SBN SAP Conference 2022 (2024)

  • Arrangement
  • Nyheter
  • Om SBN
  • Bli medlem
  • Bli partner

19/10 - 20/10 | Start: 08:30

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (8)

SAP User Group Norway's annual SAP Conference.
Customer Cases, Expert Sessions and Keynotes.

The SBN Conference 2022 will address:
- How can SAP support Business Transformation?
- How to prepare companies to become
- How to enable resilience and connect globally in the
Supply Chain?
- How to reach an agile, secure, hybrid
Cloud future?
- How to make the most of the
SAP S/4HANA platform/universe?
- How to attract, develop and keep the right
- How to become an
Intelligent Enterprise?

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (9)
TheSBN CLT andAdfahrer team organizing theconference.
Questions? or call
Eva-Maria Fahrer+47 922 52 539

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (10)

Useful links:

  • Pictures from 2022

  • 10 reasons to join the SBN Conference 2022

  • Location is Central Oslo, Nationaltheatret Konferansesenter

  • SBN Conference websitefrom2021, 2020, 2019

  • SBN Conference Pictures from 2019 & 2018

  • Sponsor and Speaker information

  • List of Speakers & Print version of the Conference program

Feedback from our delegates:

I really think that the format and content of theconference was one of the better I've seen. There were good professional sessions, with a good deal of participation.Have learned a lot and got new contacts. Just what such an event should give the opportunity to do.

Feedback from our sponsors:

Thanks for the opportunity to contribute to the presentations, it was a great opportunity to show some of what we are working on. I was pleased with several questions along the way and after presentation.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (11)

The 2022 Dinner Night will have an Oktoberfest theme!
More information willcome...

Customer presentations from

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (12)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (13)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (14)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (15)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (16)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (17)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (18)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (19)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (20)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (21)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (22)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (23)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (24)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (25)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (26)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (27)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (28)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (29)

Platinum sponsors

Gold sponsors

Silver sponsors

Tags: accenture, blackline, bouvet, capgemini, cx, retail, deloitte, finance, analytics, hr, remuneration, ibm, it, hana, projects, kps, ntt data business solutions, onapsis, opentext, pagero, pearl, precisely software, red hat, sap, sap knowledge, sariba, sopra steria, supply chain, tjc group, zalaris



Main Stage a Mixed Track

IT, RISE, Projects

Finance, Analytics

Human Experience Management


Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 08:30-09:00

Wed 08:30-09:00

Registration and Networking

Registration and Networking

The registration desk opens 8:30. Please come early. There are several hinder and there will be queu into the facility in the morning.

Wed 09:00-09:05

Wed 09:00-09:05

Welcome to SBN Conference 2022

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (49)

Room: Nordkapp

Welcome to SBN Conference 2022

Welcome to SBN Conference 2022

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (50)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

On Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Kjell Jensen (Leder), CIO, Arcus-Gruppen AS

Eva-Maria Fahrer, CEO Adfahrer and SBN, SBN-Adfahrer

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (51)

Room: Nordkapp

Wed 09:05-9:40

Wed 09:05-9:40

SAP’s Chief Strategy Officer, will share SAPs Strategy, addressing the three major pillars: (English)

- How can SAP supportBusiness Transformation?
- How to prepare companies to becomeSustainable?
- How to enable resilience and connect globally in theSupply Chain?
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (52)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (53)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (54)

Room: Nordkapp

SAP’s Chief Strategy Officer, will share SAPs Strategy, addressing the three major pillars: (English)

- How can SAP supportBusiness Transformation?
- How to prepare companies to becomeSustainable?
- How to enable resilience and connect globally in theSupply Chain?
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (55)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (56)

Recording: [slides]

Sebastian Steinheuser, SAP’s Chief Strategy Officer, will share SAPs Strategy and open for a dialog whitin the three major pillars:

- How can SAP supportBusiness Transformation?
- How to prepare companies to becomeSustainable?
- How to enable resilience and connect globally in theSupply Chain?

Sebastian Steinhaeuser, Chief Strategy Officer, SAP SE

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (57)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 09:40-10:20

Wed 09:40-10:20

The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond - Customer stories from Equinor and Statkraft (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (58)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (59)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (60) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (61)

Room: Nordkapp

The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond - Customer stories from Equinor and Statkraft (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (62)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (63)

Recording: [slides][slides]

The move to S/4HANA represents opportunities, risks and challenges. Some end up with a technical upgrade and miss out on the opportunity to reap benefits from the new platform and have no plan for phase 2 or it is difficult to get phase 2 going. Others are well aware that to move to S/4HANA and continue to work as before, makes no sense.

2 major SAP users in our community will share their story.

Statkraft has been on their journey since 2016 and moved to S/4HANA in May this year. Their story is one of sound preparation and a structured approach from linking the move to S/4 to their business strategy for digitalization. They prepared the organization for the move, they prepared their old system for the move, they value-mapped benefits of the move and made their final plan for the road to S/4HANA and even beyond the move. Their story has a lot of learning points.

Equinor started their journey in 2018 by moving to the Hana Database as a first step and then to the Cloud. POC's (proof of concepts) have been done extensively in the whole organization to discover potential benefits and challenges. No doubt a huge company with complicated structures and set up. After a final go to upgrade, Equinor is on the way to do the final design of the new solution by the end of this year. They plan to build the solution in 2023 and togo live in 2024.

In this live contribution we will have key members of the projects in Statkraft and Equinor presenting and addressing S/4 in relation to business strategy, business readiness, business value mapping, business case, migration method together with drivers and motivation for the move and decisions as well as how they propose to realize benefits from the move. In addition stakeholder management and process and system governance and ownership.

Geir Owe Wærsland, Senior Advisor IT, Equinor

Magnus Ollfors, Functional Architect ERP Domain, Statkraft AS

Roy Eidset, VP Digital Finance, Statkraft AS

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (64) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (65)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 10:20-10:40

Wed 10:20-10:40

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (66)Break - Click "Read more" to find the links to the Wednesday Quiz

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (67)Break - Click "Read more" to find the links to the Wednesday Quiz

Break - Visit the exhibitors and take the Wednesday Quizzes - We wish you luck! Everyreply with name and correct answers has the chance to win 300NOK or 30Euro sent as a gift card on e-mail after the conference.The list of winners will also be published onFriday the 28 October in the SBN Newsletter.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (68)
Use this link for Quiz number 1 - 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro. 3 winners on each Quiz

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (69)
Quiz number 2- 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro.3 winners on each Quiz

Wed 10:40-11:20

Wed 10:40-11:20

Panel Discussion with Equinor and Statkraft -The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (70)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (71)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (72) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (73) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (74) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (75)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Panel Discussion with Equinor and Statkraft -The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (76)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (77)

Recording: [slides]

The move to S/4HANA represents opportunities, risks and challenges. Some end up with a technical upgrade and miss out on the opportunity to reap benefits from the new platform and have no plan for phase 2 or it is difficult to get phase 2 going. Others are well aware that to move to S/4HANA and continue to work as before, makes no sense.

2 major SAP users in our community will share their story.

Statkraft has been on their journey since 2016 and moved to S/4HANA in May this year. Their story is one of sound preparation and a structured approach from linking the move to S/4 to their business strategy for digitalization. They prepared the organization for the move, they prepared their old system for the move, they value- mapped benefits of the move and made their final plan for the road to S/4HANA and even beyond the move. Their story has a lot of learning points.

Equinor started their journey in 2018 by moving to the Hana Database as a first step and then to the Cloud. POC's (proof of concepts) have been done extensively in the whole organization to discover potential benefits and challenges. No doubt a huge company with complicated structures and set up. After a final go to upgrade, Equinor is on the way to do the final design of the new solution by the end of this year. They plan to build the solution in 2023 and togo live in 2024.

In this live panel discussion led by Amanda Robers from Pearl, we will deep dive into some of the issues and topics presented and addressed in the first session. This part will be more like an extended Q&A with some predefined questions derived from numerous discussions in our community. In addition there will be questions from the audience during the session.

In addition to the topics already mentioned (business strategy, business readiness, business value mapping, business case, migration method, drivers/motivation for the move,benefits- realization, stakeholder management and process/system governance/ownership), there will be questions like UX-strategy, choice of partner for the move, the role of SAP in the process, if and how sustainability plays any role in the decision process and more like these.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (78)Join the discussion and share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge

Speakers and Moderators:

Geir Owe Wærsland, Senior Advisor IT, Equinor

Magnus Ollfors, Functional Architect ERP Domain, Statkraft AS

Amanda Roberts, SAP løsningsarkitekt, Pearl

Didrik Arstad, Head of Finance, Analytics and Head of HR, SBN-Adfahrer

Roy Eidset, VP Digital Finance, Statkraft AS

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (79) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (80) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (81) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (82)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Logistics

Wed 10:40-11:20

The IT, RISE, Projects related presentation is on the main stage. Theroom is available for Ad-hoc meeting.

IT, RISE, Projects

Room: Abelhaugen

The IT, RISE, Projects related presentation is on the main stage. Theroom is available for Ad-hoc meeting.

The IT, RISE, Projects related presentation is on the main stage. If the room is if empty, the room is available for your Ad-hoc meeting.

Room: Abelhaugen

Wed 10:40-11:20

The Finance presentation is on the main stage. Theroom is available for Ad-hoc meeting.

Finance, Analytics

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

The Finance presentation is on the main stage. Theroom is available for Ad-hoc meeting.

The Finance presentation is onthe main stage. If theroom is if empty, the room is available for your Ad-hoc meeting.

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Wed 10:40-11:20

Siste endringer relatert til lønn, myndighetsrapportering og refusjon fra NAV. (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (83)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (84)

Human Experience Management

Room: Stiklestad

Siste endringer relatert til lønn, myndighetsrapportering og refusjon fra NAV. (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (85)


Statsbudsjett og endringer for 2023 presenteres av Skatteetaten rett etter SBN, men er vi heldige, kan det hende vi får noe i forkant.

Ellers, en liten presentasjon av import sykemeldinger som er planlagt i produktiv versjon til november support pakke.

  • Moderator: Bernt Bakken

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Marit Andersen, Localization Product Manager Norway Globalization Services, SAP

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (86)

Room: Stiklestad

Human Experience Management

Wed 10:40-11:20

The Logistic presentation is on the main stage. The room is available for Ad-hoc meeting.


Room: Finse

The Logistic presentation is on the main stage. The room is available for Ad-hoc meeting.

The Logistic presentation is on the main stage. If the room is if empty, the room is available for your Ad-hoc meeting.

Room: Finse

Wed 10:40-11:20

RISE with SAP Retail - the Intelligent Enterprise (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (87)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (88)

Customer Experience & Retail

Room: Færder-Fredriksten

RISE with SAP Retail - the Intelligent Enterprise (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (89)


RISE with SAP Retail - the Intelligent Enterprise. Latest developments are shared by the Product Owner

  • This session is moderated by Sigurd Skyum, SBN


Dani Khalaf, Vice President Industry Business Unit Retail , SAP SE

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (90)

Room: Færder-Fredriksten

Business Transformation Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 11:20-11:50

Wed 11:20-11:50

Break - Visit our exhibition area and take the Quiz. To find the Quiz link, clickon "Readmore".

