The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (2024)

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (1)




February 2019

By VDG Debbie DotyEditor,The Iowa Lion

Lots of laughs filled this year’s Iowa Lions Mid-Winter Leadership Conference as International Director Gwen White delighted Lions with her wit and storytelling.

This was the last year the Mid-Winter will be held over an entire weekend as the State Planning committee begins to revamp the annual leadership weekend into

something more affordable to the average Lions member.

ID Gwen White shared many funny anecdotes as she encouraged Lions to be a FORCE to be reckoned with. ID White and her husband, Past District Governor Rhett, delighted in the snow that fell over the weekend, too.

In addition to hearing encouragement from ID White, Lions also learned about the New Voices

Initiative rolled out by Lions Clubs International this year to increase the amount of women in membership and leadership roles, the Global Action Team concept and how it should work from the club level to the International level, LCI Campaign100, and more.

There was a seminar on the MyLION app for Lions

Laughs, Knowledge Fill Final Full-Weekend Mid-Winter

to learn how to use this new tool from LCI, and a class on how to submit copy to The Iowa Lion magazine to help get your story published.

On Friday night, the Sully Big Band entertained Lions in attendance and even managed to get several Lions up on their feet to dance.

The Des Moines Outreach Lions Club hosted the hospitality suite each night and a Strides Walk helped Lions remember the importance of taking care of themselves.

All of these things helped to make this year’s Mid-Winter one of the best in history, even if attendance was at its lowest.

Watch for news on how future Mid-Winters are re-invented into a single day of training and awards. The leadership in Iowa has listened to feedback of members and will be working diligently to make this event more affordable to all.

See more photos throughout the magazine.

International Director Gwen White addresses Lions during the 2019 Mid-Winter Leadership Conference.

Lions take to the dance floor as the Sully Big Band offers a very entertaining performance. Pictured dancing are, from left, Partner in Service Malinda and District Governor Doug Welton, Past District Governor Jack and Lion Judy Schlesselman.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (2)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 2


Published by the Lions of Iowa(U.S. Postal Service ISSN Number 0162-3834)

Official publication of the Lions Clubs of Iowa, 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa, 50010. Published monthly except bi-monthly July-August and December-

January issues. Subscription fee $5.66 per year to members; $6.66 per year to non-members. Periodicals postage paid at Iowa Falls, Iowa 50126.

PDG Debbie Doty, Editor309 A Ave. East

Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577Phone: (641) 673-4173

E-mail: [emailprotected]

Copy should be to the editor by the tenth of the month to be considered for publication in the issue of one month later. MATERIAL INTENDED FOR DISTRICT NEWS PAGES needs to be in the hands of the District Governors or District News Editors prior to that time, according to their deadlines.

Advertising that is relevant to Iowa Lions Clubs is accepted. Contact the Editor for rates information.

All changes of address and other correspondence concerning SUBSCRIPTIONS should be directed to: Lions of Iowa State Office, 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010. Telephone: (515) 232-2215; Fax: (515) 232-5590; E-mail: [emailprotected].

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:THE IOWA LION

2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010Tel. (515) 232-2215

By PCC Bill PollardMD9 Global Leadership Coordinator

A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting two very profound leaders in Lionism. Both of them tutored me in the proper way to lead Lions. I still can’t forget one of their statements, “Once they volunteer, they need to commit to it as if it were their daily careers.” Here are some suggestions to use as guidelines.

20 Commitments That Enhance Leadership

1. Care: As a leader you have to take personal ownership of what you are about to undertake.

2. Serve: We all know what this is, so no explanation necessary.

3. Clarify: Clarity makes everything work, take time to explain.

4. Know where you are going and share it with the group often.

5. Act: Always go forward, only look back when it’s necessary to help with your forward motion.

6. Choose optimism always or get out of leadership.

7. Quickly point out what isn’t working and correct immediately.


9. Set deadlines, but make them realistic.

10. Find celebration points every day. Praise, praise, praise!

11. Act in harmony with your heart. Pleasing others always, within your values, makes it is so much easier.

12. Pause! Stop doing and spend time in self-reflection daily. Failure to reflect creates disconnected frantic lives. It’s measure twice, cut once for the mind.

13. People before projects. It’s always about building people who become part of effective teams. Remember, we gauge true leaders by the people who succeed from the mentoring leaders provide.

14. Study people. Know and understand what makes them tick and wind their clocks. No two people are alike; each person will need to be approached differently. What is a good explanation for one

may not work for another.

15. Ask hard questions. Require correct feedback, but do it in a constructive manner.

16. Stop giving answers. Help your team find them!

17. Encourage all the time, even when correcting. Right or wrong, make it a learning experience.

18. Use mistakes as learning opportunities rather than blaming moments. I can’t stress this enough!

19. Let others know they matter by explaining their contribution. Take the time to reward successes, it will pay you back in spades.

20. Look people in the eye “GENTLY.” Say, “I don’t know. What do you think?” Even if you know the answer, it will establish a good rapport with your team.

Don’t forget leading isn’t easy. The more you are committed, the more fluid it becomes.

Commitment to Leadership

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (3)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 3

ID ReportInternational Director

Ardie Klemish P.O. Box 175

Anita, Iowa 50020641-740-0148


Happy Valentine’s Day to all Iowa Lions, Lioness and Leos. Thanks for your hearts of service to others. Take time to treasure your family, as well. Remember, “Kindness Matters!”

Our January ID travels:In January, we visited District 5M9 in Minnesota

and enjoyed MD9’s Mid-Winter Leadership Conference in Des Moines. It was great to see our Iowa FAMILY! I traveled alone to LCI headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, for an entire week for a Long Range Planning Committee and LCIF Trustee meetings. I also traveled alone to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, for six days for the Lions Certified Instructor Program, where 20 Lions from the U.S. and Canada received training to be instructors for the next generation of Lion leaders.

2019 Great Plains Lions Leadership InstituteThe 17th annual Great Plains Lions Leadership

Institute will be held July 26-28, 2019, at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, Missouri. Iowa’s faculty members will be Lisa Prochaska, Chris Anderson and Ken Klemish. Registration is $190, which includes your classes, meals and dorm room at the university. The cost increases to $210 on May 1. Registration forms are available online at You must be checked in on campus by 11 a.m. on Friday, July 26; checkout will be immediately following lunch on Sunday, July 28.

This inspiring leadership opportunity is open to any Lion who has not served as a district governor in the past

five years. THIS IS A CHANGE…PDGs ARE eligible IF their DG term was more than five years ago. All seven Iowa districts have scholarships available. Take advantage of this personal growth opportunity while it is so close to home. You will make a network of friends who will support you during your lifetime of Lions work. Our own PID Gary Fry is the registrar and will be happy to answer any questions. Contact him at [emailprotected]. Be sure to order your GPLLI polo shirt when you register. Shirts are $25 each, available only in men’s sizes, and run a little large.

Plan NOW to attend 2019 USA/Canada Forum in Spokane, Washington

2019 might be a great time for you to attend the USA/Canada Forum since the Lions Clubs International Convention is in Milan, Italy, this year and many Iowans would rather travel in the U.S. than abroad. The 43rd annual USA/Canada Forum will be in Spokane, Washington, September 19-21, with a theme of “Creating Better Leaders”. Over 80 seminars will be presented in two days, along with half-day of service project opportunities plus a Strides Walk. We had over 500 participants in the 2018 Forum Strides Walk!

Spokane would be a great opportunity for you to attend and volunteer so that you will be experienced to help when Iowa hosts the 2021 USA/Canada Forum in Des Moines.

Registration for 2019 Forum is $285 per person through May 31. After that, the cost increases to $320 per person. An additional $175 room reservation deposit is required when you register. Strides Walk registration fee is $25 per person, which includes a sack lunch and a t-shirt.

There are many FUN pre- and post-Forum tours available. Check it out at You can register online or print out a paper registration form and mail it. Questions? Contact [emailprotected].

LCIF Campaign 100Has your club made your pledge/donation for LCIF

Campaign 100 initiative yet? Have YOU made a PERSONAL pledge/donation?

Our goal is to raise $300 million in three years. The funds will be used to help our work in five service initiatives: Vision, Feeding the Hungry, Environment, Childhood Cancer and Diabetes. If every Lion worldwide gives $2 per week for each of the years, we will reach our goal. That’s the cost of one cup of coffee or soda per week. Together, WE CAN DO IT !

Questions? Need donation forms? Contact your district LCIF chairperson, or

Happy Valentine’s Day

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (4)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 4

Iowa Lions Eye Bank Makes Advances in Research

By PDG Gary GlockhoffIowa Lions Foundation Trustee

In preparation for writing this article, Kristin and I took the opportunity to visit the Iowa Lions Eye Bank just prior to Cindy Reed’s retirement. We met with

Cindy, Greg Schmidt, Director of Research and Business Development, and Ashley Funkhauser, Director of Constituent Relations. There is a lot to write about this year concerning the Eye Bank, so here we go.

There are two major areas of research in which the Eye Bank is deeply involved: storage media and understanding how corneal cells can stay healthy. First, the Eye Bank has received four research grants to study possible changes to storage medium, graft preparation and graft transport with the aim of eliminating graft rejection, and minimizing loss of graft cells in the donated tissue. The Iowa Lions Eye Bank has developed an additive to standard storage media that has produced increased endothelial cell function and decreased cell loss during storage.

Secondly, they are striving to understand cellular mechanisms responsible for corneal endothelial cell dysfunction in order to eliminate the need for transplants in the future. The biggest area of focus currently is the effect of diabetes mellitus on the health and function of corneal endothelial cells. Iowa researchers have determined that the mitochondria in diabetic corneas are unable to flush out dead mitochondria, so it builds up and causes the corneal cells to die. Eye Bank researchers are trying to figure out what mechanisms are responsible for this change in mitophagy in diabetic cells so that the problem can be averted. If they can figure this out, diabetes may no longer be a cause of blindness.

