Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (2024)

1 - 1 weken · Leeftijd 14 - 50+ · Uitstekend Responsgraad

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (1)


  • Experience encounters with both majestic elephants and agile gibbons in their natural habitats.
  • Be a catalyst for crucial conservation initiatives, working to rescue elephants from distressing conditions and observing wild gibbons in their natural habitat.
  • Empower local communities through English education, fostering awareness about wildlife conservation's vital role.
  • Immerse yourself in lush forests, observing the fascinating behaviors of elephants and gibbons in the wild.
  • Drive essential conservation efforts focused on conserving the habitat of elephants and gibbons, igniting transformative change.

Vooral geschikt voor

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (2) Leeftijd 14+

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (3) Alleenstaanden

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (4) Koppels

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (5) Families

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (6) Groepen

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (7) 50+

Over het programma

Join our award-winning foundation! Partnering with local communities, we bring elephants home to the forest and help conserve gibbons in their natural habitat.

Embarkon a transformative journey with Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary'simmersive 5-day program, nestled in the heart of Thailand's lushforests. Delve into the rich tapestry of local Karen culture as youengage with two distinct villages—one dedicated to the majesticgiants, elephants, and ...

Over het programma

Embarkon a transformative journey with Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary'simmersive 5-day program, nestled in the heart of Thailand's lushforests. Delve into the rich tapestry of local Karen culture as youengage with two distinct villages—one dedicated to the majesticgiants, elephants, and the other to the playful gibbons—bothworking tirelessly to safeguard their natural habitat.

Witnessfirsthand the profound connection between indigenous communities andthe land they call home, as you learn about traditional practicesharmonizing with modern conservation principles.

Immerseyourself in the daily rhythms of life alongside these majesticanimals, gaining insight into their behavior and needs under theguidance of experienced caretakers. From watching elephants toobserving wild gibbons swinging through the canopy, every moment isan opportunity for discovery and connection.

Ourgibbon encounters project is the first of its kind in Thailand – atruly unique experience. Join us in fostering positive change for theenvironment and wildlife, as we strive to create a sustainable futurewhere humans and animals thrive in harmony. Come be a part ofsomething bigger thanyourselfwith Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary's 5-day program and helpprotect two endangered species —a journey of conservation,community, and compassion.

Dagelijkse activiteiten

Volunteers and visitors are expected to wake up early in the morning and be prepared for a long hike into the forest. Hikes will usually return to the village around early afternoon but the day doesn’t end there.Volunteers and visitors will have the opportunity to participate in teaching English ...

Dagelijkse activiteiten

Volunteers and visitors are expected to wake up early in the morning and be prepared for a long hike into the forest. Hikes will usually return to the village around early afternoon but the day doesn’t end there.Volunteers and visitors will have the opportunity to participate in teaching English to the local community, help out with local plantations, as well as learn about the elephants and gibbons in Asia and the local language and culture.

Your Rough Schedule:

  • Day 1: Begin your adventure with a 9 am pickup from Chiang Mai (with possible pickups from Pai or Mae Hong Son upon inquiry). Traverse through a national park and picturesque mountains inhabited by local hill tribes until reaching our distinctive village.

2pmMeet your homestay family, our welcoming staff, and fellow volunteers.

5.30pmImmerse yourself in hill tribe culture by participating in cooking sessions with your homestay!

6pm Dinner time

7pm Learn the art of basket weaving from village elders.

  • Day 2: Rise early for a forest hike to locate our resident elephants:

7am Breakfast time

8am Elephant hike: Spend the morning observing, documenting, and understanding these magnificent creatures and their natural behaviors. As a volunteer, you will help keep our elephant diaries up to date by collecting information about their behaviours and daily anecdotes.

12pmEnjoy a forest lunch in the company of elephants. Return to the village in the late afternoon.

3pmJoin us to gain deeper insights into our conservation work, local language, culture, and possible engagement in community and teaching initiatives. As a volunteer you will learn some of the local language, assist in teaching English at the nursery or to our villagers, or participate in activities such as litter pick-ups or making ecobricks.

6pm Dineer time with the team and other volunteers. Enjoy sharing your anecdotes of the day!

  • Day 3:Another early start awaits as we trek to observe our elephants! once more before relishing lunch in the village.

7amBreakfast time

8amElephant hike: Spend the morning observing, documenting, and understanding these magnificent creatures and their natural behaviors. As a volunteer, you will help keep our elephant diaries up to date by collecting information about their behaviours and daily anecdotes.

12pmLunch at base and get ready to leave to your next experience.

2pm A new adventure beggins! Venture to our Gibbon Encounters village.

5pmDiscover the fascinating world of gibbons, relish Karen cuisine, and explore the village surroundings.

  • Day 4: Awaken to the enchanting sounds of gibbons right outside your door!

