Travail - LYsitheasArc - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter 1: House of the World Destroyer(s)

Chapter Text

For ghouls, the night and the moon were allies that had been long associated with them. The glow of the night was when humans had smaller chances in attacking, capturing and killing them for centuries.You can't kill what you can't sense.

The moon remained in the sky, as ages began and ended. And now, it witnesses the stated golden age of the world. Where the ecological problems of the world cease to exist with the help of advanced futuristic technology, enhanced super-humans taking over 80% of the population and unity between two races that have clashed for thousands of years. Humanity represented by the strongest human in the world, Ghoul kind with the king who violated the natural order of the Earth by transforming into dragon. A monster worthy of being called a creation of Satan when it rampaged through the night, unable to be defeated because of the properties it possessed. In its vicinity or when it was harmed did it release a harmful toxin that either left humans with damaged quirk cells or turn them into ghouls.

All Might rose to the top because of his heroic actions, Ken Kaneki in his own unorthodox way that left many to debate online if he was a hero or a villain. Kaneki himself once said that he was simply someone who wanted to do the right thing who gradually became an anti-hero when he got a better understanding of the reality of the situation.

Everything could have been more perfect, the world would have been filled with less mistakes if only certain what ifs had transformed from a mere dream to reality.

The moon watches as events occurred. Beautiful, tragic and blood-curling scenes. It then watches the events that followed after those incidents occurred, how different groups react and move on from it.

It rises, it watches and continues.








He had seen it all, in all of years of living has Ken Kaneki seen and heard it all. In fact, he's participated in a lot of events that not even normal heroes will go through in years unless they dare to traverse deeper into the rabbit hole that leads them closer towards the roots of evil. When Nishiki had accidentally revealed Touka's pregnancy to him, that was what he needed to push him to create a new world. One where his child (soon to be children) will live in happily, different from the lives he, Touka and his friends had.

Although it proved to be a challenge, especially with heroes who insist that they were doing the right thing by taking down their villain organisation. Kaneki was thankful that All Might was still in America during this time, his power slowly reaching other parts of the world.

There were hardly any real ones since becoming one was a trend encouraged by the fake ones in the media, how they spread their gospel through television, radios and any where possible if it was publicised. Doves or more commonly known as investigators were more silent and open back than about asking people to join them, they had good reasons to. For then, it was the mindset that ghouls were parasites or a species that didn't belong to the world.

Was it the outfits, their personalities or the actions many take to reach fame? People could only speculate why the king never showed any emotions to heroes he meets live on television or during discussions.

"Honestly, it was because of the first generation of quirk users and ghouls that made most of us resent heroes. Even the word of it causes us to instantly stiffen and search for an escape. Fight or flight, chose to fight? It's either you or me that's going to walk out alive."

"Glorified murderers, even doves have the decency to kill us inprivate back then. But them? Do you know how it feels like to see someone the same kin as you lay on the ground with a hero on top of you? A fist in the air?"

"They were worst, they killed every one of us in sight."

To this day, their numbers are still slowly recovering from the massacres of the first generation. The ghoul population once spiked up instantly during one night, the night that forced humans and ghouls to work together which would later be known as the 'Dragon Incident'

It was an event that lasted for days, only being stopped after the One-Eyed-King took down the last core. At that moment, when he was the true hero of Japan, and even the world did he say that he wanted peace, equality and be the sword to break down the wheel of suffering between the two species.It took a while, but relations could not be stronger than it was thousands of years ago. Still trying to improve for the better.

Kaneki looked up at the sky, the same dark night that he saw when Rize attacked him.It was a beautiful night, tranquil and cool. To think, if he wasn't the one in a million to be attacked, survived and transformed into an urban legend-the future wouldn't be what it is now.

There was a flash of lightning, the light appearing before the sound a few moments later. In a flurry of red did his beloved appear right before him, her normal eyes replaced by two kakugans that were equally as beautiful.

"And you said you used to be afraid of heights." Touka said, a small smile on her face. The wind gently blowing her hair.

Stunning, she was stunning.

Beautiful, a work of art.

"How can I show fear when I stand where I am now?" Kaneki asked, Touka nodding her head at his answer. Understanding the deeper meaning behind them. She walked towards him, both of them embracing as they normally would.Though they have aged, their love was as young and fresh as their appearance. Kaneki felt it, how Touka tightened her hold in his clothes making him hug her tighter too.

"I'm still here Touka-chan," he assured her, "I'll never suffer through rapid aging like the others did."

She placed her hand on different spots of his body, thanking the organs that function under the skin. They were miracles.

"Why are you even up here in the first place? You know tomorrow is a big day for Kishou." she stated, remembering they're normally stoic 14-years-old son looking more stressed than normal. Even more than the times Arata and Ichika would gang up on him.

"I know, I know." Kaneki replied, saying it with a sigh and his eyes closed. He licked his lips, feeling the air drop in temperature. "But how do we, as parents allow him to join such a dangerous career? This goes against what we wanted for him, Ichika, Arata andKae."

Touka placed both of her hands on either side of his cheeks, standing on the tips of her toes a bit to kiss him on the tip of his nose. "Ken, are you forgetting that we are ghouls? You being the king, the prototype, and more titles that I could care less to bring up."

"How can I forget?" he asked back, wrapping his arms now around her waist.

If Kishou wanted to become a hero, then so be it. He has their support, if he wants to quit, then them as parents will only continue to support and be right behind him. When asked why Kishou wanted to join a career that his parents didn't have fondness have, he would simply answer :

"There aren't many ghoul heroes for young children to look up to, they would feel different and excluded. I'm good atfighting, I love the adrenaline rushes. I believe heroism andI will form a rather professional relationship."

Hide blinked, leaning into his long time best friend's side when his oldest son announced that during a get-together hang out at the family's home.

"I see he really takesafter grandpapa." he snickered, Kanekigroaning at theoverused jokes to refer to his relations with Kishou Arima.

Kishou's face remained blank, focusing his gaze on Hide.

"Impossible, we have littleinformation about that deceased individual. He's been dead for decades, and unimportant to the world, thats why we know nothing about him."

Kaneki let out a nervous laugh when he saw that his friends weregiving him concerned looks.

Arata blinked.

"I thought...Uncle Ki was our grandfather..." he said, voice filled with disappointment. Kishou turned his head and glared at his younger twin.

"Idiot, youcan't be anuncle and grandfather at the same time." he hissed, Touka about to scold him when Arata released his own fire.

"It's possible through incest!"

"KISHOU, ARATA!" Touka hissed, taking off her sandal at lightning speed. Seeing the sandal, Ichika instantly dove under the table, banging her head against it causing glasses ofwaterto spill as the twins escaped. One by jumping onto the table whereas another ran away screaming while doing theNaruto run.

"Thank God I did not end up with Rize at all." Kaneki shivered, remembering how he was attracted to her just because she reminds him of his mother.Also maybe because of books, she looked hot-Ah stop, Kaneki shook his head for a bit. Touka rolled her eyes, noticing the shiver he let out and the look on his face.

"All the years that have passed, yet you're still talking about her." Touka sighed, faking a look of hurt that instantly caused Kaneki to widen his eyes and panic.


As the couple walked back home, it turns out that Yomo had offered to watch over the kids. Kaneki smiling at a video Yomo had of him secretly recording Arata and Ichika doing a short dance video together. Both of them were in the backyard, Yomo upstairs presumably hiding behind a curtain as he recorded from the angle. Briefly can he hear Kishou's voice asking what he was doing before Kishou disappeared-accompanied by the sound of smaller footsteps.

"Do you remember who enrolled Kishou into robotics lessons after he stole Arata's Lego set." Kaneki asked, handing back the phone to Touka. Touka looked up, humming a bit.

"Can't really call it robotics lessons considering it was Akira who taught him all about quinques, and all that." she replied.

When it came to their education outside of school, Kaneki placed great trust in those who earned his approval. It felt a bit overwhelming, especially to his younger children when he left them alone with someone he hasn't known for a long time.

"Do we spend a lot of time together? Yes." Kaneki began, beginning his defence when Hide once pointed out his...clinginess. "Do we have a special bond? Absolutely, but do I coddle my children more than any other loving parent?"

Hide raised an eyebrow.

The screen flashing back to the times Kaneki would pick any of his children up early, go home from date night early, go home from work easily, suddenly become a malewife when either one of the kids sneezed or felt hot, carried them all the time as toddlers and babies and perhaps had one of his hands or rinkakus hold their hands whenever he brought them into his office with them sitting on a soft pillow reading a book because Kaneki did not like Cocomelon at all.Touka remembered the time he scared her mid-make out session just because he heard the sound of something falling, jumped from her and ran out the door of the bedroom. She did not appreciate that at all, especially after finding out that the source of the sound was because of one of the family's pet and he woke up the toddlers because of that.



"It's possible." Kaneki confessed, trying to look innocent. Touka and Hide both know better that innocence will no longer be a word that should be associated with that man no matter how he acts or looks.

To Kaneki's defence, he read online that children sometimes get anxious when parents were inside of that bathroom. Those words alone was what made Touka leave the children with her brothers while she took Kaneki to a resort far away from them.

When the duo finally stepped into the front door, it was Yomo who first rushed in to greet them frantically-eyes wide while he was seemingly looking for someone.

"Yomo...who's missing?" Kaneki slowly asked, Touka wondering what they both had just walked into.

"Arata, Kishou and Kae......." Yomo's voice trailed, hearing the snap of a finger. "ssssssssss appetite."

The couple shared a confused look, hearing the sound of vomiting as three kids ran around them before bolting out the door. Ichika was skipping happily, eyes widening at the sight of their parents. "Mom! Dad! Do you want some cookies?" she asked, offering them a heart-shaped-one.Her fingers slipped, Yomo flinching when the cookie shattered the ground.

"Honey, why don't you wash up and get some sleep?" Touka asked, looking down a bit to meet her daughter's eyes as Kaneki and Yomo ran to chase after the runaway trio.

"Why don't they like my goodies? I love cooking so much, but they never seem to try them-neither do you and dad." Ichika teared a little, Touka feeling a bit guilty.

"It's because you're the one with the special stomach in this family my love."

Ichika nodded her head, hearing it for the thousandth time.

"But Kishou, Arata and Kae are my siblings, they were born from you and dad's love for each other. Why are they different than me?"

For someone her age, Ichika was sheltered. They all were, one of the mistakes in their parenting that made Touka worried from time to time about their wellbeing once they needed to walk on their own as adults.

"We'll tell you soon, I just need to get it through your father first." Touka assured her, kissing her daughter's cheek.

"About what?" Ichika asked, flopping onto her cool bed.

"That even with all the power he has, he can never truly forge the safe path he wants all of you to walk down upon."

Kaneki was no perfect man, his actions were questionable to even his own family. Like Uta, Touka sometimes wonders just how deep his layers go. His actions hold meanings, his words too that always made her cautious. It left a bitter feeling inside of her, knowing that she had to be careful when hearing or even just looking at him.

"Oh love..." Touka sighed, watching her daughter sleep as she heard the sound of footsteps from outside.

They came home.

Chapter 2: The Youngest Born


A little bit of info before you read, our female lead here reads her own name as Kai not Kae.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The sound of the alarm on her phone woke the teenager, her face scrunched up at the annoying sound she chose for it. Heightened due to her eyes being closed. Reaching out for the phone on her bedside, she quickly typed in her phone's security number before turning the alarm and other three off : the ones set for 10 minutes, 20 and even an hour later. When the sounds stopped bouncing off the alarms of her room.

The fifth grader sighed, already dreading the day.

Her dread of school didn't come because she had trouble doing the work, listening to the teachers or because she wanted to do other things rather than stay still (her Rc cells beg to differ, they would rather go hunting and eat someone) no, it was because she was going to be stuck hearing the praises of the school's young king. It was the so-called, fake king's birthday. That one day in a year where parents would buy cakes, give goodies to their kid's class in an attempt to boost their liking and throw birthday parties as a celebration. The birthday parties also most likely a form of propaganda.

Taking the glass of water on the bedside, she slowly began drinking the cold water before walking out of her room. Heading straight to the bathroom.

Chickpea, the family's pet bird flew around for a bit, landing on the finger offered by Kei who brought the bird closer to her face. The bird rubbing itself briefly against her cheek as a form of affection. Kei smiled, one of the members in the family who adored the bird. Unlike her mother, whose fear of birds still remain albeit less than before as the years passed.When she was about to enter the bathroom, Chickpea flew away most likely to bother someone else in the morning if their doors were already open.

Arata Kaneki yawned, eyes still closed as he walked towards the bathroom. Expecting an open door when he slammed right into it, one hand instantly covering his nose while the other placed itself on the wall. "f*ck!" he cursed, voice loud enough to wake whoever else was asleep.

"Chickpea's a cat! Cat! Meow!" Chickpea sang to the heavens, Kishou groaning as he walked out of the room wondering why the morning was so loud. Also walking out beside him was a white Siberian cat, matching the resting bitch face the oldest son had. Shira, the cat looked up at the bird. Judging it with its eyes, something her owners have noticed since Kishou got her as a kitten.

Inside of the master bedroom, Touka groaned. Hand sloppily reaching down to find her sandal before Kaneki pulled her closer towards him.

"Good morning to you too." he said.

By the time Kae came out of the bathroom, all members of the household were awake. After Arata rushed in, Kishou chose to wait for his turn by staying inside of his shared bedroom. Walking into her room, the ghoul began taking out her uniform. She briefly gazed at her old uniform, the one from Seinan Gakuin. The school all of her siblings attended from kindergarten up until they choose to transfer to a different school. For Arata and Kishou, they chose to attend a different high school.

To keep the student body high, the school offers a card to orphans and those unable to pay for their tuition; in exchange for education, they must dedicate themselves to keep up with the standards, complete all their work and have high grades.

For four years was she the top student at the place, being her father's daughter. The students who were ghouls looked up to her as if she was a saint of sorts, a young prodigy that had great physical strength, cleverness and astute. When the second semester of grade four finished, it was then that her father informed her that she would be transferring to a different school-Corusan Middle School.

Don't get her wrong, Corusan was also a great school that had great similarities to Seinan Gakuin. Except for the fact that most of their students were humans. They had little to no ghouls through all six grades. Kae had widened her eyes in horror when the principal first informed her that she was the only ghoul in the entire fourth year, that information brought up when she and her parents were looking around the place.

The first day of school for her in Corusan was stressful. For her entire short life has she usually be surrounded by those the same kind as her no matter the variant : pure-ghouls, artificial-one-eyed-ghouls, natural one-eyed-ghouls and hybrids born after dragon.Her father is her hero, so for someone to think of him was a villain instantly made her dislike them.

She could remember the looks of concern and fear on their faces, the moment she had walked through the door. Her mismatched eyes and white hair instantly reminding them of someone. Her surname causing a few murmurs to go around.

"Everyone, please meet your new classmate : Kae Kaneki. She will be your new friend from now on, Kaneki, please tell your classmates a bit about yourself." the teacher said, Kae smiling a bit before opening her mouth.

"Hi everyone, my name is Kae Kaneki. I like sports, reading and cute animals." she started, looking around the class nervously.

No one said anything.

"A-alright Kaneki, please go sit down next to Arashi Raiden, you'll be sitting in between him and Shoto Todoroki." the teacher informed her, Kae freezing at the oh-so familiar name.

With herhead and hopes remaining high, Kae walked right towards the two and sat right in-between them. Arashi rolling his eyes, staring out the window whereas Shoto Todoroki ignored her too. Kae took a deep breath, releasing themsimultaneously as her shoulders dropped.

First break rolled around, Kae approachingdifferent people to see if they wanted to get to know each other better and hopefully become her first friends in such a different environment. Like how she first camethrough the door, they were hesitant, afraid and even yelled or whispered for her to stay away.

"Why don't you go bother Todoroki? Aren't you both supposed to be friends?" Arashi rolled his eyes, staring out the window and focusing his gaze on a girl with two ponytails wearing a witch hat.

Shoto Todoroki.

Unlike All Might, Endeavor had heirs. Children that were similar in age to the One-Eyed-King's children. In order to help spread the peace between humans and ghouls around the world, the Hero Public Safety Commission told the families to have many interactions with each other in public ever since Kae could remember. The earliest memories Kae had, she briefly remembered Todoroki inside of them. She was the loud one, dragging him along whenever the two meet up until they stopped meeting each other after his mother disappeared from Todoroki's life.

They were best buddies, he confirmed it himself up until they weren't.

That was the first time Kae had felt the soreness of fair well, the pain of abandonment inflicted by someone you had cared about. Her father, after seeing what Todoroki's actions had done to her quickly coddled her more-interactions between the two families ceasing leaving him with more work to maintain the peace without the help of the media.

He didn't mind, understanding that even with a few interactions watched over by the media was the privacy and mental health of his children were heavily impacted.

In Seinan Gakuin, was she at the top of the food chain. Someone with no one to rival her, she was adored by many and the teachers.But look at her now, begging around for friends like a a stray dog asking for scraps.


Distasteful .


Perhaps that was also the day her Rc cells showed one of their natures, telling her to do things she had never imagined before. Her mind whispering words that created a cover around her vision.Despite the rejection of others on her first day, Kae remained focused on excelling in Corusan; guided by the principles that make a student.

Prior knowledge, organisation of knowledge, motivation, development of mastery skills, goal-directed practice, students as social, emotional and intellectual learners, students as self-directed learners.

It wasn't the end of the world no. Even if your classmates, students of upper and lower grades afraid of you and the fact that you're the only different kid in an environment you don't know. She'll live what's almost half of an entire day in this environment for more than a year?When the second term finished in December, and the last term began in January. That was when Kae had realised trying to find friends in any class or extracurricular activity was impossible.

She was labeled as the daughter of a villain.

Kae wondered why the adults in the institute sometimes flinched when she approached them, when in reality that their 'super powers' had already long manifested. Her kakuhos had yet to fully develop unlike the abnormal ones.

"You had just woken up, yet you're already daydreaming." Kishou broke her out of her thoughts, eating his breakfast.

Kae quickly looked down on her plate, hoping that she didn't stain parts of her uniform red as she was mindlessly eating. Oh, right. Unlike Seinan Gakuin, Corusan only had one uniform-a black sailor f*cku and red tie for the five days a week that they go to school. Different from the five uniforms for each day in her previous school.

"Love, do you want to cut your hair. You look like me when you were younger?" Touka approached her, brushing off the bangs that hide her left eye. Leaning down a bit, Kae's mother gently kissed her cheek.

Usually Kae's hair was styled in a way that allowed the people around her to see both her eyes, but these past months. Her bangs have been growing longer, as does the other parts of her hair to the point that it had been a while since others had seen her left eye. What they could see after the growth was a beautiful gentle grey eye that hardened and cooled from time to time.

"I don't mind looking like you, different place, different me." Kae answered, raising her family's concern for her but they chose to keep quiet about it for now.

"How's your clubs? You've been so busy for a long time now that it's been a while since we last hung out." Ichika playfully whined, reaching out to place her hand over her younger sister's.

"Yeah, I agree," Arata chimed in, pointing his chopsticks towards Kishou. "I no longer have any excuses to skip training to help you out with lessons, especially math. Training nowadays is just between dad and Kishou." he huffed, Kaneki choking a bit.

"Oh? Have I been neglecting you too much during training Arata? Why didn't you just say so." Kaneki stated, feeling a bit guilty. Arata widened his eyes, denying his father's words while waving both his hands quickly.


Todoroki's father trains him,it'sclear that he sees potential in someone you'reconstantly compared to.Here you are, attending regular martial art lessons with regular humans.

Ah, her mind was active.

"Why, why don't you train me too?"Kae wondered, her face looking as if she was about to cry.

"I'm going to school." she announced, standing up to go put on her shoes. Ichika instantly stood up, one of her responsibilities being accompanying Kae to school.

"Eh? Kae, wait for me!"

"It's pronounced Kai not Kae! K A I not K A E!" Kae yelled towards her sister in English, briefly confusing the other before she understood what she was saying.

Kishou continued eating, having noticed the distressed shown by his younger sister after the subject of training had been brought up. The kakuho can develop starting from age 10-14, Arata's had developed his kakuhos earlier than him and Ichika causing him to accidentally injure others and himself when he lost control. This led their father to train both him and Arata, both simply starting out with martial arts before asking them to slowly use their kagunes and develop their own fighting styles with any type of martial arts they wish to use.

"Kaneki, don't forget we start after school."

"Kaneki, meet up at the dance studio right after your kendo club ends."

"Oh Kaneki! I have to tell you that practice has been moved to Saturday, hope you're free if we want to win against the teams inYokohama and Saitama."

A brief exchange of words in the morning by a member of her club teams, the only groups of people in the school who would willingly briefly talk to her just because they had an advantage in using her against others. To them, she was a deadly weapon due to her natural strength as a One-Eyed-Ghoul. Quirks weren't allowed to be used in competitions, so some schools would dare to allow ghoul children enrolled into their educational facility to weaponise their natural strength after being trained and highly suggested to join sports clubs.

Sadly, this happened more often than usual. Even in Seinan Kae would have to admit.Ghouls and humans weren't separated when it comes to forming sports teams to represent their school, a top hero hero that she couldn't really remember claiming that it was racial segregation.

Arriving at her class, Kae strutted in as usual and sat down. Opening her bag, she took out the notebooks dedicated to different subjects for the day, her pencil case and assignments that were due.

Arashi glanced towards her work, scrunching his face a little at the assignment on top.

There were two drawings of human anatomy, both with their arms slightly spread. Both male, in detail did Arashi see their circularity system. Leaning in a bit closer, he noticed that one had more organs than the other.

"What is that supposed to be?" he rudely asked, Kae already being used to his rather rude personality. Not interested in starting a fight with the anemo bender, Kae answered his question.

"Homework for science: draw and compare the differences between anatomy of the ghoul and human body."

Arashi stiffened, Kae taking it as a sign that he didn't know that they were assigned that.

"If you want, I'll help you out. I know how Kagaku-sensei can be if one of us don't submit our work." Kae stated, releasing a single rinkaku to unlock her locker and take out her sketch book. A3, more textured rather than smooth.

"I'll choose to draw the digestive system, not the circulatory system." he stated, using his quirk to draw the anatomy quickly. Kae observed, noticing how he moved the pencil with ease. The other being one with his quirk.

"Aren't you a One-Eyed-Ghoul? Why can't you eat normal food?" Arashi asked, eyes still focused on his hand out. The pencil dancing across the paper.

"My mother told me it was because I'm a dragon, me, my father and older brothers are said to be special. But other than that, I can't really think of anything else." Kae answered, Arashi glancing up at her.

"You're deprived from the joys of consuming various amount of delicacies cooked in different ways filled with different arrays of flavours to offer with the first bite and the next. Yet, you chose not to question what the Gods have stolen from you?" he stated, his sentence sounding like he had been wanting and editing it for a long time.

"Right, you're a Raiden. Your mother still pursuing an eternity that she claims is the closest to the heavenly principles? A set of unclear rules given to humanity that they must follow unless they seek retribution?

"What are they talking about?" a brunette asked, her gaze shifting from the two to her friend right beside her.

"Honestly, I wonder how them and Todoroki are at the top of their class when sometimes they're rather nonsensical with their words...sometimes so vague and straightforward." she replied, her words catching the attention of Arashi who glared at them. Both girls flinching as his action also caused Kae to turn her head towards them.

Lunch rolled around, opening her phone. Kae smiled at the messages sent to her by her old friends in Seinan Gakuin. Responding for the first time in their group chat in the day, one of her friends asked her if she was alright in having a video call. Kae, knowing she had nothing to do for the next 45 minutes agreed and waited for the 'join call' button to appear. They had been doing this together for a long time, calling each other whenever it was lunch time for the humans.

The garden she was in was tranquil, most of the time used by the gardening club to grow any fruit or vegetable they want. The teen rested on top of a tree branch, leaning against the tree for relaxation. Here, the mixed scents of her classmates didn't overwhelm her. Perfumes, natural scents, colognes and all that. Some scents smelled alright to her, but a few others were quick to make her stomach feel ready to jump.

"I swear, class feels so much different without you around. I know I keep saying this, but I really miss hanging out with you."

Other voices chimed in, agreeing with what their friend had to say that made Kae briefly laugh.

"Yeah well, I miss you all too. One of my classmates finally had the decency to talk with me. He didn't do his homework." Kae recalled the morning, seeing two people roll their eyes at her words.

Their call continued, up until the bell signalling that break would end in 5 minutes echoed throughout the school. Humming a bit, Kae jumped down from the tree and headed towards class.

On the way, she decided to open her phone once more and check her schedule. Body able to avoid bumping into objects because of memory. Her nose helped prevent her from colliding with others, easily smelling them from far. That was why she didn't move when she heard the sound of footsteps, a mistake that made her drop her phone and contort her face in pain as the moment she collided with the person-the person released a high-pitched squeal and sprayed a large abundance of spray on her face before running away.

Kae breathed it in a little, cursing at whatever it was that she was sprayed with. It was clearly not pepper spray.

"f* this ghoul spray?" she cursed, remembering the product sold online to help keep ghouls away from you like f*cking garlic to vampires.

News flash, it does not work at all.

Far away from Kae's middle school, Kishou mindlessly listened to his art teacher continue rambling on about...well art. Telling them that they needed to be as creative and functional as possible when it came to their signature looks.Like her outfit was creative. Functional? For her? Creative? He wouldn't score it pass 5.

She finally stopped rambling when a student asked what was their task for today, the teacher smirked and told them that they were required to choose and design their own masks. A design, colour palette and design ideas should be written down by the end of the lesson.

Looking down at his empty drawing paper, Kishou never planned to wear a mask. He already had one that was inspired by his cat and growing interest in engineering. Despite having a mask, he still rarely uses it outside of the patrols he used to take during his week of internship. To Kishou, a mask like his was better worn during missions that require both his identity as a civilian and hero both a secret. A whole other identity to make sure whatever it was he involved himself in couldn't come back and affect the people he cares for.

Especially his older relatives, mother and father. It felt like he had been gutted when he had first heard their stories. Horrific events that he could vividly imagine in his mind, unsure if what he saw didn't truly depict the tragedies that took place.

His hand tightened his hold on his drawing pencil, knowing full well that father works himself to the bone to give them a good life. His work sometimes at threat of being destroyed by the trash of the Earth.Trash that continues to grow,trash that needs to be purged and destroyed.


Ichika had no interest in violence, Arata would only draw blood if the situation calls for which was rarely because he'll try to escape first. But Kae...

His youngest sister was born with the same power as him and Arata, this morning she too looked hurt knowing that Arata did not take training seriously. Training that she also wanted from their father. Maybe, just maybe, Kae would develop the fire to help him in helping their father. He briefly closed his eyes, seeing two silhouettes like shadows working from the dark. Helping their family, helping others and protecting both races to continue and maintain the peace.

He'll train her in the ways of martial arts at first. Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or any style she wants. Then once her kagunes release for the first time, he'll tell her all the tricks and things he learnt about them.

Kae can become a formidable fighter, with his guidance and her consent will he quickly make her stand right beside him in time.

With passion inside of his heart, Kishou began drawing a mask. His teacher coming over seeing his sudden business; to only praise him over the base design of the mask. She smiled at him, placing a hand on his shoulder with the words of him being a promising top hero.

"I'm going to miss your old mask though, let's say both of your masks hold a place in your heart-if you were to give one up. Who would you give up your unused mask too?" the ravenette asked, noticing how Kishou erased some parts that made the mask seem masculine-noting how he was trying his best to make the design gender neutral.

"My sister."

His teacher's eyes widened in surprise, the information that there was a high chance that another ghoul was going to become a hero.

"I see she wants to become like her big brother." she grinned, clapping at the idea.

Kishou shook his head.

"I would say she wants to be just like our father." Kishou answered, continuing his design.

For the colour palette, what colours would she like? Bright colours were out of the question...

A pair of eyes studied him curiously, cheeks a bit pink as she continued to watch him from her seat. The girl smiled a bit, watching Kishou fix his glasses before continuing with his work. Her friend with long periwinkle hair nudged her, causing the other to stiffen and begin scribbling nothing.

"You alright there Sen?"

"Yes, yes! I am Nejire, no need to worry about me."

"Why must we all conceal, how we think and how we feel." Tamaki muttered, Kishou who sat beside him now paying him attention.

Yay attention.

"Are you, Mirio, Hado and Sen still planning to come over to my place for training? Hado seemed rather excited of that idea ever since she almost failed the exams." Kishou changed the subject, Tamaki shrugging his shoulders.



"Is your sister home...? I know it's weird but her cooking is delicious." Tamaki whispered, remembering the time Kishou's older sister cooked for his friends multiple times in the past. Kishou nodded, brightening up Tamaki's mood despite no one else seeing it.

The final class of the day is finally done, people rebuilding their groups as they packed their bags. Kae glanced at Todoroki beside her, watching as how he roughly stuffed his belongings into his bag and quickly leave the room. Arashi, used his quirk to throw away her empty can of BOSS coffee. The one he had gotten for her (he didn't say it but she knew) using his quirk; as thank you for helping him out.

Kae blinked, looking curiously at the can of BOSS coffee on her desk. She looked towards Todoroki, the other briefly meeting her gaze before focusing back on whatever it was he was doing. Taking the can, she sniffed it. Smelling faint traces of wind and bits of crisp.

"Thunder bolts and lightning...very very frightening." Kae muttered, glancing towards Arashi who was reading his book.

"The f*ck do you want?" Arashi hissed, looking up at her in annoyance.

"Why would I ever give you a can of coffee?" he rolled his eyes, noticing how the usual lone wolf ghoul now walked right beside him in the school hallways. Kae shrugged her shoulders too, both of them ignoring the confusion of students in the hallways.

"I helped you out from getting publicly humiliated in front of the class. Additionally, I did tell you the brands of coffee ghouls like to drink and which ones they hate for specific reasons." Kae answered, Arashi releasing a 'tch' sound.

The white-haired girl had always known since the start of her new school life in Corusan that Arashi had a quirk related to the wind. I mean, she saw him hung a group of boys upside down and tear apart their clothing after they teased him for his height...they were sixth graders. So it was strange to her that his scent hinted at her that his supernatural ability had something to do with electricity, lighting, thunder and all that.

Arashi was a Raiden, their family revolved around that element like how Todoroki's family revolved around ice and fire.

"Kai~" Ichika called out to her, finally saying her name correctly. Her eyes widened, noticing the boy that was walking beside her. A feeling of mischief blooming inside her.

"DO YOU WANT TO INVITE HIM OVER TO OUR PLACE?! HI KAE'S FRIEND! THANK YOU FOR BEING HER BUDDY!" Ichika yelled, a teasing look on her face that made Kae's face turned red.Kae quickly fastened her walk, a snicker coming from Arashi made her full on run towards her older sister.

"I hate you for this." Kae hissed, dragging her embarrassing older sister away who continued to wave towards Arashi.

Arriving at home, Kae groaned at the smell of food wafting in the air. Guests, they had human guests over. It was said by Kishou that to humans, Ichika's cooking was something that could rival master chefs-thus, the affect on them being much powerful than regular food. If regular food smells hit her like a rock to the face, then her older sister's food felt like a giant steel beam had been dropped on top of her.

"Whose friends Arata or Kishou?" Kae asked, looking towards Ichika for an answer.

"Kishou's new friends from U.A," Ichika answered. "Ironic how he's able to make friends faster compared to Seinan Gakuin's former queen bee."

Kae glared at her older sister, punching her in the arm making Ichika flinch a little. Kae let out a huff, stomping her way towards her room and slamming it. The sound of lightning outside making Kishou and his friends look outside; seeing the sky still a beautiful bright blue.

"Thank God dad disaster-proof the house after Arata and Kishou became toddlers." Ichika sighed, walking past the group to go back towards the kitchen.

"Kae still hasn't made a friend in Corusan?" Tamaki asked, Kishou shook his head.

"She was in the process of making one before, she just got infuriated after Ichika reminded her of Seinan Gakuin." he answered. Scrolling through something on his phone as he spoke. Sen reached out and took an apple from a fruit bowl on the table, taking a bite out of the juicy apple as Nejire engaged in conversation with her. Mirio opened his phone too, now discussing something else with Kishou.

His younger sister was having a hard time adjusting? Tamaki could relate to that, but at least he had Mirio since the first day to help him adjust. If he wasn't wrong, the Todoroki and Kaneki families used to be close with each other- but it seems they weren't now. Considering that Shoto Todoroki was also in Corusan.

Hearing the sound of cutting from the kitchen, Tamaki thought that it was most likely Ichika Kaneki continuing to prepare whatever she had in store for them. Taking a deep breath, whatever it was- he could smell seafood, beef and grilled fruit. Exhaling, then taking another breath. Ah, it was pineapple, peaches and pears.

With nothing else to do, Tamaki whispered his excuse and stood up. Heading towards the kitchen.

Ichika was using three different rinkakus to help with her cooking. One was keeping an eye on the fruits, one on the beef and last one with the seafood. The oldest sibling of the household was slicing through...liver? Glancing towards the doorway where Tamaki stood awkwardly, she smiled at him warmly.

"Oh, it's you Amajiki. Do you need anything? I'm trying my best to try making takoyaki but it's a bit of a hassle considering I've never really made it before." Ichika lets out a small laugh. "I don't mind honestly, it's interesting to try new things."

Tamaki awkwardly placed a hand on the back of his head, a bit embarrassed to ask his question. "D-do you need help with anything? I...have nothing to do right about now and you're working so hard to accommodate m-me and the others." he said, Ichika finding his awkwardness adorable. She wonders how Kishou was able to hit the lottery with such friends.

She knew fate was generous, but to this extent was wow! And at record-time!

"Can you help bring Kae her food up to her room? She hasn't eaten since this morning and some of us get rather wild if we don't soothe our urges." Ichika playfully joked, sprouting another rinkaku to prepare a tray. Once the tray was set on a table, Tamaki observed what Ichika was preparing for Kae. A cup of coffee, a glass of water, a knife and fork and the main dish being liver. One that was clearly fresh.

He wasn't too worried where the family's food source came from, knowing how there were different facilities across Japan that catered to ghouls. These facilities are supported by the government and the Tsukiyama family to provide their kind with human meat and blood from donators (willing blood donors and civilians with regenerative quirks who claim it stings a little but doesn't hurt that much) Normal ghouls can also buy special foods created by scientists to also help decrease their need of human meat and act as a filler.

Tamaki wasn't so sure if it tasted great, remembering how someone claimed it tasted like horse sh*t.

"S-sure, h-happy to help." Tamaki tried to smile, holding the tray with both hands. Ichika smiled at him, covering the food with a silver dome so Tamaki wouldn't be too bothered by the sight.

Walking out of the kitchen with the tray in his hands, Tamaki walked up the stairs and wandered the halls. Wondering which one was Kae's room. A minute passed, Tamaki noticing how three rooms had symbols on them unlike the other rooms on the second floor. On one door, there was a sakura and daffodil professionally carved into it. On the second door was one with a sun and moon and finally the third door had a lily, lotus and tsubaki flower.

A daffodil and sakura.

Sun and moon.

Lily, lotus and tsubaki.

Remembering the names of Kishou's siblings, then the meaning behind all of their names. Tamaki deduced that the sun and moon had nothing to do at all with Arata and Kishou but it was their room anyways. Heading towards the room with the three flowers, Tamaki knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing a freshly showered Kae Kaneki who looked at him strangely; clearly not expecting anyone especially the guests inside of the house to be at her door.

"Hmm?" Kae looked down, seeing the tray in his hands. Despite the food being covered, Kae became excited inside.

"Y-your sister asked me to bring you this-h-hi!" Tamaki stammered, the younger ignoring him to take the tray from his hands. Saying a quick thank you before bringing her food into her room-leaving the door open and Tamaki right by the doorway.

The indigo-haired-teenager stood there awkwardly as Kae set down the tray on her study desk. Pushing away a few notebooks by placing them elsewhere. Taking off the silver dome, she jumped in her place a bit at the sight of her food. Sitting down, Kae first tied her hair to make sure the white strands didn't stain as she eats. Lifting up the fork, Kae scanned through each cut before choosing one. Placing the fork on top of it, as the fork slowly pierced the piece of it, it created a sound that Tamaki couldn't put a finger on what it resembled. When a 'thunk!' sound came along, he quickly realised that the fork had went through the cut of liver and gently hit the porcelain plate.

Kae brought the fork towards her lips, opening her mouth and placing the fork inside. Slowly bringing it out, when it came out; no longer was the cut of liver stuck on the fork. She chewed slowly, gradually speeding a little. Who knew liver sounded so crunchy when bitten it tasted so soft.

"Are you going to continue watching a meek little girl continue eating her meal?" Kae broke the silence, a hand covering her mouth to have a bit of decency. Something that Kishou's friend seem to lack. Tamaki shook his head, releasing out a plethora of words.