Last year’s MD9 Legacy project raised $65,000 to purchase new lab equipment for the Eye Bank. What did we buy?

1. Real-time PCR Machine – used to quantify gene expression in cells or tissues of interest. This allows them to identify healthy donor tissue from unhealthy tissue more reliably.

2. BioRad multi-channel imager – used to image protein western blots, DNA electrophoresis gels, and color protein stains as well. This will allow them to quantify protein expression differences between healthy and diseased tissue. This should help to reduce transplant failures.

3. DNA electrophoresis machine – allows separation of DNA samples to observe similarities and differences between samples (like DNA on “Forensic Files”).

4. Table top thermomixer – allows researchers to make multiple copies of wanted DNA samples in bacterial samples.

5. Nanodrop – allows them to determine the quality and quantity of DNA/RNA they have in a sample.

Use of this equipment makes the Iowa Lions Eye Bank capable of advances in understanding corneal disease and allows them to create solutions to advance the prevention of corneal diseases.

Since the Eye Bank started using this equipment, they have been able to broaden their research scope. They have submitted for over 10 competitive research grants in the last two years; they have received three funded grants with two more pending. This really puts them in the game.

The entire team at Iowa Lions Eye Bank expresses their gratitude to the Lions of Iowa for our legacy gift and they tell me they would not be able to do the research they are doing now without us.

Greg Schmidt, Director of Research and Business Development at Iowa Lions Eye Bank, shows Lion Kristin Glockhoff some of the new equipment purchased with Legacy donations from the Iowa Lions Foundation.

A tissue growing tray.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (5)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 5

A View from the Chair

Council Chair Chris Anderson810 3rd Ave.

Audubon, Iowa 50025712-563-2501 (H)712-304-5702 (C)


I hope each of you had a great holiday season and look forward to the opportunities that 2019 will bring. I have several resolutions or goals for each Lion, club and district to work toward. I hope you share these with others in your club.

We always need more members, as again we are down from last July 1. We need members to provide the services only we as Lions are able to provide. We not only serve our communities, but districts, state and international. We are one big family with members from around the world in 217 countries and geographical areas.

As leaders we need to always look for new leaders to step up for club, district and state officers. New faces in leadership bring new ideas. For us to grow as a service organization, we must encourage new ideas rather than discourage. We cannot run our clubs the same as we did 5, 10, 20 years ago. We need to be open to new ideas and projects. Clubs that don’t change will not survive and we need more Lions, not fewer.

One way to help is to make sure all members of your club are informed. How do we do this? One is to attend club meetings and have informative programs. Have you invited your district governor, vice-district governor, Lions International Foundation district coordinator or Iowa Lions Foundation trustee? Has anyone spoken on diabetes, childhood cancer or hunger in your community? Are you actively discussing new service activities?

Another area we all need to work on is attending zone meetings, district conventions and state convention. As I write this article, I just came home from our Mid-Winter Leadership Conference in Des Moines. It was another great event with interesting seminars, great food and entertainment. We honored some of the great Lions leaders in our state for their leadership. Our guest was International Director Gwen White and her spouse Rhett. She is a great International Lions representative and we all enjoyed

meeting her. Yes, our own International Director Ardie Klemish was able to attend Saturday afternoon and evening.

The Mid-Winter Leadership Conference, Iowa State Convention and district conventions all require a lot of planning and organizing, as well as financial investments. Due to the lack of attendance at Mid-Winter, the decision was made to completely overhaul this event for next year. We had committed to more attending and staying at the Sheraton. We only had 128 registered out of our state membership of almost 8,100 – that’s only 1.6% of our membership that attended.

Please take time to look in The Iowa Lion magazine to find your district’s convention. District 9SW is done but the other six are in March and April. In your district governor’s monthly news article, you will find the registration forms for your convention.

Past issues of The Iowa Lion are found on the Iowa Lions website under News. When The Iowa Lion is available, the state office sends out an email to over 5,000 email addresses with a link to open it online and two hard copies are mailed to each club secretary. It is up to the club secretary to make these printed copies available to members. As you know, the online version has more pages to include more of what clubs are doing in their communities.

Finally, it is not too early to start looking for new officers and leaders for our next Lions year. There are a lot of resources from Lions Clubs International to train our next leaders.

FEBRUARYis Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (6)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 6

By VDG Bryan Bross

I was looking for leadership training opportunities when members of the District 9SE cabinet mentioned ALLI. I couldn’t understand what I might learn from the late great Heavy Weight Boxing Champion of the World, but I was up for it. It didn’t turn out to be Muhammad Ali, but the Advance Lions Leadership Institute.

It was held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, this year. My training started well in advance of the actual school through GoToMeeting events with our small group of Lions from around the U.S. and Canada. Our first struggle was to find times to meet because – guess what? – we’re all Lions that are plenty busy already. We Serve!

We worked on our pre-assignments and collaborated quite well. All but one of our small group are second vice district governors, and she is a zone chair. We needed to prepare to deliver a presentation to the full group at ALLI, and we needed to select and plan a service project for a fictitious Lions club. It couldn’t have gone better as we all seemed to work very well together online. Our service project turned out to be the Atlantis Lions Sensory Park. More to come on that later.

I flew from Cedar Rapids to Minneapolis to Winnipeg on a Friday in November. It was a pretty uneventful trip, other than it got COLDER as we went farther north. It turned out that many other Lions were on the same plane.

We had dual occupancy rooms, and it was apparent that my roommate had already arrived but was nowhere to be found. I immediately realized I didn’t have cell phone service for calls or texts, so I felt a little like a fish out of water. I found part of my team, and we decided to attend an NHL game between the Winnipeg Jets and the Colorado Avalanche. Tons of fun! When I arrived back at the hotel, I met my roommate, Mac Emerson Campbell from Queens, New York. He was one of SO MANY great Lion friends I met at ALLI.

Our training started bright and early Saturday morning with an opening session where we began to

work together as teams and meet our ten wonderful instructors. I found out that there were 25 teams of five Lions each. As they said, we were all Lions, so we skipped the acronym soup. At that same session, we worked together to come up with an enduring group theme for ALLI 2018. We came up with “Leading Beyond the Horizon,” which fits with our International President Gudrun Yngvadottir’s theme of “Beyond the Horizon.”

We covered several topics during the long weekend of training. Our first training session, “Leadership Fundamentals,” taught us about the five practices of effective leaders, 20 qualities of effective leaders and we completed a leadership self-assessment. My assessment pretty much showed me what I already knew, but it allowed me to look at it from another perspective.

Our next session was possibly the most powerful as it involved role play to teach us about “Developing Extraordinary Teams.” We finished the day by

Advanced Lions Leadership Institute:

An Experience Like No Other


2018 ALLI GRADS from Multiple District 9, from left, are 9EC 2VDG Chester “Stan” Stanwood, 9MC 2VDG Erica Briest, 9SE 2VDG Bryan Bross and 9SE Zone Chair Nancy Love. All districts in Iowa have scholarship programs for Lions institutes.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (7)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 7

presenting on our selected resource on diabetes.

Meals and lodging are included with tuition to ALLI. I made sure to sit at a different table for every meal so I could meet as many Lions as possible and learn about their clubs, service projects and fundraising activities.

Sunday morning started with “Project Management,” where my team worked on our fictitious Sensory Garden project. There were four other teams in the room and it was clear we were all really digging in to learn and enjoy our experience. The day continued with training on “Delegation,” “Conflict Resolution” and “Promoting Lions’ Image.”

Sunday ended with a celebration dinner, which was awesome and touching. We had a lot of fun with a little Latin dancing, games, roasting our instructors, and heartfelt testimonies of the impact that ALLI was having on the participants.

Our training concluded on Monday morning with “Presentation Preparation,” “Developing the Lions Leaders of Tomorrow,” and “Lions Clubs International Foundation.”

I learned more than I can convey in this article. I met so many new Lions friends and know these will be lifelong friends. They have a passion for Lionism and all want to make a difference in their communities.

I learned that there are about as many kinds of Lions and Lions clubs as there are colors in the spectrum. I met Lions from Massachusetts, New York, Texas, Illinois, Iowa, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Newfoundland, British Columbia, New Hampshire, Jamaica, St. Kitts and more.

I found out that there are seven clubs in the Chicago area that are made up of just American Filipinos. A club in Alabama raises money through “Cow Patty Bingo.” I also realized that SERVICE is the key to growth in our Lions clubs and we need to develop new leaders, rather than recycle old ones, in order to build our leadership capacity to accomplish more service activities. If your club tends to raise money and write checks, then I challenge you today to CONSIDER DOING MORE SERVICE PROJECTS.

Thank you for the opportunity of a lifetime at ALLI 2018. I hope to always be Leading Beyond the Horizon.


Iowa Lions Eye Bank welcomes Esther Baker to the organization as executive director. She began at the eye bank on Jan. 7 and replaces Cindy Reed who retired in October 2018.

Baker has a Bachelor of Arts in telecommunications and Master of Communications from Michigan State University. She has also received a Master of Business Administration from the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa.

Her background includes experience in external relations, strategic planning, program direction, communications and change management. Baker has previously worked as executive director for Girls on the Run, a non-profit organization focused on self-empowerment for young girls, and as director of external relations for the University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Eye Bank Welcomes

New Director

Iowa Lions Eye Bank Director Esther Baker

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (8)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 8

District 9ECDistrict GovernorArthur A. Matje

117 S. Parkview Dr.Eldridge, Iowa 52748


There is a poster on the wall here from and signed by International President Gudrun Yngvadottir. It is highlighted with “The Horizon Is Yours, Go and Get It, You’re a Lion.”

Every Lion has his or her own theme to live by. President Gudrun is a sailor. All sailors have direction and know how to get where they are headed. Sailors like to sail when the night sky is red, keep their mast pointed toward the stars and their sails filled with the winds of peace. Some sail by the North Star, and some know their coordinates. For instance here on Parkview Drive in Eldridge, we are 41.6942 degrees North, and 90.5457 degrees West. We all need to know where we are to know where we’re going.