6amFollow their calls around the village, guided by our local expert, in hopes of catching a glimpse of these agile creatures. Gather data on the diverse gibbons you encounter, aiding in monitoring the various groups within the nearby forests.

7amEnjoy breakfast before embarking on a forest exploration.

8am The hike starts!Visit a local cave, and savor a traditional forest lunch.

3pmEngage in community projects such as aiding in coffee, tea, or rice plantations, or learning the art of weaving from local artisans.

5pmWitness a breathtaking sunset from a village vantage point after dinner.

  • Day 5: Hike to the gibbons

6am Begin the day with another attempt to spot gibbons near the village!

8am Gibbon hike! After breakfast, embark on a deeper forest hike. You will collect data on the gibbon population to track of the different groups inhabiting the area.

12pmEnjoy lunch and get ready to say goodbye!


Experience the Heart of the Village:

  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant local community as you explore the village, partake in traditional festivities, and embrace the enriching rhythms of village life.
  • Dive into the refreshing waters of the river, just like the locals do, and enjoy a leisurely swim ...


Experience the Heart of the Village:

  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant local community as you explore the village, partake in traditional festivities, and embrace the enriching rhythms of village life.
  • Dive into the refreshing waters of the river, just like the locals do, and enjoy a leisurely swim amidst stunning natural surroundings.
  • Take amazing pictures of the lush surroundings, the local community or the traditional weaving by Karen women.



Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (8)

Minimum leeftijd: 14 jaar

Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je ten minste 14 jaar te zijn op de startdatum van het programma.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (9)


Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Engels (vloeiend)

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (10)


Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (11)

Andere vaardigheden

Volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (12)


Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten ingesloten

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (13)

Diensten door Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (14)

Included in these fees are: transport to/from project/Chiang Mai Old Town on arrival and departure, food & accommodation and insurance.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (15)


Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (16)

We provide an income for our communities by housing our guests, volunteers and interns in their own homestay provided by the local people.

All of our home stays are different from each other, some being a private room inside the family home, others being a wooden hut just outside the family home. Some home stays have a western toilet, others have a traditional squat toilet. Each one beautifully unique, just like their welcoming hosts.

The accommodation is basic but comfortable and provides all bedding, a mattress, mosquito net, extension cord to charge electronics, filtered water and usually a shared bathroom with cold showers and toilet paper provided. Hot shower may be provided at our base hut (depending on water pressure). Please be aware that during the dry season there might not be a lot of water available in the pipes for running water, but there will always be a bucket of water in your homestay toilet to be used for showering or flushing the toilet. Electricity can also come off and at different intervals during the dry and rainy seasons.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (17)

Eten & Drank

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (18)

Basic western breakfast and Thai lunch & dinner and filtered water included. Home stays will provide a packed lunch and dinner in their home whereas breakfast will be provided at our communal base hut where our visitors/volunteers hang out during free time.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (19)

Internet toegang

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (20)

Beperkte toegang op de project site

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (21)

Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Chiang Mai International Airport

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (22)

Afhaling van de luchthaven is ook niet inbegrepen in de programmakosten.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (23)

Vlucht tickets

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (24)

De dichtste luchthaven is Chiang Mai International Airport (CNX) in Chiang Mai. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Thailand.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (25)


Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (26)

Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Thailand biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (27)


Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (28)

Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Thailand dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Thailand.


Gegevens over jouw aankomst

This program starts on any day from Sunday to Wednesday


jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


5 dagen 524€

Gemiddelde kosten 733€/week


733€ per week Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (29) 1 - 1 weken Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (30) Leeftijd 14 - 50+


Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (31) Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (32) Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (33) Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (34) Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (35)


Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (36)


1 - 1 weken

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (37)


De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (38)

Finale betaling

Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

Ontmoet je organisatie

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (39)

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (40)

Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary

Uitstekend4.8 Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (41) (21 beoordelingen)

NGO - opgericht in 2015

Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

Uitstekend Responsgraad

Gepresenteerd door

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (42)


Gesproken talen: Engels

Over de organisatie

Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary work hard to rescue elephants from tourism, return them to the forest and educate our community on sustainable tourism

Ontmoet je organisatie

Our sanctuary is run by Kindred Spirit Elephant Foundation, a registered NGO in Thailand. We opened our doors in May 2016, with the aim to bring as many elephants as possible back to their natural habitat and, at the same time, to work on educating both the public and the locals about elephant treatment and try to combat illegal trade. We, at Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary, are passionate about elephant welfare and want our elephants to live their lives as naturally and with as little human influence as possible. We do not promote elephant rides or any form of elephant performance.

We also work very closely with the community of our village where the Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary is located. We provide an income for our community by creating homestays for the volunteers to stay in, renting land and creating jobs for the locals. We give back to our wonderful community by teaching English at the school, to the families of the homestays and to the mahouts.