Break - Visit our exhibition area and take the Quiz. To find the Quiz link, clickon "Readmore".

Break - Visit the exhibitors and take the Wednesday Quizzes - We wish you luck! Everyreply with name and correct answers has the chance to win 300NOK or 30Euro sent as a gift card on e-mail after the conference.The list of winners will also be published onFriday the 28 October in the SBN Newsletter.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (91)
Use this link for Quiz number 1 - 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro. 3 winners on each Quiz

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (92)
Quiz number 2- 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro.3 winners on each Quiz

Wed 11:50-12:30

Wed 11:50-12:30

Talent Management and DE&I (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (93)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (94)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (95)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Talent Management and DE&I (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (96)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (97)

Recording: [slides]

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is on many organisations’ agenda. But are we often enough reflecting over what diversity is for the organisation? Do we consider why we struggle to include and create equity for everyone? Are we as human beings really wired to create equity and inclusion for everyone? Do we need technology to support us?

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (98)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Jan Marsli, Senior Manager, Sariba Consulting AS

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (99)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation Sustainability Human Experience Management

Wed 11:50-12:30

How Signavio supports the swedish company Essity in their transformation and digitization journey (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (100)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (101) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (102)

IT, RISE, Projects

Room: Abelhaugen

How Signavio supports the swedish company Essity in their transformation and digitization journey (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (103)


Essity is a leading global hygiene and health company based in Sweden.

The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm with sales in approximately 150 countries under the leading global brands Tena and Tork, and other strong brands, such as Libero, Libresse, Lotus and Saba.Among their strategic priorities are continuing their transformation journey, accelerating digitalization and leading in sustainability.

Essity will present their case of decision making before their transformation journey, main challenges and pain points and how they are using Signavio to improve their business process management and the use of SAP and what they have learned and which are the benefits so far.

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and the presentationand we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Stephen Fonzo, GBS Director Service Excellence, Essity

Daniel Brighenti, Helping companies build for change, @ SAP Signavio, SAP SE

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (104) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (105)

Room: Abelhaugen

Business Transformation Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics

Wed 11:50-12:30

Aker BP's Finance roadmap in S4/HANA (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (106)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (107)

Finance, Analytics

Room: Stiklestad

Aker BP's Finance roadmap in S4/HANA (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (108)


In this presentation we will talk about Aker BP’s finance roadmap for SAP/Fiori including highlights from 2020 – 2022 and our strategy on SAP standard vs self-developed apps with examples. The Self-developed apps are based on business requirements and we will cover some of them in the presentation. Examples of apps will be within the area of Forecasting, GR/IR and Master data.

  • Moderated by Didrik Arstad

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Bernt Olsen, Finance Manager - Digital, AkerBP

Helge Torsøy, Digital Finance Professional hos Aker BP ASA, AkerBP

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (109)

Room: Stiklestad

Business Transformation Finance, Analytics

Wed 11:50-12:30

The Human Resource related presentation is on the main stage. Theroom is available for Ad-hoc meetings.

Human Experience Management

Room: Finse

The Human Resource related presentation is on the main stage. Theroom is available for Ad-hoc meetings.

The Human Resource related presentation is on the main stage. If theroom is if empty, the room is available for your Ad-hoc meetings.

Room: Finse

Human Experience Management

Wed 11:50-12:30

Buy.SMART; the Global Digital Source to Pay Business Transformation journey of DSM with Deloitte as partner. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (110)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (111) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (112)


Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Buy.SMART; the Global Digital Source to Pay Business Transformation journey of DSM with Deloitte as partner. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (113)


Deloitte supported DSM on a three jour journey to Transform their Source to Pay function, deploying SAP Ariba across the entire process.

It started with developing a business case, followed by setting up the program, developing a global process design where DSM and Deloitte worked hand-in hand across various design workshops. After this we localized the design for two pilot roll-outs in France and Brazil.

The program was different from other digital programs because buy.SMART was not simply a tool implementation but approached as a Business Transformation, with a lot of emphasis on getting the business involved and engaged, getting the right content in, enabling the DSM suppliers and a lot of time spend on change management, adoption and user experience. During our contribution we will share a detailed overview of the Business Transformation, our approach and elaborate on the critical elements to successfully Transform your Source to Pay function.

  • This session is moderated by Dag Håkon Myrdal, AkerSolutions

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Erik Andresen, SAP Offering Lead, Norway, Deloitte

Egbert Kroese, Senior Manager Strategy and Operations, Deloitte

Michiel Junge, Partner | Sourcing & Procurement, Deloitte

Andries Feikema, Procurement Transformation Leader | Digitalization Advocate | Procurement Excellence Professional | Change Management & Digitalization Keynote speaker, Deloitte

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (114) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (115)

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Logistics

Wed 11:50-12:30

RISE with SAP Retail - the Intelligent Enterprise(English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (116)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (117)

Customer Experience & Retail

Room: Færder-Fredriksten

RISE with SAP Retail - the Intelligent Enterprise(English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (118)


RoadMap Retail -RISE with SAP Retail - the Intelligent Enterprise

  • This session is moderated by Sigurd Skyum, SBN

Dani Khalaf, Vice President Industry Business Unit Retail , SAP SE

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (119)

Room: Færder-Fredriksten

Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 12:30-13:55

Wed 12:30-13:55

Networking Lunch.
Take the opportunity also to visit exhibitors and take the Quiz, the link is found on "Read more".

Room: Restaurant (downstairs)

Networking Lunch.
Take the opportunity also to visit exhibitors and take the Quiz, the link is found on "Read more".

Networking Lunch.
Visit the exhibitors and take the Wednesday Quizzes - We wish you luck! Everyreply with name and correct answers has the chance to win 300NOK or 30Euro sent as a gift card on e-mail after the conference.The list of winners will also be published onFriday the 28 October in the SBN Newsletter.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (120)
Use this link for Quiz number 1 - 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro. 3 winners on each Quiz

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (121)
Quiz number 2- 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro.3 winners on each Quiz

Room: Restaurant (downstairs)

Wed 13:55-14:00

Wed 13:55-14:00

5 min time to go and find the next presentation😊

5 min time to go and find the next presentation😊

5 min time to go and find the next presentation😊

Wed 14:00-14:40

Wed 14:00-14:40

Carbon: the untapped value pool for the new era of emissions intelligence. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (122)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (123)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (124)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Carbon: the untapped value pool for the new era of emissions intelligence. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (125)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (126)

Recording: [slides]

  • To make sustainable choicesCompanies need visibility across the entire value chain
  • Sustainable decisions build on Carbon Transparency and Carbon Accounting
  • Regulatory and investment pressures mandate carbon transparency.
  • Companies need exploiting carbon flows like currency through transactional value chain will allow to handle fully auditable carbon emissions accounting
  • It's time to see CarbonAccounting as the untapped value pool for new the era of profitable, market-oriented and Sustainable products and services

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (127)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Mauricio Bermudez Neubauer, Strategy Executive Principle, London, UK., Accenture

Andrew Pincott, Programme Director, Carbon and ESG Intelligence, Accenture

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (128)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation Sustainability

Wed 14:00-14:40

IT Security starts with people (Norwegian)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (129)

IT, RISE, Projects

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

IT Security starts with people (Norwegian)

People are the biggest threats in information security. There are psychology and control techniques used to cheet and force people.

In this presentation you will get some examples of how to detect and better protect against information gathering from third parties. Stein Ove will also share which areas he regards as most critical and where in a system landscape additional tools could be beneficial to install.

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and the presentationand we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Stein Ove Røv, Strategic Advisor, Digitalization and IT, Skagerakenergi

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (130)

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

IT, RISE, Projects

Wed 14:00-14:40

The Journey to S/4HANA Finance in Wintershall DEA - what we have done - what we have learned. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (131)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (132)

Finance, Analytics

Room: Stiklestad

The Journey to S/4HANA Finance in Wintershall DEA - what we have done - what we have learned. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (133)


From 3 solutions to One in a Greenfield approach to S/4HANA, Wintershall DEA in their Project One after about 2 years, went live early in 2022 and not without pain and challenges. Hear their story by one who was a central part of the Norwegian BU team in Finance. What have they done in the project in Finance, how did they do it and what have they learned on the journey so far. In addition to take aways and maybe a few words about what they should have done differently, also some words about their roadmap going forward.

This session will be moderated by Didrik Astad, SBN

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Azim Fiaz, Senior SAP Key user, Wintershall DEA Norge AS

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (134)

Room: Stiklestad

Business Transformation Finance, Analytics

Wed 14:00-14:40

SuccessFactors implementation at Gassco, experience shared (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (135)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (136) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (137)

Human Experience Management

Room: Abelhaugen

SuccessFactors implementation at Gassco, experience shared (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (138)


Experience from SuccessFactors implementation project including EC, Compensation, and Talent Management in 5 countries. Acustomer project atGassco

This session is moderated by Bernt Bakken, SBN

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later. Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Ingolf Kornelius Voll, Special advisor, Gassco

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (139) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (140)

Room: Abelhaugen

Business Transformation Human Experience Management

Wed 14:00-14:40

Sourcing Transformation supporting UPM’s strategy - A FUTURE BEYOND FOSSILS (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (141)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (142)


Room: Færder-Fredriksten

Sourcing Transformation supporting UPM’s strategy - A FUTURE BEYOND FOSSILS (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (143)


Sourcing Transformation supporting UPM’s strategy A FUTURE BEYOND FOSSILS


  • Sales 9,8 Billion (€)
  • 200 million end-users globally
  • 17.000 employees
  • 54 production plants around the world

UPM has gone through massive Sourcing and Procurement transformation since late 2019.
Target of the transformation is to

  1. create New Business value for UPM businesses through maximizing use and focus of professional sourcing and procurement expertise
  2. improve productivity through centre of expertise and adding more automation

The transformation consists areas of New Capabilities, New Operating Models and New digital operating platform (SAP Ariba). The scope of the transformation is all the business areas in UPM.

Part of the transformation is implementation of SAP Ariba to support Source to Pay Process and new operating models. The modules in scope of the implementation are Supplier Lifecycle & Performance- (SLP), Supplier Risk-, Sourcing-, Contract Management, Buying, Catalog and Commerce Automation (Ariba Network). The presentation consists Key Learnings during the journey so far.

