and extract the contents of the Diablo Style Loot archive there.
In the ref folder, you'll also find various files with the prefix "DSLR_"--rename them to remove the prefix and use them to overwrite their corresponding files in DSLR\DSLData\ER\Default.
For EquipWeaponParam.csv and SpEffectConfig_Default.csv, choose the appropriate file based on whether or not you're using Clever's/Rings of Talent
DSLR_Elites.ini and DSLR_Champions.ini should overwrite Itemlots_Enemies\BanishedKnights.ini and Itemlots_Enemies\CrucibleKnights.ini respectively
--- 6l) Copy launchmod_eldenring_EML.bat one directory up out of the "ref" folder. (launchmod_eldenring_ME2.bat is there for users who want to use ME2 to inject DLL's and not install Elden Mod Loader at all)
--- 6m) Open config_eldenring.toml with notepad and configure the mods you've installed. You can use config_eldenring.toml.disabled as a reference, as this file contains all of the mod definitions, you just have to uncomment them by deleting the # and set them to "enabled = true"

=== 7. Configure the Randomizer(s)

--- 7a) Run "EldenRingRandomizer.exe" in the "randomizer" folder in Mod Engine 2, then in the Menu Bar select "Options" > "Load Options File..." and select "unalloyed.randomizeopt" which you should have extracted to your Mod Engine 2 directory along with Elden Ring Unalloyed. If using Fog Gate Randomizer, select unalloyed_fog.randomizeopt instead.
--- 7b) By default, the randomizer should display the path to your Elden Ring Steam installation at the bottom. If not, click "Select game exe" and navigate to your EldenRing.exe file
--- 7c) Click "Merge other mod" and navigate to the "mod" folder in Mod Engine 2
--- 7d) If you received a seed from a friend, paste it into either the "Overall seed" or "Separate enemy seed" box depending on which seed you were given, and uncheck the "Reroll" box for that seed.
--- 7e) Once your settings are all set, click the "Randomize items and enemies" button and wait for the process to complete. If you did everything right, you should see a green status bar at the bottom. Take note of the seed number generated, as you'll want to share this with your co-op partners.
--- 7f) If using Fog Gate Randomizer, run fog\FogMod.exe and select "Merge other mod" then "Select TOML" and select randomizer\config_eldenringrandomizer.toml, then select your settings and randomize as desired. Your seed here doens't have to be the same as your randomizer seed, but it's much easier to share seeds that way.
--- 7g) If using Diablo Style Loot Remastered, run DSLR\DSLR.exe. Here you'll see a "Random Seed" field and three paths to set. For starters, make sure your seed matches between any co-op partners. Set the first path, labeled "DSMSPortable Folder" to point to "Elden Ring Unalloyed\tools". Then set the second path, labelled "Elden Ring\Game Folder" to point to your gamepath (the same path as in tools\gamepath.txt). Finally, for the third path, labeled "Modengine 2 mod folder to install loot into", you want DSLR to randomize over top of existing randomized files, so choose the "fog" folder if you installed Fog Gate Randomizer, the "randomizer" folder if you did not, and just the "mod" folder if you installed neither other randomizer (or if you unchecked the item randomizer and only randomized enemies, in which case you should run the enemy randomizer *after* DSLR, and set the mod path in DSLR to point to the "mod" folder instead of the "randomizer" folder). Once all the paths are set, set the seed and click "Generate Diablo Loot". This step is not actually randomizing the loot, but generating the randomization script. Once the generation is complete, the folder containing the new script will automatically open, and you can run "DSLR_Install_[seed].bat" and go make a sandwich, because this process takes upwards of 15 minutes. It is recommended to keep the Items per Item Lot setting at 4. Game may not even launch at 6-8.

If you wish to play with a friend (or 3) while having unique item drops between you, make sure your "Overall seed" in the Item and Enemy Randomizer is unique, then in the "Enemy Randomizer" tab, check the "Reroll enemy seed separately" box and take note of the "Separate enemy seed" number instead of the Overall seed to share with your co-op partner(s).

The "Bias" slider on the "Item Randomizer" tab can be seen as a difficulty slider of sorts, as sliding it further to the right will make item drops scale more consistently with the base game (so endgame weapons and armor only drop in endgame locations), and make items required for game completion drop in areas that require other key items to access.

=== 8. Set up your Seamless Co-op Password

Open "seamlesscoopsettings.ini" with Notepad, and where you see "cooppassword = " add a password you intend to share with your co-op partner(s). This is required on both ends to be able to match up and play together.

=== 9. Run the game

Launch the game using the "launchmod_eldenring.bat" file located within Mod Manager 2. You might want to make a shortcut to this on your desktop as this will be how you launch the game from now on.

Note: Unalloyed's version of this launcher will keep Elden Mod Loader's dinput8.dll file renamed to "modloader.dll" when not in use to allow the game to run normally via Steam. If you do not want this functionality, use the launcher from the modengine2 archive instead.


To run the game in vanilla simply launch the game normally from Steam.
All mods can be disabled by simply omitting them from the downloads folder and re-installing Unalloyed.
This is the recommended method for those using the automatic installer.
To disable Seamless Co-op (and any other .dll mods) open launchmod_eldenring.bat with notepad and at the top where it reads
set it to 1. To re-enable, leave it blank.
To disable the Randomizer open config_eldenring.toml with notepad and comment out the randomizer entry in the mod order list by adding a # like so:
# { enabled = true, name = "randomizer", path = "randomizer" },
then also replace mod\event\common.emevd.dcx with common.emevd.dcx.prev to undo Unalloyed's randomizer compatibility edits.
To disable Diablo Style Loot, re-randomize whichever randomizer it was installed into (FogMod if installed, otherwise Item/Enemy Rando).
If no other randomizer was being used, replace mod\regulation.bin with the backup; mod\regulation_beforeslr.bin
To disable Reforged, do the same thing, but with the following line instead:
 # { enabled = true, name = "reforged", path = "mod" }
and then open Randomizer.exe, and clear out the 2nd text field next to the "Select other mod" button, and re-randomize.
To remove Unalloyed's changes but keep Reforged, Seamless Co-op and the Randomizer intact, replace the following files:
mod\regulation.bin with mod\regulation.bin.bak
randomizer\diste\Base\enemy.txt with randomizer\diste\Base\enemy.txt.bak
and then either switch the enemy preset in the randomizer from Unalloyed to Unalloyed_Light or create your own preset.
To do the above but maintain merging with Clever's and Rings of Talent, delete the following files:
and then run the installer, but do not restore the backed up regulation.bin afterwards.


If you'd like to show some support for my work, you can do so via StreamElements: https://streamelements.com/mountlover/tip
Tips are greatly appreciated!

You can also follow me on twitch: https://twitch.tv/mountlover

ER Unalloyed modpack tweaks, installer, & DSMSPortable utility made by mountlover (https://discord.gg/7ZxT9mT)
ModEngine 2 made by the SoulsMods team: katalash, Gary Tierney, Dasaav, & co.
Elden Mod Loader made by TechieW
Seamless Co-op made by LakeYui
Item and Enemy Randomizer by thefifthmatt
Elden Ring Reforged by Kirnifr
Rings of Talent by Maxilos33
Clever's Moveset Modpack by Cleverraptor6
Diablo Style Loot Remastered by CornflakeRush
ERTorrentEnabler by Drop0ff
Yabber by JKAnderson (Yabber+ update by Nordgaren)

Elden Ring Unalloyed (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.