What does all this mean, you are asking yourself? Prepare for your journey, and ask others (new members) to help you. The more deck hands that we have, the smoother sailing will be.

ANDREW delivered 30 turkeys to senior citizens in Andrew and surrounding area in a joint venture with Davenport Target; helped a Santa and Mrs. Claus read at the Andrew Lending Library’s Open House, where gifts purchased by Andrew Lions were given to each child attending; read Christmas and other stories to the preschool through 5th graders at Andrew Community School. Eldon and Elaine ho*rschelman received the Warren Coleman Honorary Award for their service to the Andrew Club. Their business has helped the club with food drives, Briggs Day, entertaining our members for breakfast each month and have been supportive of our Lions Vision projects.

BLUE GRASS did recycling and composting; attended the district cabinet meeting; sponsored a Blue Grass Community Blood Drive with 27 donors; served as honor guard at seven funerals; provided transportation for seniors to Iowa City for doctor appointments and testing; tied quilt tops that will be sent to Lutheran World Relief, made dessert for church, and attended the Blue Grass Elementary School Assembly.

CEDAR RAPIDS NOON donated $500 to Student Volunteer Optometry Services to Humanity to fund mission trips which provide vision to communities with little optometry services; collected 20 hearing aids for the hearing aid bank; partnered with the school to tutor students or be meal buddies; screened 215 children; collected 500 pairs of glasses for recycling; held vision screenings and fittings for five adults.

CLINTON raised funds from the Wishing Well promotion; presented toys to children at Iowa City.

DAVENPORT HOST provided Another Child Foundation $1,000 for their coat program for kids in their school in Romania; partnered with Friendly House social services to provide food and gift baskets to 250 families; KidSight screened at Fillmore and Jefferson schools.

DEWITT NITE served free meals during Hometown Christmas to collect food and raise $250 for the Referral Center.

ELDRIDGE picked up food donations from drop-off locations and delivered to North Scott Food Pantry; helped with food baskets and Angel Tree gifts for families in the North Scott Community; donated $1,000 to the Food Pantry; provided s’mores during the Eldridge Chamber of Commerce Hometown Holiday; prepared Christmas cards for Eldridge senior citizens; played Bingo and cards at the Grand Haven Retirement Home; collected 159 pairs of eyeglasses; did KidSight screening and administrative work.

GOOSE LAKE assembled 52 fruit and cookie baskets in conjunction with local Cub Scout troop and delivered them to area elderly and needy in our community; went with five other Lions clubs and Santa to Iowa City to deliver toys to the children and their families in the hospital’s child care.

NEW MEMBERS Club Member Sponsor

Tipton Brian Dinges Michael Boyle

Tipton Mrs. Renee A. Dinges Judy Archer

Lowden Christine Griffin Julie Hoffmeier

Eldridge John P. Pattschull Karen O’Flahrity

In MemoriamVictor Robinson – Mechanicsville

Shirley M. Dean – Davenport Host

James Thompson – Andover

Around the DistrictThis is just a lead-in note for services. Some clubs may be helping to build a hospital in the Congo. However if that’s not your thing, helping some senior across the street, shoveling a walk or drive, mowing someone’s grass, are all services. This is to let all the club presidents and secretaries know to report things big or small to MyLCI. That’s where I get the information for this report. Thank You.

ANDOVER donated $200 each to Iowa Lions Foundation, Camp Courageous, Information and Referral Association, Red Cross and Salvation Army; helped the city council host Santa and handed out goody bags and sugar cookies; enjoyed the annual Christmas Potluck with everyone bringing items to fill eight food boxes for area families in need for the holidays. The club pays for ham and potatoes for this project. Member Jack Smith was awarded a Warren Coleman Honorary Award for his community service.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (9)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 9

District 9EC Spring Convention


March 22-23, 2019First Congregational United Church of Christ

520 E. 11th Street, DeWitt, IA 52742

Our guests will be International Director Mark & Lion Lyn Lyon

Friday is District Cabinet meetingSaturday starts with registration at 8 a.m. Ends approx. 3:30 p.m.

$20 per person incl. morning rolls, drinks and a buffet lunch



$20 x = $

Make checks payable to Low Moor Lions

Notation: District Convention.2634 360th Ave.

Camanche, IA 52730

Registration Deadline: March 13, 2019

Each club, please bring your banner and a door prize.

Should you need a room:AmericInn2520 12th St. Ct.563-659-5500

Approx 6 in a block at $104.90 + taxes. Held until March 7

LOW MOOR gave $1,700 to the entities who help provide care, food and clothing for the needy; delivered over 70 fruit baskets to area senior citizens at home and care centers; along with six other clubs, took the annual bus trip to Iowa City Hospitals and Clinics with two Santas and elves to hand deliver toys and gifts to the young children there; held the annual Holiday Breakfast.

LOWDEN held its annual Christmas Party/ Official Governor’s Visit with 1VDG Tony Hill; had a float in the annual Light Fest Parade; brought paper products to the Christmas Party as a donation to Camp Courageous; screened children for KidSight at Light Fest.

MARION NOON held its annual Christmas Party.

MILES purchased and collected toys for children in Stead Children’s Hospital at Iowa City and Mercy Hospital at Clinton.

MOUNT VERNON conducted a KidSight screening.

MUSCATINE held a KidSight children vision screening.

PARK VIEW collaborated with Park View Women’s Club to host Santa, sell food and do crafts with families in the Park View area.

STANWOOD held Soup with Santa at the Union Church with the help of the 4-H club; held its annual Christmas Party where Dave Shrinker was presented a 20-year chevron, and Bobette Shrinker was presented a Warren Coleman Honorary Award; conducted KidSight screenings at the annual Soup with Santa and at St. Paul’s Focus in Cedar Rapids.

TIPTON held its Tour of Lights with the horse-drawn trolley; held its annual Christmas Party with many guests, including Tipton Boy Scouts and the Olin Lions; presented a check of $500 to Community Teacher Whitney Gheris in the Tipton Life Skills Project; Tipton Lions and Boy Scouts presented checks for $776 each to the Tipton School Back Pack Buddy Project, Tipton Ministerial Services, and the Tipton Food Pantry; baked 10 pumpkin pies to serve at the Tipton Methodist Church Shared Blessings; served 51 residents at the free noon lunch.

WEST BRANCH continues to work Carver Hawkeye Men’s Basketball games to earn money for the club activities and donations; set up brick fireplaces for visitors to roast marshmallows for s’mores during the West Branch community Christmas Past celebration; raised $500 to help a family left homeless from black mold to pay for a cleaning service.

WYOMING made 260 bags of caramel corn to sell at the community Christmas celebration; donated $70 to Wyoming Historical Museum and $105 toward new playground equipment at the Wyoming Fairgrounds.

GRAND TOTAL FOR THE DISTRICT981 Lions worked 6,751 Lions hours, serving 3,368 people, raising $4,718. Funds donated $12,308 20 clubs participating (44.44%)


The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (10)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 10

District 9NEDistrict Governor

Doug Welton612 E. Main St.

New Hampton, Iowa 50659641-394-2862


The new year is well underway and we can all look forward to a successful year. We can keep trying to reach our goals and our New Year’s resolutions. One I hope is to do more for our neighbors with the help of our Lions Clubs, by adding that new service project we have been thinking about, but just have not taken the initiative to introduce to the club. It is time to get it done.

I attended the Mid-Winter Leadership conference that was held on Jan. 11-12 in West Des Moines. The speakers were very good and inspirational. Our district was the winner of the Norman M. Dean Membership Growth Award as the membership growth in 2017-2018 Lions year was the most of all the districts, thanks to District Governor Ed Ottesen’s leadership.

Next year the Mid-Winter Leadership Conference will be a different format and most likely only a one-day meeting, so more members will take advantage of the opportunity for leadership education.

It appears that the reporting of activities has been good from the list of service projects and fundraisers that have happened from the last half of November to first half of January. The clubs in the district have been very active. Thank you and keep up the good work.

The months of March and April will be busy with district conventions. Our district convention will be on Friday evening, April 26, and Saturday, April 27. The guest speaker will be ID Don Noland. Please mark your calendars and try to attend. The registration form is part of this issue of The Iowa Lion.

The next cabinet meeting is on Saturday, Feb. 16, at 10 a.m. at Bill’s Smokehouse, 201 1st St. West, in Independence. I hope to see many cabinet members there and thank you in advance for taking the time to serve the district.

The next state convention will be held June 7-8. There will be a vote to change the by-laws in regards to The Iowa Lion. It has been moved by District 9EC

to change the by-laws to read that a paper copy shall be mailed to all members, and if you would not wish to have a paper copy, you need to inform the state office. Currently, all members are receiving access to a digital copy and two paper copies are mailed to each club secretary for them to share with any member that would like a paper copy. Each club is allowed one voting member for every 10 members in the club. This is a controversial issue as there is a group of members that want the paper copy and not the digital copy, but using digital copy allows the council to allocate funds from The Iowa Lion’s funds to be used to meet other needs. Without this ability dues would have to be increased or service to clubs will have to be cut. The council of governors voted to not support this by-laws change, but it is not up to the council, it is up to the voting delegates from each club. If you have an interest in the matter, you need to become a delegate for your club and come to the convention to vote your opinion on this matter. There will be more information about this in the March issue of The Iowa Lion.

How are we all doing in regards to the district goals? As far as membership it appears we have a net loss of members in the district of 30 members. We also have lost one club as of the first of the year, the Cresco Community Club, but we are still working on getting a new club. I hope that each club will be able to give to the foundations by the end of the year. We have a few months to get things turned around and end in the positive, so let us all keep up the good work that we are doing and continue to serve our neighbors.


