The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

Muiical Instruments. tt Aportmenti-Unfurnlihsd. SS Aportmenl Unfurnlihed. IS Aportmsnii-UnfurniihsJ, 18 THE Nov" 1959 IS wilding MoIjiIuI. STEEL STEEL Angles, channels, I btimi, plates, BROCKTON I.sns.

3512 off Taylor. HIGHLANDS, 1525 Hepburn; 1st Houx.ioiJ Gjods. 73 FURNITURE, carpel Ing, apiiTlaiirra," low ovsrheaU, 1 man stoisi drive a few miles snd make your ourae 3RD St. st Oaki I room apartment "oaaAN IAL HOLIDAY TERMS Villa near expresswayi modern I floor; 4 rooms! floor! 4 wiui private oallii beat furittshed; Anortmsnti Furnlihsd. 19 Buy any modui Conn organ NOW, smile.

llubbuch's, AN 7-IWiJj "iOUTH END. 4rj Loulsvllls AvsT HIOHLANDE JnT fliMir duplex! bedrooms, 87S pts psr nionin; asy si corner arug store, Louisville Trust JU 4-2231 3RD rooms snd "B'alhTwill notnuig aown, rust payment fsb ruarv 19(ii), 4 years 011 balance, CONN ORGAN STUDIOS. INC. neoroum, anciie n-uinetls comhlna lion, tile bath, locker; Janitor $7250. all TW after ft cal GL CALDWELtTiTloa pipe, reiniurv-ii mn una aus-ei ALUMINUM End COPPER In as-rtt-cj suss ncid ehapea; ALI'Ml-NUM storm doors, III), 113.

lit. thicity steel monmt Agesit jii 4-, yinuiihihi. ain u.irnr 804 ti. 3rd. St.

fV 4 5953 nesters, ths new l.awsun Mini. style, vented, 70,000 B.T.U. 4 5 room size, all eon! nils, completely autumatlo, blower forces air out on the floor. Installed, $129.95. cash or bank terms.

Fisher OROAN, KunliMil, floor aampie, 4 rooms, tile baih, garagei $85, lii jflrsde Lino KM 8-1608 3 room apartment, All utilities furnished. Available immediately, ti0 BOILER, heating, hp, Id. sou sousce fret, nil fired. II.VKi; also near cxpresawsyi aitracuve efficiency; air condltlonsdi suitshle adulta; all utilities; $73 monthly, $:0 weekly. EM 3-2671, GL $-7821, SOUTH fcNflT 726 St.rj"rHms, 1st floor, private entrance balhj ulllltlesfurnlshedj adulta, SOUTH ND: 3 room bssenmrf apartment: $1,1.

EM 7-1293, after 8. SOUTHERN Pkwy. 4214; large bed- fn. SIS L. i Roomi Without Board.

13 "EAiTIRN lkwy" "at BardsTbwn JUL; pilvato ontrance, showeri sen. Ileman onlyj IJ420. EVERETT, 10, large front; garage; hone; genlleman GL EVERETT, 1240; settled geiillenian. sarate; reference GL 1-8710, "EVEREtT, 1229; brlaht, wann front; GL 1-8744. HIOHLANDE; quiet subdlvislmVT large room and bath, prlvale home; prefer gentlemen.

Call GL $-1258, If no answer call EM .3593. "attractive bedroomT private entrance: bath, shower, phone, maid, kitchen factlltiesi entlemsn: ressonublsJ fiL 4 0544 'HIGHLANDS," 1908 tills; nice roomT bsth, showeri gsntlsmsni refer-ences, private borne. JU 8-2822, GL 4 0938. AVs $400 llamm I warenouae, Hu.4 Vlnccnnm New Albany, lnd.WH 4-MHH. 0OAN.

Conn Miuusl spTieti new per nionin. F. METZNER Healtore JU Nights, TW 8-8759. Discount Furniture Ill It. Market, JU, 4 950.

CALDWELC7arS3 Hati modsrn guaranles, $795, terms. Settles Sales xihi n.p., ll epeciiirsnons anil price oil request. Karl Nus-haiim and font, 2-th and Garland, -41 a aim 7 room i pertinents end $15: heat- wale- JU 5-5293 at hervice, aetrersontown, Ivy new and uwed apltwt or Clothing, Furs, ale. 69 ATA LP rooms $TANbARD, basem*nt aparlT gans at $M6, All are guaranteed for Wo days: rent an organ for $36 for 1 monUt In home TOATTTifsck ioarkln7liVrir necoraieioeiin, 'iJ SOME. 4 3673.

'4TH S. 1 37 Ti" Three room" and" bath, heat and wster furnished; off the street parkins; $60. Call JU 4-8111; appointments msd immediately through radio csrs. IIIGHBAUGH MORTGAGE CORP. Sou W.

Market St. JU 4-8111 4TH" Street. "rooms," bath, heat and water furnished; off the atreet parking; $55 Call JU 4-8111, appointments made immediately through radio cars. Hir.llHAt'GII MORTGAGE CORP. 809 West Market Street JU 4-81 4TH AND HILL SU.

Belvedere" Apartmsnts: 4 room, 3 bedrooms, bath; heat, not and cold water and Janitor service furnished; $iS6 month. Call KM 8-1678. ZETTWtK'H FORTNER. Realtors s-sHiu; snown ny appointment. Hilliarri; 8 room' and hath unit of brick 4 plex, separate utilities, $82 50 GL 4-4H03, HIGHLANDS, 1019 Baxter; 3 rooms, baih, newly redecorated; utilities paid; $7 50; GL 1-7942 or JU 7-8031.

HIGHLANDS," 1738 Chichester: 1st floor; 3 bedrooms, modern; utilities paid; near bus. GL 8-2238. HIOHLANDS, lia Kaolin AveT nice 3 rooms, bath In 4 plex; $75 month. GL 1-M8A. AgentGL 8-9810 HlOHL AN0S, "Hepburnt rooms, haih, fumare.

GL 1-3073. I OH LANDS, 1 and "8 bath: ME 4-93A4 GL 4 0404. am hoot; waisr furiusuisa; bhi, SP 8 I8H8. ment. $10 week, hp 2-7304, $TEVENS," IB.T3;' 2 room efficiency; walkln closet: utilities oald.

work. jm nw; ano, tit, 7um, $TOIS. squirrels, muskrala; ncar and we teach you to play it. Unlit- CAlTLIvVffoS'Tl Vaney-RdT' wine, is walnut, JU s)-tJW, Open Monday nltht. lng lady.

PL rooms, ainette, bstn ana garage, equipped kitchen, heat furnished, Pnnrfriirllftn 1 1 SMlll buy-In the country and" HIGHLANDS, PlT VALLEY STATION; 3 rooms, modern; child welcome: utilities furnished: 818 weekly. WK iirul: cioseouia; ta.n to $79.96. JNO Now Accepting' WlritrTITo(fio WARDROBE tXCHANGK JB Jefferson JU Coal, Firelons, Kindlina. 70 CICIL.T04S; 4 rooms and bath, 2nd" aave 2.iu 10 swui we pay no rent or commission: terms, hellles Sales umi neaier, iuo merm, with power air blower, $79.50, Other gaa huatcrs frum $4.95, cash or terms. LANG'S TRADE-IN STORE 548-548 E.

Market St. JU 3-1248 OAS ranges, used, $15 and upi refrigerators, $25; wall paint. $1.98 gallon: linoleum by the yard on sale. 728 Wt Market JU 1-8814, OAS heaters, used, goodcondltioifY and chroma breakfast set; with Korcelsln table: electric motor, p. used.

8tl Burton Ave. OAS hesters, Duo-Thi-m, bmpoi-flsme; new, cIims out prtoes. M'KIEH HARDWARE VO. Barret andKentuiky JU 71311, OAS almnstt new 4 husjies," big oven; has 5 year fusirutiloe, $iO. J'aU OAS" like new.

Inqurre BIS E. Market. Hsuass Unfurnithsd. tl GtENDALE luiriwlng ro-imTtwe bedrooms, kitchsn, bstit, snd utllltv roomi nswly derorstodi 6 1st! JU 4 8111; appointments made Immediately through radio care 1IIGIIHAUGII MORTGAGE CORP, 8H Market troet, JV 4AI11. GRAND, 1619;" attractive dui.lexi" 4V rooms, balhi 1st floor; and bath on 3nd; permissloa to ssibresit, $U9 month.

HARRr KirNZMAVCf). Jlf J18B4 HIGHLAND t'srkl rooms snif bsth; Idesl for couple! $48 monthly, HEDGE- REALTY CO. EM 8 7318 EM 8 HIGHLAND fTTtl'l TTaeger iooma' and full basem*nt, gas furnsre; adults, no pets; near transport. tlon. CL 1-fci47, "HIOHtAelbS, iolSrr'awrTJrTTiV room home; (ss furnace; adults! t7RANK J.

RECK, neallor HIOHLANOS, 2810 Alameadsi 3" bedroom brick, basem*nt, 8138, short term lfdeslred. 4-4387. HILLTW. 020; 4 roomsT baths yardi water paid; children accepted; $47 month, JU 4-5M. HUFFXanei 3 bedroom Brick eeT cept $73 month.

JU 7-lsneJ HUNTERS Trace Rd i 8 rroomj utility room; batb. WA 1-2370. "IR00U0IS and'MsnsllcTt areaTT bedroom home, extra large kitch. en; 220 wiring; gas heat; large yard. EM J-8338 IROQUOIS 2o7t rooms.

iKT bath, full basem*nt, gas furnace: near bus, stores, schools; $100, TW 8-8010, TW 8-38-8L 1 win oeus, private Dam; teiepnone, laundry, kitchen privileges; work- "WEST END: two room' apartT A service Jeffersontnwn. Ky. ins girt; siu. i.u 0R0ANS, The incomparable Lowery HIGHLANDS) rooms. bathfTST IRiLOOS and kindling forsele;" NluNLANuli besutUul; sliower; bsth, parking: phone; near restaurants; maid, GL JJ412, HIGhCandS; hot and cold water 4TH, 2021; completely remodeled" noiiciay witn percussion now sella for only $895.

shop the rest, buy the best. Lowery Durlauf'a Sit Broadway JU 7-1289. ri and ensrry. $8 and 110 rick: delivered and rut lo your specifications. Call TW 8-2584.

rooms, oatn: at bus atop; 850, EM 8-6200; GL 4-441)3. In room, shower, refrlserslor: sa OROANIl hesul If urwslmir FIRELOOSfor sale; sessoned; alf zioor; uuiitiee lurnianeo. sa per month. SP 5- 8342. The CHim-oerland.

Espeelallv deslrsble for business and professional people; Sirs btuatt. Manager IT 6-8131, parking facilities; Sd and York. "CENTRALLY rooms and" hathi 2nd floor flat, entirely private. Call before noon. Mr, Herbert, JU S-8287, CENTRALLY locsted: I rooms, bsth, redecorated! $03 monthi on bus line C.

Hauss. Agent. SP 8-87M. 4TH, 2832 3 room apartment; utir" rago; gentleman; $8. GL 1-B024.

ments; utilities furnished; adults or 1 bsby accepted; $10; 811; 812, SP 8-4483. WEST END: STooms: liewly dec" orslsd: modern furniture: private haih: accept child. 8P 88t49. "WESf END, near Broadway: 3 rooms In duplex. Call SP 80630 before 2 p.m.

WE ST "END." 407 N. 28th: modern 2 rooms, private bath, eontrollsd hsatisdults.JP 8-4902. 1ST, 1031: 2 bsdroomapartm-nfa snd smaller units; private baths; see mansser. NI11HLANDS1 es room in onvaia mes surnisnea. 8.7:i.