"Sorry! I-um, didn't mean to do just that! I just." Tamaki stuttered out, clearly panicking from mindlessly staring. "It's just, you looked so calm compared to how you were angry like half an hour ago of sorts!"

Kae glanced at him, though he was supposed to be her senior, she can't help but find him a bit adorable. Like a little lost boy that needed to find his way back home. It was most likely Ichika that sent him up here, Kishou nor whoever he was had no reason to visit her.

"I...kind of wanted to see how you were doing," Tamaki breathed out. "I know, I know (gulps) it's not easy to adjust in a new place, especially if there is no one to be there by your side."

"I can't imagine how lonely and pretty bad you must feel, knowing others are afraid of you for something you can't control."

"You speak as if you have experience." Kae said, a bit breathless. She was left a bit frozen after the stranger had told her that he wanted to see how she was doing. Had either of her siblings put him up to it? Not possible, they weren't that messed up to toy with her like that.

"Perhaps I do." Tamaki vaguely told her, losing his shaking.

There was a pregnant silence between them, one that Kae was determined to break so her lunch was enjoyable.

"So, tell me about yourself." she asked, sounding like the principal when it was his turn to be interviewed.

"M-my name is Tamaki Amajiki, I am currently a first year in U.A High School- a student in the Hero Course! 1-A. My quirk is called Manifest, it allows me to develop the physical traits of any animal I have eaten. I-I mean, I can also sprout plants but I'm still not used to it." he introduced himself, his quirk name and brief description earning the one-eyed-ghoul's interest.

"Manifest? What an interesting quirk." she commented, Tamaki smiling a bit.

"You know, your brother said a similar thing," Tamaki told her, recalling a story to tell.

"In fact..."

One week.

It had been one week since he became a student at the top hero school in Japan. One where thousands of other teens desire toenrol and beaccepted into. He made it in.

One week.

One week since he was assigned to class 1-A, one week since Mirio, his childhood sunshine of a best friend became a student in class 1-B.

One week.

One week since the rest of their class had slowly broken down the ice between all of them and form their own groups, something Tamaki was clearly unable to do and thus was left behind in the dust. Especially since he was too nervous to even use his quirk. It was by some miracle did another lone wolf inside of his class took interest in him. Like he was an abandoned pup, the wolf approached, sniffed him a little then carried him away by the scruff of his neck.

"You're Tamaki Amajiki right?" someoneapproached him, Tamaki was busy staring down at his own feet. Too afraid to lift his head and meet the gaze of the person whoapproached him. He nodded his head a little, that small action changing his social fate by a good margin.

"Kishou Kaneki," the person offered him his hand, Tamaki slowly extending out his hand to shake the other's hand. "Amajiki, our quirks are rather similar. Why don't we partner up for today's class and get to knock each other?"

Tamaki looked up, nodding his head once more. He knew if hedidn't accept the offer, the teacherwould just force him to join an already formed group. When Kishou's question was answered, did Tamaki feel the warmth of happiness radiating from Kishou that didn't show on his face.

"In fact, your brother was the one who sometimes gives me tips on how to better use my quirk. He's the one who even told me to try and eat takoyaki with octopus inside, now, I use octopuses tendrils the most out of all animal parts." Tamaki told her, Kae nodding her head, following him. She didn't' know this, Kishou never told the family."Kishou is one of the people I look up to, he's such a strong fighter and the look on his face whenever he takes action. It always looks like he knows what he is doing despite it only being our first year."

"Say, do you want to become a hero Kae? Your brother is a hero-in-training, your father is no doubt a hero that would be written in history books for future generations to learn from. " Tamaki rambled a bit, Kae thinking about it.

With her meal done, she leaned back into her chair and thought about it.

"You're not wrong when you said my father will be in history books, how he's depicted is to be questioned though. I'm not really interested in becoming a hero like the ones I constantly see when I go out with my family. Their bright outfits, ridiculous names and quirks ranging from hit or miss are not for me." Kae said, thinking about what else to say. "If I were to become a hero, I would say it's for the privilege to access informations that are kept from the public. So, I could better protect my family too and have the privilege of using my kagunes one day. All my life family has always been important to me, mostly because they've always been there for me-my blood is not afraid of me."

Tamaki nodded, feeling the warmth in her words reach him. For a fifth grader, she was mature.

"Also when they defeat a villain, it doesn't really bring out anything inside of me. It's like an East Asian country winning against a Western country in whatever, do you think the countries in the South of Asia would show the same excitement? Or when it comes to representation, would a Syrian feel excited when they see a Korean on television wearing their culture? Like good for them, happy to see them thrive but it doesn't affect me much."

Tamaki just nodded, feeling as if she was putting too much thought into what they were talking about.

"Thinking about it more, I feel like I would rather be a spy or assassin." Kae confessed, standing up from her desk. Curiously, he watched as the young girl walked towards a bookshelf, scanning a bit before pulling out a book. "Are you familiar with Spy x Family? It's a manga that was published during the 21st century. I bought three complete sets of different mangas when they were on discount at Kinokuniya. I have a membership card there. Look."

Kae handed him a book, there was a woman on the cover. Observing the cover, it was the sixth volume that featured an art of a woman sitting on a heart-shaped chair with letters and gifts related to love from what he sees. The woman had white hair that was cut short but still covered her right eye. She had an unreadable look on her face, the woman holding a gun in her hand.

"What's her name?" Tamaki asked, noticing how she also had grey coloured eyes.

"Fiona Frost, code name: Nightfall. I won't spoil anything else about her so you'll enjoy her fully like I did." Kae smiled at him, watching as he observed more of her collection. She pulled out another one, this time the third volume. "Her name is Yor Briar up until she marries Loid Forger. Not only does she work as a regular service worker, she's also an assassin with the code name Thorn Princess. Don't let her looks fool you, she possesses inhumane strength that has me excited every time I see her display her skills."

As Kae rambled on, Tamaki opened his phone and tapped Google. He typed in Nightfall and Thorn Princess, quickly finding images of the two characters. Tamaki's eyes widened, seeing Fiona Frost adapted to the screen was something. He glanced up, no wonder Kae was holding her excitement in when talking about her. Closing Google, he now opened Youtube. Kae instantly stood by his side, they both watched as Tamaki clicked on a 40 second long video.

He flinched a bit in the beginning, his emotions confused when he saw how her soft spoken voice and blooming redness on her face contrasted with her outfit and weapon-now stained red at the tip.

"Not many people love her, but I can't just help but love Fiona." Kae confessed, placing back the third volume. She took the sixth from Tamaki and gently caressed the cover with a smile before placing it back.

"Do you want to see Jujutsu Kaisen or Attack on Titan next? I honestly find Nanami the most attractive in JJK but then whenever I see fan arts of Gojo in a suit I feel threatened because him in a suit, not wearing his blindfold and being able to see his eyes is just amazing. Whereas for Attack on Titan, at first it was Annie then she disappeared after her final fight with Eren for the time-being so Levi took her spot and then Hange and then when Annie did reappear once more she stole the spot again. In the end, she solidified her place on the throne as my favourite female character when she got animated. Want to see her briefly go against Renier and Eren? Or perhaps you want to explore other mangas that has also been adapted into the screen; maybe something less painful and mo-Kae was cut off from her rambling.

"There's nothing wrong with loving something that not many others like, it's in your right to have an opinion different from others. So Kae, don't let anyone or the world tell you what you are, what you can't do and what you should do. Just, be yourself." Tamaki told her, his voice gentle.

Kae slowly nodded her head.

"Do you want to watch Encanto or perhaps Barbie? It's been a while since I watched the 12 Dancing Princesses or maybe Mariposa or even Princess Charm School! Y-you don't have to leave just yet!" Kae asked, messing up a word in her sentence that intensified her embarrassment.

"Sure, they have subtitles right if you have the dubbed ones right?"

Downstairs, Kishou started to grow suspicious on where Tamaki was.

"Where is Tamaki by the way? It's been like 30 minutes since he left to help your sister in the kitchen." Mirio commented, Ichika entering the room just in time. A Cheshire-like smile on her face that creeped out Kishou, Arata who had just joined them and sat right beside Sen felt water enter his lungs when he saw the look on her face.

"Oh, I asked him to help deliver food to Kae. He's keeping her company right now." Ichika said cheerfully, Kishou about to stand up when she forced him back down with one hand.

"I already used the 'embarrass your younger sibling' card on her, go use your card on Arata." Ichika hissed, Kishou rolling his eyes and looked at Arata's direction.

"Can't believe you know what horse sh*t tastes like." Arata glared at his older twin.

"I wanted to know that food a few ghouls online was raving about!"

"So you compared it to horse sh*t? Horse sh*t of all things?" Why, why choose that over just saying trash?"

"I-Shut up!"

"What are you doing?" Tamaki asked, watching Kishou write things down into his notebook. Both of them sat side-by-side during lunch, Mirio also leaning over to see what was Kishou doing.

"After you told me that my sister wanted to be a f*cking spy and assassin, I realised that waiting for her kakuhos to mature and begin her training is just wasting time. So, I need to make sure she becomes the best damn whatever it is that she wants to be." Kishou stated, both of them remembering when Kishou askedforcedwhat he and Kae talked about in her room.

Kaneki was not happy at all when he smelled traces of a boy inside of Kae's room.

After much thinking, it was sort of foolish of him to trust Tamaki alone with his younger sister when they didn't even know each other besides knowing that Kishou and her were related and Tamaki is Kishou's friend. He wasn't accusing Tamaki of doing anything horrific, no, both of them like him had social skills that most of the time break relationships. And not even in the playboy way.

"She likes the fighting style of Annie Leonhart the most, light weapons like Yor's : transportable, sharp and easy to handle. Kae is interested in missions that require her identity to be hidden considering most of her favourite characters are like...well, they have a mission and will do anything to go through with it." Kishou paused, both Mirio and him looking towards the indigo-haired student.

"Based on the story of the crimson witch, she likes red glowing butterflies too. I think that's also because of the manhwa The Way to Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother."

"Nice to know that Tamaki has a new friend." Sen grinned, head resting on one of her hands as she scrolled through her phone.

Kishou rubbed his temples, when their parents suggested her to find new friends. They meant Corusan, students in CORUSAN and about the same or even one year younger/older than her.

"Ah, I hate it when things don't go according to plan."


Accidentally 3000 words while writing this, damn.
Thank you for reading.

Chapter 3: Kickoff Kae : the Football Fiend


I want the beginning of this story to be more light-hearted, so this chapter will be more light, not much action or anything dark.

Chapter Text

Himari Tachibana mindlessly stirred her cup of tea, watching how Kae Kaneki talked to Arashi Raiden with such boldness. Arashi was from a powerful conglomerate family, he, his aunt and mother being the last living members of the clan after many were killed during the night of Dragon's attack. The attack caused by her father. How dare she, speak to him and not feel guilty at all? And why, why was Arashi speaking to her? He knew full well what Ken Kaneki did to his family yet still choose to talk to her?

"What has gotten you so excited?" Arashi rolled his eyes, face looking as if he saw a squirming worm on the ground as he leaned over to see what Kae was focused in.

"Just rewatching my favourite fight scenes, watching them makes my adrenaline rush. I haven't released my energy today and it's getting bothersome so this helps to soothe the itch a little." Kae answered, Arashi raising an eyebrow.

"Wait so, if you don't release your energy is there a chance that your veins will start glowing and then you explode? Something similar to the suit Black Panther wears?" Arashi mocked her, creating a small vortex in his palm before causing a small explosion that causes her white hair to caress her cheek. Kae rolled her eyes, focusing back on her phone while adjusting her sitting.

When did they become close to each other?!

Kae Kaneki was at the bottom of the food chain, she was on top of her. Unlike the ghoul, she has friends. People who adore her, teachers who aren't afraid but also respect her and adoration from those that know her.In a few weeks, there will be an event that'll allow her to finally show the world that she's the princess of Corusan. The top female student to stand right beside Shoto Todoroki, the son of the number two pro hero : Endeavor.

Unbeknownst to Himari, Shoto Todoroki's eyes were on her. Watching how she openly glared now at Kae who paid her no mind. Although it was true that between Himari and Kae it was Himari that upholds the better reputation. But that didn't mean she can go around doing whatever she likes or mess with others.

"Do you feel like someone is staring at you?" Kae asked out of the blue, Arashi looking around the classroom in confusion. Kae's mismatched eyes scanned the classroom, briefly landing on a group of girls that had their backs facing her.

"Your attraction to the same gender is showing." Arashi pointed out, Kae rolling her eyes.

"Might I remind you that there are other forms of love than the one we all know? Like the one I have for you falls under the category of philia."

Akashi's eyes widened, becoming flustered by how the girl just confessed that she sees him as a friend.Friend.Damn, it's only been like two weeks since the time he had forgotten his science homework.

What do friends do?

What was he supposed to say now?

For the classes that followed next, Arashi was quiet. Frozen, stiff and staring ahead towards the board. Not even noticing how sometimes Kae waved her hand in front of her face, even muttering how he reminded her of Courage the Cowardly Dog, that one episode where he had flashbacks of his parents as a young pup.

"Do-do you want to hang out at my place?" Arashi blurted out, suddenly slamming his hands on the lunch table making Kae flinch. The rattling caused her to spill a bit of her drink, the ghoul quickly wiping away the red liquid while cautiously looking around.

"The Raiden family home? You sure your mother would allow me to come over? I've also never exactly been to anyone else's years." Kae said, voice rather hesitant. Arashi leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms.

"Just invite your older sister, both of you should be honoured to enter the home of one of Japan's most noble families since before the Edo Period." Arashi told her.

Before the emergence of quirks, their family was well-known for their sword techniques. They participated in many wars, especially civil ones that happened during the Sengoku period. During the first generation of quirk users, bestowed upon them by the gods was the power of lightning. A power that would soon mix well with their sword techniques and relit the family's history after they had sheathed their words for what they thought to be the last time after Imperial Japan had lost the Second World War.

To be fair, life during that era didn't affect much of the civilians or nobles until the drawbacks of war befell upon them.

Kaneki was simply doing his work, smiling at the the joy of no sudden surprises since he came in when Ichika called him. Eyes lighting up, with a smile showing his teeth did he answer the call. "Yes Ichika?"

"Hi dad, Kae just sent me a text. She'swondering if I can come along to the Raiden family home. She says, Raiden Ei's soninvited her over to hang out. If I'm not wrong...his name is Arashi."

Kaneki placed a hand on his heart, FINALLY. FINALLY DID KAE MADE A FRIEND THAT WAS HUMAN! Ok alright, he was a boy when he would have preferred a girl but he's not going to stop their friendship. They're too young anyways to date.

"Just come along if you want to, if you don't want to stay there. I'll pick Kae from the residence after work." he told her, Ichika nodding her head on the other end.

"Great, I don't think I can stay there because of my schedule. I'll tell Kae that you'll pick her up later. Thanks dad, love you."

"Love you too." Kaneki smiled, Ichika ending the call first. He let out a sigh, the Raiden family was a bloodline of humans too. One with power, money and influence. By luck, his daughter and Ei's son were friends. Maybe, he can stop being friendly with the Todoroki family, especially Endeavor if the public sees that he has mutual relations with another human family.Although he finds Fuyumi Todoroki a nice girl, Natsuo a respectful boy and Shoto a nice kid. He can't help but have his mind linger on Enji, Rei and Toya Todoroki.

He closed his eyes, remembering the face of a young Toya Todoroki being eager to be trained by his father. His fire was strong, stronger than his father's. He remembered standing by the head of the household as Toya displayed to him, their guest his quirk. Kaneki looked towards Enji, a look of pride on his face despite knowing Toya did not inherit his mother's quirk like he wanted.

"Uncle Kaneki, are you related to mother?" Toya asked, the four adults in the room glancing towards Toya. Ichika right beside him in awe over his fire quirk. "I mean, you both havewhite hair and grey eyes..." Toya trailed off a bit, wondering if he should saywhat's on his mind next.

"You also look so cold. Especially on TV."

Touka snickered, both Rei and Kanekilookingembarrassed.

Those times were gone. Despite that, he and Touka would sometimes spare some of their time to try and visit Rei for old time's sake. Cups of warm coffee on the table, a few old and new books lying around as the three sat on the floor just for the fun of it. She was doing better, even sometimes confessing that she wished she can see Shoto again. But, her doctors advised her that she still needed time away from her husband. Everything that had happened to her threatening to drown her once more if she was not careful.

"How's Shoto and Kae doing Touka? If I'm not wrong, you once told me you both were planning to transfer her from Seinan Gakuin to Corusan?" Rei asked, bringing the cup of coffee to her lips for a small sip.

"To be honest, they're not friends." Toukabluntly answered,Kaneki coughing a little from his wife's straightforward no beating around the bush words.

"He closed himself off from everyone from whatI can see, nodoubt it's also because of him. I think Kae either thinks he abandoned her and now hates him for it or keeps away out of sadness. Depends on Kae, I've seenthose two paths appear a lot in novels." Kaneki voiced out, Rei slowly nodding her head. A bit sad, but she had an idea that the bond of the two childrenwould hit a roadblock at some point after the incident.

Leaning back on his chair, he placed the back of his right hand on his forehead. Contemplating the events that he took part in, knew and actions he had done. His eyes fell onto a portrait of his family. One where Touka was clearly pregnant with Kae, Ichika standing in between them as he held Kishou whereas Touka held Arata.

His father died young, he didn't have much after mother passed away. His aunt's family never bothered to take a real family picture with him inside of it. It's said that parenting should be an instinct that unlocks once you meet your newborn baby, you can't just unlock it by reading about it from books. That was scary for him, months leading up to the due date of Ichika.

'I want to be a great father.'

Even with his hands that stain themselves red from time to time, he'll be the best damn father to his children as he can be.

That is why, for Kae, he's going to help her win this parent-child sports day.

"Are they alright?" Ei asked her son, pointing towards the two. Their eyes bright white, a scary black aura emanating from them both.

"Trust me, you think they're scary up until you mention friendship, peace, love and family." Arashi rolled his eyes, walking towards the father-daughter duo.

"Raiden Ei, it's been a while." Kaneki instantly smiled, Ei smiling back.

"Your excellency the One-Eyed-King, or should I say Ken Kaneki." the woman greeted him back, Kaneki's cheeks turning red at the title.

"A-ah! You don't need to call me that, it's just a title." Kaneki shook his hands, Ei pursing her lips to hold back her smile. Her son was right, theycanbe rather cute and soft.

"A title that brings fear to the hearts of many and lives up to its great name?" she teased a little, Kaneki rubbing the back of his head and letting out an awkward laugh. Arashi and Kae looked up at their parents.

"Are we like that?" Arashi grimaced. Kae shrugged her shoulders.

Himari watched from the sidelines, gritting her teeth at the sight of their interaction.

"Just you wait Kaneki, I'll beat you."

Her father behind her looked down at his daughter, before glancing up to focus on her classmate and her father together. He looked back down, clearly seeing jealousy and anger radiating off her.

"Himari, remember when I told you to be brave?" Himari's father kneeled down, placing both his hands on either of her shoulders. "Well, there's good braveness and foolish braveness. We're a family of lawyers, that means we're smart most of the follow what the rest of our family will do and just back down." he advised, his words simply entering one of her ears and exiting out the other.

Kaneki looked around, finding Shoto Todoroki sitting on a bench by himself. Sniffing the air, there was no smell of fire or that type of cologne thats meant to be musky to show dominance but instead feels overbearing. Kaneki did not know what sentence just ran through his mind, but he did not want his mind to linger on that man any longer. Briefly leaving his daughter for a bit, he walked towards Shoto Todoroki.

"Your excellency, the One-Eyed-King." Shoto greeted, standing up to bow at him. Kaneki shook his head, placing a hand on Shoto's shoulder after telling him to fix his posture.

"Why don't you spend the day with me and Kae? The teachers won't let you do anything without a parent." Kaneki told him, Shoto shook his head, saying no.

"This is an event specifically for parents and their children. I am not your child, and you aren't my father." Shoto spoke up, a sad smile appearing on Kaneki's face.

"Shoto, I have known you since you were a baby. Your mother was a good friend of mine even if the circ*mstances of our friendship was less than ideal and seemed force. Rei wants you to be happy, a person free to be whatever they want without anyone forcing their ideals upon you." Kaneki placed a hand on the boy's cheek, "You know, if you want. I can take you to your mother's facility. Pay her a visit if you don't want anyone else to know right about now."

Shoto's eyes widened, quickly shaking his head as his hands turned into fists. "I...don't want to see her."

His mother would be horrified at him visiting her, like it was a visit from a spawn of the devil.

"I'll spend the day with both of you." Shoto finalised, signalling that he wanted the older man to drop the subject of his mother...and visits. Kaneki not in the mood for an argument, showed him a small smile and the two walked back towards Kae. Focusing on the field so her back faced them, neither of the two seeing the conflicted look on her face.

When it was time for the events to start, Himari held in her laugh when she saw that Kae had lost the enthusiasm she had before her father had invited Shoto join them. The white-haired girl looked at both of them less, was more quiet and only spoke when asked.How petty.But then it made her wonder, how badly had the ghoul screwed over her friendship with Shoto Todoroki to the point that having to be near him with her father made her like this.

"Alright parents and students, todays games will be divided by the forms submitted prior to today. If you brought your mother, you will be facing your friends who also brought their mothers. Same with fathers. And now, let's go play some good old father-child baseball!"

Himari grimaced, God, teachers could be so cringe.

"Does this even count as father-student baseball when the coach legit makes the fathers go against each other and the students later on?" Arashi whispered to Kae, criticising the event once again. Kae shrugged her shoulders, watching the match.

Himari Tachibana's father took his turn in swinging the bat, her father replacing another student's father after he accidentally used too much force and caused an ache in his back. Jokingly, Kaneki winked towards Tachibana's father, causing the other's face to turn red.

"Dilf." someone said, causing Kae to quickly turn her back. She glared at Shoto, the other shaking his head in disagreement before pointing towards the girl behind him.

Kaneki got into stance, so did Tachibana's father. Preparing to throw the ball, as his hand prepared to throw, his kakugan quickly appeared moments before he threw the ball. Tachibana's father not even having a chance to blink before the ball broke his bat in half and sent the catcher flying back. Teachers and parents ran towards the catcher, one scrambling to take out their phone in order to call the ambulance.


Kaneki looked around, the younger age group thinking he was so cool whereas the adults (especially the fathers on the other team) thought he was scary. For the students, he was dazzling much better than Edward Cullen in the sunlight. Adults, well, just imagine him with devil horns and an evil laugh standing on top of a mountain of a volcano creating a thunderstorm.

"Too much?" Kaneki innocently asked, the innocent part not reaching anyone else but Raiden Ei, Arashi, Shoto and Kae.



'Such strength...'

'When's football?'

Himari sighed, realising that there was no way that her father could be Kae's father in any of the events meant for adults. She has not lost hope just yet! For she has a secret weapon. She glanced towards the principal, clearing his throat before revealing one fact that differentiates the games for the students.

"Students as allowed by the Hero Public SafetyCommission to encourage the dream of becoming heroes, will be allowed to use their quirks."

Kaneki stiffened, previously leaning back onto his chair. But now, his back was straight. Arms crossed as he glared at the direction of the principal. It's clearly stated in the laws of the land that quirk use in public is strictly prohibited especially during moments of crisis. If an experienced quirk users uses their quirk near others, there is a great chance that they and others will be harmed.What is more dangerous than children using their quirks to win a game?Children can be reckless, hell, do most of them even know how to control the output of their quirks?

"The Hero Public Safety Commission inefficient and hypocritical as always..." Kaneki muttered, loud enough to only be heard by those around him.

Will they take responsibility if anyone gets hurt? Or will they leave the school, children and families involved to face the music? No one here would know until someone other than the person he hospitalised finds out.

Himari grinned at her team, being chosen besides Kae to become one of the two team captains for the match. She looked at her friends, knowing they all have had used their quirks well enough in the past to know how to handle them.

"Umm captain, should we be stretching too?" Himari heard a voice from the other team, turning her head. She gawked as Kae did a split, nodding at her team before bending her body to the side so her hand could touch her foot before repeating after thirty seconds.

"I don't want to die!"

Himari grimaced, embarrassed when one of her teammates started crying right before the referee was about to blow the whistle. Kae looked around at everyone, looking confused when she had yet to do something. One of her teammates walked up towards Kae, nudging her arm before whispering something. Kae at first listened, before revealing a Cheshire-like smile on her face.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. Break a few bones or perhaps permanently paralyse you is something I can't guarantee." Kae shrugged, her team looking more relaxed then ever as Himari's team took the threat seriously. "Oh about a contract? Don't use your quirks, I'll minimise my power." Kae offered, voice loud enough for both teams, school staff and parents to hear.

"DEAL!" Himari's jaw dropped, watching as her teammates said their collective instant answer together.

"Diplomacy at her age," Kaneki sobbed, blowing his nose into one of the handkerchiefs given to him by Raiden Ei who patted his back. "They grow up so fast!" Kaneki wailed, collecting himself a bit to save face.

Seeing as the matter was resolved with the return of the runaway chaser, the referee blowed on his whistle and the match began. Parents on both sides cheering for their respective children and teams. Some kinder, whereas some others yelled and demanded violence. One mother had her cross out, muttering players while keeping an eye out on her daughter.

"Oh cmon! You said no use of quirks in exchange for minimising your power!" Himari yelled, watching as one of Kae's team members kicked the ball into the air. Kae jumped up high with ease, manerovuring her body and leg to kick the ball towards the other team's goal. The goalkeeper's eyes widened at the sight of a ball about to be kicked right towards her leaving the student to jump out of the way.

"I could have flash forwarded right at the beginning of the game and kicked the ball straight into the goal. Perhaps learn the concept of experience and understanding what your body is capable of before complaining." Kae rolled her eyes, for some reason getting more tired by Himari. The other's eyes widened realising that the ghoul's red eye was much brighter than usual.

Was Kae using her powers? But it wouldn't be possible if her kakuhos had yet to mature.Additionally, although Himari disliked the other. Kae never struck her as someone who would go against her promises.

"Another point to Team B! So far Team 10 needs 5 goals to strike even with Team B!"

'Man, both team names are sh*t.'the collective thought of the overworked and underpaid teachers currently at the sidelines doing their best to enjoy the day.

Arashi and Shoto watched the match from the sidelines, watched how a single player dominated the entire match. Her team mates were like pawns, simply serving to pass the ball towards her. Does this count as team work? If a single person does everything whereas the others help from time to time? If it wasn't, why did it seem functional? Was it because of the imbalance between skill and power that made this possible? There were many questions, not enough time before the next match was to begin.

"I heard Kaneki visited your estate." Shoto broke the silence, eyes still focused on the match. Arashi hummed.

"What's it to you?" Arashi answered, voice calm as he said those words.

"Your family is well known for your legendary sword technique, one that grew in fame and became the stuff of legends after it blended well with your family's quirk to manipulate lightning. If I want to become the number one hero, I need to be prepared for anyone who may pose a threat." the human chimera answered, Arashi holding in his smile.

"'re wondering if my mother plans to teach your frenemy all she knows of wielding a blade? Maybe she is, maybe she isn't." Arashi shrugged. "Maybe mother is interested in teaching my friendabout the way of the Raiden Family's swords."

Shoto Todoroki looked towards Raiden Ei and Ken Kaneki, the two interacting with each other so casually.

"You say Kae poses as a threat to you." Arashi brought up, a look of curiosity on his face.

"Tell me Todoroki, what do you see Kae Kaneki as? If you do view her as an enemy, why make such a foolish decision when it's better to clearly have her on the good side? Why?"

Shoto gritted his teeth.

"Go ask her yourself." Shoto spat, standing up abruptly to leave.

Kaneki suddenly detected how the scent of Shoto Todoroki leave his vicinity, he apologised to Ei before quickly running away to go find the boy. Worried for him. The referee lifted his whistle, blowing on it to signal the end of the match. Kae landed back on the ground, scoring yet another goal right before the time ended. A look of pride on her face, she had a big smile on her face as the girl glanced towards the area of the spectators.

Scanning around, her smile and pride diminished when she noticed the absence of Shoto Todoroki and her father.

"What...what makes him more important than me, your own daughter?" Himari's eyes widened, hearing those words leave Kae's mouth. She watched as the ghoul's face looked as if she was ready to cry before it hardened and walked away too-ignoring the cheers of her team and the ones rooting for her.

She stood still frozen, wondering how someone usually so stoic and cool seemed to be affected by not receiving the attention of one person. The human girl slowly remembering that that person was someone that had begotten her. Someone that also affected the way she lives until the day she dies.

"Ah, I feel like an idiot." Himari hissed, walking out of the field. Briefly telling her father that she wants to go get some things inside of her locker.

From afar, did she spend a few minutes watching a lost-looking Kae. Who then made a beeline towards the bathrooms. Looking around to see if no one was watching, she waited a couple more minutes before entering.

"What do you want?"

Himari shivered, a voice that threatened violence if she was to give the crying girl an answer she dislikes. Kae was by the sink, trying to wash away the redness in her eyes and face through constantly dousing her face in cold water. There were wet tissues by the sink, giving her the idea that Kae had been compressing her eyes.

Himari puffed up her cheeks, cheeks turning a bit red as her hands turned into fists.

"Mark my words Kae Kaneki! One day, I will finally beat you!" Himari yelled, making Kae jump a bit with wide eyes, clearly stunned at what Himari saying.

"One day! I will beat the strongest, coolest and talented prodigy of this school!"

With that Himari ran out of the bathroom, embarrassed and red-faced. Kae who was left inside suddenly losing the sadness and frustration after hearing her words.

"Huh, strange."

Pulling out her phone, Kae turned it on and opened her messages. The rest of the day being a blur for her after her mother arrived to pick her up. Briefly appearing on her mind from time to time as she laid in bed was the confused turned panicked look of her father.

The air inside of the house felt thick, no one knowing why Kae chose to lock herself inside of her room for the remainder of the day; Kae's family surprised when they realised that Kae had only eaten once today. Touka glanced at her husband, Kaneki panicking as he told her what he and Kae did up until Touka abruptly picked her up from school after receiving a phone call from their daughter.

Kishou watched his parents continue to talk to each other, sighing before he climbed out of his window and headed straight toward Kae's.

"How is it possible that you don't know why our daughter is lockingherself up in her room? Weren't you supposed to be with her most of the time?"

"I was, the only times I weren't with her was when I approached Shoto to invite him to join us and when he abruptly left the field."

"You don't think...she has something against you interacting with Rei's son..."

"I mean...I know their friendship is sort of stiff, especially after thatincident but I'm not sure to what extent do they...not get along with each other."

"(deep breath) I'm sorry...Ishouldn't have gotten angry at you. I'm just really worried for Kae, its been a hard year for her."

"It's fine Touka, don't worry about it...what are we going to do with Kae now?"

"Let's give her time alone, I'll leave a platter outside her door."

Knocking on Kae's window, the girl opened her curtains-eyes wide when she saw that it was her older brother. Quickly opening the window, she let him inside of her room.

"You have everyone worried," Kishou told her, Kae returning to flop back onto her bed. "By everyone I mean the family, no one else besides the six of us knows about this." he added, sitting down right beside her.

There was silence, Kae silently enjoying her older brother's presence while Kishou was there to comfort her by just being there. His scent mixing with the other smells around her, another source of warmth inside of the room alongside a heartbeat. Slowly, Kishou lifted his head and placed it on the back of Kae's head, digging his fingers a bit into her scalp before moving his head around-unfamiliar with giving a head massage despite loving them.

The head was perhaps a special area for the family, ever since the children were young did they familiar themselves with the forehead touches, light kisses and touches of both their parents. None was not familiar with affection through touch. When Kae was still sleeping with both her mother and father did she remember the times either of them would either sing a small lullaby or story to send her to sleep. As they spoke or sang, would fingers lightly play with her hair or rub her head.

"How would you feel if I train you? I know father feels icky for training you before your kakuhos developed, but I don't. By the time both you and father train together, you'll impress him better." Kishou offered, Kae lifting her head from her pillow to lay on one cheek while looking at him.

"Behind dad's back? Are you sure this is alright?" Kae asked, Kishou nodding his head.

"Ichika once told me her friend once trained behind his father's back until he told him then disappeared." Kishou brought up, Kae humming.

"Ah, Ichika sometimes reminisces about her friend. It's sad to see that she still misses him after he decided to pursue his dreams. Toya's passion is really something to look up to." Kae commented, Kishou slowly nodding his head.

"It truly is..."

Chapter 4: Road to Hero


Welcome back to another chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Kishou had offered to train her, Kae did not expect-well, she had to expect him to take it seriously. This was something regarding Kishou Kaneki, the top contender to replacing their father in maintaining the peace between ghouls and humans. His position as the top contender in being the next one-eyed-king grew when many watched his performance during the Sports Festival, internship and work studies.

Kishou's popularity grows rapidly, showing no stop in faltering in a society that's current trend is heroes.

His outfit used to be simple, constantly advised to change the colours in order to stand out. His old hero suit consisted of : black pants, a white long-sleeved button down, a black vest and fingerless gloves. Now, after being designed by special hero outfit designers and a company specialises in making those outfits it was much more regal, different and helped boost his aura as 'The One-Eyed-Prince'

"Really? This almost looks like the traditional garbs we wear but in different colours." Kishou grumbled, seeing no point in changing his outfit.

"Kishou, honey. When we were visiting the orphanage, all the children ran away because they thought you were a dove." Touka stated, Kishoulooking away with his arms crossed.

"Does this even look like a hero outfit?!" Kishou demanded, a few designers flinching as he spread his hands as if to show his outfit better.

"Honestly, it very much resembles Al-Haitham. But replace the different shades of green with shades of blue." Kae pointed a finger, surprised to find out that Kishou has abs too that helped really bring the whole fit together. "I don't honestly mind, plus, don't you think it would bewasting the lives of these designers if you reject it? Not so heroic-like." Kae teased a little, Kishou raising an eyebrow.

"Oh just wait untilI help design your hero outfit." Kishou warned, pointing a finger towards Kae who began toawkwardly laugh.

Kaneki slowly clapped his hands, entering the room wearing a suit that made Touka's face turn red. "Hero outfit? Last timeI checked, Kae never told me about wanting to become a hero."

Well, it turns out you can't just play in the shadows behind the back of the King of Darkness. He who sits on the throne in the kingdom of eternal night, watches over whatever spreads through the touch of shadows.

"Oomf!" Kae's air supply was knocked out of her lungs when Kishou slammed his rinkakus hard enough to slam her against the wall of the basem*nt. His rinkakus glowed brightly for a few moments, seemingly revelling for landing yet another hit on Kae.

Kaneki supervised their fight, watching from the safe zone. A simple line that dictated the fighters where their range of fighting is limited to. From time to time, if he saw something wrong would he immediately correct them. Since finding out and telling both of them of their little sessions, Kaneki always made sure to join them if he had time. If he wasn't or if there was something he needed to see, Touka would watch over the two-his beloved wife was one of his earliest mentors.

Soon, Kae developed her own attack pattern. She would first strike her opponent in the leg and attempt to bring them down. Something that was good enough considering she was still a newbie to fighting. On the ground, Kae glared at Kishou. From her back, a single ukaku kagune sprouted; colours that were bright enough to function as a temporary source of light. Kishou's face remained stoic, even as Kae blitzed forward and attempted to strike him with the kagune.

Kishou placed a single rinkaku to block the wing, using his other rinkakus to wrap around Kae like a snack and bind her. When his plan work, he tightened his hold on her on the ground Kae retaliating by de-materialising her kagune and attempting to strike him in his crotch.

"Kae, not to your brother! Anyone else's but not your brother's scrotum!" Kaneki yelled, wondering if Ayato had taught her that move.

"I...can handle a kick to the scrotum."Kishou stated, he himself sounding unsure. Kaneki looked at his son.

"Really? Can you son?" Kaneki asked, Kishou shaking his head 'no'.

During the family's annual checkup to the doctor, it was then that the doctor revealed that it was safe enough for Kae to release her ukaku kagune whereas her rinkakus still needed time.

"As you can see, Kae also has these extra organsmaking her the third ghoul born with this special organ we call the dragon variant. We don't have enough knowledge of the dragon variant to understand whyonly her ukaku is ready compared to her rinkaku."

Arata joked it was because she was a girl, safe to say that Touka slapped him in the back of his head for considering that. Kishou joked that Kae needed trauma to unlock her full potential, Touka smiled and also slapped the back of her other son's head.

"And what sort of trauma do youhave Kishou?" Kaneki asked inside of the car, ranting as he drove. "Whatcould have possibly happened to you while you live with me and your mother?"

Their father ended up ranting until the journey home, Kae swearing that that was the longest car drive she had ever been in.

"How do you still have time to train with me even after all your new responsibilities?" Kae asked Kishou, their training session for the day finished. She threw him a bottle of water, Kishou easily catching it with ease and twisting the cap open.