Doris J. Kelley – Cedar Falls Lions ClubLinda M. Shapiro – Cedar Falls Lions Club

Saul Shapiro – Cedar Falls Lions ClubAmy L. Hickey – Dubuque Noon Lions Club

Mary Ellyn Jensen – Dubuque Noon Lions ClubBrian J. Latham – Dubuque Noon Lions ClubDavid J. Recker – Dubuque Noon Lions ClubSarah J. Rohret – Independence Lions Club

Stuart Vander Vegte – Independence Lions ClubSteve Allman – Van Horne Lions ClubNancy E. Taylor – Waterloo Lions Club

Crystal Long – Waukon Lions Club

DECEASED MEMBERS REPORTEDJoseph L. Koch – Dubuque Evening Lions Club

Gregory L. Sushko – Dubuque Evening Lions ClubJack Gorman – New Hampton Lions Club

Sally Donald – Van Horne Lions Club

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (11)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 11


“Sharing THE Knowledge---- Learn AND Grow” April 26-27, 2019


Agenda Friday, April 26th: 6:30 p.m. – Registration & Social Fellowship 7:00 p.m. – Informal ‘Leadership Dinner’ and Special Program for ALL!!! Saturday, April 27th: 8:30 a.m. – Registration with coffee & rolls -- Display Areas Open. 9:30 a.m. – 9NE Cabinet Meeting --- ALL Welcome to attend!!! 10:15 a.m. – Seminar One - Open to ALL!!! -‘Member Orientation’ –‘G.A.T.’ –‘The Foundations’ –‘New Voices’ –‘Youth Exchange’ 11:15 a.m. – Seminar Two – Open to ALL!!! – “MyLion” app. (bring your smartphone and/or laptop) –‘LCI Website’ – ‘Communications’ 12:15 p.m. – Lunch – Guest ID Presentation – Memorial Service – Business Meeting NAME________________________________________ SPOUSE/GUEST_________________________________ CLUB_________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ CITY_______________________ STATE___ ZIP________ PHONE________________________________ FRIDAY EVENING DINNER & PROGRAM # OF PEOPLE ______ X $20 PER PERSON = _________ SATURDAY LUNCH, & PROGRAM # OF PEOPLE ______ X $25 PER PERSON = _________ TOTAL ENCLOSED _________


MEAL RESERVATIONS DUE BY APRIL 17th Send registration & payment to: New Hampton Lions Club 1611 Gilmore Ave New Hampton, IA 50659 List any dietary requirements: ________________________ HOTEL RESERVATIONS AT: SUPER 8 IN NEW HAMPTON

641-394-3838 OR 1-800-800-8000 BRING CLUB BANNER FOR A PRIZE DRAWING


Activities in the DistrictBALLTOWN donated $480 to two individuals with medical conditions; 40 man hours were spent cutting firewood as an annual fundraiser; donated $500 for a victim of a fire.

BELLE PLAINE donated $500 to the Iowa Lions Foundation and $250 to Leader Dogs for the Blind.

CEDAR FALLS spent a morning setting up and decorating seven Christmas trees for the residences of the Western Home Assisted Living areas.

DUBUQUE NOON wrapped gifts at Kennedy Mall in Dubuque; rang bells for the Salvation Army.

EVANSDALE-ELK RUN purchased hearing aid and eye glass receptacles and posted an ad in the paper to inform the community of the opportunity to donate; wrapped gifts for Christmas at the mall with the food bank; collected eyeglasses; adopted an elderly couple for Christmas; adopted three families for Thanksgiving and provided food baskets for them with the help of the food bank; assisted with the monthly Am Vets Legion Bingo Hall.

GARRISON made holiday baskets filled with peanuts, bananas, sweet bread, oranges, grapefruit and clementines and delivered them to 38 people in the Garrison area; sold 600 pizzas during its annual pizza sale.

HAWKEYE hosted Santa at the Hawkeye library on Dec. 8, providing cookies and drinks to serve afterwards; wrapped gifts and delivered them to secret families; held its annual member Christmas party.

JANESVILLE held its annual Christmas pizza and cookie party for clients of North Star in Waverly; visited the KidSight and Iowa Lions Eye Bank offices in Coralville.

LA PORTE CITY held a Waffle Breakfast; volunteered as bell ringers.

MANCHESTER held a Christmas party for residents having mental and physical disabilities from the Delaware County Penn Center; provided warm chili for visitors and business owners who participated in the Manchester Chamber’s Downtown Window Walk and Static Parade.

NEW HAMPTON sold pies and soups to the community for a fundraiser.

OELWEIN put up a red phone booth where children can make calls to Santa Claus; took the KidSight program camera to a neighboring club and helped them screen 70 children.

URBANA sold food items as a fundraiser; made cookie plates for the elderly; built a hand rail for a club member; did bell ringing for the Salvation Army.

VINTON rang bells for the Salvation Army; raised $3,100 at a chili supper fundraiser for the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight.

WAVERLY made donations to the Leader Dogs for the Blind, Waverly-Shell Rock Robotics Team, Wartburg Holiday Shoppe, Camp Courageous and Iowa Lions Foundation in memory of Lion Bob Straszheim.

WEST UNION participated in Christmas caroling for elderly at Good Sam Home, Traditions and Stoney Brook in West Union; donated $50 to the West Union Area Community Theatre; donated $500 to the Fayette County Fair for grandstand renovations.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (12)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 12

District 9NCDistrict GovernorKristin Buehner645 9th St. NE

Mason City, Iowa 50401641-420-9615 (C)


Greetings to the clubs of Multiple District 9 North Central! I hope all of you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season and are ready to think Lions clubs again.

Please observe the registration form on our page this month. Put the date of our District 9NC Convention on your calendar, Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6, and make plans to come! Every single club should be represented at OUR convention.

A word about the Lions Peace Poster contest for students ages 11-13. The winner in our district was Taryn Day, who went on to win the STATE contest! She was up against some tough competition, I can tell you.

A big thank-you to the 16 clubs that made a gift basket or sent money for a gift basket for the Partners in Service Basket Auction at the Mid-Winter Leadership Conference that just wrapped up in Des Moines. The baskets all together raised more than $1,000 for the Iowa Lions Foundation, which so needs our support.

Thanks to the numerous clubs who recorded their activities in MyLCI or sent a list to me so they could be cited below. Our clubs are busy! Please do try to list the activities in MyLCI. We all need to learn to do this, and please stress your hands-on service projects. These are of special interest to Lions Clubs International. Remember, we are here to serve.

CLUB ACTIVITIESACKLEY-GENEVA presented a Warren Coleman Award to District Trustee Chris Hackett and gave 11 perfect-attendance awards on Spouses Night; held a soup and pie fundraiser, at which 50 Lions donated 18 hours and raised $1,371; donated $100 to the Legion Auxiliary for Christmas toys; screened 100 preschool children; held a blood drive, at which they collected 32 units of blood in 10 hours; awarded a winner for the local Peace Poster contest in which 22 posters were entered; donated $1,000 to the Ackley Ambulance.

ALGONA donated $25 for the basket auction at the Mid-Winter Leadership Conference.

ALLISON collected more than 100 pairs of used eyeglasses and six used hearing aids; donated $25 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter.

BELMOND prepared a gift basket for the Mid-Winter auction.

BURT held an omelet breakfast fundraiser, serving 162 community residents and raising $1,072.

CLARION held a pork loin dinner, raising $1,521; helped serve refreshments to local Christmas carolers and people who hung up city Christmas lights prior to the holidays.

CLEAR LAKE EVENING donated $25 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter.

EAGLE GROVE entertained children after school with crafts and other fun things; helped out at an elementary school carnival attended by 150 children; led children’s games, provided snacks and crafts at the public library; played cards with residents of the senior living center; assisted with the Mobile Food Pantry serving 60 people.

FLOYD raised $582 at its annual Pancake Supper; donated $50 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter.

GARNER screened 165 preschool children through Iowa KidSight; donated $50 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter Conference; served 75 people at an REC District Meal; screened 47 preschool children through Iowa KidSight on the New Visions Day of Service.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERSSince our last newsletter, we have welcomed 12 new

members into our fold! A special congratulations goes to the Clear Lake Evening Club, which has inducted seven

new members. Keep up the good work, all of you.

Member Club Sponsor Peter Kloberdanz Charles City Eric Miller Lyle Abbas Clear Lake Evening Eldon Vine Mary Lou Fitch Clear Lake Evening Michael Ravera Tonya Kirschbaum Clear Lake Evening Katie Showalter Chad Nichols Clear Lake Evening Alan Rasmussen Robert Sherman Clear Lake Evening Thomas Sherman Darlene Sherwood Clear Lake Evening Mike Yore Katie Showalter Clear Lake Evening Jayne Bitker Tiffani Tolliver Eagle Grove Janice Rowen Lindsey Isaacson Mason City Noon Tiffany Nonnweiler Doug Janssen Mason City Evening Richard Jass Danielle Nesion Rockwell Tim Nuehring

STATE PEACE POSTER WINNER Taryn Day, sponsored by the Ackley-Geneva Lions Club, says, “We need more harmony for peace around the world.” This year’s Peace Poster theme was “Kindness Matters.”

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (13)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 13

9NC District Convention “Writing A New Chapter”

Friday, April 5, 2019 Saturday, April 6, 2019

Mason City Commerce Center 9 N Federal Ave, Mason City, IA 50401


__________________________________ Name 1 First Timer Y/N

____________________________________________ Current Office Held Club

___________________________ Name 2 First Timer Y/N

___________________________ Current Office Held Club

___________________________ Contact Mailing Address ,City ,and Zip Code

___________________________ E-Mail Address

___________________________ Phone Number May we text you? Y/N

Friday April 5, 2019 Friday # __________ _@$25.00=_____________ Includes 2 p.m. Bus Tour of Prairie School Architecture with a stop at the Architectural Interpretive Center, Park Inn & Evening Meal. OPTIONAL Tour of the Stockman House #____@$10 ___

Saturday April 6, 2019 Continental Breakfast and Lunch Saturday Only #___________@ 15.00=_________

FULL CONVENTION#________@$35.00=_______

Make checks payable to Lions District 9NC Mail to: Lion Marian Gehrls, 709 Bliss Blvd, Iowa Falls, IA 50126 641 648 4973 Registration is due March 15, 2019

Lodging: Historic Park Inn 641 422 0015 Quality Inn & Suites 641 423 4444

Book by February 28, 2019 to receive Lions rate.

