Mega Walls - Important Feedback for Upcoming Balance Patch (2024)

I want to say that this update was executed very well and there have been many great changes! To keep this short, I'll only mention things that need to be changed - that said, that means I think many changes were really good. This is a bit of a read but has just about everything shortly summarized.


Awesome addition. It can definitely be expanded upon though since many people still leave; IMO max Playstreak should give +20% Coin Boost - will help with the excessive amount of coins needed for P5 now. Playstreak also doesn't mention that it gives you a Mythic Favor once the Playstreak resets - might be worth mentioning somewhere in the game.

Game Duration

Decrease Prep & Enrage by 60s. Decrease Game End by 120s.

This will massively decrease excessive game time even if it doesn't seem like much since Prep and Enrage are a big part of the game. The duration from Game End is just because. Games are really just prolonged to draw anyways so even extending this duration wouldn't change much but it's best to start short.


Logouts were handled very well. Just revert the change of allowing abilities/projectiles effecting them so you actually have to tap them.


Now that Prestige 4 seems to be getting +1 coin back(just make sure it retains its functionality, where it's shared and added for every Prestige 4, regardless of the class you're playing), P5 should also have some sort of coin boost. P5 skins should get looked into since most are kinda underwhelming for what you're grinding and paying for; this would likely mean a separate thread would need to be opened in that case that Admins are willing to ask the community which skins they would be willing to change. P2 Warcry X4 bonus doesn't seem to work (bug?)


Allow activation by right clicking your pickaxe. The behavior of compasses makes it so you can't crouch while looking for enemies or teammates because of Warcry.

Draw System

Great implementation - just let us see how much damage each team has scored & alive players that did most.


Tunnels & constant running is really problematic. Hunger change is not felt at all; it should be harsher and expanded upon in a way which increases the potion potency for every few blocks above ground Y level and every few blocks under ground Y level.

Queue System

Games have been starting with very little players.
Accelerated queue should now start at 85 players. Games should require 32 players minimum.

Class Balancing




: 20 ➱ 25.

Refreshing Sip

has been merged into

Ultra Pasteurized

- It is replaced by the new

Bull Charge

: After taking 6/5/4 hits, gain Speed II for 2/3/4 seconds. (8s Cooldown)

Supposed to support team but really struggles doing so right now, and other Healing gatherings are not split into two, so these changes will really help Cow alltogether.

Side note for implementation: It would very much be better if these changes went through, but if it causes issues by removing a perk (there's also an achievement that relies on Refreshing Sip) then the Speed effect can instead be applied upon triggering Bucket Barrier.



Blood Rage

triggers at 15 ➱ 20 HP.

Blood Rage

will now have allies counting towards the damage bonus.

Food Hunt


Regeneration III for 4 seconds

6 HP and replenishes 4 hunger on kills.

Blood Rage often triggers for little ending up getting little value from it. Including teammates will be a huge help in making it a "Control Fighter". Food Hunt is just weird - instead of giving 6 HP over time with an effect, it is now instant; for consistency with assists and simplicity sake.



Burning Soul

boosts melee damage for 3 ➱ 4 seconds.


triggers every 8/7/6 ➱ 7/6/5 hits and grants self

Regeneration I for 5s

2 HP.

Pigman can use some love as Burning Soul's capability wears off shortly and Valor is just too slow for the value it gives.



Circle of Healing

radius is 5 ➱ 7 blocks.

I consider this more QoL than a "buff" but this will match Cow's range for fairness and simplicity sake.



Call of the Blazes

: For every blaze alive, deal +1%/+2%/+3% more damage. Maximum +9% damage.

Call of the Blazes

: Blazes despawn after N/A ➱ 90s.

Although Blaze is in a pretty good spot right now, if we are moving forward with the mindset that Mega Walls is not set to get updates in the future, I think it is safe to say that replacing or giving completely useless passives a makeover or a bonus is necessary. Ever since this passive's existence, it's safe to say the Blazes that spawn just sit there watching you play. This change aims to keep the Damage aspect of Blaze without adding too much to keep the class balanced, but makes this now a real passive.




to stack.

Seems like the previous mechanic of the ability has not retained, allowing you to "queue" Detonates while activating one already; as if activating the ability cancels a previous activation



EPH (Bow)

: 5 -➱ 12.