4TH," 1808; 3" rooms. bsthTrood ji re a so a 11 1 condition; $12 per week. JU 4-OV6. i SO I minutes from Louisville, private entrance! tile bath, television: ressonabia. BU "HIOM "Chair, tray less, Ideal forT anil mahogany with legs, $98; in.

eludee 8 lessons. Terms. Musle CenterJnc, 528 S. 5th St. JU 7-0551 PIANO CLOSEOUT" New spinets, mahogany, walnut, 1 limed oak, 1 French Prnvin.

cial cherry; rut to used piano range; several good used onesi usual warranties, 3 year terms; must be sold at oneei hurry to ret i a st immeaiais aeuvery, ia FIRSLOOSi well ssssoned; per rtrk. CA $-1545. VHE nsw St. BamTrVTwaaharcoal7 blfta heat, low In ashi a premium coal from W'etVem Kentucky: num. bee 11 aeam i 7-3 esse: $10.80 torn treated stoker, 11 1.

IS ton. KT RKRNAHIJ COAL CO. Jtl 8141 3-7W4. after 8p.m. year old.

$3., bahy bed, git. spring crib mnttress, $10 Lang's trade-in store 84A-548 Ksst Msrket St. JU 3-1348 LARCHMONT." 1134: sleeping room: sirs, bmi, or sa; 2nd noor, 9 rooms, bath each; accept children, JU S-UllLJJi 4-3813. STH, 8. floor.

large" roomsjjisth; $40. JU 4t3Slt STH, rooms, 310 weekly. SP 3-2951. CENTRALLY" located: 3 rooms and" bath: ailultsj o. TW 6-1097 3 "rooms, ill" "MOSPlTALleds, used, adjustable in on this.

McLean's, 228 "EASTER NT RenTuckyTumpTJlT Ion" weekly; also 4 room apartment, 2nd floor! adulta. "TH 8. "1483; 3 roonvs aruOi'thTaTid" noor; nesr DUSliL 1-4323. "HIKES" LANE, Orchard Manor apartment; modern 2 and 3 bsd-ronma: Ideal Jocatlon. GL 8-J195.

"JEFFERSON, W. 102: "4 large moma, hall, bath. 2nd floor, $-12. SO. JU 4-7387.

KENWoodWaV, 5)4: 4 plex. 3 GLB-31U2lGL 8.3(90. LYNN Acres; 4 rooms and hath apartmsnts available lmmedlstely on month to month lease either 1st or Snd floor, brick with base-ments, equipped with gsa furnaces, entire area landacaped, modern filayground park with kiddie wad-ng pool, free repair service for eseh apartment. Nearby Is public and parochial schools and shop- Ring center, city bus line at en-ance to project. Free water Included with $69 80 per month 1st floor; $65 00 per month 2nd floor; stove and refrigerator.

If desUred, $5.00 extra per month. Office OPEN Monday through Saturday 'til and Sunday 1:30 to 4:30 m. YNN ACHES RENTAL OFFICE 5107 Soulh I st Street EM 8-2541 MADISON 207; 4 roomi and' bath, 2nd floor. $40 month. COHEN REAJ.TY CO.

JU 4-1808. ISTrVlBlil double bed; I or 8 men; $8 week; single room. 18 KM 8-SI6J. LARCHMONT, 1529, next" to bafhT private entrance: on transportation; gentlemen, ME 7-7708, ORMSBY, at 8th; nice room In private honte: nicely furnished; private tile bsthi brk'k garage available: on transportation; fen. coal co.

a-sv 7--nii Do-lt-Yourselr Needs. 71 neaa ana fool, free delivery) mattress, new, for hospital beds, $18.95. M. FISHER, Louisville's Oldest Discount House. Ill Market, JU 4-1960.

room, ft; modern. 1ST S. 1320; 2 nire rooms, modern; "bTIkY, assembled or In kite, any CHiDOKii 133; second floor 3 rooms and bath, heat and utilities furnished, adults, $56 per month. GOODMAN as HAMBLETON, INC. Realtors JU 7-381 "CHEkOKTI 4 rooms.

tilebsihj" private; utilities furnished: off street parkliig; $80. ULJ443S. 7 rooms, 3 bedroom, I bsth spsrtmrnt; heat and arass furnished. GL 1-3532. i 1 wecKiy.

ME 4-8-50 ti )i. Vinyl II- riArsv spinel, ss note, mahogany, fully guaranteed, 3 pedals, brand new, $434, terma. llamm'a Ware-house, 1023 Vlnrennes St. New A 1 Wll 4-5900 "PIANO, spinet, used 1 year, 81 note, keyboard cover: $488. khackle- ton's, Wl S.

4th, JU 3-8811, PIANO, Baldwin Acrusonlo spinet, llks new, $475, terms. Settles bsltl Service. Jeffersontown. Ky. 2ND, large "living room, large bedroom: baih: kitchen: attractive.

ran aoid s-psrately (or desks, ablei, or olher furniture TiE BARN 432 8. Floyd St, LUMBiNt flxturea, suits, water iioman. 0-241 desirable, llrht; 2 adults; heat paid; JU 4-1270. 2ND 1327: "a1 4 rooms: parking: nsatsrs. pumpa repair parte, ai ORMSBY near 8th; nice convenient $8 weekly; sdtills.

ME S-TI8S. SOUTHERN Heights, VV. 605; nice room, refrlgerstor: gentleman. noieums 8 9 or foot goods, $1.50 vslues only 89c a square yard. Heavy weufht first quality Gold Seal Congoleum dropped pattern, S9c a yard.

LERNER'S FURNITURE HOUSE Open Sunday 11 to 8 118 K. Market Jtl 4.191. ME 8.5531. PIANO, "WurUtzor "studio'," rebuOT ST." MATTHEWS; fst fl oor ronlT 3RD, 1510; large, attractive, living room; bedroom; kitchsn: private bslh: reasonable; employed couple or 2 or 3 sirls. no other, roomers, 1 7-2 B.

1ST. fi. 1203: nice" large sleeping and refinlshed, RAHUA1N, easy torme Hamm's Warehouse, 1023 Vincennes St, New Albany, Wll 4-5900 "LINOLEUM rug's, special now" JEFFERSONTOWN, Charlane Helghta; 3 bedroom brick, carport; children accepted; $'io per month, VV. 9-3030 after 8 p.m. JEFFERSONTOWN; rooms, good" condition, convsnlent; will secept 855 month.

AN 7-3571. JEFFERSON VILLI onDr7rI and 3 bedroom frame homes, $78 snd $85; convenient to schools, buses snd ehopplni, BU --8113, "JEFFERSONVILLIi Trooms, baThT furnace; abso 8 rooms, bath furnace; good condition: centrally rated. Wll 8-5679, after 8. JORDAN, '628; near tSantTard Sari Itary; 4 rooms; bath; 853. WO 9-9333, after 2 P.M.

KENWOOD brr." transportation; (as heat: redecorated- $75 month. EM 6-1697. room, $7 weekly; parking; gsntls- 3D, Uli; attractive 2 room aparC msn, ivik B-1S13. 2ND, U99: redecorated! private entrance, refrigerator, maid service! vxia special, sx.ud up; 12x12, S7.vr; 12x18 Vinyl linoleum 8, 9, or 13 foot, 79o up; hesvywelght yard fooda, 49o up; free parking lot. Open Sunday 10 to 1IYMAN COHEN 11 3 E.

Market JU 4-894S LIVINO room suites. SMtJonsls." ment, 1st floor; utilities furnished; neartrsnsportatlon. 3R0, ST4500; bschelor or adults; 3 rooms, clesn. private, 8 closets. See sfter 13 noon.

"lOTH St.SouUi, 1543. first floor, 3 rooms and bath, water furnished, $27.50 per month, GOODMAN HAMBLET0V INC. Realtors JU 7-1381. StrsToSrsnroomi wster furnished; adults; excellent condition: $.15, Apply Sherman's Drug store, IBIh and Market, 22ND 1712; 1st floor, 4 roomsT private bath and entrance; cabinets, JeIosets.SP 8-4172. 24TH, 210; aUnetlve 2 room apartment, private enranoei adjoining bath; $8 weesUy or $30 monthly SP 2-2281.

"24TH 2nd "fWr.2 large" rooms, toilet snd bath: everything private; wster furnished; $30 month. SP 8-7741. 2TH STn34; two rooms, bath, newly decorated: $15, Call JU 4-811 appointments made Immediately throurh radio cars, HIGHBAUGH MORTGAGE CORP. 509 W. Market St.

JU 4-8111, 31 ST, S. 828; 4 plex, near Broadway;" modem, 3 rooms, private bath, entrance; adults. SP 2-0787, 31ST, NT821; 20tj.rs7i3SlT 2 2-1984. 33RD N. rooms.

bsffiT-ha" floor: water paid: accept chlidren; $45. JU 7-7638. TW gentlemen. ME 8-2881, GL 1-1853, PIANOS, shop esrly for Chrixtmss. We have a complete line of Kimball planoe starting at $495.

A small deposit will hold the piano of your choice til Christmas, l.OUISVIIXE'S EXCLUSIVE KIMBALL PIANO DEALER. Durlauf's, MAGNOLIA, 222; three rooms," bath; ui lilt ics furnished: $54.30. Call JU 4-8111; appointments made Immediately through radio csrs. H1GHBAUGI1 MORTGAGE CORP. 509 W.

Market Street JU 4-8111 2ND, 8. 207; nicely funusneo room; near bath: rrfrlgaralar; reasonable. ME7-18 klnda of pipe and flulnas. new and used, beat prlcosi you buy exactly what you Deed. We have the know how DEIV1 IN PARKINO Berley'a, Mala near stock-vsrds jy.4-S.18 "GLITTER ribbon ChHiitmaa Ureas? all colore, easy to make.

bee BAER, 822 Market. T1S-552I Good Thinai To tot. 73 APPTMS, Jonathan, Sisyman, lntoah, red and yellow delicious; elder. Miller's Orchard, (I mllea nut Cane Run Rd. WA 1-4038.

CAKES, all klndaTlbakeiif on order; for Thankee lying, Christmas or other special occasions. Call ME -4083 after 4 P.m. Household Goods. 73 "ANTIQUES; notice: itroup "of local' dealers holding FLEA MARKET SALE at ()LU MIX TOP THEATER. 175B Frankfort Ave.

this Saturday, November 21st, 'tit Selling I amps, books, dolls. Ironstone, iraaa and cooper nieces! all at bar- chairs; factory fresh. S07 to discount. 3rd, s. 1323; large room for Dim MARKET 4509; 4 rooms: newly decorated: bath: automatlo heati ness girl or student: television, snack bar.

telephone, and laundry RINEY'S BEDDING COMPANY basem*nt: nice; adulta. SP 2-9189. 3RD, 1327; newly furnished 1st floor fronti 3 rooms, private bath; also 2 rooms, bsth; sdults. 3RD, 974; Cardinal hire ef-flclency; private shower; laundry faellltles. JU 5-5815.

3RD, 1337 2nd floor, redecoraTeJ" modern efficiency, bath; utilities 431 E. Market Jtl 7-asM "LAKE DREAMLAND, OveTbroox" privileges, ME 4-8791. LIVlNO room suites, nsw, pieceT 3RD, s. 1404; very large, cneerjui well furnished room, bath adjacenti I)r bungalow 4 rooms and bath Only $60. A.

W. BRENT Realtor JO 4-8231 convenient; adults. sj'jdd wnue iney lasi; eoia oeas $37.95 AND FURNITURE JU M744 1020V4 W. Msrket. 4 rooms bsse- iiirnisneo: i souit: $43.

stm lumisnea rooms, rea. MICHIOAN Dr. 3813: 4 rooms and bath; heat, water and Janitor service; excellent condition; $87 JO. SP 8-1888. MONTANA, 2707, Taylor Blvd.

area; rooms, and bath; 1st flour; $88 month. WO 9-8432. OAK 212; 3" rooms andTath; 2nd" floor; will decorate to suit. ME 4-3678. 3RD, 1129: one 2 room and one 3 ment; modern kitchen; $30 per month.