HAMPTON screened 81 children for Iowa KidSight; donated $25 for the basket auction at the Mid-Winter Leadership Conference; served 123 at an Election Night Soup Supper; donated to LCIF, MD9 Diabetes program, Iowa Lions Foundation, Hampton Senior Center, Hampton DARE program, Franklin County Food Pantry, Franklin County Conservation and the First Congregational Church.

HUMBOLDT served pancakes at the Humboldt Fairgrounds on election day; held its annual 3-hour Radio Auction fundraiser; donated $100 to the Heinz Field Sign and $750 to a crisis fund to cover heating costs for county residents in need; filled gift baskets for two families during the holidays; sponsored a Peace Poster contest; decorated a Christmas tree for the community’s annual Christmas Tree Walk; presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to past-president Chuck Strachan; presented a Warren Coleman Service Award to President Russ Dugan; served pancake lunches to elementary school students; rang the bell for the Salvation Army Kettle Campaign; collected one pair of eyeglasses; invited friends who use sign language as their principal means of communication, together with members of four surrounding Lions clubs, to dinner, bingo, and prizes.

IOWA FALLS prepared a gift basket for the Partners in Service Auction at the Mid-Winter Leadership Conference.

KENSETT donated $25 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter; raised $754 at its annual Chili/Soup Supper fundraiser.

LAKE MILLS sold soup and pies door-to-door for its annual fundraiser.

MASON CITY NOON provided eyeglasses and an eye exam for a Mason City adult in need; rang the bell for the Salvation Army Kettle Campaign; donated $25 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter.

MASON CITY NOON AND MASON CITY EVENING Lions screened 54 Mason City preschool children for Iowa KidSight.

NORTHWOOD delivered Meals on Wheels to 56 local residents for a week in October; donated $25 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter; held a Christmas party with members of the Northwood, Manly, and Kensett clubs and spouses; volunteered at the Northwood Theater; held a Life Serve Blood Draw at which 20 pints of blood were collected; escorted local retirement home residents to dental and doctor’s appointments in Northwood and Mason City.

OSAGE prepared a gift basket for the Partners In Service Auction at the Mid-Winter Leadership Conference; collected 275 pairs of used eyeglasses and three used hearing aids; donated to Leader Dog, Miracle Tree, LCIF, Summer Stock Theater, District 9NC Care and Share, Mitchell County Food Bank; gave $500 to the Iowa Lions Foundation for cochlear implants and $1,000 to Bridges Mentoring.

ROWAN donated $25 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter.

SHEFFIELD donated $25 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter.

STANHOPE collected 30 pairs of used eyeglasses and delivered them to the state office; served 120 people at its annual Fall Soup Supper, raising $650 for the Stanhope Medical Building for building maintenance.

THOMPSON donated $25 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter.

WILLIAMS donated $25 for the basket auction at Mid-Winter.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (14)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 14

District 9MCDistrict GovernorCharlotte Miller122 Frette Dr.

Story City, Iowa 50248515-291-9885



Diabetics can use these recipes to help control their blood sugars. Bill Shutters uses Stevia to replace sugar in recipes. I have not gone that far yet myself but I do count carbs for my control, under supervision.

WANTED: Good homes for two magnifying machines to help very low vision people read newspapers or books or magazines. Contact South Des Moines or Story City Lions clubs for more info on them.

A very enjoyable time was had by all that attended the Mid-Winter Conference. Baskets galore to bid on, many sessions available to learn more about HOW to get to “MyLion App“ on a smartphone or tablet; “New Club Organization,” those guys already know the “do nots” and will warn you, they are just like your neighbor or relatives; “New Voices: Women’s

Membership” were heard from for emphasis about women as members in a club- new ideas.; “The Global Action Team” (GAT) was described and emphasized; “LCIF Campaign 100” was described to those that attended; “Global Service Team” (GST) was presented with information about service; and there was a seminar on “How to Submit Copy to The Iowa Lion” given by Debbie Doty, the editor of The Iowa Lion. I got that speech 6 months ago and could have used it again. The blurb said it would also help getting articles in a newspaper and how to do pictures. Oh well, I am only one person and there were three sessions, and I had to be in two of them this time. It would have been nice to have someone to visit with after the whole meeting and exchange what was learned in each session. I do know some sessions ran long because of so many questions, which was a good problem.

We got to hear about West Des Moines from the mayor pro tem. International Director Gwen White was a delight for the whole group. She LOVED the snow. They live on the coast of North Carolina and don’t get snow. She got her wish!

Everyone that was not there missed out on a lot of fun and information. Some new vendors and old standards like the eye bank, hearing aid bank, pin traders had their items and information available. If one did not have what you wanted, maybe the next one did.

Remember, the 9MC Convention in Story City March 29-30. Registration form is on the next page.


Jerry K. Miller — BeamanBarry Brockman — BeamanSteven J. Doran — BeamanTravis D. James — BeamanKathy A. Mick — BeamanLaurie L. Miller — BeamanDennis Coleman — DysartDrew Hennings — DysartKenneth Tanner — Dysart

Christine A. Gould — GladbrookRichard J Klinefelter — Gladbrook

Stan Koster — GladbrookTrudi L. Scott — Gladbrook

David Atcher — LaurelMichael Dixon — Laurel

Leon Hiracheta — Marshalltown EveningBrian Michael “Mike” Kooyman — Mitchellville

Jay Mathes — West Des Moines

Deceased MembersWilliam Kluiter — GrimesLeo Kopsa — Beaman

Mary Alderson — Johnston

A HAND UP. Bondurant Lions supported building a wheel chair access ramp for a family that was also impacted by the summer tornado in Bondurant. Lions held a raffle at their Christmas party, raising an additional $395 to give the family for Christmas presents.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (15)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 15

9MC District Convention REGISTRATION FORM

Friday March 29, 2019 Story City Senior Center, 503 Elm Ave, Story City

Saturday March 30, 2019 Randall Gym, 3rd St., Randall

Please Print

____________________________________________ Name 1 First Timer Y/N

____________________________________________ Current Office Held Club

____________________________________________ Name 2 First Timer Y/N

____________________________________________ Current Office Held Club

____________________________________________ Contact Mailing Address City and Zip Code

____________________________________________ Phone Number Does it accept text messages, Y/N

____________________________________________ E-Mail Address

Display Table Requested: Y / N Electricity needed? Y / N Friday Dinner and Program: $10 each = $_________

Saturday Convention Registration and Lunch:

$20 each = $_________

TOTAL ENCLOSED: $_________ Make checks payable to: District 9MC Lions Mail to: Lion Linda Narigon 119 Summit Drive Story City, 50248 Mark your calendars now. Please plan to bring banners, auction items for Iowa Lions Foundation and food items or donations for food bank.

SERVICE ACTIVITIESALTOONA screened 146 children.

AMES collected food for the local food bank; made donations to Ames Police Benevolent Association, MICA Dental program and the local civic center; collected 151 pair of used glasses.

AMES BREAKFAST collected 554 pair of used glasses; worked Bethesda Food Pantry and helped 37 families; donated $1,000 to LCIF, $500 to the Leader Dog Puppy Program, $1,000 to Iowa Lions Foundation, $500 to KidSight; collected two hearing aids.

BEAMAN sponsored weekly Bingo games as a fundraiser; donated $50 for Christmas presents for low income families; purchased glasses for a local middle school student.

DES MOINES SOUTH bussed tables at South Des Moines Hy-Vee on Veterans Day; attended Neighborhood Association meeting to promote Lions; rang Salvation Army Bells; assisted a person needing glasses; screened 76 children; helped an elderly person move; collected 32 Toys for Tots and 42 food items for DMARC; helped someone obtain two hearing aids.

DYSART hosted a food stand at the annual Holiday Bazaar; donated $500 to LCIF, $500 to Iowa Lions Foundation, $1,000 to Leader Dog Puppy Program and $1,000 to Camp Courageous.

GARWIN donated to Northwest Tama County Food Pantry, Iowa Lions Foundation, Leader Dogs and KidSight.

GLADBROOK built a box for donated eyeglasses and hearing aids; collected canceled postage stamps for veterans to make designs out of.

JOHNSTON hauled 50 TVs and monitors from youth homes to the recycling center, paying $830 in recycling fees.

KELLOGG decorated the Lions Room at the Museum for Christmas Hometown; gave $50 each to four winners of George Young 4H Memorial Award; held a pancake and sausage fundraiser; donated $620 to Amboy Grange.

MARSHALLTOWN EVENING delivered Meals on Wheels to shut ins; picked up meals at Salvation Army and delivered to shut ins for Thanksgiving.

MARSHALLTOWN NOON cleaned, checked and packed glasses; held a Peace Poster contest with three winners awarded 1st place $50, 2nd place $35, 3rd place $15 at a banquet with punch and cookies served.

NEVADA ran recycling trailer and repairs; mentored at school; assisted 3rd grade teacher in the classroom; held devotions at LTC; served at a Music Parents event; did a vision screening.

NEWTON collected 820 pairs of used glasses and four hearing aids; transported eye tissue to Iowa City.

STORY CITY collected 40 pair of glasses.

TRAER held a Christmas Lighting Contest with Lions as judges, giving 1st place $100 and 2nd place $50; did a fundraiser on the NCAA bowl games; held a soup day.

URBANDALE delivered 671 glasses and 12 hearing aids to Ames; served Pancake Breakfast to volunteers on Clean Up Day as part of a UCAN event; served a pancake breakfast to CarMax emplyees as a thank you for their donation to UCAN.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (16)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 16

District 9SWDistrict Governor

Patrick Parker404 W. Jackson St.Panora, Iowa 50216


Notes from Your District GovernorWe are about halfway through the third quarter of

our Lion year. How has your club done on strengthening your club? Have you developed your membership growth plan yet?

