The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1947 CLASSIFIED 27 ML. WBZA, 1030 7.00 News 7.15 Dress Parade 7.30 Arthur Amadon 7.45 First Call 8.00 World News 8.15 Chet Gaylord 8.30 Bob Rissling 8.45 Melody Mail Quiz 9.00 Home Forum 9.15 Listen and Learn 9.30 Melody Theater Melody Theater 9,45 Fred Waring 10.00 Fred Waring 10.15 Road of Life 10.30 toyce Jordan 10.43 This Is Nora Drake 11.00 Katie's Daughter 11.15 lack Show 11.30 ora Lawton P.M. WBZA, :030 News 12.13 Noonday Re iew 12.30 Marjorie SItils 12.45 Marjorie Mills 0 1.00 Ray Dorey 1.15 Ray. Dorey 1.30 News 1.45 Claudia 2.00 Today's Children 2.13 Woman in White 2.30 Holly Sloane 2.13 Light of -the World 8. Life Can Be Beautiful 3.15 Perkins 3.30 Pepper Young 3.13 Right To Happiness 4.00.

Backstage Wife 4.15 Stella Dallas 4.30 Lorenzo Jones 4.15 Young Widder Brown 5.00 When 8 Girl Marries 5.15 Portia Faces Life 5.80 Just Plain BIll 5.15 Front Page Warrell 3 P.M. 1030 6.00 News 6.15 Bump Hadley. Sporta. 6.30 Pop Goes Concert 6.13 a Three Star Extra 7.00 Supper Club 7.15 World News 7.30 Yankee Yarns 7.45 Frontline Headlines 8.00 Highways in Melody 8.15 Highways in Melody 8.30 Can Toy This? 8.13 Can You Top This? 9.00 People Are Funny 9.13 People Are Funny 9.30 Waltz Time 9.15 Time 10.00 Mvstery Theaters 10.15 10.30 Sports Newsreel 14.15 To Be Announced 11.00 Noirs 11.16 Starlight Serenade 11.30 American Novels 11.45 American Novels 8 0 6 2 FRIDAY MORNING RADIO PROGRAMS WMAS, 1450 WSPR. 1270 WTIC, 1080 WHYN, 1400 News Sacred Heart Morning Watch Weather Melody Express News Morning Watch Sacred Heart 1 Program News Spotlight on Rhythm Weather Music Reveille Express Spotlight on Khythm Weather Music Reveille News Roundup Martin Agronsky News News News Top O' The Morning World News Breakfast Hour Shoppers Special Top o' The Morning Radio Bazaar Breakfast' Hour Shoppers News Radio Bazaar Breakfast Hour News of America Breakfast Club Cinderella News Morning Devotions Breakfast Cinderella Weekend Helen Shoppers Special Breakfast Club Melody Theater South Hadley Show News 3reakfast Club Melody Theater Rudolf Friml Musio Music for You My True bred Waring World News Music for You 11 True Story Fred Waring In and Off Recorde Evalyn Winters Betty Crocker Toad of Life Design in or Two Melody David Harum Listening Post Joyce Jordan A Tune Arthur Godfrey Breakfast In Hollyw'd This Is Nora Drake Emily Post Quiz Arthur Godfrey Breakfast in Hollyw'd Katie's Daughter Gema of Music Grand Slam Galen Drake lack Berch Show.

Heart's Desire to l'ed Antone ora Lawton Heart's Desire FRIDAY AFTERNOON RADIO PROGRAMS WMAS, 1450 WSPR, 1270 WTIC, 1680 WHYN, 1400 Wendy Warren Welcome Travelers News Kate Smith Aunt Jenny Welcome Travelers Down Homers Victor Lindlahr News Roundup News Marjorie Mills News Words and Music Polish American Marjorie Mills Movie Time News fur News News News To the Ladies Nancy Craig Three -Quarter Time Yankee Kitchen To the Ladies Chapel o1 the Air Rudy Martin Yankee Kitchen To the Ladies Hotess Service Believe It Or Not Cedric Foster News Walter Kiernan Today's Children Queen for a Day Perry Mason Townsend Club Woman White (Queen for a Day Look Your Best Bride and Groom Holly Sloane Martin Block Show Rose of big Dreams Bride and Groom NeWs Martin Block Show Double Or Nothing Ladies Be Seated Life Can Be Beautiful Round Double Or Nothing Ladies Be Seated Ma Perkins Merry-Go- Round House Party Paul Whiteman Crib Pepper Young Song of Stranger House Party Paul Club Right to Happiness Requests Hint Hunt Paul' Club Backstage Wife Requests Hint Hunt Paul Whiteman Club Stella Dallas Franco; American Winner Take All Ithvthm Society Lorenzo Jones Franco- American Winner Take All Rhythm Society Young Widder Brown Adventure Parade School of Cloud Chasers When A Girl Marries News School of the Air Terry and Pirates Portia Faces Life Superman Music for Moderns Jack Armstrong Just Plain RIll World News Lum and Abner Jack Armstrong Front PAge Farrell Tom Mix FRIDAY EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 1450 WSPR, 1:10 WTIC, 1080 WHYN, 1400 News Tubert Kregeloh News News United Nations Report Community News Musical Appetizers Sports Minute Review Melodies Lowell Sports Thomas Musical Interlude Andre Three Schenker Dinneraires Sporte Highlights Star Extra News Reel Headline Edition Sapper Club Fulton Lewis. Air Jr. Master Singers Elmer Davis World News Music in The Club 15 Lone Ranger Tankee Yarns Henry J. Taylor Edward Murrow Lone Ranger So the Story Goes Inside of Sports Baby Snooks Fat Man Concert Holyoke Speaks Anby Snooks Fat Jian Concert tolyoke Speaks Thin Man This Is Your FRI Can You Top This? Dance Tine Thin Jian, News This Is FBI Can You Top This' Dance Time Elsie Presents Break Bank People Are Gabriel 1 Heatter Eiste Presents Break the Bank People Are Funny Burl Ives To Re Announced The Sheriff Waltz Time Information Please To Be The Sheriff Waltz Time Information Please It Pays to Be Ignorant Boxing Bouts Mystery Theater Meet the Press It Pays to Be Ignorant Boxing Bouts Mystery Theater Meet the Press Spotlight Review American Spta. Page Sports Nowsreel Date Night Spotlight Review American Spts.