MK 8-3965. sonanie, me s-aiqn; atK 4-S143. LIVINO room couch, odd. living; room chair, odd. with tables, all CHER0KER Hd.

1326 8 IwrniTHVi" baths; equipped kitchen; 375. Charles LDrautman Co. JU 4-5334. "COL0AKI, 1821;" 4 "rooms; private entrance; garage: children accepted; $15 mni.tti. WE 7-3273.

"CRESCENT HILL. 322 S. Bayly Ave. and 2i7 Ewlng modern brk'k duplex. Just completed; lovely 3 room apartments, which must be seen to be appreciated.

Call today, and be the 1st to occupy these beautiful apartments. BUTLER COOPER TW8A005. TW SJSlj TW 8-400A. "RESCENTHtil. lat floor, 8 nice alto rooms, tile bath; private entrance: modern; Immaculate; child accepted; open.

SP 8-0554. RE8CEN IiTlX 1 CrescenT A-4; modern, newly dec-orslsd living room, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, tile bsth; 8 closets; $85; range, refrliterator optional. Adams, CRESCENT Hill. 313 S. Ewlng- 2nd floor 7 rooms, private bath and entrances: all utilities furnished; children sccepted.ME 8-3128.

CRESCENT HILL, 3 rooms and bath, newly decorated, good location. $42 50. JU 7-8015. TW 8-8773; I VC NT irOoOJhffeiTTTfieT modern apartment, newly decor, ted: 3 rooms and bath; large closets; nesr transportation; $50. JU -181S orCL 2-2568.

"Crescent hiil "in n. winiam; 2nd floor; 8 rooms, bath, newly decorated: heat, linhts furnished; accept bahy. TW 5-7015. CRESCENT Ave lovely 8 room apartment, beautiful location, TW Rooms for Housekeeping. 84 T6N0FIELD, 1421; 4 rooms and' ior 2.

room apartment, on 1st floor; adults; jparklng, "3RD. 8. 1223: large, small, Apply 1249 S3d. 3RD near Hill; clean, private baih; GRAY" K. 5241 lurnTsKed rooms, laundrv facilities: vard.

LANG'S TRADE-IN STORE OAK, E. 338: efficiency and 4 roomsT 848-548 E. Market St. JU3-I24 LIVINO room suite. $29.85.

nice bath, front and back yard fenced in. WA L0768. LYNDON Area: 118 Wood I bedrooms: basem*nt; fireplace; 220 wiring; city $aj; 2 car garage; $11. TW 3-7559. 3TH, S.

648 2nd floor. 8 rooms 3D, S. 981; 1 and 2 children accepted; parking space, JU 3 0020, 1 adults. ME 5-6222. nardwood floors, tue natn; excel 312 W.

JU 7-lC89; PIANOS," now is the time to select" your piano for Cliristmao delivery, complete selection of new and used spineus at $N5 $495, $595. and VM). Baldwin's aw Walnut, JU 4V4J85, open Monday night. PIANOS, selling out, moving to new location all pianos reduced, vertical spinet $145, bsby grsnd, t'MS, uprights $45, open evenings till 9. Ferguson's.

BU2-8827, PIANOS, fine mskes. Buy fllrecf from fsctory agent. Piano Wholesale Distributor. Warehouse, 709 E. Market, JU 44559.

Open Monday and Friday till 9p.m. PIANOS, practice uprlshte, good" flaying condition, fii, terms, lamm's Warehouse, 1023 Vincennes WH PIANOS; buy in the country and ssve $200 to $375t we pay no rent or commission; terms. Settles Sales Service. Jeffersontown. Ky, PIANOS; spinets, grands, players, and practice pianos: best values, terms.

A. Tiller. 224 W. WalnuL JU 4-8292, 4fH, S' 11-6: 2 nice large rooms, lent conaiuon. selection, aown.

si weekly WEIS DISCOUNT STORE 4TH near Hill, unfurnished 3 .1838 Market St JU 3-7021 and bath: basem*nt; $65; key 1st floor. SP 6-4604. 100; 2 bedroom apartment? 1st floor; see to appreciate, call TV DO Marquette newly OKOLONA; 3 rooms, over garage; utilities, stove, refrigerator fur. nvshed; adults. VO 9-4439.

rooms. $11: 1. and 3 rooms, re- LIVINO room suite, nice 2 plec deeorstwlL $8upL GL 8-21 10, 4TH, 1223; furnished room, parking; seciionai; aso.i,u s-piw. decorated. 2 bedrooma; near buc line.

Call TW8-7879. LYNDON "area; 4 bedroom ranch;" brick: carpeted; 2 baths; basem*nti MATTRESS Eg, box springs. Inne PORTLAND Ave. 2057. llTSt floor rear, 3 rooms and bath, utilities furnUhed, $45,00 per month, child X8.50 Wet'K.

K4-3737 siirlngs; custom or standard new Roommates, Homes Shared. 83 CASTLEVALF: Drive, 1180; 8 rooms, modern: gas furnace; $00.00. NANZ Avenue. 3918; 4 rooms, mod. ern, heat furnished: $77.

5o. BROADWAY. 3708; 8 rooms, mod. option to buy. EM 3-3977.

save at factory, repair service. 3-7884. accepted. GOODMAN at HAMBLETON: INC. Realtors JU 7-1381.

employednady wilf 827 E. Market bath; redecorated; utilities furnished; 1st floor; partial rent In ex- change for caretaklng adults. 4TH, S. liUOfT and 2 "bedroom apartments, steam heat private bath: utllltlesfurnlshed. ME 4-4432.

"4TH, "1223; 1 room efficiency, $16" per week; parking. ME 4-3737. 7TH baih; utUltles paldj WJS. GL 1-2404. nice rooms; private" bath and entrance: adults.

Call SP 6.2227. 2ITH and Slevln area, rear: 2 rooms shsre bath; $51 month; utUltles furnished. SP 0-1053. OIL Heater. Duo Therm, middl "PORTLAND; comfortable 2 and 4 snare a room nome wiui nine, private roomi convenient location; references exchsnged.

ME 8-8610 sie. $40; Culberson Clean 1'lame ern, WA51PUM $47 50. i. 488; 4 rooms, modern; ji er5p $35, cash or terma. LANG'S TRADE-IN STORE room apartmessus; newly redecorau ed, $20 and $35 monthly, TW 6-81 86.

PORTLAND 2733; iMTloor. EAST r.M; nusiness isay win share home with same: convenient Lttlb, 1604 4 rooms snd bsth; gas floor furnace; $60 per month. SP 4-2501. MAIN Street W. 2fT8: nice 4 roome" and bath cottage, $65 monthly, key In office, see any time.

Shatx ReaL ty Co.JU 4 -530. i MAIN, "rooma. bath, mod-' ern; yard; accept $53. 155; 8 room trlckC modern, fireplace, floor fumacei near Dixie Manor Shopping Center, 548-548 E. Market St.

JU3124 REFRIGERATOR," family size with rooms and bath, $50. JU 8-88. Bronka and Hart. Realtora. transportation.

Call TW 3-3011 after "pTESTON 1208 4 room apart or Sundays, iuii warranty, only 1B4.V3. uom in. Bring In this sd now for p-Ul, WIJ DEERWOOD, 1951) rooms effL riency; sll utilities furnished; $70.00. 5-5856. Brooks 4 HartL Realtors SHAWNEE VIEW "Apartments;" 2nd" floor, living room bedroom, dinette, kitchen and bath; water, heat, stove and refrigerator fur.

nihed; $69. Appointment made Immediately through radio cars HIGHBAUGH MORTGAGE CORP. Hotels. 85-A 34TH 107; 3 FREE TURKEY with purchase of Television, Radio Sell 4 Service. 77 RECORDPlayer, SympVonlc, Selt-contained Stereo 80 watt dual channel.

Two 12 Inch speakers: two 10 Inch speakers. De luxe 4 speed changer: diamond long playing needle. Regular price $349.95, now only $249.95 Bring in this sd now TNTiRPRIlsrHotelf230 tTMarketF ment private bath and entrance; utilities furnished; working couple reirigerator. SUN TV 7I9.E, Broadway Jain Lunch available, APPLIANCES) floor samples; apart-ment size gas range, $.4.95: 30 Inch E. Electric range, $129 93: G.E.

Klectrie dryer 13 cubic, foot C.E freeser-refri a orator, 123 pound freeser, regular $550. special piece chrome or branie dinette set, used appliances fully guaranteed! refrigeators, $24 9i up; gas range, 124.95 up: Maytag wasters (14.93 up; Maytag automatic, nice and clean, terms as low as IS per month. LEON HA WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM iJUJt. 7th ME ijiVB. "APPLIANCE'S, floor samples, bar." galna.

Bendlx combination, now $299 95; Bendlx Duomat, $389.95. now Bendlx waaher. $319 95. now Henillx dryer $339.95, now $-'49 95; Bendix washer. now $29.95.

Phllco, Hi-El. $329 95, now $239.95. Phllco. 2) Inch TV. now S249.95.

PR ELL ELECTRIC CO. tM S. Preaton. JU 4-07M. "APPtlANCIS, gaa ranges $19 95 elsan, tested, guaranteed; refrigerators $29J5 up: dinette sals; you name it, we have It.

AND JU t-1744 1020ViW. Market 'APPLIANCll; new and used; low." est prices; refrigerators, wanhera, ranges, freeters. televisions, fumU tare: terms. Open nights until 9. 6hacklettee Department Store.

4400 Jrk Blvd EM 3-350S. APPPAhlCtSi rood used waahersT dryers, refrigerators, BARGAINS; terms. Black Electric 1315 Bardetown GL 1-8125. CRESCENT ILL" 317 CrescsmTEt. rooms, bath, $115.

SKELTON CO.RealtorTW 5-9481. CRESCENT Hill: 1st floor. 4 Urge" rooms, stovo and refrigerator; nice; convenient. TW 5-4398 ment; sou montn. ail mrs.

uonen, JU 2-2561! after 4:30 and Sundays call AtweU. EM 6-4301. PRESTON, S. 8S1: 3 large rooms and bath; 2nd floor: $40 month. JU 2-9174.

I DlTKiO S76A. Sterbrooke ri sp am 1 1 on i so-. a. i-o iqi. preierrea.

REFRIGERATOR, repossessed Hot A Family hotel; marnea coupies; single men or ladles; rooms, by dsy or nisbt, SI; weekly raws. 86, and 17 JU 7-9074. NEAR 8 rooms and bath: saa 3TH, S. -67l rooms, private Point, like new, 1 fMr, 14 cubic foot, take over payments, as low floor furnace: nice neighborhood; 509W. Market St.

U4-81 1 L. ior a Hr.E TURKEY with pur. chase of record player. SO. WU V-4-19.

oatn. entrance; accept i or a email children; all utilities furnished; $11 week. SP 2-9213. The CARDINAL HOTEL, 417 S. 8U CRESCENT Hill, 140 VernonT" atT as az.2u ween.

CITY APPLIANCES rtuua mooern 0 rooms; steam heat; Janitor: $70. SUN TV 719 Bmadwsv iraruve. ann iioor, a rooms, iuii Apsrtments, Brownsboro Rd, eec tlon; newest deluxe 8 rooms, 3 baths, air conditioned, equipped .873. W. Hill, ME 8-J72S ADAMS Hou NAT.

LEVY Realtor JU 7-8883 512 W. Ormahv: TAPS' recorders, new, special tlBth, 55. TW 3-3031. REFRIGERATOR,, 1 CRITTENDEN Dr. 220u: 4 plex, 3 Kitcnen; sins, ju -ia, i-i7, price, v.a, terms, JU 3-1878.