We should always be looking for new members and asking them to come to meetings and to join our clubs. For us to serve more in our communities, we need more hands helping. We need to work to keep Lions from leaving. Is your club like a family? If someone misses a meeting, do you call to check on them and fill them in on what was discussed at the meeting so they do not feel left out?

When talking to clubs I often hear, “We cannot recruit new members.” Here is a list of possible people to invite to a meeting to learn more about your club:

• Relatives – spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandchild

• Neighbors

• Religious Affiliates – someone you go to church with, a pastor, or minister

• Local Professionals – lawyer, doctor, banker, or school administrator

• People you do business with

• Colleagues

• Community Leaders

• Former Lions

• Someone who you helped them or their family

The district has been working this year to grow the Waukee Lions from a branch club of Panora Lions to its own club. At the start of 2019, they were at 13 members and holding several events to get new members. The district is currently looking for towns to start new clubs in, either branch clubs or regular clubs. We have many

towns or communities in our district that are not being served by Lions. If you know of a town or community that could benefit from a Lions Club, please let DGE Allen Zobel or myself know.

Has your club selected your new club officers for the 2019-2020 Lions year yet? We need to have all clubs submit to Lions Clubs International by April 1 your list of officers for next year so we can invite them to district training. DGE Allen and I are currently working on dates and locations for training.

We are still in search of a 1VDG, 2VDG for 2019-2020 and a trustee for the Iowa Lions Foundation 2019-2021.

DGE Allen Zobel has started to fill his cabinet for next year but is still looking for some key members. He still needs Lions to step forward to be zone chairs. The zone chair is an important position on the cabinet as they help keep the DG team informed about what is going on in clubs. Some other areas where he has openings on his team are Lions to help with the Global Leadership and Global Service teams. If you are interested in helping DGE Allen next year, please let him know.

DGE Allen and I have made official visits to just over half of the clubs so far. If we have not visited your club yet, please contact one of us so we can get a date set. We enjoy meeting with clubs so we can learn about all the great things you are doing. We also recognize members with the anniversary chevrons from International and the district governor team coin.

At the Iowa Lions Mid-Winter Leadership Conference, I was elected to serve as the 2019-2020 Council Chair for MD9. I am looking forward to working with the seven district governors as they work to build their districts and clubs to better serve the residents of Iowa.

District 9SW provides five scholarships each year for Lions to attend Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute. You just need to pay for your gas to get there. This training will help you be a better leader in your community and Lions Club. If you would like to attend, let me know and I will get you the information.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Name Club Sponsor Mary Kilcoin Adair ID Ardie Klemish Amy Devault Greenfield Jeffery Labarge Dawn Morgan Indianola Noon Rick Wilson Brittany Kilts Lorimor Diana Sly Cheryl Hellstrom Missouri Valley Ron Halvorson Scott Vanhauen Missouri Valley Ron Halvorson John Muenzenberger Panora Richard Schumacher

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (17)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 17

Lion leaders for their energy, creativity and inspiration to others.

The nominee must be a Lions Club member in good standing. There is no length of membership requirement and there is no requirement to hold any particular office. This award is to recognize and honor our emerging – not current or past – leaders.

Each District will have an award certificate for their winner with a statewide award selected from the district winners. Each district governor team should collect the individual applications and then select their district winner. All awards, district and the state award, will be presented at the MD9 State Convention. Nominations for the district are to be forwarded to the district governor. After a winner is chosen in the district, that nomination will be forwarded to PID Dave Stoufer and his committee for final selection of a multiple district winner. Nominations are available online and due to me the district governor by Feb. 15, 2019.

Awards Nominations Needed SoonIt is that time of the year to start thinking of those

outstanding Lions in your club that have done an outstanding job this year and maybe for several years. The Multiple District recognizes awards for service, leadership and for outstanding new Lions.

Bud Klise Leadership Award

The award was established in 1989 to honor the memory of Past International Director G. E. “Bud” Klise of Stockport. Lion “Bud” served as district governor in 1976-77 and as an international director 1980-82. He exemplified leadership as he served his fellow man. His life was cut short by a traffic accident shortly after he had announced that he would be a candidate for international vice president. The purpose of the award is to honor PID Bud and to recognize a Lion who has demonstrated outstanding leadership ability at any level of Lionism; club, district, multiple district or international. Nomination forms are available on the Iowa Lion website and completed applications should be mailed to PID Norm Dean, 14166 West Yosemite Drive, Sun City West, AZ 85375-5645. These are due by Feb. 28, 2019.

Ralph A Whitten Service Award

This award was created in 1995 to honor the memory of PID Ralph A. Whitten from Urbandale. He served as international director 1961-63. PID Ralph was a very service-oriented Lion and the award is to honor other Lions for their exemplary service at the club, district or multiple district level. Nomination forms are available on the Iowa Lion website and are to be forwarded to the State office in Ames by Feb. 28, 2019.

Spark Plug Award

A spark plug starts an engine and keeps it in motion. The Spark Plug award was started a few years ago to honor Lions who give that same spark to a Lions’ project, club or district. Its purpose is to recognize and encourage emerging

READING ACTION. Each year, the Adair Lions Club donates a new Scholastic book to every Adair-Casey Elementary School student. For some children, the book is the only Christmas gift they receive. Pictured in the back row of the photo are (L-R) Derek Davenport, Larry Sheeder, ID Ardie Klemish and Forrest Schnobrich. Leaya Klemish is standing in front of her Grandma Ardie.

Save These DatesFeb. 23 District Cabinet meeting, Panora

April 1 District needs a list of next year’s officers

June 6 - 8 State Convention, Cedar Rapids

June 22 District Cabinet meeting, Panora

July 26 -28 Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute, Maryville, Missouri

In MemoriamAlma Graham – Creston Lions ClubWinston Kingery – Orient Lions Club

Bernard Wight – Winterset Lions Club

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (18)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 18

District 9NWDistrict GovernorTimothy Wilson

2300 S. Duff Ave.Ames, Iowa 50010707-304-3933 (C)


An “It’s a Wonderful Life” MomentHello and welcome back, fellow Lions!

I trust everyone had a great Christmas holiday and a Happy New Year, so far! Which brings me to this issue’s column. Right before Christmas, I was watching the great classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” I got thinking about the same scenario with our Lions organization. What if Melvin Jones had never been born? What would the world be like without Lions? Who would pick up the challenge to be “Knights for the blind in the crusade against darkness?”

Think about it. Millions of people would not have been helped in the last 100-plus years. Millions would have gone blind. Hundreds of thousands would be homeless due to natural disasters. Here in Iowa, 33,000 children would go blind because we didn’t screen their eyes with our Iowa KidSight program. That is the number of

children that have been referred to an eye doctor and their eyesight was saved because of us. Think about the thousands of people who wouldn’t have had the opportunity to see because there was no Iowa Lions Eye Bank. Not to mention all the eye tissue that would be wasted if the Lions of Iowa did not help get the tissue to the eye bank.

For over 100 years, Lions members have been helping people. We are growing all over the world and for almost 100 years, Lions have been helping people just here in Iowa. So, when you think that your membership in our organization is going to waste, think about all the lives YOU have touched. YOU, the members, are what makes up the service we provide. Just like George Bailey realized that he was needed and loved in Bedford Falls, please realize that you and your great service are needed and loved here in Iowa. We Serve!

9NW District Convention!Remember to get your registration in! The

district convention is Saturday, March 16. We will begin the day at 7:30 a.m. with registration. The convention is being held at the First United Methodist Church in Jefferson.

Our International guest will be International Director Steve Thornton from Ohio. Please refer to the schedule on the opposite page.

We will be having a district cabinet meeting on Friday evening and everyone is invited to attend. If you are staying overnight, there is a block of rooms at the Super 8 Hotel in Jefferson. Information is on the opposite page. Every club is asked to bring an item for the silent auction! See you there!WELCOME NEW MEMBERS

Member Club Sponsor Heath Lee Akron Dee Watson

Pat Renken Akron Connie Blake

Nathan Muench Coon Rapids

Nathan Phippen Coon Rapids Lee Boeke

Daniel J. Acton Rippey Myron Rinker

Michael A. Dutcher Fort Dodge Evening Timothy Wilson

Don Palmer Paulina Michael Hohbach

Dean Pooebaum Paulina Michael Hohbach

Marlon S. Purdie Rockwell City Jennifer Jenson

Scott Anderson Royal

Nathan A. Tabelismo West Bend Gerald Thatcher

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (19)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 19

9NW District Convention REGISTRATION FORM

March 16, 2019First United Methodist Church,

307 S Wilson Ave, Jefferson, IA 50129









Friday Evening, March 15, 2019 5:00 p.m. Dinner for Cabinet Members and Guests 209 Main, Paton, IA7:00 p.m. Cabinet Meeting

Saturday, March 16, 2019 Continental Breakfast and Lunch

# @ $20.00 = $

Make Checks Payable to: Lions District 9NW

and Mail to: Lion Ray Ohlinger 201 NW 7th St. Pocahontas, IA 50574

Registration is due by March 1, 2019

LODGING: Single $69.99/ Double $79.99

Super 8: 207 W. Gallup Rd., Jefferson, IA 50129

(515) 386-2464 ask for: “District 9NW Lions”Please make reservations by March 1, 2019

NOTE: 9NW clubs are asked to donate silent auction items. Please bring them with you when you come!

What Are 9NW Clubs Up To! (November and December Activities Reported)

AKRON donated Christmas gifts to the local nursing home residents as well as a needy family.

BADGER partnered with the local fire department and helped check residents’ smoke detectors.

BOONE held its annual turkey dinner.

CARROLL donated to a shopping spree for disadvantaged children; donated to Kellan’s Kingdom, a non-profit raising money for a handicapped accessible playground.

CHURDAN participated in the local Meals on Wheels program.