Page To Be Announced Date Night News Vows News News Decision Joe Hasel World 1 Nene Moracho Stan Kenton Orch. Gems for Thought Great Novels Morache Hawaiian: Stan Kenton Orch. Orchestra Great Novels Gentlemen, the Theme 3 CARE Service Is Unique In History of U.S. Charity 9. New Nov.

27-CARE, Inc. is characterized today by Fortune zine as a service "unique in the history of private product of American Business methods, plus the generosity. 3 Packages Fortune points out tRat the food in $10 CARE package would cost an individual shopper about $9.60, whife 8 parcel- -post charges and insurance run this up to $15.30. In 1947, CARE (Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, Inc.) will have packed and shipped abroad some four million packages, worth $39 million, to supply nourishing meal and warm clothes to two and a half million famIlies, 15; Today CARE offers 10 types of packages (each $10); Standard Food, Baby Food, Infant: Food, Kosher Food, British, Household Linen, layette, Blanket, Knitting Wool and Cot4 ton Goods. CARE provides almost the only means whereby U.

S. citi1 zens may send supplies- any individual in any country where the organization operates (the United Kingdom, Soviet zone France, but including Germany--except Berlin-It- aly, Belgium, the Netherlands, Eire, Poland. Hungary, Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, Finland, Czechoslovakia, All original loans from CARE sponsors have been retired, Fortune reports; sales are running close to 000 a day (with facilities to handle 50,000 A day); and overhead costs have fallen to $1 a package. How CARE Succeeded CARE was set up a's a supplementary service by the War Relief Control Board (the wartime organization 8f all major u. S.

charities), was proC vided with $665,000 capital by mom( her organizations, and incorporated in 3 November, 1945. Its method, Fortune explains, has been to call for Now This Bendy WITH AUTOMATIC 12 IN MAHOGANY AT PRE- WAR PRICE 4. OF ONLY Trade in your old bids frem food, woolen-goods and other industries; buy and pack supplies in this country, and send assembled cartons to warehouses in countries overseas. From these stockpiles, CARE recipients obtain their packages when orders from U. S.

donors come through. "Since CARE sells strictly for cash and takes no profit, the proceeds from the sale of one lot of packages are plowed back immediately into the purchase of another lot," Fortune points out. "As a result, CARE's inventories and other assets total about $13 million, out of which, after package costa and overseas and general administrative expenses, it manages to reserve operating margin, of roughly $3 million. This fund is used for stockpiling, for introducing new packages, -most important -for general relief distribution. Last Christmas, for example, CARE gave away 50,000 food packages to children's hospitals throughout Europe." Standards CARE is interested not only in obtaining large quantities of goods at low cost, but in maintaining standards of taste, style, and variety, Fortune continues.

"Thus when a recent reduction packaging costs made possible the addition ot one more item to the Standard Food package. tucked in A 12-ounce tin of bacon--a surpassing luxury to all Europeans. "Every package includes soap, and several of the packages contain such items as soles and heels, needles and thread, and pocket combs. In selecting suiting and overcoating material, CARE chooses a number colors so that recipients will not appear to be wearing a uniform." ACCUSED OF MURDER Montreal, Nov. 27-Sylvio Albert, 31, was charged with the murder of Mrs.

Tillie Deprato, 34, in aborts Offers Brilliant. Radio PHONOGRAPHRECORD CHANGER CABINET $179.95 Automatically Changes 12 Records Super Hetrodyne Radio Lovely Cabinet $25 Delivers Down BALANCE On Easy. Weekly Or Monthly Terms radio. 1127 MAIN ST. JUST BELOW STATE OPEN SAT.

'TIL. 9 P. Rent A Spare Room Thru A Rent Ad. 1 9 ur 9. Anonymous Donation Of $1.50 Gives Big Task to Ky.

Court Louisville, Nov. 27 (INS) The Jefferson County Fiscal Court at Louisville had a right today to ponder whether the old adage that "honesty is the best policy" always holds true. The anonymous donor of money to the Fiscal Court, who undoubtedly WAg clearing conscienca when he marled the sum, brought. up a lot of legal work when he failed to in his name in the letter--or state why he had mailed the money. After lengthy discussion of how the money might legally be retained, County Attorney San Stienfield f'nally dictated a 94- word court order to enter the money on the court's financial records.

The was. $1.50. Austin, Nov. 27 (AP)-TwO Texas cattlemen joined today in saying they and the public have been "deliberately misled" by Federal officials in events leading up to abandonment of the slaughtering program to control foot mouth disease in Mexico. They were Robert J.

Kleberg of the King Ranch and Tom Armstrong, of Kenedy County, both directors of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers' Association. Reply to Dodd Referring to a Washington dispatch saying Norris E. Dodd, undersecretary of agriculture, had laughed in commenting. on A statement by Richard Kleberg of Texas that the Government's eradication program had been a failure, Armstrong said: "We and the public have been deliberately misled on the whole matter and we don't like to be laughed at." Armstrong said there "never had been 3 complete slaughter program." In the Washington story, Armstrong said, Dodd referred to the Kleberg statement with these words: "'He's been saying the fame thing since the program began. I'm not "That's the trouble we have had with the whole thing," Armstrong commented.

"Dodd is a political man and doesn't know anything about Cattie and foot and mouth disease. Kleberg is a cattle raiser and knows. Says Program Fails "Statements like that from Dodd are the thing that is responsible for the breakdown in the control program. There never has been compiete slaughter program. This thing has to be done and done right.