This session is moderated by Dag Håkon Myrdal, Aker Solutions

Vesa Kuismanen, Director, Sourcing Transformation, UPM

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (144)

Room: Færder-Fredriksten

Business Transformation Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Logistics

Wed 14:00-14:40

Learn how Louis Poulsen converted from ECC 6.0 to S/4HANA with the NTT DATA Conversion Factory Approach (Norwegian)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (145) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (146)

Customer Experience & Retail

Room: Finse

Learn how Louis Poulsen converted from ECC 6.0 to S/4HANA with the NTT DATA Conversion Factory Approach (Norwegian)

Learn how the Retailer Louis Poulsen converted from ECC 6.0 to S/4HANA with the NTT DATA Conversion Factory Approach

  • Well Proven Methodology
  • With more than 4000 Custom Code Objects
  • With more than 10 years of Financial data in ECC
  • On-time and On-budget

This session is moderated by Sigurd Skyum, SBN

Arild Bjørneng, Principal Project Manager, NTT DATA Business Solutions

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (147) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (148)

Room: Finse

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 14:40-15:00

Wed 14:40-15:00

Break - Visit our exhibition area. Link to the Quizzes is found on "Read more"

Break - Visit our exhibition area. Link to the Quizzes is found on "Read more"

Break - Visit the exhibitors and take the Wednesday Quizzes - We wish you luck! Everyreply with name and correct answers has the chance to win 300NOK or 30Euro sent as a gift card on e-mail after the conference.The list of winners will also be published onFriday the 28 October in the SBN Newsletter.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (149)
Use this link for Quiz number 1 - 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro. 3 winners on each Quiz

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (150)
Quiz number 2- 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro.3 winners on each Quiz

Wed 15:00-15:40

Wed 15:00-15:40

Nortura - Strategy for moving to S/4HANA on RISE. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (151)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (152)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Nortura - Strategy for moving to S/4HANA on RISE. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (153)


Nortura sharing experience.

  • The Nortura business processes and company structure and a little about IThistory
  • Why Nortura now did choose a RISE agreement.
  • Exprience so far in the journey to a cloud environment and RISE "environment"
  • Methods which they will use and do use
  • Plans for the future

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (154)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Marianne Wik, SAP Lead Architect, Nortura

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (155)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects Logistics

Wed 15:00-15:40

SAP AppGyver andSAP Process Automation (English)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (156)

IT, RISE, Projects

Room: Færder-Fredriksten

SAP AppGyver andSAP Process Automation (English)

15:00-15:40 SAP AppGyver, Conference room Færder-Fredriksen

  • SAP AppGyver provides a professional, no-code application development environment designed for anyone to quickly develop apps with drag-and-drop capabilities, regardless of role and skill level.
  • In this session you will get an introduction into SAP AppGyver and see how SAP’s customers use it to boost productivity and efficiency.
  • This session is moderated by Dag Håkon Mydal, Aker Solutions

15:50-16:30 SAP Process Automation, Conference room, Fredriksten

  • SAP Process Automation is an AI-powered, intuitive, and no-code solution for workflow management and robotic process automation.
  • Learn how SAP can help you focus on the work that truly makes a difference. Enhance business agility with confidence using SAP Process Automation. See how this intuitive no-code solution combines workflow management and robotic process automation in a single comprehensive tool.
  • Furthermore, we will have a look how SAP’s customers are automating processes with SAP Process Automation
  • The second session has no moderator

-->PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and the presentation. We will try to organise a web session a bit later.,

Edward East, Solution Expert for SAP Business Technology Platform, SAP SE

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (157)

Room: Færder-Fredriksten

IT, RISE, Projects

Wed 15:00-15:40

NG Innsikt – hvordan NorgesGruppen bruker SAC Application Designer for å levere tall med mening (English)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (158) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (159)

Finance, Analytics

Room: Stiklestad

NG Innsikt – hvordan NorgesGruppen bruker SAC Application Designer for å levere tall med mening (English)

NorgesGruppen will showcase their use of SAC and BW/4HANA to support their collaboration with their suppliers in order to share data and insight to support decision making and visibility. Both the business side and technical aspects of the solution as well as deep dive into SAC will be a part of the presentation.

  • This session will be moderated by Didirk Arstad, SBN

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Gunnar Freyr Gunnarsson, SAP Solution Architect, NorgesGruppen Data AS

Morten Espelid, Expert, Business Analytics LoB at NTT Data Business Solutions, NTT DATA Business Solutions

Madhusudan Pareek, SAP BW4HANA Architect at NorgesGruppen, NTT DATA Business Solutions

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (160) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (161)

Room: Stiklestad

Finance, Analytics

Wed 15:00-15:40

Qualtrics with SAP - we share our experience (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (162)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (163)

Human Experience Management

Room: Abelhaugen

Qualtrics with SAP - we share our experience (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (164)


Sariba at Jan Marsli talks about Qualtrics and how Qualtrics incorporated into SAP not only makes things more efficient, but opens up new ways of listening to employees. Jan will also share experiences from projects and customers.

This session will be moderated by Bernt Bakken, SBN

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and the presentationand we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Jan Marsli, Senior Manager, Sariba Consulting AS

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (165)

Room: Abelhaugen

Business Transformation Human Experience Management

Wed 15:00-15:40

The resilient Supply Chain demands a new UI (English)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (166)


Room: Modum-Trollveggen

The resilient Supply Chain demands a new UI (English)

The resilient Supply Chain demands a new UI. It starts on top level and works down to the detail viewin theSupply Chain to easy identify changes and improvments to be done for the best possible process flow.

This presentation was demo only - NO SLIDES WILL BE PUBLISHED

Nadim Chaimi, SAP UX & Mobility expert, Accenture

Chris-Julian Fruhner, , Accenture

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (167)

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Business Transformation Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 15:00-15:40

SAP CX för retail – introduktion. (Nordic)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (168)

Customer Experience & Retail

Room: Finse

SAP CX för retail – introduktion. (Nordic)

Trender och utveckling av Customer Experience i allmänhet, och i Retail CX i synnerhet, samt hur SAP Customer Experience stöder kunder i dessa områden.

  • This session will be moderated by Sigurd Skyum, SBN

Thomas Estlander, Nordic CX Presales Manager, SAP

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (169)

Room: Finse

Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 15:40-15:50

Wed 15:40-15:50

The last break before the party - Visit KPS and/or Sopra Steria to get an extra drink ticket. Last chance to take the Quizzes, link on "Read more".

The last break before the party - Visit KPS and/or Sopra Steria to get an extra drink ticket. Last chance to take the Quizzes, link on "Read more".

The last break before the party - Visit KPS and/or Sopra Steria to get an extra drink ticket. This drink ticket offer is“ Valid as long as there are tickets left”

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (170)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (171)

Link to Wednesday Quizzes - We wish you luck!

Everyreply with name and correct answers has the chance to win 300NOK or 30Euro sent as a gift card on e-mail after the conference.The list of winners will also be published onFriday the 28 October in the SBN Newsletter.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (172)
Use this link for Quiz number 1 - 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro. 3 winners on each Quiz

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (173)
Quiz number 2- 10 Questions .... Leave your name and get the chance to win 300 NOK or 30 Euro.3 winners on each Quiz

Wed 15:50-16:30

Wed 15:50-16:30

Information Management – the hidden challenge you need to solve (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (174)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (175)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (176)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Information Management – the hidden challenge you need to solve (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (177)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (178)

Recording: [slides]

Does your RISE with SAP journey include managing information? If not, then information is likely to become the challenge you did not know you have.

Putting information at the centre of your crucial SAP business processes allows your business users to make intelligent decisions whilst key processes are more agile and flexible for tomorrow's challenges. Without an effective information management strategy with SAP, your organisation risks a lack of information compliance and uncontrolled future costs.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (179)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Peter Sørensen, Senior Product Marketing Manager | SAP Solutions Group, OpenText

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (180)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 15:50-16:30

SAP Automation is Crucial When Adopting SAP S/4HANA. Becomemodern with Agile and DevOps delivery processes (English)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (181)

IT, RISE, Projects

Room: Færder

SAP Automation is Crucial When Adopting SAP S/4HANA. Becomemodern with Agile and DevOps delivery processes (English)

Join this session to learn how one of the largest SAP users in the world – a Consumer Packaged Goods company with a highly complex distributed ECC landscape – successfully managed a multi-year S/4 migration project, including keeping ECC and S/4 systems aligned to avoid business disruption.

Hearhow the customermoved to modernAgile and DevOps delivery processes

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.

James Barter, Solution Director, Basis Technologies

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (182)

Room: Færder

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects

Wed 15:50-16:30

SAP Analytics and Enterprise Reporting - impact and considerations when transitioning to SAP S/4HANA (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (183)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (184)

Finance, Analytics

Room: Stiklestad

SAP Analytics and Enterprise Reporting - impact and considerations when transitioning to SAP S/4HANA (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (185)


If you have struggled with reporting and analytics on the old ECC platform and waited for BW reports to help you finish your operational reporting for the month, then you are not alone. If you in additon to that are starting to come to terms with keywords like real-time, visiblity, drill down, audit trail, self service and insight-2-action as part of the new opportunities on S/4HANA, then it is time to make this a reality also for your company. And recent studies from the SAP community World Wide confirm that the demand for improved reporting, analytics and insights from finance is high on the agenda for most companies these days.

In this session we will give you food for thought regarding how SAP S/4HANA and potentially SAC support your operational and strategic reporting and analytics needs and how you can deliver business value through your data with SAP S/4HANA.

-- Didrik Arstad is moderator

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Mikael Kilåker, Senior Manager at Accenture, Accenture Denmark

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (186)

Room: Stiklestad

Finance, Analytics

Wed 15:50-16:30

Change Management made The SuccessFactors project for Vår Energia success (Mix Norwegian / English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (187)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (188) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (189) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (190)

Human Experience Management

Room: Abelhaugen

Change Management made The SuccessFactors project for Vår Energia success (Mix Norwegian / English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (191)


In this session you will be introduced to the project scope and overview before digging into why Change Management had such a positive impact on the implementation. You will be given insight into the change strategy, training, communication, mobilization and lessons learned.

“We have implemented SuccessFactors with the slogan “It’s all about us”. Let us tell you why!”

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Anpan Kailasapillai, Managing Business Analyst / SAP HCM Solution Architect / SuccessFactors Employee Central Cert. Consultant, Capgemini

Peter Svelander, CIO, SAP

Charlene Simpson, HR Consultant - SAP SF Project Lead, Vår Energi

Lena Lien, Senior Project Lead and People Manager, Capgemini

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (192) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (193) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (194)

Room: Abelhaugen

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects Human Experience Management

Wed 15:50-16:30

Beyond Remote Logistics Management(Mix Norwegian / English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (195)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (196) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (197)


Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Beyond Remote Logistics Management(Mix Norwegian / English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (198)


On behalf of Equinor we want to present the project and solution we are building in the BRLM project.

Equinor is in a joint venture with SAP to develop the next generation of Remote Logistics Management solution for offshore logistics. The solution is based on EWM/TM modules on S/4HANA.

Capgemini is a big part of the project management team, DevOps team and are implementing the solution that are being built by SAP in to Equinor.

Helge Aarvik, Account Executive Expert Digital Supply Chain, SAP

Magne Lima, Senior Application Consultant & SAP Community Lead, EY Skye

Rustam Aizatulin, Senior Consultant , Capgemini

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (199) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (200)

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects Logistics

Wed 15:50-16:30

Modern kundkommunikation i Retail (Nordic)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (201)

Customer Experience & Retail

Room: Finse

Modern kundkommunikation i Retail (Nordic)

SAP Customer Data Management och SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement – byggstenarna för en automatiserad, relevant, och effektiv kundkommunikation baserad på samtycke.