"The hero I'm currently under is rather generous after I told him a bit of the family, he's not the type of person to hold your hand every step of the way." Kishou shortly answered, walking towards the area he dedicated to what Arata called 'tinkering'

Kae watched from where she sat, hands as support whereas her legs were spread to prevent them from being too sore if they kept closed. She watched as her brother unveiled a sheet to what she believed to be his newest project. Something that involved a black suitcase with gold-coloured designs.

"What are you working on?" Kae asked, standing up once she relaxed enough. She walked towards where he was working on now, his eyes diligently focused on his project.

"A project that if successful would help me lessen the use of my kagune, by using the kagune of others." Kishou answered, Kaneki glancing at his oldest son after busily looking at his phone. A look of concern on his face.

"Eh? Is this what Uncle Ayato and Uncle Renji call a quinque? I've heard stories about them being made from us but to actually see them is rather cool." Kae commented, about to touch whatever was inside of the now-open case. Kishou gave her a look, Kae slowly retracting her hand back with a bashful look on her face.

"Whose kagune is that anyways?" Kae asked.

"Kakuho." Kishou corrected the younger, looking up towards the direction of their father. Kae followed his movements, eyes widening when she focused on their father-his back facing them. "Dad was more than willing to help me with my work."


Kishou sighed, "Kae, did I knock your head too harshly? Your comments in English is not the same as their definition."

"It sounds cool though." Kae commented, a grin on her face.

"It makes you sound stupid." Kishou retorted. Kae took a deep breath.



Kaneki quickly placed his phone back inside of his pocket, quickly running up towards the two and gently grabbing Kae by her shoulders. "Alright you two, enough physical and verbal fighting for today-Kae, how about we go get some type O blood packs? They're said to taste the best!" with that both father and daughter disappeared from the basem*nt making Kishou roll his eyes.

"For mosquitoes that is."

Perhaps it was all the books Kishou read about the CCG, history and the thousand year war against ghouls that made him interested in quinques. Weapons that were way beyond their time invented by Adam Gehner and Yoshi Washuu. The second being someone from the same clan as Kishou, Kae, Ichika, Arata and their father. They have Washuu genes, genes that also caused the emergence of two dragons in Japan. One that caused the destruction of the 24th ward and the other that...well, everyone knew what happened-it was broadcasted for the world to see.

It was the next day in class that Kishou spent his time inside of his own mind, thinking of all the things he can possibly do later inside the comforts of his home.

"A stiletto weapon without handles is alright, but it's only intended for stabbing. Perhaps I can create a sort of storage inside of the weapon to excrete out a type of venom from kagunes that would slowly destroy quirk cells and slow down the process of regeneration of other ghouls." Kishou muttered, despite his voice being loud enough to earn his class' attention.

"You know we can hear you right?" Tamaki muttered, face on the table, wanting to go home and sleep.

"That's the point." Kishou answered, taking out his pen to continue his sketching.

"You're actually serious in changing your fighting style? You are already the strongest person in our class." Tamaki said, Kishou nodding, not rejecting Tamaki's words about his strength.

"All because none of you have figured out a counter-attack to my speed, technique and regeneration. If I constantly remain the same, it all just makes me a fool. If you want to be strong, you have to constantly evolve."

Tamaki slowly nodded his head, unable to deny the other's words.

"Try to put more effort than you are now, show some confidence. It would be a shame for my sister to be disappointed in you." Kishou commented, Tamaki glancing at him in surprise.

"Your sister looks up to me?" Tamaki asked for confirmation, Kishou hummed.

"Let's see, your colour palette and outfit isn't that bright, your personality is bearable and you're a better than average human being in her eyes." Kishou said, looking up to the sky to see if he missed anything. "Checks out."

"That's...nice to hear." a small smile on Tamaki's face.Cool, he has someone looking up to him as a hero. What a nice heartwarming thing to hear.

"Remember, if you want to try and practice your skills in the sewers. Use this mask."

Kishou had given her a rather simple fox mask, one that Kae decided to pair with a shrine maiden outfit. An outfit that didn't really follow the traditional design considering that the skirt was much shorter and she wore long stockings instead to help hide her exposed legs. Walking around the sewers, Kae hummed and enjoyed her exploration of the underground canals. Was she worried about a demonic clown that may hunt her down? A bit, but she'll be fineeeeee.

'I hate clowns, damn you Arata.'Kae thought, remembering the nightmares she also had because he insisted on the four watching Annabelle and the Conjuring series for their movie nights.

Holding her phone, Kae made sure she knew which ward she was in and what building she was under. So far, she's a good distance away from her home. Kae wonders if the underground was how ghouls normally travel so fast between different places without getting caught in the past. Well, also the different trains used for different purposes if they're good at keeping their identities a secret. If the bullet train was the fastest train in the world, a person travelling from the past would be surprised at the new and improved train system in the nation. How could they make it better? By simply reducing the amount of travel time by increasing the speed.

The risk of increasing the speed more was high, but so was the ego of the government ever since All Might went back to his home nation.

If Kae isn't wrong, in the previous Shinkansen bullet trains. It used to take around an hour and 20 minutes. Now, it just takes about 45 minutes. She finds it funny, how both Arata and Kishou both now wake up at 4 in the morning to prepare for about 20 minutes and eat for about 10 minutes max before departing to the train station.

"We sleep on the train and sometimes in class until homeroom starts at 8:25." Kishou answered after Touka asked them if they had been getting enough rest.

The rest of the family gave them an 'are you serious?' look when they realised school started at 8:25. Kishou nodded, Arata grumbling a bit.

"Hero students and their needs to show how diligent and coolthey are." Arata complained, Kishou giving his younger twin a look.

"You're the one whoalso applied to U.A, except for the business department." Kishou pointed out.

"Of course! If you're going to be a big-timehero, I'm going to make all the money I can from your fame!" Arata exclaimed, throwing his hands up as if that was the most obvious answer in the world.

"When did you become so obsessed with money?" Kishou asked, clearly judging the other. Arata rolled his eyes.

"Brother, recessions happen. When that happens, you can get stocks and real estate at some good prices. I'm heretrying to help boost our family'seconomy state like all Asian children are fated to do."

"Somebody! Anybody! Please help!"

Kae flinched, hearing the echo of someone's cry for help. Knowing she can't just leave them alone and because the underground canals are rather terrifying, she started to sprint towards the direction of the voice.

When she finally reached a larger area, Kae watched from a distance a green-haired boy who seemed to be her age slowly be cornered by a dragon orphan. Ah, right. Those creatures that continue to wreak havoc and breed after the dragon incident. Sniffing the air, besides the smell of the monster she surmises that the boy must be quirkless due to her inability to detect any other special scents that comes with an individual's quirk. Plus, he smells delicious.

Releasing one wing, Kae blitzed forward and slashed the orphan into half. Before pouncing onto the boy, quickly taking off her mask, she forced it onto his face just as the remaining parts of the dragon orphan exploded and released Rc cells-dangerous ones that would cause health problems if inhaled by humans, especially ones with quirks.

"Are you alright?" Kae asked him, the boy shaking terribly while slowly raising a finger to point at something.

"I-i-it's friends..." he said, Kae looked up with wide eyes, noticing two other dragon orphans on the walls. They jumped down, resuming with a standing position.

Releasing another wing, Kae rushed forward to take care of both of them before they hurt the human. Releasing a barrage of spiky-projectiles towards the two monsters. When they were distracted, she rushed forward and sliced one in the neck while punching one of her hands into the other. Kae was briefly surprised when her hand went through the monster and the monster reacted with no scream of pain.

'Ah wait, are dragon orphans purelymuscle or not?'

Before Kae could reply, the monster grabbed her by the shoulder and chucked her away far from it and the boy who continued to tremble in place. Kae groaned, feeling excruciating pain at the back of her head from where it collided against the wall. Her vision blurred, threatening for her to pass out and die alongside the boy.

The boy calling out towards her in the haze, slowly opening her eyes, everything was still blurry and slowly shaking. It took moments, moments for her to finally see that he still had his eyes on her, tears on his eyes as a few trailed down his freckled cheeks.

"Please...I don't want to die."

Kae gritted her teeth, trying to force down the pain. The boy looked up at the dragon orphan now a few centimetres in front of him, swearing that its exposed teeth seemed to be smiling down at him. Opening its jaw, it slowly bent down to devour him, he let out a scream as droplets of blood splattered onto him.

He felt nothing.

Was this death?

Opening his eyes, he saw a giant red tendril burst out from the chest of the dragon orphan. The tendril glowed, dragging back the monster from him. Kae took deep breaths, controlling her newly burst rinkaku that slammed the dragon orphan around before repeatedly stabbing it. When Kae was satisfied and sure it was dead, she threw it away from both of them-waiting for it to explode.

"My dad's going to kill me..." Kae sighed, walking towards the boy. Limping a bit before normalising her walk. "You alright?"

"Eurhghghghgghg." the boy sobbed, on the ground as he looked up at her with eyes filled with so much tears. Despite the amount of tears, it was clear to the one-eyed-ghoul that he was in awe.

"Why did you take off the mask when I tried to make sure you didn't suffer from an overproduction of Rc cells?" Kae sighed, without the boy's permission holding him bridal style. To her luck, her mask wasn't on the ground but he was holding it.

Before he could say another word, Kae broke into a run; as Kae ran towards the nearest exit, he kept screaming which greatly annoyed the other who did her best to ignore it.Kind of hard when he's holding your head and his mouth was RIGHT BY HER EAR.

Bursting out from a manhole, Kae was surprised to find both of them right inside of a zoo...surrounded by a few heroes, students in uniform the same as the boy and teachers. Quickly putting on her mask, she dropped the boy on the ground as many rushed towards them.

"Oi Deku! Don't think you can just run off like that!" looking from the direction of the voice, Kae observed a boy with two others following behind him. From his palms, he created explosions that left smoke.She glanced towards the boy, was his name Deku?Kae watched Deku tremble, an urge to protect him rising inside of her.

"That kid is an idiot, how could he suddenly fall inside of a manhole?"

"Not surprised it's Midoriya again causing trouble."

"He's already quirkless, how more of a hindrance can he be?"

"So," Kae started, slowly taking off her mask to give everyone a clear look of her face and eyes. One was grey while the other showcased her kakugan. "You were the one who almost caused him to die I presume?" Kae challenged, releasing a rinkaku and slamming it to the ground.

"sh*t, it's the One-Eyed-Princess." a hero muttered, another instantly falling to the ground onto his knees.

"Y-your excellency, the One-Eyed-Princess."

"I don't tolerate bullies, and what I can observe in the few seconds I've been here is that this boy," Kae grabbed Deku by both his shoulders. "Is clearly being bullied, now. Even now that he is a victim of a dragon attack, you people are treating him like sh*t."

Releasing her hold on him, Kae glared down at the two heroes and the teacher who instantly rushed to their side with a gesture from her.

"Tell me, should I force feed you heroes my blood and destroy your bodies and quirks? You can't even do a simple job of keeping a child safe, even from bullies!" Kae said, laughing a bit like a maniac. As fast as she pulled her look of ferocity, her face changed to becoming serious once more.

"The word hero has been tainted for such a long time now, most heroes now are just egocentric fools with a past of being glorified murderers. Don't even have the decency to ask if a victim is alright...pathetic." Kae walked towards a blonde kid with red eyes. Three other rinkakus sprouted from her back, two instantly wrapping around his friends behind him.

"Get off your high f*cking horse, you aren't special. Leave him alone and pick on someone your own size." Kae threatened, the other scoffing at her threat.

"You're looking for a fightbogeyman."he taunted, the classmate of the two boys near her holding their breaths.

"sh*t." the class' teacher muttered.

"Hurt me," Kae said, a smile growing on her face. "Try to hurt me, there were 645 ways for me to kill you, every single one of you here but I didn't because I have mercy." Kae declared, a rinkaku behind the other now wrapping around his neck.


Turning her head, everyone watched as the One-Eyed-King broke through the crowd. Friends whispering to each other when they saw his signature mask covering his face and right eye. His hair was slicked back, a few strands out of place that fell onto his forehead. He first had his hands inside of his pockets, but after he said his name did he release them both to take off the eyepatch to get perhaps a better look of the scene.

"Isn't it too early to go on a binge-eating spree? Should've done it at night, less people to deal with." Kaneki said, kneeling down to inspect some blood on the ground. Ah, judging by the blood on the boys clothes and Kae's newly emerged rinkakus. She was walking by and found him in the process of being attacked.

"Met a few bullies after rescuing this guy, couldn't help myself." Kae sighed, walking towards her father. Unravelling his arms and spreading them wide, the two hugged each other.

"Give those three boys proper detention, you and those heroes over there apologise to that green-haired boy and this won't be discussed at the next meeting with All Might and other representatives for ghouls and humanity." Kaneki said in one breath.

"You," Deku yelped when Kaneki gazed at him.

"Do you want lunch?"

In all honesty, Izuku Midoriya would have never expected how this day would have went. Alright, there was a school trip to the zoo. Sure, Bakugo and his friends bullying him like any other normal day. But to fall down a rabbit hole, get cornered by dragon orphans, be rescued by an unknown hero to only find out that she was the One-Eyed-Princess of ghouls then be rescued again by her and then the king of ghouls himself-to say he was stunned is an understatement for an experience that happened in less than a few hours.

In front of him, as he ate his katsudon. The father and daughter duo enjoyed their cup of coffee, having a conversation too low for him to hear.

"Izuku Midoriya, could you tell us a bit about yourself? Perhaps break the ice around us." Kaneki started, Midoriya jumping a bit in place. "If you're worried about us killing anyone or eating them, don't be. Most of the time, they're just threats." Kaneki assured the younger.

'Most of the time?!'Midoriya panicked.

He was a skinny boy, his face was adorable and the unnatural colour of his hair made Kaneki think the latter was cute. Like a shy baby animal in the company of larger, more dangerous animals that chose to observe it.

"W-well, I am currently a student at Aldera Junior High. I'm a big fan of All Might, I look up to him dearly and...I'm quirkless." Midoriya briefly talked about himself, hands on his knees as he nervously looked down.

"All Might? Not a bad choice." Kae briefly spoke up, Midoriya looking up towards her.

"Why do you sound so defeated when you said you were quirkless?" Kaneki asked, Midoriya releasing a small sigh.

"It's because I want to be a hero no matter what. I know it's going to be hard but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be just like All Might!" Midoriya said, voice slowly gaining confidence. "But having a quirk would still be nice." he awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his neck.

"I was born quirkless," Kaneki looked down at his cup of coffee. The reflection changing to when he was still a human, an innocent smile on his face and back when his hair was still its pure midnight black. "It's fine to wish you have a quirk, but to pity and feel bad about it is too much, at least for me."

Kaneki felt a bit awkward, wondering if it was right for him a stranger adult man to give a young kid he had just met yet treated to lunch advice.

"Doves-or better known as investigators were mostly quirkless too. With proper training, a bulk up in that body of yours and experience. You'll have whatever it takes to become a hero." Kaneki said in a breath, Midoriya nodding his head.

"But, unlike heroes, doves are murderers. They hunted down ghouls, didn't they?" the two ghouls looked towards Midoriya, Kaneki setting down his cup of coffee.

"How funny of you to say that, kid. Let me tell you something that should stick with you until death." Kaneki leaned in closer, placing his hands on the table.

"What you just told me, gives me the perception that you are a person who views the world as black and white. Most of the time, things can come in different shades of grey. You're young, you'll understand what I mean eventually. But for now, try to keep an open mind, won't you?"

Although he was still a bit confused, Midoriya slowly nodded his head; accepting the advice given to him by a man who knows the best and worst of two different worlds. When Kae and Kaneki were finished with their coffee, and Midoriya with his meal, Kaneki drove him to his home. The location given to him by the student.

"Oh, Kaneki!"

Both white-haired family members turned their heads towards Midoriya, the other stuttering for a bit before walking up towards Kae.

"Thank you so much for rescuing me, if you ever plan to become a hero like your older brother. I'll support you to the best of my abilities! Thank you!" Midoriya exclaimed, giving her a perfect bow as Kae smiled a bit at his actions. Cute, Kaneki opening the car door for his daughter, gesturing her to get in.

"Until we meet again, do your best Deku. If...that is what your name is."

Entering the car, once the door was closed, Kae released the air she was holding. Tired from the events of today.

" finally developed your rinkakus." Kaneki commented, a proud look on his face as one of his hands reached out to ruffle her hair, the other hand still on the steering wheel of the car. "What caused them to finally emerge?" he asked, glancing towards Kae.

Kae thought back to the sewers, remembering how she was defeated on the ground as the dragon orphan closed in on the green-haired-stranger. She remembered the tears on his face, his trembles and the way he called out to her.

"I saw a person who desperately needed help, my body responded before my mind could register what I was doing."

"Ahh, you're slowly reminding me of him." Kaneki sighed, knowing it wasn't really a bad thing.

"Go wash up once you get home, freshen up and then go to sleep alright?" Kaneki said, Kae nodding her head.

"Alright dad."






When Kae's door closed for the final time, the main entrance to the house opened. Kishou sighed, entering his home with a couple of bandages and a few stains on his outfit.Red stains.

"I know heroes get their hands dirty, but not this dirty." Touka exited the living room, entering the entrance hallway with her hands crossed. There was a frown on her face, one that matched Kaneki's as he went to stand near his wife.

"It's a part of my soon-to-be-job, I don't mind. It doesn't bother me much." Kishou spoke up, taking off his most outer layer. Both adults took a deep breath, identifying the smell of sewage and blood that would originate from dragon orphans.

"There was a colony growing, I was sent to help deal with it because of my immunity." Kishou added, Kaneki swallowing down his saliva.

"Then tell me Kishou, why didn't the Tokyo Safety Commission alert to me about this issue. Who else did you go with to deal with the problem if it wasn't any other strong ghoul we know of?" Kaneki demanded, taking a few strides towards his son.

"Kishou, could you tell me the truth or is someone compelling you not to?"

"The Public Hero Safety Commission contacted me not long after the Sports Festival, they told me I'm useful for missions that didn't need to be reported or added to the hero network." Kishou confessed, trembling a bit. "They've been sending me on missions with high rewards but also high risks."

"What sort of risks." Kaneki said, voice dropping alongside the temperature and warmth inside of him. Touka too, hands turning into fists.

"Risks that would endanger all of us."


Thank you for reading. I feel like this chapter was shorter than normal and I'm sorry if it feels like that. Don't worry, the next chapter I'll do better.

Chapter 5: U.A Entrance Exam


Welcome back to another chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


"Go low."



"And kick."

Kae bounced off Kishou's lance and landed with ease on the ground, her hair was much longer now. No longer covering either of her eyes wherever which side she chooses to sweep it to. The ghoul had just graduated from Corusan, finally free from that school she despised since she was transferred there. Her body was more defined and athletic because of rigorous training. With diligence, she was now able to conjure up to six rinkakus now aiming for the number eight her older siblings and father can release. As for her ukaku kagune, Uncle Ayato and Uncle Renji were useful in telling her the secrets behind their family's kagune.

Uncle Ayato taught her how to release better projectiles and waves whereas Uncle Renji the usage of her inherited pseudo-electrokinesis. To her surprise and colour preference, Kae was able to release different coloured lightning : purple, blue and white. Each colour coming with their own speciality.

When Kae focuses on blue lightning, it works better for extremely long-range targets. From observations she saw from Kishou, it can struck from kilometres away; more effective if there was any type of storm in the sky.Purple lightning is more commonly used in her maternal family, great area of effect and used constantly in special moves because it was the least wasteful but also effective enough to do the job.White lightning was the deadliest of the three colours, additionally it's the hottest of all lightning.

Like Kishou had planned for himself, for most of his work and missions, he now mostly relies on quinques. Quinques he made himself and with help from scientists from I-Island.

A quinque Kishou made himself was called Excalibur. A sword-like quinque that was made from one of their father's kakuho. Unlike most swords, it was practically unbreakable and could easily pierce through most protective gear and walls. Addionally, the sword can shift and release rinkakus to temporarily throw off Kishou's opponents. Its colours matched Kishou's outfit, the blade being white whereas thehandle, guard, grip and pommel were different.

Seeing Kishou's skill in handling such weapons, Kaneki decided to gift him his late father figure's most known quinque. IXA. Now, he was doing his best to master the weapon.

"God, when did we raise such killing machines?" Ayato asked, arriving to watch the fight between brother and sister. Less brutal than some of his fights with his own sister. His wife, Hinami joined him, cheering for both teens.

Grabbing Yukimura 1/3 that was thrown to the ground, the quinque gifted to Kae met with the lance. Both siblings now glaring at each other fiercely as Kae ducked down to release a low sweep while Kishou jumped back.

"You're holding back." Kae huffed, Kishou raising an eyebrow.

"You want to die?" Kishou asked back.

"At least I'll die knowing my opponent didn't hold back." Kae said with a smile on her face, Kaneki's eye twitching.

"Penalty! Neither side wins." Kaneki declared, standing up from where he sat. The two looked towards their father, a look of mixed anger and solemnity on his face. "You both know I don't like it when you both joke or mention death, especially now that Kae's about to join U.A."

"Sorry." both Kae and Kishou said together.

"Still a mama bear as always." Nishiki commented, helping out Kimi in the kitchen by washing the plates. Ichika had been helping out his wife, trying to create food that was edible to ghouls while also being delicious.

"I feel like if we add more spices then the meat can taste better." Ichika commented, Kimi nodding along.

"Maybe, but we don't know how these chemicals would react to a higher amount of spices..."

Inside of the living room, Arata was groaning in pain as Uncle Tsukiyama continued his lectures about running a business. Tired, he slammed his head onto the table an action that caused Ayato and Hinami's youngest child to began wailing.

"So Kae, are you planning to join the recommendation or normal exam? I can help pull a few strings..." Tsukiyama offered, the two Kaneki siblings that were sparring now re-joining the rest of the family with new clothes; free from the smell of sweat and blood.

"She'll take the normal exam, it's just fighting robots and trying to earn points." Kishou answered for Kae, Kae nodding along."Special recommendations is just for students whose quirks sound powerful, they get chosen and then when they are in they act all high and mighty up until you kick them off their high horse and began a one-sided rivalry."

A few turned their heads towards Arata, the younger twin not even lifting his head up.

"Got into trouble with the group of recommendation students in his year, to this day they're still feuding and to this day Kishou kicks ass."

"So many opportunities to maim them..." Kishou hissed.

"Oh, two even asked out Sen and Nejire out." Arata added, snickering a bit. "Someone's jealous."

"They do not deserve to be in the presence of Nejire or even Sen, unlike them, they are strong women who know what they want and communicate well with their team. They don't discriminate."

If there was one thing that changed Kishou from being in U.A and having friends, he was much more open about how much he cares about them and his emotions. Though, when it comes to his own emotions, he stills shows it in his own ways-no tears required to be involved. Kae looked at her brother, wondering when was the last time she had seen him vulnerable, or if she ever had.

"What about that old friend of yours? Is he also going to be taking the normal entrance exam?" Tsukiyama asked, Kae rolling her eyes for a moment.

"You mean Todoroki? Please, he listens to his father as if his words were the gospel, why would he take the normal exam when his father is the number two hero?" Tsukiyama nodded his head, understanding that the tension between Kae and the other was still strong.

"Want to bet that they'll eventually be friends again?" Banjou whispered to Arata, the other also rolling his eyes.

"If only you know the days and knights Kae spent swearing that vengeance will be hers, for some reason, she really wants to prove herself to be better than him." Arata sighed, glancing towards their father with his head resting against one of his hands. "If only someone minded their own business and not interfere with that messed up family." the younger of the two twins commented, Kishou raising his head at the hidden mention of the Todoroki family but nodded along with the last part.

The two eventually learned the truth behind the family, especially the head of the clan. To say that they were horrified and felt tricked was an understatement. Now, anything with the family was just a sore spot for the twins unlike Ichika who accepted the news for what it was. She too was horrified, but did her best to be civil about it.

"Let's...not talk about the past anymore." Kaneki coughed, eyes now fixated on his youngest born."Are you fine with using Yukimura 1/3?" Kaneki approached Kae, the girl eagerly nodding her head.

"I love it, I never knew that it could glow and fit so well with me." Kae commented, the other nodding his head slowly, a bit unsure.

'How long do you think Kae will remain in the dark?' Arata signed towards Kishou, Kishou raised an eyebrow at his brother's way to secretly communicate. Japanese Sign Language? Interesting.

"Just wait and see." he answered.

With that, Kishou ended their short conversation.

"In truth, I've always stored it to give it to you in mind for no apparent reason. But I guess now, it's sort of fate." her father smiled, pinching her cheek before walking away to talk with Ichika and how she's progressing.

It was a typical meeting on a Saturday, the family together enjoying their time together. Kae took a deep breath, counting down the days until the entrance exam. She'll have to do her best. She has her family's reputation to uphold and protect.

"Oh Kae! Before you do anything else, we have a gift for you." Ichika yelled in delight, skipping towards her younger sister with a gift in hand. "It's something we all put together so you'll have a piece of us whenever you're out there."

Taking the gift with a whisper of a thank you, Kae unraveled the ribbon and opened the top of the gift. Inside, there was a head ornament to place on the side of her head. The head piece was mostly gold, with two blue platycodon flowers. Beside the head ornament was something that resembled a neck accessory, a light blue in colour with a design that she couldn't really tell inside. Squinting her eyes, to her surprise, it was the family crest of the Raiden family.

"That extra accessory is something Arashi put together alongside Raiden Ei." Kishou commented, watching as Kae slowly walked towards the nearest mirror and put on both accessories. One on the right side of her head while the other right at the juncture of her neck.

No one said anything, holding their breath. But when they heard the sound of sniffles and the small smell of tears, a few cooed as they went to hug and give support towards Kae, the girl's heart feeling all the love her family had for her. She held them all tightly, never wanting the moment and feeling to leave her.

Wearing her normal uniform, Kae made sure to bring along a bottle of water inside of her bag, notes, her pencil case and sports outfit inside of her bag. No longer being too embarrassed of her different eye colours, she glanced up at the large entrance of U.A and took her first step inside. She briefly stood in place for a bit, not really feeling anything different besides thinking how she's much older now. It felt like only yesterday that her kakuhos finally matured, Ichika declaring that she wanted to create better edible dishes so everyone can enjoy them, Kishou's projects were going through trial and error, Arata wondering how a businesses course student like him suddenly reached the final part of the Sports Festival and became a meme after the match ups for the final battle was revealed. He gawked at the screen, realising he had to fight Kishou during the Quarter-Finals.

'Oh sh*t.' the cameras were now focused on him, Arata looked around, gulping when his brother gave him a deadpanned look on the other side of the field.

"Kishou..." Arata began, his hands out a bit as if he was in front of a threatened dangerous animal.


"KISHOU!" Arata screamed, the two nowengaging in close combat.

Arata was given the offer to transfer into the Hero Course, the other refusing, choosing to instead enter a programme created by the Tokyo Safety Commission to stop the requests of the HPSC. They were annoying, incessant with their wish of him aiding in serving the country by becoming a hero. Their actions annoyed their father, Kae wondering if it was because of them that their training became much more strict and harder when father was watching.

"Excuse me! But you are blocking the pathway for other excited youths to join U.A's entrance exam, please stand on the side-Kae turned her head, the person who was talking to her suddenly losing his ability to talk as he flinched and almost took a step back.

"You must be the One-Eyed-Princess..." his voice trailed off a bit, an unsettling feeling growing inside of him.

"Is my family's reputation that bad?" Kae asked, more bothered that he suddenly stopped scolding her just because of who she was.

"N-no! It's just, your eyes are really piercing." the guy shook his hands quickly. He's rather tall, black hair, wears glasses and is rather cute the more Kae observes him. "I've seen fair share of different pupils from time to time, but not ones that are rather diamond-shaped like yours."

Kae nodded her head, the contrasting colours and difference in the shape of her pupils is rather shocking too when when had first opened her eyes. Natural born one-eyed-ghouls usually have the same colour eyes as her until they eventually fade and either follow the colour of either parents. From what she had heard, doctors couldn't find any underlying health conditions no matter how many times she was checked.

"My name is Tenya Iida from Somei Private Academy." Iida greeted her, the two now slowly walking.

"Kae Kaneki, Corusan Middle School." Kae greeted back.

"You said your first name as if it was Kai." Iida pointed out, Kae smiling a bit when he noticed instantly. Good ears.

"I like it that way."

The two then fell into awkward silence, neither knowing what to say next but enjoying each other's rather awkward company. There were many others around them talking and conversing with others, to just stand alone felt rather uncomfortable; something Kae was used to doing to before Arashi became her friend.

She wonders how Arashi is doing now, has he made his move on his astrologist crush from the other class?

Kae froze in place a bit, detecting a scent that was much stronger than the other scents inside the room. Even though it felt faint, Kae surmised that it was still dormant, like a sort of parasite crawling inside of a person resting and lurking before gaining more power as time passes. Looking around, there was too many things going on for her to properly detect where it was coming from.

"Are you alright?" Iida asked, Kae shook her head a bit.

"Sensory overload, too much of a good ability can really be bothersome."

Opening her bag, Iida watched as the girl took out a blindfold and tied it around her eyes.

"You would think that this would enhance my other senses because of my loss of vision, it doesn't. I need to actually lose limbs and my eyes to gain a better sense enhancement." Kae informed him, Iida nodding his head to the new source of information.

"Does it hurt? Losing limbs and regenerating?" Iida asked, Kae shook her head.

"Don't know, I have never lost limbs before. Dislocation? Sure. My regeneration is top-tier, I can say that though." Kae replied.

"How do you know your regeneration is top-tier?"

"My brother, all the stories he's ever told me of becoming a hero." Kae eerily smiled, creating a sign with her hand signalling that it's alright.

A few that were listening to them stiffened.

"I'm just going to leave..." one said, sprinting back towards the exit and entrance.

The entrance exam consisted of two phases : a written and practical test. So far, everyone was heading towards their respective given classes to take the exam. Because of the sheer number of applicants U.A receives every year, the entire process of choosing which limited amount of students to accept can take up to a few days. To her luck, Kae was on day one.

There were a few students on a few floors looking down at the students, all of them being there at the request of the teachers to help keen an eye out for anyone who may need help. Two of them being Nejire and Tamaki. Gazing briefly at all the potential first-years down below, Tamaki smiled when he finally saw shiny white hair. Though white hair was already rare, he couldn't help but think that the family's white hair was much more special. Sen once agreed with him when Nejire brought up the topic of hair. Was it the fondness they had for their friends that made them think this way? Tamaki would give a small nod.He cares for his friends and their well-being greatly.

"I'm surprised that no one has arrived to this floor's classrooms." Nejire commented.

"Well, the structure of the building is quite strange. They'll figure it out eventually." Tamaki added."Remember when Kishou and Arata used to take different elevators when they could have just taken the sky bridges?" he asked, Nejire giggling a bit.

"Oh yes, they did that for like at least two weeks until we followed them to lunch. No wonder they're sometimes so late or take a long time to return."

The elevator dropping students off at their flower dinged, a rush of students entering the hallway to find their class. Nervously, Tamaki stayed behind as Nejire took charge in guiding all the new faces.When the exams were over, it was yet another problem to guide the students all to the different halls for them to gain a briefing before the test. The indigo-haired-boy kept his hands inside of his pocket as he lost sight of Nejire in the on-going rush out.

There were so many students shoving around as they talked and continue to. Knowing someone could get hurt, Tamaki became serious and released two octopuses tentacles from his fingers that slammed themselves onto an empty wall. The action instantly gaining the attention of everyone.

"All of you, stop shoving each other. No one will be late to your respective locations. Now, wait for the elevator quietly and without pushing each other. Do you want someone to get hurt?"

Nejire smiled from where she watched Tamaki gain a sudden boost of courage and lecture the younger teens. This, was Suneater. One of the most promising students in their year.

"Go Tamaki..." she whispered, following his demand to keep quiet.

Although Kae didn't see Iida again after they went their own ways, she didn't mind as she changed her clothes and headed towards the location in where she would take her entrance exam. While waiting for the gates to open, the ghoul chose to do some stretching, wondering if there would be any other surprises besides robots inside of the area. Would there be people hired to act as victims of an attack? If so, that would be interesting.

'Everyone will be watched heavily, I have to keep focus.'Kae thought, growing a bit nervous inside.

"Woah, your eyes are so cool."

Kae turned her head once again, receiving a compliment (?) from someone with black hair and red eyes. When the two made eye contact, the boy's cheeks quickly turned red. Kae blinked, the second time someone complimented her eyes in the day. Was the change in her hair cut really that drastic?

"Oh sorry! I'm Eijiro Kirishima, nice to meet you."

"Kae Kaneki."

Kirishima's eyes widened, but instead of fear was excitement inside of them.

"Wait, does this mean you're a ghoul?!" he asked out loud, earning the attention of the other teens around them. Kae nodded her head, due to her surprise at his sudden outburst did her left eye reveal to him her kakugan.

"I've never met a ghoul before..." Kirishima said in awe, observing her eye.

"Yeah well, here you are before one now." Kae awkwardly said, not really knowing what to say after his statement. Kirishima glanced towards the speaker telling the group that they'll be starting soon.

"Good luck, I'll see you later."

"You too."

The gates open, Kae using her senses to detect the robots as she watches everyone rush inside. Eijiro Kirishima, a nice kid. Taking a deep breath, Kae rushed inside of the area. Kakugan activating once again, everything was a blur as she headed to an area where a lot of robots were. Stopping in her place, Kae counted and observed the different shaped robots who detected her presence : four hard villains, three medium and six easy-villain robots.

Perhaps she can try out Uncle Ayato's special move now? Looking around, there was no one else just yet. Manifesting both of her ukaku kagunes, Kae knelt onto the ground. Closing her eyes, her wings hardened from their wild fire like state and released a burst of Rc cells that traveled in a swirl-like motion similar to one of her brother's friends.

The waves traveled fast, reaching the robots and destroying around four of them. Finished with the attack, Kae jumped forward and released two of her rinkakus. Jumping from one to the other as the red scales pierced through their armor. When one was just in front of her, the girl twisted her body and kicked off the A.I's head.

"Alright so four times three, three times two and add six...twelve...eighteen...twenty-four." Kae hummed, pausing a bit, losing her confidence to count without a calculator. "Wait, f*ck, I'm overthinking it now. Whatever, I'll just destroy every robot I see."

In her defence, it was her first time doing math during a fight.Inside of a safer area, multiple screens show the current group going up for the practical test. The room was dark, nobody being able to tell who's who.

"Hmm? I detected a surge of power from this area before it decreased." a hero inside of the observation area commented, the area Kae was in now being displayed.

"Oh? She took all of them down by herself? What's her name?" a feminine voice asked, fixing her red glasses as if she was seeing things wrong.

"Kae Kaneki, One-Eyed-Ghoul, one of the four dragon variants." the current principal of U.A told the other heroes, he watched in interest as she effortlessly made her way to another area, a calm look on her face that reminded him of one of the school's top students.

"This year's batch looks promising. Much better from last year." one commented, looking around to see if others would agree.

"The apples don't fall far from the tree I see, ah, makes me want to release the 0-pointer right about now." a glass switch was open hearing the words of the principal, in excitement did everyone hear the sound of the button being pushed.

"So...there's most likely going to be a useless giant robot acting as a fear factor to spread everyone out?" Kae asked, Kishou nodding his head in confirmation. Both of them were on Kishou's bed, discussing the plan for the exam day. When Kae had just entered sixth grade, Kishou had even provided her with mock tests andpreparation to enter U.A. Questions, answers and ways to solve different problems for different lessons.

To her surprise, his earlier tests grade werebelow the requirement.Seinan Gakuin's curriculum was different from U.A, that was why adjusting was not only a social thing both twins had to conquer. This added a bit of guilt back into Kae, remembering how Kishou stillmade time for her.

"I need you to kill it, in any way how as long as it is impressive. That'll impress the heroes watching. Then after that, go rescue anyone on the ground to also earn points, that'll show you have the heart of a hero, to save others." Kishou continued, drawing random shapeson a piece of paper. "Besides villain points there will be rescue points, something not shared with the students during the briefing."

"Balance, as all things should be." Arata cut into the conversation for a moment before opening his mouth again, "Man, you're so hellbent on making Kae a top student more than our own parents."

"I need someone to share my burden and keep ourfamily safe, unlike your lazy ass, Kae has passion." Kishou stated, Arata feigning a look of hurt.

"Fine! Go have Kae as your twin, ICHIKA! LET'S GO WATCH NETFLIX AND SLEEP TOGETHER!" after yelling that did Arata leave the room, bringing his laptop to go sleep thenight with their oldest sibling.


Seeing the robot before her, Kae once again knelt down. This time, her hands were over her ears. The robot locked its gaze to her, the other students near Kae fleeing away in panic, a few tripping as others were trapped under rubble.

"Black Rabbit's Devastation, 10% output."