EPH (Melee)

: 10 ➱ 12.

Wool War

: Lasts 8 ➱ 7 seconds.

Wool War

: You and allies touching the wool will also gain a +8% damage bonus.

Dyed Disguise


Upon entering an enemy base

➱ Upon left clicking your bow, activate Dyed Disguise, draining 5 EPS. If you are in an enemy base, your nametag will change to match the color of that team. Otherwise, your nametag will change to match the color of the nearest enemy. During this state, if you hit an enemy, get hit, or get within 30 blocks of an enemy Wither, the ability will wear off and for the next 3 ➱ 4 seconds your next attack on an enemy will deal +150% damage and inflict Slowness I for 3 ➱ 4 seconds.

Dyed Disguise

: 60s ➱ 30s Cooldown. (Since wearing off)

Thick Coat

: Every 30 seconds, the next incoming attack will be absorbed, inflicting no damage and granting Absorption I for 15s.

Magical Wool

: 25% chance to drop ➱ activates every 2 chests/every 2 kills. Finals always drop Magical Wool.

Magical Wool

: If not picked up within 60 ➱ 15 seconds or if destroyed by an enemy, the Magical Wool will


return to your Inventory.

Theres a lot to unpack here. First, it goes without saying, Sheep has huge potential - but it was poorly executed; perhaps by lack of design, but that does not matter, the concept can work really well with some changes.

EPH is too low for an ability that barely even does anything - Regen II for your team is helpful but it's pretty boring and can be expanded upon to make the class an actual Control Support class.

By triggering more often, the duration is now 1 second shorter, but allies will also gain a damage bonus - making the ability more valuable.

Dyed Disguise's trigger logic has been reworked. You can now trigger it whenever, instead of having to enter an enemy base - draining EPS and granting the nametag change. Then you can actually work with the damage + slowness enhancement. The cooldown has been greatly decreased, which will start when the ability is turned off, or when you trigger the "next attack" enhancement.

Thick Coat has been slightly buffed, it will now be more rewarding to absorb an attack. Overall it's a decent passive - just a bit boring.

Magical Wool has been greatly buffed to eliminate RNG and get Wool more often. Wool also has a much shorter duration now, but instead of disappearing, it will return to the owner's Inventory. If there is no space, the Wool will go to the Sheep's Enderchest.

This will massively help Sheep be a true Support Control class and give it viability in the battlefield - especially with this surface meta.




: Gain Speed II + Regeneration I for 7 ➱ 6 seconds after hitting an enemy with a bow shot. 14s ➱ 12s Cooldown which only effects Speed. The duration of the effects is decreased by 50% from Uncharged bow shots and by 25% from Medium charged shots.

Much like the long-ago implemented EPH change, this is very much needed since Skeleton is already very strong with Power IV and it is easily able to mindlessly shoot for easy free Health. The change of duration & Cooldown means skilled players gain more value but mindlessly shooting arrows does not give as much as before.




: After the speed effect ends, each enemy within a 5 ➱ 7 block radius will be inflicted with the accumulated burst damage.

Werewolf is pretty decent but I'm honestly feeling like Lycanthropy doesn't do much anymore in single fights since it's very easy to avoid with the small radius and the fact the healing you gain is only noticeably increased with unique enemies.



Divine Intervention

: Attacks will inflict +25% ➱ +18% damage.

Divine Intervention

: When taking fatal damage,

remain at 1 HP

you will instead remain at 6 HP. A 5 second timer will begin.

Divine Intervention

: Scoring a kill/assist before the timer reaches 0 will

prevent death

heal the ally for


6 HP. This may be triggered once.

Divine Intervention


Failing to score a kill/assist before the timer reaches 0 will result in death.

Scrapped. You will not die if you fail to score a kill/assist.


: Final Kills/Assists will now always trigger Generosity.

Divine Intervention's "saving grace" mechanism is very much hit or miss, with most of the time being miss. This change keeps the same amount of health restored, but actually gives you a chance at surviving. Also, +25% damage bonus to 3 players instantly is too much on top of everything else the ability gives, so it's slightly nerfed. Generosity being consistent on FK/FA just makes sense.