  • This sesion will be moderated by Sigurd Skyum, SBN

Thomas Estlander, Nordic CX Presales Manager, SAP

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (202)

Room: Finse

Business Transformation Customer Experience & Retail

Wed 16:30-22:00

Wed 16:30-22:00

Oktober Fest: 16:30 Get your Hat and proceed to the restaurant.
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (203)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (204)

Click "Read more" to find:

Room: Restaurant (downstairs)

Oktober Fest: 16:30 Get your Hat and proceed to the restaurant.
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (205)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (206)

Click "Read more" to find:

Get your Hat...Collect yours 16:30

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (207)

Oktober Fest Party

16:30 Get your Hat and proceed to the restaurant

16:45 The band starts to play

16:50 The Buffét and Bar opens

  • Ulike Pølsetyper, brød og toppings / Different Sausages, breadand toppings
  • Steambuns med ølbraisert Svinekjøtt /Steambuns with beer braised Pork
  • Bakonsvor og Kringle/ Bacon snacks and Brezels
  • Vegetarisk, veganskalternativ finnes / Vegetarian, vegan alternatives are served

17:20 Oktoberfest med allsang. Song lyrics isfound on this link
17:40 The SBN member of the year
17:50 Best Hat, Best OutFit

18:00 The Foto Booth opens (in the restaurant).The pictures area great memory to take home

21:00 Coffee and apple cake are served

22:00 The Restaurant closes

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (208)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (209)

Room: Restaurant (downstairs)

Happenings which will Entertain

Thu 08:30-09:00

Thu 08:30-09:00

Thursday morning - Nice to see you again! Come early and network with your friends from yesterday. The Thursday Quizzes are found if you click "Read more".

Thursday morning - Nice to see you again! Come early and network with your friends from yesterday. The Thursday Quizzes are found if you click "Read more".

Thursday morning - Nice to see you again! Come early and network with your friends from yesterday.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (210)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 1

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (211)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 2

Torsdag 1 Torsdag 2

Thu 09:00-09:40

Thu 09:00-09:40

The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond - Customer stories from Statkraft and Helse Midt Norge (HEMIT) - with a focus on Finance (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (212)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (213)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (214) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (215)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond - Customer stories from Statkraft and Helse Midt Norge (HEMIT) - with a focus on Finance (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (216)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (217)

Recording: [slides][slides]

The move to S/4HANA represents opportunities, risks and challenges. Some end up with a technical upgrade and miss out on the opportunity to reap benefits from the new platform and have no plan for phase 2 or it is difficult to get phase 2 going. Others are well aware that to move to S/4HANA and continue to work as before, makes no sense. But to reap the benefits of SAP S/4HANA for Finance, you need to get involvet and understand what the technology can do for you.

2 major SAP users in our community will share their story so far and what their priorities are .

Statkraft has been on their journey since 2016 and moved to S/4HANA in May this year. Their story is one of sound preparation and a structured approach from linking the move to S/4 to their business strategy for digitalization. Espen Øvergaard, (VP, Head of GBS Finance) will share his thoughts and take aways so far, what have been the implications of the move, what are their plans, drivers and priorities for the roadmap ahead.

Hemit, or Helse Midt-Norge, moved to version 2020 early in 2021 and Daniel Boer Johannessen, fa*gansvarlig Logistikk, Driftssenteret for Logistikk og Økonomi at Central Norway Regional Health Authority, will share Hemit's journey and priorities so far. They are working on their roadmap to address some of their challenges and pain points as well as continue their journey to make the most of Fiori and embedded, self-service analytics. They are looking into how to solve their budgeting and enteprise reporting needs.

In short how 2 seasoned SAP customers propose to realize what benefits from the move to S4. In addition we will talk about stakeholder management and process and system governance and ownership.

This presentation is run in the Main stage room, called NordCap

Daniel Boer Johannessen, Process owner logistics/supply chain, Hemit HF

Espen Øvergaard, SVP Business support & ownership i New Energy Solutions (forretningsområde i Statkraft), Statkraft AS

Marco Tussing, VP GBS Finance, Statkraft AS

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (218) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (219)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation Finance, Analytics

Thu 09:00-09:40

Cloud ALM is the Solution Manager's successor (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (220)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (221)

IT, RISE, Projects

Room: Trollveggen

Cloud ALM is the Solution Manager's successor (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (222)


SAP Cloud ALM helps you to implement and operate intelligent cloud and hybrid business solutions. You will benefit from an out-of-the-box, native cloud solution, designed as the central entry point to manage your SAP landscape with content-driven guided implementation and highly automated operations. SAP Cloud ALM is included in your cloud subscription and in SAP Enterprise Support.

-->If the room was full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and we will try to organise it as a webinar and getback to you.


Karl Bergström, Enterprise Architect, SAP Danmark AS

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (223)

Room: Trollveggen

IT, RISE, Projects

Thu 09:00-09:40

How integrating HR content management with HXM can improve efficiency and employee experiences (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (224)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (225)

Human Experience Management

Room: Stiklestad

How integrating HR content management with HXM can improve efficiency and employee experiences (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (226)


In this session we explore how SAP Extended ECM for SuccessFactorsenables the intelligent enterprise by providing a digital platform for HR organizations to become more efficient by automating standard HxM processes and freeing up time to focus on key HR challenges.

Putting information at the centre of your SAP SuccessFactors business processes, allows HR and your business users to centrally store, create and compliantly manage HR content as part of digital employee records.

This session is moderated by Bernt Bakken

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (227)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

-->If the room was full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and we will organise it and getback to you.


Adel Ahmed, HR Subject Matter Expert, Independent

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (228)

Room: Stiklestad

IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management

Thu 09:00-09:40

Managing complexity in engineering with SAP Teamcenter PLM (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (229)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (230)


Room: Modum

Managing complexity in engineering with SAP Teamcenter PLM (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (231)


SAP Teamcenter is a world-class Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solution that helps companies to manage the complexity in engineering processes by providing one single source of truth for product data. In this presentation we will talk about what SAP Teamcenter can do, recent developments, industry use cases, and also a customer story.

Lars Fossum, Business Development PLM – Global Center of Excellence, SAP Digital Supply Chain, SAP

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (232)

Room: Modum


Thu 09:40-10:00

Thu 09:40-10:00

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (233)Break- Take the opportunity to discuss your IT challenges with our exhibitors. Click "Read more" to find the links for the Thursday Quizzes

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (234)Break- Take the opportunity to discuss your IT challenges with our exhibitors. Click "Read more" to find the links for the Thursday Quizzes

Break - Ask our exhibitors to solve the questions in the Thursday Quizzes - We wish you luck! Everyreply with name and a correct answers has the chance to win 300NOK or 30Euro as a gift card sent by e-mailafter the conference. The list of the winners will also be published in the SBN Newsletter sent out 28 October.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (235)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 1

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (236)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 2

Thu 10:00-10:40

Thu 10:00-10:40

Panel Discussion: The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond - Customer stories from Statkraft and Helse Midt Norge (HEMIT) - with a focus on Finance (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (237)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (238)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (239) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (240)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Panel Discussion: The Journey to SAP S/4HANA and beyond - Customer stories from Statkraft and Helse Midt Norge (HEMIT) - with a focus on Finance (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (241)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (242)

Recording: [slides]

The move to S/4HANA represents opportunities, risks and challenges. Some end up with a technical upgrade and miss out on the opportunity to reap benefits from the new platform and have no plan for phase 2 or it is difficult to get phase 2 going. Others are well aware that to move to S/4HANA and continue to work as before, makes no sense. But to reap the benefits of SAP S/4HANA for Finance, you need to get involvet and understand what the technology can do for you.

2 major SAP users in our community will share their story so far and what their priorities are .

Statkraft has been on their journey since 2016 and moved to S/4HANA in May this year. Their story is one of sound preparation and a structured approach from linking the move to S/4 to their business strategy for digitalization. Espen Øvergaard, (VP, Head of GBS Finance) will share his thoughts and take aways so far, what have been the implications of the move, what are their plans, drivers and priorities for the roadmap ahead.

Hemit, or Helse Midt-Norge, moved to version 2020 early in 2021 and Daniel Boer Johannessen, fa*gansvarlig Logistikk, Driftssenteret for Logistikk og Økonomi at Central Norway Regional Health Authority, will share Hemit's journey and priorities so far. They are working on their roadmap to address some of their challenges and pain points as well as continue their journey to make the most of Fiori and embedded, self-service analytics. They are looking into how to solve their budgeting and enteprise reporting needs.

In short how 2 seasoned SAP customers propose to realize what benefits from the move to S4. In addition we will talk about stakeholder management and process and system governance and ownership.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (243)Join the discussion and share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge

Speakers and Moderators:

Daniel Boer Johannessen, Process owner logistics/supply chain, Hemit HF

Didrik Arstad, Head of Finance, Analytics and Head of HR, SBN-Adfahrer

Espen Øvergaard, SVP Business support & ownership i New Energy Solutions (forretningsområde i Statkraft), Statkraft AS

Marco Tussing, VP GBS Finance, Statkraft AS

Dag Håkon Myrdal (SBN Kasserer), Digitalization Lead OneSubsea Norway, SLB OneSubsea

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (244) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (245)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation Finance, Analytics

Thu 10:00-10:40

The Importance of Business-Critical Application Protection (English)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (246)

IT, RISE, Projects

Room: Trollveggen

The Importance of Business-Critical Application Protection (English)

The Threat Landscape is Transforming: Understanding The Importance of Business-Critical Application Protection

Business-critical applications such as SAP and Oracle, are the lifeblood of every organization, with 87% of the world’s transaction revenue touching these systems. These applications house customers, sales, financial, product, services, employee information, and trade secrets – and hackers are starting to take notice.

Recent joint threat intelligence reporting from SAP and Onapsis shows threat actors using various multiple attack vectors to target and compromise organizations running unpatched and unprotected SAP applications.This presentation will deliver an in-depth overview of this threat activity, showcasing hackers possessing sophisticated knowledge of business-critical applications to actively target and exploit unsecured SAP applications through a varied set of techniques, tools and procedures.

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Mark Clark, Sales Director, Independent

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (247)

Room: Trollveggen

IT, RISE, Projects

Thu 10:00-10:40

Migrering av SAP Lønn onprem til Successfactors Employee Central – Lyse sine erfaringer(Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (248)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (249) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (250)

Human Experience Management

Room: Stiklestad

Migrering av SAP Lønn onprem til Successfactors Employee Central – Lyse sine erfaringer(Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (251)


Sariba vil dele Lyse AS sine erfaringer med migreringen fra SAP Lønn onprem til Successfactors Employee Central. Vi kommer til å dele våre erfaringer fra prosjektet inkludert bruk av migreringsverktøy (Norwegian)

This session is moderated by Bernt Bakken

-->If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and we will organise it and getback to you.