CITY CYCLE 218 Market Apartment. Furnished. 89 foot frost free: freezer anross top, siu.mj per wees up Also monthly rate elevaor TV. JEpnesJsteameatjy4V732L For Colored! Rooms, Hotels. 86 1" and-" rooms, fur-nlshcd; refrigeration and bath; ulil.

NEWBURO 3340; rooms, bath; $75 per month. Call JU 4-8151. extension 37, between 8 a.m. ana 5 p.m. "NORTH WFISTERN Pkwy.

S3i: rooms, 2 baths; suitable for 3 families; $60. fiadesch Realty JU 4-5017. rooms: modern, redecorated, lsx ROHT. AUfjl.rlt.tM HeaJtors $110; term. are 'a, 1139 Barosv- 7rrddNdUIN72TrnIce TELEVISION Dumont, lat moaeT7 floor; adulta: $50, TW 8-4812.

RIVER Park Drive. 3817 wwi no uura mooern emcieneies; air con. dltloned; colorful furniture; wall to wall carpeting; elevator service; utllltleo furnished; psrking facill. ties; private swimming pool; maxl. jnum2 adultsjJ.SO ud.

ME 8-3721. SOUTHLAND 1318 SrilT ai incn, 1 year guarantee, $1.50 a bar 14J0; 1st floor iront REFRIGERATOR and stove. West oasem*ni apartment; accommodste 3 employed gentlemen; bsth snd private entrance; adjoining park- rooms and bath; hot and cold week; other reconditioned TV's, $29.95 up, guaranteed; no down tnghouse; excellent oondltlon, WE ities paia. ju i- pjqi. water furnished; $37.

JU 4-1312. OKO-ONA area. 5700 Locust Vayi" ELLIOTT. 2721: furnished rooms; ii.i i iea. maoie.

DIXIE HGWY. area: 8313 Green. payment. CITY APPLIANCE REFRIOERATOR, G.ZT; 8 foot share kitchen. SP 4-5188.

BARBER. W. 115:" 3 lane homev D-droom DricK, living rontn, kitchen and bath; children 2 rooms and bath, first floor, $45; one lsrge room, efficiency kitchen snd bsth, second floor $42 50. All utilities furnished, JU 7-8488 "ROANOKE Ave, 1841. Apartments 4 snd thoroughly modern; 1 hss 4 lsrge rooms, tile bath; the other 8 and tile bath: I on 1st floor.

Open. Adults. $80 snd $90. JU 878 W. Hill.

ME wood Rd. Modern 4 room, bath, $75 month; utilities furnished; coucn; both like new. A.N 7-1938. 12TH and Walnut; newly decorated REFRIGERATORS and washers. rooms, untitle furnished, near university, ME 73830.

BELGRAVIA. 625: clesnt- room: TELEVISIONS' used, guaranteed; notei emcieneies; msio, elevator, switchboard! weekly, monthly rates: air conditioned ME8-377L "VOtNO 1399 2nd: prl vale' bath; utilities paid; redecorstedi weekly rate. ME 8-2681, GL 1-3853. Business Placet For Rent. 90 used, all makes; 10 day free home modern 3 rooms, D'n, month; utilities furnished.

Mr. Zlpptr, SP j.k up; no aown payment; low aa $2.50 per week: easiest credit In trial; 1 year guarantee. No money parking: $16.50, and furnished sleeping room; $8 weekly; utilitlejs Included. Apply at drugstore, 12thand Walnut. "23 RD, S.

733: block south of Broadway: 1 nicely furnished room, private entrance; $6.50 week. bP town. Call 81 P. TV. JU 5-4211 ZIPPER Realtor.

SP 2-2103. aown, $1 a weex. WILL SALES 4-8395. Arthur Wolpert Co. DIXIE HGWY7.

1329: Irooms. nri- Appliances 317 S. 4th St vate bath, entrance: steam heat: "BAXTER, 438. reir; suTtabTeTor TELEVISION service. $1.50 service call, day.

night: guaranteed restore we.ik picture tubes, special. SCANLON'S TV JU 4-9584 REFRIGERATORS, G.E. apartmen ihawisii Terrace, ass; duplex: new owner: 1st floor. 5 rooms: 2nd floor. 4 rooms, private entrance; excellent condition.

SP 8-1024. 8-7JI2. some furniture snd all utilities size. 4 cubic foot. $39; stoves, APPLIANCES, refrigerators, aih.

ere. rsnges; terms. Klrchdorfer's. 24TH and Chestnut: clean, fur v. TV's.

$25. JU 3-1418. TELEVISION. G. E.

21 inch console. nished room, SP 4-2245. i7; studio apartment, private bath. EM 8-8336. BRECKINRIDGE 3 "roomsT 1st floor; private bath; accept children; parkinf apace.

BROADWAY, W. 1512; 1 nice, clean rooms; 2nd floor; utilities furnished: sdults: parking; reasonable: call EM BR6ADWAV, E. 1220; rooms, prl- Vate bath: utilities furni-iart: furnished; adults; 15 weekly. Will pay moving costEM 8-5219. "DIXIE Hgwy.

at Orel); 2 separsle" I stores. 918 Baxter. 5719 Preston. RUO," 9x12 sample, slightly soTTeVT THE Al.I.F-M HOTEL. mahogany; paneled doons; food con- solid green, reduced to $30.95, pad nuion: -1 a-wisi.

AWNINOS, aluminum: aluminum storm windows, aluminum storm doors. 80 to 60 off on fartory 80 rooms, air conditioned fine food: radio: alw-ava a room. SP apartments; snare Dam; $.10 gacn EM 8-9415. SHAWNEE srea; 8 rooms, kitchen, ette, bsth; neyly decorated: private entrance: water, gaa and lights furniahedi $73. SP 2-1808.

SHELBY, S. 757 4 rooms, private bath, nire yard: front and rear en included. or Ttitus LANG'S TRADE-IN STORE ea; fw moncn. -f e-isia. OREGON, 2831i four rooms, bath and utility room; newly decor-ted; $68.50.

Call JU 4-8111; appointment made Immediately through radio cars HIGHBAUGH MORTGAGE CORP. 5l 9W et St. JU 4-8111. ORMSBY, W. 1345; nice 5 rooms) and bath cottage, gas floor furnace.

$65. Shati Realty. JU 4-5830 "PAfRlflA 3211: a bedroorn' ranch type; aluminum storm doors and windows.SP8-6-09 PENILE 3 room house: no" bath: $30 per month. EM 8-0237. "PENWAY'3006; Living room, a bed.

rooms, kitchen, bath, utility roomi to be decorated inside and out; large shopping center being: bull-nearby: $69.50. Call JU 4-8111, appointments made immediately through radio cars. HIGHBAUGH MORTGAGE CORP. 1Q M-Vef Ktet. JTT i-Jt! 1 1 8 8626, 2516 W.

Madison, parking. DIXIE 1029; 3'-. rooms and" surplus odd stock, setter Hroa. 54 548 E. Market St.

JU 3-1240 manuiacturmg; nas gas neat; avv three phase power; 1,300 square feet; reasonable. JU 4-1512. "BROOK, 731; office or small busP ncss; reasonabls rent. GL 8-3793, DIXIE 4419 Across from Bacons, 3 rooms sr-rsnged ss office, parking, apartment upstairs 3125 Ju 7--468 JEFFERSON E. 113-115; two irfooT aidewalk stands, in heart of Hay market district, good for selling anything; $5 earh per week.

Mr. Fischer, JU 4-8340. Aluminum Mfg. tu Spring, Dam: basem*nt, yard; $50. GL II on I tor llont RUGS, carpeting.

In the home; free jhon: adults JU4-0713. jetiersonvuie. uu trance. KM 8-4880, I XI iCJlGWY" al I-heared TELEVISION Service Repairs and JU 8-3921. Jerry's Television Service Co.

TELEVISIONS, reconditioned like new, new picture tube, Phllco console, $49 95, guaranteed; O. E. eon-sole, $29 95; also 100 sets for hobbyists and repairmen, $10 each. SUN TV 719 E. Broadway Aportments Unfurnished, 88 BIO, book case style, 'pink ancf aecorator service.

LLOYD'S FURNITURE CO bkwmuvvat, a rooms with all conveniences; adults, or single per. rooms, kitchenette: bath: 1st floor; charcoal, full aize, with springs ALGONQUIN 1603: nearly 3940 Csno Run Rd SP 8-1. and a new mattress, all for LANG'S TRADE-IN STORE jarxing; adults TW 3-748. DOMESNIL. 2735 4 rooms and bath new thoroughly modem 31-.

rooms, basem*nt storage: off street park- SEWING machine, automatic Sing-er zig-zag; makes button holes, em. MA-548 East Market St. JU 3-1248 BROADWAY, W-loTTceTirTufr nished, 1st floor, hath; hot water. BROADWAY. 4108:" llvlns--room" 2nd floor; will accept children.

SP lng; closo to bus: adults; $75. 81E private entrance; adults: heat and water furnished; near Butler High. $75. EM 8-0667. 8HIVELY74143 H'illview; 3niT1oor, 4 rooms with 2 bedrooms, tile bath, basem*nt; near bus, shopping area; $75.

TW S-16U4. SOUTH location: 3 room" nrotaers. $79; nothing dowm BID, Hollywood, box sprlncs, mat- $3.18 month; will domonstrale In TELEVISIONS, used; from daily 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday 12 noon to 8 p.m.; terms, MunU T.V., 7-1484 ATWOOD Area- 3008 S. 5th St" JEFFERSON E.

TnnrrgeeTorer room, newly decorated, vacant, excellent shoe location. partmerdkcjrteiiijiertile home, EARL 1336; 3 rooms, 2nd floor, share bath: utilities oaid: 3 rooms, share bath; water fur Central Sewing Machine. ME 7-5170. 1014 a. Broadway.

xrfsij never useq. mww. 1i6ROOrA i piece. up; also name brand bedroom suites, come In, see them, you'll near bus line: $46 per month; set- nished: $40 Sf I-1H88 SEWING machine: repossessed "TELEVISIONS," used. fullyiuaran.

Arnold P. Simons JU 4-4369 LEXINGTON Rd teed, no money down. $1 week. "PLEASURE RIDGE: 2 and 3 bed ARLINGTON Village, new brick apartments, 1 or bedrooms, air- Necchi, automatic: balance $71 at $5.58 month; free home demonstra and bath garage apartment; hardwood floors; newly decorated: couple preferred; $50 month; all SOUItS. 7-BS4I.

"EASTERN PARKWAY, 313T3 large rooms, bsth, basem*nt let floor $60 Same apartment on 2nd floor; $55; AND 1 rt'RNm'BE tion. Louisville hewing Machine, -nwuiv ana uik area; lat floor; 3 rooms, bath: 31 per week, plus utilities; children srrepled. After .12 nooncallME 4-257. BROOK, 1301; 2 large, newIdeeo-rated rooms: closets; private bath and entrance; utilities furnished; reasonable rent: see anytime, BROOK, S. 145; beautifully fur.

conoitionea, private swimming pool, 1 block south of 7th snd Berry JU 1-1744 W. Market jiaiu t.Mti92, JU Z-Z917. 50 foot frontage, 4 rooms snd bsth; cottage on side of lot that may be converted for btu-ness purposes. COHEN REALTYCO. JU 41608i ST.

MATTHEWS: i llations room homes: $80 up. ANDY CI11SM, Realtor. WE 7-3f. PRAIRIE Village area: 3 bedroom stone, large utility; near schools, churches snd shopping; children ac vvu.i, balls Appliance stores, an W. Market, JU 2-1804.

TELEVISIONS, used, S29.9J! upT guaranteed: big selection: terms. Sharklette Department Store 4400 Park Blvd EM 3-3508 noin reoecoraiea. i.ii e-zi 12. Boulevard. Call EM 3-2919; evenings SOUTH END: In the beautiful Iro etuKuum, a rea cenar oeauty with a Queen's size poster bed.