Power Storage

: The remaining energy is stored and converted into power, giving 1 bonus true damage for the next attack after storing 75/60/45 ➱ 60/45/30 Energy.

Automaton is in a good state but it must be mentioned that this passive is a big pain to trigger considering an average EPH of 10 means you would need to get hit 18 times with max upgrades just to get 1 extra true damage. By that time, you're either dead or the 1 extra true damage has long lost its value. This changes this to 12 hits on average, which is still a lot effort for just 1 extra true damage, but will certainly help the passive feel more valuable.



EPH (Bow)

: 4 ➱ 12

Scrotching Breath

: Hitbox massively increased. Hitbox starts slightly behind the caster's Hitbox and extends forwards.

Scrotching Breath

: Fire 20 ➱ 7 fireballs over 2 ➱ 1 second, each dealing 0.25 ➱ 1 damage. If 10 ➱ 4 or more fireballs hit the same enemy, they will be set on fire.


: When active,

consume 25 Energy

drain 8 EPS. During this state, bows draw 6%/12%/18% faster, and arrows hit will set enemies alight. Flame particles are shown when active.


: N/A ➱ 14s Cooldown.

Dwarven Gold

★ Upgrade 1: 5 ➱ 3 Gold: Frenzied Flame lasts 1 additional second.
★ Upgrade 2: 10 ➱ 6 Gold: Hellfire costs 2 less EPS.
★ Upgrade 3: 15 ➱ 12 Gold: Scrotching Breath fires an additional 5 - > 2 fireballs.
★ Upgrade 4: 30 ➱ 18 Gold: Replaces your kit sword with


Avarice: Now an Unbreakable Golden Sword with 6 Base Damage and Sharpness I. Every 6th hit inflicts fire for 3s on enemies.


: Replace "You want to navigate quickly" (has nothing to do with the class) in "

Who is it for?

" with something like "You want to rapidly damage foes.".

Much like Sheep, with how complicated Dragon is right now, it desparately needs many changes.

The ability feels like almost impossible to land good (or any) damage and while it's cool to spew a mouthful of fireballs, it is better peformance-wise to decrease the quantity of them. The ability now deals more damage in total and easier to hit, since 5 damage and some fire for the EPH is not good.

Hellfire has been reworked. The change might be controversial, but I think this can really help extinguish it from other ranged classes and help it rapidly deal more damage, since Hellfire is a bit bland and this especially mixes well with the Damage Ranged aspect of Dragon.

Gold has been tweaked because getting max Gold pre DM is ridiculous. 18 gold should still be a lot but now Avarice is more balanced; perma-fire does not fit in this game and is super overpowered. It will still inflict fire, but not instantly - and to compromise; it's basically a Sharp 1 Iron Sword (with the gold sword as a cosmetic).


- Energy:

Snowman only starts getting EPS once it is at 50+ Energy.


Snowman has been a good class and this change has single-handedly absolutely killed many capabilities and dare I say it's viability in the game;
You can not:
- Do much pre-game since you can't harvest Snow or Pumpkins efficiently.
- Do much mid-game since you have little resources due to reduced pre-game resource gain so you must use mid-game as an extended pre-game. (Resources = Pumpkin/Snow)
- Do much later in any point of the game since if you just use Ice Bolt once you lose EPS. You really can not use Ice Bolt otherwise you will be finding yourself very much struggling later on with doing anything, whether it is using Blizzard or using Ice Bolt.

Now that win condition has changed to highest damage and the meta is shifting away from hiding underground, there is also no reason to reduce it's "snowmining" capability because it's simply not needed in games anymore. It's safe to scrap this change and retain the previous functionality of EPS.

Many of these changes are things I have agreed upon with a few other players that have been regularly playing since the update has dropped so I think these changes will tremendously help going forward (and most of them are sort of easy to implement, hopefully not requiring much dev time)

I would love if @ConnorLinfoot or anyone else who might have worked on this update would take a look since I have also condensed here some of the suggestions I've seen from the forums, so if you see something here that you might've posted earlier, sorry for no credits! But good job nontheless.

I would also appreciate feedback on things that might have been missed or things that anyon does not agree with.

Mega Walls - Important Feedback for Upcoming Balance Patch (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.