Elin Haukeland Madell, HR System Owner, Sariba

Marita Johansen, Head of Consulting Project, Sariba

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (252) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (253)

Room: Stiklestad

Human Experience Management

Thu 10:00-10:40

SAP EPD: Cloud PLM tools supporting your Digital Thread (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (254)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (255)


Room: Modum

SAP EPD: Cloud PLM tools supporting your Digital Thread (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (256)


SAP Enterprise Product Development (EPD) is a portfolio of cloud Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions that will extend your core ERP solutions and maintenance/asset management processes. EPD offers a.o. features for collaboration with your suppliers around product-, project-, design-, or specification data, solutions for exposing/sharing core S/4 project/product data, advanced visualization tools for easy navigation in models and product structures, solutions for building and running Digital Twins based on design models, and much more. The presentation will include several customer use cases.

Audun Grimstad, SAP PLM Cloud Customer Office:, SAP

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (257)

Room: Modum

Business Transformation Logistics

Thu 10:40-11:00

Thu 10:40-11:00

Break - Discuss your challenges with our knowledgeable exhibitors. Link to the Quizzes is foun if you click "Read more". Que up for a HEADSHOT by Kristoffer Sandven and his team of makeup artist.

Break - Discuss your challenges with our knowledgeable exhibitors. Link to the Quizzes is foun if you click "Read more". Que up for a HEADSHOT by Kristoffer Sandven and his team of makeup artist.

Break - Ask our exhibitors to solve the questions in the Thursday Quizzes - We wish you luck! Que up for a HEADSHOT by Kristoffer Sandven and his team of makeup artist.

Everyreply with name and a correct answers has the chance to win 300NOK or 30Euro as a gift card sent by e-mailafter the conference. The list of the winners will also be published in the SBN Newsletter sent out 28 October.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (258)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 1

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (259)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 2

Thu 11:00-11:40

Thu 11:00-11:40

Build your strategy for Low-Code / No-Code tools (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (260)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (261)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (262)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Build your strategy for Low-Code / No-Code tools (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (263)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (264)

Recording: [slides]

In this session we will have a look on how you can useSAP’s low-code solutionsto boost productivity and efficiency.

By building apps, automations, and portals with low-code tools, you can quickly augment your finance, human resources, customer experience, and procurement solutions.In this session we will give easy examples on applications that can be built quick and processes which can be automated by pre-defined packages in SAP’s low-code solutions.

Low-Code / No-Code is called LCNC, and is applications forApplication Development and Automation.LCNC tools requirelittle to no coding to build and extend business applications.

Instead of using complex programming languages, developers can leverage visual programming, drag-and-drop capabilities, and sophisticated business logic on a low-code development platform.​

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (265)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Dietmar Steinbichler, Enterprise Architect – SAP Customer Solution Advisory, SAP Svenska AB

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (266)

Room: Nordkapp

Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Thu 11:00-11:40

Carbon management visibility, for travel and transports based on SAP Concur (English)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (267)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (268)

Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management Logistics

Room: Stiklestad

Carbon management visibility, for travel and transports based on SAP Concur (English)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (269)


The Concur based CHOOOSE platform enables enterprise partners across sectors to build and run climate programs that bring climate action into their products, services, and customer experiences.The CHOOOSE company is the trusted climate partner of global enterprises including SAP Concur, Skyscanner, Norwegian, Japan Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Lonely Planet, and many more. CHOOOSE-powered programs provide practical software tools to our partners and their customers — empowering them to understand, reduce, and address emissions through both readily available and frontier carbon solutions.

The CHOOOSEplatform and Climate Appenables corporate sustainability through existing SAP solutions. Addressing travel-related carbon emissions is an important part of any company’s decarbonisation journey. Within the Climate App, you can access a portfolio of high-quality, vetted carbon solutions ranging from renewable energy and nature-based solutions to community-based projects and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

The presentation will be held by Andreas who is a Founder and CEO of CHOOOSE. Andreas was named Entrepreneur of the Year in Norway in 2019, and is passionate about the decarbonization of the hard-to-abate sectors and how technology can be applied to solve such grand challenges.Prior to founding CHOOOSE, he was a lawyer working across the energy value chain and advising foreign governments on energy policies. He holds a Master of Law from the University of Oslo, and a degree from National University of Singapore.

Tis session is moderated by Bernt Bakken

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Andreas Slettvoll, CEO, CHOOOSE

Joakim Veilemand, Solutions Consultant SAP Concur, SAP SE

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (270)

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management Logistics

Thu 11:00-11:40

Carbon management visibility, for travel and transports based on SAP Concur (English)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (271)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (272)

Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management Logistics

Room: Stiklestad

Carbon management visibility, for travel and transports based on SAP Concur (English)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (273)


The Concur based CHOOOSE platform enables enterprise partners across sectors to build and run climate programs that bring climate action into their products, services, and customer experiences.The CHOOOSE company is the trusted climate partner of global enterprises including SAP Concur, Skyscanner, Norwegian, Japan Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Lonely Planet, and many more. CHOOOSE-powered programs provide practical software tools to our partners and their customers — empowering them to understand, reduce, and address emissions through both readily available and frontier carbon solutions.

The CHOOOSEplatform and Climate Appenables corporate sustainability through existing SAP solutions. Addressing travel-related carbon emissions is an important part of any company’s decarbonisation journey. Within the Climate App, you can access a portfolio of high-quality, vetted carbon solutions ranging from renewable energy and nature-based solutions to community-based projects and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

The presentation will be held by Andreas who is a Founder and CEO of CHOOOSE. Andreas was named Entrepreneur of the Year in Norway in 2019, and is passionate about the decarbonization of the hard-to-abate sectors and how technology can be applied to solve such grand challenges.Prior to founding CHOOOSE, he was a lawyer working across the energy value chain and advising foreign governments on energy policies. He holds a Master of Law from the University of Oslo, and a degree from National University of Singapore.

Tis session is moderated by Bernt Bakken

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Andreas Slettvoll, CEO, CHOOOSE

Joakim Veilemand, Solutions Consultant SAP Concur, SAP SE

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (274)

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management Logistics

Thu 11:00-11:40

Carbon management visibility, for travel and transports based on SAP Concur (English)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (275)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (276)

Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management Logistics

Room: Stiklestad

Carbon management visibility, for travel and transports based on SAP Concur (English)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (277)


The Concur based CHOOOSE platform enables enterprise partners across sectors to build and run climate programs that bring climate action into their products, services, and customer experiences.The CHOOOSE company is the trusted climate partner of global enterprises including SAP Concur, Skyscanner, Norwegian, Japan Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Lonely Planet, and many more. CHOOOSE-powered programs provide practical software tools to our partners and their customers — empowering them to understand, reduce, and address emissions through both readily available and frontier carbon solutions.

The CHOOOSEplatform and Climate Appenables corporate sustainability through existing SAP solutions. Addressing travel-related carbon emissions is an important part of any company’s decarbonisation journey. Within the Climate App, you can access a portfolio of high-quality, vetted carbon solutions ranging from renewable energy and nature-based solutions to community-based projects and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

The presentation will be held by Andreas who is a Founder and CEO of CHOOOSE. Andreas was named Entrepreneur of the Year in Norway in 2019, and is passionate about the decarbonization of the hard-to-abate sectors and how technology can be applied to solve such grand challenges.Prior to founding CHOOOSE, he was a lawyer working across the energy value chain and advising foreign governments on energy policies. He holds a Master of Law from the University of Oslo, and a degree from National University of Singapore.

Tis session is moderated by Bernt Bakken

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Andreas Slettvoll, CEO, CHOOOSE

Joakim Veilemand, Solutions Consultant SAP Concur, SAP SE

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (278)

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Human Experience Management Logistics

Thu 11:00-11:40

PUIGis leveraging SAP Business Technology Platform and SAP Cloud Analytics, presented by Deloitte (English)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (279) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (280)

Customer Experience & Retail

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

PUIGis leveraging SAP Business Technology Platform and SAP Cloud Analytics, presented by Deloitte (English)

Deloitte to present how PUIG, a fashion brand house from Spain, is leveraging SAP Business Technology Platform and SAP Cloud Analytics to empower its 1500+ brand ambassadors.

PUIG creates unique and highly desirable beauty and fashion brands with annual turnover of more than 2 Billion Euro, selling brands in 150 countries with offices in 29 countries globally. PUIG wanted a tool to align to company objectives and their ambassadors’ own personal goals and KPIs. They not only wanted to improve the Omni-Channel online/offline experience but also to deliver insight with data captured on a global scale with an Analytics solution.

Deloitte helped them in integrating and deploying a mobile solution running on iPhones and iPads with SAP Business Technology Platform to digitally transform its workforce. The solution also included
Analytic reporting dashboards for sales and KPIs was also built with SAP Cloud Analytics to visualize all captured data in a concise and easy to use interface

Abhishek Tyagi, SAP Technical Architecture Lead Deloitte, Norway, Deloitte

Jonathan Maher, Director User Experience Desige, Deloitte

Anxo Ocampo, Director at Deloitte, Deloitte

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (281) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (282)

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Finance, Analytics Customer Experience & Retail

Thu 11:40-11:50

Thu 11:40-11:50

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (283)Break - Visit our exhibition area and network and make your HEADSHOT from 11:00

👨‍💼 Profile portraits -Kristoffer Sandven and his makeup artists will beginn takingprofile portraits (until 15:00). You will find them in the Room Finse.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (284)Break - Visit our exhibition area and network and make your HEADSHOT from 11:00

👨‍💼 Profile portraits -Kristoffer Sandven and his makeup artists will beginn takingprofile portraits (until 15:00). You will find them in the Room Finse.

Break - Visit our exhibition area and network and make your HEADSHOT

👨‍💼 From 12:00Profile portraits -Kristoffer Sandven and his makeup artists will beginn takingprofile portraits (until 15:00). You will find them nin the room Finse.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (285)

Thu 11:50-12:30

Thu 11:50-12:30

Run your business in a complexenvironment. SAP's best practice for customers' cloud transformation (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (286)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (287)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (288)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Run your business in a complexenvironment. SAP's best practice for customers' cloud transformation (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (289)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (290)

Recording: [slides]

Run your business in a complexenvironment. SAP's best practice for customers' cloud transformation. Focus on (OnPrem, Hybrid, Cloud, RoadMap).

Our moderator is from SAP and the Engagement Architect and Business Development Manager for a very, very largecustomerin the Energy business. The speaker is Chief Cloud Architect ALM & DevOps, Director SAP Premium Hub Center of Exelence onIreland. He is among other things long-term responsible a very large energy customers architecture.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (291)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Magnus Lyngstad, Engagement Architect and Business Development Manager, SAP

Maurice Morrin, Chief Cloud Architect ALM & DevOps, VP SAP Premium Hub CoE Ireland, SAP

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (292)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects

Thu 11:50-12:30

Sustainability transformation enabled by SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprise (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (293)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (294)

Finance, Analytics Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability transformation enabled by SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprise (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (295)


Managing sustainability transformation – the ultimate business challenge of the decade

Accenture and SAP are co-developing solutions which enable ESG intelligence transparency and accuracy and induce change towards more sustainable value chain. This session focuses on SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprise and what the solutions can bring. You will also see inspirational examples how you can begin the journey.

Speaker is Sustainability Lead for Accenture SAP Business Group Nordics and passionate about making a real difference in the fight against climate change.

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.