Our elephants have been taken from a life of inadequate health care, poor diet, exhaustion and entertaining tourists; they were unable to just be elephants. We brought these wonderful creatures back to their natural environment where they are living in semi-wild conditions, free to roam as much as possible and live their lives how they choose to – interacting and foraging. We plan to bring elephants of all ages and sizes home to the forest, but we need your help.

There are more than 4,000 captive elephants in Thailand, most of who are living in inadequate conditions with incorrect care and lack of freedom. Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary recognises that this is not the right environment for elephants, which is why we are working towards bringing as many elephants as possible back to their natural habitat as well as raising awareness about the captive elephant situation. We work alongside our elephant owners, our community and other organisations to try to bring about a brighter future for all captive elephants.

Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary needs visitors and volunteers on the ground to help us carry out research on our elephants' natural behaviours, perform health checks on the elephants and teach English to our community. Joining us can provide valuable in-field research experience, teaching experience and the opportunity to live abroad immersed into another culture.

Our Elephants

We currently have 4 resident elephants with us at Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary, but with volunteer funds and donations, we hope to return more elephants to the forest soon. We have 3 generations in our elephant family, have a look at their stories below and sponsor our elephants if you want to contribute to keeping them in the forest.

Too Meh

Too Meh is our oldest elephant. She is 55 years old and spent her younger days working in the logging industry. When logging was banned in 1989, she was brought to work in the tourist camps where she spent her life entertaining tourists. She spent about 20 years giving elephant rides with a howdah, the iron saddle that is put on their back to carry tourists and gives many elephants back problems. In between elephant rides, she was chained up with very little social interaction time. She has suffered for over 50 years, until now. She is now free to spend her days in the forest, roaming, foraging and interacting with her daughter & grand-son.

Mae Doom

Mae Doom is in her early 20s, is the daughter of Too Meh & auntie of Gen Thong. She has spent her life entertaining tourists and was rescued from a camp where she was giving bareback elephant rides. This camp did not recieve alot of customers and sometimes days would go by with no tourists visiting. This meant that Mae Doom would spend days on end chained in the camp, having no social interaction with the other elephants and spending very little time in her natural environment. Now that she resides at KS Elephant Sanctuary, she has finally been reunited with her mother and nephew and has the freedom to learn from her and walk through the forest as she pleases.

Gen Thong

Gen Thong is our youngest elephant at 4 years old. Gen Thong has had an even more traumatising childhood than most captive elephants. He tragically lost his mother at the age of 2. His mother was chained to a tree below a wasp nest in the tourist camp and was not being watched carefully. The wasp nest fell on her head and stung her many times. Gen Thong was with her, however being so young he was not chained and was able to run away from the wasps unharmed. His mother was not so lucky and sadly passed away due to the poisons of the wasp stings. He then spent a few months under the care of Too Meh, his grandmother, but was then separated from her to undergo his training. After he returned to the elephant camp, he spent his days on a chain being fed bananas by tourists and giving elephant rides. He has now returned to the forest where he lives out his days learning the natural behaviours from his auntie, grandmother and best friend Boon Rott. We couldn’t be more pleased to have him here at KS Elephant Sanctuary.

Boon Rott

Boon Rott is a 10 year old male elephant, who has also lived his life in tourist camps giving rides and performing tricks. When he was born, he was malnutritioned as his mother was unable to produce enough milk. His mother had given birth a few times but Boon Rott was the first of her offspring to survive, due to the combination of her care and their hard working mahouts. Boon Rott has always been highly saught after by many of the tourist camps in the Chiang Mai area because of his high intelligence and ability to perform - some camps using this to exploit him. He is now able to roam free in the forest, not being forced into any un-natural behaviours.


If you want to have a unique experience of hiking in the forest to find the elephants everyday and observe their natural behaviours in their home environment, then you have found the right place. Come and join Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary for the experience of a lifetime. Volunteers and visitors must be physically fit to hike everyday up and down mountains to get to the elephants. In our sanctuary, you can see exactly where your funds and going and how they are benefiting our sanctuary, our elephants and our community.

Volunteers and visitors are expected to wake up early in the morning and be prepared for a long hike into the forest. Hikes will usually return to the village around early afternoon but the day doesn’t end there. Volunteers and visitors will have the opportunity to participate in teaching English at the school, to the homestays and to the mahouts as well receiving education about elephants in Asia and learning the local tribal language and culture. We also have a number of add-ons you can choose such as relaxing with a thai massage or learning how to basket weave.

Visitors and Volunteers can stay with us for anything from 3 days to 3 months. Although Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary recommends at least a week to get the full experience of our sanctuary. Students who wish to carry out research for their studies are also welcome.

Elephant and Gibbon Encounters | Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Thailand 2024 (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.