The program has never had a proper administration and we insist on a good one, regardless of cost." Robert Kleberg said the joint announcement from Mexico City and Washington was "sprung on us suddenly without giving us an opportunity to be heard. We resent it." been. no advance indication from the He and Armstrong said there had I Department of Agriculture of the change, and that its latest printed bulletins had been to the contrary. Armstrong said he, was going today to his ranch, And then to Washington to continue the association's fight. CLAIM CATTLE DISEASE CURE PROGRAM FAILS Texas Ranchers Say They and Public Are Misled by U.

S. Officials Nashville, Nov. 27 (AF)Motion pictures building, A. log house will be part of thesis in industrial arts by John J. Hanson, a graduate student at the George Peabody College here.

Hanson. industrial arts in the manual arts therapy department of the veterans hospital, also will include other pictures of notable log houses in the vicinity and a written historian log houses. pictures are being made in conjunction with construction of a house that he and his wife intend to live in. It is being built of logs more than 100 years. old from old houses which Hanson has bought.

Motion Pictures Part of Thesis GEN. JANY EXECUTED London, Nov. 27 (AP) Tass dispatch from Budapest said today a death sentence against Col. Gen. Gustav Jany has been carried out.

Jany once commanded Hungarian Axis troops which fought Russia. He was reported released from the army by Regent Adm. Nicholas Horthy in 1943 as, with German defeats in the past, Horthy bewgan trying to diminish his ties with the Axis. EGGLESS THURSDAY EGGLESS THURSDAY Buffalo, N. Nov.

27-Today was truly eggless Thursday for Thomas Wakolee, 25, of the nearby town of Irving. When Wakolee's auto hit the rear of a moving van yesterday, he had U. S. Liquor Store Employee Heir to English Baronetcy Denver, Nov. 27 (INS) -A Denver man today had been approved as heir to British title and es-.

tate. Robert Hardinge, 60, former cattle ranch operator and now Denver liquor store employee, maid he has been informed he is legal heir to the sixth baronetcy of Lurran, ay British peerage which in prewar days has privilexes worth $500,000. Hardinge, native of Indiana and a resident of Colorado for 40 years, is the nephew of Sir Charles Hardinge, 11, who holds the fifth baronetcy. The Denver man said he was informed by Cyril Hankinson of London, of Debrett's Peerage, that upon the death of his uncle he will become. Sir Robert Hardinge, Caronet.

His father WAS Edmund Cyril Hardinge, who lived in Canada after leaving London before set-' tling in the United States. a live turkey, a 'dressed chicken and three dozen eggs in the back seat. Police arrested Wakolee on a charge of driving while intoxicated and turned the turkey and chicken 'over to a friend of the defendant. The eggs were scrambled in the crash. Paris, 27 (INS) -Food stocks in' the French capital dropped to an alarmingly low level in contral' markets today due to the railway strike.

Deliveries approximated one-half the normal. Most deliveries from the French agricultural areas were being made by truck. The shortages have boosted food prices to new highs. Food Stocks Drop Sharply in Paris Hollywood Will Act To Keep Peace In English Royalty Hollywood, Nov. 27 (INS) -Hollywood stepped in today to keep peace in England's royal family.

Yesterday, comedian Bob Hope presented Queen Elizabeth in London with an autographed stamp album of Hollywood stars as their wedding gift to Princess Elizabeth. Princess Margaret Rose, 17, a collector, became, SO enthused at the Hollywood stars promised one also to the Queen's youngest daughter. Jean Hersholt, president of the Motion Picture Relief Fund, who talked to Bob Hope by transatlantic phone, said he would begin the album at once. The album contains 474 reproduced portraits on stamps with autographs of Hollywood personalities. Montreal today, after he had attempted suicide in A rooming house.

Mrs. Deprato, a divorcee, was found strangled in her room. Police said Albert, a former taxi-driver, slashed his wrist afterwriting a note to Mrs. Deprato's sister saying "Nobody will have her if I can't." Russia to Open New Coal Fields Moscow, Nov. 27 -Four coal fields have been surveyed this year in the area discovered by Soviet zeologists during the war in the Kuznetsk Basin.

Chief Engineer Molchanov: of the Kuzbas Coal Prospecting Organization, who has been supervising the exploratory work, said the area would probably rank among most important in this rich basin. The fields are located in the Taiga 60 kilometers from the city of Stalinsk between the Tom and Usa rivers in the foothills of the Kuznetsk Ala- -Tau Mountains. The mountainous terrain enables the deposits to be tapped through galleries driven into the hillsides eliminating the need of shaft-sinking. Exams Replace German Caste Wisbaden, Nov. 27 (AP) Caste barriers in the German civil service are on their way out, reports Richard C.

Simonson, chief of the military government civil service branch in Hesse. He, says modern methods of competitive examinations are being introduced to eliminate the oid-style automatic preference given to members of upper social groups. WACE-730K FRIDAY G.13 Sacred Heart 7.00 News; Glee With Lee 8.00 Music for You 8.15 Tailored Rhythm 8.30 News 8.45 Morning Devotions 9.00 News; Concert Hour 10.00 News; Around Communi nities 10.13 Le Foyer Canadiens 11.00 News; Les Brown 11.15 Bing Crosby 11.30 Frankie Carlo 11.45 Hal Forrest 12.00 News 12.15 Luncheon Melodies 1.00 News 1.15 Polish Varieties 1.45 Fire in Headlines 2.00 News; Club 730 3.00 News; Musical Grab Bag 4.00 News; Sports Page 1:15 Sweetwood Serenade WBZA- FM (48.1-97.1 mc) FRIDAY 3.00 Marching to Music 3.15 News; Tic Toc Tunes 3.30 Easy Rhythm 3.45 Something Old, Something New 4.00 Afternoon Serenade 4.30 Spirit of the Vikings 4.45 Paradise Islanders 5.00 News 5.15 in Melody 5.30 America United 6.00 News; Show Tune Time 6.15 Bump Hadley 6.30 That Man With the 6.45, Three Star Extra. 7.00 Rainbow Rendezvous 7.15 Say It With Music' 7.30 Candlelight Silver 8.00 News; Symphony Hall 9.00 Evening Concert Legal Notices TOWN OF EAST LONGMEA DOW Office of the Selectmen November 28, 1447 Notice is hereby given that VINCENZO MAZZAFERRO doing business as Blue Moon Cato at 12-646 North Main Street, hae applied for a license to sell alcoholic beverages of the following kind: All alcoholic, ax a Common Victualer, In brick building. first floor, bar room and dining room, located at 612-616 North Main Street.