Janette Kruunari, Senior Manager | Sustainability | Technology | Transformations | Project Management , Accenture

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (296)

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Thu 11:50-12:30

Spørsmål og svar innen HR(Norwegian)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (297)

Human Experience Management

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Spørsmål og svar innen HR(Norwegian)

Marit Andersen (Localization Product Manager Norway Globalization Services),SAP Norge ogMarita Johansen (Senior Manager/Konsulentsjef), Sariba vi være tilgjengelig og svare på spørsmål relatert til HR / SuccessFactors og Norsk Lønn/myndighetsrapportering.

Har du spørsmål som du lurer på kan du allrede nå sende en mail

Dette var kun spørsmål og svar - INGEN SLIDES VIL BLI PUBLISERT

Marit Andersen, Localization Product Manager Norway Globalization Services, SAP

Marita Johansen, Head of Consulting Project, Sariba

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (298)

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Human Experience Management

Thu 11:50-12:30

Sustainability transformation enabled by SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprise (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (299)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (300)

Finance, Analytics Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability transformation enabled by SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprise (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (301)


Managing sustainability transformation – the ultimate business challenge of the decade

Accenture and SAP are co-developing solutions which enable ESG intelligence transparency and accuracy and induce change towards more sustainable value chain. This session focuses on SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprise and what the solutions can bring. You will also see inspirational examples how you can begin the journey.

Speaker is Sustainability Lead for Accenture SAP Business Group Nordics and passionate about making a real difference in the fight against climate change.

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.

Janette Kruunari, Senior Manager | Sustainability | Technology | Transformations | Project Management , Accenture

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (302)

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Thu 11:50-12:30

Sustainability transformation enabled by SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprise (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (303)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (304)

Finance, Analytics Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability transformation enabled by SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprise (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (305)


Managing sustainability transformation – the ultimate business challenge of the decade

Accenture and SAP are co-developing solutions which enable ESG intelligence transparency and accuracy and induce change towards more sustainable value chain. This session focuses on SAP Cloud for Sustainable Enterprise and what the solutions can bring. You will also see inspirational examples how you can begin the journey.

Speaker is Sustainability Lead for Accenture SAP Business Group Nordics and passionate about making a real difference in the fight against climate change.

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.

Janette Kruunari, Senior Manager | Sustainability | Technology | Transformations | Project Management , Accenture

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (306)

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Finance, Analytics Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Thu 12:30-13:30

Thu 12:30-13:30

🍛Networking Lunch, Restaurant downstairs.Served lunch in restaurant - enjoy the discussion with your peers

🍛Networking Lunch, Restaurant downstairs.Served lunch in restaurant - enjoy the discussion with your peers

🍛Networking Lunch.Take the opportunity also to visit exhibitors and take the Quiz

Happenings which will Entertain

Thu 13:30-14:00

Thu 13:30-14:00

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (307)

Meet the SBN CLT at the SBN Booth,talk to the exhibitors and reply to the Quizzes. Link is found on "Read more"

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (308)

Meet the SBN CLT at the SBN Booth,talk to the exhibitors and reply to the Quizzes. Link is found on "Read more"

Meet the SBN CLT at the SBN Booth,talk to the exhibitors and reply to the Quiz. In picture Svanhild Didriksen, Dag Håkon Myrdal andGunn Elisabeth Løland Lending.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (309)

Take the opportunity to ask our exhibitors for replies to the questions in the Thursday Quizzes - We wish you luck! Everyreply with name and a correct answers has the chance to win 300NOK or 30Euro as a gift card sent by e-mailafter the conference. The list of the winners will also be published in the SBN Newsletter sent out 28 October.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (310)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 1

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (311)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 2

Thu 14:00-14:40

Thu 14:00-14:40

Running SAP in a complex landscape, in a constant cloud modernization journey.Elkjøp will share ... In Norwegian.
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (312)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (313)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (314)

Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Running SAP in a complex landscape, in a constant cloud modernization journey.Elkjøp will share ... In Norwegian.
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (315)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (316)

Recording: [slides]

Running SAP in a complex landscape, in a constant cloud modernization journey
- Learnings and challenges

Marit Groven and Anders Bakken will share general observations they have made throughout the landscape. They will touch on topics such as Integration, BTP, Cloud vs Cloud-native, but as a part of the red line they will share in their presentation.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (317)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Marit Groven, Head of IT Finance and Supply Chain Technology , Elkjøp Nordic

Anders Bakken, Enterprise Architect, Elkjøp Nordic

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (318)

Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Thu 14:00-14:40

Intelligent Accounting and Closing Automation in SAP S/4HANA (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (319)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (320)

Finance, Analytics

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Intelligent Accounting and Closing Automation in SAP S/4HANA (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (321)


In this session you will learn about how to automate the orchestration of your closing tasks with SAP Advanced Financial Closing. Furthermore you will get insights on how to automate specific closing tasks such as improving your GR/IR/PO matching with SAP GR/IR Reconciliation Machine Learning as well as adding Machine Learning to the Accruals process by receiving recommendations for the reasonable adjusted value for each purchase order accrual with SAP Accruals Management Machine Learning.

--Didrik Astad is moderator

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Moritz Back, Solution Advisor for Sustainability, Finance & Analytics, SAP

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (322)

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Finance, Analytics

Thu 14:00-14:40

Stories og People Analytics i SuccessFactors (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (323)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (324)

Human Experience Management

Room: Stiklestad

Stories og People Analytics i SuccessFactors (Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (325)


Stories og People Analytics i SuccessFactors

En spennende presentasjon av Stories, analyser og rapporteringsmuligheter i SuccessFactors, med demo av bl.a:

  • Innsiktsanalyser
  • Mangfolds rapportering
  • Grafiske elementer, mm

This session is moderated by Bernt Bakken

-->If the room was full and you would like to join this this presentation, please openthe link and share your name and we will organise it and getback to you.


Sondre Grahl-Jacobsen, , Zalaris AS

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (326)

Room: Stiklestad

Sustainability Finance, Analytics

Thu 14:40-15:00

Thu 14:40-15:00

Break - Last chance for HEADSHOT. Kristoffer Sandveen and his team of makeup artists stay until 15:00.Did you like this conference? In the evaluation. please shareideas for future meetings organised by SBN.

Break - Last chance for HEADSHOT. Kristoffer Sandveen and his team of makeup artists stay until 15:00.Did you like this conference? In the evaluation. please shareideas for future meetings organised by SBN.

Break - Ask our exhibitors to solve the questions in the Thursday Quizzes - We wish you luck! Everyreply with name and a correct answers has the chance to win 300NOK or 30Euro as a gift card sent by e-mailafter the conference. The list of the winners will also be published in the SBN Newsletter sent out 28 October.

Do not forget to ask for contact information for the people you iike to network with also after the conference.

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (327)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 1

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (328)This is the link and QR code for Quiz 2

This is the link to the Conference evaluation. Did you like this conference? In the evaluation share your ideas for future meetings organised by SBN.

Would you like to be part of or lead an SBN Innovation Team? Use this link to finn in your contact infomation and we will get back to you after the conference.

Thu 15:00-15:40

Thu 15:00-15:40

Sikkerhet og personvern i skytjenester og hyperscalers. DFØ og Forsvaret deler erfaring.(Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (329)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (330)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (331)


Main Stage a Mixed Track

Room: Nordkapp

Sikkerhet og personvern i skytjenester og hyperscalers. DFØ og Forsvaret deler erfaring.(Norwegian)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (332)SBN SAP Conference 2022 (333)

Recording: [slides][slides]

Sikkerhet og personvern i skytjenester og hyperscalers. Erfaringer fra et stats-perspektivdeles av DFØ og Forsvaret. Vår moderator er fra Skagerak Energi (in Norwegian language)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (334)Share your questions and comments from your phone.
Open this link or scan the QR code

Mark your Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook share with #sbnnorge


Jan Morten Solhaug, Avdelingsdirektør i Cyberforsvaret, Forsvaret

Gunn Elisabeth Løland Lending, avdelingsdirektør Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring (DFØ) fa*g og produktutvikling, lønnsdivisjonen, Stavanger, Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (335)


Room: Nordkapp

Business Transformation IT, RISE, Projects Human Experience Management Logistics Customer Experience & Retail

Thu 15:00-15:40

Improving the End-to-End Close Process together with SAP. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (336)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (337)

Finance, Analytics

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Improving the End-to-End Close Process together with SAP. (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (338)


Through process harmonization and automation, BlackLine enables the finance function to shift focus from operational manual activities to strategic initiatives.

Otto Haarlaa, solution expert and former BlackLine and SAP user, shares lessons learned from companies that have transitioned to modern accounting, among them Sanoma, an innovative and agile Finnish learning and media company, Nike and Anheuser-Busch InBev, World's largest brewer. You will pick up learning points in regard to how you can improve your Record-2-Report Process.

-- Didrik Arstad is moderator

PS: If the room is full and you would like to join this this presentation, please open the link and share your name and the presentation and we will try to organise a web session a bit later.


Erik Segerstolpe, Helps automate finance department processes at Blackline BlackLine Uppsala universitet Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden , BLACKLINE

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (339)

Room: Modum-Trollveggen

Thu 15:00-15:40

Improving Well Planning, Delivery and Operations with SAP PLM (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (340)

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (341)


Room: Stiklestad

Improving Well Planning, Delivery and Operations with SAP PLM (English)
SBN SAP Conference 2022 (342)


We present an approach to improve economical performance of oil & gas well across entire well lifecycle using capabilities readily available from SAP PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). PLM provides a well-centric view of cost data, technical documents, regulatory and asset requirements, output from specialized software and list of materials, services and equipment. Centered around the well as digital, changing entity, PLM translates technical choices to cost, enabling better spend management at any phase of well lifecycle. PLM capabilities allow seamless handover of the well project data from well planning group to drilling teams and then to the asset, where design and executional data could be connected to asset’s tags to enable live Digital Twin of the well.

Audun Grimstad, SAP PLM Cloud Customer Office:, SAP

Andrey Kovalenko, Industry Value Advisor - Energy, SAP

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (343)

Room: Stiklestad

Business Transformation Sustainability IT, RISE, Projects Logistics

Thu 15:40-16:00

Thu 15:40-16:00

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (344)Thank you! See you next year ... Link to Conference evaluation.

Room: Nordkapp

SBN SAP Conference 2022 (345)Thank you! See you next year ... Link to Conference evaluation.

Meet the SBN Team outside of Nordkapp to say "See you next year" .

->This is the link to the Conference evaluation. Did you like this conference? In the evaluation share your ideas for future meetings organised by SBN.

--> Would you like to work with us to create events for SBN members? Would you like to engage? Click this link and fill in your data and we will call you...or use the QR code to got to the link.