SSWINO machine. Neccchl automatic; repoasessed: oriainally sold quois park section. UL 1-8165. "ATWOOD. 320: 4 rooms am Mr.

and Mrs. dresser and double EASTERN 1410. 4 largo rooms, completely redecorated. Lewis R. Long.

Realtor. JU 4 213d VV ASHIINti 1 11" AP A RTM EN TS 3S28 oppolte A At balance due, 12 psyments at $0.60 month; can be aeen In home. Call Necrhl. Jtl door rone. $lw.

cash or terms. LANG'S TRADE-IN STOKE nished 2 room apartment: private entrance; adulta. $11 weekly. SP TV, 21 Inch, $05; others. ATTS35 up, Brlner's TJVi-XMlia 9.

1. i. bedrooms, from $7450. prl cepted: ladyupstsirs. EVERETT, 1042; utilities paid; stove, refrigerator, sarace.

ianitor: adulta! Market St, JU 3-1248 store; approximately 2,200 square feet; also 3-36 West port approximately 1,000 square feet; park SEWINO machines; unclaimed vate entrance, large bedrooms, 2nd newly ecora ed; $75 AN 7-1127. bedroom, dinette' kitchenette and brook: floor, living room, dining room 1224; 3 Tnnmw SOROOM furniture, new, allghtly damaxsd: by the piece or carload. ZANEY, Sylvania new 17 Inch portable TV, full factory warranty, $129 95. $1 delivers. JU 2-1A78 ireignt; new, brand name models; aave bOTo.

Terms. Iealer JU 4-2453, ing in front of store; reasonable. kitchen 1st floor: private full base bsth; parking; adults; also 1 room vkkeit, list; ist noor. a rooms. ELINE REAX.TY CO.

TW5-41, spartment. Apply apart! ment; range, refrigerator, storm .617 VVMaln.jGREfcNCO. JJJ V501 StbS. bunx beds: solid, maple," CITY CYCLE 218 W. Market ment 1.

STOVE; Magic Chef; Whirl pool iaT tomatlc Washer; large window fan; 1ST, S. 507: store or snop; 2 rooms and bsth; living quarters; $50. GL pain. alter sJ FRANCK 10r rooms, bath, walkln closets: 2nd floor; $50 month, JU 4-443; Sundsy, GL RECONDITIONED televisions. 17-1 1 -nai .1 BURNETT.

W. 2122; 2 "rooms prl-yaUs bath; utilities furnished; in- doors, it lice 41s aiarsnaii wauc, EM 8-4200, Hours 9-5, Saturday, Sunday 11-4. Evenings by appoint J1KU7 $39.93, up A 8b Television, llli i.ionei irain; a rugswJHr; VACUUM oleaners; Kposseissions Makers: lilce new take over bal. mnW Wrt.tA I- ment. is.

,11. 1 Udl llil IHUC, S4th i.M 6-3S4S Presidential Management Corp. new; terms; new guarantee. Call 48,000 square feet; all sprinkler; I story, dock and ground height, 2 RENT A TTO.EV1SIONSET SOUTH END. Mear 7th and Berry; i) Low rates- home and hospital bath.

Hest snd wster furnished. Garage included in rent. $72.50 per month. F. MET7VER Realtors JU 4-73S5.

AUbUBONTarea. 1423 Nightingale: 1st floor, large 2 bedroom, tils bath: freshly painted throughout; 220 volt: laundry and locker facill. ties In basem*nt: children accepted, ME 4-4494 8J768. AUDUBON area. 1437 NlgKUngale; newiy redecorated, 2 bedrooma, tile bath, full basem*nt, storage; $75; with stove snd refrigerator, $80.

Phone JU 4-2874. 2 bedroom in modem brick 4 rentals. Call JU 4-5B45 FRANKFORT 2142; 4 rooms, bsth. 1 floor: yard; basem*nt; water furnished; $65; possession November 2oth; ahow at anytime. "FRANKLIN St.

947; 2 large rooms." modern bath fenced vard: $8.50 cepted; $90. KM B-03-3. PRESTON Hgwy. area. 4543THihe.

rose; living room, 2 bedrooms, util. Ity room, garage; newly decorated $75. EM 34080. RODMAN, 2333: modern 4 rooms, bsth; secept chlidren; $58.50. SHELBYVILLI Rd.

snd Watterson Expresswsy area, $13 Marquette; 2 bedrooms, tile bsth: children furrtace TW 5-222 SHIVELY area. 4139 HUlview; bedrooms, full basem*nt and fa. rage; 1 block to bus line; child sccepted; $85, EM 8-093S. "SHIVELY; lovely 3 bedroom home; onlv $60 per month. E.

H. GIBSON. Realtor EM 3-3M8. SOUTH END, off New Cut Rdu, 922 West view: 3 bedroom Bedford stone. $100 month with 1 year EM7.7178or TW 5-7009.

SIX MILE Lane and Taylorsvillo 4 rooms, bath, utility room; lys blocks to bus line. AN 7-5414. ROWAN. 2512. rear: 3 rooms and rati sidings; 5 minutes from down town Louisville at Jeffersonville Quartermaster Depot.

J. H. Con apartment building. Private entrance, low rent: reference re WASHER, G.E. this is one of our best values, A full warranty and guarantee.

ONLY $149.95. Bring in this ad now for a FREE Wanted to Buy Miscellaneous. 80 ner, Wll4-0o7 BEDROOM and living room suites; quired, JU 4.4197 evenings, TW 8-27 SO. ONE floor building with truck stoves, refrigerators, washers TURKEY with purchase of washer. per week.

TW 5-6881. GARDINER Lane Section' 1940" loading dork; approximately 4,000 SOUTH END. 1518 ShJngo. near wanted at ones. Clark Furniture sun TV 719 fc.

Broadway inut st'cepieo. rr 6-6179. CECIL 1044; newly decorated" bedroom, kitchen, private bath; utilities furnished; 1st floor. SP 8-4647. CENTRAL 2 rooms, private bsth snd entrance.

ME 7-2862. CENTRALLY locsted," 823" sr indT 2 rooms, psrking, lsunderette; sdults; JU CENTRALLY located, 1014 floor; modern 2 rooma. private bsthj parking: JU 2-1775. CENTRALLYlocated, eftlciency" television; parking; utilities fur-nished; $13.50 GL 4-4965. CHEROKEE Pkwy.

2129; room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen, private bath; furnace heat; OOUOle. GL 1-A002 Store. SP 8-9815. Iroquois fara; 3 large rooms closets and bath: back yard: duplex WASHER, Westinghouse Laundro. mat: guaranteed; Luntzcl BEDROOM suites refrigerators.

building, everything: seDarate -58 AUDUB0NAra, 1411 Nightingale Appliances. TW 8-1428. stoves, late model TVs. tools furniture, piece or by house full. Heat.

All uas Furnished monin. o-ojaij Schuff Lane: 4 rooms; bath; 1st floor; month. GL $-4448 or EM 84529. GARLAND 2910: roomaTbath; 1st floor; $60 month. WM.

E. BAHTH "CO. JU 8-5293 GARVIN Placo.i14fi3T" floor:" WASHER, Whirlpool automatic. muy's ua.vor ment sp like new, $09. 50; fully guaranteed; terms.

Jwrrett's. 1139 Bairdwtown Kd. Attractive 2 bedrooms: tile bathsi closets: basem*nt storane; newly decorated. TW 8-5993. TW 3-7292, south central; spacious rooms, bslh; basem*nt; hsrdwood floors; lovely yard; trees; off street FURNITURE, appliances and antiques: any amount, single pieces "WASHERS, used wrinser," $29, used" AUDUBON Park: 4 plex.

2 bed- parking; on bus line. EM 6-5168. square feet or space; light, gas, heat and water. Attractive office pace; suitable for multi-purpose use. I.L'SKY JU 7-7312 FOR lease, 40.000 square feet, 1 floor on 3 scresi psrking space, 1 acre: railroad siding available! sprinkler system! Ideal for manufacturing purposes.

Telephone BU 2-4341; 28.000 square feet; elevator 220-440 power; centrally located; bargain at 22c per squsre foot per year. FIELDING H. DICKEY Realtor GL 1-3010 or entire household: will buy out. rooms, private. ME 4-8087, complete, stain; ir tnis saveruae-Inent mentioned $10.00 off.

LLOYDS FURNITURE CO. ,40 Cane Run Rd. SP OOKCASE, sliding glass doora7 choice of lime oak, walnut or mahogany finish, yours for only small down payment, low monthly payment. GORDON FURNITURE CO. 7411 Preston Hgwy WO 9Jm BlirSOl table, folding type, Vy" Durham, with 4 folding chairs for $21.

Book ease, walnut finish with sliding doors for $15. Refreshment bar, not too large, final ic lop, wrought style with icquered brass rsil, $24. Vibrator, reclining lounge chair In red plastic and tapo-flrv $44.95. CASH or TERMS LANG'S TRADE-IN STORE $48-548 East Market St. JU 3-1248 "CAR PIT, priced below our cost for immediate clearance; all wool, heavy embossed Wilton, beige, $.1.95 square yard; 100" Dupont nylon twist, five colors, $3.50 square yard; 1K' Cromspun, green and sandalwood.

$3.95 square yard; heavy plush cotton $3.85 square yard) all wool twit, $4.95 square yard; also many room size rem-rants and runners sacrificed less than cost. CONTRACTORS CARPET OUTLET 1700 Bardatowu Road. GL 1-7521 Open Sunday at noon, Monday until 9 automatic wasnens, $129, refrigerator used, $49; TV set, oil right or sell on consiannient Ma bath: nqutilltles; $30. SP 8-1688. south newy uecoraieo; a rooms: new gas furnace; see to appreciate: $69.50 innev Auction co tw -gi8i "FURNITURE highest price neaters, RENSI'GER'S TRADE-IN STORE rooms, tile bath; refrlgerstor, stove furnished; dryer, waaher, off (treat parking.

CE9-3n8. AUDUBON area, 14J9-NTgKtirurale cosnplelely redecorated; 2 "Cherokee lovely 1 or i RUSS GAILOR, Realtor. EM 8-2-77. 430 E. Market St.

JU 4-1753 psid; prompt service. Mr. Powell. SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO. $31 E.

Market JU 4-2891 SOUTH END. 45 Nichols mod bedrooms.jlile bath. TW 6-OU07. AVERY Ct. 1918: very nice 4 rooms.

WASHERS, wringer type. Maytag Speed Oueen. A B.C., Dexter and others $25. up. Cash or terms.

LANG'S TRADE-IN STORK Evenings call EM 8-8969. ern, newly decorated, living room, kitchen, utility, 3 bedrooms, bath; $69.50. Adams. ME $-3721. bOUTrl HINU, 1S-J peri rooms, bath; $78 month.

J. MANUELLAY CO. EM M-81. SOUTH END, 4408 Haielwood Ave 8 rooms; storm windows, gas 2car garage. AN 7-1169.

"SOUTH END, 832 Iroquois rooms, bath, basem*nt; extra nice. $5. EM 8-0032. SOUTH "End, 1423 Arling; nice 4 k.ik, t.tllll- r.m! feneerl "FURNITURE piece or bath; vacant; $55.00 month rVORTH VVESS CORNER Schiller GAULBERT, W. 1839: 3 rooms, baUi, 2nd floor; utilities furnished; $60; adults.

SP 8-7801. "GERMANT6WNT2 large newly pa. pered rooms, near schools, biases, $25 month, GL 43648. GERMANTOWN, 1213 KreTger at ElltMon; 3 rooms end bath, everything separate; adults. TW6-485.