JOIN F. O'TOOLE LEO D. GLYNN CECIL S. HALL Selectmen TOWN OF EAST LONGMEADOW Office of the Selectmen November 28, 1947. Notice is hereby given that ERIC bI.

ZEUKE, doing business as Eric's Grill has applied for a license to well alcoholic beverages of the following kind: Beer and light wine, as a Common Victualer on the premises owned by the applicant located at 275 Chestnut a cinder block building, 40 feet JOHN by 24 E. feet. O'TOGLE LEO D. GLYNN CECIL S. HAIL Selectmen TOWN OF EAST LONGMEADOW Office of the Selectinen November 28, 1947 Notice is hereby given that SAM BAKER, doing business Ag City Line P'ackage Store, located at 671 North Main Street, has applied for 8.

license 10 sell alcoholic beverAll alcoholle, not to be drunk on the of the following kind: premises, package goods store license, in A building located at 671 North Main Street, described as monitor store. with back room and basem*nt used for storage. JOHN L. TOOLE LEO D. GLYNN CECIL S.

HALL Selectmen TOWN OF EAST LONGMEADOW Office of the Selectinen November 28, 1917 Notice is hereby given that DAVID RATNER 'and THELMA RATNER doing business as Four Corner l'ackage alcoholic Store, bever- have applied for a license to sell ages All alcoholic, not to be drunk on. the of the following kind: premises, package atore license, place story of business 199 North Main Street, two second brick building, basem*nt, first and floor used for storage. JOHN F. O'TOOLE D. GLYNN CECIL S.

HALL Selectmen BOARD OF SELECTMEN OF THE TOWN OF HAMI'DEN Notice is hereby given under Chapter 138 Application Nov. 28, 1047. of the General Laws that JOHN K. and for FLORENCE L. MOGUILL have applied A license 10 sell all alcoholic beverages 88 a Common Victualer at East Longmeadow Road and Allen Street in for said storage Hampden in on Firs: noor and cellar said building.


28, 1947. Notice is hereby givon under Chapter 138 of the General Law's that OWEN MICGUILI and HELEN V. PETROSKY have applied for a license to sell alcoholic beverAgue of tie following kind: All alcoholic A8 a l'ackage Store at Allen Street in a one story building with basem*nt for storage only and first door for sales room. NEIL S. KIBBE CARL P.

LARSON JOHN J. MORIARITY Licensing Board. To the creditors of the American Bosch Mutual Benefit' Association and to all others interested therein: Notice Is hereby given that the American Pooch Mutual Benefit Association is closing out its. affairs and for that purpose is liquidating its assets and distributing the proceeds thereof to its members. So that All outstanding liabilities it may have shall be discharged you are requested to present forthwith in writing to the undersigned any claim you may have against this association.

ican Irving Bosch Mutual Benefit Aesociation, 3001 La Fleur, Secretary-Treasurer, AmerMain Springtield, Mass. (Nov. 27-28-29) Poland Mixes Barter With Rationing Warsaw, Nov. 27 (AP) -The Polish government is distributing coal and building materials to peasants to encourage them to sell grain supplies to government agencies. 'The plan for distributing goods in the next several months Includes 000 tons 8f coal, 40 tons of leather.

several thousand tons of cement and $30,000,000 worth of manufactured textiles monthly. coal premium has been set at pounds of coal for the sale of each 200 pounds of grains to the state. States supplied Portugal with the majority of its motor trucks during the first halt of this year, furnishing 1341 of the 3088 total imported. Britain came next with $69 and France with 220. Italy sent 24 cars, Sweden 19, Canada' 12.

The United States also led in the light car market with 2349 out of 5643 which came into the country. Britain sent 2237; France 1238. 0. S. 'Sends Autos And Trucks to Lisbon Lisbon, Nov.

27 (AP) -The United Blind Man Starts Fire in Cabinet' By Mistake, Woman Dies Burlington, Nov. 27-A 69- year-old woman Was burned to death in her basem*nt apartment today when a nearly-blind lodger reportedly kindled a wood fire in a kitchen cabinet. Mrs. Flora Barrows died enroute to a hospital after firemen had rescued her from 8 blazing bedroom, Police quoted the lodger, Charles Rogers, 82, as saying he built the fire in the cabinet after mistaking it for a stove because of his poor eyesight. Rogers was rescued by another lodger, Walter LA Roe, 41, who found the older man groping about the kitchen as flames leaped to the walls and ceiling.

La Roe, who sounded an alarm, said he returned to the blazing apartment to rescue Mrs. BarrOW's but found his way blocked by flames. Firemen controlled the fire a few minutes after removing Mrs. Barrows from her bedroom. Legal Notices COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPDEN PROBATE COURT To all persons interested In the trust estate under the will of GEORGE G.

BULKLEY late of Springfield in said County, deceased, for the benefit of CAROLINE A. BULKLEY and others under the fourth clauea of said will. The trustees of said estate have preRented to said Court for allowance their fourth, Afth and sixth accounts. It you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file A written appearance in sAid Court At Springfield before ten in the forenoon on the nineteenth day of December, 1947, the return day of this citation. Witness.

JOHN A. DENISON. Esquire, First Judge of said Court. this twenty-fourth dAY of November in the year one thousand nine hundred forty-seven. JOHN J.


1947 NOTICE: The Milk Regulation Board will hold A public hearing on proposed regulations governing the transportation of milk for pale within the Commonwealth and pasteurization and handling of milk nutaide the Commonwealth for shipment into the Commonwealth At: 10:30 A. December 19, 1917, Rooni 160, State House. Boston, and thereafter at such times and places AR the presiding officer may deem necessary. ROGER F. CLAPP CHAIRMAN, MILK REGULATION BOARD DATED: Roston, Mase.