Purple lightning moved around Kae, before releasing itself right in the middle of the giant robot. The robot moved back, being pushed by the force of the move. Despite having a low output, it was enough to knock off a few parts of its armor, revealing its inside. Taking a deep breath, Kae took a deep breath and jumped up onto its arm. Running on it, she jumped once more when it swung its other arm towards her. With both its arm away, Kae released a stronger burst of Rc cells towards the exposed insides, an attempt to take it down from its circuits.

Her wings spread, keeping her in the air as she forced herself to release a small controlled Electromagnetic Pulse. The lights on the robot flickered, as if trying to fight against the EMP Kae had sent out.Doing a roll mid-air, four rinkakus burst from behind her and pierced into the robot's head, with a bit of force and Kae biting on her lip did she place enough force to remove its head and lift it high enough to drop it onto its body.

"She just took down the robot by herself!" someone yelled in disbelief.

"That's so cool..."


Landing on top of a roof, Kae stabilising her breathing as she looked down at the remnants of the broken 0-pointer. Jumping back down, two more rinkakus joined the existing four to help rescue those who were stuck under rubble. While some cut and broke down the parts that trapped them, a few slithered around the victims, using just enough force to lift them and not instantly crush them to death. Her wings had long de-materialised, still unused to using both different Rc types at the same time.

Inside of her head, Kae mentally thanked Kishou for guiding her. She also wonders how Kishou knew so much about the entrance exam.

"She's rather experienced." All Might said in amaze, taking a few steps forward to see the girl walking away from the area with the ones that were left behind. Her heart was in the right place to, besides taking down her enemies did the ghoul also take the remaining time to save those in need. He would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed, but Kae Kaneki also came from a family of heroes who did things their own ways, doing something for the right reasons was sort of expected; no matter how unorthodox or how society view their process of action.

"Interesting, her total score now surpasses the boy with all zero points and no rescue points."

"Hey Shota, I think I have a new student I'm betting is going to be this year's next top candidates. Watch me win this time." Present Mic grinned, elbowing the man sitting right beside him.

"I wouldn't choose just so soon Mic." Eraser Head began. Pausing his screen on Kae as Present Mic leaned in to see what he was doing. The screen flashed blue, Present Mic suddenly acting as if he was watching the World Cup.


"I don't understand, why would you like someone who's like that?" Arashi asked, the two watching Spy X Family inside of his room after Kae finally convinced him to watch the show. He was rather skeptical of watching it since it didn't interest him, but it was a show from a hundred years ago like a few other shows he also likes. They were finally at the episode where Fiona Frost is introduced. "Honestly I understand if it was Annie from Attack on Titan, because well, she's hot but her?"

"She looks like she could be related to you." Arashi teased, a joke that Kae didn't find funny.

"For the last time, my family and I don't follow the traditional methods of my dad's clan." Kae hissed, that traditional method being incest between family members. Arashi stuck his tongue out, causing Kae to lean over and hit him multiple times lightly.

The two laughed a little, Arashi suddenly remembering something that made his ears turn red.

" get my gift? Look, it's nothing special but mother insisted I get you a gift for tole-Kae cut him off, giving him a hug. A smile on her face as she hugged him. Arashi's face turned red as his ears, slowly did he place his hands on the arms around him. Doing his best to hug back in his flustered state.

"It's to help you control your pseudo-electrokinesis to, a-at least it'll unlock and help you if you get accepted into U.A." Arashi tried to explain, Kae nodding along to his words. "But if you didn't get accepted, then it's practically useless to you."

"Don't worry about your gift not being used, I got accepted." Kae chuckled, pulling back from the hug. Grabbing her bag, she pulled out a small device that made the other tilt his head. Placing it on the floor where both of them were sitting on, Kae pushed a button.

"Is it playing?" All Might asked, "Before you now is not only the symbol of Peace, but also the newest faculty member of U.A!"

"Kae Kaneki, you aced the written exam. You also aced the practical exam! Being a hero is not only about fighting villains, but also risking your life to save others who can't fight for themselves. That's why we have rescue points! My dear, you scored about 40 hero points and 60 hero points! The highest in this year's entrance exam, congratulations! Such skill should be highly praised at your age, we await your presence on the first day of school Kae Kaneki, or should I say, your excellency, the One-Eyed-Princess." with the last words said, All Might laughed his iconic laugh and the hologram came to a stop.

"100 points?" Arashi asked rhetorically, Kae nodding her head. "Your brother is a good teacher." he praised, Kae also nodding her head.

"What do you expect? He doubled my workload by making me answer different tests to grade 7 and 8 while I was still in grade 6. I barely had time to hang out with you, don't even get me started on the training." she complained, remembering those rough times. "The amount of times I cried, yelled in frustration and cursed all year would surprise you...never thought I was a crybaby until then."

"What stopped you from stopping?" Arashi asked, picturing inside his mind a mental image of Kae crying. At least, to the best he can depict.

"Spotify premium, binge-eating, exercising and my dad as my go-to person from problems." the girl gave a thumbs up, Arashi giving her a strange look. Though he has no doubts that Ken Kaneki was a great father, if he were stranger, then he would have probably thought she was insane. Funny, how perspectives instantly change like day and night sometimes as you get to know the person. "There were some moments where I began to resent him, I didn't exactly tell him but I was less affectionate and sort of ignored him for a bit before I felt guilty and understood all he wanted was the best for me."

"At least we know your brother is now confirmed to be the no-fun type of parent." the two snickered, Kae reaching for the remote and resuming the episode they were both currently watching.

On a fine day, in Tokyo, was Kishou Kaneki walking towards the mall. Checking his messages, he opened a group chat and read all the un-read messages. From time to time would he be stopped by strangers who would yell out his name and yell towards him. Those strangers being young children who don't know much about public etiquette. When he was rudely called, Kishou would just continue on walking while looking at them and sending a small wave. A gesture enough to make them either squeal, giggle or just simply smile.

Arriving at the mall, Sen eagerly waved towards him. Walking towards the girl, she turned off her phone and greeted the other with a hug. "You're the first to arrive, Mirio and Tamaki are coming together. Nejire is already on her way too." Sen informed him, Kishou nodding his head. Looking around the place, scanning the area from a habit he developed. Nervously, Sen tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"So...what do you think of my outfit?" she asked. Kishou looked her up and down with his normal serious look, an action that didn't stop heat from pooling inside of Sen.

Her round glasses were clean, going well with the rest of her outfit. Her green hair flowed to her back, she wore a white shirt, a black cardigan and a grey skirt that reached her thighs; not passing her knees at all. Instead of normal shoes, Sen wore ballet slippers. Normal socks were replaced with long ones that almost reached her knees.

"It's nice." Kishou commented, Sen gestured him to raise his hand, an action that Kishou did. With mischief did she raise it and pretend the two were dance partners and he spun her around, the action causing her skirt to rise. When she was done, she smiled mischievously at him. Kishou's face still blank. "That skirt is too short, don't you know our country is filled with perverts? They lurk everywhere, even in U.A." he chided, Sen pouting a bit.

He placed a hand over his face, taking a deep breath. "I'm pretty sure there's a f*cking pervert in my sister's class too." he hissed, something that made Sen curious, wondering how he knew.

"Hey! Both of you! We're here!" Nejire yelled, Kishou quickly turning her head to the approaching trio. His eyes moved up and down, widening when he saw Nejire a see through white long-sleeved shirt, a black tank top inside, sneakers and white shorts.Sen saw this, her smile faltering a bit.

"Did we make you both wait too long?" Mirio asked, Kishou shaking his head while Sen took a step forward shaking her hands.

"Not at all, Kishou had just arrived too." the green-haired-girl assured the three, Nejire taking Kishou's hand and pointed towards a store she wants them all to go see together.

Sen watched, watched as Nejire skipped as Kishou and her hold hands. Mirio laughed, the three walking right behind them.

"Nejire seems to really like Kishou despite their different personalities." Sen said, a sad smile on her face. Tamaki glanced at the two, then towards Sen.

"He appreciates her strength while she appreciates how quiet but easy-going and attentive he is. Remember when Nejire was the only one who was willing to go against him, feel excited during the fight and surprised us all when the match lasted more than a few minutes?" Tamaki recalled their first year in U.A when Kishou experimented in the usage of his kakuja.

"Was he really that brutal back then?" Sen asked, not really remembering their first year.

"He lost control of his kakuja monster, caused a few of his classmates several concussions, almost ate the last leg of Ectoplasm and wasn't pretty. His reputation plummeted in school for a long time after that, everyone being afraid of him even a few teachers were wary. From being so loved to being treated like a villain; Nejire, me and Mirio were few who still dared to speak to him. She was the first to approach him, continued to do so for a long time until he accepted us being near him." Tamaki told Sen, pausing a bit to recall things. "I think this was when you were gone for like two weeks."

"I think he accepted that the study body won't see him the same as he once was, now. He accepts being called the 'Tyrannical Prince of U.A'." Sen frowned at that.

"But he's not a tyrant, hell, he does his best to understand the rules and bid them." she argued.

"You have to make the laws of the land work with you, continuously fighting them is like thrashing against the tides; no point." Kishou told her, the girl approaching him and asking him how he continuouslyachieves victory.

Sen wonders, if the reason why Kishou was so determined to train his sister for her first year at U.A was because he finally experienced how she first felt in Corusan. If so, she just can't help feeling herself fall more for him.


Thank you for reading

Chapter 6: "Orientation? No, no. My class, my rules."


Welcome back to another chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kae's pet dog:Lady, tilted her head. Watching as her master got ready early in the morning. Lady had spent a few minutes watching her zoom from one space of her room to the other. Putting on a new uniform, different from her old one and now new accessories. One on her head and the other hidden right under her white blouse. New smelling notebooks were packed into her bag, alongside a pencil case and other things.

"Do you think the school will instantly give us lockers on the first day? If so, at least I can place this away and not worry about forgetting anything." Kae said, Lady's tail just wagging as a response.

"Kae! Are you ready?" Kishou called out to her, Kae yelling back a yes in response.

"High five for the day?" Kae asked her pet, Lady eagerly stand up and stood on her back legs. Using her nose, she booped Kae's hand. "Good girl." Kae cooed, Lady lifting her head proudly.

Going downstairs, Kae greeted her two siblings as Arata took his week's turn of slicing breakfast. When he was done, he placed two plates where Kae and Kishou sat and placed his in front of an empty seat.

"So, you're finally a high school student." Arata started, glancing towards Kae who picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks. "Boys, drama and competition every f*cking where you go." he continued. In normal schools, competition happens between students to get accepted to their favourite or best universities. While for Heroics, its whoever is more powerful whereas for Business. Who can make the most money, sometimes in abstract ways.

Like Arata once asking their father how many people he knew who had went to jail or Cochlea and tell them their identities so he can track them down and sell his product. It was a bet in Arata's class, who could sell the most to former criminals or reformed villains.

"Just ask everyone that wasn't born after Dragon in this room." Kishou snorted,remembering when Arata told the story to the entire family.

As they prepared to leave, Kae watched Lady sat near the stairs. Wagging her tail, with a smile did Kae wave the dog goodbye and went through the main door of the house, Arata behind her with Kishou last. It didn't take a few steps for the three to break into a run and race all the way towards the train station.Inside of the train to Musutafu, just like her older siblings. Kae fell asleep once more, mouth wide open as her face rested against the glass. Arata began to snore while his body began to slowly sink to the ground, Kishou wearing a sleeping mask with his hands intertwined on his lap like the corpse he usually is.

"Aww..." one of the usual staff members cooed at the sight of two of the usual train riders and their newest addition. Looking at them for a few more moments, she walked away with a smile on her face.

The first to wake up was actually Arata, most of his body already at the ground and woke up in discomfort. When the train came to a stop, because he wasn't in place, he rolled to the front and hit his nose on the seat in front of them. Rubbing his nose, he muttered a few curses as he sat back properly in his chair. Patting Kishou's hand, he shook Kae's shoulder. Both actions enough to earn groans from the two previously sleeping.

"You'll be having orientation, then a proper tour of U.A. After that we go home." Kishou briefly explained, Kae nodding her head.

"If you need anything, just run to 3-A." Kishou informed her again, this time, Arata piped in. "Or 3-1, we have a couple of pretty boys here."

"I hope you're not talking about yourself Arata." the older of the two stated, Arata smiling as black veins started to appear near his eye.

"You may be the better fighter overall dear brother, but don't forget who was the first of the two of us to release and master both kakuja and armor." Arata smiled, Kishou taking that as a threat.

Kae released a whistle, slinking away to go find her class.

"Oh? Kae, I see you're already here." a familiar voice said as the elevator dinged open, turning her back, Kae's face turned red at the sight of Tamaki Amajiki.

"Tamaki, good morning!" Kae greeted excitedly, jumping in place a bit as the two entered the elevator. "Oh wait, should I be more formal?" Kae questioned, Tamaki shaking his head, a shy smile on his face realising that he was officially now her senior. The person before him physically different from the young student he met when she was still in 5th grade.

"We've known each other for a long time Kae, just call me Tamaki. I-it's even alright if you say my first name to your future classmates." Tamaki said, ears turning a bit pink as he noticed the ornament in her hair. Blue platyocodons, ones that colour resembles more purple like his hair. "I see you're wearing the ornament, looks beautiful on you."

Kae muttered a small thank you, "It has a bit of everyone I love inside of it, someday I may need hands just to support my heart from continuously being overwhelmed by you all."

"T-that's Rea-really nice to hear." feeling himself grow more nervous by the second, when they reached Kae's floor, Tamaki instantly gestured for her to step out first. "See you next time!"

With that, the two finished their conversation. When Kae was gone did Tamaki lean back, placing a hand over his mouth.

"When, when did I get so nervous around her?"

Entering class 1-A for the first time, Kae froze by the doorway when she saw who else was already inside. The person who was looking out the window turned his body, detecting her presence. He had a look of serenity on his face, hands inside of his pockets. Opening her phone, Kae opened the file where she was assigned to sit and great! She was also right beside the only person in the room!

Shoto Todoroki.

Ah, great more years for both of them to sit beside and ignore each other.

"Todoroki." Kae greeted, no longer calling him by his first name for a long time. Todoroki ignored her, looking back out the window as she headed to place away her bag. A smile was on her face, on that signalled if she was bothered again, she will cause trouble.Sitting down on her chair, Kae closed her eyes. Though Todoroki received training years earlier than her no doubt, Kae will just catch up to his level and then pass him.

"I didn't see you during the recommendation exam." Todoroki stated, "Did you fail to show up out of fear or did your anxiety get into your head?"

Kae turned her head slowly, giving him a clearly fake smile. "I don't need any more praises from fake heroes to worm my way into U.A. I can get in with my own skill." she answered, her kakugan unconsciously activating as she said those words. Todoroki gazed into both eyes, unfazed by the sight of them.

"Fake heroes you say?" Todoroki remarked, a snide look on his face. "Those like your father and brother? Two who resort to violence to get what they want?"

"They do what they have to do to survive," Kae hissed, kagune threatening to break through her uniform. "What would arrogant spoiled brats like you know about the real world? My father is a hero...unlike you, he didn't have the comfort of a family and became the person he is now through his willpower."

Ice gathered around Todoroki's hand, he gritted his teeth before the ice disappeared. Kae watched as he released a breath of cool air.

"You're the brat here, the one who knows nothing that happens behind the scenes."

With that, the two stopped talking to each other. Todoroki mindlessly looking down at his table deep in thought whereas Kae scrolled through her phone. Neither of them leaving as if to show that they weren't that childish to run away.






Todoroki looked down at his hands, wondering what they were like before his quirk fully manifested. Had there been a time when he was a baby that they were both the same temperature? He won't know unless he met his mother, he wouldn't even try to ask his father. When Kae had first entered the classroom, he was slightly surprised. Not remembering a time Kae had conversed with Arashi about being a part of U.A's Heroic Department. Both her eyes can now be seen, she wore a new accessory on the side of her head. She grew in height by a few centimetres.

The way they had treated each other now, was because of the circ*mstances that were given from past actions. One of the mottos Kae follows and helps her choose her actions. When he was young, he pushed her away when she tried to pull herself towards him. And now, as they were both a few years shy away from adulthood-they repel each other.

He wonders, why she was so affected by him closing everyone away. Her older siblings didn't have any issue cutting contact with his own siblings. Why was she overreacting? Even as years passed since their last meeting, Kae was petty. Bold enough to mock his family behind his back.

"Yeah, I'm in the same class as Todoroki. The one boy my parents always say I used to be so close with. He doesn't say much, but he annoys me so badly. He brushes everything away so easily, a trait he got from his mother no doubt. That was why she so easilybrushed him away from her life."

What did. What did she even know about his family? She knew nothing, Kae knew nothing about the things he endured.

One by one as the clock drew closer towards the time considered to be late, new faces poured into the class. Todoroki watched from afar, a pink-haired girl squealing and running towards Kae, another was a boy with red-spiky hair, another was a boy with yellow hair and another with black hair wearing glasses.

"Oh my! Your headpiece is so cute,where did you buy it? Oh sorry, my name is Mina Ashido!"

"Manly ghoul! Great to know we're in the same class! Hmm? Yeah, haha. I dyed my hair red...also my eyebrows."

"I didn't know I would be sharing a class with such a hotti-wait, did you just say ghoul?"

"Nice to meet you again Kae Kaneki, I hope you remember me from the entrance exam. My name is Tenya Iida fromSoumei Private Academy."

"You're a ghoul?!" the guy named Denki Kaminari yelled, freezing in place with an awkward smile on his face. Kae revealed her kakugan, pointing towards it.

"Kaminari-bro, her last name is legit a dead giveaway." Kirishima laughed a bit, Mina's eyes turning into stars. Kaminari looked between the red-haired boy and then back at Kae.

"You just called her manly ghoul!" Kaminari whisper-yelled, "Isn't she a princess?"

Kae shook her head.

"I'm not sure why humans decided to start calling my family royalty. We ghouls have a power hierarchy, the king is just a title given to the strongest ghoul and their clan. Just say whatever and call me whatever you all are comfortable with." Kae shrugged, Todoroki raised an eyebrow, wondering how she was unaware of the story of the first ghoul, the first dragon and the Washuu clan.

"Kaneki! I'm calling you Kaneki!" Mina said excitedly, Kae giving her a strange look, wondering why she was so excited. Something that Mina picked up on. "Oh, I'm a big fan of your father."

"That's..." Kaminari's voice said, glancing at Kae.

"New." she finished, clearly having the same opinion as him.

"Why wouldn't I look up to a man who liberated his people from being seen as nothing more than animals? Because of him, ghouls have rights now!" Mina explained her reason, something that the others in the conversation can agree.

"Yeah, a freedom fighter alive during our time like All Might and other great heroes." Kirishima agreed.

" guys are so different from my old school." Kae commented, feeling herself able to connect more with Mina Ashido and Eijiro Kirishima just because of her admiration for her father.

"People can say all they want, what matters is the end results. Now look at our time, more peace than ever."

Kae and Todoroki glanced at each other, Kae smirking, clearly able to win the hearts of their class better. Todoroki looked away, annoyance growing inside of him. Kae's feeling of victory was short-lived after smelling a powerful scent, one that she detected briefly when she was still walking towards the building with Iida. Turning her head towards the door, she saw a freckled face boy with green hair.

"Izuku Midoriya." Kae said, walking up towards him with her hands inside of her pocket blazer.

"Ka-Kaneki?!" Midoriya panicked, rubbing his eyes as if he was seeing things. The look of surprise changed with happiness, a brown-haired girl previously near Midoriya switching from the white-haired girl to Midoriya.

"Oh? Are you two friends?" Uraraka asked.

"Ah Uraraka, this is Kae Kaneki. Ken Kaneki's daughter, she was one of my biggest motivators to get into U.A, she rescued me from death after I got cornered by dragon orphans during a school trip. Kaneki, this is Uraraka." Midoriya did most of the greeting for both of them.

"Woah, that's awesome." Uraraka said in awe, Kae laughing a bit.

"A victory like that isn't much for my kind, especially clan. Me rescuing Midoriya was merely a one-in-a-million, you're the boy with that power." Kae said, the last part was uttered rather breathlessly. Kae leaned in, "And I thought you were quirkless."

Midoriya nervously laughed, about to say something if it wasn't for Kae detecting a yellow sleeping bag rolling towards the door of the class. She took in a breathe of air, finding the scent to be from an adult male.

"So our teacher has a caterpillar related quirk?" Kae asked, the others around her freezing at the sight of the man inside of the sleeping bag drinking something.

"You're as funny as your brother." Aizawa muttered, taking off his sleeping bag as everyone walked towards their seats."It took 8 seconds for all of you to shut up," That was his first words directed towards his new class, official serious ones. This caused a variety of reactions to occur, allowing the teacher to briefly see the varying personalities he would be exposed to in this class. Some were alright, a few others need a sledgehammer to break apart their fantasies and rebuild what they know. Reality isn't so sweet, but that was life.

"That's not gonna work, time is precious. It can take a second for things to derail and completely change the outcome of an event.I am Shota Aizawa, your teacher." he looked around once more, briefly pausing when he saw that his class was assigned Endeavour's son, the One-Eyed-King's daughter, Katsuki Bakugo and that kid who one-shotted a giant robot and fall down to his impending death if it wasn't for another girl who later vomited rainbows live on-cam.

"Now, put these on and go outside." from where they don't know he pulled the object out, he showed to them the P.E uniform of U.A.

Did Kae feel suspicious that she was mostly accepted with open arms? Yes, yes she was. Even with her enhanced hearing, she heard no whispers of comments about anything negative relating to her. A few did whisper asking if she was related to him or if she was a ghoul, hell, some were even whispering what's the difference between a normal pure ghoul and a one-eyed-ghoul.

As she took off her school uniform and changed into the P.E outfit, she can't help but wonder why everything was suddenly so different. It was supposed to warm her, but it just made her feel wary.

"Kaneki, are you coming?" Ashido asked, waving towards her. Kae had been planning to leave last to think of her situation and perhaps mutter a few things out loud. Kae looked bewildered, usually it was her asking if Arashi wanted to tag along.

"You...want me to come with you?" Kae asked, Ashido snickered, skipping towards her.

"Of course! No need to act so stiff, we're classmates soon friends and heroic allies!" Ashido exclaimed, grabbing Kae's hand without hesitation and dragging her towards the other girls waiting for them.

'I thought, I would be no more than a bystander right now before you all. But this touch from you, it feels so real that I can't help but feel myheartbeat inside of my ears.'

"What?! A quirk assessment test?!"

"What about Orientation or the guidance counsellor meeting? Are we going to miss it?"Ochako Uraraka looked worried, wondering if what was said by their homeroom teacher was true. The man gave her a blank look, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

"If you really want to be a great hero, it starts from now. No need to waste your time on frivolous ceremonies such as today." Mr. Aizawa answered, looking still as calm as ever.

'It's either he is speaking from experience when he was a student, repeating the actions of what his teacher did-or the orientation truly is just a waste of time.'Shirayuri thought, unable to blame him for the class missing out on it.

"Here at U.A, we don't follow traditional learning methods. That means, I am pleased to run and control this class however I desire," In his hand, he held a ball. Gently did he threw it up and down. The eyes of the students followed the ball, as if they were all in a trance. "There are many different exercises that prohibited you all from using your quirks in Middle School, short or long distance run, standing-long jump and softball throwing are examples."

"It's certified that all of you have been taking tests up to par with this nation's standards. But, none of them include the usage of your own quirks. Japan can pretend all it wants, preaching l on how we are all equal by oppressing those with the most power, refusing to allow them to rise and excel above all others.And if those who hold the power to surpass others do rebel back, then, you can all re-check your history books to see what happened. Oppression does nothing but cause disasters in the future."

Mr. Aizawa scanned through the faces, stopping when he found the student he was looking for. "Bakugo, how far could you throw in middle school?"

Kae squinted her face, wondering if she had ever met that boy before.

"sixty-seven meters." Bakugo answered, catching the softball Mr. Aizawa threw at him.

"Go throw the ball using your quirk, do anything you wish as long as you don't leave the circle." the teacher ordered, Bakugo stepping into the school. Kae sniffed the air, noticing the smell of caramel as Bakugo changed his stance and used his quirk. A large puff of smoke was released from his hand, Kae's eyes widening, remembering the boy who could create explosions in his hands when he approached her and Midoriya.

"Wait, that's the boy I threatened to kill alongside his friends." Kae said, voice a bit louder than usual at the realisation. Bakugo glared at Kae, Kae glaring back.

"Oh it's you, extra." Bakugo hissed, Kae raising an eye.

"Enough both of you, I'll expel you if either of you activate your quirk or kagunes." Mr. Aizawa scolded both of them, eyes turning red. His hair raised, Bakugo's quick being affected. Kae's body and mind trying to process what his eyes were supposed to be doing. His eyes returned back to normal, shaking his head a bit as he took out eyedrops.

"This looks like fun!" Mina Ashido punched the air, face breaking into a grin. Mr. Aizawa raised an eyebrow, looking at the excitement on a few faces. Oh if they known the things he's seen and did in the years after he graduated and became a full-fledged hero.

"Did all of you expect U.A to be fun? All of you are given three years to train, get your license and then become official heroes. Expect nothing but hardship after hardship until the moment you graduate. Our purpose as heroes is to keep the balance between the people, maintain peace and restore reason. Don't expect to be having lunch dates with each other while talking about what you all find difficult and complain."

"I expect all of you to overcome each of your own weaknesses and rise to the top, this is U.A's so-called 'Plus Ultra'."

"I feel strangely motivated." Kaminari blinked, glancing towards Kirishima, the yellow-haired-boy shooting a look at the shark grin on the redhead's face.

"So manly..."

As the students prepared for the 50-meter-run, Aizawa lifted his head a little. "Kaneki. Come over here." Kae lifted her head, glancing towards Mina who encouraged her to go towards the man. Kae walked up towards Eraser Head, suspicious of why she was suddenly called.

"Yes Mr. Aizawa?"

"Are you aware of the incident that happened with your brother? Kishou Kaneki during his first-year?" he asked, Kae gave him a confused look. The other wondering what she was so confused about.

"I'm not sure, all I know was that he was praised for his skill and academic prowess." Kae answered, her eyes giving him a dead giveaway that she was a sheltered girl. Something that he did not see in Kishou nor Arata.

He could still remember the day Kishou lost control of his kakuja during heroics class, the ambition that had surrounded him for weeks as the class spread the rumours about how big, dangerous or cool it would be for him to utilise it. The peer pressure that may have broke the camel's back and made him attack everything, perhaps determined to destroy the current source of his deteriorating mental state. For such a strong dragon variant, the dangerous mental state of the family is well known.

"All I see is calculated movements," Eraser Head told Present Mic after the first day of tests were over. "I'm sorry if you think I'm looking down on a child that clearly exceeds our expectations but I don't want the past to repeat again."

Eraser Head held his breath, calling out Kishou's first name as the kakuja came to a skidding halt. It looked at him, the single eye in the middle of the monster's face held no emotion, Aizawa's eyes were glowing red, the head of thekakuja came closer towards him.

"Your quirk does nothing to me sensei," the kakuja let out a gleeful laugh. "Against me, you are weak, you are nothing."

Mr. Aizawa took a deep breath, wondering if he'll see quinques slash open one of his students, see blood pour and stain everything and then watch a body finally be released from the kakuja. Lifeless eyes would greet him, even if they were protected inside would they still be injured and covered in blood.

"There's...a different test that requires you to use your kakuja if you already have it. So, unless you're thinking of utilising that-don't." Eraser Head lied, said those words that Nezu repeated to him to say to the girl in front of him.

"Oh, unfortunately, I haven't developed my kakuja..." Kae said, a bit embarrassed and disappointed, even looking away for a moment. "But, I'll do my best to be on top of the class! I won't be weak and I'll try to live up to be like my brother and father!" Kae quickly said, the last part Aizawa kinda wished didn't come true considering the things he saw from both of them. Theirhearts were sort of in the right place, but they are downright capable of traumatising others for life.

"It's fine, you have plenty of time to learn how to use your kakuja after I observe how you utilise and master your two different kagune types first. You're a chimera right?" Eraser Head asked, Kae nodding her head.

"That's all I have to say, you can go back now."

With that Aizawa watched as Kae walked a bit further from the others to begin her normal stretching routine. Shaking his head, he was interested to see how all of them would use their quirks to help them ace the tests. Especially the ones whose purposes were more straightforward or leaned more towards violence. Would Tokoyami use dark shadow to wrap around him and fly him towards the finish line? Could Shoji combine his duplicate arms together into a giant one and destroy the grip test? He'll just have to wait and see.

"Hey Kaneki, so you know this angry fella right here?" Kirishima asked, pointing towards Katsuki Bakugo beside him. Instead of yelling at Kirishima, Bakugo glared at Kae; to her surprise, he didn't look as angry as before.

"You, show off your quirk." Bakugo demanded, Kae raising an eyebrow."You're a dragon variant aren't you? If you're some special class ghoul, I want to see for myself."

Kae looked around, specifically at Aizawa who was suspiciously looking at her and Bakugo. He shook his head, as if listening to what they were saying. Either that or he didn't know but just seeing them together made the teacher wary.

"When given the opportunity, as it seems we're forming a contract, show me too what you can do."

Mina blinked, "Eh? Are you guys getting along?"

"I could care less about her family's prestige or what the street has to say about her pinkie. All I care about is if her power can match her f*cking mouth and the words that spill out of it."






Katsuki Bakugo was shocked to say the least. When he found the damn nerd bursting out from a manhole being carried like a princess by a shrine maiden. There were heroes, the zoo's security force, classmates and their teacher all looking down at him; an accusatory look on Deku when in the fraction of a second they suddenly all began cowering. Even the two knuckleheads behind him.

"So," Kae started, slowly taking off her mask to give everyone a clear look of her face and eyes. One was grey while the other showcased her kakugan. "You were the one who almost caused him to die I presume?" Kae challenged, releasing a rinkaku and slamming it to the ground.

She was bold.Bold enough to use her kagune in public, her voice was cold yet calm when she said those words to him. When he saw a hero fall to their knees, even with the bold facade he had back then, inside he was a mixture of curious and wonder. Bakugo never had anyone fall to their knees for him.

"I don't tolerate bullies, and what I can observe in the few seconds I've been here is that this boy," Kae grabbed Deku by both his shoulders. "Is clearly being bullied, now. Even now that he is a victim of a dragon attack, you people are treating him like sh*t."

Releasing her hold on him, Kae glared down at the two heroes and the teacher who instantly rushed to their side with a gesture from her.

"Tell me, should I force feed you heroes my blood and destroy your bodies and quirks? You can't even do a simple job of keeping a child safe, even from bullies!" Kae said, laughing a bit like a maniac. As fast as she pulled her look of ferocity, her face changed to becoming serious once more.

"The word hero has been tainted for such a long time now, most heroes now are just egocentric fools with a past of being glorified murderers. Don't even have the decency to ask if a victim is alright...pathetic." Kae walked towards him. Three other rinkakus sprouted from her back, two instantly wrapping around his friends behind him.

"Get off your high f*cking horse, you aren't special. Leave him alone and pick on someone your own size." Kae threatened, the other scoffing at her threat.

"You're looking for a fightbogeyman." Bakugo hadtaunted, the classmate of the two boys near him holding their breaths.

"sh*t." the class' teacher muttered.

"Hurt me," Kae said, a smile growing on her face. "Try to hurt me, there are 645 ways for me to kill you, every single one of you here but I didn't because I have mercy." Kae declared, a rinkaku behind the other now wrapping around his neck.

Now, Bakugo watched as the same girl who once had a rinkaku around his neck go against an extra riding a motorcycle, the extra with earphone jacks, the extra with a tail and an extra with f*cking purple balls for hair. She got into running stance, kakugan out with the red iris glowing as if it was some sort of beacon. There was a spark of red, blue, purple and yellow as her ukaku kagune erupted from behind her. Briefly they reminded him of butterfly wings before flickering and moving as if she was the descendant of a mighty phoenix that flew through the cosmos. Existing in a cycle till the end of time.

"Start." the assistant robot began the timer.

With a single flap did the ukaku kagune release electricity, dust particles were sent in different directions alongside wind as the one-eyed-ghoul moved at a speed faster than their eyes can comprehend other than a blur.

"Kae Kaneki, 2,18 seconds." the robot recorded, Aizawa writing it down.

"Ah, I wish there was a thunderstorm right about now for me to get a better score. But then again 50 meters is not enough for me to go fast enough." Kae sighed, remembering how Kishou and Arata used to test their speed and durability by being shot by automatic firearm in private land owned by Uncle Tsukiyama. That was one secret their father didn't know about.

Bakugo grinned, something that Ashido did not miss. When he saw her mischevious smile he rolled his eyes.

"Rinse your brain pinkie."

It was because of that display of speed that others kept an eye out for her during the other tests, Kae talking with Shoji as he did the grip test. When he handed the test to her, Kae extended her hand out and wrapped her rinkaku around it, the red scale pulsing with a glowing red hue.

"What does that mean?" Momo Yaoyorozu asked her, pure curiosity in her voice.

"You can actually tell a lot about a kagune when it's released. Brighter kagunes means the ghoul has recently fed, dull ends of all Rc types mean the kagune is not used much for fighting." Kae explained, Yaoyorozu's eyes sparkling with interest.

Starting her test, Kae's eyes widened when the machine broke and various parts were sent flying. "Aish!" Kae hissed when one of the parts flew into her face. Yaoyorozu's eyes widened, watching the part clatter to the ground, noticing how one of the ends is rather sharp. "Ka-the girl paused.

There was no scratch nor bleeding on the white-haired-girl's face.

"Yes?" Kae asked, Eraser Head walking towards them to note this group's grip test. Looking down at the broken machine, he sighed.

"Immeasurable." he muttered, then glancing towards Shoji who manifested a mouth.

"So...have you ever thought of cosplaying as like Kakashi?" Kae asked Shoji once Mr. Aizawa walked away.

Breezing through the other tests, everyone wondered what Kae would be doing for the final test : the ball-throw. The stares and whispers made Kae release an awkward smile, feeling rather uncomfortable with the rising expectations most of the class had for her. Looking towards Todoroki, unlike the rest of their classmates (count Bakugo out), he didn't care.

She didn't expect him to care, he cares for no one. But seeing him score high with his ice quirk, it did make her want to beat it.

"Kaneki, you're next after Todoroki."

Kae walked towards Todoroki, the other dropping the ball on the palm of her hand. Feeling goosebumps, the girl couldn't help but feel disgusted. Using something he had just used. Kae gritted her teeth as she passed him, standing right in the middle of the circle.

"Beat him...Stomp over him...KILL HIM!"

"Ah, my darker thoughts are coming out. I should eat later to shut them up." Kae muttered, only Aizawa being able to hear her."Fine fine, I'll take it out on the ball."

Kae moved her body a bit, moving her hips a bit as if she was playing baseball. Raising her leg dramatically, she threw the ball; to the surprise of the others. She didn't release anything special, only using her pure raw strength.

"It would be foolish of me to reveal every single powerful skill I have in one day, sorry for raising your anticipations. But know your appreciation for my abilities delighted me." Kae commented, giving everyone a special bow that actors of shows would do.

"135,89 meters, the world record for the furthest ball throw done by a quirkless man." Aizawa stated, though he would had to disagree with her words. For most of the tests, she barely used her kagunes. He didn't count her physical prowess as a part of her quirk. Her kagune usage, pseudo-electrokinesis and anything produced by her kagunes is what he considers a part of her quirk.

To him, today was Kae's show of wasted potential. He'll expect bigger things next time.

Until then,

Final Results

1. Momo Yaoyorozu 11. Ochako Uraraka

2. Shoto Todoroki 12. Koji Koda

3. Kae Kaneki 13. Tsuyu Asui

4. Katsuki Bakugo 14. Yuga Aoyama

5. Tenya Lida 15. Hanta Sero

6. Fumikage Tokoyami 16. Denki Kaminari

7. Mezo Shoji 17. Kyoka Jiro

8. Mashirao Ojiro 18. Toru Hagakure

9. Eijiro Kirishima 19. Minoru Mineta

10. Mina Ashido 20. Izuku Midoriya

Todoroki had a small smile of victory on his face, something that clearly irked Kae whose mind threatened to rip him to shreds. Bakugo stood beside her, also infrufriated but instead at Deku for deceiving him all these years.

"I'll do better next time." Kae smiled, walking away. Aizawa watched her leave first, ignoring the calls of Ashido and a few others telling her to wait up.

All Might froze, eyes wide as Kae suddenly appeared before him and began walking away. The two made eye contact, time froze and suddenly All Might was seeing Ken Kaneki passing him, a judging look on his face; one that resembled a scorn. His heart raced inside of his chest, wondering if young Kaneki knew of his secret seeing how normally she reacted seeing his smaller form.

Hell, she could have just thought that he was a stranger spying on the class and that would have been better!