GL NMAR 2424 mod era ef ciencles, I bedroom, living room, dinette and kitchenette; heat. Janitor, hot water, washer and dryer. The Kendall JU 2-1807. GOSS 1009 3 large floor front: private shower and Arnold1 -tmorus JU -4jna SOUTH END. 762 Central; 4 rooms.

ned roome. tile baih, ehower; steam heatL adults; GL 1-8748 CRESCENT Hill, ficiency apartment; utilities fur-nished; near transportation; $10 week. Phone after 5, TW 8-70I8. CRESCENT IIUI; 8 rooms, excollenf condiiion; couple TW 8-8948. "CRESCENT "HILL, 3 roomsTlirivate bath, entrance.

EM 6-8803. 8W-548 E. Market St. JU 3-1248 WASHERS, Dryer. Norge: new In nousenoia; prompt service; nignest prices paid.

James Greene Furniture Co. JU 4-0262. AVERY Court, 1926; 4 rooms, bath; water furnished: newly decorated; bsth: wster furnished; $55 per month: also 3 rooms on rear: $40 crate 9v used sio up. ju z-2uoo. FURNITURE wanted at once: hish- and St.

Catherine 4 room brick bouse zoned commercial $73.00, Michael O'DEA CO. JU 3-5523 Houses Unfurnished. 92 6 $02 50 SP 8-1688. per month. TW 5-5913.

Dixie Appliance, 607 w. Market est prices paid; White's Furniture, 50 or more used appliances for SOUTH END. off southern yard: TW 5-388. AVERY 1919: 4 rooms, 4 plex; arilllls. TW nr.w w.

JU 4-47. rooms snd bath, newly deco cheap. ie'ens invited til, 8 9388 GL TW 8-Q283. Dealer. FURNITURE needed for used de BANK St 2945: 4 room and bath rated: everything private.

EM 8-0819. SOUTH End: 3 rooms, hath, sll" SOUTH aoio ray; nice urns 4 rooms, bath, utility; fenced; will redecorate. EM 6-2U2. south END." 39 1 8 S. Brook: 3 room duplex: will accept 2 children; $35.

partment, highest cash prices. Liberty Outfitting, JU 5-4554. CRESCENT Hill. 101 Clareroont; 3 rooms, bath. See after3 m.

DENMARK. 529: 2 rooms and bathT sdults. EM 3-4260. Christmas Gift Articles. 73-A SP 8-1688.

entrance; etllllies furnished. "SICYCLE, "English, 28 "itieh, glrl'sT FURNITURE, tools, radio televl- BANK 2603; nire 3 rooms, bsth; GRINSTEAD Drive 2464 2nd floor; private, 1st floor; child accepted. EM 6-4127: EM s-3103. OUTH living room, bed DIXII llffwv. rVl77 snd bath cottage.

EM 3-9917. SOUTHLAND," 816: living room, 1 vsesnt; $30 00 month living room 3 bedrooms, dining oulek cssh, Dealer. ME 7-1770. blue; excellent conaitioiv can si' 8-2(19. ELECTRIC trains.

Lionel standard" Arnold Simons JU room, kitchen, ostn, on ine sireei bedrooms, kitchen, bath, breeze. car Carpet" ArTrE-f PIANOS, any kind or condition. BANK. 3713: 4 rooms, bath. 1st nicely furnished: private entrance snd bath; all utilities paid; adults.

SP DIXIilllIUV. "ltS. 1 iMin. v. a .1, laiiie: locomotives numoer Ferguson's, 11U 2-6827.

room, kitchen, bath: laundry: heat furnished; reasonaje. EM 8-7154. SOUTHERN 411 lT heat, "hot floor: adults. SP 8-4483. parking, water furnished.

$67.50. Call if 4-8111 appointments made Immediately throush radio ears number 390E; also freight cars. PIANOS, uprights, spinets, grands. wsy. garage, newly oecoraiea LYNN ACRES RENTAL OFriC 8107 S.

1st Street EM 8-2541 tracK, and switches. t.L. i-eoso, II1GHBAUGH MORTGAGE CORP. kitchenette; prlvste; utilities paid $15: adultsiu 4-8294. water furnished; 3 room efficiency; everything strictly prlvste; sdults; $fiO.

JU 3-7541; also food parking 509 West Market Street JU 4-8111 MODEL train equipment. Lionel and American Flyer. Edward D. players; highest cash pricea paid. Tiller's.

JU 4-6292. SHOTGUNS, typewriters, tools, cameras, musical Instruments; highest prices paid. Abe Davis Loans DRESDEN 803: 2 rooms. rooms, bath, basem*nt: storm doors and windows; gas furnace: near to city's newest shopping center, now being built; month to month lease; $80; will redecorate walls and floors. Call JU 4-8111.

Appoint-menUs msde immediately through radio cars. HIGHBAUGH MORTGAGE CORP. 509 W. Market JU 481U ALGONQUIN FT? lovely unfurnished home, back yard fenced; gaa furnace; $75 month. L.

BOOK Tteal Estate WAJ-0897 "ALLSTON, 2121; 2 bedrooms, base-' ment; garage; $80 month. RUSS GAILORj Realtor EM 8-2577. "ANCHORAGE SECTION: 10107 Whlppsmtll Kd. Brick 3 bedrooms, attached garage, gaa heat. A.

W. BRENT Realtor JU 4-8231 "BARDSTOWN Rd. area. "217 Paris' 2 bedroom brick ranch, full Smith. 2819 W.

Jefferson, SP 8-9557 SOUTHERN HeLgnts. a-s: a rooms, outside toilet: electricity snd water paid; $38. month. EM. 8-6897.

space. 4O07; jet floor. vate bsth, private entrance: ullll-tles furnished; one child accepted. EM 8-8901. Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches.

74 I bedrooms, dressing room witn BARDSTOWN Rd. srea: NEW: 3404 Rowena; Green Meadows Apartments; 1 lame bedroom; living room with dining sres; stove, refrlgerstor. furnished; year around comfort controlled; a bargain, $85; lease required, KENNEDY REALTY CO. GL 4-4072. Realtors.

CL 4-4811. BARDSTOWN Rd. area. 2300 Ter-" rier Court, adjoining Medical Plata; new 2 bedroom, air-conditioned apartment. CH 5-4893.

corner 2nd Market JU 4-9180. TELEVISIONS "bought, any" condl DIAMOND, Lock Box, yellow. 1 83 EMERALD 2030Toff Vonionl 3 ST, CAtH I I IE. 810. 3 root-cottage, toilet and sink; $40.

Wm. E. Barth Co. JU 8-829S large mirror, tile bath, screened In rorrh, gsrsge; nire yard; available leeember 1st. EM 3-0881.

tlon: cash. Brlner's TV, U. 2-3980 HARRISON Ave. 771 at Eastern first floor, 3 rooms snd tile bath, water furnished, adults, $75.00 per month. GOODMAN St HAMBLETON.

INC. Realtors JU 7-1381 HAiELW'SOD, 4400; 3 rooms, all newly painted. 1st floor; convenient location, F.M6-583, HEPBURN, if'; 3 extra large" rooms, pnvsle bsth snd entrance; carais, reduced for casta 'ss, sc cm eyer's. 589 S. 4th.

$1 TO cssh to loan, or Day on diamonds, and all kinds of Jew. ST. MATTHEWS. Cherrvwood Vil DIAMONDS. Buy from a reliable SOUTHERN Pkwy.

3 rooms7ba(h. 2nd floor: refrigerator, ranee, utili lage, 4029 Gilman: 8 rooms, screened jeweler; flawless diamonds, 1 carat, $485; carat, $285: Mi carat, elry. antiques, old gold, or anything of value; cameras, televisions; ties furnished; adults; $85, EM rooms, newiy aecorated; adults; $55: plus utilities. TW 8-8948, EVERETT Ave.rT028: newly fur-' nished 3 rooms, bath, 2d Toor; utllltlesjunujshed GL 8-8469 "FtOYD, 1012; 2 rooms. 1 st front, utilities furnished; $13 per week EM 6-4J02.

FRANKFORT Ml- .1 nice" In porch; full basem*nt; garsge. fenced yard; close to transports, tlon, schools, shopping center; $138 7-1612; JU 4-6294. BARDSTOWN Rd 2429: 3 rooms. Mi carat, $14: v4 carat, fun. a oia-mond 1 carat wedding rings.

guns; see us ior top prices. SIMON FROCKT'S S18 Market near 4th JU 4-5797 sT. Catherine e. 97Tnice tile bath: automatic heat; modern Fine 19 diamond clusters, $235, rooms, 1st floor; equipped for Kiienen 3. s.nso.

other bargains: terms. Oowdcn OLD gold bought at top pricea. See Louisville largest and finest selection of broodloom. Wilton, velvets, chenilles and tufted from $5 50 square yard. Large aelectlon of remnants also available at huge savings.

Open Sundays 1 to 5 p.m. SMITH CARPET it LINOLEUM fV 730 W. Market CARPETS, rugs, linoleum. The orig tnal contractors' carpet outlet. Sol Cooper.

"The Pioneer Rug Dealer." 33 MarketJU 4-0S8I (ARPtTii i size remnanta. nds of rolls, save 40 to 70V STEVENS CARPET MART 3rd. JU 3-1807 CARPETS, rugs snd runners, usedf all renovated and reconditioned; also used rug pads. C. Glass Carpel Co.t 1U04 W.

Main JU225. CARPETS; rues; new "and" used," opectai 9x12 Vkiroea rusis cut rate prices on linoleum. MATTS, 728 W. Market JU 7-8814. 'CHAIRS, 2 occasional, in good condition, $8 each; 1969 RCA, 21 inch deluxe TV.

like new, $190. 1818 Oregon.SP 2-7878, COAL heater, Vesta, complete with" pipe, board and aelup, $49. LANG'S TRADE-IN STORE Market St OINiNO room suite, sntlque red wood, hand carved, 8 chairs, table, rhina cabinet; $800. See at 5408 Piquatt Van Voorhees area. automatic, washer and dryer; pr.

vate hath and entrance. ME 8.3806 25 Starks hell us old silverware, scrap gold, gold coins, anything of value. SI rooms and bath: heat and hot 1 AMOUS ST CATHERINE E. 820: 4 Ian BAYLY, S. 120: 3 rooms, bathTSeat and water furnished; $38 per month.

GL 8-3879. BEECHMONT, 4933 STlfa; isTTloor" private, 5 rooms, tile bath; auto 1.07 carat diamond, taken In mon rorkt s. 338 MarKct rooms, hath, vacant: 80.00 mom Arnold Simons JU 4-4363 Itisnmsi For Root trade SIR. 1.53 carat diamond Ufa. la carat diamond ST.

MATTHEWS Vres, for young matic furnace; laundry facilities; garage: wired for electric stove: Rooms with Boa.d. (I sll utilities psldJU 3-B57J. HIGHLAND Isi flour. 4 rooms, bath, ME 54912. "HIGHLANDS, 2315 Glenmary; modern, 1st floor: besutlfully decorated, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, tile baih; 6 closets; locker; laundry.

Janitor; pv.i 50; ranre, refrigerator optional. Adams, ME 8 3721. HIGHLANDS," 22(0 Speed, C4; niodT ern; newly decorated, living room, kitchen, bedroom, tile bath; 4 closets; locker: automatic washer; 2 adults; $79 50; range, refrigerator optional. Adams, MR HIOHLANDS," I813 Shady LaneT SENG JEWELERS 813 S. 4th execuuve; fiermtiage way; neauu ful new.

air conditioned, 2 bed water furnished: near shopping OERNERT 517: good home RING, ladv's. Chatham emerald basem*nt, garage, sun porch, near bus; $125 per month. GL 8-1471. 4" bedrooms, 2 baths; Immediate possession; $110; Charles L. Drautman Co.

JU 4-5334. "BEECH, 1930; Living room, two bedrooms, kitchen, bsth and utility room, newly decorated $89.50. Call JU 4-8111; appointment made Immediately through radio cars. HIGHBAUGH MORTGAGE CORP. 509 Market St.