November 21, 1947, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASE NOV. 28,: 1947 Sealed proposals for furnishing, at once, the following: 85 Hydrants for Municipal Water Misc. Gatez for Municipal WAter Worka I 93 Pipe Fittings will be received by the City Purchasing Agent, Administration Building, Springfeld. up to WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3.

1947 At. 2.00 P.M. at which time they will be publicly opened and read in the Department of Purchase Rid Room. Specifications and I'ropocal forma can ba obtained at the office of tho City Purchasing Agent. The Purchasing Agent reserves the right to reject any All bids.

CITARLES M. HEALEY CITY PURCHASING AGENT TOWN OF ON EAST LONGMEA DOW COURT STREET Offire of the Selectmen November 28, 1947 Notice is hereby given that FRANK J. ZUCCALO, doing business "The Golden alcoholic beverages of the following kind: has applied for a license to well All alcoholic, as A Common Victualer, place of businesa 639 North Main Street, uaing three rooms on the first floor and one room In the basem*nt. JOHN F. O'TOOLE LEO D.

GLYNN S. Selectmen TOWN OF EAST LONGMEA DOS Office of the Selectmen November 28, 1947 Notice hereby given that JOHN M. BRUSNIOKI, doing businers City Lina Pharmacy has applied for A license to sell alcoholic heverages of the following kind: All alcoholic, an a pharmacist, not to be drunk on the premises, place of business. 672 North Main Street, drug store on first floor, storage in back room and cellar. JOHN E.

O'TOOLE LEO D. GLYNN CECIL S. HALL Selectmen COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampden BA Probate Court. To Mary Elizabeth Parenteau otherwise Diary E. Parenteau, of Springfeld, in sald County of Hampden, and to her heirs apparent or presumptive and to the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health.

A petition has been presented to maid Court alleging that RAid Mary, Elizabeth Parenteau otherwise Mary F. P'arenteau is an. insane person and praying that Warren H. Parenteau of said Springfield. or some other suitable person be.

appointed her guardian, If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should Ale a written appear. ance in maid Court at Springfield hefore ten o'clock in the forenoon on the ninth day of December 1947, the return day of this citation. Witness. John A. Denison, Esquire.

First Judge of said Court this eighteenth day of November in the year one thousand nine hundred forty-seven. JOHN J. LIONS, Register. 3 "4 Direct Lines For Faster Classified Service" Dial 7-5366 ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE $10 to $30 down. J'ia tas at once.

New or old cais. D. HARDY DREWREY, ins. Bkr. 120 Milk Boston Lib.

3070. CABINET and cabinet work of all kinds expertly done. Tel. East Long. 561.

CELLARS and ashes CELLARS CLEANED--Floors painted. atremoved. Andrew Peura. 7-3181. tics cleaned.

Rubbish removed: 4-4738. CLOGGED DRAINS Electric "Razor Kleened" or no charge, No digging. Roto Rooter. Any hour, any day. Tel.

4-3734. FLOORS SANDED- -And refinished. leas. rates, free estimates. Please call 3-1100.

IT.AND S. set, filed, brand saws brazed, set, filed. circular SAWS gummed, set, fled. Spild. Saw Sharpening Service, .144 Eastern Ave.

LAUNDRY. WORK-Done at home. Call after 5 p. nI. LAWNS--And gardens cleaned of leaves, taken away, also cellars cleaned.

Tel. 7-1303. SELECTED GIFTS for alloccassion open daily Rosette's Gift Shope 40 Dontrose St. SNOW cleaned de painted, odd job. Giardano Bros.

Tel. 7-7311. Evenings Call 7-7724. SUPER DUP'ER complete, simonizing job. $6.


Billy Vincent. Tel. 2-8132. HAVING A will furnish you with a special program of sound at 8 nominal fer. Special for children's parties.

Valley Cinema. 250 Hay HUNTERS ATTENTION--Large heated rooms Available. cooking. On Harris Mt. Road, Charlenunt, Mass, Tel.

Charlemont 73-3. IF DEER HUNTERS wish a good place to honrd call 11-4 Otis, Mass. MR. LEO SAYS cost you less by specialists. Call 4-3917." OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIAL- 6 hotne Portraits, $10.

Helking, 1862 Main St. Phone 3-3318 for appt. NOW OPEN--The Fort Pleasant Nursery School hours 8.43-12. 3 Experienced teachers. Enroll now.

Enrollment limited to 10. Transportation furnished. Tel. 3-7360. PASSENGER WANTED Petersburg.

Help drive, share exp. Call 3-8477. A to 7. WASHING Ironing done at liome. Reas.

Tel. 7-4093. Lost and Found 10 BEAGLE -Found, male, black white in vacinity of Graanby. Tel. 3-1702.

Wilb. Tag No. 00. Tel. BEAGLE DOG--Lost.

Wallace stony. Hill BROWN KEYTAINER lost, with htack Ink snots on case. 1f found, call Thurs. Fri. call 3-0120.

LADY'S Bulova wrist watch lost either in Glenwood Rect. or near Lotus Shop Nov. 27. Reward. Tel.

Chicopee 1634. -Yellow gold ring. Masonic emblem. Reward. Call 3-8369.

MAN'S RING--Lost. gold, topaz birth atone. Reward. Tel. 6-0122.

AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Sale 11 ALAN MOTOR SALES TODAYS SPECIAL, 1942 Ply. Sed. $895, 1940 Nash Amb. Sed. $6.

wk. 1941 I'ly. Sed: new motor job, $7 wk. 1942 Chev. Club Coupe, $3.

wk. EASIEST TERMS IN THE 1069 Main St. 7-9454 AT DE WOLF MOTOR SALES Ford 1046. 2 door, $1650 Oldsmobile 1941. door.