"Are you related to Midoriya somehow? You both smell alike." Kae commented shortly, All Might opened his mouth; no words coming out of him as Kae continued on walking. Did more people know about One for All without him knowing other than Recovery Girl, young Midoriya and Nezu in U.A?!

Somewhere Kishou lifted his head as if he was being unconsciously called. Sen found it cute, comparing it to the opening of the Lion King.

"Kae." Kishou called out to her, Kae smiled skipping towards both of her brothers waiting for her at the entrance of the canteen. Nejire, Sen, Mirio and Tamaki were also there, accompanying the twins while waiting.

"Congratulations getting into U.A, how is it so far?" Mirio asked, ruffling Kae's head.

"Got third place during the quirk apprehension test, right under Todoroki." Kae replied, a smile on her face as her eye twitched a little.

"Oh, she got Mr. Aizawa." Mirio blinked, Nejire and Sen clapping their hands.

"Is he a big deal or something?" Kae asked, Kishou hummed.

"Expelled about 154 students, the amount of freedom teachers have can compare to students." Kishou said, the group walking inside of the cafeteria. Mirio was first to line up, followed by Tamaki, Nejire, Sen, Arata, Kae with Kishou being the last.

"I honestly can't understand why you justify that man," Arata sighed, glancing towards Kishou. "I mean his expulsions aren't as bad as you think once you get passed the sentence, but, expulsions should be due to behavioural/characteristic problems in someone. Imagine beating thousands of other teens to get accepted only to be kicked out." Arata continued to voice his opinion, something the others in the Third Year could listen and understand despite not agreeing because of lack of mockery in his words. Good presentation, professional, two requirements needed inside a business student.

"At that age, especially if you want to become a hero; you need to stop being delusional and rethink why you want to become a hero. You draw a blade not to fight others, but to protect." Tamaki whispered, Nejire and Mirio nodded to his words.

"Do you usually eat in the canteen?" Kae asked her siblings, the two remembering that she was still there with them.

"We do, believe it or not. Lunch Rush, the chef really does cater to everyone." Arata stated, grabbing an empty tray like the others in front of him.

"Are there any other ghouls in U.A?" Kae asked again.

Kishou shook his head, "Before you arrived, I was the only ghoul in the Hero Course." Tamaki, Arata and Sen nodded their heads, "No ghouls in the Support nor General department. In Business, there's Arata."

"How often do all of you use the facilities and locations of U.A?"

"You're allowed to use different locations to train by yourself as long as you wear your P.E uniform. Even the forest, just don't start a forest fire or cause a lot of damage. Like landslide level damage." Tamaki answered, his eyes looking up fast before quickly looking back down. Kae's heart skipping a beat out of surprise.

Arata and Kishou shared a glance.

"You're going to be having Battle Trials soon right?" Mirio asked, Kae glancing towards Kishou for help.

"it's a sort of early-bird test in U.A. You're randomly paired up, then either assigned the role 'hero' or 'villain'. The hero has to secure a bomb hidden and guarded by the villain, whereas the villain has to make sure the hero doesn't touch it at all costs. It's all about seeing your current state of combat, strategy and planning." Kishou said, bringing a cup of coffee to his mouth. "It's not that hard."

"You were called reckless for not discussing much with your team mate, your trap was to break window and scatter glass on the floor because one of the heroes did not wear shoes and acting more like a villain than hero." Arata recalled, Kishou giving his twin a blank look.

"One of the heroes was me..." Tamaki whimpered, remembering how Kishou wrapped his rinkaku around his legs and dangled him out the window. It was either that the hero arrest his team mate and touch the bomb or watch his ally die.

"I win, I fulfilled my role as a villain in that moment." Kishou calmly argued, crossing his arms.

"You fulfil the role of a villain almost any time if we're at school." Arata sighed, leaning back as he played with his food a little. "Something that also affects me, worse than the weight of our biology and name."

Detecting a slight tension between the two siblings, Sen coughed and called out towards Kae. The other looking up from her platter, eyes wide that it made her seem adorable. Even if a drop of blood spilled out and trailed down to her chin. The older girl grabbed a napkin, reaching forward to wipe away the stray blood droplet.

"Are you interesting in joining any of the clubs?"


Thank you for reading.

Chapter 7: Tatakae


Welcome back to another chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"U.A has clubs? How come I'venever heard of them." Kae said, Sen giggling a bit.

"Ah you're just like Kishou, knowing next to nothing at first of things that don't attract your interest." Sen sighed, her hands on the tablesupporting her head. "Clubs at U.A always get overshadowed by the Hero department, despite most being rather active. Especially in competitions." she added, raising multiple fingers.

"There's the humanities club, dedicated tohelping others by donating, cleaning theenvironment andvisiting orphanages like that. Sports club with different types of sports to participate in. Arts that show in different kinds : painting, dancing, choir and all that."

"We alsohave swords, judo, gardening, chess!" Arata chimed in.

"Our most popular club is the kitaku-bu!" Arata gave a thumbs up, Kae blinking at him as the others except Kishou snickered.

"But that just means going home." Kae said, Arata nodding his head.

"I'm a member of that club!" Nejire raised her hand, Mirio wrapping his hand around Tamaki's neck before raising his hand. Sen shook her head, Kishou too alongside Arata. Three in clubs, while the other half was not.

"I'll think about it..."

Kae had been in three clubs during middle school, the easiest way for her to build her body's endurance and skill. One was soccer, another was modern dance and the last one being kendo. In all honesty, Kae also wished she had joined the book club to hang out inside of the library more. Corusan's library was her favourite room. Books of different genres, comfy chairs and a section of comfort.

In that section were posters not ones of heroes but of famous fictional characters with their own quotes to hopefully shed inspiration or wisdom towards the reader. The carpet was soft, on top of it were also plushies of different animals to comfortably lay on the ground. If you dislike being on the floor or hated reading while sitting, bean bags were available in different colours.

In that place, the library was a sanctuary.

A place Kae wished she had treasured and learned to appreciate more in the past instead of trashing Corusan as a whole. A girl obsessed with training and attention from her father, a similar story that had a more tragic ending she has briefly heard before almost manifesting inside of her mind if it wasn't for the day catching up with her.

"How was your first day of school?" Touka asked, Kae glancing up at her mother from where she collapsed on the sofa.

"She got Aizawa." Arata answered, Touka forming an 'o' with her mouth; understanding why Kae looked exhausted.

Walking into the kitchen, the older woman took out a prepared plate of fresh cuts and walked towards the cupboard where the family stored their glasses. Taking out a glass, she filled it with water before walking back out. On the table, she placed down both platter and glass. "Thanks mom." Kae muttered, yawning a bit. Touka smiled, leaning down to kiss her daughter before checking up on Kishou and Arata who were now upstairs.

"What did both of you do today? First day back and now in your last year."

"Class as usual, in Business we went down what we are going to do for the rest of the year. My biggest project that'll determine if I can graduate with high marks is to find students in U.A to work with me, form a business relationship and become their manager." Arata answered first, showing a logo he made for a company.

"Why three dragon heads? It looks like the sigil of House Targaryen from Game of Thrones." Touka pointed out.

"Really?" Arata asked, having never seen the show. "Ah, should've went with a different design." he sighed knowing now he had to remake the company's logo from scratch.

"Can't we just do it black and white?" Kishou asked, Arata giving him a deadpanned look.

"Black and white? We're going to be part of a hero company, not a European fashion brand from the 20th century." Arata argued. "Do you know the amount of fashion brands that use only black and white?!"

Calm down, it's fine Arata." Touka sighed, massaging her youngest son's scalp for a bit to calm him down. Her head turned towards the only person with white hair in the room. "How was your day Kishou?"

"It was alright." he answered shortly, focused on something. Touka shook her head, smiling when she remembered when they were just smaller children. Now they're practically adults, just like Ichika.

A few tears trailed down her cheek, a happy family surrounding her. Arata and Kishou's eyes widened, instantly running to their mother.

"What happened?!"

"Is someone threatening you?"

Hearing the sound of running, Kae ran into the room, completely breathless. "Eh? Who made mama cry?!"

Bless these children and their pure hearts.

Two other members of the household were absent, Ichika still in university studying her hardest whereas Kaneki was finished with his paperwork for the day.Visiting hospitals and mental facilities was something Kaneki grew accustomed to over the past decade. Wether it be to check up on ghouls with psychological problems inside, visiting Rei or to check up on old friends. This visit, was merely to check up from afar. Kaneki glanced at the doctor, both of them standing in a dark room looking through a one-way mirror.

"How's the progress?" Kaneki asked, the doctor looked at his clipboard, re-reading the data.

"Well after many failed attempts of escaping, we listened to what you said and continued to treat the patient as normally...are you going to be attempting to communicate with the patient again?"

Kaneki gave the doctor a questioning look, "Too scared to even say his pronouns? You and I will both be fine." Kaneki assured the other.

The doctor held his breath, watching as Kaneki walked towards the door into the other room. From the one-way mirror did he saw the patient slowly lift his head, giving a death glare towards the ghoul. Kaneki held his hand out, a sympathetic smile on his face.

"'re safe here, I'm here."

When the meeting with the patient and Kaneki concluded, the doctor sighed. Grateful when the man was here to help interact and converse with the more aggressive or unstable patients they had. Unlike other strangers he meets, his face and actions were warm and slower to show that they could be more easily predictable. Different from the first time he had met him. Face cold, body stiff with his hands inside of his pockets.

"Wait for me!" Kishou, Arata and Kae turned their heads, watching as a brown-haired-girl ran towards them with her eyes sparkling. The three wondering why she was so excited so early in the morning.

"'re fast..." Uraraka panted, smiling at Kae. Arata turned his head a little, watching as two others ran towards them.

Iida and Midoriya ran towards the four, but when Iida comprehended who was with Kae he froze and instantly bowed while coming to a skidding halt. "Apologies for my rude behaviour seniors of U.A! My name is Tenya Iida, a student of class 1-A!"

"You guys are here early...Iida, Uraraka...Midoriya." Kae pointed out, trying to recall what to call them.

"Oh! You can call me Deku instead." Midoriya-Deku told Kae with a smile on his face.

"Why would you want to be called the title given to you by someone who bullied you relentlessly for years?" Kishou questioned, the others wondering how he knew that information. "You all would be surprised by how easily found your digital footprints are."

"I apologise for any bad things I have searched online that may taint the prestigious name of U.A!" Iida said out loud, Kishou feeling one of his veins about to pop from how loud he was.

"Good, yours was especially the worst out of all your classmates. A disappointment to your family and humanity." Kishou stated, Iida flinching at the comment before looking down at the ground in shame. Kae sighed, nudging his shoulder whereas Arata turned back to wrap around the freshman's shoulders.

"Ignore my older brother, unlike him, we didn't inherit our family's cruelty." Arata hissed out the last part. "Don't say this to anyone, but usually, it's a tradition for seniors to grill the younger years especially fresh meat like you four. Happens in clubs more often than you think-the point of it is to strengthen your minds. Mental strength is like super important when you're going to become heroes and the process of becoming one."

"Ah I see, thank you senior classmen for the advice provided! I will take it with open arms and become a much better student! I will make my family proud and protect them." Iida promised, Kishou nodding his head.

"You and your siblings have a cute dynamic." Uraraka commented, the other three walking right behind the conversation held between seniors and Iida.

"I have no comments." Kae said, continuing to watch the three talk.

"Kae, why don't you later have lunch with your classmates?" Arata suggested, Kae being rather hesitant to say yes.

She couldn't really tell if Iida, Uraraka and Deku considered her one of their friends. But, it was important to have trusted companions. Ones where they will almost be with you for most of the day until their graduation.

"Eek! Yes, another girl turning our trio into four." Uraraka cheered, punching the air. Kae awkwardly smiled, contrasting with Uraraka's pure excitement.

Classes began, it was easy to tell who was more active than the rest when the teacher answered questions. Some were highly active, some occasionally and a few Kae hadn't seen raise their hand nor voice.

"What is thestate of high blood pressure called?" Snipe asked, Kae raised her hand. "Yes Kaneki?"


"Could any of you name an artist from the Renaissance era and any artworks of theirs?" Midnight asked, Kae once again raised her hand.

"Leonardo Da Vinci, the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa."

"Name a representative of either Ghouls or Humans and their current role for the United Front or the Tokyo Safety Commission." Vlad King asked the class, Kae raised her hand.

"...Ken Kaneki, Intermediary for TSC and United Front."

Vlad King nodded his head, "correct." doing the same actions Snipe and Midnight had done after she answered their questions correctly.

"Wow, you're good. How did you know that?" Uraraka asked, Kae turned her head towards the girl.

"Uraraka...I would be an idiot if I don't know that."

Shoto Todoroki held in a deep breath he was about to impulsively release.

During lunch, Uraraka held a katsu slice right in front of Kae's face. The other giving the piece of food a look of disgust despite Lunch Rush approaching them; asking if the food was to their liking. Deku had tears in his eyes while Iida spewed praises out of his mouth for a few seconds.

"Cmon, it's good. There's no extra sauces besides normal seasoning and the...crispy part? I forgot what it's called."

"Uraraka, I don't think it's a good idea to be feeding someone who can't digest normal food well, normal food." Deku commented, Kae about to agree; opening her mouth just as Uraraka shoved the piece into her mouth.

From force of habit and panic, Kae swallowed the piece quick. Eyes wide as she looked at Uraraka as if she was insane.

A few moments of silence.

" just feed a dragon variant normal food?!" Iida whisper-yelled, Uraraka tilting her head with wide eyes.

"Don't ghouls just feel sick after eating?" she asked, Iida quickly shook his head.

In a burst of electricity, Kae ran towards the nearest trashcan. Half of her upper body inside as she vomited out the contents of her stomach. The three flinched at the sounds, pretty much everyone inside of the cafeteria who heard it did.

"God it sounds like she's vomiting out her stomach." Sen said, wincing as she felt pity for the freshman.

Kishou and Arata instantly ran towards their younger sister, both of them dragging her away towards the nearest bathroom.

"Uraraka, we don't know much about dragon variants like Kaneki and her family. Besides the fact that despite being naturally conceived, they are unable to eat human food. God, a single piece of katsu did that...their stomachs must be extremely sensitive to unwelcome substances."

It was their second day being students at U.A, and finally did the long-awaited class many have been talking about is here. All Might rushed into the classroom, "I am here!" he declared, wearing a different hero outfit from his usual one. Instantly was the class filled with awe, Kae in the meanwhile wondering what was the connection between Midoriya and All Might to the point the scent of their quirks smell so similar to each other.

She returned 5 minutes late to the last class, smelling like blood as Uraraka, Iida and Deku ran towards her.

"Kaneki, are you alright? I'm sorry about what I did..." Uraraka apologised, Kae taking a deep breath.

"I became alright after eating my correct diet and a few litres of blood." Kae sighed. "Don't do that again, normal food makes me very sick and can damage my internal organs for a period of time even with my regeneration."

"How sick?" Deku curiously asked, raising his notebook. Something that didn't really sit right with a few of their classmates considering that Kae still looked unwell and rather pale.

"It was just a small piece so I'm looking at about a few more minutes, good thing I instantly got it out." she answered, walking back towards her desk. "I'm going to go rest, don't disturb me." Kae ordered, voice colder and stricter than usual.

As All Might continued to tell the class what they were going to be doing for today's first heroics class. Kae couldn't help but feel drowsy, body wanting to rest after swallowing such a substance.

"Young Kaneki, I heard about what happened during the second break. Are you alright?" All Might asked, Kae's eyes instantly snapping open. All Might held out a silver suitcase with the number 10 on it. "This is your hero case, it contains your hero outfit and gear-oh! Young Kishou went ahead and also registered your quinque to us."

"Alright...thanks All Might." Kae muttered, slowly standing up from her seat.

"I know a thing or two about bodies when they're not in the best state yet we need to do something rather tedious. Don't overexert yourself today in order to prevent permanent damage in the long-run." All Might advised, Kae nodding her head.

She doubted that her kagunes would not be in their best state, the aftereffects of the single piece of chicken much worse than she had imagined.

'You've never eaten human food before, your body is in shock over such a vile thing entering your mouth, going down your oesophagus and splashing into your stomach.'

Opening the brief case for the first time, Kae smiled at the outfit neatly tucked into the container. Like Kishou had once vowed, he had designed the outfit with designers adding their own elements to it.

"Oh Kishou..." Kae sighed, taking out the outfit, long stockings and shoes.

To get to the training area, Kae had to take a long, dark passage. Her eyes trained on the light at the other end. When she finally made it out, she kept her chin-up; showing that even if she had shown a moment of weakness previously-she's alright now.

"Oh Kaneki, that's a nice outfit." someone told her, someone wearing something that reminded her of a full-suit of armor.

"Can't you describe it better Iida, it's really beautiful!" Uraraka commented, the brunette's outfit reminding Kae of a space suit. "

"To me, it looks more of like an outfit from a fantasy world." Momo voiced her opinion, Jiro shrugging her shoulders.

"She's a Washuu descendant right? To me, it reminds me of the Middle East."

To most, the appearance of Kae's outfit resembled more of a character from a game or fantasy world. More aesthetic rather than practical, but both her and Kishou's outfits also had its own benefits. The jewels adorned in both different parts of the outfit were also gifts from the Raiden family, whenever the two release their Rc pulses wether it be kinetic or electrical; the jewels would absorb to lessen the loss and store them until the next release, creating a much stronger wave.

"Is that Yukimura 1/3? The quinque used by the late white reaper of the CCG Kishou Arima and then the Black Reaper?" Deku ran up towards Kae in an outfit she can't even properly describe. He knelt down at the sight of her sword, Kae raising an eyebrow at his action.

"The sword that probably was used to kill my maternal grandparents? Yeah, this is the sword used by my paternal grandfather to slay and orphan my mother and uncle." Kae answered, her comment giving her strange looks. "What? None of you like dark jokes that stem from family drama and trauma?"

" about we all now decide the teams?" All Might asked, holding two boxes in his hands.

Looking down at the ball in her hand, Kae stared at the letter 'G'. Looking around, a few were declaring their letters, those with the matching letter to the one yelled out ran towards the source of the voice until those who haven't discovered their partner remain. Looking around, she saw that Kyoka Jiro was looking around.

Walking towards Jiro, Kae raised her ball.

"Oh, you're my partner Kaneki?" Jiro asked, raising her ball.

"There's no one else." Kae replied, head turning towards All Might who saw that everyone now has their partners.

Uraraka and Midoriya were up first, becoming heroes who need to take down the villains Bakugo and Iida who were guarding a fake dangerous weapon inside of a building. From the monitoring room, besides the giant screen showing where each four was, there was a timer to show that the villains had 5 minutes to prepare traps for the heroes.

"We're going up against Yaoyorozu and Mineta later, what's our plan?" Jiro whispered, glancing in the directions of Yaoyorozu and Mineta. Kae followed Jiro's eyes, grimacing at the sight of the shortest male student's hero outfit.

"We walk in...(Jiro nods her head) then we take them down." Kae stated, tone implying that her answer was the most obvious thing the other should have realised. Jiro raised an eyebrow, humming for a moment.

"And?" she continued, acting as if the ghoul was joking.

"Your quirk can travel through walls with the help of those speakers on your legs, it is possible for you take them down if you blare the sounds of your heartbeats from a distance for just a few minutes."

"That's torture!" Jiro yelled, her voice earning the attention of their classmates. Embarrassed, she gave them a sorry look before giving Kae a horrified look. "I mean...that's..."

"Bad? Unethical? Villains give their all to injure, maim and kill heroes. So what if they're in pain, in that situation and the rules applied for the simulation: they are villains."Jiro sighed, looking a bit defeated.

"But they are our friends Kaneki, Yaoyorozu is really kind. Mineta? Alright, he doesn't give me good vibes." she continued to plead, knowing if she lost the argument she was losing, Jiro had to go with Kae's words to impress All Might.

"So if Mineta is coming at you hurling his quirk, will you allow him to take you down or will you fight back? If Yaoyorozu charges with a weapon she made, will you allow yourself to take the blow?" Kae asked, crossing her arms. "Piece of advice I can give you for the rest of your life, especially if you want to become a hero. Learn to accept the situation based on the circ*mstances present. Your future and fate is the product of the choices you make."

Jiro looked at Kae, Kae locked eyes with her for a few more moments before moving forward to watch the fight from the monitor much closer.

As soon as Bakugo attempted to land a rather large explosion on Deku and Uraraka, well, mostly Deku. Kae knew she was going to be watching an interesting fight. His expression looked as if he had been starving for a fight, one with the same person Kae had suspicions about. He loudly declared how Deku was bold enough to hide his quirk from him for all their youth. A sentence that further her interest in Izuku Midoriya. A person she met by chance, only to reunite with him once more in a slightly different state.

Oh hey, that reminded her of her parent's love story!

"Is this level of violence allowed?" Kae pointed towards the screen, Bakugo using one of his gauntlets to destroy a large area of the building.

"NO!" All Might quickly yelled, eyes widening when he realised he had just yelled in panic. "Young Kaneki, please do not register any information from this fight to be useful for future fights...this is the type of content you can usually find in shonen to act as fillers." he quickly explained in a term he hoped Kae would understand, at least, that was what Kishou told him.

"Oh, so what they're doing is basically useless." Kae asked, All Might shaking his head.

"Useless but still contributes something in the long-run." All Might added, giving the girl a high-five when she nodded her head in understanding.

"So no heartbeat go boom boom?" Kae said, a hint of mockery in her voice as Jiro shot her a 'really?' look. Jiro shook her head, Kae walking a bit around the building to see its layout, kakugan active. Jiro tilted her head, observing the kakugan with interest. A single rinkaku slithered around, Jiro focusing on Kae's face instead of the kagune.

"Have you ever wondered if your kakugan served any other purpose other than being purely aesthetic and separating you from normal pure ghouls of your kind?" Jiro asked, Kae looking towards her.

"I'm a half-human too thank you ve-Jiro cut her off.

"But, you're a dragon variant. A few scientists even argued that you, your father and siblings can't even be considered either as a ghoul-this time it was Kae to cut off the other, an eye for an eye.

"Stop. I hate scientists, I hate doctors and all that research sh*t they do. Don't mention them to me, Kyoka Jiro I am a hybrid between a ghoul and a human. As for the kakugan, I am unaware of any abilities it possesses." Kae said in one breath, getting tired of the other. Jiro nodded her head, not interested in dealing with tension between allies for their first hands-on heroics activity.

"They're on the third floor, normal heartbeat for Mineta whereas Momo's is rather fast. There are moments when her heart beat increases indicating that she must be either running around or carrying heavy objects." Kae pointed towards a window. "Oh, she's clearly upset with him because they're now arguing about...oh, Mineta was caught staring at her ass."

The previous tension in her voice disappears after commenting what Mineta had done, instead, she had a brief look of disgust while shaking her head.

Jiro blinked.

"How do you know this?"

Kae walked a bit towards the side of the building and pointed towards a window.

"Yaoyorozu was re-enforcing the windows and door when she caught Mineta staring, as for the rinkaku. Well it cut through a bit of glass and allowed an opening for me to hear them much clearly." Kae explained.

"Wow, where did you learn to do that?" Jiro asked, the two of them finally allowed to walk inside of the building. Unlike the room where the two were trapped in, neither Momo nor Mineta had bothered to set more traps other than sticky balls, bear traps and string-bells on the ceiling.

"Cartoons, you know when they have to break into somewhere." Kae answered, both of them now before the door both Momo and Mineta were in. Jiro stuck an earplug inside of the wall, listening in to them.

"They don't know we're inside yet, Yaoyorozu is getting agitated about that though while Mineta is cowering." she whispered, Kae nodding her head. "Alright so-The two really needed to cut their habit of cutting each other off with words of their own to say or actions that cause large sounds to be produced. This time, Kae released four rinkakus, two breaking through the door and tearing it apart as the other two rinkakus breached inside and chased after both villains. Mineta instantly getting captured whereas Momo tried to held back with a metal staff and shield.

"Go wrap a silly little ribbon around scaredy-pants over there, he's staring to smell like urine." Kae wrinkled her nose, conjuring another rinkaku to sweep Momo's legs.

"Ah!" she yelled, falling to her back, dropping both offensive and defensive weapons. The rinkaku she was previously fighting back now in-between her eyes.

"Interested in having a bindi or a hole through your skull and brain?" Kae asked, taking out a similar white ribbon to the one Jiro was tying around Mineta. "Joking~I'm not the type to have my work recorded for anyone to see, privacy is power."

"Huh, this is much easier than I imagined." Jiro commented, walking up towards the fake bomb to touch it after eliminating Mineta. Kae nodded at her.

"Yeah well, mountain climbing is easier with the proper gear rather than swim gear." Kae made the comparison, something Jiro agreed with easily.

"Round over, winner : Heroes."

Walking back to change her clothes, Kae chose to go a longer way to enjoy the silence. Exploring the hallways she would soon be more familiar with. Kae glanced every time she passed a tall door, other students inside with teachers she could recognise and guess what the current lesson for them was.

"Do you feel like this may be Corusan over again? Fate is cruel, who knows, maybe everyone will turn their backs on you."

"I rather not think about it right now, even if everyone in U.A turns their back on me. They can't just ignore me." Kae answered nonchalantly, answering the voice inside of herself. To humans, this was not normal. But the voice had always been there, in their family, affecting mostly Kishou and Arata when they were younger.

When asked, Kae never revealed that she had a problem or encounter with the voice. Even if it affects her during her worst moments.

"True...true...with our power, we make life so much easier~ say, why didn't you just cause more violence during the Battle Trial? I was sodisappointed that you only threatened that swimsuit lingerie model andleave diaper boy to emo earphone jack."

"Don't call them that, go disappear." she hissed, hearing a laughter echo around her.

"You'll need me again eventually, wether it be for revenge or for me to save you."

When the voice finally stopped speaking, Kae couldn't help but feel lonely. Releasing a small sigh, she jogged towards the changing room dedicated to the First Years, finding the other girls still conversing about the fights that went down.

"Oh Kaneki, there you are! We were starting to wonder if you had gotten lost." Ashido acknowledged her first, Kae nodding her head.

"Sorry about that, I just wanted to explore a bit first on my own." she apologised, despite not feeling sorry.With that, the girls continued with their conversation. Kae tidying herself up as she listened in to what they had to say. The sky was becoming orange, when they did come out, Kae glanced down to see a familiar spiky-head blond classmate. He stopped moving for a bit when All Might ran towards him, unlike Deku who attempted to talk to him. Kae hummed at the sight of the three of them, remembering this moment before continuing to walk towards the class.


Thank you for reading.

Chapter 8: An Unexpected Encounter


Welcome back to another chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kae observed from the back of the class, leaning against the wall with her hands cross as heroes Mezo Shoji and Shoto Todoroki go against the villains Toru Hagakre and Mashirao Ojiro. Todoroki engaged in abrief conversation with Shoji before theother stepped out of the building. Todoroki touched the building, freezing it in a short amount of time while trapping both Ojiro and Hagakure in place.

"Try to escape, but it is rather unpleasant to fight without the skin on your feet."

Kaminari snickered, glancing towards Kae. "Haha, didn't you also threaten your enemies beforevictory? It's really uncanny how similar both of you are. The question is which one is better though in this rivalry."

Jiro glared at Kaminari, punching his shoulder.

"Stop comparing them when you're not half of their strength dumbass, ignore him Kaneki. You are just as strong as Todoroki." Jiro stated, glaring at Kaminari before giving her a soft look.

'As strong as Todoroki? I'll take that as an insult.' Kae thought, her mood secretly getting worse.Kae looked down on the ground, wondering why she was constantly compared to a human. A human who cares about nothing but his own strength and goals. She did not want, she did not at all want to becompared to someone who cares so little about their own family.

"The Todoroki family is so messed up."

"Yeah, their father is a mess and the actions of his past are now inside of his son."

"I feel bad for Shoto, he's so different now and it's all because of him."

Kae was not born deaf, from what she can hear is that he's slowly becoming a sort of bad guy like his father somehow.


Tokyo, Japan

"So the United Front desires for the death of villains to not be counted as murder if it's for the purpose of self-defence?" Kaneki asked for confirmation, acting as yet again another intermediary for Ghouls and Humans. Inside of the room, was not only the United Front and Tokyo Security Committee but also the Hero Public Safety Commission and Humanity's representative, All Might.

These meetings are usually held when either sides desires for a new law to be created, once an agreement is made then usually Kaneki is the one to go towards both the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors for what was agreed upon to be cemented into the nation as a new part of the legislation.

"Most crimes usually happen indoors, I believe when a so-called villain has breached private property and a citizen feels that their life is threatened then violence may be required."

"Isn't that too evil? To take a life is rather too much..."

"Really? Are we going to go there?"

"I'm just saying-


"Enough going back and forth, honestly, I don't really mind with the law considering it will only apply if the person is on someone's property." Director Itsuki Marude sighed, rubbing his face.

"Shouldn't this also be allowed in public? What happens if a powerful villains attacks a public area? You can't just expect people to-

"That cuts with the already available rule restricting the use of quirks in public. If you're going to speak, at least know the already existing legislations in this country."

"Oh so you know any better?"

Kaneki sighed, knowing this was what was going to happen if you make seasoned investigators and ghouls originally part of an organisation to overthrow the old society create two different organisations as a part of the government to help maintain peace in the country.

Receiving a text, it was from Touka.

Touka-Chan :

Are you coming home late?

You :

Sorry love, I think I'm going to be stuck working overtime.

Putting his phone away, he leaned back into his chair and watch both sides go back and forth with each other until the Director decides they reached no agreement today thus they'll have to schedule another meeting in the coming month.

"Ken Kaneki, it's been a while since I met you." All Might approached the leaving Kaneki and his circle, Tsukiyama, Banjou, Nishiki and Ayato glanced at the number one hero. A bit intimidated despite both being on the same side. Kaneki gestured for them to leave first, Ayato shooting him a look of concern alongside Tsukiyama but they were tapped on the shoulder by both Nishiki and Banjou.

"All Might." the white-haired man acknowledged, nodding his head once. "How's your stomach?" Kaneki asked, looking down towards the area. All Might sighed, shifting back into his smaller form now that the meeting was over and no one else was around.

"Same as always, I still haven't found someone to replace me and receive One for All." Kaneki nodded, leading the two towards a nearest bench for them to sit down.

"How's your children? And the ones who are dragon variants?" the human asked, looking up towards the sky shown from the windows.

"They're fine, they're safe." Kaneki assured him, All Might nodding his head.

The first time they met was months after the dragon incident, All Might still in America when the incident occurred. Though he wanted to quickly travel back to Japan and stop the giant monster, his master's friend had informed him that it was useless. Useless to come back and stop something that destroys the human body just by breathing the air around it. His master's friend wished for him to leave it to the current heroes inside of the country; avoid risking losing One for All or weaken his body before encountering All for One yet again.

The main threat wasn't All for One at the moment, but that didn't mean that man wouldn't use the after effects of the battle to attack him. Because of that, All Might developed a sort of grudge against Kaneki. Reading how he wanted to overthrow society and rule as the king.

His views had instantly changed after he saw the man coddling after his heavily pregnant wife, kneeling down to kiss her stomach and look at her with such tender eyes. Eyes that didn't remind him of All for One at all. When Kaneki stood up from the ground and turned towards him, his expression and emotions changed. The man taking a step forward and acting as a shield for his wife; something All for One would never do. Slowly did he understand that the former human turned ghoul wanted peace and stability between ghouls and humans. Something that he had once thought but never came into action.

"Why are you doing this? I got a report from one of the...sorry spies sent to observe you sayyou were losing hope and thought it was all for nothing." All Might asked, Kaneki smiled at him for the first time, both of them looking at Touka andHinami watching over ghoul orphans.

"When Touka told me that she was pregnant, a new hope had filled in me. Evenafter brooding over the dread of realising that the world is unsuitable for my child to be born happy. All Might, I wanted to create a world where everyone-ghouls and humans can both smile. They can live byside, protect and communicate with each other with ease."

Kaneki is an anti-hero, and somehow, All Might is alright with that.

"Kaneki, no." All Might whisper-yelled,trying to drag the other away.

"That guy offered his daughter to me when I am happily married,that isdisrespect to my wife." Kaneki gritted his teeth, about to walk towards theother side of the event and publicly humiliate him.

"Kaneki, that guy is a president!"



"So? That man also called mypregnant wifeunattractive!"

In the sidelines, Akira who was also there with Kuki Urie wondered if they should get involved. "Nah, this is the most interaction tonight ever since that proposal." Tsukiyama butted in, munching on something as he held a small bowl of yellow sugar cubes. "The One-Eyed-King and the number one hero, magnifique!"


Somewhere on a road, Tokyo, Japan

"The Unforeseen Simulation Joint is a training facility rather far away from U.A, The U.S.J for short consists of a dome-shaped building composed of eight main sections, with six of them emulating a particular disaster scenario: entrance, central, ruins, landslide, mountain, conflagration, flood and downpour zone. It's usually well-guarded with sensors because of the large size and usually 2 to 3 teachers watching over the class of students." Kishou began his explanation, the two spending their time inside of the car preparing for Kae's next class.

Kaneki tightened his hands on the steering wheel, Ichika forcing herself to read a newly updated chapter of her favourite manga without getting car sick, Arata snoring as Touka placed an arm on Kaneki.

"It's basically Universal Studios Japan dad, no need to be so worried." Kishou added, Kaneki releasing a nervous laugh.

"Right, am I supposed to forget your first time at U.S.J?" Kaneki asked, Kishou shrugging his shoulders.In honest truth, having a few metal beams almost fall on you is horrifying. Kishou was in the ruins zone, with a group of his classmates and as they were passing through a couple of ruined buildings, one that resembled an unfinished building began to rumble and almost collapsed on them. Kishou noticed the sounds first and pushed everyone away, resulting in him being buried but not injured. He told this to Arata, who then joked about it to their extended family during their next family meeting.

It turns out their father did not like steel metal beams, especially ones in a construction area. Lesson learned.

"So, what's it like to haveplatonicyandere One-Eyed-King Ken Kaneki as a father?" Tsukiyama asked during one of his unexpected visits the four children of Touka and Kaneki, all of them deciding to go hangout inside of Ichika's room to watch a movie.

"Hah?" Arata asked, confused.

"Oh you know, there's Ken Kaneki, then Shironeki, then Kuroneki and Haise Sasaki. Honestly, there's so many Kanekis." Tsukiyama grinned, watching the confusion between the three siblings except for Kishou. God, he reminds him so much ofthe White Reaper.

"Shuu, stop confusing them." Ayato sighed, walking inside the room with hands inside of his pockets.

Everyone in the family besides Touka and Kaneki are now wondering why they were now in Universal Studios Japan instead of the park. They had legit parked their car in parking lot and took a Shinkansen Bullet Train to Osaka where the amusem*nt park was. It was now about 9:30 in the morning, the place already open.

"When did you suddenly become so flamboyant in your actions?" Touka sighed. She quickly lifted her head again, suddenly remembering he always had been subtly flamboyant.

"Change in a routine is completely normal." Kaneki assured them, jogging towards the empty queue.

"Do you think if I tell him about the World Heroes Association and how sometimes heroes are sent abroad we can go to a different country for the holidays?" Kishou asked the rest of his family as they sat on a bench waiting for the tickets.

"Honey, when you mentioned different countries we went to Germany in December." Touka snickered

"Then Bali, a few months later Dubai and last December Paris!" Ichika cheered, remembering the cultures, stunning architecture and the Eiffel Tower.

"Sponsored by Shuu Tsukiyama." Arata yawned, lying on Kae's lap who began playing with his scalp while scrolling through her phone.

As they walked out of Yoshi's Adventure, someone came running towards them. Someone in a short white sundress and pink scarf. "Ah Kishou, I didn't know that you would be here today! Meet my father." Sen ran towards Kishou in open arms, Kishou opening his hands and allowing Sen to jump on him.

Surprisingly, Kaneki wasn't focused on the girl who jumped into her son's arms as if they were a couple. He was instead focused on Sen's father. "You must be Mr. Takatsuki." Kaneki smiled, shaking the other man's hands.

"Likewise," Sen's father smiled, a man with blonde hair and deep red eyes. "It's an honour to meet all of you, especially you Kishou. My daughter talks a lot about how strong, a leader and kind you are." he added.Arata snorted at the last part, Ichika giggling too.Kae blinked, thinking of how much of a dilf her senior's father is.Kaneki can't help but place his hand to close his mouth and nose, an unpleasant feeling growing inside of him the more he watches Kishou interacts with Sen.He was aware of her existence and friendship with Kishou, but the look in her eyes and the way she clung to him bothered him.

"We should be on our way now, if I'm not wrong Kae wanted to go to a popcorn stand...just because they're having a collaboration with one of her favourite shows. She's an otaku." Kaneki said, Kae snapping towards her father.