Room: Nordkapp

Number of participants: 302

  • Morten Espelid SBN SAP Conference 2022 (346)

    NTT Data

  • Geir Balsnes SBN SAP Conference 2022 (347)

    NTT DATA Business Solutions

  • Hans-Erik Eie SBN SAP Conference 2022 (348)

    NTT DATA Business Solutions

  • Amanda Roberts SBN SAP Conference 2022 (349)

    Pearl Group

  • Egbert Kroese SBN SAP Conference 2022 (350)


  • Jon Henry Rosseland SBN SAP Conference 2022 (351)

    Deloitte Advokatfirma

  • Michiel Junge SBN SAP Conference 2022 (352)


  • Hadi Shalmashi SBN SAP Conference 2022 (353)


  • Amit Jha SBN SAP Conference 2022 (354)


  • Helge Aarvik SBN SAP Conference 2022 (355)


  • Daniel Brighenti SBN SAP Conference 2022 (356)

    SAP SE

  • David Millner SBN SAP Conference 2022 (357)

    SAP Signavio

  • Helene Mjøs SBN SAP Conference 2022 (358)


  • Lars Marstein Lund SBN SAP Conference 2022 (359)


  • Endre Rasmussen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (360)

    Coop Norge SA

  • Jon Espen Kleven SBN SAP Conference 2022 (361)

    Statkraft AS

  • Marco Tussing SBN SAP Conference 2022 (362)

    Statkraft AS

  • Manish Bhambhani SBN SAP Conference 2022 (363)


  • Mikael Kilåker SBN SAP Conference 2022 (364)

    Accenture Denmark

  • Aina Olsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (365)


  • Henning Jorkjend SBN SAP Conference 2022 (366)

    NTT Data

  • Henning Klemp SBN SAP Conference 2022 (367)

    SAP Norge

  • Ingolf Voll SBN SAP Conference 2022 (368)

    Gassco AS

  • Chris-Julian Fruhner SBN SAP Conference 2022 (369) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (370)


  • Karl Bergström SBN SAP Conference 2022 (371) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (372)


  • Margrethe Ervik SBN SAP Conference 2022 (373) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (374)


  • Frederik Borgersen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (375) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (376)


  • Inger Helen Bøhmer SBN SAP Conference 2022 (377) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (378)

    Norgesgruppen ASA

  • Anne Holme SBN SAP Conference 2022 (379) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (380)

    Sopra Steria

  • Tony Muratore SBN SAP Conference 2022 (381) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (382)

    BluMarbl AS

  • Frode Sleveland SBN SAP Conference 2022 (383) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (384)


  • Madhusudan Pareek SBN SAP Conference 2022 (385) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (386)


  • James Barter SBN SAP Conference 2022 (387) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (388)

    Basis Technologies

  • Lars Petter Stormo SBN SAP Conference 2022 (389) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (390)


  • Susanne Åberg SBN SAP Conference 2022 (391) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (392)


  • Joakim Veilemand SBN SAP Conference 2022 (393) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (394)

    SAP Concur

  • Katrin Tianjing Hugøy SBN SAP Conference 2022 (395) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (396)

    SBN - Adfahrer

  • Sara Dahlen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (397) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (398)

    SBN - Adfahrer

  • Victoria Nystuen Veflingstad SBN SAP Conference 2022 (399) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (400)

    SBN - Adfahrer

  • Eva Hjorth Hausken SBN SAP Conference 2022 (401) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (402)

    SBN - Adfahrer

  • Dilraba Azat SBN SAP Conference 2022 (403) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (404)

    SBN - Adfahrer

  • Martin Mwala SBN SAP Conference 2022 (405) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (406)

    SBN - Adfahrer

  • Floyd Darison SBN SAP Conference 2022 (407) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (408)

    SBN - Adfahrer

  • Pankhuri Garud SBN SAP Conference 2022 (409) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (410)

    Yara Norge AS

  • Edward East SBN SAP Conference 2022 (411) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (412)


  • Maja Edborg-Torjussen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (413) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (414)

    Sariba Consulting AS

  • Joachim Kaland SBN SAP Conference 2022 (415) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (416)

    Yara International

  • Per Atle Steinsland SBN SAP Conference 2022 (417) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (418)


  • Eirik Røtnes SBN SAP Conference 2022 (419) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (420)


  • Joakim Solbakk Pedersen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (421) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (422)

    Helse Vest

  • Karin Ejstrup SBN SAP Conference 2022 (423) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (424)

    EPI-USE Labs

  • Ellen Fjell SBN SAP Conference 2022 (425) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (426)


  • Birgitte Bauck SBN SAP Conference 2022 (427) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (428)


  • Julia Berger Stormo SBN SAP Conference 2022 (429) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (430)


  • Jan Morten Solhaug SBN SAP Conference 2022 (431) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (432)


  • Laurent Sauret SBN SAP Conference 2022 (433) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (434)


  • Therese Brandt-Rasmussen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (435) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (436)


  • Anders Björklund SBN SAP Conference 2022 (437) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (438)


  • Mari Sakkestad SBN SAP Conference 2022 (439) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (440)

    ConocoPhillips Norge

  • Christian Rakvaag SBN SAP Conference 2022 (441) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (442)

    Yara Norge AS

  • Olivia Ostrowski SBN SAP Conference 2022 (443) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (444)

    Yara Norge AS

  • Vivian Wong SBN SAP Conference 2022 (445) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (446)

    Yara Norge AS

  • Jon Arne Birkedal SBN SAP Conference 2022 (447) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (448)

    ConocoPhillips Norge

  • ASTRI EDLAND ALDEN SBN SAP Conference 2022 (449) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (450)

    ConocoPhillips Norge

  • Siri Børnes SBN SAP Conference 2022 (451) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (452)

    Pearl Group

  • Magnus Ollfors SBN SAP Conference 2022 (453) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (454)

    Statkraft AS

  • Ingrid Rosshaug SBN SAP Conference 2022 (455) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (456)

    Helse Vest

  • Kristin Dyrud SBN SAP Conference 2022 (457) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (458)

    Yara Norge AS

  • Stine Brendjord SBN SAP Conference 2022 (459) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (460)


  • Nick Banks (Nest Leder) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (461) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (462)

    Nets Branch Norway AS

  • Pål Solbu SBN SAP Conference 2022 (463) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (464)

    Yara International Asa

  • Ewa Beckman SBN SAP Conference 2022 (465) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (466)


  • Adel Ahmed SBN SAP Conference 2022 (467) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (468)


  • Jonathan Cooper SBN SAP Conference 2022 (469) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (470)


  • Tor Monsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (471) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (472)

    Vår Energi

  • Daniel Johannessen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (473) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (474)

    Helse Midt-Norge IKT (HEMIT)

  • Yngvil Dyrkoren SBN SAP Conference 2022 (475) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (476) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (477)

    Coop Norge SA

  • Cecilie Eckhardt SBN SAP Conference 2022 (478) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (479) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (480)

    Sariba AS

  • Markku Rantala SBN SAP Conference 2022 (481) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (482) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (483)

    Adsotech Oy

  • Magne Lima SBN SAP Conference 2022 (484) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (485) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (486)


  • Rustam Aizatulin SBN SAP Conference 2022 (487) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (488) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (489)


  • Erik Andresen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (490) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (491) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (492)


  • Harald Eirik Breyholtz SBN SAP Conference 2022 (493) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (494) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (495)

    Helse Vest

  • Birgitte Ekroll SBN SAP Conference 2022 (496) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (497) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (498)


  • Christer Uthus SBN SAP Conference 2022 (499) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (500) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (501)


  • Anpan Kailasapillai SBN SAP Conference 2022 (502) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (503) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (504)


  • Nadim Chaimi SBN SAP Conference 2022 (505) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (506) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (507)


  • Andrew Pincott SBN SAP Conference 2022 (508) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (509) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (510)


  • Eva-Maria Fahrer SBN SAP Conference 2022 (511) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (512) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (513)


  • Chanakya Sharma SBN SAP Conference 2022 (514) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (515) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (516)


  • Christina Fahrer SBN SAP Conference 2022 (517) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (518) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (519)


  • Magnus Lyngstad SBN SAP Conference 2022 (520) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (521) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (522)

    SAP Norge

  • Dietmar Steinbichler SBN SAP Conference 2022 (523) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (524) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (525)


  • Didrik Arstad SBN SAP Conference 2022 (526) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (527) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (528)


  • Einar Christophersen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (529) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (530) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (531)


  • Nina Schmid SBN SAP Conference 2022 (532) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (533) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (534)

    ConocoPhillips Norge

  • Inger Fosso SBN SAP Conference 2022 (535) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (536) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (537)


  • Stein Rynning Moshuus SBN SAP Conference 2022 (538) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (539) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (540)

    Aibel AS

  • Harald Thorsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (541) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (542) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (543)

    Helse Midt-Norge

  • Finn Helge Bjøru SBN SAP Conference 2022 (544) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (545) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (546)

    Hemit HF

  • Veronika Midtgård SBN SAP Conference 2022 (547) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (548) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (549)

    Aibel AS

  • Inger Myren SBN SAP Conference 2022 (550) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (551) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (552)

    Norske Skog AS

  • Liv Sundfør SBN SAP Conference 2022 (553) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (554) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (555)

    Helse Vest

  • Terje Skjesol SBN SAP Conference 2022 (556) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (557) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (558)

    Norske Skog ASA

  • Joanna Svendsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (559) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (560) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (561)

    Helse Vest

  • Kirsti Tagge SBN SAP Conference 2022 (562) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (563) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (564)

    Zalaris AS

  • Maren Aasland SBN SAP Conference 2022 (565) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (566) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (567)

    Helse Vest

  • Kristoffer Bostad SBN SAP Conference 2022 (568) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (569) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (570)


  • Lene Sundli SBN SAP Conference 2022 (571) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (572) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (573)

    Hemit HF

  • Merete Kvam SBN SAP Conference 2022 (574) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (575) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (576)

    Hemit HF

  • Sveinung Gehrken SBN SAP Conference 2022 (577) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (578) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (579)

    S5 Consulting

  • Christel Beate Lerøy SBN SAP Conference 2022 (580) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (581) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (582)

    Helse Vest

  • Olga Lotherington SBN SAP Conference 2022 (583) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (584) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (585)

    Yara Norge AS

  • Kari Hautamäki SBN SAP Conference 2022 (586) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (587) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (588)


  • Øyvind Sevaldrud SBN SAP Conference 2022 (589) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (590) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (591)

    NorgesGruppen Data AS

  • Gunnar Freyr Gunnarsson SBN SAP Conference 2022 (592) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (593) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (594)

    NorgesGruppen Data AS

  • Silvia Gomez SBN SAP Conference 2022 (595) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (596) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (597)

    Norsk Medisinaldepot AS

  • Geir Engen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (598) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (599) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (600)

    Aibel AS

  • Toril Åsnes SBN SAP Conference 2022 (601) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (602) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (603)

    St.Olavs Hospital HF/Helse Midt Norge

  • Ewa Søderquist SBN SAP Conference 2022 (604) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (605) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (606)

    NorgesGruppen Data AS

  • Simone Van Kippersluis SBN SAP Conference 2022 (607) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (608) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (609)


  • John Christian Hveding SBN SAP Conference 2022 (610) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (611) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (612)

    NorgesGruppen Data AS

  • Svanhild Didriksen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (613) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (614) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (615)

    ConocoPhillips Norge

  • Joakim Löves SBN SAP Conference 2022 (616) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (617) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (618)


  • Erik Elgaaen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (619) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (620) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (621)