6 cyl. $1173 Plymouth 1942. door, like new Mercury 1040. door, Plymouth 1939. door.

heater Packard 1938, door. 182 WALNUT ST. F. BARGAIN 1946 Plymouth, 4 door, heater, $1595. 3155 Main St.


TFIELD 788 TIlL P. M. FOR LIST AND DETAILS. A BUY RIGHT NOW 1947 Chevrolet arrow sed. like new.

1041 Chevrolet 2 dr. Master deluxe $917. 1911 l'lymouth 4 dr. sed. special deluxe $1043.

193; Chevrolet 4 dr. sed. in good cond. $320. 1912 Chevrolet sed.

Fleet Master. Many other makes mod. to choose from. TRADES TERMS ACCEPTED WEST COAST DEALERS EX. 1706 MAIN ST.

BETTER BUYS AT Moffett's. Always A good select. of depend. good cars Try us last. Jim Moffett.


TEL. 330 "You Can Always Do Business 1947 Chev. 3 Pass. coupe 1942 Chev. Pass.

coupe 1411 Chev. Bus coupe 1988 Chev. 2 dr, sedan. 1937 Chev. ton panel 1046 Chev.

31" W. H. Chasais Cab BUICK 1930-Sedan in exc. $193. E.L.

2002. BUICK door, fully equipped. $2277. Tel BUICK TEL. 2-8030 BUICK door, excellent condition, fully equipped, Will take trade.

Private party 0-6103. BUICK 1938 Conv. coupe, new tires, motor overhaul, Thompsonville 4908. BUICK. 1032-Sedan.

Good running condition. $150. 6-5704. BUICK-1941, Special, 4 door sedan, Low mileage. Excellent cond.

Trade or terms. Tel. 7-3415. BUICK 1347 -Super sedanette. Excellent condition, BUICK 1046-Super sedan.

black. defrostet. etc. less than 13,040 original miles. Just like new.

$2393. Terms. West field till 9 In. CADILLAC, 1911, 4-dr. excel.

cond. $3000, or reasonably close offer. Wipdgor Locks 711-2, CADILLAC, 1941, cony. coupe. Call 1592R Chicopee.

CADILLAC 1011-Conv. club cpe. Excellent cond. 39,000 original mileage. New tires top.

A beautiful car. Jabish St. Belchertown. Tel. 3653.

CADILLAC 1911--4 dr. sed. Can be seen at 120 Bond St. Contact Mr. Rosie.

CADILLAC, 1939, 7-passenger. Perfect. Sell or trade. 16 Monroe St. Tel.

2-0043. CHEVROLET '36-Coupe, very clean, Simon's Gar. 1383 Westfield St. W. Spfid.

CHEVROLET, 1941, Spec. Deluxe 4-dr. heater, exc. cond. $1043.

2-6383 bet. CHEV. 1936 Town sedan, $313. Nuger Sales 318 Memorial W. Spfld.

Open till 9. CHEW. 1931-2 dr. conchen excellent cond. Price $513.

Can at 28 Clareemont St. 'after 3 p. m. CHEV. 1040 Special deluxe, town sedan, heater, very nice job $995.

Nuger Sales, 518 Memorial W. Spild. Open till CHEVROLET 1041--2 dr. sedan. Must sell.

Make offer. Call 6-3239. CHEW. master 4 door sedan, low price $179.7. Nuger Sales, 518 Memorial W.

Spfld. Open till 9. CHEVROLET 1941-Delux sedan, heater. See it at 14 I'rovidence St. CHEVROLET, 1937-Good running condition.

Heater, Good tires. 7-1888 from 8 aym. to 1 p. m. CHEVROLET 1033-Sed.

Engine 1944. new tires, Gd. cond. $227. 1919 Columbus.

CHEVROLET 1934-Coupe. Beautiful running JAr $160. 1919 Columbus Ave. CHEVROLET dr. sedan, good shape, $300.

Phone 1-8673 between p. lil. CHEVROLET, 1938, 4-door sedan. heater, good tires, nice clean car. I'rice cash or terms.

425 St. James Avenue. Tel. 7-2317. CHEVROLET.

1980, 4-door, good running condition. heater, good tires. $230: also 1936 2-door. Walnut St. CHEVROLET 1932-4 door sedan, excellent: running good tires.

las '3, motor. Tel. 2-7018. CHRYSLER. 1947, convertible coupe, low mile, maroon color.

Priced to sell. 4-3238. CHRYSLER 1940-Windsor model. $1050. Call Chic.

612RK after 6 p. m. CHRYSLER 1933-Coupe. In tery good cond. $173 terms.

Westfield 788 till 9. p. m. CHRISLER. 1939-Royal.

4 Door. Good cond. overdrive, God tires, $975. Tel. 3-2935 6-7 p.

m. CROSLEY CARS- -Why worry about gA 30- line shortage the Crosley car will rive you from 35 to 50 miles per gallon. average gasoline cost $1. per week. Nuger Sales Service, 518 Memorial Ave.

Open until 9 p. DEPENDABLE USED CARS Large Selection to Choose From LEADER CHEVROLET 120 WESTFIELD W. S. DENOTO 1939-4 door, Very clean, 434 Worthington St. DE SOTO 1241-Conv.

coupe. RAH. exceptional cond. throughout. C.

Byrnes Co. Studebaker Dealer. 34 Sumner Ave. 6-7203. Desoto '39 4 dr.

sedan '4t Tlymouth. 2 dr. sedan '41. Chev. club coupa '41 DeSoto, 4 dre sedan '38 P'ontaic, 2 dr.

sedan Chrysler Windsor sedan DeSoto, 4 dr. sedan DeSoto, 4 dr. sedan Plymouth, dr. sedan Dodge. dr.

sedan HEDGES-SATTLER, INC. DeSoto-P'lymouth Uralers 693 Columbus Tel. 14. DODGE 1941-4 door sedan, excellent $993. Also 1941 Plymouth.

spec. deluxe 2 door Extra gord. J. C. Byrnes Studebaker Dealer, 34 Sumner Ave.

4-7233. DODGE 1938-4 door sedan, Nuger Sales. Memorial W. Spild. Open till 0.