"How dare you father." Kae said, huffing and now running towards the direction towards the popcorn stand. "ICHIKA YOU'RE EATING THE POPCORN!"

"Eh Kae, don't separate!" Ichika yelled, running after her younger sister.Excusing himself towards the bathroom, Kishou brought his watch towards his mouth, watching everyone around him.

"KAI, what am I supposed to do and how should I act around the parents of my friends?"

"And scene," Kae grinned, beating Ichika, Kishou and Arata's score in fruit ninja simulation. The fake katana controller pretending to be sheathed by her side as she kneeled down like Kamisato Ayato after a charge attack.

"Alright so, what's your most popular dish?" Ichika innocently asked, walking inside another themed restaurant.

"Alright so a single night stay at Tokyo Disneyland's themed room costs about this much, whereas the nearest hotel in Universal Studios is about this if per say, I apply for this limited membership card offer I can have a single night stay-Arata continued questioning with one of the staff members while holding his phone displaying calculator, a few pieces of paper and a pen on the table. "Dammit, we should've went to Tokyo Disneyland, even that place is closer!" the black-haired Kaneki fell to his knees, crying about costs, time saving and deals.

Kishou took out his phone, taking a few pictures of things to send to his friend's group chat after Sen revealed she met him in the amusem*nt park.

At the end of the day, Kae had her popcorn bucket and hugged it with glee. Still a bit offended that her father called her an otaku. Arata SOMEHOW got motion sickness and puked inside of a trashcan, Ichika got too full trying everything she can and joined Arata in emptying out her insides, Kishou looked as if he was contemplating life while looking at fireworks and the two parents observed their children from afar.

"Today was fun." Kaneki said with a smile, hearing in the distance Kae accidentally smelling the smell of popcorn inside of the bucket and now headed towards the nearest bathroom. Touka raised an eyebrow, watching someone spill their drink on Arata making him shiver in disgust.

"It was." Touka sighed, standing on the tip of her toes to now kiss his cheek.

That morning, there was an endless amount of paparazzi crowding the entrance of U.A. Students being cornered to answer questions while flashes blind their eyes and endless different noises combined deafen their ears. Eraser Head and Present Mic were outside, trying to deal with all of them.

Kishou was in front of Kae, Arata was behind their youngest sibling. Around Kae's eyes was the blue sash was the blue ribbon from her hero outfit, covering her eyes to prevent oversensitivity and pain from all the flashes. Kishou glared at all the people who tried to bother them, Arata faking fierceness and also glaring at the people who tried to approach them. This caused the humans around them to back off, especially after Kishou attempted to reach for something inside of his blazer. As he passed Mr. Aizawa who gave him a warning look, Kishou pulled out a blood red wrapped lollipop, sticking it inside of his mouth before winking at the paparazzi. A few instantly screeching and fawning over the ice prince.

"God, they're dumb." Arata whispered under his breath. "I hate paparazzi, especially after what happened to the People's Princess."

"Ah, still a big fan of Princess Diana?" Kae asked, remembering the sleeping beauty that caught the hearts of the world that were taken from them and her family and sons far too soon.

"For a human, her heart matched everything about her."

The three stopped moving, placing a hand over their hearts and having a moment of silence for the late lady.

"Want to go trash Camilla and Charles while walking towards class?" Arata asked after they were done.

"Sure." Kishou and Kae simultaneously answered.






"This morning, all of you will be deciding on a Class President and Vice president." Aizawa yawned, glancing at the competitive looks on a few of his student's faces. Glancing at the back row, Uraraka looked over at Midoriya with a smile on her face, Kae looked as if she was ready to take a nap, Todoroki nonchalant as always and Yaoyorozu determined. Great, the back row was not having a breakfast mukbang session like a few other classes during homeroom.

The class instantly became a ruckus, a few raising their hands while yelling. A few stood up from their seats, some just sat and watched the chaos unfold and others began conversations with whoever sat beside, in front or behind them.

"Everyone! Let's decide through votes!" Iida declared, his glasses shiny.

The class looked at him.


Vote Results

Kae Kaneki - 5

Izuku Midoriya - 3

Momo Yaoyorozu - 2

Kae glared at the class when she was told to stand up beside Deku and near Mr. Aizawa. Jiro, Ashido, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima avoiding her eye contact without a look of guilt at all. Yaoyorozu sweat dropped, glancing towards the girl beside him.

'Haaa...the gap between my votes and hers.'she thought.

"I actually don't mind this, Yaoyorozu is smart whereas Kaneki is strong." Tsuyu commented, Kae hearing her words.

"Of all the things that could have came out of this voting, 5 of you chose to have a ghoul as a president for a class filled with humans?" Kae asked, Kirishima nodding his head excitedly. Ashido gave her a thumbs up. Jiro swirled one of her earphone jacks, Sero just shrugged and Kaminari nodded as well.

"Your brother was the class president during his second year, he was called '2-A's Tyrant Leader'." Aizawa lifted his head up from the podium before slowly sinking back down in his mustard coloured cocoon. "He's still the president now."

Looking around, people around started paying attention to a tense Iida. Looking down at his table while gritting his teeth.

Kae sighed, raising her hand and pointing towards Iida. "You, you're going to be my puppet." she declared.Iida quickly look up, giving Kae a shocked look.Aizawa slowly lifted himself up, giving Kae a suspicious look whereas the other students glanced at each other.

"You will act as the head of Class 1-A, you will do the daily required responsibilities of being a class president while I work from the shadows. Together, the three of us will keep 1-A safe from the dangers outside of this class, miscommunication and betrayals."

Kae watched from the corner of her eye Yuga Aoyama stiffen, brushing it off as nervousness.

"No one shall be deprived of their lives, we all will live and stay alive by the time we graduate." Kae declared, Iida slowly getting up as per Kae's orders and standing up beside her and Momo.

"Offer your heart Iida." afew tried to hold in their laughs as Iida suddenly became determined, Kae moving his hands so he now stood straight while doing the sasageyo pose.

"So 1-A will have three class administrators instead of 2? Now you're understanding the unorthodox methods of U.A." Mr. Aizawa stated, looking what they guess could be proud with a creepy smile on his face- the same face he did when Deku threw the ball with only breaking his finger.

"Wait, if I and Yaoyorozu will be doing all the work required by president and vice-president, what will you be doing?" Iida asked, Kae looked at him as if it was obvious.

"I'm your right-hand-woman, if you need information. Then I have connections." Kae said casually. Iida and Yaoyorozu blinking at her. "And by that I mean my older brother, outside information : family and a few other seniors." she assured them.

"Will you accept my lunch money to get me information about that hot babe in 1-B?!" Mineta yelled, everyone else ignored what he had just said.

"Alright, I'll go create a group chat for the three of us. Until then, let's go sit back down." Yaoyorozu spoke up, both Iida and Kae agreeing with her words.

"What could possibly go wrong for Kaneki to suddenly search for information and secretly bring it to Iida like a spy?" Midoriya smiled, ignoring the grumbling angry Bakugo and groaning Mineta behind him.

Time skip to lunch...


"I see you have a puppet president, father would be proud." Kishou commented, the two on the rooftop of U.A, scanning the ground below for signs of what had happened to cause the security alarm to go off. Kishou pointed towards the direction of the main entrance, the paparazzi having breached the entrance and are attempting to storm in. 'Idiots.' he thought.

"Nah, I just didn't want extra work-but I also didn't want to look lazy or unable to be a leader." Kae laughed making Kishou roll her eyes because of her reasoning and answer. Kae took out Iida to inform him the reason why the alarms went off.

"HELLO?! KANEKI-AUGH!"Kae winced, hearing how loud Iida was with the chaos most likely happening around him.

"It's just the paparazzi, no villains at all." Kae informed him, Iida instantly nodding his head at the information, head now looking out towards the main entrance to the high school.


Changing from his normal glasses to his one resembling silver safety glasses, he tapped on the side and zoomed in on the main entrance. Kae walked towards him, squinting her eyes to see from his glasses too. Kishou briefly noting to ask for another for Kae in her size."The gate turned into ashes, how can a normal member of the paparazzi do that without worrying of heavy fines and imprisonment?" Kishou told her.

"You think something is going to happen?" she asked, Kishou hummed.

"Sooner or later, I'll go report to father about this." he announced, turning his back to walk back inside of the building. Kae followed beside him. As they walked down the stairs, Kae opened her phone to the sound of a notification. Kishou noticing how Arata, Mirio, Nejire were following Tamaki who looked normal-his body hunched, hands inside of his pockets while looking down. He was right in the path of Kae meaning the two would collide soon.

"Tamaki, watch where-Kishou cut himself off.

"Oh-." Mirio and Nejire's jaw dropped.

" :O " was the look on Arata's face.

Kae and Tamaki had indeed collided, but because of how hunched Tamaki was his head collided against Kae's chest. His body instantly stiffening, trying to comprehend what softness he had just collided with. Kae's face turned red, when Tamaki heard the sounds of a heart beat and a yelp that sounded from Kae. His ears and face instantly turned red.

"AUUHISDISDNINISIIN!" Tamaki screeched, scaring everyone in the hallways. Instantly, he ran away, colliding and smashing his head against the wall near to the teacher's room. The wall broke, Tamaki's head began bleeding but he ignored it.

"Thou shall killeth Tamaki, or shall I?" Arata sang, kakugan out. Kishou's eyes couldn't be seen, hidden behind the shine of his glasses."O beloved younger sister, allow eldest brother Kishou and Arata to deal with him."Arata smiled, patting the shoulder of his shell-shocked, embarrassed, red-faced frozen sister. "OI TAMAKI, HOW DARE YOU SHOVE YOUR FACE INTO MY SISTER'S BOOBS!"

"AUGGDA-OSKVDKNS!" Tamaki continued to cry, Nejire now patting his shoulder, Mirio on the other side of Nejire.

Tamaki.exe has stopped working.

"Well, this will be interesting to add in the school news." Sen commented from afar, using the panic to photo different situations happening alongside other journalists in the school.

A few teachers who were inside of the teacher's room were now all trying to hold back a civil war between Kishou, Arata against Tamaki, Mirio and Nejire. Kae was being comforted by Midnight who assured her that accidents happen. A few photographers took pictures, until they were discovered by Nezu who smiled and told them of their detention for the rest of the week-Sen included.

"Ah, I'm really sorry about looking at my phone Tamaki-Amajiki! I should've been more careful." Kae apologised, still finding a way to blush after embarrassing herself with her crush.

"I-I-I-s-so (cue two kakugans activating) I'm sorry too Ka-Kae, I should've been looking up too." Tamaki stammered. Midnight crooned at the sight of both of them, clearly noticing the budding feelings.

"Ah youth! It excites me so badly!" Midnight exclaimed, acting as if she was shivering. An evil smile overtook the look on her face.

"Amajiki, why don't you invite Kae to the Miyako Odori festival as a way to break the awkwardness between the two of you? The Miyako Odori festival does only happen in April." Midnight suggested, Tamaki and Kae's face turning redder. Arata was about to disagree when Nejire slapped her hand around his mouth. Smiling ear to ear.

When Kae went back inside of the class, to her surprise, resting on top of her table was a glass filled with red liquid. Taking it, Iida quickly speed-walked towards her. "Kaneki, thank you so much for the information about the paparazzi being the reason the alarms went off. I asked Lunch Rush to create a special drink for you to show my appreciation. It's blood type A+ because of your action." Iida smiled, not really bothered that he had asked for a blood packet and got a strange look from the hero.

"I guess it is alright to have three class administrators instead of two, we're getting a pretty good rep because of Iida before." Tsuyu smiled, others agreeing with her.

"Way to go Iida!"

"So manly!"

"Congrats on your first victory president." Kae praised him, sending him a wink while creating a zipping motion. She doesn't mind if news spread that their class has three administrators and she is considered useless. Like she once said, she will act in the shadows with Iida somewhat as her marionette. Iida's face turned red, bowing down in different directions.

"They're working well together." Yaoyorozu commented, attempting to engage in conversation with Todoroki. "I wonder how strong they'll be as a pair the more they learn to trust, work well and grow their power."

"I wonder how that pair could have grown together."

"Only the future can tell." Todoroki answered shortly, not interested in talking with the vice-president of the class. He walked back towards his desk, his mind shifting back to when Kae dared to talk about him and his mother.

Only the future can tell how people change, how theenvironment shifts and how society continues to run.


Thank you for reading.

Chapter 9: Attack on U.S.J


Welcome back to another chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Kishou?" a feminine voice called out for the first year. The youngstudentsitting on the ground in a room filled with darkness.

"Go away, you have no reason to approach me."

The teacherlooked around,trying to find where the source of the voice wascoming from. It was time for Art Class, yet when Midnight had gone through the absentees, Kishou had been missing since the morning. To her disappointment, she knew thereason why most of the teachers just marked him absentwithout attempting to find him. She took a deep breath, wishing that one of Aizawa's classes could have beensooner. He was one of the few in both staff and student body that still treated him like normal.

She understood that the other teachers didn't need to waste their period to go search for Kishou, especially since the other students needed to study. But they could have at least informed any of the group chats they had in their phones about a missing student so one of them if they're free could go find him.

"I am your teacher, it is my responsibility to care for all of my students. In U.A, you are my son, the child I take under my wing until you are ready to fly on your own." Midnight stated, confidence in her voice.

Nemuri eventually found the boy, all alone on the ground looking tired. Pointlessthoughts possibly in every crevice inside of his mind leaving him restless. His glasses had fogged up, thus, they were now inside of his school uniform's breast pocket. With theabsence of his glasses, Nemuri was able to see his eyes much clearer. Why did they have to be so expressive whenever he's all alone, she wishes he could be more expressive around her.

"I'm sorry that youhave to have a boywho'sconsidered an omen of death, a tyrant and sad*stic quiet freak for a son."

Kishou had been looking down, only to slowly widen his eyes when he felt a touch in the middle of his forehead. A warm sensation filled inside of him, the touch so soft that he compared it to his mother's or the feeling of silk gently rubbingagainstskin.

"I'm not sorry to have a brilliant son who fights and raises his weapon not for fame and fortune, but to protect those he loves and cherishes. I'm not sorry that I love my sonwho'salways trying to improve himself and striving to be a better person in his own way every day. ButI am sorry, that I am not able to change the minds ofthose who throwstones at you." Nemuri smiled, inching closer towards Kishou to give him a hug. Kishou slowlyaccepting the hug, his face against the woman's soft silky hair. Hetook a deep breath, enjoying her comforting scent.

"The lengths I would go for you, is immeasurable." Kishou said, hands tightening the hug.

Perhaps that was the moment Nemuri Kayama had forged her own special bond with one of the four dragon variants. A bond that has manifested and sealed rarer to the point all records can only think of numbers less than five.

She found out about this so-calledphenomena when the mystery of thedisappearance of her obsessed fans was solved, and when she had been in a joint-mission with Kishou involved did he surprise everyone by disobeying his hero's order to rescue her and kill her potential murderer in oneattack without hesitation. In that moment, with a crazy look and pride mixedinto his face did Nemuri feel briefly what everyone else felt about Kishou after hisunintentional rampage.

"It'salright now, come here Kishou..." Nemuri calmed him down,slowly wrapping her arms around the boy to calm him down. He was no child, he was a teenager. But his brain was still developing and it's not his fault he was the way he is.

All Might had been going on a rescue spree, that was what the news reporters were all saying as he saved yet another hostage situation with other heroes having trouble saving them from a muscular large villain. Unbeknownst to them, it left him weak. Left him with no choice but to rest when he was supposed to accompany class 1-A during their next Heroics Lesson. Inside of his office, Nezu made him feel as if he wasn't alone. The two engaging in slow conversation as time ticked by.

When the clock struck 12:50, did the final class of the day for class 1-A began. Mr. Aizawa slinked his way inside of the class, "Today's class will be taught by me, All Might and another teacher. Today is about Rescue Operations that will be held at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, a training facility rather far from here so we'll be going by bus." to Aizawa's delight, no one cut his words. Most of them trying their best to contain their excitement.

"Now go change, and to those whose clothes still need adjustments. No need to force yourself and wear them. Just wear your P.E uniform but wear your gear over it." Mr. Aizawa added.

"Yes Mr. Aizawa." the class said, everyone now getting up to get their respective suitcases.

Putting on her hero outfit, Kae made sure that the straps on the top part of her stockings were tight. When that was done, she ran her hands through her outfit, shoes and stockings. Most of the hero outfit, excluding the parts that weren't made out of cloth were covered with a layer of kagune coating something that was achieved by creating a sort of end-results through mixing a bit of the skin cells, Rc cells and a sample of kagune. The sample would come from a ghoul with a kokaku kagune seeing as how that Rc type had higher density than the other types.

"Let's just..." Ichika scrambledthrough Kae'swardrobe until she found alarge blue ribbon, a colour that was not too dark nor lightthat blended well with the rest of her outfit. She let out an awkward laugh. "Yeah, just wear it as a scarf whenit'scold or when you're not on duty."

Ichika glared at Kishou, "I get it the outfit is nice, but she looks like she came out of an open world fantasy game."

Kishou raised an eyebrow, "So do I."

"I approve, this will be good for collaborations with gaming companies." Arata smiled, showing a thumbs up.

Just as informed by Aizawa before, the trip towards the Unforeseen Simulation Joint would take a while. Unclipping the end of the sash to the other side of the waist, she held onto the unclipped side before unclipping the last side. Once those actions were done did Kae wrap the object around her neck life a scarf.

"So...this is a bus." Kae said, staring at the large vehicle. Ashido glanced towards Kae, watching as Kae scan the bus up and down.

"You've never ridden one?" Ashido joked, stopping when Kae nodded her head.

"My father told me a lot of sexual assault happens that's why we avoid public transport a lot unless it's the trains. Although trains are also dangerous, I never really entered them without any of my other siblings." Kae explained, Ashido agreeing with her.

"Your dad seems very protective of you and your siblings." Ashido commented, something Kae could agree with.

"He is, but I learn not to complain about it. Especially after my mother begged me not to fight, go against or raise my voice against him. Or my brother saying when I was younger that I should be grateful that the world to me is a complete different one to the world dad sees."

Feeling a growing sense behind her, Kae turned her back to find Todoroki. In his hero outfit of course, but without the left side of his body being completely covered in ice. Had he been listening? It didn't matter, the piece of information wasn't going to harm her much at all. It was well-known that the weakness of their family was their own family.

"You look nicer without the ice." Kae commented, one of the nicer things she thought and have said to him in a while.

"You look more respectable with the scarf." Todoroki replied back, two different sides of Kae wondering if she should take it as a compliment or insult.

"Take it as a compliment,diaper boy is looking at you."

"Alright everyone! Please line up in an orderly manner! We shall enter the bus two by two and then sit according to the chairs and who walked in beside who!" Iida entered his class president mode, Kae walking towards the back of the line as everyone did what he said.

Although Iida should be praised, it turns out the interior of the bus was different from what most of them thought leaving the class president to be brooding in his seat. By the time Kae entered, there were two seats left-either she sat with Todoroki or Mineta.Mineta made a motion for her to sit with him, drooling a bit as he entered a trance-like state. Kae unconsciously almost drew out Yukimura 1/3 before walking to sit right beside Todoroki.

Todoroki slowly opened his eyes, glancing at her.

"It was either you or that weirdo." Kae muttered, defending herself from she herself didn't know what. Todoroki looked down at the piece of cloth around her neck, its colour would contrast heavily with her glowing red kagune if she released them.

He had given her that piece of cloth. When they were much younger as a gift for being his friend, long before their bridge was burnt by fire and struck apart by lightning.It was strange, how they used to balance each other to now always clashing and refusing each other. Todoroki closed everyone away, Kae took that to heart and resented him for it. That was what he understood, what he didn't understand was how her anger could last for so long. Even though he never had gotten an apology for her harsh words during fourth grade, he didn't hateher.Hate was a strong word, one reserved for scummy men like his father. Even then he isn't blinded by his hatred.

"Mom tells me that Uncle Kaneki and Aunt Touka visits her from time to time, on their last visit. They gave her a large collection of manga and novels, she wants you to have some of them." Fuyumi smiled, placing the box in front of Shoto after they had just finished dinner.

"Eh?I feel like some ofthese are more directed to teenagers instead of grown adults." Natsuo pointed out, taking outthe firstvolume of Naruto.

"Ah, Kae has a large collection of books. I guess she donated the ones she didn't read much of anymore to create more space for new ones." Fuyumi said, Shoto reaching in to take one with the cover of an adult woman holding a gun, sitting on a chair with things related to love underneath it. The bored looking woman had whitehair andgrey eyes.

Kae had given away even her most cherished collected books, in truth, even though she adored them and they all had a sentimental place in her heart. It wasn't like she was going to read them anytime soon. She knew the story from beginning to end, there were endless content too on the internet.Todoroki wondered if her giving away her prized belongings was her way to symbolise that she wasn't the same person as before.

"Hey Midoriya, your quirk is rather similar to All Might." Asui commented, Deku getting flustered and rather nervous. Kae glanced at them, remembering how All Might spied on their class during the Quirk Apprehension Test. "Also, just call me Tsuyu or Tsu."

"A-ah! Y-you think so?!" Midoriya stuttered, shaking his hands about.

"But Tsuyu, All Might doesn't have weaknesses. They just look similar. (Oh? Deku let out a sigh of relief) But still it's nice to have a simple power boosting quirk. It's both showy and versatile, unlike my quirk, only allows me to harden." Kirishima joined in, hardening one of his arms while the others looked.

"It's fit for a pro-hero though." Deku assured him, Kirishima sending him a wide smile.

"My quirk is both pro-hero worthy and flashy." Aoyama winked.

"Yeah but it gives you tummy aches." Ashido joked, nudging him once.

Kirishima turned his head towards the back of the bus, seeing Todoroki, Kae and Bakugo minding their own business. "Kaneki, Todoroki and Bakugo have the most flashy and strongest quirks in class."

"Bakugo has anger issues, he will never be popular." Tsuyu commented. Bakugo instantly standing up in anger.

"What did you say to me extra?!"

The two ended up sleeping, Todoroki's head against the glass whereas Kae crossed her arms with her head leaned back. Both of them only awakened when the bus came to a halt.Excitement filled most of the class, finally exiting out of the bus to see the exterior design of the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Kae looked up, observing the giant dome-like structure it had for a roof. Of course, the building was large. Ashido grinned, jumping a bit in her place. Her mouth opened, "I wonder how it looks like on the inside!"

Greeting them outside was Pro Hero : Thirteen, a hero that looked as if she was wearing a giant spacesuit. "Welcome to the U.S.J everyone, I am Thirteen. The second hero that will be assisting you all today."

"Thirteen," Mr. Aizawa approached her. "Where's All Might?"

"All Might is currently unavailable to assist us in today's class, Nezu ordered him to skip out in order to rest his mind and body." Thirteen explained, gesturing for the class to enter the building. "Let's go inside everyone."

"Guess even the number one hero needs rest." Sero whispered, Kae glancing towards him. His words not sitting right with her.

"He's human, not a God no matter how much people worship him." Kae answered, Sero turning towards her.

"But he's usually so strong and charismatic." he reasoned, because of that, the ghoul finding there's no need to argue with someone with that mindset. Brushing him off, Kae fastened her walk.

Even the strongest have their lowest moments, and it's alright. Life has its downs same as it has its ups. Though Kae didn't follow up much on information about the hero, she knew that the burden of being number one in the nation and the Symbol of Peace for the world would be a pressure that would instantly crush her. He also seemed so alone, like he didn't have anyone else to lean to for years.Sometimes she wonders, if there's a reason All Might kept on going besides cliche answers like for the people, society and safety of everyone else.

"For my parents."

"For myliving relatives."

"My grandparents."

"My cousins and nieces."

"My sister."


Anything, anything that can make her relate to him more. She didn't know if he had any more family, and she certainly was not going to search about it now. So until then, anything about All Might will stay inside of her mind.

'Wait a second, I justremembered. All of my grandparents are dead.'Kae frowned, realising that if All Might said something about his grandparents it wouldn't affect her much. Oh well, family is family.

"Alright, so first today we will-

The lights flickered, slowly turning off whereas the fountain in the middle of the building's flow became off. Confused looks were exchanged, Todoroki glanced towards Kae who met his eyes.

"Don't look at me, those aren't my doing." she said, raising her hands in fake surrender.

Mr. Aizawa froze, sensing something abnormal happening far behind him. He quickly turned around, seeing two yellow beady eyes slowly appear alongside a purple mist. "Stay in one group all of you, Thirteen, protect the students."

In the centre of the plaza, a blue-haired man looked around. Scanning to see if he can instantly find him. All Might is fast, he should've been down here confronting them as soon as Kurogiri warped himself here first.

"Kurogiri, you said that All Might would be here...I don't see him." Irritation filled his voice, staring down at the other figure named Kurogiri.Kurogiri bowed down,

"I apologise Shigaraki, there may be a mistake in the schedule." Kurogiri apologised, shame filling him a bit over the rise in Shigaraki's ire.

"No way...those are real villains?" Kaminari shivered, the class growing in worry as Mr. Aizawa placed on his yellow goggles.

Kae looked around the crowd of students until she spots the one she was scanning for,"Todoroki, do we have permission to kill if our lives are at stake?" Kae suddenly appeared beside Todoroki, whispering inside of his ear making the other slightly shiver. "Like, can your father at least vouch that we could have died, the heroes were outnumbered and this was a calculated attack."

"What?" Todoroki blinked, eyes wide at Kae. "Is that really what you're thinking of right now? Defending yourself by killing someone?"

"Hey," Kae frowned. "I'm a ghoul, different mindsets and base ideologies. I'm sorry but I'm not going to be murdered in public without doing anything, I'm not ghouls during the first generation of quirks users up till the second."

Todoroki sighed, "Your life, your choices, your power."

Kae snickered, "You should really preach what you say, Mr. I-Hate-My-Left-Side-Because-Of-My-Father."

The other was about to respond with a look of confusion on his face when Iida appeared in-between them. "Both of you, stop bickering and run towards the exit!" he yelled, pulling out his whistle. He attempted to blow it; but then he remembered he was wearing his headgear. He ran, leaving them both to unfroze the ones still standing in shock.

While the others ran towards the exit with Thirteen leading them, Kae walked closer to watch Mr. Aizawa now in hero-mode/Eraser Head jump down from the top stairs and activated his quirk: Erasure, allowing him to basically switch off the quirks of others if he gazes into them. His scarf was in both his hands, Kae having seen them in action against Bakugo.

He would be fighting alone, Kae wishing that she and perhaps Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima with his hardening quirk could help him.

"I swear to God Kaneki!" Lida yelled appearing behind her, grabbing her by the collar and dragging her away. He huffed, briefly glaring at the back of her head before focusing back onto what was in front of him. "You worry me the most! And that's considering how we are both friends with Midoriya!"

"Hey, I can sound and look suspicious but focus on Midoriya more, at least I regenerate." Kae crossed her arms, still being dragged in the air by Iida. "Wow, your upper body is stronger than I thought considering your quirk is mostly in your legs." Iida's face turned a bit red when he placed her down for a moment. The ghoul using the opportunity to gently pinch his arm.

Kurogiri appeared before Thirteen and the class, much bigger than he was before beside Shigaraki after closing the portal. "We are the League of Villains, an organisation dedicated to destroying everything that All Might has made and soon, him too. As you can see, there seemed to be a bit of a problem here...well, he'll eventually come once we attack his precious golden eggs." he said so calmly, his voice not matching his eyes.

Bakugo took a step forward, Lida shooting him a warning glance that went ignored. Kirishima too stood beside Bakugo. "If you think we will allow you to take down All Might, then you have hell coming for you." Kurogiri stared down at Bakugo, irked by the lack of fear inside of his eyes and disrespectful words. "Then perish."

His body surrounded all of them, as if being vacuumed into space, everyone began separating from each other. "Kaneki!" Iida yelled losing hold of the girl that got sucked away into the darkness. Her eyes widened, the last thing she saw before being enveloped in darkness was the panicked-filled look of Tenya Iida.

'Is this how I may potentially die?'

That was a shared collective thought between class 1-A, Kae wondering at the same time if in that moment did her ghoul mind matched with the thoughts of the human students. In truth, she didn't want to see them or even one of the class die. If U.A lost today, how would the world react? How would her father react? If she dies, would the villains take her body out of spite if they held anything against ghouls? Kakuhos are useful for creating powerful weapons.

Being experimented on...

Kae closed her eye, wondering if she would suffer a fate similar to Rize Kamishiro.

"Not now."

Eraser Head remained focus, he was alone, surrounded by many grunts but also two seemingly high-ranking members of the so-called League of Villains. He had to remain calm, hopefully, Thirteen had managed to evacuate all of the students in time. He looked down at his red elbow, grimacing at the sight of it. The man covered in hands had done it, gleefully telling him that his quirk is called decay.

The one made from black mist had disappeared, he didn't know where just yet.

A black portal opened, the low-level villains wondering if more backup was being sent since Eraser Head was proving to be a rather hard hero to defeat. Eraser Head took a deep breath, preparing himself to wonder what the villain would send down again.

"Augh!" a grunt yelled, falling to his knees before collapsing, dead.

The central area stilled, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Eraser Head looked down at the grunt, noticing the large circular hole inside of his chest. He took a deep breath, tightening his hold on his capture weapon.

A portal had been happened, Kae had been transported here. They had gotten to Thirteen and the class and they were all now spread out through the U.S.J with villains waiting for them, in their heads was the delightful idea of killing them.

That was what Eraser Head thought, knowing they wouldn't just randomly bring a student here without a reason.

"Kurogiri, did a brat just kill a student?" Shigaraki slowly raised his hand, watching as more rinkakus revealed themselves from the portal and pierced through more criminals in incredible speed. Kae eventually fell from the portal, falling onto her stomach with her back facing the sky. Her rinkakus returned to her side, all of the sharp edges dripping red liquid-the blood of her enemies.

Releasing a groan, Kae lifted her head, yawning a bit. "Oh? I didn't know this place turned into a buffet..." Kae commented, still trying to make sense of what just happened. First she was with Iida, then she got sucked into the darkness and then there were the smell of flowers. Well, she was imagining her friends inside caskets surrounded by white flowers. Her heart pounded inside of her chest, much nervous than she was showing on the outside; swallowing the saliva inside of her mouth, she slowly stood up to look around.

Yeah, she and Mr. Aizawa were surrounded.

"Kaneki, get out of here!" Eraser Head yelled, not noticing the large monster beside Shigaraki blitzed right behind him. Kae instantly awakened, knowing full well that thatthinghad just blitzed as if it was a ghoul.

'Is that a kakuja?'

Unsheathing Yukimura 1/3, the blade changed into it's dual mode-glowing a bright red as Kae ran towards her teacher, slashing at the chests till they reached the necks of petty criminals who had no purpose but needed to be disposed of. Its hand slowly reached out towards the frozen Eraser Head, Kae's wings emerged to allow her to blitz before them. Shigaraki watched Kae re-appear before Nomu and Eraser Head. Her eyes were wide, showing a brief look of fear that made Shigaraki feel gleeful.


Kae's eyes widened, feeling blood splatter on parts of her, including her face. Midoriya watched as Kae faltered to the ground, on her ass as she watched Mr. Aizawa be beaten to the ground by the unknown entity. Torture, that large muscular monster was torturing him.

'I wasn't fast enough.'Kae thought, wondering how she could have been so slow. Was she always that slow? Not being as fast as she thought she had been?

"First time seeing a figure of yours defeated on the ground kid?" Shigaraki asked, taking a few steps forward. Now recognising the strands of pure white hair, a black pool with a bright red circular jewel in the middle, black veins around the fiersome kakugan and the sharp kagunes that either spread like an uncontrollable wild fire or reach out to deliver death through stabs through its sharp tip, pure liquid muscle.

She was fierce like a dragon, slaying others left and right as easy as a dragon opening their mouth to breathe fire. With help from master, the mere child before him could easily level countless wards and tear through countless roads. Becoming the Tokyo Ghoul.

"You're the One-Eyed-King's kid."






"Hero society is broken, the normal people forcedintodelusions that heroes can handle it all. No one has a sense of danger or common sense anymore. Everyone just wants to run off and become heroes, caring about no one but themselves, the money and fame. Beingidols to faceless weak strangers...I hate All Mightfor what he has done, he is nothing but a false God."

Shigaraki raised a hand, the nomu-artificial human stopping but continued to pin Eraser Head to the ground. Midoriya continued to watch from the water, Mineta and Tsuyu holding their breaths.

Why...why did the attacks all suddenly stopped? Why were a few masked figures bowing in the direction of Shigaraki.

"Master admires your father, calling him a man that is sort of similar to him for destroying a chunk of hero society in Japan and soon the world so they would accept ghouls, accept a race that would be free to devour them at anytime." Shigaraki took a step forward, Kae taking a step to crawl back.

"" Eraser Head whisper-pleaded, a bloody hand reaching out to her.

He was covered in his blood, she too was covered in his blood. It was warm, a beautiful red and Kae's tongue couldn't help but unconsciously flicker out to taste it. An action that didn't go unnoticed by Shigaraki who had a creepy smile bloom on his face.

"Did you know your father killed more than 10,000 people in a night? Did you know your father destroyed multiple wards in Tokyo during his rampage as Dragon? Did you know he caused hundreds of heroes in Tokyo and many other cities to suffer a loss of heroes after they tried to stop him, getting close only to be poisoned by the toxic air?"

"My a hero..." Kae said, slowly reaching out to take Yukimura 1/3. One that doesn't follow the rules a long time ago, is considered an anti-hero, but still. To Kae, her father is a hero, her hero.

"'re the child of a villain, stop wasting yourself with these delusions and embrace your true nature!" Shigaraki yelled at her, Kae flinching a bit at his voice. "You hate humanity! I HATE ALL MIGHT!"Kae did her best to muster a glare at Shigaraki, finding the man to be a complete lunatic who needs to really shut his mouth.

'Wherever his family goes, he follows.'Eraser Head thought, vision slowly showing him two of almost everything.

"You'!" Eraser Head attempted to say, the nomu grabbing one of his arms and dislocating it. Kae's head turned towards the source of the voice, seeing what the nomu was doing to her teacher.Kae shook her head, getting rid of all the doubts, fear and uncertainty she had before. She needed to get Mr. Aizawa out of here.

"If you think my father would risk everything for me, then you're wrong." Kae shook her head, refusing to believe it. "He's not that insane, even if one day I'm corrupted and forced to become something I'm not. I believe he will fight me, fight me until he knocks some sense into me or fight me until I can no longer be considered a threat to the peace treaty and the rest of the family is safe."

"I will not be the reason why peace can no longer be among humans and ghouls, you don't know're just a big jerk!" Kae hissed, filling the quinque to the brim with electrical energy and running it through the hand the nomu had on her teacher. Shigaraki's eyes widened, watching how the student cut off the nomu's hand before attacking the remaining low grunts in the area. Bullets were shot towards her, all of them bouncing off her skin while she continued to tear them down.

Shigaraki looked down at the fallen sliced hand of the nomu, though the nomu had super regeneration; a mere child being able to do-no, no. A student that was no where the same level as All Might in terms of fighting skill being able to do slice it off raised more red flags than he should have instantly seen in the beginning.

'She's supposed to be on the good side, but she kills.'he thought, stopping his train of thoughts when the third blade of Yukimura 1/3 flew past him, creating a scar on little exposed skin before lodging itself in someone's shoulder.

"Get her!" Shigaraki yelled, the nomu slowly standing up before running towards Kae-one of its fists recoiling back for a punch. This caused the ghoul to release her wings on impulse, the crystallised wings meeting the fist, instantly disappearing as fast as they appear. Kae was also knocked back, both hands digging both blades on the ground to slow down.

"Ah...I swear if I have to die, it's not going to be by you ugly." Kae hissed, the nomu taking small steps towards her, quiet. "Oi! Are you a kakuja or not?" the nomu said nothing, it's weird ass bird head looking at her from that angle really made her want to kill it. She took a deep breath, slowly coming to sense that she was still the only ghoul in the vicinity. That means, that thing is a human.

"That thing is the Anti-Symbol of Peace, a monster created to defeat All Might. Since you refuse to just give up and join us, feel free to be the first person to die at the hands of nomu while I deal with those brats in the water." Shigaraki calmly stated, saying that before sprinting and appearing before Mineta, Deku and Tsuyu in the water. His hands reaching out to touch Tsuyu.

The nomu rushed in once more, using Kae's distracted state to finally deliver a blow on her abdomen. Blood came out of Kae's mouth, the force of the punch breaking parts of her insides as she was sent back. She almost landed a couple of times before rolling and coming to a halt, a hand slowly placing itself on her stomach. She winced, feeling a few broken ribs inside of her. She felt herself unable to breathe properly, wondering if a part of her lungs or even one of her lungs were ruptured in the process.

Testing her kagunes. One rinkaku managed to manifest while her ukaku kakuhos weren't responding yet. The loss of her wings meant temporarily loss in quick attacks, speed and flight for evasion.