EVERLY held its annual calendar sale; supported the fire training tower, festival of trees, school milk fund, Little Mavs Daycare and roof repairs at the city park; assisted with hearing aids.

FORT DODGE EVENING donated $200 to local Pizza Ranch for turkeys for the needy; held its annual grocery raffle; helped an adult get glasses.

HARTLEY donated to the local library; assisted with medical expenses for a community member; assisted with hearing aids.

LEHIGH held its Deer Hunter’s Pancake Breakfast.

MADRID rang bells for the Salvation Army.

MERRILL committed to helping at the Gospel Mission twice per month.

PETERSON donated meat to a local organization that prepares meals for the needy at Thanksgiving and Christmas; donated to Leader Dogs for the Blind and the local Shop-With-A-Cop program; held its annual omelet supper.

ROCKWELL CITY donated to Christmas meals for the needy; assisted a person with glasses; conducted an Iowa KidSight screening; held a nut and mint sales fundraiser.

WEST BEND conducted an Iowa KidSight screening.

WOODWARD donated turkeys and ham to Hope Wellness Center; donated to the local school food pantry; hosted a tree lighting and Santa visit night; created and sent Christmas cards to residents at the local care center.

Total Service for November and December281 Lions participated1,528 People served$1,396 Donated

We are doing great in our service but we still only have 25% of our clubs reporting. We can do better! Please report your monthly activities. We want to know what your club is doing to serve your community!

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (20)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 20

District 9SEDistrict GovernorDave McGregor204 W. Polk St.

New London, Iowa 52645319-367-5028 (H)319-537-1094 (C)


SERVICE ACTIVITIESCLEAR CREEK distributed eight drop boxes throughout the community to collect food for the Tiffin/Amana Pantry.

CORYDON donated $75 to help sponsor a free Saturday matinee for the community for Christmas; worked at the theater; met with spouses and family members for a Christmas buffet meal followed with Bowling; delivered noon meals prepared by local hospital to individuals.

CRAWFORDSVILLE collected 41 pints of blood at local blood drive; held its annual Christmas Drawing for town residents.

DANVILLE hosted a Christmas dinner party and invited the New London Lions club as well; sponsored the Danville Christmas Walk; served soup and hot dogs for the community with funds raised going toward a scholarship.

FAIRFIELD rang bells for the Salvation Army.

GRANDVIEW & LETTS donated $300 each to three food pantries.

IOWA CITY screened 126 kids; assisted six people with getting eyeglasses; transported eye tissue; served 300 people with 125 kids at Santa breakfast. Electric power went out about halfway through but they kept serving even in the dark.

I hope everyone enjoyed your Christmas with your families and have started a new year with joy and with our January thaw (Ha-Ha). We are halfway through our 2018-2019 Lions year and we have grown some in our district in the areas of New Voices Initiative, with more women in leadership roles helping to close the gap between men and women, and new clubs. We are very fortunate to have more women stepping up to “SERVE.” My goal is to increase women membership to 32 percent from the present 30 percent.

We are embarking on a journey with a new club in our district. With the club’s name derived from the school district and township where Tiffin is located, the Clear Creek Lions will have their charter night on Feb. 9 in Iowa City. Past Council Chair Paul Hain has been working along with North Liberty Lions Club since the beginning of the 2018/2019 year, and it now has come to fruition. Please come and help them get off to a good start and have a good time. We welcome them !

Many of us have been in areas that have had a great deal of snow and ice. On your journeys, please be safe and do not lose heart in what we do as Lions. Know that you are very much appreciated both in our Lions Family and our communities.

I’d like to ask each on of our clubs in our district to see if each one our clubs can increase by at least three members this year to give us the boost that we need to grow and prepare for our future in serving our communities, state and international. My goal is to add 150 new members to our district.

I look forward to seeing you all at the 9SE District Convention on April 12-13. We’ll have a cabinet meeting with a meal on Friday, April 12, followed by the convention with our guest, International Director A. Geoff Wade from Port St. Lucie, Florida. Come prepared to play Chuck-A-Duck for children’s cancer, bring items for the veterans (see a list in the digital pages), and shelf-stable food items for a weekend backpack program for hungry children. We still need two people to step up as Iowa Lions Foundation trustees, which will be elected along with first and second vice district governors and district governor. See registration form on the next page.

We Welcome New MembersMember Club SponsorCurtis Allen Clear Creek CharterSteve Lee Berner Clear Creek CharterTina Berner Clear Creek CharterDoug Boldt Clear Creek CharterKathy Campbell Clear Creek CharterAndrea Chambers Clear Creek CharterTodd Chambers Clear Creek CharterBrad Fox Clear Creek CharterSarah Gaeta Clear Creek CharterJohn Grace Clear Creek CharterTina Grace Clear Creek CharterAshley Jay-Platz Clear Creek CharterDebbie Lynn Klein Clear Creek CharterStephen A. Klein Clear Creek CharterTim Kuehl Clear Creek CharterMark Moody Clear Creek CharterKris Petersen Clear Creek CharterGrant L. Riggan Clear Creek CharterMatt W. Riggan Clear Creek CharterTina M. Riggan Clear Creek CharterAlex Schultejans Clear Creek CharterKimberley Steinke Clear Creek CharterStacy Stull Clear Creek CharterTrinity R. Newcomb Grandview-Letts Brenda AxtellDiane L. Newton Keokuk Andrea RogersErin M. Hogan Oskaloosa Debbie DotyDennis L. Hallberg Pella Craig OlsonBruce Eichelberger Wayland Ron Marsh

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (21)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 21

9SE District ConventionRegistration Form April 12-13, 2019

New London Christian Church2770 New London Rd

New London, Iowa 52645Friday Eve. Cabinet Meeting Only

Dinner for cabinet and guests @ 6:30 p.m., cabinet meeting at 7 p.m.

Saturday Convention and Business MeetingRegistration 8 a.m., 9:00 seminars, business meetings, elections, service

projects for hunger and veterans, Chuck-A-Duck for pediatric cancer

Name 1

Lion Y N Current Office

Name 2

Lion Y N Current Office

City & Zip

Phone #



Note Special Dietary Needs

Registration deadline is April 1Friday Cabinet Meeting only

Dinner served at 6:30 p.m., cabinet meeting at 7 p.m.

Cabinet meeting dinner # x $5 =

Saturday Convention at $20.00 per personIncludes morning coffee/rolls and buffet luncheon

# x $20 =Late fee for reservations postmarked AFTER 4/1/19 Late registration # x $5 =

Total Enclosed

Make checks payable to Lions District 9SEMail to: Debbie Doty

PO Box 251University Park, IA 52595

A block of rooms has been reserved at Quality Inn & Suites,1200 E. Baker, Mount Pleasant

Room rate $79 plus applicable tax. Rooms must be reserved by April 5 for Lions rate

CLUBS bring your banners, food donations for backpack program and donations for vets!

KEOKUK volunteered their time to ring the bells for the Salvation Army; delivered meals to the elderly through the Heritage Center.

LEIGHTON sponsored a Christmas Soup Supper as fundraiser to benefit Mobility Worldwide - Leighton Operations, formerly known as Personal Energy Transportation.

LONE TREE volunteered as a Reading Buddy with a 1st grade class at the Lone Tree Elementary School.

MILTON provided door greeters at the Van Buren County Lions Clubs’ Christmas Tree Auction.

NEW LONDON attended a Christmas party with Danville Lions Club; delivered blood for Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Davenport; provided Santa Claus & Mrs. Santa Claus for the Angel Tree promotion and food collection; sorted, collected and delivered food from the community and school.

NORTH LIBERTY prepared and served breakfast for 500 individuals who came to visit Santa.

OSKALOOSA served a party for Hospice House; assisted with the Oskaloosa Elementary School PTO; assisted Mahaska County emergency responders Shop With A Cop by selecting gifts for children whose names were not selected from the Giving Tree and packaging sacks of candy; volunteered on Oskaloosa Area Community Development Group board and committees; volunteered at the community food cupboard; helped with the Oskaloosa Lighted Christmas Parade.

PELLA sorted and cleaned 2,400 pairs of recycled eyeglasses for redistribution.

SIGOURNEY took 54 pair of glasses to Walmart.

SOLON CENTENNIAL helped with the 4th annual Solon Christmas Tree Walk and Festival; partnered with Solon community businesses to raise funds to sponsor Old Gold Diner senior fellowship activities; participated in and submitted the Solon Centennial Lions Club Christmas tree, decorated with mostly homemade ornaments, which highlighted Solon Lions members’ year-in-review; placed 15 donation boxes in the community for used eyeglasses and hearing aids; sponsored a hearing aid for an individual.

VICTOR distributed donated food at a local food bank; conducted its annual drawing; made 300 caps to be delivered to cancer patients at Stead Family Children’s Hospital at the University of Iowa.

WEST BURLINGTON conducted a KidSight screening.

WEST CHESTER sponsored a Christmas craft activity at the local Christmas Gala; donated Christmas candy bags to each child attending.

In Memory YEARSMEMBER CLUB A LIONJames A. Kurka Fairfield 58Ed Stuhr Grandview-Letts 21Richard H. Turner Grandview-Letts 35Richard Park Iowa City 62Keith Thayer Iowa City 53Todd Loynachan Pella 40Wallace K. Snead Stockport 20Larry Meyer Wayland 40

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (22)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 22

Pre-order Shirts to Help Beat Childhood Cancer

By VDG Debbie DotyEditor, The Iowa Lion

Lions in Iowa will be able to show their support and raise funds for the children’s cancer charity Beat Cancer Today by ordering T-shirts created just for the Lions of Iowa.

The Council of Governors approved the promotion at its January meeting. The plan was developed after Aaron Horn, director of Beat Cancer Today, spoke at the District 9EC Fall Rally in October. Aaron told the story of how he was inspired to start Beat Cancer Today after his little boy’s battle with cancer.

Beat Cancer Today’s mission is to create awareness of childhood cancers and to provide financial support for childhood cancer research, scholarships, and patient and family support programs. The group raises funds through apparel sales and special events.