DODGE. 1936-Good cond. priced within reason. Tel. 7-2778.

DODGE. 1940-3 Door sedan. Cash. Tel. 6-7997.

DODGE door sedan, 1700 miles. Heater. $1693. Tel. Holy.

45.39. No dealers. DODGE 1940- door. Nice $893. Cor.

CoJumbus Ave. Auburn St. DODGE 1911-Sedan, original blue paint. just re-hored, excellent car. terms.

788 till 9 p. DODGE 1917-Deluxe, a 2-dr. sedan. Brand new. RAIl.

etc. Tel. 6-3239. DODGE 1939-5 pass. coupe.

Htr. Except. clean. Original paint. Price $820.

Ted Milton's Faso. 1169 State St. FORD 1911-Delux 2 dr. rad. Clean.

$973. Ted Milton's Faso. 1169 State. FORD passenger, club sedan. Good shape.

'Tel. 7-6942. FORD CENTER GUARANTEED USED CARS 1946 Ford 1949 Ford coach 1941 Chevrolet -club 1941 Chetrolet bus, coupe 1941 Ford sedan coupa 1910 Buick cluh coupe 1910 Ford Station Wagon 1939 Ford coach 1938 Plymouth door 1938 Plymouth door 1988 Ford coupe 1037 Chevrolet roach 1936 Ford door 1936 Chevrolet coach 1903 Ford 4 door 1931 I'lymouth conv. ARTHUR F. CENTER INC.

500 COLUBUS AVE. DIAL 3-1115 "Springfield' Friendly Ford Center" FORD convertible, 12,000 miles. 9 mos. old, black, new white tires, all equipment. $2100, Tel.

3-8242. FORD 1930-Deluxe trunk, 2 door, heater, $373. Spfld. Nugen Open Sales. 318 Memorial FORD 1938-2 door, black, heater, good mechanical cond.

$473. Nuger Sales. 518 Memorial W. Open till 0. FORD-1941 4 An super Beautiful.

Price $950. Fred's Service Station, Cor. Grattan Meadow Willimansett. FORD. Car.

in good shape. Best offer. Tel. 2-3723. FORD 1941-Station.

wagon. new motor And tires, need. $75 body repair. Selling price $1195. Today $950.

Chevy. 1939 sedan. Price $730. Today $715. Packard.

1941 cyl. club coupe. $1030. Today $1000. Other bargains at easy terms.

202 l'ark West spild. FORD door sedan. Good condition. Gall FORD Delux. 2 door, Private owner.

Tel. FORD 1947-V-8, super delux, 2 door sedan, 8.000 heater $1730. Esso. Service Station. 78 Vernon St.

FORD 1036-2 door. Reconditioned motor, All new tires, new paint Call 3-1696. FORD '41-Conv. Excellent cond. Looks like brand new.

Private sale. $1395. Tel. 3-8220 FORD '37-1 dr. Deluxe.

Runs good. Rides 1 Harrison Westfield. Tel. 1661M. A AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Sale GRATAM-'36 Sedan.

$235. Good tires Call 7-S330, anytime. GRAHAM. 1937 Door sedan, heater. Gor cond.

$235. Tel. between 4 6 p. HUDSON 6 dr sedan, driver only 12. IN miles.

looks like new. Tel between 9 and p. m. HUDSON 1931 Black. door sedan, bran now tire, good condition throughout.

Tel HUDSON. 1946 -Super Nuger six. Sales, 4 door 318 sedan. Memoria vao W. Spild.

Open till JEEP ml. Plow, power take off H. D. F. $1200.

3-3809. LA SALLE 1033--4 door sedan, heater. $495 Tel. 7-8666 or 7-4981. LINCOLN ZEPHYR 1939-4 heater.

ra dio, new tires, must sell immed. 6-2372. 1941. 4-door sedan Exc. cond.

$1100. Tel. 4-8494. Tel. 3-5019.

MERCURY 1947 club cpe. Price 82.100 NASH 1940-Model G00. 4 door sedan. Les than S000 miles. One owner.

Must seen to be appreciated. Tel. 2-4203. NASH, 1947, Including Ambassador Brougham $2200. Deluxe 2-5508 equipped, NASH 4 door.

Original Excellent tires. A beau. tiful clean car inside out. Jabish St Belchertown. Tel.

3033. NASI 1940 Ambassador, door sedan Telephone 7-0738. FORD, 1937. 4-dr. sedan, new paint new clutch.

very clean. $193. Ted Mil ton, Esso Station, 1169 State St. OLDSMOBILE, 1946, club sedan, model CA Very clean. LINCOLN-MERCU RY SALES, 883 MAIN ST.

TEL 4-7374. OLDSMOBILE 1928-Conv. coupe, excellent running recently overhauled, new top, needs paint job. $550, terms, West field 7SS until 9 p. mn.

OLDSMOBILE Good condition Telephone 3-9813. OLDS -6 -vi. sedan, origina black paint, better than average cond. 761 good buy at $090. Terms Westfield till 9 p.

ml. OLDSMOBILE 1941-6 cyl. RAH. Hydro matic. Low mi.eage.

Excel. cond. Cal 4-9290. OLDS H. spotlight.

21 Forest St Tel. 4-8623 OLDSMOBILE 1942 6 cyl. sedan In very clean cond. $1170. Tel.

6-9369. PACKARD SEDAN. 1939. custom. reg motor overhaul.

A good car. $800. 6-3819 PaCKARD 1909 6 cyl. sedan motor re cently overhauled all good tires An excep tional value for immediate sale $713. 103: Dwight St.

corner PAT AS YOU RIDE CHEVROLET 1941 $109 87 HUDSON 19: De Soto 1940 FORD 19:7 49. PLYMOUTH 19:34 10 Terma A low as $2.00 weekly Harry Silverman. 4.4 Worthington. PLYMOUTH -4 door sedan. Good con ditton.