"Still...better...than...quinques." Kae thought, wincing when her regeneration came kicking in instantly without the venom secreted by kagunes slowing it down. Small streams of blood began absorbing her blood outside her body as open skin began to close. Rib parts that fell off were picked up and replaced to where they were before they became one again. Glancing at a body, she crawled towards it and lifted a hand, taking a bite out of it to gain more strength.

Eraser Head had raised his head, glaring at Shigaraki's direction. Deku's fist was against the nomu, having release a punch that released wind currents. Kae slowly stood up, stretching a bit before conjuring four rinkakus. But before anyone else could do anything else, the doors to the U.S.J were smashed open, All Might appearing in his suit without the yellow blazer. The ones left with Thirteen watched him slowly walk inside, face brimming with anger.

"Everything is okay, because I am here."

He threw his yellow blazer aside, a few noting how this is the first time they've seen him this angry without a smile on his face. The blue iris inside his black eyes glowed, before anyone else could comprehending anything did All Might scoop up Mr. Aizawa, Kae, Tsuyu, Deku and Mineta-casting them aside. He looked down at all the fallen criminals, relieved to find the dead bodies of thugs rather than young bright students.

"All of you, to the entrance, now."

Kae wrapped rinkakus around Tsuyu, Mineta and Deku, deciding to carry Mr. Aizawa in her arms instead. With a jump, she took large leaps towards the entrance.

"Young Kaneki," All Might said as Kae jumped once again mid-air, Kae looked down at him. Both Deku and her seeing the smile on his face slowly appear "Everything will be alright now." he said, striking a brief pose.

" it really alright to leave All Might on his own?" Deku asked, placing a hand over the rinkaku around her waist. "I...need to help him!" he yelled, Kae wincing at the volume of his voice. She flash-backed towards him landing a great punch on the nomu without breaking any parts of his hand. The smile on his face before it slowly contorted into fear.Glancing behind to where they all just were. Kirishima, Bakugo and Todoroki have arrived at the scene. Everything becoming stale for just a moment in eternity. She said nothing as they finally reached the others, unwrapping the kagunes around Mineta and Tsuyu while Uraraka ran from Thirteen's side to hers when she also saw the state of Mr. Aizawa.

"If you get punched Midoriya, did you know its punch can kill you?" Kae's voice being slower than usual when she asked that question, the two standing side by side at the top of the stairs. Deku had witnessed the punch that the nomu had given Kae, its punch similar to his and All Might's; if something is strong enough to generate wind currents, then it was probably best to steer clear from it.

But they were both students of U.A, as seen by most of their class fighting their own battles and even three braving themselves against two deadly ones. They couldn't be in technicality be considered normal.They were that small group of people that banded together to save an endless ocean of others who chose flight instead of fight for the right causes.

"I can't just leave them there, even if All Might is the strongest, he's..." Deku quieted down, looking much nervous than before. Kae wondered what Deku knew about All Might that made him more nervous than everyone else. Kae rolled her eyes, Deku suddenly giving her the begging puppy dog eyes.

"Ever tried a combo move?" she asked. Deku's eyes widening at what she was implying.

Bakugo's breath was caught in his throat, All Might having moved him away from the Nome's path just in time to take the blow himself. Shigaraki laughed, spreading his arms at the state of the number one hero right about now. Todoroki and Kirishima remained standing in place, looking over at All Might.

"You call yourself the Symbol of Peace? You're just a violent machine used to-WAH KANEKI!"

Midoriya was thrown right on top of Shigaraki, Kae gleefully roughly landing on the parts of Shigaraki that weren't covered. One ukaku wing was able to manifest, hardening before digging itself into Shigaraki. Remembering the plan, Deku scrambled to punch on the man's chest before blocking his airways.

"Shigaraki!" Kurogiri attempted to go towards him but Todoroki, Kirishima and Bakugo went to him first. The three kept him busy while Kae fought against the blue-haired-villain once again.

"Well, go kill him!" Kae yelled, digging her kagune further to warn him what would happen if he moves.

"I can't!" Deku yelled, reeling his head back. "HIS EYES ARE REALLY CREEPING ME OUT! LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN HOW DILATED THEY ARE?!"

All Might sighed, slowly shaking his head while glaring at the nomu. "You stubborn kids...really taking after your idols and parents." he said, a small smile briefly appearing on his face. He jumped up in place a bit, doing some warm ups before getting into stance. If he couldn't evacuate all of them, he'll need to take the biggest threat in the building down right now.

As All Might and the nomu engaged in combat, Kae and Deku instantly got off Shigaraki who forced through the pain of the ukaku kagune lodged into him. Deku scrambled back, leaving the fight to the villain and the ghoul. With her wing out, Kae's attacks became faster and sharper. Shigaraki crossing his arms in front of his face while doing his best to try and move his hand and decay the girl.

Kae's hands moved against her thigh, unstrapping a hidden sharp weapon and lodging it through Shigaraki's thigh before taking it out. The other writhed, about to look down when Kae delivered a kick to his chin. Sending him to the ground.

Fast, a powerful quirk but his martial arts needed work.

When Kae was about to deal the finishing blow with her needle dagger, a large explosion from above and wind currents deafened her ears and instinctively made her close her eyes.

"You...nomu..."Shigaraki groaned, Kurogiri warping him away while Kae was distracted. The girl only knowing he disappeared when she lost her balance.

With the new hole in the U.S.J, Kae looked up to see a brewing thunderstorm. She smiled a bit, collapsing to her knees from the stupid and dangerous things she had done. Taking on criminals, potential lethal ones and risked Deku's life even though he wanted to return back to the fight scene. There was a shadow, before the sound of shoes walking towards her. Kishou collapsed onto his knees, wrapping his arms around Kae when he saw the state of her clothes, the dirt on her hair and skin, the blood on her and the stains of someone else's blood on two of her split quinques and dagger.

He shivered, stiffening when he finally held her but nonetheless held her close.

"Everything is okay, they're here now."

Deku was delivered to the hospital due to his broken legs. The ones with minor injuries treated outside of the building inside ambulances by the paramedics. Kae had taken a 5-minute nap with Kishou remaining by her side for the rest of the day. It turns out when Iida had first arrived back at the main campus, Principal Nezu immediately ordered all the students to go home due to an emergency. Something that no one else in the student body besides 1A knew. Students exited out of the buildings, Present Mic keeping watch until the last student left.

Inside of the sewers was Arata and Kishou, Arata's growing worry when Kishou told him that he was unable to contact their youngest sibling. In the end, Arata agreed to go home first and inform their parents whereas Kishou remained behind.

"I am so in trouble for this..." Kishou muttered, Midnight patting his back behind him. Kae joined the rest of her class, all being counted by the detective to make sure 19 of them were there and not missing.

"I mean, you didn't necessarily attack anyone." Midnight winked knowing Kishou wouldn't get into trouble with the law.

"Not that, I am so in trouble for not answering 50 missed calls." Kishou shivered, slowly raising his phone to show Midnight all the accumulated calls. Midnight snickered, realising Kishou has not seen the missed calls from others.

"Eh?! You were sent to the central area? The one with the strongest villains?!" Ashido exclaimed, Kae recalling to a group of how she she was the only student against thugs in her area. Kishou's head snapped towards the source of the voice, Midnight snickering at his now frenzied state.

"Kishou, accompany me inside?" Midnight asked, extending her hand out, a bit of a tear on her sleeve to help soothe the other without knocking him out. Kishou breathed in a little, relaxing at the smell. Together, they walked inside of the building with Nezu and Snipe.

"I was there for support while the other two were the only ones that I tried to fight." the ghoul sighed, uniting the two pieces of Yukimura 1/3. Todoroki walked up towards them, earning their attention.

"You left this behind." he said, extending out the last piece of Yukimura 1/3.

"Thanks, I'm guessing you impressed Hagakure once more?" she asked, Todoroki looked towards the girl with floating gloves.

"I didn't even know she was there, I could have frozen her." he muttered, Kae surprisingly broke out into a momentary laugh seeing his face and hearing his voice.

"Wouldn't be the first time Todoroki." she shook her head, patting him on the shoulder once. This made Todoroki wonder if this was how she was showing her gratitude for his small act of kindness.

Inside of the building, Midnight had one hand on her hip as they all looked down at the now tranquil interior.

"A warping quirk, a type of power that allows the user or a handful of others to travel from one place to another is a rare quirk to possess. To think it's on the villain's side." Midnight spoke first, Kishou nodding his head once.

"Kishou, do you think you can tell us more about what happened here?" Nezu asked, giving the third-year a knowing look. Kishou hummed; activating his kakugan as red lines overtook and destroyed the soft smooth surface of pale skin in the exposed parts of his body.

"Third-Year Student Sentience Hero : Spectre! As a child born after Dragon, he is the prime example ofpeak Ghoul!"

"U.A Teacher R-Rated Hero: Midnight! She can put people to sleep by her exposed skin!"

"U.A Teacher Cowboy Hero : Snipe! His quirk allows him to snipe at people from 600 meters away!"

"U.A Principal Nezu, quirk? High Specs! He's basically super smart!"

"God, I can hear Present Mic inside of my head. I can hear him at the most random of times." Kishou hissed, the other three nodding to his words.

Having surrendered her weapons to the police for DNA analysis on the nomu and Shigaraki; despite the quinques having been mixed with the blood of others, Kae didn't voice anything much. Until she was interrogated regarding the event, her father in the other room keeping watch of her and she knew it.

"You were able to slice off one of its hands, survive a blow of one of its punches and engage in combat with Shigaraki." Kenji Tsuragamae : the chief of the police force commented, reading the reports of the attack from start to end. Kae flinched a bit when she heard a thud from the other room peering into her interrogation.

"A gift from Aunty Raiden Ei," Kae awardly smiled, placing her fingers on the jewel around her neck. "My friend Arashi, her son, told me it would help me alongside the other jewels." Tsuragamae sighed, knowing that this was a case of self-defence/life and death meaning Kae wouldn't have any trouble with the law.

"Can you tell us more about the nomu and perhaps this man...his name is Tomura Shigaraki." Tsuragamae asked, sliding two pictures: one of the nomu and the blue-haired-man.

"That's an articial human from what I heard, as for Shigaraki...he offered me a chance to join him," Kae looked up when she saw a twitch in the other's hand. "I said I wouldn't, he mentioned my father and how I hate humanity but I denied every piece of blubbery he shot at me. Honestly, I can't believe he thinks my dad wouldn't kill me or fight me if I ever became a villain." Kae said with a smile, Kaneki's blood running cold.

"Like between the world and me, the answer is obvious."

Tsuragamae took a deep breath, eventually allowing Kae to leave with her half-crazed looking father who wouldn't let go off her shoulder as they made their way out. Kaneki met his eyes once, Tsuragamae blinking to look away. A man too far gone,

"Police chief Tsuragamae," detective Naomasa Tsukauchi greeted, holding new papers for the police chief to look through. "Is there something wrong?"

"I'm just tired, we have so much to do at the moment." Tsuragamae sighed, rubbing his eyes briefly. Tsukauchi nodded his head, agreeing to what his senior had to say. Today had been rough, no telling what tomorrow and the following days had in store for them.

Outside in the parking lot, Kae looked at the back of her father's head. Only seeing white, no strands of black just like her and Kishou. "Are you angry at me?" Kae asked, Kaneki stopping. Not turning his head to look at her.

"How can I be angry at you, you're a victim of the choices of others." Kaneki whispered, shocking Kae when he instantly turned his head and hugged her close. "You were taken right to danger, the most dangerous area. If you were just human, you could have died." Kaneki said breathlessly, Kae feeling a wet patch grow on her shoulder.

'Dad is crying.'her thoughts processed.

"I was taught by the best, I survived because of you and so many others dad. I'm sorry if I impulsively release comments that insinuate that I want to die but to be honest dad, I don't want to die." Kae said, hugging her father back. "I don't want to lose the chance to continue living as your daughter. You, mom, Ichika, Kishou, Arata, Uncle Renji, Uncle Ayato, Aunty Hinami, Uncle Hide and so many more...I can't bear to imagine how much I've downgraded if I was given the chance to live once more under a different identity, name and family."

"You are the daughter of a man with countless sins, a villain and a destroyer who deludes himself into thinking he can have and give a happy ending." Kaneki whispered, Kae smiled at her father. Standing on the tip of her toes to kiss him on the nose.

"I am the daughter of a king who fought for his freedom, happiness and rights. So be it if the world will never understand us, hate us or try to use us. As long as we all have someone to stand beside us, I will fight."

History is taught so that the actions of the past wouldn't be repeated, so no wars, heinous and dehumanising actions can affect the people once again. So no one in power would try to abuse their position. Time passes, most of the people now live in an era of mostly peace. Continuing their daily lives until cracks appear. Cracks that may be covered, instantly dealt with or break apart bigger until it all comes crumbling down.

The world is a mix of black and white, creating different shades of grey that could contain a hue of red.


Thank you for reading.

Chapter 10: Friends with Benefits


Welcome back to another chapter. This is the first story to be updated in 2023. Thank you for giving this story a chance, I appreciate it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Yesterday, UA High school students were attacked by villains in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, a training facility dedicated to teach students about hero rescue training systems. According to the police, the group calls themselves the 'League of Villains' and revealed information that they hadplanned to kill All Might, who started teaching at U.A at the beginning of the new school year. Police have managed to arrest most of the villains that were revealed to be about 70, 2 villains had escaped and are now being under investigation with warrants for their arrest. The remaining criminals were found dead at the scene."an anchorwoman read out, people from all across Japan watching from different ways. The news was shocking, storming the internet after the attack had been brought to light.

The internet became ravenous for more information. Professionals soon revealed that the class that had been attacked was 1A, with more pinpoint information were many able to find the list of students that belong to the class. What added fuel to the fire was when the daughter of the wealthy Yaoyorozu family, the youngest son of the Iida hero family, number two hero Endeavour's son, the One-Eyed-Princess and the boy who was a victim of a sludge villain attack in the last year were found out to be a part of the class.

Anonymous :

笑笑笑, did their families forget to pay for that month's extra security?

Anonymous :

replying to: Anonymous

Underaged children were almost killed and that's what you chose to comment?

Anonymous :

I'm so proud of them, it must bestressful to fight for your life when you were supposed to be studying how to be a hero. That's the most risky crash course Iever heard of ^^ 笑笑

Anonymous :

I'm getting interested in Class 1A, when is the Sports Festival?

Anonymous :

replying to: Anonymous

It happens every May.

MistaMousa :

Why are you all anonymous when technology these days can easily destroy through that word and find out your true identities?It's21XX not 20XX.

"For the one named Tomura Shigaraki, his quirk is called Decay. It allows him to crumble everything, but as noted by Eraser Head, he can only do that when five of his fingers come into contact with anything he wants to destroy. For the one named Kurogiri, he was the one with the warp gate. They have no civilian identities and their quirks aren't registered, even in the underground." Tsukauchi read out to the teachers inside of the meeting, each of them looking at each other if anyone wanted to add anything.

"So it was an attack that happened after he got information that the next heroics class would be happening at the U.S.J, he got that information after breaking into U.A, causing the alarms to go off and destroying the barrier. He rallied low criminals and used Kurogiri to transport them with ease. But, he didn't know the quirks of every student so eventually some of them gained an advantage and defeated the criminals with ease, especially Midoriya, Mineta and Asui who were the first to arrive at the central area." Vlad King slowly said everything he had been listening and reading. Tsukauchi nodded his head. He looked down at the paper again.

"You missed something, he knew of Kae Kaneki's identity and tried to urge her to join them." the detective added, Midnight's face suddenly darkening at the information.

"Is that why she was warped to the central area? So she can be persuaded to join them?" Midnight asked, voice being raised a little. Tsukauchi slowly shook his head, denying her question. That made the teachers confused.

"From what we understand of Kurogiri's warping quirk. It's not just a tunnel but a small dark pocket dimension that has multiple doorways to wherever Kurogiri pleases." Tsukauchi explained.

"So you're saying, by chance, Young Kaneki could have entered the wrong tunnel and instead ended up at the location where Kurogiri had warped from. The central area?" All Might asked, Tsukauchi nodded his head.

"Answer with the highest probability to be true." Tsukauchi answered.

Somewhere else, the television displaying the news was turned off.

"Geez, where did you learn to how to start massacres." Hikari Kirishima asked, the twelve-year-old cousin of Kae. Kae glared at the other, just entering the living room to find her there alongside Hikari's siblings-Haruto and Ayaka.

"Hikari no need to talk about it, Kae has been traumatised enough by the incident." Hinami chided, walking pass the group of children chilling.

"I was not traumatised." Kae defended herself.

" you didn't freeze up when your teacher's blood splattered all over you, fell to the ground and tried to crawl away while maintaining eye contact." Kishou joined in, Hikari snickering while Kaneki spat out his coffee while conversing with Ayato, Banjou, Tsukiyama and Hide.

"They really like sparing details sometimes." Kaneki muttered, Ayato groaning at his clothes while trying to rub it away. Banjou took out his napkin and began helping wiping the younger.

"Honestly...I'm surprised that everyone is fine with Kishou and Kae having their first real kills at fifteen." Arata exclaimed, throwing his hands up. Still a real virgin-killer, as what he calls himself alongside Ichika.

"First kill over 15? Wuss!" Ayato called out, earning a slipper throw to the back of his head by Touka. His own drink spitting out and spraying on Banjou. "f*ck! Really Touka?!"

"I still have one more slipper, my son is perfect the way he is." Touka hissed, walking towards Arata to wrap her arms around his neck before kissing the top of his head. Arata smiled at her actions, sticking his tongue out at the direction of his uncle.

"Kae," the youngest of the four siblings looked down at Ayaka, the girl right by her feet. Ayaka made a grabbing motion, making Kae pick the girl up and set her down on the empty spot right beside her. "Can you tell me mwoe?"

Kae nodded her head, trying to see if she can recall anything from the previous day.

"When I first got pulled into the dark scary portal, everything was actually dark before I appear in a field filled with white flowers." Ayaka blinked, looking more curious than ever. Kae frowned, suddenly losing her ability to recall what she encountered and did in the field. Was she just standing there? "I...can't really recall what happened next actually, all I know next was that I arrived at the other end of my destination and had rinkakus through many small little human criminals."

Kishou rolled his eyes at the story, a complete waste of words. "Kae, let's go do some revisions. You're wasting your time lying about telling a story you can't even remember." he declared, Arata's leg stretching up to kick one of his ass cheeks.

"Oi, it's a holiday, let Kae rest." Arata complained, watching Kae stand up too.

"It's fine Arata, I was actually disappointed in my performance too," Kae sighed. Heading towards the basem*nt. "We'll be back in an hour or two."

"Kishou was there too right? At the U.S.J to find her?" Tsukiyama asked, sloshing the glass filled with Ichika's experimental vegan alcohol. Vegan as in it did not contain any parts or remnants of humans, even in the process.

"Yeah, he helped investigate the area after." Kaneki answered. Tsukiyama hummed, eyes landing at Arata. The other mindlessly scrolling through his phone.

"Arata, come. Let's go do some revisions too."

A groan could be heard, before the sound of a body falling onto the ground with a thud as Arata slowly trudged towards Tsukiyama.

"Yes uncle..."

Ichika smiled, pursing her lips as she shuffled a bit on the couch to find a better spot. Her movements caught Hinami's attention, the older woman glanced at Ichika. Spending her time watching T.V, Hikari having changed the channel to watch a crime show. "Ichika, are you bored?" Hinami asked, Hinami was now a young adult. Being surrounded by young children while the other adults busied themselves with things to discuss that were unrelated to her.

Ichika nodded her head quickly, scanning around the room for a bit. "Yeah aunty, I'm fine." she assured, Hinami was about to ask her if anything was wrong when Haruto started whining, earning his mother's attention. Hinami gave her a quick look before walking towards her son.

Walking out of the room, Ichika headed towards her room. Inside, she laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. The air conditioner was on, alongside her difusser filled with water and a couple drops of essential oil, the smell of lavender being her favourite. It was common, yes, but that didn't stop her from enjoying it. Turning to her side, Ichika now faced the wall. Thinking back of her current progress in life.

Kishou and Kae were following in their father's footsteps to maintain peace, both of them training hard everyday to grow stronger and hone their skills. Heck, give them both a few more years and either of them will make a good king or queen. Despite being the oldest, Ichika felt like she would have to rely on them to protect her instead of it being the other way around. Kishou's engineering was something that gave her migraines when trying to understand whereas for Kae, Ichika laughed a bit. Wondering what skill her youngest sibling would far surpass the four in.

It was like fate, for each of them to be good at something to the point none of the other three could do better in.

Arata, despite funny and silly he sometimes acts; will have a position of power that no one could look down or joke upon. His ambition and drive to earn money is highly respectable, with money, it's as if you possess a secondary quirk that could do everything. Perhaps if they were born in South Korea, Tsukiyama was a chaebol then Arata would be able to slightly bend the law like all the news she heard about the power chaebol families or CEO's had. The boy's quick understanding of concepts, analysation and memory was something she couldn't grasp or reach the same level upon in a hundred years.

"You're just a cook." Ichika whispered to herself, bringing a pillow closer to her chest to hug. "A cook that constantly fails to reach her end goal."

Turning her head, Ichika looked towards the vase filled with five variations of different flowers. A gift her family made for her for no apparent reason, but was greatly appreciated. Now looking back up at the ceiling, if it's possible for her siblings to do the unthinkable at their age, then she must be the same like them.

Brushing away her previous worries, Ichika got up from the bed and walked towards her desk. Going through all of the previous notes she had accumulated for every session of experimenting and cooking.

"I'll make a dish," she swore, "No, I'll make recipes that are edible for everyone to eat. Even dragon variants, no matter how long it takes. Everyone deserves to have a warm feeling inside of their stomach, their bodies filled with satisfaction and their taste buds relishing the different spices, textures and ingredients."

Ichika laughed a bit, wondering how she could have called herself a Kaneki if she didn't defy the natural order of the world or rules.

Ashido blinked, Kae stared. Kaminari blinked, Kae stared. Iida looked stressed, Kae just stared. " actually killed people during the attack?" Kaminari asked, remembering the panicked stricken look on his parent's faces when they heard there were dead bodies at the scene. Countless of them.

"Self-defence, I was all by myself stuck in area with a quick strange man that decays everything he touches and a monster created to kill All Might." Kae crossed her arms, no one really arguing that when push comes to shove people become desperate to survive.

"Surprisingly, I'm taking this fact way better than I thought." Kaminari blinked, glancing at the others. "Maybe it's because I know that she's a ghoul and not a human?"

"Or perhaps that you didn't directly witness me killing criminals unlike Midoriya, Mineta and Tsuyu." Kae butted in, pointing her finger when she mentioned the three names. Her head was being supported by one of her hands, no longer surprised when no one else is not horrified by the things she does.

"It was shocking to see, but I could compare her to a master chef in the kitchen." Tsuyu stated.

"I mean...I would have preferred for them to be alive and injured, even if they were criminals, they still deserve a second chance." Deku said nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"It was hot." Mineta said breathlessly, raising his thumb with a weird look on his face.

That boy was really getting on her nerves. It was the way how he blatantly admires the assets of his female classmates and openly comments about those parts that made her and the other girls look down at him. His weirdness matched his quirk, a quirk that Kae honestly finds to be nothing special. Sticky balls thats stickiness varies from day to day because of his internal health?

"I could poison you slowly day by day until your quirk becomes so weak that you are practically deadweight in this class." Kae murmured, Todoroki turning his head towards her concerned. Kae glanced at him, confused why he was giving her that look.

"What? You never wished the worst for others?"

"Why would I wish for others to experience bad things when I don't want bad things to happen to me again?" Todoroki stated, shaking his head slowly. "Mineta's not worth it, don't waste your breath with him. You should never comment those things loudly, you were lucky I was the only one able to hear you."

"You never know what someone is experiencing behind closed doors."

It didn't take long for Mr. Aizawa to arrive to class after what Todoroki had told her. Mr. Aizawa was covered head to toe in bandages making the ghoul compare him to a mummy. A mummy with long ok looking hair. She wasn't really sure if his hair could be considered greasy or silky.

"Kaneki, Koda. Switch seats, I'm still wondering why both of you are sitting where both of you are when there's a large size difference between the both of you." that was one of the first things Mr. Aizawa spoke after confirming to the class that he was alright.Kae blinked, nodding once to say that she understood him before switching seats with Koda. "Better, if any of you want to switch seats because of vision problems, size difference with the person in front of you or any reasonable reason. Just tell me and I'll deal with it."

There was a silence, the class wondering what their homeroom teacher would say next. He had been looking down, eyes unable to be seen until he raised his head and showed them his eyes. Normal, no sign that they had taken internal damage.

"The U.A Sports Festival is coming in just about two weeks. By going through with this event, U.A can show that their security is as formidable as ever. Security during the event will be five times stronger than the previous yea.r As for the benefits this event has on all of you, it's one of the most watched sporting events in Japan every year. By showing off, standing out and doing your best, will you increase the interests pro heroes have on you. By the time you graduate, the connections you made from gaining the attention of pro-heroes will greatly aid all of you." Mr. Aizawa explained, "Additionally, it can even show to pro-heroes the difference in strength, experience and skill between you and your class. You all might be friends in class, but in the field, it's a dog eat dog zone."

Homeroom eventually ended, the next teacher: Midnight coming in to start her period until the next one. Taking out her notes, Kae wondered if she could ask help with work through Iida considering that they were now beside each other. Consequently, it led Kae to turn towards him when she was stuck on a question during Ectoplasm's math class.

"Iida, do you know how to do the working properly for question 7? I think I made an error somewhere..." Kae whispered, Iida lifting his head up and looking at her notes. Iida quietly scanned through it, when his eyes widened did it tell her he found what was wrong.

"Basically here, come closer."

Tokoyami glanced at them, eventually joining in too.

It was because of the switch seat did Kae conversed more with Tokoyami. It was during science class did he approach her for the first time.

"Kaneki." Tokoyami whispered, calling out to her.

"Yes Tokoyami?" Kae asked, looking down at the assignment.

"What's the main difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?" he asked, Kae paused for a bit.

"For aerobic, it happens when oxygen is present. Anaerobic is when oxygen is not present. Oh, for full marks you can also say that in aerobic respiration, glucose is like broken down into carbon dioxide and water whereas in anaerobic, glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and ethanol." Kae answered, Tokoyami writing down what she had explained.

"Thanks." he said, Kae muttering a hum before continuing to focus on her own work.

To their happiness, the final period before lunch finished earlier than expected. Most of the students of class 1A first stayed inside of the class. Talking away about the Sports Festival. Opening her bag, Kae took out her water bottle and slowly took small gulps of water until she was satisfied. Listening in to the conversations of others.

"How much are you betting on? Spectre against Lemillion?" Sero asked Kaminari, the other scratching his head causing a few sparks to appear.

"Ahhh I'm not sure, U.A's number one contender to be the next number one hero versus THE tyrannical dream reaper of U.A..." Kaminari said, Jiro perking up at both titles.

"Those titles hold a lot of weight, but tyrannical dream reaper?" Jiro asked, Sero nodding his head.

"Whenever someone goes against Kishou Kaneki, they're either barely conscious, unconscious or even sometimes dead." Sero explained, shivering a bit at just imagining him. "Ironically, whenever they wake up, they say they had a nice dream. Except for villains, one time, during a work-study Spectre had gone against a villain, defeated him and when the villain woke up. He was screaming his lungs out, screaming to end the nightmare before he eventually committed suicide." Sero added, Jiro grimacing at the story.

"He's fast, he may have simply used the pressure points of others against them." Kaminari shrugged. "Whatever, I'm gambling for Spectre."

Sero nodded his head, "Yeah, Lemillion and Spectre are so opposite of each other you wonder how they're both in the same friend group."

Power, that was what Kae thought. To share bonds with those equal, almost or even stronger than you lessens the chance of someone you care about dying. Either that or because of mutuals in their class that end up with the two now being in the same circle.

Feeling her stomach rumble, Kae stood up from her desk and left the class-accompanying Uraraka, Deku and Iida to the lunch hall. Once Kae had left did a few exchange looks with each others.

"The coast is clear now right?" a random student from the Business course entered the class, holding different amounts of cash with each having paper clips with names. Betting money.

"First Years now right? I have my money on Bakugo." Kirishima grinned, watching as the student place down three pictures onto a table for some of the class to circle around. There was a picture of Bakugo, Todoroki, Kae, Iida and Yaoyorozu.

"How are these 5 chosen when the rest of the school barely has any information about us?" Jiro asked, the student fixing her glasses.

"Popularity contest and rumours, connections matter too, Kyoka Jiro." the student stated.

"The son of Endeavor and that boy from the news are tied with each other, Kaneki is third followed by Iida and Yaoyorozu last." the girl stated, showing them statistics through her phone. Their eyes widened, every year and every class joining in for the bets for the whole three days of the Sports Festival. "If you're all wondering who I chose to spend my money on, it's Kaneki."

"I have my money on Kaneki." Ashido declared, giving a small amount to the Business Course student.

"Wise choice, feel free to go to my other friends if you want to make more money through gambling. I'm going to go make some merchandise now, Kaneki-senpai really paved the way when he started selling merchandise for both Lemillion and Spectre during his second year." the girl sighed, blushing a bit before focusing on the remaining students who have yet to place their bets.

In the teacher's lounge.

"You know, this school has a really bad habit of gambling and betting." Midnight commented, glancing at Present Mic, Arata Kirishima, Snipe and a few other teachers near the student.

"Now my beloved teachers, who will it be? The untouchable contender for number one Lemillion or the reigning Sports Festival king Spectre?" Arata grinned, having abandoned the U.A uniform temporarily to wear a stylish suit with a mask. Midnight snickered, the teachers who weren't joining in just watching from where they sat.

"I mean, it's not possible for someone to win thrice in a row right? I'm getting nervous here..." Vlad muttered, crossing his arms.

"That's the thing when it comes to bets that involve Mirio and Kaneki, you never know the outcome from what I heard."All Might surprisingly joining in just for the fun of it as a first time teacher. "My money's on Kaneki, this is giving me a worse when my niece asked me to choose between Messi and Ronaldo...I'm not that big of a fan of soccer!"

"Now that both of you have made your choices for the third year and second year, what about the first year?" Arata asked, the teachers looking at each other.

"No, nope. Still too early, go eat your lunch and gossip about something else." Aizawa broke the group, he sent a glare to Arata who gave the bandaged teacher a smile.

"You'll know where to find me." Arata said in a sing-song voice before skipping away with the money of pro-heroes.

"Praise U.A and their unorthodox methods." Aizawa muttered, the words biting back at him. If teachers had great freedom in class, students have equal freedom outside of class.

Kae glanced at Todoroki in front of them, how his head slowly turned when Iida and Uraraka started their conversation about All Might. Leaving the two, Kae walked towards Todoroki with a suspicious smile on her face.

"You're looking at me as if I'm your lunch." Todoroki stated, the students around him starting to shuffle away when they heard the sound of feminine laughter.

"Ungrateful that your father is the number two hero and not number one or All Might?" Kae rhetorically asked, seeing a wave of emotions enter Todoroki's eyes. The mention of his parents always manage to rile him up. Her smile faltered, now intriguing the Half-Hot Half-Cold user. "You know, All Might has been having an eye on our class since the first day of school." she whispered, Todoroki nodding his head.

"They have a connection don't they, I honestly think Midoriya is All Might's secret love child." Todoroki confessed, Kae giving him a strange look.

"Not possible, the smell of children is a mix of their parents. Midoriya and All Might smell nothing alike...Todoroki, do you remember that there was a point in time where my father was a quirkless human?"

Todoroki gripped her arm, his face becoming serious. Without word, he dragged Kae away from the canteen. Finding an empty hallway, he gestured for her to continue.

"What are you trying to imply here Kae? This should not be one of your pointless crazy schemes." he stated, Kae snickering a bit.

"So you finally acknowledge our past? (deep breath, smile falters),forget about that. I'm just saying, I met Midoriya once two years ago when he was about to be devoured by dragon orphans. Saved him and identified that he is and stated himself that he was a quirkless boy." Kae informed the other. "Of course, unless he was lying. But then, he didn't act as if he was lying, he looked genuinely upset that he didn't have a quirk."

From what Todoroki could understand from the girl, there was a sort of unclear link between All Might and Midoriya because of the smell of their quirks. Additionally, she knew that Midoriya was once a quirkless boy. He wonders if Midoriya perhaps underwent a surgery to get a quirk, but that would be impossible. That didn't even seem possible. Turning humans into half ghouls have been proven to be successful, but even then, if the kakuho rejects the body then the human dies. Becoming a half-ghoul itself has a slim chance of succeeding.

"Kaneki, do you want to train together?" Todoroki asked suddenly, though to her it was sudden, he had been planning for a while to ask her to train with him. By a while, he meant after hearing how she went against the Anti Symbol of Peace and the leader of the League of Villains unscathed.

He needed to know the difference in power between both of them so he could grow stronger, so he could defeat his father in the long-run.

Ken Kaneki had multiple encounters with Endeavor during his time as a young adult, the first was when he had just evolved and developed his kakuja. He was fast, even now still faster than his father because of his status as a dragon variant. In his fight would he dominate others, their fates in his hand. His father told him once, how the largest scar that was on the side of his body was caused because of him.

If there was one thing Todoroki would not deny about his horrible father, he had guts. Guts for continuing to try and defeat something he could never defeat on his own, even with help from his sidekicks. Bravery for all the fights, especially the ones where parts of his body would be permanently maimed by large scars. On his shoulder was even a large bite mark, one that was caused because of a dragon orphan during dragon's rampage.

Kae thought about Todoroki's offer. Though a voice told her to be arrogant and deny such an offer, it was THAT voice that said to accept the offer. She won't deny that she found his ice quirk a threat unlike his left side, his right side could spread so fast and from what she has witnessed so far. Additionally, she wanted to see how much strength would be required to break through it.

How much power should be required for her to use Yukimura 1/3 to slice through his ice blocks?

"Accomplices with benefits...sure, you benefit from using me, I benefit from using you." Kae nodded. Todoroki nodded his head, a bit surprised when she had used the term accomplices instead of friends. "You still live at that traditional place?"

"I still do, I'll message you. Your number is still the first one?" Todoroki asked, Kae humming as her answer.

It was funny that it was because of All Might and Midoriya that made them somewhat closer. It felt a little bitter that it wasn't because of something from their past or either of the two approaching the other to talk about them. Shoto and Kae had their own reasons to continue avoiding each other and act the way they are with each other, the ones who knew about them wondering if continuing to hurt themselves will be worth it at the end.

"Shoto," Rei smiled, kneeling down to gently nudge Shoto closer to Kae. Kaneki had also knelt down to nudge Kae closer to the boy, albeit the tight hold he had on his hands. Touka held in a smile when her husband had a tense look on his face. "Meet Kae, I don't know if you know this. But this isn't the first time both of you have met." Rei told him, Kaneki's creepy smile opening more.

"Touka, I don't think we can force this." Kanekisaid, suddenly Kae stood in place like a rock. He didn't know when Kae suddenly had the properties of a geo pillar like Arata who does that more.

Shoto blinked, about to say something when Kae suddenly moved; almost causing Kaneki to fall down from the sudden movement. Taking a few steps closer to Shoto, she begancircling him before poking his cheek, forehead and hand.

"...Hooman." Kae said for the first time.

"Yes....human..." Kaneki slowly repeated, hugging Kae out of nowhere, acting as if she had won aNobel prize. "You're a genius and that clearly has to be rewarded, Touka! Kae and I are going to find a ghoulrestaurant and come back later!"

Kaneki sprinted out of thehouse carrying Kae who was honestly confused where she was and why they were with humans.

"Is your father still overprotective?" Todoroki asked, both of them walking back to class.

"Why did you think I was interviewed in the police station whereas most of you were at the U.S.J? He wanted to be there." Kae stated, Todoroki thought back of Kae's father, the man Natsuo and Fuyumi sometimes refer to as uncle.

'Glad to know his love for Kae remains as strong as ever. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be her, having someone like him for a father. Even just for one day.'he thought, a wish he can't help but just want to happen.

Returning back home, Fuyumi was surprised when she noticed three pairs of unfamiliar shoes. There was the sound of a sword clanging against something hard, suspicious of what was going on. She headed towards the training area. Sliding the door open, she dropped her bag at the sight of Kishou and Arata Kaneki; both third years watching her youngest sibling go up against...Kae?! Both older siblings had their arms crossed, Arata having a small pout as if he had been forced to come here.

"Fuyumi?" Arata's expression changed when he finally saw her, the two youngest in the room stopping their fight to greet the older woman.

"Wha..." Fuyumi's voice trailed off, Kishou walking towards her to politely bow.

"Your brother became friends with benefits with my sister." Kishou stated, Fuyumi looked bewilderedly at Todoroki.