JU BELLS Lane, 3609; "6edroom ranch" type, a I a a sun porch; $68 month; will lease 1 to years. SP rooms: living room; dining area center; sdunsJ km 8.2844. cooKing; gentleman. Ml'. .234.

carat, superior color gold Tiffany BEECHMONT, 210 Isnsm: new with glaas. sliding doors onto patio stalking dlstancs Cathollo church HIGHLAND 1501; attractive ME 7.71 isaiter brick 4 Dlex basem*nt apartment water provided; adults: no drink. Jlng; $15 month. TW5-673L rooms, private entrance; laundry facilities: steam heat; garage; everything furnished; $65. SP 8-8337.

GARLAND, 3122: 3" rooms. 1st floor;" hardwood floors: sutotnatlo fat furnace: private entrance. GREENWOOD Ave. 3005; 3'. rooms? private enl ranee, share on bus line; $12.50 week; children accepted.

W'amiMimT-rooms. bath; nicely furnished; private entrance; on bus line; couple; $11. EM 6-6l rooms; good hom*o cooked meals: montn. tw ST. MATTHEWS, 4314 Rrlarwooof 8 rooms bath, basem*nt; $s-range: $115 month.

JU 8-21-4, or TW-8B4. "ST. MATTHEWS area; 8 bedroom brick: electric kitchen; garagei $110 month. TW 8-3652. SUNSET, 4153, rear; 3 rooms, bath) child sccepted.

J5P 2-7735. TALLULAH, 603 in iirfiland" Park: 4 rooms, and bath; $68 per month. ME 4-824-1. area; 3 bedroom brick, U-i baths, full basem*nt: lsrge fenced yard; convenient to schools, shopping, 3116 Mnrlln Rd. GL 4-3387.

Valley-StatTgn, 1921 Taiteta; 3 bedrooms, basem*nt, S'OO per month, children accepted. Other and 4 bedroom homes from 890 CAREY SMITH, Realtor WE 7-lB0O Swim Club, tennla courts! 1 red Machinery and Tools. 7S 3 rooms, bath, adults; off elreet automatic heat; near transporta light to downtown Louisville, $89 50 tion: -Bentlemen: 3. 4-H617. parking; 1M, MB 4-0770.

BERRY hl.VD.. 173B; 4 roomWTEalhT per month Iff 8-1005, TW 8-8797 ror Ffirm sfdcftmsT orTltn'sf Form ttmJSe flaanHcationJSO. ARC welder. gasdrlve X'EE aOndriadlrs, nice single and utilities furnb-ied; also 3 or TW 5-8617. St.

MATTHEWS, f23 MacArthur; brand new: de luxo type. I bed. on rubber; lste model; Reliable a ou Die. rooms. 51 5-2533, PORTLAND area, private or share: apartment number 2 bedrooms, equipped kitchen, alr-ronditloner; Welding Co.

JU 4-7753. BROADWAY snd 26th area; 3 room room apartment: large rooms; air 3 meals If desired; $11. $13. SP 2-xan. "BACKHOE, Sherman.

onFord 820 close to churches, schools, shopping; Venetian blinds; will deco conditioned; I diotk to bus and tractor. 10 food condition, excel. cottage, parking; fenced yard; Inquire 2519 W. Broadway. BUECHIL Terrace, 204 Alpha; modT nri rvnox, pnone V3H4, SHAWNEE Terrace, room next to shopping srea; $113.50.

KLINE REALTY CO. TW 8283. rate. GL 2 323. DIN'FNO" room sulfes.

7 pieces. TivW "HIGHLANDS; a bedrooms; lent rubber; Minneapolis Mollne 3:15 tractor, with Henry baekhoe bath: reasonable, elderly gentleman HIOHLANDS. SSS rent f'o'r4 room room, kltrhen, bath, garage; near nrelerred. SP spartmenl; hardwood floors and loader, excellent condition; Case 310 crawler annle-dozer: Arns SOUTH Fnd. dnubie room: twin ST.

MATTHEWS," 215 lirecklnrldge Iins: 1 bedroom efficiency, decorator's styling; sll utilities fur throughout: oungstown cabinet: Inlaid linoleum; private front and ern 3 bedrooms; gas furnsre; diock from Bsrdstown Rd, bus; $80. TW 3-7035. LI RSX" Terrere. 245 Eldorado; 2 bedrooms, carport: 220 wiring; large fenced yard: $85: available imnnpnnaiion, l-fllli41 4 roomsT large closets, private bath; bahy trencher on Ford 640. Sales and roimts, bath, $.16 per month; private entrajicea: nliMitat EM 8-0014.

JAMES T. JONES t'O; KM 7-187. 312, off Rrowns-" boro apartment 3, 2nd floor; 2 bedrooms, completely redecorated, new carpeting; nice screened porch; dishwasher, disposal; $110. TW 8-0277. HIGHLAND REALTYCO.

TW5-5454 BLUEGRASS, 1311; Lovely five rooms and bath, off the street parking, within walking distance of schools, churches snd large shopping center, water furnished. IIIGHRAUGII MORTGAGE CORP. 509 Market St. JU 4 8111 nished; garage; $113, JU 4-1681 days: beds; 2 or 3 meals and laundry; home atmosphere; gentlemen, EM 8-7702. Darn entrances; heat, hot and cold rentals.

R. 9 HUNT A SONS INC. 1008 E. Market JU 4-5234. water rum hrd.

I. different styles, $12995 up: new. AND FUHNITI'RK JU J-1744 I020V4 W. Market DRYER, G. E.

ISM model with full warranty. Only $149.95. Bring In this ad now for FREE TURKEY with purchase of dryer. TV. 719 E.

Broadway. DRYERS. G.E. and "Maytag; new 1958 mode-le: values $199 95. reduced for our warehouse sale to TW 6-84112 niirnia, ST.

MATTHEWS, 1st "floor, modernT I bed room apartment. $75. will VINE. 966: room and board for snupiwi; no nnnKing. oi.

1-6274. HIOHLANDS "Park; 3 "comfortable rooms, orlvatfl hath, entrant-. HIOHLANDS, 2220 Heather Lane; vallet stajio; 4 oeuroom brick ranch style. baths; full basem*nt; garase; rent with op. tlon to buy.

$128 month; owner RgentWE 7-4457. VALLEY'Vlliage; 3 bedrooms. csrT port: exlrs nice; $78 month to re. hits line, pntinl. SIS E-vr nl furnish for adults.

Mr. Breeland, elderly or retired lady In private home: near churches and hospital. JU J2817; JU 7-6789. near watterson expressway: new 1 bedroom, equipped kltrhen: car CHAIN saws, McCullnch: all models In stock, daily demonstration, terms. We lake trade-ins.

MILL, W. 3 3: Derosa peted living and dining room: paved November23. GL 4-3539. BUECHEL area, near G.E. 3 bed-' room Bedford atone, bath, living room, kitchen, dinette, carport.

Call ME 7-5630. BUECHEL, 3602 Manor 2" bedroom; newly redecorated, $80 monthly. EM 7-8624. TW 5 243, TW S-O-TJ. w8, 100 "Marshall Dr.

modern bedroom. TW 8-9551 rooms, private bath: ulllltle. parking; 8S5 month. GL spon st I party. W'A 1030.

WEST END, private Christian home; front room on 1st floor. SP 8-3208, nislied: steam heat; married couple only: $16 50 weekly. hiohlands. 2416 Hroadmea.le Hd.i VALLEY Downs: 3 bedrooms, g-S nights, weekendsTW.S3703days. i.i., Lonnardt's Appliances, 1212 S.

7th St. and 300 r.iilhrie BOHANNON, 1)34; i rooms" and" bjihJWAKO HILL, "floor. ".1 roonTT" 3RD, S. 1417; business women; ELECTRIC range, 1959 model." fuif modern 2 bedrooms, fireplace In 19x27 living and dining area: sun porch; basem*nt snd utilities separata. $133.

GL 4-4448 TW A-7D57 VERMONT, 4101! rooms, bath. aundry facilities, on good trans psid: $5 I -1 46 1 BUECHEL Terrace: modern 3 bed. 4u: attrariive 3 room portation; also serve meals to outsiders by the week. ME 4-4322. 3RD, 1362: large, for 1 apartment, private entrance: $12.81) HIGHLANDS, "225 Dorothy: modC ern 1-bedroom apartment, wall to wall carpeting.

Ideal location. 2: wsiKln cioscti oroajuasi op- weesiy. or MAPLiri727; 2 rooms; all utilities' furnished; $12 50 week. Call JU rooms: reduced; fm. option to buy.

GL 8-i50. BUECHIL Terrace. -23 Alpha: 2 bedrooms, fenced yard; garage; city utilities; acceptchlld. CEJI.7G3S, "CAMP TAVLOR, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, basem*nt, gas TAYLOR 111, VI). 303.1: 8 rooms, hath, heat furnished.

$69. SKELTON CO. Realtors TW b-9481. TAYLORSVILLE, 3515, snd tile hath, hardwood floors, 1st floor In brick duplex, on bus, near Innerbelt, nice neighborhood, $65. F.

Metrner, Realtor. JU 4.7383. TAYLORSVILLE "Road: T.sndnr Apsrtments: living room, kitchen, I bedroom, hath, ranse, refrtgera-or, heat. 890. Mr.

Klnkead, JU Sllt7 lonal. ME RD. 1200: nice rooms, excellent 2-2-81 miss tonen; or after 4:30 W. At well. EM 8-4301.

Open. $65. Henry Hofmsnn, Realtor JIT 4-4349 HigmCaNDJi 2011" Wooobourne; 5" rooms. 2 bedrooms, apartment Is ood; gen 1 1 em ru large closets, basem*nt, big on 2 bus lines, close to school snd churches, $90; appointment. SP 8-8980.

VILLA" Ana, 47 1 1 Cri-iadii lr. modern 3 bedrooms. 2 tile bsttis. available for Immediate occupancy, HEDGES REALTY CO. EM 8-7216 EM8-54 WEST END, 38th: clean, mod-' ern bungalow; excellent location; 8 rooms and bath: full basem*nt) gas furnace: garaee: only $86.

sp 2-3159 F.J. WOLK1NO, Realtor MARKET, E. 434 2 room "apart wsrrsniy, have up to $100; special Srlce only $138.95. ring In this ad now for a FREE TURKEY with purchase of rannc. TV.

719 ELECTRIC range; G.E., new cnndC tinn, $H5; dining room suite, limed $75. EM 7-1101, PRIEZER, apartment sTn, rhest type, Coldapot; excellent condition; $125. JU 4-4K28. "pR6IZlSl General EierWc: (Toor ssmplcs; model IIU13, $219.95: UA13 aulomattc defrost, $329; HU18, $329 95: all delivered. SCOBEE BROS.

HARDWARE CO. 3iy fh ME 7-1491 Children Boarded. 82 near, garage. s-zu ments: children aceecled: $11.50 bath $50 month; near church; ME 6- 31178. ME 4-8fK)0.

Tin Tat floor, 4" rooms, hsth, everything separate; near srhooN; $50 $-23211. B0NNYCA8TLE. 1918; 3 rooms. bath: heat furnished: adults' "BRECKINRIDGE. E.

IMoms baih; also 3 room apartment. JU 7- GL k-swrj BROADWAY W. "4028 3 rooms, lirl." vste bath and entrance, nice closets; good condition. SP 8-8011, W. falser 4 large? newly decorated rooms, bath; 2nd floor: JU 4-7387.

ROADWAY" E. 1150: 8 rooms, 1st floor; heat and water furnished: adults. ,111 4-5B52. i5rnewTTTn'd" 4 room anartmenta. near Hrm Air modern snd really nics.