    NorgesGruppen ASA

  • Joachim Langvik SBN SAP Conference 2022 (622) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (623) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (624)


  • Bernt Bakken SBN SAP Conference 2022 (625) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (626) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (627)


  • Madhur Ahuja SBN SAP Conference 2022 (628) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (629) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (630)

    Statkraft AS

  • Kåre Ilstad SBN SAP Conference 2022 (631) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (632) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (633)

    Statkraft AS

  • Merete Bjerkevoll SBN SAP Conference 2022 (634) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (635) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (636)

    Kverneland AS

  • Thomas Hausken SBN SAP Conference 2022 (637) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (638) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (639)

    Kverneland AS

  • Torunn Kvia Nærland SBN SAP Conference 2022 (640) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (641) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (642)

    Kverneland AS

  • Kjell Jensen (Leder) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (643) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (644) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (645)

    Arcus-Gruppen AS

  • Daniel e Johannessen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (646) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (647) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (648)

    Helse Midt-Norge

  • Arild Olsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (649) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (650) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (651)


  • Steinar Hansen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (652) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (653) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (654)

    ConocoPhillips Norge

  • Sigurd Skyum SBN SAP Conference 2022 (655) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (656) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (657)


  • Paul Wood SBN SAP Conference 2022 (658) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (659) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (660)

    Proceed Group

  • Roger Olafsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (661) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (662) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (663)

    ABB AS

  • Kjell Aralt SBN SAP Conference 2022 (664) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (665) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (666)


  • Tore Kvamme SBN SAP Conference 2022 (667) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (668) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (669)

    ABB AS

  • Thor Øyvind Nilsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (670) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (671) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (672)


  • Martin Gundersen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (673) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (674) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (675)

    Statkraft AS

  • Dag Fischer Nielsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (676) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (677) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (678)

    Coop Norge SA

  • Thoralf Andreassen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (679) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (680) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (681)

    Vår Energi

  • Svein Kolden SBN SAP Conference 2022 (682) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (683) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (684)

    Basis Consulting

  • Marianne Eggers Høie SBN SAP Conference 2022 (685) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (686) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (687)


  • Sigmund Frøiland SBN SAP Conference 2022 (688) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (689) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (690)


  • Reidar Øren SBN SAP Conference 2022 (691) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (692) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (693)


  • Bente Boger SBN SAP Conference 2022 (694) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (695) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (696)


  • May-Britt Hestvik SBN SAP Conference 2022 (697) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (698) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (699)


  • Bård Strande SBN SAP Conference 2022 (700) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (701) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (702)

    NorgesGruppen ASA

  • Unni Tove Tollefsen Davidsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (703) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (704) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (705)


  • Are Arnesveen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (706) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (707) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (708)


  • Åshild Tiller SBN SAP Conference 2022 (709) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (710) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (711)

    Statkraft AS

  • Lisa Mackell SBN SAP Conference 2022 (712) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (713) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (714)

    Statkraft AS

  • Terje Finnanger SBN SAP Conference 2022 (715) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (716) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (717)


  • Inge André Tonning SBN SAP Conference 2022 (718) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (719) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (720)


  • Egil Magne Hansen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (721) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (722) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (723)


  • Therese Thorvaldsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (724) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (725) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (726)

    Coop Norge SA

  • Johnnie Johansson SBN SAP Conference 2022 (727) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (728) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (729)


  • Tom Wrangel Gulbrandsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (730) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (731) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (732)


  • Ragnar Vermedal SBN SAP Conference 2022 (733) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (734) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (735)


  • Ingjerd Aamodt SBN SAP Conference 2022 (736) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (737) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (738)


  • Thomas Ekrem Jensen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (739) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (740) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (741)

    Helse Vest

  • Marit Andersen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (742) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (743) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (744)


  • Ragnar Røkke SBN SAP Conference 2022 (745) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (746) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (747)


  • Arvid Stavnes SBN SAP Conference 2022 (748) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (749) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (750)

    Hemit HF

  • Stein Ove Røv SBN SAP Conference 2022 (751) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (752) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (753)

    Skagerak Energi

  • Karoline Walen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (754) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (755) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (756)


  • Liv Solveig Vestvik SBN SAP Conference 2022 (757) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (758) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (759)

    Helse Vest

  • Marita Johansen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (760) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (761) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (762)


  • Sigmund Rørvik SBN SAP Conference 2022 (763) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (764) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (765)

    Aibel AS

  • Fredrik C. Birkenfeldt SBN SAP Conference 2022 (766) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (767) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (768)

    Helse Vest

  • Marianne Marnburg Drabsch SBN SAP Conference 2022 (769) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (770) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (771)

    Wintershall DEA Norge AS

  • Kjartan Hovland Rasmussen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (772) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (773) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (774)

    Helse Vest

  • Evan Schulz SBN SAP Conference 2022 (775) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (776) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (777)


  • Ingrid Sørbotten SBN SAP Conference 2022 (778) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (779) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (780)

    Helse Vest

  • Jan-Fredrik Carlsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (781) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (782) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (783)

    Helse Vest

  • Line Finne Halvorsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (784) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (785) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (786)

    Helse Vest

  • Anders Gyldenløve Pedersen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (787) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (788) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (789)

    Mark Information

  • Kai Vidar Kvade SBN SAP Conference 2022 (790) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (791) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (792)

    Basis Consulting

  • Anders Bakken SBN SAP Conference 2022 (793) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (794) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (795)

    Elkjøp Nordic

  • Vibeke Sævareid SBN SAP Conference 2022 (796) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (797) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (798)

    Helse Vest

  • Marit Groven SBN SAP Conference 2022 (799) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (800) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (801)

    Elkjøp Nordic

  • Helge Torsøy SBN SAP Conference 2022 (802) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (803) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (804)

    Aker BP

  • Kristian Kvam SBN SAP Conference 2022 (805) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (806) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (807)


  • Bernt Olsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (808) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (809) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (810)


  • Arild Bjørneng SBN SAP Conference 2022 (811) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (812) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (813)

    NTT DATA Business Solutions

  • Folke Ørsted Hansen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (814) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (815) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (816)


  • Mark Clark SBN SAP Conference 2022 (817) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (818) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (819)


  • Espen Øvergaard SBN SAP Conference 2022 (820) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (821) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (822)

    Statkraft AS

  • Eivind Bøe SBN SAP Conference 2022 (823) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (824) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (825)

    Helse Vest

  • Jens Nes SBN SAP Conference 2022 (826) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (827) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (828)


  • Preben Dahl SBN SAP Conference 2022 (829) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (830) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (831)


  • Dani Khalaf SBN SAP Conference 2022 (832) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (833) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (834)


  • Jan Sandberg SBN SAP Conference 2022 (835) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (836) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (837)


  • Geir Owe Wærsland SBN SAP Conference 2022 (838) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (839) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (840)


  • Roy Eidset SBN SAP Conference 2022 (841) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (842) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (843)

    Statkraft AS

  • Mats Gyve SBN SAP Conference 2022 (844) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (845) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (846)


  • Subhash Saha SBN SAP Conference 2022 (847) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (848) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (849)

    Orkla IT AS

  • Kenneth Westerby SBN SAP Conference 2022 (850) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (851) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (852)


  • Tony Stener Aasby SBN SAP Conference 2022 (853) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (854) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (855)

    Orkla IT AS

  • Charlene Simpson SBN SAP Conference 2022 (856) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (857) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (858)

    Vår Energi

  • Peter Sørensen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (859) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (860) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (861)


  • Alexander Titland SBN SAP Conference 2022 (862) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (863) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (864)

    Orkla IT AS

  • Øivind Ekeberg SBN SAP Conference 2022 (865) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (866) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (867)


  • Maurice Morrin SBN SAP Conference 2022 (868) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (869) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (870)


  • Ashley Injore SBN SAP Conference 2022 (871) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (872) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (873)


  • Mauricio Bermudez Neubauer SBN SAP Conference 2022 (874) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (875) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (876)


  • Jason Rowe SBN SAP Conference 2022 (877) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (878) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (879)

    Deloitte AS

  • Vesa Kuismanen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (880) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (881) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (882)

    UPM Kymmene Oyj

  • Lena Lien SBN SAP Conference 2022 (883) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (884) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (885)


  • Guðbjörg Árnadóttir SBN SAP Conference 2022 (886) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (887) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (888)


  • Steve Peirce SBN SAP Conference 2022 (889) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (890) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (891)

    TJC Group

  • Andrey Kovalenko SBN SAP Conference 2022 (892) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (893) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (894)

    SAP Norge

  • Elin Haukeland Madell SBN SAP Conference 2022 (895) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (896) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (897)


  • Kristin Merhofe SBN SAP Conference 2022 (898) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (899) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (900)


  • Tore Brathaug SBN SAP Conference 2022 (901) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (902) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (903)


  • Moritz Back SBN SAP Conference 2022 (904) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (905) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (906)

    SAP Norge AS

  • Geir Pedersen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (907) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (908) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (909)


  • Mari Berg Johnsen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (910) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (911) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (912)

    Logiq AS

  • Gordana Gogo Hansen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (913) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (914) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (915)

    Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring

  • Hanne Munkvold SBN SAP Conference 2022 (916) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (917) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (918)


  • Peter Svelander SBN SAP Conference 2022 (919) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (920) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (921)


  • Audun Grimstad SBN SAP Conference 2022 (922) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (923) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (924)


  • Sondre Grahl SBN SAP Conference 2022 (925) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (926) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (927)


  • Otto Haarlaa SBN SAP Conference 2022 (928) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (929) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (930)


  • Monique Wouters SBN SAP Conference 2022 (931) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (932) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (933)


  • Runa Aarseth SBN SAP Conference 2022 (934) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (935) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (936)


  • Arve Sandanger SBN SAP Conference 2022 (937) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (938) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (939)


  • Merete Løkse SBN SAP Conference 2022 (940) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (941) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (942)

    NorgesGruppen Data AS

  • Lionel Layerle SBN SAP Conference 2022 (943) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (944) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (945)


  • Ole Øksenholt SBN SAP Conference 2022 (946) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (947) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (948)

    Sopra Steria

  • Peter Lindell SBN SAP Conference 2022 (949) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (950) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (951)


  • Vikas Aanand SBN SAP Conference 2022 (952) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (953) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (954)

    Kverneland AS

  • Erlend Ziegler Gundersen SBN SAP Conference 2022 (955) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (956) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (957)

    Zalaris AS

  • Bjørn Arthur Kvalsvik SBN SAP Conference 2022 (958) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (959) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (960)


  • Edward Morgan SBN SAP Conference 2022 (961) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (962) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (963)

    Basis Technologies

  • Telmo Pereira SBN SAP Conference 2022 (964) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (965) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (966)

    Sopra Steria

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  • Bjørn Kåre Amdal SBN SAP Conference 2022 (973) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (974) SBN SAP Conference 2022 (975)

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    Borregaard AS

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  • Geir Kronkvist SBN SAP Conference 2022 (1044)

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  • Katri Ojala-Alkawari SBN SAP Conference 2022 (1050)


SBN SAP Conference 2022 (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.