Now Lions can show their support through special T-shirts that are designed in Lions colors with the Lions logo on the front and “Lions Clubs of Iowa” printed on the back.

Shirts are $15 each (slightly more for plus sizes) and can be pre-ordered through the Beat Cancer Today website. According to the trademark agreement with Lions Clubs International, there is a limit of 100 shirts, so order early to make sure you get yours.

Because these are pre-orders, you can get whichever size you need. Shirts will be shipped directly to each Lion for a nominal fee. Cut off for orders is May 1, 2019, so that Lions will have shirts delivered in time for the Iowa Lions State Convention in June.

If all shirts are sold, Lions will raise nearly $1,000 for Beat Cancer Today. item name: t-shirt

item color: Royalimprint size: (Front) Youth 9"w x 8.7"h / Adult 12"w x 11"h (Back) Youth 9"w x 6.6"h / Adult 12"w x 8.8"h imprint colors: (Front:/Back) PMS 124 yellow/goldfile name: CE_19: Beat Cancer Today: Lions Club-Beat Cancer_T.epsartist's initials: EBsales person's initials: BI proof date: 1.10.19

BACKPMS 124 yellow/gold imprint

FRONTPMS 124 yellow/gold imprint

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (23)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 23

PRESIDENTIAL LEADERSHIP AWARDS. Several Lions received Presidential Leadership Awards, the third highest award in Lions, at the Iowa Lions Mid-Winter Leadership Conference in West Des Moines. Pictured, from left, are Past International Director Judy Hankom, Past District Governor Judy Stone, PID Norm Dean, District Governor-Elect Allen Zobel, PDG Lisa Prochaska and International Directors Gwen White and Ardie Klemish. Norm Dean accepted the award for his late wife, Lion Shirley Dean, who passed away in December.The Presidential Leadership medals were also awarded to PDG Judy Stone, DGE Allen Zobel and PDG Lisa Prochaska for their willingness to step into leadership roles on the state level this past year.

DISTRICT GROWTH AWARD. Lions of District 9NE accept the Norman M. Dean District Growth Award during the International Banquet at Mid-Winter. Pictured in front of the dais, from left, are 1VDG Richard Congdon, DG Doug Welton, PDG Stephen Becker, Lion Judy Schlesselman, Lion Chris Waring, PDG Jack Schlesselman and Immediate PDG Ed Otteson.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (24)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 24

PARTNERS IN SERVICE AWARD. Lion Ellie Engelbrecht, far left, receives a Warren Coleman Award at the 2019 Iowa Lions Mid-Winter Leadership Conference from Lion Verneta Anderson representing the 2017-2018 partners in service as Council Chair Chris Anderson looks on. The partners chose Lion Ellie to receive the award for her efforts in visiting all of the district conventions to share about the Iowa Lions Eye Bank.

PRESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION. Past District Governors Jim Bixler and Judy Stone, center, receive Presidental Certificates of Appreciation from International Directors Gwen White, far left, and Ardie Klemish, far right, at the Iowa Lions Mid-Winter Leadership Conference in January.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (25)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 25


SPREADING JOY. Mason City Noon Lions Club members Nathan Hehr, Christina Schueth-Ruggles and Dennis Reidel sing Christmas carols while ringing the bell for the Salvation Army Kettle Campaign at Shopko in Mason City.

SANTA RINGS BELLS. PDG Elwin Hodges (aka Santa Claus) rings the bell for the Salvation Army at the Salvation Army collection bucket in Humboldt.

BALLROOM POPCORN. Clear Lake Evening Lion Jason Bradshaw demonstrates his enthusiasm as he oversees the popcorn booth at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake for his club.

GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY. 9SE First Vice District Governor Debbie Doty, left, presents Oskaloosa Lion Larry Blinn with a 50-year membership chevron.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (26)

February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 26


PEACE POSTER WINNERS. West Burlington Lions Club recently held its Peace Poster Contest. Pictured (L-R) are President Jeff Erickson; 1st place winner Ashi Pennake; 2nd place, Kaylee Kramer; 3rd place, McKenna Vance; and Lion Francis McAllister. The 1st place winner’s poster was sent into the district competition prior to the picture being taken.

INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP AWARD. Past International Directors Gary Fry and Judy Hancom present Lion Len Ringgenberg, of the Des Moines Host Lions Club, with the Lions Clubs International Leadership Award, in recognition of his long-time service and dedication to the Iowa KidSight program. The International Leadership Medal is the third highest award a Lion can earn from Lions Clubs International. There are over 1.4 million Lions Club members internationally and only 1,280 of these awards are presented each year!

COUNTY-WIDE DIABETES PROCLAMATION. Jackson County Supervisor Larry McDevitt, seated, signs a proclamation declaring November National Diabetes Month in Jackson County, Iowa, on behalf of all five Lions Clubs in the county: Andrew, Bellevue Area Centennial, Maquoketa, Miles and Preston. Standing, from left, are Jackson County Supervisor John Willy, Lions Connie Jo Weirup, Lola Kruse, Jim Wierup, Supervisor Mike Steines, Lions Valda Johnson, Lori Heiar and 9EC 1VDG Tony Hill.

HELPING UP A MEMBER. The Urbana Lions Club built this handrail for one of its members in need.

WRESTLING AROUND. Kindergarteners through 8th graders take to the mat at the New Hampton Lions Club wrestling fundraiser. A total of 185 kids participated.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (27)


February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 27

MAYORAL WELCOME. West Des Moines Mayor Pro Tem Russ Trimble welcomes Lions to his city and explains some of the great things to do while in town for Mid-Winter.

GOING, GOING, GONE. Lions peruse the basket choices during the Partners In Service Mid-Winter Auction. This was the final year for the basket auction as planners have decided the event has seen a decline in revenues over the years.

25-YEAR PINS. (Left photo) Mason City Evening Club member Dennis Wilson receives a 25-year pin from Club First Vice President Dixie Scherff. (Right photo) Mason City Evening Club member Warren Davison, left, receives a 25-year pin from Club President Jon Lorbach.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (28)


February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 28

PRESENTING THE COLORS. Members of Boy Scout Troop 208 present the colors at the beginning of the business meeting during the Iowa Lions Mid-Winter Conference.

LEADERSHIP TRAITS. Dr. Alec Zama of Des Moines University talks to Lions about the traits of effective leaders during the Mid-Winter Conference. “If you try to do it yourself, you are going on a walk. If you enable others to work with you, you are going on a journey,” Dr. Zama explained.

WHAT IS GAT? Past International Director Art Marson of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, leads a seminar on the Global Action Team’s purpose during the Iowa Lions Mid-Winter Conference as Past Council Chair Paul Hain and 1st Vice District Governor Richard Congdon look on. PID Art is the area Global Action Team coordinator for Lions Clubs International.

NEW VOICES. Past District Governor Linda Albrecht-Norby of Perham, Minnesota, leads a seminar on the New Voices Initiative for Women’s Membership during the Mid-Winter Conference. PDG Linda is the area speaker on New Voices for Lions Clubs International. Her area covers North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Kentucky. During her seminar, she showed videos highlighting women’s membership in Lions Clubs International.

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (29)


February 2019…THE IOWA LION…Page 29

Revised November 8th, 2018

Iowa City VA Voluntary Service 601 Highway 6 West Iowa City, IA 52246

319-338-0581, x6270 or x6279 Office hours: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday (excluding federal holidays)

Dear Donor, Thank you for supporting our Veterans! Please make sure all donations include your full name, mailing address, and telephone number. ITEMS ACCEPTED FOR DONATION

New Clothing

Clothing items must have tags or be sealed in original packaging. Clothing sizes S-5X in plain colors and shoes size 7 through 13 are requested.

✓ Sweatpants Sweatshirts ✓ T-shirts Underwear ✓ Shoes (athletic or slip-on) Coats* ✓ Stocking hats* Gloves * *indicates a seasonal item

General Items

All items should be new/unused and unexpired.

✓ Bus passes (Iowa City, Coralville, Cedar Rapids, Quad Cities Transit, Quincy Transit)

✓ Prepaid cell phones (i.e. TracFone) ✓ Prepaid cell phone minutes/cards ✓ Variety puzzle books (companion/digest size) ✓ Blankets (new and made of soft material, 4’ by 5’ or a

bit larger) ✓ Cans of coffee grounds

Gift Cards

Recommended values are $5-$25.

✓ Food (Fareway, Hy Vee, County Market) ✓ Gasoline (BP, Casey’s Kum and Go) ✓ General (Visa, Wal Mart, Walgreens)

Hygiene Items

Hygiene items should be new/unused, unexpired/fresh, alcohol free, individually packaged and factory sealed, and trial or travel size (3 oz. or less).

✓ Body lotion Body wash ✓ Denture cleaner Denture adhesive ✓ Deodorant Disposable razors ✓ Hair brushes Hair combs ✓ Mouthwash (alcohol free) Nail clippers (finger/toe) ✓ Shampoo Shaving cream

Greeting Cards*

Cards signed by well-wishers mean a lot to our Veterans. Simple messages such as “Thank you for your service” and “Thinking of you” are recommended. We cannot distribute cards with glitter/glitter stickers, political messages, or personal contact information (first names are ok). Please do not place cards in envelopes.

District Governor Dave McGregor has a passion for veterans, so one of the service projects he’s planning for the 9SE Convention on April 13 is a collection of items to help patients at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Iowa City. Below is a list of items the VA Hospital is needing. Please bring one or more with you to the 9SE Convention.

Lions are also being asked to bring shelf-stable snack items for backpacks that will be sent home with hungry children for weekend meals.

Help Veterans with Donations at the 9SE Convention

The IOWA LION...THE IOWA LION 2300 South Duff, Ames, Iowa 50010 Tel. (515) 232-2215 By PCC Bill Pollard MD9 Global Leadership Coordinator A few years ago, I had the privilege of meeting - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.