Call 7-1372. PLYMOUTH 1942-4 door. As is. Only $895 2331 Columbus Ave. PLYMOUTH 1933 -Coupe.

fair cond. Goos rubber. $295. Call 2-5120. P'LYMOUTH 1935 sedan, price $200, Cal 3-2558.

PLYMOUTH -Coupe. Good cond. New tires. 0-3116. PLYMOUTH 1937 -Coach.

Very good cond 1919 Columbus Ave. PLYMOUTH 1940--4 door sedan heater: Ty dol Service, 1142 Berkshire PLYMOUTIL 1938-2 passenger coupe nice buy. $473. Nuger Sales. 318 Memorial Ave W.

Spild Open till 9. PLYMOUTH. 1941-Special Deluxe, dons sedan, $730. 175 Bloomfield St. Tel.

3-4054 P'ONTIAC -New, motor job. Brakes, clutch. front end, cov. $1200. 8-1683.

P'ONTIAC 1032--Coupe with pickup body, Needs transmission. $63 cash. Westfiel 788 till 9 p. 11. PONTIAC 1011-4 dr.

sedan. No dealers, Tel 2-3182. PONTIAC 1942-2 dour torpedo sedan. RAH Can he seen at 180 Union St. Saturday and Sunday.

No dealers. SEDAN perfect. Nen paint, puncture-proot tires. Heater. Alsc inside racks.

dealers." Can be seer At 140 Exchange St. Make offer. STUDEBAKER seat covers, new tires. just over -hauled. $050.

or bem be seen at 30 Fay St. Tel 7-4196. STUDEBAKER 1941-Champion. Opera seat Coupe. $897.

Kuger Sales, 318 Memo rial W. Spfld. Open till 9. STUDEBAKER Champion, 4 door dan, climatizer unit. mileage very clean car.

Nuger Sales. 518 Memorial W. Spild. Open till 9. WILLYS 1911-Business coupe.

TAL 3-9088. 19: Buick. 4 door sedan $250. 1935 Graham, door sedan $235 1041 Oldsmobile. door sedan.

$1275 Will 351 Colbumhus Ave. 6-ROAS 1940 Ford Tudor 1436 Chevrolet 4-dr. 1940 Pontiac 4-dr. sedan 1946 Chevrolet 2-dr. sedan 1948 Plymouth 4-dr.

sedan Ford Tudor 1934 Chevrolet 2-door sedan 1997 Ford, 2-door 1939 Ford convertible coupe Plymouth: 2-door. 1040 Plymouth 2-door Plymouth, sedan 1946 Chevrolet 4-door sedan 1916 Cherrolet 2-door sedan, heater CLYDE GILL FORD DEALER 8T 4 FRONT CHICOPEE STUDEDAKER-Champion. door medan. Radio, heater. Good condition.

First $1050 Takes it. 1933, GOOD- Tires. new battery, heater, radio motor check winterized. Reasonable Spaha waki's Auto Electric. 1865 Page Blvd Cor.

Berkahire Ave. Indian Orchard, Mass, Trucks For Sale 114 AT LEADER CHEVROLET Large selection of good used trucks, 120 WESTFIELD WEST SPFLD. BRAND NEW 1947 STUDEBAKER Offer TOPS in quality- better mileagelower hauling coRts. Immediate delivery on some models. Light, medium and heavy duty.

1.0w priced, J.C. Sumner BYRNES CO. Direct near Factory Dealers. 34 Longhill St. ton rack body with vas, 2 new tires, heater, good motor.

Tel. 6-9369. condition. Reasonable. 8-1317.

CHEVROLET Te 1011 Sedan. delivery. Good CHEV. 1940--12 ton l'anel. Peerless Laundry, Monson 83-3.

CHEV. ton C.0.E. excel. new paint job, excellent tires. Can he seen anytime at Atlas Auto Body 10 Fremont St.

GMC ton stake body, truck, forward New 6 and 3 ply tires. Good buy. $183. Telephone Westfield 2683. GMC auto CAD tractor.

Both in good condition. Call 2-0304. G. M. C.

ton panel. Very ciran inside and out, mechanically perfect 8677. Rivers Garage, Winter St. (Off Chestnut) DODGE 1. TON TRUCK IN DRIVER FOR HIRE.


800 gal: Liberty Ice Fuel. Phone 4-0770. FOR SALE: 1936. 'ton International truck 1938. ton International truck panel bodies both trucks in good cond.

They may he seen at Sittard's Service Station. 206 Newbury St. Chicopee. FORD ton platform hody. FORD 1945-Dump ton.

Inquire Dairy Farm, Hadley, MaRs. 3 FORD CENTER 1041 Ford pickup 1030 Ford ton chassis 1936 Ford ton cab chassis. 1929 Hupp pickup ARTHUR E. CENTER. INC.

300 COLUMBUS AVE. DIAL 3-1115 "'Springfield's Friendly. Ford Center' FOR YOUR EVERY truck need see' Pecousic Mot. Sales. 603 Columbus Ave.

6-2731. INTERNATIONAL -ton truck, stake body. fully equipped. Three Rivers North Wilbraham. Call eves.

or Sunday. INTERNATIONAL 1940 -ton 2134 St. In excellent cond. Inquire at Main or Tel. 7-0780 after 6 p.

m. MODEL 152W Brockway Truck 1947. 153' wheelbase. Hell holat body hoist. 4-0827.

REO 1934-Iecont motor job. Good condition. Call bet. 6-7 p.m. TRUCK FOR ton, heavy duty.

Tel. 7-800G or 7-4981. WHITE TRUCK-6 new. class private party. 450 Pearl St.

13 FOOT--Lindsay body with 3- insulation all around. One back and one side door, Ice bunker and fan thermostat, alightly For further details call Chicopee 1473. 3 1946-Dodge tractors, fully equip. with air vacuum brakes. 125 gal, auriifary tanks Inc.

Call Westfield 3050 or 1749 W. House Trailers ALABAMA, California or Florida bound? Excellent used trailer' $2050. Mason, 1268 Riverdale, Route W. Sprid. 12A wit 4..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.