"Arata insisted that Todoroki and I are friends, so it's no longer accomplices with benefits but 'friends'." Kae explained, Arata raising his hands up.

"Please, accomplices made me think of one-night-stands." Arata reasoned, Kishou releasing a sigh.

"Both of you continue again."Kishou sighed, waiting for his two-hour time limit to finish already.

Todoroki nodded, Kae ran towards him with both dual blades. In response, he created a block of ice. With a yell did Kae attempt to slice at the ice from both sides, one successfully slicing through whereas the blade in her left hand got stuck. Noticing that the blade won't budge, Kae briefly abandoned it and jumped up to release her ukaku kagune. The projectiles quickly chipping away the remaining parts of the ice.

Todoroki took a step forward, releasing another ice trail that managed to get one of Kae's legs. Watching as the ice trail slowly crawl up her body. Kae shivered, body reacting terribly to the sudden drop in temperature. Her wings widened, releasing a burst of Rc cells to break the surrounding ice. Due to the release of the burst, it destroyed a few items inside of the room. Kishou and Arata flinched, slowly glancing towards Fuyumi who awkwardly laughed it off.

"I offered to help train your brother after Kae and Shoto struck a deal. I'm sorry that we suddenly came without notice." Kishou coughed, Fuyumi nodded her head. "I'll pay you for the damages caused."

"It's fine Kishou, even if it's been a while, we're still friends." the older Todoroki assured him, standing up to prepare some cups of coffee. "No cream right for all three of you? Pure black?" she asked, Arata nodded his head eagerly.

Kishou continued to watch the match between Shoto and Kae, their fighting styles completely different from each other. While Kae chose to alter between using her blades, rinkakus and ukaku, Shoto continued to only use his ice quirk. Even if he sometimes barely dodges Kae's attempts to send him down, Shoto still refuses to use his left side. A small smile was on Kishou's face, feeling proud of Kae for having variety.

"Your favouritism is showing." Arata whispered, Kishou glancing at him annoyed.

"Yours too." Kishou whispered back, gesturing to the headband around Arata's head and the red and grey light-sticks to resemble Kae's eyes. Arata shrugged, continuing to cheer on.

"No fire?" Kae asked, right on top of Todoroki. Four rinkakus had deathly grips on his wrists and ankles, threatening to break them if he attempted to freeze her rinkakus. With a grin, she brought her needle digger to his jaw. Gently poking at the skin. Todoroki took quick breaths, his breath quickening when his eyes were centimetres from her grey eye and kakugan.

"I yield." Todoroki surrendered, Kae quickly getting off him, not noticing Arata taking pictures of their scandalous position previously.

"Kae, balance the strength of both of your hands when you're using Yukimura's dual wielded mode. We'll work more on that. Todoroki, there's no denying you are a strong fighter. Especially after what happened at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Is it possible for you to change directions of your ice so it could decrease how predictable those moves can be?" Kishou revised, the two 1A students before him.

"I'll try to work on that." Todoroki promised, grateful to learn under one of U.A's strongest. He looked at Kishou.

"You're notgoing to ask me why I didn't use my left side?"Todoroki asked with his eyes.

"I know Shoto, Irespect your decision to not wield it even though I find it to be a waste of your power when you hold so much potential."Kishou answered, Todoroki nodding at his answer.

"You're not going to stay for dinner?" Fuyumi pouted, watching the three Kaneki siblings put on their shoes.

"We should go now, our choice to go to Shizuoka prefecture was already sudden." Arata smiled, walking towards Fuyumi to kiss her hand. "Jusqu'à la prochaine fois, belle dame." Arata said in French, Fuyumi blushing a bit at his smooth words. Kae looked at Arata with a disgusted look on her face, Kishou released a sigh.

"Enttäuscht, aber nicht überrascht." Kae said in German, shaking her head.

"Both of you, let's go." Kishou ordered to both of them in English, exiting out the door.

Fuyumi sighed, Todoroki approaching her as the door closed. Slurping his soba noodles as he stood.

"Aren't you too old for him?" Todoroki asked, Fuyumi glaring at Shoto.

"Aren't you too young to be friends with benefits?" she asked, Shoto blinked.

"But Kaneki and I are friends just because we benefit from being friends with each other." he said, Fuyumi taking a deep breath.Wondering when Natsuo will be arriving, he'll be having a field day from what had just transpired.

When dinner was done, Shoto walked inside of his room. Taking a deep breath, wondering how he suddenly got the urge to voice out his wish to train with Kae. Sitting down in front of his desk, he took out the text books required for the day's homework and opened the pages all marked by different flower bookmarks.

"Kae! Are you alright?!" Shoto panicked, he had wanted to show a flame trick he had done by himself when he lost control and the flameexploded. He wasn'taffecteddue to his resistance, but his heart skipped a few beats when the flame hit a part of Kae's face.

His heart ran a marathon, afraid that Uncle Kaneki would be furious and take it out on him. Kae was at first quiet, before she snickered and looked up at him. "Haiyah, why do you always show the most emotionwhenever I do something risky or when you do that."

Kae removed the hand that placed itself there after feeling the flame briefly on her skin. Silly Shoto, she was a dragon. No dragon would be hurt by flames. "I'm a dragon, dragonsdon't get burned."

"I'm sorry..." Shoto sniffed, Kae's smiledisappearing when she saw tears on the other child's face. Releasing a sigh, she smiled at him. Growing closer to him, she tightly hugged the boy. Giggling a bit when he hugged her back tightly.

"No need to cry anymore, you're a family member. And when we are surrounded by family, there's no need to drown in sadness. At least, that's what my dad once told me."

"You consider me family?" he murmured, Kae nodded her head.

"You're my friend, you're a familymember. I won't push you away...I expect you to do the same."

When the two stopped hugging, Kae laid down on the ground. Shoto followed her actions, they both turned their heads towards each other, snickering a bit whentheir mismatched eyes met.

"I won't push you away, I promise." Shoto promised, watching a glow inside of Kae's red iris as her smilegrew.

Shoto opened his eyes, finding the flashback to be a key piece of information. He wonders, if the broken promise he made had done something to Kae. His pencil dropped, heart slowly feeling anxious at the thought that he had done something to change the girl. He cursed himself, wondering why he was one of the reasons why he caused another great change inside someone he cares about.

"Fuyumi, do you wonder...if Shoto hadn't been born, we would still have Toya with us now?"

"Ssh! He's going to hear you..."


Thank you for reading. Have a happy new years everyone!

Chapter 11: Sports Festival : the Beginning


Welcome back to another chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

At the end of the day, Kae's ear twitched as she heard the sound of muffled conversations. Many of them coming from outside Class 1A. Kae glanced at Jiro, the other shrugging her head at the sounds. Uraraka opened the door first, slowly retreating when she saw the amount of students from other classes outside of it.

"What are they doing?" Mineta asked out loud, wanting to go home.

"Inspecting the enemy, scum." Bakugo muttered, Mineta's body shook,shockinglypointing his finger towards the blond while Midoriya silently comforted him. A drop of sweat appearing on the boy with freckles.

"Since we all survived the villains attack, one where dead bodies were found (glances were giventowards Kae who shrugged her shoulders without care) They all came to inspect us." Bakugo stated while walking towards the door, when he stopped, the person in front of him felt nervous. "Move extras."

"Y-you can't just call people you don't know extras!" Iidaloudly scolded.

"Better than Kaneki calling criminals buffet." Ashido laughed a little, nudging at Kae who nodded once as a form ofreply. Wondering whyAshido was legit so fine with her, her actions andeverything.

"I came to see the rumoured powerful class A," there was a shift in the crowd. "I wanted to know how brave they were, butinstead. I found an arrogant person like you, is everyone in the Hero course like this?"

Kae sniffed the air, unable to tell what his quirk was from scent. It wasunique, she could say that.

"You know, there's a lot of us in other departmentsthat wanted to be in the Hero Course. One of them being me, I wanted to be in the Hero Course. But, my quirk was unable to help me during the entrance exam. So I landed right in the General Department, isn't it unfair how the entrance exam was set up so certain types of quirks thrive and squash the rest?" he stated, glancing towards Kae. "They were robots, destined to be destroyed. It was a piece of cake for you isn't it, world destroyer? Destroying things should be rather easy comparing to protecting."

Iida frowned, taking a step forward. "If you're going to go attack our class, don't single out Kaneki." he stated,regaining his seriouscomposure.

"Not manly." Kirishima stated.

"Last timeI check we're all on the same side, no need for you to act as if she is a villain." Ashido hissed, grabbing Kae's hand to hold, even Dark Shadow appeared to float right behind the white-haired-girl's shoulder.

"You guys..." Kae's eyes widened, her heart beating faster.

The student with purple hair snickered, amused by their sudden solidarity. "The Sports Festival will give an opportunity to students in other departments to enter the Hero Department, IF they do well enough, but if a student from the Hero Course doesn't do well, well...bye bye dreams ofbecoming a hero." a few students stiffened, glancing at each other and then the crowdoutside.

Kae sighed, releasing her kakugan. That action combined with changing to 'serious mode' was enough to frighten most of the students outside. Shinso not being a part of them. "That's enough threatening my friends, all of you, scram before I get too hungry with all of your delicious fragrances mixing together."

A rinkaku was quickly released, slamming itself on the ground without breaking the floor. Screams erupted, something similar to what happened when there was a red alert. Everyone began scramming away, Shinso only revealing a smile before walking off.

'Correct, there are students in U.A still afraid of me.' Kae thought.

"Humans, they can be so annoying." Kae sighed, turning herhead to see her class behind her, theatmospherebecomingawkward. "Well? Go home or start your training at school, do your best to show why you're better than them."

Kaminari blinked, watching Kae disappear. "Wait, does this mean she doesn't consider us as humans?"

Inside of Class B,Sonoma sighed at the sight ofchaos. Something that made Kendogave him a weird look as he had developed a sort of obsession to make his class better than Class A.

"How animalistic, resorting to violence and threats to deal with chaos." he commented, opening the door to be extravagant. Kendo shook his head, Reiko Yanagi beside her commenting on how strange Monoma has become. Tetsutetsugrowled, entering back into class in his activated form.

"I got stepped on." he growled.

"May the lord protect us all from harm." Ibara prayed, resuming a prayingmotion withher eyes closed.

Monoma was about to say somethingwhen a tomato was thrown on his face, he stared wide-eyed at the direction of where the tomato came from.


"Whenthe hell did extras get so spicy." Monoma muttered, throwing a middle finger towards the one who threw it before slamming the door close.

"And just before they were betting on us." Kendo crossed her arms, slowly shaking her head.

"Wah!" Sero yelled, a few glanced as Kae threw him to the ground.

It was self-defence class, the last one before the Sports Festival. All Might wanting the class to take it easy so they wouldn't be too injured for the major event. The task was simple, use a couple of the moves he had demonstrated to them and utilise it to pin your opponent on the ground. Sero and Kae decided to go against each other. The boy attempted to attack first, but Kae had brushed past him, struck his leg sending him to the ground before grabbing him by the back of his shirt and throw him above her.

"You...weren't supposed to do that..." Sero breathed out, Kae gave him a questioning look.

"You really want me to give you an uppercut instead before throwing you?" Kae asked, extending a hand out to help him out. Sero paused, realising he wanted to keep his full set of teeth. He shook his head, now that they had a winner and loser, it was time to switch.

"Kaneki, can you help me with doing that throw you did?" Deku approached her, Iida vehemently trying to convince him not to behind him. Kae nodded, gesturing for him to get into position. Getting into fighting stance, to both Sero and Iida's surprise, Kae was the one to strike first-punching Midoriya in the stomach before kicking him to the ground a few metres away. All Might winced, relating to the abdominal pain the green-haired-boy must be feeling.

"Both of you shouldn't have gone easy on me," Kae sighed, feigning innocence. Iida gave her a look asking if she was serious. "I'm just a small little girl with no defining muscles, my body can't be like a bodybuilder or go through anymore changes because of my limited diet." she sighed, a bit salty about that truth.Her family's genetics mean that she would have a great time having a larger body, although she was grateful that she grew in height taller than her mother, she couldn't help but want a little bit more.

"Is that...your raw strength or induced one?" Deku asked, touching the part Kae's fist met his stomach; wincing.

"I tried not to use too much of my strength, we don't want a hole in your stomach right?" Kae asked, Deku quickly nodding his head. Right, fists through bodies should be easy for her. "I relied on my fighting technique, come, stand up. I'll give you another display."

Deku complied, standing up.

"Unlike what All Might show you, I don't rely on MY strength to take you down." Kae stated, getting into stance. "I'll use your own body against you."

"Eh?" Iida and Sero shared a look.

"What?" Deku blinked.

"Start." Kae declared, moving her body to the right and striking Deku's left side with her left leg. When Deku was about to crouch down did she duck down, avoid his hands and wrapped her arms around his neck. All Might held in a breath, watching as Kae swept both of Deku's legs, raised her leg high and send them both to the ground. Deku on the ground, Kae on top of him. They moved centimetres away from where they originally stood. Despite how much he struggled, Kae's grip on him was tight even though her body showed that she wasn't using much force to keep him down.

"Wow." the hero said in English.

"KANEKI! I THINK I UNDERSTAND THE MOVE NOW! I YIELD! YIELD!" Deku screamed, releasing choked sounds when Kae tightened her hold on him. Suffocating him slowly.

"You understand? No no, you said you wanted to learn from me." Deku thrashed his legs, Kae made sure her abdomen kept his lower half down. Mineta fell to his knees, crying out how unfair the world was. "Cmon now Midoriya, I've barely shown you how this trick works yet you're lying to me and surrendering?"

"I...promise...I'll learn it...just please, stop strangling mE!" the boy got out.

"So you're still interested in what I can show you..." Kae stated, releasing her hold on him. Both her hands were on either side of her face, the girl now resuming a position on her hands and knees.

"Female ghouls are naturally alluring to ghoul and human gender counterparts. Benefits them to help hunt easier and increase the population." All Might coughed, trying to justify the comprising fight between the two. He side-eyed Young Uraraka whose face resembled a person whose soul left their body through the mouth.

"Sir, the way you described that feels a bit dehumanising." Yaoyorozu raised her hand, All Might threw his hands in the air.

"Please, tell me how I should have worded that without sounding like the narrator from National Geographic."

Yaoyorozu opened her mouth, no words coming out, she closed it.

During lunch, Kae once again sat with her brothers and his friends. Arata was counting different stacks of money, muttering names before numbers. As her brother lifted a slice of meat, he asked her, "Give me the names of students in your class that you think you will have trouble with and their quirk."

"I find it so entertaining whenever both of them discuss things like these, it's just so hot seeing them so serious." Sen sighed, Nejire nodded her head, also finding it entertaining. Tamaki just listened it, opening his mouth to mutter a few things to Mirio.

"Umm," Kae thought about it, chewing her lunch. "Ah, there's..."

Kyoka Jiro -Earphone Jack, largesensitivity to sound, and her heartbeat waves sort of resemble a weaker version of Uncle Ayato's signature skill.Without the blood and killing.

Ochako Uraraka - Zero Gravity, if she touches me, I won't be able to stay on the ground, continuously float higher until she chooses to drop me.

Momo Yaoyorozu- Creation, unpredictable.

Shoto Todoroki -Half Hot Half Cold, explainable.

Tenya Iida - Engine, fast and I believe can deliver rather painful blows.

Katsuki Bakugo- Explosion, may triggeroversensitivity, fast,loud, skilledand...overall, the biggest threat.

"Bakugo managed to overpower and pin down Kurogiri," Kae whispered, crossing her arms while discussing about him. Kishou nodded his head, agreeing that Bakugo is the biggest threat in her class. Arata would have said Todoroki if it wasn't for the fact that the boy refused to utilise his fire quirk.

Kishou took a deep breath, Mirio grinned. Knowing full well what's going to happen next, "I'll supply you with earphones to lower the sensitivity to your surroundings, just inform your homeroom teacher that you will be using your blade and support gear. That will help if you have to go against mainly Jiro and Bakugo. For Uraraka, resort to long-range attacks, if she gets close to you, release a burst of Rc cells, they're fast and hard to see without being infused with electrical qualities. Yaoyorozu...hmm, the smartest one. Also quick attacks. Larger objects for her do take time and if you can attack her before she can process the ever changing situation then thats a solid victory. Iida, destroy his footing by either destroying the ground or attack from below. Todoroki refuses to use his left side meaning he'll be vulnerable to overuse of his ice, lowering his body temperature badly. Once he's too cold and stiff, attack then. Bakugo...go all out like he will." Kishou finalised, slamming his hands down gently and taking a big breath of air.

Mirio, Sen, Arata and Nejire clapped their hands. Tamaki nodded his head, although he understood that Kishou wanted Kae to do her best. He can't help but worry his way of moulding her to become stronger feels wrong.Without Kae experiencing losses, how will she learn to act if she does loses? Without losing, how could she mentally progress?

"If you lose, we'll be there for you Kae." Tamaki said out of the blue, face turning red from embarrassment. Mirio nodded his head too.

"Winning isn't everything, it isn't the end of the world if you lose." Mirio added, Kae slowly nodded her head.

"I get it but, it'll be humiliating. There's a lot of expectations that people have of me, I want to be as strong as dad and Kishou." Kae stated, kicking her legs under the table a bit. "I don't want to be seen as weak, I want to be stronger and better than Shoto Todoroki. I don't want to continuously be under his damn shadow." she hissed, voice showing her frustration.

"Your skill will eventually rival mine," Kishou said calmly. "Until then, we'll diligently train and study." he stated, voice demanding no argument. Tamaki nodded his head, submitting to the other's words. The Indigo-haired-senior sometimes wish their humanity was more free, if they were split 50/50 between human and ghoul, its clear that their ghoul side completely overtook and made them forget certain moralities.

Onebeing accepting defeat.

Then again, he sounds like he is belittling ghouls. He cursed himself a bit, understanding that he shouldn't be blaming their human or ghoul side. He'll blame the dragon variant and special Rc cells inside of them.

"Oh by the way, do all of you want to go to a theatre together. It's been a while since you joined us Kae." Nejire said, glancing at the youngest girl in the group.

"Should I? I mean, aren't you guys a bit thrown off at the idea of a freshman joining all of you?" Kae asked, Tamaki shook his head.

"We were friends before the social phenomena of a senior and freshman came into play. You hanging out with us is no different if all of us were adults. Additionally, we're in the same social circle because of your close relationship with Kishou and Arata." Tamaki stated, making eye contact with Kae.

"It's settled then." Sen smiled, looking up from her phone. "Let's go watch a horror movie, there's this new one about zombies I've been waiting to watch."

The hours passed by, inside of the shower. Kae hummed the melody of a song. The water of the shower was cold, cold enough to give her nice sensations of the droplets against her skin without the iciness of each drop being too overbearing when combined with all the other drops colliding with her skin with every other second that passes. Her eyes closed, remembering the times she watched Kishou and Arata's matches back during their first and second year. The games would all be at random, unpredictable but adrenaline-pumping.

There was no need to show that she was powerful.There was no need for to release powerful moves and attacks at any given moment. Everyone knew she was strong. She just needed to show how superior she was to everyone else participating. She'll show her experience, wits and grace. Repetitive will not be a word associated with her.

"Ah, sometimes I think I'm insane." Kae sighed.

"You are."

"I am." she smiled, turning off the shower.

The day everyone in U.A have been waiting or dreaded for finally arrived. Fire works were set off outside, the air inside the locker room of class A surprisingly normal. Iida gasped, seeing Kae enter with Yukimura 1/3 at her side and her outfit altered.

"Kaneki, what is the meaning of the altercation of your standard P.E uniform?" he panicked, moving his arm up and down quickly in a chopping motion. Kaneki crossed her arms. Different from the others, her top had been altered to stop a few centimetres under her breast. It was clear that she was wearing bandages and a bra-but that didn't placate the class president.

"Relax, Midnight and Mr. Aizawa told me that since I'm a ghoul. I can have my P.E uniform altered so they won't rip apart when I use my kagunes." Kae assured him, pointing towards Shoji who nodded his head. Iida's eyes widened, remembering how Kae's blazer and blouse did rip when she released a single rinkaku, one rinkaku itself did a lot of ripping, he couldn't imagine more than one at a time.

"Midoriya, can I borrow you for a few minutes?"

Kae and Iida turned their heads.

Outside of the class, there were many reporters outside. All of them waiting to be inspected before they could enter. Just as Mr. Aizawa had stated, the security would be five times stronger compared to last year. Having entered through the main gate like everyone else, in his white suit with slicked back hair did Kaneki look around all the booths that had been set up for the First Years spectators and the students themselves. His signature mask inside of his pocket, by his side was the ones he cared about.

"A lot of attention are on the first years, their villain attack took the world by storm."

"Did you know that Endeavour's son is participating this year?"

"Been a fan of Spectre for a while, I'm here to see what tenacity and skill his sister has to offer."

"Class A is really the main attraction this year, I think I saw a poll that looked as if the First Years are finally the main attraction." Arata pointed out, looking at the different stalls offered. Looking around, he noticed Death Arms, Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods together in front of a Takoyaki stand. He released a low whistle. Kishou shooting him a glare, "You really need to find a partner for next year's mating season."

Arata's face turned red, "T-then you too!"

Ichika laughed, wrapping an arm around Kishou. "Unlike you, we have willpower."

Kishou gave the girl a questioning look, pulling out his phone, he went to settings and tapped on a button that caused the phone to vibrate. Ichika's eyes instantly widened, releasing a loud laugh. Everyone tried to ignore what Kishou was implying.

"Traitor." Ichika hissed.

Kaneki looked around, trying to sense for any danger. When he didn't, he offered a smile to his family and friends. "Let's go find some seats shall we? I want to find one closest to the students."

Back inside the waiting room, the air became thick and quiet. The confrontation between Midoriya and Todoroki was something no one wanted to enter, but Kirishima tried his best to break it off. In return, Todoroki moved his hand away, "We're not here to be friends, in the end, most of you spend time with each other for your own benefits."

"Todoroki, you may be stronger than me." Deku started, It won't deter me from trying my hardest during the Sports Festival...the top...I will aim for it."

"Braving the lightning's glow...impressive." Kae murmured, face showing a smile as she leaned against the lockers. The scene was pure entertainment for her, Kae assuming that Todoroki found Midoriya a threat just because of All Might.

The door opened, someone signalling them to now enter the arena. Ashido chose to lead the way, followed by Midoriya, Mineta, Uraraka, Lida, Tsuyu and Bakugo. When the first student was revealed, the crowds cheering only heightened in volume.

"You all want to see these guys right? Although attacked by theenemy, they overcame it with hearts of steel, themarvellous new stars : Hero Course Class 1-A!"

Did someone came for the purpose of watching underage students go against each other and beat some to a pulp? Likely, in a large densely-populated location; it was possible to find all sorts of people.

"They're not attracting much attention, but they are full of talent too, Hero Course Class 1-B!"

The ghoul's eyes widened, staring at a girl who had one eye covered by her hair, back slightly bent and tired eyes. Warmth rushed to her face, turning her cheeks red. Something that her family noticed when the cameras panned to show the faces of all the class A students after class B entered. It was by some miracle that Seiko Yanagi's face was focused on before Kae. Hide broke into laughter, slapping his knee as he nudged Kaneki.

"Oh my God! This is like you and Rize all over again!" he exclaimed, Kaneki's face resembling Jackson Wang after watching the performance of both Hwasa and Jay Why Pee.

"Next is General Course C, D, E."

"Have you ever wondered why the Hero Course only has two classes whereas the other departments have three?" Kirishima asked Bakugo, looking at the great amount of students pouring in. Now that the other courses were being called, he couldn't help but feel more worried.

"sh*tty hair, U.A's the best school for those wanting to become heroes. Why wouldn't they be extremely picky in choosing who to invest their time and effort into? In total, there are already 6 classes belonging to the Hero Course." Bakugo answered, reminding him of the existence of the second and third years.

"Mineta's here, I would say they can get desperate." Kae muttered, eavesdropping into their conversation. Jiro snorted, a few others around her trying to hide their amusem*nt. Mineta gawked, looking towards Midoriya who silently tried to calm him.

"Alongside Support Course F, G H."

"I wonder if someone there has the potential to be like Tony Stark and suddenly join the hero course, wouldn't that be interesting." Kaminari voiced out, sparkling when he remembered his collection of Marvel comic books.

"There's already too much plot happening, not enough time and motivation for the author to fully build their character and arc whilst being pressured and burnt out," Aoyama spoke up, dramatically placing his hand on his head as if he was about to faint. "Oh my, what's worse than not existing is wasted potential~"

"Who are you talking to?"

Aoyama winked at the reader on the other side of the screen.

"And lastly, the business course, I, J and K."

"YEAH BUSINESS COURSE WOO!" Arata yelled, standing up to clap for them when no one else around the family would.

Midnight, as this year's chief referred raised her flogger to demand the attention of the crowd and the students. Boys and girls of different age groups blushing at the sight of the seductive woman. Tokoyami questioned if her outfit was even appropriate at all for the First Year's event.

"Quiet! Student representative. 1 A, Kae Kaneki." she stated, the audience booming at the mentioned name. Kae stepped forward, one hand near Yukimura as the other stayed by her side. A serious look on her face.

"Oh? It's Kaneki?" Yaoyorozu asked, Iida nodded his head.

"She did score first during the Entrance Exam." he answered.

As she stood right before the microphone, Kae took a deep breath. Wondering what she wants to say. The crowd became quiet, paying attention to the deep look on the ghoul's face. Because of the silence from the crowd and many cameras, it showed to the world the angered, annoyed and hate-filled looks of the other classes.

"I be the face of my class and show why we're the best class out of all the First Years." Kae said, the colour draining from her classmates when they realised she's bringing them down with her. "People always have a thing for hating those who are clearly given better factors than them, evident in all the other classes besides class B, for that I wish you good luck class 1 B, First Year Hero Course go show what it means to be strong."

Tetsutetsu looked towards Kendo, "Should I say something bad?" he asked, Kendo shook her head, amused.

"Not now, she's stating that we're different and also skilled. I'm actually glad considering we also got hate just because we're also Hero Course students." Kendo reminded him, Tetsutetsu quickly turning his head towards Kae.

"I ADORE YOU!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, trying to out noise the other courses.

" least Class B doesn't hate us that bad." Jiro sighed.

Arata glanced at Kishou, Kishou actually snickering and showing it for once.

"I didn't know there was bullying going on." Ichika said, surprised.

"Blame it on Bakugo from what Kae told me." Kishou replied.

Midnight raised her whip once more, though her hand was raised, a few others couldn't help but continue to look lower. "Now we will begin the first event," A hologram appeared behind her, already spinning quickly in bright colours that made Kae shake her head to break the dizziness.The wheel stopped spinning. "Obstacle Race! As freedom is our school's selling point," Midnight made a sound with her mouth, licking her lips."You all will be able to do as you please, as long as you stay on the course!"

"Oh this will be fun to watch." Kishou commented, knowing the chaos that will unfold. Kae showed a knowing look, with the other members of her class did they began pooling around the red large entrance. Waiting for the signal.

"OH YEAH! Are you ready to begin commentary, mummy?!"

"You forced me to join you."

Her wings erupted from her back, electrocuting and slicing whoever was near to them. With a single flap did she effortlessly pass through the cramp tunnel, slowly spinning around, she grew in momentum before releasing a burst of electricity to shock the students down below, charge her gems and blitz forward. Down below, Todoroki had used his ice quirk to freeze most of the participants. A long pole extended from Momo's hand, Bakugo used his explosions and Tokoyami called out Dark Shadow. Her wings disappeared, Kae having landed on the ground with ease after flying low enough to not suffer any injuries.

"Class 1A Shoto Todoroki,immediately choosing to attack as soon as the race had begun! That's the son of a pro for you!"

Oh? So they were going to comment any clearly visible sabotage that they were going to do or any amazing display you had done? Kae nodded her head, determined to do just that now. And perhaps get more than one. She eventually reached Todoroki, the other briefly turning his head when he felt someone right behind him. His breath was good, if he continued at this rate then he wouldn't need to slow or increase his speed at all.

"Out for a morning jog?" Kae asked, sensing the sound of metal from afar.Ah, the next obstacle.Todoroki ignored her, focusing back on the track. When he finally saw the machinery up ahead, many of them, Kae blitzed forward once again. Appearing mid-air in front of a robot before kicking its head off by the neck. From its body did she jump from one to the other.

"Class 1A Kae Kaneki immediately first into action for combat, that's the top student in the Entrance Exam for you!"

Kae frowned, rolling her eyes a bit at the similarities between her commentary and the previous one. Great, she's not satisfied.

"Oh so you want flamboyance?" she muttered to herself.

The two eventually stopped running, taking into account the army of large 0-pointers before them alongside smaller ones. Todoroki acted first, Kae taking a few steps back to go concentrate and charging up."If they went this far, I wished they prepared something a lot better." Todoroki stated, body temperature lowering dramatically. From the ground, Shirayuri took a step back as a wave of ice covered a majority of the front-line of mechanical Godzilla-like creations.

"The first one through the first obstacle is Shoto Todoroki from class 1A!"

There were still more coming from behind, the path unsafe to cross but that didn't stop Tetsutetsu and Kirishima from moving on forward. Kae's eyes widened when the ones frozen at a bad angle came collapsing on top of the two boys. She let out a low whistle, looking back at her still charging wings and checking her invisible watch.

"God dammit, 1A are full of arrogant bastards!" Tetsutetsu yelled, punching the metal in front of him. It was Kirishima that popped up right beside him, both of them looking bewildered when they stared at the other.

"EijiroKirishima! His quirk, hardening! Kirishima's quirk allows his body to become super hard! He can become the strongest spear, or the strongest shield!"

"Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! His quirk, steel! Tetsutetsu's quirk allows his body to become super hard! He can become the strongest spear, or the strongest shield!"

"Our quirks are the same?" Kirishima cried out. "Standing out is already hard enough as it is!" Tetsutetsu began chasing after Kirishima. He too angered by the similarity shared with the red-head.

"Come back here!"

While Bakugo surprisingly took the high ground, Tokoyami and Sero used their respective abilities to also avoid the enemy down below. While Momo took her time to make a canon, also charging up like her. The students from the other classes looked confused, wondering how to overcome it. Ah, she'll do them a favour she supposed.

"Oh? What do we have here everyone?!"

Kishou muttered a few inaudible things, realising the waste of energy Kae would do just to defeat mere robots.

"No point in hiding what these wings can do besides being a fighting jet." Kae muttered, her wings flaring up and spreading out. For being so bright and threatening, the waves themselves were silent and deadly. Once used to kill doves from a good distance, dismember them and kill without the humans themselves realising they're had had just separated from the rest of their body and landed on the ground.

"Since my family is watching." Kae said to herself.From a camera showcasing everything from above, the ground broke first before being followed by a wave of dust. The frontline 0-pointers collided with the robots behind it whereas the smaller ones were sent flying. Kae from the ground closed her eyes, markings appearing on her skin due to the use of the kagune's ability mixing and strengthened by the dragon organs inside of her. Her hands almost turned to claws, the veins around her kakugan increasing in length and size. The students behind her froze, paralysed either out of amazement or fear at the girl. The camera zoomed in on her nonchalant face, releasing just a single deep breath from doing such a move.

Using the dust as smokescreen, Kae disappeared to continue on and catch up with the ones in front. Hearing the sound of pounding, it seemed that Kirishima and Tetsutetsu weren't able to run away in time before the chain of chaos began. Present Mic, seeing the amount of damage caused by something he couldn't tell looked at the mummified man beside him with wide eyes.

"I-, what are you teaching that kid? What just happened?"

"Earlier when Kaneki was still right by Todoroki, you could see her release her wings yet stand still as he froze the robots and moved on forward. Kaneki was charging herself, once that was done she simply released a burst of energy. That energy is similar to kinetic energy, it builds up as she accelerates and stockpilesuntil release. No Rc cells wasted, and to make it invisible and less seen, the attack was not at all infused with her lightning ability as normal."

Aizawa looked down at her gems, less brighter than before but they were collecting once again. Kaneki took in a deep breath, hand still over his heart. Arata and Ichika continued cheering, Kishou wondering if he'll have to up his game during the Third Years Sports Festival.

"More expectations and pressure on us in 2 days." Kishou whispered, Arata becoming frozen with a smile on his face.

'Why didI ever agree to represent the Business Course students, we don't even benefit anything from this. T.T ." Arata cried out inside of his head, gripping his hair.

"Stop that, you being bald or with a receding hairline plus wanting to be a businessman is a terrible combination." Kishou stated, Arata huffing. Touka sighed, the twins bickering once again. Siblings.

Ayato blinked, "How come mine were never that large?" he complained, already knowing the answer.

"Because you legit stopped training for a long time after the peace treaty." Touka stated, sipping on her iced coffee. Ayato sighed, grateful that he has someone to continue his legacy and that Kae named the move after him.

"So, you want people to revel at your power huh." He said to himself, he gets that as he observed the second obstacle in the race. He wouldn't lie and say he didn't feel smug after guaranteeing victory during the Battle Trials.

The second obstacle of the race was rocky to say the least, a few quirks becoming practically useless while others came in handy. Kae just chose to jump high, if she didn't jump high enough then either of her kagunes can help her manoeuvre herself mid-air and help her land safely. The last obstacle was a mine field. Squinting her eyes, she could see where a few mines were buried. Todoroki was already approaching the middle of the field, Bakugo's explosions catching up to her. Kae revealed her ukaku wings once again, quickly flying to the other side of the mine field. Once there, she didn't run towards the finish line instead, two rinkakus popped up behind her and dug themselves onto the ground.

The people at the back took their time, Todoroki and Bakugo slowly catching up towards the end and her. With a grin, one kagune shot up in-between Bakugo and Todoroki, their reflexes immediately causing the two boys to get away from the tendril at the cost of losing their Balance. The other kagune thrashed around the mine field, setting off countless mines before disappearing.

Snickering, Kae continued on running albeit at a much slower place from exhaustion due to the second obstacle. She was lucky that the other obstacles didn't require much out of her. The tunnel was dark, her eyes only trained on the bright light up ahead. She paused, almost faltering when her earpieces almost didn't protect her enough from the sound of a giant explosion being set off. Cursing a bit, one hand covered her ear as the girl paused for a few moments to collect herself before running once more.

"Look at Midoriya! He too set off his own gigantic explosion and caused Bakugo and Todoroki to trip!"

"Eraser Head what are you teaching your students?"

"I taught them nothing, every one of them hear was fired by each other causing them to do their best and strive for the gold."

"You heart thateveryone, Eraser Head is a terrible teacher!"

"I'm what?!"

"KANEKI! I'M REALLY SORRY ABOUT THIS!" Deku yelled from behind, Kae turned her head, wondering what he was saying when he suddenly zipped past her and dropped something. Kae stumbled but didn't fall, that opening made the green-haired-boy run faster and be the first to cross the finish line.

"The first to return to the stadium...Izuku Midoriya!"

"Ah, oversensitivity." Kishou sighed, watching Kae fall to the ground out of breath, hands over her ears. He wonders if it was because of the earlier burst that made them not work as well as they had planned. Unraveling his hands, he began to clap for Kae, nonetheless proud of her for achieving second.

Todoroki got third place, Bakugo fourth. Both of them looking dissatisfied, similar to Kae who slowly started to recover. Ah, so she had lost first place to Izuku Midoriya.

"To think someone like him won." Kae muttered, scanning the crowd to find her family. When she spotted them, they excitedly waved towards her. Kae waved back, a big smile on her face at the sight of them.She'll do better, she can always do better.

"I'm going to go get a drink." Kae declared, walking towards where her family was. Signalling them for a drink, Ichika quickly opened her bag and threw a scarlet packet onto the field. Kae catching it with ease. Tearing the blood bag open with her teeth, she took small gulps until the taste became too much and swallowed the remaining content in one giant gulp. Checking the labels, Kae gulped a bit more as she learned that it was Type O.

"Oh." Kae commented, scaling up the wall quickly to hand the bag over before dropping back down.

Her Rc cells had been acting up, they were calmer now. But she didn't know when they would start to rumble inside of her once more. She had been training much harder, especially with the extra sessions with Todoroki. In return, she compensates her body by devouring more for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hell, there were even times she would go downstairs to get a midnight snack when she simply felt empty and sort of hungry.Both of her kagunes were healthy, they clearly displayed it with their size, strength and colour.

Closing her eyes, Kae tried to think of a reasonable reason for the changes inside of her. She wasn't sick, she doesn't suffer from accelerated aging nor got bone-breaking injuries ever since the nomu. Even if it was because of any sustained injuries, she was a ghoul, the trauma, injury and healing of her kakuhos are meant to grow stronger every time.

"It's either puberty or not, I'll go ask dad later." Kae decided, walking towards Midnight who was ready to declare the next game.


Thank you for reading.

Travail - LYsitheasArc - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.