Mr. Edens, Gl, 4-0856. BEECHMONT, children boarded 7 and $13.50. BU 2-5617; JU .3.0174. avis: Icensed home.

EM EA 141. E. BROWN CO. JU 4-2222. oak, 6211: 3 anartmen s.

new CHARLESTOWN, 4 rooms snd bath, SP8L9620 before2j.m. CONESTOOA, 2907V Four rooms, baih, full basem*nt $72 50. Call JU OKOCONA; babies or older; By ALLIED TOOLS 754 Logan, Louisville Ky. ENGINES, gasoline 9 hp, Wisconsin; 5 hp. BrlBg Stratton, used, J.

STONE SWPLY CO. 300 E. Market. JU 5-3700, "SHAPE 7 inch metal; table raw and Jointer, belt sander. Jig saw, snd miscellaneous tools.

Call WE 7-3940 "TOOLS; sKeet metal stvop, toouTfor sale. Call JU 7-9747. Joha T. Hln- ton. loader, John Deere 40C crawler with 1 yard hydraulic bucket; looks, runs, operates (ood.

$3,275. WHAYNB SUPPLY CO. 1400 S. 43rd St. SPS-flfiA3 "TRACTOR 4uC Deere crawler, with" Henrv bucket tractor: 420C Deere crawler, with 82 blade, will demoo-strstr: terms.

McDANIEL TRACTOR CO. 221 K. Jcfferson JU 4-4113. 'DRILLING Rig for sale; Walker-Neer 32 standard, scml-mounted on tractor truck, water truck, winch truck and float, pickup, Lincoln Welder, Butane tank and trallor. drilling loola.

Rig working near Bowling Green. Phone VI K428, bowline Green. Ky. TY R'Pk rooms snd hath: automatic gas HIOHLANDS, 1803" ShaVfy Lane: 8' decorated; attractive, clean, modern: children welcome. av or full time: niotners care: rooms, 2 bedrooms; equipped kilch reasonable.

WO 9-9204. heat; near hurt lies snd stnooJ; washer avaliaiiis; Janitor; slso 375. TW 8-1446. SOUTH EST); days, weekly; ap- OAK H. 519; 2nd floor, 4 roimi, bath; utilities furnished; $17.50 weekly.

EM 6-6241, 2nd floor unit. EM 1-6601; nights, GL 2-96-3. rnved home, EM 8-94H1, WASHIN0TON SfTE 1056, 1058 4 rooms. $45 month ME 7-4510. RD St care for children In URNITURI, complete Household" ORMSBY W.

425; follow the trend and move downtown to the HIGHLANDS, Jovti Murray; modern 1 bedroom apartment: 4 plex: auto "WEST E.N'D, 635 S7 34lh floor. my home: day or night; reasonable. Call EM 8 2198. matlo heat; stove snd ref rig era toe; centrally located $70. JU 7-1441; C.L I 9979.

Room Without Board. 83 Shopping Center. 8-1572 3 rooms, private bath and enlrsnrs: utilities furnished; weekdsys call after 5 pfflSP 85841. END, hear ShawncV" park7 MAYFI-OWIvK APARTMENTS AIR-CONDITIONED BARRET. 9147 nlrely furnished: all' HIGHLANDS, 2227 Tyler I-aiieiS rooms: dun ex: 2 bedrooms: 8 Efficiencies snd 1 bedroom, with conveniences; parking; nesr hos 4 8111; appointments made Immediately through radio cars.


331 4 bedrooma; sleeping porch: 1 full, 3 halfjiaths. 1I0. TW 6-8866, DAT rooms, fireplace, tile kitchen, tile bath; 2 porches; garage. GL DIXII Hgwy, bedrooms $6 to $'5 month. WA 1-1451, night, WA l-27i.

EASTERN Pkwy. ind" Preston sres; 4 rooms, utility; ga.i hest; fenced ysrd; wired 220. GL 1 8843. EDOEWOOD Subdivision. ln.i'Nor." Ion; 8 rooms, $65; a so 1719 O'Dan-lel, 8 rooms -sem*n $85, CH lots of closets; rentals Include 2 bedrooms: excellent heat; adults: closets; garage; near bus; will deco WEST END, 3803 W.

Market; bedroom brick near schools snd churches; heat, lights snd wa'er furnished; $100 month. Phone TW 8-7595 after 8 p.m. WEST Garf ietdrXrooms" and bath. $40. Mr.

Warren, K.J4 6-7533. SP 2-3199. r. WOLKINOt Rosltor. WEST END; 2225 Dunrsnf iilc 4) room, bsth collage; accept ctUl.

riren; w-ater furnished, $-9. SKELTON VO.t Realtors TW WEST 3203 Ivy CtTT- rooms, kitchenette, bath; gas heal; 880 month. SP 6-0555. oTehtTora; 6 room's It. baths: close to schools snsf ehurehea.

reasonable. GL 1-34B4. pitals; gentleman, ju 4-3'Jiv. refliieed. SP utilities snd 24-hour switchboard rate, (.1.

4-i6l) il, ROADWAY. W. 4108: well fur- WEST END; 3 and sei-vlce. maid, linen service snd brownsboro Valley view Apia, at Stinnyviewt redecorated; modem, living room, kltrhen-dln lng cnmhlnstlon. 2 bedrooms, double sliding door closets: tile hath, Janllor; playground area; $79 50, ranie, refrigerator optional, Adams A Sons, ME 8-3121.

BROWNSBORO Area. HIOHLANDS, 21.31) Edlelanrl; 1st floor: finest location, near bust 4 Ished: clean: near bath; lady. parking available; fine dining fa utilities furnlahsd; children sccept BROOK, S. 1269: nice sleeping room. ed.

SP 8 7631. rooms; fireplace, lockers, Janitor ean: business gent eman ors- "VvilTERN S. IToTTrooms service; anuits. 1-8763, ferred; $8week. E4-8'4 HIGHLANDS, 1001 and lots) 4 and A roosras.

fumiied or snd bam; gas lurnaee, Nellls II. Krsft, Realtor JU 3.51126 NTRALLT located. 1439 Ain; fur-ished room, near bath and tsle- WINTER 1501, st Ruliel; sec nnd floor; 4 rooms snd baih, rear jphnnej. gentjeman; $7 weekly. repossessed, use newi oearoom aulte, modem bookcase bed complete with spring and lnnerspring mattress, dnubie dresser, chest of drawers, living room aulte, 3 tables, lamps, 1 picture, 1 mirror, kitchen, modem chrome dinette set, modern Admiral Dual-Temp refrlg-ra tor-freezer, gaai range, cabinet.

Take over pay ment a of $18 43 monthly. Fishers Discount Fum. ture House, 111 E. Market. JU 4-1950.

"p*rnITURSranother LOAD: customer to tsks over LOW Payments of $2 50 a week for 3 beautiful rooms. Fort Knox soldier transferred. Open Monday and Friday nights. Parking SAVE at ABE SALAS FURNITURE 345 E. Market.

JU 4-865J. "FURNITURE sale cedar chest for only $1 with purchase of room outfit, of new or used. CASH or TERMS LANG'S TRADE-IN STORE $48-548 E. Market tit. JU 3-1548 2Mi" nice selection; terms.

$3 week. Sharklette Dept. store, 4400 Talk Uvd. EM t-3508. Open nllhu.

Rledlin new 2 bedroom, Sep-srsie dining room, kltrhen and bath Full basem*nt, locker and washing spsco; garsge. Immediate occupancy. Call Jos Pitt leeslty Co. JU 4-2100 or l.L 4-45118. climes, air.

v.i. ORMSBY, W. 418; 3 rooms: aTso efficiency, prlvatebaths: adults. PORTLAND sres;" 4 large rooms, baih; private entrance; near schools; on transportation. WH PRBSf ON sT ifiin "room seme ri.

apartment; prlvste haih snd entrance; offs1reet psrking. SHAWNEE section; living "roomT bedroom, kitchenette, private hsth and entrance, Ist floor: utilities furnished: couple. SP 2-1149. HtsOKEI ltd. 1063, CheroKse inn ncls.

double roomsi oft street porch, water furnished, iwo scnoni aged children accepted, $55.00 per month. arking, fiL 1-8363. J.41174. 1) 9-1117, FAIRDALE, Old Mltcheil" tilT 4 rooms snd hath, 3 rooms, hath, 40 See Herbert Mitchell, foot of Mitchell Hill. 'FLOYD'S.

rooms. 2 hatha, GOODMAN a. HAMBLETON INC. HtROKEE 13inTHcrrriig Hall; Realtors JU 7-1381. the most.

'VconBenialGL j-303. Musical Instruments. 76 XCCfiRDIONSifnan's CelllnrTwom." an's Sslantl; both good condition. SI' 8-9353, Evenings and Sunday1 EM 3-0759. "OUlf headquarters; electric guT tar and amplifier $100.

sale price 95; other instruments, new snd used at discount prices. Credit DAVIS CO. "01 Market JU GUITAR, pcdaO'cnder IOO0; prac lleally new; will sacrifice, Dave Haynrtj. ME 8-200 ORGAN," Splnette, mahogany floor sample, close-out price, terms, can ries new warranty, McLEAN'S 228 Guthrie heat, water, Janitor. JU HIOHLANDS," 2UZ3 La errla I eh charming I bedroom apartment; equipped kitchen, basem*nt, locker, garage; adults; 873.

JU 4-3137. HIOHLANDS, 2078 Sherwood; mod-' ern: living room, kltrhen, (llspossl, dining atea I bedroom, tile bath; $77.50. Waldman. JU 4-2B27. HIOHLANDS, 2.T23 "drlnslead Tr.

4 rooms snd bsih, first floor duplex: $I9. TW 3-3458, JU 7-84(f1. HIOHLANDS, 2123 Douglass Blvif i very nice 5 room spartmenti 2nd flour; adults, GL 4-4558, 1 OLOHAUO, nia; nice room, pri-ale home 2nd floor, next to bath, near Broadway; living room, bedroom, dinette, kitchenette, baih; $40: Charles Drautman Co, JU jas heal, garage: convenient to WESTERN Pkwy, S. 100; 7 roomsi screened rear porch, beautiful location, block to bus. TW 8-1636.

WHIPPS to 3 bedroom horns, near shopping: and school bus: 80 month. HIETZE JU 4-4S8Tfc WHITNEY End7 roonvn 2 full baths: garagsi $8. BRUCE HObLiTZELL CO. WO0OLAWN, 3 rooms, bath-heater, fenced yard, accept child, $50. GL 1-4253.

entleman. ME 7-4151. schools; sua) mnnuiiy. i i-oai, El r1' RISC-NT HIIIT largo: s'lnrprT BROWNSBORO "Rd "sres: 320 Hlilaodale I bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, living room, hath, loeken on bus line. TW 5-0371.

BROWNSBORO Rd. at Lotus Way;" modern 1 bedroom, near shopping center; will decorate to suit: no; Call TW 8-4421 arter 8 call 01, BROWNSBORO Rd," area, 29ln ran Place; 3 bedrooms. basem*nt lockur. bP TW 8-M70. ate haih; gentleman.

TW EHIVELY; basem*nt apartment; utilities furnished; SIS. EM 8-0638. "SOUTH End; 3 rooms and baih. 2nd floor, private: adults, no drinking; utilities furnished; SOS par month. ME 7- 3741.

3N0. 1133; 3 rooms prlvste hath, 1st flnori heat, utilities furnished; $7wrck. EM 8-4f3. ID, iolof fit floor; 3 rooms, prTviTi" ranch: hath; -aaement; storms; $.0. SP 6-551 1 6ANDr -TT8; moHern 4 bedrooms, gsa furnace, basem*nt, will accommodate large family.

SI' 2-7467. EAITIRN 3d floor, front room nesr bath: on transportation; gentleman preferred. ME 4-34V5. oatn; parsing; aouits; s-tiius. I.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.